Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 11, 1904, Page 7, Image 7

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MKTomnii jroncB.
a. Cnrltyba. via Matanxss (mall must
b directed "per : e. Curltyba").
Mall PiniutH Overland, Etc., Ex
ec t Transcontinental.
CUBA Via Port Tump. Florid, ciosea at
thin office dul'y, except Thursday, at R:S0
a. m. (the connecting malls close here on
Mondays, Wednesdays and Baturdavs).
MEXICO CTTT Overland, unless specially
addressed for dispatch by steamer, closes
at thla office dully, exeunt Sunday, at 1 DO
p. m. and 19.80 p. in. Sundays at 1 p. m.
and 10 M p .-n
NEWFOUMiLANI) By rail to North fiyd
ny and thence by steamer ciosea at this
Oftloe dally at 10 p. m. (connecting mal's
rloKe here every Monday, Wednesday and
JAMAICA fly rail to Bos-ton, find thence
by ulenmpr, close) at thla office at 6 SO
p. m. Tnesdsy and ldsy.
By rail to rhllndelphla, and thence by
ptenmer, cloaca at thla office at 7 p. m.
M1QUELON By fall l Boston and thence
by steamer cioaea at una office dally at
wt p. m
Wtatfcar tad Iu Effeot 01 Wheat and Oo'D
Eagerlj Witched.
May and Jely Wheat Loae Little oa
Close Cash Baslaeaa Locally
aad In C hlcaaro la
mall colored, September, lie; late made,
I small wnile, nepiem oer, ur; late
made, l"c; large colored, HeptemPer, lie;
late made, l4c; large white, September,
Uc; late made",
tuu-(Strong, Plate ana Pennsylvania,
nearby, averHge finest, lc; llrsl. lic;
western storage selections, 18o; southern
firsts, 17c: western firsts, l?o.
TALLOW Weak; city, 4c; country, 4
reatarea of tha Trad Ins; aad Closing
Prlcee on Board of Trade.
CHICAOO. April I. Warmer tempera
tures otllclally predicted for Kansas and
Nebraska was the most potent Influence In
the wheat market today. The effect was a
net l"s of lo In ths July delivery. Corn
shows a decline of c, oata c ana provi
sions 2wfijoc. Initial quotations on July
were a snade to itjc higher at sctitiwc.
OMAHA. April 9, 1904.
Tha Weather la the thin of market Inter
eat today and Its effect on wheat and corn I Sentiment In tha pit, however, soon turned
is engeriy awaited, riepons ana preuiu- Dearie I), jrrices steadily declined tnrougn-
tions regarding the conditions In Minne- out the day, the close being practically at
Bota are entirely conflicting. One well the low point. After touching 86e July
known man In that state Is quoted aa say- closed at 8i6,c. May ranged between
lna tha snows are tha best thing that 94:.,, and BTiUn a nil rlnaeri at felWc. Cliar-
BRLIZE1, PUERTO COBTEZ and GtTATr I could have happened for tho wheat crop, as I anres of wheat and flour were equal to
MAiiA-Hy ran to jvew Orleans and I me norinwest never gets 100 murn i""'; 1 oo.ouo ousnels. .Primary receipts were 124.-
lure in tne spring, seeaing wouiu oe n ouu bushels, against bot.WO bushels a year
right If done during April. Another equally I Bgo. Minneapolis, Duluth and Cnlcago re-
prominent man says ns iookb iui m.
gest flood In the northern Red river valley
alnce 1882. He locks for seeding to be
thence? by steamer ninees st this offlra
dally, except Sunday, at 11:20 r m. and
1,10:30 p, m , (lundays at It p. m. and lu:M
p. m. toonmtcting man ciosea tiers Mon.
. va at lin si r m
COSTA RICA By rsll to New Orleans and I very late and the acreage In thla valley re-
Cattle Becelpti for the Week Ll(ht and
Prices Tvlj Steady.
Good Demand for Bheen and Prices
Shew an Advance Over Last Week
of Folly Ten to Fifteen Cents,
Lambs Are Abont Steady.
SOUTH OMAHA, April . 1904.
jieceipts were;
Official Monday
Official Tuesday
market, nominally steady; native lambs,
IS 26tl6 76: western Inmhs. ISSiSHO; fed
ewes. $4 .Tfl-ffS.oO; yearlings. $4.9o4t 35; Block
ers snd feeders. $3 iw?4 50
Receipts for the week: Cattle, Pl.flOO head;
hogs, 39,500 head; sheep, 16,900 head.
Cattle Nominal and lloaja and Sheep
Abeat Steady.
CHICAOO. April 9 CATTLR Receipts,
600 head; mniket nominal; good, to prime
steers, tl 2f'iio.7S; p. Mir to merllum. 3 .T5y
B00; stockers snd feeders. $2.7!'t 4. ?f ; rows,
p.m'fi t.2u; heifers. 2.X'uo 25; canncrs, r.'-W
Ino; bulls. 2.2t4.1; calves, $2.5tvg5.2u;
Texas fed steers. t4.0m4 60.
HOOR- Receipts. 6.(Vio head; estimated
Monday, 2S.OI0 head: left over. H.IV.4 head:
market, steady; mixed and butchers, 14 Po'rf
rood to choice heavv. t.i llnS .Id:
rough heavy, MftiSlO; light, il.Tiiji.lO;
Offlclsl Wednesday
imioiHi 1 nursuay ..
Official Friday ,
Official Saturday ...
Cattle. Hogs. Bheep. rotign Heavy. H.fi5
s its 1T1.! 11 bulk of sales. 14 96 "n S in
4.921 10,:iil 7.146 unu-r i,AMH- rieceipis,
I oon
wants. Copper ruled quiet; lake, 13.I55
Will; electrolytic, $13 12V31S 26; casting.
$l2.KiHT13on. fpot, Meudy. 2 OtfJS ..
Spelter. U 2VR6.30. Iron was quiet and
nominally unchanged.
Condition of Trade and Qnot'atlona on
Staple and Fancy Prodnce.
EGOS Receipt, liberal; market siaadyl
fresh stock, Ifcc.
l.IVK r iHlULTRT Hens, 11c; young
roosters, K$Sc; old roosters, be; turkeys.
13c; durks, PHc; geese. 8c.
BUTTER CHcklnpf stock:, HHSIJc; choice
to fancy dnlry rdlls, 13til4c; avparator, aa.
FRr:8l Fian Trout. fll0o; pickerel,
fiOc-i pike. !c; perch- tflv-ijc: bluensh. lf.c;
whlteflsh. 710c; ealmon, ile! hsddock. 10c;
I codfish, 12c; redenapper. 11c; lobster, boiled,
per lb., 40c ; smoked whlteflsh, lie; bull
heads. He; catfish. Wfltr; blark bass, SOc;
halibut. PV; crspples. 12c; herring. 4c;
white bass, tto; hluotlns, 8c; smelts, lOtjLle;
thence by steamer closer at this office
dally, except Sunday, at 11:10 D. m. and
110:30 p. m.. Sundays at II p. m. and 110:30
S. m. tconneriing mav cioscs nsre lues
ava at 110:) n. m.l
BAHAMAS (except Parcels Post Malls)
Liverpool opened Ho up on the unseason
able weather In this country, and a cable
from that market reported tnat tne new
Argentine wheat la not entirely miibibc-
ported receipts of 123 cars, compared with
470 cars last week and 442 cars a year ago.
The corn market waa Arm for a short
time early in the day. The market closed
weak and near the bottom. July opened
We higher at BlW!c, sold between
5o and fcl7c and closed at tlHfcM'ao, May
closed at o3Vc after ranalna between 63c
and 64c. Local receipts were lUt cars, with
29 692
24 977
tory. The government crop report will be I 34 caT-0f contract grade
By rsll to Miami, Fla., a,nd tnenee by I Issued Monday afternoon and Is be
steamer, closes at 5:S0 A. m. Wednesday. 1 waited with much Interest. The aentlm
I Kegiatereo man closes at p. m. prayl-
eus oay.
TranspaelSe Malta,
rinu iBL.AtNL, via sun Francisco,
close here dally at C30 p. m. up to April
iiiin, inclusive, tor oespatcn per a.
San Francisco, close hers dally at 30
p. m. up to April illth. Inclusive, for des
patch per s. s. Mariposa.
HAWAII, via San Francisco, close here
dally at 8:30 p. m. up to April Hth, In
clusive ior despatch per s. a. Alameda.
dally addressed mall for PHILIPPINE
ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close hers
dally at 8:30 p. m. up to April Jlst, In
elusive, for despatch per a. s. Gaelic.
and NEW CALEDONIA, via Vancouver
and Victoria, B. C. close nere dally at
6:30 p. m. up to April 23d. Inclusive, for
aespatcn per a. a. Aorangi.
Cisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to
April 26th. Inclusive, for despatch per
V. 8. .Trsnsport.
CHINA and JAPAN, via Vancouver and
Victoria. B. C, close here dally at 6:80
p. m. up to April jwtn, inclusive, ror ns-
patcn per a. s. impress 01 cmna. taier
chandlse for U. S. Postal Agency at
Shanghai cannot be forwarded via Can
. .1 II 1 nf 1 It -.1.. anw
ft I t Bllll nA ..All, l Onil X I Olll l"iu.
close here dally at :30 p. m. up to April
ixttn. inclusive, ior oespaicn per s. a.
sierra. (If tha Cunard steamer carry
Ing the British mall for New Zealand
does not arrive In time to connect with
thla despatch, extra malls closing at
1:30 a. m. and 9:30 a. m. and 6:30 d. m.
Sundays at 4:30 a. m., 9 a. m. and 8:90
p. m. will be made op and forwarded
until the arrival of the Cunard steamer.)
NOTE t'nleSB otherwise addressed. West
Australia Is forwarded via Europe: and
New Zealand and Philippines via Ban
Francisco the quickest routes. Philip.
ft nes specially addressed ' via Canada
or "via Europe" must be fully prepaid at
the foreign rates. Hawaii Is forwarded
via San Francisco exclusively.
la f.n the whole, hulliah on this cold
weather which extends over the entire
spring wheat belt. Speculative business
was very light In Chicago ana umana to
day, the professionals apparently waiting
for developments. 1 ne may ranged irom
964,0 to mc, wltt the latter figure at the
close, and new Jiuy weakened from 87T4e to
fWHc, the low point also at the close. Cash
business locally ana in inicago was very
small. Chicago reported 15,000 bushels No.
1 Northern Bold Friday at o over the
Mar, this being Ho decline.
Interest was aroused uy tne report iron
Iowa had bought 80 cara of corn In Chi
cago to bo shipped west. This la unusual.
The unsettled weather helps corn. Armour
has them guessing so far. While his hold
ings were aiiDDosed to be In the May. .nd
he Is not known to have unloaded any, nls
late transactions have been In the July
apparently on both sides ot the market.
Omaha May advanced fcc and Chicago de
clined tr-. Omaha July nt the closa was
only 2c below Chicago July.
ilie range or prices in umana grain ior
future delivery and the close Friday and
touay were as follows:
Low. Today. Frl.
Oats ruled weak,
(rralns. After
Total this week 17,S4 3S.41S
Same days last week.... 20.777 67,126
Same week before lK.MS 45.515
Same three weeks ago.. 23.347 S6.9W4
Sams four weeks ego... 23.391 4.t,7"
Same days last year. ...18.914 30. 967
The following table shows the receipts
of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha
ior tne year to date, with comparison wun
last year;
1904 IOOS Inc. nee.
Cattle 2T.7.391 262.250 4,857
Hogs 6i4.fr3 613.123 41. (W0 ....
head; niarket, steady: In m lis, steady; good finnan buddies. Smoked. SHo.'
to choice wethers, I4.7MT3.65; fslr to choice OYSTERS New York counts, per can.
mixed. I3.6ivfi4 50; western sheen, t4.3fvn6.16: I 4Sc; nee . t nft- etra select, oer can. 5o:
native lambs, I4.50&5.60; western lambs, 16.60 per gsl., I1.7R; standard, per can. 27c; per
gi. 11 Sf.tU1.40.
BRAN Per ton. t1 00.
St. Lonla Lire Stock Market. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale
ST. LOU18. Anrll 9 .-CATTLE Recelnta M'csiers association: cnoice Xp. 1 upisna.
42 7IIM I UYI h..H t-w-. Tan. -1. . . I 9" v ' . IN n. 7 IKIl1 mMimm. KVOV: coarse,
94,344 tlve shlDDlnir and export steers. li.75ii.Vu: !w! "raw. 16.00. These pi Icee are for
2S.625 rtresaed beef anil hiitrhep .ie..m Lt (Xi'.S IK- hy of good color and quality, lemand
steers under l.txsj ihs., 3.75y5.lo; stockers
and feeders, 9X7534.10; cows and heifers,
i ynjPfttny y1" Other sheep 3K8.607 U0tC18
tWJ"1?. d,beiW9"f KC 2 mha "orU. U.E1 ever. Cay", with com
and closed at 37c. Local receipts were 1 parlaons:
$2 2582.4o; canners, t2.1Cu'2.W; bulls, I2.7.VJ
1 50; calves. I4.754j6.00; Texas and Indian
steers. t3.6U0i4.50.
HO08 Receipts. 1.000 head; market
steady; pigs and lights, J4.45ig4.50; packers,
14 O4i5.10: butchers and best heavv. SS.Mkii
r 9,.
fair and receipts Hcht.
ORANGES Navels', choice, all sites, 12.26;
fancy navels, all sixes, 12.50.
LEMONS-Caltfornia, fancy, W to t0.
$3.50; choice, 240 to 270 sixes. tj.OOS.26.
FIGS California, per 10-lb. Cartons, tSc;
Imported Smyrna, l-crown, X4c; t-orown,
joc; (-crown, Jftc.
it ananas Per medium slieA cuncn,
SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recolpts, 1.000 I $2 OT4i2 JO; Jumbes. t?.T6fiS 26,
148 cars.
The trend In provision resembled the
action of grain markets. Opening prices
were a trine higher, on a fair demand, Mar. 14.. . t 1S 7 281 6 13' 6 4 7SI I l I
Date. U04.190t.1902. 11901. 11900.I1899.I19M.
head: market, steady; native muttons. 91.50 ambs. 15.2500: culls and bucka.
U.(Vu4.26; stockers, 62.00473.00.
but offerings were more liberal than the
demand and the market soon began to de
cline. The close was weak, with July pork
30c lower at 112.66. July lard was off 20c at
t6.52V and ribs 2.Vu25c at $6.60 6.
The leading futures ranged aa follows:
Artlcles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yes y.
May .
July .
May .
July .
Open. Hltfh.
494A 49A 49H
4a4 49VB 4tt
.. $8Vs $84 $8Vk SSV4
Loral Lash rain Market.
tS A
a July
b July
a Sept.
b Sept.
May July
96H 95H 94H
89V 87 V
88Vi 8i4
82H 2'e 81 H
81Vs'(T 81- 80
53'AiS54 64 6$
BlVUfTh M 61
5oVtfV 60V 60
SSHfflV J9 8S
3VuM 3a V 87 V
32S4IV 3:V 32
11 82H 12 (2H 22 45
12 97V 13 00 12 60
T7H 6 T7H 8 B l'M,
6 92H . 6 92 6 67Vs
6 67 6 70 6 35
6 85 6 87H 6 62'i
94 9614
87TKdSI 89 L
tvliIil " iar.
811 h2' Mar.
80H,81V Mar. 29.
l oiar. u
63V 63V Mar. 31
51VBV61 April 1.
50u50 foMi April 2.
pru t.
SSHSSffH April 4
li 60
12 67
6 56
6 T2V4
6 46
38H April 6..
tiVt April ..
April 7..
1) 90 April 8..
12 97M April 9..
6 92H
7 19
I 10
7 061
6 04
f 04
4 92U
4 95;
4 9iil
6 01U
6 06'l 7 26
e 2i
7 191 22) 6 61
7 3S
7 84
6 M! 4 71 I 61
4 861 I 65
4 M
6 K
6 66
7 45
7 Hi
6 12V
t 17
5 14
0 tJI
4 98
6 03V
6 09
6 13
a Ui
4 93'A
7 21
7 26
8 17i 5 71
6 25
$ 65
1 60
4 89
4 6' S 5R'
4 Sll 8 511
4 851 t 60
4 90
4 93
3 03
t 6CI
3 67
I 71
$ 65
6 82
5 801
6 801
8 29
881 6 761
6 361 6 87 4 89
6 45 5 85 4 V
7 l 6 Ml 6 KOI 6 051
s Vt 9 fi i t
7 Si
7 281 6 56
7 291 S 65
I 61
t 79
2 71
8 79
t 7$
Nevr York Live Stock Market.
ceipts. 49 head; no trading In live cattle;
nominally eteady; dressed beef, slow at
6Vsc; shipments. 980 cattle, 30 ahecp and
4.3"0 quarters of beef. ,
CAL.V EH Receipts. 91 head, all consigned
S 78 direct; no trading; nominally weak; dressed
J li calves, slow; city dressed veals, 7i&10e;
J J country dref sed, 6S7c.
3 60
t 661 t 67
7 29 C6
7 23
7 26,
7 94
T 24
6 68
6 63
8 63
6 68
head; steady for both sheep and lambs;
wooled sheep, nominal; prime clipped sheep,
$4.K6; unshorn lambs. $.254i6.60; no choice
Offered: clipped lambs. $5.60.
HOGS Receipts, 4,050 head; none for sale
ut i co i cminn, per imia oi u i1 r. p. . , ,
per lb. In 60-lb boxes, c Oriental stuffed
OSTes, per pox, x; 4I.
COCOANUT8-Per sack, $4 00; per doa.,
50o. . . ,
CRANBERRtFS-Per box. J2 60.
STRAWBERRIES Texas, per 24-qt. case.
IJ.w. .quiaiavna, per 24 nt. case,
PINEAPPLES Per crate, $5.00; per do...
APPLES California, Ballflowers. per box,
$1.76; Oregon fancy reds, per box. $1.90
New York export Greenings, Russets and
Baldwins, J4.0C
POTATOES Colorado,, Dakota, per
I 10 $ 59 ! 6S p" "Ve welUt: fcelitiK. steady.
St. Joseph Live Stock Market.
5 97
8 001 6 OS
6 98 6 15
6 9l 6 SO
6 96 6 S0
6 961 6 301
I 6 27
6 fiSi 6 011
3 64 13 66
1 N
8 65
3 621 3 79
a 651 3 79
3 62 8 79
$ 641 3 72
I 4 94Vi 7 25 6 68 5 921 6 33 I 75
6 TO
6 85
Indicates Sunday. -
The official numher of cars of stock
brought In today by each road was:
cattle, nogs
ceipts, 122 head; market steady; natives,
$3.0iKii5.35; cows and heifers, $1.6uiSj4.26;
stockers and reeders, I2.504f4.00.
HOGS Receipt. 1.313 head: market
3 66 8 71 ateady to 2c higher; light mixed, $4.SSfc5.O0:
iiir'imrn and neavy. 14 wud.uii.
SHEEP AND LAMUS-Recelpls. none;
demand, strong.
Slonx City Live Stock Market.
No. 2. a Old. b New.
Cash nuotatlona were as follows:
FLOUR Was dull and easy: winter
patents, $4 6O4.70: straights. 84 40f4 70:
spring patents, 14.0094.20; bakers. 93.oil4i3.60.
w mKa i wo. z spring. txac: o. S,
C, M. St. P
Union Pnclflo System
F.. E. A M. V. R. R
I C, St. P., M. & O. Ry
tt. .vi. Ky
Illinois Central
The corn men were buar about the sam
ple tables this morning and a rather large
(.mount changed hands. The receipts we.e
heavy, but tne bad roads resulting from
this weather are expected to cut tne corn
iirtnn f.,v ..wpal i(uui 'I'hn market, wn.le
tiffin anld nrY a. little, in most arades l8&S95c: No. 2 red. 97SH.00H,
nmuuntini to c. Receipts of wheat were . CORN No. 2, 53l6Sic; No. 2 Jellow,
oara in inil I rare nut: one week aso. I 63VitT58c.
cars In and 7 cars out. Corn receipts OATS No. 2. SSc; No. I white, fS42c.
were to cars in anu o cm uui, """a. I t,'fi.'ti:"- Jj.'-.j. io-. e.i- IP"1. anH Vora
ago, il cars in ana i cars irnu u re-i i irrumi, tuitjuuany 1'acKlng company
ceipta wr 1 ''''" uu" " ""i .T..m.v. , " . rmour .V"L-.
week ago, x cara in ana i car out. ducuo- i im. i .i, . " i Armour & Co., oluux city
pie on track, omana: , Totals 62 1,155
wiixva vorii nu. , i cer m. a vr i nwTimi.'iio-mrr.B I is a i i Lta ill re were a few odd biinciiiHH
at 49c. 1 car at 48c, lu tars (to arrive) at .82H: lard per 100 )Ym $6 82fi6.65: ihort 0f cattle 1 the j-ard! Ibis morning but
47c; No. 3 yUlow, 1 car at 49o (Mississippi). l bs sides (looseV 186S.37H: -hort clear not enough to mkko a market. For "he
SIOUX CITY. Ia.. April 9 fSneclal Tel
egram.) CATTLE Receipts, 100 head;
market, unchanged; beeves, t3.50iii4.70;
cows, bulls and mixed, $2.303.66; stockers
and feeders, $3.0083.iK); calves and year
lings. $2.76fl3.70.
MUUS itecelpts. COO head: . market.
strnne: selling at $4.75(55.05: bulk of sales
17 $4.905.00.
Total receipts 3
The disposition of the dav recelots was
as follows, each buyer purchasing the num.- I Stock In tight.
"r"u "'" Following are the receipts of live stock
Swift and Comnanv 7" "A k !'T. V"? Blx P"ncipai v esiern cities yes;
... " ..... ....... , i-rn.vT
1 All I
Transpacific mails are forwarded to port I 1 cr at 4so and 1 car at 4c (MiSHlsslppt.) I sides (boxed), $7.00(7.05. I week receipts have been moderate, owing
ii iviiui.iiig u n rmcii. .im ir to iiir Mint runs the latter part of the
of sailing daily and the schedule of clos
Ing Is arranged on the presumption ot
their uninterrupted overland transit.
Registered mail ciosea at 6 p. m. previous
oay. ' . xutir..L,iuB VAn ixin.
Postoffle. New York. N. T., April 8, 1904.
White Corn No. 1. 4 cara 48c.
White Oata No. 4. 1 car. fclrVo; 1 car.
WHEAT No. 2 hard. 85(S89c: No. S hard.
83(&i8c; No. 4 hard, 73079c; No. 2 spring,
a.V(jxc; xmo. a cyiing, o-wc; io. spring,
CORN No. t. 60c: No. 8. 47',4a49e: No. 4. Rye. bu
46a47o: no grade, 43(&46c; No. 2, yellow, I Barley, bu
60c ; No. 8 yellow, 4y4tto; iso. 3 white,
49c; NO. 8 wntte, 4,'jTi3c.
OATS No. X, 40-941C; No. 8. 8940e; No. 4.
S8i:39c; No. $ white, 42CT43c; No. 8 white, 40
South Omaha..
Kansas city...,
St. Louis
St. Joseph
Sioux City
.. 62
.. 6"0
.. 2O0
.. 900
.. 122
.. 100
Hogs. Sheep.
hu . 11 10: natives. tl.OO.
NAVY RF.ANS Per hu.. t2.26iI2.35,
CELERY Large California, tc 75o, and
ONIONS-Spanlsh,. per crate, $1.90; Colo
rado red, per JD., ta
carr AAvv-Callfornla. Per lb.. 4c
TURNIPS White, per bu., 90c; rutabagas.
per u.. lc.
UAKKUlB-rW DU., 1.1W.
PARSNIPS Per bu.. 60c.
PEET8 Per bu., 76c.
CCCI'MUFRS Per dos.. $1.6091.78.
TOM ATQE Florida, per t-basket crate,
R AtsiatfVA Vr do, bunches. teiTSOc.
LETTl'CE HEADS Per doa. bunches, 90o
Ctl.OO, ton lettuce, per uos., 4i)ic.
TURNIPS syiuthern, per doi., 46o. ,
BEETS Ponthem, Iper dox.. a.
CARROTS Southern, per rloi., 7Eo.
PARSLEY-Southern, per doi., 30tJ45o.
SHALLOTS Pet" dox., 750. , ."" ,;
ONION SETS-Per bu of 82 lbs., yo. J jCr,!,ht St. Piui.7
$11.00; whjtt, $2.00. Pavllaht rhlriva !.
PPINAOH rr hn.f $1.00f 1.25. . li mlted rtilogo ....
BEANS Wax, per bu. box, $150; etrlng, ! chlcasa
per bu. box, $3.00. Lw.i chi-o
ritlirirav? v'lar,ali, Irln. full ratvi I Rt. Paul ExorMt ...
12c; Wisconsin Young mericas, 13c; block ! r"'Wll
Swiss, ltic; Wisconsin brick, 16c; Wisconsin t Si, ..i tai
llmburser, 13c.
CIDKR Per bbl.. to.50: per U-bbl.. $3.26.
HONEY Nbraska. per 24 frames, $3.00;
elaborate Schema to Defeat Jastteo
Snccessfally Worked In Beath
"Most unique"' Is the comment ef Law
Note on the method said to have been
employed In fixing the Jury which nc
quitted Tillman of South Carolina of the
murder of N. O. Oonxalcs, who waa shot
down In cold blood. In the 5"linnent of
South Carolina the .unsavory Tillman waa
guilty of murder, but nobody thought he
would be convicted In the Tlllmanlied
state. The method of fretting a Jury waa
remarkable. Before the trial a number
of men representing themselves to be
agent of a picture enlarging establishment
went over the county ostensibly with the
object of selling a large picture of mem '
bers of the households. The doaen men
were lawyers In disguise working In the
Interest of Tillman. They parried as a
sample ot their work an enlarged picture
of Tillman, who was In Jnil. They would
not deal with women, but Insisted on talk
ing with the man of tha house. The ex
hibition of the Tillman portrait led to a
discussion of the Gon sales assassination
the South Carolinians were questioned
shrewdly about their feeling In the matter;
the results were duly noted; the whole
county was canvassed, and when the trial
came on the counsel for the tsfense had
a complete list of all the antl Tlllmanlle
and of all the Tillman sympathisers. If
a man was called from the jury panel who
waa against Tillman be waa challenged
or badgered Into an admission that ha
had disqualified himself by an expression
of opinion, and tho result was a jury box
filled with persona whose judgment could
be accurately foretold. Philadelphia,
Chicago, Rock Island A Paelllo.
EAST. re. Arrlvn.
, a 111 am tlM 4m
., 7 SO am a I M am
.blue am a i OS pm
.a 4'M pin bll ant
,.a t il pin a 1:11 pa
.a 110 am a 1:11 pot
.a 1:34. pm a l:Wpn
UtAh and Colorado, per 24 frames, $3.00.
HORSERADISH Per case of 8 doa.,
packed,' 80c.
Department of the Interior, Office of Indian ic No. 4 white, 3s&,i9c; standard, 41
Affaire; Washington. L C, March 21. 1904. I Jaitc
notes front tne tsxenanare omces
Flour, bbls
Wheat, bu
Corn, bu
Oats, bu
On the Produce exchange today the but
ter market waa steady; creamery, 16c22o;
dairy, 12S21c; eggs, firm at mark, case
Included, j0Vil6c; cheese, easy, 9ii10c.
MArl'fJ HIHUr-unio, per id., iwc.
HIDES No, l,green, c; No. 2 green, tc:
No.. 1 salted, "; NO. 1 salted. Cc: No. 1
veal calf. 8 to 12 lbs., 8e; No. 2 veal calf,
12 to 15 lba., 6c; dry saited hides, 812cj
sheep pelts, 24j27c; horsehldos $1.50'2.6O.
NUTS walnuts, ISO,- l sort sneu, per io.,
CMraio nrllM Llmltea
Chicago liaylight Lol
(.hit-ago ExprtBR
Pea Moln-a Expreaa..... .,
Chicago Faat Kipreae
RcrkT Itonntata Limited
Lincoln, rolorailo Hprlnga, Dmn
var. Pdahlo and rrat
Texaa. ('Allfornla and Oklahoma
Flyer a 4 10 pm alt 40 pm
Wabash. . ,
St. Loula "Cannon Ball" El... a l it pm a IK am
Bt. Loula Local (Co. Dlufft) s 1:16 am alO.30 pm
Chlcnao A Korth western.
Piat Chicago ... Af s 1:4 am a :M la
Local CJilraan . ...... ...... .all :10 aoa
Mall .....a 110 pin a JO pm
1:41 pm
a 1 SO am alO:00 pm
.......a 1:00 am all:20 pia
.......a t5 pin a 1:11 am
a 4:64 pm a 1:46 put
1 11 pm
a 1:11 pm a T 01 am
a I t am
, 1 1 to pm
s 4 00 pm s 4:te am
Norfolk and Boneateal a 1:06 am b!0:J5 am
Lincoln and Long Pine ,...b I i sm bl0:J am
Deadwood. Hoi Sprlnga 'and
Lincoln s I SO pm a B:10 pm
Caliper and W;omlng Expreaa. ,d f :M pm a 4:10 pm
Ilaatlnga, Eeparlor and Albion. ..o I 60 pm 9 1:10 Pm
lllvvaokee St. rani.
Sealed proposals, indorsed "Proposals for
beef, flour, etc..'" as the case may be. and
directed te the Commissioner of Indian Af
fairs, 265-267 South Canal street, Chicago,
111., will be received until 1 o'clock, p. m. of
Tuesday, May 8. 1904. for furnishing for the
Ir.dlan service, beef, flour, bacon, betuis,
coffee, sugar, rice, tea and other articles of
Omaha Inspections of grain were 19 cars:
of corn, 11 cars graded No. 8, 8 cara No.
4, t cars ino. wnue ana i car no grade;
of wheat, 1 car graded No. 4 hard winter;
of cats, 2 oara graded No. 4 white.
j. D. Levering -and T. JJ. Worroll, LID'
man ta rf f1r.ii an1 ... I n I ...... . ... , . .
...i...- . a- ..... i compareu wun last week, tnere I a ... ..
receipts. Bnipment. u a decrease of about s.oiio heart nn.i n. I " ..
,u . . . cm .. .. i . . . -., . . . ... . t rxynnx. . , i a T" i j . ..rr(. . . . r . .h. ...
22.900 40,800 off of about 1.000 heaA. monev slackened In the market todav snd 15c: bard shell per lb.. 14c: No. 2 soft shell,
146.700 68. GO) I Recelnta of catila thla wk haua k... thn Slinolles lncreuae.1 Tllannnnta were I ra. lh 13c- No. t bard shell. Der lb.. 12c:
111,900 126,200 largely made-up of beef steers and the weak. Stocks on the exchange generally per lb.. XJc: pecans, latge, per lb., 12oj
. luv. a .w I 7.. . . . i . . , . . . s i ' . . - . ... . . ... a.
i. ,wu I 4uu,iiLy nit oeeu trout as good as at any I were strong in svmpHiny wun me nuoyancv 1 small, pvr io., ivc; rcanuis, ii iu,, wu,
43,100 40,400 1 time this year. The market has been In I of consols in consequence of the signing of I roasted peanuts, per . lb., 8c: Chill walnuts,
gooa snape and trading on most davs the Anglo-French colonial treaty, though 2(313c large hickory nuts, per ou.. i.w
nnlltr. ITn. . I. n .. . 1 . . I, 1 I , , -. . .1 .. . , . 1 1 . . I I . 1 V. 1., wmn IV. 111.
Hv.a.c a ... itic nrca nv kuuu, IHI.V, 1 VII" I'n.Hiv:ii li. ino FVLlt.lllIll ICIIIlfU III I crntlin, Jiai 1., .JAW, hiuoiip. f.
piocty cattle are sironar to llkVi llw. hlo-tier l oilier tninara. noma rails were ctieerriil ea
while heavy cattle,, particularly If coarsn. Pecially the southern lines, owing to nros
and part fat stuff are only about rteady. I pects of good weather. Americans were the
racaera an seem to want cattle of good most feeble second, though they shared In
quality, which Makes the commoner k;nds tho general cheerfulness after n dull open
rather Blow. Good to choice stctrs are Ing. Americans later became Inactive and
quotable from $4.00 to $5.00, with strictly closed quiet Internationals were firm,
prime cattle a little above thut. Fair to Kaffirs were firm favorites, advancing un
b iiu urn ti'um si. jo to ti.oo, ana com- 1 elgntn.
St. Lonla Grain and Provisions.
almond soft shelf, tier lh.. I5e: bird a)iell.
shellbarks.' per bu., $2.00; black walnuts,
perbu., .81-Zj?. , . , .
aubslstenre; klso for groceries, soup, baking I coin grain men, visited the exchange thla
uowder. crockery, agricultural Imulementa. I morning and talked with local grain and
paints, oils, glass, tinware, wagons, harness I commission men on the conditions of the
leather, shoe findings, saddlery, etc., school I market They, profess to believe In the
. a long list of miscellaneous I umana exenange.
' pro- J. w. ration oi ine jsameii-r raster com-
ST. LOUIS, April 9. WHEAT Lower;
No. 2 cash, elevator. $1.00(1.07; May, 83c;
Jjlv. 82c: No. 2 hard. BOfitKio.
CORN Lower; No. 2 cash, 49c; May, 47c;
July, 48c.
OATS Lower; No. 8 cash, 43c; May,
Bc: Julv. 37Vc: No. 2 white. 46Uc.
FLOUR Dull and unchanged; red winter
patents, H.Wdj'J.w. special oranas, Tnuaa fair from 13.4)0 to 14.00.
The cow miy kelluis rIho been active
most of the week, and especially has that
been true of lightweight cows and heifers
." Oils 'and Rosin.
OHV. CITY, 1 April 9 OILS Credit bal
ances,' $1.63; certificates, no bid; shipments,
tt OJA hhl averaa-e. 63.397 bbls.: runs. 89.330
April, 9,-Prlces. on,' the, botirse ri''lVJir.lir Vo ,Ci:!'.p. t o'
OO.WIIF IIIIIF. , nT-y vm, , ir.r.o. , . un,
65.840 bbls.: average, 4S,66t bbls.
SAVANNAH. April I.-OILN-'lurpentine,
today were firmer and had an upward ten
dency owing to the signature of the Anglo-
French colonial treaty, rentes and Kgyp-
auDnllea. and
articles. Sealed proposals. Indorsed
posals far runner goods, Hardware, etc..
the case may be. and directed to the Com
mlssioner of Indian Affaire. 602 South 6-v
enth atreet, St. Louis, Mo., will be received
until 1 o'clock p.- m. of Thursday, May 6,
1904, for furnishing for the Indian service.
fany of Chicago Is in Omaha today on bus
ness matters with the correspondents of
his firm, Sunderland and Updike. Mr. Pat-
ton Is a Drotner ot tne great oats specu
lator. He ventured the opinion that oata
and corn snouin ne sold nd wneat bought.
I of annA n.mllti .u,.7.a U.J. f V"1V. J ". !'.'....? . . .1'?. n Mlin Rnaln. firm: A. H. C. T). 12 40:
Sr$44.26anCy 'nl' :jn .xtreniecaa-pow skies have pV.ces w're flr.n. " Russia'; , ierl.,1 4s clewed E. $i4a;-p. J
BEElmoihy, steady. $2.40(.60. fwrtn. n v,nd1vunce ?l filBc. In the last ;t 05.30. The private rate of discount was K, J3 tfcM $3.iS; N,.$3.60; W O. $a.&. W .
corn MFAtliSiril it m"t-vv- two days, however, the wire edge has been 2 ner cent. Three per cent rentes 97f 80c $3.8fyrfi'J,90. AA
BRAN-Steadv alcVld eaat track Siva takeP off tn0 market by the bud weather, tor the account- exchange on LonoAJti 25f NKW-ORK. April 9.-IL8-Cottonseed.
MKAN Steady, Backed east track, 80 the extreme close la not a a-r,.t ...r ... exenange on j-,onom, iov . r,m f ruac. nominal: prime yellow.
rubber goods, boots and shoes, hardware I and that the Omaha grain market seemed
and medical supplies. Sealed proposals. In- to be establishing itself nrmly and to have
dorsed " iTopoaaia ror diuiikois, wooien ana i"""!"1 1" .-an. nut iicib,
cotton gomlB, clothing, etc.," as the -caae he says. Is of no r.gnlrt-ance.
uraia narsrtt 1 isewnere.
voitoil ajutniB, eiifviii iSt ci.-! .113
may be, and directed to the Commissioner
of Indian Affairs, Nos, 119-m Wooster
street, New York City, will bo received
until 1 o'clock p. m. of Tuesday, May $4,
1H04, for funnelling for tne Indian Bervloe,
blpnkets, woolen and cotton goods, clothing,
n,,IUna Kata an.4 una . Rlita mimt ba muld
mil .... ,i,v.rniiunl T.latika Ri'herllllaa a-lv- I MA.V
ing all necessary Information for bidders i July ..
will be furnlHhed on application to the In- I Corn
dlan office, Washington, D. C; the V. 8.1 May
Indian warehouses, 119-121 Wooster street, I July
New York C)ty; 2U6-267 South Canal atreet,
A'hlcago, I1L; 815 Howard street, Omaha,
Ts'eb. ; 003 South Seventh street, St. Louis,
MO.; tne i.omnusnHries 01 ouonisience, u . a. 1 juiy .
A., 'at Cheyenne, Wyo., and St PauL Minn.; I Corn
the uuartermHstr, u. h. a., neaiiie, vvasn.; 1 may
the post musters at Sioux City, Tucson,
Portland, Spokane and Tacomu, and the
Manufacturers' and Producers' association
of California. San Francisco, Cal. Bids will
Im. nnened at tha raiur and davs above
stated, and bidders are Invited to be present I Corn
et the opening. The department reserves I May
the tight to determine the point of delivery I July
ana 10 reject any tmi an tjinn, or any pari
of any bid. w. A. jumlv, commissioner.
Closing prices of grain today and Frldav
at the markets named were as follows:
Wheat Today. Friday.
Kansas 'cri'y'.'
July ...
May ...
July ...
, 61
45V. '
95 A
, 4
HAY-Steady: Umothy. tS.OOffllt.OO: prairie.
is.uora iu.w.
PROVISIONS Pork, lower; jobbing.
$12.40. laird higher; prime steam, $6 60.
Bacon steady; boxed extra snorts, $7.ti;
clear ribs, $7.62; short clear, $7.87.
METALS Lead, firm at $4.42; spelter,
Btiong nt $6 06 bid.
POULTRY Steady; chickens. 10c;
springs, 16c; turkeys, steady at 11 lie;
ducks, 11c; geese, f7c.
BUTTER Steady ; creamery, 80326c;
dairy, uviic,
EGLlS Steady at lc.
Receipts Bh'pments.
Flour, bbls $.000 7,(x
deal different from the close of last week I lLJ.-r ,;.. .' . , ..,. , , file Petroleum, easv: refined New York.
r'lnaWn KSZfgrS? rh'ii
Dry- Cooda Market.'
week In. tho dry goods trade has closed
1 fie- tuartuu tiouay snoweo jittitt
Duslnesa whs confined within, nar
row limits. On prices for future deliveries
Interest has lagged. The eiort inquiry
does not continue on general lines, though
seller are sanguine oclts contlnuanre. The
majority, are not trying to force business
and are accordingly enabled to Maintain
prices. ... ,., . .
cnoice cows ana neuers are quotaDie rrom 7,. imSnn m tritr tnr rherka-
$3.75 to $4.00. with something fancy in the ""f.0" i?72n'w?-m J, JT-I.u'i
WAV rr llaVrT rial r am o aa hloli Tfix T'la. I ,"1' -....w ....
medium gradea sell from 12.60 to $1.26 and 1 bl1'8' per cent'
canners ana cutters irom yi.m to 82.50.
Bulls hnve Bhown very little change, so
far as prices go, though on some days it
was easier to make aiuea tnnn was tne 1 n
Wheat, bu
Corn, bu
Oats., bu
case a short time tgo. The most of the I Monday
gooa iai nuns sen irom 13.110 to, wun I Tuesday
wri.'ni.a, e,inua .iuiii a.U w f.oj.
veal calves are, if anything, a little
higher for tho week, as high as tii.00 having
been bald.
The Bunnlv of stockers and feeders has
been light nil the week and with a fairly
Bank Clearings.
OMAHA. April .-Comparatlve statement Sfi6a nTiaUni
f bank ciearlngs for the week: , i1'". Ifiit. r
Chlrago Daylight
Chicago Fait Kipreaa .
O-arlajid Limited ....
Dea Molnts Expreaa ...
Illinois Central.
Chicago Expreaa
Chicago, Mlnheapolla
raut Mmitao
.a T 65 am stt:1l pm
..a i 4f. pm s 110 pm
... .a :fo pm a I 10 am
a 7:61 su s 10 pat
Kansas City Grain and Provisions,
Vc; July, 7bc; September, 71c; cash.
No. 2 hard. MMc; No. 3, S4fiS7c; No. 2
ft!ona I 61 demand prices hnve ruled strong most
$1,374,846.72 ' $l.r!.2M.S5
l,296,8'tf.0 1.133,763.18
1,307,056.84 1.286,203 09
1,142,838.23 ),2fil,(iO,49
1,270.819.17 l.l!W.03o 40 1,218,308.61
An increase of $147,245.72 over the corre
sponding week last year.
Thursday .
of the 'time. rv the middle of the week
the market showed an advance of lQH15o on
desirable gradea, but during the storm so
11 Tii e Dusmess was transacted tnat it is
difficult to mints a close on the market
$6c; July. 7Uc; September, 71c; cash, I There seems to. be a good Inquiry from the
l ieariDg gxwuav Atrrairi, NKW 1 IJ IV l , April I r.TAi uivrtii.w
NEW yORK April 9-The statement of AtdVMrrom jtrlme". fi
verage of the clearing house banks of J'. n"fT', iOditfVac- itincv 7a7c.
Bvaeoratcd Apples and Dried Fruits.
red. $1.02;" No. 3, 8c1l.0l.
corn May, 4c; Juiy,
..,a mixed. 48S48o; No. 4, 47
E? "hlte, 4ic: Ko. s74f48c.
82 A 82 OAS-No. t white, 41S42o;
ic: cash. No.
4ao; MO. 2 I
master, Sheridan, Wyo,. April 41, 1904.
Sealed proPomtls In triplicate win te. re
ceived here until 10 a. m. May 11. 1904, for
construction ot a 12 bed brick hospital with
plumbing, heating and gaa Piping for same,
at Fort Maokensle, Wyo. Plans, specifica
tion. Instructions to bidders, propowal
blanks and other Information may be ob
tained at offices of depot qiiHrtermasters at
Omaha. St Paul. Denver and Chicago, and
at this office. U. S. reserves the right to
May ...
July ...
May ...
July ..
May ..,
July ..,
47 47HA
48A 484 B
i ti,v,..,vvu, .-i . r.7"' im nor mnvinar rreeiv. put prices are
ntry, tnougn, and. deslraoie grades $1,085,512,800, increase io.i43.uu; circuiauun, ,i, from 3c to i4o accordinar
Id probably hnve sold to good advantage $.l6,6'i2,800, decrease $1,251,200; legal lenders, f 'e" ay-.f nf?Zjl maln nulet but firm
last of the wefk. Good to choice grades 171 !93,2O0: decrease $514,100; specie. $223.1ltt.- ? ?0
ouotablo from 13.75 to 84.25. fa r to good 4iD decrease I2S8.700? reserve. I2H4.294.6 0. de- i""""'..'?: ' ' .
13 60 to XS.7S and common atnnT frnm nr.a.a on Soft, reserve remiired i71.Ztll ''lV I liincy, UlHtJy,. -
Steady; choice timothy, $9.60010.00; I Na.
96 WHA
4, $0
Choice prairie, $7.5ug7.75.
huitkk creamery,
fancv. 17o.
F.UUS Steady;
No. i mixed, $3.60 down.
At. Pr. Ms
.llfll 4 05
.a I M pm aion pm
Bt -
. . a t ne em s 1:06 sm
Minneapolis and St. Faul Ex..b'. Warn W:I pm
I'nlon Pacific. ' '
Tha Overland Llmltad s 9:40 am a 8:04 pm
Tha tun Mall ......, turn a 110 pm,
Tha California Exproas u. v. 4:. pm
Tin AMSntlo Special , i aia
Tha Fviland-Chlraro nw;U...a :! pm s t 0 pm
Tha A'tantto Expreaa' ......... t:S0pn
Ths Colcrado Special all pm s 1:40 am
Taa Cbloago Special ... a 1:40 sm
Lincoln, n.atrlcs and Stroma- . " ' '
to g Expreaa ........ .. . k 4:00 pm bit 4 pm
Columbua Local k 4:00 pm l:W sm
Missouri Paclgo.
8t, Loola Expreaa ..ilO Mia a ttt pta
K. C. 81. Loula Eicraaa clO M pm a 4:14 sm
Chicago Great Western. 'J,..,. - '
St. Paul snd Mlnnaa'polla .Lmld a 1 II am
Ht. faul and ktlunaapolia Ii., lVliin a I to pm
Chlrago Llmltad a 4 :40 pm all. am
St. Paul, Kt:en. A Ch'ittgo Ex. .a l:V pm
Chicago Bxpreaa a 4.80 sm a 4:06 pm
Chlcagco, Bnrllnaton A Q.alncy. : . .
Lmt. . Arrlvs. 1
Chicago Fiv.clal a T 00 am s 1:46 pm
CMcago Veatlbulad Expraaa s 4:00 pm s T:44 sm
Chicago Local s 4:11 am all 00 pm
Chicago Llmltad ; sT.Mpm
Fan Mall 1 .4 pa
Kansas City, Ht, Joseph Oo. Blnfls.
Kansas Cltr Uar Ixpreaa a :16 sm s 4:04 pm
Hi. Loula Flyer P...alipm ali os am
Kansas City Night Expreaa.,.. .a.' 44 pm a 4:10 sm
nnrllnattnn 4c Missouri River. , '
Wrmora, Beatrlea sud Lincoln,. I 44 am bU:04 pm
Nenraaiui Sxpraaa ....a 4 Ml am a 7:4b pm
Uanter Llmltad 4 10 tua 4:40 am
Blaok Hllla A Pugat found Kx.all:10 pm a 1:34 pm
Colorado Vaatlbulod Fljer ,... 110 pm
Lincoln Paat Mall b I 57 pm a 9:01 am
Fort Crook and Plattaraouth..,.b 1:10 pm blO 14 sm
BaiiaTu and Paciflo .Junction.. a 4:50 pm a 1:31 sm
Balltvus and PaclOu Jinctlon..a 1:44 sm
Missouri Pacldc,
20322c : . dairy,
.. 856 I 40
.1170 00
Increase 84.036.860 1 surplus, $22,916,400, .de
crease $4.838.6o0; ex-United Slates deposlu,
$36,946,750. decrease ii.Btt.iau.
Mew York Imports and Exports,
NEW YORK, April $. Total Imports of
Missouri and Kansns
stock, cases returned, 14c; new No. X white-
...... ,.4 . Hon l,,n, ,, 1 .rt
.IteCeiplB. oniPmentS ! :1 " .woj uuuui iu mn BIT' I munj " 1
....29.2 16800 I t're storm of yesterday, which visited Exports of specie from New York for
a. trnnAm ami .un.r.l milrnhii nHlflA at tha
HOGSThere was a very light run of I port of New York for the week ending
94B 95B W'heat, bu.f.
94 U 95U Corn, bu ,
Toledo Seed Market.
TOLEDO, -" ApU SEEDS Cloverseed,
cash, 46.K!; April, $0.52; October, $6.63.
prime alslke, $0.06. Prime timothy, 8L40.
r-v-' peorla Market.
FEOBIA, ill..:' April . CORN Steady;
JJo. 8. 48c; No. 4. 4fio. ,
. 6,000
14 10 I practically all the territory tributary to this the week were $746,906 silver and $3,26,107 '..,.,, t.ian miT n tn
"iooo rM. In fact there were only' twelve gold. Imports of specie Into New York JLJf HOUSE WAS OUT $2.70
' cara pn Bale, ao that It could not be said during the week were $23,219 gold and $30,131 P' ' 1
iiart thereof. Envelopes containing pro-
r reals should be endorsed ''Proioeals for
lospltal," addressed Capt. Tlios. Hwobe,
Q. It. All-12-13 14lll-10
i.i.u.aaI n..ln ma. Wa I that there was a market. The few that nr.
LIVERPOOL. Anrll 9.-WHEAT-Snt. 11." "-""V "V lv .T""T."
steady: No. 1 Cslifornla. Ta Id. Futurea "Z "I- ' " T - "w.J-' 'Cr"'".Zr'
. a" ' at a a a- at a. a ' I f IITIB firiU CI 111 T Cs DliaUtX 17 T L 1(7 1 t 11 tt 11 W r?M-
"1')r . ,Wi.'l'; . . Iterdav. There were not enowa-h hnas to
f '1 I U "tJ L.n-vr as 4 Am a rl r At maftos sa snlwaig 8 - ..... . " " -
WAlii aj 1 v Va nivniw p ninci a.. MliaJUt
accept or reject any or all proposals or any I ttaotatlons of tho Day on Varlons
Separate proposals will be received by the
School District of Hastings, In the county
of Adams, Nebraska, up to 7 p. m. April
$5, 1904, for the erection and completion of
tho heating and ventilating apparatus and
the plumbing for the new High school build
ing In accordance with plans and specifica
tions which are on file at the office of E. N.
Hatnen, secretary. Hastings. Neliraska. and
at the office of John Latenser, architect.
Omaha, Nebraska
Each proposal must be accompanied by a
certified eheck to the amount of five hun
ArA rlnliara aa a guarantee of good faith.
The right Is reserved to reji-ct any or all
bids. Proposals, musi oa on oianas mr
niched, sealed and addressed to the under
' fiv E. N. HAM EN, Secretary.
April 4. Wi)4. A10-17-J4
NEW YORK. Aoril 9. FLOUR RecelDts.
17,384 bbls.; exports, 6,706 bbls.; dull; winter
atents, I6.smua.60; winter straights, M.IMJ1
.16; Minnesota patents, $5.30Uo.45: winter
extr&a. $3.354.00; Minneaota bakers, $4,104
i a; winter low graaea, ej.iotya.BU. nye
flour, dull; fair to good, $4.34.60; choice
to fancy, t4.6iha4.80.
CORNMEAL Steady: yellow western.
tl 08ial.l0; city, $l.K"Ol.L!; kiln dried, U.HXJ
HYKWsak; no. 8 westsrn. 81c to arrive,
BAttiitsi-ijuii; teeaing. 94. vo, o. i. r. isew
xora: mailing, boiDtbc, o. l I. ButTaio.
vinT-ir'V TS- CnN'TR ACTORS.
Notice Is hereby given that sealed bids
for the construction of a ditch in Dodge
county, known as the Harklns ditch, will
be received by. the county clerk of said
county until 10 o'clock a. m. April 14; said
dttrh to be constructed according to plans
and epecmealtons of the county surveyor,
which are now on hie In the office of the
county clerk. The party or parties to
whom the oontracte are swarded muat glva
bonds tn the sum of $5t) o for faithful
performance of contract and $1 808.01) to se
cure the payment of labors snd mechanics.
Bids must be addreasftrl to C. O. Boe,
County Clerg. Fremont, Neb.
A9 dst m
The cl'v or Orand Island Nebraska, will
receive bids un to April 80. 1904. for ex
tending the sewerage about lVk miles Foe
rrtleulsrs eniutre of ctv clerk. Orand
Tslsnd. Nebraska. By or f committee
n sewerage. . ED moopwh.
. , , Cltv Clem.
A7d 6tm
t a-a a aaa .
Dolntk Grain Market.
DIXITH, April 9-WHEAT-In Btcre:
No. 1 hard, 9Sc; No. 1 northern 94c; No.
t northern. 91c. To arrive: No. 1 hard.
9oc; No. 1 porthsrn, 4c; No. t north'tra.
fic; May. rtfeCi ugr, rtci atcpiemuer,
fciWo. w
new, 4a 7d; American mixed, old, 4a 7d,
Futurea, dull; May, 4a 4d; July, nominal.
Philadelphia Prodneo Market.
make a killing for any one narker. and as
a result none or them were very much in.
V a i , m"g now a gain over tory, California bringing comparatively high
ror tne week receipts nave been ex
Wool Market.
NEW TORK. April t.-WOOL-Flf m : do
mestic fleece, 2832o.
The Commercial Bulletin will say tomor
row: Aside from tne auction sate or tern-
Seven Thirsty Men Pot I'p tho Job
and Oara tho Barkeeper a '
F'. Thinks,
Seven men atrolled into-an uptown re-
Laa vs. .
prices, there has been a featureless wool I gort shortly after midnight recently, look
market in Boston. In the. customary Chan- . ,,,. f,h,n.nL mh. -amoved
their coats wiille the waiter joined two
E(1G8-Steady: fair demand: fresh nearby same week of last year there Is an Increase " .V; .AS..t. -aa;.i .wa.." ttul" "'V ""v:
and fresh southwestern, 170, at mark; of about 8,0u0 head. The general tendency x"0ra I, no attempt to raise prlceshow; ne mMA ala tne ordering. He asked
a. an ... x. . mt .ii.i a., irwm m w.n.r. iim nii u.. ii w o, ,a hi n.1, litmus i .VMr i arga lmrjorLa.lons or Australian and I ior niauotuis vl m cei lauii urium vl ocuiuij
PHILADELPHIA, April 8. BUTTER I tremely light, there being a decrease aa ,,elg trade is distinctly quiet and prices re
Steady; fair extra western oreamery, 83c; I c"mParel Vth . 'L11. wef k "mounting to main eteady. The cleaning up of domeatlo
xJrS-.Seacr y Jrln. li0 " a . v J about 19.000 head, but as compared with the fleece and territory at slightly Under the
" " 1 market does not indicate general weaknesa.
of about 8 0u0 head. The general tendency There la no attempt to raise prices, how.
of prices has been downward at all not nta ... t i,ijii.,. e A...tiin mA
and the net loss for the week amounts to gout'h American cross-bred wools are sup- .n(i the wAlter
about 15c. RepreBentatlve Bales: ylng manufacturers' wants In medium J , " r".Tl
?i'- Aim i5i fio A?.4 "an 7m Borne buyers have jumped the trades. One .O0n "tur
'pi V.7 JJ 44 S , 1JJ JJ J g . well known clp sold at l.lfcc, or 8c higher that partlculai
Nab. Local via Weaplng y.'aUr..k 4:19 pm S1:H sm
Chlcagco, Bt. Paul, Minn. St OmsJta.
Twin City Puaengar. .......... b 0 am b 1:10 pm
gloux Cltr Haaaetgar a 100 pm all M am ,
Oakland Local , b 4.14 pia. b 10 am
a iiallr. b rtaily a tt-opt unday. d Dally axoapt
taturday. a Dally axcept Ptoaday. '
OCEAN TKAMmpg. , ;
t ranch line, Naar fork to Hurra git bays,
bailliiga tvery tburaday at 10 s. m.
LaLorraina. Apr. 14; kay 12; Jui:a I: Jul T,
LaiJratagno, Apr. 31 ; June M. July II.
Lafiavola. Anr. I'l: May "it: June IS: Aug. 4.
Laiiucugna, May w, Juna II; July 14; Aug. 11.
LaTuuralnc, May 4: Jul. a 8: July ri; Aug. 14.
Maw.' tuooaru, gigaa:io, iwiu-acr.w aua (.tpraag
Bitaniara: naval umcara' mau-apajar dlalpllxa.
Conpanya vcaiibaiaa iraina, nayrs-rar-a, 4 kuura.'
AiaiiU: , i ,
Harry K. Muorea, 1401 Itmm SV-j
Loula Nftrta, Kit at National Bank, , .
C. A, kutharlvrd, liil VaiuauxUt., Kscg Itlsst By,
- V. IT . ... I.
CHEESE-Steady and auiet: New Tork
full creams, choice to fancy, 10ifjne; New
xora iuu creams, iuir io gooa, loWo.
Milwaukee Grain Mnrket.
WHEAT-llecelpts, 75.000 bu. Spot, mar- I -""rtiir nlri juiv .7-io hM
ket steady: No. 2 red. $1.08, nominal ele- nRVLnFlri? No 1 T3vLe'
vator. and $l.O7&1.10. nominal f. o. b. afloat; I 5: St f Y-Dull-' No t kfwew.- aamni. m
No. i northern. Duluth. fl.04'4. nomlna LSRLE" -Dull, No. 2, 62iff63c. sample, $4
44 147 10 4 la
4 114 ... IK
T4 141 SO 4 M
afloat: No. 1 hard. Manitoba, nominal f. o
b. afloat. The opening was steady on cables
ana lurtner crop ana weainer compiainn
from the weat. latter prices weakened,
however, as outside trade waa dull and the
crowd teared a bullish government report.
CORN lo lower; No. 8, 48249c; July, 61o
71 ru 11 4 t
71 127 HO I 00
77 113 10 a 00
..It ... 104
v. ........ a i v mv a a
SHEEP-Tbere were no fresh arrivals of 933,400 jb,., against 63.2,260 lbs. for the
sheep here this morniug with which to make .arne period Inst year. ii.iii..ri. 1 i.i mi ana 1E1.X11111 BT ijUUIS. April f. wuuij Bteaay: me-
dlaappeartd to fill the order.
returned and Informed them, that
ar brand was not carried by
than a year ego. Foreign markets keen the house, but that a special brand turned
out by the aunt .firm .wa to be bad,
strong. The shipments 01 wool rrom f os
ton to date from Decern rer St. 1903. are oj.-
095,066 lbs., against 71.530,921 lbs. at the same
time isst year. -me receipts to date are
Minneapolis Grain Market.
The clooe was tiSc net lower; May. tra V6Vv. July, 9494c; September,
how an Increase over last week of about
1.000 heed, but aa compared with the aame
week of last year there la but little change.
The demand during the week wua In good
shape and fully eo,ual to the supply, aa Is
snown Dy tne fact tnat tne lenaency 01
pricea waa upwurd. faheep and yearlings
ate now selling in aDout me same noicnes,
dlum grades, combing and clothing, ISc;
light line, inni4je; neavy nne, i2ai4o;
tub-washed, 20U31C
. Cofleo Market.
"Well, let us have that," said the thirsty
ones, "and bring the bottle to show that
we are getting, what we ordered."
The waiter said that he could not do that
a it waa against the rules of the house.
"Then we will go somewhere and get
what we' want." wae the reply, and the
seven rose. u .ope wu, and Proceeded to
w ... w . virum uuii anu uaivr unjuna w
the west, closing ibc pet lower; Mi
66dj(7c; closed at Stc; July closed
ua iu-nece pia. iio.mjd du. ; exporta, 11.908 I n.K7c; July, 14 97c; August. 14.42c; Septem
bu. Spot, dull: No. $. 46c- standard white, I ber, 1179c; October. 12 80c. Spot closed
ti-gvi au. a 11 ir. jo-, mi. m w 111 its. wvii c. 1 ....( . tnMriiinis iinianna 1 w imiiIiii na !
Ortlona dull and nominal. ii.: JIM. IS Kiia. ' ' "
"aXui;.V ,h,l)Jln- 87f70c; good to NEW ORLEANS. April $. COTTON Fu- I
Choice. 9MU97c. I turea oulet: April. 14.86c bid; Way. 14 98
..wa "ll""' "." . ' u nukc. 14 ma;; June. 10. jxoia.-x:; juiy, jo urrin.46c;
190$ crop, 27636c: 1M2 crop. Z3OT270: olds. ' I A.,.,.t 11 aVfill fjn-- 1! :iftii:fc.
14c; Paciflo coast, 19ug crop, 24"31e; 19u8. j October. 11.95ll 96e; November, 11 87&11.68c;
NEW YORK. April 9 -COFFEE-Soot put on their coata again.
Rli fli-m: No. 7 Invoice, 6c; mild steady: I Tha head waiter, waa brought to the
but are fully Kxijlio highen than last week, Cordova. 10fll8c. Futures opened steady at ... .n(i tha trouble was explained. He
and aome aalesmen are calling the market an advance of 619 polnta on quite an 1 " , . . . ,. ' ,
aa much aa lb(Zc higher In spots. Ewes active demand for both accounts, followed declared that be could see no way out of
nave advanced tust smjui tne same as tiy netter cables man expected, continued I me aimcuuy, as no wxuit were aiiowea
wethers and yearlings. Quite a few clipped light receipts and bullish estlmatea aa to I k. tilien from the bar.
sheep are now arriving, and there la not as the coming Santos crop. The advance at-I . , , . ... .
wiae a range puiween cnppea ana wooiea 1 t rafted realisms-, nowever. ana tnere waa 1 "- "-
97c: r lna eel at Btne : Jnlv ? I.lfcr.dl,. l.,l I li''Uc On track: No. 1 hard. 97Alf(U74an:
at 92c; Beptemtier, 841ti&5c; closed at No. 1 northern, 96S6c; No. t northern,
84V; December, 86li5c; closed at 85c. 94Nt4',c. .
No. 8. nominal elevntor and 64o' f. o. b. I patenU. $4 85ii6 05; first cleara, $3.60; second
anit: Mo. 1 vellow. 67c: No. 1 white 660. 1 clears.
Options opened dull and later declined with I r".
May, I ijanxwai tmmr avvi
d At I vrtir VllTJ V A rirtt 9 COTTn Sf Vnt.iaaa I .IU.I. .. - - - at tha ludnnln. nf K. I l. .LI. . 1 J . I fc. . ' V..MA. In aill a Aptnlr a mnA trimA
-. - - , r ' , I ' " " ' " - v. ' . 1 eonaiueraoi v lit I iiuiii ;u.iiihu utB I I L. . Ma..v - " -- .w.
. 1 ciosea auiet; Auru. ix.o.m:, mar, ja.iic: June. 1 season. Annul sxusoo wouia cover tne rmnse 1 ini....i .ith the reaiiit mat mnat nt the
UAi1TKcr Pl!i 116.609 bu.; exports, 11.906 14 87c: July. 14 97c; August, 14.42c; Septem- I 111 the majority of cases. ..i .aa tnat The market rloaed atearlv
-ine laniD market nas not snown mucn at unchanged prices to an advance of 5
cnange ounng tne weea:. 1 ne Dest graaes points. Bales were reported or 96 noo bags,
may e a little higher, but the general run Including May at ( .$043.86c: July. 6.10c: Au
are only aooui steaay wun ine close or last
week and common stuff haa been alow sale.
Oiintallnn. tnr enrnfed atnek. CltinA I.
August, 14 4tVR14 6(ic; September, lj flfi 12.72c; I choice lamhs, $5.60436.76: fair to good lambs.
I'Uiorebu: good to cnoice yearlings, o.oyi
$.36; fair to good yearlings, $4. 6044.90; good
to choice wethers, h'dosd; fair to good
weTners,; gwu s cnoice ewes,
4 wxue.iu; rair to gooa ewes, g4.auajt.9u.
2IUU1IIS 1.1 J . w.-vjv.w.., ,ui, 1 v..w, WKtmj
rust, ioc: oepiemDer, o .woti.ido; uctooer,
4(fM66c; December, C. 60 6. 70c, and March,
to Cauify the thirsty men. . Finally one
of the party suggested a way out of the
"We.wJU Vuy a bottle of the Scotch we
want and drink what we want ot It. You
can have What' Is left,"' he said
necember. 11.77o bid. Hoot, ates.1v: sales.
22 i(t) bales; good ordinary, 13 15-lc; low
middling, 14 9-16c; middling, 14 1i-16o; good
middling. lsc; miaaung isir, io4o; re
celnta 1.764 bales: stock. 2ii.wl bales.
moderate business done; prices 10 polnta
fc4.11 27c: olds. 9U14C.
HIDES Steady; Oalveston. 80 to 25 lbs.,
18c; California. 21 to 26 lba., 19c; Texas dry,
M to SO Dm.. i4c.
LEATHER ilteady; acid. 4?c.
RICE Quiet: domestic, fair to extra, 8
6Hc; jH:an, nominal.
. . . . . . . T 1 . , ..a Uuf ..11. .h.IIw a.a . : . . , 1 1 1,1 - 1 a... .
i nuiiaiu.'o-'",, uaii, I.IIUIJ, ;iv w 1 pigner; Annnrtn niiuniiiiB mrr, wmj ; groa I mr.. r t-m 11.. .in,i. -t.-
it 60: meaa. 18 60til .00; beef htmi. IJO 5ffi 1 .TiMiin. iad: middilna. 8 ltd: low TnM. I Kanana City Live mock Market,
MOO: nacket t 6C'i10.60: city, extra India I a Una- kSiA- anod ordinary. t.l4d: rrdlnarv I KANSAS CITY. April 8. CATTLE Be.
mess. $15 0ia1T.4s. Cut meats, quiet; plrkled 7 frttT The sales of the day were 4.000 bales, I eelpts. tub head; msrket unchanged; export
bellies, $7.uwa00; pickled shoulders, tA60; I of which tuO were for speculation and ex-I and dressed beef steers, t4 to5T26: fslr to
pickled hams, w ww3.1u.uu. Lara, wea; west- l port and Included l.aoo American. Kecelpta,
em steamed. $7.10; refined, easy; continent. I 15,0t) balea, including 14.600 American. Fu-
$7.15; South America.; compouna. leaOlturea opened atsaoy and closed oulet.
fi 62. Pork, dun: family. i; snort clear, I American middling g. o. c: April, 802d
Thla waa aatlsfactory to the head waiter
and a freah bottle waA brought and un
corked. - G lessee were put on the table
I117Ui16 0P: mess. U4.bo4il5.2S.
BUTTER Quiet: extra fresh creamery,
ne; crenmery. common to choice, Mt1te;
state dairy, 15fi'2ic; held creamery. 1.1l9c;
renuvalnl. li4Ut; factory, Uwl4c; lml la -lion
rreamerv. 14170.
CUl-t1teadyi Ut full cream, fancy,
April and May. J 9Sc: May and June. 7 96d;
June and July. 7 9Rd; July and August,
7 89.1: August and September. 7.60d; Sep-
Saaar and Molasses.
NEW YORK. April fc SUOAR-Raw
1 . . 1 . ..., a X ., 1 aa
quinv, , . .'u..., i.. us". 'i 1 . . . , . .
test. SS.C: moissnes sugar, 1 r-3za; rennea 1 k - .
CliDDed stock sells 804l75c legs than wooled quiet; No. $, . 4.80c; No. T. ,4.76o; No. 8, I Tha man drank, -each .helping himself.
took. oc; N?. ": 1- r Jioc; no. U. Than another round waa taken and atlll
i nfee,iorT.7; i IB?: mold a" 6 O60: there ws. som. left tn the bottle. A third
rut loaf. 8.40c; crushed. S.40c; powdered, I round waa poured eut and another gyphon
i.-FJK'if'TS; -lvci. ouoe-. i.-c. asked for and brought,
lvi t 11 lAraco-r ir 111 . a c - 'i ivaiia cuaa ... ... . . aa.
kettle good to choice. 81ffS7o. TIn tn earen let reaon. , insy
NEW UKl-ttAisn. April . ai raan naa twotuy-one orinas out vi una nuiua
the bottle
ao and
charge made for each drink the bill would
Metal Srarket. ha s amounted, to $4.20.
NEW YORK, April 9. MrcTAIJS AH The house waa out $1 70 and the head
4 rep thinking for the
rood, $3.n0iff4.50; western fed steers, $3 603)
60; stockers snd feeders. 11 00414 56; south
ern steers, li.l04W.zt: soutnern cows. $2.uJ
$26; native cows, $2 0On4.n0; native heifers,
$15044.80; bulla, $3.a6u..t5; calvea, $3.004
HOOS Recelots. 1.800 head: market.
steady; top. 85 10; bulk of aalee. $4 95860S;
NKW UKi.ttA.'sD. Apni a. c 1 t a n naa twotuy-one orinas out vi v
Bfedy; open kettle. $4t3 8-16e: centrifugal. ,.,, ,t jhjat $1.60.' If t
$B3c; centrifugal whites. 44c el- . . . . v.. . i.
lows. $4c; aeconds. 2MI3HO. ' .had been brought !n the firet pia
. mnA I Vt, , Kar lUti Arlnh.. a nA K-'
Vfrober. .90d; November and December, ! heavy, $5 6ii 6 16; packers. $4 9&31 ui; fig I metal marluts ware steady 'today, without I wjUr 444 ,
4.4ia;JJecmcr ana j.nuary. t,4, an- ana 1 gn,-, . UDa ?""Vur' "T, '.'"a"'.,".. X'i rest of the nlght.-New York Bun.
uary ana xeuruary, a.oo4 1 r - - anv ai" aii wiip, nenej 1 aiiuu ta aum a .v. wt -
New '."wm-Htraw Ittaamara of 1IU Tana.
KKW YOHK. K(JTTi:kuam, vis UuULOyNB.
Billing Tuaaday, at 10 a. s. .
Returdam Apl. Uifotadam May It
Uyndam Apl. lloliaiuam v.tli if
Noordau Ail. Ulftyndau .l..,i. .May 14
Will call at 1'iyi.ioulb.
HOLLAND-Alli-HH AN UNI, tl Uaarhors St., Cbl-
c.go. 111.; narry ttooraa, tavx rtin at j t;.
Ruiharford, U14 rtruam ot.; J. U. Jayuolda. lava
4'aruam SI.
noarlor sccommodationa. Kxaallant rulaln. Tha
urni.,. af niiitiitin carefully conaldartd. Blnla
or round trip tlckeia tatoaan Na York and gcoua.
gogllan, Irian anc. ail priuciiaii iHiuuamu ana
ooatlnanul polnta at attractlva rata. SanA tor Boat
of Tours, ror llckala or gaaaml InfornMtlos pl.
to any local again of tha Alienor Lisa or le
HENUKHSON BHi is. . uw. I At-iua. I nicxio. ''
Grain, Stocks
and Provisions.
Room 212, N. Y. Life Building. 'Phone 8610.
special attention given to teiegrapn anu
mall orders. OMAHA.
fiM '' COe IooorporsUd
Capital nd Surplus $600,000.
kJeelerg In
REFERENCES: 178 But and Na
Uonal iiank 4k Commercial Agsnelea,
lb Branch Omces.
General OAeai J. V. 1.1ft Bnlldlnc,
Omaha BraacavlwiM 6'araaa ft
Tel. 4T.
THO!. M. WATJD1CK. Cor.' "'