Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1904, Page 7, Image 7

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Cbng of Potiii-fii Mads u Published in
Tin Eee Saturday.
Btlinn Old I'oalilon nf UKfril Man.
age ( Khert l.laa O. H.
A 5. I'mldrat 4 nines
April First.
W. II. Bsncmrt hns left Omaha for good
SO fur as the Union Pacific Is concerned.
As was published by The Hps luit Batur
day. he has been superseded ai general
manager of the company by A. L. Mohler,
Who, probably will arrive In Omaha to as
sume his new duties April 1. The follow
ing notice was posted on the bulletin board
t Union Pacific headquarters:
Effective this late (April 1), Mr. A. I..
Mohler Is appointed general manner of
the Union Pacific lines went of Omana and
Kansas City and eaut of Green River, with
headquarterii at Omnhn, vice W. H. Ban
croft, transferred. Klsned by i. Krutt
sohnltt, director of maintenance and oper
ation, and approved by E. H. Harrlmun,
, Mr. Bancroft left Omaha In his private
ear for the west Tuesday morning. He has
gone te Bait Jake City to resume his du
ties a vice president and general manager
of the Oregon Short Line.
Bscklasham Meets Bancroft.
E. E. Buckingham probably will not re'
turn to Omaha for two or three weeks. At
least hla family does not expect him home
for that length of time. Yesterday Mr.
Buckingham was In Laramie, Wyo., where
It la reported at t'nlon Pacific headquar
ters he went to meet W. H. Bancroft. It
has now. come to be the general opinion at
headquarters that he will be appointed
general superintendent of the Oregon Short
Une and that within the next day or two
notice of his appointment will be received
from Bait Lake City. The above report is
based entirely upon rumors which are at
present In circulation about t'nlon Pacific
headquarters, and so far there has been no
definite announcement made. Mr. Bancrofl
emphatically stated there wua nothing in
the Buckingham affair.
tlsnsom Gets Better Job,
8. Russell Stlmson, who for about two
years has been traveling freight agent of
the Nickel Plate In Omaha, will leave the
Utter part of the week for Chicago, where
be goes to aesumo the position of agent of
the Lackawanna fast freight line. This
la a substantial rise In the railroad world
for Mr. Stlmson and it Is understood he
secures a large Increase In salary in his
new position. Mr. ' stlmson waa notified
about a week ago that he had been selected
for the new position, b'lt owing to his
duties here being very pressing he could
riot leave at once. He was formerly with
the Orand Trunk railway and was at one
time with the Missouri Pacific and Mer
chants' Transportation company. As yet
pq one has been named to take hla place.
Michigan Central Open Offlce.
The Michigan Central will open an ex
clusive office for Omaha business April 1,
with J. J. Monks of Chicago In charge as
agent. Mr. Monks will arrive from Chi
cago to assume his new duties Thursday.
Up to the present the office of the com
pany in this city has been under the super
vision of H. J. Wells, who handled the
business here In connection with the Kan
sal city offlce. He spent a large portion
of his time In Kansas City, but of late the
local business hns grown so heavy that it
- U decided a man Is necessary to look after
it all the time. Mr. Wells will have charge
of the Kansas City offlce and will here
after devote his entire time to the affairs
of the company at that point. F. Zimmer
man, assistant general freight agent of the
company,, will accompany Mr. Monks to
Omaha and apend a few days here until the
business can be opened and everything geta
to running along smoothly. Mr. Monks has
been with the Michigan Central in Chicago
for several years.
Look for Compromise.
J. A. Kuhn, assistant general passenger
and freight agent of the Nebraska and Wy
oming division of the Northwestern, ia still
In Chicago where be went Monday to at
tend the meeting of traffic officials called
to reconsider the action of the roads in
cutting oft return transportation for stock
shippers. .
A reconsideration of the action Is taken
on account of the fact that the stock deal
era' associations brought a great deal of In
fluence to bear upon the various lines
Since the order went Into -effect and It Is
only by a meeting to reconsider that the
roads can finally dispose of the matter.
Jl Is understood some of the representative
lock men will be present at the meet
ing to present their side of the case. In
the opinion of some of the leadrng freight
man of this city, the conference will end
In some kind of a compromise being ef
jajev footed. ,
Barllngton Time Ckaaaes.
April 10 the Burlington will make some
o changes In the time schedule of ita pas
senger trains running into Omaha. No.
4. the Lincoln train which leaves there at a. m., will leave on and after that
data at 4:15 p. m. Instead of arriving at
I: Of as heretofore. It will arrive at the
Villon depot at 6:65. The change la made
to enable connection to be made with the
Burlington Black Hills train and the train
from Seattle to Billings. The local train
which now leaves here at '7:60 for Platts
nputh will be discontinued. This train has
keen run principally for the purpoae of re
turning a, crew,
' Itoek Island Changes.
A change In the passenger schedule of
the Rock Island Is at present under con
alderatloa at the general offices of the
temps ny In Chicago, it la more than
probable that the Fort Worth train will
leave Omaha about one hour later than
at present under the new time table. It
leaves now at 4:10 p. m. Another change
probably will be an arrangement whereby
No. (S, the Oklahoma train, and No. 24,
the Iowa, local train, will make connec
tion at Omaha ao that passengers from the
, south bound for Iowa will not be delayed
In thla city. The Oklahoma train at prea
ent arrives here at 11:40 p. ro., and the
lews train leaves at 11:15 a. m. This neces
sltates a delay In the case of many psssen
gers. The changes will probably be ef
fective April 14.
Wakeley ceeerl Fee.
It Is the opinion among local passenger
men that L. W. Wskeley of St Louis,
general passenger agent of the Missouri
lines of the Burlington, will take the place
made vacant by the reelgnstlon Of C. B.
Fee ss genersl passenger agent of the
Northern Par)f)c. It Is understood Mr. Fee
ssld after he resigned that a Burlington
man would succeed hlrn. and since J.
Francis, general passenger and ticket agent
of the B. A M. has said he will pot go to
the Northern Pacific, it appears to be tip
to Mr. 'Wakeley. At least this Is believed
by local officials.
F.d Dickinson In Omaha.
Edward IMcklnson, vlci president and
general manager of the Orient railroad
which la now building from Kansas City to
Mexico, arrived In Omaha Tuesday even
ing. He will remain here two or three
d.iys, after which he. will return to Kansas
City. Mr. Dickinson came from San Fran
cisco, where ho has been for some time. In
speaking of the condition of the line over
whkh he has supervision, Mr. Dickinson
"We now have 360 miles of road In opera
tion and about S'A milca, additional all
graded and ready for the rails. The right-of-way
hns been secured fi r 1,400 miles, and
there is but 200 miles more to secure. The
entire length of the line will be 1,600 miles
when completed. We expect to have it all
In running order in from two and one-half to
three years. We are getting all the money
we need and can use frr the work which
is being pushed as mrU.'y as it can be
done. We ars not handicapped In the least
from a financial point of view. I have no
Intention of returning to Omaha tc ilve,"
A Brilliant Display of
Suits, Coats and Waists
Railway Notes and Personals,
E. H. Wood, general freight agent of the
Vnlon Pacific, has returned from Chi
cago. J. H. Berrv, chief engineer of the t'nlon
Pacific, is still In California, where he has
been for almost a month.
The local offices of the Missouri Pacific
are at present undergoing an entire renova
tion. They are being repapered through
out. H. C. Markel Is In the city from Denver
and It Is believed he has come here to
make arrangements for the transfer of the
t'nlon Pacific eating houses from the man
agement of the road back to the Markel
Hotel company. Nothing definite, how
ever, has been given out regadlng the
trannfer, although rumors to the effect
that the Markel company Is going to take
over the eating houses are plentiful and
come from good sources,
Almoat all the lines which run to St.
Louis, or which make connections with
other lines running Into that city, are
considering changes in time of passenger
train service. It la said there will be a
general revision of time schedules before
the opening of the World's fair. This Is
made necessary by the Increase of traffic
which will head that way during the expo
sition. Almost all the passenger agents
of the various local lines state that they
will have announcements of time changes
to make later.
New Superintendent Will Visit Omaha
Schools Before Taking; Vp
His Work.
W. M. Davidson, who Is to be the new
superintendent of the Omaha schools. Is ex
pected to visit Omaha the latter part of
the week. He has sent word from Topeka
that th members of the board may ex poet
him, so they can go over the situation with
him as to'the time he will be able to report
for duty and the work that Is before him.
Mr, Pearse will go to Milwaukee Satur
day, but his family will not follow until
about May 1, by which time he hopes to
have a house leased and ready for their
jjath&tthe Shield of
QaoJity is on the Box
1 uei.
mantles last longest
and burn briohfesl
sansa n
4 I Txvatawhat vou wnni
-IS.20.SS. 30.35?
People Were Content to Take Tilings
Easier Than Now, .
If our forefather could behold the mod
ern locomotives, automobiles -and electric
cars, they would hold up their hands in
The stage coach was fast enough then
people were more content to take things
They used to be satisfied with any sort
of a hair lotion that came along If it
did not prevent baldness they thought it
was because baldness could not be prevented.
It's different now. People know that
germs cause baldness and that Newbro'a
Ilerplcide kills the germ, thus curing dan
druff and preventing baldness.
Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c In
stamps for sample to The Ilerplcide Co.,
Detroit, Mich. Sherman & McConnell
Drug Co., Omaha, special agents.
Announcements of the Theater
Tomorrow evening the Four Cohans will
make their opening appearance In Omaha
In the musical comedy that has made them
famous during the last two seasons, ''Run
ning for Offlce." This is from the pen of
Mr. George Cohan, and Is said to be the
most uproariously funny and at the sameJ
time artlstia production now on the road. It
la a farewell tour for the organisation, for
after they complete the prsent trip the com
bination will dissolve, and George and Jose.
phlne Cohan will go Into one company and
Jerry and Helen Cohan Into another. Sev
enty-two people are Included In the com
pany and the fun begins when the curtain
goer up. The engagement Is for Friday
and Saturday evenings and a matinee on
May Howard and her big company will
appear at the Krug tonight, presenting the
very latest New York musical comedy suc
cess, entitled "M ile Fl Fl." Every detail
of this production has been most carefully
looked after and Its great success Is at
tributed to the magnificent manner in
which It has been presented. Everything
la carried by the organisation in the line
of acenery, mechanical and electrical ef
fecta and a company of ability. A special
feature Is the many young and beautiful
girls of the chorus, and they can really
sing and dance as well as properly display
tho most bewitching of costumes. Several
of the best known vaudcvilltana are mem
bers of the company, and their high class
specialties are Introduced during the action
of the comedy.
The matinee at the Orpheum today Is
the one amusement feature at the theaters
tills afternoon. Immediately after the reg
ular program some amateur acta will be
presented. A speclul feature will be pre'
sented in conjunction with the regular bill
tonight also. The Gate City Dramatic club,
a local organisation, will appear in one act
of the popular drama, "True Friends." The
cast Includes the Misses Oalle Mustln, Car
rie Klein, Belle Knowlton and Anna Gruber,
Messrs. Charles R. Wanner, Albert Frank
lin, Byron McBldon, John Klein, Joseph
Hasell, Clinton Smith, Clement Smith and
Master Roy Klein.
Women's New Spring Suits
Made of cheviots, broadcloths ami mixtures in all sliadtv.
About 10 different stales to select from. Mouses, eton
and military coat effects. Taffeta lined, skirts walking or
dress lengths, positively $22.o0 value tf J?
Easter Sale Trice IOe3
Women's Clever Rvn About Suits
Made in the new coat style, 21 and 24 inches long,
also in the swagger blouse and eton effects, carefully tail
ored by man tailors, material of the very latest novelty
mixtures, suits that would be cheap at Prt
$30.00 Easter Sale Price
Women's Up-to-Date Suits
in mixtures and plain materials, all shades, coats in mili
tarys, eton or blouse styles, new shoulder capes, trimmed
with straps and braid, with belts or girdles, perfect in lit
and workmanship, at least 20 different
styles to select from Easter Sale Price . . . ,
Beautiful Voile Suits
The Easter display of Tailored Suits is the center of all
attractions just now the supremacy of our suit section is a fact that no woman
posted to current fashions and values can fail to discover, th: hundreds of gar
ments-we are selling for Easter testify to our leadership far stronger than words'
In addition to the E: ;tcr Suit show we are making extraordinary, inducements in
our immense Coat, Skirt and Waist departments.
Women's New Spring -Coats
One special lot of women s co-
in blue, brown and black, new collarless blouse and eton
ejects; handsomely trimmed, skirts in dress lengths, in
the very swellest shapes, tailored by the most skillful suit
makers, regular $35.00 and ijftO.OO values
Easter Sale Price
Exclusive Suit Models
Just arrived for our great Easter Suit Sale. They are
correct copies of garments from one of Paris' most fash
ionable tailors, in broadcloths, etamines and voiles, blues,
browns, blacks and champagne shades, at prices that will
astonish j'ou, only one of a kind. Easter Sale Price
$37.50, $39.75, $45.00, $55 00
vert coats, made of the best
quality of all wool covert, well
tailored, satin lined, would be
cl cap at $10 OA
Easter Sale Price ....JrJ
Women's Swell Covert Coals
22 inches long, strapped scams,
beautifully tailored taffeta and
satin lined, very nobby gar
ments Easter Sale Price
?9.75, $12.75, fR 71
and up to U J
Women's Silk Coats
The most complete lino in this
city in taffetas, peau de soic,
shantung and cloth of gold, in ,
etons, new blouses and loose J
lengths, at $7.50, JT A A
$12.75 and up to ...TvU
Easter Specials in Waists.
Women's new tailored Irish linen waists, the very finest
quality, front of waist trimmed with Japanese drawn
work, sleeves and back tucked, a waist you cannot du
plicate less than $7.50, X fjfl
Easter Sale Price .... U
A Stunning Silk Waist
Made of the very finest qaality
of peau de soie silk, handsomely
trimmed with lace, insertion
front, comes in light blue, cham
pagne and cream, looks better
than many $10 waists, C ff
Easter Sale Trice L.UU
Swell Voile Dress Skirts
in every shape and style, trim
med or plain,, of the very best
quality of imported voiles, in all
shades, anlined or with silk
drop, skirts at $4.90, $6.90,
$7.90, $9.75, AA
and up to JUU
Mailmen, Motormen, policemen and all
other men wll And In our special 12.50
shoe Just what they want made of
soft crome calf uppers wide common
serse toe full crumped front with
closed tongues that prevent dust and
dirt getting- in the shoe.
These shoes will outwear any two
pair of th ordinary kind
No breaking In required comfort
irora the start.
1419 Farnam Strcit.
Omaha's Up-t-Dt!i Shoi Hoai
Before buying your Easter iuilles and
Plants rail and see our beautiful dis
play and large stork of fresh cut
flowers. Can surely save you money.
Lewis Henderson,
"Phone 126S.
Sum'! Burns green trading stamps.
Paneral Nntlre.
The funeral of Logan Klmmet will take
place from his late reririenre, 211 8. 4th
St., at t o'clock p. m.. Thursday, March SI.
Marrlaae Ureases. I
Up to noon March K the following
couples had been licensed to wed:
Name and Residence. Age.
Otto Johnson. Omaha M
Amanda Olson. Omaha ia
Dsvld T. Heed. Omaha t
Nlma A. Mlllsr. Onmha .. B
II-K Wedding Kings. Baitotm, Jeweler.
Vmt ! rtsk teslMet4.
Deputy Osme Warden H. D. Pier on hss
oonilaoalmt a ouantlur of ssH fauiut im tfc
Delay means decay and decay
mesns pain and inconvenience.
Quick action removes chance of
All work guaranteed. Prices rea
sonable. BAILEY, The Dentist
Sr4 Floer, Paitoa Blk, Omaha,
Chicago, Roek lnnaV A Pacific.
rnicin DiyllgM Limited...
Chicago li.llhl Looml
Chlciito Expra
!)' Mollis Express.
Chicago Ful ExpreM
Rorkr Mountain Limited T 30im a T:tS pa
Lincoln, Colorado Sprtnsa, Den
ver, Puablo and Weat a 1:80 pm s 6:00 poa
IVxaa, California and Oklahoma
Flyer a 4:10 pm all: 40 pm
St. Louie 'Cannon Ball" Ex. ...a 9 to pm s t:20 am
Bt. Loula Local (Co. Blu(f)...a :M am S10;M pm
i II I ru H m. .uriuii rairru
...a :f5 am a a 50 am
...a T oo am a ( 35 pm
...bll:16 am a :5 pm
...a 4 :3u pm bll JO am
...a 6 M pm 1:26 pm
Kaat t'hlcaso..
Loral Chicago
Local Blnux City....
Daylight tit. Paul...
Daylight rhlcago....
Limited Chicago
Peat Chlraao
Local Chicago....
Fart St. Paul....
St. Paul Expreai
Fan Mall
Local Sioux City
Norfolk and Boneateel..
Lincoln and Long Pine
.a 1:40 am a T:KS am
..all 80 ara
...a 1:10 pm a B:S0 pm
b 45 pm
...a 160 am a 10 00 pm
a a:uu am ati:zu pra
a S .25 pm a 0:16 am
a 6:60 pm s 1:46 pm
a 4:26 pm
- a 1:16 pm a 7:06 ara
a 25 am
a t:40 pm
. ...b 4:no pm a 30 am
....a 6:0S ant bl0:36 am
... b 6:06 am bl0.35 am
lull mum
a 1 50 pm a 6:10 pm
Deadwood. Hot Cprloga
Lincoln a I SO pm a 6:10 pm
Caiperand Wyoming Expreaa...d I 60 pra 6:10 pm
Hailing. Superior and JUbloa. b I 60 pm 6 10 pie
l uiraia, k bi. ran
t blcago
ttmm UnlnM KxnreM.
Illinois Central
Chicago Expreia a t 60 pm alO JS pa
a 8:06 am
1)10:88 put
leave, Milwaukee e& St. l'aul.
'ago Daylight a t 66 am aU:16pm
ago Fait Exprers a 6:46 pm a 8:10 pm
rland Limited a 8 20 pm a 8.10 am
Moloea Express s 7:66 am s 8.10 put
inicego, Minneapoiia ex bi.
raul Limited a t:do pm
Minneapolis and St. Paul Ex...b 7.60 aut
I nlon I'aelfle.
The Overland Limited...: a 40 am
The Fait Mall a 8:60 am
Tne California Express a 4:80 pm
a 8:06 pm
a I 30 pm
The Atlantic KpecTe'. a 180 am
The Portland-Chicago Bpeca!...a 8.20 pm a 6:80 pm
The Atlantio Express a 7:10 pm
The Colorado Special all:66 pm a 8:40 am
The Chicago Special a 1 40 am
Lincoln, Beatrice and Stroma-
burg Express b 4:00 pm bli'46 pm
Columbus Local b 6:00 pm b 6.86 am
blrnuo Ureal Western.
St. Paal and Mlnneapolla Lmtd a 7:18 am
St. Paul and Mtuneapolia Ex. ..a 7:15 am 20 pm
Chicago Limited.. a 4 60 pra alO 10 am
Bt. Paul, Minn, at Chicago Ex a 8 10 pm
Chicago Expreaa a 4:80 am a 4:05 pm
Missouri I'arltle.
8t. Louis Express a1O:0O am a 6:26 pra
K. C. 4k St. Louis Express.... alO 60 pm a 4:16 am
Chlcaayo, Bnrlinston A Qnlncy.
Chicago Special a T oo am
Chicago Ventluuled Express a 4:00 pm
Chicago Loral a 6 18 am
Chicago Limited a 8:06 pm
?ait Mall
Kansas City, M. Joseph A Co.
Kanaas City Day Expreaa a 6:16 am
Si. Louis Flyer a 6 26 pm
Kanaaa City Night Express alO 46 pm
Hurllnicton c& Missouri lllvrr.
Wymore. Beatrice and Lincoln.. a 6:60 ara
Nebraaka Expreaa a 8 60 am
Denver Limited a 4:10 pm
Black Hilla at Puget Bound Ex. all :10 pm
Colorado Veatlbuled Flyer
Lincoln rait Mall b 2 67 pm
Fort Crook and Plattamouth . . ..b 8 10 pra
Bellevue and Pic i He J u net ion a 1 6 pm
xtellevue and Facino Junction.. a 8 10 am
C 1 68 pra
a 146 am
all oo pm
a 7 46 pm
8 :45 pm
a 6:06 pm
all 06 am
a 4:30 a.n
bli ns pm
a 7 :46 pm
a 4:46 am
a 8 30 pm
a 1 X pin
a 8 04 am
bio 34 am
a 8.21 ara
possession of Henry Oeert, 1931 Missouri
avenue. South Omaha, and for which t.h
Geeet la said to have been unable to pro
duce the proper Invoice as provided by the
late law. The confiscation consisted ct
one pickerel, six cattish, eleven crappits,
nine white nah and eighteen buUheavis.
The matter will be heard in. v Justice court
lm tka uattxtl '
Mlasonrl Paclfar.
Leave Arrive.
Nab. Local via Weeping Water. b 4 10 pm alO 18 am
rhlcaejo, Bt. Paal, Minn, at Omaha.
Twin City Passenger b 6:80 am b 114 pn
Blnux City Paatengcr a 8 00 pra all JO ara
Oakland Local b 6 46 pra b 610 am
a Dally, b Pally except Sunday.
gatnrday. e Dally except Myiday.
OCEAN gTatAMbltll'S.
d Dally except
6Aea teia-aWns M earners ml u.w Teas.
Ktw xuaa KuimaiiAM. via uuULuwNaV
aulas Tuesday, at 10 a. sa.
Potsdam Apt. 6 NoortlAiu Apl. 4
Hutlerdaixt Apl. 12 Potadara May 10
Ryadgm Apl. lSi Itoturrdara May II
Will call at l'iinoutk.
HOLLAND-AM Kit 1CA LINK, a Dearborn St.. CV-
ass. 111. t Harry Meerea. let'. Varuem 4l C.
fcetaerfurd. 1AA8 SJliA S.; J. S4. fcsiueiua. Ua
Superior aceotnmo&aUona. Excellent eulalne. The
comfort of pauetigere carefully conaldered. Single
or round trip tlcAeu betaera New York and acmes.
English. Irish and all principal Sandtnavlan aad
continental polnta at attractive ratee. feud for book
u( Teura. Fee tickets or general Inferaxalioa Apl
to any lo.-al agent of the Anchor Ltrie or to
HJtMjkHdoft DaOaVa Gea'l Ageaiax Chicago, 1U,
(loalnaj Ont Onr Pntlre 12,000 Stock of
Buggies, Carriages, Wagons
To Make Room for AUTOMOBILES.
Our stock moving; lively, but some great nnrgulns still left.
We Must Have the Floor Space
Q '-''e-ljatUil.ii.iy ,Y'""'i'il"-yi''i""Yl;"M 1
Before you buy any Lilies
come and see us and you will
not be disappointed, as we carry
the best only in cut flowers and
plants. Big discount on lilies for
If ess. Swoboda
1,15 Farnam, Paxton Hotel.
A Carload of Winton's Just Received.
riaoe Jour ordt-rs now for ono of these elegant machines while we can
give you Immediate delivery.
We Are Agents for
Wintoti Peerless Franklin
Each a Leader in Its Ileeyertlva Class.
We hnve a number of machines of other makes and some bargains In sec
ond hand nituhines.
The largest stork of Automobiles shown between Chicago and Ban Fran
cisco on our floors.
Call und Inspect the new models. Write for catalogue.
H. E. Fredrickson, 'hmKrv
y do
IlI A-sT
Kgg-s, natural size, containing yolk, dosen.
Hirds Nest, dosen
Small chickens, dozen
larger Nests, each
Betting Hen, 6 Eggs, 13 portions, each
Itrge Rabbit. 16 portions, each
Mersngues, dosen
t hicken emerging from shell, dosen
Artificial Basket, ( cream bird eggs, dosen.
40c qunrt
I oo
t 00
J 6y
A beautiful line of Baskets an 1
Boxes tilled with Hons br.nt
appropriate 4or this ocnlon
PHONE. 711
"' Tfll" TTT """ " "" rw" '
Daputy State Vsterluartaa,
Votxl Inspector.
i svaiee ina lanraur, sstal ina ssanon
Do Not Hesitate
To see us fur your Spring 1'nderweu.r.
We are showing all kinds for I.:k11c and
Gentlemen. Ladles, lOo 12Vtc,. IDc, ffic each
We ulao have the extru sljlu for large
L.idlcM. Men's Underwear, ifj, SOc, TJo, Sl.bO
each. The very liest value lor the money
nl own anywhere. We carry a full Una of
I.nillea' and Gent's liosiory, Underwear and
Furnishing goods.
Jos. F. Bilz
322 South 10th Kt.
and asked him for a cake of the won
derful new AHAMO scouring soap.
Ha didn't have it then, but next day
he did. Now she can't keep houa -and
wnr with rust, dirt ana greseo
without It. Finest thing In the world
to scrub, scour, cleun and polish with.
WE GUARANTEE IT! You can find
use for it in every room from cellar to
garret. Remember, Its an Oui&h
riliS AHAMO t o. tine.), Omaha.
Tun Best Varus Paper.
rtato rst0ire4sUe iUaaUs4aeas)