imE OMAHA DAILY BEE: PATHWAY. APRIL 9. THE RELIABLE ITOnC. k GOOD CLOTHES EXPOSITION That's practically what our More is right now; a fathering together of a big collection of fine suits and overcoats and men's wearables generally. ir j;i rel and set in order for your examina tion and approval. Everything in tlx show in for sale, too, and the prices are low enough no that everybody ran afford to have something with us. Jrs. J V Marx T Pyv Hand Tailored I WMII -sasa-asaasi Extra Special t f ladles' fine shoes from the best factories New styles In ULTRA and OROVER shoes. Misses' and children's shoes from H. W. Merrtam A Co. newer, nicer and better than ever. Women's Talent Colt Bhoes H.60, $3 50. Men's Patent Colt Shoes JI.&O. 12 50 and The celebrated Apex Women's Bhoes ,. 1.69 Boys'. Youths' and IJttle Genu' 11.60 Satin" Misses'' and Child s li b Vlci Lace Shoes at Misses and CWld s $1.00 Dongola Lax Shoes, at , IatOe Gents' Satin Calf Lace Bhoes. at ChfW's $1.00 Sample Hand Turned Shoes at THE CELEBRATED JOHN M ITC H E LL lor men .. Double Trading Stamps with Department GOOD BUSINESS SIGNS Month Opsni with Prioes of Commoditiet Leu L flatad. COMMERCIAL , CONDITIONS IMPROVE &ew Baelaese ("oaataatly Comlag For. era aaa Uradaally Idle Plaate Resasae, While Prices Are Fsslly Mslatalaed. NEW TORK. April $ R. G. Dun It Co.'s Weekly Review of Trade tomorrow will ay: Commercial conditions have improved somewhat during the last week, although there la still much to he desired. It is a good sign that the montli opened with prices of commodities less inflated. Trans porting Interests are overcoming freight congestion, while railway earnings in Ur h were only 0.7 per cent smaller than in 13 and surpasKed all preceding ears. lmprorment In the Iron and steel Industry Is no longer a matter of conjec? ture or sanguine hopes, hut a certain t v. New business la constantly coming for ward and gradually I. lie plants resume, while recent moderate gains Hi quotations re readily maintained. In many respects the past week has been eventful. Former prices of 1 lllns and bars were reaffirmed hy the association and the first liberal order for structural material was placed, lii.pkm.-nt makers all wanted materials at the aame time, having finally decided to cease procrastinating. At a large number of Fall River mills produ.ttnn a rurialled lo four Jas a week, making a decided extension .f the waiting tUcy adopted as a practical pro test against the l.urh price of raw cotton and protection aiMinst accumulation of stocks. Many spinners have suflklent goods tinder contract to continue actively en gaged, hut the fear that present prices for print cloths cann;t be maintained naturallv counsels caution. Buyers are not Influenced by the new departure, however, and orders show no Increase. I-se activity In western hide markets was not rtecomnanled hv weakness On the contrary, limited offerings ty packers iinrrnini imppn on all varieties icent native steers or recent salting, rather Is dull, domestic shoe niniif.r. turera and dealers operating ery conser vatively. Failures this week numbered US In the United Btatea. against IsT last year, and 2 la Canada, compared with IS a jear ago. TESTS OP THE W EKh, FAVORABLE prlaa-llke Weather Has larreased Betall Dletrlhatiaa la Ihe t ides. NEW TORK. April -Bradstrcet s to norruw will say: Eventa cf the week have for the most part been favorable. Weather conditions generally have been sprlpglilce eieepi in some portion of the northwest. This has Increase.! retail distribution in the cities while In the country districts favorable weather has helped farmers in their plant Ing ararngrment and Improved winter wheat. The soft coal industry has also Im proved, now that fear of a general strike is removed, but thousands of Iowa miners Smavll babies quickly grow to large babies when fed on Mel. lin's Food. Mellin's Food furnishes material for growth. A easaple ef MeDtn's Feed caste yea aethang but the asking WiU yes set then esk tar at hw y out sway " eaas f MXIMM FOOD CO ftOITON, MAM. fIN FANTS INVAUDSN CL0?A THE BFfT MMNO SATEEN MA NT WHEN TOI PEE. IT-FEEL IT-V8E t'EPARTMEST. THE CHIEF ATTRACTION IS OUR DISPLAY OF HURT, SCHAFFNER 6 MARX Fine Suits and Overcoats for spring snd lamiwr. We can show you alts In many styles, overcoat, rain coats, etc. All of them made In the very bant manner by the best clothe makers In the ccuntry. One thin la sure about our Hart, Bhaffner Marx Clothing you can't make ny mistake In buying them your satls factlon Is guaranteed. Men's Fine Suits $10, $12.50, $15, $18 up to $25 Men's Top Coats $10, $12.50, $15 Stylish Rain Coats $7.50, $10, $12.50. J15. $18 DON'T DELAY. BUT COME AT ONCE AND BEE OUR LINE. Sate of Shoes In New Tork and New England. 2 48 and 1.96 1.35 98c 69c Herman Kruger'e II 00 Battn Calf Men s Shoes Calf shoes. at all Purchases in the Shoe Saturday. " are idle, owing t disputes. Collections as yet do not reflect much if any Improve ment, and In common with trade Iteelf are especially. backward In sections of the mid dle west where recent floods have done damage. Recent reports prove trade to have run behind a year ago. Failures exceed thoee in 1& by $ per cent in number, though $ per cent less than In 1902. Liabilities ex ceed a year ago by-70 points and owing to bank suspensions are the heaviest since 17. The labor situation is better titan It was a week ago, but still retains a mottled speparance. The Iron trade maintains an appearance of cheerful activity. Pig Iron Prices show no particular change and steel billet prices have been reaffirmed, despite efforts to advance the same. Finished products note moderate activity at leading markets. Among the other metsls the strength of copper Is noticeable. Surplus supplies are said to be largely In the hands of a few concerns and a much higher price could be obtained If desired. What may prove to be a significant move ment In prices was Inaugurated In March, when eight out of thirteen classes of prod ucts Including therein breadstuff, meats, textiles, hides and leather and building materials declined. -The general level of prices fell off about 1 per cent for the month, but is still In excess of a year ago at this time and not far from the highest for four years past. Cotton goods demand, as for some time past, la backward and this la reflected in curtailment of print doth mills at Fall River and of spinning and weaving ma chinery at other centers. The demand for woolen goods is not very active. Eastern shoe factories report the volume of spring orders rather smaller than expected and shipments are running behind last year, both for the week and for the season. Wheat. Including flour, exports for the week ending April 7. aggregate 1.S64 47 bushels, against 1.3S7.4W last week. J.O.V 2U this week last vear. SMLOII In 19 and 1405 1 in 1M. From Julv 1, !. to date thev agsrregale 117. $37,004 bushels, aealnst 17 '"4.7T last season, 1M.K3.U4 in lSOt and ias.054.ieo In 1901. Corn exports for the week aggregate. l bushels, against f.438.m last week. 34.Ttt a year ago. In in$ snd t.aa.. M In m. From July 1. .. to date thev ergregMe 47.M2.J4g bushels, arslast 49.I9T. f Inst sesson, 3,J 054 In 1W and 147. 17? 14 In lfM. Business failures In tbe United States for the week ending April 7 number $.. against H last week 151 in the like week In 1. lt In 12. r.S In 191 and VI In lino. In Canada failures for the week numher $4. against 11 last week and 1$ tn this week a year ago. A Oeef Mealrlae tar Chlldrea. In buying a cough medicine for children never be afraid to buy Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. There la no danger from it and relief Is always sure to follow. It Is reliable, pleasant and safe. HYMENEAL' Deahle Wrddleg ear Beatrice. BEATRICE. Neb., April $--Special.) Yesterday at 11 o clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Bteece, prominent res idents of Logan township, occurred the marriage of their two daughters. Miss Lotus Bteece being Joined In wedlock to Mr. David Thompson, and Miss Jessie Bteece being united with Mr. James C. Carmlchael. About fifty friends of the contracting parties witnessed the ceremony after which a splendid wedding dinner was served. The young people will make their home near this city. Petltl-Oaea. BEATRICE. Neb. April $. t Special. ) The marriage of Miss Effle Oden to Mr William 8. Petit t, a prominent young busi ness man of Falrbury, was solemnised yes terday at 10 p. m., at the home of tbe bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. B, H Oden, In this city. Rev. G. W. Crofts officiating. The young couple left immediately after tbe ceremony on a short wedding trip to Lincoln and Omaha, and upon their return they will make their borne at Falrbury. res-Klllaaer. PAPILLION. Neb.. April $--SpecUl 1 William Fox and Miss Mary Elilnger were married yesterday at the office of County Judge Wilson. Stors celebrated Beck Bear dxaugbt today. clow. rACTrREP. TOC WII.I, BAT SO IT. FOR BALE IX OCR LININO Another Manufacturer's Stock of Lace Curtains ARARIt"nRrsrTanvJ4X.BnOS- K' ,air, ,,,Pb "n' n'""n irrn.lo. NOTTINGHAM. CABLE NETS. tiST ' PATTERS- TO SELECT KROM. The en- On Sale Monday, April Uih Thi. I!!; fi" 1 '"T ri,r1",n M,w hv tfooms a watehwont. All our former sales wpre even heronrf our expectations, mis .igsnUe purchase lecnred by our eastern buyer will eclipse all former sales in prices and quality. 75c to $14.50 a pair 7?JiritM Ladies' and Children's Hosiery 15c boys' and children's Hose. all sites, at IUC Misses' Hose, all sites. . iu at 19c, 15c and laC Ladles' Hose, plain ribbed and f fancy colors, 1JV and IUC Ladles' Hose. 50c, 3c and 28c values, to go at pair IOC JSc ladies' lisle thread Vests, s plain and fancy, at IOC ribbed long sleeved Vests and I mbrella Pants, lace trimmed, wo-th c to ado, on aale Saturday 2f Ttc ladles' fine Jersey ribbed lisle thread j "1 7 "iimia ranis, mce trimmed, worth Tic, Batur- rtn day Men's Furnishing Opportunities 600 doze a men's four-ply Unea Collars, latest styles, on sale f Saturday- TQ each If You Want to what ts right in style the very latest of fashion's favorite fancies In furnishing goods visit our store Saturday. We have the Urges t line of men's new Spring Shirts shown In the city at Sk He and $1 50. Men's snd boys' Bu spenders at 15c and 26c. Men's Spring Underwear worth up to $1.00. at ioc and 4?c. Help Home Industry. Help Omaha. St SW as espS) aaaa awa MEATS MEATS Last week was the largest week In meats In the htstorv of Omaha. That Omaha people are willing to help home Indus try is evident by the tremendous business of the past week. There ts nothing that will help our own town more than buy ing only Omaha meats. WE Aha. MBADWUARTERS FOR ALL OMAHA BRANDS wish to thank the public and tatrtotlc rltisens who so liberally helped home Industry the past week. SINCE IN AUGLRATING THE EXCLl 8IVE HUME PRODUCT SALES we have had about lOu telephone calls dally, all voicing our sentiments for helping Omaha, and also ordering up some brand of our OMAHA MEATS THE BEST THK WORLD PRODI. CES. Oar Mejf Depigment is managed by a man of lifetime experience In the meat busl nesss. which gives us the advantage of getting best quality as well as low prices. He can be found putting up the line cuts of meat, advising a tid directing the men in the art which Is not accomplished i a a year, but requires a li.'etlme of study to perfect. la iwsft'ce to Our Omasa Mtrktts we publish the following official report of receipts of sheep "RATI" FLYER IS WRECKED Trail from 8u Leila to Taxu LatTa Track H Fort twtU ' SPREADING RAILS CAUSE THE ACCIIENT Maay Ptrsssi Are Iajared, hat Heae Killed Oatrlaht hy Wreck Which Piles l Maay Cars. KANSAS CITT. April 1-Mlssourl. Kan. aaa at Texaa flyer, sthlch left St, Louis Isat night for Texas, wss wrecked four miles south of Fort Scott, Ksn., at 4:10 this morn ing by the rails spreading. The engine left the track first, and following It the baggsgs car and the mall and express cars plied up. The smoker and chair cars also were over turned and badly damaged. Sixteen per sona were Injured, but no one was killed. As soon as the first excitement following the wreck had subsided those of the pas sengers snd crew uninjured set quickly to work to aid tbe unfortunates, whf were laid besride the track until physicians ar rived from Fort Scott. Two physicians left Fort Bcott for the scene on a handcar and following thetn closely a wrecking train borrowed from the 'Frisco railway aiarted for the wreck. The Injured were taken to Fort Scott. The Injured: W. C. Gunn, Fort Scott, head of the W. C. Gunn Land company, slight. Rev. R. W. Parmele. Fort Scott. O. W. Ralkler, BU Louis, news sgent. Michael Msley, Syracuse, N. Y. George Bumwalt, Watsekx, 111. A, Bush. Chicago. Mrs. R. G. Callahan. San Antonio. J. Btreeter, Cedar Falls. Ia. E. S. Dawson, Durant, I. T. W. C. Karson. St. Louis. J. D. Thompson. Cedar Falls, lav Thomas K. Sparks. Cincinnati. Mrs. W. W. B parka. Cincinnati. Mary Fostk-k. Carthage, Mo. O. Hoyt, Wstseka. III. teweevelt's Pass 9saale Oat. 8T. LOUIS, April I. -Pass No. I to the World's Valr grounds during the regular the babies and children on ScoWo Emulsion You will see an improve ment in their little ' thin bodies at once. They can take it when they even refuse their mothers' mflX. It b essentially a babies' food, surprising in its re suits. Mways the same, AYDE lils m THB RBLIABLR STORE. Optica Department Special Sale Saturday V Chtrgt for Eiamisihea. Gold filled frames, all styles. 10 year guarantee, worth $3.00 1.59 Aluminold spectacles or eyrglasses. with fine lenes, sold for two rko dollars JoC Snectsclos. strong nlrkel frsmes. Tfi Imported lenses, usual price $1.60.. "C 15c 50 dozen tentlenten'a Bow Ties, neat, tasty design, on gale -a 15c Saturday we will place on sale 500 dosen ladles' linen collars all good styles some slightly solled-i one doen to a customer t $Sc EACH-PKR DOZEN SATURDAY'S SPECIALS. 10c Initial Handkerchiefs each 15c Turn-over Embroidered Collars each $1.00 Copyright Books 5uc Laundry Bugs le Nickel Tlatcd Nursery Pins y yard? Sewing Thread per spool Ladles' K'C lce Collar $2. and IJ.OU Neck Ruffs 5"c Collar and Cuff sets $1.00 Collar and Cuff seta Jl 00 Genuine Seal Pocket Booka 5oe Gilt belts Know MEATS ,BmD" "f ,n Friday, April 1st. Monday Total Ke Hare .o be killed as our temands call for them as the others did. they won t last lonu wfc WUARTERS FOR CHOICE LAMBS A Ftw Specials lor Sthirdiy Spare Ribs per pound Pork Steak per pound Pork Loins per pound Laf Lard 14 pounds for Boil Beef per pound Roast Beef per pound Fancy Bacon all Omaha brandsSaturdaV rancy Hums all brands Saturday HRYDEN brothers. txpoffUlon period ws made out ttxUv in tha rut m nf TfiawwInt-aB nnAhaw.u a .n.,,ti fnrtn atf rm mm li at at Kab,m ul.4.4 at.- pr.dent of the Untied $itcs, th members mr puprrma juagps or ine I nltod Btatea. members of the senate and con (rets and other dlsaittuiea. m EVENTS ON RUNNINGTRACKS Large Fields Rale at Oaklaad aad . Fear Faverltes Wla. Atweed Belag the Feat a sc. SAN FRANCISCO. April $ -Large fields were the rule at Oakland today, out the players had a good line on the horses and lour favorites won. At wood made a clever showing In the seven-furlong handicap, beating a good Held In l:H The event was ths feature of tbe card. Away to a good start, Atwood went to Ihe front at ouce. leading all the way, and won easily frutn lehow Tall and Celebrant. Results: First race, six and a half furlongs: Clausus won. Flaneur second, Toto Gratiot tblrd. Time; l:jl. Second race, half mile, purse: Peggy O Nell won, Albert Fir second. Cardinal Barto thixd. Time: ;4M. Third race, one mile: Alopath won. Vas sello second. Kipper third. Time: 1:42V Fourth race, aeven faiiongs: Atwood' won. Yellow Tall second. Celebrant third. Time: 1:34. ..... . , Fifth race, six furlonrs: Silent Water won. George Berry second, Bchcrso third. Time: 1:13. Bixth race, one mile and fifty yards: Colvan won, I Do Go second. Cloche D or third. Time: l:45i. MEMPHIS, April H-Results: rlrat race, four and a half furlongs, sell ing; Magic won. lidy Fashion second. Green Gown third. Time: 0:.SV . Second race, six furlongs: Henry Bert won. .Irene Lindsey second, 8klllful third. Time: 1:1!4. Third race, mile and a sixteenth: Wilful won. Audience second. Coruscate third. Time: 1 4t. Fourth race, seven and a half furlongs. Memphis club handicap: McGee won Tne 'onquerer II second. Foxy Kane third. Time: l:3fi. Fifth race, four furlongs: Charley's Aunt won. Miss Ines second. Voltrlce third. Time: :5oV. Bixth race. mile, selling: Falkland won. j"BV,lle eeond. Bugle Horn third. Time: WASHINGTON. April .-Results: First race, six snd a half furlongs: Fus tian won. Mlkey Moore second. Court plaeter third. Time: JiUV Third race, half mile: Preen won. The Claimant second. Jsck McKean third. Time: 0:514s. Fourth race, seven furlongs: Honolulu Tni MJ Frank Foster second. Trapes 1st third Time: l:3u. Fifth race, seven furlongs: Nine Spot won. Spring Brook eeoond. Arachue third. Time: 1:S1. Sixth race, mile and inn yards: Sals won Rough Rider second. Red Comya third. 1 ime : I : do. CHICAGO'S TT RT WAIt AVERTED 'egetlatleas Pasalss tatlstartary Oateasse ef Ceatreverey. CHICAGO. April .-The Indications sre tonight that the threatened turf war In Chicago will be averted and that the Worth il'f"V,OTT..w'r' tun todav which, it Is i Jlleved will result in s satisfactory sd- ii.i- I .v. controversy. The offl- dsls of the Worth track. It Is said, have Mrrr' TJ accept the dates awarded them r.'..,?1"1! Jockey club If the Worth track Is allowed twenty-five days of racing -iiMJT' ,W6 This proposition, it Is claimed, will h accented by the officials of the other tracks In Chicago. A meeting of sll the LIh'T1 P,r"' be held tomorrow snd It Is expected st Its conclusion the v. orth people will announce the opening date of their spring meeting. Baee Ball at PhUaaelahla. PHILADELPHIA. April e.-The Phlla-'el-rhla National league team tody defeated the Philadelphia Americana. Bcnre: National ...;.... (I 1 1 A e4HE. American I A o (V J 7 1 batteries Henley and Behreckengoet: Dugglsby and Dooin. Attendance. 2111. Umpire; Smith. ItsekksMrrt Elect O fleer a. WASHINGTON, April t.-Folloalng the sale of the Washington Base Ball club the stockholders heid a meeting today and elected Wtitoa J. Lembart president. Wil liam J. Dwyer vice president, general man ager and treasurer, sua John J. Walsh secretary. Tom Loft us will remain as act ing snanager ef tbe teen unui hie auerae-e-r. w ho Is likely te P. J. Donovsa ef Ue 8C Louis Nationals, la secured. Prest- LAUREL THE FIXF.9T SHIRT WAIST SCIT BII.K OS KARTII-HANDBUMEBT PAT TERNS SHOWN IN THE CITT. WE HAVE TH C EXCLl BIVK AllKXCT FOR OMAHA. FOR BALE AT OCR BILK COCNTER. . Great Corset Sale One lot odds and ends In ladles' Bummer Corsets, soiled and small slses, to close them cut Saturday, . " choice ,OW 50c ladles' and misres' Batiste O-kc Girdles at """" i Fan"'' Corsets. In small and large else, worth up to $150. at.. 1.00 A complete line of W. R. Dr. Werners Rust-Proof. Kabo Corsets, with and supporters attached at up from , Erect Form, W. C. C. and without hose .1.00 La Marguerite Corsets, genuine whalebone filled, in ali the new styles prices rang ing from $10.00 down 2 50 CORSETS CAREFULLY THE DEPARTMENT. FITTED IN Linen Collars, c turn-down i limit of 30c c 5c ....60c .. .16c ...SC lc . .. So ...$1 00 SoC .....Vc Help Yourself. yards from Monday. March 3Sh, till Inclusive: Iambs. Sheep. Total 5.241 3.1'V 8.341 . uesdu.v I.i2 Wednesday $.402 'Thursday i.8W Friday l.tAia 6 71 t 40 0. .., i 1, ! 2.00J 1J .14,460 11X2 K.n?j Pvnhtsti Another 1,000 Umbs nd If A HE thev go HL'AU- fic V V $i" 2Jc ai.d l Uic ii w; Amnt X3 -n . ... ha, lefthefoTchTc.'.'o8 AWfrlC'n Chlcaar wl.t, r.l.raa. Caaeh. ' wSrn10? SPRINGS. April $.K. 8 br.n,iCchw0f. th Colorado colore foot K'n-SJ Kk & oV'lcHoV.5: garnet 1?' 1 ?ork lh Prt CantTln r-h'- CJ,?L 'v-'y Impressed ii?iPL Ch,nc of the Chicago clubT Mer offer nH 7'1 'Ven h" -ccfptancJ of the' Del re It Mast Pay at. Paal. hfsiNl,,IN,ATr; -April -Tn Na'icn.l VH! V?M ,,haf ihe Detroit club pay to "V' club the $100 held lut of Bkonecs salary. S kopec was purchased lcy.nL,.'.0f,7.m 8t' P befoV. the AmeTl retin"T adopted tbe National Keary Gets m Declslea. orain-AlTKEB' Al,rtI "-Charley Neary 7f "1'wuk' " given the decision ove Jimmy Rrlggs of Chelsea. Mass.. after a ciubtoSf,htUt MT9 ,h Ah'" Clevelaad Defeats Esaasvllle. 2?.?!?e..b1l.t'm of ,he American league ''' he Evansvllle Central league team here today by a score of n to tt. Baeklea e Araira Salve. The best In the world for cuts, corns, boils, bruises, burns, scalds, sores, ulcers! sait rneum. cures piles or no psy. I6c. i For sale by Kuhn eV Co. ' 1 Visible ftepaly of (attaa. NEW ORLEANS. April S.-Becretary Hes ter s ststement of the world's visible sup- ! ply of cotton shows a total of $.02,Ns baits ' against $.161. btlea last week. Of this' me vi flmnrin cotton Is 1 9w U4 bales, against 5.106. 93 bales last week. if Your Trouble is chronic or a blood dis order, microbes cause it. Rid yourself of these germs, and the disease goes with them. This explains why a jugful of Radams Microbe Killer is worth more in practical results than a whole drug tore of other remedies. The only rational cure for Consumption, Bright's Dis ease, Rheumatism, Catarrh, Cancer, and all chronic or blood disorders. It strikes at the cause. You drink it WHUtr Tae Wak kaasa Mcrebs Killer Ce, tsi Priace St, Kw Vera, er Myers-Dillon Drug Co.. ustb and Famam, ad All Druggist a E CHICMttTtS'S lafiiisd Jpl s. cniCawrk S ml awar I.- f W fsrsliiil T.ll.nlili hah. t Mill, .tmm mt4 m ei at'" IIUMm kM.LJ I-a 1 la, fa; MLIMDWBMUI, r yli. su I CsshieloeBsaaBra eT yl a I wl w I ckersJsSssiwsii r imaii it u itnimiM er ltmm f r. ml sisssss sssaiBca , U IrttmiiM I M ! f Bllll I 1 hM '1 1 ' 1 PaiaUss, ss a4 estna iY"""0" w T'.y s''ses Saa - 1 mm mwm-. sw -" 8 'i g!iuSa 1 11 mmm . M. .1 ... g.Sas SIM, mJ Ute. f m ,! prsssis. aw SI SS. mr 1 M1M SK 74. Btsw aaa ssaaast SILKS. Old Sol Can't Mar the Color It is why we have a complete Unfi. mitfr-f. m ttm CAPS FOR at mp" wrth up to she, Bos' and children's cape in ali the new colors, on sale Saturday, at Boys' fine all wool caps, new spring styles. Mrn's oOc automobile caps. Saturday IK I ..OObt ST.' MILLINERY 55 Trimmed Hats $1.98 WE OTKKR FUR KATI RDAY tTWARDS OK F1VK HUNDRED BKAUTI FULLY TRIMMED SILK CHIFFON AND SOFT BRAID HATS, THESK HATS ARK TRIMMED IN EXCELLENT STYLE. WITH FINE FRENCH FLOWERS AND RIBBONS AND ORNAMENTS. THESE GOODS ARK GENERALLY SOLD AT f3.0O-ON AT ;2.00 CHILDREN'S TRIMMED LEGHORNS Pile BUNCHES FRENCH FOILAGB W..V) TRIMMED STREET HATS Saturday Grocery Prices Read the Big Store's Wholesale Prices to ihe Consumer Fresh Fralt. Fresh Frail. l bars beat Iun.-y Soap (any brand). IX Fancy large, sweet. Juicy, genuine High land Oranges, per dosen 15c Fancy, large, Jtilcy seedless Highland Lemons, per doren 12o Colorado White Clover Honey, per rack 12c Fancy large imported Figs, per lb I2"c Teat as4 t.fte Specials. ' TRADING STAMPS ABSOLUTELY FREE To ivirv Dun haaer of 2 pounds of cur An kola Blend Mocha and Java ;o(T'e. iV per pouna, we wm give &u aimui.-s Stampa FREE. UKd Santos Coffee, per lb 24jC Fancy OoMen Santos Coffee per lo..... Ioc Choice Tea Siftlngs, per lb lc TRADING STAMPS ABSOLUTELY FREE t-lo. package self-rising pancake Flour 5c Pure Cane Granulated Sugar, tt lbs. for. $1 60 -lh. sack highest patent flour $1.10 Irge sacks Cornmeal Usc Hand Picked Navy Beans, Good Rice or Pearl Tapioca, 4-lba for lte r Next summer The Exposition . . Fever All jour friends will bo going, or talking about going, and you will be figuring up to nee whether you can poBsibly Bcrimpy and sare to make the trip. Now is the timfe to do your planning. Anybody can go man, woman or child. Thirty More Trips Are toBe Voted For All you have to do is to get a few friends to prepay their bnbscription to The Hee and turn in enough vote to be one of the first ten in our weekly election. lie member, you get 520 votes on a year's Bub ecription in the city and'tiOO votes on a year's subscription in the country. The Bee will send you, without costing you a cent, to the very grounds of the expo sition. Via the Wabash gern per hour iu ten hours, more people than in Omaha, Council Hlnffg and South Omaha. Think it over. Rules of the "Election" ,vT.b.i.f.?oJriT C"' ih H"eet number of votse at the close ( each "election will be furnished, at The bees exuecise aa tor JXJuSySZVS. " to wb,r th ptrt' Vrm M todWU ZiTi w,u. counted for employee er agents of Tbe Otaaaa Bee. Tbe bm m "I00 "hlch will be published sac aay la . ,,J"'Tp,,niBt of aubacriptione may be made either dtrasjt ta Tha Bee PuhlUblng Company or to an authorised agent of Tbe Bea. . votes aatit to by agenta wlj be counted ualees seat la la aooordaaoa with iDslructlona glvea Uihu. UUE Jr- "r "om. amf '' be published In all editions of The Bea Tbe "elecUoos" will ctoee escb Thureday at p. as 0ies may be depealted at tbe buatneee effloa ef Tha Bee er sent he o voles sent be anail in w -..r.1.4 .ki.k . --T TT , -. . m . Address, 'Exposition Omaha, y?b. COUPONS la i S TUB RBLIABLB STORB. Hats Hats 100 Dozen Sample Hats For men and boys. Every Imaginable shape and color, this season's goods, worth up to $150. Tour choice Air Saturday ss long as they last Tiger and Imperial Hats All the choice novelties for season of 1M Styles and shapes proportioned to suit faces of every type and style, fifl at Champion Hats Here The beet hat produced. J Red Rover hats have proven themselves equal to most $-' So hots, and are un questionably the best hat on the 9 flfi market for aSJ4J or Shape of the Stetson Hat both, soft snd derby . 3.50 to 5.00 MEN AND BOT8. on sale Saturday. 15c spring styles. In plain and faney 9$r aW 50c 25c Girls' leather automobile caps, Saturday HATITPAY THEY GO , 1.98 1.00 9c 98c 6-lb. palls Pure Fruit Jeilv ic Fancy bottles plain or StufTed Olives.. $ 1-ic Large bottles fancy pickles, assorted kinds $ l-3c Large bottles Pure Tomato Catsup 1-ac Irge bottles Horseradish Mustard.... I l-e Mincemeat, package 5c Large glasses puis fruit Jelly 4c t-lb. carta choice Tomatoes 7Vc -lb. cans Baked Beaos Vno $-;b. cans Cnullflower, Squash, Hominy or Bauer Craut ?Wa $-lb. cans Montlcello Rhubarb to 2-lb. cans Fancy Wax or String Beans.. TVse 1-1 h, cans Early June Blfted. Peas 7Ve 1-lb. can fancy Alaska Salmon o Oil Sardines, per can 4e t'XTRA SPECIALS IN DRIED FRUITS. Large California prune, lb 3c Fancy Muir peaches, lb Fnglinh cleaned currants, lb Se Virginia blackberries, la .v.r ...7'o a'liornia grspsa. id '. two New Yoik Ring apples, lb lo it you will have e 9 The Wabash lands all pasHengera from all di rections at its own sta tion. Main Entrance World's Tair Grounds, saving time and money. The, Wabash Suburban Trains will be prepared to handle 25,000 paauen- iw ma nay 01 closing. Department," Omaha Be. ON PAGE 2.