TITE OHAITA DAILY BEE! MONDAY. Am It, 11. 1P04. 11 NEWS OF COUNCIL SO SURPRISE AT REVERSAL Atton7t ' Engaged . in Portland Mining Oih Expected Iu MEASURE OF DAMAGES HELD EXCESSIVE rraaaalllty tk Cam Will Cans tp far Retrial at the llcaktr Ttra ef th IMstrlet Coart. The reversal 0 the funom DoyW-Bums gaining ault by the eu prestos court created no surprise here, ' attorneys enm4 la tb case were expecting It . Na copy of the supreme court's dsclsio baa bean racairad bere, but H I understood thai the caaa was reversed principally on tba grounds tbat tka, aneaaar of damage a exces sive. - Jamea. Joyle'.a judgment against James BurnsJ '-president , Of ' t h Portland Gold ' Mining- company, waa for t4M.Kl.TI, and It carried wttb it. judgment for coat amount ing to tS,047 and Interest aggregating $,044. In his ault. which waa filed February 7. 1898. Doyle claimed one-half of the stock Issued by the. Portland company In pay ment for three mining claims known as the Devil's Own, Bobtail No. t and the Tidal Wave, which amounted to $S6.0M. The Jury found that Doyle had no Inter est In the Devil's Own. bul had In the Bob tall Na. 1 and In the Tidal Wave, and Its verdict was computed aa follows: BobtaU No. t stock: 9,7fio shares In Burns hands, at $S fjjrW.JMOO Dividends on earn, at sin 90 I7? 2! S 875 shares In Peck's hands, at 76c 26.5(6 00 Dividends on same, at 46e 15.6W.75 Interest on Perk atock anil dlvt dends from February 2. 1SOT Tidal Wave stock: J3.214 shares, st 53 ... Dividends on same, at 080 7.JH0.1S (BSC 00 27.8580 Total WS.IH Tl Caaa Hard Faagat. The caaa was briefly . fought on both Idea and-bath aide spent large sums of money for witnesses and other expenses attendant oa ".tbe litigation. In November. IK, after WJngmg' ala suit hers Doyle se cured a judgtoekt by default for 1717.021, although Bum's had secured In . the Colo rado courts an Injunction restraining him from prosecuting th. suit In the Iowa courts. On his return to Colorado. Doyle, who was then mayor of Victor, was com mitted to Jail lor contempt of court and he actually remained behind the bars for eight months. In August. IK, this Judg- ment was set sslde snd Burns given leave to defend, on of the conditions being that all pmeradlnga against Doyle In Colorado be disointlnuedi The trial began In the district ' court her in October. 1101, but after a week had been consumed In tak ing evidence Doyle 'set up new Issues In aa amendment his petition and the trial was started afresh on November 11 In Ms amemled -petition Doyle sued In all (or ttTMB. The trial was concluded De eenfber M, 1901. On December n a motion tor a new trial and arrest of Judgment waa filed and th hearing on the motion held February 10, 102. during recess. It was overruled and on April t. lttii. or mora than four years after the ault waa begun.. r.Judxraent . was. entered against Burns, who filed ' supersedeas bond Ifl the sua of S30.0M. furnished by three aaatara banfllag companies, and tna caaa Uras takes to 1 the supreme court. Attorney George 8. Wright of the firm of Wright aV Baldwin, counsel for Doyle, ttatad yaaterday that they would be pre pared to take up the retrial of the ault at aay time and would endeavor to have It brought HP at the September term of district court. The retrial, ha aald, would give Doyle another chance to Include hla claim for a one-half Interest la the Devil's Own mining stock. . , CArDfDATKn ARB COsTDIG OCT ball for Caavaatlaa Pradwras Activity . . la Local Field. WITH tha republican county convention aet far SfaF.lt candidates for the several nominations are now being discussed. Tha county vOkjmm to bo elected In November are clerk, of tba district court, auditor. recorder, attorney and two members of the Board of Supervisors. With tha ex aaptlaa of the members of the county board noaa at tha present Incumbents of the oflleaa Is A candidate for renomlna tlon. i H. V. Batter, deputy clerk of tha courts St A voce, la conceded to be th leading candidal for tha nomination for clerk of tha district court, although ha may meet with aoro opposition owing to tha fact that last - November th nomination for county treasurer waa given to I. Q. Conalgney, who waa also a resident of Avooa and who waa elected- Undoubtedly there will' be soma objection to giving the best two offices to the east and of tha county, and thla being tha situation. It la likely that a candidate from th west end will appear In th Held before th convention rolls around. Friends of Frank Beed. son of Freemen Reed, the present clerk of the district court, who Is chief deputy clerk, are urging hla candidacy, but aa yet Mr. Reed haa made n an nouncement of hla lntentlona In the matter. For the nomination for auditor there promlaea to be 'a contest. There ar three candidates In the Held. Deputy Auditor W. kf. Frederlek. W. C. Cheyn. record clerk la th ofllc of the clerk of th dis trict court, and Deputy Sheriff W. A Groneweg. All thro ar residents of Coun cil Bluffs, although Mr. Cheyne's former home was la Carsoa In th east end of th county. R. V. Inaea, the present In cumbent of the office, haa made an excel, lent record and there are many who have business with tbe county who are anxtoua that h aeek a renocnlnatlon, but It la understood that. Mr. Innes baa decided not to be a candidate again. O. O. Balrd, at present deputy recorder. Is looked upon at present as tha leading candidate for th nomination for recorder, but bo will not be alone In th field. Friends of former Alderman E. E. Saylea ar actively- booming him for thla nom ination and ha will. It Is expected, have strong following Un the convention. Other candidate are lopked for to crop out be fore th 'day of th convention. ' For th nomination for county attorney ther promises to be a contest between J. J. Hess, at present deputy county at torney as Clem F. Kimball, who formerly beld this position under County Attorney KUIpack and who waa a candidal for th aomlnatloa In U0t John Fletcher. ' an at lerney of Avoca. la aaid to be casting eyes en thla noaalaattoa and th contest may develop Into a three-cornered fight Supervtacif Baker and Drydea ar th member ef the county board whoa terms axplr at 'tba ' end of thla year. Both ar said to b candidates for renomtnattoa. LEWIS CUTLER IgaBTTic-iaj. INTEREST FROM IOWA. BLUFFS. Colonel Baker, who la at present chair man of the board, will undoubtedly meet with considerable opposition, aa former Alderman Charles McDonald Is an avowed candidate for the nomination for the mem ber of the board from this section of the county. Present Indications are that Su pervisor Dryden will be renominated with out opposition. This convention will also be called upon to. select a chairman of the county central committee. George 8. Wright, who haa filled toe position for aeveral years, haa said that ie will not seek a re-election, but In view of his past services to the party In thla county It la expected that ha win be urged to continue at the head of the committee for at least another year. RECOVER THE ROOT OF HASKIK9 Dead Haa Evidently Bad Started ta Swiss. A share. The body of William Hasklna. the third member of the bunting party who were drowned Friday afternoon during the storm at Lake Manawa, was recovered yesterday mornlrg. It waa brought to the surface about 200 feet directly south of the motor company's rowboat dock, showing that Hasklna, after the boat capelied. swam a considerable distance. After the boat overturned he succeeded In divesting him self of his heavy hunting coat and wading boots. He waa a good swimmer, but han dicapped as be was with his clothing and tbe heavy wind, hla strength evidently gave out. The searching party recovered the two I guns belonging to Plnnell and Baxley, but the pump gun which Hasklna carried Is still st the bottom of tbe lake. The ski IT which the unfortunate men had that aft ernoon waa located yesterday morning quite a distance from where it was last eeen by Caretaker Brown. Waterlogged. It had drifted to point Just east of the Kur aaal. In tba bow of the boat waa found a hole large enough to put three Angers through which bore tbe appearance of hav ing been caused from the shot of one of the guns. As both the guns recovered were without shells. It is supposed that In some manner the pump gun belonging to Hask lna was accidentally discharged, the ahot tearing a hole through the boat and through which the water undoubtedly com menced to pour, causing tbe flat-bottomed eklff to settle. It Is now believed that the boat filled with water and waa not cap siaed by the wind. Hasklns' body was taken to Lunkley s undertaking rooms, where it was viewed during the afternoon by hundreds of his friends and acquaintances. The funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon at S o'clock from Ma late residence, li South Seven teenth street, and burial will be In Fair view cemetery. The services at the house will be conducted by Rev. A. Overton. The Eagles, of which order Hasklns was a member, will have charge of the funeral. Hasklna waa 31 years of age and Is eur vived by two brothers and a half sister. Plumbing and aeattea. Blzby Sea. VISOR JfEXTIO. Davis sens drugs. lfrert's glasses fit tockert sells carpets. The Faust cigar. ( cants. , Peterson, gua aad loekanttoi.-cB B'y. ' For rant, modern hoaaa. 71 Sixth are. Paint a. oils and glasa. Morgan at Dickey. Picture framing. Alexander's art atora, US Broadwsy, telephone 366. For wall paperlnc. painting, picture fram ing, sea Berwick, ill Main sU Phone A-CS The Board of Park Commissioners win meet tomorrow evening in adjourned reg ular aeaalon. Miss Beatrice Coffey of DeKalb. 111., is J!? i her !. Mrs. J. P. Enright. 611 North Seventh street. Ther win be a special meeting thla evening of Fidelity council, Roval Arcanum, for the Initiation of candidate. Tb Ladiee' auxiliary of St. Paul'a Episco pal church will meet thia afternoon at 1:30 o clock at the home of Mrs. T. J. Foley on South Sixth street The city council will meet in adjourned regular seeslon tonight, when Mayor Mac rae la expected to make the remaining ap pointments to the police force. Members of the Commonwealth Provi dent association will meet In Grand Army hall thla afternoon at 1:15 o'clock to attend in a ooay tne unerai or J. w. Plnnell. The 1-ady Maccabees will meet thia after noon Instead of Tuesday, as the state com mander and other officers will be here to assist In tha initiation of the claaa of can didates. Have your carpets taken ap. cleaned aad relald by modern methods. Old carpets made Into handsome ruga Council Bluffs Carpet Cleaning Co.. M North Mala street. 'Phone Ha A meeting of St. Katherine'a guild of St Paul's Episcopal church will be held this afternoon at the residence of Mrs. Roff, Mi South Seventh atreet, for tb purpose of reorganising. Devoe'a mixed paints. Morgan Dickey. The funeral of Martin Liowlng. the youth ful bandit suicide, will be held Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock from Undertaker Cutlers establishment and burial will be In Walnut Hill cemetery. Aa requested by the boy'a father, rotins John Iwina-. now In the county Jail, will be permitted to at tend the funeral In charge of a deputy ehertff. Former County Treasurer William Arnd of thla city haa been appointed receiver bv Judge McPherson of the federal court of H. a. ureen'a banka at Dow City and Buck Grove. It la understood thst he will act in conjunction with 8. A. Dow. Mr. Arnd a bond was placed at 1C6.000. Forest Smith of this city has been appointed receiver In the bankruntcv case of Thomas P. Hlark of Dow City, whose failure la aald to have been brought about by the suspension of uirm iwnil. K. T. Plumbing Co. Tel BS; night. F-SS7. FEAST OF DELICIOUS DOGS Will B Baked aad Served wltk Be Petatae at tha Warld'a Fair. ST. IXrig. April 10. -There Is great Joy In the Igor rote reservation at the World's fair. Tbe Igor rotes a re going to have a dog feast and all the arrangements have been ma da oia delicious dogs were mysteriously tethered to stakes In the reservation today aad carefully guarded by tha savage Igor rotes from the Philippines. It could not be ascertained where the dogs cam from, but ther they were, and each dog was being given a full meal every time he looked hungry, to fatten him up quickly. By common consent only four dogs will be served at the feast, the beauty of two sav Ing their Uvea They are a waterspaniel and a skya terrier. The other four are plain dogs. Governor Hunt, who baa charge of tha Ignrmtea. stated tonight that tha Humane society cannot Interfere with the proposed feast, as tha reservation la lot yards out side the city limits, which also precludes interference by the municipal authorities. He further stated that arrangements had been made, satisfactory to tha officials of St. Louis county, within the confine of which th dog feast will be held, and the Igorrotes will bars on grand feast on baked dog aad sweet potatoes. The date of tha feast will depend upon the rapidity with which tbe four designated dogs fat- tea. Tea free trip to th World's Fair each weak. 0 eoupaa oa page 1 WORK OF THE LEGISLATURE Ceuioa Has Hat Eaen aa Prolific at Uil in lumbar of Acta Passed. SOME MEASURES OF PRIME IMPORTANCE Dralaage Law, Oa teajsrlllai Baaai ta Pay Interest aa Stat Deposits AsseadBseats Isiarasre Statatrs Meet laportaat. (From a Staff Correspondent.) PES MOINES, April 10. tSpeclal.) Im portant legislation by the thirtieth general assembly cover not very many topics. One of the chief matters haa been that of drain age, the general bill for which la regarded by ail as the moat Important single mens- ure considered. A great meny regard, also, i. . I. t V. a jt!rtlrn of rlvlnsT th state a primary election law. aa one of the I t.t 11.1-,. r.r tK. iiMisf ur for the bill to I sddIv the law to Polk county Is very care- . r. . .... . fully prepared. The bill to glv a prefer- in anMiera In all civil amDlovment and I offices Is believed by many to be one of the trustees of funds left for cemetery maln moet Important of the many measures. The '"m,,,. of fees by state officers and amendment or the compulsory scuoot aw i n ihi it will he more definite and Doasl- I kl. . &wu...lnM I .in I .rvtrtant matter In I ST. entire stat: I.b.7.hmenT of a stat ty orhce. by appointment of city couu asylum for Inebriates and to take tbem providing for paying for sidewalks by from the Insane hospital Is also an Import- I ant thing. Then there are Important Im provements In the Insuranoa lawa of the state so that the examinations will be prop erly made at reasonable fees, and for con solidation and reinsurance and protection ef tho,e wno ,nto new comPnle- The banks that have state money will be re quired to pay interest thereon, and this Is I an Important matter. The revision of the method of accounting In the oil Inspect ion bureau la Important and creating the office of state factory Inspector. The session lawa will not make as large a volume aa usual, but It will be filled with Important small matters. The entire list of laws cannot be made up until after the governor has had his ten days in which to I sign the bills left on his hands after ad- I Journment. but practically all the legl.la- tlon can now be catalogued and eummar Ired. Below will be found a statement showing what are the chief bills passed and that will become laws: Bills Which Have Passed. Amending the law in relation to compul sory education so that sixteen Weeks of school attendance Is necessary snd that at the first of the school year, unless the school board otherwise provides, and In it li v case attenrlnncA must hesrln nnl lat.r I than December 1. I Requiring railroad companies to Issu re-1 turn DHsses to stock shlnners. I Provldlna a iuvenile court for votithfiil I offenders to be under 'direction of the dls- 1 irici juuges, auu iu arnvw separata recoras applying only to more populous counties. Providing for condemnation of land for state purposes and In counties and cities for some otner purpose. Act for the collection of vital statistics and keeping records- Providing for primary elections In large counties. Providing for the Joint liability of com mon carriers for damages where shipments pass over several rauroaaa. ITovldlng a license for Insurance agents. Providing for the sale of lake beds after drainage by the state. Regulation of running of automobiles snd limiting their speed ways. Authorising Insurance companies to In- I vest funds in bank stock. I LMrectmg that plainttrTs shall pay costs I In certain classes of abandoned cases where I of defendant. I uiuukiii in V.IUIHJ viiivn . am a. ujv fvwiMvwvw w Providing a method of dissolution of cor-I Derations and riving notice. Authorizing collection of census statis tics at the time of me kins: assessment. Authorising Increase of library tax for building purposes. Providing that a life insurance policy must be approved by the auditor ana at torney aeneral. Providing for disposition of books and documents by a commission of state officers. Providlnc that an estate must be Hated for taxation in the place of residence of former owner. Prohibiting posting of advertisements of liquor or tobacco near school houses. To give towns power to bond for park purposes. t hanging tne law aa to aate oi puDiica tion of official notices. Amending law in regard to taxing freight lines. General Dralaag Law. General law for drainage and ditches by districts, payment for same by assessments against the property, providing a method of creating districts, giving hearings, let- tine contracts and paying for all the work. Requiring banka having state funds to pay the state Interest on their monthly bal ances at rate to be fixed by state executive council. Making It s crime to take liquor, drurs or weapons Into a state penitentiary with out permission. providing metnoa or mortgaging tne property of an Insane person by guardian. Autnonxing registration or pnysicians from other states without examination where states reciprocate. Permit taking or fish rrom takes in pres ence of deputy wsrden. Making wild turkey a gam Dira ana giv ing protection, Authorising thortxlng districts to purchase music hooks for schools. Kry Hiring that veterans of the civil war shall lie slven orefereno. In all nubile and semi-public employment in the state wber it is t.nown tney are competent. Hequirinc that trust companies musx save full paid up capital and be subject to same regulations ss savings banka. Raising penalty for crime or assault t commit murder rrom ten to tnirxy years. r ortnoiiins tne aocKinr or norses. Forbidding the use of live birds as tar gets at tournament. exemption rrom garnisnment or wages earned outside the stats by nonresident creditors. Making all kinds of base protected fish. fIvIiik foreign corporations the same rights ss nonresident aliens In regard to tne noining or land. Changing date of open season for fish snd game. Authorising executors . snd trustee to vote stock held by them juasing it a miaoeameanor to aeraee or Injure books or other things In public libraries. I'lrectlns manner of stats auditor exam ining Insurance companies and providing ror employment oi an actuary as state ex amlner on salary. providing tor manner or reinsurance and consolidation of different kinds of Insur- snce companies under direction of the slate gudltor and with his permission only. Organisation of fraternal Insurance com panies must nave 6u0 members and B.000.000 Insurance . Authorising examinations of fraternal In surance associations. Authorising assessment Insurance com- names to transfer funds not used. To punish for Injuring or obstructing electric railways or electric wires with five vesra In penitentiary. Making It larceny to steal gas. water or electricity. Reducing the collateral inheritance tax from XI to 10 per cent where the Inheritance goes to a brother or elster. Fixing liability for personal Injuries where damage is oone oy a steam engine. Reaul re escapee on all three-story buildings and generally revising and lm- Drovins the whole law. Deflnina a 'hootlesger" and nrovidlnsr that he may be enjoined and treated aa an lllearal saloon. Requiring reports of oil Inspections and shipments of oil into the state, and revis ing method of keeping accounts of oil In spectors. Mmpnrying metsoo 01 cnanging name ana orovioin ror nuns papers wim ins county ctera ana small reea. tat ABTalra. Abolishing assignment of error In ap- peals to supreme court. Requring eterinajrsurgeons to pay Pernuttlng state executive council to dlsDoae of extrs state documents. Requiring county clerks to report dis barment cases to supreme court. Providing for expense of sending non resident Insane to hospital. Raising salary of asslsant attorney gen eral from U.S to tl u. Increasing pay of deputy dairy commis sioner ond saving sseistant. Classifying penitentiary guards aad tn- I . Report, of triagra, and tel- phone companies In executive council In stead of state adultors office. Raising charge fur- non-resident blind at collegs S64 to 166. ........ Raising charge of non-resident deaf at school Hn to . Providing for expense of returning es caped patients to insane hospital. Fixing time for trying appeals In con tested elections. tilvlng Orphans Home IS a month, to be collected from counties for each person hprovldlng for method of restoring pension eioney for soldiers at the State Home un der certain circumstances. Requiring re-classlf ) ing railways every Requiring railroad to report real estate for assessment. , Authorizing Board of Control to employ special architects. Changing date of Board of Health meet- Raising pay for support of Inmates of Industrial School at MitchellvUle from 113 to 514 a month. ... . LnhnHitnt secretary of state and ex entire council to preserve state docu- Frovldlng for registration of veterlns rlans from other wtate without examina tlon end recording veterinarians. Prnrtd n a state lactory raMnrmr, Adding an sssisant In state dairy com- " Provtn(r fpr inheritance right" of -v. knra ftor ti . maklne- of a will. Disposal of money unclaimed and left bv Inmates or state insmununs. .,iv district fixed. imhnHiim count v auditors to act as abolishing ree system. Cities aad Ceaatlea. Prnvtdlns that vacancies may be filled Installments. Permitting Incorporated towns to bond Pay of special police at elections 12 a Indebtedness of school districts In small cities may be 2 per cent of valuation under aoroe circumstances. Countv brldre levy may be Increased hnm 1 tft A Mr rent. Providing atenograpners 10 sio.nu juw jn large counties. Providing pay for Jurors summoned on special venire, , , Permitting second class cities to borrow money to build a city hall. Requiring county recorders to re-record Instruments free where error haa been made first time. Providing flat aalary for county record ara f fV.m II 1I to tl.00. niiiirin countv clerk to give notice of release of Hen In other counties of an esiate. Counties to keep mulct tax receipts In "f.". townshirfncers In places where township is a city. Authorises counties and towns to con 4m.. . ... .r.vp Vieds. No pay for para commissioners m v.wc.-. of less than 4u.iu0. . , . . Requiring of tiling oi maps ui ""-b"!'" and telephone companies with county au ditors. , Authorizing Indebtedness for water works In cities of second class rn u.kins- nosslble to nay for publishing pro- .inn of Roard of Supervisors in for- . miners pizing salaries of county auditors at tl.JOO and upwards. . . D,.hin method of oaylng costs or ...... i. .nirtemtc providing for certifying to county audi- . . r, V. nr. a SSeSSTTien t S. Preventing the dismissal of liquor cases without investigation. Refunding nriuge ocdib oufiut cities. ... . . . Giving cities power w ""'"" chlses. Tr" ter ic: ' i.i .tw. nri tnwns mav acquire bv condemnation sites for garbage and sewer outlets. Special aad. Bliaor nms Authorizing sale of island off tee county, . a u.itnw' - "rve.fi olf V i riaiiannK woni l-vhuiwvm .. w I Rlshts-of-way through state grounds at Eldora. Anamoaa and Council uiurrs. Changing method of amending code sup- piement. Correct error In conveyance law sucn im . , ..a . . , Authorising Bale o.VBtatfl square injurs Moines. Providing for levees iind dredging river st Des Moines. Correct error In law on mine inspectors. Permitting Des Moines to levy i lur viaduct approach. Authorising exchange of codes and ether documents. Authorising sewer tnrougn state una si Soldiers' Home. Authorising use or penitentiary gate re ceipts for books and papers. Appropriations. Historical building completion IMP. W0 Land at Orphans' Home, Davenport. 6.0"0 Temporary repairs state capltol 8.C1O Flan ana game waraen aencisncy.... Iowa National Guard tendency ' 10.(0 Rt Louis exDosltlon additional 2u,uu0 Board of Control, for removal of Iowa building c.wv inspection county insane nospnais.... Inauguration exDenses 4.00 fill tl J.ftO 4 S.tt 1.7 Costs in lake bed case. Humboldt Co Inspection county hospitals deficiency Additional employes legislature Railroad commissioners' maps Express and cartage .... Reimburse teachers at deaf school... Henediet Home. Des Moines Dubuque Rescue Home 2M1 Florence frtttenton mission, aioux Cltv .0nO 10 M 4-" Supreme court contingent fund deficit Department or lows, u. A., ft Conferences Board of Control Pharmacy commission refund Veterinary board reruna Canltol renalr balance made avail able, about Srt.MiO Inebriate hospital. Knoxvllle ISi.flno Kew Duiiflin on mate rair a-rnunas.. uuu Iowa Historical society support 7w Iowa monuments at Andersonville.... 11.&00 Providing bond for state treasurer.. Z.0 Aieui iDfiTin K is suns) sumn house .000 Pay William Redden for Injuries st reform school Pay relatives of elevator victims Fish and game department Stat college Stat university LW0 14.WI0 BtM.onn 2.oia at, (ton C.niC Normal scbool Bacteriological laboratory Repair of etate capltol Support loss National Guard Permanent camp grounds jns.740 75. 0 54 State Institution improvements... Taking the census 15.00S l.nn 17(XW Investigate tuberculosis Salaries of statehouse clerks Legislators la Caafereaee. 1 Despite that this was Sunday the lead-; Ing members of the legislature were busy with Informal conferences chiefly relating to the appropriation bills which hsvo not yet passed both houaea. While a member reported some progress la the direction of sn agreement as to the various Items they demonstrated that tbe agreement de pends largely on developments In th legis lature tomorrow. It was made known today that the bill which gives the control commission about 1110,000 for permsnent Improvements on the state capltol haa not plain sailing, but will be fought In tbe house by members who believe that the bill carries too much money. They also object to having this money raised by special tax as proposed by the senate. The conferences today between tbe com mittee showed that there Is a difference of about 136000 between the two bouses In regard to the appropriation bill for the colleges. The difference relates chiefly to the engineering departments and tha dairy building. OHp talrklr Kaaekad Oat. 'Soma weeks sgo during ths severe win ter weather both my wife and myself con tracted severs colds which speedily de veloped Into the worst kind of la grippe with all Ita miserable symptoms," says Mr. J. 8. Egleston of Maple Landing. Iowa. 'Knees snd Joints aching, muscle sore. bead stopped up, eyes and noae running with alternate spells of chills and fever w. r. Chamberlain s Cough Rem- I edy. aiding the same with a double dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets, and by Its liberal use soon completely knocked out the grip. Fall Trala at laBaslgraata. PIERRE. S. D . April 10 - Special Tela gram.) A special Immigrant train cam in from th east today brtngliig a doaea cara I This I. tha ftrst full Uala of Immigrants. POLITICS FOR TOE SENATE Will Tat Up Tim in th Diacuailoa of Appropriation. SEVERAL MEASURES INTEREST HOUSE Aa laaaartaat Oa laelade the Aapra- arlatlaa at gS.noo.ooo ta Carry aa Necessary River aad Barest Wark. WASHINGTON, April 10. The sppropri- ation bills this week will tak precedence of all business In the senate, but It Is more than probable that political discussion will take up most of the time nominally de voted to appropriations. The post off! re bill will divide attention early In the week with the conference report on the Indian bill. By the time these two measures shell be disposed of It Is expected that the sundry civil bill will be reported from th com mittee on appropriations. It Is quite generally understood that several democratic senators will reply to Senator Spooner's speech of yesterday. Senator Gorman will be among the number. There may be an effort to get up the Pan ama canal bill during the week, but not If It would Interfere with consideration cf appropriation bills. Measares Befora th Haas. The measures of Importance that will come before the house this week Include the 13.000.000 appropriation to carry on bm eesary river and harbor works; tb general deficiency bill, which Is expected to oome from the appropriations commute early In the week; the Cooper bill amending the Phllppine civil government act by author ising a bond issue by tbe Island govern ment for Internal Improvements and guar anteelng that the per cent earnings on capital to be Invested in railroad building In the Islands; the statehood bill and con ference reports as they may come up for consideration. The river and harbor and general defi ciency bills sre not likely to consume much time but the Philippine bill, which prob ably will be reached by Wedneeday. Is ex pected to require at leaat two days' debate. The statehood bill's career Is to be deter mined by a caucus of republican members to be held probably Thursday evening. A special committee on rules, limiting de bate and providing for a vote. Is expected as a result of the caucus. PLANT G0ESF0R TWO CUPS Will Try to Get Essperor's aad Cap May Trophies wltk h lagosaar. (Copyright by New York Herald Co., 1904.) VEW YORK. Aprill 10 New York Her aid Service Special to The Bee.) The In gomsr, under the command of Captain Charlie Barr. will leave prepared for the sea trip at the Herreshoff yards on April 15. Norton F. Plant, owner of th schooner yacht, sailed yesterday morning on the American line steamship St. Louis. Mr. Plant said the yacht will try for the em peror's cup. held under the pstronage of Emperor William. Heretofore foreign boats have not been al'owed to enter this race, but this year that condition has been waived. It also Is the Intention of Mr. Plant to try to bring back the Cape May cup. which was taken to England by the Genesta la 1R"S. CONTROL OF TUBERCULOSIS t. Louis Fkyslrlaas Farsa a Society t Prerreat tb Spread of the Dlsesse. ST. LOUIS, April 10. Physicians and others Interested In the prevention or con trol of tuberculosis hsve formed the "St. Louis Society for tha Prevention of Tuber culosis." Officers have been elected snd sn executive committee named. There will also be appointed a commute consisting of two members of the health department of St. Louis, two members of the tnellcal pro fession and two representatives from the medical schools, who insist on Inspection. It is intended at the beginning to instl tute a thorough investigation of all cases of tuberculosis In badly ventilated quarters, etc. The officers will slso distribute clrcu lsrs of Instruction to persons suffering from tuberculosis, whereby they may aid In immunlng themselves from the disease. The Peril at Oar Time Is lung disease. Dr. King's New Disco v ery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds cures lung trouble or no pay. COc. H.M. For aale by Kuhn A Co. . FORECAST OF THE WEATHER for Monday aad Taes y. WASHINGTON, April 10. -Forecast: For Nebraska Fair Monday and warmer In east portion; Tuesday, fair. For Iowa and Missouri Generally fair Monday and Tuesday; warmer Monday, For Kansas Partly cloudy Monday Tuesday, fair. For Indiana and Illinois Partly cloudy Monday and Tuesday; warmer Monday with variable winds. For Wyoming Fair Monday; Tuesday, partly cloudy and cooler; probably ahow era In southeast portion. For Montana Fair Monday and Tues day. For South Dakota Fair Monday and warmer In extreme west portion; Tues day, fair. Local B OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BL'REAU OMAHA, April 10. Official record of tern perature ana precipitation com pa re a wit the correspond aing day of the last three years: Maximum temperature. 1WH- 190J. 1902 1W1. M Kl Ui Minimum temerature.... M 67 W 48 Mean temperature 47 70 49 U Precipitation 00 .11 .09 .00 Record of temperature and precipitation at Omaha tor this day and sines March L 1804: Normal temperature 47 Excess for the day 0 Total excess since March L 1904 4i Normal precipitation 10 inch iH-ticiency for the day 10 Inch Total precipitation since Marchl.t.42 Inches Kxcess since March 1, 104 l5 Inch tendency for cor. period lr0...1.67 Inches Deficiency for cor. period 1J2 ..1.42 Inches Rpart f Matioaa at T r. as. ? 3 CONPTTIOV OF THE WEATHER. a? : e I 3 : s : B il : t : I Omaha, cloudy Ml .00 Valentine, partly cloudy ....... North Platte, clear .... Cheyenne, cloudy Bait Lake City, clear Rapid City, clear Huron, clear Chicago, p rtly cloudy ......... Su IjOuIs. clear fit. PauL cloudy lavenport, cloudy ....... Kansas City, cloudy Havre, partly cloudy Hlsmarrk, cloudy Oalveston. clear ?ii .ix 7 (M 4 41 to; u u 44' 48 a) .00 k .00 .00 &- .so i .01 t4: .00 .00 e .00 rv .on C : .no 6 toi .0 T Indicates trace of precipitation. . Welsh. rrcastr. IGH WIND CAUSES TROUBLE I aalsTraata Beard Vessel Which " Tld Fx pert 1 Departatloa. (Copyright by New Tork Herald Co.. !.) NEW TORK. April 10 New Tork Her ald Berries Special to The Pee.) From th many aliens who have sought homes in thia country, only to b lured bark by Immigration laws, come exaggerated Ideas aa to the potency of these laws and the stringency with which they ar enforced, seems to have gotten abroad. This notion, along with curious maneuv ers on the part of the Incoming French liner. La Touralne. when that steamship arrived her this week, brought about a panic among th CI Immigrants which the vessel hid In Its steerage, most of whom had been hoarding their little savings for years In order to reach this country, and for a full half hour there were shrieks snd lamentations among tbem. It was Just turning flood when the liner dropped anchor off quarantine. Th Incom ing tide swung Its bow seawards bnd when It got Its snchor ther waa a forty mile an hour gale blowing down the Narrows and despite a hard over helm and one engine backing snd the other going shead. It found It Impossible to swing Its bow upstream. Tb Immigration cutter was on on side of th vessel and th revenue cutter on the other1. The Immigrants had all gathered on deck, all more or lesa anxious about th ordeal which awaited them, and all looking anxiously at the men In blue. Then aomeon among them started tha report that tha ahtp was not to bo al lowed to land any of Its passengers and that all would have to go back to Havre. There waa a rush to the rail and much excited gesticulation and pointing to the city receding astern. It waa true, they screamed, and loud waitings filled the air. to their distorted imaginations the 'wo government cutters puffing alongside w-r forcibly taking the ahlp to sea, and fon the way the vessel was sheering from rd? to side In Its efforts to turn. It did look as though It were a recalcitrant craft be log hauled to an offing by constable cut- ers. Officers of the ship endeavored to still the tumult, but there was a babel of voices snd none could be male to under stand. Finally th vessel tfanf, the more open waters of Graveaend bay, where. after describing a wide sweep. It managed to get Its bow pointed upstream. But not until the pier was reached and the Immigration barges were alongside were tha terrified foreigners sure that they were not to be sent back In a body. NEW YORK NOW SEES RELIEF After Long Time Congress Promises ta Isapravo Postal Facilities of Metropolis. 1 (Copyrigfit by New Tork Herald Co., 1904.) WASHINGTON. April 10. (New York Herald Sen-Ice Special to The Bee.) After nearly ten years of constant struggle, legis lation granting relief for the postal situ ation In New York "city Is now really In sight. The senate haa passed the items In the post office appropriation bill provid ing for leasing a building adjoining the New Tork Central rtatlon, and appropriated $R. 000. one for the purchase of property over the Pennsylvania railway tunnel, adjacent to that road'a mammoth new terminal. The quertlon now goes to a conference ' committee of the two houses, where the final contest will bo made, with the chances all In favor 'of New York. If the aenate and house follow their practice In naming conferees, this committee will consist of Senators Penrose, Dolllver snd Clyrand Representatives Overs t ree t. Gar- ' diner ef New Jersey snd Moon. All three senators will support the leasing and pur chasing proposition FRANCE PLANS FINE DISPLAY Exhibit at St. Laala Will Be I.arur-' aad Best that Coaatry Has Made. NEW YORK, April M.-On reaching St. Louis M. Michel La Grave, the French commissioner general who srrlved today on the La Lorraine, will lease a house and open headquarters for tbe French com mission. "Thers wfll be a staff of twelve clerks beside the heads of departments," he said. "Ths French exhibit will be th best and largest w have ever made. There ar 7,500 exhibits. The principal exhibit will b that of tb fine arts. There will also b a splendid exhibit of motor cars and some fin machinery. W sre moved to take such an Interest, aa th purchase of Louisiana was made from France and again because of the friendship which exists between France and this country. The work of getting the exhibit ready is progressing In th most satisfactory manner." CHINESE AUCTIONS ARE QUIET It Oa' Speaks Whea Goads Ire Of fer- ta tka BtaThest Bidder. (Copyright by New Tork Herald Co.. 104.) NEW YORK. Aprill 10. (New York Her ald Service Special to The Bee.) To one unaocustomed to a Chinese auction a visit to on Is a most Interesting and curious experience. Th auctioneer leans over a slightly ele vated counter and exhibits his wares say ing nothing. Neither does ths bidder speak, but merely steps forward to tbs auctioneer and run his Angers up his sleeve, making Hold Up YourHknd if You Know. . Wber and bow large Is CbemutpoT How far la It from Port Authur to Vladivostok? Wher la Mukden, tbe Russian from tbe Tain river? Can You Answer Three Simple Questions lit Japanese-Russian War Geography? The Bee War Map Shows th location of Russia. Japan, Cores, Manchuria. China, atoj alas the prtaeipal cltlea and seaports in each, along with the pouul tiun of easne. Showe th dtflerent aaa and bodina of water upon which te aa fight srUi probably tak plaos. Gives a compkst Mat of all tha vsasuls In both navies, sbowtnsr thefr an a. mant. spaed and comparative strength tn war. Alao taile all about both rati aa, how many men In oh, tha number of Russian soldiers b ar au, th tv east, etc .. . ... .... ... . . t by nail, rutrrrAU), u you Adrwa cents. Fill, Qui This Coupon. Enclosed find M cents for leaa send Japanese Russian lap to rhtch Wax Nam ,. Addrea T tVT'fZ Another snd another repeat the action, until ttii nhi ilrTiifvinv tha MsTirsS TisHcA r-cjrM th- article without A wnrA bernal exchanged on either sidn. Only thai aao tloneer and the successful bidder know tha price offered and accepted. PRISONER STABS IN REVENGE Kills tasnate of Ohio Pealf entlary Be. raas lie Believe Victim Betrayed Ills. COH'MRl'S. C. April M. -In revenga fr an albfted betrayal George Duncan, a prisoner, today stabbed and probably fatally wounded "Burglar Jim" Anderson, another prisoner St the Ohio penitentiary. Anderson was rested at a tab tn tb larger dirlng hall, when Duncan traddsnly sprang upon him from behind snd Inflcted six wounds with a shoemaker's kntf which he had manaaed to secrete, befor he could! be overpowered. The blade cf th knifg penetrated Anderson's lrtng. making a dan gnrou wound. Anderson and Duncan escape! together1 from the penitentiary some time ago and were recently captured, after a Be par ta fight at Chllllcothe. O. On being returned) to the penitentiary Anderson accused a former rusrd of having aided la their cape. Plnoe that time Duncan baa ax pressed extreme anlmosfty foward Anders son. 1 Ten free trip to the World's Fair acM week. See coupon on pin 1 SeetHrxtthe Shield of Quality is on the Box As a cathartic ' . Safe Speedy Sure, Wright's Indian Vogotablo Pills are unequalled. A pure herb remedy. Roman Eye Balsam For Weak of Sore Eyes war sale or alt drasalata. Crgu Lett TMa kit enm DR. McGREW, SPECIALIST all tn ass : BOBS )WLT. Twenty-eight YtarV &txtvu. . Eighteen Years U Cattltt. Th doctor's remark abU bosoms bad never been aqualed. Hi rasoaooa and facilities for treating this ohMsof Haass 11 ar unlimited aad every day Inpsos man. Cat taring reports of th guod, fcsj i atnat or th relief he has given. HOT SPRINGS TREATMENT f03 Ail Blood Poisons, Mo TOBJLll-OtJT'" on the skin or faa and ail extras I sternal p( tb dlss disappears at onaa. . A. par manant cure for life guaranteed. YARICOUUOtS NtAR 30,000 VSZPZ& DataOty. Loss of Mranwtk. as VUaltta and all farm of oh wit disssai. Treatment by snaU. Usui sr wm. BoJ Aa Ii it base of supplies, and how ffer wm mi 001 toe coupon 1 aaa azusoea is Omaha Daily Bee, Omaha - - Neb. Map Department VWbea a dealer rectmserkdsf I Kelsbach mantle then I I youbxrrrtKtlseisservir I I your best interests.! I Stands-15. 20, 25r30,35 l - AnTJoaOe-rw - ' ' j3