Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 07, 1904, Page 10, Image 10
I 10 TIIE OMAITA' DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, ArRIL 7. 1004. f ' Shirt t 69 Sar4a 6. Un Brand Shlrta 69c jroiiffiAMfr? T I "TT T l V If II lit I I WJ EJB" Ladies' Suits $938 OUR SPRING LEADER , Stylish Spring Suits in the new col ors and fabrics every one is stylish, well fitted and vp-to-date, a"ffc9S prettiest new trimmings, i at, each Ladles Tallor-Made Suit. $5.98 Well fashioned suit, with new prlng style feature a very fine ult for popular price C QO Thursday UJJ OUR SPRINd SKIRT LEADER. Lay'' Walking Skirts, $3.48 A skirt with lots of swell style new light arid dark mixtures, the proper new cut and swing to the X I Q shirts, at. . O Voile Drs Skirt Handsomely , trimmed with taffeta yf O Q , at spring wear Hundreds of pretty new shirt waists folds, eto, special, Ladle Waist, at 95c Silk Coat In the blousa and Eton styles rery smart for f QO on bargain square, main floor made of of the dainty Swisses, linen lawns, etc. "Worth up to $2. GO at, each. 95c Ladies Muslin Night Robes, at 59c Made of fine muslin, trimmed with lace Insertions, broideries, etc., also with ribbons, a'usters of tuoks, ruffles, etc, worth $1.00 each on bargain square, main floor, at, each. , Maslla and Cmbrlc Drawer Lacs and embroidery trimmed, worth up to 63c eaoh, at em- 59c 35c Beautifil"Brandeis"Millinery Our $.SO and $5.00 Trimmed Hats While fashionable Omaha looks to ua for the moat beautiful millinery morlwi, we wish thoae who buy less expensive hats to realize that we are not slight ing tneir wants in me leasx degree. In fact we give very special at tention to the medium (trades of millinery. The best ideas of our high est class nata are employed to a considerable degree in the medium grade. Tomorrow we orrer specials that would regu larly sell at $10,00. at to a considerable degree In the medium 3.50 . $5 $2.80 Street Ha ta at ft.OO The newest shapes In Jap straws, blacks, blues, browns and narys guaranteed this nason'i shapes and trimmed with flowers, C A A ribbons, ornaments and laoes, at vpiaW On Thousand Bunches of Roses. Daisies, Etc Many of them sold up to $LOO a bunch slightly mussed, P millinery department, at, bunch ON MONDAY, APRIL II. Groat Salo of Fino Laco Gurtains An Immense purchase of high and medium grade lace curtains enables us to offer extraordinary bargain. There are fifty-six cases of these curtains,, In- Cludlng, the tnoet beautiful and popular k?nds on sale Monday, April 1L J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS, BOSTON STORE . DEPOSITS made this week draw interest for the entire month. We open accounts for one dollar or more and pay four per f cent interest, compounded every three months. . L, Brandeis & Sons, Bankers. sf aaI a am nil kntil'M tei Vai4 vucu&o via mi ua.iin ;ooisjvie CLOSING OF. THIRD CONTEST ( Eoora Thus Far Tarows No Light on Final ' . Outcome, WOODS .'MAY It FULL OF DARK HORSES ' Am Backyard SVay Hal la Ca- t.- Best Way la B Prepare. ' The - last day for voting- in The Bee's third contest for ten free trips to the St Louts exposition Is at hand and the total vote scored at the end of the sixth day ts fully one-third leas than on the same day . of the previous week. The question now naturally arise, does this Indicate a light final vote or is it an augury of an increase , in the number of dark horses to be turned loos and of larger woodpiles to be thrown e the marketT That, Indeed, Is the ques tion and it will remain a question until the . last nU ha been cast and counted. One candidate last week, with a splendid soqre, fell short by leas than, lut votes, the moral of which la, be your score ever so large, get more If you still can, and then If you fail you leave no cause for self-reproach. ' The vote at p. m. Wednesday was: M. E. May hush. Missouri Valley.. LSZ7 1.2SS Mm Iamtw. M. Fisher. Omaha Airtea Gruao, Omaha P. 1. Davis, Omaha , ' percr Black. Nebraska City Nannie 1 brown, Fremont Howard Gramlish, South Omaha Willi. Shorter, Omaha Minnie Clarke, South Omaha H. ft. Oray. Omaha Calvin Cvana. South Omaha tW tngeraoll. South Omaha Herbert North, South Omaha Spn raeweu. umm. Barker, Omaha i tlliworth, Omaha Hiiea Oreenleaf. Omaha .... H. MoWhurtor, Omaha Joe i. Havens, Omaha ..... lYed Stanton. Omaha .L'jOU . M0 . 26.J . 1X7 . 40 . W . 10 . 11 11 1 drafting the law being thrown out. E. A. Benson and several others were against the act as giving tax purchasers an advantage over owners. Mr. Pennock explained that July 1 the state would file a blanket suit against all the delinquent taxpayers In Douglas county after a publication of the list four times In four weeks. By September 1 all owners who wished to contest such suit would have to file answers. September IS, by a decree of the court all property the owners of which had not answered would be con demned and sold November i. The con tested cases would be settled in the ordi nary routine of the court. The owner, Mr, Pennock held, had equal rights with any other person and no advantage over others, The law created an auction sale lasting eighteen months. In this way the effect of throwing all this property on the market at one time was minimized. How's Your Stamp Book Coming? 3 is M M Is U lr g) FAILS TO THANK PENNOCK Kartate , Kkaaie Tarawa Oi Baa! la SeaaJt ef Beaveagra Law Aatker. Ta Rwl Kxtate exchange gave its meet- tag errer to the hearing of Henry W. Pen Brock, wh talked by request on the scar- act. &4 t dlsfisslon of Its re Ttie exnhsryge did aot sijsraas NO DIKES BEGUN IN RIVER PertlScatloas at Kast Omaha Delayed by CondltloB of Grcmad, fkat. la Oat Material. Not a pile has yet been driven or a etnn. laid to the end of constructing th. rillc. ii East Omaha, and the reason given Is that mo roaas are in sucn condition that It Is as yet lmnoaalbla to haul th matHBl tn the ground. Freight bills for the hauling oi stone Dy trie union 1'aclno railroad, (o the extent of nearlv tun. nJr.ariv tmvi been allowed by the commissioners, and one or two others are stIU pending, while the stone that has been unloaded from th. cars Is scattered all along the route to wnere ine woik Is to be done. County Surveyor Kdqulst, who Is keeping eye on me condition of things, says mat ror the past few days the roads have ueen crying out very fast and tliat he be Ueves the work can be begun In earnest li a very few days. The water In the live Is lower at present than for vun nut . this season, and gives no tiidtoatlou of the Usual April rise. SOktbat Willie th Incur. slons and damage being doiid by the water Is contiuuaj, the Imperative need of the immediate c ni ruction of the dike Is not as marked as It might be and a was feared It would be when the preliminary steps were taken with such great hast uai montn. A Cheat,... ueater. Bucklen's Arnica Salve, th best tn the world, cures cuts, corns, burns, bolls, ul- oer. sores and piles, ac a J. . f9 An Amazing Offer in Women's Tailor -Made Suits 'THE second shipment of our factory clean-up from the Chi cago Novelty Suit Company will be on sale Thursday It includes black and blue mo hairs, blue and gray novelty mix tures, black cheviots, etamines in (pS"! black, blue, brown and cnampagne, nair tsinpe novelties in black and blue. The styles are Etons, blouses and jack- These suits were made to sell vp to $27.50, all will be ' on sale Thursday at tl Tsl 50 1 1 POM lm a ets V fK'v V i.i 1 And double Green Trad ing; Stamps with each suit. FTriA3 Lace Sale ; end Insertions the laces are 84 to 5V4 Inches wide; I T ' tTrr'-tHn i Insertions to match. and 2 inches wide ws put UC iLPr3 S them on sale Thursday, all at yard AND GIVE ONE DOLLAR'S WORTH OF GREEN TRADING STAMPS WITH EVERT TARD. Five hundred pieces fin Torchon Laces laces are I O I to 8i Inches wide; lneertione H to 2V. Inches to OaC ltfitrnTi '. a uo txr a nut Ihotn ttt anl Thuru'n v at a s , AND GIVE FIFTY CENTS WORTH OF GREEN TRADING STAMPS WITH UVERY YARD. This Is a great opportunity to buy your Underwear and wash Cress laoes. Extra Special in the Wash Goods 100 pieces new Heather Linen Suitings (ark, medium and light grounds, with pretty new figures special sale yard One hundred pieces pretty Figured Lawns and Batistes, only yard v 12iC 7ic For Natty, Up-to-Date Footwear Bennett's Shoe Dept. Leads Them All! EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR THtfl FAULTLESS FITTING DOROTHY DODD OXFORDS AND SLIPPERS made oi A uu LEATHERS and on the NEWEST LASTS. Prices, 13 and. CLD LADIES' HAND VICI KID PLAIN OX FORDS very easy from B to EEE all aires at LADIES' EXTENSION BOLE PATENT TIP KID OXFORDS at 2.50 TRIMMED 1.50 1.75 pop MM : 111! And $1.00 in Green Trading Stamps Extra With Each pair. Get a box of vicl kid or " patent leather paste and keep your shoe, bright 5c and ask for SOc In Oreen Trading Stamp wltb It. Grocery Headquarters Fresh, new goods every day stocks continually being moved. We snpplv you with the bent goods at lowest prices. Thursday Bargains 11.00 worth Oreen Trading stamps with one pounil onn G. A D. PJum Pml dlng1 can .... ....... ,28c fears In syrup 2-lb. can v. ...10o Parlor Matches, 200 in . box 4c Baking Soda, pkg..i... 4c Stuffed Olives, bottle.. loo SOo worth Green Ing Btamps with age Vim, 50c worth dreen Trad ing Btamps with each prnnd Bennett's . Caultol creamerr- er pouna ,.jms is nnest creamery produced. The J 11. 00 worth Green Trading Btamps with each pound of New York Cream Cheese, per. pound ........ajo COFFEE. Freeh Roasted Dally il 00 worth Oreen Trading Btamps with each pound Golden Santos Coffee, per pound .......j"o ill: ST Green Trading Stamps AH the Time DR. BRADBURY Painless Extraction Without Oas. rmiim 0o u Oold Crown. $2.S0 up BrtdraWork $2J9 up Lady Attendant Fourteen Years Bam Location 15C6 Faraam DENTIST. TEL. 1756. We positively reniov nerves from teeth with, out th least particle at pain. Plata $2 up. Open Sunday 10 tall A GOOD TIME now to see the new line of Hand Bags which we have lust received. We are also showing a very complete Una of Cut Glass and Sterling Sliver. Spend a few minutes In our store. Look for the name S. W. Lindsay. Jeweler. 1516 Douglas St. Low Rates Dally until April 90, ticket to tb west and north west at but tlttl more than half rates. 928. OO to San Francisco an4 be Angeles 92S.OO to Portland, Taooma and Beattl. S3 2. SO to Spokaaa S20.00 to Butte, Helen and Bait Lake CSty. SI4.TS to Big Horn B tn, Wyoming. . Proportionately low ra'ea to other points. Let me send yon free folder tailing" all about tb low rate and dally tourist car serviceor, better still, drop In and see me. J. D. REYNOLDS City Passeaaw Aaraa. 1502 Ftrnta Street Gci&ha Schmoller & Musller's Bargain Room SQUARE PIANOS Thoroughly repaired by our piano makers at price. In some cases, only to cover the cot of work done. "Dun hnm," $16; "Mallet A Davis," 'Gilbert." US; "Orovemteen. pt; "l-JmHrson." "Knabe " "James A Ho. Strom," "Pipas - all In strictly flrst cla.s order newly nrnlshed and mih slcnily good enough for anyone. IVrma, cash and $3 to la a month, USED UPRIGHTS $40 $45 $90 $125 aiaaa m -....$138 $164 "Knglioh walnut. .....a., make-. .MM .. Gilbert" make ' walnut Pmsll Uprlghtf onk "Arlon" , walnut "Chase" ebony "Klmbnll Iste otyle. ...... 'Emerson" and Pteger" slightly used at genuine rock-bottom prices. Terms. W, 4 and $n per month. ORGAN BARGAINS Guaranteed In first-class condition I "Hiirdctte" jq "Whitney A Holmes" J "Chicago Oottagfl" $18 "Kmlmll" Chapel " $22 "Mason St Hamlin" Chapel $29 Terms, 3 and U per month. New Piano for rent $4.00 per month and rent allowed on pur chase. Our Guarantee is the Strongest. f!M ROLLER 8W '-., B- (iNCOBPOOATtD) MANUFACTURE-WHOLESALE-RETAIL MAIN HOUaC AMD OfflCt: 1313 rARNAM factory: tsia rani am tclcphosjc ias OMAHA LINCOLN, NEB 1M . 11TH T. TIL. TtS CO. BLUFFS, l 03 NOADWAv TIC Would You Argua the Matter? If you were in a house and It was on fire, would you stop and argue that It shuuld not have been on fire. Instead of getting cut of there? When we tell you to get what drugs and patent medicines you need at these urlces. you had better get them and find out why later. We say most emphatically, these prices will not be good VKKY LUNG, so get In on the first floor. 25c Carter's Pills OTo 3Po Castorla (The original kind) 17o $100 Chrystal Tonk 680 too Cu tie ura Salve 83o 2Tc Cutlcura Soap 14a 11.00 Danderlne 63o 1.00 Coke's Dandruff Cure 48a 11.10 Munyon's Paw-Paw Wo 60o Stuart's Dyspepnla Tablets 88o 2Bo Packer's Tar Soap 13o 11.00 Duffy's Malt Whiskey 750 11.00 Iler's Malt Whiskey 64o ) ri.00 Canadian Malt Whiskey 76o 50c Pozzonl r ace powder mc One to a customer. Don't Kick If you are too late. SGMAEFER'S DRUa STORE E T. YATES. Prop. 16th and Chicago Sts., Omaha. 'Phones 747 and 787. S4th and N Sts., South Omaha. 'Phone No. 1. 6th Ave. and Main St. Council Bluffs 'Phons S3S. All goods de livered In either olty absolutely free. Delicious Candy Is the only kind we sell Special Prices for Thursday. a Sticks Candy Jo Peerless Mixed, lb 9a Broken Mixed, lb lOo Fig Brilliants, lb 120 Assorted Buttercups, lb -12Hc Butterscotch, lb 12Ho Peanut Taffy, lb 16o Home-Made Pudg;ib 20o Filbert Cream Fudge, lb..... 25o Black Walnut Fudge, lb 26o Orange, Creme de Mint, Raspberry and Fig Jellies, lb. Zfo Chocolate Chips, lb 40o 8 Packages Gum 10o Garden Tools ARB THE PROPHR THING NOW. WW HAVE THE LATEST TOOLS AT THE LOW HHT PRICES. ' Ctiicken Nettings ANT WIRE FLY SCREEN ARB IN BHUBON NOW. GET OUR PR1CB1S. James Morton & Son Co., 1511 Dod( St. Exclusive Agents for Goodrich Hose. OCEA.f BTBAMaHir. C0MPA6N1E S ilERALE TRANS ATLANTIQUE rrencb llu.. Nw York to Ham Six ;. Salilugi eieiy Tbarelar at IS a. m. lalxnratn. Apr. 14, Mar U. Jen t. LaUruine, Apr. tl ; Juo to. Juit M. Lsdavol. Apr. U; Mar M; Jun. Mi Aug. 4. Latxacoaua. Mar 1; Juna U; Julr 14; Aug. IL LaTaaralna, ata t. Juaa I; Julr tl; Aug. II. Nav. avadara. (itaaito, Twia-acrav and Bipraae Staanian; naval omoara man-of-war (lartpllaa. irmr"r't voatltmUd tralua. UaTra-Pana, 4 saera. A.Ql: Harry . Moona. 101 ruara St., Loum Kwa Kiiat National Han a. a A. atuutarforS. U24 ir'amam St.. Book lalaa Br. HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE. Now Twla-aoraw Staamora of 1V0 Toaa NEW 0K ROTTEKllAal, Tla BOlTLoOKa Balling Tuaadar. at 10 a aa. Hottardaa Apl. Urou4aa May II Hradaa ApL li nolioroaa alar IT Nooraaa Apl- K kudaia Maf 14 Will call at t'liuiouia. HOUJLJfD-AMttKlCAN UNE. Doarboca SC. Cal oaao. 111.; Harry Mooraa. 1W1 Karnaia fM- C. Kulbarfore, 1AU raraaa St. i J. B. K.raolda. IK1 faxuaia aM. ANCHOR UNI V. S. MAUa STBAMSaUr. KBW TOBK. ltONDONUEHBT AND OULSOOW. NSW TOBK. OIBSALTAB AND MAPLB. luparior aMoamodatloaa. Ixcoll.nt eelataa. The coailort of paaangar earafullr conalaared. Slala ar mil trip Uekala batwaaa Now York aaa Soaaca. Kagllaa. Iruk and all pnaclpal aaodloa.laa aad oonllnauUI bolnta at attraotlaa ralaa. Soud for Boo af Taaca. ror Ucaote or fMaral latoraaUoa Ssets aa asr local aeoat a Ua Aocaar Uaa or to tASJa44 t. Wea l AfaWISa OlH aa aatg Srt oor lint of Zfon Cff Lirt Cur. Uins and Licei. fill TnT TUB REUABULB STORE. Greaf Afttr.lsttr FumiUir Silt This Wttk. Your Opportunity. Suits, Skirts, Waists, Jackets, Rain Coats, at Half Price and less, all our early spring suits markM at half price. This Is where the econom ical buyer who waited till after Raster to get her suit wins. Do not miss this great AFTER EASTER BALE. Women's 140 stilts, elahoratAly trimmed, ns handsome garments as you will often see, any place, latest styles. On nil best materials now ASUaUU Women's $35 suits. In most arttstlo designs and handsome fabrics, a great 17 Cil bargain, at IdtsOW Women's 27.60 suits '1 7R now m. aa .....,0" ,J Women's 115.00 suits 75l) These suits are In Lyman's wool chev iots and serges, and many other fnbrlra, and nearly all our fin suits are included In the sals. Women's Voile Skirts. Three Great Lots At Half Price. ..;.2.98 6.95 9.90 7 ..... ... o. ... Lot 1 K.OO women's Toll skirts for Lot 3 $11.50 voile skirts, trimmed with several rows of taffeta bands- tor Lot 3 Women's 118.00 voile skirts with silk drop for WOMEN'S SILK COATH. Women's pongee coats, most remarkable bargains, at .....13.(6 Women's silk taffeta coals. In 6 A r.S Women's full length taffeta Cfi'i different styles, 17.60 quality, at ...4' coat, at ..... READ OUR SPECIAL LIST FOR THURSDAY. Women's crepe kimonaa, 27 Inches long. In red, blues, pinks, black and heliotrope. irimmea wun satin reveres and culls 1 tr sovrvr a remarkable bargain at Women's lace waists, $7 quality, at ,.,.tlM Women's crepo waists, 5 quality, at..J2.oO Women's percale wrappers, light and dark colors, at 49c Women's home-made wrappers, $1.50 value, at $100 Great line of children's coats, each....u0c Women's Japanese silk waists, fS.00 value, at J3.M Misses' skirts. $f.00 quality, at $1.-0 Women's $3 waists, a great snap, at. .$150 Women's $S waists, In vesting madras, alpaca, all different styles, at , $1.W Women's waists, in lawn, dimity and many other materials, worth $- 60, at..93o Optical Department. Expert Fitting, Perfect Satisfaction, Lowest Prices. Sleeve Laces on Sale. A big purchase of net top laces, just received and will be placed oa sal Thurs day, Laces from 4 to L!-:nch sold at 15o to $1.00 per yard. , Net top laoes for berthas, Sao to $1.60 per yard. A big sale of Valenciennes laces and Insertions. Mechlin lacee and Insertions and Elon City wash laoes and Insertions, on sale Thursday. Prices Xo up. 1 Sole Western Agents Mercerized Gloria Cloth The best lining satin manuiaotured -60 shades 'Tr' Price per yard ' OOW ALSO SAMPSON LINING SILKS. The finest lining silk that was ever offered to the publlo, absolutely to give perfect satisfaction, COME IN AND SEE. Our new spring- and summer line of HART, SCHAFFNKR A MARX hand-tailored Clothing, the best, the most complete, the best line ever shown In the city. We are exolusive selling agents for Omaha. Big Extra Special Grocery Sale. Wholesale Prices to the Consumer. Trading Stamps Free With Every Purchase. tl-lbs. pure cane granulated sugar for $1.00 4S-lb. sacks highest patent flour for.. $1.00 Large sacks cornmeal IZVso 6 bars best laundry soap (any brand).. loo 6-lbe. hand-picked navy beans, for ....ltto -lbs. breaktant rolled oats lor 19o 6-lbs. good Japan rice lor iso Qt. cans Cancy table syrup or sorghum. So t-lb. cans solid packed tomatoes 7Vo 3-lb. cans California squash , 7Va t-lb. cans golden pumpkin f.. "Vso t-lb. cans fancy rawer kraut 7VsO S-lb. cans pure apple putter ..IW t-lb. cans golden egg or green gauge ftiums " b. can table peaches, aprloota or pears WW ICirw-n-faaa. ner nackaire 60 Large bottle fancy pickles, ased. kinds . .8H0 Ijarge bottle lancy catsup, vvorcenier sauce, horseradish, Woroester sauoe, per bottle MiO t-lb. pkg. maccaronl SHo Best bulk launary starcn w Soda, oyater, butter or milk crackers, per pound Wool soap, per bar Ho hJCTRA SPECIALS IN DRIED FRUIT Large California prunes, lb 8S40 fancy Muir peaches, lb .. ,...7')0 Kngllsh cleaned currants, lb 7So Vlrainla blackberries, lb Tmo California grapes, lb 7ta) New York King- apples, lb So FRESH FRUIT iXTRA SPECIALS Large sweet Juicy Highland oranges, each .la Large Juicy Highland Sadler's lemons, I each la Fancy Colorado White Clover honey, per rack , ...,..13o Fancy Hallowe'en dates, lb 12o HARNESS DEPT MXTRA SPECIALS THURSDAY ONLY Regular 7&o leather halter, this sale only 46a Regular 76o feed bags, this sale only ,.46a Regular 76o raw-hide whips, this sale only J&o Regular 25c cans harness soap, this sale only 16a 1-itich snape, this sale only, riosen. 16a TRADING STAMPS ABSOWUTIOLT FREE. HAYOEW BROS. 330. BUYS A TICKET AND) SLEEPING CAR BERTH VIA UNION PACIFIC TO OREGON AND WASHINGTON If yen want a quick and pleasant trip b snr you got read over th Union Pacific Inqnir of Cltj Ticket Office. 1324 Farnara Street. Phono 818. GRANITE WARE BARGAINS Big Discount Sale a Tremendous Success. This Week i-3 One- sKt i f r! i V 1 inira jo uisquuiu for Cash Only. REMEMBER, every piece of enameled ware In our store goes at this deep cut. Her are afsw samples taken at random to show what you save If you buy now: Rearolar. Sale. Roval Steel Tea Kettle a 44a Royal Steel Tea Kettle 4o Blue and White Tea Kettle $1 40 Royal Steel Dish Pan .75o Large Oval Dish Pan $1 11 1-qU Royal Steel Saucepan BV S-qt. Koyal Suwl Kaucepavn J fr-qt. Blue and Whit Sauce- pan " 6c sue tc $TC 17c He Round Dinner Bucket. 4Sc TTeg'iilsi" Bale. Oblong Dinner BiuVrt 11.14 Juu lW-qt. Royal St CoCae P'A $4o ZSo J-'it. Royal Steel Coffee Pot 4fro 83o trot. Blue and White Coffee Pot C flo Royal Steel TVstw PalL... t0 4oo Heavy Blue and Whit Water Pall 0.8 Co Only 66c S0u Only 66c Milton Rogers & Sons Co. ihth and Famam Streets,