Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 14, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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Hit Milioa acd TWe-Qoarter Mow
Deposit IhiD in BoTtmber Last
Jade tedeJrk Nettled Over the A
oanrentent of Aitttanl oi A 9
pnlalmrnl of Reporter ef
Ike fcaprrtae loirl.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, April 1 J (Special.) Report
of 50S lutnks of Nebrsska, compiled by the
Ft-:trt Hanking board, rtiow an Incrrsse In
deposits or over II. Tutno over the report of
last November; tho number of depositors
linn Increased over i.Wrt. and the per cent
of reserve has inrressed from a to 32 per
rent. The. loans and discounts In the pres
ent statements are !4.!52.1f OS. while for
the November call they were $34.M0.S29 .
The total deposits shown by this statement
are tf.T7!.Q !. while the November state
ment shows the total deposits to be $37.
(T7!I.W2.?4. The number of banks over the
last statement has Inrreased seven: the
number of depositors at this time Is 119.S7S
and the November statements show the
number to be 1I.4M The report Is a state
ment of the condition of the banks at the
clo Of business March 17. It follows In
Iians and discounts
secured by real es-
state i see schedule i$ 4.2M,1.t?.31
Other loans and dls-
VeV . ............ 90.W4.M.7t-34.W.l M
Overdrafts (see schedule! ........
Honds. stocks. secirltes. Judg
ments, claims, etc. (see sched
ule i
ru from national, state ana prl
t.te banks and bankers- iaee
punklng; house, furniture and
fixtures :
Other real estate
Current expenses and taxes paid
premium on 1'. S. and other
bonds and securities :".V
Cash Items, not to be Included In
estimating reserve
Total .!S.2M.6l
I..TAB1LI 1 It.a.
Capital stock paid In
Purnlus fund
fndlvlded profits
nivldends unpaid
Total deposit
Notes and bills redlscounted
Bills payable ..'
city council, and public sentiment seem
to be largely In favor of the plan. Tlie
measure also provides for the granting of
permission by the voters for the city coun
cil to depose of the old hall and certain
real estate holdings, all of which will likely
meet with favor at the hands of the voter.
Tit Vi run Pra b phralMan:
I bars trea'e searly twe ml II Inn raaaa'
Sural y yoa'll l4nM that avrh aaparlanca Biuat says
taught ma lonw penalnMaa.
Ana all thai I know Af illnaae an rare all that
I htya provwn to be nh knowlngla cond.oaee
Into mr all twiohf (or the Slid.
tVJI'.'.u I, my '.?t 7"o,r that era.i.r.11. Oroap Mne Hold. Interesting; 9es.loa
ait diaa ran he parmaaentiy curat t&rougn ina i a Alma
Not th nerrea a (eel with, sea with, eaar with. ALMA. Neb.. April 1.1 (Special
but the maiie narrea. I -r,m The bankers' convention.
3R3.S14 17
14.7T T
1 iw ron 41
W..V7(i 33
I .12S.inn rt
l.B?S.SM "
, i.6:4.? i
(t ta thawa that Mn'-onaclniialr npara'e the vital Or
gan. 'ha Heart. WW, KMnaya. Drain, atr.
tVhsn th. InaMe narraa g.t mn down, that Orsas
hlrh la wik-M la tha bod 7 loses Ita sowar to art
! than thmwa Ita work open tha ether Organ..
Th.a. Ortrana In tnrrt. nerrnna affertfNt through
ayara-ors, ana n, ararraly any caaa la found without
rotnpllrat lena.
I rmrrt It iinta Is Snrtor tha InlTMnal nrgana
Ihemaalreg while tha Nare-owar to tally operaia
them waa larking.
geriattraa temporarily ileailenea tha pain, but in
fre.aed tha tftatrea. attarwarda.
Tonira realaed tha drooping powern. onla to Inaurt
ralapaa an aoow aa tha ailmalua waa withdrawn.
iff what aaa to hourly mora ahaad tha hanria ot a
wafh If Its malnavrtng ha aarloualr weakanedT
Thern la tmt ona aenalbla thing to do. an atlftaa
up tha matnnprlng.
Thai la wht my. now famoui. prescription Dr.
Bheop'n Raatoratlaa doea.
It arm dtratia upon iha Sympathetic Nervs Can
tara uat aa gtram aota In an Engine
It provide, through theae Inalde naraaa, tha power
to miha tha waakrat nraan do Ita daty.
ft enahlea weak organa to raat off their Hogging
waate matter, and to repair tnair worn iiiaua.
It mn. tha human mill. a( full raparlty. till that
mill produrea enough nrw material, to keep Itself
mnnln arlthmit further he O.
So aura am I of thla Realnratlya that t authorlia
rartatn nmaalata arerywhara to auDPlT It on
month'a trial, to prirtlcally all who wrlta ma for
that nrlvllMA.
To aupplr It at my eipenaa If It falls to benent
at your eynenae If II rurre.
Tha rnat la bait IV So for all hottlea. Inelndlng my
nrnfaaalnnll helty durlns treatment.
fotiid anvthlng better proya my faith In thla ays-
tern than thla voluntary teelT
could anyone furnlah yo batter grounds for eon
V011 ah 011 M ipt mr book, whlrh talis bow to rura
dlaaaaaa aantianaBt r.
Write for It today dow yotl can't get well too
Juat specify whlrh of tha sl yoa need
Poo It 1 on Pvapapela Took 4 for Women.
Book t on tha Heart. Book I for Men (eealed.)
Book S op tha Kidneys. Hook 4 on Rheumatism.
AitrtpaM Tp. Shnon BnT U75. Ttartne. Wla.
F. S Simple raaaa often yield to ona bottle of
SaRtoratlve All druaalata ramr It.
But all druggiats do not supply it en a moot o a
trial. You muat wrlta to ma for that.
nine, met at this place today. There was
a goodly attendance. The following pro
gram was carried out:
Prayer, Rev. O. 8. Sweeney, Alma; ad
dress of welcome by Hon. A. C. Shallen-
berger. Alma; "Banking In the Country,"
J. W. Dolan, Indlnnola; "Hanking In the
City," P. U Hall. Lincoln;" "Some
Thoughts 011 I,o.iua and Discounts." Hon.
E. Royce. Lincoln; "Negotiable Interest,"
t. K. Hart. Bloomlngton; "The Iabor
Question,' C. F. McGrew. Omaha; "Value
of Bankers' Association," J. T. Trenery,
Pnwnce City.
T. M. Davis of Beaver City was elected
president; C. K. Hart of Bloomlngton, as
sistant" president; C. Hildreth of Bloom
lngton, secretary; Ed L. Means of Orleans,
Among those attending the convention
are the following: P. L. Hall, H. 8. Free
man and E. Royse of Lincoln; C. F. Mc
Grew. H. R. Gould, Victor Caldwell of
Omaha; V. P. Fulkerson of 8t. Josph; J.
T. Trenery of Pawnee City; Charles
Mousel of Cambridge; E. P. McGrew of
Bloomlngton; R. V. McGrew of Naponee;
A. H. Warren of Republican City; V. U.
Miller of Edison; A. A. Billing, John E ar
son. Hon. A. C. Shallenhergcr and T. L.
Porter of Alma; Ed L. Means, H. B. Hol
land of Orleans; W. 8. Callctt of Trenton;
T. M. Davis of Beaver City; Carson Hil
dreth. C. H. Hart of Bloomlngton; J. W".
Dolan of Indlanola, and E. P.-Dunlap of
Rick Beadtrb and relley all the iron hies laei.
dent to a bilious state ef tt.e system, snrk aa pbv
s neaa, Naoeea, Drowglceaa. Diatresa after sating,
Piin In the Side, e. Whils thnr Boat ramaik
abl success has been shown in curing
Tslnsbie In t onatipattoo, enrlag and preventing
this annoying complaint, whiia thry si so correct
ail disorders of the gtoaas' b. stimulate the liver
and regulate lot bowels, Xvea if thry only cnraal
Ache they would bealmoat pricrlis to those Sag
suffer f Mtn this dlaireaainj complaint ; but fortu
nately their goodness does not end here, and those
who once try tbem will find these little pills valt
able In so many ways that thr will not be willing
10 do without them. But after all sick bead
Ig the bane of so mny lives that here is where 1 we
make ear great boast. Our Uls cure It while
others do act. -
Carter s Little Liver Pills are very srasJl a4
very eaay to take. One or two pllis makes dose.
They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or
purge, ot by their genUe action plegse aUwho
line them. In vials st 25 cents: Ave for tl. Bok
ly drnggtstg everywhere, or sent by naiL
Mew York Cltjt
this official on the measure any tnat he
will veto It, but It Is aJso asserted that
Inasmuch as the entire cbuncll. favor It the
ordinance will be passed over the veto.
Closes Oat Last ot Ita Bis Land Hold.
logs gat Ames.
FREMONT. Neb.. April 13 (Speclal.)-
Wlth the sale of the Ames property of
the Standard Cattle company to Nat J.
Johnson,' which waa consummated yea-
terday, practically ends the business ot
Some Suspicion Victim Mar Hare
Been Murdered.
GORDON. Neb., April !3.-8pecinl.)-Tra
C. 'Diamond, a ranchman living eighteen
miles southeast of Gordon, was found
burned to a crisp In the nshes of bis
burnedTifrrn yesterday afternoon. Coroner
Lewis of Valentine was notified and an In
quest was held, the verdict being that, he
came to his death by accidental burning
In his own barn. The deceased was a man
about 60 years of ngc, ejuict and peaceable,
and has resided In this vicinity about three
years. He was a widower with two grown
sons and lived alone upon the ranch.
There Is some suspicion of foul piny, as
It was known that Diamond had fears that
his life was In danger, and It Is said that
a short time ago he was In Gordon consult
ing an attorney concerning threats that
had been made against him. It Is aup-
anthoritles became aware of the fact he
was married to a widow of that town. It
ppears to have been ft case of love at first
Ight, but now, while her husband Is serv
ing out the remainder of his term, she Is
making .1 quiet but thorough Investigation
o ascertain if poewlble how many other
women will claim him for a husband when
released. While In Jail here he claimed to
have a wife and child In Missouri.
a-..a ......hssI ProKiema
' . . lll av,.. t r. 1 ...
The Bute Board of Kquaiia"n v..-.., ... f.BO
meet Tuesday to pass upon -- 1
. , .,, rfpnoslted by fraternal I factor. Mr. Johnson acquires all of the
O " - ... Am. I tM A I 1 I J I . . . , ,
Insurance companies with the auaitor, .-..v. Uu..u..w. v "-
cussed before the board yesterday, " "" uariu.iB..i iu
listen to arguments against the taxation eluding the elevator and big feed barn
a , .nt that can be sur-1 and the elegant residence of R. M. Allen.
. . w '.i.i.ainn A num. I Mr. Johnson exDecta to continue the cattle
rendered tor a casn munita.- ,., ..... . ... . t. .. nosed the bodv waa burned last Saturdav
, , Inaiiranna men Will appear Df iota I i"uin uunuirao anu aiau will maao ai -
ber of Insurance men win bkf forenoon neifhhom saw smoke In the
alnat miS OB 1 aaaiiBuia-ilia. lur aecuiiigj Sliarct, ail iioiibil. i "
The company purchased over 4,000 acres direction or me inamonn rancn. lesteraay
of land at Amea about twenty years ago. E. H. Lemen and son went to the ranch
constructed an extensive feeding plant and
fattened a good many thousand head of
cattle which had been shipped In from Its
western ranges. During moat of this per
lod R. M. Allen was manager of the com
pany and Mr. Johnson assistant. The
a dependent protvoettlon. Tlj. re.ult will Prt of the bus neaa wM never a e,
.v.. wn .aid. t"hat moat -uccess. nor did the raising of sugar beets, II
tha hnaril and Drotest agai
M.inn of the secretary of tho board. In
auranra men hold that It Is not Justice
to tax those policies for the reason thaU
' . . ... a a a,aa,aa Itianaa I
tha legislature) did not miena 10 i
'that It Is almost Impossible to tell the
actual valllA Of a surrender policy; that
the policy Is worth nothing unless It' Is
turned In to the- company: therefore It Is
to deliver a horse that they had sold to
Diamond, and found the barn burned and
the charred remains of a man In the ashes.
Recover Fees from Trea sorer.
BEATRICE. Neb., April 13 -(Speelal Tel
egram.) tn district court today Judge Kel
gar handed down his decision In -the case
d. ui ii .i . . In which the company extensively engaged of Gage county against George W. Maurer,
perwons insurance. I UP to var Pv much better, ex-county treasiirer, finding for the plain
rivtr . " rat-iiaHB1' - r
Tha Insurance men hold that aa tna in
surwnce companlea have paid their 2 per
cnt on the gross premium recelpU that
Is ail that should be required of them.
Brdarwlek Is Nettled.
Judsrs Bedsrwlclt of the suprema bench
was In Uncoln today and made a number nave bn conirtructeai ro1, bulit ana tx.
of Inquiries regarding the recent Bta tensive ImprovemenU made. The land
ment that be and Judge Barnea had agreed DOUBhf, by Mr. Johnson Includes the best
t ajtpolnt Victor Beymour clerg ror ma mo,t nitniy Improved tracts.
sucreme court to succeed lee neramgn.
Apparently the premature mnounnninu rUB To HELP ELECTRIC LI.E
lias considerably nettled judge neogwic,
and It la reported he mads hla Inquiries Peoi,i. 0 FapllUoa Decide to Bander
Last year they practically closed out their
farming business and sold or leased most
of the land. The company owns a ranch In
Cherry county and properties In Wyoming
and Montana. The purchase price of Its 1
lands was about 120 per acre and today
much of It will bring ITS. Diagonal ditches
to discover whether or not Seymour gave
out the Information ihlmaelf. Considerable
feeling has been worked up since the an
nouncement and friends of tha several
candldatea are urging tha Judges to ap
point their favorite.
KeeDtagr.'VVitfcla Apprrtattea.
The cssh report of tha Hastings insane
asylum was- filed with the secretary of
state today. The report shows that out
of the appropriation for the ble.nnlum a
considerable over half of It still remains
unexpended, Tha superintendent has spent
for salary, board and clothing to date
tlU.606.o9. and ha has on hand 188,188.41.
During March he spent $10,798.02. Tha ap
propriation for thla month waa IU.163.M.
For .repairs since the 1 beginning of the
btennlunr there has been spent 9,t20, lesv
ing t9.89. For the purchase of land 'the
legislature appropriated $15,000, and there
lias been expended tS,704.
Coatraets for I alverslty BalldtaaTS,
' Contracts fot th physics building to be
. erected on the University campus and the
agricultural building at the stats farm
were let last night by tha University
Board of Regents. The Capital City Brick
and Pip company of Dea Koines secured
both contracts, the price for the agrtcul
tural building being t&I,I5 and for the
physics building tU,750. Thla does not In
clude the heating plant and plumbing.
For the erection of tha agricultural build'
Ing the legislature appropriated 140.000. and
for the physics building 175,000. Work will
begin' at once.
. Missionary Meallsg
The annual meeting of Lincoln district
Women's Forelan Missionary society will
be held at University Place Thursday
morning and evening, concluding with an
address by the Rev. Fulkerson, who has
, spent twenty years In Japan as a mis
Assistance to Compear.
PAPILLJON, Neb.. April 13.-(Speclal )
At a meeting of the Commercial club last
night the feeling of the members regard
ing the construction of a new court house
waa ascertained. Tha business men were
well represented and all were In favor ot
putting up a new building, but It waa
learned that there would be soma "opposi
tion to the plan by taxpayers in other
towns and that an effort might be made
to move the county seat from Papllllnn. A
committee waa appointed to go to all parts
tiff. The case Is one wherein suit was
brought to recover money retained by
Maurer out of the general fund of the
county In excess of the fees and commis
sions of his office while treasurer, the
amount being t3.325.39. The case was first
brought In district court by the county
obtaining a writ of mandamus against
Maurer to compel him to replace in the
general fund of the county the amount
of money retained by him. The writ was
grantedV and Maurer appealed to the su
preme court, which held that a writ of
mandamus was not the proper remedy,
The present suit was on his bond and the
Judgment recovered Is 3.90O. The case has
been In the courts for about two years
and the decision of Judge Kelllgnr is con
sldered a big voctory for Gage county.
Methodist District Conference
DAVID CITY, iS'eb., April 13. (Speclal.)-
The eleventh aession of the York district
crnference of the Methodist Episcopal
church convened In St. Luke's church In
this city Monday evening with a missionary
address by Rev. J. W. Robinson. D. D., of
I ucknow. India. This was one of the most
ot tha county and explain the necessity ot I Interesting lectures on India ever dellv
a new building, cost of same and how ercd In the city. The two days were occu
much of a levy would be required to meet pled in discussing matters of Interest to the
tho expenditure. ' churchV While the attendance is not as
The Omaha 4 Southwestern electric line large as wss expected a large number of
project waa brought up also, borne farm.
ers in this vicinity declare If this line Is
given tha right to tha public highway that
they will circulate a . petition to boycott
the Papllllon merchants. They give aa
their reasons thst their horses will become
frightened at the pausing cars. The club
decided to do everything possible to give
the Una tha right to the highway between
Papllllon and the county line.
ministers and delegates wre In attendance
i and the conference Is considered to be o
more than ordinary Interest and profit
While here the visitors examined the hand
some new parsonage now being built by the
church at David City and complimented
Rev. Colony and his members for their en
terprlse tn erecting a parsonage that if a
credit to the church and city.
Friend Lawyer la Trouble.
W1LBER. Neb.. April 13. (Special.) In
the matter of the complaint filed igalnst
William L New-by, an attorney at Friend,
and asking for his disbarment, the com
mittee appointed by Judge Hurd to take
testimony and report the facts find that
he has been guilty of deceit to the court
and of collusion to deceive Mellnda H.
Smiley In a case to foreclose a tax lien on
two lots st Friend, wherein Ella Taylor la
plaintiff and Charles E. Jennings la de
fendant. It It: found that he appeared for
the defendant Jennings, deceased, without
authority; also when he filed a petition of
Intervention on behalf of Mrs. Smiley ha
knew that the deed under which she
Nation Mar Be a Blaramlsf.
PL'ATTSMOUTH. Neb., April ll-M8pe
clal.) Mrs. William Nation of Grand Island
Is very anxious to obtain some information
in regard to her husband, who was recently
convicted of burglary in this county, and
has written to an attorney here asking how
many other wives n nad wnue nere. sev
fial months ago, while on parole, he has
tened to Grand Island and before the prison
Finds aa old Coin.
COLUMBUS, 'eb., April 13. 8reclal.) I claimed title) waa fraudulent. It Is further
While counting his caah a few evenings
ago George J. Hagel found a silver dollar
of the vintage of 1799. It Is a well-pre
served coin and Mr. lltigrl Ig of the opln
!n that It bears a yremlum. though he haa
been unable to find It listed. On one side
Is the Goddess of Liberty surrounded by
thirteen utars and the words "United States
found that on June It last ha appeared
before Elmer J. Garner, a notary publio
at Coyle, Logan county, Okl., and. repre
senting himself ss Charles E. Jennings, he
signed and acknowledged a deed as Charles
E. Jennings, pretending to convey the lots
In question to Mellnda E. Smiley, who
turned out to be hla mother, and after-
of America." On the reverse the eagle I ward had the deed placed on the records
holds a bundle of thirteen arrows In one
claw and an olive branch with thirteen
leaves In the other. The edge of the coin
Instead of 'being milled bears the Inscrip
tion "One dollar or ona hundred cents."
HUMBOLDT, Neb., April U. (Special.)
Tha much talked of telephone ordinance,
the one granting a franchise to a new mu
tual concern, haa passed the city council lnf , forged , fr.udulnt
and is now in the hands of the mayor. ,lnuiinc; , Mm, w t,ken
Those who claim to know the attitude of
of this county. The report Is signed by
J. H. Grimm. R. M. Proud fit and Kay J.
a Duott as sucn committee. MewDy waa
given until next Monday to Ale his objec
tions to the report. y
Before Justice ot the Peace J. V. Sheetak
here this morning a warrant waa l'esuej
agalnat William hi Newby on the com
plaint of George A. Taylpr. charging him
with uttering and publishing a deed know-
A con
the de
fendant giving 1600 ball for his appear-
Beady to Clo-e tha Fourth Contest for Ten
Tree Trip, to St- Louie Eipoei Joo.
Council BlntTs Wsklaf tp Miss Me.
i'oanell's Srore Already a Sky
scraper Who Will Be Bis
Ten Tomorrow t
The final day In the fourth of The Bee's
series of contests for sixty free trips to
the St. Louis exposition has arrived and
today's vote will determine who are to have
ten more of the coveted prtsea It Is more
than likely that Miss Ixittle McConnell ot
Council Bluffs will be among the winners,
though It Is not yet assured that 4,000 votes
will this time Insure a position among the
big ten. There is only one safe rule for
candldatea and that Is to keep on getting
votes to the last hour, as no one can tell
Just what the dividing line Is to be between
the tenth and eleventh tn the list.
The vote at S p. m. Wednesday waa:
Lottie McConnell. Council Bluffs 4,000
Joyce Hall. David City
Joe Barker, umsha
Paul Havens, unniha
Anna Kexowsky, Omaha
Luella Greenleaf, Fremont
ried Ingersoil. South Omaha ....
Charles A Martin, Wayne
H. Nllss.m. Omaha ,
Frsnk Mathee, Omaha
S. Burkenrood, Omaha
Frank Dougherty, Omaha
Charles Iing, Oinstia
David Brodky, Oniuliii
Calvin Evans, South Omaha
C. E. I'nulsin. Omaha
Ethel McMillan. South Omaha ,
B. McKlrnvy. RilnK City
W. (Joe liner. Seward
Mary Durgasewskl, Omaha
ii'ina Jnritaoii. Omaha
William Kinney. South Omaha....
Robert Hasan. Omaha
Mrs. J. Harrow, Omaha
ot st Colnmbns Man.
COLUMBUS, Neb., April 13.-(Specin.l.)
It was thought for a few days that the
stranger who was found murdered near
Humphrey March 28 was John Donnelly,
who waa well known here, but recent de
velopments have proven this to be a false
Idea. Donnelly was known to have the
figure of a woman shooting a bow and
arrow tatooed upon his left arm In Indlu
nk. ahd Sheriff Carrig Is advised from the
medical college In Lincoln, where the re
mains weresent, that there were no marks
of any description on the body. Donnelly
was a fancy card writer and a number of
cards found on the murdered man com
pare very well with Donnelly's work, which
s well known here. In the meantime Don
nelly haa dropped suddenly out of sight.
Leaves Big Roll In Room.
FREMONT, Neb.. April 13. (Special )-
John Doerr, proprietor of the New Tork
hotel, yesterday, while looking over the
rooms at the hotel, found a pock el book
stuck In the mirror of a dressing case. He
opened it and waa surprised to find that It
contained a large number of $100 bills,
While he waa counting the money and
wondering who, if anyone, occupied the
room the night before, a man came In
rather hurriedly and told the landlord that
he came near leaving town without hla
pocketboow, which h had stuck In the
mirror for safe-keeping. The amount of
his roll exceeded tlO.000.
Love Affair Finally Lands Sheldon on
Forgery Charge.
YORK. Neb., April 13 (Special.) Frank
Sheldon, the alleged forger. Is expected
here tomorrow tn custody of John Affle.
baugh, deputy sheriff of York county
Sheldon Is tha young man who came to
York county last fall looking for farm
work and hired to Wes Wiseman, son-ln
law of William Otto, who operates an ele
vator and store at Charleston and Is the
largest land owner In York county. While
here Sheldon made friends and It waa not
long until he had made the acquaintance
of the cashier of the bank at Bradshaw,
Mr. Housemnn. One day laat fall 8heldon
stepped In the bank at Bradshaw and de
posited a check for $800 signed by William
Otto, saying that Mr. Otto waa now em
ploying him to buy live stock and that he
would need all the money. He drew 1425 In
cash and then deposited the balance, saying
that he thought he would soon buy enough
to use all the money. Mr. Sheldon then
disappeared. Detective Afflebaugh was put
on his trail and several times he has nearly
had his man, but each tme Sheldon skipped
Only for a love affair In Ontario, Canada
Is the reason Sheldon stayed long at one
place. He married and waa enjoying his
honeymoon when Afflebaugh again learned
of his whereabouts and left for Canada.
Sheldon says he will return without extra
dition papers.
Geneva to Have Flno Park..
GENEVA, Neb., prll U.-(8pecial )
From present appearances Geneva wi;i
have one of the most beautiful parks In
the state. At a meeting of the Commercial
club last night of at least 100 memr-ers
the club, with a committee from the Equal
Suffrage club, decided that, with the con
sent of the Board of Supervisors already
secured, .the park should receive good at
tention this coming season. Trees will be
cultivated and flower beds made and at
tended to by the members of the Suffrage
club, work win De commenced at once
and the park made a beautiful resort for
our citizens.
Marital Trouble for Old Residents
BEATRICE, Neb., April IS (Special.)
Yesterday, In district court, Mrs. Cather
ine Gallogly was granted a decree of di
vorce from her husband, Patrick Gallogly,
and the custody of the minor children. The
charges alleged are drunkenness and cru
elty. Mr. and Mrs. Gallogly are old nnd
prominent residents ot Barneston, this
Fortune for Beatrice Woman.
1 BEATRICE, Neb., April 13. (Special Tel
gram.) Mrs. Mary Slsson of this city
widow of the late Dr. William Slsson, re
celved word today from New York Ctty
that she' had fallen heir to J2.000.0O0 In
Gotland, left her by her grandfather,
George Bowler, who died some years ago,
Pays Fine for Aaannlt.
BEATRICE, Neb., April 13.-(Speclal.)
Louie Engler was arrested yesterday an
lodged in Jail on a charge of assaulting
Carl Schults with a knife on March 26
with intent to do great bodily harm. He
pleaded guilty and waa released after pay
Ing a fine.
Tunnel Nine nivu innwDY
iiiuionnuo .mid mmm
imwik wilful
: i i ....... " sSKSfc
To Prove What Swamp-Root, the Great Kidney
Remedy Will Do for YOU. Every Reader of The
Bee May Have a Sample bottle .Sent Free by Mall.
Weak and unhealthy kidneys mn responsible for more sickness mni
suffering than any other disease, therefor, when through neglect or ether
causes, kidney trhuble la fermltted to continue, fatal result are sura to
Your other organs may need attention-but your kidneys most, because
they do most and need attention first.
If you are sick or "feel badly," begin taking Dr. Kilmer's 5wamp-Root,
the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy, be causa as soon as your kidneys
Koarin tn vet He t tar thav will haln all the other organs to health. A trial will
convince anyone.
Tha mild and Immediate effect of Swamp- 1 digestion, being obliged to pass your water
Root, the great kidney and bladder remedy, frequently night snd day, smarting or Irrl-
Regimental Band Inspection.
OSCEOIA. Neb.. April IS. (Special.)
The Osceola band of the Second regiment
of the Nebraska National Guard Is' plan
nlng for "a hot time" Saturday evening,
for It Is inspection night and It Is not only to
have a United States officer. General Dag
gett, and hla. staff, but officers of the state,
vis: Adjutant General Culver and the com
mander-tn-chlef of Nebraska's forces, Gov
ernor John II. Mickey. A banquet and
supper will be given In the new Audi
torlum building and there will be speaking
galore as well as the eating.
Hnanboldt iVirenien Elect.
HUMBOLDT. Neb.. April 13.-(Speclal.)-The
local firemen at their annual election
of officers recommended H. V. Dorland for
reappointment as chief, and selected the
following officers for the ensuing year:
William Schwass, assistant chief; Bert Mc
Culloch, secretary; B. Nlnger, treasurer;
Ernest Cllft, foreman hook, and ladder
team; Vint Chaflln, foreman hose team No.
1; Rus Gandy, foreman hose tesm No. 3;
John Bash, steward.
Is soon realised. It stands the highest
for Its wonderful cures of the most dis
tressing cases. Swamp-Root will set your
whole system right, and the best (.roof
of this is a UiaL
U Cottage St., Melrose, Mass.
Dear Sir: Jan. 11th. 104.
"Ever since I was In the Army, 1 had
more or less kidney trouble, and within tha
Bast year It became so severe and compli
cated that I suffered everything and was
much alarmed my strength and power
war fast leaving me. 1 saw sn advertise
ment of Swamp-Root and wrote asking
for advice. I began the use of the medi
cine and noted a decided Improvement
after taking Swamp-Root only a short
montlnued Its use and am thankful to
say that I am entirely cured and strong.
In order to be very sure of this, I had a
doctor examine some of my water today
and he pronounced it ail rigm ana in
splendid condition.
I know that your Swamp-Root Is purely
vegetable and does not contain any harmful
drugs. Thanking you for my complete re
covery and recommending Swamp-Root to
all sufferers, I am. Very truly yours,
Tou may have a sample bottle of this,
famous kidney remedy, Swamp-Root, sent
free by mall, postpaid, by which you may
teat its virtues for such disorders as kid
ney, bladder and urto add diseases, poor
EDITORIAL NOTICE Bo successful la Swamp-Root In promptly curing even
tha most distressing cases of kidney, liver or bladder 'roubles, that to prove Ita
wonderful merits you may have a sample bot(la and a book of valuable Information,
both sent absolutely free by mall. Tho book contains many of tha thousands upon
thousands of testimonial letters received from, men and woman cured, Tha value
and success of Swamp-Root is so well known that eur readers are advised to sen4
far a sample bottle. In sanding your address to Or. Kilmer tc. Co., Bingham ton, H.
y.", be sure to say you read thla generous offer In The Omaha Dully Bee. The
Proprietors of thla paper guarantee the genuineness of this offer.
Hand Crushed In Machinery.
SH ELTON. Neb., April 13. (Special.)
Charles Tague, a laborer In the employ
of George Melsner, while working In the
elevator grinding corn yesterday morning,
met with a very painful accident. He was
working around the rolls In the elevator
and In some manner his right hand waa
drawn into the machine and terribly
crushed and mangled. He was brought at
once to town and the member amputated
at the wrist. -
Near Beatrice Conaell at Work.
BEATRICE, Neb.. April 1.1. (Special.)
The new city council took hold last night,
all the old members being re-elected except
II. J. Chase, who succeeds La. A. Scroggs
of the First ward. P. D. Kees was elected
president by acclamation. Mayor Shults
announced the standing committees for the
year, and A. J..Pethoud was elected city
engineer to fill the vacancy In the office
caused by the death of Willis Ball.
tation in passing, brick-dust sediment In
the urine, headache, bscknche, lame back,
dliilneea, sleeplessness, nervousness, heart
disturbance due to bad kidney trouble,
skin eruptions from bad blood, neuralgia,
rheumatism, diabetes, blo.ntlng. Irritability,
wornout feeling, lack of ambition, loss of
flesh, sallow complexion, or Bright dis
ease. If your water, when allowed to remain
undisturbed In a glass or bottle for twenty-four
hours, forma a sediment or settling
or has a cloudy appearance. It Is svldanoa
that your kidneys and. bladder need Im
mediate attention.
Bwamp-Root Is the great discovery of Dr.
Kilmer, the eminent kidney and bladder
specialist. Hospitals use It with wonderful
success In both slight and sever eases.
Doctors recommend It to their patients
and use It In their own families, because
they recognise in Bwamp-Root tha greatest
and most successful remedy.
Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and Is
for sale at drug stores ths world over tit
bottles of two slaes and two price fifty
cents and one dollar. Remember the nam,
Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root,
and tho address, Blnghamton, N. T., on
every bottle.
cur OFF ' - .
keeps yo half III quit 10 days
and use
aiad note change la health
Held on Harder Chare.
ITULLERTON. Neb.. April lt.-(8peclal.)
The preliminary trial of Bert Tarpenlng.
who stands charged with the murder of
Maynerd Kdgtngton. whom he struck on
the side of the bead with 'hi list on Thurs
day last, was concluded 1st last evening
before Judge Robinson, who held the de
fendant to answer In the district court
and fixed his bond at tlO.ouo.
nosnboldf May Ball City Rail.
HUMBOLDT. Neb.. April IS. 4 Special
An ordinance calling a special election for
the purpose of voting on the question of
Issuing bonds for the erection of a new
I CMu city hall, waa Introduced and passed
Am reading- at the last meeting o th
Greatest In the World .
A MILLION HALE OLD GRAND-DADS credit their healthy old so to CA9
CABETS Candy Cathartic, and are telling younger folks how to stay young In
spirit by ualna CASCARETS. That's why the sale la over A MILLION BOXES
A MONTH. The one who likes good eating and good drinking can always
depend on CASCARETS to help digest his food, tone up his lnlesMuos, stlm
ulaLta bis liver, keep bis bowels regular, bis blood pure and active, and his
whole body healthy, clean and wholesome. "In time of peace prepare for
war," an1 have about tha bouse a pleasant medicine for sour stomach, sick
headache, furred tonqu. lazy liver, bad breath, bad taste CASCARETS
Candy Cathartic a tablet at bed-time will fix you all right by morning. All
druggists. lOc, 2Sc, 50c. Never sold In bulk- The genuine tablet etavmpedi
CCC. bample and booklet free.
IT Address STERLING REMEDY CO., Chicago or New Tork.
S45.Q0 OtVlAlIA TO
The rate froin other points is correspondingly low.
.Selling dates: April 23 to May 1.
Iieturn limit: June 30.
Liberal stop-over privileges.
A very unusual opportunity to see the wonders of
the West the Rocky Mountains, freat Halt Lake,
and the cities, old missions, resorts aud marvelous
vegetation of California.
The Hock Island System forms a part of two direct
and very interesting routes to Los Angeles and
Kan Francisco "Scenic Line" (byway of Colo
rado and Rait Lake City) and ''Southern IJoute"
(via El Paso and within sight of Old .Mexico).
Go one way, return the other.
Full Information at this oflVe.
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Cor Msvn, Besxet or PosUtrjr.
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besvle Old Sore) quick!.
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core Carta, Horns, BmlMsV
Mustang Liniment
cares) Sprsdae send Strain a.
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im a positive; car for Pile
I understand that the Santff Fe will sell one
way colonist tickets to ,
Cl1 if ori iL
during March and .prll at very low rates. ,
$23 from Omaha via Kansas City and the Santa ft
Corresponding reductions from other points.
Pleas asrvts ass Ml serttuilsrs.
Aarrtf ,
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Oy emd StaU ,
Out out tAu advertiteinent and mail to
B. L. Palmer, l'attmger Ayent, All the Way
A. T. 8. F. By., W KqXahU JJildiij, Da Moiwis, la.
V. J. BLACK. G. P. A.. Top It a. Kas.