TIIR OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY. APRIL- K, 1904. 3 LOCATION OF STATE MONEY 8tU Tretivrer Tails Whsrs ths Cub U oa Deposit. SUPREVE COURT JUDGES IN CONFERENCE ladleatlous Ke Opiates Will Be Headed Di la kc Mill Case Tkla Term Nebraska City Mil Willi lo(R Frti, (From a BuflT Correspondent.) LINCOLN. prll 4-(BpK-lRl.)-Followln are the bank balance, showing state money en deposit March. 31, reported by Treas urer Morlensen: "' Farmers and Merchants. Lincoln..! 10. 4-t Ri Bunk of Commerce, Lincoln 14 44 39 City National, Lincoln 25 .K2 W Columbia National, Lincoln ..VtJ i First National. Lincoln ' Su.WW 3i Commercial National. Omaha i.7:il 76 First National. Omaha .W1 2H Merchants National. Omaha i.0a 1 Omaha National. Omaha, I.2 t'nlon National. Omana 30.6.'!" 8 Vnlted States National. Omaha.... 8".4 5 First National. Alliance Wi & Hattle Creek Valley.- . 4.15S 40 Bank of bailie Mllfa 1.600 W Rmkan Riiw KtMte 4.131 Custer National. Broken Bow 6.IM 70 8tate Bank of Curtis i.W HI Oannehp Btate 1.623 SO Commercial State, tirnnd Island.. 4.IW 44 Or snd Island Banking company.... 4.486 90 T'nlon Biate Bank. Harvard 4.115 m First National. Hastings 4.4PO 61 Oerman National. Hastings i.l t4 First National, Holdrege 2.S60 32 First National. Loomla . 1,000 no Cltlsens, McCook ,19 Newport State Bank 2,(H 00 Norfolk National 4.167 1:4 First National. O'Neill 4.07S OS First National. Ord 00 Bank of Orlean S.ono 00 Pierce County. Pierce 4.ono 00 Packers National.' 8011th Omaha.. 2.0S7 at) ' South Omaha National 7.601 99 f'HIsens National, fit. Paul. 4.403 First Btale, Pt. Paul 4.06 00 First Btate. Sterling 1,004 40 Farmers and Merchants, Stroma- burg 4.1 7 Bank of Hyracuae 8."46 00 Valentine Htate .......... 4.IM 90 Saunders National, Waooo " 4.146 i First National, Wayne 4,118 79 West Tolnt National 7.000 ) Wolbach State 1.600 00 City National. York .' "0 Flrat National,' York . 4.106 ii Total $4M.72w! Judges la Ceefereore. J Chief Justice Holoomb and Judges Bedg wlck and Barnes of the supreme bench and Commissioners Ames and Letton are here today In consultation preparatory to a meeting of the court tomorrow. Com ' mlssloner Oldham failed to reach the city until late this afternoon. It was expected that at this sitting the decision In the Llllle murder case would be handed down, but It Is probable that thla opinion will not be reported until at least one mora sitting. The evidence in the ease. Is so voluminous that It has been Impossible for the judges to go over It thoroughly and more time. It Is believed, will be taken In tho case. Of the Important criminal cases the only one that Is expected to come down Is that of McCormlck against the State, up from Nebraska City. Mc Cortnlck was rtritenced to the penitentiary for twenty years far'' the murder of Mag gie Llnsley, November 6, 1901. March 1, 1902, he was sentenced and taken to the penitentiary. . McCormlck took the case to the supreme court on error and the dl clslon of the trial wae affirmed In all par ticulars except that It. waa remanded ao that sentence could be passed according to law,, the records showingThat the trial judge) had failed to Inform the prisoner of his conviction and to. ask him If he had anything to say why judgment should not be passed upon htm. ' In January, 1903, Mc Cormlck was again before the trial judge, and, acting within the mandate of the su preme court, sentence, wta , again passed utkon ?Um itirhe was- rrtufned to the pen itentiary for nineteen years. MoCormiek's attorney contended: First Thst the first Judgment waa par tially rompulsorlly satisfied while it stood, and therefore the second Judgment called for the Inlllctlon of a second punishment for the same offense. Second The order of the supreme court directing the entry of a second judgment on me same veraiet mat ine nrst juagment was rendered was unauthorised, and the sentence pronounced thereon waa without warrant and thereby plaintiff In error was aemea justice Dy aue process 01 law. It Is not Improbable also that the decision In the rake of the Bankers Union of the World of Omaha will come down. Arralaras Excise Board. In a lengthy report to the Ministerial as sociation today of the experiences of the aid SCRATCH IT ON YOUR. SLATE WITH A NAIL H Is the certain .and active cause of thousands pf cases , of Nervous Prostra tion, Dyspepsia, Bowel, Liver and , Kidney disease and Ileart failure. , Prove it in your own case by quitting Coffee iv aays ona using P0STUM "THERE'S A REASON.' ! Get the little book "The Road to Wellville," in each package. Coffee Will You Write a Postal So a Sick One Miy Oct Well? tWn4 n ?nrmT Imply pnfttal NH, fl'tnf 1h ntm of ftA-nt om who ttfx1t fetlp. Toll tb boo to fnrl. Then I will do tM: 1 will AfrafiffA with 4mff flt nar him po that ti mr tab all fenttt-a Dr. fihoop'a Rutoratlr. H mar talta it a month at my rtak. If It th coat la A to. If It fallA. tba rlniMti win bill th wt to m That month tM will ahow ton what (h ramody caa So. It In th aait t con Tinea yon. It la ran Jn. It la tha trt way to roaring Tfm. It ta 1 ha only way to Indue oil who oa4 blo to ar rapt It. I fnaka thla offr to mnlf .fify mj furaa, an4 f am willing to troat th mrwtl on to ha fair with mo. In tho pant 12 year I bava furnlah4j mr tlwora tlT to huntlrMa of thouaanita of atrk onaa on Jnat thoaa terma. art M out of 40 ha ra volt gladly, ho rauM thav nt wall. I pijr juat at willingly whan ona aaa I ha fallH. Tha ramarly it my dlaroT4rr, th raault of o llfo tlma'f wnrfe. t hai-a pfrfactad It hy watching ra aiilta In thntjuanda of tha moat dtfllctJlt caaa that phr1rlana arar mt. know what It will do. My aurrpaa romoa from atrangthonlng wik InaMa narvaa and mr R-ntoratlTa ta tha only ramdr that doo that. Whan on oroan la waak I bring bark tha narva powar which a Ion opcrata a vary vital organ. It la Ilk giving on angina mora ataam. I glva tha w-ak organ oowar to do Ma duty, and tboro lo no othr war to mako o waak organ wall. ran you ronralro of o trk ona who wtll naglart urk o treotmant, wh-n I taka tho ontlra rtak? . a. , 4 ... Hook 1 on Pyapapalo. Simply ototo whleR Pook. , on (h Hart.. book joai wont and ad- pook I on tho Kidooya, draao Dr. Hhoop, Box P'H'k 4 for Woman. . Bsclne. wta 2 ST-K JSTJ- M114 eaes. not chrmile, trs oftea cured with ona r two aottl. At Srugilitt. preachers before the Excise Board Rev. Batten in a long preamble related how the mayor and the board favored the present plan of fining Inmates of houses of Ill-fame, and thus making themselves Immune from arrest and then wound up with an arraignment of the board. . flood Reads Delegation. Mayor Adams has appointed these men delegates to the good roada convention to be held In St. , Louis May IS to SI: Oeorge R. Chatburn. Fred Klnyon, W. 8. Scott, Oeorge Campen and State Engineer Adna Dobson. Nebraska Boy Gets Foaltloa. W. Dwlght Pierce, ion of Insurance Dep uty Pierce, haa been called to a position aa assistant entomologist at the Agricultural experiment station In Mississippi, and left for that place Saturday night. Mr. Pierce Is a graduate of the Omaha High school and Is at present a member of the Uni versity senior class. HS has received a sufficient number of points, however, to Insure his graduation and hi diploma wtll be aent htm this summer. lajared la Ronaway. Joseph Teeters, a well known veteran of the civil war, was badly Injured this morn tng by being thrown from his buggy by a runaway team dashing into It. His collar bone was broken and he waa cut and bruised about the face and body. He was taken to the office of Dr.' Wlnnett, where he was attended and, later removed to his own hlrnie. Mr. Teeter was sitting In his buggy at tha corner of Ninth and N streets, when a team hitched to a scav enger wagon farther up the street be came frightened and ran Into his buggy, Tha buggy waa demolished, but the horses were not injured. Long Tramp oa Collecting Toar, Martha Brown, age 7S years, gray and bent, 'is a lodger In the city jail, taking a rest after a walk from Omaha. The ambition of her life Is to secure sufficient money to build a little home In the out skirts of Omaha, her residence having been destroyed by Are a year ago. Since that time she informed the police she had been collecting subscriptions with which to rebuild and now had considerable money In an Omaha bank to her credit. When taken to the station she had L20 which she had collected in Lincoln. Ko Action om Gas Ordinance. As waa expected, the council failed to get together tonight to pass tha gaa ordi nance. Marital Woes of Brock Man. TABLE ROCK. Apnr i.-8pelal.)-John Kuhman, who la said to live near Brock with his aged parents, has been over here looking for his wife and young child, which, he claims, aha kidnaped a week er more since, and who, he seemed to think waa In hiding at the residence of his brother-in-law, Cornellua 8. Cook, four miles north of town. .Falling to get the legal papers he desired or the assistance of an offloer, ha left on hta wheel for the residence of Cook, who, being apprised of his approach by telephone, warned him on his arrival to not Intrude on the premises. He, however, persisted until he discovered Cook, waa armod, when he beat a hasty retreat and he haa not since been seen. An older daughter of the Kubmans, In or .'J years of age, who haa been with her aunt, 4u. Cook, for aome time, fled like a deer across the prairies, at her father's apptoach. Tha marital woea of the Kuh mans. It ia said, have been frequently aired in the courts, and they have- not lived together for aome time. It la aald Mrs. Kuhman Instituted pro eeedlnga soma time since ia the courts of Douglas county for divorce, tut for some reason tha action waa dismissed. BEATRICE. Neb., April .-(Special.) Tha athletic meeting of League No. S, comprising the towns of Beatrice, Crete, Falrbury, Hebron and , Nelson, was held here Saturday. Officers were elected aa follows: President, Charles R. Weeks Crete; vice president, Elmer Smith. Beat rice; secretary-treasurer, A. L. Cavlness, Falrbury. It was decided to hold the an nual meet at Falrbury, May f next. Rules were adowted allowing but two contestants In each event, no ' school to have more than ten men. Ball Coaaty Rpablieaas. ORAND ISLAND, Neb., April 4. (Spe cial.) The rpcubllcan county central com mittee met In thla city and fixed Saturday afternoon. April X. aa the date of tha county convention for the purpose of se lecting a central committee, delegates to the various conventions and nominating two candldatea for the legislature and one for county attorney. The following reeo- lutlon was adopted: the republican voters of the county to the recommendation of the atate central com mittee, namely, that the next candidate for United Btatee senator be aelected by tne repuoiicans or Nebraska in atate con vent Ion assembled, and that we suites to the county convention to Instruct the delegation to the state convention to stand fur unalterably and to use all honorable means to secure the selection of the suc cessor to Senator Dietrich by the state convention. Woasaa aa Innocent Bigamist. ORAND ISLAND, Neb., April 4. (Spe cial.) Dan W. Billings waa given a divorce in the district court, alleging In hjs pet! tlon that his wife had deserted htm and re mained away from him. .without just cause, for the laat twenty years. It was thought that the time waa sufficient. In the prog ress of the case It dcveloped that hla wife had acted under the Impression that she had secured a divorce, but that there had been no court record of the matter, and she had been twice married since In Ore gon. She represented that she had paid an attorney I10U. had been assured she had a decree, had been given a document, but had since mislaid and lost It; had inquired recently of the clerk's records and could find no record of the same. George Brott Is Free. TECl'MSEH. Neb., April 4 -(Special )- Oeorge Brott. who has been in the pen! tentlary and who was aent back to Neman county for a new trial on the charge of house breaking. Is visiting at the home of hla parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Brott. ia this city. Brott was convicted on the evidence given by bloodhounds lb tha court t Auburn, snd the supreme court held that the evidence thus gained was not suf ficient and remanded the case back for trial. Brott haa been given his liberty upon his own recognisance and probably will not e returned to prison nor to trial If he walks In the straight and narrow path. He Is In poor health and is losing his hearing. FATAL ACC'IDRIT TO A BRAKEMAS (hat He Dies. CURTIS, Neb.. April 4.-(Speclal Tele gram.) While attending to some yard switching here today about noon John Kelffef, a hrakemifn. was thrown under a freight car end the flesh- wa literally torn from his left leg from the ankle to the body. It was twenty minutes before he could be released from the rail. He died his evening and his people, who reside at Topeka, Kan., were notified. Eastern fttar Electa Officers. LEIUH. Neb.. April 4. (Special.) At the last regular meeting of Leigh chapter No. 167, Order of Eastern Star, the following wre elected as officers for the ensuing year: Mrs. Elizabeth Goodge, worthy ma tron; C. E. Beaty. worthy patron; Mfs. Edith Graves, aHsodate worthy matron; Mrs. Anna Calkins, secretary; Mrs. Mary J. Nichols, tteasurer; Miss Ethel Beaty, conductress; Miss Caddie McKlnley, assist ant conductress. This Is the first set of officers that has been elected under the charter, as until about eight months ago the order had been working, under dispensation- Look for Small Vote. GRAND ISLAND. Neb.. April 4. (Spe cial.) It is expected that the vote in this city ne'xt Tuesday will be the smallest re corded in years. Three members of the Board or Education are to be elected in the city at large and there are but three ccn dldatea, present Incumbents. In each ward one councilman Is to be elected and In but two Is there more than one candidate. The closest fight Is In the Second, where A. Ettlng and the present Incumbent, R. Ooehrlng, are contestants. No issues are Involved, All candidates running on peti tion. later Factory Starta Work. ORAND 1SLAND, Neb., April 4.-(8pe- clal.) The factory of the American Beet Sugar company began this morning with the work of extracting sugar from the re maining syrups through the osmose pro cess. About forty men will be employed for thirty days at this process. Contracts for beets for the ensuing year are coming In nicely. The factory is about 200 acres ahead of Inst year In the local acreage contracted, and last year was the banner year. Three carloads of seed have already been distributed and more is ready for the farmers. ' lVew Teacher at Tee am sen. TECUMSEH. Neb., April 4.-(Bpeelal )- Miss Mary Clark has been elected by the school board to fill the vacancy caused by John Ward. Mr. Ward has been appointed deputy" county treasurer and Is already In his new position. At a recent meeting of the achool board a resolution was passed compelling all applicants for positions in the teaching force of the city schools to apply by letter. Want Saloon Screen Removed. GRAND ISLAND. Neb., April 4.-(Spe- clal.) A petition Is being circulated by the Women's Christian Temperance union asking the city authorities to have all screens removea rrom saloons, jo close up promptly at 12 o'clock each night and ti remove offensive signs from 'the windows and doorways, by which Is evidently meant signs such ss barrels. It is not likely that any action will be taken on the petition. .Team and Baggy Stolen. " BEATRICE, Neb.. April 4. (Special Tele gram.) A team tend buggy belonging to R. A. Oltmans, a farmer living four miles northwest of thla' city, were stolen last night from In front of the Catholio chureh. The -outfit is valued at $250. Bloodhounds were used and followed the trail of the thieves some distance east of town. There la no clua. ' Carpenters oa a Strike. BEATRICE. Neb.. April 4. (Special.) Six carpenters In the employ of North & Dennehy, contractors, went on a strike be cause the firm refused to pay the union scale of 27H cents per hour for nine hours' work. The men have been receiving 26 cents an hour for ten houra work. They declare they will stand by the union scale. Accident In Laboratory. BEATRICE. Neb., April 4. (Special Tele gram.) While working with chemicals in the laboratory of the high school Prof. Oarrett, the science teacher, and Miss Lot tie Sackett, a student, were cut and burned about the face and handa aa a rtsult of an explosion which occurred this afternoon. Their Injuries are not regarded as serious. Bhlloh Veterans at Beatrice. BEATRICE. Neb.. x April 4.-(SpecIal.)- The veterans of the battle of Shlloh will celebrate the forty-first anniversary, of that great battle In this city April and 7. The meeting will be held In the Audi torium, to .which all old soldiers are In vited. An Interesting program has been prepared. Chicago flaba at Graad Island. ORAND ISLAND. Neb.. Apt 11 4.-(Spe- clal.) The base ball sesson In this city will open Monday, April 11, with an exhi bition game between the Chicago National I " f NsCTVI DV CATHARTIC ft' r flfe W iVs.iM jri H i Va!V-?i J J Y f Te athi mm I feel goo." MIZXXCAN Mustang Liniment la um for over aLxty year. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment oarti Bpsivla avnd KixtgbotMs MEXICAN Mustang Liniment fxw all (uraiM of KirMunalWia league club and the Chicago Colta, made tin nf Afher memHera ..... 1 . w. 1 1 players being sandwiched In for a "try out." PASSE.MnER TRAI1 GOES M DITCH People Bndly Shaken I a, bat Only One la Inlnred. BEATRICE. Neb., April 4 (Special Tele gram.) Burlington pa.senger train No. IX). enroute from Concordia. Kan., to this city, was wrecked this afternoon near Cuba, Kan. Two passengers are reported Injured. Later details of the Burlington wreck, which occurred between Cuba and Hay ward. Kan., state that two passenger coaches turned completely over snd were dragged fdr thirty rods before the train which wss running at full speed, wss stopped. The passengers were badly shaken up, but only one man wss Injured. A special train carrying Division Superin tendent Rodgers, Trainmaster Phllbrlck and Dr. Gafford was dispatched to the scene of the wreck and the excited pas sengers were later brought to Wymore. the Injured man being given quarters at the Taurelln hotel. The track will not be cleared before tomorrow. It Is thought the wreck was caused by the rails spread ing, and it seems a miracle no one was killed. . Arrest Alleged llnrsethlef. COLUMBUS. Neb., April 4. (Special Tel egram.) Sheriff Carrlg returned this even ing, bringing with him Cat Smith, who was arrested at Exeter. Neb., and who is charged with stealing the team and buggy, some three weeks ago. belonging to F. J. Selms. a farmer living In Grand Prairie township. Smith refuses to say anything, but he is identified as the man who was seen with the rig. , Welcome Rain at Grant. GRANT. Neb.. April 4.-(Speelal Tele gram.) The drouth was broken yesterday by rnln which fell steadily for twelve hours. Three-fourths of an Inch was reg istered here and the rain was general all over the county. This wss the first mols turj to speak of which has fallen since November. Grass has pot yet started, and no small grain has been sown on account of the dry ground. Forgets the Landlord. PLATTSMOUTH. Neb.. April 4-(Spe-clnl.) The young woman who gave her name as Lulu Craig and claimed her home at Memphis, Tenn., and said she was look ing for a brother when she arrived In this city one week ago, took her departure yes terday for parts unknown. She failed to pay her board or even bid the landlord or his wife goodbye. Charged with .Mealing; Eggs. BEATRICE. Neb.. April 4.-(8peclal Tele gram.) "Dick" Cllnenberg of this city was arrested today on a charge of breaking into a box car and stealing a case of eggs con signed to the Bosworth Produce company. His preliminary hearing was set for Wednesday and In default of $300 bonds be was lodged In the county Jail. A Man Badly Injured. Or painfully hurt, burned, bruised or wounded gets quick comfort from Bucklen's Arnica Salve. It conquers pain. 2&c. For tale by Kuhn & Co. FIRE RECORD. Old Ann Wyck Residence. NEBRASKA CITY. Neb.. April 4. (Spe cial.) Fire late yesterday entirely de stroyed the Van Wyck residence, six miles northwest of this city. The tenants of the place were away at the time and as a con sequence the entire house nnd contents were destroyed. Tho Iqsajo the Van Wyck estate will be about $ti,000 and the tenants' loss will be from $500, 'to... $1,000. Thla resi dence waa the Nebraska home of the late Senator Charles H. Van Wyck and waa one of the first really pretentious houses built In this part of the state. Pittsburg Wall Factory. PITTSBURG, April 4-The nail depart ment of the American Steel and Wire com pany's plant at Rankin burned today, caus ing a loss of from $175,000 to $200,000. In the building were 260 nail machinea of an ex ceedingly complicated character.' . THE DOCTORS AGREE. Two Physicians Both Agree oh the Sew Selentlnc Dandruff Treatment. Dr. J. M. Powell of Spoksne. Wash., says: "Herpfclde haa given good aatisfaction in my family for dandruff." Dr. W. G. Alban of Walla Walla, Wash., says: "I find Hcrplclde all that is claimed for it as a dandruff cure. I shall prescribe it." Dandruff Is a germ disease and you can't cure It unless you kill the dandruff germ, and you can't do that unless you use Newbro'a Herplclde, the only prepara tion In the world that destroys the para sites. A delightful hair dressing; allays Itching Instantly; makes hair glossy and aoft aa silk. It is a sure dandruff de stroyer. Sold by leading druggists. Send 10 cents In stamps for sample to The Herpl clde Co., Detroit, Mich. Sherman & Mo Conncll Drug Co., special agents. Refuse to Work with Strlka Breakers. CHICAGO. April 4. The retention by the American Can company of thirty-five Greek "strike breakers'' caused union employes of the plant who had Just settled their difficulties with the company and ended the strike to refuse to go to work today. A disturbance In the plant and a running fight between the Greeks and the union can workers created much excitement In the neighborhood of the plant. ANNUAL SALE TEW MILLION BOXES Greatest In the World A MILLION AMERICAN BEAUTIES keep chelr blood pur, their complexion aoft and dear, their broath sweet and, their whole bodies active and baaithy with CASCARKTH Candy Cathartic The quick affects of CASCA&BTS aa system clean ers and blood purifiers ; their promptness In curlnfr pimples, bolls, blotches, liver spots, blackheada, and in sweetening a tainted breath, have become known through the kind words of ladles who nave tried them. Henoa the aale of OVX3 A MILLION BOXES A MONTH. The quickest, surest way to beauty Is to cleanse the blood, for Beauty's Blood Deep. The flrat rule for purifying; the blood Is to keep the bowels free, irently but positively with CASCABETS. All druggleta, lOo, aso, fiOo. Never sold In bulk. The genuine tablet stamped COO. Sample and booklet free. Address Sterling Remedy Co Chicago or New York. all MEXICAN Mustang Liniment Bent for IIore ailments. MEXICAN ( Mustang Liniment Beat for Cattle ailments. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment Bt for fib. ftUmcc U. FACTORIES MAY BE CLOSED Minafactaren at Dei Mcinci Prepare to Qu t Business During Etrika. PRICE CF COAL ADVANCES RAPIDLY Facing; Fuel Famine Meniere Add t.20 to the Price of Soft Coal Blaee Saturday Klght. DES MOINES, April 4-COal advanced $1.20 a ton here alnce Saturday night. The price of soft coal Is now $6.10 per ton snd It is almost Impossible to procure at that price. Manufacturers are preparing to close down their establishments. Statement by Mine Operators. John P. Reese, commissioner for Iowa coal operators, haa Issued the following notice: "To all members of the Coal Oper ators' association, greeting: The Joint con ference adjourned Thursday without mak ing an agreement, adjournment subject to cnll of the presidents of the two organisa tions. Tho joint executive boards held a meeting and fixed up a truce for flteen days on the following basis: First, the miners agree to furnish all men necessary to keep the mines In proper condition and to take the iron machinery, etc., out of mines to be abandoned. Second, tha oper ators agree to make no effort to operate mines with nonunion men. Third, wagea to be paid men who work during the truce will be at the rate paid during March, 1904, less 6.63 per cent. Fourth, the operators are not to employ any men during the truce whose wages were in dispute when Joint conference adjourned; this includes drivers, cagers and trip riders in the First and Fourth districts and top men, such as dumpers, chunkers, screening carmen ami common top laborers in all subdlstricts, but If you .have any of this class of work to do have it performed by other men whose rate of wages is not In dispute. It Is ad visable that all operators live up to the terms of this truce. You will be kept posted from this office as to any 'change in the situation. You will receive another circular not later than April 15, 1904." INDIANAPOLIS. . Ind., April 4--Vlce President Lewis of the United Mine Work ers returned today from West Virginia, where he had been attending the district Joint conference at Charleston. He aald that complete recognition had been ac corded the miners In the Kanawha, Gau ley. Elk and Guyandotte river districts and all their branches, and that all of the men there employed, about 10,000 In number, both In the mines and on the outside work, would become members of the Mine Work ers' union. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Showers and Warmer In East Por tion of Krbraska and Cooler In West Portion. WASHINGTON, April 4.-Forecaat: For Nebraska Tuesday fair and cooler In west, showers and warmer In east por tion: Wednesday fair. For IoWa Showers Tuesds'y and warmer in eastern portion; Wednesday fair and cooler. For Kansas Fair in west, clearing In west portion Tuesday ;Wednesday fair. For Colorado, Wyoming and Montana Fair Tuesday and Wednesday. For South Dakota Fair and cooler Tues day, preceded by showers In east portion; Wednesday fair. For Illinois Increasing cloudiness and warmer Tuesday, showers by night; Wed nesday probably fair; fresh south winds, becoming westerly Wednesday. Local Record. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU, OMAHA. April 4. Official record of tem- ferature and precipitation compared with he corresponding day of the last three years: 1904. UOS. 1902. 1901 Maximum temperature... 67 63 63 63 Minimum temperature.... 84 81 . 38 40 Mean temperature 44 47 60 62 Precipitation 04 .00 ,T .00 Record of temperature and precipitation at Omaha for this day and since March 1, 1904: Normal temperature 46 Total excess since March 1 68 Normal precipitation 08 Inch Deficiency for the day 04 Inch Total rainfall since March 1... .,.1.36 Inches Deficiency since March 1 46 Inch Deficiency for cor. period, 1903. ...1.24 Inches Deficiency for cor. period, 19J2... .1.12 inches Report of Stations at T P. M. 'A 33 a fin s i s : s : asb 3 i i 1 : : : 7 4SI 67 .04 6 70 .00 68 62 .00 46 62 .00 60, 62 .46 r,2l 66 .00 6S 64 .t 34 44 .00 44 4X .00 60 64 . 00 4 52 .00 48i 52 .09 66 61 .00 621 61 .T 46 60 .00 68 62 .00 64 66 .00 CONDITION OF THE WEATHER. Omaha, raining Valentine, clear North Platte, part cloudy Cheyenne, cloudy Salt Ijike City, clear Rapid City, clear Huron, part cloudy Wllliston. clear Chicago, clear St. Ixiuis, clear St. Paul, cloudy Davenport, clear Kansas City, part cloudy Havre, clear Hejena, cloudy Bismarck, clear Galveston, clear T Indicates trace of precipitation. U A. WELSH. Forecaster. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment limber op Stiff Jolnta. s MEXICAN Mustang Liniment penetrates to tha very bona. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment aiwajfs) fcl vws tnaiiai'auaa , THOUSANDS HATE TRODBLE AND WP ii i M Ii Msllaia Aa l)Vvl ii.. - To Prove What Swamp-Root, the Great Kidney Remedy Will Do for YOU, Every Reader of The Bee May Have a Sample ttottle Sent Free by Mail. Weak and unhealthy kidneys are responsible for mors sickness and ufferinr than any other disease, therefore, when through neglect or ether causes, kidney trouble U permitted to continue, fatal results are sure to follow. .Your other organs may need attention but your kidneys most, because they do most and need attention first. If you are sick or "feel badly," begin taking Dr. Kilmer's 5wamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy, because as soon as your kidneys begin to get better they will help all the other organs to health. A trial will convince anyone. The mild and Immediate effect of Swamp Root, the great kidney and bladder remedy. Is soon realized. It stands the highest for Its wonderful cures of the most dis tressing cases. Swamp-Root will set. your whole system right, and the best proof of this la a trial. (3 Cottage St. Melrose, Mass. Dear Sir: Jan. 11th, 1904. "Ever since I waa In the Army. I had more or less kidney trouble, and within the past year It became ao severe and compli cated that I suffered everything and was much alarmed my strength and power war fast leaving me. I saw an advertise ment of 8a amp-Root and wrote asking for advice. I began the use of the medi cine and noted a decided improvement after taking Swamp-Root only a short time. I continued Its use and am thankful to say that I am entirely cured and strong. In order to be very aura of this, I had a doc.or examine some of ray water today and he pronounced It all right and In splendid condition. I know that your Swamp-Root Is purely Vegetable and does not contain any harmful drugs. Thanking you for my complete re covery and reoommendlng Swamp-Root to ail sufferers, I am. Very truly yours, I. C. RICHARDSON." Tou may have a sample bottle of this famous kidney remedy, Swamp-Root, sent free by mall, postpaid, by whloh you may test Its virtues for auch disorders aa kid ney, bladder and urlo acid diseases, poor EDITORIAL NOTICE Bo successful ta Swamp-Root In promptly curing even tha most distressing cases of kidney, liver or bladder roubles, that to prove Its wonderful merits you may have a sample bottle and a book of valuable information, both sent absolutely free by mall. The boek contains many of the thousands upon thousands of testimonial letters received from men and women cured. The valua and success of Swamp-Root Is so well known that sur readers are advised to send for a sample bottle. In sending your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Blngharaton, N. Y., be sure to y you read this generous offer In The Oraahn Daily Bee. Tha !ropr!etors of this paper guarantee the genuineness of this offer. ' i ulletin of educed Rates. Travelers of an economical these low rates. Tbey apply from Omaha to San Francisco Los Angeles Portland Seattle Taeonia Home-seekers' Excursions to the West and Southwest California and Return Fall information at all Rock Island ticket offices or by addressing I understand that the Bant Fe will sell one way colonist tickets to CqlI i f 6ri ia. during March and April at very low rates. $25 from Omaha via Kansas City and the Santa fe Corresponding reductions from ether points. Please advlss aae tsM pertlcalira. Name , Street No.. City and fntM Cut out this advertisement . E. . Palmer, Passenger A'jent, All the Way A. T. & 8. F. Ity., W EyiZaUs Building, Du Mnnts, In. W. J. BLACK. G. I. A.. Topeka. KIDNEY ENOW id digestion, being obliged to pass your water frequently night and day, smarting or lrrl- . tatlon In passing, brick-dust sediment In the urine, headache, backache, lams back, dullness, sleeplessness, nervousness, heart disturbance due to bad kidney trouble, skin eruptions from bad blood, neuralgia, rheumatism, diabetes, bloating, Irritability, wornout feeling, lack of ambition, loss of flesh, sallow complexion, or Bright' a dis ease. If your water, when allowed to remain undisturbed In a glass or bottle for twenty-four hours, forms a sediment or settling or haa a cloudy appearance, it Is evidence that your kidneys and bladder need im mediate attention. Swamp-Root is the great discovery of Dr. Kilmer, the eminent kidney and bladdef specialist. Hospitals use It with wonderful success In both slight and severs cases.. Doctors recommend It to their patients and use it In their own families, because they recognise In Swamp-Root tha greatest and moat successful remedy. - 8wamp-Root la pleasant .to take and It tor sale at drug stores the world over in bottles of two sites and two prices fifty Cents and one dollar. Remember tha name. Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Blnghamton, N. T., on -every bottle. turn of mind will be interested in $25 Today and every day until April 30th One fare plus 12.00 or tho round trip ' $45.00 April 5 and , April 10 . ' April 23 to May 1. F. P. RUTHERFORD, Q. P. A. 1323 FARNAM STREET, OMAHA, NEB. and mail to Kit.