TITE OMAITA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY. APRIL SPECIAL NOTICES Advertleenteate rill , Uk ' far thee eolamaa latll IS . far the aa antll 9 a. aa. far Bandar edition, vara Mrat Insertion, the aorilx ad Rates. 1 1-Zo a 1 a word arr for Iras than XOe lost. These ran eeneeeatlvel Art vert laere. kr fter. Nothing; taken for the Brat Inaer rtleemeata aaaat he reqaeetlag a nn have aaawera ad fcered check, raa treaaed ta a aaaa hered letter la eare f The Bee. An ewers aa addressed will be delivered Ilia check oalr. presentation ef MISCELLANEOUS. BOYLES COLLGE . N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. Business Shorthand, Touch Type writing, English. Mail lessons in all branches. Catalogue free. The Nebraska Seed Co.'s REEDS WILt. GROW. Catalogue tree, lili-lili Howard. R 862 Jl nPAVPt DRIVEWAYS AND ARTI. UKAVCL F1CIAL STONE WALKS. hi. D. Van court, iuu N. 16th. Tel. 1H!. CUT RATE TICKETS everywhere. Phllbln, 16" Farnam and opp. U. P.. deoot. TeL in ana ius. v aw (JMAHA Safe and Iron works make a spe cialty ot tire escapes, shutters, doors and salt a U Andrea it, Prop., 102 8. loth it. It sos aa-o t. M. HAVERLY EXPERT 'aCCOUNT ANX, iU BEE BLUti. PHONE 2904. r m Champ. Carp. Clean. Co., 71S S. 14th. T, VS. R 86 C.CH H SILVER, NICKEL Plating. Ora. JJ lU plating Co., lo08 Harney. iel. to36. i Mil CITY SAVINGS BANK pays 4 per cent. R-6 tBPKCIAIy-For a limited time we will fit rou with a guaranteed pair of spectacle or tl. Don't miss this chance. V. S. Op ticians, N. ltith at. R-869 KAGLB Losn Office; reliable, accommodat Ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. R 870 EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co.. moving and storage, u n. istn. Tel. 1195. v ail LOCKSMITH fi? Fk?r-809 N R 873 Ploifri Carpet Cleaning Works. N. A. L.ICC11 IC Chrlsterujon, 22a N. 2uth. Tel. 1S. R 299 ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO. clean cesspools, vaults, removes garbage, dear) animais; reaucea prices, tui in. is. -rei ittv. K874 I. MELCHOIR, machinist, 13th ft Howard. R 875 rUBLICITT DESIGNS WHEATON, in ine isee nag. r 875 ble Life Assurance society. Its policies are sight drafts at maturity. H. D. Neeiy, manager. Merchant National Bank bldg., urninn, i e o. K47tf , SIGN painting. 8. U. Cole, 1302 Douglaa. It 877 ALL kinds carpenter work; repairing viuiuyuY nucnueu 10. J, x. Uclilltree, FOR noon luncheon try the Karbach res- uiunuii, reasonaoie prices. 418 8. lath at. K S78 M16 CLOTHES pressed, altered. Yousen, Pax- ... iivwi imtiur , t 501 BI ECTACLE8, tl; examination free. 80 day u . a. vpuuisni, ami pt. lbtn. R 133 fXRACINGS. blue prints and working draw. nun oc -o., vmana. pnotte it'3. ' R 237 Apr22x I'ERFIELD Piano Co.. Bee Bldg.; no inter. .. nuiiMi vaiuna, aaay lerms. It 883 M. O. SMITH, plumbing. 118 N. 16; tel. t092. OMAHA MIRROR MFG. CO., 708 N. lth. o-vni. 11-MiX) Als BTOVE storage and repairing. Hughes F-2302. 1 ' WM R9g' Of ' I'HOTOS. 2BC. 'if J Studio, 119 N. I6th opp. P. O. , , 1 ' R-9U ETOVE8 stored, cleaned, blacked and set t;p, $6 season; bicycle repairing. Jackson j,v. . rcti, lit . xnn. xei. L-.'33l. R M47 Apr26 G. E. KOCH, tinner. 717 N. 34th. Tel. L-1949. vuiumoui rooi cement paint. m R 272 Je21 1 CLEAN, dye, repair clothe. AM N. 16th. K M309 lea CUT RATE TICKETS nrv.k.r. nkiiki- 1605 Faniam and opp. U. P. Depot. Tel! i"! ivi t M893 CTRPTw.5iIe,lnlnr ,- Wooa- 1 Clark. .-. . n suit i.KT us show you how much Ga Engine Pper wni save you. Wltte Iron Work I , viu ou, aaniu uty. Mo. - R ' AOKNTg WANTED. TliD, canvassing agent In every county to solicit subscrlntlon to THE x c.-, uniii icm uKi FARMER.' Steady employment with asaureH ,nnA in. come. Agent in the country with horse aim iHiiir wciaiiy aeairea. Canvassers make easily loO to 1100 per month. Ad- ""a v yniury j-armer Boucilor Bureau, ouitaiii, tntana. ' J 213 WJ. M,)09 gil for greatest house- In every house: Immense money maker aana xvc jor complete sample and our lArs 1 1 1 1 1 t r. ,rl - u 1 , T M.Mivua Hi uairaiea rata nvu. .e Bt7,iia ulmi. Doutnern M Co., Dept. B 107, Houston, Tex. Southern Mercantile Tex. J-M44 Al AGENTS A brand new household neces ally. Nothing Ilk It. Simply show It to a woman and she buya 3u0 per cent yiuiib Auuisaa jair., aeneoa, MO. . J-M157 x ' Bl'SINESS CHANCES. fTO GET. In or out of buainesa call on WH- tiams, room tit. atcvague buiiaina. BHOLES-ARM3TRONQ CO., 73 N. Y. Ufa. ii. m. x ABBOTT-COWAN CO.. 312 Brown Bik., a. rvv an vr vut ut tiuaineaa. Y 8S4 FOH BALE General merchandise business in thriving little town In Iowa; stock will Invoice about t2.hJ0. Seventy-Ova miles from umana. Aaares u is. Hee. Y Ml9 I OSTEOPATHY. Johnson Institute, 114 N. Y, Life bldg. T. 1964 -si 1H UHi.CE DEEGAN, 833 N. Y. Life. Tel. , it Fayette Cole, osteopath. 60S Paxton block. c90 lr. FarwelL pclaltr nervous dlseaae. raxtoo. - . M 6t AM VBH. LAIRD ft LAIK1. 303 Karbsch blk. rnont stvt. m u '- ' 1 1 8HOKTHAKD AND TYPEWRITING. A. & VAN SANTS acbool, 717 N. Y. Life. si Neb. ttua. ft BhorLhand CoL, Boyd theater. i SCKil ITKIHEBJ. CLARNTb PARTTEa TO EUROPE. 1904. Ta'tali Ezrursitans durinjc Bnrlna and mtrw. (-ra TV a r La All Lixiea Bend oe Tour1t Gaaett. : r. a cukhh, ta sraadvaj, 2. t. WAITED- MALE HtCLf. BASE BALL TEAM COMPLETE. PENMANSHIP We employ the only expert penman In Omaha. The beat writers In Omaha busi ness houses have been students of tlie Omaha Commercial College. We are glad to aend you a specimen of what we can do o you can compare It with those obtained from other school. Address. Omaha Commercial College, 17th and Douglas. MEN to learn barber trade, free railroad lure upon our failure to convince you ot thin heinff the HKBT. Inrreet and only re liable, most practical bHrber college In this section. Write for catalogue today. Western Barbers' Institute, Omaha, Neb. Z3 OSl MOLERB BARBER COLLEGE of IVnver. i 1 . i , . ..l,Ua Ih.i "'"-I UIIIB III HT- 9 hirhaf lt-.rf. the .. h. tm1 else where. Write today for our terms. T lltll it- WANTED Two agents at once; salary or commission, c . Adams v-o., ioi rmw nrd st. B 896 YOL'NO MAN BRIGHT Over 18 to pre pare for Otv't Position. Good Salary, Per manent. Oradtial Promotion. Hox oiO. Cedar Rapids, la. B M153 lOx WANTED FOR U. 8. ARMY Able-bodied unmarried men between ages or zl ana 33; cltisen of United State, of good character and temperate habits, who cm sprait. read ana write f.ngnsn. f or in formation annlv to Recrultirs; Officer, lfith and Dodge sis., Omaha, or Lincoln, Neb. WE pay 140.00 weekly salnry and expenses to men witn rtgs to sen fun line ot fam ily, stock and poultry remedies; stock foods to farmers, cash or time. R-l, A. II. Hill, Sales Mgr., Kansas City, Mo. tj aiiu s WANTED Men to learn barber trade: spe cial offer for April. Including board and i'iui", epieunin opportunity; nw wrran completes. Call or write. Moler Barber College, 1302 Douglas St. B-M261 8x W ANTED First-class hookkeeperto take harge of wholesale ledser of Easter ac counts In large dry goods house; must hsve . thorough experience; state refer ence and salary expected. Address G 88. Bee. B M429 Bx WANTED, salesmen and canvassers. Ap ply to Mr. Lee, 1621 Fumam. B M419 5 WANTED Real estate salesman; good po sition to rignt party. Auaiess u si, uet. XJ miti 9 WANTED Young mn In newspaper office; must he quick with ngures ana a lair penman; state age and salary expected. Address G 42. Bee office. B 444 5 iWANTKD I want the namn of every man In any way Interested In Incubators or poultry raising. I have something for you. Write at once to M. M. Johnson, The Incubator Man, Clay Center, Neb. U M4bS OX WANTED Marble and granite cutter. Con stant work for at least a year; gooa wages to right man. Apply. J. R. Canty, Waterloo, la. a mi 11 ARE you open for a better position than von now nave: ir so write ror our pian. Vest. Rof. & Bond Assn., .840-841 N. Y. Life. B M44H a WANTED A good experienced coachman. Apply Boyd theater, w. j.-Burgess. REAL ESTATE salesmen to sell on com mission; only hustlers wanted and men with large acquaintance; good opening for South iimuha man to sen acreage near South Omaha. N. P. Dodge Co.. 1614 Farnam st. B M40 7 WASTED FEMALE HELP. ANYONE need of housekeeper or man and wife call Canadian office, ibtn ana uoage. LADIES for work at home stamping World fair souvenirs; steady. 56 Doug las bldg., opp. Hayden's. C M382 A2& WANTED Experienced skirt maker; also apprentice gin. Miss-riarteii, iw) apuoi ave. jMt x WANTED Girl for general housework; two In family. 1911 Park ave. C 3f ftx LADIES to learn hair dressing, manicur ing or racial massage; short metnoa Dy free clinic; four weeks completes; posi tion waiting our graduates; can or write. Moler College,- 1302 Douglas St. L-M.ro 2 sx . A GOOD girl; family of three: will pay big wages to good girl Mr. J. G. Mar tin, zttn ana t streets, to. umana. , j juiiu a . WANTED Saleslady in handkerchief and neckwear department; must be thoroughly experienced. Apply J. . L. Brandela & Hons. v. rows ox WANTED Girl for general housework. 2S29 California. . t- WANTED Olrl; must be good plain cook: small family; wares x; references re quired. 1329 S. 32d St. C-435 5 WANTED First class woman, head ' cook for fRtnllv hotel: one that Is honest and reliable and can take full charge of kitchen: aood waces and nermanent place .to right party. Address, giving xperi ence ana,, references, u, to, Bee o"iee. t;-ntu 1 WANTED A 1rl for reneral . housework. Mr. J. H. Dumont. 3642 Lafayette ave, WANTED SITUATIONS. -V- POS1TION wanted by experienced book- Keeper; goon penman; dcbi reierencea, Addresa H, Bee office. Council Bluffs. A-MW2 llx FOR RENT FIKN1SUED ROOMS. ROYAL HOTEL, European, loth ft Chicago. DEWEY, European hotel, 13th ft Farnam. NICELY furnished rooms. Inquire Omaha Steam Laundry, mm iavenworin. rnona A-1783. iV-WJ O. M. E. haul trunk. Tel. 811. E 900 U.26 PER WEEK. Doran House, 422 B. 18th. tLi irJl VIENNA HOTEL, 1011 Farnam; fine rooms. ladles cafe, private dining r. ;open niunta. ar m LARGE, warm room; ateam heat. 1909 Capitol ava E M720 NICE furnished rooms. 124 N. 15th. E 665 ELEGANT apartment house for men; rooms single or ensuite, luxuriously fur- ttisnea; now reaay ror occupancy. Apply at the Chatham, 13th st., opposite Millard notei. E 903 NICELY furnished rooms, third floor. 1420 Dodge St. E 904 THE FARNAM. 19th and Farnam at. reference required. E 9u6 FURNISHED rooms; housekeeping 2684U ' o niag OA LARGE room; .suitable for two. iio Dav villain. xu ssuu dx FURNISHED room, modern, walking dls K ' ..V. . T. ... - T. - ....... wui i-v B . C ML a FURNISHED rooms, suitable for light iiuuovseeping. i-aitiornui si. E-203 4x LARGE front room, modern. 4"9 S. Sth. amjan fx NICELY furnished front room, modern gentlemen oniy. ziut farnam. js 391 x LARGE front room, with aloove. 1811 Chi cago. E 392 (x NICELY furnished parlor, also houst keeping rooms. 201 Burt. E 393 I NEATLY furnished room for light house. awpin. di n. uin. gya 9x NICELY furnlshed, large room. 214 N, 19th. B-396 I PARLOR floor, single or enaulte. lfl uoaga. i imam jsw. & 3fcj sz FURNISHED room, with alcove, modern. E 14411 I front room for housekeeping, mi jarason. is c tx TOR. RENT To person emdoved durln tne air. a large rront room; mortirti con nlences; strictly private family. Ht4 Vi etiater. E 443 lx FURNISH FT) or nn'urttleied. wHh alcove uoders: Dhona. 403 B. Sola are. S-MI11T DO YOU READ WANT ADS? IF YOU DO, SO DO THOUSANDS OF OTHERS. -BETTER HAVE YOUR AD AMONG THEM. Pl'RNISHED HOOKS AND BOARD. 11S DODGE, t parlors, board optional. A- 2407. UTOPIA, ateam heat. 17a Davenport. Furnished rooms, Bteam tien. with or with out board. Midland hotel, ltith cnicago. F 80f HOME, Dining Hall; first-class .meals, 20c and 26c. Home cooking, ldi uoage. F M45i A 10 LARGE south front room and board for two; all moder. with phone A -2693. a0 a week, each; gentlemen preferred. -His Cass. F-M642 GOOD board and room for gentlemen. 1207 Farnam. wns a ELEGANT south front room and alcove. with board. 2418 Cass. 1 M1H 8 SINGLE room; board. -1812 Chicago. FURNISHED rooms and board, fine loca. tlon; gentlemen only. Z21d i'arnnm nt. F-175 8 GOOD rooms In modern house, private family. 2564 Douglas. IT a n NICELY furnished front rooms, large or small. 623 N. 20th. 'Phone. E 880 ox DESIRABLE rooms, board. The Albany. 2103 Douglas F 388 5 FOR RENT UNFURNISHED ROOMS. THREE deilrable rooms, suitable for light housekeeping, partly furnished. 3210 ass. O M666 WANTED TO RENT. MAN and wife want good board and room; reasonable distance. Address o. 4.1, uee, K M4B0 7x FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. INDIAN GOODS and relics. 1118 Farnam. W m 2D-HAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnam, w 100 KINDS of Mineral Water. Eherman i McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. 14 u KIMBALL PIANO, slightly used; big bar gain, call or write Koom t, Bee mag. Q-913 SECOND-HAND billiard and pool table: billiard tables repaired; large stock cheap bar fixtures, cigar counters, rne uruns wiuk-Ualko Collender Co., 407-9 8. loth. Q 913 150 WATCHES, 76 diamonds, left In pawn, cheap. Diamond Loan ontce, ltoi Douglas. Q-914 WE RENT Bcwlng machlnea, 75c week. We repair and sell parts for every machine manufactured. Second-hand machines from $5.00 to $10.00. Nebraska Cycle Co.. Phone 1663. ' Corner 15th and Harney, 15 FOR SALE Several scholarships In a nrst- clnas standard school in omiina, compris ing complete course In buainesa, short bond and typewriting. Inquire nt Bee office. Q 852 FOR SALE Cheap, old Ink barrel. Apply to the pressroom or xne ttoe. y 343 AUTOMOBILE $1,100 Toledo Steam Das-a- daa at a great Dargain. m so, Bee omce. , .. Q-M649 Al - STOCK YARDS SADDLERY CO., Wholesale and retail HARNESS and SADDLES; everything con sidered, cneapest on earcn; everytning hand-made; union shop; headquarter for axle grease and whins. 1 J. O. BLESSING. 331 N. 26th St., So. Omaha. Q4)ls PflM PPNPPWork. Poultry. Lawn I V v- l a Liiwuwiffl, 611 So. 16th. Q-M387 Jjrt FOR SALE Will sell at a discount chol- arsnip in one or tne Dest umana nusineas colleges. Address F 15, Bee. ' Q-M901 FOR SALE Second-hand afe, oda foun tain and National casn register, rticn-mond-Derlght Co., 1303 Farnam. Q 917 TREES Haxel Dell Nursery, 3208 N. 24th. 14 unvv Aia DENSMORE typewriter. In good condition. for $30. No. 1016 N. x. Lire, Tel. 3.1. . Q-M333 SECOND HAND furniture, carpets of all kinds, lowest prices, western Kurnuuro Co., 1414 Dodge. Q M837 A28 TELEPHONE pole; long fir timbers; cheap chicken fence, yui uougias. Q MS ENTIRE stock of statuary on hand: very low price. 0. oonneua & uro.. arai r ar nam. Q-130 13xi FOR 8 A LE Gasoline runabout. In use dally: going to Europe. Dr. .w. v. uage, 208 Bee. Q 161 JALMS. artificial, half price, from 2 to 10 feet hlgn. u 30, nee. v ia-11 o BUILDING MATERIAL FOR SALE 23d and calirornia sis., irom nouse torn oown. George ft Co. Q M375 FOR SALE, rail of all weights: also switches, irogs ana cars tor staeiracKs and tramways, locomotives, steam hov els and contractors' tools. We make a sneclalty of cutting rails to any length desired. M. Mltshkun Co., Detroit. Mich. Q M311 FOR SALE Fancv, thoroughbred Buff- cochins for breeding purposes. )4 rarK ave.. Omaha. Neb. O M40 6x 2d-HAND safe. Swart, Hatter, 114 8. ISth. tj 445 jys WAREHOUSE scale cheap. Sam'l Rum. y lis mj FOR SALE I young, fresh cow. Webster t. 430 lux jtYVR pT B 8 Shetland ponte. very e-entle. Webster st. tj 437 lux FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS, ETC. HORSES for sale; second-hand harness. and vehicle cheap. Melcnolr btablea, 601 8. 19th. P-917 HAVE your wagon painted or repaired by H. Frost, 14th and Leavenworth. P-911 HORSES clipped. Cotton Livery Stables, 1602 Cass. P-M7&6 A14 SECOND-HAND closed carriage, rubber tired. $X0. Address 5" 63, Bee. T P M648 HORSES CLIPPEDJ'rW P M834 AJ7 HEAVT. full leather top buggy In good condition; Drummond make; $50; also harness. Johnson ft Danforth. s. w. cor. 10th and Jones. P M191 Ml' FAMILY horse, harness and leather-top urrey. 2813 No. 19th ave. P M36J 5x FOR EXCHANGE. TO KXCHANGE. 440 acres choice eastern Nebraska farm lands for stock of general merchandise or clothing. Addreaa Lane ft Miller, Wlner, Kebraaaa. -a!N a WILL trad beautiful piano for bona. Schmoller ft Mualler, 1311 Farnam, Z 971 PIANO and parlor suite In exchange for - , . - - ... i uu vacant tuu. auui u, w Z 370 Ix LAW AND COLLECTIONS. BTULJiAN ft PRICE. 410 1st NC bk. bldg. FOR SALE RE At, ESTATE. COTTAGE FOR SALE 26th AND CHICAGO STS., $2,200. Southeast corner, lot 66x182, with 8-room house and plenty of room on lot to build another house. GEORGE ft COMPANY. m RE-M371 6 $2.100 4216 Ersklne St., rooms, well ar ranged, stoty and a hslf, oak lloor downstairs. This la a genuine snap. See us. D V. Shole Co., 722 N. Y.-Llfe B'dg. Tel. 49. RE-i7& CLOSE IN MODERN house, rooms, near High school andCrelghton university, paving all paid, 54,500 W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnam St. RE MS78 59x132 ON CUMING NEAR 24th ST., 2,400 Suitable for business or good location for flat. GEORGE ft COMPANY. RE M 370 6 CHS- Williamson Co.Mtfd. RE 796 MODERN 8-room; also 6-room house: beau tiful lots; fine location; cheap. Inquire 1411 Vinton st. RE-918 A18 Illua. your property. Baker Bros. Eng. Co. RE 9a NICE HOME CHEAP. $2,300 Parties have built larger house and offer their elegant home on 41st St., near Saunders school, for $2,300; 6 rooms with furnace, gas, bath, open plumbing. House could not be built for $2,500. Full-slsed lot. Act quickly. It is a snap for somebody. HARRISON ft MORTON. 912-913 N. Y. Life. Tel. 314. RE-198 4 MY RESIDENCE house, o rooms, all mod ern. 1626 Spencer; terms easy. tVill Marks, P.O.Box 685. KE-M148 AiO ENGLISH & CO., PAXTON BLOCK. One of the linest 8-room nioaern residences in West Farnam district, $2,200. 8-room modern residence, Farnam and 81st avenue, $3,i00. RE 91 FOR SALE, 11-room house, modern and In first-class condition; large yard and snade tree; 31(7 Davenport t. Apply H.. J. .Windsor, 1618 Dodge St. HE M376 WHEN buying or selling real estate be sure to get a Midland Guarantee and Trust company bonded abstract, 1614 Far nam street. N. P. Dodge, Jr., President. RE 924 BARGAINS IN ACRE TRACTS. 12 acres, good house, etc., on Bellevue road, two mites from ooutn umana j,buu. 6 acres, very well Improved,1, on the Gil more road $1,600. 2 acres, fair Improvements, on Boulevard, m miles from South Omaha postofflce $850. 40 acres, unimproved, lay well, close In $4,000. 16 acre, unimproved, good land $3,500. 10 acres, adjoining -Albright: great bargain -$2,000. We have several smaller tract adjoining the city that are, nice and very cheap. O'NEILL'S REAL ESTATE AGENCY. South Omaha. RE M 668 All REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. What have you got to offer In a good city lot in wholesale district in exchange for 86 acre of fine land near South Omaha at $100 per acre? Must be full corner lot. Owner will pay cash difference. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCKS RE M3S3 S COST $18,000. $5,000 buy fine suburban residence, good as new; house of 13 large rooms, all mod ern; large and beautiful grounds facing public park and on paved street; fine place tor sanitarium. H. G. McGee, Council Bluffs. RE M406 6x FARM 300 acres, H mile north La Platte, Sarpy Co., $46. 7-R. modern cottage, Capitol Hill, $3,200. Two 8-R. modern houses, near high school, $5,600. 20 acre on creek one mile west of Florence, some improvements, small house and other outbuildings, $1,860; $560 cash, bal. annual payment. 16 acre 2 miles west Florence, 6 acres cul tivated, well fenced, young? orchard, 40 apples, bearing, $l,7o0; $600 cash; term to salt on balance. W. N. NASON, 448 Bee Bldg. RE 196 4 FOR SALE By owner, section 29, township 3. range 10, Webster county. Neb. Price $26 per acre. This Is a fine stock farm, even mile from Blue Hill and two mile from Cowle' station on B. ft M. There are 386 acre In pasture, fenced; none bet. . ter In county. Two good wells, two new windmills, two tanks, small improve ments, etc. There are 2. acres in cultivation. $6,000 cash will handle this: balance easy terms at ( per cent or will exchange for property In Spokane. Ad dresa Geo. C. Graham. E. 611 Sinto ave., Spokane, Wash. RE M422 10 9-ROOM house, first-class condition, on two lots, good barn. In south part or town, block from Vinton stret car. 1914 Oak street. RE-M37 6x Buy nice building lot, 60x125, 28th and Pratt street, sewer on street. R. H. LANDERYOU. 443 Board of Trade. Tel. 215X KB M209 6 51.4S0 Buy new cottage, 6 rooms, lot 42x126; look It over, southwest corner zoth and Sara toga. This is a pretty home and cap be bought on your own terms. R. H. LANDERYOU. 442 Board of Trade. Tel. 2161. RE M210 6 HOUSES FOR SALE. 231 8. 11th, 4 rooms. $1,900 2MU 0. 11th, k rooms 9d0 1,4.0 l.OllO 1,0110 1.0m) 1.1m l.&uO if r.lm, 6 rooms, barn. 1212 Pierce, 4 rooms S214 Pierce, I rooms 2922 Castellar, 6 rooms... 3413 Jackson, 6 rooms.... 819 N. 4Mh. 8 rooms 8417 Jackson. rooms.. 1.100 3M6 Hamilton, 10 rooms, modern 2,500 914 N. 42d, 7 rooms, modern 3,600 819 N. 43d, 9 rooms, modern 3,6"0 40I Chicago, I rooms, modem 1,500 403 Chicago. 5 rooms, modern L360 N. P- DODGE & CO., 1614 Farnam St RE M461 FOR SALE 11-room house, modern and In first-class condition; large yard and shade trees; 8177 Davenport st. Apply H. J. Windsor, 151$ Dodge St. HE M37 MISSOURI LANDS ANCHOR LAND COMPANY. 1U13 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. RE-M40$ Al DO YOU WANT TO SELL A FARM? If you want to sell a farm or ranch tell the farmer and stock ralaers about It. The beat way to reach them la through. THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER . Tfcla agricultural weekly goes to 60.604 home of farmers and stock raisers, so If you have a good piece of land to sell at a reasonable price you will find a buyer among lb em. The cost of an advertisement la small 3 cents oer word In small tvix ox $Lii per lacb u ai la large type. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ELEGANT BRICK BLOCK. 4 stores, with 6-room, modern flats shove; price, $lt.O00; cash or farm land, bal ance can run nearly S venre at 5 per cent. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1. New York Life bldg. RE-82S FIVE acres, with apple orchard, at a bar gain; close In. Inquire 1410 Dodge. RE M348 A7 A FARM BARGAIN. Burt Co., 80 acres, 3 miles south Decat'ir, near main road to Tekamah, near pro. Jecled electric line Sioux City to Omaha, 6-R. house, windmill, barn for 12 horses, cattle sheds and yards, all necessary buildings and all In good repair; iw acre In cult., 15 acres good pasture; well worth much more money, only $45 per acre; $1,600 rash, balance on mortgage at low rale. GEORGE G. WALLACE, Brown Blork. RE 434 4 FOR RENT HOUSES. THE Omaha Van and Storage Co. peek move and store H H. goods. Storehouse, I ii-t-zi in. jam. umce, loii'.j r arnam. i ei. 1559-863. D 926 HDI IP? Part" of th city. The UUUJtO o. F. Davis Co., 608 Bee Bldg. D 927 PAYNE-BOSTWICK ft CO., choice house-. 601-603 New York Life Bldg. Thone HH6. D-92S WE MOVE pianos. Mnggard Van ft Stor age Co. Tel. 1406. Office 1713 Webster sU D-929 HOUSES, insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker blk. D 90 FOR RENT 11-room house, modern and In first-class condition; large yard and shade trees; 3177 Davenport st. Apply H. J. Windsor, 1518 Dodge tit. D M375 Hni IQPQ " parts of the city. R. C. UUUJtO Peters & Co., Bee Building. D-911 FOR RENT 8-room house, newly papered. 8527 Charles t.; $22.50. Tel. 573. B. H. Robblnson. D 3S9 FOR RENT Seven-room house, nil mod ern; 2123 California St., $32.50. Including water tax; also 6-room coltitge, modern, except furnace, 2211 California St.. 26. Inquire at 607 N. 19th St. D M518 6-ROOM, modern flat. 1112 S. 11th St. D MS39 FOR RENT Four-room cottiiKe. 2601 Blondo street. Apply at 607 N. 13th st. D 19S3 FOR RENT 10-room. modern, J127 80. Slst st; $50 per month, from May 1. Enquire on premises. D M412 9 2011 Sherman ave., modern, 8-r., $35. 1918 N. 24th, 6-r. flat, modern. $15. WALLACE. BROWN BLOCK. D 433 6 FINE 14-rorm strictly modern brick dwell ing, entirely new $60. Hernia, Pnxton block. D 440 $402216 Blnney St., 10 rooms, all modern house, hot water, heat; barn. $33 16a Park Ave., new. modern, across street from Hanscom Park, 8 rooms. $32.503609 Dodge, east Vi new double brick house, 6 rooms, newly papered, nlckle plumbing. $26 2411 Spencer St., new, modern cottage, ( rooms. A double house of 21 rooms, suitable for hoarding or rooming house, 2 blocks from Her Grand $80 per month. R. C. PETERS ft CO., Ground Floor, Bee Building. D 438 CENTRAI modern, 4-room corner flntT Tlxard. 220 N. 23d. D M 468 FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES. FOR RENT Building suitable for whole, sale purposes at 916 Farnam, 22 x90, four stories and first-class cemented basement, elevator, fire and burglar proof vault, 01 ftce counter and fixtures. For price and particulars Inquire C. C. Rosewater, sec retary Bee Building Co., room luo, Hee Building. 1 M567 FOR RENT Three upper stories in four story building at 916 Farnam St., two stories If preferred. Address C. C. Rose water, Sec'y, Room 100, Bee Bldg. I M986 TWOSTORY building, 1512 and the second floor 1508-10 Howard. W. 11. Bushman. 1932 DENTIST wanted 10 share office with a physician with fine quarter In Bee bldg., with well established practice. Address C a. Bee. 1 131 STORE BUILDING FOR RENT. 1516 Dodge St., 4 stories and basement, ele vator, steam heat, etc., $00.00 per month. 1414 Harney St.. 4 stories and basement. 33x120 ft., electric elevator, steam heat. am.w per montn. GEORGE ft COMPANY. I-M373 6 STORAGE. Fifth floor of building 1608 Harney St., oc cupied by Midland Glass & Paint Co., raui it., gooa iigut, neat, elevator aerv loe, $100.00 per mo. GEORGE 4 COMPANY. 1601 Farnam St. I-M374 B FOR RENT We have a new store on Harney between 16th and 16th that will soon be in center of shopping district; can be rented on long lease 10 gooa tenam. N. P DODGE & CO., 1614 Farnam St - I-M459 7 FOR RENT FARMS. 70 ACRES FOR RENT, near Irvlngton, all good farm land, no Im provements. GEORGE ft COMPANY. - M372 PRINTING. HIGH CLASS printing at lowest prices. Tel. 1202. 1. A. Medlar Co., 422 S. loth st. M382 A8 AMERICAN Printing Co. New equipment Get our prices. aei. 16a. 1618 Chicago. MS74 A PRINTING J H,h Orade Work, i vICTin (Oounee block, corner LYNGSTAD 16th St. and Capitol A of ve. -9U KRAMER ft CHANDLER. Quick Printers, 1103 Farnam.l To deliver work when promised Is our hobby. M756 A14 WE make calendars and do all kinds of printing. Barton Printing Co., " t. mm, 'Phone iVA. M754 A14 WANTED TO BUY. 8HONFELD the ANTIQUARIAN. 8:2 N. Y. lue, pays aignvsi price tut yuuaa. tei.eiog 2D-HAND furniture; high prices. Tel. 3020. Chicago Furniture Co., 14W Dodge. N 919 SHOW ease for wall, cheap. O 31, Bee. N-M H2 S WANTED Team of ponies. (00 to 700 lb, each, broke to drive. Address G 40, Bee. N 143 6 MUSICAL. THOS. J. KELLY, voice, Davldge block. 369 DAISY HIGGINS. voice, piano. 2013 Lesv. TeL A-2741. -937 CHAS. H. KEEFER. piano. 65 Barker Plk. 938 FLORISTS. HESS ft SWOBODA. 141S Farnam. - 917 U HENDERSON, florist, 1618 Farnam St ALFRFD DONAOUUE. JH-. HOT Farnam. ltd. OX , At TERSONAU DR. ROT, Chiropody, R. 3. 1614 Farnam. 1-941 Paper Hanging jr.".. pila'iJr: C. P MeCL-MN. teed at reasonable prices. 210 Kjllih St. TeL B-2547. V Hi Accordeon pleating, cheapest, best, quickest. Mrs. A. 0. Mark, 17th and Douglas. U 943 LA BOOK, ladle' tailoring, 613 Karbach till, 1 1 a.. ANY poor girl In need of a friend can call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women, 8S24 N. 24th St., Omaha, Neb. U M526 Maylx Stammering tured J. Vaughn, Ramge Bid. U 945 ELITE Parlor. 616 8. 16th, 2d floor. TMt "VIA VI," way to health, 350 Bee building. U-947 M A rilMPT I r treatment baths. Mme. mn un c i nSmJlh us N. ,5, 2 nr., r. x L-M338 Asx WHAT'S nicer than nccordeon pleatlng7 e do nothing but the finest. Goldman Pleating Co.. 200 Douglas Illk. U 943 BKN HOLT Whv didn't you meet me at Columbia Phonograph company last night? I watted till half past 9. Say, their free concerts are grand, and I bought a doten X. P. 50o records for 25o each.-Peggy from Paris. U-949 PANTORIUMa-- U 950 SEND 26c for HOMESTEADER'S GUIPK, contnlning forty-eight pages of vnluaole Information. OKMCIA1, MAP and full Instrurti,,,, how to get a claim on the mig Agency, Uonesteel, 8. D. u ki PIANOLAS for rent: 3 months' rent al- y.i-uunpurcnim. Schmoller at autimr, 1313 Farnum. Tel. 1625. U 952 TUB, vapor and alcohol bath. 720 8. 13th st U 9M DR. SLABAUGH.xDentlst, N. Y. Life Bldg. j mi-. SMOKE Cttpt. Freer' Greenlander cigar. 4111 o. lain. u MH17 Mayi THEATRICAL masq. costumes. Lieben, fH8 Karnam. U-964 LODGES, dancing club or meetings of any kind can secure a hall In the Hee build ing, with splendid accommodations: ele vator service all night, electric light, piano, etc. Apply to R. C. Peter ft Co., ground floor. Bee bldg. U 841 CRYSTAL Ice Co.. 1306 N. 24th. Tel. 2028. U M460 JelO DR. FICKES. O. C. B. 8.. dentist. 838 Bee Bldg. U MS00 A15x THERE are at lesst 20 reasons why every man should smoke the Monogram 60 cigar. The first is: It Is equal to any 10c cigar on the market. W. F. Stoecker Cigar Co., manufacturers, 1404 Douglas. U 103 WALL paper ' cleaned. Mlddlemlss, Tel. A3298. U M145 A 30 'A LITTLE TRAITOR TO THE SOUTH," bv Cyrus Townsend Brady; Investigate. Hoach's Circulating Library, 1516 Farnam. U-439 WANTED To the first person In every county answering this ad an offer to earn a round trip railroad ticket, with ex penses to the world's Fair at 8t Louis. Address World's Fair. Tour Association, St. Joseph, Mo. U M464 6x WILL gentleman who exchanged bats In Trinity Cathelral on Sunday night' please call at 6. IT. 8. Bank bldg., or 'phone 1.2600 and get his. IT M461 6x MEDICAL. MAGNET PILE KILLER. IT CURES, At druggists, $1. 866 HOMEOPATHIC medicine, wholesale, re tall. Sherman ft McConnell, Omaha. 964 DR. PRIES treat successfully all diseases reliable, 15UH Dodge, Arlington Block,' Omaha. 967 PRIVATE hospltsl during confinement; bsbtes adopted. Mr. Gardels. 2234 Lake. Tel. Red-1884. -968 PRIVATE home during confinement; babies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sanitarium, 728 1st Ave., Council Bluff. Ia. 2 PRIVATE hospital,- before and during con finement: babes adopted and boarded. Mr. Neflln. 608 N. 16th. M-420may2x LADIES Chichester English Pennyroyal Pill are the best. Safe, reliable. Take no other. Send 4c stamps, for particular. "Relief for Ladle." In letter, by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co.. PhlladelDltla. P. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY. If you are annoyed by numerous small bill that have accumulated during the winter It might be an advantage to you to sac u re money from us and pay them, and then pay us In weekly or monthly payment until you get out of debt. We loan on fur niture, pianos, live stock and other chat tela and we make loans to salaried peo ple upon their owih agreement to repay. Our rates are as low as any and a great deal lower than some. Our service I aulck and without publicity. If you have ealt with us and ure pleased, tell others, and If you sre displeased, tell us. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co.. 119 Board of Trade bldg. Tel. 2i5. (Established U92J, 30i South ICth St. A. (Mil CASH. You can establish a CREDIT with an old RELIABLE firm and secure money when ever you need it We will advance you enough money to pay off all your debts, so that you will owe It all In one place, where you get courteous treatment. , .... Our easy payment plan baa astonished peo ple who had previously borrowed of other loan companies, 011 account of our Wmak" loans on SALARIES FURNI TURE, PIANOS, LIVE STOCK, etc. RELIABLE CKED1T CO., 307-8 Paxton block. X 962 MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE. PIANOS, LIVE STOCK, r SALARIES. ETC. Low rates and easy term.. Business confidential. Try us if you want to asve money. PHOENIX CREDIT CO., 633 Paxton block, 16th and Farnam streets. X903 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and other with ecurlty; eaay payments: largest business in 49 principal cities. Tolman, room 440 Chamber of CVmmerc bldg. X-964 MONEY loaned on rtlaln note to salaried feople: business confidential; lowest rales. 14 Psxton block. The J. A. Hutton Co. X 95 MONET to loan on furniture, horse, etc.. at half usual rates. Dr. Prlhhenow. room 215 at 909 S. 15th t. Tel. B-2964. X-9 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed. 319 8. 13th. X-987 CHATTEL, salarv and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co.. 1504 Farnam at. X 968 HONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. FARM and city loans, low rate. W. It. Tuoiuus, First Nat 1 Bank bldg. TeL I644 w o PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. Life. W-97U 4 TO 6 P. C. money. Beml, Paxton block. W-971 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1620 Douglas. W 973 WANTED City loan and warrants. W. Farnam Smith ft Co., 1320 Farnam st. W 973 MONEY TO LOAN Payn InvestmentCo. WANTED Real estate loans and warrant. R. C. Peter ft Co., Bee bldg. W T74 6 per cent loan. Oarvln Bro., 1404 Farnam. W 97s MONEY to loan. Kenney Real Estate and Investment Co.. r. Q Bee bldg. W-976 DRESS MA KINO. IN famine. Mis Sturdy, AM Davenport. WANTED SALESMEN. WANTED Traveling salesmen to carry . our ladies' wrappers and dressing sacquea in western territory as a side line. Ad dress B. Hon ram ft Co., 230-23J Market St.. Chicago. M-3U 8ALKSM EN Rand, McNally ft Co. have cpenlngs for thies more active Sales, men on th-lr new one-volume F.ncvcln-1-edla and Onset leer, XI pages; hundred or Illustrations; published to take the place of the costly manv-volume edl'lnns: soils on lis merits: exeptlonallv liberal terms. For exclusive territory arM full particulars address Rand, McN'allv ft Co.. Chicago. M-4W 6x DANC1NU ACADEMY. MORAND'S Iftth and Harney, spring term begins this week: children. Sat., 3 p. m ; r dulls. Tucs. A Fri.. 8 p. nt.; 12 lessons, $6; private lessons dally. Tel. 1641. 7; ah PATENTS. If J. COWGILL No fee unless succrssfuL B. 15th St., omnha. Tel. 1794. 979 FATENT8 guaranteed. Sues ft Co., Omnha. 'IS? Al?x CLAIRVOYANTS. GYLMER. palmist, 715 N. 23d. Tel. B-3'45. 8960 BUSINESS MEDIUM. 718 N. 17th St. 8245 A20T LOST. IA)8T On Park Ave. Sunday afternoon, coin purse. Kindly return to lou Park . ve. Lost- 441 6x FOIND. FOUND Scotch collie wlta two pups. Par ticular by addressing O. 44, Hee office. Found M462 6 DETECTIVE AGENCY. Cpt Cormack, 617 Karbach tilk. Tel. A-22. 8l3 POSTOFFICB NOTICE. (Should be read dally by all Interested, change may occur at any time). Foreign mall for the week ending April 9. 1904, will close (PROMPTLY In till case) at the General Patoffice aa fol low: PARCEL8-POHT MAILS close one hour earlier than cloning time shown be low. Parcels-poet mails for Germany close at t p. m., Wednesday. Regular and Supplementary malts close at Foreign Station (corner of West and Mor ton street) half-hour later than cloning time shown below (except that supplemen tary mall for Europe and Central Amer ica, via Colon, does one hour later at Foreign Station). Traaaatlantle Malta. WEDNESDAY At 1:80 a. m. for EUROPE, per a. a. Oceania, via Queenstown. THURSDAY- At 7 a. m. for FRANCE, per s. s. tat Touralne, via Havre (mull for other part of Europe must be di rected "per a. e. Ia Touralne"); at 7:30 a. m. (supplements ry 9 a, m.) for EU ROPE, per s. s. Deutschland. via Ply mouth. Cherbourg and Hamburg. FRIDAY At 10:30 p. m. for AZORES ISLANDS, per . a. Romanic from Bos ton. SATURDAY At :S0 a. m. for EUROPE, rr . s. Lucanln, via Queens town; at a, m. for EUROPE, per a, . Vader land, via Southampton. if,.. , K . A.tn. , K -. lit.at.M.Hla.ri Transatlantic Malls named above, adill. tlonal Supplementary Malls are opened on the piers of the American, English, French and German steamers and rema n open until within Ten Mlnutt of itu ' hour of sailing of steamer. Mall for Soofh and Central America, Weat ladle. Etc. TUESDAY At 9 a. m. for BRAZIL, per s. . Tennyaon, via Pernambueo, Hahla, Rio Janeiro and Santos (mall for North- rn Braill, Argentine, Uruguay and Para guay must be directed "per a. s. Tenny- . son"); at 9:30 a. m. (aupplemontary 10:30 a. m.) for CENTRAL AMERICA (except Coata Rica) and SOUTH PACIFIC PORTS, per s. . Yucatan, via Colon , (mall for Guatemala must be directed ' "per . , Yucatan"); at 10 . m. for HAITI, per . s. Orsnje Nsssau (mall for Cape Haiti, Port da Palx. Curacao, . Venezuela, Trinidad, British and. Dutch,,: Guiana must be directed "per a. s. OranJ-j ' ! Nassau"); at 11 m. for BARBADOS and NORTHERN BRAZIL, per s. s. Hllde brand, via Para, Maranham and Ceara; -at 4:80 p. m. for PORTO PLATA, per steamer from Boston. WEDNESDAY At 8 a. m. for BERMUDA, per s. a. Pretoria; at 9:30 a. m. for NEW FOUNDLAND, per a . Bilvla; at 10 a. m. . for GRENADA, TRINIDAD and CIUDAD BOLIVAR, per . s. Maracas; at 13 m. (supplementary 11:30 p. m.) for BAHA MAS, per s. . Antllla, via Nassau; at , 12:80 p. m. (Bupplementsry 1:30 p. m.) for LEFTWARD and WINDWARD ISLANDS. ' BRITISH. DUTCH and FRENCH GUI- ' ANA, per s. . Msnoa (mall for Grenada ; and Trinidad must be directed "per s. s. Manoa"). THURSDAY At 8 a. m. for CURA, per . s. Esperanaa (mall for Mexico, via Pro- Jreso, Campeche and Vera Crus must be Irected "per s. s. Esperansa"); at I a. m. for MAYAGUEZ (ordinary mall only), per s. a. Psthflnder (ordinary mail for other parts of Porto Rico must be directed ' "per . . Pathfinder"); at 12 m. for MEX- .. ICO, per s. a. Santiago, via Tamplco (mall ; must be directed "per s. s. Santiago"!; at 12:80 p. m. (supplementary 1 p. m.) for ' TURKS ISLAND and DOMINICAN RE-. PUBI.IO. ner s. a. New York. FRIDAY At 9:10 a. m. (supplementary 10:811 a. m.) for inaoua ana haiti. per s. s. Alene; at 11 a. m. for ARGENTINE. URUGUAY end PARAGTTA Y. per a s. Tropic; at 11 m. for QUANTA NAMO and SANTIAGO, per a. . Clenfuego fmall must be directed "per . . Clenfuego"). SATURDAY At 8:80 a m. (supplementary 9 so a m.) for cckacao na vntij FLA. per . . Zulla (mall for Savanlla and Cartagena must be directed "per a. s. Zulla"): at t a. m. for PORTO RICO, per a. a. Coamo. vli Ban Juan; at 9:30 a. m feupolementsrv 10-80 a. m.) for FORT UNE ISLAND. JAMAICA, BA VANILLA and CARTAGENA, rer s. . Bsrnla (ml! for Costa Rica trust be directed "per . s. Parnla"); at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per s. s. , Mexico, via Havana: at 12:30 p m. for ANTTOUA. MARTINIQUE and OUArvrT-' T.OUPE, per s. s. Piemonte (mall for Bar bados and Trinidad must be directed "per . s. Piemonte"). Matle For-waroe Overland, Ete.. Ex. t rept Transcontinental, CUBA Via Port Tampa. Florida, closes at this office dally, except inursnay, at :au a. m. (the connecting malls close here on Mondays. Wednesdays and Saturdays). MEXICO CITY Overland, unless specially addressed for dispatch by steamer, closes at this office dally, except Sunday, at 1.80 p. m. and 10:30 p. m. Sundays at 1 p. m. ' and 10:30 p in NEWFOUNDLAND By rail to North Syd ney and thence by steamer, closes at thl , ofrlce dally at 6:30 p. m. (connecting msi ',J close nera cvvijr nuuuayi , v-uu wjm j amu ( Saturday). . JAMAICA By rail to Philadelphia and thence by eteamer closes at this office at if:80 p. m. every Sunday, ly rail to Boston and thence by steamer close at this office at 6:30 p. m. every mVqUELON By rail H Hoeton and thence by ateamer closes at Hit office dally at BELlZ,E.,npUERTO CORTEZ and GUATE MALA By rail to Now Orleans snd thence by steamer elose at this office dally, except Bunaay, at 11:30 p. m. and 410 30 p. m , Bundaye at 1 p. m. and 110:39 p m (conmietlng mail closes here llon a'svs'at 110 30 p. m.) COSTA RICA By rail to New Orleans and thence by ateamer closee st this office dally except Sunday, at 11:80 p. m. snd 110 30 p. m., Sundaya at II p. in. and lu:i0 i m (connecting mal closes here Tues days at 110.80 p. m. BAHAMAS (except Parcels Post Mails) -Bv rail to Miami. Flu., and thence hv steamer cloaca at S:30 a. m. every Mon day, Wednesday and Saturday. I Registered mall closes at 6 p. m. previ ous day. TrasiM'18 Malla. CHINA and JAPAN, via Vancouver and Victoria. B. C. close here daily al 6:30 p. m. up to April 5th. inclusive, for des patch per s. . Empress of Japan. (Mer chandise for U. 8. Postal Agency a: . Shanghai cannot be forwarded via Can ada) CHINA and JAPAN, via Seattle (special: addressed only), close tare tlally at 6:3 p, m. up to April (tith. Inclusive, for dei- fiateh par s. s. Pleiades. UNA and JAPAN, via Tacoma ispeclallv addressed only), close here dally at 6:'M ' p. m. up to April 7th. Inclusive, for (ies pstch per s. s. Agamemnon. NEW ZEALAND. AUSTRALIA (except West), NEW CALEDONIA. FIJI. BA. , MOA and HAWAII, via San Fianc'scn, cloa her dally at 4:30 p. m. up to April v 19th. Inclusive, for despatch per s. s. Ventura, tlf the Cuiiard steamer carry ing the British msll for New ZesUnd does not arrive In time to conned with ' thla deapatclt, extra ila a-liing at 6 30 a m. and 9:30 a. and 6:30 p. m : Sundaya al 4.30 a. ia., 9 a. ro. and 4 e J