10 Tnn OMAHA DAITA DEE: TUESDAY; APRIL R, 1904. FRANCIS TO CO TO CHICAGO Elated far Auiitaat to Etutis as Head of Pa'ssngsr Department. IS NOW IN THE WINDY CITY TEMPORARILY Report, Is Kot C'oallrnied, bat Per- isteatlr t'lrrslated sunt Accred ited br Mmr Rullroad Officials Here. A report that will not anwn is rerslst ntlv circulated In rallnwl quarters to tho effect that John Francis, general pasen mer sgont of the H. M., Is to lrave Omaha very noon. The roport In part la a repetition of that one which,, has been breathed In the. Inner circles for over a year that Mr. Francis would go to Chi cago and also Involves the new feature that he will bo to St. Paul to succeed Charles B. Fee as general passenger agent of the Northern Pacific. The report does not state Just what the nature of the Chicago position will he, but It Is generally believed It will be that ct assistant passenger traffic manager of the entire Rurllngton system. The position Of assistant to the passenger traffic man ager of the system Is already filled and It is not regarded as good & position as the one now occupied by Mr. Francis in this city, but It Is understood that there Is to be a reorganisation of the passenger de partment of the system nnd that after this reorganisation the position will be much better and the salary will be much larger. It Is known that Mr. Francis was urged aome months ago by the Burlington man agement to accept a place In Chicago, but he expressed a preference for staying In Omaha. Mr. Francis Is understood to have disposed of his home in Omaha and bought one In Chicago. lie Is now In Chicago, temporarily. As to the St. Paul position, while some railroad officials were Insistent In their belief thnt It would bo accepted by Mr. Francis, tho latter told a reporter for The Bee It would not. Some time ago the ticket department of tho B. & M., over which Mr. Francis had Jurisdiction, was removed to Chicago. No one will be appointed In the place vacated by the general passenger and ticket agent in this city, but It Is understood that J. E. Buckingham will remain here to look after matters connected with the passenger de partment and that he will retain his present title of assistant general passenger agent. Come to Meet Gruber. J. O. Brlnkerhoff, superintendent of the Kansas division; W. I... Parker, superin tendent of the Wyoming division, and It. D. Ferris, superintendent of the Colorado division, all of the Union Pacific, arrived In the city Sunday morning. It was sup posed that they came here to confer with General Manager Mohler upon his arrival to assume his new duties, but this is de nied at Union Pacific headquarters, where It was given out that the object of the visit Is to meet General Superintendent Gruber for the purpose of discussing spring work, the renewal of labor contracts, etc. Another consultation will be held between the superintendent! and General Superin tendent Gruber this afternoon. They prob ably will leave for their respective divisions Tuesday. Railway Superintendents. The Railway Superintendents' association held a meeting Saturday afternoon and per fected a permaaent organization b;' the election of officers. W. a. Deuel, superin tendent of the Nebraska division of the Union Pacific, was chosen president; E. Blgnell, superintendent for the Burlington at Lincoln, vice president, and James Dewar secretary. The following superin tendents attended the meeting, which was held at the Union station: W. A. Deuel and Charles Ware, superintendent and as sistant superintendent of the Nebraska division of the Union Paclfloi F. B. Jaynes, superintendent of the Illinois Central; Ed ward Bignell, superintendent of the Bur lington at Lincoln; J. II. Foster, superin tendent of the Iowa division of the Mil waukee at Marion, la.; D. Burley, assistant uperintendent of the Rock Island at Fair bury; C. T. Wilson, superintendent of the Rock Island at Falrbury; J. B. Braalley, superintendent of the Iowa division of the Rock Islsnd at Des Moines, and Trainmaster Gllllck of the Mllwaukea at Marlon. Several railroad rrian who took no part In the meeting were visitor. After the election of officers a number of matters were discussed which will ba taken up at later meetings. f Watch I Our jr SBffi" SILK SALE An immense assortment of high class sj)ring sills selling at one-fourth to one-half their actual value. In this great lot are $1 Silks at 25c. Pretty shirt waist sills, lin ing tajfeta, printed foulard, silk for petticoats, fancy waisting sills, pongee silk ami splendid crepe de chine they would sell in a reg ular tray at from 50c to $1 a yard on bargain square tomorrow at, yard. Ladies' Dose Supporters 15c These are the renowned Santta Hose Supporters with the Crandall wedge attachment always retail at 50c and 75c through a manufac turer sued lor miHappropriatin? a patent we se cured a great stock of these supporters can be worn Aithout a corset also in this lot Fancy 511k Round darters with stiver buckles, inlaid buckles, etc, in glass boxes, worth 2do and 60c all go at, pair Milliner Specials Tuesday 25c 15c Pretty Street Hats at $1.00 Made in the newest and Jauntiest shnpes Tor street wear all the latest color Htruw braids trimmed Willi ribbons, colored braids, etc. a very speclul offer for Tuesday nt.., 1.00 Splendid Trimmed Hats at $5.00 Here are stunning hats thnt would regularly sell for $10.00 In millinery stores throughout the country these hats are made In soft g satin strawH and chiffons, with the pretty small flowers II II for trimming ail the most favored shapes on sale Beautiful Hats at $3.50 Tretty turbans of soft straw with laces nnd malines effectively trim med with the latest and most popular spring garnitures T tf these hats excel many that are offered elsewhere at $7.50 Jlf Tuesday at Embroideries at 9c itnd 15c Fine Embroideries. Inaortings and tiulloons up to 12 Inches wide on bargain squares C f C at yard JC'IJC Laces at 5c and lOo Torchons, vals and net top Ru nils, Insertlngs and Galloons special for Tuesday on bargain tables at Orientals, in . 5c-10c ! Watch Our Windows might require expert testimony to prove that he really was drunk. The prisoner was discharged and there was a general movement of eyes as Boston Green walked out of the court room a free man. FORGER WORKSJJRUG STORES lick Rascal Hanag-es to Clean Vp mall Amounts at Few Places. The latest thing In rhe annals of local forgeries la the rase of a man claiming to be Charles Bhults, who presented checks at the drug stores of R. W. Walton, 1602 North -Twenty-fourth; Crlssey pharmacy, S424 North Twenty-fourth,, and A. I Huff, 193 Lake street. The checks were for 113 and purported to be those of the Sunder land Bros, company, which name was tamped with a rubber stamp, the name of "Gibson," secretary, being signed sin Ink. The Sunderland brothers say they know of no such persons as Gibson or Bhults. At each drug store Bhults presented a prescription made on the blanks of the Bell rug company, izis Farnam street, and signed by Dr. W. C. Buel. The prescrtD tlons were made out In the regular manner and beside the medicine called for a water bottle and some alum, all of which Bhults received at each of the places called at. At the Walton store he received the arti cles, 110 In cash and a due bill for the bsl- ance. At the Huff phnrmacy he was Riven lis IS in cash and at the Crlssey store $16.75 in money. The man is Teported as being short neavy uunt ana or clerical appearance. It is saia ne stopped at all of ths drug atorea In the north part of the city and that all BT the checks were of the same amount, namely 118. So far as can bo learned he Is a stranger In the city and Is supposed to have lift as soon as he made the rounds of the north side pharmacies. The matter Is In the hands of Chief of .Detectives Ihinn and the usual efforts are being made to apprehend the forger. REVERSES THE LOWER COURT Federal Circuit Court of Appeals Finds for C. I Chaffee la Long Pending; Cue, A mandate from the United States cir cuit court of appeals, reversing and re manding the judgment of the United States circuit court for the district of Nebraska in the case of the United. 'Stares Fidelity and Guaranty company, complainants, and the Omaha Building and Construction com pany, and others, defendants, and wherein Clarence I Chaffea was a defendant and cross complainant. Judgment was found against C. L. Chaffee In favor, of the complainant In the lower court, to which Chaffee excepted, and took an appeal to the circuit court of appeals. The man date states the decision of the lower court Is remanded and the cause remanded with the direction that the circuit court shall enter a decree against the United States Fidelity and Guaranty company for the amount owing upon the claim of Chaffee, with Interest and costs. The amount In volved with interest Is about $3,000. Suit was brought to recover on the bond tor building material and labor furnished. BOSTON GREEN GOES FREE Arrested on Raster, bat Allowed His . Freedom for lrk of Absolate Evidence. r "Boeton Oreen. well known in police circles and an nccaslonnl objoot for arraign tnent be r ore Police Judge lU rku, was the first rrson to be arrested on Easter Sun day. The police court records read. No. 1, Boston Ureen, (address) Omaha, (charge) drunk. When arraigned In police court there was a serious look on Boston's face as the mag Istrate read In solemn tones (he charge upon which the prisoner had been arrested. The colored man's face then became more serious snd he looked over In the direction of the arresting officer with an expression that said that the purposes of Justice hud not been served when he was arrested. Several of the police department tejt!fltd that Boston's general deportment had par excellence for several months and discharge was recommended, as It was said Boston had only In an unguarded momen taken M overdose of painkiller and that it Advance Notice On Monday. April 11, is the Greed Sale of Lace Curtains We will plnce on sale 56 cns of high and medium grade Lace Curtains, bought at public auction, by order of court. TIipso curtains comprise real UruHsels Lace Curtulns, Point do Venice Iaco Curtains, very heavy Point Arab Curtains, new Bonne Ft mine Curtulns, Imported Nottlnghams, KuHled Net, etc. on sale JVwOINDAY. APRIL. II." 8 JPBflPJ j DEIS,. Watch Our Windows EXAMINATIONS FOR OXFORD Rhodes Scholarship to Be Awarded at Lincoln by Committee Kext Week. NEW SYSTEM NEARLY READY Bemi-Automatlo Swi:ohb?ard for Omaha Goes in Aprl 16. LARGE FORCE OF MEN DOING THE WORK Chancellor Andrews, who Is chairman of the committee having the matter In charge, makes the following announcement In re gard to the award of the Cecil Rhodes scholarship for Nebraska: The Nebraska Oxford rpinnn.lnni m (nations for the 1!M Rhodes scholarship ap pointment for Nebraska will be hold at the Unlveislty of Nebraska on Wednesday and Thursday, April 13 to 14, In Uni versity nan. room 107. beginning at 10 o'clock on the 13th. t'nndiitates reporting at the registrar's office will receive nil necessary directions. The examination papers contain the full text of all the classical rwHSHEes iiraiI '. candidates will, therefore, require no text books. They will also need to brine- no station-try. E. BENJAMIN ANDREWS, Chairman Committee on election of Rhodes Srholurs. State of Nebraska. Kxaminatlon Committee! w. w PnnV University of Nebraska; II. W. Cox. Wes leyan university; L. p. Bush, Cottier university. Same Kind of Apparatus Already la stalled by Nebraska Telephone Company In LJncoln and Council Bluffs. General Manager II. Vance Lane of the Nebraska Telephone Company hopes to have the new seml-automatlo switchboard now being Installed in service ready for operation April 19. Since January 20 fifty workmen have been busy putting In the board which, with Its accessories, will cost $102,000. It Is a large affair, able to care for 10,000 subscribers eventually, if that demand Is made upon it. No Instruments have been changed at the patron's end of the line and will not be until the new board Is ready for service. A force of workmen, .however, Is engaged preparing the new Instruments which will signal central by merely lifting the re ceiver on and off the hook. The substitution will require but a short time as the new apparatus Is about ready and a big force will be set at this work as soon as desired. The work will not Inter fere with the working of the system in any way and the subscribers will r.ot know of the change until their instruments are re placed. "On the new board the r.'gnals are by small electric light tulbs and In this way the operator knows when a call Is sent In, whether or not the connection has replied and when the parties are through talking. The necessity for questions Is obviated, thereby doing away with much annoyance and the loss of time. The large switchboard Is Installed In a rotm of the new telephone building that will have an absolutely perfect system of ventilation, the air being changed com pletely every eight minutes. The air is sprayed before being heated in order to re- move dust. It Is then warmed by passing over steam colls and forced upstairs. In summer the room is cooled In the same manner by reverse process. Every person In the room gets equal benefit In the venti lation and heating nnd cooling. The company has completed the Installa tlon of Its new system at both Lincoln and Council Bluffs, so that the new one In Omaha Is the third of this kind. LL DT SLwIE r -" 111 i' ,tM ,mm fl jA r--.muiix i one Allcock's Porous Plaster has" a fine aromatic odor because it's made of the choicest materials hat can be had it cures because it's made of the right material. Just smell , that's all you have to do to compare it with all other plasters. Your sense of smell will tell you which is best. POROUS PIASTER REMEMBER Alleoci $ Piuttn are food for all pain and aches. Tbsy bare boon in use &5 years, have been imitated more than any article ever sold and hare made more cures than any other external remedy. They are guaran teed nut to contain belladonna, opium or any poison whatever. They are mule ox healing, Tegetabie gams which soothe, strengthen and cure. I TRADE WHERE YOU ARE BEST SERVED-AT BENNETTS OUR Monday was a Hcv-cJav for ANNIVERSARY thing in Omaha Itennctt's had attained its birthday nnd everybody connected with it and that's pretty nearly everybody in Omaha wore a broadly pleasant smile and made the event a pay one as a birthday ought to be. We will carry the occasion into Tuesday as far as we can. In the following departments the bargains intended for Monday advertised Sunday with the Green Trading Stamp Extras attached to them will be offered Tuesday: Dry Goods. Women's Wear Dept., Men's and Boy's Clothing:, China Ware and Cut Glass, Sheet Music, Millinery, Wall Paper, Stationery, Drug, Jewelry, Shoes, Hardware and Furniture. bee Vie Grocery Bargains for Tuesday Below. DO YOU DINE AT BENNETT'S? It's the most ldml cafe In town, large, roomy and flood-IIhted. Heautlful Mnen, a phnrmlnu ser lee and prices most reasonable. Third floor. READ OUR SUNDAY ADVERTISEMENT and vrntrlt partlcn'arly the bar. srnlns advertised in llrr Roods, Jewelry, Clothing, Ciocker 7, Mil liner r and Shoe De-ot. GROCERY! GROCERY! Still they come, from all quarters of the city the people have de elded that for fresh, clean, new, up-to-date groceries, Bennett's take the lead. $1.00 worth Green Trad inr S t n m D ' t'.-V' $ . JW5lJ?i with three 3-pound jiliEii'i toes, at J3J OLA Baked Beans, 8-pound can, eacn 10c Imported Sardines, can, IOC 124c 10c each Sliced l'lneapple, can, each 8tun"ed Olives, per bottle a B llll Fifty cents worth Green Trading Stamps with 10-lb. Sack Corn f f? Meal- Pears in Syrup 2 lb. can of this dell clous fruit, can , Pure Spices We have a complete line ot strictly Kplces In air light cans, trrounj black i'epper, On can COFFEES. Golden Santos Coffee, 2rf per pound sSUW Marncaibo Coffee, 1r per pound Biinott's Breakfast Coffee, Af4r" 2-uaund caa TEAS. Gunpowder or Oolong, A. fin per pound w Z;r.ierl!il Japan, er pound ., sSnJk 31'TTER. Fresh Country Butter, An, per pound Bennett's Capitol Creamery, 07n 5c ter pound Medium Sour Pickles, pint recti Trading Stamps on Top GET THE HABIT of dropping In our store when you are In need of any thing In the Jewelry, cut glass, sterling silver lines. We crry a nanasome siock .r tnese goous ana you couki spend a few minutes profitably in our store. Look for he name. S. W. Lindsay. Jeweler. j ' , 1516 Douglas St. It GET IN LINE! Election is warming up nnd more votes cast in the second contest. Forty more trips to be awarded. A mighty good chance for some one to call a few friends to their support and win one of these trips. Remember, your get 520 votes on a year's subscription in the city or GOO votes on a year's subscription in the country. So, you see, it's not much of a trick to win one of these trips. You certainly would not have to travel far to find eight friends who will be glad to help you with a year's sub scribtion. , And while we are not blessed with a prophet on our staff, we will nevertheless venture to say that some of the remaining forty trips will go for less than that number of votes. Winners First Election. Vote. Winner Second Election. Vote. John H. Disney, David City 4.K2 John F. Flynn, South Omaha.... 9,303 John Woodworth, Omaha 4, 434 Henry Johnson, Omaha 6.S64 George BacKus. Omaha 3,574 Carroll Burkhard, Omaha 6,776 M. A. Martin, South Omaha .65(S B. F. Shannon, Nebraska City... 6.619 Rlss Ruby Splgel, Omaha 3.223 Ella RasnniBsen, Columbus 5.0H0 Anna Carlson, Florence 2.623 Ralph A. Newell, Omaha 4.574 Emma Hoskovec, Omaha 2.381 Wm. A. Disney. David City 4.344 Mrs. E. Peterson, Omuha 29 6. B. Christie, South Omaha S.9R4 W. S. Robertson, Omaha 1.924 II. K. Mann, Omaha S.957 Miss Ruth Cornett, Neb. City... 1.7.3 John F. Ay res. David City 3,931 (Third Election) Ten More Trips to Be Voted For This Week. The Third Election Starts Friday. April 1st Ends Thursday, April 7th. Twenty people have been elected to take the trip to the World's Fair at Ht. Louis at The Uee's expense. Forty more will be, and they will all go 7? dDdblA This toad direct to the exposition grounds, and In addition to saving a day for you either going or coming to he enjoyed at the exposition Instead ot starting from the station in St. Louis, it will save you time, because It la the shorttst road between Omaha and Sl Louts. Rules of the "Election" The ten persons receiving the largest number of votes at the close of each election" will be furnished, ut The bee s expanse, as prizes, each tree trip frum Omuiia to tiu Luuls aud teluru, to be taken any lime during the exposition. No restrictions sre placed as to where the party lives as a candidate (or one of ilia exposition trips. No votes will be counted for employes or sgents of This Omaha Bee. All Vutos must be made on ooupuns which will be published each dy In The bo. 1'iepayment of subscriptions may be made either direct to The Bee Publishing Company or to an authorised agent of The Bee. No votes sent In by agents wUl u counted unless sent la in accordance with instructions given tiiem. The vote from day to day will be published In all editions ot The Bee. The "elections" will close each Thursday at 6 p. m. Votes may be depoalted at the business oftlce of The Bee or sent by mall. No votes sent by moil will be counted which sre not In the Omaha posiufnce (or delivery at 4:30 p. in. on the day of closing. Address, 'Exposition Department," Omaba Bee, Omaha, Neb. ' COUPONS ON PAGE 2. TUESDAY. il.SO Womtn'i nrpptrs. 95c $5 Worth Trading SUmps frtt. liU TUB RF.LIAM.H STOItE. TUESDAY $1.50 Womtn'i Waists. 95c. $5 Worth Trading Stamps Frtt. GREAT AFTER EASTER CLEARING SALE. 20c Ribbons, Per Yard 7c otiTtVrvPMf ,V,,lNIN", WE ri.ACK ON SATK 1.00 BOT.T8 OF FANCY PTI.K VvM l?4 !LA.UIK NKW fllAlKS. THESE OCl8 ARE AM, NUMBER 4t A?,.i?,-T,".';'.ni.'!5' I AU PRICK IS f AN1 2fxi i'KH YAR1. BCT FOR OUR T 1 r. AFTER KA8TF.Il CUSAKINO SALE T1IBY GO AT. l'KK YARD 4 C GRAND NOTION t I-2c SALE le metnl hack horn dressing; comhs ...4Ho I'D yards of Holding Bros' sewing Fllk..4Vi li'C bark combs 4.0 Z spools sl!ky crochet cotton '4140 15o corset steels 410 loo worth brass pins '4140 2'c pearl buttons 40 ino feather stitch braids .. lOo memorandum books .... Vbo needle hooka .... loo ooln purses ..... . . . . ...4'?i' ...4'l ...4'c ...4140 Several other lOo and 15c articles tor 414c, Tuesday. Another Grand Silk Sale Tuesday. SAMri.R RfLK BOLTS ARB WONDERFUL BARGAINS AND CREATE GREAT EN i liL'SIASM. Sample bolts black taffetas QQp 6-inrh, worth U. 76 for t7W .98c Sample bolts of silk for shirt waist suits, silk taffot.-is, foulards, $8-1 neb. white wash and fancy silks, worth lQr '16c 8C0 and ll.uu. on sale tt - , . Sample bolts Mack taffeta 2?-lnch, worth 1.25 for , Sample bolts black tsffetas 27-inch, worth $1.60 for . 69c 85c Sample bolts Mack pongee Sti-lnch. worth I2.0O for CAMFLK BOLTS TONOEB, In naturat color, V Inches wide, sells reg- ft Or ulur at $1.S& on sale VJw Sample bolts of crepe Co chene, ftQr in all colors, worth $.0i-for "Jw Wool Dress Goods Sale From 9 A. AT. to 12 AT. We will sell all wool voiles, n Istrals, suit Ings, ruhllmes, cream wool goods, etc., worth from 75c to $3.00 a yard In waist and tfress 2C From 2 fo 5 P. M. ..25c We will sell all wool Imported ehallics, worth o, 76o and $1.00 per yatd only 12 yards to a customer --at, yard Big Sale Fine White Goods From 9 A. AT. fo 12 AT. Tuesday. We will place on salo 100 full bolts of mercerised and sher white -oods, all the nev patterns for lifcH not a yard worth less than z&o, ana many ot i&era wonn more, Tuesday from U a. m. till 12 r.i., On Bale In .west room at one price yard NO FEDbLERS OR DEALERS SUPPLIED. 10c Groceries! Groceries Groceries! Two Extra Trading Stamp Spe cials Tuesday. 21-lbs pure cane granulated sugnr for $1.0D Large sacks white or yellow corn meal 12Hc 5- lbs hand picked navy beans ISc 6- lbs. good Japan rice li'C 5-lbs pearl tapioca, sugo, barley or farlno, for 19c 3-lb. can Boston baked beans, hominy or apple butter THc Large bottles fancy assorted pickles, catsup, Worcestershire sauce, horse radish, mustard 8 1-So Cero Frulto. pkg 6o 1-lb. pkg corn starch for 4e Hest bulk laundry starch, lb SVfee Wool sosp, bar SVo Fancy soda, oyster, butter or milk crackers, per pound So Flower or vegetable seeds, any kind you want, per packnge Ho EXTRA SPECIAL IN DRIED FRUITS Fancy California prunes, per pound.. 8'4o Fancy Cslifornla pearlies, per pound ..Ho Fancy Mirir Park apricots, lb 12V4c Fancy Burtlett pears, lb Virginia raspberries, lb una Virginia blackberries, lb California grapes, lb New York Ring apples, lb 0 EXTRA SPECIAL IN "FRESH FRUIT- Fancy large sweet genuine Highland oranges, per dosen 1-0 Fancy large juicy Highland seedless lemons, per dor.en 12o Colorado White Clover honey, rack ,...12o BUTTER! BUTTER: BUTTER I Good country cooking butter, lb 12'4i Fancy country roll table butter, lb ....l&o Fancy Elgin creamery, lb llo TWO EXTRA TRAP1NO STAMP SPE CIALS. TLE8DAY. To every purchaser of one sae.k bet flout or three pounds Mocha and Java coffee for $100. we will give $6.00 extra trading stamps absolutely free. Our loss is your gain. HAVDER3 BROS. The Only Doubt Track Railway between the Missouri River and Chicago. tVDAILY TRAINS OMAHA TO CHICAGO 8.25 PM THE OVERLAND LIMITED biW. hth. Ul.iihoo.. dining or and obMirstlon ears. Elwtrio lighted throunoout. 8.00 AM THE ATLANTIC EXPRESS ?Qllnin toorint ilMping craod oosctwe. Dialog esn mm Irani Clinton. 5.50 PM THE EASTERN EXPRESS Pnllmsn drswlns-ronm nd tearlrt (lMPtns eM. Imwlnlai ih.it un, buBrt librorj snd niosina in, liinius cr. ... 3 OTHER DAILY TRAINS A f l,iPnllrondrwlneiwmlwln;tBiti OttU BM moklna ana 1 1.30 AM HQ- 4.25PMf 2 DAILY TRAINS ST. paul-"mihneapolis 7 50 AM 2ShTtuD plor " nl 81 r nil Pullmta rlaoptns est, bolfat library , I 3 I M euai and tnm rawlming ohsir wm. BLACK HILLS 1 CO Oil ToFramnnt. Mncoln.Wahoo.TlaTldOlfr. Z.UU tM York. llMtlrm., Kwarrt. t". Hul ffJrT Norfr.lk. J-ons l'tna. 'W,r. Hot Hl.nnsa. Iliidwood aoci LaaJ. Thronga racUnlug chair 0.1.1 i'ullman alaaping oar aertioa. OriC 1H To FrotniHii, Lincoln. Wahoo, Norfolk, O.UD AM Long Plii.7vrlinr.. BunaaUMl ud Ui Soaauud Indian lleratinn country. CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1401 and 1403 Farnam Street Mr,ir,kin.r and library can ftim tr reoJtnr I eWrVtO Wm.tna to vnicaara cbsur cmn. uimuu . - rats Pullman car from A roe to CiUoaco. Viu irnof uioaaw . CLOSING OUT AH. OUR Buggies Carriages and Wagons FREDRICKSON Fifteenth and Capttol Ave. Baad oar apodal "ad" ssrerr Butxlajr Wadncadar to Tba Bca. TWO SAVES You save your trass. We save you Money. By using1 Goodrich hose. James Morton & Sen Co., IS II Dodia St, Exclusive Agents for Goodrich Kosa. r Umbrellas UHDREILASTIS cW 1055t m We havs mors colored umbrellas than we have ever shown. Tliey are from $103 up. S3QJ5 BUYS A TICKET AND Sleeping-Car Berth VIA f Union Pacific PORTLAND AND NORTHWEST POINTS Full Information eheerfullr luriiiaiitxi ou apfUutUou to CITT TICK ET OnrjC E, 1324 FAR. tM BT. Phone $14. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Oat Dollar Vrsr. "VtT TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Ost Dollar a Ve K Z3J s 4ja J