TI1E OMAIIA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY. Ari.IL 10, 1Q04. 11 GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET VtiUier tad lu Meet 01 Whoat && Con Egrly Wttched- COLD SNAP PRODUCES BULLISH TONE May Jlr Vknl Lsaa Little ClssseCasai Baelaeea Lerally Ufkt. OMAHA. AprU I. 1904. The M(hr Is the thing of market Inter eat today and It effect on wheat and corn la eagerly awaited. Reorte and redlc tlona regarding the conditions in Minne sota are entirely conflicting. One well known man In that state in quoted aa say ing the snowa are the beet thing that could hare happened for the wheat crop, aa the northwest never gets too much rools ture In tha spring. Sdlng would he all right If done during April. Another equally prominent man saya he looks for the blg geat flood In the northern Ked river valley since 1H&L He look for seeding to be very lata sad tha acreage In this valley re duced. Liverpool opened e up on the unseason able weather In thla country, and a cable from that market reported that the new Argentina wheat I not entirely satlsfacv tory. The government crop report will bs Issued Monday afternoon and la being waited with much lntereat. The sentiment is, on the whole, bullish on this cold weather which extendi over the entire spring wheat belt. Speculative bualnesa waa very light In Chicago and Omaha to day, tha professionals apparently waiting for developments. The May ranged from Ktoo to Wc, with the latter figure at the r'U.mm m nH tiaar Jlilv wAkjkn4 from BTU.A in SHHc, the low point also at the dose. Cash buainass locally and In Chicago was very arna.il Chicago reported 16.000 bushela No. t Northern sold Friday at fee over tha Kir, thla being He decline. inienwi vbi BRiuMig oy inn irjuin imn Iowa had bought 80 cars of corn In Chi cago o be ahlpned west. This Is unusual. The unsettled weather helps corn. Armour has them guenalng so far. While hla hold ings were auppoaed to be In the May, and he Is not known to have unloaded any. hla late transactions have been In the July eppnrently on both sides o(- the market. Omaha May advanced e and Chicago de clined ae. Omaha July at the cloae waa only 2c below Chicago July. The rang of price in omaha grain for future delivery and the dose Friday and today wars as follows: Closed Open. High. Low. Today. Frt Wheat May H 88V, July 83 Corn May i9 BO 494A 484A 49 July 40 4 4e1a "" oe Oats May K 88 8RV4 38 A Local task Grata Market. The corn men were busy shout the sam ple tables thla morning and a rather large amount changed nanus. J lie receipts weis heavy, but lue bad ruada raauliing from thla weather are expected to cut tue corn Oown for several days. Xbs market, wmle strong, sold oil a little, In most grades amounting to fee. Receipts of wheat wers 2 cara in and t cars out; one week agu, k cara In and 7 cars out. Corn receipts were 43 cars in and cara out;. one week ago. 11 cara In and 7 cars out. Oats re ceipts were 4 cara in and 1 car out; on week ago, 1 cara In and 1 car out Representative sales of car lots by sam ple on track, Omaha: Mixed Corn No. X, 1 car at 49Vc, 1 car at 49c. 1 car at 48c, 10 cars (to arrive) at 47V; No. t yellow, 1 car at 49o (Mississippi), 1 car at 4hVc and 1 car at 4ec (Mississippi.) Whlta Corn No. t, 4 cars 48Vi. Whits Oats No. 4. 1 car, st4e; 1 car. 19c. WHEAT No. I bard. t5gc; No. t hard, 834iTr; No. 4 hard, 734T9c; No. 1 spring, &uc; No. I spring, Mi"ic; No. 4 spring. a(u77c. CORN No. t, BOc; No. I, tTHGSc; No. 4, 4&47c; no grade, 4346c; No. 2, yellow, b(Vc; No. I yellow. No. 2 white, 4HV-; No. white, 47,&mrc. r I iTfi W. 0 AlVr, r. V n t HAJAn . L A JKb'ic; No. t white, 424c; No. I white, 40 MicH No.- 4 whits, tktuiitc; standard, 41W& o-sc. 1 Kates fraaa tha Eickiagt Oflleas. , - Omaha lnsnectiona of a-raln were It cure: of corn. 11 car graded No. t, t cara No. 4, t cars No. 4 while and 1 car no grade; of wheat, 1 car graded No. 4 hard winter; of oata, I cars graded No. 4 white. J.. I. Leverl ng and . T. D. Worroll, 'lAn .coin grain men, visited the exchange-this J momma a no. laiaea wrtn local grain and commission men on the conditloua of tha mm mi. X ri-y I'rumi 10 veueve in tns Omaha errhanga J. W. Patlon or the Bartlett-PragieT corn- fany of Chicago Is In Omaha today on bua neas matters with the correspondents of hla firm, Sunderland and I'pdlke. Mr. Tat too is a brother of ths great oats specu lator Hs ventured the opinion that oats and com should be aold and wheat bought, and that the Omaha grain market seemed to be establishing ltaelf flrmlv and to have Keat prospects of success. His visit here, saya, ia of no significance. Grata Markets Elsewhere. Cloning prlcea of grain today and Friday t the markets named were aa follows: CHICAGO. -Closed-Today. Friday. Wa .SA K6tt k7VA Wheat Mav July Corn May July Wheat . May ....... Julv Corn May , July ....... Wheat May July Corn May ...... July ....... 63HA 61B , 61 W KANSAS CITT. mi 4SV, 4b S4H 76 ST. LOUIS. 62 A S2 47 7k 4SA VB MINNEAPOLIS. Wheat May ., MNA July DULLTH. Wheat May ... July .. W B NSW YO&K. Wheat May ... July ... KEW lilHK. Oa.fta.UAl. MA6Ui.KT... 4aatatloaa at tha Day aa Varlaaa Caaaaaaaltlaa. NE7W TORK. Anrtl t PT -)T-HT?It,. I7.M bbls ; exporu. a.7u bbla. ; dull; winter patents. kh.aJtio.fcO; winter eiralghla, U.ltoQ t 6. la; Minnesota patenU. 16. !..!; winter e i traa. U.axuH.OU; Mlnneauta Inkers, H .uyjj a. winter low araats. X3 i.-wii mi. hvm fkiur. dull; fair to good, 4.Jut64.6C; choice j funry H tigiw. ' (XiKNlllUL Steadv: vellnw waat.m 61 OKxlLlO: city. ILluiUl.12: kiln drtxi u uiai KTB Weak; JJo. I weatom, glc, to arrtva, srompt. BARLET Dull: feeding, 64 so, o. I. f. New orx: niaiung, kislc. c. l. I. autTuJo. v tiaA i neceipia. Yk,iv ou. bpot, mar ket steady: No K red, tl 06, - nominal ele vator, and 61 irvl.in, nominal f. o. b. afloat: No. 1 northern. Duluth. 61.047s, nominal afloat: No. 1 hard. Manitoba, nominal 1 a b afloat. The opening waa steady on cables arid further crop and weather complalnta from tha west. Later prices weakened. however, as outside trade was dull and the crowd feared a bullish govt-rnment rt-port. The clues was V-tj V net lower: May, 6Wtt 67c: cluaed at ixr.c. Julv, Ki-lt&Klc; cloavd at tJS-; Seixeuitier. hV -3iSr ; closed at Wc; Iteceniber. KiV'fl71-; closed at ki1c. CORN Haceteta. -76.1UO bu. Spot, steady; No. 6. nominal elevator and i4c f. o. b .Hi.l - X. . , a ,.Jt ilw u. hH, Lib. Options opened dull and later declined with the weat. tloalng Htr'wC net lower; May, 6&⁣ dosed at. ooe; July clueed at OATS Rerelpta. 116.60 ba.: exports, 11. pu. enioi. ouu: mo. z. 4tc: atandara wnite, 47c: No. t white, 4Nr; No. i white, 46c. Oi'tiona dull aad nominal. HAY Ouiet; ehippliig, 7mi70c; gKd to cnoice. wny.c. HOPS Quiet; etate, common to choice 11 crop. i;oc: 18n2 crop. tubVc: olds, ! 14c; Pacific const, lwt crop, WfgSlc; Iu2, I znirc; oias, ataiac. H1DK6-elteauy: Oalveaton.- to S lbs. . Ihc; California. II to H lua., lc; Texas dry. ft JM to IOS., I EATHEK Sieady: said. Ha RK'B Quiet; domeetlc, fair to extra, I g-; ja'iau. nominal. ' ROVlaloN8--H-ef. dull: family, 1V6f 11 ail; ies. 50iS v Iwf hams. Uli fcva H xu ket. tuii'XJlohi. in. extra India . roess. Sis tsxt 17 Cut meats, quiet: pii kled belliea. 67iie: T1 kled sliouldera. 64s).'; pnk ed hama SWW Lard, weak: Waal. em ateanHxl. 67. W; reHned. eusv: oontinrot. r 16: South America- 47.77,; rnipound. tbiu wnbi-M, Purs, aun; raii.itr. ilj. enort rlaar, 114 Tf-ei 14 i; nieaa. tU tVutiU k". MUTTER UiurC extra fresh crewmery, TV-: ereaiwerv. PWnmim to cbolce. lS4ir'c: 'Mate dairy. irc: held fretniiTr. !!: - renusated. Hi(jl7c' factory, ll"i'!r: tmrta- tl'in rrrumfrv, I4diic. CHIJil& fiisady i slats full cream, taacy, small colored, September, 13c; late made, l"Sr; email white, September. Uc; late I made, l"c; large colored, eVtplamoer, Uc; late made, l"c; larga white, 6eptember, 1M , lute made, !". iAWS-Strong; etnte and Pennsylvania. nearby, average finest, lac; firsts, ITSc; western storage selections, lite; southern Breta, 17c; western firsts, l.Vrc 1 ALLOW W eak; city, 41c; country, CF&c CHICACO GRAIN AND rRO VISIONS. real area at tha Traa lag aad Claalag Prlcea aa Baara af Traae. CH1CAOO, April Warmer tempera turea officially predicted for Kaunas and Nebraska waa the moat potent Influence In the wheat market today. The effect waa a net loaa of lwc In the July delivery. Corn ahowa a decline of c, oata c and provi- piona p'.'c. initial quotations on July were a shade to WtiSc higuer at rnQnc. rntlment In the pit, however, soon turned beariRh. Prices steadily declined through out tha day, the rlnee being practically at the low point. After touching Mc July closed at ft4iSSc. May ranged between Mc and Kc and cloeed at wc. Clear- ancea or wheat and flour were equal to K.OUU buahela. Primary receipts were 124, ftK) bnohela. agatnet am.fliiu bushela a year ago. Minneapolis, Iuluth and Cnlcago re ported receipts of 123 cara, compared with 470 cars last week and 442 cara a year ago. The corn market was firm for a short time early In the day. The market closed weak ana near the bottom. July opened V3"c higher st ultrtl7c, sold between bio and fcl'(c and closed at SlHdlVc. May closed at b2'c after ranging between Mc and Mc Local reipts were 15 cars, with M cars of contract grade. Oats ruled weak. In sympathy with other grains ATter opening VHc higher at ShSaAc July sold between 87c and SRc and closed at 7c. Local receipts wars 14K cars. The trend In provlalons reeembled the action of grain markets. Opening prices were a trifle higher, on a fair demand, but offerings wers more liberal than the demand and the market soon began to de cline. The close was weak, with July pork fx- lower at S12.65. Jnlv lard was tiff 2(io at )6 5?H and ribs 2:"&2sc at K.xiji .. The leading futures ranged aa follows: Artlclea.l Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Tea y. Wheat May a July b July a Dept. b Sept. July Sept. Oats May Julv Sept. July July July I B5H KM WW WW'S ffTVa7 8lv St 61 60 UK blV"7 Bl7 61Vdftal61H4rS 2 as, It so u U 67 .12 7H , 66 I 76 6 72 C 2H 46 TO I iMi 66 it S?H 52 K!H IS 4S U 40 u v vk u w 77H! m,1 1 1-(1 t K K tSTH! No. t. a Old. b New. Cash quotations were aa follows: FLOUR Was dull and easy; winter patents. 64 Wngt 70; stralghU. 4 404 7n; spring pntents, 64.00UN.20: bakers. $3.0"OS.6V. WHEAT No. 2 snrtng. kx88c; No. 6, 8Sf Bc; No. 1 red. P7(Jiri 00H. CfiRN No. 2, 63H453c; No. S yellow, Kia-rasc. OATB-No. 2, 8Me; No. white, SHQiPAo. RTK No- i, 8c. BARLET Good feeding. 8538c; fair to choice malting, 4Mr56c. . BEEPS No. 1 flax. $1.00; No. 1 northwest western, 61.1: prime timothy, C0; clover, contract rrade. $11.00. PROVISIONS Mesa pork", per hhl., 11160 filHTU: lard, per inn lbs., 6 Ztyft 65 ; hort rlba afdea Ooosc). fi 2fg.t7H; short clear sides hoxedl. I7.0rvff7.0fi. The following wwre ths receipts and ship ments of flour and grain: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 21) 500 44.600 Wheat, bu K.K00 40,lt Com, bu 14fi.7O0 68.601 Oats, bu 111.600 124.2H0 Rye, bu 4.000 (.400 Barley, bu 43.100 40.400 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market waa steady: creamery, li22c; dairy, UjZlc; eggs, firm at mark caaes Included, lu&16c. cheese, easy, ygiOac, gt..Laals Crala aad rN-avislaaa. ST. LOflS, April I WHEAT Lower; No. 1 cash, elevator, 61.oni&1.07; May, 3c: July, R2c; No. S hard, Wa&c. CORN Lower; No. I cash, 4c; May, 4714c ; July, 48c. OATS Lower; No. I cash, 4He; May, 6SSc: July. STVic: Jvfo. 1 white. 46Wc LOl it Dull and unchanged: red winter ttatents, $4.Wt?6.ti0, special brands, ".Jia nigner; extra lancy ana strugui, 4.BUtl4.t: cleer, $4.4f4.. fhitii-nmoiny. steady, (2. 401zr2.su, CXRN MEAL Dull. 12 40. BKAN tiieadr: sacked east track. HOST Kc. H AT Steady : timothy. 69.00(314.00: nrairla. l.aio.). 1KOJN lUTTTIN TIES BSC. BAOGING HC. ' HEMP TWINE 6c. PROVISIONS Pork. lower: tnhhln 612 40. Lard higher; prima steam, 66 Bo. Bacon steady: boxed extra shorts. 67.82; clear ribs, 67.62H; short clear. 67.87i. META LB Lead, firm at 64.4fti; spelter, strong at 66 06 bid. POULTRY Steady; chickens. lovc; springs, 16c: turkeys, steady at 13il4c; ducks, lie: geese, 6$ji!c. Bl'TTER Steady ; creamery, J0ff2tWc; dairy lti&17c. iTjijH Bteaoy at uc ReoelDta flhlnments Flour, bbla a.ouo T.Crt) Wheat, bu 6.000 166.000 Corn, bu 46.0u0 46,000 uatg, Du i.uuu Ii.WUO Kaasas City Ural a aad Pravlsioas. KANSAS CITT. April WHEAT Mav. SMac; July, 7'r; September. 71Sc; cash. No. 2 hard. SuiiSOo; No. 6, ifg7c; No. i rea, si.uz; too. i, sbcpiui. nnDM . n . i . . i ., dun. -. t mixed. 4V48c; No. i 47Vx3-4bo; No. 2 white, 4Hc: No. 6. 47ViH?4c. OATS No. t white, W&-Gc; No. S mixed, tlc HAT Steady; choice timothy, 16.60616.00; Choice prairie, 67.60rff7.76. tit i l t-K t.reamery, iixfcz; oalry, fancy. 17c. EGUS teady ; Missouri and Kansns stock, caaes returned, 4c; new No. I white- wood cases included, inc.. . . Receipts. Shipments Wheat. bu... ....29.1ii0 14.800 Corn, bu 14 oou 14X) Oata. bu t.OuO I.0U0 LtrerwaSI Orala Market. LIVERPOOL. ' April .-WHEAT-rftoot. steady; No.. J rallfornla, 7s Id. Futures, aieaay; Miy, b irua; JUiy, oe ra. tURN-Bucrt. ateady; American mixed. Futures, dull; May, 4a 4d; July, nominal. Pallaaelakla Praam ., Market. PHTt iriPT tUTl 1m41 a PI IWM'U - - - J 7W k I . a . . u . ' ' ...... .'J . . I III IB e-iHn nteeav ; rair aemann; rresn nearby ana iresn souin wesiern. ltVc, at mark; fl M ll WMIArn 1 " 1 1 1 1 7 n D t , lr ' tfnat. southern. 17, at mark. " CHEliSE Steady and quiet; New York full A.ma t. . . I ... A ?M ri. 1 l -V aui a tuii oreama, lair u gooa, it 1040. sUlansalbaa Orala Market. MILWAUKEE. Arrll WHEAT la lower; No. 1 northern. 61ctS61.0o, No. t nonnern. wpiwc; old July, 7ac bid. nir.-r irm r-o. l. wc. HAKLEY Dull: No. I 62066c: aamnla M CORN lo lower: No. 6. 484146c: Julv. 61 Wo Dia. MlaaeanolU Grata Maeka. VTVVFi POT T fi Artt-ll C UUTri1f -----. - " auii naj, 74- iu v KW46W . A-tJ. a :tru, 9 1 j u. I northern. a.rn t;a.c Kn 9 rw.r-t harn ''L-n I 6n sau..L- aw.! . . A V. . . gt (.- x nil IMS4.WV. 1LOLH First patents. tS.0551K; second patents. 64 6f4if..0; first cleaxa, 3.u; second Cattaa Market. NEW YORK Anrll uwrrnvs.i.., cloeed quiet; AprlC 14 6Sc; Mav, 14.71c: June. 14 t7c; July. 14 K7c: Auirual, M.42c; Kcpletn ber. I2 7!c; tictober. 12 sue. Spot closed suiei, niniuuni uiianaa, iac; miadilng gulf L: SfK-: sales, biu bslaa. NliW OKLliJtNa. April COTTON Fu- iiirea. cmei; April. 14 tnc bid; Mav, Un 14.HIM.': June. l&.!Hrl6 k-: Julv. is 4:VT1K a.. August. 14 tMJ 14 6uc; Seplember, IS.Tlftll 72c; iK'iuim, u.icvu.im', rnuvernner, li.siit sac; Tecemter. 11.77c bid. Boot, ates.1v! 2X AO bak-s: good ordlimry, 16 16-lsc; low miaonng, nunc; mioaung. iii-i-c: gcHM middling lisc; middling fair. l⪼ re celpts. I 'M bales; alouk, NC.M bales. LIVERPOOL. April . COTToN Soot. mudsrate business done; prices lo points higher; American middling fair. ( tod;gpod miadilng. k44d. middling. 6Md: low mid dling. kl4d: good ordinary, 4 lid; ordinary, 7 4d The Skies of the Sy were I M bales, of which i were for siwculatlon and ex port and included t.&irO American. Reoetnta. Is.ww bales. Including 14. aw American. Fu tures openeg ateady and closed auiet. American mldltns g. o. t: April, 6 ted April and May. l nw May and June. ". and June aad July. 7JSd: July and Aiuruat 7 J : August and beptemlier, 7.ttd; eVp trmher tr.d Or U-her, t.Ud; October sui Nu vember 4rVT; Kovrmlirr and I "ecemher. 4 aid; I decern I er and January. AXkd; Jan uary tut euruar, atso. XEWYORRSTOCRS AND BONDS aUrket DsiultoTj ted Elugguk ui Tn&ing it Du l- DECLINE OF DAY RECOVERED NEAR CLOSE Bitrrat Em m thm Mavy Market Makes tk Grwtk t tke Aecvtiat Lrok Rather Healthf. NEW TORK. April The movement of stocks was desultory snd sluggish today and the trading waa dull. Prlcea went off In the early market, iwlng to the Impres- aion created by yesterday e trading that re- ctlon was due and traaers inclined to take profits. There was no sustaining force Dy the strength or a lew stocks aucn as covered the realising sales of yesterday and Thursday. Holders did not seem dis posed to press tha selling and the decline waa very moderate. Before the closing the market recovered rather more than Its de cline and closed strong at small net gains. The rise in the local tractions waa attrib uted to new rapid transit leglalation at Al bany. The decreased holdinga of banka aroused no misgivings owing to the fact hat yesterday s receipts ot goia aia not figure In ths statement. The expansion In the loan account was not unexpected. Al though the Item was carried to a new high record by the amount of the week's in crease a considerable inroad ia made on the surplus Item, the extreme ease in the money market making the growth of the loan item look healthy. The week's bank clearances throughout the I'nlted Statea show an Increase over the corresponding week of laat year for ths first time In a long while. s JTobablv there la no one thing that would conduce more to confidence In future values than a clear prospect of revival In the Iron and steel trade. These Indications of It had a decisive Influence upon prices throughout the market. The strong tone In the copper market Is an auxiliary In influence of the same kind. The decision of the pools In finished steel products to maintain prices strengthened this Influence. The settlement of the New York building tredea labor troubles helped the market. So did the favorable crop weather In the winter wheat belt. The week'a large exports of gold were not without effect, as they were more than offset by the arrivals of Japanese gold at Ban Francisco, and the course of Interest ratea continued downward. The sale of a number of new railroad bond lasues during the week proved the resource of the money market and the Improved sentiment of hankers toward new securities In con trast ta the Invariable resort by railroads for some time past to temporary note le- sues at high ratea to supply their financial needs. One feature of the news which la unfavorably rea-arded Is the succession of small bank failures which come to hand al most dally. This evidence of widespread strain on the financial fabrics la regarded as disquieting. Ths bond market has improved In spite of ths congestion of the dealings In United States Steel second 5s, l nlon Pacific con- roverslblee and other speculative Issues. 4s, registered, have advanced V, and the 2s and old ta ft per cent on can during ice week. The Quotations on the New Tork Block exchange yesterday were aa follows: Bales.Hlgh.Low.Close, Atchison 18.100 74 771 74. do sra iu M Baltimore Ohio 2.6U0 81 "4 604. 81 80H 11S 15 7 NO 17 do nfd Canadian Pacific 400 116. 116 Central or N. J Chesapeake 4V Ohio... 1,600 Chicago 4k Alton 1U0 68 do pfd Chloago Ot. Western. 2.00 17V4 164 171V Chicago N. w iw 171 17H4 J., M. t Ht. f z.ttuu 144 143 144S do pfd i4 10 20 2.S 76 17i 65 14. 26 162 lf2 Chicago Term. T. co era i c cT. C. St. L... Colo. Southern 00 204 do 1st pfd do Sd nfd 10 100 Delaware & Hudson 162 Iel., Lack. West. Z.5 Lien. Rio uranae do nfd Erie 1600- V do 1st pfd 400 6f.V do Yd Did 100 Hocking Valley do pfd 100 Illinois Central i0 Iowa Central . 100 do pfd K. C. Southern 490 Wfd k ...-. ..... Louisville Nash.... l.om 1 Manhattan L Z.400 14 Met. Sectirltiea W0 K1 Met. St. Ry 6.400 117 Minn. St. Louis M 8t P. A S. Bte. M do nfd ..... Missouri Pacific 6,200 Mi Mo., Kan. Tex do pfd N. R. R. of Mex. Pfd. N. T. Central M wo 11714 D4 n1 Norfolk 4k Western.. do pfd Ontario A Western.., Pennsylvania 200 t.200 P.. C. C. HL L.... Reading do 1st pra do 2d pfd Rock Island Co do pfd St. L ft S. F. Id pfd. St. LOUIS B. W do nfd Southern Pacific ..... Southern Railway ... do pfd . 1 Texaa ft Pacific 1 T., Bt. L. ft W do pfd Union Paclflo sr. 87 do pfd 92, Wabash do pfd Wheeling L. K... 19V So 17V4 1SW 41V, 224 1D0 107 204 61 H H 88 28 bv; 62 4HV Wisconsin u antral ... do pfd Adama Ex American Ex I'nlted Btatea Ex...-. Wells-Fargo Ex Amal. Copper Am. Car ft Foundry.. liiorj 'eivi do pfd Am. Cotton Oil - do pfd Am. ice loo 100 luo TV 28 8V. 7V4 28 8V. do pfd Am. Linseed Oil do pfd Am. Locomotive do pfd 1O0 0 700 82 4H 08 127 78 Sfi 62 (R 1264 78 Am. Smelt. It Refng. do pfd Am. Bugar Refng Anaconda M. Co.. Brooklyn R. T Colo. Fuel ft Iron .... loo ....15.7"0 78 4C S3 201 444 611 600 Consolidated Oas .... Corn Products 2,fio n4 OM lift if "ioo '214 1U0 16S 163& 13V, do pfd 7U 22 lss Distillers' Securities.. General Electric International Paper... do pfd International Pump... p 77 16. do pld National Lead North American ...... Z00 I0V4 15V4 S4 28 Pacific Mall People's Gas 11,100 pressed Steel Car do pfd Pullman Palace Car 64 KH i-;u ..... 47" 71 SO Republic Bteel ..... do pfd 1 Rubber Goods .... . 800 . luo '. "ioo . 600 ! "m . o . 1.7'rt 16.8U0 47 lH 1!T4 6DM. lis 614 19V. mji 'J 18 6 HH civ; do pra Tenn. Coal ft Iron U. S leather 40 do pra 1 78 6fs TJ S. Realty do pfd TJ. S. Rubber AO pfd ' i 11 614 1B1H TJ. 8. Steel do Pfd Weattnarheu Elec. Western l nlon tira Securities 100 6 ev. Total aales for the duy. 164.100 shares. Haw Yark Mlalaar Staeka NEW YORK. April I The follow-In the closing prices on mining stocka g are ASMS COS Hreus Brunswick CotasUKk Tunn.1 Cos. Ctl. A Vs... Horn Bllw Ires flllvsr LssdTill Cos Uun Cbiet ..1M .. it .. 4 .. t ..no ..134 ..174 .. I .. 6 Ontario Ophlr Paoaslx Fstosi bar.es Hlsrrs Nsrsoa Bnsil M.sss .. 6iasda4 ...alt ... ... II ... 44 g.ak t leartaga. OMAHA. April I Comparative statement or bank clearings lor me week Monday .11.674. 649 72 . 1.296 W8 06 . l.i7.ut M . 1.142.kJ 23 . 1.270.019 17 fl.Ioi.Sil.a6 1.2iS.7r3 U 1.2n6.2Ui.b9 l.Kil.O 49 l.lss 05 4t 1.2U.kAl the curre- Tuesday ... Wednesday Thursday .. Friday , Saturday 1 24-, 01li44 An Increase of tl47.24a.:2 over epouding week last year. Claarlagr Hsaos Averages. NEW TORK, April I Tha statement of averages of the cieark.g bouse banks of this city for the week ahowa: Loan., tl.oai 633 Ouu. Increase ti4.836.9uu; deposits 61 ut bll.Ouo. injireaae 814.14. Ouu; circulation. I).1'1. decrease tl.laVa; legal troooro, ti.l3,uw, vmvfwmmm Sw4,lw, aircir. r XifL . etU. decrease Kaa.l'U: reaervc. t'i4.264. 4. de rraaaa toKJ S; reaarve required. 6-7l.2Jt.tuu, Ueurss RIMMbvi urslua, ta.tio.am. 4- ZlVi 71 Z K 2t 64 'W 41" 41" 4Z 72 60s "H "N 1804 lauj JjnvJ 1SV 184 l M 19 f)9H 10P ins 114V, 117 47 61 11 63. MV4 am bit bew ah W 118V 115 61 . 4.600 46 44V. ess.e est. 7f 6Vi . 6,600 34 2Ra 24 . 400 fit 65Vs . 100 47 47 47 14U . jr0 S4H 4i 64ll , t.iO SOU 4S 6014 , 700 ITl !nt I24 , 100 6RvZ gftlZ . 100 241 241 24U . o x ir.vi S . 100 67 67 Hfli .24.700 67H R7i 300 B2V 92 74 600 'tnVi '87 400 17V, 17V, crease 64. K S0: ex-fnited Slates deposits. 634.IH4.7bu. decrease t4JU6.160 tew Yark Maaey Market. NEW TORK. April I MONET-On call, nominal; no loans; time loans, easv; sixty davs, 2S per cent; ninety days. W1 per cent; six months. S per cent; prims mer cantile paper. 4f(4U per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE- Steady, with artiial business In bankers' bills st 64 7XT.i0 4 8740 for demand and at 64 8i0(j4 84 for sixty-day bills; posted rates, t4.8vtj4.8; commercial bills, M 84''64.Mi1. FILYF.R Bar. 584C; Mexican dollars, 4.1c. BONDS Oovernment, easy; railroad, ir regular. The closing quotations ' on bonds are aa follOWSt t ret H. rug. 6 eoupos do la. reg do rniison do n 4s. reg.. do roupnn do old 4a. res... do coupon ..in t wT.titi.tts s. g. 4s..lf ..KW ikl ci. rentrsl 4a f-i ..V I do 1st 1 1.1 13H ..rl iMtnti St. L 4. ... K-H .1X4 M . K. T. 4 - I M.. K A T Is 7vt ..0T'n n R. of M . 4s. 74 ..ll N. T. C. I IVji Atrhlaon ran. 4s.. .. W Pi. J. c. 0 l?fi ll:i" dn sdi. 4a 00 No. Pacific 4s M Unlit- C. L 4s. do la N. A W. e. 4. O B L 4a A par. F-ann aonT. IW.... B. O. 4. do a .. M ..1C7 Central of Os. 4s. do 1st tnr . keadtng gen 4s... rhaa A (ihlo 4W...lnt Bt. U A 1 M. e. aa 114 Chlrano A A. IS!... I Si. L A 8. T. fg. 4a. 1a C, tl A Q. a. 4S .. 4 St L. 8. W. Is C. M. A 8 f. . a.lS Sashosrd A. U 4s... "V C. A N. W. r. 7s.. ..II" So. PaclSf 4s M" C. R. L A r. 4s.... 71V, So. ha II war ta lias do snl. as 11 Tu a r. la 11 f C C. I L ,. 4..1KS4 T.. St L. A W. 4s.. 4S Cliles, Tar. 4a on Vnion rarlfto 4a. lot1 Con. Tofaares 4a h do con. 4a Colo. A So. 4a M ;v 8 Steal id 6... P A K. O. 4a H.Wanafi In Brla prior lien 4a l"i do dab B . 7 .117 . ; . r-vt . 71 do am 4a sawiw a L. e. 4a r A t). C. 1S...1K0 Wla. Central 4a Horklns Vsl. 4S....1( Colo. F. A 1. c. is. L. ft N. unL Wj' Dnatea Stack Qaotatloas. BOSTON. April Call loans. tWSW per cent; tlma loans, 3V&4V, Ir cent. Official closing 01 stocks and bonds: Atchison adj. 4s KH Wanting common Advanturs Allouaa Amalcamatad .... Amarlras Else .. Atlantic Bingham Cal. Heel Cantanolal Copper Range ... Iialr Vast Dominion Coal . Franklin Granrr ..'. T .... . i., .... 11 .... 1M .... I .... T4 ....470 .... SI .... 4J .... Ji .... 04 .... .... .... 1 .... 4s .... M. .... 41 .... m .... IS .... .... ST. .... M .... 4 ...I K, .... 4 .... II .... .... 131 :::: ? .... Tl do 4a rs Mn. Central 4s 01 Atchison 74 da nfd ?V Hoaton A Alhanr...J50 pfiaton A Main 1W Hoaton ElnsUMl ...140V Fltchburg pfd 144 Mex. Central t N T . K H. A H..1S0 Para Marnuatts 74- I'nton Parlflc 874 Amsr. Ar,a. Cham... IS on pin 71 lata Knrale A mar. Pnau. Tubs... 4 Man. Mining Amer. 8u.ar 126Sa Mlf-hiran .... dn rra llfci Mohawk Amar. T. A T.i Mont. C. A C. Old fiomlnloa Oacaola Parrot Uutncy flhannna Tamarack ..... Trinity It. g. Mining. f. 8. Oil run Victoria Amer. Woolan do pfd .. 741. rtomlnion 1. A g. . T Rdiann Electric Hla. .117 Oaneral Electric .lu Msaa. Electric ..... . 19V4, . 14, . 40-4 . r . 47t . MS do nfd Maaa. Clan , Vnlted rmlt t'nttad Shoe Mack.. do nfd r. g. "teal Winona do pfd Bid. Olk'Wol'arlne bsadoa Startf Market. LONDON, April . Closing: Consola, money 874.1 N. T. Csntrsl H0i do account ....... . 871, 1 Norfolk A W " Anaconda .4 do prd at . n Ontario A W UVt . tf Pennerlvanls 41 . h2 Rand Mines 10 .11 Read in, K . S do let pfd 40 . 17 w do Sd pfd 1(144 .14744. 80. Railway 22 4 .SO do pfd UTS, . 80. Pacific M4 . 7JV. I nlon Paclflo M4 . iC do pfd f"4 . 04 t. B. Steel 114. .41 do pfd 13 W .lit W.buh SO .111 do pfd it . IHU Alchlaon do pfd Baltimore A Ohio.. Canadian Pacific .. Chaa A Ohio Chlcaso Ot. W C. M. A Bt. P.... Pena.ro lienTer A 11. Q.... do pfd Erla do 1st pfd do Sd pfd Illinois Central .. .. Ixruia. A N.ah M., K. A T SILVER Bar, quiet, 24 U-16d peF ounce. MONET 2W1'V. Per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 2S''a24 per cent; for three months' bills, i ll-ltii24 per oenL Ferelga Flaaaclal. LONDON. April The demand for money slackened In the market today and the supplies Increased. Discounts were weak, stocks on the exchange generally were strong In sympathy with the buoyancy of conaola in consequence of the signing or the Anglo-French colonial treaty, though the approach of the settlement tended to quiet things. Home rails were cheerful, es pecially the southern lines, owing to pros pects of good weather. Americans were the most feeble second, though they shared In the general cheerfulness after a dull open ing. Americans later became Inactive and cloeed quiet. Internationals were firm. Kamrs were nrm favorites, advancing an eighth. PARIS, April . rnces on tna rxniree today were firmer and had an upward ten dency owing to the signature of the Anglo French colonial treaty, rentes and Egyp tians Improving considerably. At the close prlcea were firm. Russian Imperial 4s closed at Vfi 80. The private rate or discount was 1 per cent. Three per cent rentes. Tf 80c for the account; exchange, on London, 25f 13c for checks. BERLIN. April . There was llttl busi ness on the bourse today, but values were firm, the market being supported by the rise In Kaffirs In London and Parte. Ex change on London, 20m 47pfg for checks; discount rates for short and three months' bills, 2o per cent. lew Yark lan ports aad Experts. NEW TORK. April Total tm ports of drv goods and general merchandise at the port of New York for the week ending today were valued at tll.ll2.Tn. Exports of specie from New York for the week were 6746.906 silver and 63.3Wi.107 gold. Imports of specie rntr New Tork during ths week were 622. 216 gold and I30.U1 silver. Wool Market. NEW YORK. April 6. WOOL Firm ; do mestic fleece, 28&22a. The Commercial Bulletin will say tomor row: Aside from the auction sale of terri tory, California bringing comparatively high prices, there has been a featureless wool market in Boston. In tha customary chan nels trade ia distinctly quiet and prioea re main ateady. The cleaning up of domestic fleece and territory at allghtly under the market does not Indicate general weakneaa Thers la no attempt to raise prioes, how ever. Large Importations of Australian and South American cross-bred wools are sup- E lying manufacturers' wanta In medium, ome buyers have Jumped the trades. One well known clip sold at 1SC, or 8o higher than a year ago. Foreign markets keep strong. The shipments of wool from Boa ton to date from December 61, 1906, are 66.- OM.066 lbs., against 71.U0.S21 I ha. at the aame time last year. The receipts to date are 49.93S.400 lbs., against 66.286.260 lbs. for the sums period last year. BT. LOT'lB, April . WOOI ftteady ; me dium grades, combing and clothing. WTc; light fine, IMfUvc; heavy flna, 124jl4Vc; tub-washed, 20031c. CoCe Market. KEW TORK. April COFTTCE Bpot Rlj firm; No. 7 Invoice. 6Tc: mild steady; Cordova, lOrJjiUc. Futures opened steady at an advance of 6010 points on Quite an active demand for both accounts, followed by better cables than expected, continued light receipts and bullish estimates aa to the coming Bantoa crop. The advance at tracted realising, however, and there waa considerable pressure from recognised bear Interests with the result that most of the gain was lost. The market closed steady at unchanged prlcea to an advance of t points. Bales were reported of 96.0nfl baga, Including Mav at !.6tn6.8&c: July. 610c: Au gust. 6.60c; September, 4S6t45c; October, irfiirc; December, 6.60u6.70c, and March, 6.86&6.9UC. Oils oo4 Has I a. OIL CITT. April t.-OILS-Credlt baj anres. tl. 66; certificates, no bid; shipments, 63 826 bbla.: average. M.3U7 bbla ; runa. K9.S30 bbls.; average, 79.726 bbls ; shipments, Lima, 60.9fi bbla.; average. 62 7K3 bbla. ; runa, Lima, 66 640 bbla : average. 48.662 bbls. SAVANNAH. April 9 OILS Tumentlne. Arm. 63V. Rosin firm: A, B. C. P. 62 4"; E. 12.46; F. t2 60; O, tl.So; H. 62 40; I. fJItt; K. n 20- M, t3 ; N. t3.it; W Q. 63 fci W W. $3 Kf-trS 90 NEW TORK, April l.OTLB Cottonseed, wepik; nrlme crude, nominal; prime yellow, S2Vc. Petroleum, easy; refined Nw York, 6 ; Philadelphia and BalUmore. te.6:; prime. In bulk, to 46. Rusln. flrra; strained, cemmnn to good, t2.6o; turpentine, quiet, 66VS4I67C NFW TORK. April 9 BCO AR Rnw quiet; fair refining, t 6-52c; centrifugal 94 teat. r; molasses sugar, 3 9-TJc; refined quiet; No. 6, 4 SOc; No. 7. 4 75c; Vo. I. 4:-"; No. t. 415c: No. 10, 4.10c; No. 11, 4 05c; No 12. 4.00c; No. 11. 1.96c; No. 14. t.90c: confectioners' A. 4 56c; mold A. tOBc; cut loaf. 6 4c; crushed. 6c; powdered, 4.60c: arsmilated. 4.70c: ruliea. 4 96c. MOLAB9FS Firm: New Orltans open kettle good 10 choice, SlfJS7c. NEW ORLEANS. April I SCQAR Bt'adv: open kettle, !.4j3 l-ltc: centrtfusal. Mr3,c: centrifugal wh'tes. 4i,fl44.c; yal- lowa. fg4c; seconns, g3c. Metal Irarkat. NEW TORK, April I. METALS All eiarli.ta v .r. ilMfli, . ........ daw featura. The volume oi bualnesa traas aotad waa a mall and chiefly for nearby wanta, Coraier ruled quiet : lake, til &4) Aa.si'; eieciroiyic ei..i.('Tl.a,; casting, tll.7VfcJil 00. Spot. 1 aaaadv. t28 4BU.Ju. Speltar. t6.K4 iu. Iron wta ouimL aad iMnilliallj aliAilaaSd. nn IWI Is the by-word to su much of s gold mm r.dison Electric, whl The Marconi Compa ciperstlon on ths Atl Alaska, and ether st const snd in Cuba, with the Marconi sv cent on all constantly inrreasln Compnny stock sold at tl2.Hi and atlll gol pf the company In t sda. and a share of nart ownership In al In the I'nlted States of the Inventions of Inventions are and New Is the accep developments. Price lars on 011ABA LIVE STOCS. MARKET Cattle Beocintt for tb VTgek Lifht and Prion roily Btetdy. HOGS LOWER THAN A WEEK AGO Ooa DeaaaaA far ghee aa Prices Shew aa Alraaeo Over Laat WMk f Fmlly Tea ta Fltteaa Caata, Laaobs Are Akoat fetoraay. SOUTH OMAHA, April B, 1934. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Bberp. .. 6,476 4. at U,6i6 .. 4. ail lo.tul 7.146 .. 4.BUA ,4il ... 4.4US v.-. ,onll .. LUb3 4.216 1.4,0 ta l.iMM Official Monday .... Official Tuesday ... Official Wednesday Official Thursday .. Official Friday otucial Baturday .. Total this week 17,64 J4.4U i.t)M Same uays last week....2v.i7 tii.LS Sv,uaa bame week oefors 16,leW 4t.oie 4.i,77 bame three wet ks ago. .UMl au,lftrt a,.u( bame tour weeks ago. ..21.111 4e.u7l e4.M4 bame days laat. year. ...18,614 Su.laj? aa,a4s RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hoga ana sheep at South Omaha for the year to oate, wun compaxiaon with laat year; 16H. 190S. Inc. Ioc.. Cattle tT,.m 263.260 4.6S7 Hog 6M.6t4 044.123 41M0 tihecp 496,606 360.007 HO.uWl Average price paid tut nogs at South Omaha tor Uia last several days with com parisons; Data, t iM4.0Mrira.riBia.rim.pj6t.iiM indicates Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought in today by each road was: Catlie. Hog. C, M. & Bt. P 1 fi I'nion Pacific Byslem 1 4 F., E. M. V. R. H I C, St. f.,HL ti O. Ry 1 B. 4k M. Ry 4 Illinois Central 1 Total receipts I 17 The disposition of ths day a receipts was aa follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of bead Indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Swift and Company Si 0140 C'udahy Packing company 149 Armour A Co 40 Armour 4t Co., Sioux City 40 170 Totals 2 i.lj6 CATTLE There were a few odd bunches of cattle In the yards this morning, but not enough to make a market. Pur ths week receipts have been moderate, owing to ths light runs the latter part of ths week. As compared with last week, there is a decrease of about 6, Ouu head, and aa oompared with last year there Is a falling off of about 1,000 head. Receipts ot cattle thla weak have been largely made up of beef steers and the quality has been about at good as at any uuie this year. The market haa been In good shape and trading on most days active. For the week the good, tidy, blocky cattle are strong to iodide higher, while heavy cattle, particularly If course, and part fat stuff are only about steady. Packers ail seem to waul cattle of good quality, which makes ths commoner kinds rather alow. Good to choice leers are quotable from 64.6U to t6.U0, with strictly prime cattle a little above that. Fair to gooa cattie sen rrom 04.10 10 m.bu, ana com mon to fair from 63.60 to 64 00. Ths cow market haa also been active most of the week, and especially haa that been true of lightweight cows and hellers of good quality. Such kinds ore siruug and' in extreme cases poKBiuly aalea have ahown an advance of lmftlbc. In the last two days, however, the wire edge haa been taken off ths market by the bad weather, so that the extreme close is not a great deal different from ths close of last week. Heavy cows and ths medium grades, to gether with cannera, are also about steady with the close of laat week. Good to choice cows and heifers are quotable from 82 76 to 84.00. with something fancy in the wsy of light heifers as high aa 64 25. The medium gradea sell from ti 60 to 83 .26 and can tiers and cutters from 82.00 to t? . Bulls have shown very little change, ao far aa prices go, though on some days It waa easier to make aales than was ths case a abort time ago. Ths moat of the good fat bulls sell from 83 00 to 63. li, with bologna grades from 12.26 to 12 66. Veal calves are, If anything, a little higher for tha week, as high as to.Ou having been paid. The supply of atockers and feeders has been light all tha week and with a fairly good demand prices have ruled strong most of the time. By ths middle of the week ths market showed an advance of lotflTk: on desirable grades, but during ths storm ao little business was tranaactod that It ia difficult to quote a cloae on tha market There aeema to be a good Inquiry from the country, though, and desirable grades would probably bays sold to good advantage the last of the week. Good to choice grades sre quotable from 83.76 to 64.26, fair to giaid from 86.60 to 83.75 and common stuff from 83.60 down. BEEF STEERS. K. At. Ft. Ms At. Ft. 10 un 4 00 HEIFER1. 1 8 Ki I H BULLS. 1 irro t 00 HOGS There was a very light run of bogs here today owing no doubt to the se vere storm of jesterduy. which vlellel practically all ths territory tributary to thla market. In tact there were only twelve cara on sale, so that It could not be aald that there was a market. The few that ar rived sold at very uneven prioea. Some of the first sales war a big five higher, while others were only a shads better than yea trrday, There wars not enough hogs to make a killing for any one packer, and as a result (tone of them wers very muuh In terested. Tha average ahows a gain over yeeiarday of a trifle enrer 4a. Tot ths week raeliU hare been ex tremely light, there being a dacreaas as compared with laat week amounting to at out 19.000 head, but as ruonpared with tha 1 tamo wee oi last year thars Is aa luersaae Mar. 14... 6 16l 1 SSI 6 III I 661 4 761 t tl I ft Mar. 16.. 6 26 ) 1 1 f M TN 61 t 44 Mar. 16.. 16Vkl 7 U I ki 4 66 I t6 I Mar. 6 mi fliMtlt 4 H 6 46 VI Mar. 16.. 4 04 7 flV 2l 6 66 I 6o 6 71 Mar. 19.. 4 674J T li 6 14 lj 4 69 I 7J Mar. .. J 77 s Sl 4 stt S 68 Mar. 21.. 4 12V IMiiK I 6.1 4 61 6 fcl S Tt Alar. 22.. 4 66V. IU 6 6o 4 66 I o) I 74 Mar. 26.. 4 i T 461 I 6v j 4 W 1 U 1 7 Mar. in.. ( uiV 7 6 6 , 4 W I 6U 6 71 Mar. 26.. 6 7 2b 6 W 6 7t 6 67 I 67 Mar. 26.. 6 12. T XI 6 66 t t7 4 19 I Mar. 27.. 7 isl 4oi 6 tot 4 ki I 60 Mar. to.. 117 7 6V 4 64 6 Wi 6 i! 6 661 t 67 Mar. l8..(tl4V, I t 6 6 66 6 W I 60 3 66 Mar. o.. 4 07 T 22 I 6 i 6 12 I 61 I 62 Mar. tl.. 4) 7 20, I til 6 10 I U9, I oi April 1.. I 06. T 2l f tal I I7 164 I 6 April I.. to 7 29 6 W 6 60 t 06 j I U April ... 7 2i fe t 90, 6 16 t 66 April 4.. t 13V. 1 IS 6 661 6 99 6 60 I WI t 79 April 6... t O.V. t 6.1 6 96 1 6 80 6 t I 79 April t... 6 (101 7 24i 6 SO) 6 Wi 6 tLi 79 April 7... 4 B3Val 7 24 C 681 6 27 t 641 t 72 April 8... 4 m-v 7 Zi tl 0.1; 4 01 4 66, a 71 April 6... I 4 94V, 7 2S t 68 1 12 t 831 t 75 mm ccef.8. Marconi stock Is likely to ha sa e as was the stock In Bell Telephone or ch advanced as much as 4.So ix-r c-nt. nv has many wireless stations in actlvs antic coast, three irovernment stations In atlons lire new being erected on the Pacific Vpmard of s iH'en vessels arc eiiulicd stem and present cVrnlnps are over U' per tied, and the Income of the Company is g. Over a year ago the English Marconi at ti. TO per certificate and it Is noa selling ng up. There Is more scope for the work he Vnlted Btntea than In England or Can stock Ire the Americnn company represents 1 the plants snd equipment of the company stock las and all Its foreign possession, aim 111 nn Marconi, past, present snd future, which will be patented. ted time invest a few hundred and wait par tor only a short time. Full partlcu- application 1 MARCONI COMPA NT ("DEPT. 609 N. T. LtlFE BLDU.. OMAHA. jgjg Burns-Haskcll Go. auaitipi Bon.it BROKERS Railroad Bends " 320 N. Y. Life. 'Fhcm C35 Etc of about 8.000 head. The general tendency of prlcea has been downward at all points and the net loss for the week amounts to about 16c Representative sales: No. At. SO. FT No. AT. gh. FT 61 100 too 4 10 '.0 X14 40 4 09 04..-. 17 00 0 42 234 40 4 05 40 ..VI 140 i 0t4 Tl Hit 110 4 06 ti.. ...... nn 40 4 Of, ;i i;i 110 1 00 U Mi ... 4 M TT 131 100 0 00 ? 141 On 4 W OS. .104 ... 6 04 64 rrt 00 4 06 BHEEP There were no fresh arrivals of sheep here this morning with which to make a teat of the market. For the week reuelpta snow an increase over last week of about 1.000 head, but as compared with the same week of last year there is but little change. The demand during the wek was In good snap and fully equal to the supply, aa Is ahown by the fact that the tendency of prioes was upward. Sheen and yearlings me now selling In about the aame notches, but are fully loftloc higher than last week, and some salesmen are calling the market as. much as ls26c higher In spots. Ewes have advanced lust about the same aa wethers and yearlings. Quite a few clipped sheep are now arriving, and there Is not as wide a range between clipped and wooled stock as there was at the beginning of the season. About tT4rf0c would cover the range In the majority of caaes. The lamb market has not shown much change during, the week.- The best grades may be a HtUe higher, but the general run are only about steady with the cloae of last week and common stuff has been slow sale. Quota tlona for cornfed stock: Good to choice lambs, tS.60et.76", fair to good lambs, 1600(96.60; good to choice yearlings. 6.86; fair to good yearlings. 64.6iV(i4.90; goAd to choice wethers, t4 9i&6.aft; fair to good wethers, 4.60rr4.90; good to choice ewes, 649006.10; fair to good ewes. tt.tor4H.ii0. Clipped stock sells S046c less than wooled Stock. CHICAGO LIVE STXK K MARKET. Cattle Nominal and Hmtrm aad Iheeg Akoat Steady. CHICAGO, April 9. CATTLE Recelpta, 600 head; market nominal; good to prime steers. t6.2&6.76; poor to medium, 18.76 6.00; atockers and feeders. t2.7&&4.26; cows, t2.O0i84.26; heifers. t2.2fiG.2r: cannera, t2.rj.fl' 2.60; bulls. 12.2614 10; calves, 62.6041 6. 2u; Texas fed steers. 84.0o4 60. HOGS Receipts, 6,0u0 head; estimated Monday, 2h,Ono head; left over, 6.004 head; market, steady; dnlxed and butchers, 4.(nku 6.S21; good to choice heavy, t3.Wi.tk1; rough heavy. H.OnfrfVlO; light, tt.T&if&.lO; bulk of aales. t4.96b5.10. BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2.000 head: market, steady; lambs, steudy; good to choice wethers, 64.7otfi.65; fair to choice mixed. 68 604.60; western sheep, $4 3f.frf15 ; native lambs, 84.506.60; western lambs, 86.60 66.26. Kaasas City Llva stock Market. KANSAS CITT. April 9. CATTLE Re ceipts. 200 head; market unchnnged; export and dressed beef steers, 84.fiOri5.25; fair to food. 83.60frir4.60: western fed steers, 8.1 60Sf 40; atockers and feeders. 13 .00414.66; south ern steers. 83.R0ifM.26; southern cows, ti.mvft 8.2: native cows, t2.nofo4.n0; native heifers. 83.6034.80; bulla, 82.65(3.86; calves, 83.0041 t.25. HOGS Recelpta. 1.S00 head; market, steady; top. 16 10; bulk of SHles. 64.9646.06; heavy. 15.005 15: packers, 84.956.00; plga and llrhta, 4 265.00. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, none; market, nominally steady; native lam ha, tfi2Mfi6 7R: western lnmha. I6.264i5.tn; fed ewes. 84 6006.00; vearllnsrs, 4.9oxti6.65; atock ers and feeders I3.004r4.60. Receipts for the week: Cattle, JR. 600 head; bogs, tii.buO head; sheep. 16.900 head. Bt. Joseph Live Stock Market. BT. JOSEPH. April t. CATTLE Re ceipts. ' 122 head; market steady; nstrves, tXOOfifi.SB; cowa and heifers, 81. 60414. 26; stackers and feeders, t!.60ig4.00. HOGS Receipts, 1116 head: market steady to 2Hc higher; light mixed, tl.85u5.00; medium and heavy, t4orfi6.06. SHEEP AND LAM11S llecelDtfe. none: demand, strong. - Stack la Sight. - lHlirw,..n ' " ' 1 I ' I 1,1 IIVC , I ll K for the six principal western cities yes terday: South Omaha ra 1240 Chicago 60 6.000 I 000 Kanaas City..... loo 1.800 Ft. Louis 9no 1 mm 1 oori St. Joseph 122 1.61S Bioux tny luo 60O Totals 1,864 11,451 t.KOO REAL ESTATE THASIFEHI. Deedo filed for record yesterday as fur nished by the Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abstracter, ltilt Farnam street: Lara W. Kirk and wife to Charles Ed gar Kirk, lot 2, block 11, NorUi Omaha 1 Samuel fialrd and wtfs to Thomas C. brunuer, lots 18 to lit, block 24. Muraa 4k brunners fc) Univerany of Michigan to Charles W. ' Patridge. eto lot 14. block 13. Summit Place ,50u Nahum P. Fell and wife to Alice g. Hann. lot 2, block 1, bogga and Hllla 4U M VVoolaey burland to Francis A. Welch, lots t. 4 and 6. in Uascall s ubd j Edith Gilford to M. A. Bennsr, lot 4 and part of lot 8, block 6, Wilcox add j Ann! W. Wright and wife to Sarah V. Comer, lota 1 and 2. block 115. Dundee n5 I.000 Stephen D. Bongs et al. to E. Elgena Edglngton, lot 6, tilock 26, Carihaga add 1G5 Blanche B. Dchrrty to Lovenla Lar durf, lot 64. Nliiaon'a 1,600 Frank H. Woodland, trustee, to Sarah V. Cotner. lota 19 and 0. block 1. and ether land. Cotner and Archer s add 15 Catherine Shanahan lu Frank Ma li, lot U. block lu, S. E. Rogers' add.... 2UW0 OCR CLIENTS HAVE FOX" NT) THAT THE RLtit'LTS OF CONSERVATIVE OPERATIONS IN WHEAT ARE EK CEEL1KGLT ' rkor'I'i'A BLE F H ri-RTHER PARTICVI-ARS ADDREH9 evcczaii, ' p. o. iiox mu, mvV Tofuc IV NEB. s WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY is hound to be the best Investment of tha age. IT. S. FORTS WRIGHT, McKINI.EY. PREBLE. BCHl'TLER and WORDS WORTH nre equipped and using the Amer ican le Forest system. The U. 8. Bignal Corps recently gave contracts to lie Forest Co. for wireless apparatus for Alaxka. Tha TjONDON "TIMES" Is using the American DE FOREST W1REIJCSS system very suc cessfully In reporting the JAP-RI"SS( WAR news For sale, limited amount of INTERNATIONAL WIRELESS stock. (Par vslue 110. On, full paid and non-assessable.) For short time only, at $1.50 PER SHARE Thla mock la r xrhaageable, par tar par. (or ataek of the? AMERICA Uti F'llREST WIRELESS TEL. C4. I)oat miss (hla chance of srettlnaT a trot class stack at a barfeata price. caret by aearly ls pateats ool las portant rorersaeslf sua steamship roatrarlo. Remit tor share desire by rheck, laeHey . erter. registered letter, rttu, ta srtrr mt ' - Jl. T. CLARK. ZZ3 ft. 4th St., Palla., ra. THE CRESTOMOULDER L.IKIKQ AND LSILLINQ CO. Have for the past Jour years been developing their Golden Eagle mines) lo cated eight miles from Boulder, near ths town of ballna. Boulder county,-Colo. They have: g.uoo fern tnnnels snd drifts, sunk a shaft 413 feet on Gniden Eagle win; have an up-to-date hoisting plant located on tha prop erty; over 810.000 worth of ore has been taken from the property during the devel opment work. A limited amount of treasury stock, is now being offered st 10c to sink the shaft 300 feet deeper: For particulars address A. W. WIDDIFIELD, Secretary Crest on. Bowa. The Merchants . National Bank of Omatiaa. Neb. . U. . posoattwy Capital and Stfrptiu, StoaOQO ' ' ffUitt uVIY. Smb. ... IBb L WBO.. free. umieiMua. coobbw. rsAJon. tuaBJo. asm. Cassior. lUostve eeasuau af Sanaa, kansets. esroer SMona anas aa4 ladivlSMals aa UasrsOli gorslra BxohMga seufst aat sold. Letur. at CreOit ssaiea. arallabla la ag piu of ta. world tsoatast said sa TIbm Osrtigoataa at Dssastt. f Ueotloaa BiaOa promptlr aaa aaaosBUeallF. W fapsaat ooma en Oases Updike Commission Co., GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Bualnesa handled promptly la all markets. Office. 65 Baa Building. Telephone 6436. O. W.- UPDIKE. MANAGER, ' L0WREY BR0S.& CO COMMISSION MERCHANTS. "Grain, Stocks and Provisions. Room SIX N. Y. Life Building. "Phorle tafia S)iclal attention given to telegraph and mull orders. OMAHA. 17. Farnam Smith & Co. C STOCKS. BONDS. INVESTMENT SECURITIES. 1320 Farnin St. Tel. (0&4 TEN TO FORTY SHARES UNION STOCK YARDS, SO. OMAHA AT 08-f UBJECT TO SALE. . I.OMMISSinV -WB- ..'BWWSBV0BJ 1 CO Capital and Surplus $600,000. ixtalert lu GRAU, PROVISIOIS, STOCKS, BONDS AMD INYESTUEKT SECUEIT1LS, REFERENCES: 174 State and Na tional Lai.a. 4k Commsreial Ag.ticiaa 106 branch Omuoav Ceaeral OSaoei M. V. Life BailAl ag, BtrNNgArOLJS Oaaaka BrosrO-iOlo Karaaas g4M Tl. 6VS4IT. THOI.'M. WiDDirK. Cor. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Gas Dollw 1 asur.