-J TITE OMAITA DAILY REE: FRIDAY. ATHIL I. 1904. SPECIAL riOTIGES lll b taken nntll It m. fsr the renins; edition nnsl anfll ) a. at. for lne arU( nnd Snails- sdltlna. Rslcs, 1 l-2e a word rst Insertion, 1 a word mrrnhfr. Nothing; taken far less thaa ir tnr 1h flrst Inarr tloa. Tatar ndvrrtlaensents ataat ba raa ronseratlvelr. Advertisers, by requesting a num bered rktrk, raa have answers ail' dmird to a numbered latter la para b f Tha Baa. Answers nddressed will ba delivered oa presentation of f ba rkrrlt nulr. MISCELLANEOUS. APRIL 4 -SPRING TERM Boyles College, JEW YOKK LIFE BUILDING. OMAHA Cauuogu Heady. B-M403 t - - 4 " b .- . - i i The Nebraska Seed Cos , SEEDS WILL GROW. Catalogue tree Intf-lolo Howard. R Mil Je-1 riRAVPI DRIVEWAYS AND ARTI UIXrtVCL 1C1AL 8TONE WALKS, fc. V. Van Court. lu.u IS. ltttn. Tel. Vt. R 261 J-l CUT KATE TICKETS everywhere. Phllbin, l.V Farnam and opp. U. P. depot. Tel. 4 and 1V73. R-86J PMAMA Safe and Iron works make a spe cialty of fire escapes, ahuttem, doom and safes. O Andreen. Prop., 1M2 8. loth at. R- 864 M2o t. M. HAVERLY EXPERT ACCOUNT ANT. 212 BEE BLDG. PHONE 29"4. R 866 Champ. Carp. Clean. Co.. 71 S. 14th. T. ffioT R-tm f.ni r8ILVER, NICKEL Plating. Om. JJlU piaUn Co., 150b Harney. Tel. 2635. R 635 CITY SAVINGS BANK payi 4 per cent. R 8t BPECIAI-For a limited time we will fit you with a guaranteed pair of spectacles for $). Dnn't ml thin chance. Li. 8. Op tician. 308 N. mth at. R i EAGLE Loan Office; reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 13ul Douglas. R 870 EX PRESSMEN'S Delivery Co.. moving and atorage. 214 N. 16th. Tel. 1195. R 871 lo1:ksmtF R-M253 Flfrtrir Carpet Cleaning Works. N. A. IC Chrlatenaon. 2221 N. SOthTTel. Ifc9. R-i! ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO. cleans cesspools, vault, removes garbage, dea.l animate ; reduced pricea. 621 N. 16. Tel. 1779. R-874 T. MELCHOIR, machinist, 13lh A Howard. R-875 rUBLICITY DESIGNS-WH EATON. In The Bee bldg. R-875 J. E. WALLACE, Taxidermist, 606 S l.lth ' R9? Al "STRONGEST In the world,"the Eoultn ble Life Assurance aoolety. Its policies are sight drHfts st maturity. 11. D Neely. manager, Merchants National Bank bldg.. Omaha, Neb. R 876 eiGN painting. S. H. Cole, 1308 Douglas. . R-S77 ALL kinds carpenter work; repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, 2ith and I.ako. R 370 JPAV'8' "at mover, heavy hauling, lilt Farnam. Tel. 368. R-162 A3 FOR noon luncheon try the Karbach res taurant; reasonable prices. 418 8. 15th st. R 871 Ml fVODICKA A CO., fine tailoring; all kinds JC'',J.nS repairing. Krug Theater bldg. Tel. 815. ngnj SVl-OTHES pressed, altered. Yousen. Pax ton hotel tailor R 8SI BFECTACLRS, $1; examination free. SO days only. U. 8. Opticians, 808 N. 16th. R 153 (TRACINGS, blue prints and working draw ings. Sues A Co., Omaha. Phone 1K23. R 237 Ajr22x FERFIELD Piano Co.. Bee Bldg.; no Inter eat, honest values, easy terms. R 8X2 H. O. SMITH, plumbing, 118 N. IS; tel. 3i2. . R Sid OMAHA MIRROR MFG. CO.. 708 N. lth. Tel. B-2331. R-M790 A15 BTOVE storage and repairing. Hughes Stove Repair Works, 221 Cuming st. Tel. F-2302. R-925 25 PHOTOS, 26C. Studio 119 N. 18th., opp P. O. R9U BTOVE8 stored, cleaned, blacked and set .up. $6 season; bicycle repairing. Jackson Bros. Pegg, 711 N. 16th. Tel. 1.-2331. R-M47S Apr2 O. E. KOCH, tinner, 2717 N. Mth. Tel. 11949. Agent for Columbus roof cement paint. R 272 Je21 P ARPFT du",a- 'yl. washed; gon Vrt Ir c. I 0ra house cleaning. J. Wood, practical workman. Call or write. 2016 Clark. K-M286-A-22 I CLEAN, dye, repair clothes. dn4 N. 1th. R Mt Je23 CT!T RATE TICKETS everywhere. Phllbin. 1S Farnam and opp. U. P. Depot. Tel. 7M and 167S. R M893 HOW much power do you use? Wltte Gas Engines are economliers. Wltte Iron Works Co., 52t W. Bin St., Kanaas City, Ma r BPFCIAL Don't miss this. For a limited time we will fit you with a pair of auar anteed spectacles for fl. U. 8. Optle lans. 808 N. 16th. R-M120 A30 ."EW Gas lamp burner. Can be uved on any lump now burning oil. No chlcney required. Bright light, little cost. Sam ple mailed. 60c. Manhattan Illuminating Co., 74 Park Place. New York. N. Y. M-1M lx BISIWES9 CHANCES. fOR RENT, a summer hotel furnished complete and situated at Laka Washing ton (near Mankato, Minn.); can also ba used aa summer resort for several private families. Lake affords fine boating and fishing. For particulars writ Macbeth Gardner, Mankato, Minn. Y M3S7 1 TO GET In or out of business call on Wil liams, room 411, McCague building. Y-W4 WHOLES-ARMSTRONG CO., 722 N. Y. Life" Tel. 49. Y-Bho ABBOTT-COWAN CO.. Sll Brown Blk. can get you In or out of business. Y-8.16 ROOMING house with furniture for aale. r arnam. rnona a T-M994 lx DOCTOR wanted In a live town of ton in habitants In northwestern Nebraska. In the center cf the sandhills cattle region. Nearest doctor 28 miles eaat. same dis tance west: a married man with a few years' experience preferred. Address G 13, Bee office. Omaha. Y M158 3 WANTED, parties with capital to assist In getting out valuable Invention. Address J'eterson. uun and Locksmith. 420 Hromi wav. Council Bluffs, la. Y M172 1 ron EirHGK. TO F.X CHANGE. 440 acres choice eastern Nebraska farm lands for stock of general merchandlae or clothing Addrvea l-ne at Aimer, ivisner, ri-uraasa. a WILL trade beautiful piano for horse. Schmoller Mueller, 1313 US f a Z-9T8 LOST. 1 ST U'hlla Knll trrlsp nun It l-n mi r m nil f on ear; finder ran obtstn reward by re- lurouig ia u oau a, wis iwuim WAITED MALE ft ELI. BASE BALL TEAM of the OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE Three new members have recently been adileu. W e are looking tor one more goo I man. Do you want to go to school and play base ball? If you do. write us quickly. Advertising matter free. Address, ROHRBOUUH BROS., J7th snd Douglas Sts. MEN to Iparn barber trade, free rallrond lure upon our failure to convince you ot thl tH-lrig the HKiiT, largest and only re liable, nioat practical barber colleae in this section. Write for catalogue todny. Western Barbers' Institute, Omaha. Nn. B K4 MOI.ER H BARKER COLLEGE of Denver, Colo., offers tulvantages In teaching the barber trade that cannot lc had else where. Write today lor our terms. B-M217 Aox WANTED Two agents at once; salary or commission. C. '. Adams Co., 1619 How ard st. B 96 aOO PAINTERB at World's fair, 8t. Louis; union men, 60c per hour; no trouble. Ap ply at World s fair grounds. B-M902 lx PERMANENT position for three energetic people resldlna In Iowa or Nebraska: special work; $70 salary, with commis sions Call or addreea H. M. Pararllse, 614 Paxton block, Omaha. B 3i WANTED Men to learn barber trade; board, tools and scholarship Included In our offer; few weeks completes; prepare now for spring rush; graduates earn top wsge; positions guaranteed; caII or wrlto. Muler College, li Douglas st. B M434 Aprlx DO YOU WANT A BETTER POSITION? If you are s high-grade person, capahle of holding a high-grade position, we can place you; ask for plun. Western Ref. & Bond As'n, MO-MI N. Y. Life. B M961 MANAGER and buyer for millinery In de partment store; salary, $3.0iiu. Western Ref. & Bond Ass'n, 840-841 N. Y. Life. B-M9W WANTED Coachman; references required. H. W. Yates, Nebraska National batik. B M99S 3 WANTED An experienced sign writer. Apply J. L. Brandels & Sons. B Ml 24 2x WANTED An all-round grocery man who can cut meat. Don't apply unless you can get trnde snd hold It; no boozers. Address O 9, Bee. B 129 2 WE WANT A MAN IN EVERY COUNTY To represent AHA MO Fcouriii soap and call on local dealers. We have a fine money tnaking proposition to offer you. Refer ences required. Address, THE AHAMO CO., Omaha, Neb. B-13S 1 ANY" person to distribute our samples; Jlo.oo wceKly; steady. Mgr. ' Empire toi3 Grand Bout., Chicago, 111. li M157 lx YOUNG MAN BRIGHT Over )8 to pre pare for Gxv t Position. Good Salary. Per manent. Gradual Promotion. Box C70, Cedar Raplda. la. B-M163 lOx WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY Able-bodied unmarried men between ages of 21 and 36; citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For In formation apply to Recruiting Officer, lhth and Dodge sts., Omaha, or Lincoln, Neb. B-M152 BY manufacturing house, trusty assistant for branch offlce; 81H paid weekly; poal tlon permanent; no capital required; pre vious experience not essential. Addreta Superintendent, Como Block, Chicago. 15 .'V1141J 3x WANTED FEMALE HELP. ANYONE need of housekeeper or man and wire call Canadian cmce. 15th and Dodge. C 83ii FOR 8T.LOUIS World's fair, 50 ladles, work mammoth palmistry studio, VM weekly; experience unnecessary; large Il lustrated pslmistry book with Instruc tions for 2 stamps. Professor Frederick, 213 W. 126th St., New York, Fair Dept. 127. C M387 2x LADIES for work at home stamping World fair souvenirs: steady. 66 Doug las bldg., opp. Hayden's. C M3S2 A26 WANTED Ladles to learn halrdresslng, manicuring or facial masaag. Two to four weeks completes by our method. Can nearly earn expennea before completing. Instruments and diplomas given. Call or write. Moler College, 1302 Douglas St. C M436 lx WANTED Girl for general housework. KJ) eaiirornia si. c S57 31 WANTED At 211 South 32d ave.. compe tent girl ror general nouseworx: refer ences required; call between 3 and 6. C-M9S6 1 WANTED, an experienced eklrt maker: also sn apprentice girl. Miss Hartell, l!w Capitol ave. C-102 lx WANTED, competent girl for general housework; ems 11 ramuy. iru rack ave. C-101 lx WANTED A first and second girl to do the work Tor a ramlly or two. Refer ence required. Apply 332 South th st. C-M112 2x WANTED A good girl for genersl house work: four tn family: no wsshlng or hoosecleanlng: waees t5 per week. Mr. J. E. Von Dorn. 3027 M.trcy. C-M123 COMPETENT Girl, general house work. two In ramlly; good wages. 41 B. 7th st. C-M147 Sx WANTED 2Q sewing girls. Hayden Bros." clothing dept. C MUZ 3 WANTED G'rl for general housework. inniv T7I1 1 loose Bt. IVll.TO 3 WASTED SITTATIOJIS. BOT. 17 years old. wants position In some wholesale House in cuv: wrung 10 worn for advsneement. Address Box VJ Mla souH Valley. Ta A MM3 4x FOR RENT FIRNISHEO ROOMS. ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th A Chicago. DEWEY, European hotel, 13th ft Farnam. NICELY furnished rooms. Inquire Omaha meant iaunary, iisv Leavenworth. Phone A-17H3. E as O. M. E. hauls trunks. Tel. 811. E too 11.25 PER WEEK, Doran House, 422 8. 18th. E 901 VIENNA HOTEL, 1011 Farnam; fine rooms, ladles' cafe, private dining r. ; open nights. E C LARGE, wsrm room; steam heat. 1909 lapuoi ave. KUTM NICE furnished rooms. 324 N. lath. E-66S ELEGANT apartment house for men rooms single or ensulte. luxuriously fur nished; now ready for occupancy. Apply at the Chatham, 13th St., opposite Millard noiei. E 903 NICELY furnished rooms, third floor. 1430 uooge si. E 904 THE FARNAM. 19th and Farnam sts.; iriririKri I tjuir-u. rj 9J0 FURNISHED front room, 1S1? Cspltol. E MIS) 4x OSTEOPATHY. Johnson Institute, 615 N. Y. Life bldg. T. 1661 an The Hunt Infirmary, McCagua bldg. T. '' DR GRACE DEEGAN. 832 N. Y. Life. Tel Sbtt. -4. a Fayette Cole, osteopath, U Paxton H k Dr. Farwell. specialty nervous diseases. S04 rasion. t M 646 AJ6 DR8 IAIRD it LAIRD. 0J Ksrhsch blk. HAS THE COOK GONE? INVITE ANOTHER WITH A WANT AD IT WONT TAKE LONG TO GET ANOTHER. FIRMSHED ROOMS AMI DOtRI). 1818 DODGE, 2 parlors, boiird optlennt. A- 35T-TI'RK.y tuvvru.tr Turkey dinner Sunday, 36c. lVt Dodge. f-1141 3 SINGLE room, modern. 'Phone I'sr- ney. F Mi;iS.3 UTOPIA, steam heat, 1721 Davenport. f rca Furnished rooms, steam heat, with or with out board. Midland hotel, 16th & Chi. ago. ... F-907 HOME. Dining Hall: first-class meals, 20c and c. Home cooking. 1709 Dodge. F-M4M A 10 LARGE south front room and board for iwo; an mooern, wnn pnone A--W.1, VX'I fl week each; gentlemen preferred 24"6 Cass. F M642 ELEGANT south front room and slcove. with bosrd. 2418 Cass. F M373 lx FURNISHED rooms and board; flue loca- wuu, Biiiimeii uuty. iio rarnaoi pi. F 664 A3X FOR RENT I SFt RMSIIED ROOMS. THREE desirable rooms, suitable for light nousi-Kccping, partly furnished, kio t'ass. G M 556 FOR BALE MISCELLANEOUS. INDIAN GOODS and relics. 1119 Farnam. W A 2D-HAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnam. y J9 100 KINDS of Mineral Water. Shcrmnn & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Q 911 KI.MBALIj PIANO, slightly used; big bar gain, call or write Uoom 1, Bee Bxlg. g-:2 SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables; oiiiiura mines repntrea; large stock cneap bar fixtures, cigar counters. The Hruns-wlck-Balkc Collcndcr Co., 407-9 8. loth. Q 913 150 WATCHES, 75 diamonds, left In pawn. cneap. Diamona ian urace, ivn Liougias. Q-914 WE RENT Sewing machines, 75c week. We rciinlr and sell parts for every machine manufactured. Second-hand machines from 85.00 to 810.00. Nebraska Cycle Co., rhone 1663. Corner loth and Harney. I 915 FOR SALE Severn! scholarships In a flr.t- cinss siannnra wnooi in 'jnmna, compris ing complete course In business, short hand and typewriting. Inquire at Bee offlce. Q 852 FOR SALE Cheap, old Ink barrels. Apply to tne pressroom 01 tne ifce. y 343 AUTOMOBILE 81.100 Toledo Steam Das-a- das at a great bargain, fc. 85, Bee office. Q-MM9 A12 STOCK YARDS SADDLERY CO., Wholesale and retail HARNESS nnd SADDLES; everything con sidered, cheapest on eartn; everything hand-made; union shop; headquarters for axle grease and whips. J. G. BLESSING. 331 N. 75th at.. So. Omaha. Q818 FOR SALE Will sell at a discount a schol arship In one of the best Omaha business colleges. Address F 16. Bee. Q-M901 FOR SALE Second-hand safe, soda foun tain and National cash register. Rlcn-mond-Deright Co.. 300 S. 13th st. Q-017 mtEES Hazel Dell Nursery, yjns N. 24th. Q-M199 A19 DENSMORE typewriter. In good condition. for 830. No. 1018 N. y. Lire. xei. ;7K. Q M332 SECOND HAND furniture, carpets of all kinds, lowest prices, western rurnnure Co., 1414 Dodge. Q-M837 A28 TELEPHONE poles; long flr timbers; cheap chicken rence. vui Dpugias. Q-M695 ENTIRE stock of statuary on hand; very low price, u. uonnena et tiro., si.-n r ar nam. Q 130 13x FOR SALE Furniture of a six-room house. 1325 S. 17th St., to be sold on prem ises Friday and Saturday. Q 133 31 x SHONFELD the ANTIQUARIAN. 822 N. Y. Life, pays highest price for books. Tel. 3O30. Q 1 34 FOR SALE HORSES, WAGON'S, ETC. HORSES for sale: second-hand harness and vehicles cheap. Melcholr's Stables, 601 8. 19th. P 917 SAM'L BURNS, rhaeton and surrey, cheap. P 925 Al HAVE your wagon painted or repaired by II. Frost, 14th and Leavenworth. P 918 HORSES clipped. Cotton Livery Stables, 1602 Cass. P-M766 A14 SECOND-HAND closed carriage, rubber urea. sou. Aaaress r 00, iiee. P-M548 9 HORSES CLIPPED0 "IVTC PMS34A-27 WANTED SALESMEN. WANTED, salesmen to sell our "Charles Dickens" 5c cigar with excellent pre mium deals Address E. M. Phillips & Co., Milwaukee. Wis. M U18 2 WANTED Salesmen, city or country, or on road, to sell Moore's Safety Pole Tips; liberal commission; absolutely new; big seller. Be first In the field and get exclusive territory. Moore, D4 LaSalle at., Chicago. M 1W 31 WANTED Three salesmen to represent us on leading map proposition. Men at work are making $18 to 835 weekly. Write Immediately for terms. Rand, McNally & Co., Chicago, 111. M-109 Six AN independent cracker concern would like to hear from cracker and cake salesman with established route In Nebraska: good opening for man with territory; old es tablished house; give references and ter ritory. Address G 8, Bee office. M-160 1 WANTED Two traveling salesmen, 875 per month and expenses, absolutely guaran teed. Premium Cider Co., St. Louis. Mo. M-156 lx AGENTS WANTED. WANTED, canvassing agents In every county to solicit suliecrlptlons to THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Steady employment with assured good In come. Agents In tho country with horse and buggy especially desired. Canvassers make easily 80 to $100 per month. Ad dress Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bee Bulliiug, Omaha. J 213 WE want 10.0UO agents for greatest house hold seller ever produced; actually sells In every house; Immense money maker for agents: send 10c for complete sample and our large Illustrated catalogue of agents' supplies. Southern Mercantile Co., Dept. B 107, Houston, Tex. J-M446 AS AGENTS A brand new household neces sity. Nothing like It. Simply show it to a woman and she buys. Sno per cent profit. Address Mir., benec-a. Mo. J-M127 9x PATENTS. H. J. COWGILL No fee unless successful. 618 8. 15th St., Omaha. Tel. 17V. 'j7 PATENTS guar sotted. Sue Co.. Omaha. -2 AXU FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. $350.00 For a fine boulevard lot south of Hanscom park. 2611 BRISTOL S rooma, modern except furnace, paved street, Una cellar. tl 500.00 ?"ortheast corner 27th and Sprague, -room house, tine repair, city water; 2 lots. THE BYRON REED CO. RE-854 31 lllus. j-our property. Baker Bros. Eng. Co. RE-821 ENGLISH & CO., PAXTON BLOCK. One of the finest 8-room modern residences In West Farnam district, $2,200. 8-room modern residence, Farnam and 81st avenue. $3,700. RE 48 MISSOURI LANDS ANCHOR LAND COMPANY, 1018 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. RE M406 AS BARGAINS IN ACRE TRACTS. 12 acres, good house, i.tc, on Bellevue road, two miles from Couth Omaha $3,600. 6 acres, very well Improved, 011 the Gil more rand-$l.no. 2 &cres, fair ?mprovements, on Boulevard, 1'4 miles ir.-rn South Omaha rostofflce $0. 40 acres, unimproved, lays well, close In $4,000. 35 acres, unimproved, good land $3,500. 10 acres, idjolnfng Albright; great bargain -$2.ooo. We have several smaller tracts adjoining the city that are nice and very cheap. O'NEILL'S REAL ESTATE AGENCY. South Omaha. RE M658 All A BARGAIN. 2818 N. 19th ave, 8 rooms, all modern ex cept furnace, good neighborhood, adjoin ing Kountso Place on the south $2,000. We have others, too. KENNARD & LOWER. 809-10 Brown block. RE 83 1 CLOSE IN MODERN house, 9 rooms, near High school and Creighton university, paving all paid, only W. FARNAM SMITH & CO.. 13-10 Faruiun St. RE-M878 H $100 and g?lS0 Lots H This week we are closing out a limited number of ."all 60xl20-toot lots at Kid and Corby, 34th and Miami, 33d and Maple, for $100 and $150 each; easy terms; 3 to 4 blocks to cat. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 610-611 N. Y. Life bldg. IUC 132 31 FIVE acres, with apple orchard, at a bar gain; close In. Inquire 1410 Dodge. RE M348 A7 4-ROOM house, end of Hanscom car line, .East Side, $700; only $50 down and bal ance same as rent. Bemls, Paxton Bldg. RE Mill 2 ELEGANT BRICK SLOCK. 4 stores, with 6-room, modern flats above; price. $15,000; H cash or farm land, bal ar.ca can run nearly 6 yesrs at S per cent. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1, New York Life bldg. RE 823 BARGAINS IN HOUSES $2,500. 2560 Cuming at., 8-room house, city water, cistern, large lot 62x166. By moving house lack it can still be rented and front part of lot Improved by double brick flats. Look this over. Every one has said cheap enough at $2,600.00. $2,600. Eight-room house just north of Leaven worth, east front on 28th st. Good open plumbing, porcelain tub. Stone walks In yard and street. Must be sold this week. $2,600. 2615 Hamilton St., large 10-room house, good plumbing, beautiful lot adjoining Baptist church. This Is the greatest bar gain north of Cuming st. $1,600. 813 80. 88th St.; 8-room house partly mod ern, double lot running through to 87th st. Room for east front house. This house has never been advertised before and we think we can sell It this week. Go look at It. N. P. DODGE & CO.. 1614 Farnam 8t. RE M992 1 $2,1004216 Ersklne st 6 rooms, well ar ranged, stojy and a half, oak Hoors downstairs. This is a genuine snap. See us. D V. Bholes Co.. 722 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 49. RE-575 WEST FARNAM LOT. $760. We have for sale 4 lots on 41st St., 200 feet north of Davenport. The first man with the money gets his choice at this price. They are right up on the hill no reason why they will not be as good as Lowe ave. lota Boon. Few lots command such a beautiful view. Two blocks from the street car. One block from a splendid school. Sewer, water and gaa In the street. Look at them. Growing neighbor hood. Act quickly. HARRISON & MORTON. 813 N. Y. Life. Tel. Sll RE-M353 CEAS Williamson Co..dg RE 795 MODERN 8-room; also 6-room house: beau tiful lots: fine location; cheap. Inquire 1411 Vinton st. AE 918 A18 WHEN buying or selling real estste be sure to get a Midland Guarantee and Trust company bonded abstract, 1614 Far nam street. N. P. Dodge, Jr., President. RE-V24 FOR BALE, 11-room house, modern and In first-flats condltloa; large yard and ahade trees; 3177 Davenport at. Apply H. J. Windsor, 1618 Dodge St. RE M374 FOR SALE 11-room house, modern and In first-class condition; large yard and shade trees; 3177 Davenport at Apply H. J. Windsor, 1518 Dodge St. RE MJ7 $2,150. Fine 7-room house, modern except furnace newly papered; lot 60x110, paved street, barn, shade, etc., two blocks from Hans coin park: snap. THE BYRON REED CO.. 212 S. 14th St. RE M 137 3 $33 No. 15?1 Park ave., 7 rooms. NEW, mod ern, across street from Hanscom park. $32.60 3b" Dodge st, east NEW double brick house, 6 rooms, newly papered, nickel plumbing. $5- 2411 Spencer st., NEW, modern cottage, 6 rooms. R. C. PETERS A CO., Ground Floor, Bee Bldg RE M144 8-ROOM, modern except furnace, brick basement, flrst-lass repair, ground llox 132. 31 fruit trees besides grapes and cur rants, 8 maple shade trees, all kinds of vines and rose hushes, nice lawn, near car line; price. $3.3jO. R. C. PETERS & CO.. BEE BLDG. RE-M143 3 DO YOU WANT TO SELL A FARM? If you want to sell a farm or ranch tell the farmers and stock raisers about It. The best way to reach (hem la through THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER This ' agricultural weekly goes to f4 000 homos of farmers and stock raisers, so If you have a good piece of land to sell at a reasonable pries you will find a buyer among them. The cost of an advertisement ta small S certs per word In small type or $i.w per iuvli it sot la isras 1 p. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ACREAGE. ONE-ACRE LOTS, $200 to $300 TWO-ACRE LOTS 400 to 500 FIVE-ACRE LOTS, $1,000 to $1,250 TEN-ACRE LOTS, 1,800 to 2.500 Finest arreage ever put on the market in sizes to suit everyone. High ground, un broken; one mile north of Country Club on main road, or west one mile rom car on Ames Avenue. Commonly known as Tur ner land, do look at it ard pick tu what you want. Soid on easy terms and month ly payments. Wyman Shriver Co., N. Y. Life Bldg. N. P. Dodge & Co., 1614 Farnam St. RE M 159 S TUKEY & SON" HANSCOM PARK RESIDENCE WE OFFER the southwest corner of 31st and Poppleton ave for $5,000. This Is a modern lo-room house and large barn; lot 60x150. All paving and permanent sidewalks paid for. House In fulr con dition and an elegant location. This Is tt.e W. H. Alexander property. P. TUKEY & HON, Board of Trade Bldg. BE-M113 3 SOUTH OMAHA Acre lots Near Melias or Good Luck Add., iouth 36th, north of County Line. Obe, two, five or ten acres, $300 an acre tn easy terms. Immediate possession. Old House and two acres ot this ground tor t 750. N. P. DODGE & CO., 1614 Farnam M. R E M116 2 $1,150 Four-room house; city water, bam and shed. 3513 Seward St. RE Mol6 4x MY RESIDENCE house, 8 rooms, all mod ern. Spencer; terms easy. Will Mark, P. O. Box b6. RE M148 A30 FOR REM 1IOISES. THE Omaha Van snd Storage Co. pack, move and store H. li. goods. Storehouse 1120-24 N. 19th. Offlce, luUVi Farnam. Tel. 1559-IS6X D 4i70 IRON FENCEw?rrek8G:P3ulh.Lawn W Mj87 Jy8 HOI lFQ ,n 8,1 rr,s of the city. The vww-. (j j,-. uavis Co., 6u8 Ben Bldg. 1J Ml PAYNE-BOSTWICK A CO., choice houses. l-)3 New York Life Bldg. Phone 1"1G. D 673 WE MOVE pianos. Mnggard Van A Stor age Co. Tel. 1496. Oftli-e 1713 Weosler st. D 674 HOUSES, Insurance. Ring wait. Barker blk. D-675 FOR RENT 11 room house, modern and In first-class condition; large yard and shade trees; 3177 Davenport st. Apply H. J. Windsor, lnl8 Dodge St. It M375 HOI IPCJ ,n a" nar ' 'he city. R. C. 11UUJLO ietera & Co., Bee Building. D-?2 FOR RENT-8-room house, newly tapered. 3527 Charles St.; JJ. Tel. 573. B. H. Rob inson. D 369 TO RENT for the summer, a arge. modern furnished residence, from May 1, If the right party can be round. Address G 2, bee. D 674 3 FOR RENT Seven-room house, all -.nod-em ; 2123 California st, $32.60, Including water tax; also 6-room cottage, modern except furnace, 2211 California at.. $26. .nquire at 607 N. 19th St. D M518 $-ROOM, modern flat. 1112 S. 11th st. D M839 3135 Chicago st, 8 rooms, modern, very de sirable $45; 2222 N. ISth, 0 rooms $18; 2i)27 Hamilton, 6 roon.s $15; others'. Ring wait Bros., Barker bktck. D M9S2 FOR .UNT Four-room cottage, 26)4 Blondo street. Apply at f07 N. 19th St. D-M9S3 FOR RENT. 1920 8. 10th st, 7-room flat, ground floor, thoroughly repaired, new paper and paint, city water $10.00 1922 S. 10th st, 6-room flat, ground floor, newly papered and painted, city wster no.oo 8413 Jackson st.. 6 rooms, new paper nnd paint, very neat $12.00 3415 Jackson St., will be made very neat $12.00 8424 Jackson St., 6 rooms, new paper and paint, will be painted outside. .$12.0!) Wlthnell building. 16th and Harney sts., two rooms $10 00 Wlthnell building, 15th and Harney sts., two rooms S14 00 N. P. DOnOR CO.. 1614 FARNAM ST. D-M993 1 6-ROOM house, $1L per month. 4134 Hamil ton. D-M161 HOUSES FOR RENT. 2510 Dodge, 10-r., modem , 91 N. 40th, 8-r., modem 1S18 N. IKth, 9-r modern 711 N. 2oth, 5-r., modern 712 N. 20th. -r.. modern 2118 Burdette, 9-r., modern, barn.... .$.V . 45 . 30 . 30 . vm N. 23d. -r. THE BYRON REED CO., 213 S. 14th St. D M138 S FOR REXT STORES AND OKUICES. FOR RENT, building suitable for whole sale purposes at 91t Kari.sni, 22x90, four atorlea and first-class cemented basement, elevator, fire and burglar proof vault, of fice counter and fixtures. For price and particulars inquire C. C. Rosewater, sec retary Bee Building Co., room lOu. Bee Building. I-Mi7 FOR RENT Three upper stories in four story Duildlng st ilo Farnam st., two stories u preierrea. A aureus c. C Rose- water, Sec y, Room luu. Bee bid M936 FOR RENT 4-story and basement build ing, 1515 Dodge St., now occupied by Omaha Carpet Co Inquire on premises. 1-6S2 TWO-STORY building, 1512 and the second floor 1508-10 Howard. W. II. Bushman. 1683 DENTIST wanted to share offlce with a physician with fine quarters In Bre bldg., with well established practice. Address C a. Bee. I-1S1 PRI1TIMG. HIGH CLASS printing at lowest prices. Tel. 1262. 1. A. Medlur Co., 422 S. loth St. MJ82 A8 AMERICAN Printing Co. New equipment. Get our prices. Tel. 1621. 1618 Chicago. M374 AS PRINTING J Hlgh GrQ work. . . I L . t Crounse block, corner of LlNGSTADl 16th St. and Capitol Avs. -930 KRAMER A CHANDLER, Quick Printers. Uu3 Farnam. To deliver work when promised la our hobby. M755 A14 WE make calendars, and do all kinds of printing. Barton Printing Co., 707 8. loth. Phone 82" M764 A14 DRKSSM AKIVC. IN families. Miss Sturdy. ZttX Davenport. -MM M DOWELL S school removed to 19 Far nam su -U3U AX PERSONAL. DR. ROY, Chiropody, r. 1516 Farnam. U-MS.17 Paper Hanging 1, . . P. McCLaIN. teed at reasonable prices. Slu N. 17th St. Tel. B-2647. U-M301 Aceordeon pleating, cheapest, best, quickest Mrs. A. C. Mark, 17th and Douglas. U 730 ''miiT0014, ,ad'c"' tailoring, 613 Ksrbsch ANY poor girl in need of a friend can call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women, 88:4 N. 24lh St., Omaha. Neb. U M5S6 Maylx Stammering cured. J. Vaughn, Ramge Bid. 0-732 ELITE parlors, 616 8. 16th, 2d floor U 733 "VIA VI," way to health. XI Bee building. U iM MAGNFTfP,r,,,mnt baths. M mrtU,CI ll-Smith. 118 N. 16. 2 flr., F 1 T Jnid A I ma. R 2. U-M33H A8x W HAT S nicer than aceordeon pleatlngT e do nothing but the finest. Ooldman Pleating Co., J0 Douglas blk. U-736 BEN BOLT Why didn't you meet me at t.nlumbla Phonograph company last bight? I wailed till half past 9. Say, tnelr free concerts are grand, and I bought a doxen X. P. 60c records for 2o cach.-Peggy from Paris. U-M137 PANTORIUM5l?"' 'U-737 SEND 26c for IIOM kstra nirnR GUIDE. containing forty-eight pages of vsluabls liforman.in (iitlT, i vi a l ni full I , . , - . ..". n m .a.u - - i .,,on n"w set a claim on the ' ROSEBUD RESERVATION. Forbes Lo- Agency, Bonesteel, S. D. U 8SS 1IANOLAS for rent; 3 months' rent al !Swt?, on Purchase. Schmoller A Mueller, 1313 rarnam. Tel. lnH. U 932 TUB. vapor and alcohol baths. 720 8. 13th st VSfi, OAS fixtures at cost. Sam'l Burns. U M914 Al DR. SLABAUGH, Dentist, N. Y. Life Bldg. U M121 6MOKE Capt. Freer's ureenlander cigar. "0 8- 13th. U-M917 May! THEATRICAL masq. costumes. Llehen, 1018 Farnam. U--MPU LODGES, dancing club or meetings of any kind can secure a hall in the Bee build ing, with splendid accommodations; ele vator service all night, elcctilc light, piano, etc. Apply to R. C. Peters & Co., ground floor. Bee bldg. U-S41 CRYSTAL Ice Co., 1305 N. 24th. Tel. 2028. U M450 JelO DR. FICKES. G. C. B. S., dentist, 33S Bee Bldg. U--M830 A16x THE DELIVERANCE." by Ellen Glas gow. Investigate Roach's Circulating Library. 1515 Farnam. U 677 1 THE CHRISTIAN," by Hall Calne. I--vestlgnte. Roach's Circulating Library, !ol5 Farnam. U- 100 1 "HERE ore at least 20 reasons why every man should smoke the Monogram tc clga'-. The first is: It is "qual to Ktiy 10c cigar on the market. W. F. Stoecker Cigar Co., Manufacturers. 14M Douglas. U 103 WALT, paper cleaned. Mlddlemlss. TM. U Ml 45 AW MEDICAL. MAGNET PILE KILLER, IT CURES. At druggists, $1. 738 HOMEOPATHIC medicines, wholesale, re tall. Sherman & McConnell, Omaha. 739 DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases i.nd Irregularities of women; experienced, tellable, 1511 Dodge, Arlington Block, Omaha. 740 WANTED The case of catarrh, rneumaT tlsm, eczema or stomach trouble that Co-Lin-Co WON T CURE. 859 29 PRIVATE hospital during confinement; babies adopted. Mrs. Gardels, 2234 Lake. Tel. Red-1884. 741 PRIVATE home during confinement; babies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sanitarium; 728 1st Ave.. Council Bluffs, la. 626 MOKEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY. If you aie annoy tu uy numerous small bills mat have accumulated uurlng the wlnier it might be an advantage tu you to secure money from us and pay lliem, and then pay us tn weekly or mom lily payments until you get out of debt. We loan on fur niture, pianos, live stock and other chat tels una we make loans 10 salaried peo ple upon their own agreement tu repay. Our rates are as tow as any and a great deal lower than some. Our service Is quick and without publicity. If you have ucalt with us and are pleased, tell others, and If you are displeased, tell us. Omaha Morigagd Loan Co., 119 Board ot Trade Bldg. Tel. 2296, (Established Ml). MM Boulh 16th St X 748 CASH. You can establish a CREDIT with an old RELIABLE Arm and secure money when ever you need It. We will advance you enough money to pay oft all yocr debts, so that you will owe It i.ll In one place, where you get cuurteous treatment. Our easy payment plan has astonished peo ple who have previously borrowed of other loan companies, on account of our liberal rates. We make loans on SALARIES, FURNI- TURK. PIANOS, LIVE STOCK, etc. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., 307-8 Paxton block. X-M303 MONEY IOANED ON FURNITURE. PIANOS. LIVE STOCK. SALARIES. ETC. Low rates and easy terms. Buslnesa confidential. Try us If you want to Have money. PHOENIX CREDIT CO., 633 Paxton block, Hth and Farnam strfetg. ' X '04 MONEY LOANED PALARIED PEOPLE snd others with security; easy payments; largest business In 49 principal cities. 1'ilman, room 440 Chamber of Commerce bldg. X 706 MONEY loaned on plain not to salaried reople; bitsim-ss confidential: lrwest rates. fV.4 Paxton block. The J. A. Hutton Co. X-706 MONEY to loan on furniture, horses, etc., at half ususl rates. Dr. Pr1hhen"w. room ?15 at 209 S. 15th st. Tel. B-2964. X M427 MONEY loaned on planes, furniture, ew erlv, horses, cows. etc. C. F. Reed. $19 8. 13th. X-JOT LOANS made op lewelrr and dlnmonrta Great Western I,cin Office, 1"17 Frnsnv X-M"tt AU CHATTEL, salary snd Jewelry loans. Foley I,m r,y, 1V14 ----. t. X 2"9 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. FARM and city loans, low rates. W. H. Thomas. First Nat l Bank bldg. Tel. 1648. W 710 PRIVATE money. Sherwood, S37 N. Y. Life. W-711 4 TO 6 P. C. money. Bemls, Paxton block. W-712 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1620 Douglaa W-.1J WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith A Co., 1,120 Farnam st. W-714 MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment ro. W 837 WANTED Real estate loans and warrants. R. C. Peters A Co., Bee bldg. W 716 5 per cent loana. Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnsm. W-717 MONEY to lonn. Kenney Real Estate and Investment Co.. r. 300 Bee bids- W--J45 LAW AND COLLECTIONS. 8T1LLMAN A PRICE. 410 1st Nat bk. bldg. W4 JUDGE DICKINSON. 616 N. T. Life: set tlement estates specially. Tel. F-2t6 036 PETKCTHK A4CENCT. Capt. Cormack, (17 Karbach blk. Tel. A-M81 -744 Ml SICAL. THOS. J. KELLY, voice. Davldge block. , DAISY HIGG1N8, voice, piano. 3013 T-ev. Tel. A-2741. ..MJ1S CHAS. H. KEEFER. piano. 65 Barker Blk. - M' F Ml RUT. HESS A SWOBODA. 1416 Farnam. -0 L. HENDERSON, florist. 1519 Farnam- St. . Sol ALF,RFJ1 TONAailt'E. JR., 1807 Ffirnam; Tei.sa:a 908 A4 WANTED TO RKNT Vv ANTED Four or five rooms with con veniences either In Omaha or South Omaha. Prefer ground floor and near car line. Olvt, description. Must be reason able rent. Address G 11. Bee offlce . . K-M149 lx CLAIRVOYANT. GYLMER, palmist 716 N. 3d. Tel. R-r5." , 15 'U BUSINESS MEDIUM. 718 NtVst - 8-2'5 AIOx SHORTHAND AND TIPEWRITINtTT" A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. l.7Z 1 -724 Neb. Bus. A Shorthnnd Col., Boyd theater. DANCING ACADEMY. MORA ND'B 16th and Hsrney. spring term begins this week; children. Sat., 3 p. m.; adults. Tuea. Fit.. 8 p. m.; 12 lessons $6; private lessons dally. Tel. 1641. . 776-A14 WANTED TO HI V. ID-HAND furniture; high prices. Tel. 2CC0. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Doilre. N-919 rosTorrit k nuti is. (Should be read dally by all Interested. as changes may occur at any time). Foreign mails for the week ending March 26. 1804. will close (PROMPTLY In all rases) at the General PostofMce aa fol lows: PARCELS-POST MA'LS closs one hour earlier than dosing .lme shown be low. Regular and Supplementary rnnris close at Foreign Station (corner of West and Mor ton streets) half-hour later than eloslng time shown below (except that supplemen tary malls for Europe and Centiaf Amer ica, via Colon, close one hour later at Foreign Station). 1 rnnantlnntle Malls. SATURDAY At S:30 a. m. for IRELAND Fer s. s. Elrurla, via Qtieenstown imn'l nr other ;artj pf Europe must be ul rected 'per s. a. EUurla"); at 6 a. m. for EUROPE, per s. s. St. Louis, via Plym outh and Cherbourg; st i I., m. " for SCOTLAND direct. ,er s. s. rolnmhla (mnll must be direct "per 1. s. Colum bia"); at 8 so a. rn. for IiLG:UM direct, i-cr s. .-. ""inland (mnll inust be directed per s. s. Finland"); st K 30 a. m or : PALY direct, '..er a. s. Princess Irne l.iiall must be directed "per s. s. Princess Iicne"). After the closing of the Supplementary Transatlantic Mails named above, addi tional Supplementary Mplla sre openec on 'he piers of !he American, English, French nnd German steamers and remain open until within Ten Minutes of the hour of sailing of steamer. Malls for sonth and Central America,' West Indies, Etc. SATURDAY At 8 a. m. for BERMUDA per s. s. Trinidad; at 9 a. m. for ARGFnI TINE. URUGUAY and PARAGUAY per s s. Tropic: at 8:30 a. r.i. (supplementary 9:80 a m ) for PORTO RICO. CURACAO t nd VENEZUELA, per s. s. Caracas (mnll for Savanllla and Cartagena must be di rected "per s. s. Caracas"): at 9:30 a rn (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for FORTUNP! ISLAND, JAMAICA. SAVANILLA CAR TAG EN A and OREYTOWN. per a. a Altai (mall for Costa Rica must be di rected "per s. s. Altai"); at 9:30 a. m (supplementary 10:80 a. m.) for HAITI and SANTA MARTA. per a. s. Adlrondnck; at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per s. a. Morro Castle, via Havana; at 12:30 p. m. for CUBA, per s. s. Fashodn, via Matantas (mall must be directed "por a. s. Fash oda"). Mails Forwaraed Overland, Et Ex cept Transcontinental. - , CUBA Via Port Tampa. Florida, closes at this offlce daily, except Thursday, at 5 31 a. m. (the connecting malls close here on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays) MEXICO CITY Overland, unless specially addressed for dls,atch b stesmer, closes at this offlce dally, except Sunday, at 1:30 p. m. and 10:30 p. m. Sundays at 1 p. m. and 10:30 p. in. NEWFOUNDLAND By rail to North Syd rev and thence by steamer closes at thin offlce dally at 0:30 p m. (connecting mall close here every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday). JAMAICA-By rail to Philadelphia and thence by steamer closes al this offlce at 10:30 p. m. every Sunday. By rail to Boston and thence by steamer closes at this offlce at 6:30 p. in. evsry Friday. MIQUELON By rail l Boston and thence by steamer closes at this offlce dally at 6 30 p. m. BELIZE. PUERTO CORTEZ and GUATE MALA By rail to New Orleans snd thence by steamer closes at this office dally, except Sunday, at 1:30 p. tn. and 110:30 p. m . Sundays at 1 p. m. and 110:34 p. m. (connecting mail closes here Mon days at 110:30 p. m ) COSTA RICA By rail to New Orleans and thence by steamer closer st this offlce dally, except Bunday, at 1:30 p. m. snd $10.30 p. m., Sundays at II p. la. and 110. JO p. m. (connecting mal closes hsre Tues days at (10:80 p. m.. BAHAMAS (excer -rce!3.w0-t, Mails)-. By rail to Miafri. FU.. and thence by steamer cloaes at t 80 a. m. every Mon day, Wednesday and Saturday. Registered niau closes at 6 p. m. previous Transpacific Malls. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via Ban Fran Cisco, close here dally at 8:30 p. m. up to March 27th, Inclusive, for despatch p V. S. Transport. v HAWAII, JAPAN. CHINA and PHILI PINE ISLANDS, via San Francisco. l.ere dally at 6:S0 p. m. up to March I2ih, Inclusive, 'or despatch per a. a. Coptic. HAWAII, via San Francisco, clone hut dally at 6:30 p. m. up to March 128th, In clusive, for dMatcu per s. s. Alameda. CHIN. Mid APAN. via Vancouver and Victoria, B. C, close br dally it 6.3(1 p. in. up to April 15th. inclusive, fur despatch per a. a, Empreas of Japan. (Merchandise for L. S. i'osta! Agency at Enanglial cannot ba forwarded via Canada.) CHINA and JAPAN, via Ssattla (specially tddressed cnly), close here duilv at o;.td p. m. up to April 6lh, Inclusive, (or despatch per a. s. Pleiades CHINA and JAPAN, via Tacoma (spe olally addressed only) closes here dally at 8:30 p. m. up to April 7tn. Inclusive, for despatch per s. a. Aganiefnou. NEW ZEALAND, AUSTRALIA (exc pt West), NEW CALEDONIA.. rift. SAMOA and HAWAII via San Francis'., close 1 ere daily at 6. SO p. m. up to Ayrl. I'uh. Inclusive, for despatch per a a. Ventura. (If the Cunita steamer csrry Ing the British mail for New Zealand does not arrive In time ta connect with this dispatch, extra malls ' losing at 6:80 a. m . 9.&0 a. m. and 4 So p. m.; Sunday at 4 80 a. m., a. m and u SO p. m. will bs made up a'id torward"d uuill the ar rival of the Cunard steamer.; HAWAII. JAPAN. CHINA and PHILIP PINE ISLAND, via Han FranHaro, close fere dally at 30 p. m. up to April filth, Inclusive, for despatch per s s. Korsa. TAHITI and MARQUESAS ISLANDS, via Ban Frarclsco, close here dally at I U p. m. up to April lMh. Inclusive, for des patch per a. s. Mariposa. AUSTRALIA (except West), FIJI ISL ANDS and NEW CALEDONIA, via Van couver and Victoria, B. C clone hera dally at 80 p. m. up to April 23d. in clusive, for despatch r s. s. Aorangl. NOTE Unless otherwise addressed, Wst Australia la forwarded via Europe; and New Zealand and Philippines, via San Francisco the quickest route. Philippines apecially addreaaed "via Canada" or "via Europe must be fully prepaid at the foreign rates Hawaii Is forwarded via San Francisco exclusively. Transpaelflc mails are forwarded tn port of sailing dally and the schedule of clos ing Is arranged on the presumption 'I their uninterrupted overland transit. I Registered mall closes st p m. previous day. Postmsster Poxfofflre, N York, N Y.. March -6. 1VM. LEGAL NOTICE. NOTICE TO BIDDERS. Sealed bids will be received at the ofl'no of secretary of state up until 12 o'clock noon of April 4, 194, for tlx, erection and completion of a cold storage building at the Feeble Minded Institute at Beutrica and hospital building at Mllford, ucordlng to pljna snd specifications now on file lu tho ornts of commissioner of public, lunds and buildings. The board reserte the right to reject any nd all bids. GEORGE W. MARSH. Secretary of hoard Mar22dlui-m ( A. i