TI1E OMAUA DAILY BEE: FRIPAT. AFHIL 1. 1P04. 7 Cravcncttc Rain Coats l mm 9i for 0 AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA TJnoiual Demand This Spring for Dwell ing! of Moderate 8 m. ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE TO SECURE HOUSES Deaaewratla Candidates Complain o( lethargy of City Committee and eeare Kd Johnston to Man as rimiitlin, Dwelling houses are a scarce article In South Omali. Now that moving time In com in on, reel entAte dealers and rental aganta are besieged every day with re quest! for house. There In scarcely a house In the city to be rented at the pres ent time. This condition calls for the construction of more cottages. One well known real estate dealer said last even ing that with the rapid growth of the city more small homes were needed. Homes." he ea'.d "that will rant for a moderate amount, say 115 a month or a little more. People are coming to South Omaha almost dally to live and yet cannot find suitable houses." Another rental agent tated that the lack of cony cottage was the cause of a great many people resid ing In Omaha and even In Council Bluffs. Office men at the packing houses live In Omaha and the muffs for the reason that there Is such a scarcity of dwellings. The statement has been made that rent re higher (nan they really ought to be on account of the scarcity of houses. Dealers In building material say there la considerable Inquiry and that with lum ber at present prices there Is bound to be an Immense amount of building here this summer. Business men generally look forward to prosperous year. Had to Call la Johaatoa. Candidates on the democralio ticket evi dently, do not like the manner In wbloh the campaign Is being managed by the city central committee. On of the can didates, who comes next to the mayor on the ticket, stated yesterday that as far as the candidates could ascertain the com mittee had done nothing. It was there upon agreed that Ed Johnston, once mayor, should be called upon to straighten out the affaire of the committee. Mr. Johns ton found that nothing had been done bout arrangements for elecUon, aa re garded carriages, bannera, ate. Mr. tfVIIIiniuii nan iimug ill,,, at ajirii lent a and Is now practically In charge of the damoc ratio headquarters. P. 8. Parkhurst lias allowed his name to be used by the democrats as campaign manager, but lie seldom visits the head quartern. The work Is left to Andy Mc Uulre, who claims the title of acting man ager. Then, again, the democrats have a split on the School board ticket. Park hurst did not want to have anything to do with this end of the ticket and neither did McOulre. The result waa that a few days ago the candldatee asked Jim Bulla, he of councllmAnio and Board of Educa tion reputation, to take hold of the school ticket. Bulla Is devoting his time now to hustling votes for his favorite candidates. Another democratic candidate atated that the city central committee waa not do ing a thinir. alleging that there was no money In sight. With Kd Johnston at the Wheel the demoi rats now hope to save a portion of the ticket. The amended order lsa y Governor Mickey in regard to the volution to be utid In the dipping of cattle will not change the methods used nt the South Omaha stock yard. Lime and sulphur and nlcotln are um-d here, if shippers want the nicotine cut nut it will be dune. The understanding here In that purchas ers of feeder stock will he glad of the opportunity of having cattle dipped, as the expense Is small In ronMdt-ration of 1st benefits to be attained. Plana are now being made to enlarge the dipping plant t the yards here, In order that when the rush season commence dealers In stockers and feeders will not be required to wait any length of time to have their cattle dipped. The young people of the Christian church -.wrlll elve a dime aortal at the hnmi nf Un , "W. P. Talhott, 73a North Twenty-aixth treat, this evenli.g. There Is to be a short program and light refreshments. To this vltid. i ' A contest Is to be inaugurated In the . Christian Church Sunday school for mem- bera. There will he the reds and the blues. -. Buttons bearing the colors will be issued to the leaders i-f the two sides. The loa ding aide will entertain the winning side at the expiration of ninety daa All of the services of the Chrintian church are being held at Workman temple. Twenty-fifth and M afreets alooaa Will Close. Secretary Bergqulnt of the Fire and Police board, said last night to a Be re porter that all saloons In the city would be elured during the hours the polls were open on election day. "There will be no foolishness aboct this'' either." said Mr. Bergquist emphatically. -The chief of police," continued Mr. Brrgqulat, "will be -directed to notify every liquor dealer In the city to keep hie saloon closed during voting hours and the board propose to see that thla I done." sfaaje Clly Gossip. Dana alorrllt president of the Board of err a Today you can Buy a genuine Cravenette Rain Coat That is worth $15 for $10.00. Every one ha the trade mark s'iamiM'! on every gtnmeut to insure you of its being absolute ly genuine. They come in a groat variety of different color and patterns. Cut long and Iooko, some with belt, othen plain. They are today'n most fahionablc garment for rain or shine. This is a special lot that we invite your attention to, as they wen' bought under price, Worth fl.'.OO $10.00 I : i Education. Is under the weather on account of an attack of grip. Chief Oarrett of the fire department la suffering from the grip- All of the republican candidates are out hustling for votes these aays. J. K. Buckley Is reported to tie seriously ill at the South Omaha hospital. The local democrats will hold a meeting at Workman temple thin evening. There will tie a meeting of republicans at Twentieth and I, streets tonight. City Clerk Bhrlf-lev In having the official ballot for the April el 'ton printed. Klchurd Men of retemburg. Neb., Is In the city for a couple of aays visiting friend. Kepubllcan are urged not to forget tho Mg rally to he held at Workman temple on Friday evening. Kecelpt at the tork yard yesterday show an Increase over the same date Inr-t year. There was an Increase In cattle of 3.133 head, hogn, S5,l4 h'Hd, and sheep. 117, 3X head. Camp No. 1UB6, Modern Woodmen of America, entertained last night at Odd iTAiiriwn' hall The .nccnnlon was the fif teenth annual ball given by tho team of the lodge. A. U. Murdock, city attorney. Is confined to his home with an attack of the grip. Mr. Murdork's uhyniclan said last night that It would be several days before he would be able to be out. LEASE SIOUX JCITY PLAYHOUSE Messrs. Woodward at Bar areas leeare Urand Opera Hone at That Place. Wednesday a deal waa consummated by which the Grand opera house In Bloux City comes under the control of Messrs. Woodward & Burgena, thus adding another first-clans house to those already con trolled by this firm. - It Is owned by Boston parties who have given the firm a five-year lease, Messrs. Woodward A Burgess taking possession at the close of the present theater season. The house will be entirely refitted and placed In first-class condition and will be used for the presentation of first-class attractions, such as appear at the Boyd In this city and the other houaea con trolled by the firm. While Omaha loses nothing Bloux City la the gainer by the entrance of thla pro gressive firm Into the amusement field In that place. They have made a success of every property they have taken hold of and the same methods, which have won them success In Omaha and Kansas City, hould bring like results there. covers Rates To points In Minnesota, North Dakota. Manitoba, Ontario, Saskatchewan and A lnaboin. Tickets on aale by the Chicago Great Western Railway every Tueaday In March and April. For further Information apply to Oeurge F. Thomas, general agent, 1513 Farnam at., Omaha, Neb. Mortality Statistics. The following birtha and deaths have been reported to the Board nf Health dur ing the twenty-four hours ending at noon Thursday: Hlrthn Francia Thrust. KH North For tieth, boy: Allan Qomonl 113 South Twenty-fifth, boy- C. I Roberts. fo04 North Twenty-fourfh. boy; John Marshall, 60S South Thirty-third, boy; Joseph 1. Proc tor. S7J6 North Twenty-aecond. girl. Deaths I.ogan Kimmel. 211 South Twenty-fourth, So; Alliert Rlchter, county hospi tal, &. I'sarrsl Notice. St. John's lodge. A. F. and A. M. The officers and members of St. John's lodge will assemble at Mssonlo Temple. Sixteenth and Capitol avenue, at 1 p. m. sharp Friduy, April 1, to conduct the fu neral of Brother Richard Wearne. W. T. BOl'RKK. Maater. CARL K. HERR1NQ, Secretary. Rnlldlng Penults. A permit has been Issued to Hastings A ileyden fur a J."J frame dwelling at SOui Maple Ktreet, and to O. V. Klton for a tl.uuu frame dwelling at 4227 Douglas street. Dentist wltn well established practice la an excellent location In Bee building da aires gentleman to share office, preferably physician. Adurcaa K 38, lies office. CLOSING OUT OUR Buggies, Carriages and Wagons FREDRICKSON Fifteenth and Capitol Ave Read our special "ad" every Sunday mid Wednesday In The Bee. Gold Crowas (roaa nil.atS et of Teeth Irani Ji.ftB WORK CrAHAKTKED TKK YKAHS. Wo ar here to eta. Ko stadeafs. Work done free Eri'.iM chirr's for material TEETH EXTRACT tit FREE. Fllllnga from 26c. UNION DENTAL COMPANY OF PAINLESS DENT19TRT. lia Douglas. - Room ' AT THE PLAYHOUSES. Iteblahood" at the Bo1. The Boatonlans in "R.-blnhood.' sn nper In three acts, by Reglnsld De Koven nd Harry B eimlth; Samuel L. Sludlcy, musical director The caM: Sheriff of Nottingham.. Jr,ph Rntcllft Little John W H. MarDonald Robin Hood Douglas Huthven Will Scarlett Honsid Chemhers Alan-a-Dnle K.ile Cmdnn.. Friar Tuck Heoig- H. I'rnthlngnam Ouy of (Jleborne Campbell H,,na!d Dsme Durden Inura Oasiey Annabel Blanche Morrison Maid Marian Agnes Brown Fifteen years ago the Bostonlans brought us "Rohlnhool," ai d again and again have they come lth the same offering, and taeli time the theater has been packed with people who revel In Its beauties of melody and mirth. Its wealth of aong and laughter, and rejoice that they are permitted to do so. Most of us know the opera as well as Director Stud ley, or any of the principals. Not a note comes to us In song or score, but we knew It wss coming; every word Is ns familiar to us aa our namea. and yet we are not tired of It. Why? Becauae It Is good; It Is the one thing America has con tributed to the light opera stage that is worthy a place In the list that we want to see go down to posterity as repre sentative of the things w have done. It has all the features that are desirable in a light opera, and if it has any faults, six teen hundred and fifty-four repetitions of the piece in public hnve failed to disclose them. It Is a perfect work of Its type. It matters not that the personnel of the company changes from season to stason; the music Is the same, and the senti ment is there, the melody and the wit, the love-Hong and the lilting lyric, and the genuine fun of the whole healthy, hearty, clean and wholesome, even In the tlpsyness of the High Sheriff of Notting ham and the fervor of Friar Tuck, who leads the roundelay In which he sings "Oh, dam oh, damsel fair." And all these things were very well sung last night Mr. Ratcllff proved himself again a most acceptable substitute for dear old Barna bee, singing with taste and carrying on in a manner qulto funny. Mr. MacDonald waa In excellent voice, and his "Brown October Ale" was never better rendered. Mr. Chamber's big bass and Mr. Ruth ven's splendid tenor did excellent service In the well known solos that are scored for their parts, and In the ensemble work their voices blend perfectly, .each supple menting the other to produce the exact effect thnt Is so pleanlng. M1s Brown, the new prima donna of the company, haa a remarkably sweet voice, that Is particu larly pure In its upper register, and she uses It most effectively. It Is not so powerful as one might wish, but Its quality In a large measure compensates for the deficiency In quantity. Ml Ccn don found more work to do as Alan-a-Dale than as Dolores, nnd Is quite ac ceptable In the role. Her voice is not ro bust, but ha a mellowness of tone thnt Is mont desirable In contralto, and "Oh, Promise Me," and "St. Swlthln's Chimes" were splendidly ung by her. The chorus work Is excellent, although the body is not ao large, numerically, aa some with which the Bostonlans have come west Do not fall to attend our great Eastar sale of COMPANION PICTURES. One given free to each purchaser of one pound baking powder, Friday and Saturday. Grand Union Tea Co., 113 South Sljrteenth street. A. B. Huberman, only diamond Importer In the west, corner Thirteenth and Douglas. PRIZES FOR PRETTY LOTS From One to Ten Dollars to Be Given , by Civic improvement League. The Civic Improvement league haa de cided to give another aeries of prises to boya and girls In order to stimulate the proper care-taking of property. It Is an nounced that six prizes are to be given, ranging In value from 110 to $1, for the best kept vacant lot during the season. The membership cards are to be distributed Sat urday and the competition begins April 16. Cleanliness and neatness are to be the principal points In the competition, and while the planting of grass, flowers, shrubs and vegetables will be encouraged they will not be Insisted upon. Horse clipped. 817 a Fourteenth. Tel. 66. All goods sold at Huberman') Jewelry tore guaranteed aa to price and quality. LOCAL BREVITIES. Juelia Boemlls, a farmer of Butler county, filed his voluntary petition In bankruptcy In the United States district court. His liabilitlea are I4.lx3.5j; assets, none. . Richard Olnon. charged with opening mall not addressed to him. waa again liefor United State Commissioner Anderson and. waiving examination, he was tKiund over to the federal grand jury In $500. United Slates Marshal T. 8. Matthews will enter upon his duties an marshal under his new commission today. All of his deputies. James Allun. Charles Pearnall, J. O. Moore, James Walling and Henrv Homsn will be reappointed to their old positions. ggvx Sterling Vi BUYS A TICKET (f 1 AH0 t i j SLEEPING CAR DERTH I UNION PACIFIC CALIFORNIA V NO DETOURS j 1 NO CHANGE J&Ai NO CHANGE j I or cars IllwfJ 0F R0AD "THE OVERLAND ROUTE" ALL THE WAY f J CITT TICKET OKFIf B, 1U4 P.4RJ4.M HT. f w Thone all jr j oautlful. InexDer.alve ni eee i nem a.'. Tfc 76 to nr.lah. Sue to S10.00. I nicer for Easter. a m Carnegie, in advising some young men, once said, " Buy property near a growing city, all you can afford to carry. Forget you have it ; buy another as soon as you can, and some day it will make you rich." This is sound advice. We know, because we have been in the real estate business for thirty-five years, and have seen ever so many big fortunes made by purchasers of outlying Philadelphia real estate. A yearly profit of 25 on the money you invest is a fair return; is it not? That's what people who invest in our suburban real estate offerings are making. Some few are doing much better. One of our investors made 750jT? within the past year. If you want to make good big money be one of the world's rich ones we can show you how to do it. Best of all, you can make handsome profits on your savings without a particle of risk. Your savings invested in our real estate are as safe as if deposited in the Bank of England. Give your money a chance to work for you. It will work harder and to better advantage than you yourself can work. Why Philadelphia Real Estate is Growing in Value So Very Fast. Philadelphia it a city of homes. People here are not flat crazy as In most large cities. Thus, where everyone la living in individual homes, the city must cover a much larger area and be adding to that urea much faster than many a larger city, and no city can grow without having suburbs to grow to. 9000 homes are built each year to satisfy the demand. It is an actual fact that Philadelphia has 40,000 more houses than all of Greater New York, and yet New York has nearly three times the population. Rvery few years Philadelphia has a natural increase in population that would make a small city of 100,000 people, and if you can conceive the pmonnt of space a city of this size takes up, you can have some idea of the suburbs that must be added every year to Philadelphia to furnish homes for this rapidly increasing population. Thus Philadelphia grows by extending her suburban area. Property that to-day is considered in the country will in a very few years be pulsating with city life. Suburban real estate is in great de.-nand, particularly property such as we offer where all improvements are made, and where the building is carefully restricted to prevent saloons, shanties and other undesirable buildings from proving a nuisance to residents. Fully 80 of our property is sold to Philadelphia home builders, and the balance to investors who want to make good big money with absolute safety. Will you be one of them ? Men and women with social or business prestige tan earn handsome income by rep resenting us. We he 'he besf proposition ever offered, and if you want to In crease your income, better write us to-day with ntrrencts lor further rticulrs. WM. T. B. ROBERTS & SON WW LAND TITLE BUILDING, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Cravonotto Goats In our stock we carry a large variety of Cravenette and other raincoats, of course while they shed water they are used also In place of spring' overcoats as well. Our prices will be found a good deal cheaper than the snme high grade goods can be bought elsewhere. In short top coats we offer special values at fG.50 and 110 00. For your new Easter Suit we would like for yoj to try one made by Alfred Benjamin; we sell the ones Benjamin, wants ua to sell at 116.00, for ,1-2.W, the balance of the Alfred Benjamin line In about the same propor tion, for Instance, the ones Benjamin wants us to sell for $25.00 are only $19.60. We stand ready to have you compare these latter ones with anything In town, no mat ter how high the prices asked. If you are willing to pay a big excessive price you ought to get good clothing most anywhere, but if you wish the best at lesa price than anywhere else we are it. Four floors to choose from The Guarantee Clothing Co., ir.lit and 1621 Douglas Street. Photo Frames You will aav ao vourair whn tJj.OO. We have them In Uun Metal Iirou lu mil . h.,r, m hat could b . a - Try the Southwest It is the Land of Promise growing fneter antl building on a firmer foundation than any other portion of the country. Take a trip and look it over. Low round-trip rates, April 5th and 19th, return limit, 21 days. Liberal stop-over privileges. Iiate applies to Okla homa, Indian Territory, Arkansas, New Mexico and many points in Texas, Low one-way rates will also be in effect to Oklahoma points ami to Texas. Descriptive literature mailed on application to JOHN SKUASTIAN, Passenger Traffic Manager Kock Island System, Chicago. Tickets and full information at this office. it"' vi.5-t-it .-OA; S ' ' - V When You of a first-class sewing machine see us. Altu, LHiMtsuc, HtRBMIULU sn.l otner makes. Our terms are very liheral ai.d entre satisfaction guaranteed Full line of ettarfimente and sui'Vlle f.,r i. ,1 popular . - .1.1 U .1 . 1 . 111..' vr .1 i 1 1 . i V V . i . . r. ....... .VI.. . . 1 tuiit-a. v. m kiiij mvu cnu r, iuu uw prices. P. Our Property the Greatest Bar gain Ever Offered the Public. At GLENSIDE, but 3 miles from the City limits, we have the greatest tuburban property in the world. This property it fully developed, sewers, witer, gas, elec tricity, granolithic sidewalks and wide macadamized roads. Every lot is full sited, and many arc very much larger. The title and every lot is guaranteed perfect to us by the Land, Title and Trust Company, one of the largest and strongest organizations of its kind in the country. These desirable home sites cost $290, $325, $375, $400, $500 and up to $750, but you can become the owner of one by sending us $10.00 for ;he first payment, and the balance you can pay in veekly (or monthly) installments of a collar or so each week, as best suits your convenience, depending on the value of your purchase. There Is no easier way of investing money where it will bring handsome returns right along. Act To-day and Save $5.00 Cut the coupon from this advertisement, payment of $10.00 and state the priced lot s-'ect for you the best lot there is left for the the necessary papers. This coupon if sent in right away wi sct the cost of your lot by $5.00 (one coupon for every lot), This offer is made solely to secure promptness, and in nc ether way can you make $5.00 any easier or se c.je a lot for lest thin our published prices. refer fo any mercantile agency, bank, trust com i any or business house In the city of Phila aduphia. ( ur long record tor honesty, liability Is well known by all business pi DON'T DELAY THIS fS THE OPEATEST CHANCE HAKE nONEY THAT YOU riAY EVER HAVE. a F. P. RUTHERFORD, G. P. A. 1323 FARNAM STREET, OMAHA, NEB. no i ARCH GOAL big name In col stands (oi PU ilTY, CLEANLINESS, SATISFACTION. Lump, S6.75. Nut, $6.25. We have never Introduced a new i-ua lliat has given tbe general ButiMfa:t In:, tl.at Monarch has furnished. Keinein lc-r we also handle all oilier staudurd grades of coal. C. B. HAVENS & CO., sin a. nit St. Retail, Phonea 301-817-8:5. tefw.T KB Are in Need via hsve the NEW HOME, WHITE. ETA.VD- iinuiimucn I UIMH Jk : I) l I I'.u A. S at Very H. Fi'-ODMAN Sr CO., iSi t CAI'IVOI. AVIMC and send to us you with. We money, and a JO asV V - NT a." V in to IS IB I" 13 15 IB IB 13 IB IB $ 1 B Fl FT K E I B glS Dunham & Dunham TAILORS IB f 15 IS 15 IS IB IB IP IS 15 15 15 IB I", IS '.r. 15 IB l IS IB I" IB IS IS IB IB 15 I We have been delivering Bulla all week. In every In stance our customers havo born well pleased and lire IS SIB 13 Siitisned. Our tailored to order Sulta lit 15 IB IB lt 13 IB IB 5 IB 13 IB 15 IB 15 $15 No More-No I.esav are all we claim for them. Then wo oro well pleased also, for our business has been tieyond our e-pect.-'tluns. livery jiieco of cloth 111 the ctore is a new I'M spring pattern. Suits mnile to order in 6 days. Henry W. Dunham. Jr. Manager. 118 South 15th St. Iletwec-n I-iouglaa and I nidge. 15 15-I IFTKK.IB I5 IB Tln trntiMTH of jour vliiwr suit may lu Imm-oiu-iiK- r!no Ix-coinini; IIiichU Iwirif. So you'vn no excu.-to to liRliK unlit 'mi. Nor in limitf (into t lint onli-r fop n iii-w j,ujr ,,f trmisri'M. Hiiiul it nvrr nml we'll tin ml ovi-p a pair of li-iu- rs ilmt yiiu ll bo stuck on 'Without wlting "stuck" ly tlieiu. TIipii you'll hand ua $8. MacCarthy Tailoring; Company, 104-joe . i eta ti, Neat oot te Wabash Ticket office. Faeaa ItSS.. . with your first S will then y send you S lire- f I e V - . r . .'sjasV 13 IB JTCLEFUONE !?