Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 05, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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Very Wealthy
in search of quality in
everything, drink
9 1
Champagne because it is
the best irrespective of
price. ..But it might interest
you to know that it costs
one-half as much as foreign
champagnes, since it pays
no duty or ocean freight
charges. '
Tha only remedy ever plaoed before the
people with a positive guarantee and the
only en that home people have endorsed
with their testimonials.
AH Forms of Stomach,
Bowc!, Lung
and Throat Troublo.
Purchase prtct refunded by your oruffiit If first
bottlt does not gift relief.
The Milks' F.mnlhlon Co.. Terr Haute. Ind.!
Gentlemen I hove differed for yeaia from
stomach trouble: have doctored continually, but
with no f nod results, Hearing of Milk' Emul
sion. I tried It and It rave me almost Instant
relief. I cauwt recommend It too highly.
Your very truly.
M. P. An era. Prin. and Prop.,
. Wabash, Bualneas College,
J&nuaay 20, 1903. Terre Haute, Ind.
Ihe Milks' Emulsion Co., Terre Baute, Ind.t
Gentlemen I have had ehroolo stomach
trouble for tour or five years, and have spent
Bundreda of dollar without gelling any per
saauent relinf, until Captuln Cooper reoom
Blended Milks' Emulsion. I got a box and from
the start It gave me relief. I consider It the best
remedy for etomacb trouble I have ever tried.
I have recommended It to several friends and la
Such case they were greatly benefited.
J. I Warden,
Wholesale Fruits and Vegetables.
Oct 13, 1DU3. Terre Haute, lad,
Remember your druggist will refund
four money if the first bottle of Milks'
Emulsion Does Not Bring Results.
Wt differ from th other fellow in that
we do not Insist upon your using five or
lix jars before beintr benefitted. You get
Immediate relief from the first day's trial.
The MILKS' EMULSION Ii sleaunt to take aa4
frloo 60 eente. Terre Haute, lade
Month's Trial
Breath Hyomel Three or Poar Times
Dally and He Cured of Catarrh.
The Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.,
corner 16th and Dodge street, one of the
most reliable business Arms In Omaha,
have seen many Instances of the remarkable
; power of Hyomel to cure cuturrh troubles
4and other disorders of the respiratory or
' gan.
, Results In this teatment have given them
so much confidence In Hyomel that they
will give a muiuh's trial with the positive
understanding thet If at the end of that
time a cure Is not effected or enough re
lief gained to warrant a continued use of
the ticatment for u. while longer, the
money will be refunded.
Hjomel Is the only treatment for ca
tarrh that has ever been sold under a "no
cure, no pay" plan, and the only one
where a month's trial treatment Is free
unless It cures.
' Hyomel Is not a pill or liquid. Just
breathe It through the neat Inhaler that
Comes with every outtlt, and benefit will
be seen from the drat day's use. Breathed
In this way. the health-giving Hyomel
penetrates to the minutest air cells of th
lungs, and drives catarrhal germs and
jKions from th system.
The complete outtlt costs but 11, and ex
tra bottles of Hyomel may be obtained
for too.
Remember that If Hyomel dees not cure
you after a month's trial the Sherman A
McConnell Drug Co., corner 16th and
dge streets, Omaha, will refund your
ioney and th treatment will be abso
jutely free.
a good thing when you fall to try a MONO
GRAM Cigar.
It's th most perfect Co smuks on th
snarket , .
Tti. r. BTOtckti f!SAh cot
amM Douglas gtrW .
161 KJbal
Coai'iUtionalitT of Virginia Eleo'.ion Law
Argued at Washlng'.ofl-
thalrniaa Cirlsrca of Democratic a
tlonrl Committee to Reslara
(lark's Rill Makes Cabinet
Kllalble to Presidency.
WASHINGTON. April 4.-A large number
of negroes wore present In the I'nlted
States supreme court today to listen to the
arguments In the case affecting the consti
tutionality of the Virginia election law,
which was designed to exclude negroes
from voting. Mr. Wise occupied the greater
part of the day and was followed by Wil
liam A. Anderson, attorney general of the
state of Virginia.
Summarising his case at the clone of his
address, Mr. WUe contended that the Vir
ginia constitution was null because the
convention by which It was adopted never
was organised and because the Instrument
never was submitted to a vote of the peo
ple of the state. The constitution was, he
declared. In contravention of the federal
constitution nnd he urged on the court the
Importance of the case to th colored peo
ple, saying that with them It was a ques
tion of liberty, which they believed to he
guaranteed by the federal statutes. "If,"
he said, "there is no projection for them
here, then all their pretended vested rights
are but as sounding brass and a tinkling
In the few words uttered before adjourn
ment. Attorney General Anderson con
tended thnt the suit was In reality a pro
ceeding agnlnst the state, while professing
to be directed only at Its officials'.
When the court adjourned at 4:30 p. m.
there was still a long line of negroes on the
outside who had stood all day In the vain
hope of securing a glimpse of the proceed
ings. In the court room every available
Inch of space outside the bar was occupied,
the entire number containing only two
white people.
Orlsra-s Will Resign.
Chairman Orlggs of the democratic con
gressional committee has ordered a meeting
of the committee for Thursday night. Mr.
Orlggs will resign the chairmanship, which
probably will go to Representative Cow
herd of Missouri.
Entire Cabinet In Mat.
Representative Clark of Missouri today
Introduced a bill adding to Jbe list of cab
inet officers avallnble for the succession
to the presidency In case of removal, death
or resignation of that official,'' the secre
taries of agriculture and commerce and
labor, thus Including the whole cabinet.
Assistance for Cattlemen.
Secretary Wilson has decided to extend
assistance to the cattle interests In Mon
tana, North and South Dakota, In the ex
termination of cattle itch, or scab. Ap
proximately fifty experts will be In the field
shortly, making practical demonstrations
of the methods of dipping cattle to stamp
out the disease.
Colt Attacks Iowa Horses.
Th Department of Agriculture has re
ceived woid of an outbreak of colt, a seri
ous horse malady. In Van Buren county,
Iowa, and an Investigation has begun to
determine whether the disease was Im
ported from a foreign country. The Infec
tion was found among horses shipped here
from France. Much Importance Is at
tached to the tracing of the outbreak.
Gatarle Bank Cloaca Doors.
The comptroller of the currency tonight
learned that the Capital National bank, of
Guthrie, Okla., has suspended. . He has ap
pointed National Bank Examiner .Start
vant receiver. Although the directors say
that the depositors will be paid In full, the
stockholders will be heavy losers. The
bank Is a national and territorial deposi
tory and many of the Oklahoma banks
csrry Urge deposits with It
Provides Military Commission.
Representative Parker of New Jersey to
day Introduced a bill to provide a national
military purk commission. It terminates
the present Military Park commissions July
1, 1906. The new commission is to consist
of Ave members, to be appointed by the
president and confirmed by the senate, the
term of appointment to be for five years.
All of the commissioners for the first five
years of the operation of the law shall be
veterans of the civil war, and two of the
confederate army. ' ,
To Settle Cbarch Dispute.
Secretary Taft and Governor Wright of
the Philippines are In correspondence with
a view to arranging some satisfactory
method of settling the dispute between the
Roman Catholio church and the Philippine
Catholic ' church, of which latter Bishop
Agllpay Is the head, regarding the owner
ship of certain churches and convents in
the Philippines. In. most cases the ques
tion of title Is complicated by reason of
th fsct that while th. buildings war
erected under direction of th Roman
Catholic church on crown lands donated
for that purpose by the Bpajilah govern
ment, the money and labor for the build
ings were provided by th people of th
different provinces where th buildings are
Tennessee Derby Ran Before Record
Breaking Attendaacc, bat Ka
thaslaaa at Low Ebb.
MEMPHIS. Tettn.. Anrll 4 The Tennes
see ueroy was run touay at Montgomery
Pars oerore a record breaking attendance,
Kilt , I. u . . , .. ...... . L. .. . .,,..
the result being a foregone conclusion, and
the only point of speculation being th
distance the third horse wuuld finish from
th leaders and the time tor the mile and
an eighth. The race had a net value to
the winner of t6,U3u. Results:
First race, one mile and seventy vardi
Landola won, Spencerlan second, Rachael
vturu intra, lime: i;v
Second race, four and ona-half furlnnsra:
One Way won, Tom buully second, Vldaila
num. nine; u.
Third race, one mile: Fossil won. Corns.
cat second, Dan McKeuna third. Time:
Fourth race. Tennessee derby, on and
one-eighth miles: Proceeds won, Conjurer
stiiiiw, oaniurai intra, nme: i.uz1.
Fifth race, four furlongs: Dundall won.
Wood Claim second, Araiimay third. Time:
Sixth race, six furlongs:' Skillful won,
i iiiei uvyuiy soconu, tuumu luiro, nme
Seventh race, one mile and seventy
yards: Mldahlpman won, Falkland sec-
UI..H. . L . . 1 m. . . ... i
ni.ui, uiiru. nine; i:aea
rJAN 'KANCISOO. April 4,-itesults at
First race, three-fourths mile: North
west won, Lady Athellng second. Dusty
Ullla. . 1 . 1 n . . ....
.nun. nine; 1:10.
Second race, one-halt mile, -year-olds,
wiiiua . iwu nag-oii won, j.eicartia Sec
unit. Marie J. third. Time O tltl.
Third race. Puturltv muna m.illn. r-
Dwif'w wun, v vtuum karris seconu. Uriel!'
mount third. Time: 1:14.
Fourth race, one mil and a sixteenth,
seuing: . onsieuaior won, t IK) (Jo ec
oinl. Polonlus third. Time: l:tW
Fifth rue, on mile nnd m. .tTlwnit,
purse; Ben Mclstil won, G.' W. Trahern
ecninu, aivuiia uiiru. nme; 1:4s.
Sixth race, on mils and Httv varda
selling: Bcherio won, Laocoon second!
uwip timu. iiuisi
WA&H1NOTQN. April 4ResuJts:
First race. Ave and ene-hulf lurlnn,.
Minion won. Alpaca second, Andrattus
mini. unia. .tvi
Second race, four and one-halt furlongs:
Garrett Wilson won, Lily brook second.
Pygmalion third. Time: 0:57.
Third race, six furlongs: Spring wort,
Graslello second. Briar Thorp third. Time
1:1V Fourth race. Kaster Monday steeple
chase about two and one-half mllee: Jim
Newman won, Billy Ray second. Harrow
third 'lime: t:ak
rut race, seyea Xurlongsi Nines pot
l; IVER -JjJ
glrk BM'tietie ind relWs all the troubles i.
deal to a bilious suite of tr.t syatetn, sack as Dlev
tineas, Nane-a, Drowslneas, Distress after eating,
rln Is the Aide, Ac. While their most remark
allt success hat bees shows In caring
Beadsrhe.vettartrr'aLlttle Lh-er Plllsaresqaane
valuable hi Constipation, earing sad preventing
this annoying complaint, while they also correct
all dlaordTS of the atome-h, stimulate the liver
sad regulate the bowels. Xres if tbey only Cored
Arhe they would he almost priceless to trios Whs .
suffer from this distressing complaint ; bat fortu
natsly their goodness does not end here, and those
who once try them will And these little pills vala
sble Is so many ways that they will not be willing
t do without them. Bat sfter sll sick bead
Is th bane of so many live that here is where w
make ear great beast. Out plus cor It WOUs
others do not. .
Carter's Little Liver Pflls r very small sad
very eaay to take. One or two pills make a doe.
They are strictly vegetsbls sod de not gripe or
purge, bat by their gentle action please all who
nee them. In vials St 25 cents; See for 11. Bold
by arofgista everywhere, or sent by sasiu
Haw York Cltjfr
won, Prlncelet second, Setauket third.
Time: 1:31.
Sixth race, six furlongs: Ivenote won,
Sweet Jane second, Pretorlous third. Time:
Seventh race, one mile: Mountain
Breeze won, W. B. Faslg second. Sailor's
Delight third. Time:
LOS ANGELES, April 4. Results at
Ascot park:
First race, one mile, selling: Cursus
won, Bnssanio second, Little 6ecret third.
Time: 1:43.
Second race, six furlongs, selling: Walter
won, Homugo second, Skirmish third.
Time: 1:16.
Third race, eleven-sixteenths of n mile,
selling: Porter Grande won, Carlisle sec
ond. Mabel Reed third. Time: 1:11.
Fourth race, seven furlongs, handicap:
Gallant won, Columbia Girl second, Kl
wood third. Time.: 1:2S'.
Fifth race, one mile nnd one hundred
yards, selling: Buecleuth won. Durbar
second, Dliimente third. Time: 1:64.
Sixth race, SlauiKin course: Nation won,
Mady Fonse second, Bstadu third. Time:
Rowling; Record.
On the Omaha Bowling association alleys
W. Whlttuker's champion nlne-ptn players
defeated M. R. Huntington's crack team
by the following score:
1st. 2d. 3J. Tot.
W. R. Rlddell 6 8 4 17
David Colo 4 6 6 15
C. H. Mullen 9 7 6 21
Ir. Burrell 6 5 1 12
Ralph Kern 4 9 3 16
W. Whlttaker 6 8 E 19
Totals 34 42 24 10)
1st. 2d. 3d. Tot.
Beselln, II 6 7 3 10
Hunter 4 2 6 12
Huntington 3 6 6 14
French 9 8 8 23
Emery 6 4 6 16
Marble 4 4 6 13
Totals 32
Jockey Clnbs Divide the Field.
CHICAGO. Anrll 4. -Full reciprocal re
lations have been established between the
Western Jockey club and the Paciilo Jockey
club, and the two organizations will aim
to control all race meetlnirs held between
the Allegheny mountains and the Pacific
the articles of s-srreement nrovldn thnr
the Pacitto Jockey club recoirnizes the
Jurisdiction of the Western Jockey club
over running races In the United States
west or the Klghty-nrst meridian and east
of the Rocky mountains, including Ohio,
and excluding Florida. The Western
Jockey club In return recognises the Juris
diction of the Pacific Jockey club over ell
territory west of the Rocky mountains.
Fosrteea Horses Oat of Derby.
CHICAGO. A or 11 4. Fourteen horses have
been declared out of the Chicago derby,
which will be run on the opening day of
the spring meeting at Hawthorne. As there
is no runner uute lor declaring out the
sixty-five nominations still remaining in
the stake will he eligible to start up to
the day of the race. The list for the race
Includes nearly all of th most promising
of the western 3-year-olds. The horses de
clared out are: Faierntan. Frank tarr,
Dell Lesth, Rlan, Phyl, Woodson, King
Croker, J. P. Msyberry, Eslierson, Floral
King. Fort Plain. Copperfleld, Sweet
Gretchen and Mollnos.
Defeat the Americans.
PHILADELPHIA. April 4 The Philadel
phia American and National league teams
begnn a series of games today on the
American league grounds for th local
championship. Th score:
it. II. i.
National 1 3 0
American 0 6 0
Batteries Dusra-leby and Dooln: Waddell
and Schreckengcat. '
Georgetown Wins from Princeton.
WASHINGTON. Anrll 4 Georgetown won
from Princeton, 6 to 4. In today's game of
base ball.
A B&flEy IProtoleinra
, It's discouraging work to fill the lunch bag day after day
It's uninviting to open the lunch bag and find the
eternal bread, bread, bread. Bread is good,
but it's monotonous it lacks
novelty. Break the
monotony with
Oomiden PeTtral Questions Affictinj
Individual Affair:-
Mr. Goldfoale Considers Resolution
for Inlfornt Treatment In Hnssla
and Mr. llardnlck DIs.
casses the Negro.
WASHINGTON, April 4.-In th hous of
representatives today an attempt to secur
consideration under suspension of the rules
of the bill appropriating SI75,0OO fr the
Lewis and Clark Centennial exposition to
be held in Portland, Ore., in Hn5. failed,
after the house had divided several times
and the roll had been called twice. The
military academy appropriation bill was
taken up.
Mr. Llvemash (Cnl.) made an attack on
President Roosevelt, and Mr. Morrell of
Pennsylvania discussed the negro question.
Consideration of the bill was not concluded
when the house adjourned until tomorrow.
Under the license of debate, Mr. Llver
nash (Cal.) discussed the labor question
and attacked President Roosevelt. Refer
ring to the Miller case In the government
printing office, he said the president had
embraced th opportunity In a letter to
Secretary Cortelyou on the subject of the
findings In the anthracite coal strike to
express himself clearly with the "open
Attacks the Members.
Mr. Llvemash also attacked the mem
bership of the house and said there was In
that body a distinct Intolerance of laboring
men and their acts.
Mr. Goldfogle (N. Y.) spoke on his reso
lution introduced In January last In refer
ence to the United States exercising every
effort to secure from the Russian govern
ment uniform treatment of Americana trav
eling In Russia, whether they be Jews or
Christians. He declares that Russia con
tinues Its restrictive policy against the
Jew and continues to abuse and dishonor
the American passport whenever presented
at its gates by Jewish citizens. He wanted
to see efforts earnestly and actively made
on the other side of the Atlantic to ac
complish what the Jews as Americans seek
and thus break down the barriers that un
fortunately exist between class and class
"brought about through bigotry, Intolerance
and base persecution."
Mr. Robb (Mo.) delivered a speech
against the republican party and said th
PostofTlce department was reeking with cor
ruption, while In the general land office
frauds and crimes had been committed.
Using as his text the remarks of Mr.
Hardwick (Ga.) on the negro question In
the south, delivered In January last, Mr.
Morrell (Pa.) said that the ambitious or
aspiring negro was treated as an outcast
In this country to a certain extent, ns the
Jew was treated by the degraded peasantry
In Russia.
Favors the Ketro.
Everywhere, he said, the negro was be
ginning to be treated us necessarily an In
ferior and was discriminated against in the
different walks of life. It was not ajona
In the southern states that the negro was
unfairly treated in the enforcement of the
law. In th south, he said, courts and
Juries often were enemies. The corner
stone upon which the democratic insttu
tlons of this country were founded, the
hope of all Americans, whether native born
or naturalized, white or black, was best
exemplified, he declared, in the "door of
hope" policy as expressed by President
At 6:25 the house adjourned.
Postmaster Palmer Protests on Ctvll
Service Order.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, April 4.-(Special Tele
gram.) Captain 'Palmer, who returned
from the south this morning, had a con
ference with General Black of the Civil
Service commission today, relative to the
contemplated transfer of the civil service
rolls at Omaha to St. Louis. The Omaha
postmaster showed the hardship this would
entail and to what disadvantage Omaha
and South Omaha would be put If it was
carried out. General Black stated thnt
the matter was in process of being worked
out when he came Into office, but in
formed Captain Palmer that he would look
aftor It. "
An examination for the revenue cutter
service will be held April 28, 27 and 28
at Omaha, Lincoln and Grand Island. The
service is open for young men between 18
and 25 years.
Colonel Frank Hanlon of Omaha has
been in Washington for several days. He
Is on a visit to friends In Baltimore.
Senator Klttredge presented several
South Dakota Indians to President Roose
velt today.
Rural carriers appointed for Iowa
routes: Blalrsburg, regulars, Henry A.
The soda cracker that made the nation hungry.
Nutritious healthful satisfying. Sold
only in air-tight and moisture-proof
packages. Never sold in bulk.
Weiss. Eugene R. Sheeley; uhetltntes.
Joseph R. WelHS, Cellrt Sheeley. Brltt,
regular, George Butts; sutiptlttite, Guy B.
Butts. Doon. regulars, John O. Swennlng,
Charles A. Cramer; substitutes, Julius
Swennlng. John Cullenbaugh. Indlsnoln,
regulnr, John I Jemlson; substitute, Wil
liam A. Jemlson. Iowa City, regular,
George C. Warner; substitute, Mollle
Warner. New Sharon, regular, Fred V.
Rockwell: substitute, A. 11. Rockwell.
Nora Springs, regular. Cyrus E. Squler;
substitute, Llbble Squler. Rndrliff, regu
lar, Melvln M. Mnson; substitute, Mrs.
lnger Mason. Williams, regulars, Stewart
Millsap, George Simpson; substitutes,
Frank Millsap, Arthur lister.
Rural routes ordered established May I:
Nebrnska Nellgh, Antelope county, two
routes; area covered, sixty-eight square
miles; population, fOO. Iowa Casey, Guth
rie county, one additional; area covered,
thirty-five square miles; population BS0.
Otto, Woodbury county, one route; area
covered, twenty-four square miles; popu
lation, 635. Pulaski, Dnvls county, one. ad
ditional; area covered, nineteen nnd one
half square miles; population, 4iX).
One Amendment Strikes Out Age
Limit fur Mall Cars.
WASHINGTON. April 4-Though the
postnffice appropriation bill was before the
senate almost the entire dny, the early do
bate on the measures was relative to gen
eral land laws. Mr. Gibson of Montana
denied that the proponents of the bill for
the repeal of the desert land act and the
commutation clause of the homestead act
were proceeding at the Instigation and t
the Interest of land grant railroads.
Mr. Gibson, aided by Mr. Quarles of Wis
consin, made light of the charge thnt a
lobby was maintained In Washington to
fight for the passage of this bill. Messrs.
Hansbrough of North Dakota and Warren
of Wyoming took the other aide of the
question. Mr. Hansbrough mentioned by
name George H. Maxwell, who, he said,
was drawing a princely salary for the work
he did. Considerable progress was made
with the postofflco appropriation bill. Both
provisions of the bill relating to sites for
postofflce purposes In New York as
amended by the senate committee war
agreed to.
Other important amendments provide for
the transfer of the free delivery service from
the office of the fourth assistant postmas
ter general to the office of the first assist
ant postmaster general, strike out the age
limit for cars used In the railway mall
service and eliminate the restrictions placed
on first and second class postmasters In the
matter of telephone service.
President and Others See Annnal Fes
tival on White House ttrovnda.
WASHINGTON. April 4.-Hundreds of
children, of all colors and conditio, par
ticipated today In the Easter Monday egg
rolling festival on the White House
grounds. The youngsters practically had
the grounds to themselves and they en
Joyed the day Immensely. Ample police
protection was afforded the little guests of
the president and Mrs. Roosevelt and they
were guarded against every possible harm.
To add to the pieasura of the egg-rolling
party. President Roosevelt himself directed
that the Marine band should give a con
cert In the grounds during the afternoon.
The president's young children and some
of their playmates also participated In the
egg-rolling fun.
To witness the sport Mrs. Roosevelt In
vited the women of the cabinet circle and
a party of her young friends to the White
House during the afternoon. They viewed
the sport from the south portico of the
White House. After luncheon the presi
dent Joined the party on the portico and
remained for a time to wetch the children.
Supreme Court Dismisses Appeal Over
Omaha Lands.
(From a 8taff Correspondent.
WASHINGTON, April 4. (Special Tele
gram.) The supreme court today dismissed
for want of Jurisdiction the cases of
Thomas L. Sloan and others, appellants,
against the United States, appellee, being
on appeal from the United States circuit
court for the district of Nebraska.
In 1901 several claimants for allotments
of land upon the Omaha Indian reserva
tion filed their separate bills of complaint
in the circuit court of Nebraska to obtain
allotments. The lands In controversy are
within th boundary of the Omaha Indian
reservation, In Thurston county, Nebraska.
National Tennis Championship.
NEW YORK. April 4. Three matches
were to have been played today In th
thirteenth- national court tennis champion
ship tournament at the New York Racquet
and Tennis club but only two were decided
on actual work, the other going bv default
to the present champion, Joshua Crane, Jr.,
of Boston. Summary:
O. B. Campbell. New York, defeated P. 8.
Sears. Boston, fl-4. 6-4. 6-S.
Joshua Crane, Jr.. Boston, worr from J.
W. Hennlng. New York, by default.
C. 8. Sands, New York, defeated T. S.
Taller, Tuxedo, 6-0, 6-0, 6-8.
ft xmm-
Dally until April 30, tickets to tho went and north
west at but little nioro than bolf rates.
$25. OO to San Francisco and Los Angelee 1 '!
923. OO to Portland, Tacoma and Seattle.
S22.SO to Spokane, 'J
$20.00 to Butte, Helena and Salt Lake City. I
$16.75 to Big Horn Basin, Wyoming. j
Proportionately low rates to other points.
Let me send you free folder telllnc all about the
low rates nnd dnlly tourist ear service or, better
still, drop In and see me.
Consultation and Examination Fres
. Kidney and Urinary troubles and all diseases end weaknesses of men due to
evil habits of youth, excesses or the result of neglected or Improperly treated
private diseases, which causes night losses, dny drains and Impairs the mind, de
stroys muscular strength, reducing the sufferer ,o that deplorable state known
as Nervo-Sexual Debility.
This Institution has long been established for the benefit of suffering men.
For the purpose of curing the terrible diseases and weaknesses that destroy
men's mental and physicul powers and make them unfit for work, study, busi
ness or marriage, and deprives them of social duties and pleasures of life and
marital happiness. Men, don't delay if you want to be saved and restored to
perfect health and strength, with mental and physical power complete. Com
to the men's true specialists snd learn your true condition. Get the right treat
ment and be cured quickly, safely and thoroughly.
We will make a thorough and scientific examination of your ailments, an
examination that will disclose your trui physical condition, without a knowledge
of which you are groping in the dark, and without a thorough understanding
of which no physician or specialist should be allowed to treat you. We want all
ailing men to fuel that they can come to this Institution freely for examination
and explanation of their condition without being bound by any obligations what
ever to take treatment unless they so desire.
Blood Poison
swollen glands and nil poisonous discharges and all symptoms oulckly dlsappeur,
and the terrible malady Is completely eradicated from your blood and system,
and you are restored again to perfect health, quicker tlutn by any other known
Jorvo-Vital Weakness
early life,, causing day drains and night emissions, disHipatlons, excexses, etc..
In later life, or the result of neglected or improperly treated special or prlvata
diseases, is the cause of more suffering, misery and failures In life than any
other combination of diseases. Jt weakens and destroys the vital and nervous
system, causes loss of memory, pain in th back, kidney diseases, dissy and
despondent feeling, baslifulnes, muscular weakness and a general loss of all
the vital fore of nature, and soon completely unmans MEN, producing weakened
and shrunken organs, reducing the sufferer to a stat of imbecility, unfit for
work, study, business or marriage, and forbids the possibility of social enjoy,
merit and happiness. We have mastered these troubles, and will restore you to
what nature intended, a hale, hearty, strong man, Physically, Mentally and
Sexually. We will guarantee relief and improvement nt once, and complete, safe
and lasting cure In the quickest time possible. No matter who has failed to
cure, come to the MEN'S TUL'E SfKClALlOTS and get the right treatment
and b cured.
0 n!a Varicocele, Hydrocele, Stricture, Rectal
ainnPini I IIQmJI 5rQ Kl,ln'' H1"'"' anJ I'rinary Dlseaaes.
WUuUIUl LilOuUOUd which are usually the result of blnoo
contamination or of the terrible Nervous
Debility, and are symptoms of diseases and weaknesses, instead of diseases
themselves. W cure these impediments quickly bv our special treatment,
which also restores the entire system to a healthy, strong condition from which
no relapse occurs.
Specific priVste Diseases
fa J- a, a. a .
ease. It Is a great mistake not to
caeo, and thereby safeguard your future health. MPJN. If you hav any
symptoms of such dlseaa or weakness, come wlthcut delay to US snd w will
cure your ailments and restore you to perfect health, quickly, safuly and thor
oughly. If you cannot cJl, writ and describe your troubles and we Twill gdvis
you if you can be cur4 at born. . """"y
1308 Frnra Street, Between 13th and 14th Streets, Omaha, Neb,
City Passenger Aaeat,
1502 Farnam Streit
of a venereal nature Is the worst disease known
to the human race, and the- quickest In Its ter
rible ravasre of the entire svatem. Yet hr our
treatment, sores. Dlniules. wenknesa.
This frightful malady, so
prevalent among inladle
uged men. the result of In
discretions, abuses, etc.. in
neglected or Improperly
treated. Is ths causa ef
Stricture, Varicocele, Kld-
secur the beat treatment at r,n in .,,h
I's Bit for SBBStars.
sls karse,lalaiaaiioael
Irritations or ylralkxa
of masses asaatSraaMe.
B4 M HrtlMN.
Si i.i... t..l..ta
ram Ims, aas aut aatn'
f eat or soieoaoe.
UUTI.I V" SJ.I4 arrasgtaas
ti. . r r aan Ja stale arrasa,
40t- I bf fpraae. srapale, I
'jrryj-A si as. or I bll-a l) 7t.
as"' W waaiaa east