Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 14, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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Mion jirTiov
Davis srlls drugs.
Ifferts glimsos fit.
Ptorkrt plln cnrpt.
The Kaust cigar, 5 centi
Pftpmon, gun and locksmith, Oi B y.
fnr rent, modern housi'. 719 Sixth avo.
Paints, oils and gln. Morgan A Dickey.
I'lnurc fremiti. Alexander's art store,
t.13 Broadway. T Irphutie iWH.
Abe Mncoln Woman's Rrllff forps will
meet Friday afternoon In Orand Army l.ftll.
For wall papering, painting, picture fruin
Ing. aee Horwlck, 2ll Main nt. I'hone A-u.v.
Mr. and Mrs. '. K. Klmhall and dnughler
hsve gone to Cleveland, Ohio, where tney
will make their home.
Deputy City Engineer Ed Stlnson, who
has been on the sick lift, wa able to he
at hie office yesterday.
There will be a special meeting this
evening of Excelsior Masonic lodge for
work In the second degree.
Devoe'a mixed paints. Morgan t Dickey.
The BoHrd of Park commissioners has
decided to hold weekly meetings on Tues
day evenings for the remainder of the
Have vour rnvpets taken up, cleaned and
relald by modern methods, old curpe'.s
made Into ImmlHomc rugs. Council HI11IT.1
Carpet cleaning Co., 84 North Muln street.
'I'none 616.
Mrs. Cuuirhev. mother of Mrs. I,. A.
Casner. Is reported to be aerloiisly III
lier home In Denver. Mrs. Caughey
formerly a resident of this city.
Word has been received here of the
death at Richmond. Va., of Horace Holies,
who for a number of years was In the
book business In tills city, the llrm being
Holies & Champ.
The regular meeting of the Woman's
uxIMary of Grace Episcopal church will
be held this afternoon at the residence
of Mis. 1'. C. Williamson, on Madison
avenue. Officers for the ensuing year will
be elected.
Charles F. McDonald, son of former
tAUlerman Charles W. McDonald, Is at the.
Woman's Christian association hospital
where he underwent nn operation for appen
dicitis. The operation was successful and
Mr. McDouuld is reported to be recover-
The remains of J. H. Emlnger, a former
vell known Insurance mun of this city
who died recently In the stale asylum at
Clarlnda, have been brought to Cutler's
Undertaking establishment In this city to
await the arrival of mcinUcrs of the family
from California. t
Mrs. O. Kiel, mother of Richard llolst,
of the firm of Hoist & Spetman, proprietor
of the Kiel hotel, died Tuesduy at her
home In flinux Kails aged M years. Be
sides her husband, three suns, K. Hoist of
Treynor, Iowa; Richard Hoist of this city
and J. Kiel of Sioux Falls, survive h.T.
Justice Harvey Ouren Is acting on behalf
of Mrs. 1'lnnell, widow of Jack rinnell,
the saloonman drowned at Lake Manawa,
nd Is Invoicing tho stock of tho saloon
owned by Flnnell at Tenth and Broad
way. Outside of a small amount of In
surance that Flnnell carried in a fraternal
organisation, his estate will nhout offset
the liabilities. The night rinnell was
drowned some miscreants broke Into the
uloon by forcing a rear window, and stole
a quantity of liquor and cigars.
John Mehop, the recently elected sec
retary of the Iowa and Nebraska Whole
rale Grocers' association, has arrived here
from New York City and for the present
has engaged apartments at the Uraud
hotel. The location of the permanent office
of the association will he decldnd upon to
day at a meeting of the committee having
the matter In charge. Mr. Melhop was
formerly connected with the ussoclutlun
as Its secretary and for a number of years
prior to nis removal to rew lorn was in
the wholesale grocery business In Dubuque.
An Information charging J. 1 Hasklns
lth being intoxicated was tiled yesterday
In Justice Ouren's court by Mrs. Sarah
Holder, Hasklns' half sister. Hasklns, It
is alleged, secured the key to the saloon
owned by Ills brother, William, who was
drowned at Iake Manawa, and has since
been depleting the stock by Imbibing it.
He has been twice before Justice Ouren
on similar charges and the court stated
yesterday he would probably commit him
to the district court with the recommenda
tion that he he sent to the hospital for
chronic Inebriates at Mount I'leHsant.
N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. 250; night, F-607.
Deeds for Library Properly.
The deeds to the Pusey and Plnney prop
erties purchased by the Library board for
the site for the Carnegie library were
placed on record yesterday. That to the
Pusey homestead Is signed by Mrs. Sarah
XI. Pusey, widow of W. H. M. Pusey;
Frank S. Pusey and wife, Eleanor D.
Tusy; Mrs. Ella O. Plnney and Kate E.
XricGee and husband, J. E. F. McGee. It is
a 'quit claim deed and the consideration
named Is (1. The purchase price was J9.5K).
The deed to the Plnney property Is signed
olely by Mrs. Ella O. Plnney, the owner
In fee. The consideration named Is $5,20!).
Seth&ttLe Shield of
Quality is on the Box
, reason
for a dealer to be
honest as a mantle.
There are Welsbachs
and imitations. '
All Dealers .
We sre closing out our bicycle r'ock and
If ou want to purchase a wheel see us be
fore buying. We also sell drays, -delivery
wagons, iiuiK wagons, etc.
llOO Koolh Mnln Street.
David Bradley & Co.
eg rn1 Bt Council BlufTa 'Phono fl
$300 Piano Free
, co.' ja
mm xar
I Just os much
We mean Just what we ny A $3tt-00 piano absolutely free to our cus
tomers. The only requirement Is to buy your groceries of us. We are making
this liberal otter to Induce on to come In and trade with us and see how low
we are w illing to sell you groceries.
We are making the Following
"Our Country" Soap, l-lli. bar,
Diamond C Soap,
7 bars
White Russian 8op.
7 bars
Swift's Pride Soap,
t bars.
Beat 'Em All Soan.
bars ,
Corn Oil Soap,
I bars
A lax Soap,
lit bars
Cracker Jack Soap,
II bars
Bulk Oatmeal,
I pounds
5JI S. Main St.
Freibjtema Synod Holds Bmj Besiion
Daj end Efeniig.
Women's Missionary Societies Also
Hold Session In Ijocal Church
Permanent Committees
1 he morning and ailernoon sessions o
the Council Bluffs ' presbytery yesterday
were devoted to the transaction of routine
business, much of which was of interest
alone to the members present. The meet
ing, which Is the semi-annual gathering of
the presbytery, will close this morning.
The attendance has been exceptionally
Rev. Harvey Ilostetler, pastor of the
Second Presbyterian church of this city,
the retiring moderator, was elected stated
clerk of the presbytery In place of Rev.
J. F. Hlnkhouse, who was recently trans
ferred from Audubon to Ploux City, thus
placing him out of the Council Bluff's dis
trict. Resolutions commendatory of the
work of Rev. Hlnkhouse were adopted.
Rev. Samuel Alexander of this city and
Elder True of Avoca were elected commis
sioners and Rev. D. P. Buchanan of Casey
nnd Elder Miller of Logan alternates to
the general assembly of the Presbyterian
church which will be held In Buffalo, N. Y.,
on May 19.
aniea Committees.
These permanent committees were ap
Experimental Religion C. J. Bonnema,
A. D.
Languages W. 8. Barnes, W. B. Gage
Arts and Sciences W. B. Gage, J. Gil
more. Theology nnd Sacraments S. Alexander,
G. M. Toustellot.
History and Government J. MacAlllater,
J. H. Carpenter.
English Bible H. E. Nlcklen, J. H. Mont
gomery. Honnletlcs D. D. Buchanan, H. Ilostet
Home Mif-slotis W. 8. Barnes, Harvey
Ilostetler. J. MacAlllster, D. D. Buchanan,
C. J. Honnema.
Foreign Missions J. MacAlllster. W. B.
Gage. Elder F. K. Clark, Council Bluffs.
Education W. B. Gage. T. W. Lrard,
Elder J. J. Amen, Missouri Valley.
Sabbath School Work D. D. Buchanan,
G. M. Tourtellot. Elder R. L. Harris, Au
dubon. .
Church Erection A. George, N. R. Miles,
Elder 8. D. Abbott, Shelby.
Ministerial Relief J. H. Carpenter, G.
M. Tourtellot, Elder A. Pickering, Coun
cil Bluffs.
Freedmen Rev. Conybeare, J. H. Mont
gomery; Elder II. B. Knowles, Council
Colleges and Academies C. J. Bonnema,
N. K. Miles, Elder A. f. Aiacomber, At-
lan tic
young People's Societies J. Oil more, N.
R. Miles. Elder C. M. Riggs, Greenfield.
Systematic Beneficence J. H
H. E. Nlcklen. Elder D. N.
Council Bluffs.
Temperance S. Alexander, J
gomerv. Elder Words. Adair.
Mag ruder,
H. Mont-
Narratlve-J. Gilmore, N. R. Miles, Elder
C. M. Klggs, ureenneld.
American Bible Society N. R. Mllea, A,
D. Beelig. Elder John Findlay, Marne.
History and Biography Harvey Ilostet
ler, A. George, E. B. Cousins, Elder t . IS.
Hongland. Council Bluffs.
Elders' Convention Elder F, B. Hoagland,
vouiic-ii i-fiuna.
Evangelistic Work Harvey Hostetler, 8
Alexander, W. S. Barnes.
Woman's Missionary Society.
Interesting features of the annual meet
ing of the Women's Missionary society of
the Council Bluffs presbytery yesterday
were the addresses of Miss Jennie Bu
chanan of Casey and Mrs. George A.
Partch of Avoca Miss Buchanan told of
her labors as teacher among the moun
taineers of Tennessee, while Mrs. Partch
gave a most Instructive account of her
eight years' work us missionary In China.
The great need of the Chinese, Mrs. Parteh
said, was education and the dissemination
of the gospel among them. Mrs, Partch,
who said she expected to return shortly to
resume her work In China, Illustrated her
talk with an Interesting and unique collec
tion of garments worn by the Chinese
women, and curios from that country. .
Thesa officers were elected:
Home Missions President, Mrs. I. N.
Fllckinger. Council Bluffs: first vice presi
dent, Mrs. W. 8. Barnes, Council Bluffs;
second vice president. Mrs. O. Fordyce,
Guthrie Center; secretary and treasurer,
Mrs. H. E. Nlcklen. Woodbine; secretary
Young Peoples Society of Christian En
deavor, Mrs. D. E. Armstrong, Missouri
Valley; secretary literature, Miss Ander
son. Atlantic; slated clerk, Mrs. W. H.
Cowleti, Audubon.
Foreign Missions President. Mrs. J. J.
Amen. Missouri Valley; tlrst vice president.
Mrs. W. B. Uage, Guthrie Center; second
vice president, Mrs. J. M. Emmert, At
lantic; secretary and treasurer, Mrs,
Walter 1. Smith, Council Bluffs; secretary
Young People's Society of Christ an En.
deavor. Mrs. Scott, Council Blufts; secre
tary literature. Miss Anderson. Atlantic:
stated clerk, Mrs. W. H. Cowles, Audubon.
The report of Mrs. J. R. Reed, secretary
and treasurer of the foregn missions de
partment, showed that $570.36 had been
collected during the year, being a gain of
$85 over the previous year. The report of
Mrs. II. E. Nlcklen, secretary and treas
urer of the home mission department,
showed total collections of $675, being a
gain of $S6 over the preceding year. There
are twenty-four branch missionary socle
ties In the presbytery.
At the morning session MIks Amen of
Missouri Valley contributed a solo, and
at the afternoon meeting two vocal num
bers were given by Mm. Flag'.er and Mrs.
Ward. The program as announced was
carried out.
Konttne of Convention.
Rev. T. W. Leard, who was recently
called from Nebraska C4ty to tho church
at tihelliy, was received as a member of
the presbytery.
I it. jenas or umana aaaressea ine meet
ing on behalf of the Omaha Theological
seminary, and Dr. Purmort of Cedar
Rapids, synodical state missionary, who
With Your Groceries
special low prices this week:
Frame Honey,
per pounu Itry
Tea Slftlngs, tKr
per pound , !!)
Best Rio Coffee, S-
per pound , IOC
Navy B. ans, .
4 pounds IOC
1 quart Jam, all kinds, fRo
r iar IOG
1 yusrt Maple f n
Svrup t IOC
!svel oranges, j s"
per dosen low
Lemons, f BF .,
rr dosen IOL
Home Made Mince Meat, 1 poundsISc
Pop Corn, per pound ie
Grocery Store
Phone 444.
was present as a, visitor, msde a short address.
Rev. Stephen Phelps, D. t., former pas
tor of ths First Presbyterian cnurcn oi
this city, now located at Esses, la., wa a
visitor at ths afternoon session and ex
tended a few words of greeting. On the
recommendation of ths committer on home
missions the presbytery decided to grant
IMO to the church at Tine Star. 3no to the
church at Lorah, 2fln to the Bethany
chapel. Council Bluffs, and $100 to the
church at California Junction.
Reports of committees gave the following
statistics: Twenty-two of the twenty-six
churches In the presbytery report mem-
berahlpof . .73S. with average attendance
morning services of 128 and evening serv
ices 79: estimating that of the four churches
not reported, the aggregate membership
was placed at 1000; J08 members were
added during the year on profession of
faith as a result pf revival meetings:
twenty-five Sabbath schools report J.2J5
members, thirty-four woman's societies,
seventeen aid societies and seventeen mls
slonsry societies: sixteen senior Christian
Endeavor societies, with S21 members, and
nine Junior Endeavor societies with ITi
The evening session, following tne de
votional exercise, was given over to a
most Interesting lecture by Rev. Barton B.
Blgier, pastor of the Central Presbyterian
church of Dee Moines, on James mai
mer, the Great-Heart of New Guinea."
The meeting was open to the public snd
Rev. Blgler was greeted with an audience
which filled the auditorium.
Coanty Ticket to if imiiit
Connell Blnffs Mar
Chairman George S. Wright of the re-
putllcan county convention Issued yester
day his official call for ths county conven
tion to be held Thursday, May 12. In ad
dition to nominating a county ticket the
convention will be called upon to select
twenty-seven delegates to attend the state
convention, which haa not yet been called
by the state central committee. Tho con
vention will also elect a county chairman,
the county central committee will be re
organized, and each precinct will elect a
member of the committee. Those selected
In Council Bluffs will constitute the city
central committee. The county ticket to
be nominated comprises the clerk of the
district court, county auditor, county at
torney, county recorder and two members
of the Board of Supervisors.
The convention will be made up of 17
delegates, the basis of representation Do
ing one delegate for each voting precinct
and In addition thereto one delegate for
each forty -votes or fraction of fifteen or
over cast for Hon. A. B. Cummins for
governor at the general election of 190$.
On this basis the various precincts are en
titled to the following representation:
Minden J
Pleasant J
Keg Creek
Total 28
6th ward, 1st prect. 8
5th ward, 2d prect.. 5
6th ward, 1st prect. 7
At h ward, 2d prect., 1
Crescent 3
Rockford 3
Total 27
Jrd ward, 1st prect. 7
3rd ward. 2d prect.. B
James 8
Total 2!
cn-nxn IX8TRICT.
IJncoln I
VnlleV 0
Center M
Belknap J,
Silver Creek
3 ith ward, 1st prect.
Macedonia ..
Waveland ...
4th ward. 2d prect.
Total 25
1st ward, 1st prect.. 5
1st ward, 2d prect.. 7
2d ward, 1st prect.. 7
2d ward, 2d prect... 6
Kane, outside 1
Total 26
riarnar. 1st rjreclnct 4
Garner, 2d precinct 2
Hasel Dell
Norwalk 4!
The precinct primaries win i;eia on
Saturday, May 7, for the selection of dele
gates to the convention. These primaries
must be held without fail upon that date,
both In the city and county precincts,
otherwise the precinct will not be en
titled to be represented In the convention.
Each precinct primary will also select a
precinct chairman for the ensuing year.
Cleaning; t'p the Streets.
A change has been wTought In the last
few days In the appearance of Broadway,
Main and Pearl streets. For the first time
since early last summer the streets have
been cleaned and the mud hauled away
and not left to be scattered back by pass
ing vehicles and every gust of wind. Since
his appointment a week ago Street Commis
sioner Avery haa been busily employed
with a large gang of men cleaning the
Major Richmond and his police have not
been idle. On order from Mayor Macrae
they have caused the removal of all ob
structions on the sidewalks of tho principal
down town streets, and boxes, garbage
barrels and other impediments which
were not only an eyesore, but a source of
danger to pedestrians after dark, have been
cleared away.
Plumbing and heating. Rixby A Son.
Another Big Penny Kale.
All day Friday, a candy ticket with every
cent's worth of stationery or school sup
plies. DeLong's, 307 Broadway.
Ilafer sells' lumber. Catch the Idea?
Real Estate Transfers.
These transfers were reported to The
Bee April 13 by ths abstract, title and loan
office of Squire A Annis, 101 Pearl street:
Ella O. Plnney to city of Council
Bluffs, w feet lot 1 and 84 feet
of U feet lot X. block 14. snd any
ground lying between same and the
alley, Bayllss' 1st sdd, w. d $ 5,200
Heirs of William H. M. Pusey to
same, all right, title and Interest In
lots 1 and f and e lot $. block 14.
Baylies' 1st add. and any ground
lying between same and alley, q.c.d 1
F. J. Day and wife to Andrew and
Katherine Sharkey, e (0 feet lots 1
and 2, block . Williams' 1st add,
w. d,
Lewis 8. Howe snd wife to Carrie M.
Morse, lot 1, block 36, Beers' sub
dlv. w. d
Martha J. Schlckner snd husband to
Harry O. Cook, lots 1 and 1 block
C, Underwood, w. d
Total Ave transfers
A Thwoa-fctfu! Haewaaa1
Cured his wife of fainting and dlsxy
spells, weakness, headache and backache
with Electrlo Bitters. Try them. 60c. For
sale by Kuhn Co.
Brothers Co to Prison.
DENISON. Is.. April 13.-(ppeclal.-Hal
and Burt Butler were sentenced this morn
ing to ten years In the penitentiary at
Anamoaa. They were found guilty last
week of committing the crime of robbery
upon ths person of John Coon on the
highway between Arion and Dow City dur
ing the month of February, this year. An
unsuccessful attempt was made to appeal
the case, and they will be taken to the
state prison at once.
Attempt to Ron Post o Alee.
PACIFIC JUNCTION. la.. April J3.-(Spe
claL) An attempt was made last night to
rob the postofflce at this place. The
burglars started to cut the panel out of
the rear door, but for some reason did not
finish - their work. However, they had
hole si most large enough for a man lo
crawl la. -
Cltbi Will Oommenoa at 0nc to Labor fox
Next Legislative Session.
Five lovra students Tnkln K.xamlnn
tlons for the Rhode Scholarships
nt Oxford l nlverslty Cores
Brother's Bad Habits.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINE8. April 13. (Bpeclal.) The
Iowa State Marshal club, through Its offi
cers, today, made announcement that a
campaign will be commenced at once with
a view to forcing the legislature of Iowa
to adopt the state marshal bill two years
UoTernor Asked to Veto.
Governor Cummins this morning received
a telegram from Mayor Macrae of Council
Bluffs to the effect that there Is great in
dignation among the taxpayers in that
city over the passage of the bill to prevent
the payment of salaries to park commis
sioners, that the Commercial club has
taken action in protest against the action
and asking the governor to withhold his
signature until the Council Bluffs people
can be heard. This was the first heard
here of any complnint because of the bl.l,
and it was designed to cut off graft In cer
tain cities of the state where the park
funds were being badly used. The gov
ernor "Will hold It up for some time and
allow a showing to be made. The governor
and his wife left this evening for French
Uck Springs, Ind.. w"here they will re
main while the governor is recovering from
his illness.
A Misspelled Word.
A misspelled word played some part In
a court appeal from Mahaska county de
cided by the supreme court. Marlon Jonei
had been convicted of assault with Intenl
to kill his father-in-law, George Gobel,
whom he shot through the eye In a quar
rel. In the court Instructions, referring t
the law relating to the right of self-de
fense, the court had referred to "eminent"
danger of harm Instead of "Imminent"
danger, and a reversal wa asked on this
account. But the supreme court declares
that the Jury could tell from the context
what was really meant and could not have
been led astray by this misspelling of the
Five Would Go to Oxford.
Five persons are undergoing examination
as to scholarship today for admission to
the Oxford university under the Rhodes
scholarship as representing Iowa. They
are Charles C. Ball of Coe college, O. J.
Van Buren of Cornell college, Wlnworth
Williams of Drake, Joseph G. Walleser of
Grlnnell nnd Carl W. Ross of State uni
versity. There were twenty-one of the
students who made preliminary applica
tion, all residents of Iowa and students In
Iowa colleges, of no' grade lower 'than
Junior year, and a preliminary test was
applied of their physical characteristics,
etc., which weeded out a good many. To
day President MacLean of the State uni
versity. President Bradley of Grlnnell and
President Bell of Drake conducted the
examination In scholarship, only Ave ap
pearing for tho test.
Kortkro-eal Iowa Teachers.
The program (stthe Teachers' associa
tion of Northwestern Iowa at Sioux City
has been received by local educator.
State Superintendent Riggs la on the pro
gram, which begins at Sioux City to
morrow. Anson H. Blgelow of Le Mars
Is president, and Eva D. Kendall of Sioux
City Is secretary. Dr. V. W. Gunsaulus
of Chicago Is on tho program. Prof P. G.
Holden, Ihe agronomy expert of Ames, is
to address the teachers during the session.
Election In n Regiment.
Adjutant General Byers lias received In
formation to the effect that at the election
iusnttnni infcnnBH
Mustang Liniment
Xa uao for oyer aixty pesvra.
Mustang Liniment
mtm Bpavisi stud Rlngbotsej
Mustang Liniment
eure ail tvrum vEhm "
in the Fifty-sixth regiment held Monday J
evening Colonel W. B. Humphrey of Sioux
City was re-elected colonel without op
position; Major Otto Hile of Boone was
elected lieutenant colonel to succeed 8. J.
Parker of Hampton; and Captain George
M. Parker of Rao City was elected major
to succeed Major HUe.
Draatle Reform Menanre.
W. 8. Alexander, a negro, was today
found guilty of murder In the first de
gree for killing his brother In this city
six weeks ago. The Jury recommended
life sentence. Alexander claimed the
brother had been living a wicked life for
many years and ha was endeavoring In
vain to reform him.
lowana Uo West.'
M18SOCRI VALLEY, la., April 13-(Spe-clal.)
Frank Sherwood, a real estate dealer
of this place, left this morning for Spo
kane, accompanied by the following land
seekers: J. J. Thomas and J. O. Pugsley of
Mondamln, Lee Boswell of Modale, Mrs.
J. V. McCold of Logan and G. E. Taylor
and B. Darting of Missouri Valley.
Mlasonrl Valley Clnb on Vacation.
MISSOURI VALLEY, la., April lS.-(Spe-clal.)
I-ast night occurred the last meet
ing of the season of the Balamaqundl club
at the home of O. W. Burbank. No more
meetings of this organisation will occur till
Osceola County Republicans.
SIBLEY, Is.. April 1$. (Speclal.)-Osceola
county republican primaries will be' held
Tuesday evening, April 19, and the county
convention to choose state and congres
sional delegates will be held Saturday,
April 23.
nnday School Convention nt lbley,
SIBLEY, la., April 13-(Speclal.)-The
Osceold county Sunday school convention
will hold Its annual sessions here April II
and IS.
lolhca C atch from Bonlre.
ASHLAND. Neb.. April 13.-(8peclal.)-Mrs.
Perle Russell Hackney, wife of Fred
Hackney, a West Ashland farmer, while
clearing up some rubbish In her yard Tues
day afternoon, wns badly burned. She had
made a bonfire and got too close to the Are,
setting her dress In flames. Her husband
was working In the field, but she had pres
ence of mind to run and Jump Into a water
tank a few feet away. Mrs. Hackney Is
badly burned about the lower limbs and
back, but the doctor In attendance, C. F.
Klrkpatrlck, docs not anticipate fatal re
sults. Injured In Runaway.
SCHUYLER. Neb., April 13.-(Speclal.)-Whlle
Myron Van Housen was unloading
baled hay the team Tan away. Mr. Van
Housen was thrown from the wagon and
Sustained severe Injury to one of his hips.
His little son Myron and a neighbor boy
were with him and In the mlxup little
Herbert Rathsack was knocked over and
severely bruised.
Telephone Companies nt War.
BEATRICE, Neb., April 13. (Special Tel
egrani.) An Injunction was secured In dis
trict court today by the Ericsson Tele,
phone company against the Nebraska Tel
ephone company to prevent said company
from erecting a pole on Court and Summer
streets, where It conflicts with the form
er's wires. The case will be heard on its
merits later.
Boy Pots hot In Hand.
HUMBOLDT. Neb., April 13.-(8peclal.)
Laster Wilbur Ellis, a 10-year-old boy liv
ing In the north part of the city, yesterday
shot himself through the palm of the left
hand while playing with a revolver. The
youngster seems to be suffering little In
convenience from the wound, however.
Hew Oerra Destroyer.
Dr. King's New Discovery kills consump
tion and grip gerfhs. Cures coughs, colds
and lung troubles or no pay. 60c, $1.00. For
sale by Kuhn ft Co.
Winds Damage Alfalfa,
YORK. Neb., April 13 -Speclal.)-Farm-ers
In York and adjoining counties are
complaining of loss of alfalfa sown last
fall. The prevailing high winds of Inst
winter blew out the seed and few f.elda
sown last fall are of any account.
This is Greek
To Everyone-
It Means Goodness
This is not "Greek" to anjone who knows the)
best of baking. It means goodnef in biscu't,
cracker and wafers. It is the famous trade
mark of tho National Biscuit Company and
it appears in red and white on each end of
the air tight packages containing their products,
as a guarantee of excellence, quality, freshness
and purity. Two examples of this goodnesa
in. sT tre SOCIAL TEA BISCUIT, the ever popu
lar dessert accompaniment, and BUTTER
TIIIN BISCUIT, a unique little biscuit in much favor with those who
want "something different." Both are sold in air tight packages bearing
the above trade mark.
fi - Y7KrTlii 1-CufV lil ri t HI
Mustang Liniment
limbera up Stiff Joint.
Mustang Liiiment
pnerete4i to the ory bona.
Mustang Liniment
Wiwavy glv s.ntiao4iow .
General Bell Fisdi Be O.tnnot Arrest Judge
BteTeni for Crii'oiiing Gerernor.
I alesa Men Leave lamp Howells by
Sunday Major Hills Says They
Will Be Forcibly F.jected
from Place.
TELLURIDE. Colo., April 1$. Adjutant
General Bell, who had announced his In
tention to arrest District Judge Theron
Stevens because of the letter's criticism
from the bench of Governor Peahody and
the state military authorities who ore en
forcing martial Isw In Ssn Miguel county,
today made another statement on the sub
ject. In which he conceded that the Judge
"Is Immune and free from arrest and civil
process In the performance of his duty and
the exercise of his Judicial functions while
sitting on the bench."
After giving his views on the military
under martial law, Oeneral Bell's state
ment concludes as follows:
"Insurrection Is the rising of people
against thelf government or a portion of
It, or against an officer or officers of the
government. It may be confined to mere
Interference of one or more Individuals,
or may have greater ends In view. Trea
son Is armed or unarmed. Interference of
rlticena of the county against the move
ments of the militia Is treason and the
punishment Is death, whether they can
read, write, or comprehend Its true mean
ing and sacredness."
Men Ordered to Leave.
Major Zeph T. Hill, commander of Ihe
National Guard In I .as Animas county,
has notified the striking coal miners who
are living In Camp Howells that unless
they move by next Snday they will be
forcibly ejected. There are 360 residents
In the ctmp who have no money and are de
pendent upon the union for their support.
A protest against Governor Peabody's ac
tion In placing Las Animas county under
martial law Is being circulated for signa
tures and will be forwarded to President
Roosevelt. The protest declares that "tho
county of Las Animas Is not now and
never has been in a state of Insurrection
or rebellion, and that the placing of said
county under martial law was a measure
wholly uncalled for."
Wreck on Koek Island.
JOLXET, III., April 13.-A Rock Island
passenger train from St. Paul was wrecked
today at Rockdale, one mile south of Jollet.
One person, the engineer, was seriously In
jured. The passenger train crashed Into the
rear end of a freight train. The cars took
fire from the wrecked engine. The track
was blockaded.
First Appearance of Dandruff a Fore
runner of Future Baldness. (
That such Is the esse has been con
clusively proven by scientific research.
Prof. Unna, the noted European skin
specialist, declares that dandruff Is tho
burrowed-up cuticle of the scalp, caused
by parasites destroying the vitality In
the hair bulb. The hair becomes lifeless,
and, In time, falls out. This can be pre
vented. Newbro's Herplclde kills this dandruff
germ, and restores the hair to Its natural
softness and abundancy.
Herplclde Is now used by thousands of
people all satisfied that It Is the most
wonderful hair preparation on the mar
ket today.
Sold by leading druggists. Send 10 cents
In stamps for sample to The Herplclde Co.,
Detroit. Mich. Sherman & McConnell Drug
Co., special agents.
Missouri River Rising.
PLATTBMOUTH. Neb., April ll-(Spe-clal.)
The Missouri river is rising fast at
thia point and the current is filled with
..oatlng ice.
Potatoes Hot In Ground.
GENEVA, Neb..' April 13. (Special. -Many
of the potatoes planted e-rly are
rotted and must be replanted.
Mustang Liniment
Beat for Uoree ailments.
Mustang Liniment
Benrt for Cattle) ailment.
Mustang Liniment
Boot for Sheep ailme&tev
Cj f THE j trj
l I MAN I j!
V WO M A N 117
point or discask. happily,
ask ram it it the full
Twil make a rasa Q
forget hit wo: Q
Twil highlen all fcis t
toy. Barns.
Jno. Barter Corn.
Kansas City mo. J
The Only Oouble)
Track Railway
between the)
M.&sourl River
and Chicago.
muA j.ii. t-in to OhiMKO. Oommrt.
mat snd drawtns-room laapins cr, l'brJn''
barbar. Hth. Ulplmn, dining tsra and olirUa
r. bath, Ulsphnna. dining tsra
VttUman tmu t slMptng o&rt and coach Vinlaa
0mn Mst from Cllnu. n. t
Pullman drawtns-nram i.-d W.-:it alaaplns .
Itm nolinlns ehatr oaia, ivSa Ur.n tad amokiaa
ssn. liliilnc care.
3 ITi ill Pollmaodrawlnt rooma.aaplvafara.bofl!
UU km .ranking and liurari oart . v. t raolllp
w lng chair cai lo L'klotso. I wi eara.
II If! in Through Krrfos Trnaha to tlhtnago
I ."111 AM Korth-WMtain aUndald Cr. fbaobaa
WW"1" and fraaoualr caia. Dlnlnaua.
4 IF ma Fnm ehatr ran to rhioaaa. Val min
st. pauRMneapolis
T 50 am hMhrTitio, w ' p'0' er
81 It DU Follmas alsepins aus, boffat library
I 9 lH can and fraa radioing chair tarm.
0 Efl DU ToFr.innnt.lMi.
Z,0U fM York. Utftlngs,
flor, riorfrvlk. Ixn lioe,
Adwoo4 noil jai. Throui
t, T.lnooln Whfo,nBTid Cltr,
logs, Hwnrd, (ientrs, fiup
iii. OavaMr. Hot 8 or in atb.
Throuah rtujlliilnfl obftir mltbi
Pui)nn.ii slMplai otvr Mrvlcej.
Q fit ill To Frmnt, T.lnoolD, WVtoo, Norfolk,
O.UJ AM Loos k'ia; Vrd(rej, BaaMAtludUtf
fie bud Indian Jorvsbton toumrr. .
1401 and 1403 f amain Street
Charges LcwTftsn hi mm
Treats all forms of Dls at
Twenty-tight Years' Experience.
Eighteen Years In Omaha.
The doctor's rsmarkabls success has
raver btan equaled. His resources and
facilities for treatlnc this class of diseases
are unlimited and every day brings many
flattering reports of the food he U doing
or the relief he has given.
Ail Blood Poisons. No "BREAKINO OUT"
on the skin cr face and all external signs
of the disease disappears at once A par
manent cure for life guaranteed.
NtAR 30,000 ntrfc'tafJeu.
Debility, Loss of Btreng-ta and Vitality
and all forms of ehronlo fl I sees as.
Treatment by meal. Call or write. Boa
tea GAae tU Boutb lata st Omaha. Meo,
sfjTX Inserts Psrt.Soft, Wblu Ski
V tfrfff ad " Beaatifal Cemplexlo,
I q1- , carae aciuil ann Tartar. ao
T y-i lect aiu luaurM.
rTVVVr;V"-ty laid a. DruM'ttg.
W aaieesterweiceel.
tersaa-atnynia. fl nr avettla. ti press paid1.
eria-Kjala Heap, aa rente, mf small.
Veto la aavs mttan, tl.tS. eanreae Smla.
lae Derma. Morale Cm.. Cluclaaall. O,
Caaba, Kebr and Boat Omaha. MebJ.
1 i
1 mi