10 TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, APRIL 14. 1904. jffm. ILIDWIilMIIIIIH ladles' Tape Glrdlo Corsets at 3Jc Jfol Tape Qlrdle Corsets t 39c THURSDAY BARGAINS Ladies' Street Hats at $1 Very etylish and nobby ready-to-wear hats all of them this season's late and popular styles, made of fancy braid and effectively trim- med would sell for $2 and $2. 50 In millinery stores generally ; 1 Trimmed Hats and Street Hats at $2.98 A splendid assortment of new Idee In trimmed hats made of new soft straws, chiffons, etc, and asw QQ prettily trimmed with B..0 latest spring effects, also hundreds of high grade jaaf treet hat la Our Rawer Department A vast assortment of the moat popul ar flower for trimming rosea, popples, violets, etc., etc. on sole in our great flower department, worth up to 75o, . at ........ ... ...., , 15c-25c-39c I Ltvdies $1 Wrappers e.t 49c Hundreds of wrapper, made of percale. In all color, and a variety of pat terns braid trimmed flounces, clusters of tucks, ruffles, etc. all sites, worth TC up to 11, on bargain square - Ladies Waists at 95c The new shirt waist, for WM-made of the pretty fabric, for spring and early 95c summer wear a fine assortment on bargain square tomorrow, at Ladies' Spring Kid Gloves a.t 59c Pr. 59c Thousand, of pair, of kid gloves In new colors all slies made of Oerman lamb skin and real kid every pair perfect worth up to $1 a pair, at, pair All Linen Handkerchiefs Ladles' and men', handkerchief, that I0c-121c are worth 25c each, at, each Watch Our J Windows L Ladies' Underwear Ladle.' .prlng and summer weight vest sleeveless and wing f' sleeves, at, each... t2 Watch Our 3S,SSSQ Windows UJ III 1U1 B JCIv ALL SOIL IS MOIST ENOUGH Entire Territory Covered bj Burlington in Nebraska GeU Borne Bain. t ASTERN PART HAS HEAV1 PALLETS Iibbwt o( Live Itock, Frelt and Aarrlewltvral Conaltloas la State Arte Week of Rather -' veas Weather. The Burlington crop report which cover, conditions on the line, of the system west of Omaha, say. the soil in eastern Ne braska Including the Kansas line from Odell to Concordia, a. far wet a. Grand Island. Hastings and Red Cloud is in ex cellent condition for this season of the year. On the southern division especially, show ers have been general during the week, ex cept on the west end of the DeWltt Holdrege line and wet weather ha. to some extent retarded spring work. On the northern division there ha. been leas rain, but no part of the division la at present suffering from moisture. Consider able rain ha. fallen on .the southern divis ion during the week In the Republican val ley, from Red Cloud to Cambridge on the Kansas branchea, and on the line from Xeneeaw to Cambridge via Holdrege. Some rain ha. fallen at place, weat of Cambridge, between Wray and Akron for Instance, the (all was nearly an Inch and this small strip of territory look, well; weat of Akron very little rain ha. fallen. There ha. been some rain between Holdrege and Curtis and the soil Is In fair condition; west of Curtis no rain has fallen during the week, and the ground Is exceedingly dry. The Alliance division has had very little rain since the last report and the ground west of Broken Bow, except In the Black Hills, Is generally dry. ' On the Sheridan division the weather ha. 'been cold during the week. Oras. I. beginning to .tart on the ranges, however, and they look well. Boll condition, are re ported favorable for such farming a. is aaually done in that section. - Not much progress has been made in spring plowing on the two eastern divisions, specially on the southern. On this division the ground Is not In fit condition on account of its being too wet. Borne plowing has, however, been done during the week. Oat. and spring wheat have been sowed to quite an extent a. far west as Broken Bow, Curtt. and Cambridge. The Kansas branches are reported in good condition STUBBORN COLDS For obstinate colds, lingering coughs and 'persistent bronchitis i Scott's Emulsion is a standard remedy and !a reliable cure. You can feel the good jeffects of even a small Ibottle. Easy to take. on the western division and much spring plowing and seeding has been done. The Indications are that the average amount of spring grain will be sown generally in the Burlington territory. .Wheat generally is In good condition. There is prospect for a full crop as far west as Red Cloud, Hasting, and Grand Island A half crop la the best that can be expected (or a considerable distance west of these point., but very unfavorable west of Curtis, Indlanola and Seneca. On the Alliance division the crop I. not In good condition; no rain there during the week, and the ground 1. very dry. It I. Impossible to state ae yet just how much damage ha. been done to fruit by the recent bllnard. The Indications are that the peach crop ha. suffered most. Pastures, meadow, and ranges are re ported In good condition. The range, be tween Seneca and Alliance need rain. No report ha. been received showing that stock wintered badly. All report, state that stock Is In good or fair condition. HOW'S YOUR STAMP BOOK COMING? I p R pn pr If To Ma.il Order Buyers OUR DAILY ADVERTISING 13 OF GRKATEK SERVICE TO YOU THAN A CATALOOUE. YOU CAN GET IN ON ANY OF OUR DAILY ADVER TISED SENSATIONS AND SALES IK YOU ACT QUrCKIVY IF YOU WRITE US IMMEDIATELY THE PAPER REACHES YOUR TERRI TORY - PROVIDED THE GOODS ARE NOT ALL BOLD, WE WILL FILL YOUR ORDER. HERE'S A CONCESSION THAT NO EASTERN MAIL ORDER HOUSE CAN GIVE ITS BUYERS. WE ARE RUNNING AN UP-TO-DATE DEPARTMENT STORE A LIVE, ALERT, ENER GETIC. THE GREATEST PROOF OF THIS IS TO HE FOUND IN OUR EXTRAORDINARY BARGAIN SALES. NOTHING OF THE KIND EVER CH ARACTERIZES THE COMMON MAIL ORDER HOUSE. DON T YOU FEE HOW OUR DAILY NEWSPAPER ADS ARE OK GIGAN TIC ADVANTAGE TO YOU COM PARED WITH THE OBSOLEic) CATALOGUE? How's Your Stamp Book Coming? Oxford and Slipper Day at Bennett's A most complete line of Dorothy Pod 1 Oxfords and Slippers, f g niHilf, In all styles and all A ill leathers, 13.00 and iJ J Men's hand sewed welt Orforda In patent kid, Corona Oxfords, tan Rus sia, box calf and vlcl kid, all shapes and all prices. Doys' Oxfords patent colt, box calf and vinl kid, all plzes from 8 s in cliilds' up to big boy's. Old ladies' hand turned sole, easy Oxfords and slippers (no tacks). Plain toes and tips. Misses' and children's Oxfords and Slippers all kinds and at prices lower than the lowest. Doublet Green Trading; Stamps On Above Thursday. booties fHi 1 The Grocers THE BUSY OROCERS THB SATISFACTORY OROCERS THE SUCCESSFUL OROCERS THE LEADINQ OROCERS Commencing Thursday morning we introduce a free demonstration of canned fruits and vegetables. Fruits that are luscious, perfectly preserved, fruit that melts in one's mouth, preserved in a perfect syrup. No finer fruits on the market than these. Our demonstrator will serve them to every body. MAIN FLOOR. With each can of fruit sold at the booth. PEACHES SLICED FOR CREAM. PEACHES FOR DESSERT, PEARS, PLUMS, ATRICOTS, BLACKBERRIES, WHITE CHERRIES, PITTED CHERRIES, PRESERVED RED RASPBERRIES, BLACK RASPBERRIES. The choicest fruits produced. Big Detains in Dress Goods Dept. !00 pieces new, pretty voiles, plain and fancy mohairs, langes and vlgolnx, 33 to 45 inches wide and worth 75c yard. See the big assortment Thursday, yard Scotch suitings, me- 50c Big Wash Goods Sale VOILES 150 pieces plain and fancy voiles in all the very newest and swelleat effects, worth 29o yard, special, yard 60 piece, very fine Imported Swisses and batiste. In a very pretty collection of colorings and figures, worth to 60o yard. Extra special, yard , 15c llectlon 18c White Waistitigs ft Railway Notes and Personals. J. A. Kuhn, assistant general passenger and freight agent of the Nebraska and Wyoming division of the Northwestern, left for Chicago Tuesday evening. Tho Rock Island has announced a re duction of 6 cents in the rate on beer be tween Milwaukee and the Missouri river. The new rate Is i0 cents per luo and the old rate was 26 cents. A reduction in the ratu on sal soda has also been announced. The old rate was 32 cents per 1U0 and the ouw now in eneci is zu cents. Ocorge A. McOonnaugh, Immigration agent or me union facinc, hus just re turned from a trio to California. He le ports conditions splendid on the coast and was particularly struek with the com mercial enterprise in and around Stockton where he spent most uf this visit. He ays the Stockton (lour mills are running very steadily and sending large supplies or nour to me unenu The Burlington, is putting on through trains via Ogden from California to St. Louis to take care of the umuwuHor traffic which is expected to Increase during the World's fair. Special trains will also be put on via Billings from the northwest to St. Louis to handle an increased businexs from that section of the country. Mo through trains have heretofore been run by the Burlington via these points. J. Francis, general passenger agent of the B. & M., left Tuesday evening for Kansas City, where ne went to take a special train for Santa Barbara, Cul., to at term the meeting ot the Transcontinental Paascnger association. The special train whicn will carry me members or me at eoriatlon left Chicago via the Santa Fe and will go west through Kansas City. It la thought that the meeting will last until about May i. Word has been received at Union Paciflo headquarters from Oeorge Scribner, who was formerly chief clerk In the tax de partment uf the road. He has Just entered the service of the San Pedro line In the department of Auditor Bettia. He says that since leaving this city his health has Im proved very much and that he feels good at the present time and Is recovering his former strength. From Omaha he went to Honolulu, from which place he recently returned to California to assume his new duties. Tom Hughes, traveling passenger agent of the Missouri Pacific, has just returned from St. Louis, where he spent a few days looking ovjr the exposition grounds. He says many wonders are to be seen when the fair is thrown open to the public. One ot the things which impressed him the most Is the method of providing shade trees for the grounds. Large trees are being taken ud from their native heath and replanted on the grounds In row. Some of these trees are over a foot In diameter and It requires a flat car to transport each tree. laBasasaatory RbeasMtlssa Cared. William Shaffer, a brakeman of Dennl son, Ohio, wa. confined to hi. bed for several week, with Inflammatory rheum.' turn. "I used many remedies," be says. "Finally I sent to McCaw'a drug store for a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm, at which time I wa. unable to use hand or foot, and In one week's time was able ta go to work as happy as a clam." 200 pieces very fine highly mercerized English waisting In a pretty lot of pattern., worth up to 45c yard. On j Of special tables Thursday, yard , fa JC S00 remnant, of imperial long cloth, 86 Inches wide, worth to 25o o j - yard. To close out, yard, 11c and OjC Jackets and Stamps Thursday We invite you, ladle., to take part In our Jacket carnival Thursday. All our tan and black Jackets will be put on sale Thursday. Tan Covert Jacket, at 118.60. $13.50, 19.90, $8.96, $7.95, $6.95, and .4.95 4.95 Black Cheviot and Cloth Jackets at $18.50, $H.90 $13.90, $11.90. $9.75, $7.95, $6 95 and WITH EVERT ONE OF THESE JACKETS WE WILL GIVE DOUBLE GREEN TRADING STAMPS. STICK TO THE LITTLE GREEN STICKER DR. BRADBURY Painless Extraction Without (las. Filling 50c us Gold Crowns, $2,50 op Bridge Work $2.50 np Lady Attendant 1506 Fartiniti DENTIST. TEL. 1754. Fourteen Years Sam Location We positively remoy nerves from teetb with, out the least particle ol pain. Plates $2 up. Open Sunday 10 to 1 2 VERY NEW THINGS In Shopping Bags, swell shapes, made of pleated leather, These ure thoroughly up-to-date goods W.UO, $i.U0, $.ii, $7.50 up to $12.00. Then we have a nice line of mneh li -xrwnsive ones nnnusome uce good, too. Spend a ft nlnutes in our store. Look for the name. S. VV. Lindsay. Jeweler. 1516 Douglas St. Marriage Llecasss. Vp to noon April 13 the following couples Name and Residence. Xk. wauer n. iiouuer. umaha 23 duua nuu, ismana jo r.awara a. narrows, jort ("rook ji Marion c. 1401s, ueueva, is. I..., ....... Bert Van Mouton. Sidney n Elte K. Grove, Sidney William D. Riley, Omaha 2 Grace Hagelboker, Onuha 17 U-H. Wedding Kings. JUlhulin, jeweler. JL JUL FTnrxn n m mm umW 4 THE GREATEST OF ALL Him TONICS. DANDRUFF CURES AMD SCAIP CLEANSERS Will NOT Make the Hair Darker Absolutely Stops Falling Hair COSTS Actual results prove that Hal line is the best heir growing tonie and dandruff eure In the world today, ret It has been placed at a lower price than any hair toole on the market, and Is now on general sale et drug etoreaat II cents per bottle. At ler tenting It you ean get sis bottles more for 76c We cannot Oil mall orders at this low price unless I cents extra Is enclosed. Ioalst on your druggist getting It for you. EEAL-STREIT CO., 79-81 Cortlindt Stmt, KEW TORK Drag Bales Oo General Rales Agent. K Randolph Si. Chicago. For sale looaily by Sehaeter'a Cat Price- Dvaar Stare, Cm. jtk and Chics go su. We Bought Pianos Cheap So Shall YOU A rcpntnhle dealer had B0 high grade pin no th.it luid to be turned into money, at once. We bought them (needless to say at our own figures) and have priced them for quick disposition SALE Beautiful M.ison A Hamlin COCCI upright, regular price 1500.... wOuU Elegant Rosewood, Steck, tCCH grand, regular price $900....WU3U Knnhe Ooncprt Orand, VCCA regular price I1.0UO 39U Kimball Parlor Grand, antique OTE oak ense, regular price $650.. .0 19 Arlon TTprlRht fine condition, regular price IM) Wl33 Three other standard upright I'l anns. J110, $1S8 $138 Square Fianos, t9fl up from VtU Mason & Hamlin, Kstey and other Organs, J15.00 up. Less than one-half the regular price. Piano Players Four nuikes and grades, $125, $175, $225 and $2.i0. Reasonable supply of Music Rolls included. TERMS of purchase arranged td meet Individual requirements on both new and used Instruments. New pianos for rent ot i'i. $4 and $5 per month e months' rent allowed, If purchased. LER (incorporated) MANUFACTURE-WHOLESALE -RETAIL F 1 X M O S IAIN HOUSC AND OFFICt: 1313 FA".WAM fACTOHY: 131S FARN AM TELEPHONE 12S OMAHA LINCOLN, NEB I CO. BLUFFS, I ta a. iith st. I eoa buoadwa" TIL. TS I Til" eS "If you want to be noticed you must get in front ef folks and worry "em some" Josh Billings. We want you to notice that we are right In front of you all the time with Goodrich Hose the very best Hose made. Another feature about Goodrich Hose is the brand Is AL.WA1H the same QUALITY. TRITON, TORRCKT, CASCADE, wi: RLPooi,, deluge;, ARTESIAN, TIDAL. All seamless tube and warranted. Jas. Morton & Son Go. T I 1511 Dodge St. Exclusive Agents Goodrich Hose. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Reaches the Live atouk Men. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER r,n Dollar u Year. 100 Men's Shirts, Sain urday (UiAMfTHllfM' THB RELIABLE! STORE. 100 Men's I Shirts, Sat- ind urday . ..." 2 90 3 75 6 00 Modem Merchandising Women's Susts Now Half Price The Great Sale Jn Full Blast Our methods after Easter ar to sell 7 CA Women's $15.00 suits for I OU Women's $26.00 suits 19 7 R for m ....... .....I J 19 Women's $35.00 sulU 17 50 Women's sample suits exclusive ft En designs, $30.u0. $5.00 and OU We sre also selling Women' eartjr Spring Skirts, at snout hair regular price. 15.00 Shirts, In fancy mixtures and plain blacks, at $8 00 Walking Bklrts, In mixtures an plain gray, brown, blue and black, at The handsomest line of Walking Skirts shown, at $16.00, $12.00, $10.00, $8 00, and Women's Voile Skirts tench Voiles wiUi handsome Taffeta Drop Beautiful ! Voile Skirts- fi Ofl -jriced sny where, at $16.00- 8 90 " rVne gride Voile Skirts-best bar- 14 fin gains of season, at $1600 and If. UU See our Voile Skirts at $3.98 Bargains in Spring Coats Women's Silk Coats at $3.90 Women's Silk Coats, in five different styles, at $7.50, $10 and $15 Women's Covert Jackets $5, $7.50, $i0 and $12 Wbists Waists Waists Unr than all tha houses In Omaha com bined and at prices lower than ever before known in tne city. $1.25 Women's lawn and Vesting Waists- All new spring styles a great Kflr snap at 31 Women's Waists Made by the four lead ing manufacturers ot tne country per fect In fit new full sleeve In linens, lawns, testings and organdies Cf sale price wU Women's Waists In Japs, talletaa. On Uo- ens. Imported vestlngs, beautltul organ dies great values at $5.00 9 OQ sale price a 90 Wcmeu's Pine Rammer Waists. Imported styles made from the most beau- tlful stylish materials best of workmsn shlp an extremely handsome collection at $6.00. $7.60, $10.00, $12.00. $16.00. Interesting; Specials for Tharsdar. 75a Women's Calico Wrappers In light and dark colore at $1.0i Women's Black Mercerised Underskirts at $2.00 Women's Crepe Klmonas In I Aft all colors satin trlmnked at I UU $2.50 Women's Waists In lawns, vestlngs and dimities all nicely trimmed QQo $2.00 Children's Spring Coats with I flA cape over shoulders at. ....... ...,. I UU $2.00 Women's Moreen Petticoat at , ...39o 49o I 00 In Our Ladies9 Furnishing Dept. From 9 A. M. Till 10 A. M. Thursday. We will place on eale one lot of Ladles' Hose, fancy drop stitch and plain Lisle fln- isn, in Dom dibck ana colors, ail sises, worm up to sw per pair - uin w t choice, at. From iO A.M. Till 11 A. M. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S MUSLIN U NDKRWEAR Conflating ' of '.adW Kins ana urawers or nne cam one witn wine umureua rvmes; ouiaren short hem stitched drawers and skirts, and ladies' fancy corset covers, sises U to et, - ep . lace and embroidery trimmed, worth 39o and 60o choice aOw Your Opportunity $19.95 French China Dinner Set $2.00 By purchasing one of our fine Gold finished Kaynes 12 piece Toilet Seta at' regular price ; And one of our handsome hand decorated parlor lamps, with suocess burner at reguar price WE WILL INCLUDE FOR $2.00 MORE ONE OF OUR $19.86 FINE DECORATED FRENCH CHINA DINNER BETS. Think Of It XM.K WORTH OF FINE WARE FOR $17.00 DO NOT FAIL TO BEE TUEcUS ARTICLES. 8 50 6 51) The Customers Grocery Headquarters WE RETAIL AT WHOLESALE PRICES. TRADING STAMPS ABSOLUTELY FREE. 1 pounds pure granulated sugar tor l-uu. Impound sack pure buckwheat flour, 26a. Large sack cornmeal, 12Vc t pounds good Japan rice, 19c. t pounds hand picked navy beans, ISo. 6 pounds pearl tapioca, sago or farina, 19c. Six bars White Russian, Diamond C. Beat 'Em All, Swift's I'rlda, Armour's or Getty's Laundry Soap for 18o. 6 pounds t.reakfaat rolled oats, ISo, 1-pound package macaroni, 9c. Celluloid, KUtsuc, 1 X L or Eleotrlo starch at 7c per package. Large bottle fancy mixed ohow chow, onions, gherkin or sweet pickles at So per bottle. 1-pound pure fruit preserves, Stto. l-gallon cans fancy apples, 19c. Vj-gallon can fancy table syrup, 16a. Condensed soup, 6c per can. 3-pound can fancy table peaches, apricot, poars, green gage or egg plums at LiWo. S-pouud can solid packed tomatoes, "o. 8-pound can baked beans, 7Vi3. WHOLESALE DRIED FRUIT PRICES. Fancy California peaches, per pound, 70. Fancy California grapes, per pound, 7Vfec Fancy Virginia blackberries, per lb., 7Vko, Fancy New York King apples, per Id., vu. Fancy California Harriett pears, per lb.. Fancy Moor Park apricots, per lb., 12tyo. Fancy Virginia raspberries, per lb., 20c. WHOLESALE FKE8H FRUIT PRICES, Fancy large Highland oranges, per dosen, 16c. Fancy large Highland seedless lamons, per dosen, 12c. Fancy Hallowe'en dates per pound, 6c Fancy Colorado White Cover Honey, per rack, Uc. " TRADING STAMPS i BSOLUTELT FREE. HAVDERj BROS. W in S3 J Books Free With Bee Want Ads On Saturday at The Bee Office Every one placing a Want Ad in The Bee on Saturday, April 16, under the classifications For Rent Rooms, Help Wanted, For Sale Miscellaneous, Personal, Wanted to Buy, .or Wanted 'to Rent 1will be presented with one of the books on the list below. Your Choice of Twelve Titles 1 Macsria M by Bran 2 Lorna Doone bjr Black more ft Far From the Madding Crowd... by Tho. Hardy 4 Last Pays of Pompeii. .. .by Lytton 6 What Would You Do, Love? by Mary J. Holme ft Iabmael .......by Booth worth T An English , Wo man' Lot Letter ft The Three Guardsmen. . . .by Duma 0 Idle Thought by an Idle Fellow by J. K. Jerome 10- AII Aboard by Oliver Optic 11 Zoe by Author of Laddie" 13 Kamanth at Saratoga by Holley Handsomely Bound Books These books are bound in cloth, well made and well printed. They are selected from the best literature of the century and are a fit foun dation for any library. Everybody Reads The Bee Want Ad Pages i On cent par wora par Insertlwo, Daily or Sunday, oa above IVaXeS cUaaMcatloa. No drrt Uemeot taken for less tbaa 20 casts. Free Books at The Bee Office Saturday, j BBHBSSBjSbI mBmmtmmmmm,mmm?m ' 1 ymfmmmm'"'T'iitlBmT!!f,.UV!I mm?f!S?W T "Vi (