Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 08, 1904, Page 7, Image 7

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Gmt Bit Jct tm i i3 Iran' E-d
E1S Font
BrJl ts to atrlllisat ferial
silaa tl-s-a Vy I1 al
ts rW-s fraai This aaa
Hhe-r St at -a.
prereoent an Jade Reafl failefl nf re
eWtlrm. Otmtir Ml'krr ha tint or-lea-sled
hi choir to the her In hi cithfT
Jufllrlal appointment
Th call 1 nymed by "Warrm P-ttleT s
presiastit. wbo ran ftrr supreme JuflfT on
th aemnrratir tiokrt.
ksla !
a Eitrra rt h w est
rr Jkufirtortuni In to be mmed a-tth
burnt erf priory which. m-IU make the ordinary I
fnafl of arltiry carried In sine, look Ji
red Are in the midst of the sunset- Cere
mmie are to I held In the dartime and
an nlanorate fnaurural ball at utrht. lnnes' ,
tn.nd has liwrn sismed to flve thirty-seven
performance and concerts. June I to IX
Inclusive, ia the flunlimi of the festival.
Fur this artist of national reputation will
as Hrurrt. Thl -U be followed ey a
lumiDfr concert essni of fourteen Says
with afternoon, and evening concerts.
'i n Auditorium mannsremrnt ta rnlnf ts
try for reduced rat on ths railway, la
audition stfip-m-er prlriu,res lor Cv days
win be asked of th roads running throurh
Omaha on all passetisTrs to fl. L'Ula whs
art routed throturn the city. Tb eere
nirmle of the seventh will see lb building
tiandnd over te the public, docked In the
best oratory, and on the part of the ctttsens
a reply uf acceptance In kind. Tbe detail
tiave not yet been worked out, nor baa the
management named the speakers, nor Mr. worked out hi proa-ram or chosen
tlie orlclirltios. The band will bo of slrty
pieces, with many well known soloists led
br ne famous Bohemian oometiet Krrl
The director tavur an admission char ire
for utricle concerts of & aents and are ooo
alderlnc the advisability of season ticket
at the rate of S oenta each concert, lar.
lnnna proKMed four of the ounourt danoei
known aa the JLtlariUc City conoert Aanoe,
ta which mimic of an hour will be followed
br a flanoe of the name period. The di
rectors will ponalder this proposition.
The larre room under the mare is to be
Stted tip as dreaalns; rooms, retlrtna; rooms
and buBet. and the ruests will be enter
tained for tlie frrand ball and the oonoerts.
The buUdlns is ts be decorated as nand
ornejy aa poeslhle It is pointed out as
howlnc the advantage of the Auditorium
to Omaha people that without it the Innes
band, probably only forty-flve men rtrmi
With one aululet, would piay for one nlfht
at lbs theater, charring CaO for the beet
eats. Kun, the band romea fur three
weeks, slrty strong, with eololsts, and the
charce a-ill be only S cents.
Bsndmastor lnnes was in the city r-
terdur In oonrerenoe with tbe Auditorium
direct 01 s.
-1 look forward with enthusiasm to this
cn;arement, said Mr. Innt-s. "I know I
am not far out of the way in savins; that
you hare bre one of the beat auditoriums
ia tbe country. W look forward t p
somen a bualnees. The directors Intend to
make this aa went of elpnlflciinoe throurh
out the weet. The orernors of neljrhbor-
trt( western states and thrir staffs will be
tavlted to attend the Inauffural ball. While
la St. Xrfiuis 1 am only on among several ;
brre 1 will stand alone. 1 oonaldur my
sassu bere a great honor and ns addinc
AUbbKj ta my atandins; as aa artist.'
Mr. lnnes groes east this morning and will
rm bis season AnrU 3 at Harrisburg
fYoni there he goes ta Chloaca and tbna
j Bt- Ljou, where he helps open tbe
positioa April aU From there lie comes ts
"Tbe rain is general all ever the slate of
NrlTraida. eaoept In the estreroe north
west comer, from which we have tie re-awt,-
said leather rorecerter TTelsh.
"Tbe hearlef-t rain hsve -m in the east
ern part of the stale and it 1 generally
speaking the best rain of the season thus
far. Tlie precipitation her up to 7 s'chck
this morning was XT of an inch. At Oak
dale 1 01 of an inch is reported and tbe rain
ba varied from one-fourth ts one inch
throughout the state The indicstluns are
for fair tomorrow with oeoler tonight."
The Burlington weather report shows
that tbe rain ha extended pretty well
ft the state, especially In tbe soutbrrn
portion. Cm the southern division it was
rainmg this morning from Endicntt ts At
chison. There were but fire stations on
tbe division where rein was sot reported.
On the western dlrixion it was snowing
at Cheyenne, and raising at Orleans. Ser-
il points on the division reported mist.
The northern division reported rain nearly
aU trver the Una It was snowing at Bur
well. Crete was tbe only station on the
divtaioti where no rain was reported. On
the AlUance division no rata was reported,
but mow wa reported at Newcastle. Tbe
Sheridan division rrtwrrted snow at fpton.
Pry or and Cody. This give all portions
of the state where rain was needed plenty
of moisture with the single exoeptlon of
tbe northwestern portion along the Al
liance division.
Ia Tb Bet' Tfc rd 0otti im Tm Tip
t :b St- tiposritJti.
it m riiTKDim.
a large eudn-iice
t tbe Har- .( km
t the Altar,- hich rtened te
last night.
Ml- ?aaa
Cs Deviate a Keerratalac rolamkaa
Os-ealaa sad GrasHag
Ose af Its tre-rta.
Judge Munger ha handed dows a
memorandum opinion in the case of the
fnion Pacific Railroad Company, com
plainant, against the City of Columbus,
respondents. In which a decree is entered
enjoining the city of Columbus and its
officials from seeking to open snd grade
M street from a point 100 feet from the
h firth line of Eleventh street to the north
line of Twelfth street without first Institut
ing the appropriate proceedings In con
demns tioa.
The action in the case was brought by
the fnion Pacific to restrain the city
officials of Columbus from attempting to
open what is known as M street across
certain ground and right-of-way of com
plainants, pursur.nt to a resolution of the
city council directing the street commis
sioner to do so. M street having been by
the original plat of the town, dedicated
as a public street.
The opinion states further that it ap
pears the validity of the ordinance of
June tf, 100. vacating certain portions of
tbe street In controversy is involved In a
suit pending in tbe state court -of Platte
county, and the case may be continued
If desired, until final disposition of the
cass pending la the state court.
. Rrswa of rrearal
(kieflm with
re mt Over
1 1
r.ginnlrig with a very light vote the
third of Tbe Bee's we-kly contests for the
ten free trip to the Ft. Lmui eaposition ha
terminated with a larger total vne than
either of it predecessor, and the vote
of tbe champion also outrank that of
tbe first two contests. Miss Nannie "L
Brown of Fremont. NeU, now has the
largest score of tbe contests so far closed,
being 11.7a. and it will ti-ae some pretty
good hurtling to get ahead of her recurd.
A remarkable feature is tbe fact that only
8ii votes were smple in this contest to
beat the eleventh in tbe list, and Mis
Laura Fisher of Omaha, who held the
tenth plane, had over l. vote to spare.
Tbe vote at tbe close was:
taaair L. Braw a, 'reat .... 1 1,T3T
B B. Ball. Calassbas MM
at rat. M. IL. Mayaasa, Mlasaarl
YaUer tT
Aataa fcrasa, Osaaaa
F. i. Davis, saaka
Hawara Crf-aaaltab, ta. Osaaaa... SV,4
H. C fcras. ttaaka
Berax-rt ftaraat, Oaaaa .!
Willie Sbarter. Siaaaka .1
Uara M. Fisfcer, Oaaka Z.tTTV
K'erlwrt North, Souih Omaha 7S
i'rank Matben. OmKba -
Ferry PiacK. Nebraska City W
Minnie Clark, fiouth Omaha
Calvin Evans Routh Omaha 2c
Fred lngersoll, fout.h Oroaba.. '
Futljh Newell. malia 11
Joe Xiarker. Cmaha.. I1
Lee KllFWorth. OmtlTh.. 8
Mile O-eet.leaf. Omuha 1
B. McWhorter, Cmaha 1
J'e H Havana, Omatia 1
Fred Stanton, Crnitlia 1
Irriaratars Oat at Fart Margaa. Cala.,
H said like fe lataral
Mai et are.
A V. S. Saunders, a former Nebraskan
but now of Fort Morgan. Col.. 1 In the city.
He says of weether condition out about
the l-rlfrated sections of Brush and Fnrt
Morgan :
" are getting a little anxious for rain
in order to supply tbe sources of our Irri
gation ditches. There has been relatively
but little enow In the mountain tbe part
season hence It begin to look as If there
may lie s shortage of water unlee we get
copious rains this spring. Our district is
a great alfalfa country and we rtilse a
vat amount of garden stuff for the Den
ver and either mountain town market
Fort Morgan Is growing very rapidly and
one of the handsomert borne towns in
the west. It is on the line of tbe Burllngtan
and is In full view of tbe mountains."
Omaha party will be State erretary J F
Bailor, H". E Johneon. tV i Sfpbens
Secretary F. L. TTihin. G.T F. r.lcs-cE
siid J. F. Gilm'rre.
lat a tallar.
Mxttie Johnson. rVillie Tj ter
at the Krug
ba ail the eiement of the successful melo
drama It hua. tf first Unjirtance. tbe
maie and the emaie vllia n, who tangle
themwlve up with the hero and the
heroine in such munner a to make the
love story of the lust meritu.nt-e pair neces
sarily strenuous. There isn't a moment
from the beginning of the play until the
drop of the final cur-.tla when the earlte
mcnt lags, for the villains are of an inven
tive turn of mind and very Industrious,
prime of the plans for Yhe undoing of tlie
ultimately hni'j y pair are original and all
are thrilling in action. Tlie story c! the
play is possible, but scarcely probable
otherwise it could not ! used euecesefullj
fir melo-draniatlr ptirposes
Manager Percy G. Trtlliam evidently
knows a hat many theater -going iople
sant. for be presents the dramatic story
liberally spiced with meritorious vaudeville
turns. Furthermore, he has taken full sd
vantage of the opportunities for the ajiec
tscular; many of the srr.ic and mechanical
effects are 6iseTvlng of Fper-ial pra-lsr. A II
of the principal role in the play are fn
competent bands "Teerted at the Altar"
remains at the Knis for three more per
formances, tonight and Saturday afternoon
and night.
A aim tear Matflae at tbe ftrwaeaa.
Tbe amateu-e put on st the Oryibeum
mBtlnee Thursday furnu-hed the suflience
aith considensMe smueem-rt. Clyde Tay
lor, a pickenlnrv with a personality that
In itself made a funny little f-imw. danced
quite wen. Ten of Mogr newsboys,
known as N'eno snd Chicago, gave a four
round sparring exhibition, each disnlaylr.g
a trifle of cleverness tTiat enme only from
practice. The third and lust numlier was
Archibald and Jones, two youtig men who
told some Jokes and sang in black -face
makeup. Apparently they have given some
attention to their preparation for a stare
rnreer. but they certnlnlv rrtiFt pursue
their work long and persistently to get out
of the amateur class. The demonstrations
of the audience left no doubt that the
effort made were enjoyable.
Arnn Culm
and Kiln Nuiitpn do reside In the
siaiie resort In tie Thirfl ward s ere sr
r"ied lest nir-t'i on ehargaw of p"tit lr
cry nd vagrancy. ThM are suld m have
enti'-ed a strTicr inn. tbe I' room and to
Imve tM-run Omi' i g r..,ln(i nim In iile.vful
even adjusted hi tie nod In
Ffftt. Tb y
t beir 'l-y-uln'"' t'i't i lusr ft'-mn around
him V hen the blushing stretifrer man
aired to ct mt I,. rn.-ied that on
of the dr.msel hut ' r,v.fl ' htm to the
ertent of I: He did not mind the money,
be said hut It rut the furl of playing h!m
lor a sucker that roused bi ire.
Bag-as I tfteMMi A
Arthur Morton of Francis street ws
a"resiefi iufi mrht us a sunpicioii chnrac- ,
ter His tie"uliar feult is said In bave
b-n calling uj' various parti-s in the city
by teljthone. cprecTitine lilmself s an ;
rprea company, and telling t nem that lie i
bhd a pHrcel for them and e ok lug net her
be should dti.'i er It In um rases he win j
'Id 1r tiring tbe parrel to tbe bou. which i
be did, and collected charges. Wtien the !
parcel was oi-tied ar old shoe or lrick
would be :ouno cartrui y ronea in pajwr
i Bit V I
tt1n Back Beer.
Btorx" celelirated Bock Beer on draught
on and after Saturday, April I. To get it
in bottles, by tbe case, for your home.
phone 22GD.
Hal la
be Beaalar
Mttrlnt Cwart
Tbs first grand Jury ta be drawn ander
tba new laa regulating such proreedtng
a-as selected by the clerk of the district
court under Judge Day supervision Thurs
day st noon. Tbe main difference to tbe
preoedure is that all the names are taken
ft-jta one box, one drawing being for grand
and the other lor petit Jurors. But only
t wenty-f our grand Jurors are selected
twice a year, while 1 petit Jurors Are
drawn for every' three weeks of each term
of court iu all tbe sessions. Before th
court year . names of voters are put In
the big box haphazard by the county com
missioners and this number is afxer-wards
drawn upon at stated periods for tbs sup
plytng of the Juries necessary. Tester
day, besides tbe following grand Jury of
twenty-four men. two panels of 12D saoh
were drawn to serve as petit Jurors for
tbs imltig May term of court. All are
report for fluty th first day of tbe term,
a'hlcb Is May . The Jury drawn Is:
Juba O. Harnett, 2412 South Thlrteexta.
ik. C Broaium:, CS IxmruKf.
A. Buenler, ill Chicago.
W. M. Hoyer, 717 boutn ThIrty-firat.
' F. (i. Bou, 2nJS lttka
Carl Cai'isoii. C1 Gold.
. Cuiht, t. umlug.
Chrto lmrr. Jr.. nr aouih Eighth.
Aucy itw. Ten in and Farotm.
TlKima i'lvnn. fifteenth ana Center.
John Fox. .IV North Tweniy-Cf lb, buutk
Jiitio FlUgerald. Zu!T O. South Omaha.
Uui Hartinau, Miliurd
Albert HeuelrK k. Hoc Clark.
Oeorge V . La Kollette, Ciitieon.
t . lymi. North 7 Dt -eighth.
W. M M urdock X,'. Chicagu.
Jos Matidervtlle. Tbirurtu. between H
and (1. ttoutb Obiuha.
H 1 1. Neetey ;;T1 HamflKm.
mk-x C 'lander ICSU North Ta-enty-seeond.
liarrr hu'lmnn, S0 Sherman avenue.
Joejh tomonek. 13:7 South Twelfth.
F C. V hlte. SdH Cuming
George 'Whitehead. S&Jt South Twsnty-tounk
Biraaurd Jskassa featrem (bat
Tried a Bab Matarsaaa aad
It took less than an hour to dispose of
tbs day's work mapped out for the crim
inal .session of tbe district raurt. Richard
Johnson, whs was ta nave been tried for
having held up and rat bed the motor-mac
and oonduotor of an electric car last fall,
with two confederate, changed bis mind
at the last minute and entered a plea of
guilty. John Brown, colored, who broke
into a 'Wabuab car that a-as standing on
the track and secured less than CM) worth
of plunder fur his pains, also acknowledged
his guilt and was given six months In the
county JalL Seven minor ases that have
been on the docket for many month were
dismissed by ths county attorney. The
next trial of any importance or Interest
will be that of Isaac Chambers, a colored
man. who ia charged with having killed
i. is iiroiner, Joseph, with a knlle, in a
drunken Quarrel, at tbe Ites Moines botel
in South Omaha, last fall. Henry Foster.
another alleged murderer, will be tried the
following week. Foster is charged ait fa
having shot a Vniun Pacific watchman
tiamsd Gentleman when the latter caught
hint stealing coal from one of the com
pany's cars last winter.
Aaaaaaremeats af tbe Theaters.
"his evening at the Boyd theater Vr.
William Faveraham, purported by Mis
Julie Opp and a specially selected com
pany under the direction of Charles Frob
snan, will present "Xrd and Lady Algy,"
comedy that has been xnast suooessful
m London. New Tork and elsewhere. Mr
Faveraham has Dot been seem In Omaha for
number of years, and Miss Opp la a
stranger to us In all but name, but the
reception that fcas been given them else
where warrants the expectation of some
thing unusually good. Manager Burgess
esteems It one of the most Important en
gagement of the season.
,"Pars!fal" In concert form, given by tbe
New Tork Symphony orchestra, under tbe
direction of "Walter ramroech, win be th
offering at tbe Boyd next Monday evening.
Lasym 111 Deeide araetker te aaa
o saeeeei Baxter
aa Bears.
A call for a meeting of tbs Omaha Bar
association bas been issued for Saturday
afternona st t o'clock, la district court
mora No. L for the purpose of determin
ing whether or nut a recomtnendatloa
should be made to tbs governor concerning
tbs filing of tbs vacancy soon ts be mads
cm the district bench by tbe resignation of
Jndgs Irving F. Baxter. If tbe associa
tion derides that such a rsonmmendatlnn
to sdviaabia. one will be made st tbs
aneetlng. All tbe members rf tbe bar of
ths Fourth Judicial district ar invited to
awrtuupaut la tbe meeting. Governor Sav
age once asked an expression from tbe bar
aad acted on its reroramendatioa of Judge
Baad. but no other governor bas set tbs
U72 &sd79Tttrsf lp
TsMlavaa Imenadlatarfv rtdl CurtsJ
Quickly artth Drmkm'u
Palmetto Win a.
Mr. Qea IT. peluta, 7 years of ar. Akron.
Mum., wrtwv Fur siaur Mars I save bsoa
grsatlT traumas vita C b runic "-tl'inlis and
iaitiicbt M a a beiv tar ski. 1 aav m4
wnir Uirse kaum al laraae'a Palaieus a uis
auk re. 1 1 H that 1 save as irtuiua trua Ootisi,t
vauua aad Scum s ear u assursa. Irfcr s
iSjeD Wiue aa aoa lur aas vast all t -r
tamndta taiisd to aa .
b 1 aLiuciik t years at age. H FVess FA,
Nrs UmOiura. Mia. wriaes: 1 bad La Grroee.
vtiirh tot ai aiia severs (atarrk staemis
ataaiuraa all larourh suy buo'-. a vwt bard
suuf k aaebU)ga. iuarjrsaai aud b-flssisiat-tis
ml mua ihuhoi amw. an ax suflue-
iuv vers as-ias I aa Utliia itraar fsi
aaeta a uas; av sm4 ios i in n as
1m aaHani t auui ever w I Oifl tun buss
as evsr Um ss asll aa I a aoa sag bs great
emu. as nus aast 1 luuna a1 x-b a aua4aj
atcoioiu a Iwaar a Panniis TA uaa
A m kutu vili as su prstald tmrnff
a t lum faaua Cow itrase avk, f
iisy Aa. A ssa ami arwst aae n
Maaeg Caaaaters Hart
THeir Aaaaal tessiaas
Dates set far
La taa
Ths annual group meetmgs af tbe nlna
dlrlalons of tle Nebraska Stat Bankers'
asseciatioo will be held to ths Imroedlsts
future. Group No. will meet in Alma,
April IS. Qroup Na. I, In Fremont Thurs
day and Friday, April 3 and ZZ. and No. I
bold its meeting April C In Harvard
Arbor day is popular with the money men
and several of tbe meeting are probably
ts ooma on that data. Secretary Wymaa
of tbe state association will be unable to
attend these meetings, but Omaha bankers
are la tbe custom of gaing ta all of them
a means uf getting to touch with their
country correspondents Trie bunkers get
together st tbe group meetings, bear re
ports of th year's condition from all towns
to their territory, discuss aU sorts off
ful shop and end up with a dinner.
J ales de kgrrsaa, Wae rii aasea.
Is Seat ta reaiteartarr
IMMrtet rft,
Julius Count, otherwise known as Count
Jules de Agrenaff. recently convicted in
tbe district court of issuing a forged rberk
on which Home Miller, proprietar of ths
Millard botel, paid tbe freight, came up to
the district court for sentence late Thurs
day afternoon.
"The Count." as be was familiarly
known about town, was fsulUeasly attired
to a cutaway coat, whit vest and creased
trousers. He could think of ns reason why
tbe sentence of the court should not t
passed upon him and Judge Hay accord
tngte gave bin a year and a half to tbs
penllrntlrry at Lincoln, all of which be
took with a smile.
BV K Veddmg Kuiga fctmorm. Jews
Sea af Seaater aad Dragktrr ef
wttraseaa Begaa ktavesbla
la Cbllebood.
Mias Nellie Cotter of thl city, who was
married to Clarence Thurston, son of for
mer Senator John M. Thurston, at the
Cathedral chuiKsl, St- Louia. Tues
day, is tbe daughter of William H.
Cotter, 2t North Seventeenth street. Mr.
Cotter is employed by the Chicago, St. Paul.
Minneapolis A Omaha railroad aa pwitch
nian. Miss Cotter is Zi year of age and
attended tlie Omaha High school for a
numtier of years.
during tlie residence In of Sen
ator Thurston tbe young people attended
school together when but mere children,
and it was then tlie bond of affection was
formed between them. Toung Thurston ha
but recently been graduated from college.
Tonight at Kountxe Memorial church Mr.
Wm. Honnedy win deliver his famous lec
ture, "Through Scotland with Scott." Ad
mission, Zc.
Hat Springs. Ark..
The Missouri Psclflr win sell round trip
tickets at one tare, plus XZ. On sale April
ID and 13; limit nf tickets, 10 day. For In
formation call city iffice, S. E. corner ltb
and Douglas sts.
beaeaska Haaaaae Saekety Offers Fifty
Dollars Bevrard far Coavirriea
af Cvtity Perse a.
A reward of ao0 for the arrest and con
viction of any per oe flocking horses to the
state of Nebrar.ka, bus been put up by tlie
Nebraska Humane society. Tbe members
of tbe Omaha branch of the association
learned that In some place to tbe stats
horses were iieing docked in defiance of th
law forbidding this practice. So tbe reward
was offered.
The society Is elated over the recent de
cision of the Colorado supreme court hold
ing ttial the Colorado anti-docking law is
constitutional. Thi is believed to lie the
first decision on such a law and to form a
pieoedent for tlie Nebraska and Iowa su
preme courts in caae of litigation.
They were tlie liorw
tUnl Fwaro. across tlie
river to pet a rint'.
13 (i a they remind one nf
tlie niun v bo jia? "fauc?
j'riees" 1'e'aiune be want
TetJ Xnplifb worKted."
wiy, when lie eonld pel It
here, pet it with lis much
stvtiprer ft vie, us flaw
less fit snd ns pur satis
faction wim into It a till
pet it lit our nje-Uerule
Wonder If that rann
will tent thi claim by
ha vine ns make him a
MacCnniy Birlieu
Frock, the gntt that make
"the Inifis" look more likr
a nos pives a distlD
puishinp txmch to your at
tire without reiifleriup. it
loo forma for business
wen r-$35.00 lo M0. 00.
"Wouldn't you. if you
were h J
MacCarthy Tailorin-;
l-tn a lets t..
Nsxt door ts
Wabash Tickst Offisa
At Special Price
rri1ar vou can lnr a prEtiine
CrareD-1te IJincost, tlit i
wonb ir.(Hl, fr
$10.00 .
Evpry one Las the trade mark
stamped on earn parmfnt to
injure ron of it bcinjr abso
lutely penning. Thej come in a
prvat variety of different "olr
and jiatterns. Cut lonp and
)HMse. Some "with belt, other
jlain. TLey are today's uidrt
fashionable pannentB for rain
or c-hine. This is a special lot
that "we invite your attention
to, as they were bought tinder
price. Worth $15.00 for flO.
D 0
?. J J ,
. t ' i 1
Stewart & Beaton
1315-17-19 Farnam Street
A Novelty In
Coming Events
Cas Shadows
Our sale of IRON BIDS
ni l be a TOTAL ECUPSE
-.sit OV&-
Buggies, Carriages
and Wagons
FUteentb maA Copttol Ave.
ry Bunds;
rntist a-ith well -establlsm-d practica ia
an CKrellrnt location In Bse builcLnc ia
slrf!s rentlenian to share office, preferably
physician. Address. li SE. Bee offlee.
Horses clipped 217 S. Fourteenth. Tel. K
Italia ar Katea aaa frrssasls.
r Burley. assistant sutisrintendent of the
Bock Island at Fairtiurj'. 1 in toa-n.
E. Hill, traveling passenrer fcirent of
tlie lx-h:eh Vahey at Ctiicaca, is iu tits
"W. J. Gllksrson. western passonFer arart
of tbe Grand Trunk in Chicago, is lr ths
X. B. Bmlth. asalstaat fmbnni fretrht
aaent of ttis B. a M.. lias returned Iruia
Gsorce P-. BidwelL srenoral manaser of
the Nebraska and M vomitis; OIvisiud uf tlis
urtcaisirn, iuts sune to c.tucasu.
C L. axiniax, central paasencer apeot of
ths I'niuD pacUlic nus Murmo tumit- after
ix!iidxiia alniut one mouth iii Cliicaca.
All railroad men report tbe freiftit buta-
neas lncrnssiiis uurii tbs past m-k. V
to ftaturoav lust svervuunc in tbe treisTBi aa very aull, but tbe oiet;!n up of
SiiritiK has bad a very rood enact upon
many uns 01 nusuieas and una tias aum-
uiatod sluiiinnc.
3 ilm E. 1 tt. iie nealy appointed roueral
atnit of the h Island fur Keuraafca, bus
just returnra frim i -n ii., a liere lie
went u look sfler tbe lULerssts of bis
c imj tt.y. "hile in Luipoln Mr. I'tt wa
lendued a banquet by some of tlie ituui
iuf memtter i.f tbe Commercial club of
tiist city.
S O. f ark burst, wbs Is to sunoeed George
T. Thomas as arcnerhl afent fur the Great
V esinrn m tuis cuv. is in innana lnupscUiiC
the terminals if Lbs com)iaiiy a-iLb tt. A.
tioooell. general superlnleiident af tlMr
oompai.y Mr. Faitburst is st prsasnt
SjMUfLkiil rnierai treirnt apeut of tbe
Great "W eetern st Fort lsit.
Genera) lnuuifiY Milter and General Bu
perli.ieiioeni li(klm of tbe KoiA lslKSd
a-!ll arrive in miana this sftemrwm troni
the east over tbeir line. They will iiav
wltb tliem a party of nunur officials. The
party will I in a private ear and is maaibf
a trip throurb the west fur tbe purpe af
insjiertiii tbe lines of the system. It wa
reMirted Uiat ll would arrive at l.Jk Uus
IK OK urn.
Oar IOjOO Iraa sesa. Call stse tar
a( str fAm li-aa Veaa, f sU
f r Z.4l.
fusad our sradal "ad" twai
Wednesday tn Tbs Bea. E DAT
re srtll srU ssr aWiisB
.acl eaaraea far t&ja.
1-3 la.
far &.
S la. all
aUlasrs (aa
nus' tiLC
all (oatae-r
XXX saUty
IKtat K rtlAAWa.
ataau Is, far a,
XZsJUi Lark, far Mse.
Xrir Ura, far Z&a.
Pssry Crtratal wtllawa,
-ad Tte.
Kola (rfirni tra . . . .
Set af Teeth teaai ...
We are here ta stsy.
. .,
. . .,
TaaasT Meaw fit rial la a asssrlatiaa
Stay srsa Cas Teat taa tar
lew Si aa.
Tbe committ e bsrinc In chars; the se
lection of a secretary for tbe Tounc Men's
Christian association met and adjoumnd
without dome anytbinc; further than hear- !
In a uvmlwr of letters read by Chairman '
Gilmors. It If said to be now probable !
that nothing will be done in thl direction '
un.J after the international association j
convention in Buffalo May t. A delegation ;
from Omaha will then cro east with Mr.
Willis and meet tlie men who ar cathereu"
Ts the dedication of the Chadroa Railway
association buildlnc several Omaha men '
te tiJse part in tbe program which taepns
Friday and conclude Sunday. In tbe
Work done free
FmaTl rhu
from 2uc
Miller, Stewart & Beaton
rrrf for tnBt!riiil
Ihiu(iu. Knoa 4.
Steamship Tickets
Tn snd from Europe on Enrllsh. German and Scandinavian lines. Bis; raductiua
In steerace rates on bcandlnariari Prejalas.
We also issue dralts and money orders on foreign countries.
asarasBBBBSBBxaaBBQ JjJJjJJjBfiy.
f I II I
DUmond Rin
For Menstrua! Suppreasion T.
Sf HI. feasaa S Mb
Ta points ta Minnesota, North Itakota.
Manitoba. Ontario, fiaaaatcnewaa and As-
ainibota. Tlcfcsts aa aals by ths Cbicaa
Orsat Western railway every Tuesday la
lt-a and April. For furtbsr tnf urmatloa
tpftty ta Gaoraa F. Tbasuaa. aansral acsat.
HJX Famas street. Omaha, Keh.
KOKS'id Kathleaa M.. Wednesday. April
C aed M years wife of A. C kau(, at
rMioiMic lw nutn Teuiy-a.Ln t-1 . 4
Vunal at -nd taiaha, , Jnaay
hliatsaia, AsWa 4
ySpring Coniv I
f- I Jia. Jr Far tbs t uraaoe, baseburnei ' B
T4 I jf y.:7 aad heater uas Bpadra oual W.
1 I 1 r JT It a aa Arkansas antnractts ooal SiV B
5 V4fl -i) firs caa be perfsctly controlled wbi B
f'--'? y hold fir tor U houra B
i S9.00 Per Ton I
Ji Lasts as Ions' as Fnnr1-aaia coal and B
1 a X oosts d per ton less money. Try it at.rt fY
J V you wtil use It ali Uirouh tbe neat At U
I wlatsr. AY
tmmJ tl TaL M-sT)-&. ' ?y
How to get
a good book
Every one placing a Want Ad in The Bee on Saturday,
April 9, under the classifications For Rent Rooms, Help
Wanted, For Sale Miscellaneous, Personal, Wanted to Buy,
or Wanted to Rent, will be presented with one of the books
on the list below.
These books are bound in cloth, well made and well
printed. They are selected from the best literature of the
century and are a fit foundation for any library.
Your Choice of Twelve Titles
51 af aria tj Erans
Lorna Dooce by BLatkmore
l'ar From tbe M adding Crowd. . .
by Tb(M. Hardy
Lfist Iters of Pomieii. . .bj Lytton
What Would You lo, Lore
by Mary J. Ilolme
Ifehmael br Southwonh
An Enfilifcb. Woman Iyive Letters.
TLe Three iuarduen. Domat
Idle Thought by an Idle Fellow.
by J. K- Jerome
All Aboard by Olirer Optic
Zoe by Author of Laddie
HamantLa at Saratora
."by Ilollej
Bee Readers Answer Bee Want Ads.
On cant J
ar Sundaj.
on ahov
per Insertion. Dally
claasl.eatians. Ns
far less tbaa V
Bee Office