TIIH OMAHA DAILY KEE: BATTKPAY. ATRIL 2. 1004. 12 Caster Novelties u In Basement taster g - Novelties 1 ?posTKc BCi45JBasem nt Kid Gloves for Easter Wear Our Kid Gloves at $1.00 Are the Best Dollar Kid Gloves that Are Sold In America. Very high grade Kid Gloves, in glace 6uede and real kid, also the heavy mannish gloves for street wear, every pair warranted and fitted to tliH hand if desired, in all the correct street and evening 1.00-1.50-2.00 similes.- We are soiling Brents fur some of the lirttt kid glove thnt are iimde . Ladies 50c Neckwear at 10c Hought from a well known New York importer all hia eunmlcH and broken lots of neckwear about 14,000 pieces of the neatest and latest ideas iu em' broidered tab and stock collars all new prlt)K stylos- worth 30c oncli at 10c Ladies' and Misses' $1.50 Kid Gloves at 59c Great stock bought at New York auction ladies' and mis ses' kid gloves in all kinds and all sizes worth up to $ l."0 pair on bargain square at, pair . 59c LIhIo llirond mid nllk plovt'H for Knitter wear CfJr 75 f ftft all new HpriiiK Hbmlos In glove dept. pair tCt)UC"J JC1UU Ladies' Novelty Easter Veils Splendid assortment just arrived latest fashions in veils and veiling all spring shades. Finn veiling at, 'C, I Heady to war veils at, CH yard CDC onrh JUC Swiss Waist Patterns at $1.25 Each 000 of the finest embroidered Swiss waist patterns from the New York custom house. A St. Gaul manufacturer fnilcd to deliver those patterns on contract tlnipund they wore refused and held for duty we bought nt lean than eost to lJiniiufacture those waists are beautifully embroidered scarcely any two alike on sale at, each LLC I I IU U m SPECIAL SALE OF HOSIERY tattles', men's and children's plain and fttney Imported hosiery at hosiery department fine Maco cotton, hIho lace lisle thread, ut, pair Ladles', men's and children's hosiery on big bargain tables a fine variety at, pair 25c I0cl2ic-15c Ladies Underwear Ladles' plain and fancy lliln thread underwear worth 5Do nt ladles' hand crocheted silk under- in wear, with silk, ribbon trimming Ladies' Union Suits In pink, blue and white made ,of fancy lisle threud ut, per suit. 49c J. L BRANDEIS & SONS. BOSTON STORE. il i. m, U Largest Exclusive Retail Millinery House In Omaha BUY MILLINERY RIGHT The only store where Stylish Millinery is Properly Priced v Its worth your while to look. Extraordinary values for Saturday. 1508 Douglas St Store Open Saturday Till 10 P. M. i Id) o 1 A a Saturday closes Eas ter business. We expect another visit from you Satur day. We have something of money saving interest in every department and Green Trad ing Stamps all the time. SALE OF Easter Lilies Saturday 20 cents a bloss;m and 12(H) worth of Oreen Trading Stamps with each plant. NO DELIVERIES Big Stamp Inducement in Our Cloak and Suit Dept. For Saturday : Three thousand women's hou drHsss. in all iJcolors. taned. tucked and ruffled, a. mixed lot. worlk$1.19, fl.25, tl.50 and S1.75, Saturday, CQ0 with double Green Trading Stamps, at ' . . . JOC T 1 1,1 1. l l J . a ' new lot ruffles, tiickincr and velvet trim- Wi'btmil ming. Value $1.25 and $1.50, Saturday, with double Green Trading Stamps, Woman's silk waists Just lovely for Kasler. New j.eau do chene hk waists in mark cream and all other colors. Ft ie 'I t C taffeta silk In black only, regular T,.io waists, Satur- St. J 3 day, and double Green Trading Stamps, at Big Bargains aJl Day Saturday Sheets 81x!0 extra heavy and line Tic quality bed sheets, large hem. only Best quality apron gingham, yard B0 pieces lino 10c quality dark colored dress percales, yard 1,000 ends 36-ln. fine drapery, Bilkoltne, 3 to 10 yards In piece, worth IRo. only. ' N. m. m mi 100 pieces 38 Inch white curtain Swiss and scrims, worth to 12lo yard, Saturday, only Extra Special in Veilings and Neckwear We will give double Oreen TradmB Ptamps all day Saturday In our Nerkwear and Veiling Department. EASTER KID GLOVES Be dure and visit this department for your Easter gloves. All the finest makes, newest shadts, latest stltQhluK, from $1.00 to $2.00 pair. Stamps all day lu this Department. 50c 7c 7 "74c 10c '..74c Hi 'Pi ii 41 tiV iTtirrg 2 DON'T GO downtown for your groceries, meat and bakery goods when you can have your orders filled with the freshest and moat reliable foods st 2002 and 2004 Iake street. We have a full Una of the finest fruits, vegetables, extra fine strawberries, pineapples. Note These Specials for Saturday 4 pkgs. Beet Pancake FWtlr for.... 25o 4 buttlis Rood Catsup for 26a Fine fresh Boiling Beef, per lb.... 2Ho Itnib Mew. per lo Buuar Cured Cornbeef, per lb. 4o Ktn Breasfast Bacon, per lb 2o 1 ...... t .. .1 Z Idlewlld Butter, per lb 22c I pkgs. Cero Frutu and 2 nlcs Siuoe diahaa for 26o 4 lbs. fine 12Vic I'runes for 25o 1-lb. pkgs. Gloss March, per pkg.... to t"c Bottles Fancy guieu olives for. 2io 4Uu Navel Oranges, per doi 2uo cug.i v itiru v.ui imati, ..,,,. w Ktn Breaafast Bacon, per lb 2o Kirlnv Iiinli. hind ouartra 11 A priuc Umli, front quarters 5o The quality of our bakefy goods Is something of which we are Justly proud. Flour tiaa advanced, but we are still selling those fine Vlayer white cakes, nut, caramel, orange and chocolate, for I'Oc. Pure Milk Bread only to. Our Cup Cake free with every loaf Saturday. If you will give us a .trl 1 order fyr your Barter dinner, you will be on Bsore of the many who say "there Is no betetr place to trade" than at Johnson fit Goodlett Cp. 2002-2004 Lake Street. Telephone 1575 Millinery The Last Opportunity for Easter Many Lives Lost! The central markets have had butchered during the past week a carload of the choicest native cornfd n era and a quantity of the rmt-t spring ktinba. These an all drevstd and ready for the Raster trade. Owing to the large uuantltle of these fine meats, we are ahle to make especially low prices and guarantee to untleraell all of our competitors. Cuuie, isj ar.d leave your order. A Few Specials in Provisions. No. 1 Hex Bacon textra fine), lb.... 13c Othrr I ran.tM ihul.e bacon, lb U'-.c Worrells loaa Bride llama tbet).. lto Morrcll's Choice Bucou, ll lc Beat keltlo rendered Lard tany brand), lb 7Vc Hb. palls. He; 5-lb. pall. 40c; 10-lb. paila. St; Sb-lh. palls. 13 .tio. Uaf Lard. 13 lba. for tl.no. We also have purchased for the Eas ter trade a fine line of poultry at low est prices. CENTRAL MARKETS, 1 6th and Harney Streets. 'Phone 1796. 16th and Capitol Avenue. Phone 2Z99 Imported f patterns for Easter business. 40.00 Patterns at , 25.00 . $30.00 designs at .1.. 71720.00 The most magnificent display of patterns llm workman- . ship on Avbich cannot ' ,iJ AA be excellend at 13. UU Everybody wonders at our $10.00 and $12.00 values. SPECIALS Troxaline braids, fcney top hats all polid-tucked chiffon facing trimmed with ribbon to correspond with color of hat applique Bteid ornaments and roses for trimming this hat comes in all combinations of colors C 5 C This is a marvel, worth $10.00 at D4-J Pretty tailored hat double rim made of rolled braid, con tinental shape just arrived trimmed in three colors of materials that shade and blend to make it be- C witching little gold buttons to finish-worth o0 The Tretnia hat, which comes in various shades and mix tures something we have never had In style before as long as millinery has been in existence J r A all trimmed, and ready to wear worth $4 at. . When first-class quality; combined are right In It. SATURDAY SPECIALS fll.OO ivorth of Green Trad In a Stamps with two pounds dellelnas ttsihlsrton Prunes Two pounds fur GROCERIES! with low prices on groceries, count, we 25c Tall Salmon 1-pound can lOo Bennett's Capitol Baking Powder- W pound can 13a Silver Cow Cream can io Cocoanut (Schepps) pkg 5o Jellycon for Buddings pkg 8H Blum Pudding can lOo 4)2.00 worth of Green Tracing; Stamps with ono pound of II. F. Japan Tea per pound, 38c MM Imperial Japan Tea per pound.... JSo Tea Slftlngs per pound ." 15o COFFEES Fresh Roasted Daily. Bennett's Breakfast Coffee, fine quality 2-pound can 48o Maracalbo Coffee per pound 15c BUTTER Headquarters for the best Fresh Country Butter, up from.,..14o Bennett's Capitol Creamery par lb. Wisconsin Cream Cheese per lb..UHo Medium Sour Pickles pint 6c CANDY DEPARTMENT. , fl.OO worth of Green Trailing Stamps with SBe purchase of Easter i Ho-rltlcs In the Candy Iept. v This offer is rood until stocks ore J sold. MEATS! MEATS! and choice genuine spring lambs. Specially selected for Easter we have some spring lambS-not a thousand, or anything like athousand-there hasn t been a th.msand "prlng lambs received In OmuBa or at the stock yards at South Omaha, but we have spring lambs-more of them than anybody elau In this town. n,,., In the blKgest refrigerator plant outside of the stuck yards st South nmaha our capacity and equipment is next to that at the yards we have nJ-ver carried carloads of meats because our capacity Ian' t big enough-yet It s the biggest outalue of the stuck yards, remember. We are leaders In quality and low prices our competitors admit this they takeT their cue from us-they wait till BENNETT has created a demand for in article then they try to reap where we have sown by putting such ,-oods Into stock. Our advertisements and methods are their text books; such are the conditions of affairs. YOU KNOW WIIEKE TO BUY YOUR MEAT THEN! AT BENNETT'S! SPRING LAMBS. 124C I FL? ft""'". RC Hind quarters, per lb. lealW I per lb ov Fresh dressed Spring Chickens .lOJc I Fresh dressed Roosters ... 7ic Pork Roast To Good Beef Roast, 7e and....- 5o BEST BRANDS OF LARD NONE BETTER. Morrell's Red letter Brand..., Omaha Packing Co. Sunflower lira nil Cudahy's Diamond ,,C"- Brand. 10c HAMS. BACON AND LARD. Morrcll's Light stripes Wapello Bacon lie Cudahy's Rex Brand Bacon, c Ik Ice and lean 14c Cudahy's Res Hams 114c Swift's Premium Hams...' li'i"- Morrell's Iowa Pride CaX Hfns.... lc And all other best known brands In palls, any alse. Green Trading Stamps Every Time lore Stamp Bargains THE NEW SYSTEM INAUGU RATED BY VS. WITH WHICH WE HIVE AI.L Ol-n CUSTOMERS UREEN TRADING STAMPS IS Attracting Attention and ever since It was started our elerKs .have been busv attending to the needs of ortr customers. The atampK are hero to tttay, nnd It Is Just because we give our customers what we ad vertise that we have been successful, lu stamps with t bars' Congo t'oeoil Toilet Soup I' 11.00 In ':imps with 1 pint bottle Columbia Catsup tl.OO In Ktiinips with S lbs. best rice.23i tl ''U In sunups with 1 tick salt 10c H. iO in stumps with 1' lb. baking soda 10c $C.0ti in stamps with 1 quart Ohio Maple Syrup 4"r I. '.OO in tanips with Vs gallon N. O. niolussea 3"t $1.00 In Mamrs'Wltli 2-lb. can best apricots 20c 12(10 In Ft. imps with 1 l'int best fe- - looted Rl'een olives 3' $1.00 In stamps wllli 3 bxt s rn.itclvh.l-5c $1.W In stamps with 1 pncltnge besl coin Ft;irch 1"C $1.00 111 KtanitH wltfi 1 pwi-kiige gelii- tino . 15 Dir tca CDcniM e C10.00 stninps with 1.1b. B. K.'Jnpan 9 l en 'v ? .. Kt:itiu m witii 1 111. S. H. Tea r,:ir H.tn plump with 1 l!. G. V. Ten V"' v'j.W stiu -if; wlili 1 lb J7.n:isli Breakfast Ten , T5c STAMPS WITH COFFEE tC.OO Mtamps with S lbs. J. & M. t'of- leo Jl.'.l ?". Kt.toipr. with S-i lbs. Ex' clsior I'ilctul fl."' I!. CO !u stainps with 1 II). t'm'Uta III. r..l :."( ? l.CMi stii'ii s vith 1 I'.). Fnti'-y Kan- toa 20c P T Sm Hi IUI I HOT DmiKlua sit. Phone KM. ' t I I 1 A Men's Shoes for Easter If you want to wear them for Easter you must get them this week. If you want the qrnartest spring styles the correct end fashionable shoe you will find them at this Etore nt easy prices. Shoes and Oxford Ties In -every correct, etyle, cvory proper shape., every faslilonn'ble leather, patent colt, patent kid. patent calf. The smartest atylo and highest quality put into every shoe for men. $3.00, $3.50, $5.00 FRY SHOE ca &DQnUtOr mil Easter Flowers Before buying your Easter LUIes and Plants call and soe our beautiful dis play nnd large stock of fresh cut flowers. Can surely save you money. Lewis Henderson,, FLORIST. 1519 FARNAM 8TRBET. Phone 125S. Olll WOILD-BE IOMP1ST1TOKS will not only be foollBb today, but overy day In the year, If they try to meet our prices or beat our qual ity, and the ever popular GREEN TRADING STAMPS go with each purchase. FOR ONE WEEK OILY. 11 Cfl In green trading stamps tlX.OU with 1-lb. best Ceylon or Oolong Tea at 85c C fill In green trading stumps with OiUU i-lb. Japan, Eugllsh Breakfast or Gunpowdtr Tea at 6"c Q flfl in green trading stamps with 0UU J-lb. Mocha and Java Coffee for l-" tC fit) 1,1 green trading stamps with 40-UU 2-lb. can Mocha and Java CofTeo at , ""e fin In green trading stamps with JiUU i-i o. can Boston Baking powder at J2 QQ In green stamps, 1 lb. Santos tl A In fiver stamns with 1 bot- I.JU tie Extract ut li'ic tn treen stamps wiih 1 hottie Snvder's 7atsuu, OysU-r Co-k- tail or SaUd Dressing, for I Ofl In stamps 1 package Corn I.UU Starch for lie in stamps 4 lb. Baker s t noe- olate 20e In stamns, 7 bars Calumet Family Soap for 2c Meat (M-elala for Mtarusr. Choice Beef Roasts 6"4c Choice Mutton Roasts. ..4 Bo 8. C, Hams U5" 8. C. Baeon 11c 8alt Pork 'Vo The Boston Msit & 6rociry Co., IIIN IMh.St. - - Phone 1089 50 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 I l t l i i i CLOSING OUT ALL OUR Baggies, Carriages and Wagons FREDRICKSON Fifteenth and Capitol Ave. Read our special "ad" every Sunday VVm" '.JUjaLLJiJglsaHBI Voor La l tir tain osperlislt, ' MONDAY, April 4. mi i n a mm THE HFLIAnl.E STOKE lily ler et stril lr hnf Inm Tin flty I. ares. Fo sale here Stylish Suits for Men and Boys ?"f II .. ' . .1 mm Wmm NEU'SPAKTS In any shade y-.11 may wlshChevlots, Cas siireie. Worst'.vls. etc.-In plaid, alrlpes. plain . I" cr ml Mures. ThJ mortt com plete line evrr sliow1., at-- $1 95, S2.50, 3.50 and tip to 5 Youths' Long Pants Suits Tho larpest itiwi best atsortmrnt of youthfl' suits ever shown in the city can be seen at Hayilen Bros.' I alest atyies, newest fabrics, neatest patterns, .west prices, considering iiallty $5, i7 50, $10 and $10.50 If von ibslre eharactir In vour sprl:.r snd siiinmeT clothlrg nil li iliviiliialily that distinguish them from th ..rdinny ica.i' msile giirnK-iits. you can Kel it here. We have absolutely, the finest lino of ready marie clothlna shown lu the city. Stvllsh spring siiils made tip M Sll t Ii most nobbv patteius in fancx tweid. Siotch Chevlma. lthie Herae. black iinlln ished Worsteds, fancy mixed Cheviots and Cnssimeres In lijht mt.luim a'-O i!sik shades, all hand-tailored and smml in pv.n resniel to i ustom made snit.s that on. 1 cost von from IllUtl to :t .w. fir- ill's II lefoto buying your fr:ii r.U. Our pvlcr. $10, $12.50 mi $15 Are vim a dressy dresser? Do on HUB to have the best money can buy'.' You can't be so particular about ftur ilress In stxle. tit. falirle or pattern tliit we can't suit you from our Pt.nk Htid at sbnut half what vonr tailor would charge you fop suits no better In any resiiect tnsin our offerings at $13, 20, $22.50 ani ?25 Men's Spring Top Goats In Tans. Oxford Gray. Hrown and Gray mixtures, stripea and plain blacks, n t-Mj Simeres, Cheviots. Coverts t.nd iiuliitlsl.ed Vorsteds. all imnd-tailoivd. Willi excellent l.nliiKs and tiln.n.inrs. our vneev- $ia, HI 50 and -15 Have You lloulit thai Hnlu l'lf The Rain I'roof Overcoats, so stylish this season we have in a Riest vuitcty 01 rol bv pattern. A more Kcrv'.. c th'c. com fortable coat for uil kinds f w. aiher It i tinpui-slbU' lo find. Porous jo hip. !f..pe.vi. ous to water proper, for ull occasions, t u. P$io, $12.50, $15 and $18 Boys' and Children's Kneo Pants Suits The lino pur c.-llent. complete to most ininuto detail. Mothers will be llfchtcd with the handsoni" lino wo si Ooevlot. Caasiinorea, bilk ;'l,x''' :,ls. Scryea and .inuiilsli d U-.r.". Noi-folks. Sailor Norfolk fajlor 1...... i, i im...,u., iiM.ii.le-lii't .iMteo. tn Piece.' Kverv kinwn stylo nnd t.ibrlc i imme Kimblon dictates. No belter m suits ever ahown, ai the i. iff. 01 - in hat a.tu $1.50, H95, $2.50, 3.50, up to 5.00. Extra Special Sale of Easter Shoos i. i 315 ii IjTdloa' fine shoes, from the best factories In New York and K"J',"'':- f New styles In 1,'I.TKA ar.dGltOVEU slues. Misses and childient, shots iro.n If. V. .Merriam Si Co. newer, nicer and better t!ivn ever. Wnmn' I'otcnf foil FhooS $4.50. SS.tO. btld Men's 1'ntent Colt Shoes $3.50. fc'.W and Tho celelirated Apex Women's I Qft I Herman Knurr's J2.00 Satin Ca'.t Ehoes ItOJ Men's Shoos Boys', Youths and Uttle GrnU' $1.50 Satin Calf shoes at Misses' and Child's J1.B0 Vlcl Lace Shooo at Misses' and Child's S1.00 Dongola I.ace Shoes nt Little Gents' J1.00 Satin Calf Lace Shoes at Child's $1.00 Sample Hond Turned Shoes at TUB CELEBRATED JOIVN MITCHEI. for men--:. 50. IS DOUBLE TRADING STAMPS WIT H ALL PURCHASES IN THE SHOE DEPARTMENT SATURDAY. , " " Trading Stamps Free With l Cash Purchases. m i : " X2 THAT'S MY NAME He Sells STATIONERY. 1615 Fartiam St.. Opp. N.rY. L. BIdg. 'A iaoT3rTiata?girryrrm'.' STYLISH SHOES FOR EASTER. in all the now lasts and leathers, for men, women and children, at POPULAR PRICES W are giving with every ftt pur chase FIVE DOLLARS WORTH OF ORFF THAX1ISG STAMPS SATIRDAY. 3.00 3.00 1.50 1.50 Ladies' Hand Welt Potent Colt or Dull Top Vlcl Oxfords very stylish Men's Patent Colt Shoes and Oxfords, also vlcl kid and velours Misses' Extension or IJght Sole Dress and School Bh -.es Boys' Snappy Style Shoes for Eiister and school wear SOMMERBROS. ESTER SPECIALTIES OOODS THAT ARR ItKCOONlZED TII.J STANDARD OP EXCKLLJSNClJ-NONJi KHTTKU AT ANY 1'KICE. Slrietly fresh Eggs lr 10c ..... 10c 25c Ladies' Oxfords from SI 50 up to $3.50. See tbe Stvell Uiltlun 'lies at T.B. B3oms, 1517 DOUGLAS. ASK FOR tillKKN STAMPS. Easter Gloves Champagne, Violet, Coral, Old Rose, Blue and Pearl. per do Malta Vita per package... Shredded Ulscults per package. - Diadem Creamery Butter - per pound r.dlewlld Creameiy Butter 2fi4r' per tound Choice Cie.iuiery Cutter per s)und Wheatel three pound packages for.. Atlas Oats three J-puund packages for. BTKAWBKHRIEU I'lNliAI'I'UEit KLA. CltAPK KKt'lT t'AI. CIlAfK KHt'lT NAVKI. OHANUKS :-'l KHIt'lOMti WAX lllvAN'S Kl PLANTS krchh ruAt; I I i I MHKKS STKINO BKANS Al l.l' IXWltll SPINACH 14c-20c 25c ..25c Deputy State Tetarlaarlaa, Kood Inspector. H. L. RAISACCIOTTI, D. V. S. CITT VETBRINARLIN. Otnce and Infirmary, tit and Mason Bts. OMAJtA, tifkik Tittn IS. , IlHt'DARB TUllAlok.it I LKAK Utn'tCE IIKAU U.ni'CD l. Al'ISIiliS i;i;i;k onions Uilcl.KM AKfARAfll'S IwiilTK AHHAHAULd 1 M I NT 1 KH RESS Mill POTATOtS ,NKW TI'liNltH '.s:r hkkt.-. SKW I'AliHIlia Fill ITS AVI) VKflKT AIJI.ES in sl'Un- dunce ut comp.iratlvi ly ..w prices We have a beautiful colleellon of I'.aster flowers ut exi-e. .Iionly l.w piic-s, run Mist ing of KASTKll I.IIJKrt. liy.iCl.N I II.-l. C 1 X N KKA N As, JItl.lUiitOI'LS, AA K LIA8, etc. Don't permit details to worry you: re duce di'lK Ulil. s ui.d .nuke tho purchasing of Groceries and nniitu a proioiiml.pli-usiMM by coming forwaid in llio direction of sl iHfaetlon. where ouallty reigns supretne permanently locuttd hi S0MMER BROS. Jisjioiicuts of (iixnl Livift'i. 28TH AND FARNAM STREETS Orix-tiy Til. l.i :'.-l,;si . MarU TO. ::; jggaSBBBSBLVKX Fl ww v fm w m r ' v m 1 m -O.LL OUH Buggies, Carriages and Wagons B FREDRICKSON FiftocDth ao4 Capitol Ave. Head oar apactai "ad" evry Sunday Wadaeadar la TIss Be. ISSB2!SSSr 1 1 i If