TOE OMAHA DAILY KEE; SUNDAY. APRIL 10, 1904. W lews THE RELUBI K STt'RE. The Leading Dress Goods House in the West Now spring strips, new ctdorings. new weaves, in endless Ta piety and at less than you can purr-base tbe same qualities in the it v. Mohair are the correct fabrics for outdoor wear. If you are poinp for an outing or traveling, nothing will give tou tbe same satisfaction as a mohair. We are showing mohairs in all shades from .W to &t.,"iO p-r vard. Rft-ln Priestley Cravenctted Sicllisn In blue find whit check, black and whit fhwk, plnln black, blue and gruy. The only store In the city of Omaha where you can find the real lYIestlry's Craverirtte. Ft'sulsr price on this line of good $3.50 a yard for Q Monday only I fcs-ln. Prlestlcv's Cra venetted Biclllan In blac k and blue. OAs" . tor Monday sale sf-ln extra heavv silk finish Biclllan Jn black, blue and brown a regular tXQs tl. quality for Monday CJW Priestley's Crn venetted Covert In all the new colora at 11.50, $2.96 and KM. Bale agents Tor Priestley's ('ravenctto In Omaha. Extra special for Monday only a few dress pattern left London Corda In extra t,ualttv and finish Lot No 2SF.S. In black, mode, tan, green and old roae QQn our repulnr II. Sh tiuallty for Monday CXW Priestley and Lupin's HInck Voiles. Crepes. Cord and Etamincs for Monday. Tou know the finish and quality If you aee the name. .-in. fancy voile. In hatr line stripes. Spanish net nutra. flaked and checked effect the latent and swellcst style nut all our 12. lift and $1.H quality, for Monday f 1Q only one drhs pattern to a cuptomer LOTS' 44-ln- TYlestley p and Lupin's Black Vollep and Crcpep fine, pnft. pllky flnlph fiKL". our $!. quality for VOk 44-ln. J; lack Cord Etamtne our fl.on quality for -ln. Black All Wool de Chine for Monday Commences the Second Week of the Great Sale of SAMPLE SILK BOLTS Ten more ease of Fsniplc Units just received and are ready for sale. They contain black BIlkK. Colored Rtlkfl, Silks for Suit and ait the greatest bargain evtr offered In the city of Omaha. Special Sale at 9 o'clock of ICO Sample Silk Bolts All the finest klndp or allkH beautiful silk for suit In all te new colora hea vy allks for skirt and linings handsome RllkP for wnlsts foulnrdp. ahlte allks, m black pllke silk that pell for T5c. tl.H0, 11.51' and !-. all sample It 11 boltp and go on Biile at o'clock Monday morning at w EAMf'Lt BOLTP OF FINE BLACK TAFFETA. 27-in. wide (warranted to Sf." ri, woven cn eripc, worth tl ilf, on pale ,-WC SAMPLE BOLTS BLACK. TAFFETA. 27-ln. wide, heavy rustling ails, WEI,, worth ll.Wi. on pale for OOw SAMPLE BOLTS BLACK TAFFETA. 3S-ln. wide, finest oil boiled Bilk Ofto worth 1 TK an pale for 3C5l SAMPLE BOLTS BLACK TEAT DE SOIE, Mn wide SQ worth CJOC SAMPLE BOLTS BLACK FEAT' PE CTGXE, 27-ln. wide ()Q north tS.'-for -. .WW SAMPLE BOLTS DOMESTIC PONGEE. 24-ln. wide TH- worth Jl.Hk for A JW SAMPLE BOLTS IMPORTED PONGEE, SWn. wide Oftr r.rth $1 .fin tor "Ol SAMPLE BOLTS BLACK PONGEE. M-ln wide Ofir worth SAMPLE BOLTS WHITE WASH SILK, DK-ln. wide AQr worth (tV-for .". SAMPLE BOLTS WHITE WASH SILK. 36-ln. wide ?Qr worth t " for SAMPLE BOLTS FIGI'REI) SILK FOR SflTS Ur worth tl iio tcir SAMPLE BOLTS FIGI'RED SILK FOR SUITS .. . "TUc worth tl.2t-fnr 'w SAMPLE BOLTS F1GI RED SILK FOR SVITS BJSC worth 1.2ft-for SAMPLE BOLTS FIGI'RED SILK FOR ST'lTS QSc worth J1.60 for Can Joseph Chamberlain Keep ' Thlp (treat ptatepnian In hip advocacy of free trade between England and her colo nlee and protection for her home marketp aaaliipt foretim trad" invasion, aeek to keep out thlp wonderful ailk. StatlPtica ihow that Wlnplow Taffeta Ip one of the chtef pilk exportp from America to Great Britain, which provep that the womnn of England know a toid thing when they aee It. Hayden Brop., Omaha Neb., aajenta. EXTRA SPECIAL NEWS Sheets, Pillow Cases, Muslin and Cambric. The Immense assortment and splendid values shown In this department have given us an unusually large bualneat, ttiia Reason and we intend to keep up the past leoord. . in rtllaw Caeca IS 1-Ste. . -Sice 42x26, mad from Wamautta cotton. . . tUVe gee'omleas ghees 4o. Ready to use, bleached, rise 81x90. 1S1-3C ( susibrle 7 a-.-Snow white, M In. wide, a splendid value. IS Yards Lews Cloth .. English Long Cloth, 16 in. wide, 13c value. White XV- fancy P. K. Walsttnga, Madraa, Oxford Sheer Batln Stripe, Checks, etc.. Monday, 7Be Mercerised WatatlaaT Sfte. I We have only 18 full pieces left, lfte Ara Uwi, t taw wide, lOr. I UNENS UNENS We show the largept line, quote the lowest goods. Don't fall to attend this aula. Toe strong all Linen Irish Damaak. AQn yard li no heavy all Linen Scotch 7Sc Iiamaak. 2 yards wide $1 00 heavy all Linen Bleached 7Sc Iiamaak, b In. wide tl 60 all Linen Irish Batln Qfir Iiamaak. 70 in. wide Jv $S W all linen bleached Damask Napkins, V alia, doaen OPTICAL DEPARTMENT SPECIAL PRICES. COCHRAN ADDRESSES HOUSE Cpoakt on E.olutioi Eogutiiog Ezocutivo Order on Psni oas. SAVS CONGRESS CONTROLS THE PURSE Speaker Dwells at koaa Lea art b I a Ibe laalieaable Rigbta af loa grrea Urtglaale Hu nt. Bills. WASHINGTON, April . Tbe recent ex ecutive order of the president relating to ige as evidtinoe uf pensionable dieablllty, today furnished the text fur an tmpaealuned appeal by W. Bourke Cock ran of New Tork to the members of the house to uphold the dignity of that body by refusing to suliniH to what he alleged was the usurpation of the ItglalaUve authority of congress by the executive. Mr. Cockran (N. T.) sixike on hi resolu tion directing an Inquiry by the judiciary committee as to whether there was author ity In th law for the recent executive or der relating to pensions for ags disability The committee on rules reported sn order directing ths order to lie ou the table. Mr. Cockran' remark were th first be has delivered alnce his sntry into tbe fifty eighth congress as tbe successor to George B. McClellan. When he began speaking he was warmly applauded and he at onse com manded the close attention of both aides of the bouse. He said the resolution was off ered solely to vindicate ths dignity of ths house. He did not. he said, question the propriety of paying liberal pensions to soldier, but be declared that tbe basis of these i anents should lie the lsws of congress and Bot any self-constituted authority. If, be sid. ths president order 1 recognised y the house, -what fragment of power Is there left to the house? By one stroas of the pen, he declared, the president had ap propriated $30.WJ.0UG. and he Bald It was a natter with which congress null deal If It a any regard for its own powers or If it be animated by a shadow of loyalty tor the constitution which ot rated It Csngreas has control of ths purse and If h would exerrhte that control, be Insisted, gvery privilege that belonged ts It will High Grade Dress Goods 69c 59c Winslow Taffeta Out of England? ST X-Se KMaaleaa She4tlwaT Full bleached and t yard wide. Bfte Herail.u ghertlas e. Unbleached. S yards wide.' Use Maalla 7 1 -Sc. Four-quarter bleached, aoft finish. IB l-Ste Pillow CswelBiaT lor. Unbleached. 42 inches wide. 141 1-Sr Pillow Cmmrimm IS 1-Sc Bleached, 441 In. wide. Goods Cheviots. Leno Stripes and at, yard 121c B4M! Merrerlsed Waistiag ZS 1-Sc, SAe Mercerised WalstlaaT lBc. UNENS price, consequently ell the moat $2.00 double satin finish Table Daruaak, 2 yard wide $2.& extra fine double Batln , Damaak. t yard wide $3.0(1 extra heavy double Hatln Damask. 2 yards wide $2 to all linen Bleached Napkins, 20x30 atae, doaen.... .1.25 1.69 2.19 .1.49 .1.79 EXPERT FITTING. SATISFACTION ALWAYS Sola Agents for Lucid um Lanees. come back. Ha dwelt at length on ths In alienable right of tbs bouse to originate revenue bills, and urged ths members to assert that right. Attacks Haaac Rale. He attacked the rules of the bouse, and said that If the members wers not to bs trusted "we ought to be abolished." Continuing, he said: "Tou tell us Mr. Cleveland did It. and therefore It must bs rsgular. If this act waa committed by Mr. Cleveland the conhdenos which he enjoy add to Its danger and does not lessen It." He closed amid a storm of applause by ap pealing to both sides of ths house to units on a declaration of rights "beyond which the aggression of the senate or of ths ex ecutive aliall nut go." Mr. Dalaell (Pa ), replying tu Mr. Cock ran, said he could rtts countless Instances where the bouse sgaln and sgaln had as serted Its right against the olalms of tbe senate, and always successfully. It had, he said, taken Mr. Cockran eleven years to discover thst there was an Invasion of tbs prerogatives of the house. Concerning the pension order, Mr. Dalaell maintained that congress turned over to the secretary of the Interior a lump sum for pensions bsatd upon the secretary's eatlmate and to be distributed under the law and pursuant to the rules of evidence established by tbs pension bureau. There fore, be argued, the matter of money In volved cut no figure In the question under discussion. Mr. Qrnsvenor declared that he believed the country will approve of ths order and aleo that the soldiers of th country will approve It. and he alan expressed The be lief that when the deficiency bill 1 re ported It wll! contain an appropriation which will be approved by a matnrlty of tbe house to meet the additional Inrreass la the pensions under ths president's con struction of the lsw. Metlss la Table. Mr. Lacey (la.) said thst when President Cleveland lsausd bis executive order to which Mr. Cockran aad alluded. Interpret ing the set of June IT. ). no on exported that tbe dome of the capltol would fall ln. After remarks by Messrs. Caldertisad (Kan ) snd Mr. Hepburn (Is ). Mr. Dalaell moysd ths previous question, which ws adopted Tbs vote then recurred aa tbe recommendation that ths Cockran resolu tion lie on the table On a ruing vote of 102 to ! tt was or dered ts be laid on ths tabla. Mr. William (Miss) demanded ths yea OUR GREAT SALE CONTINUES Still continues this week and we are mak ing prices which should be of keen interest to all careful buyera. HERE ME H FEW OF TMM lo.SO Extension Table, golden oak, guar anteed hrt cIbpp In every OE respect. Mondav O.OO td.iO Extension Table, golden oak. 42 In. top, polish finest, g gQ Garden Rake Solid Steel Spade Straped Spading Fork ;0-D Nail, per lb $1.00 Hand Saw for Iron Block Tlane , Steel Krame Wringer All Willow Clothe Basket , 2 Burner Gasoline Stove AC'ustahle Screen Frame Connecticut Chopper ...61c . .TUc ..2Sc ...Cic .. 2oc .. ...43c ,.12. 4 ...2nc ...Tkc Steel WE CARRY THESE LINES ALL STANDARD: THE JEWEL. M D RANGE THE UNIVERSAL LINE. THE STANDARD, AND A FI LL LINE OF CAST AND STEEL COOKS THE LARGEST LINE IN THE WEST AT PRICES THAT CANT BE DUPLICATED. BEE OCR IMMENSE SAMPLE LINE. Grand Special Sale Dress Goods Great West Room Monday (2 In. wide pure Mohair Sicilian. In blue, brawn and black; 46 in. wide English Whipcord, aaaorted colors, worth CQr up to $1.26. Monday, per yard All wool Scotch Mixtures. 40 in. wlda. all the new colorings, worth 8c AQc Monday, per yard " FYench and German Plaids, crepe &nth, aeoned colors and rtylea, nQf worth 76c. Monday, per yard New Spring Novelties, In wool dree good, s aaorted colora. cream and black, OQr worth otc. Monday, per yard ay w Wool Crepe de Chines, all the new spring colors, cream and black. f Kp worth 26c. Monday, per yard uw and nays, which were ordered. Messrs. Littlefield (Me.) and McCall (Mass.) voted with the democrats on ths rising rots. Ths motion to lay on ths table wai carried ysas, 101; nay. 100, the speaker recording bis vote. Messrs. Cushman (rep.. Wash.), McCall (rep., Mass.) and Littlefield (rep.. Me.) voting with the democrat against th proposition to lay on the table. Mr. Williams. In commenting on the vote, said It was so close he would ask a recapit ulation. The clerk thereupon read the nsmes of the members voting for and against the proposition. The recspltulatlon rssulted in the republican securing ons sxtra vote, the corrected vote standing: Teas, 103; nays. 100. Tbs house then adjourned. EH ATE PAHSF.g SEVERAL, BILLS Mr. Ierr Deteade Adsalatstratlaa la the 2etfne Mattes. WASHINGTON, April t Ths senate to day passed the bouse amendment to tbe Philippine shipping bill fixing July 1, IKofi, ss ths data when the United States coast wiss laws shall be extended to the Philip pines Ths conference report on the Indian ap propriation bill was then taken up and read. Ths consideration of ths report was not completed. Ths postoffice appropriation bill was again taken up, and Mr. Lodge mads a statement covering the facts relating to cancelling machines used in the Postoffice department. Referring to Mr. Briatow re port. Mr. Lodgs said It might be inferred from tt that a large part of the fund for machines had been corruptly used, but this wss not true, as ths expenditure was for mors machines. Mr. Lodge then yielded to Mr. Petteraon to make aa addition to his speech of yes terday on th Chinese exclusion act. He made especial reply to the contention of other senators that treaty with China of lsvt had had the effect of the treaties of la ai.d MO and laid down ths general proposition thst no treaty entered Into for mere temporary purposes could be held to abrogste permanent treaties. Hs sgsin declared that unless there was new legislation ths country would bs without prohibitive legislation after December 7 next. Consideration of the postoffios bill than resumed, and Mr. Bpoonsr add tha sedate. Mr. Spooner paid tbs highest at-ly All Oar iaa', alta. Jncludln three delayed ahipmenta from New Tork pre now on Pair alxty da- ahead of them all at HaJf Prlre The opportunity of a lifetime tor advan taareuup a-arment buylnit , Thlak of Itl Women's IT fiO Sulta and Ctxaumea. now Women' KV. H' Suits peven different ptylea. at Women's 140.00 Suits. now only Women's HE.nT Suits, mixtures and plain colorp. only Women p 10.00. and Vj W Suits, at ' . 3S Ofi and 13.75 18.00 20.00 7.50 30.00 Jast BerelTfd B Eisrraa ITS Women p Silk Shtrt Waist Bjlts. In stripes, checks and plain colora Tou phould not fail to pee them Prices, IJ5(m. Sla.a and 14.90 Wntea'a ailk 4 nals Five diffrrtnt styles bloupe. Eton, loose and tlaht luck-worth to (Mjh m f f your choice f vfVJ Women's finest quality Bilk ff fn Coats, at i;iu.iK), and lJ.JJ 1 men's Iree a ad Walklac k.lrta Crepe de Chine Hklrts with silk drop, some of the most beautiful or the seasons creation, at 40.00. 135.011, nfl tSO.OO and aSO.VU GREAT FURNITURE Dining Room Cftilrs Solid Oak Dining Chairs, can seal, brace arm, nicety flniahed Mon- rtCI day, only fCfK, Same with vend 85c Side Borrds $J.iV sohd 'ink Side Board, full aiel, nicely curved and flnlalieil. y (f sale orlce... ..VfVf $14.fill Side Board, at... 9.85 Bed Room Suits 112. 1) Bed Room ,7'1: 15.85 227.60 Bed Room I?'!: 18.50 Hardware, Stoves and Seasonable Goods. BUY NOW. NOTE PRICES. , Garden Hoe i Solid Steel Bhovel Best Poultrv Netting s-D Mails, per lb Set Auger Bits Good Steel Hatchet O. K. Wahers , Good Wash Board Gasoline Ovens Bcreen Framep 4 Section Bieam Cookers. h.K . . . S!ic ..$4 SI ,...12n ..$1. ...15c ..2LK Ranges Another Manufacturer's Stock of Lace Curtains Purchased by Hayden Bros. 8,724 pairs high and medium grades Nottingham, Cable Nets, Arabians, Brussels Net in both white and ecru. Hundreds of patterns to select from. The entire front third floor will be devoted to the display of samples. On Sale Monday, April iith Harden's lace curtain sales have become a watchword. All our former sales were even beyond our expectations. This gigantic purchase, secured by our eastern buyer, will eclipse all former sales in prices and quality. 75c to $W.50 a Pair Will F-urckttt Curtains Worth $1.50 a Fair ap to $21.50 i Fair. Every curtain guaranteed perfect. Don't miss this sale. Be sure to visit the Big Store Monday, April 11th. Mail orders filled. HAYDEN BROTHERS. trtbuts to Mr. Payne, who, hs said, bad been unjustly vnallgned more than any other official in a number of years. Mr. Bpooner referred to the tecord f Charles Emory Smith and commended hi service to the government as one of self sacrifice. Mr. Spooner said that the comp troller of the treasury, Mr. Trucewell, has lieen liubjec.ted to adverse criticism and that official he believed to be an upright, honest and incorruptible official and an able lawyer. He defended the senate for Its failure to adopt the Penrose resolution and announced hi conviction that the demand for an In quiry was not uncolored by political inter eat. Th counsel for Beavers and Machen, he said, could have ssked nothing better than that all the evldenoe on file against them be laid bare. Mr. BiKMiner said there had been no charges except those mad by Mr. Bristow and that Mr. Bristow had made no charges that had not been investigated. He said It would have been Impossible for the senate to make as complete an investigation as Mr. Bristow had made under the president's direction. He charged the democrats la both houses of congress with having adopted as a party slogan the declaration that "Roosevelt must be beaten." HOPE! THAT CHIbA W ILL RECEDE dsalalstratlaa Daes bst Dastra ts E a farce Harsher Laws. WASHINGTON, April In cablnst meeting and In conferences directly be tween ths executive head of departments ths whuls subjert of ths statutas of ths Chinese Immigration question, as It will ha after ths lapse of the existing; treaty, has been thoroughly digested, and It oan bs stated that the administration feels that It has ampla warrant for continuing to en force the rigid provisions of ths Chines exclusion set of 1HB. regardless of ths denunciation of the treaty. Bo far from opening tbs door to Chinese Immigrstlon ths lapss of ths treaty will. It Is said, actually render tbs entrance of Chinese into this country more difficult than whtls ths treaty remained In force. This fact has been pointed out to ths Chinee gov ornmsnt by Minister Conger, who has not yst abandoned ths effort ta get ths Chinese to reconsider their denuncistlon. However, It la positively stated that tha sx elusion laws will continue to bs snforosd after December, whether treaty expires or not. Attoracjr General Asia . has under cua- Wnmen p Voile Skirt trimmed with sev eral rows of taffeta tnd-4UiM r0 quality. Mondsy s p-lce U.itCj Beautiful Voile Fklrt. with alik n lf drop, laiflo. U). $i2(ii and "vU t Sample Wo'klnit Pklrtp Just rwelved from our N. T buver worth Ofi up to $nti. your choice XJ.fKf Women a Fine Sample Walking Skirts, at 116, 111. Jlc). $0 ' and 5.00 'saea'a (avert Jackets, t.m, BT.tMt, aio.Mi K1I.4W. Women's W alats $1 mi Walstp. In lace and Crepe da Chine, at $f,i Walstp. in silkP, linena. lawna. etc., at 5.90 2.98 4.ii Walpts, In hrllllRiitlnsK. veptinga, msd ra. lawns and linens. TB doaen Women's Walstp, In linens, lawns, vesting-, trimmed with Inpertion and em broidery, not a waist In the lt Q(v, worth less than $2.00 choice OyC Eieeattoaal Aalaes for Moaday 7&c Women's Wrapjiers, at $1.2fi Black Mercerised Sateen Underskirt, at $ii Women Crepe Kimonas, at $1.IVI Women'p Percale V rapjers, at 39c 59c 1.00 1.00 $1.00 chlldren'B spring Jackets, shoulder, braid trimmed, at ca pe over .. 98c SALE COUCH SALE MONDAY $7.50 Couch, at 4.95 7.50 8.95 17.85 12.50 fci.M Couch, at $I i Couch, at $25 00 -plece Parlor Suit, at $18.50 3-piece Parlor Suit, at China Dept. Specials Beautiful new line of Porcelain Ware . Card Traya. Jelly Btandn. Rose Bowla, Nut Traya, Sugar Stands, Cream Jug, etc., finely finished In delicate colorp, ri-gular 50c to TV valtiep. on sale f fr Monday, at, each I4Jw Kcml-Poreelatn handled Cup and Saucere, ac fine hf china, per aet... Decorated stippled gold finished 6. P. ware, large Flatters. Cake Plates, Berry Bowls. Fruit Servers. Chop Inahea, Balad Bowls, etc. Regular tl.OOo value. Large slaed Art Pottery OCo Jardlnlerus d7k The new Radiant Lamp Chimney lucrecao . the light 60 per cent, all aixes, 15c Decorated n. Cuspidors IUC Beautiful now Blue Canton Vase, e each C slderatlon tbe questlonof ths validity of the exclusion law of xiu2. In view of the denunciation of the treaties, and will pre pare and submit to the president an opin ion on the subject. Both the president and the attorney general lave olcuel tae matter with members of congress. It 1 being considered carefully, too, by th leader of both branches of congress, and If It le deemed necessary some executive action will be taken on it before adjourn ment If tt should be concluded that the denunciation of the treaty by China would render Inoperative existing laws isgardlng Chinese excluaion, the probable cni'se of action will be to attach to one of the pend ing appropriation bills an amendment en forcing the exclusion of Chinese. Members of congress generally are agresd thst no difficulty will be experienced In passing the legislation if It should be re garded ss necessary. Hlgb Water at Pierre. PIERRE. S. D.. April (Bpeclal Tele gram.! Heavy Ice began tunning In the river here last night with a rise of about five feet and et coming up. The water I higher than It has besn for years, showing eleven feet on the gauge. IMS! ..HUM , W Sjf Ta aaaaw sa X reel as gesa." Bankrupt The firm of A. L. lwicht A- Co., jollors in Notions. KiMxtns hdi! Small Vr failed July 1, 1 0(Kt. on ncconnt of lepal proct'cdinps. The stock has bwn held by tin' court till sold to iik Mjirt h .'H. t Vactly one-half of tb in voice price Tins st(( k will lie placed on sale Monday morning and will conlinue till every jiit'co ik rlKd out. Some of the stock shows slipht shop wear, but the bulk of it is fresh, new poods. The prices Monday will be one-half, one-third and one-fourth of regular price. nio-yiird Machine Thread, per pkm,1 1'-yiird Beldlng Bros Bcatng Silk.. i-iii-yard Linen Thread Brass 1'lim. ench clveteen Skirt Binding. icr yard .. Waterproof Pklrt Binding, per ard. l'c Metal Back Combs IV Spring Fleeve Holder, pair IV. ( tirp.-t Bteels i!.V Hair BruHhcs 2"K' Tooth Bruanrs lc IV (V 4lv lc IV 4vc !'n' 41,' l'K- l"c 2Mi HiUr Bin UK- 2 spools Brook silkv Cro-het Cotton (V Aluminium Thimbles ...V 1" ard Baby Klblmn 4,f Tour choice or l.ow gropp of fancy Iress Buttons, every poasihle color. per dnxen V 24 Shoe Lace for 4"v" SPECIAL MILLINERY VALUES 17.50 and 55.00 Street Hats 51.96 and 52.50 On Monday we place on .ale 1he greatest valuep In Ptreet and tailored ht offered at so cnrl a jicrlod of the ppring pcaaon. Tlicy are all $7.60 and $i.00 values. On Monday they go at $1.98 and $2.50 A Suggestive Bargain List For Monday's Shoppers Popular Wash Fabrics Priced Special for Monday. WHITE ORGANDIE 6K In. wide, worth Joe to $!.. yrd. for Mondav sale WHITE FRENCH LAWN 4.'. In. wide. for Monday p pale SHIRT WAIPT SUITINGS all no style. 27 in. aide, for Monduy sale WASHABLE VOILE tall colnrsl, 27 In. wide. for Mondav pale LINEN MADRAS for walstlng. etc.. for Mnnday'a aale SILK MOI'SKELINE black and all colorp, 40c grade, for Monday s pal NO SAMPLER of thce special fabric we will flu all open order received up till The Greatest Wash Goods Department West of New York City, Flannel Department White nhaker Flannel, good value .i-ic for the money, at. yard Unbleached Cotton Flannel Thlp 1 a good nervlcalile heavy fleeced flannel, fC 'SI In. wide. at. yard -'w Extra heavy, well made Outing Flannel, come In light medium color, plaid checks and stripes, 1AC at yard 2Tr while wool Flannel, fine and excellent for service, width Zi 'nchep, tr at. yard 1 '-' BED SPREADS. $1'.M white fringed Bed Bpreads, Miirselllep pattern, heavy knotted fringe, cut corner, extra large sice and no better 'JG. value to la? hud. Price each " $3. OX extra superfine quality white Mar seille Bed Kpraadp. heavy knotted fringe with heavy and rich border In beautiful raised floral patterns. This Is one of the finest qualities Imported, extra O QQ large sire. Price, each $1.26 fine fancy noneycomb Bed Spreadp reversible and can be used on either side, large nlse Ux90. QUn Price, each - Groceries THE CONSUMEirS HEADQUARTERS TO PUR CHASE RELIABLE GROCERIES AT WHOLE SALE PRICES. TRADING STAMPS ABSO LUTELY FREE. : ; 21 lb, pure cane Granulated Sugar for.. LOO 4-b. sacks highest Patent Fiour $ 10 Largs Backs ('urutneal for l!"c 2-1 b package bi-K-RuUng Pancake Flour 6c ft-gal cans fancy Table Byrup i5c bar best Laundry Soap, any brand., IRc ( lbs. hand picked Navy Bears IKe 6 lb, good Rice, Tapioca, Fartna or Hominy lc 1- gal. cans fancy Apples luc Best bulk Laundry Starch, per Ih $Vc Jellycon. Bromangelon, Jell-O or Fruit Puddlne, per pkg 7e Large bottlep fancy Pickles, sssorted kind, per bottle JVfco Ijirge bottles pure Tomato Catsup 8Vo Irg bottle nure Fruit Preserve 84c Large bottles pure Fruit Jelly 4- Tall cans Alaska Salmon 9c 2- lb. can solid packed Tomatoes TVc 2-lh. can Baked Bean 7v 2-lh. can Apple Butler 7P 2-lb ian Hominy, Squash or Bauer Kraut TV PROTECTORATE FOR MOROCCO AnfVFrenou Treaty Promiiei to Trani- form Politioal Geograph?. BRITISH PROTECTORATE OVER EGYPT Baa-laad Will Dasstaats tha Eaatrra Shares af tbs Medltrraaaeaa aad Fraace tbe Wetter bares. PARIB. April I Although ths Anglo French colonial treaty just signed riakes no specific reference to any protectorates, lb is now recognised that between the lines the treaty means ths establishment of a French protectorate over Morocco similar to ths present protectorate of France over Tunis and that tt makes per manent the British protectorate ever Egypt. Thus the effect of the treaty ts to transform tha sntlrs political geography X3 CA.NCV CATHARTIC A Fifi UAL SALE -TEN HILL! Oft COXED Greatest la the World A MILLION EIALTHT, MAITLT AMERICAN MEM, fathers of fetnlUee, tiiiatnasg mem, statesman, mechanics, farmers, lewywe, ministers, dorAoea, boukbeepw a, bankers, aeuiora, aoidiars. traveling salesmen, railroaders, laburaug xoea. auea la e.ervwaia of lite. In every Line of sourtv, keep their bowels rwulsa-witti ( K h CAfc.KTb Catndy UaUientc. They tell other men about tLs wuuderful xaent ef ttua wonderful litvie Wbieu They take C AbCAJtJ To huzua to ibelr wives e-d tainiljee. Tbe ooneeqvMinos Is a sale of OTES A kULLION bOXle A MOKTH mads t y merit end appreciation- A mas who keeps bis bowels rasrular Wltu C.fcCAkVTa, ttmu keep strong- aud healthy even without muuh aaardee. fur w hen tbe howele are rea-ular ana the digestion strong the system Is sale and the mueoies. feral a fnd nerves will have luax-beustltue eiasuotty aid Lie. Ail druiffsu, JOc, Ubo. Njo. sever enaa in ouia, Xue gwnuua talus. SMunped C C C rainim ami tusi'i ast nesi Artrlrsee BterUnc Remedy Oo Cfrilnagw mr Vsrsy Tort, stl liilMY BEWs THE RKlillBLB ITOIK. IV Garter, per pair 2vo Ncki'l plated Implex Safety Sin. per doxcti fv,' Curling IrotiR. each i IV Tiacmg heelp ' 4o .'i he Unint Tack Puller e i'V Combination Needle Hooks tB !" patent Hump Hookp and E-e. per uird 2V ! PK- Putw 4vO j K"c Horn Hair l'lnp per flosen 4Sn 1'ic Combination Hair Pin Cabinet V k-ln. Shear lftn 1" Tooth Brnslies 4a . id" Assorted Bnade 4V 'Elastic, per yard ISea J And hundreds of other staple notions at i on-hn!f to one-quarter regular aetltBd; ' price 25c 19c 10c 15c 19c 25c can be pent to out-of-town ruatomara, but l ucanay noon at these special price. Wall Paper and Paints Our spring stock Is now complete. Ws carry the largest and most complete stock wet of Chicago t lower prloes than ever before. The beae .grade White Blank, per roll, up from And all other grades In proportion. 3c The best Ready Mixed Taint on tbe market, at, per gallon 98c Also Varnishes, Stains, Enamels, Brushes and Boom Moulding ' at extremely low prloes. Don't buy your material until you hare) investigated our prices. 2-lb. cans fancy Wag or String Beans. .T4sa 2-ib. can Lar:y ,'um Bitted Peas T Garden Seeds, rer pkg.. fiio WHOLESALE DRIED FRVIT PKJOllsI Larse California Pi una. Der lb. ::?5o .. Two Fancy California I. aches, per lb Fancy Moor Park Aprloots, par lb... English Cleaned Currants, per lb Fancy Baxtlstt Pears, par lb Choice California QrtDu. per lb Fanny Virginia Blackberries, per h.. rancy Virginia ttaspbames, per in.. Kew Tora Btate Rins Atrole per lb. AHOLEHAUS rKtbH FitUiT riUtTB Fancy Imported Ftgs, per lb Utg Fancy Highland, largs rwert Ort ngea, per dos lav Fancy Highland Seedless Lemons, per doc T2B 7ancy Colorado White Clover Honsy. psr rack tip TRADING STAMPS ABBOLTT1TLT ' TREE WITH BTTERT PITRCHASK. of northern Africa, with Great Brltsta dominating the aostsra shores of tbs Med iterranean and Franc tha western shores. Article ons specifies thst France wrrt vat trammsl Great Britain by asking that a limit of tlms be fixed for ths British occu pation of EgTpt. Heretofore ths duration of Great Britain's stay In Egypt has been open to doubt. i Article two recites that It pertain ta France alons to preserve order H Morseos) and furnish asaistsnoe In all administra tive, economic, financial and military re form This Is considered equivalent ta th beginning of a French protectorate over Morocco. France's dealing with th Morooosns is compared to ths Vnltsd States' dealings with ths American Indians, tacking tribal organisation. However, tt is not sxnaetefl that ths signing of ths trsaty soen wfjl be followed by ths Introduction of saeders reforms and condition In Meraeeo. Aver Stare Is M ebbed. PLATTSMOUTH. Neb.. April I (Spe cial.) Sheriff J. D. Mr Bride received weed this morning that a gsnsrsl n era handle sturs In Avoca. in this county, was broken Into and looted lest night. K c