12 TITE OMATTA DAILY KEE: SUNDAY. APKIL 10. 1004. ; MptMWWii One oike most p-Tl F IffrFlr All the fine MfMiWppll wv&tKm Ever Made- L MJ w ost&mm Muse. pifiai0 IM1 ' BEGINS TOMORROW AT 8 O'CLOCK, Fifty-Six Cases of High and Medium Grade Lace Curtains Bought from a New York Storage Ware house Company, that had been placed in storage by the administrators pending the uottlement of an estate whi chhad become involved, and were sold at public auction by an order from the court. FOR SPOT CASH WE BOUGHT THE ENTIRE LOT AND SECURED AN IMMENSE BARGAIN W ? have had great lace curtain sales before, but never have we been enabled to give such extraordinary bargains, TUTS SALE MERITS TOUR ATTENDANCE. $15 Lace Curtains $4.98 pair All the very best Laca Curtains from tnts pur chase are In this lot. They Include heavy Ara bian Curtains, Irish. Point Curtains, Brussels Curtains, Cable Net Curtains mtQQ g AO and the new Ruffled Bonne An Q - A JO Femms Curtains, They are II i t divided into 2 lots. 4 $10 Lace Curtains at $2.98 Pair In this lot are all the curtains which would ordinarily retail at $10 per pair. They come in Cable Net. Irlsn Points, Domestic Arabian, Ruffled Bobbinetand many new and novel curtains that you would regularly pay $10 a pair for, at 2.98 $5 Lace Curtains at $1.98 Pr. In this lot we have placed all the regular $3.00 Lace Curtains from this purchase. They are In .every grade and description, fine and heavy lace, and very many imitations of the highest class lace curtains. This lot a phenomenal bargain, at, per pair $IO Lace Curtains at 98o Each-In this lot is an immense quantity ol odd L.aoe Curtains, Including huDdreds of fine quality Ara- Dian uuriaiaa, inose neavy ei&Dorateiy corded lacy cur , talna. They appear almost like the ' regular $oO cur tains. These are In pairs and in single curtains, there fore we offer them at, each Single Lace Curtain We offer one blr lotof single lace curtains. In this lot are cur- LIlC I SjIiC tains worth up to 17.50 pair. They are sam-. pies and single curtains in white, Ivory & eoru 98c 39c-49' 90c Bobbinet 15c Yd One big lot of Bobbinet in va rious widths, worth up to 90c yard, in fine I and coarse tneish, as long as it lasts, at, yard Sl.SO Lace Curtains at 15c Each One big lot of thoso old reliable Nottingham Curtains, which, in the regular way, sail at (1.50 a pair, at each Lace Curtain Seconds There Is one big lot known commercially as "Seconds." There are Imperfections In the weaving, a stitch dropped here and there, sometimes torn by the machinery; they are worth up to two dollars and fifty oents a pair. We offer these at, each 15c 1 W Ll UlUppDU 10c Lace Curtain Corners W have four cases of Imp Curtain Corn. Thene are used by tna '.raveling sales men to take orders from. They run up to ZH yaras long ana are in every con ceivable kind. These go at, each 15c White and Colored Madras One table of white and color- p ed Madras, regular prioe 48o I Hp per yard, goes at, per yard.... V New Dress ftnniU at Special Bargains 5,000 yards of the finest French Voiles and Silk Chiffon Crepes on sale in main dress goods de- oartment at 85c vard ThU includes 48 in. Chiffon .Voile 44-in. JJedallion Voile Rice Voile and Chiffon Crep ' in champagnes, browns, greens, navy, cadet, and black worth $1.25 a yard this season's most fashionable productions, ! at, yard 25c Drapery Swiss at 10c Yard One big lot of regular 25a 4f dotted drapery Swiss, llflC at, a yard V w Colored Drapery Swiss One table of colored drapery m Swiss, the regular ISo kind. Sp at, yard... Hoc Fancy. Mohair Sicilian Noppe at 49c a yard On-account of late delivery we sell elegant A K 85c'Sicilians, in gun metal oxfords, green. fJff brown and gray, at, yard Imported Spring Suitings Pretty new O C mixtures, at, yard. OsJl Rainproof Cloth-54 In. regular, fi.ou Rrado, s at..... -o-i in. .$1 Broadcloth-il.25 jrrade steam shrunk, all colors, yard $1 Silk Chiffon Cloth-44 inches wide, regular price $1.50 $1 25c French Organdies, prettiest effects in ?Qr A,g this stylish .summer fabric, at, yard 39c Tub and Golfing Linens, plain and mixed effects, at, yard jtylish White Damask Waistings Dainty and moder ate patterns, fully mercerized, at, yard B.OOO yards of Sprinc Dress Goods ' direct from the American mills, regular W values every color and style sranlte nubs, etamlnes, panamas, cheviots, mohairs, tc, at. yard 43c 9,000 yards bought at prices so low that we sell them at 69o yard They are regular L25 and $1.60 goods voiles, eta mlnes, Sicilians, tweeds, etc, at Asseirfbla.ge of Exclusive Ml 1 1 j 11 Mod rb line of ma ha. We $10 Imported Model Hats at $10 Our superb line of pattern hats at $10 is the talk of fashionable Omaha. We show at this price some of the most attractive and artistic confections evjr presented. Our French pattern rooms show a charming as sortment, exquisitely trimmed, at Sumptuous Spring Millinery Tbe height of ele- ganca In milllnerv. Never were such charming models shown In Omaha. These hats ara from the greatest designers of France and America and their style elegance Irreproachable special offers, at . Trimmed hats at $2.98 Clever ideas in trimmed hats, in the most favored shapss beautifully kAQ trimmed with maltne. flowers, chiffons and rib- JSF0 bons the satin straws and horsehair braids are well represented, extraordinary values, at Children's and Misses Hats We have made a specialty of these hats for this season daintily and effectively trimmed with 1 the latest flow C pra nnrl rrna. ments, at.... ;P5 Street Hats at $1.00 These splendidly made bats are fashioned in late snapea from the popular col- ff ff 01 ed straws and effectiv3ly trimmed with C UU braids, ribbons, etc., etc gpacial Monday, at Our Renowned $5 Hats Never such a fetching array of hats shown at $3. Many ers copies of Pfftf t.h nrtttt F"rerifh mndel hats all bear the touch of exclusive style so apparent in th3 Bran dels millinery a wide assortment at A Sale of NEW SPRING SILKS The enormous demand for the popular new shirt waist silks has impelled us to do additional buying and we have just received advance styles that are exclusive with us in Omaha. . These very attractive silks are on display now in our great silk department. For Monday we offer for quick selling, fancy shirt waist silks in a beautiful array of styles and shades, ranging from 30 inches Wide down to 21 inches. The new flpnr riA snip nilUs. in npat. Hmnll designs, 2 and 3 tone checks, barred Louisenes, tinsel taffetas and the new overshot silk, the newest t""J' f and swellest fancy silk brought to M T C Omaha this season, many ft worth up to 1.50, at WHITE SILK SPECIALS I PONGEE SILK SPECIALS 20 In. White China Silk. Qg r In.' White' China 'siit Qc J8 In.' White ' China silk,' ' 4Qc 24 In." Imported 'shanttng fiUr (Poniee) Silk, at OllC 59c 20 In. Swiss Dress Taffetas, at 24 In. White Crepe de Chine, -t 27 In. Imported Dress Hahutal 9SC 46 In. Vhl Dress Grenadines and Chiffon Mexican Nets, at 98c Shantungs, Cloth of Gold, Iyons Dye Pon gees (coarse and knotty) 24 to IS lnohee, at very special prices Monday.. Our new Crash Pongee, all colors, for Monday, at..., 39c 1.75 1.75 1.29 49c and 69c GteaJ Specia.1 Purcha.se of Black Silks Regular S3 quality Cloth of Gold, Monday only, at Taffetas, Shirt Waist Silks, Tongees, Teau de Soles, Satin, etc., at yard, on Bargain Squares 69c B0c Silk Mousselines One case of these stylish silk muslins Monday, at, yard , , 15c Special Sale Embroideries Monda.y The finest Swiss, nainsook and cambric embroideries, many suit able for cornet covers, etc., etc., different widths of EMBIIOID- ; ERIES, INSEUTINGH, GAL ' LOONS ANB BANDS, Mon day," special at, a yard 5c40c-15c GR.EAT SALE OF LACES 'A variety of widths of the prettiest tub laces adaptable for mus lin underwear trimmings, etc. on sale Monday on bargain tables, at, yard. 22C-5c-10c Ladies Spring Neckwear and silk collars in bows, tab 10c-15c Lace embroidered collars, etamine and stocks, fine Venier lace, ; worth to 50c Gloves in Our Regular Department $l-$1.50-$2 39c ..$1 Ilighest quality spring kid gloves beautiful shades for present wear guaranteed and fitted to the hand Ladles' Tape Girdle Corsets All sizes, pink. wmte and blue, at, eacn : , High Grade Spring Corsets With double hose supporters, regular department, at, each , Clever Spring Suiis The New Voile Blouse Suits Silk Un?d for Ladies and Misses Pretty and stunning new spring ideas in stylish voile sdits made with the all round blouse jackets and handsomely trimmed a very modish 1904 style, at 14L5 192 22- 24 Misses' and Small Ladies' Walking Suits Made of the new combination suitings, new walking cloths., etc.. military, blousb Q98 950 f85 1Q00 and Eton styles, at IT The Newest Ideas in Cravenette and Traveling Long Coats New cravenetted coverts, tweeds, ponge nettes, bilks, etc. nobbv shirred girdles the new ele.vea, new Q98 J85750C0 0TC00 shades for spring J I A VZJ tJ fecials irv Voile Dress Skirts 1 08 for Bi,lt drP Hied ,9 t, vol y vs.- Ive trimming. Beautiful Voile Dres Skirts The most stunning Cf new styles new trimming, etc., at mtDJ The Stunning New Covert Jackets, Etc. Stvllsb 5hort Reefer Corcet Covert Coats 5w ell Blouse Silk Coats- Covert Coats well very fashionable (or au.:.e.d:.....4.98 -p.aDff.::rr..9.98 Sp .t M QQ for an unlined fancy I OQft for trimmed voile ekirt, V- voiles late & fetching style. fectlve many atylinb. very smart in appea-ance 1 Cjl at,$0.y,7.SUA-. V I JfolfAMfQlPS. A. L A sperlal purchase of black Pcau do oventocked manufacturer of Paterson, N. 28 In. upeclal finish double face Peau da Sole for coats, Jackets and separate skirts. brilliant lustre, worth 12. at 3d In. black Italian finish oil bolted Dress Taffsta, best ever offered at reduced prices, worth I1.&0, at tl In. black dress and lining Taffeta, a regular $1.25 taffeta, Monday, at. yard 1.39 d Dress reduced 97c 75c Sole and guaranteed Taffeta from an J. We bought at about one-half value. 21 In. oil boiled lining Taffeta, guaranteed 75o silk 53c 27 In. black water proof Japanese wash silk, pur Lyons dye, made to retail at tl yard, at 55c 24 in. black Crepe da China, double width. a fine black, worth tl. at . 27 In. black C. J. Bonnet, Lyons, celebrated Taffeta, or regular tl.50 dress quality, Monday 59c Specials in Linen Department I0o Hemmed lluck Towels, at, each lc and 20c bleached Turkish towels, slightly damaged Drummers' Sample Napkins, lots of half dosen to a kind and pattern, worth up to $3 dozen, at, half dosen ...5c 10c 60 hemstitched I.lnen Scarfs and squares, at, each 50c and 75o Pillow Shams and Scarfs, at, each 25c 25c 69c i'-V-' ED On Second Floor 50 mm 230 Different Styles All New Soft Sole Shoes and Moccasins in every color and combination of colors In the Basement 600 pairs fancy soft J C sole shoes JI