TnE OMATIA DAILY BEE: TliriiSHAY. Al'IUL 14. IPM. I 11 Wl "'J I n IP WPI1 -Ml ,.JAM1H1 J t 11 ,! Mill llll HIM IMIIU 1 null MTtw M MTx 73 n n n 7 n rp n n it3 R on innrni niMirntin this SALE TOOAY THIS MORNING at 8 O'clock. 1400 DRESS AND WALKING SKIRTS, bought from a New York skirt manufacturer at about ioc on the dollar. The manufacturer was badly overstocked and needed ready cash". We made a low offer, secured the stock and . OFFER THE ENTIRE STCCX ON SALE THURSDAY AT LESS THAN HALF PRICE. J' ; I Skirts at 89c, in Basement Golf klrtg of good heavy mats rials. dre.a skirts neatly trlm med Worth up to $1 at 89c Dress Walking Skirts $1.50 Dress Skirts, some with drop linings, mode of cheviot, broadcloth, etc., wall ing skirts of heavy meltons, suitings, etc' --l Kh-O Never a skirt offer like this 1 O VJ worth up to $3.50 n at Golf Skirts at $2.50 Very fine arry of walking and golf'sklrts, In .50 good heavy outing cloth, suiting, etc aevsn gorea sslfatrapp ad trimmed, etc Worth jp to 5 at Pretty Sprinj? Skirts at $3.48 300 skirts in the very choicest and newest ideas, all colors, SO differ- 3dS ent styles, all the very late ideas in trimming Worth up to $6.50, at Golf and Dress Skirts at $4.75 4QO dress and walking skirts in this magnif. lcent lot and 2QO of thtm at e samples drea skirts In new voiles, canvas cloths, e-tamines, etc., highly fashionable golf skirts, an extraordinary offer A.75 Worth up to $13 at. JL.. High Grade Sample Skirts- 6-22 A U the hiaKut grade mmple tkirtt in Hit factory no tiro alike they art ursrm from fiz to $17. SO tach all Ute mjt stunning utte ideas your choice at CONSTIPATION CURED BY w.niLKS' PULSION When yon are costive or bilious or constipated don't take an old time dose of physic that throws your bowels into spasms and causes the liTer to act improperly. Milks' Emulsion acts pently on the Bcwilt, Uw tad Kidneys. CANAL QUESTION IS SENATE Consideration of Bill Providing' for GcT.rt nent of Zsre. MORGAN AMENDMENTS NOT ACCEPTED Mr. Mtri Believes There la a Sinister Motive Behind the BrKl.h Aaltatlea Over Mosanlte Coast. WE GUARANTEE AN ABSOLUTE CURE. rwcfcm arict reftmura by roar Arstfist V flnt Iota, tats aat tin rtlitl The Milks" Emulsion Company. GeuUexnen Terra HsatA lad. I oiust beg forylvenesi tor my tardiness la answering yours of the 2nd lost. It was my la Wmtl s to ant you when I finished the package of Milks' Emulsion that you seat ma This baa been about a month aro. The result of Una trial I am pleased to Dow aire poo. As sooo as I rewivol the Emulsion I started to use It aa directed in your letter of the Tth. At nrst laoUosd sobeoeflt whstOTrr. but I persisted aad is toe course of teo or three days I beaaa to cote etttx-t. blace tben until now (and there has teen about s month sine I took ny my bowels ban moved daily aad the Indications are thai the benefit I hv derived Is to be permanent. Yoa certainly bar my earnest thanks and any tlma I ean recommend your medicine to any ooa i. shall hot fail to do so- It seems almost incor rect to cull your Emulsion a medicine, for tbo effect was so mild and unlike that caused by any aiadlcine mads for this eomplsint. 1 believe I murht very well dieoootinxM any further una of your Lmulsion. but npon your i th ts bast, yoa may send aae aouUwr packs- for the enclosed Moral la stamp. I can hardly eipres my crslitoda when I re aneauber that I found it absolutely necessary to tkeoatbartioaof one kind oranoUier towsk my bo veis more dally, and should I Dot take ay medicine It often kaipened taat three and tour Osts wouid pv between the stools. Myeonsti lu had (oiU'U so serious that none of the onlinary cetftartica would efTeot me at all and I had wed ererv thing that I could bear of. 1 am so delighted with tne results of your Kmulfcioa that if 1 can be of l beuehl nr arrrlc; to you I shall be pleased w know it. Tbaaktn- yoa ver much for your kic1m-s I am. tv iwctloliy yours. towtHu (i. Wcuasa. imt w. rrta St.. March lath, 1801 Imlianapnlla. lad. OUTPUT OF PACKING HOUSES Sosne Decrease la OaTeriasa of Haas aa Compare Trlth Previoas Week. PLAY HORSE W1TU ARMOURS Wft'sra Lfsg nwi TVe Eou'.h Omit Tei Dowi tli Lie. WEATHER TOO COLD FOR HOT GAME Despite Cfcltly Alsaosphere. Thoaafc, Three Ilaadred ralthrals ait Tkrastk the Eatlre Ferterasaare. A benumbing atmnephere and a rnggS fame characteiixd the contst between Omaha Western leajruers and the amateur ArnTvura of iuth Omaha on the Vinton tree grounds yesterday afternoon, but In spite of both the faithful stayed through I the agony and saw the finish. The Armours, In black auits with yellow streaks In them, were pretty to look at, j and after a few weeks of practice will be able to furnish a pretty fair quality of ball. But they were on dress parade yesterday and their playing, like their suits, 4had a yt How streak in It Rourke s prts played In a charley-horse kind of fashion, too, probably because they did not have to do otherwise. The profes sionals each had a lick at the ball In their half of the first and Carter had two before the side was retired, after having made six runs. Six men went to bat for the young sters In the first two Innings and no runs was the result. Then V the third they got In three on a couple of Omaha's errors and a couple of singles. .Not another one of the striped boys crossed the plate araln until the eighth, when they got one more, and In the ninth three runs on some good, snappy ball playing. Meantime Rourke's men had been Jogging along, bringing In three in the second, four more In the fifth and still three more In the seventh. In this Irnlng Frecse made a three-bagger that looked good to him for the first home run of the season, but he was ten feet too late. Costly errors did the trick for the South Omaha team, but thty will got over that. The score: OMAHA. AB. R. 1R. PO. A R Carter, rf & 1 1 l o 0 Bliipkv, 3b 5)0110 Miller. If 4 2 3 1 0 0 W all. If 1 2 (, i v o Yt elch. cf 6 I 2 4 0 0 Cheat wood, lb a 2 1 0 1 Plake. ss 5 2 2 2 2 1 l,wns. 2b S 2 2 3 1 1 Courcey, c 1 0 0 2 0 ( Freesr. c 2 1 1 2 0 0 McCarthy, p S 1 1 0 2 0 81-afsUill. p 2 0 1 0 2 0 won. I"rV Fliret second. third. Time: 1 4H. Rcotch Thlstls IvXHIBITIO (. Ml: OF BIE 111.1. hat atloaals YV!a at Philadelphia Amerlraas Y. I a the Series. FHII.AI'KLFH 1 A . April 12 -The serls of gsm-s fur the 1.1 f. . se ball -n-ship end"1 trVnv w'th vl-try frr the Na tionals The Fhitadlphia Amerlcsr.s won the series, thoy wir-.irg five cut of eight games played. Score : rh n Nationals I n (I S 1 0 r 1 1 Americans 1(0100 22 4 2 Hattertes: National. Mrl'hpr"n nd .Mur shxll; Amr!-!r!. (( :nce and Bohre k enr't. I'mplre: ?:intl . Ool.l'MHl'S. O.. April IJ-TVtrolt fnllM to hit Ms'srkey sn.l Hn1y at criursl times tolay and the Coi'.imhus American assoclstlon team handily. Pire: R. II. E Columbus 0 1 2 0 0 0 x 3 S 1 lietroit 0 1 0 0 0 0 01 2 Batteries: Columbus. Mslsrkry. H.tnlv. HeaRtr and Cleaver; Itrolt, Stovall, limll and McMannus. II AltVAHD ITERCl, a BO AT R ACE Totals 16 14 27 ARMOURS. AB. R. IB. FO. Tonneman, 8b 5 10 2 MrMann. ss. 5 0 10 IHneen. cf 2 10 2 O'Keefe. lb 4 0 0 1,1 Cahill. 2b 4 0 0 4 Bowler, If 2 0 10 McCale. rf 4 0 0 0 Withers, p 2 10 1 Adams, p 2 10 0 Finley. c 4 2 S 5 T S 24 12 11 0 0 4 0 2 0 18 300001S ; 6; Armours, 1 Flake, Downs. Totals 98 Omaha ...I t At mour 0 0 Earned runs: Omaha, Two base hits: Carter. Thre-base hit: FTeeee. First base on balls: OfT Withers. 4; off McCarthy, 1; off 6baf stall. 1. Struck out: By Withers. 2; by Adams, 2: by McCarthy, S. Left on bases: Downs 2. iMneen, Plnke. Wild pitches: By Withers. & Passed balls: Finley, 2. First base on errors: Omaha, 7; Armours, 8. Hit by -pitcher: Courcey (2). Ptilpke. Time of game: 2:00. Umpire: Clarke. Sealors Ya la One Eveat aad "or ha fts ores Take m Race. CAMF.RimiE. Mass., April 12.-The Har vard Interclas race was rowed over a one and seven-f lglit hs-miles straightaway course on the ClK.rles rlWr this nlternoon and was won handily by the seniors In 1J minutes anil second. The Juii is second In 13 minutes. 1:1 seconds; soptn mores third and law school fourth, no tims taken for the latter two. The Inter club race, in which the YVeld seniors and Weld sophomores contested, wss rowed over the same course. The sophomores won by 23 seconds. Their time was It minutes, 4i seconds. Haaaboldt Wlas First C.awie. HUMBOLDT. Neb., April IS (Special The first base ball game of the seasin toorf place yesterday afternoon on the home grounds between the Dawson snd Hum boldt high school teams. The game was exciting end was won by Humboldt by a score of 15 to . Batteries: Humboldt, I'etrashck and Crawford; Dawson. Yats snd Miller. Struck out: By Petrashfk. 12: by Yates. 7. Bradley and linn were um pires. . Ames YVIos from Hlahlaad Park. AMES, la,, At-rfl 11 (Special Telegram ) Ames defeated Highland P.irk college of Des Moines here todsy by 2 to 1. For s early In the season the game was fast. Three errors were made, two by Ames and one bv Highland. Both teams were wet.k t the but. Ames getting but four hltH, one a double, and Highland six. Batteries: Ames. Cotton. Reece and Triple; Highland, Stark and Riley Prlnretoa Klrrts Managers. PRINCETON. N. J . April 13 -The Princeton undergraduates today elected Pvlvester Johrson as base ball manager snd William Mntter rf St. John. Mo., as track manager for the ensuing year. Mllwsske Bays Plarera. MILWAUKEE. April IS. Infielder Harry Clnrk and Catcher Plattery have been pur chased by the Milwaukee American as sociation ball team from the Chicago American league team. World's Best Pile Cwre. Why endure torture from piles till you j contract a fatal dlsesse when Bucklen's Arnica Salve cuTea or no pay. 55c ?o sal by Kuhn & Co. The Bee want ads are tne Beat Bue'.r.ess Boosters. I JrW.Ma4imili m i i 1 imp imn MJi Will III I l l I I BilEyraATHSCjj " i - "i 1 Tear an A'dcock's Porous Plaster in two length wLv. and apfSy on soles of feet; renew the plaster every time the feet are bathed. You will be sur pried how it will relieve rheumatism in the feet or. ankles. For tired or Umt feet relief is afforded at once. POROUS PIASTER Alk-ock Plaster sr the original ssd genuine porotn plters snd have nerer been euna.ird a s tain-cTeT. We gnsrantee tSem ti,cTHitin no belladonna, opium or any poison whsteve. Absolstely sste. wooderlully caratiTe. 'Never Accept a Substitute. CINCINNATI. April 13. (Special.) The Price Current says: There hat been some decrease In offerings of hogs compared with the preceding week. Total western packing was 355.000. compared with 420,000 the preceding week and 10.000 last year, t'lnce March 1 the total Is 2.30. 000, against 1' (60. OX) a year ago. Prominent places compare as follows: JK03 WASHINGTON. April li. The renate to day began consideration of the bill pro vlding for the government of th Panama canal cone. Th ereater part of the day was occupied by Mr. Morgan In support of amendments offered by himself. None of them was accepted and the reading of the bill was nearly half completed. Mr. Morgan attacked the new Panama canal company and contended that the United States should proceed to carry Into eTet th treaty with Panama regardless .he demand of that company. Upon the request of Mr. Fairbanks the senate ordered the printing of the lnte President McKlnley' last speech at Buf falo a a public document. In present ing th request, Mr. Fairbanks stated that thora ar many Inquiries for th ad dress. ' A bill was passed providing for th opening of the abandoned Fort Abraham Lincoln military reservation In Morton county. North Dakota, to settlement wnder th homestead law. Mr. Hal presented an amendment to Panama canal government bill re quiring that all stores, machinery and I man to b used in connection with the 1 construction of the canal be transported In United States built vessels whenever reasonable rate can be secured. Mr. Morgan spoke of th delay In pay ing the tl0.u00.OO to Panama and Implore republican senators to give the reasons for It. Chicaao Ksnnas City ... Fouth Omaha . Ft. T,ou Ht. Joseph )nrilanarois ... Milwaukee Cincinnati Otttimw Cedar Rapids .. Sioux City St. Paul E.OnO 114. 2&5.n J'lfc.O'fl 245.00 Io.Ow JoSOO Iho.cwi 170.(O 174.01 liKl. 7.0f 49 h 44.0f 40 0 44.010 106,000 40.000 4K.(10 :. 21.0 41.000 SCO-0 HYMENEAL BILL TO AMEU PHILIPPINE LAWS i Th. KUXV CMTJLSirfrl It ttesatrl ts taks ksi ACCOatrUMiES WUilDtXr-W. MjLTS. BULKS' ERULSI0N CO Priao SO msAs. Tsrr Hants, lai. 6UARANTCC0 M0 F0I SALE BV DIUO DCTAETIEYT SrMsl A Monogram 5c Cigar today, and than declds for yourself whether or tuft It is wis to pay doubl the pticm 1 jt oLbax brano beany aa gooo. W. r. STOECKSJ CICAR CO, laut Iouslas 6trt TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER mm NCIIM S9W. - TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Pravlsloa Graafian Railroad Fraa- chlse Opposed la the Hoase. WASHINGTON. April IS. Under a spe cial rul th house today devoted Itself to the consideration of a bill amending the law relating to the Philippine Islands. The provision In the bill In reference to the granting of railroad franchises and th guaranteeing of 5 per cent on the capital actually Invested In such railroads was opposed by Mr. Jones of Virginia, who al leged that British and Belgian capitalists war ready to build the roads without such guarantee. Messrs. Cooper and Crlmpacker of Indi ana, in urging th passage of th bill, de clared that It properly safeguarded the Interests of th Filipinos. Mr. Hcmenway Ind ). amid applause, re. ported the general deficiency bill, th last of th general appropriation bills to b con sidered at this session. MossLeahos7. BEATRICE. Neb., April 11 (Special.) The. marriage of Miss B. E. Lenhoff to Mr. C. C. Muss was solemnised at St. Joseph's Catholic church yesterdsy morning st t o'clock. Rev. M. M. Merkl officiating. Immediately after - th ceremony, which was witnessed by a few friends, a wedding -toreakfast was served at th pas tor's home. The young couple will mal: their home In this city. (lease- Lewis. MISSOURI VALLEY, la.. April lX.-Bpe-clal. Lest night at 7 o'clock occurred the man-lag cf Edward L. Colenso to Laura Kids, Lewis at th home of th bride's parents on Second street. Rev. 3. Mac A Ulster officiating. A wedding supper was served efter the ceremony. The young couple have left for Omaha, wher they will reside. Rea-Keaaedy. MISSOURI Y' ALLEY, la.. April IS (Spe cial Yesterday morning at EL Patrick's church occurred the marriage of Francis J. Rea of Boon to Ellen M. Kennedy, daughter of D. Kennedy of this place. Father Mullen performed th ceremony. They left on the noon train for a honey moon at Hot Springs and will be at home May L EVENTS ON RUNNING TRACKS Several Vpaets at Owklaatd, Iacladlas Claim af FI --Aft-alast Byroa Re. SAN FRANCISCO. April' 13. There wert several upsets at Oakland today, one of them being in the handicap at a mile and fifty yaras, which was taken by rlyron Rose, while C-orgalette. at the same price, was second. Mansard was a heavily played favorite. Otis sent Mansard to the front, but he stopped badly. In a driving tinish Byron Rose beat Gorgalette a nose. Jones, who rode Gorgilette, made a claim of foul against the winner, but It was not allowed, xiesulls: First race, six and a half furlongs, sell ing: Sweet Tooth won. tJolonlua second. .Nellie Bawn third. Time: 1.1'V Second race, half mile, pure: Peggy O'Neal won, Qeorge P. McXear second, Al bert Fir third. Time: 0:48V,. Third race, mile and an eighth, selling: Colonel Anderson won, Illaho second. Colo nel Y'an third Time: 1;65. Fourth race, mile and fifty yards, handi cap: Byron Rose wun. (xorgalette second. Our Bessie third. Time: 1:43. Fifth race, six furlongs, purse: Ananias won. Gateway second. Military Man third. Time: lilt1. Sixth' race, one mile, selling: Illlluon won. Coronal second. Laocoon laird. Time: 1:4. MEMPHIS. Tenn April 13 Results: First race, six furlongs, selling: Taxman won. Amorous second, Isamelson third. Time: 1:17". tMicond race, mile and seventy yards, selling: Louisville won. Brooklyn second, Briers third. Time: l:4tt Third race, four and a half furlongs: Bologna won. Philanthropist second. Paw tucket third. Time: 0:5. Vs- Fourth race, mile and a sixteenth: Rough and Tumble won. Ku Tammany second, Nmxus third. Time: 1:5V Fifth race, mile snd seventy yards: Falk land won. Spencerlan second. Censor third. Time: 1:60. Sixth race, six furlongs, selling: Orfeo on. Bensonhurst second. Tom Cnifcb third. Time: 1:16V. WASHINGTON. April IS Results: First race, five and a half furlongs: Mimon won. Alpaca second, Diaphanois third. Time: 1 :!(. Second race, four snd a hair furlongs: Garrett YY'ilson won. Auction second, Pyg ma.ion third. Time: 0 67v Third race, sevtn sud a half furlongs: Belle of Mllford won. Trsperist second. Rough Rider third. Time: 1:37V Fourth race, six and a half furlongs: Toscan won, 6a is second, Golddome third. Time: l:iV Fifth race, seven rurlongs: W. B Fhs.r on. Bouvier second, liery Wadclell tlilid. Time: 1:23. Sixth race, one mile, handicap: Stroller FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Fair and Warmer for the Eastera Portion f Kebraska Both Today and Tomorrow. WASHINGTON. April 13. Forecast : For Nebraska Thursday, fair and warmer In east portion; Friday, fair. For Iowa Fair and warmer Thursday; fair and warmer In east portion Friday. For Kansas Fair Thursday aad Friday. For Colorado Partly cloudy Thursday, probably ehowers and cooler In east por tion; Friday, fair. . For North Dakota and South Dakota Fair and warmer Thursday; Friday, fair and cooler. For YVyomlng Partly cloudy and cooler Thursday, probably showers In east por tion; Friday, fair. Local Record. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU. OMAHA, April 13. Official record or tern Next summer you will The tixoosition H A. Fever perature and precipitation compared the corresponding day ASTHMA M adkwl aatharltie now aanoed that andsr th sr.wm of treatment introduced VJ lit. frank Wbeuet oi Chicago, ASTHMA CAN BE CURED. Dr. L D knots, Lebanon. Ky.t Dr. T. X. Mmaa. PrhaiLw Iowa: lr. J C. Currrrc. S4- Faul. atlnn.: Dr. U. L. Oraffry. St. Lotus, Mo.; Dr. I . I. beard, so. riamraiiiu. aiaav. k, vitneai to the emwcy of his tnmiOMUit a4 ta permanency oi th cur la ueir wa CaSS Vf. unm uc. wm m radical deparuar mua in ora man ion tmuk powoeta, afnyi, wwksv w but do not ran rnrt TEST TREATMENT a u. u aiTtnc a abort daarjln. mil i an ease, and sending bams ol two otaar uibaaM suflerert. Ask sjT beul oi uperirecM el those ravsd- FRANK WMETZEU M. Grip QairsiT Kaaeked Oat. "8ome weeks ago during th severs win ter weather both my wife and myself con tracted sever colds which speedily de veloped Into the worst kind of la grippe with all Its miserable symptoms, says Mr. J. S. Egleston of Maple Landing,' Iowa. "Knees and joints aching, muscles sore, head stopped up, eyes and nose running with alternate spells of chills and fever. We began t-slng Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy, aiding th same with a doubl doss ef Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab tela, and by its .liberal us soon completely knocked out th grip. 1th of the last three r"' 14. L003. 1901 1801. Maximum temperature... il 4W 56 5t Minimum temperature St 40 84 41 Mean temierature 44 44 45 4 precipitation 00 .01 .00 T Record of temperature and precipitation at Omaha for this day and since March L 1904: Normal temperature DO Defioienc y for the day Total excels since March 1 25 Normal precipitation .10 Inch Iwficlenrv for the day 10 Inch Total precipitation since Marchl.2.42 Inches Ttetirlencv lnce March L lSf,4 2 inch Dc flcieney for cor. period, 1m. . 1 .!. inches Deficiency for cor. period, l.. i..z incnes Report ef Btatlona at 7 P. M. All your friends will be goinp;, or talking about going, and tou will be figuring up to see Yvhether you can possibly scrimp and save to make the trip. Now is the time to do your planning. Anybody can go man, woman or child. Thirty More Trips Are to Be Voted for All you have to do is to get a few friends to prepay their subscription to The Bee and turn in enough votes to be one of the first ten iu our weekly election. Ke member, you get 520 votes on a year's sub scription in the city and COO votes on a year's subscription in the country. The Bee will send you, without cos.ting you a cent, to the very grounds of the expo sition. Via the Wabash The Wabash lands all passengers from all di rections at its oYvn sta- CONDITION OF THE WEATHER. I Si :"3 Omaha, clear Valentine, clear North Platte, clear Chevenne, cloudy Salt Lake City, partly cloudy Rapid City, clear Huron, partly cloudy Williwton. clear Chicago, clear St. lx.uls. cloudy St. Psul. cloudy Davenport, clear Kansas City, clear Havre, clear Helena, clear Bismarck, partly cloudy Galveston, cK-ar T Indicates trace of precipitation. L. A. WELSH. Forecaster. tion. Main Entrance World's Fair Grounds, aving time and money. The Wabash Suburban Trains will be prepared to handle 23,000 passen gers per hour in ten hours, more people than in Omaha, Council Bluffs and South Omaha. Think it over. Rules of ihe "Election" The ten j.tisons receiving tt largest number of votes at the doss at each election" will be fur rushed, at lb f e a expense, aa prises, each a Ire trip fruua Omaha to bu iuuis aad leturn. to b taken any unit during tne expusltion. Jsj restrictions are placed as to wher th party lives as a candid la tcr on of th exposition trip. No vote will b counted for employe or agent of The Omaha Be. Ail votes must b mad oa aeupuna which will b pubilabed each day la Tt Bee. prepayment of subscrlptlots mar be made either direct to Th Bs Publishing Company or to an authorised agent of Th Be. No votes sent in by agents w'll o counted unless sent in In accordance with instructions given them. Th vote from dsy to dsy will be published In all ad'.tions of Th Ba. Th "elections" will close each Thursday at t p. rn. Votes may be deposited at tb business offlc of Th Be or sent by malL No votes sent by mail will b counted which ar not In tb Omaha postofitc for delivery at 4:3u p. m. on th day of closing. Address, "Exposition Department," Omaha Be, Omaha, Neb. COUPONS ON PAGE 2. (ksrrk Weasen Give Baasstt. The women of the First Methodist Episco pal church gave a banquet Tuesday even ln i.i ttr uonareKa t Ion. About ' we' .resent and enjoyed th revival of th cus tom of annual dlnnera. E. A. Benson pre sided ably as toastmaster and th following toasts r given: Th Wonien," Georse M. Spunoik; "Strangers." Mis Kuth Ptiil ltrpl;" Nelson C. Pratt: KeBectiona. . Syne.'' 8. Hawver M tronolitan." C. r. breckenndg Pendulum," J. H. B'Jtlfr, and "The Men." Mrs. C. C. Belden. The event was an en Ure success. Belhr: "Auld Lena Tti First Church- breckenndge; "The Pressasea ICIeet Delegatea. At a meeting of the Omaha Printing Preasanen s union No. ti. held for the pur pose of electing a deltgste to attend th sixteenth annual convention of the Inter national iTinui.g PreasRicn and Awilkt sms' L'nlon of North America. William Nickel, assistant foreman of Th Be pr rora. wa e4-cted as delegate arid James Klrley. of th Council Hluffj Nonpar'!, sltemste. The convention will be held at St. Louis June a. 'Tb Be vaat ads ar th Beat nmlinns Bjestara. Tho 0u9 Thai 1 t-roJwp r rusrsrzAMi nUK HAW U-CHOlCEST SUH CURlD CruCAa U- Tho Famous "RED DRAG0I1" Sun-Cured TEA ?3 : f 1 : S : i ? V ,. mt, , ,, ., - i - -j 4t ; 4-; !oo u li 4 t.. .oi n Ul S: g t t 1 tSm- GhGors f I DOCTORS F0R QiU Packed In Ha If -Pound and Pound Sealed Packages. FRC'J JiPalH TO YOUR TAELE, FaU Walakt. Par-feet la Laaf. Dast mm nlalstwrw frtL TOU mil OSE 13 OTHER AFTER US1IS TEIS J. H. BELL Cl CO.. Chicago THE .'EN'S TRUE SPECIALISTS Consultation and Examination Free Hydrocele Varicocele Stricture Blood Poison (Syphilid Rupture Nervous Debility KIDNEY and URINARY diaeases and all Diseases snd Weaknesses of MEM due ts evil habit of youth, abuses, excesses or ths results of neglected, unskill ful or Improper treatment of prlvaat diseases, which cause mgbt losses, day drains, which impairs tb mind and destroys men's Mental, Physical and Sex ual Powers, reducing tbe sufferer to that deplorable state known as Kervo Sexual Debility, making social duties and obligations a hardship, and the en joyment of llf and marital bapplneas Impossible. Men Who Need Skillful Medical Aid . Will find this institute thoroughly reliable, different from other so-called lnftl tutea, medical concerns or specialists' companies. Tou ar Just as safe In deal ing with ths Stat Mdical Institute as with any STATE OR NA TIONAL BANK. It has long been established In Omaha for the puri-ose cf curing the poisonous diseases and blighting weaknesses of men, which other doctors or specialists fall to cure. CXNSC1 T ATTON AND EXAMINATION (CLE If you cannot can. writs for symptom blank. Offles hours, I a. m. to p. ra. rJuooays. is to l only. STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1308 Farnam St.. Bet IJtri and 14th Sta.. Omaha, Nt. avo asanas- m s mmm. I