TIIE OMAIIA DAILY PEE: TUESDAY, AriUT, 5. pouomn; hotice. p. m will be mad up end forwarded until the srrlval ..f th Cunard iimp ) HAWAII. JAPAN. CHINA n.l PHILIP 'P1NE ISLAM'S. via Snn Frsnclso, rlose her da II r at (.3 p m up to April mh. Inclusive, for despatch per s. I. Kora. TAHITI and MAngi EPAS IPLANIiS. via an Ffiwl'm. rh hn daiy at $ 8V p. m. up to Apr8l $lth. Inclusive, for des patch per a. s. Maripnu. HAWAII, via Pan Kranrlwo. co hre dally at 6 30 p. m. up to April ih. In clulve, for depM-ti per a. s. Alameda. 1IA WAIL JAPAN. CHINA and spe clslly addressed mall for PHILIPPINE IFLANI'S. via Pan Francisco. rl'w her, dally at 6:30 p m. up to April -lt. In clusive, for despatch per a Oaeiic AtBTRALIA (exlept West), FIJI I8bA.NT8 and NKW CALEDONIA, via Vancouver and Victoria. 11. C. close pere dally at S 30 p. m. up to April ld. Inclusive, for despatch pr s. a. Aoranrl. PHILIPPINE IHLAND8. via San Fran Cisco, r1oe hre dally at C 30 p. m. up to April ?Rth. Inclusive, fer despatch per I". 8. Transport. NOTE I'nloss 48hrwJ.a, addressed. West Australia Is forwarded via Europe: and New Zealand and Philippine via San Francisco the quickest routes. Phillp plnea specially addrs"d "via Canada" or "via Europe" muni be fully prepaid at the foreign rate. Hawaii Is forwarded rla Ban Francisco exclusively. Transpacific maila are forwarded to port or sailing daily ana tne. scneauie ot clos ing Is rrrg(l on the presumption at their uninterrupted overland transit. Registered mall close at s p. m. previous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster. postoffW. New Tork. N. V.. AprM 1. liM, I.OtCRXIlT SOI IC E. OFFICE OP THE CONSTRUCTING Quartermaster. lYi Dooly bullrtlng. Sa.t Lake City, L'tah. March 2. 1P4. Heated pro poeala in trioleate will bo received here until 11 a. m , standard time. April 5, 1904, i then nintnpd for rnnnr;lf! nn. at . . ,. i T ' . -. v. . .... u.ini.aina rtm. cers uimrcrs, mcmom i'immuhis. k a a piping, naung nnu. pin ini: winiiB, mil one their bids the time in sMi'h they will com plete the work. Full Information and blank forma of proposal furnished on application to this office. Plana and specifications may be Been ber. " I'nited states reserves the right to accept or reject any or ail pro posals, or any part thereof. Envelopes containing proposals to be indorsed "Pro posala for Public Buildings," and addressed to Captain Eam'l V. Ham. yarter m aster. M5-7-S-9 A 4. 5. m. CERTIFICATE OP PUBLICATION. BTATK OK NEBRASKA, oFr'K'E OF. AUDITOR OF PU BLIC ACCOU NTS. LIN COLN, Feb. L. 19"l-It Is hereby certltid that the Hartford Steam l'ol.er Inspec tion and Insurance Company uf Hartford, In the state of Connecticut, has compiled with the Insurance law of this elate, ap plicable to.sucb companies; and la theieforw authorised to continue the business of ateam boiler Insurance in this state tor the current year ending January 31, 1"6. Summary of report filed for the year end ing leoember 3L INCOME Premiums Jl-4 Z4.3t All oineir source 1j."m Z1 GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Anrijur Pntf Chart Dtalen to Frigat by Hetty Farcbues, GETTING CONTRACT CORN BEYOND REACH Wheat Off oa Wrskseu at Mlaaeaa oil mm Cash Sitaatloa Is peeallar Oklahoma Boys Wheat ia Kaaaas fits. OMAHA, April 4. 19"4. Armour has pur the short bvs in corn to friaht. Iate Saturday he chartered ves sels to carry .'J0 bushels of No. 2 corn to Buffalo. When the Armour house goea Into the market It always cares for tne leirttlmate side of things, so that the crowd thinks It is now geitu.g the contract atuff out of reach and where It may be got by the exporters. The demand seems to have been better n the east than the reports would Indicate and corn has sold higher at the seaboard than In Chicago. Last week the rail shipments east were equal to the receipts. The Chicago stocks of No. are i.i0.onfl. Armour Is thought to hold such a line of May and July that he can do what he pleanes with the market. The shorts are therefor getting Very cau tious. Omana talent did little with either ly or Juiy. Hay ranged from 6Tc to and lost about lc durlns the day. Thf Illinois April bulletin talas of com plaints of tad corn In crib. It reported much as soft and damp, with much spoiled. The bed reports from Argentine affect the market. The government April report, which Is to be out on the 10th. Is expected to be bul!lnh on wueat. Trsces of rain only were reported today and the condition of the southwest is reported to be such that heavy rain should come soon to Insure a crop of the winter wheat. The market was off today on the weakness of Minneapolis. The cash situation Is peculiar. One re port says that Oklahoma has been buying wheat In-Kansas City fox shipment back Into the territory. The northwest coun- ry elevators haye a wheat stock estimated t only 2..M. bushels. in cnicago rai- urdn.v 115. ('"J bushels of No. 1 northern sold at He lower over the May In store and 19,00 bushels sold today at the same figure. The May sold off at cne time lie rr.m the opening, but later gained the half, and new July lost He. The ranee of nrlces In omaha grain for future delivery and the close of Saturday and today were aa follows: i;ioea High. Low. Today. Sat y. New Tork Prod ice exchange, wss as fol lows: Wheat, Sl.::r;.'.U bu., decrease 7. l) bu. ; corn. r.fo bu., decrease 171. bu.; cat, to 4P4.f" bu., decrease 138.0"" bu.; ry Mi.OX' bu . decrease ru.i) bu.; barley, 3.3TZ,?. ba., decrease tf.O bu. CHICAGO CRAM AD PROVISIONS. Prices oa Board af Trade. CHICAGO. April 4 Prospects of rain eaiisM g-nral selling of a-heat today. AH cereals cloned weak. Julv whet being down lii'&l,V. Corn is off lulUo ats show a 1 s of lo und provisions TVritr- Predictions of favorable watt:vr caused a bearish sentiment in the wheat pit at the opening. The July delivery was Htro to Vi'oSc lower at K7tfi7V- Final quotations on July wro at wSr. after the prlc had to iched SV May ranged between Wc and SHr. closing at Wc. Cl-aranc-s In wheat and flour were equal to 147. bu. The amount on pa.seare increased rim bu. nnd the visible supply decreased S74,"0 bu. Pri mary receipts were uS7.'o bu., against 678. 4") a year ago. Minneapolis, liuluth and Chicago reported receipts of 413 cars, com pared with MSI last we( k and 43 a year ago. The enrly corn market was steady, but to ward the noon hour a sf Uing movement set In that caused a severe break. A decline of nearly 3c In the cash article was on Important feature In the situation. July opened unchanged to HIi'mC lower at i3Vl 5.' r3lc. After selling between R2c and WTc the close was at 5T5iJ,e. May ranged bewteen 5Se and S7He and closed at Mc. Local receipts were 17S cars, 31 of contract grade. The oats market was subjected to a raid early In the session, causing much weak ness. The close was weak and at the bot tom. After opening H'&'V.c lower at SSSft &Hc. July sold between 3sc and XtHc and closed at SSc. May ranged between ISc and 41'&41"c. closing at 39c. Local re ceipts were 1"3 cars. Provisions were weak. A marked Increase In contract stocks of pork and lard was the principal cause of the selling pressure. The market closed easy, with July pork down ETt2iHc at $U."ill.4JH; July lnrd was off TVSlOc at $10; ribs were Ion lower at t7. The leading futures ranged as follows: ArUcles.l Open. High. Low. Close. BaCy, Total DISBURSEMENTS. Paid policy holders ..I 157.154 67 All other payment .. L16S.9M.30 Total , ' II, 464.813 S3 H.Jlil42.f7 S3.12,1C10 Admitted assets INABILITIES. Unpaid claims and ex penses t 51.41R18 Unearned premiums .. 1,831.35 78 All other llaMlltles .. 3.M 64 gl.901.S7.45 Capital stock paid up. 6,X.00 ourpius ueyonu cap ital stock, and other V liabilities) , TV7.rT85- 1.217.877.63 Total t3.ia.ias.io Wltneasmy hand, and the sea of the auditor of publls Accounts the day and year first abov written. (Seal.) CHARLES "WKSTON. Auditor of Publlo Accounts. JOHX U PIERCE, Deputy. W. i. fTRTII, BPECIAI. AGEMT. Rao ass S04V-SO9 MeCasja Dalldlag, Oxaauaa, Heb. CHICAGO LIVTC STOCK MARKET, Prlees Bala fftromc suad from Five ta Test Ceats Higher. CHICAGO. April " 4. CATTLE Receipts, Ua head; market, J'0iC higher; good to prime steers, fc.2&S7S; ikhp to-' medium, t3.au6 0i; stocktrs and feeders 12. 504 35; cows, tl.tV64.25; Tieif ers, t2.Wtl-90; canners, tl.52.60; bulls, CMmS"- calves, $3.&uTo.50; Tpma fed steers. t4.fofN.65. ' H0O9 Receipts, 82,(a head; estimated to morrow, z&.wo neaa: leu over, k.iw neao; market strong to higher: -closed ' strong; mixed and butchers. t.ZK46; good to V.AnA h. .... .... U K4 IA. wwivk V. 1 hi.U; light, t.154r.K; bulk of sales, to.2i& fllTTSTP ANT) LAMTtfl Receipts,' W.009 head: market for sheep strong to &c lilgher. lambs, strong to loc higher; good to choice wethers, m.tj&wso; fair to cnoice mixeu. tS.7iu4.6": weatera sheep, $4.35 so; native lambs, U-60tJ6-t; western lambs, Kitw. fr aJ St. Low Is Llva Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. April t. CATTLE Receipts, S.OuO head. Includlrur 2,31X1 Texans; market steady: native shipping and export steers, Jl.TfHtiSkSO; dressed beef and butcher steers, steers under 1,0.0 lbs., $3 K'a.25; cow s end heifers. t2J&34.0a: canner. U.l'-ff2 60: bull ti7610O; calves, taOoCOO; Texas and Indian steers, t3.ffliii4.lj; cows and heifers, ttiiti$.Wi. HiXIS Receipts. a.OM head: -market t&.05ttk-'; butchers and best heavy, toy S.45. eHKETP AND . LAMBS Receipts. Bn head; market steady; native muttons, 14.(4 fc-v'is; iutin, m,5s,i hi-, rum ana bucks, .M?t.K-, stockera, J3. 0300, - St Jaseatt Live Staek Market. 8T. JOSEPH. April 4. CATTLE Recelpta, 1 9W bead; market lOftlSc higher than Thursdav: natives. ta&'&CK: cows end heifers, t2.0Ogt.3S; Blockers and feeders, O 00 tn-ij. . . nuns tteceints, j.e- neaa; market a shade hither; light, til.-ff6l.7H; medium and lieavv, so.i. wiio so. SHEEP AND LAMRS Receipts, 7.472 naad: market steady to bo lower; lambs, Steady tQ to lower; lambs, steady to strong. Sloaxi City Llva Stark Market. PIOUX CTTT, April 4 (Special Tel nam ) CATTLE Receipts, rim head: ma ket for stockers strong, on best killers &alOc Mgher: beeves. tS HO; rows, bulls and rilxed. C JotiH.Sft; stockera and feeders. 3 00 )4.u: calves ana yearlings. UHiU M Receipts, 2.4-head; market Strong, selling at H -3j J; bulk, fo.luaC.15 Stock la Sight. Following are the receipts of live stock for the six principle western cities yester- uy; t.-attie. lloa-s. 147 4 lis h.:-o . mil .in f.,) i w s.W 7.471 x.i-a Z. South Omaha "hb-go ansae city ft. Louis PU Joseph ... Bloux City ... Totals Bheep, 11.17! .17.077 a,:ii iiJrt Wheat Mav July Corn MflV July Oats- May Local Open. S9H El El 50H Cash Grala RI'iA ROHA 4a 41 B Market. 9 SI B 40H Wheat May a Julv b July a Sept. b Sept. Corn Mav Julv Ppt. Oats- May Julv Sept. Pork- May Julv Lard May July Ribs- May July Cash business wa large today and took In wheat, which it has not done for sev eial days. Wheat and oats were steady at Saturday s prices, but corn was weak and sold off a little late In the -session. The receipts of corn were better -than lor sev eral days. - There is little corn in the farmers hands." said F. C. Twamley. "but I believe he corn remaining in the country is of bet ter quality. The farmers have what there Is. as the elevators have small stocks. The farmers have marketed their soft sturt and are holding the best for later delivery. Of course we have to consider the warm wtather and the Nebraska situation may not then look so good. But I have faith In the corn which is to come. Representative sales of earlots by sample on track at omana: Hard Wheat No. t, 1 car, 84Hc; 1 car (Door i. S3c: No. 4. 1 car 79c. Mixed Com No. 3, 1 car ouc, l car ouc, car 44kc: No. S yellow. 1 car Wc, 1 car kiic: no rrade. 1 car 4.C (Mississippi ) Cine car or no, wnite oais soia on irac for 3e. WHEAT No. z hard. Ksirssc: no. s nara KtaWc; No. 4 hard. 73157i"c; No. 2 spring, fc-'fr'-Sc; No. S spring, i2S7c; No. 4 spring. ' CoRS-Ni). I. 61c: No. 1 48H4f60c: No. 4, 47&4c; no grade. 44c; No. 1 yellow. BIHc; No. s yellow. 4!awc; no. j wnite, oic; iso. 1 white, tsHJr&oc. OATS No. I. 4""ir4ic: no. x, x;itkc: iso. i, c9'KiA. Va 4 w K , i tfitrt - , whit "u41c; No. 4 white, &33$o; standard, 41Hi Notes from the Exchange Ofnces. Omaha Inspections of grain, were 27 cars, Of corn, 1 car graded No. 2, 9 cars No. t, 1 car no grade and 1 cars No. I yellow. Of oats. Scars graded Ka t. 1 car No. I whle. cars Ko. 4 wnite ana t cars no. i wnite clipped. One car rye graded No. 2 and 1 of wheat no, 4 nara. Grala Markets Elsewhere. Closing prices of grain today and Satur day at tea marieis namea were as iohows: CUlCAflO - -Closed Today. Sal y. KSA Wheat- May ., July . Corn- May .... JuVy, Wheat- May .., July ... Corn- May ... July ... Wheat May ... July ... Corn- May ... July .., Wheat May .. July Wheat May .., July ... Wheat May .. July .. KANSAS C1TT. Ms f)VA B.'la ST. LOUia MINNEAPOLIS. 5S 47 4 95 82 A 4R4, 4UA J7H 7H 47H 46H W4 3',A 47H HB 4,A DULUTH. 5 4TS NEW TORK.40 2 A 97UA 87SA VI HA NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET. Qaotatloas 1 I V'iH W.flS; sis' MH' 94Hl ?4! u .'.. KH NEW YORK STOCES AND BONDS PectimrEt on the Market Uwat Ij tha Kartharn Bacmlt sv ' DEMAND FOR UNION PACIFIC WEAKENING Amalgamated topper aad Sagar Re fleet tondltloa of Other "rreritles aad laited States teel Caases Nervoasaess. 60 sin .S3 nan tj, i"aii MH' :rzhss; R7H I 12 !5 12 5) 95 7 17Vj 9CH 7 10 3 IS S7V 13 55 I 96 1 17H 9Ch' 7 12H. 3i 2S 32 13 05 13 D5 6 W 7 07H ?5 7 00 3!V 3 I IS 11 13 22H 9?H 7 10 7 00 57 6L'H 47 23 IS V 13 S24 7 n?H 7 20 8 95 7 10 No. 2. a Old. b New. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Market steady; winter patents. I4WS5 00; straights. !4&4i4 70; spring pat ents. 14 4O94.70; straights, t4.0Oil4.2O; bak ers'. BOO WHEAT No. 2 spring. SSaWc; NO. S. ff7i?1c: No. 2 red. 95e'(i Jl .02. CORN NO. Z, b5Vu&7-c; NO, z yenow. 5E5c. OATS-NO. Z, 3!Haw4C; wnne. 41 Q 44C. RYE NO. 2, lOSJ-.lC. BARLEY Crood feeding. SSg40c; fair to choice malting. 45jfo. SEEDS Flaxseed, ll.oi"; no. l northwest ern. 11.16. Timothy, prime, li.su. Clover, contract grade, tin Sivgno.fiO. PROVISIONS Mesa rork. per nni.. iij h fi!3.12H. Lard, per ICO lbs . 14 82H-3 6h3rt ribs Ms (loose). t6.'H'75; snort clear sides (boxed). li.ZVi.w. Followlnir were tne receipts ana eruy- ments of flour and grain: Receipts, tsmpmems. Flour, bbls 31.9"0 n.OTO Wheat, bu zntsw Corn, bu 2'T3JO .Z"n Oats, bu 109.700 169.40J' R. bU.. l.W onu Barley, bu 44. r.t -j On ths Produce exchange today the but ter market was easy; creamery, I4.4sc, dairy, 20H1?25c. Eggs, easy r at mark. caes Included, lo<Ho. Cheese, easy, i&Ho- St. Loals Grala and Provlalona. BT. LOUIS, April 4 WHEAT Lower; speculation bearish; No. 3 red cash, ele vator, tl.uOH; track, It.Wijl.e. : May, ik.c; July. ffii&2Hc; No. 2 hard. WoWHe. CORN Iwer; No. 2 caah, 4SHc; track, BOH'tiSlc; May. ttHaHc; July, 4'Wir4SHc. OAT ijower; NO. z casn.-t.-c; irai-a.-w.-. May. 4tJt4c; Julv. 3m-; No. 2 white, 4V sc. FLOUR Dull and -unchanged; red winter patents M.feOO; special brands, tf'ij 25c higher; extra fancy and straight. t4.tWtf 4.85: clear, t4.00ti4.25. . BESD Timothy steady at t2.4O32.0. COAN MEAL Dull at 2.40. BRAN Steady; sacked, east track, i&3 gOc. HAT-Steady; timothy. t3.0Ogl4.00; prairie, ts.ootio.oo. IRON COTTON TIES 82c BAOOING Hc. HEMP TWINEo. PROVISIONS Pork lower; jobbing, tit X. Lard lower; prime ateam, ti 55. Bacon lowef: boxed extra shorts. 7.ttH: clear ribs. 27.62H; short clear, I7.S7H. POULTRY" uuiet; chickens, l"He; sprlng-t. t3ivS3.&0 per dos.; turkeys, 12tfl4c; ducks, Uc;. u2.3e. . . a.. case count. Receipts. Shipments. 9.5 8.000 ....17,0(0 100. 000 ....57.000 12S.0O0 ....73.000 27.1M) NEW TORK, April 4-Fpeculators who have been trading for two wet us In the confident belief tiiat they knew the Inside facts oi tne Northern Securities settlement were nonplussed today by the terms of the petition of the I'mon Pacillc Interests lor an injunction against the uislnbjtion of Northern Securities assets on the plan proposed. It bad been expected that some judicial opinion would be Invited on the Proposd plan, but the question of legality In the substitution of collateral for the Northern Securities stock now held against the Oregon Short Line-bond issue was the one which was admitted to be at issue. In view- of the protestations from all Interests concerned that perfect unity and harmony existed. Demand for Union laclnc was again conspicuous today and carried the price at one time as high as SJ. The stock s gain on the day was H points on total sales of 1n9.9X) shares. It was only mo mentary below Saturday on the reaction which followed the opening bulge and car ried higher by successive buying orders. The opening break In the generai list was partially repaired. In sympathy with the first strength of Union Pacillc, but the per sistence and the volumo of the d'mand for that stock awakened the fears of the trad ers, and the general list was slugftlsh and heavy for the rest of the day. St. Paul was most acutely affected by the opening break, as It has been most actively specu lated In on the unwarranted assumptions as to the course of the Northern Securi ties settlement. Other notable movements seemed to be clue to special causes. Peo ple's Oas suffered from the supreme court decision adverse to Its contention against the ,-cent Chicago gas ordinance. United States SieM refl-cted the anxiety over the showing of earnings to be muls by the quarterly statement due tomorrow. Amalgamated Copper and Sugar weakened without explanation. The spurt In Ch.oago Great Western was called a traders' move ment. A small engagement of gold for ex port was announced and the holiday In lyondon was supposed to curtail the no tlvlty of the exchange market, on which the gold movement depends. Weekly re ports of railroad traffic ofnclais were somewhat restrained In the Oipresrlons of satisfaction with the traffic outlook. The bond market was quite active and some what irregular. Total sales, par value, t3.m,0ij0. United Slates 2a advanced H per cent on call. The quotations on the New Tork Stock exchange yesterday were as follows: bales. H IK h.Lc w.oose. Sa-dnv NV: p"?-d rt. Jl R5W4J4 ; fn- m-rci.U bills. t44H;j4 S4V SII.VFR Hir. ;.-,c: Mexican dollars. 44 H NIS Oovernnit tit, firm; railroad, tr- ffrolar. The closing quotations cn bonds are at follows: I S. rf H. rrg 4o rMiprli 4 . ft do rn:ipoa do Bw 4. fr-f . . do coupon ds oil 4i. rt( .. do roup,"! At. bison . 4.. il S'l). Atlintir C. b. 4 B'tlmnr A O. 4l So CfMral of it. ! lit Inc (. 4c Ohio 4S (hicsso A A. ta C , B. q r. m. a P c. a n w C. R. I. P.... do col. bt C c f L. ( ("hlrao Tr. 4.. Ton. T"boco 4a . Colo, tc So. 4a... I K O. 4a .. Erla prior Mrs 4a .1 gen. 4a P W A P. C 1 ,.1'VH 'VanrnMan r . 1 V Kit ( ent-al . ,1'; do lrt Inr ... . . I T Vinn Si L 4a . .U-" M K a T. 4a . ..lt I do t ..P'T', N P.. R of M. c ..i y v r .. , N J C. f. . . ss No rarlflc 4a .. : is 1 N. W. t 4 . . tc, (i S. 1, 4i lc rr .. ..IT irmil cost. ISa .. jRoadiD sea 4 ..I'l Ft U A I. M r fa .. 744j ?t U a 8 F. It 4 St L. S W la 4a. PoaboarJ A. U 4a ..IT?. So. Pariae 4a .. 7" So Hallar ta .. Tt-t T-iaa a r. li l-.'.-t T . St. L W. . . n I nisn Taoiflr 4a .. . . do con 4a .. f St-l Id la.. .. M IWatwati la .. 'S do d'b. B .. L E 4 ... . W:. Central Ho'l('.' Val. 4ia pa'ilk'olo. L A N. snl. 4a it t-x-intcrest. r. A I. a la l.l'M-4 .. 4- .. l. .. M . 1V4 .. 74 4a 14 . V . .: ..11 .. 'I .. ' .. 4S .. .. f 11J 4 l.'S . .' . H f4 .ltw 1.4 .I'0 . .l'.t . 4CH . ! 4a !ew Tork MlnlatT Stocks. NEW TORK, April 4. The following are the closing prices on mining stocas; Ada ma Con K Alice 80 ot-hlr t taotmlt . Fotoal 1 !pa Aa 1 Starrs Navada .UM Ismail Hop . . I Stantara F:twa Brunawtox con.... Coinatork Tunnal Con Cat. A Va.. Horn S'.'rar Ima Sltr LdTi:le Cos .... .Lttti cbi( iunixi . a 4JS 471 . I . 14 . M . 1 . It .JS4 OMAIIA WHOLESALE! MARKET. OMADA LIVE STOCK MARKET Csttla Eectipts L gbt sod General Market Was Strong. ' HOGS SOLD NEARLY fiVE CENTS HIGHER Uood Raa of ees aad Umbt aad 4Valle llest tirades fold Wlthoat Troable at Aboat Messy Prices, Others Were lew aad Weak. SOUTH OMAHA, April I, 1.X4. Cattle. Hogs, bi.eep. 2.4T8 4.0OI J.ibJ 4. As) b.lil 4 iW ..&! 4.1.4 4.xoi 4-ei 4,Mi .41 .;a a';i DATE. J(ecclyts were: OtflclaJ Monday .... b ime day last week mie day week bclore. t-aiae tmee weeks ago. Same tuur weeks ago... Same day last jear IvtciUPTa FOR THE Y li A U TO i ha loUowing table will now tno reieipia oi wiue, l,vg and sheep at South Omana lor the year i tiaie, wiUi compariaons witn Ituit jeari '" ;41.:i 44,IH1 lSS t4.4;o 6ilep 4ou,6 Sl4I.; Average prices paid for nogs at Soutn orasba lor ike last several days with comparisons: Inc. LAi.aA) Dec Dat- I l ilWt.(livj2.;i901.it900.lS9.iia", 71 714 1" 1.K0 23H jo 80,700 llj 2t,2o0 2o0 .. S.loO 1"0 .) l."J 2u0 luna IK) 400 0 4.SW 3lM i:h 170 , 144S 64 4Xo4 13t.'4 84-, lft 1424 c; geese, vfftC. RUTTER lilow; dairy, lD19c. EOGS Steady at 14c Wool Market. ROSTOV, Mass.. April i-WOOI-Pulled ana territory wools . iirn. wuotatiotis Kentucky. Inau. na. etc. Three-eighth i.Hxxi, i;:wo; one-rourtn uioou. ZbU'Me praid, . i-u Jc. i errnory manii nne. 1, HI ... V. .. j Ana k a ,'.,... , 15c; low medium, le ilse. Tyomtne Fine. l.Viiidc; heavy fine. l.j Mc; floe niedlum, IS tilic: medium, l&nUv; low medium, iku lw. Utah and Nevada Fine. liolS1'; heavy flue. Iial4c: tnt medium. liSrl'c; medium lbiJliH-: lww medium, 1 rife kota Fine. Hal& r- flr.e medium, ltj!; medium, low niediutu, liu.0c. M.ut- tana Fine choice,- Uui-: fine - medium choice. lMjiac; average, lsa'rltc; staple. lti t"c medium to clMUce, l'ilv 8T. LAJUI8, Apnrt 4 Woni-Stesdy: medium grades and clothing lu light tine. lfcv'.TSc; heavy Oca, U14W; tub washed, 2ua31c. Celtoa Market. NSW TORK. April . COTTON'-Spot cloeed dull. 10 points in advance; midd.ing uplands. IS tic; middling gulf, 15.70c; salca, bales. 8T. IA)118. April 4. COTTON Quiet; middling, lic: aw Ira, 1 'Uila: receipts, v bales; shipments, l.iju bales; stork, li,0f4 bales. NEW ORLEANS.. April 4. COTTON Futures. skmkIv; Ati4. 15 lVri5 30e; Mav. 15 4olS 41c; June, .,: July, IS Sc; August. 14.i14 He; September. 12. 9J tiliieic; October, liiyj u li.-: Novemrwr. 12AalitiV; DecemU-r. 11 il ill Kc. fpf-t. steady and qutet; ' sales. l,o bales: ordi nary. IV: gvwxt ordliirv, 14 S-lr;- kiw rilddllng. It lS-bic; nU.Miiug, if Hac; good .iddiir.g 15Ne; 'muiulla fur. lfci re- ctlbla. 2.aiu buies:' atovJt. S lUf, Flarla Bajtter Market. STlIN, Aprtl 4. IH'TTT.K-No oferlngs or satos of butter oa the 'o,-l market; m. Ml I mark.l ?lka T,.t a 1 ,.1 I .. Mtm inct last weeat wars ,tuy pounda, of the Day oa Vatrloas Coanmeditles, NEW TORK. April 4 -FLOUR Receipts, 8.347 bbls.; exports, .Tt bbls.; market dull and lower to sell. Rye flour, dull; winter tents. S530fe6.60; winter straights, Minnesota patents. ta.2ift6.5; winter extras. H.'a4 w. Minnesota bakers, M 4 ; winter low grades, U Si. Rye flour, dull: fair to good, f4.3S.ii.5ii; choice to fancy. 14 4tl-ij4.aO. COKNMEAL Firm; yellow western. n.OS CI u: citv. 21.10frfl.12; kiln dried. S3 log 3. 15. RYE Easv: No. 2, e.c. to arrive. WHEAT Receipts. e'.uOO bu. ; spot mar ket easy; No. 2 red, II. nominal; ele vator. $l.(syi nominal, f. o. b , afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, nominal f. o. b., afloat. The close was dull at lHtHHc net decline. May, s,4tv, closed, Sc; Julv. !l7ij3Sc. closed at Sr-'c; beptember, Mtf oSv. closed, s-lSc CORN He-et pis. 74.175 bu.: exports. 115.0 bu. ; sales. Jn.taa) bu., for futures. Ppot msr. ket steady; No. 2 nooilnal, elevator and f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 yellow, tee; No. 2 white. 57c. The option market opened steady, but Immediately turned weak with whi-m, reaching stop loss orders. The close here waa down half cent from Satur day. May cksvd f"Sc; July. 7Vj67V cloeed. 5T4C. OATS Receipts, S-4.f) bu. ; CTtports,-18 119 bu.; spot markrt firm; No. 2. 4Tc; standard white. 40c: No. 2 white, 4We: No. S white. 4v Options were quiet sr.d deciln. d with other markets. May, 47VyfjHVkO; closed, 47V-:.- HAT Easy: shipping, 70;7"e; good to choi.e. 97Uct)tl.OO. H" 1'S Oult-t : state, common to choice, HtJlaV; olds, fil4c: Taclnc coast 19ul crop, oti tic: l:i crop. 36i7c; olds, ol4c. HIUE9 Steady ; llalveston. i to S lba. lie: California. 21 to S lbs.. 1Sj14c. U:ATHEIt Steady; acid, IS62e. RICK Quiet, domestic, fair to extra, IHJ ov, jnii.il, nominal TALliCJW-Vuiet EUc. FROVISIONS-Beef. weak: famiW. 210 6CQ 11.60: packet. H0 5t'; city extra India mean, fl5 4?i 17 w. Cut meats, dull; pickled bellies 17 0tu.ti: pp-kled slioulders. (oSv; pickled hams, bi'jlt' Lard. weak; western steamed. 27 ; reflned easy: continent. 17 4u; fniuth America, (: compound. C4,fjrtc Pork, firm: faniilv. 115 w; short clear, 114.71 ti 16 : mesa. I14.7'1S . Bl TTEK Firm: fresh creamery, lSfiSSc : state dairy. 13a2c. CHEESE Steady; state full cream, fancy, small and large, colored and white, Sep tember, lie; late made. l"o. FiiOf Ptmng; western nrsta lAc. I-OI'LTHV-Alive, ateady; western chick ens. IV; fowls. 15c; turkeys. 15c. I'rossed, firm; western chickens. litilSc: fowls, 14c; turkeys, western. yoULg hens, lSlic. ttalatk Grala Market. Dl'M'TH, April 4. WHE-.T-In store, No. 1 hard. ?c : No, 1 northern, toe; northern. !Cc; t11 arrive. No. 1 hard. No. 1 northern. c: No 2 northern. May. c: Beptemter. HHc OAT8 On track and to arrive, 2Sc Flour, bbls.... Wheai, bu Corn, u Oala, bu Kaaaas City Grala aad Provisions. KANSAS CITT, April 4. WHEAT May, H5c; Julv, 76c: September. 71Vc; cash. No 2 hard. li3c; No. 3. WosSc; No. 2 red, tiokil.06; No. I. 11.0101.03: receipts. 111 cars. CORN Steady; May. 49c; July, 45"t4-j; caah. No. 2 mixed. 46Vo7c; No. 2 white, 40&46Ho: No. 3. 45HC. OATS Steady; No. 2 white, 41c; No. 2 mixed. 29c. HAT Weak: choice timothy, 29.5t; choice prairie. 27.60S1.75. RYE -68c. BUTTER Creamery. 2063c; dairy, fancy. 17c. Missouri ana Kansas stock. 14c; new, No. 2, whitewood 15c EOQ 8 Weak; cases returned, cases included. Wheat, bu Corn, bu Oats, bu Receipts. Shipments .... fcv&O 4.M M.) 16,fX 10,M l,ut Philadelphia Prodeee Market. PHILADELPHIA. Aprtl 4. BUTTER weak, le lowt-r. Extra western creamery 94iw' tr nearbv rrlnts. 27c. EOGS me cent lower-, freah nearby and fresh southwestern, lftc at murk; fresh western 1v.c fresh southern. l?c. CHEESE Stead v, quiet; NVw York full creams, choice to fancy, loSllc; New York full creams, fair to good, 104c Mlaaeapolls Grala Market. MINNEAPOLIS, April 4 WHEAT Closa weak; May. KVjc; July. Sa'9fV-: Septem ber, lc; on track. No. 1 hard. sr-c; NO. 1 northern. (U.c: No. 2 northern. Jc. FLOUR First patents, 26.55.9': second patents, tS loo ': first clears, 23.6.-3.' second clears, 22.aCsjii.70. BRAN In bulk, $14 50. city, 4Tc; country, 4Ta No. '2 MHc: Yl.lale Sanely of Grala. NFW YORK. Aftl 4 Trie vtsiMe sup ply of grain April 2, aa complied by ths Mllwaakee Grala Market. MILWAUKEE, April 4. WHEAT Mar ket weaker; No. l northern, $1.01; No. 1 northern. Sbc: old July, 7Hc. RYE No. 1. Sc BARLEY No. 2, O063c: sample. S6"?c. CORN Market lo lower; No. 2, 4yClc; July, itc Metal Market. NEW TORK, April 4. METALS The metal markets were all closed again In Iondon for the Easter holidays and conse- ?uently no official advices were received rom there, but in a general way the mar kets ruled firm and moderately active Tin was firm, with spot closing at Ka.37Wfia.50. Conner also shows firmness; lak , held at U10nrT13 36. electrolytic at 212 7Sj IS 12H and caatlrg at 115.63118714 lixporta of copper for the month were 25,47 tons; since Jcnuarv 1. tf.CJ tons, against SUM tons for the same period last year. Lead waa firm at 14 6Vt4 & Spelter firm at recent prices, rloslna at to 135 36. Iron is firm in tone, with demand said to be Improving. Quota tions are more or less nominal; No. 1 north ern foundrv. $15 3MT15.75; No. 2 northern foundry. $14.75615.; N. 1 southern foun dry and No- 1 soft southern foundry, $14.25 t?14 75. PT LOUIS. April 4. -METALS Lead, steady at H UH- Spelter, firm at $5. .... 1.WJ 112 "air "ioo 62 14.500 3 a" S4.10W Atchison 2,400 do preferred JO Baltimore 6c Ohio ... 6 do ureferred Canadian 1'aclno .... 800 115 central of N. J.... Ches. k Ohio Chicago t Alton . do preferred Chicago fc U. W.. Chicago dr N. W.. C. M. & St. P do preferred Chicago T. T... do preferred C. C.. C. 4t SL L. Colo. Southern .... do 1st preferred. do 2d preferred . Dela. at Hudson.. Dela... La k. & W Denver ft R. Q.... do preferred Erie do 1st preferred. do 2d preferred. Hocking Valley ,, do preferred Illinois Central ... Iowa Central do preferred K. C. Southern .. do preferred Louis. & Nash Manhattan L Met. Securities ... Met. Street Ry.... Miun. & St. L M.. St. P. A S. 3 do preferred Missouri Pacific Mo., Kan. & Tex.... do preferred N. R. R. of M , pfd. N. Y. Central Norfolk & Western.. do preferred Ontario & Western Pennsylvania p.. c. c. at St. L Reading do 1st preferred..,, do 2d Dreferred Rock Island Co...... do preferred St. L. A 8. F. 2d pfd. 01. IjOUlS s. do preferred Southern Pacific .... Southern Railway... lo preferred Texas & Paciflo Toledo, 6t L. dV W.. tlo pieterred Union Pacific do Dreferred Wabash do Dreferred Wheeling & L. E.... v isconsln Central... do preferred Adams Express American Express .. U. S. Express Wells-I'argo Exp Ama. Copper Am. Car & Foundry. do preferred Am. Cotton Oil do preferred American Ice do preferred ........ Am. Linseed OH .... do preferred Am. Locomotive .... do preferred Am. Smelt. & Refin.. do preferred Am. Sugar Refining.. Anaconda aim. t"o... Prooklvn Rapid T Colo. Fuel & Iron... Consolidated Gas corn Products do preferred Distillers' Securities. Oeneral Electric .... International Paper.. do preferred International Pump.. do preferred National Lead North American .... Pacific MM People's Oas Pressed Steel Car do preferred Pullman Pal. Cnr Republic fiteel do preferred Robber floods do preferred , Tenn. "Via! Iron... V. S. Leather do prf.rred T". S Realtv do preferred V. S. Rubber do preferred r. 8. Steel do n referred Wetinrhoiie T"1ev. Northern Pecurltle.. Total nVs for the dsv, Ex-Dlv. IS- 17v' $34 lii ji" 25t & 40 . 1S 18 344 IS S4H 142 lll'i 82H Si 1164 58 ' 21H 117V 44H ' 4SS ,70) 3D 6.0 yio 29.O0O 2,7iO 400 "j'6 1S9.M) 6,1'X) 200 l.M 4-0 6-0 loo l.2t") ll 4v0 100 ) ! EiO 10.2-O i) 8,40 1 ?"K 1.6.0 2..0 ion son r 1 Sftn 50 Ani) 1 04 4t-j " 4, 25V 35 ' ;f J7H -6V, 's 41 4i-H 2'i 49 C 9tS 127 67 44 29 19V-4 13 S16 67' 62J, 45V KH 4'v 25t4 35 89 : 26 18 41 4V 49 93 1M 67 424 2S 13H Sl 957. 9" 4", 10-1, 7i S 4"4 4 fjrui 8H ST? " shares. la 74 89 114", 155 32 , IP X 144 4 1744 f-s 14 74-s 16 54 a 1:2 s 2S7 ei 694 26 W4 40 174 8o 150 184 34 l!i 354 l'.4 142 784 :u 45 614 119 92 J7H 61 r7 214 H7V 6J 44 774 59 e:5 114 23V M' 2.i 24 4V 89 93T l ltiI 1SV 40 1 18S M5 M 294 M ft 2 2l5 8?V 4o4 91 1?64 6 19-4 6lt ?44 114 37 754 24 9 44 78 SI io; sit 99H C'oadltloa of Trade aad Qaotatlnns on Staple aad Fasey Prodace. EGGS Receipts, liberal; market steady; fresh stock, 15c. LIVE 1-OULTRY-Hens. 11c; young roosters. fipHc; old roosters, ec; turkeys, 13c: ducks. 9c: gecee, fc. BtrTTER-l'acklng stock, 12c; choice to fancy dalrv toils. 1SW14C: separator. 22c. FRESH FISH-Trout. SalOc; pickerel, 6 &"c; pike. 9c; perch f4ji;1c: blueftsli. IV:; hitefish. "uloc; a!mon. 11c; haddocK. 10.:; codfish, lie; tedsnapper, 11c; lobs'er, bulled, per lb., 40c; smoked whiteflsh. 11c: bull heads, lie; catfish. K'.fil4c; black bass, roc; halibut 10c; crsprles. 12c: herrljig. 44c; white bass. 13c; biueflns. c; smelU, lOrllc; rrnsn hsncles. smoked. SHc OYSTERS New York counts, per can, 43c; per gal., $2 00; extra select, per can, S5c; per gal,. Jl .75 : standard, per can. 27c; per gal . $IS."3140. PR AN Per ton. $18 00. HAY Prices quoted bv Omaha Wiolea'e Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 tplsrd. K 50: No. t $rt.i: medium. $5.50; toare. $5 00; rye straw. $5(10. Thee prices sre for hay cf good color and quality. Demand fair and receipts lipht. VEGETABLES. POTATOES Colorado, 1.A; Dakota, fer bu.. 11.10; natives, II. uu. NAVY BEANS Per bu.. $125-g2.35. CELERY Large California, too, 5c and 90c. ONIONS Spanish, per crate, $1.K; Colo rado rtd, per lb., 34c. CABBAGE Wisconsin Holland, 4c. TURNIPS White, per bu., 60c; rutabagas, per lb.. lkc. CARROTs Per bu., 2100. PARSNIPS Per cu.. 00c. BEETS Per bu.. 75c. CUCUMBERS Per dox.. $15051.73. TOMATOES Florida, per 8-basket crate, $3 0063.(0. RAD1BHEB Per dox. bunches, Su'SaOc LETTUCE H EADS Per dos. bunches, 0c 11.00. top lettuce, per dox.. 4.Q&c. TURNIPS Southern, per dox., 45c. BEETS- Southern. per dor.. Wc. CARROTS Southern, per dos., 75c. PARSLEY-Southern, per dox., ;345c PH A LLOT8 Per dox., 75e. ONION PETS-Per bu. of 82 lbs., yellow. $2f: red. -:.25; white, $2.80. PPINACH-Per bu., $1.0015. BEANS Wax. per bu. box, $4.50; string, per bu. box, $4.00 FRUITS. APPLES California Bellflowers. per box, $1.75; Oregon fancy reds, per box. $190; New Tork export Greenings, Russets and Baldwins, $4 00. CRANBERRIES Jersey, per bbl.. $7; per box. $2 5. STRAWBERRIES Texas, per 24-qt. case, $4.00; Louisiana. er 24-pt. rase, $2.00. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Navels, choice, all sixes, $2.:$; fancy navels, all sizes, $2.50. LEMONS California, lancy, 200 to 60, $3 .jo; choice, 24w to 270 sixes, $4,004)3.25. FIGS California, per 10-lb. cartons, $5c; imported Smyrna, 3-crown, 14e; 6-crown, 16c; 7-crown, c. i BANANASa-Per medium slxed bunch, $2.i"2-,.i; Jumbos, $2.76U3.26. DATES-Persian, per box of 30 pkgs.. $2; per lb. In 60-lb boxes, sc; Oriental stuffed Sates, per box. $2 40. COCOANL'TS Per sack, $4.00;. per dcx., 60c. MISCELLANEOl'S. CHEESE Wisconslu twins, full cream, 12c; Wisconsin Young Americas, 13c; block Swiss, ltc; Wisconsin brick, 15c; Wisconsin limburgrr, !Jc CIDER Per bbl.. &.b0; per H-ddi., xj.i. HONEY Nebraska, per 24 frames, $3.o0; Utah and Colorado, per 24 frames, I3.U0. HORSERADISH Per case of 2 dos.. packed, fcuc. MAPLE SYRUP-Ohio. per lb., 1!H. HIDES No. 1 green. 6c; No. 2 gTeen, tc; No. 1 salted, 7c; No. 2 salted, 6c; No. 1 vesl calf, 8 to 12 lbs., i'ic: No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., 64c; dry salted hides. tfiMic; sheep pelts. 24B27c; horsehldes, $1.50$2.St'. NUTS Walnuts. No. 1 soft shell, per lb, 15c; hard shell, per lb., 14c: No 2 sou shell, per lb., 13c; No 2 hard she'l, per l., lie; Braxils. per lb.. 11c; fllbwrts. per lb., 11c; almonds, sort shell, per lb.. 15o; bard ahell, per lb., 13c; pecans, large, per lb., 12c; .mall, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb., 6c; roasted peanuts, per lb., 8c; Chill walnuts, 2rl34c: large hickory ruts, per bu., $1.50; sheilharks, yvr bu., $2.00; black walnuts, per bu., $1.2. Saxar and Molasses, vciir Trrt'ov 1.1 a a T n A T3 Pnw firm; fair refining, 3 6-S2c; centrifugal, $4 test. 2 21 -32c; molasses sugar, 2 2-J-c; re rlned firm. NEW ORLEANS. April 4. SUGAR Steady; open kettle, 2V1t3 $-lBc; opn kettle centrifugal. SifHSc: centrifugal whites. 4V 4Sc; yellows, 3I404c! seconds, 2N'S3lc. MOLASSES Nominal; open kettie. Z'yft 25c: centrifugal, 10g'16c. Syrup, nominal, ij25c. Dry Goods Market. NEW TORK. April 4 DRY GOODS Buying has been on a very limited scale and. In spite of concessions, buyers are not Interested except for Immediate re quirements, which are small In the ag gregate. joDoers are doing an mairrerent busines, but sre sanguine of sn Improve ment under better weather cor.dltloi.s. Mar Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. April April April April 14.. 15. 16. li. 18. Is. iv. 21.. 22.., 2a.. 44. $ 15VI 7 26. 6 13 $ $S! I 751 $ 0 $ ( 2 I 6 Wi M f 7X $ 51 $ 6$ I 154. I 11 I I K 4 851 $ 65' $ "1 I i ii, I 4 4, 4 wi a V I 1 oat Zll 0 Dot " I I Ml s 1 1 $ 7 1 a ?vi 1 ii a 14 $ 611 a as 1 1 41 a in a. .1, 4 . 3 as 4 92Vi 7 84, 6 I ai, 4 811 i 6 $ TS 4 I 6 8i i 80, 4 5 $ H $ : I i W, 4 U, 8 Wj Vi I 45 t ul w, i k, t s. 1 1 u. 1 a: 1 a .-., 1 i k 1 7i 1 1; a i.t M.-l iiVi 1 1U Mi i 87, 4 $; 18 6$ :.! 1 ; , a 4o. a x. 4 . a eo, 17 7 tv 4 M' 6 W, t S . 3 67 4V, 1 a L9i t 86 s ib, 1 oi a 65 ay.. 1 e vi lia, Is lUiiM H ..i -is..! S 1 i..($ 1 o..i a u 41.. 1 4 96 uo-i 1 a, T It, l .i 6 uiV 7 2 t 56, I 114 8 w 111 2..161 7 ; a wi a o.., 6 Ob, 1 3 ai 4..I 1 7 a 6 64 i 98 I 15, $ , 4..i t L3W, J k Ul. 6 us. 6 v, $ W, 3 79 Indicates Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought in today by each road was: CalLie.liugs.Sutep li'iee C, M. tc St. P. Ry.... 7 Wabash 1 Union Pacific System U C. A N. W. Ry 6 F., E. A M. V. R. It. -8 C, St. P., M. & O. Ry 16 B. 4 M. Ry 28 C, B. A VI- Rr 2 C, R. L A P.. eaot. 1 Chicago Great West.. 1 1 17 1 19 ti li Total receipts. .1CZ 55 48 The disposition of the days receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber 01 neaa lnaitatea Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. omana Packing Co Swift and Company , Cudahy Packing Co.... Armour 4k Company Armour V Co., cko City. Vaneant St Co , Carey k Benton MoCreary A Clark Lewis 4k Underwood...., L. F. Huss Wolf & Murnaa Hobblck St B bul Degan , Hegarty dc Co , Ottitr buyers Total 5: 40 7.0 bfi 2.349 443 1.312 1.417 444 l.A 442 48 a 1 15 46 21 2 75 42 164 L247 !,5ol 4.297 9,106 CATTLii There was a small run of cattle here this morning and In lact sappilea were much smaller than generally expected, as a result the tendency of prices was upward and while the market waa not exactly brisk, still a good clearance was made by liiu middle of the forenoon. The market on beef steers could safely be Quoted streng, with sales going from steady to a dime iugluar. The ady, tlocky cattle of good Quality continued in the pest de mand, aad it waa that class that showed too greatest tuivuuco. The undesirable kinds were not much more than steady, liadlng was not particularly brisk, as pack ers were not anxious to pay tne advance. while salesmen all held on fur a little more money. The light receipts, though, brought the market a close in good seaaon. The cow market was fairly active, with prices ranging strong lo a dime mgner There was considerable unevenness in the market owing to the fact that receipts were 1-ghi and buyers all had to hate a lew. Good lightweight cows and heifers continued in the best demand and in most cases sold right at a dime higher. Owing to the small number 01 that class on saio. though, even the heavy cows in some in stances sold higher. The pons were prac tically cleared oy the middle of the tore-noon. Bulls of medium weight sold without much trouble at stionger jrioes. Pig heavy bulls cud not soow -njen or any improve ment. Veal calvus were unchanged. There were or.lv a few bunches of stock cattle In sight, and, as speculators carried over very few from last week, they were all anxious for fresh supplies. The market could safely be Quoted strong and some of the setter grades sold a little higher. Representative sates: BEEF STEERS. I .. 1... 4 .. I... 4... t... 10... . 4.. I. .. 4 ... I . 1.. 14.. V: 41.. II. . I.. V.. I.. T.. It.. 47.. A. .... 4 .... 40 .... ft .... 4 .... ? ....KH4 .... 414 .....lVl :4 1004 .... 7 !M .... 10 ti r J Ft. I 00 M 1 ta 1 41 I 40 s a a I T8 I 15 I 71 8 74 Na I a , a , 1 4 tc J It It as. ir; t H Evaporated Apples aad Dvled Fralts. NEW TORK. April 4. EVAPORATED APPLES The market Is steady with prim In good demand. Common are quoted at 44j54c; prim. 64&5Vc; choice, afatJc; fanoy. 7fr7Vc. CAIJFf'RNIA PRIEP FRUITS Prunes were-moving slowly and ruled rather easy, Willi quotations ranging from atiVc. ao cording to grade. Ptaches and apricots wer pretty well cleaned up and quotations sre largely nominal. Choice apricots are quoted at tAvtzlAc; extra choice at 10N 9 KSc. and fancy at lib 13c. Peaches are ui.o-ed at TVSTVfcc for choice. T.iSi,o tor txtra cbotce gad $Vff0o for (anry. Tlnaton Steele Qaotatloas. pr ifrnv Anrll 4 rsitT loans. rHfr nee cent- time loans. XifrH ner pent. Official rirtriTir of tocl fiwit hon4t: 4a wting reianoa r-a Anrntur 41V A lionet ?1 Iwuilfama'M .... at. American lna ,. S4S jAllaMtc i r-nsham !' ICal A Haels 1 rntnnUI , Copper kanse ... !vr w.t T .Ttnminina Coal .. ' CrnrT 1J ,hl Bnral TS'i Waa M olH( 4 Mlrli'tma 1M Vou,l lS Voce C A ..., 114 "'d rionilBloe ... 10 '-oUL 14 Parrot IS Ouliwy , fsS IShaanon , 14t"4 Tananack lit TrtDttj , TI 11 8 VlalDf aa r a on ijo, ruii . 4:4 Viptorta ji.!Winoia . 11V WolT.rln H-a Atrtlaoa adl Ss 4a Max Central la Atchiao 4 pfd Rotton. a Albany.. Pato A Malra ... RoHm ElTat4 .. yilchkvrg p!d Mai. Central K T . N. H. A F.ra Haru.tt Cnloa Paciaa Amir. Arg. faaan. do p'i Asier. Pto. Tub. Anar. Sugar in pM Amr T A T Ann. Woolatt do pfd roiBioe 1 a a . Eilroa Elr. Ilia. Gnral EirtH ... Maa. Elaine do pfd Maaa Oaa tall4 rnilt I'nlte4 Shn Mark.. So p'4 r a s'i do ptd Bid. .. 1 . 4 'a . 44 . 1X . I . n . 14. . H 54 . . : . T . 4 . f- an . 14 f"4 . u . M . I .io . 4 . M4 . 4 . 11 . lw . 11 Hew York Weary Market. NEW YORK. April 4 -MONET On call. easy at IV' IV l-r cent; ciosirg bid. 14 per cent; offered. 14 per cent. Time loans, easy; 4u days. 2fC ttr cent; $0 days, 4 per cent; 6 months. osr74 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER I'-.tfS per cent. STERLINQ tXt IIA.NuE rteady. with actual business in bankers' bills at $4 IT'-S'-i' 187w fur asminil aU Hl6754jtAja Ut Coffee Blarket. NEW YORK. April 4. COFFEE The market for coffee futures opened steady at unchanged prices. The close was steady at an advance or 0 points, saies or 4." ivu bags were reported. Including May at 6,600; September, 65o6.10c; December, 4.40c. Rank Cleariaa-s. OMAHA. April 4 Bank clearings for to day, $1,374 SH.'i. an Increase of $72,058.37 over the corresponding day last year. Toledo Peed Market. TOLEDO, April 4. -SEEDS Clover, cash. $6.46; April, $6.30. Prime timothy, $1.80. Ready (or Teanraaee Derby. MEMPHIS. Tenn. April 4 With the weather almost Ideal and the prospects ex cellent for a fnst track, the sixteentn re newal of the Tennessee derby will be run at Montgomery park today. In the entries published four colts are named to start. tw belonging to Captain 8 8. Brown and two owned by Edward Corrlgan. The prospects are that neither Snmmuert or Geronlmo will start, leaving this hiatono event waa a walkover for Conjurer and Proceeds, both the property of Captain Brown. Both Conjurer and Proceeds are nominated for the American derby. The race will take place at about 4 So p. m. Sally's Creditors Do Set Meet. NEW TORK, April 4 A member of ths creditors committee said today that the meeting of creditors of the suspended firm of Daniel J. Sully A Co.. which it was In tended to be held today, has been post poned. It was believed on Saturday that the committee acting for the creditors would have ralhered sufficient In formation before today to enabls the creditors to pass upon Bully's offer for a settlement. It I now believed that tha meeting will be held later in the wg. OosTeo Dealers Assigns- BALTIMORE. April 4. The failure of Tavlor Sc Levering, coffee Importers, w announced today. The members of the firm. Robert T. Taylor and Lda-ard W. I-evering. will maao a statement later of the pause of failure. The firm was burned out In the recent nr In Baltimore and wag occupying temporary tvmces. Oarttoa Brokers Fail. NEW TORK, April 4 The brokerage firm of W. B. Hart Co. has suspended The firm traded In eotton snd had a stock exchange membership. It had a mercantile raiicf 4)1 Croat ua,vus to ,aia 11 1 a M is u I-. U 1 is'! ti.'." 1 I to 10 at.. 19 I... im rr ., 400 ...ici 4 00 a.., ... 140 4 00 84.. ...lv 4 e to... ...llt 4 00 14.. ...Vl 4 00 17.. ...1O40 4 M I.. inM 4 M ; BTEEKB AND COWS. ... It) IK n 1IJ ...ini 1 h t3 1:11 ... 7M 4 II 11 HIT ... t 4 U 1 101 STEERS AJvD HEIFERS. A. ... 11H ...AV.il ...1114 ....1U4 1 1 TS 11 '1 ... 1210 ...1,71 ....lJui ....3a! ....Uf) ,...1!SI ....125 ....lOTI ....itn ....liaT ..,.1114 ....1410 ....1840 4) Mti laT.I iS 14M Hi ... 18 ... ... m ... rt ... ... m ...io ...ino ... r.s ... aao ... 114 ... 1T ...1141 ...i:;i ... tft ...l"!! ...l'fl ...!i'".0 ... 17 ... Tfl ...ier ... ...ino ...1J14 ...ino ... v ...4411 .. .10.0 ... 4 ... m .. ir ...i?t ...its 1 as 8 ao 1 ... COWB. : n 1 11 t M t S 8 Ss I t v I ao 8 50 I M I 41 t 00 t TI 1 a as I l 8 a t w o I M 8 00 I 04 a 10 a 10 t it a i 1 1 8 II I K I tS a a t tj t ta 1 ie.'.'."".'i ia!!!!"" ia to I::: a a ii! it . 14.' .t'.IO list ma lut 150 o lo0 lort til no tot !' PW7 T?4t ...1100 ...in ...1100 ...1141 .. i;m ...10C4 ...J140 ... -:i ...Ill's .. 1T1 ... ...1114 .1?0 .. .!:: ...1?M ... M ... 4! ...U.10 .. U.40 Pr. 4 10 I 14 4 10 4 II 4 It 4 M 4 20 4 M 4 n 4 u 4 ss 4 ao 4 ao 4 St 4 80 4 U 4 S4 4 (0 4 to 4 15 4 bl 4 40 4 (1 4 71 4 ta 4 18 4 : 4 54 4 M 4 14 4 U I It 8 to I to I 88 1 as 1 in a 11 a 40 I 41 8 at 1 to 8 80 I to t IS 5 M 8 48 I to I to i (0 8 so 8 40 I t 8 CS t (S I 45 1 (i i cs 1 71 I 70 8 TO t 75 I It I U l ml a aa an ... au ... 4T ... 4:-5 ... M 4 t'i t 441 714 7T1 COWS AND HEIFERS. t ti 8 15 ILfclFKKS. n I 4 .... I::::: a 1 I. ... n t.... II. .. .. r.o ..lioe ..mo . ito ..1!M ,.r ..1JT0 . .100 ..111 . ltsl ..! . 14M ..!? ..14t4 .. f t .. r .. n .. HO .. 1M .. ao .. 144 t la t 50 t 0 t M t 40 t 44 I SO I 40 1. 44 48 ... It ... J... 1... t ... I BULLS. 1. I.... t t U t 44 I 0 8 00 I 8 as a 00 a a a 08 a ia a 1 1 I 18 111 CALVES. 1. I. 1 I I 1 8 M 4 M 4 00 4 4 a 4 80 a aa 1... ji 1 1 4 4 . 4 . i't . eel . v . 44 . A .l'i ..1010 ,.117 ..110 .Art ,.1(4 ,.1'0 . .lti ..11M ..14'0 ..141 . ao ! . !'. 140 10 . lit a tt 8 T8 I 7S t M 8 48 4 00 t 17 I 78 I ft I 73 I M I tS 1 ;j t u I :l I 3 t :t i o t 14 t 40 8 40 a oa 8 no I rs i re 8 SI 8 W STAGS. 1114 j at STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. I't 8 4 4-115 M in a 14 I 40 I I 8 M S Mt 8 o I'O 8 10 II II I 45 8 85 8 it 8 44 ;m iis a aaa t m 1:8 a a ta tat I 74) f.a a h aa ii" a to I I 44 1 tS I 75 ....... w im a............ ave a t 1 80 . ... 7.-, 1 HOTS Tlre wn.4 a fail" run f wom here for a MondA, nnd al'hough thloa m ju"ico oniy sioH.iy t eirong, the market here wss t-islit cloe to a etofcl Mcher. The bulk of the hoes sold at $& IT-4, i, 'i ,!.. iKtt niw , 'n'i-i ioso going l.trcely from 83.1S to 8S 1T. The lean i1- alral'le loerts sold latreiy from 85 1 J down. Trmllrg was fairly act!v and most Overy- thlng was told before the provision market We kened. Today s advance rarrle the m.nrkst pearly back to where It ws on Ti:ednr of lt week, or only fte tn So low-r t bail a week ago today. Representative salewt . At Sh. IT No. At, g Tr ' ... 8 0 IM I tlU t tt ... I l-t 14 ....... S 2 130 I II ! 4-7 I to r et ... 1 u ;a io ;o r: ft ta 8 :8 It jn 144 8 10 - M ,r... 537 ... 8 :ti l S ! ft t4 ... t II T J." ... I 1 17 40 ... I 11 7J 40 l 1 1V4 71 1 . . I IS " 41 n:, i y. M 8 18 ! t" IS" I I.-', M ft ... 8 18 :4t 120 s 1; , m 14 ... 1 11 ""- "7 7 S !' To P4 O 8 IS ' r-t im s it, n., tt i an " II IK I 1J'4 f ft 49 8 18 ' f7 :n . t 1: t tr ... 8 it ' !4S 40 8 1.", 44 f 80 8 IS H I'O IM 11:1, 71 J-4 ... I IS 4 40 8 1IW H f-4 l."0 8 IS ' 110 8 it 47 4 ao a 11 74 1.". ... 8 KS 7 f ... 8 18 7 ie io I iih a? ?ts . . 8 18 St ... I KH TS ! N It 15 ? 1 I US tl f!l ... I '.5 i "t ... I ltt i m ... 8 i"l 71 74t fa) 8 It 71 ttl 40 8 17 SHEEP Receipts were onlte liberal this morning and buyers were Inclined to be lu no gre.it hurry about filling their orders. They went around and picked up ths more desirable loads at generally steidy prWe, but when It came 10 the commoner kicds the market was slow and perhaps a trifle lower. This was true of both Kheou and lambs. Ews sold as high as $(). with a small bunch of native ewes at 8'M. We h. ers sold for IfiOO and yearlings of only fair qotilltv broua-ht Si !0. Clipped weiheri and yearlings sold ss high as $4 64' Mexi can lambs brought $i (3. ine cemana on the part or packers seemed to be fully equal to the supplv of the better grades, but the. common kinds were not ready sellers Puyem re In clined to take qiiuiltv Into consideration more thai: for some r.-r past. " Quotations for r-nfed stock: Oo-xl to choice lambs. $i fl, 7t: fair to rood lambs, IA y-; good to cho'ce e ir-lrc. 8X. fair lo good yearling. It f$M 9l; g; l to choree wetrr-. r"j3.n; i-t to ri wether. $4 8Vpt 1' goi-d to choice ee. $4 .Jt".i.ifi: f .ir to g -"d ewes. $44r1j46i'; dipped stock sel's f r fJTnc less than wojle-l tock Representative sales: No. Ar Tr. ' w e;ern cul! ewes 81 I CO li' western cul! ewes 1 :5 14 western wes M I W 18 western ws at 8 W S wsteru ciinied ewes Vi 4 f0 I4J western clipped ewes ., 97 4 0? IT'I western lambs M 4 IS I. western ewes 85 4 W ' 48 f stern clicoed vsarllnsa and .id wntl.crs 4T.i western wes 1.1 western ye-t.rllngs 2 western yearlings S western ewes .... SO Mexlcsn lambs ?71 Mexican lambs ., 60 Mexican lambs ... 174 Mexican lambs .. 1 clipped bucks .... ?! clipped ewes 69 clipped wethers , 11 western ewes IM western ewes ST9 western ewes 839 western ewes ..... I'. western ewes 15 western wethers lf western wethers 29 western wethsra and ewes. T)Z western iambs 90 Colorado cull ewes IS Colorado cull ewes 35 Colorado cull lambs 37 western clipped cuil Iambs. PZ vestern ewes to western clipped cull lambs. 140 Colorado ewes 20 Colorado ewes M western clirned Inmbs M9 western clipped lambs ?1 western ewes ?JM western yearlings Colorado ewes 13 Colorado ewes 2(0 Colorado dipped lambs) r. Colorado wethers 1 n 103 iu 70 Tl 1 71 140 SJ TS 51 ...... 57 ...... 7 ..... M 97 ICO .101 . Kt . 78 73 $2 . hi ?7 h M 7 (il n ss r Tl 85 4 V) 4 TS 4 90 4 tO t ("5 t $ 65 t 68 8 t 90 1 (A 4 fO 4 65 4 80 4 80 4 80 4 80 8 00 6 0 fia i en $ to $ V t v i 50 $ rr, 4 00 4 40 4 40 4 W 4 V 4 r a 7t 4 7T. 4 75 4 75 E 00 Kerr York I.lve Stock: Market. NKW TORK. April 4 CATTLE Reeve, receipts, J.ES head. Market more active; 10c hlgner for everythlna; but thin cows; steers, UC&'3i0: extra prime, $5.65: bulls. 1.1. u 4.15, extra $4.60; cows, $1.4&33.S4. Ship ments, none. CALVES- Receipts. 4 ' bead. Market 5 filoc lower; veals. $4.'Vu6 50; little ca:ve. $3 00; city dressed veals, rower at 7V11H3 per lb.;- country dtaeaed at aw per lh. HOGS Receipts, 15.&X) head. Ma;-ket steady to 5o lower; state bogs. .aVu.!5: . B1IEF.pa'D ! 'l1BS-t1eoeIpta :i4'JW bead.-. Itarket or sheep Brm to Wa higher; iambs Ek5 Mgher; sheep, $3.5065.; lambs, Vi.iZSi:. capped,-, S.55.78; cullg, $4 WI. 5 00; spring lauabs, 4-S53,4. oach. . Kaaaai Citv Llv Stock flrl. KANSAS CITT, April 4. CATTLE Re ceipts. i.b-0 head. Including LuuO southerns; market 10c higher; export and dressed beef steers, $4.5oao.OO; r to good, $3.50(34.40: western fed steers, $lCKg4.o; stockers and feeders, $10064.35: southern steers, Us? 4.15, southern cows. $2.6vij3 25; native cora, $-'.3.00; naUve heifers, $J.ifyi4.26; bulls, $25a3 75; calves, $t76j.SC. HO(iS Receipts. 6.O00 iiead; market tWSo . higher; top, $ i5; bulk .of saies, ISao iii; heav ar. SH $5.G.S&rpackrs, $S.liHt.-Txai avy, $o.SMX..S6; pi d lights, 4.if-6.: SHEEP A.ND head; market lCKJlfic hlrher; native lambs. 8i.r(i.T5: western lambs. $5i&ff.80; fed ewes, $4Er4.T5: yearlings. 4-7Sa; stockers and feeders. $3.00Qj.a. Peoria Orala Market. PEORIA, April 4. CORN Firm ; No. 3, 4Vc; No. 4. 47ic-- REAL E8TATK TtUSSrEn$i Deeds filed for record April 4, 1804, as fur nished by the Midland Guarantee and 1'rust oo.iipany, bondod abstracter! 114 Farnani street, for The Bee: II. Kva Pattiuger aad husband to Louis Worm, part of lot 1. block . ehull's Id add f 1,500 Carpenter Paper company to Emory D. Stanley, lot 10, block li, boutU Oniaiia 1 Adolph Kuehler and wife to peter primer, lou 1 and li, block J. Orch ard ll4 J.4O0 Wiiilam llenry EauniWs and wife to Steiia P-lasor, lot 4. block L Bey Uiour'e add... ' 1.10 Gertrude b. Paroieieo to i'rank 8. -Parmeiee, lets a and block K. city I Andrew R. McBaln to Henry A. Reck ert. lots 1 and 1. Mayfield 2.0v Belie M. Clarke arid husband to Lydia C. Sterling, lot I, block 15. Walnut Hill MUO Eilen D. DeP.ua to Eva S. Wood, -lot a, Pruyr.e s sub 1.460 George W. Paynten, special master, to M-irla II. Hotuhklsa, part block 4. Perkins sub 14.000 Hildux Applcgreen to Seraphim Beiv trs. lots 5 and , block 1-1, Roe Hill 3 H. li- Quinby and wife to Little Hunter, let 3u, Freeman's add to South Omaha ' 47S O. M. Oleaon and wife to Hlldur Applegreen. lot 10 Ltndquest add tQ . feouth Omaha 100 Henry Rergman to William Isele and wife, lots $ and T, block 12, Tholhaa A Sears' add I Edward V. Lewis to Jscob Twlk. tit . . 10, block 4, Sherwood s sub. of lot 3i. Millard St Caldwell's add 1.SV0 Emn.a C. Johxistun to Andrew At.desv son, lot Is, block 4, spring Lake Park S3 H. A. Tukey to WilUam W. Crnstd. -. trt lota Is and 17, sub. of block A. Reservoir add J0 Jane li Wright to FYsnk O Ander son, part 01 104 , D1VCK v 43UJI1U -u add ' t. CQE COMMISSION CO ilncorjordl Capital and Surplus $600,000. dealers In eoiii panvKim 5mr nninit AND IKVESTtEST SECURITIES, g kki EhH..L ts: 1, Btato sua . tlouai banks Sc Commercial AgQCia. luo Braiikh oftlc. Ceaeral OHiii a. T. Llfs Dalldlag, auKKCAroua Omaha Braaek il4 VarBssa St. Tel. 4KtT. TIIOS. tl. W1DBK.K. (or. Updike Commission Co.. GRAXX AND PROTTHION1. Cualness baadlsd promptly la all xuaxkaAa, CCca. 811 Eee DnCdlctr, Telephone 141. ' 0. W. VfVLKE. itXNAGC '