Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 07, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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firls Mill grogs.
I.enert' iluin fit.
fttoekert sells carpels.
Thai Faust cigar. cents.
Peterson, gun and locksmith, '?n E'y.
For rent, modern house. 71 Sixth sve.
Taints, oils snd glass. Morgan at Dickey.
Picture frames triad" to or.J r. C L.
Alexander & Co., g.i Hrond-aay.
For wall papering, p.i:ntinar, piettre fram
ing, see Hojuck, 'ul M Un at. i'none A-tt".
Devon's mliteJ paints. Morvnn LilcKry.
Ladles' Social eltib dance. Battirday 9. nt
Woodmen of the W orld hall. Harrington a
August A. Kavan and Anna Thomwn,
both of Mlnden, la., were married In this
city yesterday by Justice Ouren.
A building permit was Issued yesterday
to W. r Plunkett for a H.ftsJ two-story
frame cottage at 70S East 1'lerce street.
The Board of Kducatlon will meet tonight
to arrange for the building of the audition
to the ikvenue 11 achool, for wnlch i,MI
was voted at the recent school election.
The aid society of the Woman's Kelltf
corpa will mi-et Friday afternoon at tne
home of Mis. C. ti. Warren, o Houin
Hixth street.
Mrs. Iewlc Hammer will entirtahi the
members and tiliinln of urace Kpircopal
church this nfternoon at a keiiahisiou at
hi r home on Kant liroadtaay.
Robert Worley, n fjrmcr of Wave
land township, Pottawattamie county, lias
tiled a volinttar) petition In banm upicy,
wlih liabilities of .l.JM.lJ anu aaseta of
na youi- carptis t .kcn up, denned snd
leiaid by inoJern nietuoa. ulu carpi is
made Into liui.usoma Co. null it.uCLi
carpet Cleaning Co i!4 . .oitu .a.n street.
'Phone 618.
A. B. Moore, manager of Mooic's Stock
1 1 nd compan, was ki isciI with u i-lioAe of
rurslynlB Inst evening at ms boine, M
It i n avenue, mm ms ronultlun was le
tortxl to be critical In the extreme.
The patronesses for the high school cadet
hop 1-rlOuy nlant ut Hoy hi Arcanum hall
aie Mrs. '1 nomas Metcalt. Mrs. H. H. Van
llrunt. Mrs. tied H. liavls, Mrs. Victor K.
Mender, Mrs. Freeman I.. Heed and Mrs.
J. F, Wilcox. .Miss Frances Uailey and
Miss ilelen Dudley will preside nt tne
punch uowl. The cadets will alau give an
exhibition drill.
Mrs. Kachel Fulmer, aged K7 years, died
at a lute hour Tuesday night at her leal
dence, s)("U Fifth avenue, bhe leaves three
daughters, Mrs. Ueorge Stielhorn of this
Uty, Mrs. Frank Pltsor of Ktauton, Nelv,
and Mrs. l.aura ImnuMi of Lynch, Neb.,
and one son, John K. Fulmer of Columbus,
Neb. The funeral will be held Friday
afternoon at 1 :;m o'clock from Ht. Johns
Kngllsh Lutheran church and burial will
be in Walnut Hill cemetery.
Mrs. Mary K. Btorra, wife of H. R.
Btnrra, died yesterday morning at her
home, b'iS Madison avenue, aged St years,
ltesidcs her husband three Run. A. L. and
Ueorge A. of Cedar Rapids. Neb., W. R. of
this city and four daughters, Mrs. V. -Harcnurt
of Grand Haplds, Mich., Mrs.
Frank Bcofleld of Carson, la., and Flor
ence and M.ible, teachera In the Council
muffs schools, survive her. Services will
be held this morning at Jl:30 ut the resi
dence, conducted by ttev. V. N. Graves of
the Fifth Avenue Methodist church, srter
whlrh the remains will be takeno Carson,
where the funeral will be hela from the
Methodist church.
Plumbfrg and heating Blxby St Boa.
Board of supervisors.
The board of county supervisors held
but a short session yesterday morning, ad
journing to go to Garner township to look
Into some road matters.
The contract with the Bisters of Mercy
In charge of St Bernard's and Mercy hos
pitals for the care of paupers was re
newed for another year. Under the con
tract the county pay IS a week for the
care of alck patients and 12 a week for
ths care of paupers.
The purchase by Supervisor Bullls lor
ths poor farm of 150 apple, ten peach, ten
Ilum and ten cherry trees, 200 raspberry
and 300 blackberry bushes and 1,000 straw
berry plants was approved.
The auditor was directed to cancel a
school fund mortgage given by Jeremiah
U. Folsom and wife In 1862 for (160, but
which through some error had never been
released, although satisfied many years
H- T. Plumbing Co. Tel. ISO; night, F-M7.
New Police Force in Charge,
Chief Richmond and the new police force
took hold yesterday morning and fur awhile
the city will be patrolled with plain clothes
officers whose only distinguishing mark will
be their official stars. Major Richmond
announced that he had apppinted William
Busse, a former member of the police force
under Mayor Morgan, as night captain.
This Is the day detail: James Nlcoll,
tesk sergeant; Charles Crum, deputy pity
marshal; Charles Plainer, patrol driver;
Smith, Btelnhofet and Wood, patrolmen.
B. B. lentler Is night desk sergeant and
for the present the detail will be Thomas
Gallagher, John ONell, J. U Smith and
James Larkln, the last two being "spe
cials," to serve until the mayor snakes the
remaining appointments.
Fire Drill at Schools.
The pupils at the Washington avenue
school were put through a nre drill yes
terday afternoon under the direction of
Chief Templeton. This school, which con
tains 750 pupils, was emptied In one minute
and fifty seconds In perfect order. At the
Bloomer school with 600 pupils the build'
Ing was emptied In one minute and thirty'
five seconds. At the Pierce street school
the 500 pupils were out of the building In
forty seconds after the tap of the bell
At the Twentieth avenue school It required
but fifty seconds for the 560 pupils to gain
the street In perfect order. At the Second
avenue school 400 pupils took fifty-five
seconds to leave the building.
Real Estate Transfers.
These transfers were reported to The Bee
April f by the sbstracl, title and loan office.
Of Squire A Annls, 101 Pearl street:
Lrftulsa Luchow and husband to I.lllle
Huber, southerly 40 feet lot 18, block
1, Voorhls add., w. d $
sjeorga vr , x)reii ana wile lo t . J
Day, lot , olock 31, Everett's add.,
q. c. d
First Congregational church of Avoca
to Bertha eVhurmsnn, north 10 fet
lot . block 40, Allen A Cook's add..
Avoca, w. d
The Tootle estate to Erik Englund,
lot 1. block . Hall a add., w. d
W. D. Bollinger and wife to Samuel
and Alice Iwvis. lots 1 and 2, block
i. Terwllllger's add., w. d
Five transfers, total
.$ l.tes
Marriage Licenses.
Ucenses to wed were Issued yesterday to
the following:
Name and Residence. Age.
August a. nuven. simaen. la
Anna Thomsen, Mlnden, la 24
(lui Benson, Omaha
Antonia l.snk. Omaha
David Cole. South Omaha :.
Emma Bates, South Omaha
We are closing out our t-f ycle r'nek and
r you warn to purchase a aneel fcee us be
lore buying. v also sen drays, deliver
wagons, milk wagons, etc
I lOO goath Mala Street.
David Bradloy & Co.
1. OmtacU Hiulla,
Eoldi Special slee'inj to Appro? Bond of
rire Chief Nitholijn.
Completes the Work at Tnt Sessions,
Making; Only Use Change la the
Retaras of City Assessor
The city council held a short special ses
sion yesterday afternoon for the purpose of
acting upon the official bond of Charles
Nicholson, the newly appointed chief of
the fire department. The bond, which was
In the sum of 12,000 and furnished by an
eastern bonding company, was duly ap
proved and Chief Nicholson assumed charge
of the depaitment Immediately after.
Some changes In the department sre
looked for although It Is declared they will
not be for political reusons. It Is no secret
that several men nre slated for retirement
and excuses or reasons for their retiring
will not be found wnnting.
Chief Nicholson, In discussing the sub
ject of contemplated changes in his depart
ment, said yestcrduy: "Members of the
department are not supposed to take nn
active part In politics, the department hav
ing been considered uhder civil service
rules for many years. Firemen should
hold their places for efficiency, but they
must pay their bills. A number of bust
nea men have complained to me that some
members of the department will not pay
their Just oblisatlons and this Is something
as chief I will not tolerate. Some changes
for this reason may be looked for."
Quirk Work on Equalisation.
The new city council Is believed to have
established1 a record by completing Its work
as a Board of Equalisation In two sessions.
Tbls was accomplished by the aldermen
yesterday afternoon ucceptlng the personal
property assessment as made by City As
sessor Everest without ordering any
Although the totals have not been en
tirely completed, Assessor Everest stated
at the close of the meeting of the Board
of Equalization yesterduy. afternoon that
the assessment of personal property for
this year would amount to a little over
f.1,000,000 or an Increase of between 1126,000
and $150,000 , over that of last year. The
Increase Is due chiefly to new buildings.
For 1902 the personal property assessment
was I2.607.1M, and for 1903, $2,876,360.
Ferdinand Wei objected to being assessed
In the city, claiming that his residence
was In Garner township. Mr. Everest had
assessed him at $14,000, It having been
shown that Mr. Wels registered last Novem
ber In the First precinct of the Fourth
ward as a voter. At the session of the
board Tuesday the aldermen voted to allow
the assessment to stand, but yesterday Mr,
Wels submitted an affidavit of his residence
In Garner township and the aldermen res
cinded their action and the assessment was
cancelled. . ' ' -
In the esse of Cat Har,, the lumber
man, the assessment wsrs Increased from
$12,000 to $15,000, but subsequently the mat
ter was compromised by Mr. Wafer agree-
ng to an r.ssessment of $14,000,' and Mr.
Everest corrected his books to. this figure.
This crrangoment obviated the board or
dering the change.
Asks Commercial Clnb to Assist City
Mayor Macrae addressed the directors of
the Commercial club at their meeting last
night on the question of generally lmprov-
Ing the appearance of the city and par
ticularly pn cleaning the streets. The
amount appropriated for the streets and
alleys committee he said, was insufficient
to cover the entire city, but that the work
of keeping the streets clean could be greatly
assisted If the cltlsens would lend their co
operation. Three-fourths of the dirt on
the streets, he claimed, was caused through
the carelessness and thoughtlessness of the
people who persistently swept all kinds of
rubbish onto them. At the clost of his ad
dress the directors adopted a resolution
promising the moral and physical support
of the Commercial club to the city authori
ties In their effort to clean the streets.
The subject of nn independent telephone
system for Council Bluffs was brought up
and discussed and a resolution declaring It
the sense of the club that an Independent
telephone company be encouraged to seek
an entry Into the city was adopted.
Mayor Macrae Invited the club to make
any suggestions and recommendations for
the benefit of the city It might deem proper.
and promised that the other city officers
would give them proper consideration.
Announcement was made that the bill
appropriating $256,000 for ths State School
Tor the Deaf had passed both .nouses ana
now only awaited the signature of Governor
The report of Secretary Reed showed that
the club' membership on April 1 was 175
and that the balunce In the treasury was
$1,861.71. During March the receipts were
$4o5. The meeting was well attended.
Board Has Money This
Year to Do
Soma Work.
The Board of Park Commissioners at Its
meeting last night decided to carry out
a number of Improvements In. the aeveral
parks this year which, owing to the ex
penses attendant on the litigation In which
the board was Involved It was unable to
make last year.
The south section of Baylies park will
be filled and brought to grade and the
fountain' rebronsed. At Falrmount park
the bandstand and other buildings will be
repainted snd '-00 trees will be planted
along the driveways on the bluff. The
artificial lake and fountain In the horse
shoe bend will receive a new cement lining,
At Lakevlew park considerable grading
will be done, a new bridge built over ths
slough and water connections made. Pros
pect park on Harrison street will be fenced
August Bereshelm waa elected treasurer
in place of City Treasurer True. A large
number of applications for the positions
of park policemen have been received by
the board, but It was decided last night
to defer making the appointments until
next month. In the meantime the present
employes will continue q act.
The salaries of the par pbilcemen were
fixed as follows: At Falrmount park. $4t;
BaylUs park. $50; Cochran park. $40; Lake
view park. $15. W. Kraat Is the present
caretaker of Bayllss and Cochran parks,
while C. Johnson has charge at Falrmount
park and C. Whltainre at Lakevlew park.
Laborers employed by the month will re
ceive $W a month, while those employed
by tbe day will be pajd $10 a day;
The board speat the afternoon driving
through ths diXfsrtnt parks with a view
of determining the Improvements needed.
The board will meet next Tuesday night.
Will Present Their Claims to the Om
rers of Motor Company.
The West End Improvement club Is agi
tating the question of redured motor fares
between Council Bluffs and Omaha, and
the motor company will be asked ti make
certain concessions. No change in the
existing fare of 10 cents for a single ride
will be asked, but the company lll be
asked to Issue commutation books con
taining fifty-four trip tickets for $2.70. or 5
cents a trip, for the exclusive use of the
purchaser and to be good only for the
current month for which they are Issued,
there to be no refund If book Is not used In
Its entirety during the month. At present
the company Issues commutation books
containing thirty tickets at $1.50, goed for
thirty days from date of Issue. The com
pany will also be asked to make a 6-cent
rate for the benefit of families or parties
by Issuing commutation books of ten or
twenty-five tickets for SO cents and $1 50 re
spectively, such books to be usable by one
or more persons.
The West Enders will also urge the motor
company to connect Its Fifth avenue line
and the .main line on Avenue A by a line
passing by Cochran park and the box fac
tory. This, it Is urged, will give a direct
line from Omaha to the 1'nlon Pacific
Transfer depot and from the depot to
Omaha without compelling passengers to
go round through the city.
These matters sre In the hands of a com
mittee, which will report at the regular
meeting of the West' End Improvement
club this evening. The meeting promises
to be an Interesting one, as several or the
new city officials have promised to he pres
ent and address the members. The meet
ing will be held as usual In the county
budding at the corner of Twenty-fourth
street and Avenue B.
Mrs. Ellen Casady Dead.
Mrs. Ellen M. Casady, wife of James N.
Casady, died last fenlng at her homo on
Vine street, nged 89 years. Besides her
husband, one son, James N. Casady, Jr.,
living In Kansas City, survives her. Mrs.
Casady had been a resident of Council
Bluffs since 1850, coming here In that year
from Weston. Mo., with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Joiner, who were rrominent in
the earlier history of this city. Arrange
ments for the funeral will be made on the
arrival of the son from Kansas City and
of the nephew, Simon Casady, from Des
Not a Success as Holdup.
GRAETTINOER, la., April . (Special.)
Instead of a ransom of $1,000 which It is
charged he demanded In an anonymous
letter to Jacob A. Spies, a wealthy lumber
dealer, H. N. Deeter, a farmer residing
near here, received a shot from a deputy
sheriff's pistol which will undoubtedly re
sult In his death. The letter was received
some time ago Upon the date mentioned
a "phony" package was concealed in the
place Indicated and a deputy sheriff des
patched to watch developments. Deeter
appeared at an early hour and thrust his
hand In the stacker for the package. When
he did not halt the officer fired. No ar
rests have been made.
Tsiic Man Commits Suicide,
OTTUMWA, la., April . (Special.)
Percy Mlddleton, a prominent young man
of Bonaparte, was found ilead In a barn
here Tuesday evening with a revolver in
his hand and a bullet In his brain. Mld
dleton was 23 years of age and leaves a
young wife and two little children. Shortly
before he killed himself he met a friend
and, confiding a ffeltng of melancholy.
begged him to care for his grave In case
'anything happened.
Temperance L-ctnrer Falls.
CLINTON, la.. April .-(Speclal Tele
gram.) M. L. HofTs tetter of Des Moines,
noted as a temperance lecturer, who de
livered an address here Sunday night at
the First Baptist church, spent last night
In Jail and this morning pleaded guilty
to the charge of Intoxication.
A Good Medicine for Children.
In buying a cough medicine for children
never be afraid to buy Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. There la no danger from
It and relief Is always sure to follow. It Is
reliable, pleasant and safe.
Bam'l Burns Is selling "LJbby" cut glass
sugar bowls, $1.60.
Pair and Colder for Eastern Nebraska,
with Showers la - Western
Part of State.
WASHINGTON, April (..-Forecast for
Thursday and Friday:
For Nebraaka Fair and colder In west,
with showers and colder in east portion
Thursday; Friday, fair and warmer In west
For Iowa Showers Thursday and cooler
in extreme west portion; Friday, fair.
For Kansas Showers and colder Thurs
day; Friday, fair.
For Wyoming Fair Thursday; Friday,
fair and warmer.
For Missouri Showers Thursday; Friday,
genet ally fair.
For South Dakota Fair In west, rain in
east portion Thursday, followed by clear
ing; colder In central and eastern portions;
Friday, fair and warmer.
Local Record.
OMAHA, April Official record of tem
perature and precipitation compared with
the corresponding day of the last three
1S04. lWi. 190J. 1901
Maximum temperature... H 65 69 48
Minimum temperature.... 38 41 38 SB
Mean temperature 6.1 48 4H 43
Precipitation 00 T .00 .oO
Record of temperature and precipitation
at Omaha for this day and since March 1,
Normal temperature
Excess for the day
Total excess since March
Normal precipitation
Deficiency for tbe day ..
Total rainfall sines March
Deficiency since March 1.,
. .0ft Inch
. .09 Inch
.1.36 Inches
.64 Inch
1.42 inches
Deficiency for cor. period,
Deficiency for cor. period,
Report of Stations
I.. 1.12 inches
T P. M.
I 33 S.
CONDITI6N of the ? I 3 I
W EATlIliR. : S h 5
I : ; v 8
Omaha, cloudy 1 621 6s .00
Valentine, eloudy ...1 61 ! .W
North Platte, partly fioudy su 7n .f.l
Cheyenne, cloudy ...L .... 341 b T
Salt l.ka City, clear 44 4! T
Rapid City cloudy . 40 ' .(Hi
Huron, raining tV su! .04
Wllllaton. raining Si 4 .
Chicago, partly iloudj fcj bni T
St. lxiuia, cloudy 6ri, &xl .00
St. Paul, cloudy 60. 62i .00
Davenport, clear ...f M 60 T
Kansas City, partly fioudy H l .00
Havre, cloudy 1 42 .00
Helena, partly clouv ! T
Bismarck, cloudy J 44 fci .On
Ualveston, partly cfudy vi 6S .01
T Indicates tracf of precipitation.
Ui WtLBk, rorscaster.
Honta Eilli ths Bill After a Lonj and
Spirited Discn-j'on.
Coal Operators Serve otlce that After
April 15 the "Open Shop" Prln
clple Will Apply In the
Iowa .Mines.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MulNES. April R.-(Spcclal.)-The
house tortu;- took up consideration of the
till to estab.iyh u State Hoard of Regents.
During the last two days some lively work
has been done lining up for and against
the bill, it secured all unexpectedly large
majority In the senate and when the house,
got hold of the bill It proceeded promptly
to place It on the calendar and make it a
special order for 2:.K) this nfternoon, evinc
ing a determination to push it through at
all hazards. The opponent of the bill com-
nifiiced to make headway against it and a
strong lobby appeared at once to light the
proposal. A start was made today In an
effort to get It Into factional politics
by claiming It would bo dangerous
for the present governor to nppotnt the
members of the llrst board and therefore
that In Justice lo the Institutions the board
should be made elective. But at 2:30 this
nfternoon the bill was taken up in the
house and nt once a hot debate was precipi
tated, Joined In by most of the strong
members of the house.
The debate for the bill was opened by
Mr. Jones of Montgomery rrunty, who
pointed out the weakness of the present
fcystem and the necessity for some Improve
ment to place the educational Institutions
on a better basis.
Mr. Hart of Allamakee county opposed
the bill in a. vlgorlus speech. Ho Insisted
that the bill fhoulil not be pushed through
hastily as the record shows that the senate
has proved an unsafe guide.
The bill was finally referred to the Ju
diciary committee. 50 to 41, and that com
mittee Immediately reported It for indefi
nite postponement with a recommendation
to r. - -7
T .if
lth and Chicago Streets. Omaha. Thones 747 and 797. 14th and N. Streets. South Omaha. Thone No. 1. '6th Avenue and Main
Street, Council Bluffs. Tliono 333. All goods delivered in either city absolutely free.
Mustang Liniment
Ia uava for over sixty jreavra.
Mustang Liniment
(Tares) Spavin and Ringbones
Mustang Liniment
mrsva tUi furxuat X iUisuuiAtUaiaai
tlat a Joint committee be named to ri-v
in It to the next legislature.
Consider Adjournment.
The house reconsidered the resolution to
adjourn at boon today anil fixed the date
for mum of next Saturday, but It Is row
regarded as certHln the legislature cannot
djoui n rt that time.
The j-iveiiile court Mil, which had passed
I the senate, tame up In the house anil was
j passed without a dissenting vote.
euate .Makes p propria! Ions.
; The senate today devoted Itself largely to
j appropi latl'his ,ind succeeded In spending
about $l.ntni,iuii. The following were amoirg
the bills finally passed in that body: For
state Institutions under the Board of Con
trol, jN.aiiO.siio; support of the Iowa National
Guard. $7-V0ii; state agent for Orphans'
Hume finding. ll.Oon; shelving and Interior
littinps for state storage. ;.(: visiting
committee expenses, $1.-47.115; lifll appro
priating $J.!i4ii for purchase of permanent
camp ground for National Guard.
The smnte passed a bill to regulate auto
mobiles and a bill for regulation of life In
surance policies.
I'nr'Jon Cases.
The pardon matter Is not quite wttlvd as
yet. Today the senate took up the i ppll
catlon of Frank Hall of Pottawattamie
county, passed on favorably by the house
yesterday, and acted upon It. The pardon
will be granted. The house took up the
only remaining case, that of Sarah Kuhn
of Keokuk county, and a spirited ibbate
followed. The committee had divided 7 to
11 on the case. The case was stated by
Chairman CummltiKS and addresses In
favor of the pardon were made by Repre
sentatives Delano, Geneva, Mott and
Hambleton. and the pardon resolution car
ried 60 to 2. It now goes to the senate and
tomorrow the senate will be nskert to re
verse itself on the questton of pardoning
the young woman.
Supreme Court Iccllons.
The supreme court decisions were:
(3. J. Coles against I'nlon Terminal Rail
way Company. appellant; Yoodhury
county, Judge Wakefield, afllrmed, opinion
by Bishop.
K. H. Strcetrr against City of Marshall
town, appellant; Marshall county, Judge
Caswell; affirmed, by ladd.
YV. H. Crooks, appellant, against S. V.
Smith-l'eterman : Boone county, Judge
Whltaker; affirmed, by Weaver.
li. P. Cotant against Boone Suburban
Railway Company, appellant; Boone
county, Judue Whltaker; affirmed, by
A. F. Groeltz, appellant, against N. O.
Armstrong: Benton county, Judge Burn
ham; reversed, by McClaln.
Matilda See against Wabash Railroad,
appellant; Appannoose county, JuiIko Rob
erts; reversed, by Sherwln.
Strike Troubles Ahead.
The coal miners In this district have
been given notice that after April 15
Some thirty Tears ago a Yankee chemist acicntidcally combined a
German and a French formula for preparing- a hair tonic, both of
blcn had been used, eucoessfully. for many year, and by taking the
l-est of each formula, he compoumlod a bair tonic far superior toelther
the German or the French tonlo. For a long time he bud been manu
facturing this wonderful Hair Growing Tonic, selling It at hla own
trug store and under bis own name. Muny of New York's wealthiest
citizens have purchased it at a high price and their voluntary tcstl
raonlals as to the merits of Its hair-growing and scalp-cleansing qual
ities are now on file at his office. Reverses came to him no that he
was oomielled to raise monev, and for quite a consideration be sold
the formula to the BE AL.-STRE1T CO.
Hairine Will Do Makes the Hair
Makes the Hair Orow.
Stops tbe Hair from Fulling
Cures all Diseases of the Scalp.
Ureateat Scalp Cleanser in the
Sure Cure for Dandruff.
Will Not Make the Hair Darker.
No Houaehold should Ba With
out It.
Result el Thirty Years of E
Beat Scalp Antiseptic In the
TtPuaands ol Testimonials at
Our Oitice.
Lowest Price for the Best HairTonic
''.'here Is absolutely no question but
I bat Hairlne' la positively toe oess
known antiseptic bair growing Kinio
In tbe world today. Noiwlthatand
Ing the fact that it is Terr expen
rlTfl to manufacture and has been
mlrl at a hlnber price, yet it is
r.owcflered to the public at prices
iii.t nlui.p it wlr.tiln tlie or ail.
We know full well that the general public will appreciate Ha'rme
SLd that 15 cents a bottle will conrlnce you of Its merits. 1 bus seen
that tbe small profit on the enormous sales at our low prices will more
than make up for the large protits usually made on proprietary articles.
On account of the coat of "Hairlne" and the extremely low Prices, we
cannot fill mall orders unless Are cents extra Is Inclosed with tpepric m.
You will aid us greatly if you will Insist on your drutgiat glliig it tor
you. Should he reluae to do so. send us his name atid a'ldreaik and we
will see that you are supplied. At all druggists. 15, 40 and 7 cu. -
We especially call the attention of people with blonde hair to tne 'act
that Halrtne la guaranteed to not darken the bair. as the 'LVtf
natural color of the properties used, therefore it cannot darken tne nair.
BEAL-STREIT CO., 79-81 Cortlandt St., New York
Drug Sales Co.. Cen'l Sales ARts.. 35 Randolph St., Chicago.
For sale locally by
AAustang Liniment
limber a up Stiff Joint.
Austang Liniment
(ic-neLratca to tlie very bono.
Mustang Liniment
Uwaa givut sMttlaXaotioaw
the coal mines will be open fur any kind
of labor that is offered and th it union
rules nill no longer govern. This Is be
lieved to be n part of ll slroiu pl iy by
the operators to force n comlusloti of the
cns at otu e iin.l to prevent the contin
uance of the waiting game. The miners In
I this district iWhue they will not stand
for the "open shop" principle at this time
and will not return to work with non
union men. The lm al labor troubles con
tinue In the building and other trader
and It Is expected tin re will be a con
tinuance for son,.- time if the attitude
of the opera tor N i Miitlnued.
Death line to lint Pin.
After but one week of happy betrothal
Mr. AI.el Battles or this city received
word that the .voumk lady of his choice
was dead. Two weeks ago Miss Geoigli
Anderson came to this city to meet her
lovrr mid then she left De Mone.4 with
the assurance that nt Christmas time the
wedding bells would ring right merrily nt
her home In Chicago. The two young
people lade each other an affprtltmrtte
gooiiliy at the Rock Island depot on her
departure for her home. In taking off
her hat an hour later Miss Andeison ner
vously pricked her finger with a hat pin.
She thought nothing of the Incident until
she arrived at Jollet, HI., when the pain
and swelling of the Injured finger caused
her to seek the advice of a physician. He
dressed the linger and assured her that
It was only a slight infection. On her
arrival home she grew rapidly worse nnd
before her lover could be telrgraphei for
shn had passed away.
Suit for Trn Thousand Dollars Brings
DENISON. Ia., April 6.-Spcclal Tele
gram.) The Exchange hank of Dow City
end the Bank of Buck Grove, both belong
ing to H. S. Green of Dow City, were yes
tetday placed in the bands of a receiver.
1. labilities, $21.ia; assets, $s5.0iifl. besides
".not. head of cattle and HOtl head of horses.
This action was taken as the result of a
suit by the Green Cattle company of Dow
City for $io,uiio.
Will ;ct ToRolher prll 11 to Settle
Strike If I'nsallile.
OSKAf,OOSA. Ia., April 6-An official
call was Issued from miners' headquarters
here for a Joint meeting of oprratirs and
miners on April 11, nt which it Is certain
some agreement will be tonched and the
differences between the miners and oper
ators satisfactorily adjusted. It Is pre
dicted that the 13,000 striking miners In
Iowa will be back at work wl a week.
Mustang Liniment
Beat for Homo ttllmenta.
Mustang Liniment
Dent for Cattle ailment.
Mustang Liniment
Boot for feueep ailmttaUa
M liro
v 1.11
irk flesdsfhe and rlif H ! troubles led
tient to a hili.u state of t. snirm. sue a Dis
r ness, Nn. , Drowsin-M, D.ttreM after sating,
rln ia the B ile. ht. While tbur most remark
abl sucrrM tint b a shows iu caring
H'Sdtche.jrt rarter'sLllllt Urn Villi are asll
7!ohl in Constipation, rinsf and prcrenting
tiet unnoring complaint, what titer alio correct
I disorder of ths iioroa-:li, stimnlste the llrer
sud tcgoiate toe ;. Jtiea it tu. y only cure
Arhs they wonld beslmoat piirrlrss to tos; whs
suffer from this distreaaitig romplsmt; bat fortu
oaielr tneir goodness doe not end hr, snd tnose
who once try them will Snd thtss little Pills vain
ehle Is so many ways that thrr will not be w WlSf,
to do w Ithost thrm. Bat after all tick oeM
la th bane of to tnanr lire that here ia where we
make cur treat boaat. Our ptllt curs It walls
ot he rt do not. .
I'arter't Litile LWer Pills sre rery tmall ssa
rrry easy to take. One or two niln make a foa
Thi-y are atrirtljr vrRftable snd do sot gripe or
, purge, kutbr their gentle action pljass allwJJ
1 uthetn. In ala at Mnia; Ue foril. BOM
ly iraggittt ercrywotre, er aent by M'i.
New York Cltjfr
Cr. Searles & Sf-irles
Omaha. N'cb.
Advice Free.
Lowest Charges.
Cures Guarantee J.
c.i res nil apeclal disease.
i t men - kidney, bladder
k!nl ilixcaies of worn en
cured for life, soon every sin
hwvii gymmom. aorc ou oihij, hi
mouth, tongue, throat, hair and eyebrows.
fa!)i:ijf' out) disappear completely forever.
VirVftofl lnlso TU-tured, enlarged and knot,
lauLUlB YBinS ly trim cured without cut-
t'ng, lhIh or loss of lime,, rsever iaus.
llui.'knst cure In the world.
UVaili Uorwnnc Uon from uxhnustlon, wast
lllidn, ncllUUa Weil IIK weakness nervou
dtfbilliy, early decline, lack of vigor and
strength. Treatment by mall. 14
Corner of Hth and Douglas streets.
ilv Oo
Track Railway
betwoen the
Missouri River
and Chicago.
UIVIAnA waff
Miwaiflcant aolld . llr train to Dmoaao. p".
mnt and drawln loOTi iaselns ears. Ilbranr. bu(ti
brbar. hath, lil;.honn, din ns ra snd obaarra'loa
rats, tlaotrlo IlithiaJ ihromhcul.
Pullman tourut tlMplci ot vod chM. aDl&laa
Pullman drawtnf room and Iprrtrt alaantns ears,
fraa raohnlns ohatr oars, bnBat librirr sad aneklaa)
Sara. lHnlDg- cara.
3fl an Pnlloianfraw,nsoomrplna'tra.tnffs
All IMaiif aud 111 rarf ears n frMrwIla-
If ID in Tkmuah asrvira Omaha to Obieaso
I ."ill AM KortlTWMtaln ataadard day oaobse
I.UU and fraa chair aara. Illn'aseara.
41T mi Fia "hair era to rh'.-.jn. Fallman
JTI FM slMpinsoarfnm AKiaitoCbl eto. flu-
J m iBgcrMvYlagbaaUat.
7 50 AM oh"toi r cm p,ir
fill Dtl F'aJtfman aa-vfrj cara, W
Oild m a. and t.aa ra.iu Idi hi. .
flat library
2rfl DU ToVran.-tt, I In ln,'ahio,riddi7,
,UU M York, lla.loil, r. ad, rara, Kav.
ror, Norfolk, jnm f.'na, rpr. .Mo Hprlnaa,
Ilaadwood and Iaacl. 1 briufh ravllnlns -lr aarai
pullTiiin alaapint car aervtte.
3flt IU To rremont. Mnealn. Wahoa, Narfolk.
,U3 'M Lona Pin., VardUra. ll?naatal fcid tba
ttabud Itriin lIMArvHlifin country.
1401 and 1403 Farnam Street.
Clitrges Leiimtn in oners
DR. ftlcGREW,
Treats all fnrnas ot Dlseaaes of
Twenty-eight Years' Experience.
Eighteen Years in Omaha;
The doctor's remarkable success has
never been aiualed. His ressurces and
facilities for treating this class of dlaeasso
kre unlimited and every day brings mi.n
flattering reports of the good he is doing
or the relief he has given.
Ail Blood Poisons. V 'BREAXINO OUT"
or. tbe rkin or fa;', rnd all esternal algna
of the diabase aaabpears at once. A per
maneut cure for Ufa guaranteed.
VAKlLULLLLI,i.Ha than five dats.
aVF AD 1ft ftftft ues cured of Hydrocele,
PtLAK JU.UUU stricture. Qlost. Nervous
trtUlllty, Loas of Strength and Vitality
and ail forms of chronlo diseases.
Treatment by manX fail or write. Bog
IM. Offlos tU fctouta 14 th sL. Omaha, Nab.
2Every Woman
la iotistd sml thou Id know
aWtOIII that WOlltlsarftil
MARVri Whirling Spray
.'.'a..i ..rC M
-Mt rnvniuU
IHllHUt UaisaU.
ak ymmw drtf lii far ll.
If ti fftnimi tuiii'l thi
OLlirr. hiil ha-nil klAinii fo'
lllantmtfd twK'k- ngir4. Itf-T
full uar1iriilnr Htiu ft In
VlilMlilr to !:1lrt M4Hl t L CO.,
41 frk Uow, Aw lurk.
For ! only itjr
OniAbii K bi a atv
I M Big 41 for aaaaiurs
dit. harsM.iDSamiBatiuaa.
irollalluaa r aloaralloa
Ll raacosa ajbraaaa.
D... .n. mot aatrlav
14). Ar ol.uBulia.
f llllll af2
4 Baai M UrisHsir.
V- CINCiHHATI.S r aia fcr Ornggtata,
V C.a.. Z. 1 ar ia tlaia wraav.
J. J !flil jar..a. ar.aaid, lei
'i'V "sjrH i as . ..r j bttis ..
- ry as cu(uii aat "a isaaasl