TIIE OMAItA DAILY BEE: BATtTTtPAT, 'APRIL 16. 1004. 3 485 Womes Tailor-made Suits thtxt were used as samples on sale here Satur day morning at 9 a. m. Suits worth $16.00, $18.00 and $22.00, will be sold for We have purchapcd from one of New York's most prominent suit tailorsa choice and handsome lot of women's tailor-made suits that were used as samples. They were bought at 45c on the dol lar and gives the women an opportunity to buy high grade suits at a fraction of their worth. This suit sale at ten dollars is not to be compared with the usual sale of this kind. The values are phenom enal and every suit is strictly high grade worth up to twenty-five dollais. There are Included in this elegant lot of suits the fin est and smartest creations In the new military coat blouse or Eton effect of the very finest mate rialssatin or taffeta lined not a suit in the entire lot worth less than 15.00, and most of them $20 and $25.00 Your choice, unre stricted, Saturday Women's Smart Spring Coats Women's Stylish Covert Coats at .'. 6.90 Women's Swell Covert Coats at 10.00 Women's Chic Covert Coats at 12.75 Women's High Class Covert Coats at 16.75 Women's Blouse Taffeta Silk CoatB at , 7.90 Women's Blouse Front and Back Silk Coats at 9.75 Women's Swell Shirred Eton and Blouse Silk Coats at. . 16.75 Women's Three-Quarter Length Silk Coats at 19.75 Women s Shantung Coats at $12.75, $18.75 up to $39.75 10 x w nsi.i a ir i vk i v t ta i w m .-kjji ei -v x ii i win i ,n. ii i ,mm .nip wwwafl' RAILROADS ASli FOR TIME Attesmeat Schedules Art by Law Dna cn thrifienh. FIRST RETURN INVOLVES TOO MUCH WORK Methodists Are Preparing to Cele. bratc the Seml-C entrnntal at Their tharcb Organisation la the State, $10 (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. April . (Special.)-By th provision of the new revenue law today was the time fixed for the railroad of the slate to return their assessment blank filled out and aworn to to the State Board of Equalization, but up to 4 o'clock not a road had complied with the law and It waa not expected that any of them would. The law provides a penally for failure to re turn the schedules by April 15, but owing to the new schedulea and the trouble to se cure all the data required the roads have asked for a continuance, and the penalty clause will not be enforced. It is expected that the returns will not all be la for sev eral days. The American Tank and Freight Line Car company filed Its returns today, show ing that Its cars traveled in NebraFka dur ing the year ending March 31, lS.iOt miles, and that It had a total of 240 cars In use, tank and box cars, valued at loOO for new cars, tx0 for second-hand cars and $123 for the bos cara. Monday, May 2, the board, which by the terms of the new law Is now composed of Governor Mickey, Treasurer Mortensen, Auditor Weston, Land Commissioner Foll mer and Secretary of State Marsh, will meet In the office of the governor for the purpose of fixing a value for assessment purposes upon railroad property in the Mate. Mr. Fullmer and Mr. Marsh have never before been parts of the board. Dur ing the lut few months Mr. Follmer has compiled a statement of land values throughout the state, and has secured a record of sales of land In many of the counties, that will be of material aid to the board in its work of fixing an equitable assessment on all property. Mr. Follmer has found that In many Instances land has been assessed at Its actual value or more and in other Instances a material Increase will have to be made to bring the value up to what It should be. In the matter of fixing the value of rail road property tho board has authority un der the law to find out every dollar's worth of property owned in the state, besides re quiring the roads to make sworn state ments as to what each has the board has authority to make its own Investigations. The roads must also turn in all moneys, credits, franchise), gross earnings, net earnings and the dividends declared for the year in which the assetsment is made, Humor of Important Decision. It has been reported, however, that the United States supreme court rtcen ly handed down an opinion that state boards cannot take Into consideration the capital stock and gross earnings of a road in ar riving at Its value. This opinion, how ever, has not yet been tiled with the board. Very little talking has been dene con cerning the assessment of railroad prop erty and whether anyone will appear be fore the board and present argument to have the assessment Increased has not yet been announced. Last year an array of argument and facts was placed before the board, but no material results were noted. Secretary Bennett has been interpreting the revenue law literally to the county as sessors, but whether It will result in bring ing to light mora property owned by the railroads will not be known until afttr the board adjourn. This interpretation by the secretary has occasioned considerable pro test, many claiming already that the law Is unjust. Mr. 'Bennett holds that the law will work no hardship if the county commissioners in the various counties will watch their appropriations and keep the levy low. Much more property will be brought to light under the new law than formerly and a low levy can readily follow. Cody Alone Honored. Judge Wilbur F. Bryant, reporter for the supreme court, an Investigator and book worm, has discovered that the only Ne- braskan Included In the list of nam!) la the Century dictionary of prominent peo ple is that of William F. Cody. audited claims to the amount of MM and adjui ned. Veterans lile at Homes. Rapidly the ranks of the old soldiers who fought and bled for the blue In the days when every man counted, are thinning out. Last month nine at the Soldiers' homo at Grand Island responded to final Upe and two at Mllford will never more answer to roll call. Notice of the last battle came to the state house merely In the vouchers filed for the payment of fu neral expenses. In the vouchers filed from Mllford not even tho names of the dead are given, the Item reading merely "for fu neral expenses, 5." It appears In two instances, making the total 150. From Grand Island the vouchers give the names as follows: Murphy. Austin, Weldon, May field. Quick, Shoup, Ress, Adams and Rol and. For each of these 119.60 was charged for funeral expenses and for two of them 110 was added for expenses for embalming. The number of deaths this lait month is larger than any of the employes or th office of the secretary of state remember of recording In one month before. Are Your Kidnoys Healthy? 5ick Kidneys Neglected Cause More 5ufferln and Pill More Graves Than All Other Diseases Combined. Thousands of Men and Women llaTe Kidney Disease and Don't Knew It. Read the Case nt Miss Wlnny Tlerney,' Who Was Cared hr Warner's Sate t are After Years of Agony. "Two years am I suffered from dtxxy spells, and so often dropped off In a dead faint that I wos afraid to go out alone. My head and back uched terribly. Medicine, only seemed to make me woise, and nobody knew what was the matter with mo. the great life-giving KILLKD FOR KNOWING TOO MICH Dodge Connty Sheriff Throws Light on Mnrder. FREMONT. Neb., April 15. (Special.) The unknown man who was found dead near Ifumphrey about two weeks ago has been identified by Sheriff Bauman as a man who was released from the county Jail on March 26 after serving a ten days' term for vagrancy and being a sus picious character. He gave his name as Rogers. He was arrested In company with a man who gave his name us John Kelley, and after spending the night In the city Jail the pulr was ordered out of town. They didn't go and were again arrested and sen tenced by the police Judge to ten days in the county Jail. While serving their time they had some trouble and according to some of the other prisoners Kelley said to Rogers: " you; you know too much about me. Ill kill you the first oh unco I get." The sheriff was of the opinion that both were crooks and put them through a thorough sweating process without eliciting aaV particular Information. Before exam ining the body of the dead man at Lin- j coin he saw the clothes the man wore when killed and identified them from the contents of the packets as those worn by Rogers when in jail here. Finally I went to one of the most cele brated specialists In the West, and he told me I had an unusu ally bad case of urlo acid poisoning caused by kidney disease allowed to run along without proper treat ment, and that my only hope waa to be gin taking Warner's Safe Cure at once. I felt better after the first few doses. It cleansed my blooj from the poisons of disease and medicine, drove the inflamma tion out of my kid neys and cured them and completely re stored my general health ana undoubt edly saved my life. I feel ns well, fresh and bright us I ever did in my life, and will never again Ik without a bottle of Warner's Safe Cure, Urinary and ft medicine. You may print my letter, with the hope that It will meet the eye of some one suf fering as I did." WINNY TIERNKT, Hastings, Neb. The dlssy and faint Ing spells the back ache and headache described by MlM Tlet tve-y, , are never falling symptom of kidney disease, and unless properly treat ed at once with War ner's Safe Cure, urlo acid poisoning will set In and Bright dieeate surely follow, for when the Sidneys) are cut of working; oiJnr the poisonous waste matters clog tho circulation and nil the system with deadly germs, which undermine the health and cause great suf ftrlng and death. Doctors for over SO 9TAXTOX REPlBLlCtJIS TAKJS STAND Do Not Want State Convention to Tame Senatorial Candidate. STANTON, Neb., April :5. (Special.) The republicans of Stanton precinct held their primaries last evening. The follow ing resolutions were adopted: Resolved, That It be the sense of this caucus that Charles McLeod be made the nominee for representative of the Seven teenth representative district, comprised of the countlea of Wayne and Stanton, and that we recommend his endorsement to auch position by the county convention of Stanton county and pledge ourselves to use all honorable means for his nomination and election. Resolved, That the nomination of a United States senator by the republican state convention would be imprudent and in no way tend to strengthen the repub lican ticket at the comlug election. Settle Fire Losses. TECUMSEH. Neb..' April 15. (Special ) The victims of the Sterling fire have this week made settlement with the Insurance companies, as follows: H. W. Dolarhlde, on restaurant stock, in full, 11,300; D. Winter, on restaurant stock, in fu'l, 11,200; Jule Schneider, part on Jewelry stock, 1300; Kuhlmann A Devitt, on restaurant stock (insurance $1,100). 11,042.50; A. B. Noble, on building. In full, $500. No settlement was made with the Farmers and Merchants bank on building, and L. A. Varner and Cyrus Coffman held no Insurance on their buildings. Thief Geta Watch. HUMBOLDT, Neb.. Aprl 15.-(8pecial.)- Sneak thieves visited the home of J. C. Segriat In the south part of tlje city last night, making away with a watch belong- ng to Miss Winifred Freemole of Tecum- seh, one of the teachers in the city schools. The night watch caught sight of the prowler, who Is supposed to be responsible for the work, but thinking be was perhaps physician returning from a late call. paid no attention to him. Other people tell of having heard disturbances, but no other loss has been reported. OXFORD HAS SERIOUS BLAZE Two Elmtori and t Oold Storage Plant Ars Deitrovtd, BUSINESS PART OF TOWN THREATENED tUa-4 War on the Part of the Backet Brigade Prevents Any Farther Spread mi th names. OXFORD, Neb.. April 15.- Special Tele gram ) Fire which started from spon taneous combustion about midnight burned the two elevators owned by H. P. Uumplon and a cold storage warehouse owned by H. O. Barber of Lincoln. Two cars loaded with coal which were standing on the rail road sidetrack were also consumed. The two elevators, together with the grain and machinery contained in them, and the cold storage warehouse and contents are 11 a total lose, with only small Insurance. Tor a time It was feared that the entire buaiceas portion of th city would be de an(i-Goss faction appears now to be on top, with every Indication that a new school, auperlniendsnt will be elected. TRAVELING MA! HAS DISAPPEARED Friends and Employers Fear He Has Met Foal Play. YORK, Neb., April 18. -(Special.) The disappearance of. W. F. Walte, a traveling man, who was last seen at the Le Grande hotel, In this city, is punellng his friends and relatives, who are making a thorough search for lilm, and so far they have been unable to find any trace of him. Mr. Walte represented Stewart Bros, of Coun cil Bluffs, la., and Is one of the moat pop ular salesmen on the road and one who la well known. The last seen of him was Friday morning, when he left York on the tastbound Burlington passenger train, say ing that he was not feeling well and that he waa going home. He complained to Landlord Miller that he was not feeling well and that he would not eat breakfast. Ho wrote a letter to his house saying that he was ;omlng heme and before the trsln started he wired his wife that he would be home. His wife Is prostrated with grief and ev?ry tffort Is being made to find his whereabouts. As Mr. Miller did not drink Intoxicating liquors and the fact that he has so com- tides filed with the secretary of state. Secretary Roscoe Anderson of the new en. terpflse has this week been collecting the membership fees on the stock subscribed and within a few days the institution will be in active operation. Methodist Seml-Centennlal, The Methodist State Historical society Is making arrangements for the celebration of the semi-centennial of Methodism in Ne braska, to be held in St. Paul's church here June 8 and 9. The program includes Dr. C. B. Mitchell of Cleveland, who will talk on "The Achievements of the Methodist Or cult Rider," and It is expected that Bishop McCabe will be here to speak on the "Debt of the Church to Her Veteran Preachers. KELLY IS IX BIG HVRRY TO i-EAVB Does Not Want to Secnre the Wifti Dno Him. ASHLAND. Neb., April IB (Special.) 1 A portion of the time will be devoted to a Like a will o the wisp, "Jack" Kelly, re- discussion of the experience of the old-time puted husband of Ella Hurst, the do- I preachers and laymen. mesne wno is cnargea wun purenng varl- Checking; I n Dellnqnents ous arucies irom uratna nouses, has dis- BeBdes checking up the books of the appeared. Leastwise, a man anawering county treasurer for the purpose of finding mo ucKiiiiuuii oi.v. ti'iui uaiue w.i out just how mucn snort Kawara waugn, Kelly has been essaying the role of i L former clerk In the office, is Accountant rarra hand lor lime urn at Charles Hilda- ailchrist Is also making out a list of de brand s place, northwest or Ashland. Kelly Hnquent taxes. As soon as this Is corn had a week's wages due Wednesday eve- pieted. and it will Include every delinquent nma, wnm miurui auu snowed mm an taxpayer for tne last ten years, me county Omaha paper containing an account of the treasurer will at once bring proceedings - - I liquors ami inc un m-i troyed. but fortunately no wind wua blow- . hlw hoillie believes that i K,a n a- , .. . . i n . i. . . . i . n . 1 11 . ... ing and tha energetic work of the bucket brigade aaved the stores. Spurks from the burning buildings fell everywhere, but men with buckets of water were watching every where and gave them no time or oppor tunity to start a blase elsewhere. The intense beat from the burning ele vator broke the glass in the front of sev eral store buildings. Row Over School Affairs. ORD. Neb., April 16.-(8pecUl.-At a re cent meeting of the Board of Education of this city, after considerable dlscustlon, it was decided that a superintendont of schools could not be choaea t a special meeting. At the recent city election mem bers were elected for the ensuing year on th antl-Goss, or an Issue opposed to the hiring of the present superintendent of schools. The old board cannot hold an other regular meeting until May . when th new members will have th hiring of th teacher for the ensuing year. The h must hsve been foully deslt witn. ne was not despondent and acted th" same as any other man at the time he left York. READ "THE ROAD TO WELLV1LLE." Miniature Copy In each pkjx. of Postum and drape Nuts. otlce to Women's Clnhs. PI.ATTSMOUTH, Nob., April U.-(Spe-clal.) Mrs. Belle M. Sloutenborough of this city .secretary of the Nebraska Fede ration of Women's clubs, Is sending a no tice to the president of each club In this state that for the seventh biennial meeting of the General Federation of Women's clubs, to be held in St. Louis, May 17 to 25, the executive board has chosen the Bur lington a the official route for the Ne braska delegation. The officers and dele gates of the federation expect to de part for St. Ixnil May 1. arriving there the next morning. The day of tha celebra tion at the fair grounds will be May IS. known as the "Louisiana Purchase day." Receptions at all of the state buildings will be held upon that day. The headquarters for the Nebraska club women will be at the Odeon. York Wants Cadets. YORK. Neb.. April U.-fSpeclal.Wrh university cadets may hold their tnnual encampment at York this spring. York encampment grounds, adjoining the beauti ful Beaver creek park, through which Beaver creek runs, 1 aa ideil camping ground. York would b pled to wel come th cadet and aasur them that they are welcome and would do what they could to entertain them. nlldln .Association Start. TECUMSEH. Neb., April U (Special ) Th articles of Incorporation and by law of th Tecumseh Building and Loan as sociation have been approved by the Stat baakicf board asl lb incorporation ar- artlclea stolen by Ella Hurst and just re covered by the Omaha police. On reading the story Kelly trembled violently and turned pale, making haste to retlr up stairs to his room, where. In hi nervous excitement, he dropped a lamp chimney. In his hurry to escape Kelly did not stop to take any of his personal efTects. He came to Ilildebrand's pluce from Gretna. Kelly, under another name, had been under the surveillance of local officer and Omaha detectives. Ashland Firemen Danco. ASHLAND, Neb., April 15 -(Special.) The annual meeting of the Ashlsnd volun teer fire department was held last night at the city hull. Officers were elected as follows: President, Edward Hoffman; vice prexldent, Jainrs M. Dodds; Secretary, Phillip W. Folaom; treasurer, Edward Swunson; chief, Wayne Russell; foreman hose company. Elmer Chamberlain: secre tary hose company, H. H. Big-gerstaff. The sum of IS was appropriated for the State Firemen's association to help defray tha expenses of a running team at th 8U Louis World fair. laws Woman far Principal. BELLEVUE, Neb.. April 15. (Special.) The Board of Education ias elected Mis Emma McWilllama, whose home Is at Pen Ison. Ia., aa principal of the Bellevue pub lic school. Miss McWilliam Is at present assistant In the Onawa, la., High school, Miss Edith Wilson, the present principal at Bellevue, did not reapply for the po sition. The board passed a resolution of under the scavenger tax law for collec tion. Th amount of delinquent taxes ha already reached an Immense sum. Previous to ten years back the treasurer will do the compiling. Tonrlst Travel Commences. That the movement of tourists has begun is evidenced by the number of applicants for bed and lodging at the police station during tho last few nights. Last night five were accommodated and the night be fore a half dosen asked to be locked up and kept quiet until morning. None of the applicants were over 25 years of age and four of them were under 20. Each had the appearance of having seen the rough side of life a well as the Inside of many jails, They were going from the west to Chicago and from Chicago to the west to spend th summer. Identify Dend Man The man found murdered near Humphrey has been identified aa Harry Roger, who recently served a Jail sentence here fpr vagrancy. He was arrested wun a man named Kelly and a man named Donnelly, both of whom the police believe know some. thing about the murder. Donnelly is In jail at Fremont and the authorities are now looking for Kelly. The excise board has for the present re fused to grant a Iveense to the Boyd hotel to sell ltcuor because witnesses tostified that they had bought drinks ther on Sun- days and after the closing hour. Governor Goea to Raacii. Governor Mickey has gone to his ranch in Keya Paha county, where he will remain until some time next week. Before leavtn appreciation and confidence in Miss Wil son. All of th other of the present the governor announced that he did not In teacher wer re-aictca, vis.: Mis Jessie I tend to break any bronchos. 8. Flynt, Mlsa Martha Robert and Miss Lydla KalUtrom. Sore Aid to Uag Life. Electric Bitters giv an active liver, per fect digestion, healthy kidney, regular bowel, fine appetite, or no pay. 60o. For sale by Kuhn t Co. Tea free trip to the World's Fair ach Military Matters. Brigadier General Daggett and Adjutant General Culver left this afternoon for Osceola to inspect th new Second Regi ment band of that city. The military board yesterday afternoon et the tun for the holding of the officer' s-hoct at Lincoln for some dais in the U ter part of June. The Um will ti fixed ly Adlutcnt anarai Culver. lb boord MISS WINNY TIERNEY. rnn.nl. 111.." . V. a i 1 nt woitlr klilnnvft years have been using Warner's Safe Cure for their own kidneys, bladder, liver and blood, and prescribing it exclunlvely fur their patients, bemuse of Its wonderful cura tive qualities and Its absolute purity and freedom from even the sugntesi trace oi uim gerou drugs, ao common in other "so-called sure." IF IN DOUBT, TEST YOUR URINE. It a glass or bottle of nmvnlng initio stand still 2t hours. If it becomes cloudy, or contains floating particles, or If n sediment forms, your kidneys have been diseased for months, and your only hope of .fe and health Is to at once lake Warners Bare Cure, which checks Inflammation, drives out all poisonous matters that have been al lowed to accumulate, and cures und Invigorates the klilneys. It purines the blood, strengthens the circulation, and builds up the i-oneral health and strength as nothing else can do. Sold by all dniKtsisis or direct, 6i) cts. and $1 a bottle. Retnse substitutes and imitations. Tliry ore danaierona and will not enrc. Tnke only Wnrner's Safe Cure. Doctor's advice and mcllcal booklet free . Warner's Safe Cure Co., Rochester, N. Y. "Safe" Pills move the bowels gently s.nd aid a speedy cure. SENSATIONAL TALE OF MURDER Mississippi Prisoner Makes Confes sion vf Kllllnc Two People. JACKSON, Miss.. April 15. Tn the pres ence of a number of witnesses Ed Gam mons, who murdered Lake Klnsey and his daughter, Fannie Klnsey, at Water Valley, Las made a confession. His statement regarding the death of the young woman, with whom he was in love, is senaatlotal. He says that after he killed her father In the field he went to the house where the girl was and told her of his deed. At first the two planned to run away and be married, but the girl changed her mind and asked him to kill her, which, ha lays, he refused at first to do. Then rhe tried to get the pistol away from him. He then told her to step off a few paces and '.urn her back, which she did. He then shot and killed her. Gamnons will be tried at the June term of court. Flrat Retclment Bnnd Inspection. WISNER. Neb., April 15. Special.) General A. 8. Dagett, U. S. A., met with the First regiment band at its armory Thursday evening and gave them a thor ough inspection. He found the boy in good shape, but short a lot of equipment which they are entitled to, and advised them to make a requisition for the same at once. After tho Inspection he gave the boy rulte a talk, and they rendered sev eral fine selections for his benefit. NOBLEMAN IN PENITENTIARY Son of German Diplomat Goea to Prison nt Milwaukee for Forgery. MILWAUKEE, Wis., April 15.-Frlt Idle von Ingelhelm, who claims to be a son of one of the oldest and noblest families of Germany, and himself heir to Immense estates and a noble title, con of a cab inet officer under Emperor William I, was sentenced to three year and six month In state' prison today for forgery by Judge Braxe. Von Ingelhelm attribute his downfall to gambling and Intoxicants. He was known to the police as Fred L. ' Ingelhelm. He says lie will return to Germany after serv ing his sentence. According to Ingelhelm, he deserted from a German military acad emy In 1880, when 16 year old, end has been receiving an annual Income of $4,000 from an estate ever since. POSTOFFICE KOTICB. Repabllrnn to Have Bin; Rally. SYRACUSE, Neb., April 16. (Special.) Arrangements are being made here for a big demonstration by the Roosevelt club. The meeting will be held Just prior to the state convention and will be In the Interest of President Roosevelt. Out-of-town speaker have been engaged to de liver addresses. Republicans of this vicin ity are working hard for the nomination of Addison Walt of this place as candidate for secretary of state. May Kot Save the Colon. SAN FRANCISCO, April 15 It I deemed Improbable that the raclflo Mall I'.ner Colon will ever leave tho beach near Aca- lutla, on which It vai driven to ave It rrom foundering. The Faclfio Mall com pany ha received word that the vesel' J hack was broken. Under some circum stances there might be a chance for a ves rel so injured, but far away aa the Colon is from proper wrecking facilities, the chances are nearly all against Its being floated. Plso'r Cure for Consumption relieves all bronchial affections. Try it at once. 35c. Killed by Virion Jack. BURWELL, Neb.. April 15.-(Speclal )- Royal Pier, an uncle of H. C. Orvis. who waa assisting at the Orvis barns, was killed this afternoon by a vicious jack. Tho ani mal was turned loose in the yard and Pier went to catch him, when he seized the man by the back and shook and pawed him o severely that he died in less than an hour. Iron Works to Rcsnme. PHILADELPHIA. April lS.-Actlve preo arations are In progress for the resumption of work at the Pencoyd Iron works in thl city. The extensive plsnt Is controlled by the 1'nl'ed States Steel corporation, and has been practically Idle for several weeks It Is said that all departments will he ' again in operation by April 2b. Among the contracts said to have been obtained by the management Ik one for fifteen bridges lor tne imperial railway or japan. Man Dies In fire. NEW YORK, April 15 One man was killed, two girls were dangerously burned and eight other persons Injured by an explosion today in the dyelrg establishment of William Melster. in the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn. The dead man waa the engineer. A ANSWER TO THE QUESTION "WHO COMES HERE?" (Should be read dully by all Interested. as changes may occur at any time). Foreign malls for the week ending April I. 1M, will close (PROMPTLY In all cases) at the General Poatofflo as fol lows: PARCELS-POST MAILS close one hour err Her than rloslng time shown be low. Parcels-post malls for Germany close at 6 p. m. Monday, per a. . Kaiser Wilholm II, and Frfday, per s. . Bel era via. , Regular and Supplementary marl oloe at Foreign Station (corner of Wt and Mor- ' ten streets) half-hour later than closing time shown below (except that supplemen tary mall for Kurop and Central Amer ica, via Colon, close wi hour later at Foreign Station). Trnnsntlnntio Malls. SATURDAY At 2:30 a. rr. for HtrLAWTV s. Lmbrla. via uutcMtuwn ma other parts of FAirops ssjst bo di rected "per s. . Umbrla"; t a. m. lor Ll ROPE, per s. s. Bt. Paul, via pir nn uth a.id Cherbvurg; at 1:10 a. m. for BICLOIUM direct, pr . s. Krvcnlar.d imuil must be directed "per t. a. 30oo. land"); at .M a m. far RCOTLAfcD C rect. per . s. Furness'.a true II r&ust bt directed "per s. s. Furnesr.a"). After the closing of the Supplementary Transatlantic Malls named above, addi tional Supplementary Mall are epsnedl on tne piers oi to American. Lnf.x, French and German steamers and romatloi open until within Ten Minuttsj of tko hour of sailing of steamer. Halls for Sooth and Central America, ' West Indies, Ete. SATURDAY At 4 a. m. for ARGENTINE!, L'KioLAi ana rxiuuiAi, per a. a. Hydaspes; at i a. m. for BERMUDA, per s. s. Pretoria: at 8:30 a. m. (supplemen tary 9:30 a. m.) for PORTO RICO. CURA CAO and VENEZUELA, per e. . Phil adelphia (mail for Savanllia and Carta gena must be directed "per . s. Philadel phia"); at 9:00 s. m. (supplementary 10:10 a. m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JA MAICA, SAVANILLA, CARTAOKNA and CREYTOWN, per s. a. Alleghany (mall for Costa Rica must be sorected "per a. a. Alleghany"); at 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 10:3 a. m.) for HAITI and SANTA. MART A. per I. S. A'.ci; et !0 a. m. for CUBA, per . . Mrro Ct stl, via Ha vana; at 11 a. m. for ORTNADA, TRINI DAD and CIIDAD BOLIVAR, per t. . Maraval: at 12:30 p. m. for CUBA, per a. Curltyba, via Ma'ansas (mall must be dirvcted "per a. . Curltyba''). Malls Forwarded Overland, Ete., Ei cept Transcontinental. CURA Via Port Tampa, Florida, close at tin omce aaiiy, except Thursday, at 5:I0 a. m. (the oonnectlng malls close here on Mondavi. Wednnsd.ivs and SutuHaviV MEXICO CITY Overland, unless specially Ruun-nru mr nispsicn ay riesmer. Close t thl effice dally, except Sunday, at I H p. m. and 30 30 p. m. UunCay at t p. m rnd 10:30 n m KEWFOl'NDLAND By rail to North Syd ney ana tneiice ny steamer nose at this cftlce dally at 6:30 p. m. (connecting raalla close here every Monday, Wednesday ana tiaturday). JAMAICA By rail to Boston, nnd thence Dy steamer, cioses at tnis onto at 0 p. m. Tuesday and Friday. By rail to Philadelphia, and thence by ' s'eamer. closes at this office tt 1 a n, Saturday. WIQUELON By rail t Boston and theneo by steamer closes ai tlu onto dally at 4 SO n. m. BELIZE. PUERTO CORTEZ and OT7ATB- bala-hjf ran to mew Orleans and thence by steamer "inm at tuia ofnoo daily, except Sunday, at flJO p. ra. and 10:30 p. m , Sundays at 1 p. m. and 110. M 8. m. (connoctlng mail closes here Man sys st 110:30 D. m. t COSTA RICA By rail to New Orlsana snd thence by steamer closer at this office dally, except Sunday, at t: p. m. ni 110:30 p. m., Sundays at II p. m. and 110. at S. m. (connecting mtU closet bar Tu ay at 110:10 d. m.i BAHAMAS (exrept Parcel Pot MailaW By rail to Miami, Fla., Qnd tnenoe ky rteamer, closes at 15:10 a. m. Wednesday. I Registered mall closes at I p. m, prevt ous day. , Tranapaeiae alalia. HAWAII, JAPAN, CHINA and PHILIP PINE ISLANDS, via San Francisco, closa here daily at t:30 p. m. up to April llllh. lncluslv. for despatch per a. Korea. TAHITI and MARQUESAS ISLANDS, via n r nni'iaDo, ciose nere aaiiy at :M P. m. up to Aurll llSth. Inclusive for 4u. patch per s. s. Mariposa. HAWAII, via Ban Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to April 41Mb. in clusive, i or aespatcn per a. a. Alameda. PhD A great store that appeals to every man, The British Woolen Mill Co., Tailors and Woolen Merchant, who are established and known for many year in all principal eastern cities, have leased the building No. H Douglas St., where they will conduct th Tailoring Business on entirely new ideas, new methods and new prices. The attractions here will bo the same as elsewhere. The world's best foreign and domestic spring and summer woolen cloths, all will be shown In the very latest designs and In endless assortments. r. f l ff-IC --J (fl1 MIDI TO Duus or uverQOdis pi? auu order There is a cordial welcome her for all it matter not whether you ara a purchaser or a sightseer we promise you prompt, courteous attention. OPEN FOR BUSINESS TODAY. MUSIC AND FLOWERS. British Woolen Mills Co. Big Tailors and Woolen Merchants. Nebraska Headquarters M08 DOUGLAS ST., Omaha. J ii, jjsj er.-yygnr HAWAII. JAPAN, I'HINA and spe cially sddreasod mall for PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close, bare dally at 4:30 p. in. up to April IJlst, in clusive, for desnatch Der s. s. Gaelic. AUSTRALIA (etitpt West), FIJI ISLANDS and NEW CALEDONIA, via Vancouver and Victoria, B. C. close iiere dally at 4:30 p. in. up to April 3d, inclusive, tor despatch per a. s. Aorangi PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via San Fran cisco, clone here dally at :t0 p. m. up' to April i'JUtb, Inclusive, for despatoh per t . H. Transport. CHINA and JAPAN, via Vancouver and Victoria, B. C, close here d tlly at W p. m. up to April Lath, inclusive, for d so pat eh per . s. Empress of China. (Mer chandise for U. 8. Postal Agency at Shanghai cannot bo forwarded via Can ada, l NEW ZEALAND. AUSTRALIA (except West), NEW CALEDONIA, FIJI, SA MOA and HAWAII, via alan Francisco, close here dully at 6:30 p. m. up to April ,Mh, Inclusive, for despatch per s. s. Sierra. (If th Cunard steamer carry ing the British mall for New Zealand does not srrUo In time to connect with this despatch, extra malls closing at 1:20 a m. and 9:30 a. ro. and 4. JO p. m.i Sunday at 4:10 a. m., 9 a. ra. and 4:30 p. m will be mad up and forwarded until the arrival of tha Cunard steamer.) NOTE Unless otherwise addressed. West Australia is forwarded via Europe; and New Zealand and Philippines via San Francisco th quickest rouita. Philip pines specially addressed "via Canada" or "via Europe" must be fully prepaid el th foreian rate. Hawaii I forwarded via San Francisco exclusively. Transpacific mails are forwarded to port of sailing dally and the schedule of clos ing Is arranged on tb presumption oi their uninterrupted overland transit. IReglsUred mail closes at 4 p. m. prevtoug day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Poat master r Nw York. X. T Af.nl I, IX.