THE OMAHA DAILY NKE: RUN" DAY, ATRIL 3. 1004. 1R STEADY GROWTH OF RUSSIA WliKiprctd Belief in tb Wo-ld-Oon(jor-itg Dtitiny of tha Emplra. OPULATION INCRtA ING 2,500.000 A YEAR Raeslans Their Hrnnm llellloe t'eellna l.aNullns Mea of OlMt Ability. General FYannle V. oreene, major general Of volunteers In Ilia war with Mpaln, and recently pollita roinmlaalniisr of Naw Turk City, rmitrlbiitea an artli'la on '11w Cb-tilua of ltulu" tu th wnr number of .World's Work. Uoneral tlrertio'e lnireitalona Kiaaaa special value, Innaintwh a tboy embody lha iierleiina and ulianrvntlons of a tralnnil American snldlnr, ho, na I'nlted Plates military attache, followed til fur. tunes of tha fltieHlan army In tlia war with Turkey In IKTT-7. lla writes, In part: What ara tha characteristics of Ihla peo ple, what la thnlr purpose and what do thay seek to aocoiuillah, whut are tha Oliancea of euoreedlns; la thnlr purpose? Thnaa qunalloiia are not aaay to anawnr. The ftuaalnn charaoteiietloa ara varied. Thnlr purpose seems plainly evident to onto, but la aiepulad by athnraj tbnn ehanrna of aunoeaa Involve tha fulura lila tory of tha world, IDrat anion tka oharauterlatioa may (airly ha cited a dogged perseverance, which luugtis at obstacles, inakra nothing of tarrtbla hardblia and privation, mid pursues will) iiever-fuiluia (Tort and with out dlactiaalim an object onca clearly de fined. In tha private soldier .thla persever ance tnkaa tha form of fnrtlliiaT rlrrra tilled With floating loa, of carrying on a winter campaign aoroaa titountalna and through dnrp aituwa, without lilallkela or tents, of orosalng tha deserts of Central Aala undar scorching aim. without water and all tlila cheerfully, joyously, without grumbling or discontent. In the great statesmen thla quality la ahown by a continuity of pur pose, from generation to generation of successive minister, uiwa working toward tha aaina point, and sacrificing their Unia, tholr health, tlielr wealth, nad often their reputation. In tlia puratilt of tha ideals wliloli coma down from letr"a time. Lack of Hdacatloa. Neat In Importance, and perhaps a van , mora lmtorttuit, la their lack of education. In 177 among tlia rmirult annually drafted for tha Ituaalaii army, tha proportion who oould road ajid writ was only t per cauti la Uartiuuiy it wu T per ovnt. I doubt It Uiaaa proportions havo olmngrnl In tha In tervening years. Tha latest statistics ehow that In tho Huaalau population of leXOftMMO only 1.7&u.0M buya and BMSOJO glrla ware at ohool, or In all 1H par oant. In tha United Statoa tha auho4 aorolniaut la N lr nt and avoraio attondaitca IV wr cent. K on In Japan, Ituaala'a praaaut anUvgonlat, wbnro tha vary Idaa of publlo common auhool waa unhaard of but a gonaratlon ago, tha altoudanoa la naarly 10 pvr ocnt, ihara beiiui almoat twloo aa nnuiy ohlldran at.aouuol, although tha populallon la ouly on a-tli I rd of that of Ituaala. A nation aa oloaa to tli tulddla ajma. au backward In duoatlon aud lu all tha alamonta of olvlll aatlou Utaraturu, arta, ntacnanlca. Indua trlaa, iHiiniuonx- thut aprtng from aducatlon and dopand upon It, can only ba faabla aa eomparad wltA Uia at rang lb which would otiiaralaa prtain to lu numbvra arid ara. War Huaata aa ad-unood In clvtllaaUou aa OarntaAy or iCngbutd It would wall nigh doinicat tho wur Id oortaJ oJy It would con trol Aala ajMl Kuropa, Uawf) MwUgrWw VMtkw ! Auothar ounarAowoua quality of tS Rua Una la what friendly oritioa would call taalr dwp rallgloua faitA, aol boatlle ciitlca tbnlr tguurant auperatlUon. The Muaalina da not ubwre the tan ouiumaadiuvnu ntora cloawty Uuut tha othar Chrutiaa or Jowlah racva, but tby da tbaurv Lha rtdlgloui oarainoulaa of tha charcA mora tawoly than aay other race aitwpt the Tbey do aocjt wlthxMit quiwilua tar dosbt the teach ing of tha lUble aa 11 la aavplaiiieU to thcrn. their aeuaa of rarereooe la undlsUiuahed. and they beilerw that God la xeraunaily dl racUug tha aitalra of thia wrU. Fun her than thla. thny are oartala that tha eaar la directly ooouiUaaauood try Qod to carry out lUa purpaaaca, A refigiMia faith Uka tula navy haiw am ruulta la mareJa, but It la a tai-lnr La be ratsaid wtth la publlo artalrv Ur 11 laaxte thoae who pnaaeaa It to deeda of harutam, parhavpa tanaUcUiu, Which otharwtae might nu ha antfdyated. FLoaily. the lfaUn la Ugat-hnaned. Ma kvaa aot niBuk) of thla wuriO'a cooda, and 4oa not &pa-t te hare weare. Mut wtth wh aa ha haa be la ooatant, and ha knewa little or nothing of the great world beyond lluaala. Ha U not mnroea, dnoa not brood, but alnga hla annga, crank a hla Jokra, eat a hla cabhaga, aniip, nnd blark brad, amokr Ma paplerroeaa, drinka hla atrong vodka, rrpnnta In tha morning and giaa to work rejoicing, chnarful, froa from rare. Thla, too, la a quality not to he overlooked In aatlmntlng the Ruaalan'a rapacity for pub llo afTaJra or aclilavlng great projecta. liorlln, ohrdlvnt. chrarful, peraaverlng. rncklnaa of privation or danger, nllrd with a dcp rallgloua awe r auprailtlon. If ynu will thla la t lie average RuaaUn; dla regarding tha educated and official olnaa, and tha dlarnntPtited nlhlllata. both of whom ronatltuta, probably, leaa than I per vent of the population. MroaaT t.eadorablp. Tlie nlhlllnta may be dlregarded thay have great Intelligence, ara profoundly dla entlafled, have rommlttad terrible crlmea, and linva at tlmea dlaarratiged the aoclnl fahrloi yet after a generation of effort they have accompli hed nothing permanent, they hnve made no Imprraalon upon Rtiaalan In atltutloiia of government or eoolety, and they have at preaent leaa tnfluatioa than at any time In many yeara pat. The amall educated claaa of govarnmant otnolala, on the other hand, la a faotor of the hlgheat Importance. In the lower gradoa he U almply a bureauorat, aumaahed In red tape, faithful, and pulnetaklng, but devoid of originality or Initiative. But In tho upper grndna, tha atateamen and aoldlera of tha hlghaet rank, the good qualltlea of tha Ruaalan pcaaant lila peraeverance, endur ance, olieerfulnane-aJl In a aubllmatod form, have produd for gnnaratlona tha very hlgheat type of leadara Oort chakoff. IMere, Mollkoff. IgnatlefT. Tod lelian, Rkoubeleff, Qourko, the two bro thera Bhouvaloff, Wltla-theoe are only a few of tho commanding a pi rite of the laat forty yeara. At all tlmea during the two centurlea alnoo I'eler the Ureal a reign Riiaala haa had In her aerv oe the kecneat dlplomata, the moat aklllful aoldlera, the moat eminent atateamen man of gnlua, highly educated, familiar with the literature of other Unguagea aa well aa their own, well Informed by atudy and extenalve, travel of the hlatory and cuatoma of other peiiple and all of tham believing Implicitly In tha mUaton of Holy Kuaala. gparloua Tcatauneot. Aa to the purpose of the Huaalana and what they aeek to accomplish thla la to be learned more by a atudy of their hlatory than of their own writings. The apurloua "Teetament of Tatar the Ureal." although a aomewhat cluniay forgery, la nevertheloea a fairly accurate and truthful atatement of Ituaala'a political ambtUona. tt waa rt rat refnrred to In a book of which large number were found In Napoleon'a baggage at hloacow In ISl'i; It waa given In full In a French imblioailou In Tarla In 1U9, and aftorward republlahed In ISM at the out break of the Crimean war. It accorda with tha whole trend of what Napoleon aald about Ruaala to hla varloua aocretariea at Pt. Ilnlena. Quite probatkly the document waa liiKplred by Napoleon aa a Juatlrlcatlon for lit Invaalon of KueMa, and glvea Na poleon'a Idraa of Ituaala'a purpose baaed on hor hlatory during the century between Teter the t.liet and lilmaelf; and her hla tory during the century alnce Napoleon hua followed the unit Una. In hla docu ment reter la made to aay to hla descend ants aud auccaaora ou the Ruaalan throne that: "The AU romerful , . . permlta ua to liHik upon Kuasla aa called uivon to estab lish hor rule over all Kuropo. . , . We lock upon our Invaalon of the west and the vaat aa a decree ofX)tvlne Providence, which haa already onco rvgvnerated the Roman empire by an Invaalon of 'barb rlaiia.' The emigration of men from the north la like the Inundation of the Nile. which at certain eeasone enrlchea with Ita watera the arid plains of KgypC We found Kuasie a amall rivulet; we leave It an Im mense river. Our successors will make It an ocean, destined to fertilise the whole of Europe, If they know how to guide Ita waves." Then follow fourteen artlclea of Instruc tions, which rter Is made to recommend to the "constant medltatlou" of hla succes sor. They are In substance to dismem ber Poland; "take all you can from Sweden; . , . marry Russian prlncea with German princes; . . . . , do all In your power to approach closely Constantinople aud India; . . . keep up continued wars with Turkey and lrsla; establish dockyards In the Black sea,: ob tain the command of thla sea, aa well aa of the Ralilc; re-oatahllsh the ancient ootn- roerve of the Levant, and thua advance toward India; . . . Make Austria drive the Turks out of Europe; . . .The result cannot be doubtful; Russia will be pos sessed of the whole of tho eaat and of a great portion of Europe. rietltUaa hat Repireaevtattve. Thla document, flctttloua aa tt la. and la pined by anna Frenchman, probably Napo leon, from motives of hoatlltty to Russia. Ceres rheumatism Head here tlie record of a remarkable1 euro atify yourself If you are In doubt bj writing Mrs. Castdl she will toll you jut as gladly aa ahe te-lla ua, thatv Uricaol is the prvatest of all remedies for the cure of rheumatism. She will gladly tell you Low for thirty ytttrs she suffered aud how discouraged &h waa when Uricsol waa suggested, but ahe gave it a fair trial and six bottles cured her. If you suffer rheumatism ask Bhennan & MKVnuell Drug Co iTbrner 10th and Podge Strtvts, Omaha for a booklet on Vricsol. Head a treat on this terrible disease, written by a chemist of forty-two years' exivrieree. let Creatle 3aaTaee Read Tale. A lady Tt rears od-a suSrer fr thirty ywara. r Ujwiy aud M4pliiy rsueved by tb M ef MiJy ui tKluee. Mrs. alary Castell. im.vf at o.vaer f lAae aad taive e'nreta. Saa FVa..-x t K yara of ae. aad kas reauaeg la aiava eavoi t-ir xxxls ena. 0 J ana x 14 VIra. Csa waa euffer tat ob.dr frixa loauiMtlsa la rr a-i--:ief' ajsd arma ahe baigaa regur J yaietuaiK- traAttneat wtth I'noavi and here ta a rexord 4 ker cwre. June U 1 bar ltx.ati4 tae eeo il he tie of Vrtceol aud the aia tea gve froa ay ak'uldera ard arnta. tv 1 aaa euU eT awre and s.t. It is !a'..-u:t far we te raksa car right art and ow,b aay hair. 1 tkmk another NaUe wUl naM that euC eveaa ta raa ase. atl MART OXSTTLX- luae hV have takea three awaitai ef Tvk-mI ead 1 feat eaaaiecaM WM(r inr aNal eg nay aa-a. I eavt- auy ay-xeea lw at reeTeg le the au roe a ttK-a.iy as wwtd that f a jrea&aw 1 aaa euue wr nu r rtxSMi aa traev I v-e sae n v. c aA eul 1 aaa arM r r irvwa im aT-ia er iae na araaoawa 1 wtU oaarfa t t. ia.e (- hi HA UART CA5TKLX. Ja'y M t Kaiw fast MtirIee4 tta rirth Wu f t'rt.'aul 1 sa aaalt thai I waa a.h ejMi4al IA aas uaae and 1 be .1 eve 1 au gviung wail. I will conuuue t take I' rv-oL MR A MART CASTKIX. July 2a. 1 have now takea are botilee of t rtceol achl 1 twt believe I U nee t take bbmw. 1 do net feel the raouavatlssa at ail wow eeB4 early la tea cnetaioga. aaea n la alight; Btteetue la Bay Aug are. at taat gvaee away aercre aoa. 1 eu a ua an ajue if ye baa; 1 ua ft y-ara 14. and I taiah I'rtoeaol haa 4ao wadara " htna MART CAFTKIX. Mra. CaaieU waa edvtsed te lake amether b-it: te nd aer eiateut esUry et th rbeureatuaav Ttua aha did and bora la tha laat teller ahvwttvg the result. Aeerust 11 have aew Rauhed ela hot- IM wt rtlcii uhl oaa aay that I a cm red. 1 stall he? a e4Ue aa aaad ta aaee 1 agaua reel the rwturw of raeumatiaea. at the Ural tuna la thirty yeara 1 have, ana aura.y rrea FOmb rtiemaattaaa, I hava aaver tahea a aaedValae taat haa d.aa aa muoa a-eatd aa I rtoaat. i aaJaa Mirtu any theaaHaa.. It aaa ha'je4 a attMna.-h a ad acted aa a tet-Je fuc say HAla eyeieaa. 1 ahalt alwaya teel gratagMl as l rcaw4 car ns rnv hi ha mart amu. I hereby aatasnriae the Vrtceva iTmuaiI Oa te aae y aaaaa la oaaaeouoai wtth tha im rwvrw ea my (im tSwgwe4 at HA MART CASTSU. Ask Sherman & McGonncll Drug Go. TO?! A BOOKLET ABOUT RHEUaaULTUhgU doea nararthnleaa repraaant tha political faith of the educated Hnatan) and the unednoaled Kuaala n simply followa hla leader. Tha Ilussliui believes that auto crat lo government la beat aulted to tha needa of mankind and must onndurra to their hspplnnea, Juat aa ardently and un- QuestlimaMy aa the American bellevea In tha eternal fltnraa of representative self government Aa the latter la aura that hla form of government la dcatlned to be adopted by all nations and raree aa quickly aa they oan be educated up to It, ao tha former la cerlnln that tlia rula of an en Itglitened (teapot la patterned after TMvlna nils and la the form of government which Ood tntenda nliaJl ultimately ha eatabllahad over lha whnle earth; nnd lie bejtevee that Russia la the divinely selected agent to carry thla Into effect. In short, It la no exaggeration to aay that not only tho present but past gen erations of Ttupalaiia have dreamed that It waa the dentlny of Russia to rule tha world, not In this oentury nor tho but Ulti mately; and tha rtreAm does not seem an utterly fsnlastla when we recall that In oaa than five centurlea Ita possessions have Increased from 1-ftO tit 1-f of tha earth's, with ottllota to the Atlantlo, tha Partflo and tha Mediterranean all In ono piece and Inhabited by a nearly homo geneous race, differing In these two es sentials an completely from the British possraalona, which ara eren largnr In area and mora ntimerone In population. Nor can It Va denied that tha elements of lead ership ara found In a race which has pro duced such prleela aa TMaton and Poble donoeteff; ench authors aa Tolstoi and Turgf.nleff! attch poeta na rushkln; such statesmen as Oortchakoff and 'W'ltte; auch aoldlera aa Pnwitroff nnd Pkobeleff. Pre ara of Vnlveraal Fmplre. Thla dream of universal dominion haa led sometime In one direction and some times In another, merely na different moans to a slnirlo end. First to the Rattle, then to tho Rlark sea; toward Conatnntlnople, and then toward India: finally to the Ra clrto and to nnd beyond tho hordern of China, For two centuries Constantinople haa been longed for. almost obtained In lO and then "notched away. For genera tions India waa coveted, but then given up; being now considered much less Im portant than was thought In Nnpoleon's tlma. The mnrketa of China have now tnken In poptilnr eellmntlon the plnce for merly occupied by the Alleged wealth of tha Indus. And aa bearing upon the question of universal empire It must bo acknowledged that. In apllo of corruption nsmng their officials, tho Russians have shown a con spicuous genius for colonlnl government. They hnrmonlia and affiliate with subject rncea far more than do the Kntsllsh; they treat them na equals and not aa Inferiors; send their women and children to live among them and be a part of the com munity Instead of sending only their men to exploit the country, extract Ita wealth and then return borne. Witness the re sults In the Cnucnsus. In Central Asia, even In Flnlnnd and Rolnnd. Tho Mo hnmetftn In southeastern Europe and In Aala la enthusiastically loynl to the white einr. and In all the peoples nnd lands subdued and annexed by Russia since the time of Ivan til, there hnvo been Insur rections In only on Roland. Partial Rrallaatloa. Finally, what chance have the Russians of success In tholr ulmsT Bo far as they dream of universal dominion, this, of course, can never be resitted; but there Is reason to believe that their gradual ex pansion around tho shores of the Rlack aea and the Caspian, and thence south ward to the Indian ocean, will continue for generations, bringing under their rule tho Inferior races of Turkey, Rersla and Arabia, to tho great and manifest advan tage cf these races, of Russia, and of the world at large. In the far east they hnvo met a rude check, and It Is possible they may find that the present contest Is the most critical In which they have ever en gaged. They havo shown themselves dis tinctly Inferior to the Japanese In readl ness and preparation for wnr; they have aufforcd severe defeats on the water and lost control of the son; they are separated from their base by thousands of miles cf a recently built and roorly equipped railway, which may be destroyed at many points. I'nlesa they can gain an over whelming victory on the frontier of Corea, they will probably be driven laek to 11 tr- bln or to a point where the distance from Japan's base will re-establish an equality between the two contestants. Rut aa they retreat they grow strongvr. and Japan, energetic and plucky aa she Is, grows weaker. And how will It bo a year hence, or ten years hence, when Rusta can. If need be, plaoo 0V soldiers In Man' churlaT A Bitter t oateat. There la little doubt that the present struggle. If other nations do not Interfere, will be a bitter one, Should Russia gain a really decislva victory, as ahe did over Turkey In 173, she would seek to make Japan a mere Russian province, filled with splendid harbors and forming a magnificent outpost tor the coast of the Orient. Should Japan gain such a victory over Russia, aha would wish to drive Russia entirely away from the Pacific coast, establish her self on tha malnlaud and put herself at the head of the for eastern race. Rut neither will be allowed to do what It wishes. Wars are not ended In that way te these days, but In such a way aa the great nations think proper. In her last war. Ruaala had Turkey at her mercy, but she waa obliged to tear up the treaty aba had made) at 6ava 8tefano and to submit to auch terms aa tho non-combatant nation aaw Bt to allow at Rerlln. And In her last war, Japan Inflicted a signal defeat upon China and dictated the terms of peeve In tho treaty of Shtmouoeehl, which waa rati fied on May . IS. But only two days later, at the dictation of Ruaeia. Germany and Franca, the Japanee ontperor signed a document la which ho renounced and gave up tho chief advantagea ho had g-alned by that treaty. KmHaxly now; It Is uulte certain that Japan will not become a Ruaalan, nor wf.l there be any "yellow penl under the leadership of Japan; for no matter which skle wins. the treaty ct peace will be made, not by tha two combatants, but by a congrs of all the great power, tncludtr.- ourselves ao far havo unforeseen events earned ua away front the traditions of Washington. The Wrraa of that treaty wtU be such as tho great nation thluk beet for the In tereota of the whole world, and cot alone of the two nations who have carried on tho war. lila atauawa. Ta my aativa land." expUtna tho pundit, "humanity la eUvtdad Into caateav Thus, one family wUl do nothing but menial labor, because their case prvevrtbes ea4 pro- avrtbee their ewuinuoa. Acether family wUl d o mraa work tr the aanie Then." timidly aaka tha earnest yeocg wwmaa who B pee to gather sufficient m teraU for a club paper on eociolcgr. supovaae tha ropka who put mortar en V waUa hewo' to the plaster cast, S they Jodf. A Catlaae rertanaiaea. ""Hurry! let get out of tho way. Hero "What da yvti wwnt ta run away froaa htm fjrr VJTl. ho g jvaat hack frc a sTurope; ha"3 want to taU wa aa he u." ho fti't Ite dwts't see aTtV but aaaheo frean tha ttme fee started fe" he got haca." ftl'a sefAtat rtoaav. Schlitz Beer Is Just This Barley selected by a partner in our concern from the best barley that grows. And we malt it ourselves. Hops brought in large part from B.ohemia selected by our buyers from the finest hops in the world. Water from six artesian wells bored 1400 feet to rock. Just a food and a tonic brewed with the extreme of cleanliness cooled and filtered air sterilized after it is sealed. Schlitz beer is pure, because our process is cleanly, and because the beer is filtered, then Pasteurized. It does not ferment on the stomach, because it is aged aged for months in refrigerating rooms before it is marketed. It is a health drink without germs in it. It gives you beer a m a . a fa without biliousness. Ask tor the brewery bottling. Ok B BSf9 Thone 918, Jos. Schlitr Brewine Co.,' 719 S. 9th St., Omaha, Neb. Tlie Beer That Made Milwaukee Famous J Webster, H oward & Compa Phone 970. 326 Bee Building. Experienced Underwriters of Insurance In All Its Branches Fire, Cyclone, Plate Glass, Accident, Health, Employers' Liability, Burglar, Steam Boiler and Surety Bonds Representing the Following Reliable Companies: WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. CERTIFICATE OP PUBIJCATION. State of Nebraska, Office of AUDITOR OK PUBLIC ACCOUNTS. LINCOLN February 1. 1H. It la lierehv certltlril that thai Ffmtilnvr Liability Asauranc Corporation of London. Kngi.ind. has compiled with the insurance law of this state, applicable to such com panies, and Is thereore a Jthcrlaed to con tinue the business of accident, employers' Lability, health and fidelity Insurance In this state for tho current yeix ending Jan uary 11. iiS. Summary of report filed for tho year end ing December U. WOK: INCOME. Premiums t3;.SW S3 11 ether aourcea.... W.MO.f Total PI5BURSKMKNTB. Paid policy holders. . I e-i.5;. All othrr payments.. l.l.UGS5.iT Total etrS ti ADMITTED ASSETS. n.rd.656.r LIABILlTrE3. Unpaid rlalma and eipenses $5N 3SS W Unearned premlunts.. sV.' .VJl 4 All other liabilities. ... li.AX 0O Q. Sol, 191. M Capital stork paid up Surplus bevond capital sio.-k ana lia bilities nt a r.iTa.a CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION. State of Nebraska, office cf Auditor of Public Accounts. IJiicola, February. 1, 1M It Is hereby certified, that the Jlanover Fire Insurance Co., of New York, in the state of New York, has lomtlled with the Insurance law of this state, applicable to such companies, and Is iTierefore author lied to continue the business of nd lightning insurance In this state for the current year ending January fl, liKo. Wit ness nK hand and the seal of the auditor cf public accounts, the day and the year first above written. v CHARLES WESTON. Auditor of Public Accounts. JOHN L. PIERCE. Deputy. CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION. State of Nebraska, office of Auditor of Public Accounts, IJncoln, February, L Un it la hereby certified, that tho Soottteh Union and National insurance Co., of Edin burgh In Scotland, haa complied with the In surance law of this slate, Lppllcable to auch enmpanlea and la therefore authorized to continue business of Cre and lightning Insurance in this state for the current year endlne January U. 1& Witness my hand and the seal of the auditor of public ac counts tho day and year first above written. CIIARLEd WESTON. Auditor of Publlo Account. JOHN L. PIERCE. Deputy. Total r.rnvKo a Witness rcr hand and the seal cf the auditor of public accounts the day and yr orsi aoovo written. CHART F.S WESTON. Auditor cf Public Arcoitrta, JOHN L PIERCF, Deputy. CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION. State of Nebraska, office of Auditor of Publlo Accounts, Lincoln. February. 1, l It Is hereby certified, that the Insurance Company of North America, of Phila-; delphia. In tho state of Pennsylvania, has ' complied with the Insurance liw of this; state, applicable to such companies, and Is i therefore authorised to continue the tul-i nes of fire and Itfthtnlr.g Insurance in this uate tor the current year e.nllna; January I 51. 16. Witness my hand snd the sell: of the auditor of public accounts, the day' a year Lin aoove wntien CHARLES WE9TON. Auditor of l'ubllo Accounts. JOHN L PIERCE, Deputy. CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION. State of Nebraska, office of Auditor of Publlo Accounts. Lincoln. February. 1, 130 It is hereby certified, that the St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Co., of St. Paul. In the state of Minnesota, has complied with the Insurance law of this state, appli cable to such companies, and Is therefore authorised to continue the business of fire and llghtnlnff insurance In this state for the current year ending- January 31. IS" 6 Witness mv hand and the seal of the audi tor of public accounts, the day and year first above written. CHARLES WE6TON. Auditor of PuMIc Accounts. JOHN L. PIERCE. Deputy. CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION. State of Nebraska. Office of Auditor of Public Accounts. Lincoln. February 1. - It Is hereby certified, that the Llverpiol and London and Globe Insursnce Co.. of Liverpool. In EnKland. has compile J ait h the Insurance law of this state, ai-jill cable to such companies, and Is therefore :tuthortxed to continue the bu1neee of fire ar.d lifhtnlnjr insurance In this state fr the current year endlna; January SI. 19u6. titnes my hand and Use seal of the autltnr of public accounts, the day and year first above written CHARI.Kd WESTON. Auditor of Public Accounts. JOHN L, PIERCE. Deputy. ( CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION. Gtato of Nebraska, Offlca of AUDITOR OF PUBLTC ACCOUNTS. LINCOLN. February 1. 1S. It la hereby certified that the MetropoJ tan Plato Olaaa Insurance Company of New Tork, In tho state of New York, has com piled with tho :naurance law of thla rta e, applicable to auch companies, and is there fore authorised to couuuue the busi,-i-:i of Piate Glass Insurance In this state fur the current year endlna; January tl. Lu&. Summary of report filed for the ear end Ins Deoembct l" 1M: INCOME. Premiums .J15 to . . All other sources ls.wi.7l ' Total DISBURSEMENTS. Paid policy holders UH,0o. All other payments 2yj.67l.6i Total ADMITTED ASSETS. t3a.4tf.01 Z,A.A.'A Li ABILITIES. Unpaid claims and ex penses t t.? T Unearned premlunia .... 1TT.S17 All other liabilities 15it3 14 Capital stock taJd up.. r.J.uC0.0i) Burplua bevond capital stock and other liabili ties 1M. 440 10 m40 M Total t n II Witnea mr hand and the seal of the auditor of public accounts tho day and year first above written. CHARLES WESTON, Auditor of Public Aerouita, JOlfN L P1EP.CK. Deputy. IN NATURE'S WAY. 1414 Clybourna Street. Milwaukee. Wu.. April 30, 1903. Icfiaxamatiosi of th b'.aJier aAd the nteru it toreij on ct the moat dreaded disease a wos-as can have. I bare had a sick feeling come oyer tt for oTcr fix Tear with debility and prorcaiTe emaciation, red Lsanred too(rM and as the trouble increased an enlarged papilla, an intense thin: and fre)uent irritation wild a voraciotis appetiw and a sinking of Lb t'.oniach. I bad nsed hsndred cf dvv'ari worth of tieviumea for tbeeo troub'ca with out getting permanent relief vheu one of your JJirthiay Almanacs came into or aandi. The testimocia. read like fairy tales to me. bat I Lnod jour tattoo remedy and found' that there wj (rood reason . why 9a tuaAT praised it and after usin 17 bottles 1 was well jSJ Jj " V p ar.d had joined the army of your admirers. 1 have now en- fclaaw aV sT fc4shf-V , jcred the best of hava-Ui fcr tea boblbs and hare artery reason to Mtie luai i am curea permanently. P0R3ECaC8ODQI0 N ith me of Cardci to be bad tt every rirsg store it b eccecessary for any woman to suf er as Miss Dicxirkh suficred. The cften repeated tesucooy of hundreds of thou sands of cures! woaen establishes the fact beyond controvqsy that it Ls really unneces sary for a xaia to suf er at all. Miss Diedrkh says the cares Wine of Cardui has ejected seenaed lie fairy tales to hex btf cre she took Wine cf Card .a. Bat it all seecr.s rry jojrully real to her now. She knows how this rrZd and simple remedy relieves her sex La Nature's own way. There is CDthlng mysterious about it to her now. It is so real and materia! that she nrfa'tenngSy oilers it to eery suferer as the bert oediciae she can advise them to take. Wine cf Cardui regulates the menstruation and is a won derful tonk. By reg-.lai-g the menstruation it sengthens all the female organisa hkh is so sei tive-y connected i;h this important function. Miss Dwairich's core shows how much Wine of Cardui wll do for a suf ering wocan. Yoo should give it a trial. All drtgiits sell $1.00 bodes. $h Miss Anna Diedrichdj MJ4 ClybourneSt. V i