TITE OMAITA DAILY HEE: WEDNESDAY, APRIL fi, 1904. if? mm Somen's silk Celts 15, and UO Worth of Trading Stamps. Watch the Little Green Stickers Sit pYomfft-'s Volla Skirts S6.50,and $10 H ortt of ' Trading Stamps. Ladles' kubbera on 24 Floor Children's Rubbers Second Floor THE HEI.IAni.K STORK. 1 mmm, Special Sale Ladies' Skirts A Complete Stock of Qolf and Walking Skirts Bought at Half Price. W recently made a great purchase of up-to-date walking skirt $ from an Exstcrn mant facturtr who told to us at about half price. We place them on talc today at amazing bargains Handsome Sprlnir Golf Skirts All the prety new styles, f QO I ' tit r! jiiy' il worth $4, at. Exceptionally Hlarh Grade Lot of Walklnir Sklrta in the very lat est spring shades and fab J CI ft rica worth up to $10, at ... . J O Our Sprlnjr Skirt Leader This Is the prettiest and most desirable spring skirt ever offered at the prices the newest oolors and the latest and swellest trim- T iO mlngs, at f O Ladies Spring Cravenette Coats, 9.98 1 A pretty line of the new rain ooats made of water proof cloth, absolutely protects against rain and make a swell dress coat as well made with new belts, capes, Q Oft etc. an extra special for Wednesday's selling, at. ...'' O Wednesday's Mjjljnery Offers Qreateat nillloery Dept. In tbe West on Third Floor. A Pretty Ready-to-Wear Hat at $ I Made of colored straw braid In the latest shapes and the prettiest spring colors tastefully trimmed with ribbons and colored f AA braid, special, at I.UU Trimmed Hats at $3. SO These splendid fashioned spring hats are made in the correct style features trimmed in smart style with the best spring garniture every Z CA hat bears an air of refined style, at JDJ Our Renowned $5 Trimmed Hats made of the soft straw, ohtffoo, sad msline trimmed with the fashionable small flowers, erery hat it artUtloally wrought by expert millinora, at .$5 Extra. Fine Quality Embroideries On Bargain Square at 5c, Yard Embroideries and Inserting la all widths on big bargain table, C. at, yard Dig-Lota of Fine Laoes at IOC. Yard-Cluny bands, net tops, Normandy vals and Plat vaU embroideries, inserting and f A galloons, worth up to 35o a yard, at, yard IUC Watch Our Windows J CI Watch Our Windows BEW BOOKS AND MAGAZINES Oesrgs Gary Eggleiton'i New Btory a Yirid Pioture of Eiyer Life. MAY DELINEATOR FULL OF GOOD THINGS fContalas Literary and Artistic Feat rn of ths IHg-asst Excellence Meek Dlseasstom of Baldwin airs' Latest Siovel. '. deorge Cary Eggleston's new Btory, "Running the River," just published by A. S. Barnue & Co.. is described as a vivid picture of phases of American life In the middle wast which have hardly been touched upon In fiction. The adventurous river life along; the upper Mississippi and its tributaries sketched In Mr. Egglesten's story are In many cases founded upon per sonal knowledge. With an enthusiasm and spirit which readers will feel at once Mr. Eggleston has written a wonderfully vivid and varlod story of American boys' and girls' pluck and success In the picturesque and adventurous life of the great river. Mr. Eggleston has chosen a most stirring period, when the Mississippi and other rivers were crowded with steamboats, and the scenes of thrilling adventures. The ad ventures of his . characters are accom panied by fascinating sketches of actual life' and historic happenings. The bril liant author has written a book that Is not only a fascinating story, but a picture of fresh and quaint phases of American life which will delight readers young and old. , , In addition to an elaborate portrayal of current fashions and other matter of spe olal Interest to women the Delineator for May contains literary and artlstlo fea tures of the highest excellence. In Action there are two short stories. "His Fiancee," by Virginia Woodward Cloud, and "The Battle to the Strong," by John H. Whlt . son, and a dramatlo chapter of the "Evo lution of a Club Woman." by Agnes Bur sas aroenrsd tress as at a sis" toast. We eaa also fnralsh aay book ' naallsned. BARKALOW BROS. Tel. B2234. 1612 Farnam St. bridge. The story of Catherine Sevier, conspicuous in the early history of Ten nessee, Is the first of a series on "Great Women of Pioneer Times." Among the present day great, Mme. Sembrich. the famous soprano; is the subject of an inter esting article by Oustav Kobbe, the Illus trations of which are of special value. In "Around the World In Eighty Pictures" the reader is taken Into a field of greatest Interest Japan and Cores. Llllle Hamilton French's remarks on "Mothers and Mar riageable Sons" will be greatly enjoyed, and Dr. Murray's Instructions In regard to the care of the mouth and teeth will be found helpful by every one. In addition there are engaging stories and pastimes for the little ones, and timely Information for almost every department of the home. Four pages of photographs of war scenes In the far east, an Interesting Illustrated article on "Everyday Life In Japan," by Onoto Watsnna, and a summary of the week's wai' news are timely features of the April 3 Issue of Harper's Weekly. The article of Onoto Watanna's Is particularly notable. No one writes with more intimate knowledge and sympathy of the life of Japan than the author of "A Japanese Nightingale" and "The Wooing of Wis taria." The same number contains some unusual photographs of scenes at Vladi vostok, Russia's Ice-locked Siberian port. few recent books nave occasioned - so much discussion as Baldwin Sear's novel, "The Circle in the Square," published by A. B. Barnes A Co. The question of south ern dialect, which was raised by a review of this book, occasioned one of the longest discussions which has appeared In ths Times' Saturday Review. One of the points at Issue was the use of "you-all" and "we all" In the south. It Is also interesting to know that there has been a lively discussion as to the reality of the less favorable aspects of southern life In certain localities which are so vividly sketched In "The Circle In the Square." On this point the southern news papers themselves have been divided. some of them criticising the book as un true and others declaring that the condi tions sketched were real. It Is certainly a tribute to the force and power of the book that It should have attracted so much attention and caused such a positive disagreement of opinion. In the "Boy's Becond Book of Inven tlons," by Ray Stonnard Baker, the ro mance of science Is so vividly and lucidly presented that no boy can evade Its fas cination. Out of all the startling Inven- mm m ss j , An Amazing Offer in Women's Tailor -Made Suits JIIE second shipment of our factory clean-up from the Chi cago Novelty Suit Company will be on sale Wednesday and Thurs day including black and blue mo hairs, blue and gray novelty mix tures, black cheviots, etamines in wyp black, blue, brown and cnampagne, nair stripe novelties in black and blue. The styles are Etons, blouses and jack ets. These suits were made to sell vp to $27.50, all will be on sale Wednesday and Thurs day at $14.50 And double Oreen Trad Ind Stamps with each suit. IMRS. J. BENSON OUR LINE OF Knit Underwear for Spring g Summer is very complete. We think we've got exactly what will suit Ladies' Vests in a nice quality, high neck and long aleeves, at 25c; lisle, at 50c; Vega silk, at ? 1.00, $1.50, $1.75 and up to a pure silk vest at $2.50. Extra sizes in cotton and lisle, 25c and 50c High neck and short sleeves, 25c andoOc. Ladles' Knit Drawers Knee or ankle lengths, 25c, 50c and up. Umbrella Style 25c, 50c, $1.00 and $1.25. Union Suits High neck, long sleeves, knee or ankle length, 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $2.00. Extra size, 85c and $1.25. Union Suits Low neck and no sleeves, Jersey or close knee, 25c, 50c, 75c and $1.00. Umbrella Knee 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.25. Knit Corset Covers Extra Special in Our Dress Goods Dept. 100 pieces fine all wool albatross, 36 inches wide, all street and evening shades; also whites, creams and Qr black. A good GOc quality, special, yard JJ In Lace Dept. 50 pieces fine allover laces for 7 C waists, in creams, whites and blacks, $1.23, $1 & eUC Black Taffeta Silks, 33c Yard 10 pieces fine Black Taffeta Silk, Swiss make, nineteen inches wide, special for Wednesday 2 Cases Boys' Heavy Ribbed Cotton Hose "Fast black" re-inforced knee and heels, sizes 6 to 10, worth 1 up to 20 cents special, at, pair .lefisC Ladies' Black Lace Hose- an endless variety, lace boot, lace front and allover lace, warranted "fast black", full fash ioned and worth from 40c to '$1.00 our prices, J? per pair, 48c, 40c, 35c and MjC 1 iisT Art Anniversary Sale 19c and $1.00 19c Picture frames for photos, worth of Green Trading Stamps.... Pryrof raphy Sale Dresser Boxes, $1.79 and 1.79 Matted picture, big vari" ety of subjects, every one a' gem, 20c and $2.00 worth of f Green Trad- IIO ing Stanps..,.,vv $5.00 worth of Green Trading Stamps Photo Boxes and $2.00 worth of Green Trading Stamps . ... Handkerchief Boxes, 39c and $2.00 worth of Green Trading Stamps. . Visit our Art Gallery, Den Room, Burnt Wood display. See our beautiful display of fine Water Colors. 39c Green Trading Stamps All the, Time 79c 1 tions of the last decade. Mr. Baker has chosen to explain those that might most Justly be considered epoch-making. His book is up-to-date enough to have a chapter on the latest marvel. "Radium," and with the first "Boy's Book of Inven tions" makes a most complete record of the great material achievements of our age. The table of contents is as follows: "The Miracle of Radium," "Flying Machines," "The Earthquake Measurer," "Electrical Furnaces," "Harnessing the Sun," "Mar coni and his Great Achievements," "Light house Builders" and "The Newest Elec trlo Light." McClure. Phillips ft Co., publishers. We ' have received from the T. Fisher Unwln publishing house of London a Can dlan book entitled, "Through Canada in Harvest Time," by James Lumsden. It is well illustrated wltli a large map of Canada and a fine collection of halftone reproduc tions of harvest and farm scenes with characteristic scenery throughout Canada. The book la evidently put out to Induce Immigration as is evidenced by the follow. Ing dedication by the author: "The author HfKrip this book to the workers of Eng. land, Scotland and Ireland, hoping that it may lnspirt many to seek new homes In a land which, though it may not 'flow with milk and honey,' assuredly offers to all who are not impatient of toll better opportuni ties of attaining comfort. Independence and fullness of lofe than are to be found In any of the old world states." A well known critic on the Glasgow (Scotland) Evening Times has been moved to express his admiration of two serials now running In American periodicals Mary Johnston's "Sir Mortimer" in Harper's Magaslne, and "The Masqueraaer in Harper's Basar. "The Masquerader," writ ten by Katherlne Cecil Thurston, calls forth his particular interest because of Its peculiar problem of a wife with two hus bands, one of whom Is the masquerader a problem which, he says, the author "Is handling with genius." One of these men has enRHged the other to be his substitute for political reasons, and, says the critic, "there Is the possibility that the double himself will fall in love with Ms em ployer's wife. The situation, as it stands, is thrilling." Light and Medium Weight 25c, 45c and 50c l,0QjuidJL15 Mercerized, at Above books at lowest retail prices. Matthews. 122 South Fifteenth street. Compear front Lesdos. The Edwards theatrical troupe, bund frum London. England, to New Boulh Wales, passed through Omaha on the Overland Limited. E. T. Bteyne, the man ager of the Hggreaatlon, was la charge of the purty. Mr. Sieyne left London about ten days ago, but the majority of the troupe has been In New York for several werkH, where the company has been pre senting "Three Little Maids." This is the play Intended to be used in touring the Australian colonies. There are forty-two members of the company. Tea Bisk Toes 1.1 fe, If you neglect piles. They will cause fatal diseases, but Bucklen's Arnica Salve positively cures or no pay. tto. for sale by Kuua Ce, CREEPING ON LIRE TURTLES In Tfcs Bee'i Third Contest for Ten Trips to tbt Bt. Lonis Exposition, BUT PAST EXPERIENCE IS A WARNING Turtles May Turn to Hares on ths Final Stretch and' the Swift Hare the Prise Mill Fetch. Slowly the caravan of votes in The Bee's third contest for ten prise trips to the Bt, Louis exposition is , advancing and one might almost regard it as being composed exclusively of tortoises by the pace kept. but that the experience of previous con tests betrays the method In the slowness a method that, like the "smile of the heathen Chinee," Is almost the persoulflea tlon of simplicity. What is more simple than the dally score In definite figures re duced to black and white? It seems as if a child could tell how many votes would put one among the big ten at the close but there's the rub, for the smaller the figures the bigger the liars they are, and calcu iatlng may result only In catching a cold disappointment. The best way to win is to get after every vote in reach and don't stop "getting" them till the closing hour. The vote at 5 p. m. Tuesday was: Mrs. M. E. Mayhugh, Missouri Valley. .1.72 Laura M. Fisher. Omaha 1.2S9 Anton Clmos, Omnha l.nno F. J. Davis, Omaha si Fercv B ark. Nebraska City 401 I Toward OramliNh, felouth Omaha 2.V) Mamie Brown, Fremont 2-5 Willie Shorter. Omaha. Ifi7 Minnie Clarke, Houth Omaha 40 H. E. Oray, Omaha 25 Calvin Evans. South Omaha 2l Fred Ingeraoll. South Omaha 20 Herbert North, South Omaha 13 Halph Newell. Omaha II Joe Hnrker, Omaha 1 Ellsworth Omaha Mile Oreenleaf, Omaha H. McWhorter. Omaha Joe J. Havens, Omaha Marrtaa-e Licenses. lp to noon April 5 the following couples hart neen licensed to wea: Name and Resident e. Age Claude H. Moore, South Omaha Winnie Clayton, South Omaha Charles Battersor., Laurens, la Elisabeth L. Uunnon, South Omaha..., Anton C. Mattes, Omaha Ixirlda M. Dust, Omaha William H. Tackett, Santee Frieda Kloke. West Point George A. Koechlg. Norfolk Jessie E. Terry, Omaha Havid E. Francis, Hasklna Katherlne Kenrlck, Denver TML W. a. JERREM5, President. 809-21 1 South 16th St. Don't Be a Ready-Made Man THE good dressers are not the ready-made men by any mean! There's a set and hang about the "Tailored Suit" that you can get only when measured for it you re You'll have to look at our tailoring stock for dis play of fineness. A most generous va riety draped side by side so that comparison and choosing is made easy. Trousers $5 to $12 Suits.... $20 to $50 It is in what is called the tailoring that the real quality of a garment lies. Te sewing of the seams the edges the pocket points the shaping and finishing. Thes) are the points that add cost and give quality to properly made garments and they are the particulars of which the average buyer l:nows the least. Have a chat with one of our salesmen. You'll glean some Interesting pointers on Tailoring facts. New York Boston and i The East Six trains a day from Omaha over the North-Western Line, the only double-track railway from the Missouri River to Chicago.connects at that point with all lines, for all points East. These fast trains on the North-Western Line are most conveniently equip ped for the safety and comfort of patrons. Buffet smoking and library cars. Superb a la carte dining car service. Drawing-room and private compart ment sleeping cars, free reclining chair cars and standard day coaches. Leave Omaha daily for Chicago at 3:40 a. m., 6:00 a. m.. 11:30 a n., 4:25 p.m., 5:50 p.m. and 8:25 p.m. Tickets and full Information on application TICKET OPPICESl 1401-1403 Farnam Street, Omaha tN-SUUSMnil K is , j 'SflSBft Opportunity Is now when - are TraVlns bArork prices on all classes of furniture. Wlff Pay You To come in and ees our magnificent line, of furnlturs before burleg, for we know wo can save you money. A Few Specials for Wednesday $ B-pleoe rarlor Bult. upholstered In best grads relour, yj Ott only tZi.60 Bed Room Suit, swell top drawer on dresser and commode, 20x24 bevel 4E QK plate elass, nicely finished, at au.U- Nest Solid Oak Extension Table, a great bargain, 3.85 16.60 Iron Bed. any slse or color, brass rod and knobs on head and foot, DC sals price -"sf $2.96 Iron Bed. full slse, 1.85 S6.K0 fianltary Steel Couch, 3.Q5 $8 25 Solid Oak Chiffonier, bevei plate glass, five drawers, K QS' sale price - JsOJ llft.60 Solid Oak Sideboard, 12.50 Xlr! 6.85; We have absolutely the finest Una of dining room chairs shown In the city. You will always find greatest variety and best values here. , $7.50 to $10 Youths' Suits $5 and $6.75 Long pants suits In aires from IS to 19 years, nsat stylish suits In the nebblest most up-to-date fabrics and patterns, well made, with good linings and trin.mlnga, In stripes, overplalds, fancy mixtures and plalu colors. Mot a suit worth less thnn Thursday 5.00 and 6.75 510 and $t2.50 Youths' Suits SS.50 and $i0 The most excellent line of youths' suits shown in the city. Handsome In rat tern, stylish in deslRn, perfect in workmanship, made up In casslmfree, worsteds, thlhiM cheviots, tweed. In nlnlds. overnlalds. strites. plain and fancy mixturvs nd nluln colors. Hand tailored throughout. Any of them worth U A( sMH 1(1 Hft Irora $10.00 to $12.60. Our special price O.OUonU 1U.UU The Rainy Weather Will surely remind you that you need a rain coat. We wish, to remind you that we nave a run line or tnose iong loose rain coats so siynsn tnis season in tan, uxrora gray, gray and brown mixtures, neat stripes, plaids and plain colors. The most com fortable rain coat ever produced at $7.50, $10, $12.50, $15 and $18 Men's Top Coats r!?!!l.!!...!i'ti... 10.00, 12.50 and 15.00 Hardware, Stoves and Furnishing Dept. Special Goods for Season. Prices. Poultry netting-best Qexden hoe he esse. S .....e.?T. ...5c Stsel spade &QC 6c 9c 1.95 1.29 GiJ-den hoes V'ncti Bine Nickel Towel Bars at Steam cotker 4 sections Gasoline ovens at Gt-rden lake at fcpadlng fork at .. ....... .i Steel shovel at , Handsome Jap bread box ...... Wood coat hangers New Connecticut chopper Gasoline stove , 3 burners ...... . .. p .. ...... ...... . ... .... .....15c ..69c 59c 49c Bases ....:..3c ...79c 2.49 A CAR OF &ASOLINK STOVES JUST RECEIVED. THE INSURANCE! AND DANQLER ALL, FIRST CUA8B, LATEST IMPROVED BURNERS. A CAR OF SCREEN DOORS AND SCREEN 7RA31ES, JUST RECEIVED. LOOK OUT FOR SALE. Oranges! Orangesl Lemonsl Lemons! Take your choice of either kind at 15c a dozen, and $2.00 worth of Trading Stamps Free. We have purchased a large car of fancy genuine Highland oranges, and genuine seedless Highland lemons, which we will I lace on sale Wednesday In grocery dept., i.nd give every customer $2.00 worth of extra Trading Stamps absolutely free. A FEW OTHER SPECIALS WEDNES DAY K'.-i pounds pure cane granulated sugar 60c Cero Frulto pkg tn $ pkgs. breakfast rolled oats loo 6-lbs. hand-picked navy beans, good ' Japan rice, Bbgo, Barley, Farina or Tapioca, 'or ISo 6 bars best laundry soap, any brand ..ISO Fancy largo California prunes, lb... Wjo Fancy Muir peaches, lb 7Hj Fancy 4X ginger snaps, extra I special Wednesday only, lb....4'ij I IN THE CROCKERY DEPT. EXTRA SPECIAL WEDNESDAY ONLY. Vodrey's Seml-Pcrcelian, decorated cups and saucers, regular 2So per pair values, at this sale, each .......... ... 2''o Decorated fruit and esuc dishes S'a Venetian art glassware, vases,, etc, 1 each. Similar goods sell at U to $1 each. 23 20 , 31 25 28 24 31 -a 18-K Wedding Rings ton aim. Jeweler. Ten free trips to ths Worm's fair sack week. Bee couton on page X. Piles Cured WITHOUT PAIN By W. C. Maxwell. M. D. Graduate of Bellevue Hospital Medical Col lege of New York City. iU-t fiee buUdica, Omaba. Mb. In. Xwi. THE MANUFACTURERS SAY this cut off list is a nuisance and unless ll si abolished and this boycott fixiu dis continued, there will be no more of their guods bent to this market. We told them it tney were JSUT representing tns r. A. R. U. combination we would talk to them about how we stood on the matter. They gave us every assurance that they were not representing the N. A. K, D. Now to the point They either want more money fur their goods or none and as we have told you before, If you want any of these gouds, you must get them at these prices at once as they WILL BE HIGHER. Ths wise will not complain but others will not be heard as we have given due notice. 26o Carter's Little. Liver Pills 07c X'. Genuine C'astorla Ho $100 Chrystal Tonic ,...lAo $1 00 Coke's Dandruff Cure 4Ho 2,'ic Grave's Tooth Powder 1"C 6tc Williams' Pink Pills 2e $1"0 8. S. 8. Mc $1.75 8. S. 8. $1 05 .e Cntloura 8'iap 10 $1.00 Stuart's Dysepsla Tablets d:o $1.00 Hrtmlerlne &;io 26c Tetlow's Swansdown 0o I'.etter hurry Inst chance. One to a customer. SQIIAEFER'S DRUG STORE E. T. YATES. Prop. lth and Chicsgo 8ts., Omaha. 'Phones 747 and M. 24th and N Sts., South Omaha. 'Phone No. 1. 6ih Ave. and Main t.. Council bluffs 'Phons $33. All goods de livered la either city absolutely ire. Pennyroyal pills wtV-v r.-.T fly --. W U ttiV 34 V4ll tTMIeViiM tetM Mkial ZTw r frits, nkfcM. TsskeaMsvikar. Kcfnaas VJ But! alMalUM lslik- aasbpsi tor larUHlsv-a, 1 sMttraMsaiarJUi ' KeHekT IW lailes." M Uir, re. U-iMalL l.u T tifawejtao. fteud fcf fall Diieuiais. 4 hleaaaiaf 4 t iUski Cw HAVDERj BROS. GALIFORfJIA EVERY DAY Until April aoth, iwi $25:22 VIA union pacific Full Information eheerfullr furul.hed on application t CITY TICKET OFFICII, 1324 FARNAM ST. 'Phone SIS. Gola frown from . get of Teeth from . . WORK GlARAVrKED Wo are hero to stay. .t--i.Hr, TKN YEAH. No students. The Best Shoe for $150 Is the best shoe that $3 50 will buy. It has everything In It tliat can be put Into a $3.60 shoe. It Isn't the only shoe we sell or we couldn't afford to sell It at this price. We sell all kinds of shoes and a great many of them. We make a small profit on each pair. A small profit for us means good values for our customers and good values for our.cus tomers means a great many small protlts for us. BKH TUB FRY SHOE AT $3 SO. nYiHl)BCa ii6-00S5lAOi ilM IM Work done free Cm ill phiran for material TEETH EXTRACTED i'REE. from 26c. UNION DENTAL Flllinti j COMPANY CLOSING OUT Buggies, Qitriagcs and Wagons FREDRICKSON Rfteeotsi aj4 Capitol Aw OF PAINLESS DENTISTRY. 4622 Duuglaa. Room 4, ( I fl Bead ear spsrtal "ad" ssratr Bandar II i and WsfhsssiWy la Ths Baa. jtl . 1