Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 12, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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K wine glassful of Rarlam's Microbe KUlrr
after meals and at bedtime and It will
prevent and care disease by destroying
bacteria, the organic life that cpmm fer
mentation and ricca? of the blood, tba
tissues and the vital organs.
Microbe Killer U tbe only known actv
septic principle that Tirifl destroy tbe
germs of dise&se in the Blood without
' Injury to the tissues. Pleasant to the
taste and agreeable to tbe most delicate
stomach. A purely scitntilic remedy,
recognized as a true speciik
Wt J. T-aicte. Wfr. PoitntAla
Pent, SIOT imid Hill Arrlin, Baltimore,
Md., writes: I u troabled for many years
irlth serer cam of Catarrh, which affected
j hearing. 1 was Induced to try your Mk
Irobe Killer, and am pleased to advise that
t am eompletelj cured and my bearlag en
. Hrely reitond. t bless the day I staxtrd to
take Kadame Microbe Ktller.
Myers-Dillon Ufng cy... mh and Farnsn.
And All Druagleta.
Let Us Help
You to Health"
Tke Ikenaia A MeCaaaell lira fat
(orarr Slmteeath and Undue Streets
flMika,' Will Ktrrr (atarrk Sal
tree lie llromel a ad Be Cared.
Statistic, show that at leant fl out of
very luo persons in this stale Buffer from
catarrh In, tome .form.
While tha disease In one of the most com
mun, it la also one of the moat dangerous
and offensive, leading; to consumption and
other diseases of the respiratory organs.
Prior to Uie Uncover y of Hyomel and Its
Introduction in thia section by the Brier
man A McConnell Drug Co., corner 16th
and Dodge streets, Omaha, every method
of treatment had been found worthier.
The discovery of Hyomel and Its grow
Ins: rjoDulaflty ' has already reduced the
percentage of those suffering from catarrh.
This wonderfuLremedy Is the simplest and
meat pleasant treatments. Put 20 drops
of Hyomel in the poCket Inhaler that comes
with every outfit and breathe It for a few
minutes four times a day. Rollef will be
seen after the first treatment and o com
rlete cum will soon follow. Breathe tha
Hyomel In this way and the catarrhal
germs, even In tha mist remote air cells
are destroyed. The Irritated mucous mem
brana Is soothed and healed and perfect
health restored. ,
The Sherman A McConnell Drug Co,
corner lfth and "Dodge streets, Omaha, Bay
to all catarrh sufferers, "Let us help you
t health." we are ctmAdeqt Hyomel will
cure, so confident. In fact, that wa guar'
sntee to refund your money If It falls. A
complete outfit costs but M. and If It does
not help you, your money will be returned
to cure Indigestion Is largely due to tha old
theory that when the stomach becomes In
active It needs something to mechanically
aiK'Sl us contents, and catnariics. purga,
tives, etc., are used, which give only tern
porary relief, because they digest by irrltat
ln the lininar of the itnmitch. ' '
Modern science reooanlsea the fact that
It Is the nerves that -tarnishes motive power
to digest toa contents or the stomach.
The nerves ..agitate- and mis the food
ami stimulate the secretions. When they
Decome weakened they lack energy ana in
ingestion, dyeiwpma, sour slomacn result.
Dr. Miles'
will relieve obstinate cases of Indigestion,
dyspepsia and Stomach trouble by strength
ening these nerves.
"I had severe stomach trouble. Dr. Miles'
Nervine, and Nerve and Liver Pills cured
m. l- can now eat anything without
trouble." L. C. OBR1BN, Winston-Salem,
N. T. -
Money bark If first bottlo'falls to benefit.
Boats Ptssei the Bill Beported by ths
Mr. Bartosi Believes That Aaaaaat Ks-
praded Isoa Waterway Improve-
aaeats la-pares I a (aver ably
with Foretga i'oaatrlea.
WASHINGTON, April U.-The house to
day passed the bill reported by the com
mittee on rivers and harbors apprcprlat
Ing t3.000.000 for the restoration or main
tenance of channels, or of other river
and harbor Improvements. Mr. Burton
chairman of the committee. In explaining
tha bill urged the adoption of settled prin
ciples with regard to river and harbor
Work. Messrs. Burgess of Texas and
Ransdell of Louisiana favored Increases
In the appropriations In the river and har
bor Improvements, the former urging that
they should be doubled, and the latter re
garding tlOS.ODO.OOO as not too much. Mr,
Clark of Missouri made a plea for the
improvement of the Missouri river. Quite
large number of bills of minor import
ance were passed.
It was ordered that bills relating to the
District of Columbia which were to have
been taken up today shall be considered
on Saturday next. The house then went
Into committee of the whole for the con
sideration of the emergency river and
harbor Improvement bill, general debate
being limited to three hours.
Mr. Burton (Ohio), In charge of the bill,
made an explanation of It and gave
general explanation of the subject of river
and harbor improvements. He said that
the amounts expended for this purpose,
when the vast extsnt of our waterways
was considered, was Very small. Tha sys
tem pursued In the United States. - he
thought, contrasted most unfavorably
with those of foreign countries.
V yhamsn
tpr busy p
This Most troublesome d'sease to
responsible for a great majority of Hie
from which numan beings sutler.' Meg-
the internal machinery of the
body is very prevalent among
oeonlo and the resulting discom-
' forts are such as to cause misery to thou
sands who are usable to locate the trou
ble or form an idea as to the csnse.
From constipation result indigestion,
dyspepsia, biliousness, insomnia and
hundreds of other troubles that can be
directly traced to constipation as the
real cause. Many persons suffer from
one year's end to another with internal
disturbances and only realise that they
are suffering without being able to un
derstand what they are suffering from. -fa
the great majority of cases constipa
tion is at the root of their misery and if
they overcome that they will too a resume
normal health.
Recently there has been put on the mar
ket an absolute cure for constipation with
. its many attendant Ills,' under the name
of Milks Emulsion. This preparation
is put up in such a manner as to be
palatable to the most sensitive palate
and stomach and while absoutlely reach
ing the cause of disease and remedying
the existing trouble, leaves no bad after
effects.- Tiis wonderful medicine not
only cures constipation, but is most ef--ficacious
in stomach disorders of all
forms, in catarrh, colds, coughs and all
other throat and lung troubles. Relief
immediately follows the taking of this
remedy, which is positively guaranteed
to effect a cure. If one bottle does
not relieve you the purchase price will
be refunded.
Thousands of testimonials as to its
value are to be had bv merelv address-
'jaftug a postal card to The Milks' Emulsion
company, lerre Haute, Ina., or by
y,ur druggist. Buy a bottle to-day.
Mr. Teller JMsrasees the PostoSBee
WASHINGTON. April 11. Congress has
been Invited to attend the opening of the
Louisiana Purchase exposition on Satur
day'. April 30. The Invitation algned by
President Francis, was laid before the sen
ate by President pro tern Frye.
Mr. Hoar offered a resolution which was
agreed to, directing the secretary of the
navy to report to the senate In regard to
the fisheries of the Atlantic and Pacific
coasts and the ocean fisheries as a source
for obtaining men to serve In f?li) niu-y.
The postomce appropriation bill was laid
before the senate' with the Culberson
amendment under consideration. The
amendment providea for the appointment of
a commission of three senators and Ave
members of the bouse to Investigate the
Postoffice department. Mr. Lodge made a
point of order against it, but wltheld It In
the absence of Mr. Culberson.
Mr. Teller took the floor to discuss state
ments which had been made on the amend
ment to the bill In relation to tbe rental of
cancelling machinery.
Mr. Teller said what he wanted to em
phasise was that Fourth Assistant Post
master General Brlstow had stated that
Beavers got only 36,00O and Machen fJO.OOO
and yet tbe government had been defrauded
out of a total of $3,100,000. It was this
amount In which there was Interest. There
was high authority for saying the Poet
office department ought to be investigated
further. 'i l, --. w .6' :'
Mr.' Teller' toot up the Conrad-Bona
parte report and read the comments con
tained therein concerning Perry S. Heath,
former first assistant postmaster general,
and also Mr. Heath's reply to the Tulloch
charges. He made no comments, except to
say that Mr. Bpooner had evidently not
read all these things when he declared Sat
urday that there was not much in the
Tulloch charges. Referring to the charges
made a few days ago that the democrats
did not know who their candidate for tbe
presidency would be, Mr. Teller" said:
"No, Mr. President, we do not know
whether It will be Cleveland. Parker,
Hearst or Bryan. The democratic party
never knows who It Is going to nominate
until after the convention meets."
In this respect he criticised the republican
party for deciding on Its candidate and
platform eight months before its conven
tion meets.
up: Orssello won. Oolddome second. Torn
L.d third. Time: 1:19.
Fourth race, about two miles, steeple
chase, maidens, 4-yesr-nlds and up: Tire
less won, Inlvtngton secona. riea moos
started, but fell on second round and did
not finish. Time: 4 25.
Fifth race, seven furlongs: John r
Ahearn won. Cap second. Polk Miller third.
Time: 1.3S.
Sixth rare, mile and seventy yaras, s-
year-olds and up, selling: Nine spot won,
Setauket second, James F. third. Time:
MEMPHIS, Tenn.. April II. riesuiis:
First rare, six furlorurs: Cosrnrmen won.
Federal second. Redman third. Time: 1:1.
Second race, four futlorrs: laiy jnoneua
won Keksteln second. 6an Pedro third.
Time: 0S1H. , .
Third race, one mile and a sixteenth:
Wltful won. Deutschland second. Banter
third. Time: 1:4V
Fourth rare, the Tennessee Oaks. 12.000
added, one mile: Audience won. Lady Lav
ish seeond. Outwsl third. Time: 1:44V..
Fifth race, four and a hall furlongs: M
dalia won. Marsh Redon second. King's
Trophv third. Time: 0:B.H.
Sixth race, six furlongs: Bavwood won.
Voito second, 8lr Andrew third. Time:
.St. Laala Katloaala Wia Series from
the Amerleaas.
HT. T.nri8. Anrll 11 The St. Louis Na
tional leneue team defeated the St. IiOuls
Americana in ine seventn ana aecioing
game for the local championship. Score:
Nationals 11 19 t
Americans S t I
Batteries: Nationals. Corbett and By era:
Americans. Sudhoff. Pelty and Kahoe.
WASHINGTON. April 11 The result of
today's exhibition game follows:
Wash. Amer....0 0 4 X 0 0 1 0 0810 0
Georgetown U..1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 T 4
Batteries: Washington. Patten. Wilson
and Klttredge; Georgetown, Bella, . Drill
and Hart-
FH1LADELPHIA. April 11 Following is
the result of the game at Washington:
R. H, E!
Phil. Amer 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t -i 1 i
National 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 08 1
1 . I V . I T . . -V. - n .1 1 n .
Philadelphia Americans, Waddell and
Schreckengoet. Umpire: Smith. Attend
ance, 1,044.
ITVPt VV 1TI Anrll 11 rln(r,rittrl ...tlw
defeated the Nashville Southern league
team In the firm exhibition game of the
season here today. Score: R. H. K.
Cincinnati 0 1021040 -10 15 l
NaHhvllle 0 00000000 0 1 f
Batteries! Cincinnati. Suthoff. Kwlne. W.
Pelts; Nashville, O NeJll, Piatt and Fisher.
On the Omaha Bowline- association allevs
last evening the second of a five-cams
series of ninepins between the champion
ninepin players ana cnampion tenpm play
ers, was won by the tenpin players by the
ionuwing scores:
1st. 2d. 3d. Tli
Emery S 4 7 id
Beselln S 1 S
1. i. lierger 3 7 6 13
-Christie ( 7 ' 1
t rencn 8 t 17
Huntington t 3 ( 14
Totals XI 34 34 100
1st. 2d. 3d. T'ls.
C. H. Mullen Sit ID
W. K. Kludell 7 t 4 16
Davis 6 t - 6 li
David Coil 7 4 6 17
Whlttakcr 4 4 6 14
Ralph Kern 4 t 6 It
Totals 36 3 33
A .Monogram 5c Cijar
today, and then decide for yourself whether
or is wise to pay doubt the price
iur wuer mauus not nearly as gooa.
.. . . 140 DouLaa aKreat
J t:lusUai
Vf eS
aV . sub X. f T
Every Woman
liSsisaiJ sb4 shoaM ksow
sfaNut Uw wwbttorrta
V) kuruaej Spref
r IiKmI tin-.. -
,11 KUO suu tor
aifj t k ft
full MU1hniirkaa rtDMl,i,l la.
Sklwitr iu U4ia Mtti k.t,lSX.'
irwkk. S.- Sara.
, gae - eaja mit kt
v m am
r911 M aad ngtaa.
" ianaa aSebti
Preaideat Grlllo laterpreta Rales suad
lastractioas and Waras Players,
CINCINNATI. April ll.-Presldent J. Ed
Grlllo of the American association today
sent his interpretation of the playing rules
layers, relative to their conduct on the
beld. Grlllo makes It plain that the um
pires are to have his support and warns
players against the violation of any of the
rules he lays down.
The playing rules are Interpreted simi
larly to the manner of those recently sent
out by President Pulltam of the National
league. The American association staff of
umpires will report bca ni Jdqridayto
tri vi to rpwaaii.juairui UUS.B. -fT'
Haraea of Coaatry - t'aa Be"Eaterad
Wlthoal Tsklag Record. .
NEW YORK. Aorll 1L The initiation of
an amateur driving circuit by the principal
driving t-iuds or the country in tne com
ing season was decided upon today at a
meeting: of the Leaarue of American Driv
ing clubs. Such a circuit was made possible
when the national Trotting association, at
Its meeting here in February, voted to per
mlt the amateur driving clubs to hold one
meeting yearly In any city, where a club
was located, for not more than three days
and to charge no admission therefor, with
out the horses taking record as they would
nave aona Heretofore.
elee'a Tea at Meets Pa Bsarke'a Bays
at Tiaiew Street Play
Omaha will meet Seles's Chicago National
league team at Vinton Street park this
afternoon, the game being called at
o clock. Pa Rourke's children are getting
on tbelr toes now and In trim to do things
to the big " 'una" from the Windy City, or
st least interest them. The locals made the
Chicago Americans work front the time the
first man was up until tbe last one was out
In Sunday's game, and but for a couple of
stupid plays at critical times would have
!iad the game. Four thousand fans saw
tbe game Sunday, and the Indications are
a very large number will see the one with
the Nationals. With the White Sox Omaha
had the privilege of seeing one of its old-
time favorites In tbe box Frank Owen;
with the Nationals Omaha fans will have
the pleasure of seeing another local favor
ite Brown who Is still pitching ball every
minute snd covering tbe whole front gardes
as usual.
The line-up:
Chicago. Positions. Omaha.
Chance First base ....'..Thomas
Evars.v, ....... .Second base Downs
Ciisy Third base Shirks
Tinker Shortstop I'lake
Jones Left field Miller
Blazle Center field We ah
Mci ai-thy Right neid Carter
Kllng Catcher Oondlng
O'Neill Fresse
Brown ........Pitcher Companion
I.unagren eiiarstail
Mlnnes McCarthy
Brlgga , Liebhardt
Lavd f Karat la tke r eat are af the
Baeea at Oahlaad
BAN FRANCISCO. Adi-11 ll.-There were
a number of a, nirlaM mi ,u k ka n ,1 tiA - w
Imong them the victory of 1-ady Kent st
ooos or u to l in tne laat rar. sivstiea
Prida was placed as a good thing in the
event, but after leading to the stretch
etvpped and Lady Kent beat bar a neck In
drive, tlausue stumbled at the start
and .threw Bonner. The colored buy also
frU .off Red bird and Sir Douglas Suing to
Uie pust, uui recapmi injury nesuiia:
First race. Itv and a half furlonxs. sell-
Ing: Hsrka son. Facta second, Targette
inira. i nr. i vi'm.
Sscond race, futurity course, selling! La-
rena . woa.. Alice cary aeoono, .frisstUke 1
third lime: 1:11V j
Third race, five and a half furlarurs: Ce-
tatl won. wistaria secona, urown rauey
third Tims: 1 lV
Fourth race.' mile and fifty yards, selling:
Kitty Kelly woa. Aulrad second, laaballita 1
third. Time: 1 46.
Fifth ra. futurity course, eelUng: Titus
won. Wagar sacood. uuaa uura.. Tune:
1 :11V ' .
Sixth race, alx furlongs, selling: lady
Kent won. Mstlea Prise aacoud, Crtaa
Cni third Time: 1US.
WA8H1NOTON ADril 11. Results:
Ptrel race, alx fwriongs, handicap, S-year-oids
and upward: iiriartDorp wuu, Totvaa
aecond. Paul Clifford third. Time: 1:1.
second ru'. tour and a half furlotiga 1-
year-lda: IJIy uror-fc won raaaaena sec
and. koa Aaaour Oatr. Tlm:
antia (see, a fuxtukgs, -)ear-iUs and i
Dolaa Biaras with Oaaaka.
Papa Bill Rourke and Joe Dolan have
buried the hatchet, and while the handlo
is pointed toward Pa, It Is not likely to be
dug up again this season. Flake s appar
ent inability to attend to the natural bust
ness that falls to the lot of a shortstop
during a base ball game, and the failure
of the Pennsylvania man to show up,
taken witn tne iikeunood mat joe uuinn
will not be able to get away from St. Louis
for a long time, set Rourke to thlnkina.
Dolan is willing to work, and makes good
promises, so h will be given a chance to
make gooa on nis talk, lie was signed
last night U play short for Omaha during
the coming season, or at least during good
behavior. He can play good ball, and says
he win do bit best lor umina.
Kafloaal Leaarar rs at Brand " Islaad
GRAND ISLAND." Neb.. April ll.-Spe-
clal Telegram.) The Chicago National
league team divided its men ana witn three
local players in the game played seven
Innings, with a score of t to 6 for the
regulars. A cold, stiff wind took the life
out of the game and caused a small at
tendance. Art Ulade pitched and Phil cov
ered short for the reguiirs, while Harriot
of the local team played left lor tne Colts.
PlttsbargT Win at Kaaaae City. '
KANSAS CITT. April 11. Fltsburs de
feated the Kansas City American associa
tion team today by bundling hits st crit
leal times. Score: . K.H.K.
Pittsburg 13 171
Kansas City 7 1 1
Batteries: Durham. Saunders. Gibson -and
Orrcndorff; Lee, Veil, Thompson snd Car
fiariaaatl Releases Twa Mti,
CINCINNATI.1 April ll.-Presldent Herr
mann of the Cincinnati Base Ball club to
day released outfielder Dan Kerwln and
pitcher Arthur Ragau. Both players will
return to the clubs they played with last
season. Kerwln to the Louisville club, and
Kagan to ine iwuu, lex. ciud.
Elrla Batter Market.
FTIiOIN. III.. April 11 Bt'TTER No of
ferings and no sales.- Official market, Mcl
The output of the district for the week
was 4.M IDS.
Many people think of
Scott's Emulsion as merely
a flesh builder, but its flesh
building is,on!y an outward
sign of the new life-building
process within the, vital
parts of the body.
It builds up the blood
ceils, the nerves and life
tissues before the added
flesh begins to appear.
Its unseen work is more
important than the seen.
Fresh, crisp and good.
fWhen L
(Utedlf) H).BeBa!illfi 1
Whenever you are hungry. -
M Where M
f Wherever you are. W
Why (M
y . '.tagged 3ssloog y
ml Because good digestion waits on appetite. W
Oddossi tha -Crsstisn of a General Btsfi la
the Nsvj.
Treasury Has Fire Handred Carloads
t Silver Dollars, W kirk Wan Id
Cast 100,000 to Have
WASHINGTON, April 1L Secretary
Moody Is cot In favor of the creation of a
general staff In the navy modeled after the
general staff organisation In the army.
This fact he communicated to the house
committee on naval affairs taday in a
hearing granted him on a bill of his own
drafting "to Increase the efficiency of the
The bill suthorixes tbe secretary of the
navy to constitute a general board in his
discretion, by detailing seven officers on
the active list of the nav- and marine
corps, not below the rank of captain, for
such duties ss the secretary may from
time to time direct. .
The secretary explained that this bill did
not really enlarge his present authority In
tha matter of an advisory board. He now
has the right to create such a board of
any number of officers and continue them
on the board for any length of time.
Such a board, the secretary explains, was
ebsoluiely-v'ln the hollow of the hand of
the secretary of the navy." He could cre
ate it at will ivnd discontinue It at will.
Its functions would be purely- advisory.
He said that a civilian had been and al
ways would be at the head of the navy
and that It was proper he should have ex
pert advice, but as he was responsible to
the country he should be master of tbe
situation. No board, he said, should be
created which could usurp the powers of
ths secretary. The board provided for
In his belief, he said, should have no ex
ecutive power nor Jurisdiction over the
bureaus of the navy.
The committee took no action on the bill.
which has not as yet been Introduced in
To Iaaarove t'arrther.
A report from the house committee on
banking and currency recommending the
passage of the bill "to Improve currency
conditions" was filed in the house today
by Chairman Fowler. Tbe first section of
the bill repeals the law which prohibits
customs reaelpts from being deposited in
national banks. The result of the present
law In this matter, the report says, is un
necessarily to tie up the money of the
country. The report says that If states and
municipalities should lock up the proceeds
of local taxation as the national govern
ment locks up its receipts ths effect would
be disastrous snd yet there is ss much res-
son for such a course In the one case as
In the other.
The second section repeals the monthly
$3,000,000 limit on banknote retirement.
The recolnage of silver dollars lato sub
sidiary silver coins is provided In the third
section of the bill. The limit of tl00,0u0,0u0
as the total amount of subsidiary silver
coins that can be in existence at any one
time Is repealed by this section. The re
port says that an July 1 next the bullion
from which subsidiary coins may be made
will be ax haunted. There la In the treasury
tTS.OltOM silver dollars, or, says ths report,
according to Secretary Shaw, too carloads
of thirty tons each.
It would cost 1100.000 to recount this
money and the secretary says that it la
worth In bullion lees than half of its face
value in dollars. It is this money that the
bill proposes to recoln lato subsidiary sil
ver as rapidly as the secretary shall order.
In this recolnage there Is estimated a profit
ta the government of f cents on each dol
lar. Roller to the Treasury department In Its
Inability to meet tne demand for small
bltla. awing to the mariner la which (he
preargt last limit Uwur isauamre.. la sought
le be remedied bj tne renuvai of thair
limitations. On this point the report says:
-It is probably true that the Inability of
the treasury to meet the demand for small
bills, combined with the rhortage In. sub
sidiary coin In recent years, has compelled
the retention of small bills In circulation
until much of that form of money has be
come ragged snd fllthy and produced con
ditions which have fully Justified the
vigorous crusade for 'clean money' which
has been recently Inaugurated."
Dralnoae Case . Emtended.
The United States supreme court today
extended the time until June 1 for taking
testimony In the case of Missouri sgalnst
Illinois, Involving the proceeding of the
former state to enjoin the emptying of the
Chicago drainage canal Into the Mississippi
The report of the McCall Investigating
committee will be filed In the house tomor
row. The report. It Is understood, will be
signed by every member of the committee,
although supplemental views will be added
by one or more of the democratic party.
Derides Agalast Beavers.
WiaHlNdTflN Aorll It Tha TTnlted
Slates supreme court today decided tbe
New Tork esse sgalnst George W. Beavers
late chief of the salary snd allowance,
division of the Postoffice department. It
was an appeal from a decision by the cir
cuit court for- the southern district, refus
ing to grant a writ of habeas corpus.
Supreme Co art 'Makes Importaat
Rallnar Rearardtnar Pahllratloas.
WASHINGTON. April '.l.-The "Jnlted
States supreme court today ceclded Oat
books published periodically are not entitled
to transmission through the malls as sec
ond class mall matter. The opinion was de
livered by Justice Brown and covered three
rases agnlnst the postmaster general. In
stituted respectively by Houghton. Mifflin
& Co., Smith and others and Bates Oil.
The chief justice and justice Harlan dis
sented. The question decided has been the sub
ject of long controversy between the Post
office department and the publishers both
before congress snd In the department. For
vixteen years and under eleven postmasters
general these publications were carried as
second class matter, though under protect
from the department, with many efforts to
lave the :aw. Modified or repealed, but with,
out success. Falling in 'this the postmaster
general '.asuod an order In 1903 exel ullfig
the books from the second class rata.
Thereupon the matter was taken to the
courts, the effect tiing that the postmaster
generul was sustained by the Anal decision
as rendered today.
f jaansiatery Rheanaatlaaa Cared.
William Shaffer, a brakemsn of Derml
cn, Ohio, wss confined to his bed for
several weeks with Inflammatory rheuma
tism. "I use'd many remedies," he says.
"Finally I sent to McCsw's drug store for
X bottle of Chamberlain's Psln Balm, st
which time I was unsble to use hand or
foot, and In one week's time was able to
go to work as happy as a clam."
The Bee want ads are the Best Business
Boosters. -
Bridal Party ia (tsaraalla.
LA CROSSE, Wis.. April ll.-As a result
of the bride's mother being stricken with
smallpox during the wedding festivities,
thirty families, who witnessed tbe marriage
of Andrew Baxter and Miss Gusta Krause
In Newton, Vernon county, are quarantined
in their homes and an epidemic is feared.
Ii purposes.
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I aw. : s - y-rai i-i sari
' United States Senate, Washington, D. C.
I hare found HAYNER WHISKEY exceptionally fine for Ubte and medicinal
S Senator from Nevada.
' Uncle Sam, In the person of ten government officials, is always in charge of
every department of our distillery. During the entire process of distillation, after the
whiskey is stored in barrels in, our warehouses, during; the seven years it re:nains
there, from the very grain we buy to the whiskey you get. Uncle Sam is constantly on
the watch. We dare not take a gallon of our own whiskey from our own warehouse
unless he says it's all right. And when be does say so, that whiskey goes direct to yon,
with alt its original strength, richness and flavor, carrying a UNITED STATES
the dealers' enormous profits. That's why HAY HER WHISKEY is so good and yet so
cheap. That's why we have over half a million satisfied customers. That's why
you should try it. Your money back if you re not satisfied.
Saves dealers' profits Pravwitt adulterations
fifin nrrCTR -w will send yon FOUR FULL QUART BOTTLES f HAYNER
UUII Urrkll seven-year-Old rye for ti.zo and we wm pay the
express charges. Try it and if you don't find it all right and as good as you ever
used or can buy from anybody else at any price, then send it back at our
expense and your $3.20 will be returned to you by next mail. Just think that offer
over. How could it be fairerf If you are not perfectly satisfied you are not out
a cent, We ship in a plain sealed case, no marks to show what's inside.
Orders for Arliona. California, Colorado. Idaho. Montana. Nevada. New Mexico. Oreeoo,
va iuw
rtah. Waahinirtoo or Wromuig aiust be niu baoia of 4 V a arts
s-reaaua, m a Wauarte for eiara bf arvetgat r re pa a.
Aw by JUaroas)
Write our nearest office) and do It NOW.