Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 03, 1904, PART I, Page 7, Image 7

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CeMursmenti Show Flood At Receding
at Man? Point?.
fjoffla. Had to Be Palled
Hole (fit In the
el the Mareear
ST, MARTS. O.. April 2-Grt Harm
caused here today by the strong (tale
that dsshrd the waters against the eastrrn
lank in Its wsakrst places.
The watt ha broken through at several
lacee, out so far It la under control. Every
fcttle overflow la at once taken In charge
ly a rang of men. Every able-bodied man
fci this rlty end vlrlnlty Is today employed
Hong the hanka of the reservoir. At noon
preparations were made for a general
klaim on a moment's notice, as the rlty
fcould be overwhelmed with the lake of
10.000 acrea In event of a break.
The lowest part of South Bt. Mary's Is
llrcady vacated and the others are moving
thla afternoon. '
CINCINNATI, April J. Floods In north
western and central Ohio broke all pre
vious records, but dispatches late this
afternoon Indicate that the waters are re-
i rnoing, especially airing mo itiiami vaney.
The damage from Findlay south through
""Nskja Troy and other points as far ss Hamilton
i In estimated at C.Ono.OOO. Four Uvea have
tarj been lost. Twenty towns are without
Natural gas. Several cities are without
power for water works, electric light or
gas, or trolley cars.
Dancer from Reservoirs.
CEL.INA, O.. April 2 The danger of
Drand reservoir breaking Its bounds at the
west bank Is at sn end, unless further
rainfall and a stiff wind from the east
thould again create menacing conditions.
Ollna, situated on the north bank of the
eservolr never was In danger from an
overflow. The water would have gone out
at the west bank, deluging the west half
bf Mercer county, and flooding eastern
While this artificial body of water W
ten miles long and Ave miles wide, cover
ing 17.000 acres. It Is situated at such a
level that, should a break occur, the waters
would not move with such velocity as
caused Instantaneous destruction of. life
and property at Johnstown.
PIQUA, O., April 2. Warning has been
received here by telephone that the west
bank of tho iVewlston reservoir has broken.
The residents of -Bant Plqua have been
ordered by toe police to vacate their
homes and to go to places of safety. All
of East IMqua Is submerged. People thore
re living In the top stories of their
homes. When the water from the reser
voir reaches East Plqua the situation will
lie dangerous.
msuoPTOV. n . Anrll 2 Tli flnnd
throughout Coshocton county Is the hlgh
et since , even surpassing the recent
jT January flood. People are being taken
'ftT from houses In boats. Trie lower part of
mis cuy is suomergeu.
Hold Funeral In Boats.
INDIANAPOLIS. April 2-A funeral was
held at St. Franclsvllle today in
boats. William Christian's wife died
Thursday and since then the waters
have entered the house to the second
etory. A hoie was cut through the roof
today by the undertaker, through which
the coffin was pulled, and the funeral to
St. Rose cemetery, on high ground, was In
i t 1 East Marlon Is practically la ruins from
fill the two floods and will be rebuilt. Relief
J II measures for the people are taking shape.
I l?f In tnl" cl,y ,ne Whl" rlver Mln crip
pled the street car system today and
drowned out the north pumping station of
the water works. This city Is again with
out adequate fire protection.
Cereallne town, a suburb, Is under from
two to five feet of water on account of
broken levees. The river Is fourteen Inches
above the danger line and still rising.
Small lakes In northern Indiana are bank
full and flooding the lowlands. At Alex
andrla two bridges went out and Scott
town, a suburb, Is entirely cut off. State
Mine Inspector Epperson says there Is
general damige to coal mines all over
the stats, especially In Greene, Clay and
Parke counties.
enatnr Millard. trier Coafereaee
with tieaeral Greely, . ees
Plans Are Colas; Through.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. April l-8peclal Tele
gram.) Senator Millard this morning called
upon Oeneral Oreely aad had a long
conference regarding the establishment of
a training school and headquarters for the
western division of signal corps at Fort
Oeneral Oreely, In view of the fact thst
the bill hes not yet become a law, said
he could not go Into details as to what
his department would do In the event of
the final passage of the act. It Is very
well known, however, that General Oreely
Is very desirous of establishing a training
school for the signal corps at Fort Omaha
and making It the western headquarters of
his branch of the United States army.
Senator Millard said after his conference
with Oeneral Oreely that everything looks
very bright, but he could not say anything
as to the details of the organisation of the
proposed new signal corps at present. It
can only be said now that the signs! corps
will undoubtedly make Its western head
quarters at Fort Omaha and a school of
Instruction will be established there. "It
will work out all right In every particular,"
said Senator Millard. "Of that I am now
Senator Gamble today Introduced a bill
providing that tho provisions of the ex
isting pension laws be extended to officers
and privates, their widows, children and
dependent parents, of military companies
raised under the proclamation of the gov
ernment of Dakota territory Issued August
30, 1852, to protect pioneer settlers of Da
kota, Nebraska. Iowa and Minneaota from
Invasion from hostile Sioux Indians, fol
lowing the Minnesota massacre In 1882,
who performed military service In behalf
of the territory of Dakota before adequate
protection was afforded by the United
Rural routes ordered established May
2: Nebraska Broken Bow, Custer county,
one route, area covered, sixty square mllus;
population, 650. Concord, Dixon county,
one route, area covered, forty-four square
miles; population, 860. Meadow Grove,
Madison county, one additional route, area
covered, forty-five square miles; popula
tion, 40. Saint James, Cedar county, one
route, area, forty-five square miles: popula
tlon, 475.
Iowa Castana, Monona county, one addt
tlonal route, area, twenty-one square miles
population, 626. Charlotte, Clinton county.
one additional route, area, nineteen square
miles; population, 523. Frederic, Monroe
county, one route, area twenty-one square
miles; population, 460. Industry, Webster
county, one route, area, twenty-two square
miles; population, 4O0.
Esrl Yeast has been appointed postmaster
at Mt. Clare. Nuckolls county, Neb., vice
John Ilg, resigned.
The application of A. B. Larson, George
Rice, Charles R Jenks, Jay Manson and
I. C. Taylor to organise the First Natlonlal
bank of Egan, 8. D., with 125.000 capita
has been approved by the comptroller of
the currency.
Paasaaarer F.i press on the Pennsyl
vania Crashes Into a. Coal Train
Near Pottadam.
READING, Pa., April 2. Two persons
were killed and a doxen others were In
jured tonight In a collision between nn
express train and a freight train on the
puunsylvanla railroad iiear Pottstown. 'The
deed :
ANDREW FEOLEY, Philadelphia,
8IO. HIRSCH, Baltimore.
The coal train was on a siding and pulled
out on the main track as the express came
tip. Both locomotives were wrecked and
doxen coal cars and a huggage and pas
senger car were thrown down an embank'
Former Postmaster of the World's
Fair Fined fso for Openlag
Someone Else' Letter.
BT. LOUIS, April 2. In the United States
circuit court today Frank C. Ilostetter,
formerly postmaster at the World's fair
grounds, was fined 1F0 and costs on the
l chsrge that he had opened a letter passing
through his hand. Ilostetter admitted the
charge, but said ho had opened the lutter
Imply from curiosity. lie was defended
by Lieutenant Governor W. A. Northcott
of Illinois, a personal friend of the de
fendant' family.
Government Has Paid Oat Knongh Ex.
perlmentlngr on Flying
(Copyright by New York Herald Co., 1904.)
WASHINGTON. April 2.-iNew York Her
ald Service Special Telegram to The Bee.)
Prof. Langley has declined to make any
request for a further allotment of govern
ment money to carry on his experiments
with his aerodrome, although, according
to his statement to the fortification board
success Is In sight. The board has de
elded that It Is not advisable at this time
to make further expenditures In that dl
rectton. So far the board has allotted the
sum of 150,000 for the flying machine experi
At the last meeting. Prof. Langley, In
answer to a request, produced a financial
statement showing how he had expended
the funds. In reply to a question, he said
thst he thought that with a further allot
ment of "C5.000 the machine could be made
to fly. He, however, did not ask outright
for that sum and the board acted as stated
Incidentally, the professor referred to
the engine used In the aerodrome as a
marvel of efficiency, far rurpesslng any
thing of the kind employed for other pur
poses thsn driving a flying machine. It
generated a full horse-power for each two
and one-eighth pounds of weight.
It Is probable that, regardless of the
action of the War department, the experi
ments will continue with the aid of private
Agents of Department of Commerce
and Labor atari "Work aa
Beef Trwst."
ST. LOUIS, April 2. A corps of agents
of the Unltod Btates Department of Com
merce and Labor Is In St. Louis today
Inquiring Into the operations of the al
leged and so-called beef trust. Their
names and their movements are kept
According to information, they have been
sent here by Secretary Cortelyou .In ac
cordance wtlh a resolution of congress In
structlng him to investigate "the causes
of the alleged low prices of beef cattle
In the United States In July and the unu
sually largt margin between the prices
of beef cattle and the selling prices of
fresh beef."
The resolution directs Secretary Cortel
you to ascertain and report whether the
prices have been manipulated by any cor
porate combination, and It so, what the
capitalisation, management and proflta o
such combinations are.
From St. Louis the Inspectors will vlsl
Chicago, Kansas City and St. Joseph, and
will also probably go to Omaha.
of the paatfew month havo sot people- to
thinking about Inflammable; paint.
Tho "National" Firo Proof Paint
Will positively prevent fire from spreading-.
Use It and reduce the eoet of your insurance.
nig-ulf reoomraen&'ed by leading Builders, Architeota and Patptert.
, It Has Stood Hundreds of Tests.
Made of pure ketUe-bolled Linseed oil. ground under our exclusive
process, with the highest grade paint ingredients. No Bemioe, Turpen
tine or other Inflammable oila to feed fires.
The "National" Fir Proof Paint oo nr ordinary
paint, Is better and more durable. Made in all colors for general pur
poses. Send for our free booklet,
showing photographs of recent publie Are testa and testimonials from
people who know.
National Fire Proof Paint Corporation
Poital IoTestigatisa Commit' Calls by
Invitation, Upoa Postmaster Qsntral.
Gaverniaeat Prlatlag Office Sends Ei-
plaaatloa as to 1 se et Word
Charges' la the rrlnted
WASHINGTON, April i-At the request
of Postmaster Oeneral I'ayne, Chairman
McCall, Representatives llitt, Richaidon
of Alabama and Bartlett went to the Ar
lington hotel today and dlscunsed with the
postmaster general at his bedside the spe
cial Veport Involving members of congress
In the mstter of clerk hire and leasts at
third and fourth-class postofllces.
Mr. Payne had prepared a statement
which he wished to go inio the record of
the committee and which after Una I re
vision wilt be made public.
The vital point In the case Is that Mr.
Psyne was most positive In his protest of
names which should not have been sent
to the house committee on postotflces and
post roads.
The report In question was the first sub
mitted to the committee without the
names, and the second report, with the
names, was sent to the capltol upon a tele
phone order from the house committee on
postofllces and post roads.
Chairman McCall today received an ex
planation from the government printing
office concerning the folio line at the vtop
of the first page of each report, "Charges
Concerning Members of Congress." This
line wss, It is said, a legitimate condensa
tion of the substance of the title page
submitted from the postofflce committee,
and Is also Justified by the Hay resolution.
which contains the word "charges" In the
same connection. The line was made up In
the printing office, aa Is the usual custom.
The explanation from the public printer
also contains the statement that the twen
ty-five tidvance copies were In the hands
of the postofflce committee thirty hours be
fore a correction of the line was ordered.
A meeting of the McCall committee was
held today behind closed doors.
St. Utnts Delivery for Indian Uoods.
It has been decided that the supply of
hardware, drugs snd boots and shoes for
the Indian service, which heretofore have
been furnished by the Chicago Indian
warehouse, shall hereafter be issued frorn
the Bt. Louis Indian v rehouse. This,
It Is estimated, takes away one-fourth of
th business of the Chicago warehouse.
A protracted fight on this question was
made by Chicago, but the president de
cided that the St. Louis warehouse, at
which the opening of bids for the supplies
will take place ei.rly in May, should hnve
It share of the Indian supplies business.
Probing; I .and Fraud Case.
The Interior department has received an
official dispatch from Portland, Ore., say
ing that the grand jury there will report
sixteen Indictments In connection with the
land frauds which have been under In
vestigation for some months. The frauds,
It is claimed, were committed under the
Hen land law and the timber and stone
w Dispatch Agent.
R. Newton Crane has been appointed
United Btates dispatch agent at London
In place of Joseph B. Gllber, resigned.
Mr. Crane has performed all the legal
work of the United States' embassy In
London for some time past.
Woald Modify Tariff Law.
Representative Williams of Mississippi
today . Introduced a bill providing that
tariff duties on any, article shall not
amount to more than 600 per cent ad
valorem. Morales la Maklnor Good. I
Assistant Secretary of State Loom la has
received private advices from corre
spondent In Ban Domingo to the effect
that the Morales government la steadily
gaining In power and Influence in the
Island, and 'that the business Interests
have reached the conclusion that Morales
la now strong enough to maintain a sta
ble government for some' time to come.
Germany Applies for Money.
Ambassador Baron von Sternberg called
on Secretary Taft today to present the
application of certain German merchants,
owners of the German vessel Bat urn us,
which was seized by Insurgents at Sun
Fernando during the progress of the Philip
pine Insurrection and looted of fl'X.OOO,
Mexican. American troops captured the
town afterwards and recovered $100,000,
which was turned over to the captured and
abandoned property division of the Treas
ury department. The German merchants
think this a part of their money. Secretary
Taft has cabled to the Philippine commis
sion for a report of the facts. .
Plaa for Railway Mall Clerks.
Postmaster General Payne today trans
mitted to the house a number of petitions
from railway mail clerks giving their pref
erence on a retirement plan. Two schemes
are favored. The first, appointment as
third or fourth class postmasters on re
tirement from the railway service, and
the second, retirement on a pension to be
provided by an assessment on railway mull
Private Drowns la Lasoa.
General Wade, commanding the division
of the Philippines, has informed the War
department that Private Thomas F. Havl
land. Company I, Fourteenth Infantry, was
drowned on March 30 and that his body has
not been recovered.
Desire to Have Title of Lands
uaa Abolished In the
(Copyright by New York Herald Co., 1W4.)
WASHINGTON. April 2 -tNew York Her
ajd Service Special Telegram to The Bee.)
If Rear Admiral Wise, commanding the
North Atlantic training squadron, can
hve his way, there will be no more "lands
men" In the navy. He has made an earnest
recommendation that this unscamanllke
name be relegated to oblivion.
Commander Alexander Sharp, chief of
the enlisted men's division In the bureau
of navigation, has hailed with delight this
chance to get rid of an ancient title of reproach.-
All that now separate raw naval re
cruits from the jaunty, salt-air name of
"apprentice seaman" is the approval of
Rear Admiral Taylor, chief of the bureau
of navigation, and Secretary Moody. This
Is considered almost assured, for Resr
Admiral Taylor believes things on "modern
ship should be ss nautical as on square
riggers, and Secretary Moody has spent
more time at sea than any other chief of
the department.
The only persons In th navy who will
continue under the rating of "landsmen"
If the proposed changs Is made are bar
bera. yeomen, mess men, jacks-of-the-dust
and musicians. Under the present system
landsman la recruit more than 18 years
old. After certain period of training
gives him proficiency he becomes an or
dinary seensn and then a seaman. Boys
not ol.l enough to enlist as landsmen enter
the service a apprentices.
Ten fre trip t the VT ana's fair each
rlu Be coupon on page 1
These $25 Panama Suits
Have No Equal in Omaha
are made of the newest snd so much
In demand light weight Panama cloth.
They're made Eton style, with the ef
fective broad shoulder snd large, full
sleeves. Entire cunt Is braid trimmed
snd taffeta lined and
has separate alrdle
Skirt has drop silk foot
plaits and Is trimined
with braid In scroll
designs. Price
i oram trimmed
100 Framed Pictures
On Silt
Monday Only
Assorted Sub'iecls
Special, 25c
irS QUITE. ONNECESSARY to say that the season's best
I and most fashionable fruits, coats, skirts, waists, etc.,
are her in profusion of course they are but have
you thought of how much it' always possible to savti
if you trade here Those who shop around before buy
ing know from experience.
Trimmed Hats
A most regal collection, hrilliant In every
sene of the word, strikingly pretty anil
different creations, greet one everywhere In
our great millinery dept. the same snap
m.d style yon find in the imported pattern
hats Is recognised In the faithful adapta
tions of our own styles. For Monday
added to the charm of style and beauty are
lower prices than usual. Think of it. hats
made after fashion's latest dictates of must
sivlish materials some l.&'O In all to retail
from It.OW to 110.00, are marked at only
Mohair Shirt Waist Suits Colors, block, wbite. royal blue and shepherd
enecKs elegantly made and tailored pleated waists deep shoul
der effects pleated skirts with extra flare entirely new very
stylish tills Is our fl.'i.uu suit special at
Wo'll warrant you never bought a strictly up-to-date $5.00 Waist for ig.98
before that's the price Monday made of silk mull new, deep bertha over
shoulder trimmed with rows of lace Inserting entire front tucked ) fJQ
very full flaring sleeve lace cuff and collar colors, white, irO
blue and pink sale price
When It comes to CIIOICR CLOTHING we do not ask to be favored out of
personal friendship. It's a plain business proposition hard fact. We ere here
to sell merchandise. When we say that our suits are vastly superior, we know
whereof we speak, for Irs our business to secure the best. Kverybody knows
the reputation that K. N. & K. clothing has. If you don't, then compare and
decide, it's up to you.
Black Unfinished
Suits $16.50
, 11 -ceil H'Miun
Sizes J4 to 44-Just ten lines sll choice, new, fresh goods
suits are made or the nnest o'lallly or
unfinished worsted, serge lined and thor
ouahlv hand tailored throughout both
single and double-breasted special Monday.
Top Coats and Cravenettes
Top Coats are made of nobhv homespuns and covert cloths.
In short box and Chesterfield styles, 40 Inches long price Genuine Priestly Cravenettes. cut
62 Inches long, suitable for evening or busi
ness wear during rain or shine, made
by best of makers special for Monday
I ,B l"
Spring Hats
Ask to see our Young's block
htat. It Is a black derby In
the latest ehape has a great
deal of style to It.
Price $2.00
Fine Shoes
When In need of a pair of
shoes don't forget thst wo
have a fine line, both for
dress and every-day wear.
$1.50 to $4.50
The begiuniug of April will witness sonic v-ry stirrin-j;
events in our Furniture, Carpet and Rug Departments. Our
entire new line of Fpriug samples await your inspt tion.
New patterns new desigus new ideas. Your Credit is
SIl)i;ilOAJll Quarter-Hawed oak
heavy csWing' large size French
bevel finite mirror a bargain at
$25.00. Monday, T Cl
special I JV
CHAINS .Monday we offer a special
lot of cane, or wood seat diners, brace
arm, full size seat. Qff
worth t.r0. isnecial .7CIL
JJ PA It LOU SUITES 3 piece suitts.
1 mahogany nuished frames with solid
mahogany panels in dhck upum
stered in Imported Verona Velours.
Special for OA Cf
Mondav e&TaaJl
MATTINGS Monday we place on sale a large consign
ment of China Matting good patterns T.
extra heavy weight special I slt
JAPANESE MATTINGS Carpet designs nothing bet
ter for the bed room,-
TAI'ESTKY KUGS A large line to select
from 9x11 size, special Monday
We are agents for the famous Hey
wood line. For next week we
offer a full reed Go-Cart, patent
brake, enameled gear, rubber
tipped wheels and fancy satin
parasol, worth $18.50, jl C
special sale price k ZfJ3
We are sole agents a 2 burner
guaranteed stove QD
special Monday, only. . . 1 O
- ?j. . -11,1 " 111 . ir. ' . ""'itrr
Consultation and Examination Free
Blood Poison
(Syphilis) Rupture
Nervous Debility
I understand that the Bant Fe will sell one
way colonist tickets to
C l 1 i f o r iv i
during March and. April at very low rates.
$25 from Omaha via Kansas City and the Santa fe
Corresponding reduotlon from ether points.
Please advise ase (all particulars.
Name ,
Strut Ko..
City and State.
Cut out thit advertisement and tnatf to
E. L. Palmer, raanngtr Agent, All th Way
A. T. t E. F. By., 409 EquUalla Buiiding, Dtt Mointt, la.
W. J. BLACK. G. P. A.. Toptka, Ka.
nirir o i tt ntiuw ii fin T v
KIDNEY snd I'RINARY diseases and all Diseases and Weaknesses of MEN due
to evil habits of youth. -excesses or the results of neKlerted or Improperly
treated private diseases, which cause night losses, day drains and Impairs the
mind, destroys the muscular strength and reduces the sufferer to that deplor-
aiile state known as Nervo-tcxual Detilllty.
Is Indicated by enlargement or scrotal veins, wnat
ever may be the cause, Its injurious effecls are well
known. It usually comes on Insidiously, and Is dis
covered by accident, the sttention 1 lng directed to the scrotum by some mor
bid sensation there, or a tired, drggd feeling In the groin and back, alaays
nurse after prolonged standing; and in most cases there Is a dull nin In tes
ticles, with a sense of weight. These paina are made worse by sexual excess.
As the disease progresses, the parts become reduced In else, soft, flabby and
sensitive, If circulation be not Improved by proper treatment, the func- '
tion of the organs becomes impaired and the parts waste away.
Weak and relaxed state of body: easily tired; backache, headache, nervous
ness; denpondency, melancholia; milky urine; dribbling; palpitation of heart; un
able to concentrate thoughts; fulling memory; banhfulnesx; sleep disturbed with
dreams; tendency to dose during day; specks before eyes; lack of ambition; will
f lower gone; weak organs; shrunken prts; vital losses; poor circulation; cold,
ifek-ss and worn nut.
it Is sad to contemplate the condition of so many men of our day. The fire
of youth has gone out and the fountain of vitality is exhausted. I'remature old
age! No matter what brought It on, the one thing for you to do la to get hack
the vim, the vigor and vivacity of youth. Don't lose your grip on life. There
are yet many happy, golden years for you If you will only get hela. We can
and will not only help you, but cure you. Our treatment will restore to you
that which you have lust. It stops unnatural discharges and drain of vigor,
. and gives perfect power of the sexual organs. It clears up the clouded brain,
brightens the intellect and dispels despondency. In short, our treatment for
weak men builds up the phjiicul and mental aa well as the sexusl man, snd
. prepares him anew for the duties and pleasures of both married and single life.
Prompt and heroic treatment Is the only kind that should be used In com
bating this lothsome disease.
Only temporary relief can coma from hot springs baths, specifics, mercury,
potash, or other mineral mixtures and poison.
We have originated and perfected a cure for Blond Poison that Is abso
lutely safe, rapid and permanent, and leaves no injurious effects.
Every external symptom soon disappears, while the blood, the tissues, the
nerve fibres, the bones and the whole system are cleansed, strengthened and
restored to perfect health and purity.
trrvoas Drbllltr. Varicocele, lap,
teaejr, l.oat Manhood, karnakea Ur
eses. Emliilosi, Waste la I rlae. Ka.
laraed Prostate, t.oaorr noea. Gleet,
Sirlvlare, Hlood Pelsoa aad Bladder
You Can
Be Cured ?
If you cannot call, write for symptom blsnk. Office
hours, a. m. to t p. m. Sundays, 10 to 1 only.
For rates to or from all parts of
Europe via all
Reliable Trans-Atlantic
Ocean Liners
sailings, diagrams of steamers, des
criptive pamphlets and correct infor
mation, call on or adddres:
.Every Woman
M lotftted ftn1 thou Id know
tVLrUUl lit wouuaii'ai
MARVEL Whirling Spray
UUlMlW UaJ-atf .
1308 Farnam St.. Bot 13th and 14th Sts.. Omaha, b
tat mr InnM a M.
If ha i-nnuiup.lf (he
MtHttL, xrai.1 in.
toibftf . but tend alAiiiD to'
full iMtrticiilBrtaiHl dupntinii In-
valuatik to hull MilSI I LtO.,
tot sale ooly by
fllUM I f(l IMa and Douglas,
absvrlbe ..
rti hhul nwiiv 4
I I I UlblllWI (
Far SsaerriMsa. 61 set. LssserrtHaa, sasnastar
rtHM, Piles sS Ail UsaesltlMj tsuual Olscaaree.
No Pain. No stain.
No Stricture. Frcc Syringe-
art rwveettlve a M -
At lrusiu. sr Mit ssjwfcm tor !..
MALYOOR UF6. CO.. Lanwster. 0..U.S A.
SoM t nwsMiM kr SHERMAN McCtin-
II I t)ELGCO..Cor.ltka luit. Oinaks.
' I
r t