Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 11, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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City TrtMurtr Homing Ezponndi Opm
tlon of Bsw Tax Uollwtinj Act.
Coaaty Trruirtr Will Sell at Aoe-
tioa Twin m. Year t'ader Coart'a
Dwm All Pareels of La a 4
' Omaha, April 10. To tho Editor of The
Bee: During tha last ten days thla ofllco
has received about 600 letters of inquiry
regarding tba "scavenger act," and It la
evident that tba majority of our taxpayers
ars atlll entirely unfamiliar with thla very
Important new law. Will you kindly pub
lish tha following:. In which I hare tried
to correr the moat Important features, and
which will aire tha rsadera of your valu-
able paper all necessary Information!
On or about July 10 tha county treasurer
snuet publish a notice, directed to "All
Whom It May Concern," to tha effect that
tba Bute of Nebraska has filed a petition
in tba district court of Douglas county,
praying for tha decree against, and tha tale
of, real estate Set forth In list published
therewith, which Hat must show dallnnuent
taxes with Interest to October 1, description Oc,ob!r of th ,n whlc petition
f property and names of ownere aa ahown w" at rata of 1 r nt ar
bv the countr assessment roll of nreredlns- montn, ana any penalty or coats Whlcn
. year, I may have been adjudged agalnat tba par-
It is tha dut of all narsons Interest. in cel" redeemed. A period of two yeara
real estate In the state of Nebraska on 'rom ,B dat of ' Bha11 owed
or before the first of September of each from 'mptlon of every sale under a
tmf a rr.mlni the wmin tnr mntnrc decree which Included four or mora yeara
ment of taxes. I ot tatB county or city taxes, anda period
At env tin,. rfc, t, ,. a. 1 f three yeara shall be allowed for ra-
cros. any Interested party may pay to the demptlon from tha data of sales under
eounty treasurer the amount of all taxea ""r ""crees provioeo. ror in inn act.
and assessmants, as shown In the petition, tt,e redemption may be mada upon
with interest ttt the w. f uvmrai end a I th following torma and conditions:
dooket fea of B0 cents. lt ,njr trct 8nRl, 08 redeemed within
Interested parties desiring to contest the u mon,n from the date of sals tha party
enforcement of amr taxes must file an an- redeeming shall pay the amount cf such
hall be deemed to relate back to the date
of sale, but upon redemption the holder
of tha second certlflonte shall be entitled
to Interest only upon the amount actually
paid by him at the rate of 1 per cent per
month from the data of payment, which
shall be noted on hli certificate.
Two Sales a Year.
The county treasurer must hold at least
two ssles each year to satisfy decree
of the dletrlct court. The defaulted sale
(hall be commenced on the Brat Wednei
day In November, second sale ft rut Monday
In May. There may also be held. It the
county treasurer so elects, quarterly sales
on tha first Monday In February and first
Monday In August respectively of each
Tha county treasurer shall receive the
urn of SO rents for each certificate of tax
rale Issued by him, also S centa for each
redemption certificate and ft for each tax
deed issued by him, snd the fees of the
clerk of the district court for the serv
ices herein provided for, except such as
hall be rendered at the Instance of parties
contesting the suit, shall be IS centa for
each parcel of real estate on which decree
hall finally be entered.
Rlarht of Redemption.
Any person or corporation having any In
terest In any real estate against which a de
oree haa been entered shall have tha right to
redeem from such decree by paying to
the county treasurer the amount of such
decree with interest from the first day of
swer with the clerk of district court on
r about Bept ember 1.
After Case) Goes to Trial.
In all case where taxes are unpaid and
sale with 6 per cent Interest thereon: after
aix months the amount of such sale with
Interest from the date of sale at the rate
of 1 per cent per month or fraction thereof.
together with all taxes and assessments
no answers have, been filed on September paM BUbeequent to tha aale with Interest
M, a juujre oi tne ouunoi court int., ennr at Mm(S rat9 from ate o( payment
a decree in raver ot ma. state or neDrassa i rwi tv.- i. .v.
against all tha description of real estate of Miemptlon( ,n ,ddlt,on t0 tne amount
.landing In defMlt- Buch decree .hall be above rrovl(jea for ,very r,aemptloll
for full amount of taxes. Interested to Oc ,ha JncIua. th- anj(junt ,,, hc
BSkn , f T I ,v" varthmm In the services, or publication
scrlptlon. and shall draw Interest from the of tne notlc t0 th- own,f, of Pccupanta
nrst day of October. nt fh(l .i ..,,,, -m.,, .,
The .Uta Ux suit .h.n stand for hearing from premlum ,ale ,, aIlow.d for
-"""" "7 less than the amount of tha decree, In-
triable from day to day. until all the Is.ue. tmnt an cogi Bnd ub,equent tax paId,
"7 u "r" . "V . .v , . Redemption may be mada at any time
In all contested .tate. or any Mor, final confirmation of sal. by court
party conteating on Dehait or any real by tne payment of all
amounts above pro-
estate, may appeal to the supreme court tor we a, anjr addltlonal x.
i rum m awrcrj ui in" aiBirict. cuun, ini
tennofl ftnd rnntn. ihm am mint nt wrhlcth
appeal oi any amenaanx snail not stay tne may be determined by court.
execution or tne decree, nor affect any Aftor two year, under cennrmatlorl or
sale thereunder, unless the party appealing ,a, 8hall ,ne outy of the county
hall, within twenty day. from tha entry treasurer to deliver to the person or cor-
of the decree, pay to tha county treasurer poratlon. In whose favor the confirmation
tne amount or ail .tate, county ana city i was made, a deed of conveyance,
general taxea, with Interest and cost Mmut Tender Taxea and Coat..
against tna same as aajuagea in tn decree. No m.,ntnArt ...,
and Shall In addition, give a bond with two tna j,,, ln possession of real estate
aureue. to oe approvea oy tne oieric ot uni- a recorded treasurer', deed until
iu cuun, vunummivu upon paying nv aucn pr.on has been tendered the full
cost of such appeal in case the decree of amount paid at the tax sale, with Interest
tha district court .hall be affirmed In whole and costs, and all subsequent taxea paid
or ln part. The atato may appeal from with Interest to the date of 'the teminr.
tna decree without giving Dona, wnere and no action shall be maintained against
any party shall appeal for tha purpose of I a person In possession of real estate under
delay 'Only, and the court shall so find, I such deed who ha. been ln possession
a penalty of 126 shall be assessed against I thereunder for a period of five year.
the party ao appealing, which may be re- I In conclusion I may say that this mtas-
oovercd In the name of the State of Ne
braska before any competent tribunal.
During October the county treasurer must
' pljbUsh ohre a week for three consecutive
weeks a list of all properties against which
decrees by default have been entered. Co
ginning at 9 o'clock a. m., on the first
Wednesday in November, the county treas
ure is just to all, the state, the, county,
the city, the property owner and to the
prospective buyer.
The owner of any real estate coming
under this . set will have to bid high
enougn to secure the first certificate In
Sorder to save hi. property.
Inside tracts and the best additions will
urer shall offer for sale real estate de- no doubt Prod.uc n'"' th amount
ou -.axes leviea. nespectrully submlted.
suribed In published list at publlo auction
to the highest bidder for cash.
ln cases where the decree Upon any par
eel of real estate Includes either County Or
city taxes for four or more years the
tract muy be sold to tha highest bidder
rrgnrdlesa of the amount of the decree and
without appraisement of the property sold,
, Whenever there are les than four years
Included ' the full amount of the decree
must be realised.
When the gale Is Made.
Whenever the county treasurer has made
City Treasurer.
Booth Omaha Haa Gives Toddler
Mqaor Till lie la Overcome
with Famea.
Citj Cffioi'aV Elect Til Up Then? Hew
Boodi for Term.
Coaatlac of Ballots Expected to Coo
sa me Mach Tlaao, bat Coaaell
Will Have Notalagr Rise
to Do.
All of the city officials who will be In
ducted Into office Monday night, when the
official count la completed, are preparing
bonds In surety companies. The law on
the subject of bonds says city ofllcltls
shall give bonds for the faithful and honest
discharge of their duties, such bonds to
be furnished by one or mora surety com
panies of recognised and established re
sponsibility. All such bonds are to be ap
Wednesday evening thp drill team ft
rprhurch lodge, iso. iv-rreo or uonor,
will give an entertainment at Workman
Rev. D. K. Tlndalo of Oiat Tails. Mont ,
will lecture at the lifter Memorial church
on Tuesday evening. His subject will be
'The Holy Lna.
Mra. J. J. Collins has returned to her
home at CJreeley. Colo., after a visit f
threo months with Mrs. Mary lllnchey,
Twenty-fourth and M streets.
Secretary Marsh of the local Toung
Men's Christian association has secured
tennis grounds near the association head
quarters. He requests that those Intend
ing to piay mi summer refrisier at once,
work by contesting teams will be demon
strated at Washington hall on Tuesday
Will Take No
Cheare oa Enemy Cap
Its Ora-aalsatloa
or Plaas.
The democratic Success league met Satur
day evening in Royal Arcanum hall and was
to pleased with the result that lt voted to
meet every Saturday evening. It was
proved by the mayor and city council. The I argued that ln an open meeting someone
premium on all bonds, sxoept those of would slip In who was not In sympathy
councl'.men, are to be paid by tha city. I with tha general confession of faith and ob-
Hera Is a list of salaries and bonds: Meets of the club, and the knowledge got
Mayor, salary, tl.SOO; bond, $6,000. Trees- I by them of the workings of the organlaa-
urer, salary, $2,000; bond, $100,000. City tion would only be a neip to the opposition.
Hew General Mca;er of Union Ftoific
Greeted by Intineii Men.
Expresses Desire to Lead Ilia Rest
Efforts to Promote the lioslaess
Interests of This
A. I Mohler, the new general manager
of the Union Pacific, Is In Omaha. He ar
rived Saturday afternoon at S.20 over the
Union Pacific ln his private car. Mr. Moh
ler was greeted when he stepped off hi.
car at the Union station by a committee
composed ot Commercial club members.
which welcomed him to the city and tried
t- make him feel at home. The committee
consisted of W. 8. Wright of Wright A
Wilhelmy, J. E. Utt, general agent of the
Rock Island; F. W. Judson of the Midland
Olass and Paint company. J. Frank Carpen
ter of the Carpenter Taper company, John
F. Brady of the McCord A Brady company,
Washington Runyan of the Becbe & Run-
Befuddled with drink, his breath smell
Ing. and with staggering gait, little Willie
Grayson, a 5-year-old boy from South
the aula for lr sa than the amount of tho I Omaha, told the police hi. father had riven
decree It shall be held to have been made hlm arlnk that had led to hi. present
upon the following condition: condition. The rather was also arrested.
Any person muy within eighteen month. D"1 " " " ve" condition
front date of such sale file with the county ""' "r " " nve any
treasurer an offer ln writing to bay the
clerk, .alary. $1.XW; bond, $1,000; City at
torney, .alary, $1,600; bond, $3,000. Assist
ant city attorney, salary, WOO; bond, $1,000.
Tax commissioner, salary, $1,500; bond, $10,
000. Each member of the city council re
ceives a salary of $600 par annum and
must give a surety bond ln tha sum ot
It Is expected the Incoming officials will
have their bonds ready to present to the
proper authorities Monday night, when tha
drTlclal canvas, of votes Is made.
The counting of the official vote I. ex
pected to take up considerable time, but
a. there will be but little business before
the outgoing council, on account of the
meeting Thursday night, tt I. thought the
count will be started by I o'clock.
May laeorporato Assoclatloa.
For some time rumors have been In cir
culation to the effect that the local Toung
Men's Christian association will be Incor
porated. A. long ago a. last January the
committee on management was directed to
look Into the business of the association
and make a report. This report ha. been
handed In and the opinion seem, to be that
It would be a wise move to reorganise and
Incorporate the organisation so a. to give
lt a proper legal standing. The plan now
la to go ahead and reorganize, so that the
association may be Incorporated not later
than May 1 of the present year.
In accordance with this decision of. the
committee Jay Laverty ha. called a meet
ing of the member, of the association for
Monday evening, April 18, at the headquar
ter, on N street. If at this meeting It la
deemed advisable to follow the suggestion,
of the committee a constitution may be
adopted and a board of directors elected.
All member, of the association ara Invited
to attend thla meeting, but only active
members will be entitled to a vote.
Howe Eanploys Help.
Acting under the directions of the city
council Treasurer Howe has employed a
haJf-doien expert accountant, to go to
work on the delinquent tax list known as
the scavenger law. It 1. estimated that It
will take at least one month, the forces
working night and day to prepare a com
plete report for County Treasurer Fink.
Treasurer Ifowe ha. secured some of the
best help In the city for this vork and In
tend, to complete the compilation a. soon
as possible.
Bnsy Slsralac Bonds.
Mayor Koutsky and City Clerk Shrlgley
put ln yesterday afternoon signing bonds
and coupons for tha sal of the $21,000 Issue
of refunding bonds. These blank bond.
were received from the purchaser., Haye.
A Son. of Cleveland, yesterday. A. each
bond and the coupon, attached must be
signed byboth the mayor and clerk these
official, will be compelled to write their
signature. 1,809 times. The bond, run for
twenty years and draw Interest at the rats
of 6 per cent.
Iara-o Concrete Pier Completed,
Chief Engineer King of the Union Stock
Tarda company said yesterday that tha
west pier for the O street viaduct had
been completed. This pier is built of con
crete on a stone base. The pier builder.
are now working on the big east pier and
hope to have this finished In a couple of
week.. Mr. King .ay. when the pier, are
In place the construction of the heavy steel
trusses to span the tracka will be com
menced. Every effort I. being made by the
railroad compante. to complete thla via
duct by August 1.
Hoapltal Basar.
The committee was recommended to have Furniture company. W. U Tetter of
printed and distributed membership .Hps th Yetter Wall Taper company. M. T. Bar
low, president ot toe initea states na
tional bank; George H. Lee of George II.
Lee A Co., Z. T. Ltndsey of the Llndscy
Rubber company and Luther Drake of the
Merchant. National bank. Thomas M. Orr
which voters ars to be got to sign. Dr.
Hippie moved, and It wa. carried, that
the matter of organisation be left to the
president and the executive committee.
George Seay, when called upon to suggest
plans for organising, declined, saying ha and E. H. Wood represented the Union Fa
did not wish" to tell openly, but when the cine railway.
committee was organised he would tell When' Mr. Mohler stepped from the train
them how he worked the ward. Mr. Seay he was introduced all round and after the
rather posed as an expert ward man, Bay- Introduction was completed opened the pro-
lng he had gone to every convention but I coedlngs which followed by relating a tunny
the first In fifteen years with his delega- I story he had heard on the trip coming In.
tlon. I He remarked that he was happy to meet
Part of the evening waa taken up In these representative business men of Omaha
hearing from the nine wards regarding the and that he would always try to co-operate
way the declaration of the platform and with them In promoting the Interest, of the
principle, of the league had been received, city.
Various speaker, gave the opinion that "I will try to do my part If you will do
these had been well received and that the yours, and I believe you will," said Mr.
democratic voter, were against 16 to 1, Mohler. "I am glad to get back to this
but would not see Bryan Injured In any PBrt of the world, with which I am some
way. Dr. Hippie .aid that a mistaken idea What acquainted. Tou might liken me to
nad gone about that the league meant to the old time ciroult rider I aeem to be go-
discredit Bryan. Thla was not the truth. n. rouno. in a circle."
The declaration In the platform regarding
Bryan read. a. follows:
We believe that Mr. Bryan, a. the most
Influential demoorat. should be sent as a
delegate-at-large to the national conven
tion and given a Place upon the committee
on resolutions, thereby affording him an
opportunity to serve his party as no other
one man couia in reconciling ana narmon
Ulng any possible opposing elements. .
Victims of Initiatory Ceremonies
Wind I'd as the Guests of
Aaxloo. to Know of Conditions.
Mr. Mohler was anxious to know of busi
ness conditions ln Omaha and Nebraska,
and was Informed that condition, had never
been bettor. He said he was glud to hear
lt and believed that a great era of pros
perity is ahead of the state and city.
When seen a fow minutes later in hi.
private car Mr. Mohler said:
I have brought no one with me from
Portland and I shall bring no one. No
changes will be made in the official family
of the Union Pacific unless the newspaper.
make them. I am pleased to see repre
sentatives of the press, and at any time I
can tell you anything that you should not
know come around and see me and I will
try to help you out. Mr. Kruttschnitt will
'In hoo slgno vlncea," by thla sign we
conquer, was the watchword at the initia
tion and banquet of Eta chapter, Phi Rho De ere tomorrow and I would refer you
Sigma, a medical fraternity. And the sign to him regarding any prospective changes
was one ot Jollity and good fellowship to be made ltt the Harriraan system. He
throughout the entire performance. Eight can apeak for hlmaelf. I do not know
student, were Initiated by the regular pre
scribed method, being handcuffed, bruised.
battered and finally given great honor at
the banquet. The banquet wa. an elab
orate affair and was held at the Henahaw
whether President Harrlman will be In the
city soon or not. I understand he la In
Chicago. I have been delayed ln getting to
Omaha on account of slcknes. and death
In my family, and a. soon a. my wife and
cafe. Stuart B. MacDIarmtd led off the daughter recover somewhat from the shock
speeches with "A Student's Somnambulla- attendant upon their bereavement we will
tic Soliloquy" aa his subject. It was a all take up our residence ln this city. At
stirring appeal to the other students to live present my family Is In New York City."
up to the code of honor which la ever as
sociated with the nodical profession, to
help the afflicted and above all "to be a
man." Other speeches were by J. M. Bar
stow, M. V., on ."Reveries and Reminis
cences;" by B. M. Riley, M. ., on "Alumni
Dream.;" by J. a. Foote, M. D., on "Ethor
Dreams;" and by ABolph Gherman, M. D.,
of Chicago, on "Vaccine and Vaccination."
Those who suffered were: R. H. Fostor,
W. M. Qulnn, F. J. Delaney, W. J. Leary,
A. L. Heine, E. Kelly, M. G. Cutler and
A. Bachs. M. F. Ford, M. D., presided at
tha banquet.
Mr. Mohler did not know Just how long
he would remain In the city this time,
During the afternoon he talked over mat
ters connected with the Union Paclflo with
local officials ln the parlor of big private
I Play Amorous to Wla the First Race
aad Succeed la RaJtlag; In Three
Kindred Dollars.
amount of such sale with 18 per cent In
terest thereon, and an amount In addition
which shall not be less than 10 per cent Of
the original purchase price, and which
shall be know n as a "premium."
At the end of the period of eighteen
months lt shall be the duty of the owner
of such certificate of tax sals to examine
the Records of the county treasurer for
premium bids and In case tpe holder ot
such certifies te desire, the Increase to the
piemlum offered he may do so within
five days after the expiration of such
period by paying to the county treasurer
Satisfactory answer, to the questioning ot
the police. The little fellow wa. held in
a policeman', arms and In his babyish lisp
ing talk told thejitory.
'Father took me In a saloon," he said.
"and gave me beer to drink. I don't know
how much but It wa. a lot. When we came
out, I couldn't walk straight and fell Into
a great big hole. Father fell In, too. That
why we'a both so dirty. I'm sober now,
temrae go home, I want to go home to
The child often ran his hand across his
head and complained that his head arhrd
and that he was sleepy. Both the father
and sot were covered with dirt. At first
week the members of the South Omaha
Hospital association will hold a basar at
Workman temple. It I. the Intention of
those Interested to give a basar which will
attract more than passing attention. It Is
understood several attractions have been
engaged for both afternoon and t venlng on
a premium, which shall equal the highest DtKk Scrgeant Havey wa. for putting the
. premium offered, and In addition dn
amount not leas than t per cent of the
orlglnul purchase price, lt the holder of
tax certificate shall not pay to the county
treasurer an addltlonal premium within
tha time provided. It .hall be the duty of
the county - treasurer to Issue a new cer
tltlcaib or taxes told, bearing the same date
as the original certificate, to tha person
offering the larger premium on tuch sale.
The person whose premium Is accepted
shall Immediately pay to the county treaa
urer the full amount of his offer and the
treasurer shall hold the amount of the
original sale with 18 per cent Interest
thereon for the benefit of the holder of
the first certificate and the premium shU
be credited to the various taxes and funds.
Tha offer of any premium on any sale
boy Jn the matron's department, but on
Chief Donahue's advice he was placed ln
an empty cell so that he could be watched
during the night In case of sickness. The
child cried bitterly when they led him to
the celt end plesded from behind the bars
that he was "sober now" and promised
never to drink again
"Bottled CoodnMjT
-lm o4 fit SO aeoest fl aaMty."
Qualay talk ahouU be backed by "tba
spout." Btatx Brewery was f oaadod ia tks
eeflioraiav Blatl ejualitf it alaso
tradwloaal. Eery bottle is I alt oi quality
arguoMak Tho "BUti" eharsOimOcS
JlroaViedapsBlhs uWlstf.M
Ask lot it oowa Iowa. Send a cast kotaa.
Orto dnlckly Kaockod Oat.
"Some weeks ago during the severe win
ter weather both my wife and myself con
tracted severe colds which speedily de
veloped Into the worst kind of la grippe
with, all Its miserable symptoms," say.
Mr. J. S. Egleston of Maple Landing, Iowa.
"Knees and Joints aching, muscles sore,
head atnpped up, eyes and nose running
rith alternate spells of chills and fever.
We began vslng Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy, aiding the same with a double dose
of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab
lets, snd by Its liberal use soon completely
knocked out the grip,"
Proalblttoa Oratorleal Coatest.
The Intercolleklate Prohibition Anli.
tion of Nebraska will hold Its annual ora
torical contest at Central City April 1 and
v miinnini mi evening or tne nrst duv
with a mass meeting and rally. Prof. it.
F. Carson of tha Fremont Normal school
will give the principal address of the even
ing and other prominent spuakera and
woraers or tne league will take part. A
conference A riuw,ra I u ....
Warner of Chicago will be held during the
forenoon ot the second day and a business
dimuhi oc me association In tne after
noon. At 8 o'clock In tha vnln a n
torlcal contest will be participated in by
tbe representative speakera ot the various
stats couege leagues.
la lung disease. Dr. King's New Disco
sry for Consumption, Coughs and Colds
euros lung trouble or no pay. Mo, tl.OA.
For aale by Kuhn A Co.
Onab brsJM-b lilt Poagleo M. lot, lasts.
Mea ate sort Itokborlos.
J. B. Sweeney of IIS North Fifteenth
street reported to the Dollca that he uvi
a (Jo goio pieoe io a women wmcn she
promised to get changed for him. Francis
Doenol was arrested aa Sweeney believes
she was the girl to whom he gave tha
money. . . .... .
WUlum Loer, a aoiaier from ran ctook
elea resorted the Ines of M which he de,
c in red bd been taken from him In a re
sort. Clara Turner, Deda brawl and
Ulanrne O Nell were arrested la
ttoa wlia Uta doal.
KNOXVILLE, Tenn.. April 10. Wire tap
pers turned a trick on the Stag poolroom
yesterday and tried a second pool for the
second race at Memphis, but failed, some
thing evidently going wrong At the Stag
thev daved Amorous to win the first race
Thursday. Friday ana uattiraay oi tnis at Memphis and succeeded in raking In $300,
some of lt at 8 to 1. Tne wire, which had
evidently been tapped between this city
nd Chattanooga, tickd off Amorous as
winner, snd "the official" repeated. The
poolroom lost to tho race and later
paid out several nund-ed on tho rightful
winner, BarkeJmore. An attempt to work
the day. mentioned, and the prediction Is tne Beoond race at another poolroom failed,
made that the attendance tuu be large Uspiclon having been aroused and the
enough to Insure a good-alied eum of ma) cfflc, of tne weatern Union notified
money to the hospital, which is i iftlntainea
entirely by donations. At the present time pny ftp "CfD QTARTCi ROW
the hospital 1. full of patient, and while U O An O HUW
Free-for-AIl Fight Occurs aad Shots
Are Fired During; Clash Be
tween Miners.
FORT r-ODGR. la., April 10. The first
clash between tho striking mill workers
ind nonunion men who took their places at
the Cardiff gypsum mill occurred yester
day. Aa the nonunion men went to the
railroad after the close of the day's work
to get a train Into the city a crowd of
strikers on the platform started erica of
'Scab!" the denunciation, causing a gen
eral free-for-all fight.
Several shot, were fired during the fight,
he expense, keep on trrowlng dally the
receipt, are not what the association needs
Therefore the entertainment to secure
funds. Thla basar- will take the place of
the annual charity ball.
Jadarc Kins; Discharges Hardlna
In police court Saturday Fred C. Hard
Ing was discharged by Judge King where
he was arraigned for stealing a check
from the office of Hobblck, Bulla ft Cllne,
Harding la an old man and la ln destl
tute circumstances. After hearing his
story none of the member, of the firm
desired to prosecute the case. Mr. Bulla
asked the court to discharge Harding upon
tits eereement n lenvo the rltV. When
Merdln hod been released the firm chinned " striking Fred Sommerland ln the face.
In enough money to get the old . man to nonunion men were scatiereo. renenmg
friends fn Iowa. I lnv R1Iy overiana. hub mnrniog warrmiie
I were .worn out ror twenty sinners.
eirinanna aaaiiioaai iiiki. charged with assault. Fourteen men were
Linemen In the employ of the Nebraska arrested and brought to this city and will
Telephone company are stringing new ca- be given trial. All Is quiet tonight.
bles between the central office In thla city
to Omaha. These new cables will hold
too wires and will do away with a large
number of overhead wires. The main
cable was spliced Into ths exchange here
yesterday and the additional line, will be
In workllng order by the end of tha week.
Maglo City Goaalp.
Al is Mcneynoins is out szain after a
ten days siege witn tne grip,
While still very sick, Mrs. Thomas Hoe-
Handsome Token Presented Frank B.
Faray by Former Associates
at CudaJay's.
Last week Frank B. Furay resigned his
position with the Cudahy office force and
will hereafter devote hi. time to private
affairs. Yesterday afternoon hia former as
sociates presented him with a gold watch
and fob and a handsome Elks' badge. Will
Clarke made the presentation speech, to
which Mr. Furay responded briefly, but
feelingly. The committee having the matter
ln charge was Will Clarke, Morrla Strauss,
Guy C. Shepherd, F. H. Jackson and R. O.
Dicks, tha latter the resident salesman for
the Cudahy. at Memphis
We want to send you TREE, easting you abso
lutely nothing, a trial bitlle of ''Drake's PaU
Mtte Wine." Drop ua a postal and it comes a
humming. You know that 'way baek ln bible
ll mesneople took wine "for the ktomach ' sake. "
But tbe modern grape wine Is notcood either for
stomach, brain or pocket. "Drake's Palmetto
wine" is vastly a i no rent, it comes guHoing
from the plm-frult of our own sunny South.
It is a superb appetlaer, tonte and nrrre-bracer.
It eleans and purines the blood and thus feeds
brain and brawn. It builds up athletes and
nourishes thinkers.
Drake's Palmetto Yine
Is also a natural medicine. It Is a wonderful
speoiOo for constipation, flatulency and all
Cvpeillo troubles. It positively heals oaisrrk
of none, throat, stomach or bowel a It regulates
perfectly the Urer, kidneys ana Disaaer, r or
women it is a true God-send. A tablespoon dosie
daily eu res all those troubles. The w lne has a rich,
appetising smauk and plucks you up lnaiamly.
Wa Provi all This by Stnding Tou
Fr Trial Bottli on Raquest.
Dim FORMULA COMPMT, Drill lit, "lei,!. III.
Wine" Is 76 oents at drug stores for a large
bottle usual dollar slie but a trial bottle la
eat to you free aad prepaid if you write for It.
TTMs is a
and so la every other
town you can buy
the Cremo wherever
clgara aro sold
Largest Seller in the World
The pjnJ is the Smokrr's Troteetion.
Next summer you will halve
Ten free trip, to the World's Fair each
week. See coupon on page X.
In celebration of the victory over the
Lincoln High school In a debate held In
that city last week, a public DroKram wa
neia at tne men scnooi weanesuuy arier-
noon. The nrst number was a selection
rendered by the Omaha High School bund.
Hut tne audience was not satisnea Willi one
tor was reported as greatly Improved last I selection snd many encores had to be given
. I V. aS..a V. a a kn r a rem si r Ike pvi r t nniilil Is a
before the members of the band could, take
their seats. Tbe second number was an
amusing address delivered by Attorney
Blackburn, followed by a vocal soto by
Miss Marian Hughs. The members ot tho
debatlnc team. Joseph Swenson. Ben Cher-
rlngton and Richard Hunter, whose earnest
work won the debate at Lincoln, were then
called upon to give their experiences while
In the capital city. The program closed
with a short talk by Mr. Bracelaln.
Tbe Ltnooln aociety held Ita nrst open
Mrs. W. D. Godfrey Is horns again after
having spent some time in an Omaha hos
Rev. W. D. Stambaugh preaches both
morning and evening today at the Lefler
Memorial church.
The funeral of Robert Bchaler will be
held at the family residence, 2418 I street.
thla afternoon at 2 o cioca.
T ... S A will H.v . ill...
trated lecture at the Flret Methodist Epls- 1 meeting since It. organisation on Friday I
oopal church this evening. afternoon. Admittance was obtained only
iTI . t .. " I throuah tickets, which were distributed by
K.n fT.r . f.w diva wE. h. iXeT members of tbe society among their
Jn. bu.ln.e- Vtltfir friend. Thla society waa formed a year
lend to some business matters. b a number of freshman boys, ond
Ths run of live stock at the yards yes- has done sscellent work In the literary line
terday waa lighter Ibaa uaual owing to over since. This was proved by Friday's
the bad weather out In tha state. program, which consisted of the following
Dr. William Berry will talk to men at numbers: Flano solo, Fay Felker; paper,
the Young Men's Christian association "Cause of the War In Far East." Iake
rooms this afternoon oa "Heredity." I Henellj debate, Unsolved, That the Girls
..T-v.- t-.i... vi.nk'i in .i.. . ..lot the Hlah 6huol Should Wear I'nl-
of Re v.Dr-Wheeler rmorT-inVVmont Hommellea!eu'vet' WarsHaY'calrrol Hel '
The Exposition
..Fever . .
All your friends will be going, or talking about
going, and you will be figuring up to see whether you
can possibly scrimp and save to make the trip. Now
is the time to do your planning. Anybody can go
man, woman or child.
Thirty More Trips Are to Be Voted For
All you have to do Is to get a few
friends to prepay their subscription to The
Bee and turn in enough votes to be one of
the first ten in our weekly election. He
member, you get 520 votes on a year's sub
scription in the city and GOO vctes 03 n
year's subscription in. the country.
The Bee will send you, without cccting
you a cent, to the very grounds of the expo- .
Via the Wabash
The Wabash lards all
passengers from all di
rections at its own sta
tion, Main Entrance
World's Fair Grounds,
saving time hud money.
The Wabash Bubnban
Trains will be prepared
to handle 25,000 par-sen-
gers per hour in ten hours, more people than in Omaha,
Council Bluffs and South Omaha. Think it over.
Rules of the "Election."
The ten persons receiving ths lsrgest number of votes at the close et
each "election" will be furnished, at Tha Bee a expense, as prists, ach a
(res trip from Omaha to St. Louis and tstu.n. to be taken any Uue duiiig
the exposition.
Mo restrictions aro placed as to where tho party lives as a candidate
for one of the exposition trips.
Ha votes wll bo counted for employes or agents of The Omaha Bee.
All votes must be mads on coupons whlau will be published each day In
Ths Bee
Prepayment of rubsoriptlons may be made either direct to The Bee
Publishing Company or to an authorised egent of The Bee.
No votes sent In by agents w'.ll oe counted unless sent In In acootdanoe
with Instructions given them.
The vote from day to day will bo published In all editions of The Bee.
The "elections" will close each Thursday at 6 p. m.
Votes may be deposited at the business office of The Bee or sent Vy
mall. No votes sent by mall will be counted which are not In the Omaha
postofflce for delivery at 4:3u p. m. on the duy of closing.
Address, "Exposition Department," Omaha Bc
Omaha, Neb.
meet at Eagles hall at 1 o'clock this after
noon to attend ins funeral of Patrick Row
Tho attention of Knights of the Macs-
bees Is called to tbe state eoaveaUen to
MeHugh. Mra Sudburough and Mr. Brace-
lain, ana aectaea in tavor of the affirma
tive. Remarks. Sidney Mandelbers' miner.
' problems Which Confront the American
Cltlsen," Rlsley Halns; address. "How Can
Boy Oet tne stoet Out of ths High
so bela la Omaba a April U, luiualor j School Weorae Pordval.
IURPIBI, 73,718,000
AISITS, 1381,226,000
H. D. NEELY, Mturtr.
g. R, ELS ON and E. B. BTREETCR,
General Arts, Omaha.
Oeneral Agent, Lincoln.
General Agent, plattsmouth. Neb,
ED E. JON&o,
Oeneral Agent. Hastings, Neb.
Oeneral Agent, Wayne, Neb.
HIIAITI lat'l BAII lllt 0BAIA.
makes Its boast that its tenants ars not
subjected to this sbrt ot annoyance. Ita
corps of mechanics keep the building con
stantly In as good repair as tho day the'
first tenant moved In,
For Waivt of a Nail
at tha right time many a good building hs gone to rack and
ruin. Is there anything that annoys a man more than to
have a wfadow oord broken and stay broken, or a door snoo
oft, or some little trifle that would take tha right man but a
few minutes to repair?
Isn't this the place where you ought to
have your office? Let us show you around
and you will need no further argument.
R. C. Peters Co.,
Rental Agents.
Ground Floor,
Bee Building