THE OMAHA DAILY I.EE: WEDNESDAY, "APRIL 13. 1004. CRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Corenitn?Dt Etp-rt Bhowt Ls FaTorible Oond.tion in Wheat Than Expeoitd. WINTER ONLY SEVENTY-SIX, FIVE-TENTHS Aeric la Gives Tn, Millions Less Than Last Year anal the Report la t'eneldereel Bullish. OMAHA, April 12, 1904. The government report was mora bullish than had been expected by the profea.ionala but the wheat market Bold oft, neverihelees. The market opened a cent stronger on tha strength of It, but the long wnneil alt to have an Intimation that tne opportunity had rome to dump their holdings on the Outsiders. They dumped. The May went olT 1 cent from the opening and new Juiy Utrenta. The government gives the sverage con dition of winter wheat April 1 a 76.5, which la lower than expected. The condition In the varloua etatea were, Kanaas 78. Mia eourt 81. California 82, Jndlana 66. Penn sylvania 71, Oklahoma M, Texas 6. Ten neeaea 73, II II note 83, Nebraska HI. The a vera ire for ten years on April 1 la M.1. Tne condition waa 97.3 laat April and 78.7 In 1902. The report erlvea the acreage of 2.000, AK leaa than Inat year and Indicates a crop of 404,OoO.Om bushels. With the ahort reaerve the report Is considered bulllah. It remalna to be seen how much the condi tion has Improved since the report waa ob tained. Missouri a known to have bettered but some other sections are thought to he worse. The general opinion la that the condition haa Improved. The report given the condition of winter rye as 82-3. against which la the average condition of April, ino3, 97 9, and 1901, 85 4, with the average of ten years, S9.1. The Illinola weekly re port la said to be bearish on wheat and bullish on coarse prralns. IJverpnol ad vanced d on the -government report. Armour is reported on rtimor to have chartered vessels for 3.000.000 bushela of No. 2 corn for lake shipment. The bull leaders seem content to let the market rest without any heavy advance, but the Chi cago close Monday showed that they will not have It sold off. Several bear leaders began offering May and July at fi?H and Valentine Jumped In and took 80,0(10 and offered 62 for an equal amount. R. B. Schneider of the Nye-Pchnelder-Fowler company la quoted from Chicago as saying there Is little corn In Nebraska. The Into high prices and the low rates Induced farmere to sell and they are now busy and will not market mora corn for a month. Only terminal houses have a reserve and Mr. Schneider Is quoted as Baying that their seventy-three houses only had tjo.ono bushels. The selling and feeding drain has been unprecedented. Omaha May sold off from !H4o to 4RHo. The range In prices of Omaha grain for . future delivery and the close Monday and today were aa follows: Closed Open. High. Low. Today. Mon'y Wheats May N July 83 Corn May 4914 July 474 8 WVB 88 KiVi 83V4j K3 4?4 4S4 49V4B 47K 47V4 47 87V4 87'4 8 49Vi 48 Oats May 88 July September .... Local Caah ::: : ft, Grain Market atiUB )4 Spot buaineaa was a little dull this morn tna and receipts were uuite smail. J. H Ailarns of the Crowell Lumber and Grain comuany of Ulalr was a vlaitor, "No, indeed, we are not ahipping any corn to the Omaha market," he aaid. "We have only one car of grain moving. We haven t any corn now. There Is not much left In the state and the farmers are too buay to sell corn. None of our houses are doing anything, and from what 1 hear few other levators are busy." Wheat and corn were steady at the mar ket of MonTliiy, but oats sold tyo under that day. Representative sales of oarlots by sampio on track at omaiia: frww Mn H AQt 1 ham 47m. W. A 1 car, 47o (Mississippi); 3 cars,' 40c; No. i White. 1 car. 48o: No. I white. 1 car. 4744c Hard Wheat No. 3. 1 car, 82c; No. 4, 1 car, ivc (Mississippi). Receipts of wheat were 1 car In and 4 cara out; one week ago. 6 and 13 cars Corn, 6 cars In and 6 cars out; one week ago, 33 and 8 oars. Oats, 1 car In and 1 car put: week ago, S cara In. WHEAT No. 1 hard. Mk39c; No. t hard, 8S9tc; No. 4 hard, 7S79e; No aprlng, L,y;io; No. 8 spring, k:u!i7e; No, 4 spring, WljT7c.-,' - CORN No. 2, 49c; No. 8, H-iJISo; No. 4, 4K'Q46r.c; no grade, 4ii44c; No. 2 yellow, 44c; No. 3 yellow, 47fiiKc; No. 2 white, 4X',-ic; no. B wnite, .'vu OATS No. 2. 88V440V4c: No, 1. 2, SBWHc; Ite, 41Hi424c; 4 White. 37W No. 4. 87V3Kc; No. 3 white, No. 8 white, JHt'uOHc; No. (8V.c; standard. Notes from the Etcbiag Oflleoa, Omaha Inspections of grain were 46 oars. Of wheat. 6 cars graded No. 8 bard winter and 1 car No. 4 hard winter. Of corn, 8 cara graded No. 2, 7 cars No. 8, 4 cars No. 4, 1 car no grad4) 3 cara No. 8 yellow, X cara No. 8 white and 2 cars No. 4 white. Of oats, 1 csrs graded No. 8 white clipped, 1 car no. M wnite ana s cars m. wniie. Grain Markets Elsewhere. Closing prices ot grain today and Mon day at the markets named were aa follows: CHICAGO. Wheat May July Corn- Today. Mon'y. .... 9274 934 .... ttB 86 May ... 61 A. ... 49A 83 jaiy Wis KANSAS CITT. Wheat - May July . July ... 84 ... 45 ... 44 83 76 46 4 ST. LOUIS. Wheat May .. ' July .. Corn May .. July .. Wheat- 3 82 .. 81 4H 47 ' 47B 6 MINNEAPOLIS. May July 92B 2B 94 DULUTIl Wheat May .. July .. Wheat May .. July .. B 1 91U KBW YORK. 90 4A Hli KW YORK OENKRAL MARKET. (notations of tbe Day , Various Commodities. NEW YORK. April 12.-FLOUR -Receipts. tVluO bbls.; exports, 12.6S9 bbls.; the market was very dull and unchanged; .Minnesota paicius, w.iiu.40: winter pat ents. I6.204cb.60: winter atralahta. 14.9ntfi6.15 winter extraa, U 35 . 00; Minnesota baKera, 34.1itt4.!)6; winter low grades, $3,161)3.80. Rye nour, uuu; tuir 10 gooa, t4.aui4.U); choice to iancy, IX1U K'U W.A I . Unlet ' VAll,v ..l.n 10hal.U; city. Il loial U; kiln dried, $3,104) 9, I. HYE Dull; No. I western, 80c. to arrive prompt. bAKLKY Quiet; feeding. 49c, c. I. f. New York: maltliiat. ifcfittoo. r. 1. f. IIufTalo. WHEAT Receipts, 42.000 bu. Spot market easy; jn ? reit, i.uu, nominal, elevator; No. 2 red. ll.Obij 1.09, nominal, f. o. b.. afloat: No. 1 northern Duluth, $1.00, f. o. b., alloat: No. 1 hard Manitoba, nominal, f. o. b., alloat. Options had a firm opening, but the close showed l'o net decline; May closed at 9uVc; July, 9o'ty2 6-16c. closed at 9oc; September, MViiM k,c, closed at 83c; I M-r.nt l.a-r cliuwi.l at kic. - CORN Receipts, 3,350 bu.; exports, 1.C51 bu. Upot market, woak; No. 1 nominal ele- ... -M.a tf 1. M ..... Ja fl illna. www. auu vv , a. - a,,, miiubi, m t . . w . , toe; No. 3 white. 66c. Option market opened firmer with wheat end broke violently; May closed at 66c; July, 64-o4o, cloeed at 4'c. OATS Receipts, 69,000 bu 1 exports, 11.078 bu. Hoot nmrket. weak; No. X 43c; stand lrd white, 4u'.c; No. 8 white, 46c; Nu. t hits. 4jVc. Options, nominal. HAY Btetidy; shipping, 67 a 70c; good to nnoice, vv.vo, HOPS cjulet; state, common to choice, ItoS crop. 27rJiic: liaji crop. 23tu Jic. UlDk.ri titeady; Gulvestou. 20 to 35 lbs.. imj; California, u to 3o lbs., 19c; Texas dry. 4 CO IDS., 140. I.EATH ER Steady ! add. 23a2c. RICE gulet; domestic, fair lu sxtra, 1 aj;ic: jaiun, nominal. I ROVISI0N8 He. f. dull: family. $10 5O9 1160; mess, $S5a)i9t0; beef bams. $2.1 .6iS SX.00; packet, Vaiaul0.60; city, extra India, Cut meats, aulet: clckled bellies. t7.uwu4.; pKkltd shoulders, $6 60; picklea name. owu u taj. iard, weak; west ern steamed, $6 at; refined, weak; continent. $7 06: South America, $7.76; compound, 90 fin-tzv 1'ora. eaay; ramlly, 814.&0; short clear. Il4 0ikuis7o; mess, 114 oce 14.50. BITTER I'nsettled; creamery, 14922c; taie uairy. ioijuc. CHEi-nE-rVJii-iittled at 10Sl?e. Eiitjrt Steady; western atorage selec tions. 18c: w saltern Orats. 17Wc. Px)l-1.TRY-Aile vt.4 tlreese4 stead and Kncuaiujeoa CHICAGO CiRAII ASD PROVISIONS. Feature ml f he Trad I age mm Closing Prices mm Hoard ( Trade. CHICAGO, April 12 A large Increase In the world a available atocka of wheat, to gether with a aharp decline In corn, caused weakness In wheat today. The close waa at the bottom. July wheat being dowu t'nrn showa a lose of IV'. Oats are off 4i7e, and provisions iVio higher tj l("o lower. Initial quotations on July were tinchfifired to e of a cent higner at 87c to 8,Ne. i he market closed with prices at the low point. May sold between KJVtc and 940 and cl'vel at 92n. Clesrancea of wheat and flour were equal to 2?9,6(jn bushels. The world a visible supply, aa shown by Uradstreeta Increase, waa 1.719,000 bushela. Primary re celpta were iSl.sMi bushela, compared with $ buahels a year ago. Minneapolis, Du luth and Chicago reported receipts of 161 cars, against 197 last arid ins. a year ago. A break In pries was the feature of trading In corn, i he market opened firm. In sympathy with wheat, hut the close was weak. July opened unchanged to j cent hlcher at 51'4c to 61V4je, ranged between 49c and 614c and rloaed at V.ic. May closed at 62c, after selling between Biyj and 6c. Local receipts were 19 cars, with 42 of contract grade. Oats exhibited pronounced weakness, es pecially the May delivery, which closed weak. July opened unchanged to Ho higher at 87ie to aV. sold between 3V(Mi;!c and Ii'ic, and cloaed at 3H74$37c. May ranged between 3H?4.c and Ssc, cloalng at IT6'S7Hc. Iocal receipts were 131 care. Provisions were firm, the close -'ng about ateady, with July pork down 10e at 110.36. juiy lard closed 2v cents hmn.. at 167' and ribs off 24 cents at (A. tin. The leading ruiures rangea as follows: Articles. Open. lllgh. Low. Close. Sat'y. Wheat May 94 9l'i 82H1 92T,( W, 8 86-V8BfiVi!8syav a July b July "7'H tc'S'aA Sept. b Kept. alls Hi Wy.,80Vtttrtfl 81 H ' 62 I 62 4SI 4'50V(i-l 4,48V4-iJj 48 Corn- May 63H 61H f0 July 6Ui'j'H Sent. l&o Vtf fa, I I Oats- May July SK SffkiS7tf374;38.'fT4 Kept. 32V.I aii Pork- 12 15 i 12 20 12 27W U 35 May 12 82 12 45 1 19 R.7U.' H30 46 60 6 66 6 36 July 12 4b 6 60 Lard- May July 6 66 70 6 4;W 6 60 67V4 bo 80 6 46 7H; Ribs- May July ( 40 I 62H 40 6 36 6 60 67H No. 1. a Old. b New. Cash quotations were as follows: KLOUlt-MHrket dull and steady: winter patents. 34.5uu4.70: stralsrhta. t4 40n4 7n: aprlngjmtents. $4.00(4.20; bakers, 83.0W63 60. WHEAT No. 2 spring, JKu97o; No. 3, VbCa wc; ro. a rea. no'gwc. TOK-Ho. z, f.&.c; No, 3 yellow, 62 52V4C. OAT8-N0. 2, 3737Hc; No. t white, 873 414c it I H IS O. 3. WC, BARLEY Good feeding. SOS33Uc: fair to Choice malting, 4466c. Btu-UH-flaxseed, 81.09; No. 1 northwest ern, 81.16. Timothy, prime, 82.90. Clover, contract grade, 311.00. I'ROVlSlONS-Pork, mess, per bbl., tl2.UV4ijjl2.26. Lard, per 100 lbs., 47V,. Hbort ribs (loose), Vi; dry salted shoulders (boxd. 96.7uU7.00; short clear sides (boxed), 87.28. The following were the receipts and-ship ments of flour and grain: iteceipt. Bnipments. Flour, bbls 80,400 37,900 wneat. du 31.0110 44. too Corn, bu 202.400 88.000 Oats, bu 178.4iO 246.700 itye, du 4.6011 Barley, bu 49,100 27,800 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was easy; creamery, 144x23'4e; dalrv. 12UT721C. Km. ateadv. at mark. canes Included. 164(al6Hc. Cheese, easy. 9ii St. Louis Grain aad ProTtsloas, BT. LOUIS. Anrll 12 WHEAT Lowrr. demoralised by bulls selling out- No. 2 red, cash, elevator, 963c; track, OGc'O'il.OS: May, 8IV.0; July, SlVi'aSlSc; No. 2 hard, 904i'J3c. WKN-uiwer: no. z casn, 4c;' tracx, 49$49Vc; May, 46Sc; July, 47H647viC. OAT9 Lower; No. cash, 41Hc; track. 4-'c; May, sue; July, grc; no. 3 white, 4vo. FIjOUR Dull and uncnanged; red winter patents, 84.9CU6.00. special brands, ZixftKc higher; extra fancy and straight, H8oty4-86; clear, 84.0044.26. Bturi nmotnv, siennv, 2.sua3.w. CORNMKAL Steady, $2.60. BRAN Firm: sacked, east track. 81 . .. . .. ' . hai-ateaay; timotny, a.uorn.wr, praine, 88.0010.00. IKON COTTON T1H. 0 890. i HAGOINO OHc. HEMP TWINK (le. PROVISIONS Pork. lower: lobbing. $12.30. I.ard. unchanged: prime steam, $6.12. Bacon (boxed), steady; extra shorts, I7.37H: clear rih. $7.60: abort clear, $7.76. fuuLTKi Bteaay ; springs, per aosen; cnicaens. iimc; turkeys. uaic: ducks, 11c; geese, 6ij7c. BUTTER-Steady; creamery. 20S25Vic: dairy, l&njlSo. UOiiS Steady; 15c, case count. .Kece-ipi. enipmenis. Flour, bbls.... Wheat, bu.... 6.000 10.000 ....19.000 ....39,000 ....66,000 114.000 63.000 46.000 Corn, bu , Oats, bu Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. April 12. WHEAT May, 82c: July, 7(c; September, 70c; casn. No. I hard, 89ij01c; No. 3. 8Dti6o; No. 2 red. si.oogfi.u!: No. 3. sscoii.ou. CORN May, 4u''U4t'v4c; July, 44"'B'44a4c ; cash, No. 2 mixed, 47c: No. 3, 47y(7o; No. 2 white, 48c; No. 3, 474l'48c OATS Steady; No. 3 white, 4Zc; No. I mixed. HAY Choice timothy. S9.0OS9.60: choice prairie, 87.60tiT.7S. til a no. i, 00c. HUTTt-R Creamery, 20&22c: dairy, fancy. 17c. RQOS Steady: Missouri and Kansas. cases returned, 14c; new No. I whttewood custjs Included, Iic. Receipts. Shipments ....67,200 4,600 ....24,600 43.200 10.000 2,000 Wheat, bu Corn, bu Oats, bu Available Sapply of Grain. NEW YORK. Aorll 11 Special cable and telegraphic communications received by Kr.idstreet'a show the following changes in available supplies as compared with last scsount: Wlieat, lliitea Diaiea una ada, eaat of Rocklea, decrease 218,000 bu.: afloat for and in Europe, Increase 3,000,000 bu.; total supply. Increase 1,719,000 bu. Corn, United States ana canaaa, easi. 01 noi-aiea, decreased 231,000 bu. Oats, United Stales and Canada, east of Ruckles, decreased 446.000 bu. Btocka held In Manitoba and the Northwest Territory tins weea increased 2hl.OoO bu. Dallas reports a decrease of 60.- 000 bu.; St. Joseph one 01 u,wu du., ana Omaha one of 61.100 bu. Philadelphia Prodaco Market. PHILADELPHIA, April 12. BUTTER lo lower; extra western creamery, 22c aia-tra nanrtiv urints. 25c. h.ili(j Waaler; rresn nearoy, ii-o aa murk', weartern. fresh. lic: south western. rresn. IT-AC at mara; souinern, irean, aie 1 at mark. fH KK.xrcHieavdv: rxew xorg run oreaun. choice to fancy. itViillc; fair to good, 10 (ilva Mllwnnkee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. April II. WHEAT Lower; No. 1 northern. 98c; No. S north ern, 97c; old July, e6'ff7o, bid. TtTB Firm: No. 1. 7VC. BARLEY Steady; No. 2, 62363c; sample. liTovtfc. CORN 10 lower; No. S. sitoc: juiy, 4 fj49c, asked. LIVERPOOL. April 12 WHEAT Spot, quiet; No. 1 1'alirornla, 7s Ud. fMtur easy: May. 6s 6d; July. 6a (d. CORN opot, American mixea. new. steady at 4a 3d; American mixed, old, 4a 7d. Futures, quiet; May, 4s 4d; Jaly, nominal. - Mlnnenpolle Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. April U. WHEAT - May, 82c; July. 92c; September, 81c; on track. No. 1 hard, 94c; No. 1 northern, 93Sc; No. I northern, (lc. KIOUR Dull; first patents. ett4j.18; second patents, $4 ,.uo t; llrst clears, a.rj6( second clears, $3.45432.66. Dalatk Grnla Mnrket. DULUTH. Anrll 13. WHEAT Trt Store. No. 1 hard. 93c; No. 1 northern, 91c; No. S northern. 89c; to arrive, no. 1 hard. 93c; No. 1 northern. 91c; No. 3 northern. 8Sci May, vivsc; juiy. nc; neptemoer, sitjc. OATS on track ana to arrive, tao. Peorls Grain Mnrket. PEORIA. 111., April 13,-CORN-Lower; no. 4, w; eo. , ne agar and Molasses. Krcw vnnvr Anrll 14 Bi'nisn 50 1 quiet; fair refining. 3c; centrifugal. 98 tvat. Ic: molasses sugar, ivac uenneo. aulet. r,r-w um.rAno, rrii is. r. 1 u a t Steady; open kettle. ZV:i3 3-lhc; open ket tle centrifugal. SU3Sc; cvntiifugaX whites, 4V4n44kO; yeliuws, 3VU4c; seconds. ?Jva-'V' MOI-ASSKa Nominal, opeu kettla. loii 5c; eeou-Uugal. IwaiiHj; irus, nominal, 20 NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Sagging Tended of Pro Btxomei Bather Mors Proaoanoea. WINTER WHEAT INFLUENCES MARKET Report ml tailed Rtatea Steel Deal Decreases Stock aad Big Sal . of Boada Affects the Market. NEW YORK, April 12. Today's stock market was still Inciting in the animation which had cliaractenzt-d trading previous tu this week and the sagging tenuency of prices became rather mom pituiouncetl limn yesterday. There was nut the same enort to lift prices by the stimulating effect of mamma up special stocks. i ne market waa not lett to drilt aa a derelict, however, and a sort of nursing process was adopted. The course of today's market waa evidently Influenced by the government report on tne condition of winter wheat. The report that the United Mtatca Bteel corporation had considered an option tor the purchase of 66,100 tuna of Heaeemer pig Iron poaalbly helped to depress the preierred stock. The concentrated absorption of the second bonds was the feature of the early market, in which some $,0(0,000 or upward of these bonds were taken by one llrm. London was a free seller on balance of stocks on this market, notwithstanding the generally buoyant tone of the London mar ket. The more temporary note Issues at highest rates on collateral security sold bonds by the Rock Island and a telephone company nullified the effect of the bund lssuea. The failure of Union. Pacific to advance a point to lift the market waa fol lowed by a decline In tho whole market. The cloalng waa weak and lossea of 1 to X points were general. Uonds were irregular, with a large part of the dealings In Cnlied States Btee! sec ond a. Total sales, par value, $4,710.OtK). United States bonds were unchanged on call. The quotations on the New York Btock exchange yesterday were as follows: Bales. mgn.LiCiw.u;os, Atchison 40,(0.0 do preferred 6H0 Baltimore & Ohio .... 7,3oO 75 ( 73V 73-i Mi tsl' 94 80 93 KO-' 90 116.4 158 32 S7 do preferred .. Canadian l'aclflo' 3,400 117H lltit Central of N. J Chesa. A Ohio 9W 33 38 "ii-i, 172 116 180 32 88 '16 172 144 lf-0 'i6 "ii 65 25 154 '22" 72 2-, 65 41 '80 130' 19 Chicago A Alton...... liO do preierred Chicago O. W 4,7"0 Chicago &'N. W. 2i0 C, M. & 6t. P 17,0 II1V1 171 114 178 19 76 17 6- u 163 270 21 71 264 65 41 71 80 V 130 19 37 18 30 108 142 80 116 47 61 117 93 17 89 87 1)6 68 88 21 118 61 44 78 n 23 6ft 48 14 84 49 22 84 24 25 37 T ' 86 ' 92 do preferred 200 Chicago T. T do preferred &n ti C C. C. & 8t. L Colorado Southern ... 100 17H 6jVj 25 '22" 7214 27: a 43 oii 1974 19V4 do 1st preferred.,... 2'0 do 2d nreferred 100 Del. A Hudson 1,800 Del., Lack. & W.. Denver & R. 0 100 do preferred 600 Erie ,...12.4ii0 On 1st preferred 1,700 do 2d preferred 200 Hocking Valley do preferred 200 Illinois Central 600 Iowa Central 100 do preferred K. C. Southern do Dreferred 100 364 10944 143t 81 117 ?6 10 143 81 115 "80 '93 ' iii" 68 90 21 118 Louisville & Nash.... 1,000 Manhattan L 300 Met. Becurltlea 100 Met. Street Ry 1,800 Minn. & St. L M., St. P. A 8. S. M.. 900 do nreferred Missouri Pacific 8,080 Mo., Kan. & Tex do preferred 100 N. R. R. of Mex.. pfd 4 iisii 69 90 22 119 New York Central ... 4"0 Norfolk & Western... 7"0 do preferred 100 Ont. Western l. Pennsylvania 47,300 P., C. C. & St. L. Reading 8,400 46 44Vi do 1st prererred do 2d preferred Rock Island Co IO.80O do preferred 1,100 6t L. & S. F., 2d pfd. 1,200 St. Louis S. W do preferred 600 Southern Paclflo 21.600 Southern Railway.... 3,100 do preferred 4o0 Texas & Pacific 400 Toledo, St. L. & W... 1,600 do preferred ........ - 104 Union Pacltlo 48,100 do preferred ........ 800 Wabash 2"0 do preferred 10,800 Wheeling & L. E:.... 200 Wisconsin Central.... 2n0 do preferred ...... 600 Adams Express , ... American Express.... .... U. S. Express .... Wells-Fargo Exp Amal. Copper 28,600 24 07 48 37 17 18 41 224 188 107 204 50 61 19 Am. Car & Foun.... do preferred Am. Cotton Oil do preferred American Ice do preferred Am. Linseed Oil do preferred Am. Locomotive .... do preferred 1 Am. Smelt. & Refln.. do preferred Am. Sugar Refln 19 71 80 88 7 27 s 27 21 82 48 93 127 78 46 82 197 13 70 22 164 Anaconda M'n. Co. Brooklyn Rapid T. Colo. Fuel & Iron. Consolidated Oaa Corn Products do preferred Distillers' Becurltlea.. General Electrto International Paper.. 11 66 38 75 17 85 27 96 29 71 K 7 46 19 T 89 7 7S 6 64 13 f8 11 o lrt s do preferred 300 67 66 International Pump.. do preferred National Lead 6,100 17 16 North American Paclflo Mail People's Oas t' Pressed Steel Car .... 200 97 30 tun do Dreferred Pullman Pal. Car. Republic Bteel. .... 300 r ih do prererrea Ruhber Goods do preferred Tenn. Coal A Iron.;.. 900 41 U. 8. Leather 400 7 89 78 do nreferred vn TPi V. 8. Realty 200 7 do Dreferred 2.200 66 63 TJ. 8. Rubber do preferred 4' 69 11 60 8S V. B. Steal 2.900 11 do nreferred 39.3l 2V Westlnghouse Elec... 300 162 western Union 400 Northern Securities.. Boston Slock Qnotatloas, BOSTON. April 12. Call loans. J3 per cent; time loans, 8ft4 per cent. Official nosing 01 stocks ana oonas: Atchlaon adj. 4a.. 0 Adeenturs ..... Alloues ... ... 44 Ilea. Central as... Amalgamated .. Anaerloaa glos Atlantic ... 804 .. .. 4i .. ..(60 ..160 ..140 Atchlaon ... 104 ... a. do pfd Boston A Albany. Bnaton A Maine.. Bingham ... 12- cel. m Hecla... Centennial Copper Range . Pair Weat Dominion Coal Franklin Orsncr Iale Royals .... Vaaa. Mining .. Michigan Mohawk ...470 Boat on Eleraud . Mei Central ... ro4 ... 434 ... 2t4 74 N. T . N. H. A H ..164t Per llarquetts . T4 . S64 ... SI Union Pacino ... ... Ie Amar. Arge. Cheat. 4a pfd ... 7 Amer. Fnea. Tubs. Amer. Sugar . 4'4 .1S714 .1MH . 10 ... ... I o ptd ... 414 Amer. T. A T Mont. C. A C, ... a ... 1 ... 64 ... X9 ... SS Amer. woolen .... Old Dominion .. Oaceola 4o pi riomlnlon I. A 0.. 10 Parrot Ediaon Electric I1IU..137H Oeneral Electrto 14 Qutncy Shannon ....... ... IH Maaa. Electrls 1""4 Tamarack ... is do pfd 7i Trinity V. B. Mining.., V. I. Oil rub Victoria Wiaona Wolverine ... 4i Mass. Oaa . t nlted Krult Vnlted Shos 40 ... to 10 Mack.. 47W do p'd .. t ... iv. V. - S'eel. 11V4 ... s do pfd .. so ... II I Weettnt. son 1B10B ... TS Bid. New York Mining Storks. NEW YORK. April 11. The following are the closing prices on mining stocks: Adams Coa 10 II 14 4 Utile Chief ... Ontario Ojiblr Phoenix Potoal Be vase sierra Nevada tmall Hopes .. Standard .. .42 ..iu4 .. 14 .. II .. Is .. 41 .. II ..164 Alice Hreeo Brunewlrk Comatock Tunnel Cos. Cel. 4e Va. 14 Horn silver . I run Silver .. Leedillle Con ,116 ..174 .. $ Foreign Financial. LONDON. April 11 Business on the stock exchange was active, being promoted largely by tne expectea pacinc efiect 01 the Anglo-French agreement. Consols and home ralla were In active request. It la fenerally beiievea mat tne worat period or he depression is past. Americans opened Irregular and hesitating, grew nrm and advanced to about parity, became Inactive nd cloned easier, foreigners were well supported from the continent, Egyptians and Turkish unified being the features. Kaffirs were buoant. The -vmount of bullion taken Into the Bank of England on Damnce lociay waa aaiu.uu.- PARIS, April 12. Prices on the bourse today were firm. Internationale had aa upward Undtncy, Bpanlsb BccurlUus galu- 23 66 48 35 84 60 ' 49 22 ' 2i 86 85 24 24 25 25 37 8T 89 86 9J 82 19 19 39 87 17 17 18 41 41 60 19 600 30 30 'io6 "7 "7 400 28 27 100 8 8 ' '21 '21 100 82 8J 100 49 49 600 93 93 18.800 129 127 .. 1.B0O 80 79 ,.88.000 4X 46 .. 1.300 3.1 32 6,100 199 197 700 13 13 'iw '22 '22 200 164 1C4 ing notably. Russian Imperial fours closed at 94 o. Private rate of discount waa i' per cent; 8 per cent rentes, r,t 9"c for the account; exchange on Loudon, &f 13o for checks. MERLIN, Arrll 11 Prices on the bourse today were Arm. American railroad stocks were higher. Exchange on London, 2i'm 46 pfas for checks, discount rates, ahort bills, 2 per cent; three months' bills, f per cent. . Hew York Meae Market. NEW YORK. April 12. MONEY-On call, eay, 11 per cent; closing bid. 1 per cent, e-ftered at 1 per cent. Time loans, easy; 60 days, 2 per cent; 90 days, 2 per cent; t months. 3 per cent. Prime mer cantile paper, 404 tier cent. STERLING KXCHANOB Steady, with actual business in bankers' bills at $47.W to4x:!5 for demand and at $4 M.vfi4 8490 for so-day bills: posted rates, $4 8."''a4.S8; com mercial bill-. $4.S4 SILVER Bar. 63-o; Mexican dollars, 4.1c. BONDS Government, ateady; railroad, lrrraular. The closing quotations cn Dona are as rnllows- V. 8. rf. ts, r. 60 coupon do Ka. reg iln coupon do new 4a, res.. do coupon do old 4r. rcg... do coupon Atrhlon. sen. 4a.. do adj. 4 Atlantic C. L. 4s.. B. O. 4a do 14S Central of Oa. 6a do lft Inc ..1" ..ln ..tor ..i:tt I Manhattan c. a. 4a...10l"i Hx. t'cntral 4a. .. 4V, .. 1" .. , .. T4 4a t: .. tH ..10a .. 72 V, .. 7, .. M4 I do 1st Inc MlDn. St. L 4a. M.. K. A T. 4a... IM . K. aV T ! .... J1074 B. R. of M. e N. Y. C. f. iwa.. , MS N. J C. p. (a . Iftv, No. Pacific 4a . 3 do la .10014 N. A W. c. 4s . . . n O. 8. L 4a A par. .10714 ,nn. Cone. IHa.. .... Fl .... T IRcadlna sen. 4s. Chea. Ohio 4(4a...l01'i St L. A 1. M Chliago Jt A. -... H at. L. ft 8 F. It 4a. ti c, B. (J. n. 4a.... M 1 St. L I. w la. r M. A R P. a. 4a..inH Seaboard A. L. 4 C. N. W. e. 7s....ll4jRo. radflo 4a... C. R. I. A P. 4a.... Tl4 So. Railway 5a . dn col. fin 1V Taa A P. la. r.c.o. A a. u r. 4a..ioo:T.. at. l. A w. .... b 1.... M 50 ....HS14 ....117 4a.. it ....10Jv Chlcaao Icr. 4a 80 Vnion Faemc aa f'on. Tobacco 4a. Colo. A So. 4a.. 1. A R. Q. 4a. Erie prior Hen 4i do ten. 4a 1 6a.... 7S' :X S Rtccl 2d tn Wahah la ... 111 h do deb. B M4 W. A L. K. 4.... lna ,Wla. Central 4a.... CI 7li 71 F. W. t R C. It Horklna Val. U A N. mil 4ja....l'a itolo. K. A I. c. (a 4a IH ilid. OTered London Stork Market. LONDON, April 12. Closing: Conaola. money Bhi N. Y. Central.. do account H Norfolk A W... Anaconda ; 4'i do pfd Atchlaon '77 Ontario A W. . do pfd 17 Pennaylvanil ., haltlrnore A Ohio.... Rand Mlnea .... Canadian Pa rifle ....ltO-V Ccadlns Chee. A Ohio 344 do lat pfd... 'hlraBo Ot. W 17V, do ii ptd... 121 '4 M JUS IVa lOVa Cs4, 40 i 11 i'. M. & Bt. p us ' So. Railway 3H K M'a 14 li 1 2 1 a 1M. S9V4 peneera lHta do pfd Denrer A R. O tf So. Pa-lrlc do Dfd 744. L'nlon Tarlflc Er" i do pfd do lat pfd ',-, U. 8. steel do I'd ufd 44 do Dfd Illinola Ontral 1st Waoaah I.oula. A Naah 11 J 1 do pfd M., K. A T IS", 1 LVER liar, steady. 24d per ounce. MONKY 242 Per cent. The rate ot discount in the open market is Z"i per cent; lor tnrce months diiih, itt per cent. Statement of Treasury Balances WASHINGTON, April 12. Today's state ment of the treasury balances In the general tuna, exclusive of the Uoo.uoo.000 goia re serve tn tho division of redemption, shows: Available cash balance, $222,990,326; gold, U4,S01,U8. Bank Clearings. OMAHA, April 12. Bank clearings for today were $1,189,715.07. n decrease of $209. 181.49 from the corresponding day last year. Cotton Market Liverpool. April 11 COTTON Spot dull. ! F rices 10 points lower: American middling air, 8.50d; good middling, 8.3ld; good or dinary, 8 04d; ordinary, 7.84d. Futures opened quiet and closed aulet; American middling, g. o. c, April, 7.6d; April-May, 7.95d; May-June, 7.92d; June-July, 7.9d; July-August, 7.85d; August-September 7.6t;d; September-October 6.8Jd, October-November, 6.49d; November-December, 6.40d; December-January, t.Sad; January-February, 6.37d. NEW YORK. April 12.-COTTON-Spot closed dull, 16 points lower. Middling gulf, 15c; middling uplands, 14.75c; sales, 2ol bales. NEW ORLEANS. April 12.-COTTON Futures, steady; April. 14.52c bid; May, 14 64 14.65c; June, 14 84o bid; July. 16.12ioT6.13c; August. 14.14i314.lBo; September, 12.47c; Oc tober, 11.814111.8201 November, 11.84:: Decem ber, U.$43 11.66c. Spot, easy; sales. 3.803 hales; ordinary, 12c; good ordinary, 13 15-lSc; low middllug. 14 9-16c; middling, 14 15-16c; good middling. 15o. ST. LOUIS. Aprli 12.-COTTON-Qulet. c lower; middling, I4c; sales, 7 bales; re ceipts, 287 bales; ahliimenta, 145 bales; stock, 13,217 bales. r r . . Metal Market. . NEW YORK. April 12.-METAL8 Tin closed at an advance of 2s 6d at 127 for both spot and futures In the London mar ket; locally the market was quiet and un changed, closing at $27.87&28.12. Copper was unchanged In Iondon, closing at 58 10a for spot and 58 2s 6d for futures; the local market for copper Is reported quiet but firm; Inke la held at $13.2613.60' elec. trolytlc, $13.1213.26; coating, ti.S1WH 13.12. Lead declined- 2s 6d to 12 7s 6d In London, but remained unchanged here ut $1. 60r&M. 60. Spelter was unchanged at 22 5s In Ixindon and at $6.25jo.30 in the New York market. Iron closed at 52s 3d in Glas gow and at 44s 9d In Middleaborough ; lo cally Iron Is unchanged; No. 1 northern foundry Is quoted at $15.25&15.75; No. I northern foundry. ii4.7offifu.z&; no. 1 snutn- ern and No. 1 soft southern. $14.25(314.75. ST. LOUIS. April 13. METALS LaStvd. lower, $4.40. Spelter, ftrm, $5.05. Oils anal Rosin. NEW YORK. April 12. OILS Cottonseed, steady; prime yellow, 16n. Petroleum, ensv. Turnentlna. nrm. o7wun3c. ROSIN Firm; strained, common to good. $28fy&2.90. SAVANNAH, April lz. diiy 1 urpsnune, firm, 64o. ROSIN Firm: A. B. C, D, $2 35; B, $2 40; F. $2.46; O. $2.56; H. $2.66; I, $2.80: K, $3.10; M. $3.20; N, $3.46; W. Q., $3.60; W. W.. $3.80. OIL CITY, April is. oiib crean Dai ancea. tl.fifi: certiflcatea. no bid. Shipments 7D.S64 Dins., average bs.ibb onis; runs, bbls. average 66,429 bbla. Shipments Lima, 49,309 bbls., average 61,360 bbls.; runs, Lima, 11,507 bbls., average 45,643 ddis. Wool Market. BOSTON. Anrll 12. The proximity of the new clip has lea to tne usual inactivity in the wool market at this season of the year. The mnrket la tiractlcallv bare of domestic medium wools and there Is a scarcity ot medium wools In general. This scarcity, however, has prevented higher prices, as the materiel Is practically not 10 De naa at anv mice. There Is a aulet business in pulled and territory wools. Foreign wools are ateady. Leading quotations are: Idaho fine. 14!; 15c; heavy fine, 13ul3c; fine me dium. lu.iil5V4o: medium. 15'ul5Vtc: medium. 16til7c; low medium, 17fflKe. Wyoming line. 15igl5c; medium. Wql9e; low medium, 18rt fine. 13(filSi4c: fine medium. ltV.nT6o: me dium, 18319c; low medium. XHiJOc. Dakota fine. 15U16c: fine medium. lb(Blo.ic; meiiium, lfalOc; low medium, lDu'H)c. Montana tine choice, 18ral9c; fine average, 17 We; fine me dlum choice. 18$jl9c; average, li4(17c; staple, lH'ni'Oc; medium cnoice, ivinwc. ST. IXJl'IS, April 12. WOOL Steady; me dium grades, combing and clothing. 18i&22c; light. 14til7c; heavy fine, 122,l4c; tub washed. 20U31c. New York Live Stock Market. NEW YORK, April It BEEVE8-Re- celpts, none; no trading; dreaaed beef, steady at S'9e per lb.; light weatern and Texas beef selling -at 5'oSc: exports today, 1,622 cattle, 3,840 sheep and 5,200 quar. ters or beer. CALVES Receipts, wm head: market ai moat nothing doing; good to prime veala aold at $5.00j6.50; city dressed veals gelling at vii"c per lb. HOOB Receipts, 4.445 neaa; market nrm and steady; prime bogs sol.l at $5.60Q.00 tier loo lbs.: a few dIks at $5.80. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1,415 hesd: market steady for both sheep and lambs: -wooled sbeeo sold at $4.12,4e.00 common to prime wooled lambs at $6 3 8.80; a bunch or cnppea lamns at i.oo: aprlng lambs at sa w per neaa; aressea lambs, firm, at 95o. Stork In Slabt. Following ere the receipts of live stock for the sis principal western cities s terday: Cattle. ... 9.000 ... 85,0i 0 ...U.nno ,.. 4.('J ...22.0 ... 60O Hogs. 13.000 l.tmo 10. 000 4.600 6.347 6.2U0 Sheen. South Omaha Chicago Kansas City . St. Loula St. Joseph .... Blouz City ... Totals .... 7.000 15.0O0 2.000 2.0 1 7,776 ...83.600 42,047 13.776 Whisky Market. CHICAOO. Anrll le-WHISKY-aHeady, on a basta bt 11.28. PEORIA, April 12. WHISKY On m baala Of II Z8 for nmunea gnoaa. CINCINNATI. April 12. WHISKY - Steady, on a basis 01 ST. IXiUIS, April 12. WHISKY On basis of $1.3. fur finished goods. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO. April 1! -SEEDS Clover, cash. 8 30; April, a uiu; utioner, i.DO tild. Prime aisike, rnme timothy. $1.36. Ten free trips to the World'g Fair each week. Se coupon oa page 1 OilAUA LIVE STOCK MARKET Big Ban of Cattl and Btr8 Sold Wttk to t Dims Lowrr, with Cowl 8teid. HOGS FIVE TO TEN CENTS LOWER Active Demand for Sheea aad Latnba of Good Qaallty at Stronger rrlrea, with Commoner K,lnds 8kovr ' Inc bat Little Change. SOUTH OMAHA, April 12, 1904 Recelpta were; Cattle. Hogs. Bheep. Cifficlal Monday Official Tuesday 3.212 S.L-.'t 12,000 7.1" 0 Two dava thla week. ...13 16.242 15,4 Same daya last week 7.399 14.317 ls.-rO fame daya week before. .11.378 22.091 l4.ol finiilo three weeks ago... 4SI 12. () lx.M" Pilule four weeks ago... .ll.'WO 13,510 14.6.T8 Biima days Inst year 8.299 11.673 17.677 RECEIPTS FOIt THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table showa the receipts, of cattle, hoga and sheen at South Omaha for the year to date, with comparison with last year: inn 1903. Inc. Cattle 270,696 26;!. 533 8,163 Hoga 670,125 617,587 52,5.18 Sheep 622.093 890.2119 131..V-J Average prices Da Id tor nogs at South Omaha lor the last several Cays with com parisons: Data I 1904. 1908.1902. 11901. 11900. 11899. 11S98. Mar. 26.. Mar. 27.. Mar. 2s.. Mar. 29.. Mur, 80.. Mar. 31.. April I.. April 2.. April 8.. April 4.. April 6... April 6... April 7... April 8... April ... April 10.. April 11.. April 12.. t 12 7 211 6 36 ( 87 4 8t I 16 ! ! ! ! S! !! ! 23 ,, 6 17 I aV 0 04 D W u W! a - b9 a bo a io a oui a 6 89i 5 121 3 63 ! 3 Wl s ir 4 98 6 03 6 09 T 22 7 28 7 2 7 29 6ul 6 971 i 8 641 w 66 1 00 1 5 08 13 6 7 23 7 M a cwi k urn a if.; 3 651 6 13 6 JI ( 63l 6 991 6 30 8 Vi i 7 t 631 6 86 5 30 3 U a 1: 7 24) I 6 96i 6 lJ 8 6J 3 1 IS a 00 4 94l 4 95 4 S7 79 7 24 (81 I 6 27 J 64 2 72 7 27 7 25 7 26 7 21 6 a! 6 011 Ml 6 821 6 S3 t 79 6 871 6 3D 89 6 911 6 36 6 83 6 98 6 33 3 661 3 71 I I 75 3 68 3 671 8 71 3 63 8 71 indicates Ounflar. The ottlclal number of cars of Stock brought in today bv each road was: cattle. ttog. bneep. uses. C, M. & St. P. Ry 7 18 1 42 4 63 10 1 24 S3 13 1 4 t t 14.. 3 1 193 S3 1 Wabash Mo. Pacific Ry L. P. System C. & N. W. Ky F.. R & M. V. R. R. 6 11 67 2 78 C. St. P., M. & O. Ry 46 H. & M. Ry 73 C, U. & y. Ry , Iv. C. & St. J C, R. I. & P., oast C, R. I. ft P., teat Illinola Central Chicago U. W , 44 Total receipts ....S48. The disposition of the daya receipts was ss follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of bead indicated; Cattle. Hogs. Bheep. Omaha Packing Co.... 1,6:U 2.047 1.&62 swirt and company... l.ivt Cudahy Packing Co.... 1.352 Armour A Co 1,487 Armour A Co., Soo City 70 Vansant & Co 66 W. I. Stephen 3 Hill A Son 61 8,163 2,568 8,709 823 4,0-lu 7S9 1,462 F. P. Lewis 24 Huston & Co 28 Hamilton A Rothschild 84 F. Husx 29 Wolf & Murnan 81 Hobblck & B 82 Sol Degan 90 S. & S. Co 149 Krey Packing Co US H. Koot so McCreary & Cary 15 M. Haggerty A Co 274 Other Buyers 870 610 8.155 Total 7,018 12.410 CATTLE There was an enormous run of cattle here this morning and much more than Were generally anticipated. Taking that fact into consideration the market held ud in very satisfactory manner. Trains were slow in arriving and that delayed tne market more or less, but still the bulk of the arrivals wag disposed of at a reasonably euriy nour. corn-fed steers made up more tnan two- thirds of the receipts. The quality was about the same as yesterday and in apite of the big aupply packera and shippers took hold In e-ood a nana and. the market waa only a little-lower. The best lightweight cattle, in iact, sola at rignt ciose to sieuuy trrleea In many cases, while the heavier cattle and those lacking In flesh and quality were not so ready sale ana were arouna a dime lower. As stated above trading was fulrlv active, but in view of the big run the day was well advanced before anything like a clearance was made. There were very few cows on sale, in fact twenty-five cars would about cover those that had arrived by the middle of the forenoon. Packers all wanted a few cows and heifers, and as a result the market on that class was quite active ana practically steady with yesterday on all grades. Rvervthlnsr sold about as fast as offered. Bulls also sold at about steady prices and veal calves showed no quotable change. Ntockers and reeders were in nmiieu sup ply and with a fairly good Inquiry from the nmintrv all the desirable grades sold with out much- trouble at steady prices. The commoner kinds were not In as good de mand, but still the prices paid did not show much change from yesteroay. representa tive sales: No AT. Pr. At. ..12SI ..1167 ..1164 .. IM ...1091 Pr. 4 16 4 16 4 16 4 It 4 10 4 20 4 M 4 20 4 20 4 20 4 16 4 91 4 21 4 26 4 28 4 15 4 21 4 26 4 10 4 10 4 20 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 SO 4 14 4 14 4 10 4 14 4 14 4 SO 4 SO 4 15 4 15 4 81 4 10 4 40 4 40 4 44 4 40 4 44 4 40 4 40 4 44 4 41 4 60 4 60 4 51 4 40 4 70 4 76 4 10 4 II 4 20 4 10 11 ...1065 M ,...1100 .... 10 Ill .... 11 .... Ml .... 141 .... til ....1074 ....1010 .... 144 ...,106 ....1043 ....11H ....1074 .... 107 ....1004 ...,100 ....1071 ....lttO .... 100 ....1011 ....1120 .... 14 ....1167 .... 730 .... 175 ,...101 .... 191 .... 176 ....10&4 . ...1!M ....1151 ....lli.1l ....1196 ....111 ....lino ....1170 . .... leM ....1071 .... 0 .... IM) .... 195 ....1174 ....1104 ....1270 ....1174 ....1117 ....1110 I 41 I 60 I 10 8 41 8 70 t 76 I 10 1 so I 18 I 86 I 10 I 10 I to I 10 I K t M I 44 4 00 4 00 4 04 I 00 4 00 4 00 4 04 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 44 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 04 4 OS 4 06 4 04 4 06 4 06 4 10 4 14 4 10 4 14 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 II 4 18 4 16 17 14 II 19 I 1 I 11 4 7 14... 11 , 10 liss II 14. ..1171 li II.. 14.. at" H.'. 17!! IS.. 1084 11(4 1214 127 1210 1220 1 1107 1247 1130 mo 1091 9 14 21 It SI tl it II it 6 11 II., ..1270 4 , t. 6 , 10 1185 II 1261 7. ..1120 11 II... It... 20... 20... 20... II... 15... 41... II... 17... tl... ...11 ...1221 ...1299 ...1404 ...1S24 ...1210 ...1148 ...120 ...1221 ...1274 ...12IT ...1224 ...1271 ...IMS ...13ii ...1204 ...1271 ...UU ...1214 ...mi ...1W0 ..1447 ...1141 ...1461 ...1S"1 ...Hit ...1024 ...1261 1 14 1 t 14 41 4 to I M II to 16... M... li... 4... 60... II... II... 19... 15... 11... 11.. II... 17... 10... II... s... 17... It 7....... t' M 15 II....... t II 11 tl II II 17 11 10 IT t4 ,....1010 4 16 .1421 STEERS AND COWS. . 470 I 45 II 1094 . 44 4 40 21 1214 10M 4 II 10 1191 I II It ITEE . 464 . 143 . 771 .1044 111 40 lu4 4 04 I 40 4 1141 4 14 14 1091 4 10 4 C4) 10 UU 4 40 COWS. I 00 1 1010 1 40 I 28 1 1125 I 48 I 10 1 V...10M I 46 1 64 $ ....11M 1 60 I 14 1 1100 I 60 I 10 1 1240 I 60 1 60 I lf.30 I 68 I 14 4 110 1 40 I 60 8 1110 I 40 I a 1 1281 I 40 8 Tl 1 1140 1 40 I Tl 4 1174 1 44 1TI 1 1314 1 41 Tl 1148 I 44 U T 1141 1 41 8 00 1 1067 I 48 1 44 II 1220 I 41 t 44 1 1J1 I 7 I 04 M 48 I T4 I 14 1 1074 I TO 1 14 t 1074 74 I 14 $ 1144 1 TO I 24 1 1000 1 74 $ 0 I t:v I 74 I 28 3 1060 8 71 9 3 1 1010 I Tt $ M 1 114 1 tl iM 1 460 I Tl S 1 1414 ITS I 11 1 1WI I 71 I 40 4 147T 1 71 I 44 1 11X14 $ Tl 1 44 1 1220 I Tl 1 40 1 1840 t 40 1 40 14 lo47 I l 1 44 I 4 16 1 I 1 J::::: 1...., 1 1... 1.... UM 10O0 474 130 121 104 00 474 J070 145 4. 174 4 1020 1024 11M 1104 490 474 1140 441 let ......1310 1U64 1140 11M an 1114 1144 1044 14 1144 1091 40 ! llMO . let-a V.'. COWS AND HEIFERS .1044 8 Hi 1 44 H EIFER3. 1 28 8 SS I SO ..1111 .. 80 .. f-l .. 728 .. 464 .. 40 .. 124 ,, 84 .. 44S 8 64 1 71 71 I 76 I 71 1 U I 40 as 1 81 $ at IM 0 400 4M , 44 624 11 191 , 14 I 40 I 60 1 60 t 64 I 14 1 71 $ St ".'.'.'.'. 4 89 11.! 11.. .. 1 . 600 . M ,. 7l . tM . 't . tu .1100 ,.i?ro ..u.) . 10 ..1430 ,. ! .. 1! .. 170 ,. 140 t S ( f" I VI loe ;i 1 m is an in li I eo I M 7?0 4 1 n 1 lio 4 :j 1 tn BVLIA t w 1 iim t n t M 1 1ST0 i I SO 1 1J .0 1 I 10 t II 45 I 1 I 1 1 1710 I 1) 10 i;r. 1 .is 1 is 1 i:u 3 4a I H CALVE9. I K t 10 I 7J I 6 I IT B 7J I 60 I i:. I 51 I... I.., 1... I... 7.., I... 1 . I.. 1-. 1... I.. 1... 1.. 1.. I 76 STAGS. .1S?0 I M BTOCK KKS AND FKEPKHS. 1 660 t 76 t 6M 5 I M0 I 00 1 776 70 1 70 00 1 '.) t 70 I Ml 00 M I 70 1 6M I M I "-5 I 76 1 4' t ft 1 6M 8 76 17 I SS 7 14 I 76 1 6 to I 29 I : 76 4 1161 I 10 II 411 I 76 1 700 I 40 1 630 I an 1 4M I 60 16 " 0 1 70 I 60 1 72a 60 IM I 66 1 310 I 66 I 477 I 66 4 09 I 74 74 I SO 4 M IM I 70 I M 13 4'1 t 60 10 70 I US 10 Mt IM 14 4.U I 66 IS 10?O I n t 426 t CJ I... 660 4 00 1 443 I S IIOO8 There was also a heavy run of hogs here this morning and aa n result tho market continued on its downward course. At the onenlns a few of the more dealmble Ii ads sold at firlcea ranging 6fn0c lower, hut after the first round the decline amounted to Just about a dime. The better loads aoia early nt $4.S74 and $4. so and as high ns $6 wns paid. The bulk of the Inter siilca. thouah. went Inrarelv at $4.S5 anil the commoner londa hnd to sell from $4. SO down. Trading was not nctlve. ns salesmen did not like the Idea of taking off that much and It wns rather late before even the bulk of the offerlnars was disposed of. At noon- there were a few loads still In flirt nanus and the market waa tufely dime lower than yesterday. Packers Wanted to buy the beet londs at $4 85 with the commoner ones from that down. Rep resentative srues: No. AT. Bh. Pr. to. At. Bh. Pr. ... 4 00 44 299 ... 4 7 120 4 70 II ?31 80 4 37H 40 4 75 92 11 ... 4 ... 4 73 7f. J.'.O 1(10 4 371, ... 4 10 74 2' 80 4 871, ... 4 80 72 241 tn 4 87V, ... 4 80 81 214 10 4 8719 ... 4 80 2. 218 ... 4 ,', 40 4 90 84 228 180 4 171, ... IM 74 198 120 4 87', 40 4 821, i" 80 4 871, 40 4 86 40 17 ... 4 871, 120 4 IS 83 tns 1(0 4 874 ... 4 US 42 244 ... 4 87', ... 4 85 61 114 ' 80 4 T't ... 4 85 147 220 tl'O 4 87, ... 4 16 74 110 40 4 87Vb 80 4 85 48 234 ... 4 10 ... 4 85 7 234 ... 4 90 ... 4 85 I'. ?30 ... 4 90 ... 4 81 ' 19 221 J50 4 40 ... 4 83 Tt US 10 4 90 140 4 83 Tl 241 ... 4 90 4K 4 86 TO ...2lt ... IN 180 4 15 73 214 10 4 90 120 4 88 Tl 222 ... 4 90 0 4 80 18 211 IN IM ... 4 86 104 934 ... 4 90 40 4 IS 16 214 ... 4 40 10 4 85 44 257 120 4 90 40 4 16 tl 275 10 4 94 ... 4 85 71 186 ... I M ... 4 88 71 233 ... 4 90 ... 4 16 II VI 120 4 90 10 4 88 73 t4 ... 4 90 80 4 16 19 128 40 4 90 140 4 87V, T3 264 44 4 90 ... 4 87', It 161 ... 4 90 ... 4 17V, 84 ' . 4 t-O ... 4 87V6 II t?8 40 4 90 ... 4 17V, T5 144 ... 4 90 80 4 17V, 73 334 ... 4 90 ... 4 ITV, 49 147 0 4 90 ... 4 87V, 40 246 40 4 94 80 4 17V, ' li 9"4 ... 4 90 40 4 871, 32 97 40 4 90 80 4 87V, 23 ITT ... 4 90 140 4 87V, 72 t'. 80 4 90 ... 4 I7V1 86 tOl 0 4 90 ... 4 17V, Tt 197 ... 4 90 ... 4 I7V4 ft 103 ... 4 90 40 4 I7V t-vl ... 4 90 ... 4 17V, 61 till ... 4 92V, ... 4 17V, 06 284 ... 4 92V, 40 4 87 V, 40. ...... .24 ... 4 12 VI ... 4 87V, 11 244 10 4 95 120 4 I74 17 Ill ... 4 15 180 4 17V, 40 290 160 4 13 80 4 87 '4 40 141 ... 4 II 40 4 97V, 80 290 140 4 15 ... 4 87V, 80 177 ... 4 95 ... 4 17'-, 45 151 .... 4 13 ... 4 87V, 60 ... ( 00 ... 4 17 VI 84 121 ... 100 14 ...101 ...114 .. .!.'. ...154 ...110 ...14 ...198 ...171 ...191 .. .210 ...194 ...ill ...194 ...114 ...S20 ...244 ...222 ...1"0 ...too ...231 ...III ...138 ...ll ...111 ...197 ...0S ...117 ...141 ...137 ...t6 ...2:17 ...204 ...193 ...loo ...Ml ...241 ...243 ...141 ...218 ...244 ...247 ...217 ...214 ...111 . . .281 ...214 ...231 ...220 ...224 ...111 ...224 ,...205 ...270 ...240 ...234 ...121 ...MS ..247 ...241 ...527 ...221 1..224 9 7 4: 3 tl 4 40 ID 44 l I tl ea 7 11 69 U 77 It..... 74 74 II M 4 10 48 71 6 7 Ill 71 3...., 44..... (6 .... II 7..... !4.., 40..,.. : 18 II 71 It 71.... 1.... 71 40...., 75.... 77 74...., 7.... 77.... 41 47. .214 SHEEP Trains were a little slow in ar riving this morning, which delaved the mar- ket to some extent, but still trading was fairly active and the bulk of the offerings was disposed of in fairly good, season, buy ers, though, were inclined to pick out the better grades and leave the others, but still the general market could be quoted steady to strong on sheep, the better grades showing the strength. There were some Mexican wooled yearlings on sale good enough to bring $5.65, wW is the top price of the season. They were from the same feed lots as the wetheis which Sold mat week for $5.36. Clipped yearlings sold tip to u. wooiea ewes orougnt ana cuppeu ones 84.50. The lamb market was also In very satis factory condition this morning. The better grades sold strong to a dime higher, with othera about ateadv. Some Colorado Mexi can lambs brought $5.95, the same as sold yesterday for $5.85. It Is very evident that pacaers are more anxious tor tamna man thev were a short time nam. but still thev are discriminating against those lacking In aualltv. uuotations lor corn red siopk: ooa 11 choice lambs. 15.50(Zi.75: fair to good lambs, $6 00(fr6.50: rood to choice yearlings. $5.00ft (.36: fair to good yearlings. S4.bOrff4.B0: good to choice wetners, .)'u.a; rnir to gooa wethers, $4-60(4.80; good to 1 nolce ewes, 14 903510: fair to sood ewes. 14.6fif4.90. Clipped etockt sells 304) 71c less than wooled eioca. No. A v. 95 68 99 90 96 98 113 103 75 86 Vr. 463 western clipped ewes $4 40 western Clipped .amtis 4 65 146 western clipped wethers.. tit weatern clipped wethers.. 4 80 4 80 345 weatern clipped wethers.. 6 10 6 10 14. weatern clipped wetners.. SS4 weatern ewes 6 10 2oii western ewes and wethers 6 25 618 western lambs 8 60 18 western Iambs 6 95 8G 875 western lambs 83 6 western clipped ewes and wethers 73 94 98 s 00- 242 western ewes 50 weatern clipped wethers .... 4 60 4 90 4 90 6 60 6 60 B 50 801 western clipped w ethers .... 116 western wethers 298 weatern wethers 98 106 lfl SOO 139 83 80 85 tt 88 75 m M 2 western wethers 7 western buck lambs S 60 78 western v'rllnes and wethers 8 65 860 western y'rllngs and wethers 627 western y'rllngs and wethers 8 65 6 55 20 western cull ewes 1 75 145 western ewes 4 20 6 00 8 00 6 00 1 western lamns MO western lambs 968 western clipped lambs CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Cattle Steady Hogs Steady to Five Cents Higher Sheep Weak. . l-WICAOO. April 12. CATTLE Recelnts. (5,000 head; market steady; good to prime steers, nominal, lo.tliaao.tio; poor to -medium, l.l.ooui4.K5: Blockers und feedera, $2,751(14.35: cows, $2.O04i4.; helfera $2.2tr4.50; canners. $2.00ii2.60; bulla, JZ.OW14.10; calves, Z.6oruo.OO; Texas fed steers. 14.004.60. HOOb Receipts, l.uoo neaa; esrimatea to morrow, 25,4100 bead: lert over, 8,441 bead: tnarkot steady to 6c higher; mixed and butchers, $t.06a5.35: good to choice heavy, 15.26(0 5.37: rough heavy, $5.05'i6.12; light, 14.8516 2o: bulk of sales. 15.1Cfuo.2u. I ..... ... . . , w . .... . ,, , . - - . W AAA B 1 1 c. 1-1 1.A&1DD rveceipia, id.irsj head; market weak to 10c lower; lambs, same; good to cnoice wetners, 44.fmu-D.4u fair to choice mixed, $3.5wtf4.50; western sheep, $4.60iii6.SV native lambs, $i &u6.W; western iambs, k.oouj.4u. St. Louts Live Stock Market. BT. LOUIS, April It CATTLE Receipts, 4.0U0 head, including i.uou neaa Tcxans market steady; native shipping and export steers, $4.65(5.65; dressed beef and butcher steers, $4.0utj-5.6u; steers under 1,000 lbs., $4.00 ai5.40; Blockers and feeders,' $3.6vkU4.85; cows and nslfers, tz-Dtuaou; canners, i.ii'ii.ou; bulls, $2.90iiS.60; ca)ves. 14 (j'aL.a; Texas and Indian steers, $3.604i4.76; cows and heifers. $2.75'a3.76. HOGS Receipts, 6,600 head; market .. . ...... .. .. A 1 1 rvV, t ti It.ViJ tMl. nu,.L&PH $5 006-20; butchers and best heavy, iii lif-J J.S6. SHEEP litu umbb- neceipia, head; market ateady; native muttons, $4 75 4i5 75: lambs. lo Siil 'io; culls ana bucks. $3.vuvii.75; Btocaera, i.waiio. Knnans City Live Stock Mnrket. KANSAS CITY. April 12. CATTLE Re ceipts, 13.000 head, including 100 head south erns; niaraei aieaay to ion lower; export and 0 rested steers, steady, 4.u,d! a; fair to good lower, $1. 504.60; western fed steers, loo lower. $3.6oU4.t0: stockera and feedera. $3.0O&4.60; southern steers, $3.754.30; south ern cows, $2,654(3 26; native cows, $2 0034 10; native heifers, steady. I3.60iij-4.4o; bulls, $2.60 i3 76: calves. $2.7tVd4 .00 iitxiB iteceipta, lu.uuo neaa; marker 7vo lower; top. $5.10; bulk of aalee, $4 86S5 05; heavy, $..0bfjri 10: packers, 14.tfctfd.ot; pigs and fla-hta. 14 264.90. 8HEK.H AND LA MPS Receipts, 2.000 head: market 10a hither: native lamba. t5.5o6i6.00: weatern lamba. $5. & Kit 4 00: fed ewea, $4.75io.25; yearlings, $5.00ub.tu; atock- ers and feedera, $3.0044.50. St. Joseph Live Stock Mnrket. BT. JOSEPH, April 11 CATTLB-Re- I relnta. i head: market IfilOo lower: na tives, $3- ibtuto.aa; Trui ana westerns, -i io-t 4.76, cows and beifers, IZOOQlUl; yearlings 'and calves, $2.S01i4.35; stocker and feeders, iiutis -it-Hoipts, h.jii nean; marset anHKj lower; light. $4.7;"i6 (: medium and heavy. I 4 :..,,.-'. 1 . ' . bulk, u. no 11 5.06. PUIil-.F AiM luXMHS-ltcCelrtS. T.7.J hemi; market active, ateady to Iih- higher; western lambs. $6.25; westun ia ethers, $6 jo. Slon City l.lvr Stork Market,' SIOl'X CITY. t.. April 12 -(Special Tele- gram. 4 A 1 11. is Jteceipts, who, m r- Ket sichii ; sioLKCis suouk; i tvr, i..'ir 41.0; cows, hulls h net mixen, j.'ujii: vtockcis hikI lecd.-is, jv.wi.(jt.wi; cuives aim yeiirllngs, $.'..5n3.;u. IH.tiP til l eipts, ..1'U tll'IMI. Wfliari pu.Mifc lix- lower, selling at $Wue.0U.. Uulk, $4.tstf 4.t5. . OMAHA ' II OI. I-:- 1. 14 MARKET. Condition of Trade and Qnerlnllena Oat Staple anal Fancy Produce. EOCS-lteielnts. liberal: market steady I fresh stock, Ko. LIVE OULTRY Hens, lie; young roosters. 8n 111c; old roosters, be; tuikeya. 13c; diiilis, ti),c: gei-ae, lc. HITTER racking stock, life; cnoice to fane d;ilrv roll, UjjMc; separator, no. FRESH FISH Trout. i'HIOc; pickerel. 6V4 Iftlc; nlke. 9c; perch MjiiUc: blucnah. l'o; whlteflsh. 7uloc: ealmon. lie: haddock, 10c; toUtlsh, lie: reds.nipper. 11c; lobsier, boiled. per lb., 4oc; smoked whlieflsh. lie; bull heads. 11c; catfish. r.314o; Hack bnsa, 0o 1- a li but. 10c: trspples. 12c: herring 4.'l white baas. 13c: bliicllns. K-; smelts. lOtriiol ' finnan hadillea. emoked, 8';o. OYSTERS New YorV counts, per ran, 43c; per gal., $2.00; extr--. vlest, per can, S6oi per gul , tl. Tj; standari,- per can, 7c; pet gill., $1 Si.ibl 40. IIH AN-I't l ton. 118 0. HAY friers nuotej hv fi.ifha W.f1eas:g Dealers' asaoclntlont Chca Vo t upland. $6 60; No. 2,; rne.K'im. t".M; coarse. 5.00; rye straw. $S 00. Tl ese prices are tor ay of good color and cuadty. Deroano 1 fair and recelpta light, TROF1CAL FRUIT". ORANGES Navria, choice, nil, $?.28 fancy navels all sixes, $2.50. LEMONS t alltornia. lanty. i" o sou. $3 ;i; choice, 240 to a.'O sixes, $3 00'i3 26. Fius California, per 10-10. canons, ss-'i Imported Smyrna, . -crown, 14c; b-orown, 16c; 7-crown, tk UANANAS l'er medium sired Duncru $2.l4i2.;0; Jumbes. $2.',6jl3.2u. DATES-I'rrman, per uox or j r8-. - per lb. in to-it) mixes, !c; uriemai niuneu iMles, per box. $2.40. COCOANUTS Fir sack. oo; per 001., 60c. FRUITS. ri N E A PPLES-rl'er crate, $5.00; per flos.. $2.00. APPLE-California Rel'dowers. per box. $1.75; Oregon fancy re.ln. per box. II.' New York export Oreeninga, itusseis ana DnldwlTts. J4I-C ' RANHI'.RRIF.?! Fer hox. -6. STRAWUERRIEfl "xns, per '-:4-at. case. $3.00; Louisiana, per 24-pt. cuse, $1.16. V KHK t AHLra. rOTATOICS-CclorMlo, 11.16; Dakota, per bu., $1 10; natives. fl.lO. NAVY UEAN8 I or bv... 2.2fflXX9. CELERY lfge California. Wo, 750, and 0o. '. . ONIONS Spanish, per crate, ti.w; voio- rado red, per lb., 4c. 4'AUHAOE 'alllornla, per lb., 4c. TURNIPS White, p-.T Du., 00c; rum on gas, per lh.. 1V40. VAKttoiA rer on., 11 w. FARSNII'S Per bu.. 6vc. MEETS Per bu., 76c. Cl't'CM HERS Per Uos., $1.6i51.75. TOMA.TOES-Flr.rlda. per 8-b.tskst orate. 13.00. RADISHES Per dor. bunches, ss'aboo. LETTUCE HEADS-Per dor. bunches, 0a fj$1.0n, ton lettuce, per dox.. 45fc&oe. Tl K.Nil'S Boutnern, per aos., wo. HEETB- Southern, per dox.. Arte. CARROTS-Southern, per rtoS., 76c. PARSI.EY-Smtlhern. per dot., )tf4to, PllAl.LOTS-Per dox.. 7Bo. ONION SKT8-Per bu at 82 lbs., yellow. 2.00: white, $2 00. SflNAt 11 -1 cr mi., i.uo3i.. BEANS Wax. uer bu. bux, $3.50; string, per bu. box, $:) .no. miflur.ijiAr(r.oe. CHEESE WconHl 11 twins, full cream. 12c; Wisconsin Young Americas, 18c; blocK tlwlss, IBc; Wisconsin orica, ac; nitcumia llmbu-ger, 13c. CIDER Per bbl., I6.60; per h-ddi., j.zo. HONEY--Nebraska, pel1 24 'frames, $3 00 5 Vtah and Colorado, pet 24 frames, $3.00. MAPLE blKi'rV- OHIO, per in., luc. HIDES Vo. 1 green. te; No. 1 green. 60; No. 1 salted. 7c; No. 2 fialtrd. 60: No. 1 veal calf, 8 td 12 Jbs., Pvic; No. t veal -calf. 12 to 15 lbs., 6c; dry salted hides. 8'12o; neep pelts, Z4Wz7c; norseniaes, HO KB Kit AO loll xer case ui a " packed. 8'lc. - ' NUTS Walnuts. No. 1 soft shell, tier lb., 15c; hard shell per" lb., 14c; No. 2 aoft shell. per Jb., 13e; No i hard sneti, per 10., jzcj per.iu., uc; povan, mmc, .m ., .-v., small, nur lb., loe: peanuts, per lb., 6c; roasted peanuts. ppr fb.. 8c. Chill walnuts. 2Cfl3Hc; large- nirrtcory nui, per iu., Draalls.. rper lb., 11c; niberts. per lb., lie; tlmonda. soft ahell, p-r lh,, 15c bard ahell, thellharka. per bu.. $2.00; black walnuts. per bu $1.25. ... CotTrn Marliel, ' '' npw TriTctr. Anrll II coffeb T-ne market for futures opened, firm and closed nrm at an advance rr ioji.u puuim. were reported or . VSl.W naiem,, mciri in July at 6.26.41; Hcptemoer, e.anign.'iavi November. 6.85c; December, 6.7Cxff6.80c; May, 7.10g7.2Oc.. HEAL ESTATK TRASSFCHS. Deeds filed for record April 13, as rur- nlnhed by te ivuuianu uuaiamro , no. Trust company, bonded abstracter, 1614 Farnnm street, for The Bee: E. B. Comstock and wife to Augtisi Hamelljerg, tots 11, vi,- u. anu i, block 1. In 13th at. add I 1,600 The Ooorge 1". Ilemls Real ratate company to Batnuei j. uucan, 104, 1. block C. Lowe add 400 2,200 283 7,609 2,000 1 SOO 4,000 2,300 100 2,300 11111 J. Johnaon et al tn Howard Myers, pnrt or lots 0 ana o, pioch 09 flonlh Omnht Christ Iydecke and wife to Richard Prndsliaw. lot 10, mock so, Aiorigm a Choice .- John F. Wuerth and wife to August C. Harte. lart of sw 6-16-13 ........ Sheriff to George P. Davis, part of lot I. LI 1 . 1 -I L-hI.. T 1 ,1 . f, U1ULH If. rmuitn in. Kate A. Doollttle and husband to Fannie L. Farmer, lots 7. , 11. ji and part of lot 13 and all of lots 16 and 17. Rockford add Frank Gray and wife to Maria Sav age, lot n, block K'f, noutn umann... Ellen Richardson to Mary Rlchard- aon, part or lot 7, diock 1, omana View add W. Edwin Thorp, executor, and Lucy 11. Carlisle, executrix, to r;stner a. lot 8, block 10. MeCormlck'B Wllllnm H. Guehs and wife to Anna C. Peterson, Jot lb, block z, Mount Douglas- Sheriff to John H. Harte, lota 23 and 24. block 10O. Dundee riace. Lvdla W. Harris to Maria O. Owens, lot 23, Davenport suoniv; 101 01, Gtsea' add 1.860 1.250 Ernest G. Smith and wife to Nela Nelaon. lot 7. block 128. South Omaha Llllle White Clalborn and hueband to Union National bank, part 01 mo seV 3-14-13 Alwllda K. White and huaband to Union National Dank, same I'lillllloPlfttl C tUIMIVllOOIUIl a COs Incaorporsttla Capital and Surplus $600,000. Uealers In - - 6 RAIN, PROVISIONS, STOCKS, BONDS AND INVESTMENT SECURITIES. REFERENCES: 17 State and Na tional banks 4k Oommerolal Agencies. 165 Branch Otnces. General Offleei V Y. Life Betiding, MINNSATOUB. Omaha Brauacb 1411M Farnane St., Tel. lM4,r. THOS. M. WADDICK. Cor. The Merchants National Bank of Omaha. Nttb. U. f cvstitiry Capital and Surplui, $600,000 ffum HUKSIY. Its4. Kit at V00B, V. Bras. LUTBtl PEA1E. Catkkr. rtAW T. aUMILTS Aaat. Caaklsr. Beeelre sseounts at Wnlra. aaoken. axleua. gnaa aa4 UaUTassarie an laToraeie iarms. rorelsv Bicaavese sooftit sn4 solo. LaMlers el Credit Israec. available la all et tae vofid Isterast sad sa Ttsas Certlaeatea aa Deeaett. Celleetleais BaaaVa sroiatHIr aa4 aaoaieluallr. we reajnei L0WREYBR0S.& CO COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Grain, Stocks and Provisions. Room 213, N. T. Life Building. 'Phone $610. bpeclxl attention fc'lvtn tu telegraph and nutu oiuera. - ui