12 THE OMATTA DAILY DEE: TnURRDAY, MAHCH 31. mm. 1 . . -- j jn5JIESI"nMI0IEIlS."Sl March Discount Sale of PIANOS Will Positively Close at 10 p. m. Saturday Green Trading Stamps Evcrytimc Sale of and Boy's - cp.. l fa) Ladiss Kid !s. Glovesf or Easter The very highest grade of genuine kid gloves. Including Perrln's celebrated "First Qual ity," I'errln'a La Muro and Werthrlmer's Rovereign glovr the finest selected kid and lat est spring shades, at, pair $1,$1.50,$2 LADIES' SILK VEILS-Che-nllle dots on Bilk chiffon, black, brown, navy and champagne, usually sell at 11.00- at, each ...... ... LADIES' EASTER NECK WEAR In lace, allk. etamino. canvas and Bulgarian effects at, each, 15c and 25c 50c Ladies Silk Petticoats at $3.98 Beautiful new taffeta petticoats, bought at a wonderful reduction from a great eastern manufacturer, made of taffeta silk, double and triple ruffles, silk T CI ft underlay, lace trimmed flounces, etc P PZmmL actually worth up to $12 Thursday- Ladies' 50c Spring Underwear at 19c over mm) dozen spring and summer undcrvests, somo slightly muKscd In trannit, sleeveless and long sleeve effects sua nnoon trimmed, worth up to Wentgarment 19c Easter Gift Novelties CHARMING NOVELTIES FOR EASTER GIFTS SCGGESTIONS FOR AC CEPTABLE PRESENTS AT MODERATE COST. The new gold bead ncckluces, bUc, 75c, 9Kc up to Long gold bead chains for fans latent fad ut In Our Jewelry Dept 198 2.75 Three quarter lockot chains, fancy heart shaped lockets und round with pretty settings O QS2 ... brncclpts, .2.98 !eje up to Carmen -and Marguerite sliver and gold J5.H8 and Fancy Jet combs, white QQP combs, Jeweled combB $3. 9-1 to.. "CJ Gold trimmed back combs, at 11.49 down to Silver button boxes, trinket holders, Jewel boxes, 12.49 to Pin trays, hair pin trays, etc, 76c down to Brush and comb, fancy hand decorated ba-k at Fancy back brush, comb and mirror per set 49c 49c 49c 75c 1.98 Sterling military brushes, S OA at 7.50 and O.VCJ Ladles' Fterllng toilet sets, E OH $15.00 down to O.VO Pearl handled pens, 14k QQp solid gold pen, at "Ol Book markers with sterling 0r silver trimmings, at rNT i?"?1?1'? n,KI-T ,n P'eatM satin and peau de sole, with 4 fj wide effect In back with fancy gold buckles at. ard ud... IsVO Watch Our J Windows BRANDED Watch Our Windows This Store is Ready for Easter Are you? Surely such beautiful goods as we are now showing rannot fall to meet your every want. Lots of new novelties for Easter. Spend a few minutes in our l it re. look lor i lie name. S. W. Lindsay, Jeweler. 1316 Douglas 52 i F1CI1T CUTS LUMBER PRICES L;oil Controyeriy Between Dealers Brings - Good Eeiulta to Consumer. LOWERS COST OF BUILDING MATERIAL Pady Company Saa Frlces Are Much Less Than at Any Time la. VMmt Seventeen j Tears. Guided solely by the conditions of the lumber market as they exist In Omaha at present and by the fact of the absence of any labor troubles or dissensions among the building trades unions of the city, there could hardly be a more auspicious time for prospective builders of homes tor themselves or ' for speculative purposes to begin operations than the present. -Not for several years has the price of lumber been aa far down the scale as It is now and It doubtless will be many more before it reaches the same point again after the rate war that la now undeniably raging between the big and little dealers of the city has been patched up and peace declared on the basis of a uniform scale of prices. ' The trouble that la resulting In unhappl tiess and bitter feeling among the dealers but which wakes the consumer smile and wax strong In the pockctbook, started something like a year ago and was the re sult, according to one wm Is In the busi ness and is supposed to know whereof he speaks, of the dictatorial altitude assumed by one of the lurgest dealers In Omaha and Bouth Omaha. This company. It is asserted, thought from the preHnderance of Its holdings In this line, that It should have mora to say with regard to the prevailing MAKING SKEPTICS Our Omaha Readers are no Exception. Buffering year after year with a bad back, with annoying and dangerous uri nary troubles, failing to find a remedy to and their misery. It U no wonder people be come skeptics. It Is not surprising If they doubt the testimonials they read from peo ple cured, who live In far-away places. There la no room for doubt, however. when the testimony cornea from citizens of Omaha. Keed this case: Mr. Wm. H. Malken. carpenter, of 2621 Lke street, says: "During the twelve years I had attacks of kidney complaint, I took lota of medicine but received little, If any, benefit. I eysn went to Colorado Bprlngs, thinking the mineral water and mountain air might help me. Two yeara made little difference to my physical con dition and I returned east, B-imetlraes J was laid up and suffered the most excru ciating pain imaginable. Now I don't want It understood that I am radically cured, but of till I am certain, that Doen'a Kidney nils, procured at Kuhn & Cos drug store, corner l&th and Douglas Streets, gradually relieved ma of the aching until It finally disappeared. For sale by all dealers. Price loo. Foa-ter-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. T., sole agents (or the fulled Slates. Remember ILsj BMl&e, Poaa'S, ul felts price of the local lumber market than some of the men who did not have so much money Invested, while the smaller dealers argued among themselves even If they did not have as much money or as extensive plants, the larger dealer had no more at stake In proportion to his net worth thun they, and that they, therefore, had as much right as he to make prices to suit them selves and their Customers; and they pro ceeded to do It with the result that toduy lumber or nearly alt grades and kinds Is from 1 to $3 cheaper per 1,000 feet than It was a year ago at this time. Thorn in the Bide. The main thorn In the side of this big company has been and la another pretty strong competitor, and the war has raged bitterly and long between theBe two con cerns, until It has come to a point where much personal feeling Is engendered. Mean while the other dealers look on and try to keep In line and hold the trade they have had in the past. The competing company referred to has Its own mills und Its own stumpage in the south and Is serene In the belief that it can face the music just as long and at Just as fast a pace as the other concern. Under date of February 30 last this former com pany Issued a circular In which It guaran teed to furnish lumber 25 per cent lower than any retail prices that can bo furnished by Its competitors, and not only this, but quotes some prices that It lubels as the best that have ever been made to the buy ers of lumber In the city of Omaha. All these prices rulo from $3 to $8 lower on the thousand than the ' ordinary ruling prices of the same. On the other hand, other of the dealers of the same clasa are known to have made sales of lumber within the last month at 10 per cent less than It cost to land It In Omaha last fall. The circulars referred to were not given a general distribution, but were quietly sent where it waa believed they would do the most good and produce the best results. And other means of a like nature were adopted by the other concerns who may fairly be called their competitors. Us te I a fair Competition. The Cady company was quick to agree that the ruling price of lumber here Is far lower than for several years. "In fact," said the manager, "It la ab normally low, and la not rendered ao by legitimate competition nor by over produc tion, though, of course, both these things have a bearing on the prices that now pre vail. Certain concerns In the city have tried to bull the market and certain othera have tried, successfully, to checkmate any auch move, and thlsis mainly the secret of lumber prices here today. Lumber Is at least 15 per cent lower than it has been for aeventeen years, but how long this state of affairs will last I cannot aay. It may be for months and It may not be for a week. Such a atate of affairs has not existed for seventeen yeara. One or two concerns have gone under as a result of it and others may, though I do not know aa to that. Further than this I do not care to discuss the question," George M. Iloagland asked aa to the condition of the local market and the causes governing the same, but had very little to aay on either count. I don't know," he said, "that there Is any material change between now and last year. I Lave not noticed any particular change in prices In this concern. When asked aa to any price war among local dealera Mr. Iloagland said: "It's against the law to combine on txices. Isn't ItT" he asked. ''Anyway, it la a diffi cult matter to maintain a uniform scale of prices oil luiuber lu a town Jiae ).if ilvi Uutfa ax fixtn yard IS) IS PI LIU Eyes Strained? BRING TOUR F,YE8 TO US. WE WILL CURE THEM, FIT THFM PROPERLY AND GIVE YOU MONEY SAVING SATISFACTION, A NOVEL EXHIBIT A WESTERN FARM SCENE. A LIVE FARM YARD. SPRING 'LAMBS GAMBOLLING AT WILL, LIVE BUNNIES. CHICKENS AND PIGEONS. IT'S AN INTERESTING SIGHT. SEE ITI SIXTEENTH STREET WINDOWS. MADE YOUR EASTER ; PURCHASE, YET? PERHAPS YOU HAVE MISSED BOMB OF THOSE BARGAINS. BUT THERE ARE OTHERS. THOU SANDS OF THEM. GREEN TRAD ING STAMPS WITH EVERY ONE OF THEM. EVERY OTHER PREMIUM PROPOSITION STAMPS, COLORED OR UNCOLORED-IXTJK: BICK BE SIDE THE LITTLE GREEN STICK ERS IN THE LITTLE GREEN BOOK. ITS THE ONLY LITTLE GREEN STICKER THAT STICKS. ETICK TO IT! KID GLOVES FOR EASTER We nre sole agents for Omaha for tho following celebrated Kid Gloves every pair guaranteed and fitted: LELIA KID GLOVE Made by Keynler in all the latest CI AA spring shades price vPlsUU VIRGINIA A very fine real French Kid Glove all the very CI CA newest colorings and stltchlngs pair l.JU FANCHON KUEI)K A very fine undressed glove-mado by Revnler-ln all the pretty shades, Including blacks and whites P fl CA on cj)1.50 REYMKR GLACE The finest kid glove In the world- CI AA all the very newest colorings only vJ)s.UU .nE?KWEAR.AND VEIMNG-Our big section flll'etl with the very i 2 41W !le:kwcnr a,ul velllng-nobby, new-ready to wear vells V . ' yardM ,onKrln ,tne drapery veil-light and dark colora also chiffon veils and veiling in plain and two-toned effects. Muslin Underwear Sale Thursday WOMEN'S CHEMISE, CORSET COVERS, NIGHT GOWNS, UN DERSKIRTS, DRAWERS. SHORT PETTICOATS AND CHEMISE. THIS LOT CONTAINS ONLY OUR BEST VALUES TRIMMED WITH LACE EMBROIDERY AND TUCKING. Every garment is a bargain, but as an Extra Inducement, THURSDAY, DOUBLE GREEN TRADING STAMrS WILL GO WITH EAC1I BALE. 8 Oranges for Easter ONE MORE CAR OF FINE, SWEET. JUICY. DELICIOUS WASHINGTON NAVALS J AT, PER D.OZEN UC AND $2.00 WORTH OF GREEN TRADING STAMPS WITH EACH DOZEN. 'km Limit: Four Dozen to a. Customer FANCY BASKETS FILLED WITH FINE FRUITS TO ORDER AND DELIVERED BY ,SPECIAL MES SENGER, IF REQUIRED. 1 THE MOST SATISFACTORY PLACE TO BUY YOUR GROCERIES. BEST GOODS. LOWEST PRICES. THURSDAY SPECIALS. " 50 Cents Worth Green Trad ing Stamps with Package of Cero Fruito Pkg. : : : 10c A large quantity of Solid Pack Tomatoes. 3-lb. can SucotHHh 2-pound can... Chill Sauce bottle Table Salt sack HuktiiK Sola--package Corn Starch 1-pound pkg. COFFEES. THKSE ARB FRESH KYfcKir DAY, Golden Santo , Hennett's Capitol Coffee pound... 2Sc Maracalbo Coffpe per pound loo liemiett s Breakfast Coffee 2-lb. can 4So ...80 lOo 4o 4c &0 ROASTED Castile Soap white or mottled cake ji0 Jellycon for Puddinirs-j)arkas;e... 8'4c Prepared Mustard glaisi... 60 Maple Cream cake 5C Macaroni 1-pound package lOc Star I.ye can. 4C TEAS. FINE ' DRINKING QUALITIES SirPERIOR VALUES. Oolong-Eng1lsh Breakfast pound 4Sc Imperial Japan per pound J5e4 Tea Sifting per pound lie Try the Southwest ) It is the Land of Promise growing faster and building on a firmer foundation toan any other portion of the country. j Take a trip and look it over. Low round-trip rates, April Gth and i9th, return iimit, 21 days. Liberal stop-over privileges. Rate applies to Okla homa, Indian Territory, Arkansas, j New Mexico and many points in Texns. i Low one-way rates will also be fin effect to Oklahoma points and to Texas. I Descriptive literature mailed on application to JOHN SEBASTIAN, Passenger Traffic Manager Rock Island "System, Chicago. Tickets and full information at this office. F. P. RUTHERFORD, Q. P. A. 1323 FARNAM STREET, OMAHA, NEB. DR. BRADBURY 1506 Fnrxiam P.lnUas Extraction DENTIST. TEL. 1716. Without Oas. Fillings 50c up QoU Crow as, $2.50 ap Mif Work (i.iO j U4 AttaUa -c iter I DON'T DELAY this Wfcek or "not at all," If you wlwh to make the saving promised by our advertising which is rarrlrd out to the letter In our business dealings. TERRIFIC CUT PRICES on tho old rcll.ihlo "Stock" pianos, tho royul "Hardtmin" plunos, tho beautiful toned "A. M. Chase" pianos, the original "Vosp & Sons" pianos, the peerless "Emerson" plnnos, tho brilliant "Stesjer & Sons" pianos, with the new, patent, adjustable keyboard, a distinct advance In piano construc tion; all the latest, newest and best from theso standard, time-honored factories, are yours without reserve, on our famous cusy-puymcnt plan. It you wish. OUR DARCAIN ROOM May lack the larse variety of used pianos shown ut the commencement of this sale, but still a good selection re mains, and tho balance will bo swept away THIS WEEK ONLY, at theso reduced prices: USED UPRICHT PIANOS dale Trice. w2a??o?.l.T.r...!.0. 187.00 J.'U).0O Emerson, (US f( parlor size lOOiUU $350.00 Ert & Co., ttf Hfl parlor size IUU.UU .1t.0l Tease, f EC f( largo size IOOiUU J275.00 Howard, fSO tf parlor size J275.O0 Schubert, Af, flO large size IO.UU t400.00 Chaso Bros., 117 flfl large size $i75.00 Kimball, i"lJ.Ofl :nahogany case mJt3r fcOO.OO Sterling, lit) flfl putlor size I4CJ.UU IVI.OO Arlon, tOO flO walnut case IAVJV Other I'prl.vits, used from W to 15 yars, for H16.00, $94.00, tS8.00, $73.00 an 1 IG9.00, all on easy payments Of 13.00 to C.C0 a month. We offer at absolute wholesale cost a DranU r.ew, latest style "Ivers & I-ond" upright; tlso Baby Grand "Kimball" piano, used only a short tl 3ie looks new; also a "Mason & Hamlin" parlor uj-rlght piano that Is brand l ew; also w couple cf stand ard Fiakes that were shipped to us without orders. Cash cr Terms New latest style Planolai. KiO.lO with Matrostyle, J3U0. Soid only ty us. CALL, OR WRITE AT ONCB. (INCOKPORATID) MANUFACTURE-WHOLESALE -RETAIL PIANO S MAIN HOUSC AND OFFICE: 1313 FARNAM FACTORY: 131 FARNAM TELEPHONE 1MB OMAHA LINCOLN, NEB I CO. BLUFFS, If I3S 8. 11TH T. I 802 ROADWA" Til. t I "I" fcam Location Wo positively rcmov nerve from Uvtb with out I bo Uast particle of pain. PlaUa $2 uf The Democrats of Council Bluffs had an election this week. NEWS ITEMT 25c Carter's Utile Uver Tills 7c ,'l.C Genuine Castorla 17c $1.00 Chrystal Tonic 6Sc Sl.liO Dumiertne 53c $1.00 Coke's Dandruff Cure 4ito 25o Graves' Tooth l'l. wder be f0c la Ulache Powdtr S3o $1.00 Munvon's Taw Tuw bsc oik) Tozzoni Face Powder 23c r,0c Blood Wine 4oc $1.00 Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets too $1.00 B. 8. S. ttc $1.75 8. 8. S. $1.03 $1.00 West's Brain snd Nerve Inn 15s Glass Rubber Tip Byringw 15o $1 Kalamazoo Celery and Sarsaparllla.. 73o Our mall order department is the largest In Iowa or Nebraska and Is at the service of our out-of-town friends. Just send us a list for (il'R prices on anything which you do not find In our ads. One to a customer. SCIIAEFER'S SB"?& E. T. YATES, Prop. ISth and Chicago Bts.. Omaha. 'Phonaa 747 and 797. 24tb and N Sts., South Omaha. 'Phone No. L 6th Ave. and Main Bt., Council Bluffs. 'Phone 833. All goods ds llvertd In slthsr city absolutely frs. ut Eiate eamshii Tickets From Boandinavian points to Omaha. Now is the time to bring your relatives and friends from the old country. These greatly re duced rates will only last a (short time. All information at Wabash City Offise, 1601 Farnatn St., or Addrs Harr E. Moores, Omaha. Neb mm w , r A Wise Woman will try avd pvcM-rr hr tmutf. A ftn Imperial Hair Regenerator r6.Mrtiiras ry or BlasctiMl kalr Wny 213 lilr. li1 OXK Al-I T ICATION Wil t. l.AHT KiH MoyrHS. ttamuleof luur oulurM ires. Mod k-r I'ssiyliu. . .. ni ni .1 .MCHIfll MBA m lUlt tuti. NivVifk. w" " "liowlna; from the MYKHS, LKVKY 8T1J.M SS. (V. V.) ftock era cresting J ,x.n,,".t'.',,.'.",L1"' never l.eforo known In suit selling. l K.t,llKAT l'l ' A K HKTA it'l'M KNT s i r .w,le,l dtiily by h indreds Cf peoplo, anxious to secure some of t:i isrcal hhikhiii irTerins. Thursday Will Be a Banner Day iju euro 10 attend. I'omo early, if possible, and avoid tha In this s;r.Ht salo. anernoon cruh REA9 THESE PRICES CAREFULLY -m'rniumoI,'.r,',,.15' HI11. s,' ,,h0 , t"0,,', W "'" hnt the result will be. will bo away more than pleased with your purchase. . THINK OF IT! JJ0' VE;,8oSPRI"8 This suit Is silk lined Toil .u.i in hk mien, wun cicrhiu larreta dro) jacket n trimmed, cape over shoulders, and comes In black, blue, blown fancy mlxt jresMyers, Levev & Btrauss. pileo IJO.OO our price for Thursday Jacket and skirt elaborately. and $12.00 7.""" ,v: , ?', .-. WYERS , LEVEY & STRAUSS WAISTS Will now be In tho foreground. TTntll now we havo not had room for them In our salesroom. EVKKY WOMAN SHOULD PKE THEM. Women's Lnee Waists, champagne thnde, worth up to 18.00, 9 Ofl our r-Hce wiIU $10 CREPE DE THINK WAISTS $6,110. In white, blues snd browns, all the latest styles. 910. W nv Bprlna iilts M.IHI. S'K) sprliiK iM'nuties. In ten different stylos. Coin a In cheviots and serges. In plain col ors an I fancy mixtures. Made to sell to tho New York trade at $1(1.50, the O QA best suit In Anp rlca, at O'SU fai.r,) Cheviot Hulls flH.TB. Suits you should see nt once, for th.-f won't last I'iuk at the price. Come in hlucs, and blackt-. and bn.'wns, trimmed with fan cy braid, b.inds of taffeta, laifre sleeves,, with lace on cuffs. Myers, Levey &IO TC HI ranks' r:"'e $-9 fio ours...., lOllO Mrers, J evry A' Mranm1 hmpls Units. Manr Imported coipressly for the New York trade, at $00.00, $10.00, $10. CO and $27.60. SKIRTS 4. 200 SKIRTS Women's, misses, children's, from th iviyers, ix?vey Mtrauss stock, il.. I., S.'s Wnlklnii Skirts, worth up to $o.co, at., Skirts and walking; skirt. In cl.evlots and farcy mixtures, worth up to Q 1 R our prlco Ollw M., ti. & B 's rew voile skirts, ona cf the most eleif.uit crtations of tho skirt mak ers' art, wlih handsome ' ff) . WIW 195 silk orop. at. Women's I Inen, l.swn snd V.'afsts, Imported stylus, at $12.00, JI0.0O, $7.fi0 and panese pillt .5.0Cy 78c Calico Wiappers Jte. $1 00 Black Mercerli-ed Undsraklrts c. Women's Waists, wotth up to $1.00 49o. Women's Waistn, In lirisns, lswr.s, dimi ties and other wfch fabrics, woith t:p to $J O0, at 96c. Women's Capes, in broadcloth, trimmed wtlh lace, worth up to $7.60, at $A"5. $:.60 Porcnla Wrappers Sc. Extraordinary Silk Bargains for Thursday TIAIN COLOPEI) TAFFETAS, In ol Itho leading shades HIR LINE TAFFETA, for shirt waist suits, navy, brown, green... FINE WHITE WASH BILK, i?7 and ifi-lnch widths, at TARD WIDE CItASH TON3EE, pure silk, on sale .49c .49c 49c 49c SPECIAL, IN PLACIC TAFFETA, fine quality, ?7 Inches wide, a regular Jl.iS silk, (warranted to wear), woven TCf In edge, on sale I 9 24-INCH EXTRA FINE DOMESTIC PON GEE eUJv, In white, cream and ir black, on sale, IUU $5 pwces ALL BILK FOULARDS, in the new i.avy and brown shades, J neat designs, on salo ?U0 BLACK DRESS GOODS SALE Comma r-.lnir et 9 t-'clock. a. m., Thursday, we will bell 40-Inch Black Dress Goods. regular price is c, cnly one pattern to a customer, I rr ' at a yard, only Jg HIGH GRADE DRESS GOODS $1.V) Voiles, oil colors 76c i $2 60 Vaiies ft. as ' voiles, an colors vvo -.! Voile fl.b') Voiles, all colors $1,191 $2.00 Voiles, all colors..... fl.X) sll colors ail colors. OTIIliR BPVH 'I A US ' IN ' Bp'rfti& cjuiiiiNua. RELIABLE GROCERY DEPT. ALWAYS PUREST GOODS AT STAMPS FREE WITH ALL CASH Oood Flour, per sack 21 lbs. Granulated fcufcar..., S-lb. can Tomatoes 8-lb. can Pumpkin 3-lb. can Sauerkraut S-lb. oan Uakect I--ans 3-lb, can Apple Ilulter 3-lb. can Swot Potatoes ....$1.10 ....$1.00 .... 7lic .... 7v.c ?Vjc .... 7VS.C .... 7Hc .... 7-jC TRADING STAFPS FREE t lb. can String Beans 6c ?-,b. csn IliT.a Beans 6c 2-'o. can Qolden Wax Beans LOWEST PRICES TRADING PURCHASES- Tea and Coffee Specials TRADING STAMPS FfiEE New Crop Tea Blftings. lb Uu Imperial Tea, good drink Kj Fancy Sun Cured Japan, lb $;o Choice Moyune Gunpowder, lb. 8;o Oood drink coffee, Bantos, lb .....ISVio I.Iberian, Java and Mocha, 10.... I'.'yi Family Java, and Mocha, lb,.... 2o Oooil Broken Coffee, lb , .....Uio Ankulu Java Coffee, lb , iic HAYDEi BR! ,C. H. Frederick Co. Leading: Hatters. 1504 Farnam Street. Furnishing ,. That fit every apot Absolutely correct In every detail. All styles in the very itttest patterns, from $1.00 up. Dunlap or Stetson Hat for Caster In all the latest shapes and shades $4, $4, $5. SHIRTS Exclusive Ajfency DUNLAP HATS 0PIN EVENINGS SEE 01 R WINDOWS AS YOU 00 BY. Dunlap Silk Hat Ironed Free? IB) Hold Up Your Hand if You Know. Where and how large Is Chemtilpo? How far Is It from Port Author to VlsdlvosUkT Where Is Mukden, tee Russian base of supiilios, and how far le It from the Yalu river' Can You Answer Three Simple Questions in Japanese-Russian War Geography? Tho Beo War Map Shows the location of Russia, Japan, Corea, Manchuria, China, etc.; also tha principal clte and saapurts lu each, along with the population of sum. Bhows the different km and bodies of water upon which the sea fights will pr0o!ves acoini?ete list of all the vessola in both n ivb s, showlior thlr arrna ment speed and compuxative streiiKth In war. Also tells all about both armies, how many men in each, th number of ltusslan aolilers now In tha far east, "" Bent by mall. POSTPAID, If you will fill out the coupon and enclose 10 cents. Adress, Omaha Daily Bee, Omaha - - - Neb. Nap Department Fill Out This Coupon. Enclosed find 10 cents for which rlHsa send Japanese-Kuaslan War Map to Name .....J Address r i Town Stat r- k S', ; y 1 v jods, f . IIFI-l 11.821, VaJ