Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1904, Page 11, Image 11

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Wbett Oontinnet 8trojig in Tac of tfca
General fiaina-
Ct Gerta Its rower from apposed
Operations of Arnoir, Mho
BI4 l Mar to
I , r . . ,
OMAHA. March 30, 1904.
; Wheat continues with surprising strength
In the face of the general lama. At the
close, high point, Tuesday, old July had
(nna up Se from the bottom, and the reac
tion which followed on profit taking waa
natural. May wheat opened at from )o
to 2Hio below the close of Tuesday, and
for low touched Wsjc, hut It gained strength
and by noon reached &,.'. which was
within H5 of the close Tuesday. New July
ranged from Vio above the Tuesday close
to o bflow. This waa In the face also
of the slightly bearish crop reports re
ceived lata Tuesday, seeming to show a
slightly better winter wheat condition. Old
Jul waa rushed up to Wc by the buying
of one-half million, It waa thought for
Armour. The Minneapolis millers are re
ported to be talking of another shutdown.
The strength -of corn Is due to supposed
Armour operations and to the better cash
situation. Armour waa aald to be bidding
up May with the Intention of selling It.
Valentine bought largely May and July.
Omaha advanced lHc by noon under the
Influence, with - considerable business.
Omaha transactions In grain for future de
livery have been heavier this week thnn
for a month: 'Tuesday they totalled 170,0".)
bushels and! have been- above' 100.000 all
week. From Argentine comes word that
rains have Interfered with the harvest
and lese than the promised half crop
of corn may be expected. Prof. Hicks la
ut with his weather forecast for Hw4. He
thinke the Eaater moon will cause prob
ably killing fronts In early April, and that
very general snd severe storms will come
In the latter part of the month. Drouths
will ba experienced In the west before tha
set son Is over.
- The range of prices In Omaha grain for
future delivery and the: close, Tueaday and
trday ware as follows:
Wheat Opened. Hln. Low. Today. T a jr.
-July ....
: May ....
July ....
Way ....
A asked.
MViB 83VjB
. 3Mi
B bid.
a 40B 89B
Local Cash Grata Market.
Tha : receipts of grain -were unusually
mail today and the few samples on the
tables were snapped up in short order.
Mixed oata advanced from 2c to 8c and
white oata 1c. The scarcity of born and
Ita high prloe la causing feeders to buy
oata. The price responded to this de-
and. Chicago reports that there are now
i store 3.000.000 bushels of standard oats.
whereas there were for last year at this
,-tlme only 400.000 bushela. The Omaha brok
era, however, expect- a stronger market
,for Oats from now on, because of the corn
situation. The local market Is especially
good on the poorer quality of corn, and
compares more than favorably with other
markets In this respect. No. 4 sold on
track st 4T,a. .The nrlee on ell corn Is now
tha highest of the crop. Wheat sold at
Tuesday prices as did corn. Receipts of
wheat were 8 cars In and 1 out; one week
ago, l and 9 cars. Receipts or corn were
12 cars in and it cars, our; one ween o,
15 and 15 cars. Oar receipts were 1 car
iln; one week ago, 1 car In.
f WHEAT No. 3 hard. .mffWc; No. 8
fiard, mWf No. 4 hard. 71Vrt7e: No. 2
.niHme UliLOti- Vrt'ttHlntf klllrfttfRC : Nil
jT CORN No. 2. 47Hc No. 8, 4ftf?4He: No.
4 Wtfiw, No. t vellow. 4Sc: No. 8 yellow.
4fM7o; No.' white, 47Vjo; No. 8 white, 46
OATH No. t. 4(VrT41e: No. 3, Sogtnc; No.
4. Mfr3c; No. white. 41fi4.1o; No. S white.
4W41c; No. 4 white, STaasc;. standard, 41H9
ffotoa from the Exchanae Offices.
Oood Friday being declared a holiday by
tha Chicago Board f Trade, there wl)l be
no session of the Omaha exchange.
Grain Markets Klsewnora.
Closlnrt. prices of grain today and Tuea
day at tno markets named were as follows:
Wheat- - Todny.Tues'y.
. iMe.yy,.w.AiA'4iv.i. -4)M - W
-Juljr' ...;;;. ..I.... 87, "
May 5.14 56 A
July -.63 61
May 8TT4 7
July 18 78V.
. May ........ 4"P, 46,
July 45' 4G
Wheat- - -
May WlB 'A
July 83 U 8A
May .... 7U 44
July 4115 . 48-B
.May 97HA 74
" July 7 17
May ., 9T B G7B
.Ju(y 87 A emu
-May HSA 6B
'July 3A 83B
tatloaa of the .Day on Various
J' Commodities. "
NEW YORK. March S0.-F1X)UR Re-
tr eel in
relnts. 8.93.1 bbls.' exports. .7 678 hbls. Mar-
gel comparatively rlrm with a fair trade.
Winter straights, SB.wyu'; Minnesota pat
ents, 5 at); winter patents, 85 (iu.50; Mln
tiasota bakers, M.l(Ku4.40; winter extras,
t!.Mj4.0, winter low grades, H.l!o1. 80. Rye
feour, dull; fair to good, H.u t.itl.; choice
to fancy, M MH.80. Buckwheat flour, heavy.
COKNMh;Al-Hteady; witern. JlU41l.IV;
ilty,; klln-Jried, t3 h(&3 2.
, UIF-bull; No. .3 weateru, (Oc, to arrive
prompt. ...
MARLEY-Qulet; feeding; 49e, e. i. f.. New
Toik; malting, iinOSo. e, f. f., Huffalo.
WHEIAT Receipts, bu. Boot market
easy; No. 3 red, 11.06, nominal, elevator,
t ?4j,ie, nomlral, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1
vi ciiisi 11, luiuill, 1 iioilllliu.1, l. u, u.
fcBOKt; No. 3 hard. Manitoba, nominal, f. o.
k afloat. Options were Irregular. Most of
the time,- however, prices were under last
hlght. The close waa steady at a partial
Uu net deollue. May, Hctej'V-. closed
July, SO 13-lfVn38c, closed at 3He;
aVpiember, MWijiSo, closed 6c.
CORN Receipts. 41.9-K bu; sales, 30,000 bu.
futures. Bpot market Arm; No. 3, nominal,
levator, 6bo f. o. b. aiioat; No. 3 yellow.
lw: No. 3 white, 67c. Option market dull
Ind featureless, closing HtJl'iO net higher:
May, 6l'. closed at lc; July, 56v"U
tTVc, closeil at 6Vtc.
OATS Receipts. 84,000 bu. Spot market
steady; No. I, V; standard white, 47c;
No. 8 white, 47Hc; No. 3 white. 47c.
- HAY Julet; shipping, 7W47.Ho; good to
choice. rrHctm oo.
HOI'8 Steadyi-afate.' common to choice,
ISue, 374Stic; 10"5. 23ii27c; olds. 814c. Paoltlo
ooaat, lKia, 34"taic; 12, fcWtJTc: olds, SKtfUo.
HIDK4 Firm; (lalveston, 30 to 25 lbs.,
JHc: California. 21 to 26 lbs., 19c; Texas, dry,
" 14 to 90 lbs . He. .
I.KATHKR- Steady; acid, r?TMc.
PROViaiONS H.ef. quiet; family. $11 OOfl
!?00: mess, 5OU9.00; packet. 10 60
till 00. Heef hams. 130 Wi 72 00; cltv.
extra India mess. l Cut
meats, quiet: , pickled bellies. $9.50tfT10 1;
. pickled shouUlers $ti W; pickled hams, $10 00
C 11.00. lard. easy; western steamed, t 3;
rt-flned, easy, continent, $7.40. Fork, easy;
abort clear. $14 TBiia.i: pieas. $14.75i& !& 2R.
- BUTfKK-Firm; fresh creamery, ll2fc;
atnte dnlry, lMl'Ilo.
CHEF9R-8leaay; state. full rream,
fancy, large, colored and white. September,
2o: late made, 10c. .
HOOD Firm t weskern firsts. lSVc.
FOIXTRY Alive, weak, with prices un
oe4tled TVeSMiwl. steady; western chick
ens. I'2iffl3c-. fowls. 1U4V. turkeys, west
era spring tens, 16(j; 17c.
Phtladelaala Predaee Market.
Firm- good demand; extra western cream
fry, Mat: extra nearby prints, c.
tG(li- Steady; fair dvm.ind; fresh nearby
and fresh Bttulliweai; n, luc at murk; fresh
Western, li,e; frh southern. lc; fresh
dmk eggs, iyiw-; fresh gouae t-ggs, ami
CHEESE Steady; New York full cream,
choice to fancy. 10ijllc; fair to good, loti
- . 1
k I "PeerU Market.,'-
i wi'i, iarcn au cruKfi Higher; No.
":; No. 4. 40.
Llveroool Uralsi Market.
.V?TttvrH,,A "ah 80.-WHEAT-8pot.
, , r - 1 ' ' w- i. w UIUIM, iu;
vwiuvt-ovyi. met: Aaurican mixed, new.
4sl4d; American mixed, old. 4s SVfcd. Fu
tures, quiet; March, nominal; May, 4s I d.
Featares of tho Trading aad Closlag
Prleea oa Board of Trad.
CHICAGO, March 30. Favorable weather
conditions for wheat counterbalanced
atrength In the cash market today. The
cloee waa at almost precisely yesterday a
figures, the July option being up only Sc.
Corn shows a net gain of lVulo. Oal
are up 4c. l'rovlslons are oft kv&c.
Lower prices at Liverpool and rain
throughout the greater portion of the
southwest rauaed an easy tone In wheat
at the opening, July being a shade to Wt?
He lower at 87Vt(7Sc. The cloee was
about steady, with July at 87Vti8'Hc. May
sold between V3c and 9c and closed at
86'tc. Clearances of wheat and flour were
eu,ual to K!,8nu bushels. Primary receipts
were &4.800 bushels, against .V.S.WU0 bushelH
a year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chi
cago reported receipts of 874 cars, against
277 cars last week and 210 cara a year ago.
The sentiment In the corn pit was ex
tremely bullish and prices advanced gradu
ally throughout the day, closing ngure
being at nearly tha high point. July opened
a shade to HtWo higher at BlVyWc, and
after selling iwtween 61'c ana 6'uMS",
closed at Wc. May closed at &6VM 0
after ranging between MysljaSc. Local re
ceipts were 6 cars.
I rider the leadership of corn and In
sympathy with higher prices in the cash
niamet, oats ruled strong. The close was
strong .and near the top. July opened a
shade lower to a shade higher at tSV'a'
3c, and after selling between 3Sc. and
8V closed at $9!U3i'V. Local receipts
were 6ti cars.
A heavy run of hogs With lower prices at
the yards Induced considerable liquidation
In provisions during the early part of the
sesHion. The close was steady, with July
pork 20 lower at $13. July lard closed
at a loss of 2c at $7. Id, while ribs were
down 6c at $7.00.
The Board of Trade will be closed Oood
The leading futures ranged aa follows:
Articles. I Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yes'y.
May July
9.1 G96 96
HV0I1 tSvai
93'4 K DO",
8't SR(ni 88'a '
Sr,hih S7
81 Si t2 88
'etji'ss-iitfi 55
Dltil &3
IS-'H'O 82 '
81ViW 82M.1
iWf 66
(Blt62 53SMV.
61yolV 62 I
Dl 01 'k. Ill
40HI 41Hf 4H
SJU 391, ru v 38UU'
83Vt 82tJ Vil 33Vi,82VuVa
12 96 f 13 00 I 13 90 I 13 00 I 13 07H
13 07HI 13 iZ 13 07Vi! 13 2JHi 13 26
6 95
6 974
7 12V,
6 90
7 0a
1 Ol
J 12HI
7 10
80 I
6 95 f 7
6 85
1 02Vkl
No. 2. a Old. b New.
Cash quotations vere as follows:
FLOUtt Steady; winter patents, $4.80
3.00; straights, $4 WK&4.70: spring nat-i-nta,
$4.4tfe4..0; atruighta, 44.00184.); oakcrs,
WHEAT No. 1 spring. 92ca$1.00; No. 8.
88cf;$l.,X: No. 2 red, 93ci$1.01.
CORN No. 2, SfVic; No. 2 yellow, etfiTwC.
OATS-No. 2, 41Vtii41Sc; No. white,
BARLEY Oood feeding, 88g39c; fair to
choice malting, 45cu55c.
SEED No. 1 flax, $1.09; No. 1 northwest
ern, $1.154; clover, contract grade, $10.26.
PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $12.95
713.00. Lard, per 100 lbs., $6.8.Vtfj.87H Bhort
ribs sidea tloose), piMltM.H; short clear
aides, tboxed), $7.25tj7.50.
The following were the receipts and ahlp
meuts of flour and grain yesterday;
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls 81.3no 29, SO
What. bu 42.3UO 45,500
Corn, bu 136.4W 64.2(10
Onts, hu 3n5.7iO 155,800
Rye. bu 10.0CO 7i)0
Barley, bu 92,400 81,700
On the Produce exchange today the but
ter market waa steady; creameries, 14Tt
24Hc; dairies, 19Vu21c. Eggs, firmer at
mark, cases Included, lfriil7c. Cheese,
eaay, KKullc.
. 8t. Louis Cirala and Provlsloas.
ST. LOUIS, March 30. WHEAT Hlghor;
No. t red cash, elevator, $1.01; track, $1.00
!'i.07V4; Maysevic; July, 83c; No. 3 hard,
CORN-Hlgher; No. 3 caBh, 43Vic! track.
46Hc; May, 47Vto; July, 44c
OATS Higher;- No. 2 cash, 42c; track,
43'4c; May, 41Vc; July, SSVs&SSc; No. 2
white, 46jc
FLOUR Dull; red winter patents, $4.90(8
5.00, special brands 2oW25e higher; extra
fancy and straight, t.kif t.85; . clear, $4.00
4V 9: - -
HEED Timothy, higher, $2.B03.75. '
CORNMEAL Steady, $2.40.
BRAN Dull; sacked, east track, 8TVfi83e.
HAY Steady; timothy, $9.00Clt.00; prairie,
PROVISIONS Pork lower; jobbing,
$13.10. Lard, lower; prime steam, $.o0.
Bacon, steady; boxed extra shorts, $7.75;
clear Mbs, $7.75; short Clear, $8.00.
POULTRY Firm; chickens, HV; springs,
$8.00413.50 per do.; turkeys, 126'14o; ducks,
12c: geese, frffve.
BUTTER Fair demand; creamery, 20
26Hc: dairy. 15ifil9c.
EGGS Higher at 15Vic, case count.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls 6.0OO 10.0110
Wheat, bu 'i.OOO 87,000
Corn, bu 30,000 65,000
Oats, bu..... 21,000 39,000
Kansas City Grain and Provisions.
May. 87T(c; July. Cash; No. 2 hard,
5((i9c: No. 8. 92c; No. 3 red, $1.06; No. 8,
$1.02. Receipts, 9 cars.
CORN May, 46a4rt"4c; July, 45'n454e.
Cash: No. 2 mixed, 4Bc; No. 3, 4646i4c;
No. 3 white, 46c; No. 3, 46c.
OATS No. 3 white. 40c; No. I mixed, 880.
RYE Steady; No. 2, B3c.
HAY Choice timothy, $10.00; choice prai
rie. $7 .or.ff7.60.
BUTTER -Creamery, BV?T22c: dairy, ITo.
EGGS Steady; fresh Missouri and Kan
sas stock, cases returned. HM?: New No. 3
whitewood cases included. 16 He
Receipts. Shipments.
Wheat, bu 7,300 77.000
Corn, bu 11.200 2O.SH0
Oata, bu 2,0u0 , 14,000
Minneapolis nrala Market.
May, 97Sc: July, 97.c: September, 83'4c;
on track. No. 1 hard, 9!4c; Nq. 1 northern,
9HHc: No. 2 northern. r.
FIX1UR First patents, $5.irfj6 25: second
patenU, $SCKW610: first clears, $3.6063.75;
second clears, 2.65i3.75.
BRAN In bulk. $14.60.
Milwaukee Grain Market.
MILWAUKEE. March 8n-WHFJAT-Steady;
No. 1 northern. $1.01il.2: No. 3
northern-. 9MfWU4e; old Julv, TOc bid.
RYE Ho higher; No. 3 i2Vtr.
BARLEY Dull; No. 2, 62a03o; sample,
88rr.c. .
CORN lo higher; No. 8, 60g51c; July,
62V,o bid. . . .
naloth Grain Market.
DULUTH, March 30. -WHEAT To ar
rive. No. 1 hard. 9Hc; No. 1 northern. 97c;
No. 3 northern. 944e. In store. No. 1 bard,
94c; No. 1 northern, 97c; No. t northern,
9ic; May, 7c; July, t70i .September,
OATS On track and to arrive, 40ff40o.
Cotton Market.
ate.idy; American middling fair, 8.60d; good
middling. 8.3W; middling, 8 54d; low mid
dling, 8.14d: good ordinary, 8 04d; ordinary,
7.84d. Futures, opened steady and closed
quiet and steady; American middling, g.
o. c. March. 7.SKk1; March and April. 7 9.1d;
April and May. 7.9Kl : May and June. 7.Mm1;
June and July, 7.Kd; July and August,
7.8;d; August and September. 7. arm; Sep
tember and October, .H4d; October and
November, 6.61d; November and December.
NEW YORK. March 80-COTTON-Spot
closeil dull and i"5 pinta higher; middling
unbinds. 15.15a; middling gulf, 15.40c; sales,
1.55J bales.
lV,e.; low middling. Uc; mUhlllng, 147-c; middling. 15 3-liio; middling fair.
15 9-lc. Futures, steady; March. 14 66c bid:
uiei; orainary. u -ic; good ordinary
Anrll 11 Kta hid- Muv 'u w.., IK ihw,. T...,'
16 L-iijlS 2Sc: July. 15 4.Vitl5.44c; August,
14.650 bid; September, I2.77ii12 7c: October
12 uVyl2 07c: Novemlier, II .down 9c.
ST. LOUI8, March 30 -COTTON-Steady;
middling. 15c: sales. 90 bales; receipts
none; shipments, 1,004 bales; stock, 17,88!
Dry Goods Market.
Buylng has been confined to very small
proportions, buyers being Interested only In
goods for lmmrdlate delivery, or in fall
Koooa, wnicn are always bought early.
Price irregularities are reported, but these
do not appear productive of much increased
' Coffee Market.
NEW YORK, March 30. -COFFEE The
market for futures oened steady at ad
vanced prices to an advance of 5 po'nts.
Sales were 5,500 bags; June. 5507c: Sep
tember. 4.06c; November, 4.15c; December,
f. 'tn-i SSc. tipot Rio, steady; No. iavuice,
eci ulld, a lead.
Union Paeifia Oontlnuei to Ba tha Myt'erf
of Wall Ctraet.
Expected That Redaction In the rrlce
of Anthrarlte Will Have Dene
clal Effect and Btlma.
late Demand.
NEW YORK, March 30-There waa prac
tically no limit to the surmise and con
jecture with which profiwsional Wall street
Indulged Itself today over the hidden sig
nificance of the accumulation of Union Pa
cific stock which has been the mystery In
the market now for many days. The fa
vorite hypothesis at the outset today was
that the accumulation waa in the interest
of the St. I'aul Interests and It was as
serted with every appearance of conviction
that an official statement would shortly be
forthcoming from the St. Paul authorities
that they had secured 2o0,0U0 shares of
Union Pacific. One variation of the rumor
was that the buying Is for the Gould interest-
rather than for t. Paul.
Cheerful reports were heard of the coal
trade and the reduction In rrlees of an
thracite to go Into effect on Arrll 1 la ex
pected to stimulate demand. Those who
Sold United States steel preferred on the
fear that the dividend la to be reduced
seemed to feel reassured today and that
stock recovered Its yesterday's decline and
held better than the average. The persist
ent pressure on Union Pacific and Southern
lJacinc which was Ignored during the fore
noon, gained additional Imnresslvencss.
Those two stocks ranged below yesterday's
last prices throughout. Union Pacific's loss
on the day Is a flat point and Southern
Pacific's Is 4 point. The market closed
near the lowest. Bonds were steady. Total
sales, par value, $J.lti6.flno. United Slates
Dnnns uncnanged on can.
Following were the quotations on tha
Stock exchange today:
Salas High. Low. Close.
Atchison 84,5ou i6-t ii"B U't
do pfd 4,100 92 914 911
Baltimore & Ohio ,...16,9u0 80H 7i DO
do pfd 89
Canadian Paclllo .... 1,000 115 116- 115
Central of N. J , 2(0 15M 157V 15
Chesapeake & Ohio... 2,300 8 3l'H 8-'H
Chlcugo & Alton .... 2u0 3.v. ia nn
do ptd WVi
C. G. W.... l,m 15T4 lr4 15
C. & N. W 400 171H 171 171
C. M. A St. P 88.SO0 146H 144 144
do pfd ,. 1U0 Kii.4 176fc 174S
Chi. Tcr. & Trun 19V,
do pfd &10 19 1!H 19
C. C.. C & St. L lisj 7HV 7ttW 7
Colorado Southern .... 9o0 16v. 15 Id
do 1st pfd 10O 64 6Z4 62
do 2d pfd 700 28 23
Delaware 4k Hudson.. 2,W0 154 152 153
Del., Lack. & West.. 2i5
D. & R. G 300 20 20 20ri
do pfd 2"0 6 6 67
Erie 11,510 2tHt 28 26
do 1st pfd 800 64 C3 64
do 2d pfd ) 41 41 41
Hocking Valley 73
do pfd wi
Illinois Central 1,700 131 130 180
Iowa Central Ill
do pfd 33
K. C. Southern 200 20 20 ls
do pfd s 35
Louis. A Nashville.. 6,100 los 11174 lo7
Manhattan L 9U0 143 142 142fc
Met. Securities 78
Met. Street Ry 1,200 112 111 111
M. & St. L 60
M , St. P..& S. S. M. 100 G3 63 63
do pfd 122
Missouri Paciilc 39,100 94 92 93
M., K. & T
70") 11
. 39
N. R. R. of Mex. pfd 87
IS. I. t- B.IUO 11S 117 117
Norfolk & Western.. 700 6 68 58
do pfd 85
Ontario & Western .. 8,200 22 21 21
Pennsylvania 45,400 119 118 11N
P., C C. & St. L. ... 100 60 60 66 .
Reading 36,6i0 45 44 44
(lo 1st pfd 100 79 79 78
do 2d pfd... 200 60 60 6S)
Rock Islund Co 10.100 23 22 22
do pfd 2,800 63 62 62
St. L. & 8. F. 2d pfd.. 600 46 46 45
St. L. Southwestern.. 1O0 13 ia 13
do pfd 300 34 84 33
Southern Pacific 48,000 60 49 4H
Southern Railway .... ,X 22'i 22 224
do pfd OHO M 83 W
Texas & Pacific .... 3,200 24"i 24 24
Tol., St. L. & West.. 200 i6' 26 25
do pfd 100 35 85 33
Union Pacific 135,5m) 87 b5 S5
do pfd 15,500 V3 91 91
Wabdah 700 19 19 19
do Pfd 3,400 38 87. 37
W. & L. E luO 17 17 16
Wisconsin Central .. loo 1K ls ls
do pfd 100 40 40 40
Adams Express Co 220
Am. Express Co 200 193 188 1S8
U. S. Express Co K'3
Walls-Fargo Ex. Co 206
An) Copper 25,800 6" 49 49
Am. Car & Foundry. 100 72 72 72
f.m. Cotton OH 29
do pfd 88
American Ice 1,600 7 7 7
do pfd 700 28 27 27
Am. Unseed OH 8
do pfd. ?
Am. locomotive 8"0 21 21 21
do pfd 200 82 82T 82
Am. Smelt & Refln'g ' 49
do pfd 200 93 93 92
Am. Sugar Refining. .26,100 128 126 127
Anaconda Mining Co 66
B. R. T 10,500 44 43 43
Colo. Fuel & Iron 28
Consolidated Gas .... 400 19S 19s 1h7
Corn Products 2,2-iO 13 13 13
do pfd 69
DlHtlllers' Securities ..... 24
General Electric 300 166 166 165
International Paper 11
do pfd 64
International Pump.. 2no 37 35 35
do pfd 100 75 75 75
National Lend 14
North American K3
Pacific Mall 500 28 27 27
People's Gas t.100 9 !7 97
Pressed Steel Car ... 200 29 29 28
do pfd 69
Pullman Pnl.tce Car.. 800 210 209 209
Republic Steel 7
do pfd 200 43 43 42
Rubber Goods 19
do pfd 77
Tenn. Coal Iron.... 600 38 38 8
U. 8. Ieathor 2o0 7 7 ff
do pfd 100 78 78 77
IT. B. Realty 10 6 6 6
do pfd 6"K) 60 49 60
U. S. Rubber 200 1.1 13 13
do pfd 6"0 64 64 64
U. S. Steel .30 11 11 11
do pfd 59,700 5h 57 s
Westing. Electric 159
Western Union 100 88 88 8
Northern Securities........ 89
Total sales for the day, 730,000 sharea.
Boston Rtoek Qnotatlona.
BOSTON, March 0.-Oall loans,
per cent; time loans. 8i?f4 per cent,
clal closing of stock nnd bonds:
.. 80
,.. I4
... 44
.. t
... t0'4
. ,4.i
... to
... 4t
.. t.
... i
... 7
1 1 .
... 4
... ("4
... 19
.. !'
... 14
... l
... .
... U
... I
.. 5
... I
... ai
... 4
... r
... s
... 1
... Tl
Atchison all.
watln(. common
Amarioan Zino ....
Cal. A Hacla
Copper Range
Pair Weet
Pomlnlon Coal ...
Isle Royal
Maaa Mining
do 4
Hu. Cwtnl 4s...,
4a pfd
Boton 4k Albany,,
Btnn A Milne. ..,
Roston KITate4...i
Fll.hbur, pfd ,
Mn. Ontiml
N. T.. N. H A H
Prrs Marqutt ....
Vnlon Parlftc
Amr. Arts. Chem.
do pfd
.. J
.. 7Hi
.. t
. !4J
.. H
.. 71
.. MT
Amer. Pnu. Tub
Aiqer. Susar
do pfd .... 1
Amer. T A T...
Amer. Woolvn ....
do pfd
Pomlnlnn 1. A B.,
0nral K1trle..
Man Fleet rlo ....
do pfd
Maw. ().
t'nltad Fruit
t'nltad Shoa Mark
do pfd
f 8. Sisal
do ptd
Mont. C. A C.
Old Poralnloa
... 1UV,
... 77
... I4
19V. Tamarack
.. tJ'.iTrlnltr
.. K I'. 8. Mining ,
..10114 V. s. Oil
.. 47W t'tah
.. 11, Vlf-tnrla
.. 11 Winona
.. M 14 1 Wolverine ....
London Stock Market.
LONDON. March 80. -Closing:
Conaoia, money M l-H N. T. Central .
do arrount Norfolk A W...
Anaconda Sto do pfd
.... tt
.... I1H
.... toy,
.... 4
.... 40
.... l1
.... 24
.... H
.... Ma
.... K.,
.... ll,
.... lH
.... J
.... fW
n ri', loturlo at w...
do pfd
Baltlmur A Ohio
Canadian PaclBc .
Chea. A Ohio
rhlrato O W
c . u A. at. r...
nner .'
Denver A R O..
do pfd
d let ptd
do id pfd
Illinois Central ...
Laule A Naab
U . K A T
93 Pennvlvanla
.. lata Rand Mine ..
.. U do let ptd,.
.. 1 do til ptd....
..14i4'8o. Rallsaf .
.. 1W do pfd
. . 11 So. Paolfle ....
.. llVl nlon HaclBe
.. r 1 do ptd
.. tsvt V. 8. 8tal ...
.. 4! do ptd
..114 iWebeih
..Ill do ufi
.. II igpaalah 4s
dull, 25d per ounce,
MONEY 3',4i4 iwr cent.
1'be rate of discount In the open market
for short bills Is 3 per cent; for three
months' bills, 2t3 per cent
Mew York Money Market.
call, steady, closing at 1i1 per cent;
closing bid, 1 per cent; offered, 1 per
cent. Time loans, easy; 80 days, 3 per
cent; 90 days. 8 per cent; months,
t4 per cent
per cent
trial business In h.'nkerl bills at 84 l7Sra"
4 7:15 f..r demand, and at 14 475'tf4 5 for
sixty dys' bills; poste1 rates, l41i4 8o
and 84 "o commercial bills, H 4ii44.
SILVER Bar. 55i4c; Mexican dollars, 44c.
R )NIs Oovernment, steady; railroad,
The closing quotations on bonda are as
V. 8. ref Is, rf....inRH Venhatlan e. g. 4a...lt4
no coupon Max. r entral aa 4
do se. rrf Ht. do let Inc
do coupon liwtk Minn, a St. L. 4i
do new 4e reg i;a M . K A T. 4e...
io coupon MS I do It
o old 4t. reg l"Ya!N. R. R. of M. c.
o coupon l"a N. T. C. 8- I1"--
Alcfi!,n (en. 4l 101 IN. 1. C. . ht
d ad). 41 ,No. Perldc 4a
Atlantic C. U 4i..... HI', do In
Baltimore A O. 4t...lo:lN, W. r. 4a
do im n a. L. 4a A par
Central of Oa. la l'4l'enn conv. I4e..
do ist Inc tl iKeadlns s. 4a
. M
. H
. 7
a 7
. 7H
. 71 H
. 4V
. M
. eS
Chee. A Ohio 4Se....llV?t. A I. M. c. fie. lit
(1,1-eexi A A. IS ... 77 St. U A 8. F. f 4e. HI
C, M. Q new 4 , PllSt I,. 8. W. 1
C. M. A 8. P. g. 4e..lin SeNard A. U 4e ...
C. A N. W e. 7e....lrt4iSo. Taelflc 4e l
C, R. I. A P. 4e.... 7'V, so. Rnllwar Ba 1U
do col. He Teiaa A Pacific le. . .ltev.
( I f. ft st U 8- 4.. lODH T , St. U ft w 4a... k1
Chlcaxo Tcr. 4e.
fo 'Vnlon Pacific 4a loii'i
f'nn. Tobacco 4t 40,4 do cone. 4e '.
Colo. A So.
sr.:u 8. Steel id Bi...
.. 74
.. Iivj
.. 7
D. R. U. 4...
Erie prior Ilea 4a
do fen. 4e
F. W. ft t. C. la
,, :s,Wibah la ....
.. t7 do deb. B
.. Ifii W. A L. K 4
inn,!"W. Central 4e....
rln Vsl. 4a.
L. N. unl. 4a M
Kexv York Mlalnaj Storks.
NEW TORK, March 30-The following
are tne c:osing prices on mining atocxa
Adama Con
.. IS
Little Cnlet
. 10
. I
. I
. 1
Ortarlo .......
Potnit! ,
Sierra Nevada
small Mopes .
bmnxwlck Con....
tometock Tunnel
Cnn. Cal. ft Va..
Horn Sliver
Iron Silver .......
Leadvllle Con ....
Condition 4f Trade anal Qnotntlons on
glaple and Fancy Prodnee.
EGOS Receipts, liberal; market steady;
fresh stock, 16c.
LIVE POULTRY - Hens, 10c; young
roosters, 6u9c; old roosters, 5c; turkeys,
13c; ducks, c; geese, 8c.
BUTTER Packing stock, 12c; choice
to fancy dairy rolls, l.il4c; separator, 22o.
FRESH FISH Trout, 9loc; pickerel,
6u6c: plko, 9c; perch, 5mj6c; bluensrt, 15o;
whltensh, S4iHc: salmon, 11c; haddock, 10c;
codfish, 12c; redaanppef, lid; lobster, boiled,
per lb., 82c; lobsters, green, per lb., 8oc;
bullheads, 11c; catfiHh, U'llc; black bass,
20c; halibut, 10o; crapplca, 12c; herring, 4o;
white bass, 13c; blueilns, 8c; smelts, lOllo.
OYSTERS New York counts, per ran,
43c; per gal., 82.00; extra select, per can,
85c; per gal , 11.75; standard, per can, 27c;
per gal., 31. 35 1.40.
BRAN Per ton. $18.00.
HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale
Dealers' association: Choice No 1 upland,
36.50; No. 2, 86.00; medium $3.60; coarse, $5.00;
rye straw, $o.00. These prices ure for hay
of good color and quality. Demand lair
and receipts light.
POTATOES Colorado, 1.2o; Dakota, per
bu.,1 $1.10; natives, $1.00.
NAVY BEANS Per bu., $2.232.35.
CELERY Large California, two, 7oc, nnd
ONIONS-Spanish, per orate, $1.90; Colo
rado yeliow and red, per lb., 3c.
CABBAGE Wisconsin Holland, 4c.
TlRNIPS White, per bu.. Sue.
CARKOTS-Per bu., $1.00. '
PARSNIPS Per bu., 75c.
BEETS Per bu., 7oc.
CUCUMBERS-Per doa., tl.B0Sl.7B.
TOMATOES Florida, per 6-baaket crate,
RADISHES Per doz. bunches, So'&jOo.
LETTUCE HEADS Per dox. bunches,
Kc4($100, -op lettuce, per dos., 450Oc.
TURNIPS Southern, per dox., 46c.
BEETS Southern, per do., 60c
CARROTS Southern, per aoa.. 75c
PARSLEY Southern, per Uoa., ?04T45a
SHALLOTS Per dot.,. 75c.
ONION SETS Per bu. of 32 lba yellow,
$2.26; red $2.25; white, $2.50.
8PINACH Per bu., SucJptl.OO.
BEANS Wax, per bu. box, $5.00; string,
per bu. box, $4.00.
APPLES California Bdlflowers. per box,
$1.75; Oregon funtj redu, per box, $1.90;
New York export Gi'ttailii'ss, Rurbis and
Baldwins. $4.iu.
CRANBERRIES Jersey, per bbl., $7; per
box. $2.50. :
STRAWBERRIES Texaa, per 24-qt. caae,
$4.50; Loulshma, per 54nt. case, $2.002.26.
ORANGES Navels, -choice, all alzca, S2.J6;
funcy navels, all sizes, 42.50.
LEMONS Caniorniu. lancy, 300 to 36),
$3.50; choice, 2 in to lilr sixes, $3.0ty3.Zj.
FIGS Calif orn'a, per' lo-'lb. canons, 85c;
Imported Smyrna, 'n-tjt'own,' 14c; 6-crown,
10c; 7-ctown, .16cy ay ,1f
BANANAS Per , meatrm.; jelxed bunch,
$2.0ub2.oO: Jumbos, $3.(X25.
DATES Persian, per pox of. 80 pkgs., $2;
per lb. In 00-lb. boxes, 6c; Oriental stuffed
dates, per box, $2.40., . f .
COCOANUTS Per sack. $4; je doa., 60o.
CHEESE Wisconaiu twins, full cream,
12c; WlBconnln Young Americas, 13c; block
Swiss, 16c; Wisconsin brick, 15c; Wisconsin
limburger, 13c.
CIDER Per bbl , $5.50; per -bbl., $3 23.
HONEY -Nebraska, per 24 frames, $3;
Utah and Colorado, pec 2-1 frames, $3.
HORSERADISH Fer ) cuae of S dog.,
packed. 80c.
MAPLE SUGAR Ohio, per lb., 10c.
HIDES No. 1 green, 6c; No. 2 green, tc;
No. 1 salted, 7c; No. 2 salted, 6c; No. 1
veal calf, 8 to 12 lbs., 8c: No. 2 veal calf.
12 to 15 lbs., 6c; dry. salted hides, 812u;
sheep pelts, 25'&27c; horse hides, $1.502.50.
NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb
I5c; hard shell, per lb., 14c; No. 2 soft shell,
per lb., 18c; No. t hard shell, per lb., 12o;
Brazils, per lb.. Jlc; Alberts, per lb., lie;
almonds, soft shell, per lb., 15c; hard shell,
per lb., 13c; pecans, large, per lb., 12c;
small, per lb.. 10c; peanuts, per lb., 6c;
roasted peanuts, per lb., 8c; Chill walnuta,
1213c; large hickory nuts, per bu., $1.50;
shellharks, per bp., $2; black walnuta, per
bu.. $1.25. -
Wool Market.
BOSTON, March 30.-WOOL The call for
medium and low wools Is active, but the
scarcity of the domestic product has turned
the attention of buyers to the finer wools.
Pulled and territory wools are firm, with
supplies moderate. Foreign wools are
steady and firm. Quotations: Kentucky,
Indiana, etc.Three-elghths blood. 25if2"ic;
one-fourth blood, 26Vj26o; braid, 22g23c. Ter
ritory Idaho fine, 1516e: heavy fine, 13fe
14c; fine medium. I.ril5c; low me
dium, 15gi8e. Wyoming Fine, 15a
16c; heavy fine. Wfic; fine medium, IS'!
15c; medium. lS'filSc: low medium, 18(T19c
Utah and Nevada Plhe, 1ofi1lc; heavy
fine. 1314c; fine medium. 15'3'l6c; medium.
1&-h19c; low medium, l120c. Dakota Fine.
16tjjl6c; fine medium. lWrl6c: medium. Med
iae; low medium, lfriiioc. Montana Fine
choice, 18frlRc: fine medium choice, 185L9c;
average. lSfil9c; staple, 19jt20c; medium to
choice, lS-Tflfic?
ST. LOUIS, March 80. WOOL Steady :
medium grades, comblag and clothing, 18
ti22c; light fine, 15til7c; heavy fine, 124i
14c; tub washed, 20'u81c.
Metal Market.
NEW YORK. March 30. METALS Tin
was lower In London, losing about 15
points of Its recent advance nn spot, which
closed at 127 6s, while future were 12s 6d
lower at tll'JU. Locally tin was oulet and
lower, in sympathy with the declines
abroad, closing at $28.0mf(M 8S Copper ad
vanced about 5s In London, spot closing
at 58 and futures at 57 lbs. Locally
copper Is reported In fnlr demand and
firm. Lake and electrolytic are quoted at
$12.S7inl3.00; casting, $1J 6212.T5. Lead
declined Is 3d to l2 39ibiu London, but
renin Ined unchanged hefe at $4 6 'fit 65.
Spelter was unchunged and firm at $.'.15
6.25 locally and also uncleHnged In London,
closing at 22. Iron clitsed at 62s 6d In
Glasgow and at 44s In Mlddleshorough.
Lo-ally Iron is unchanged; No. 1 foundry
northern. $15 00-315 50; J(J. 2 foundry north
ern. 114. 606(18.00; No. 1 ( foundry southern
and No. 1 foundry southern soft, $14.0u
14.50. i
ST. LOUIS. March Sr. Iad, steady at
l. .'-. npeiier, urn ai.4.ivi.
Otis and Knaln,
NEW YORK. March 30 OILS Cotton
seed, quiet. Petroleum, easy; refined. New
TorK. vi.bii: pnilaxlelpbla and Baltimore,
$8 45: In bulk. $5 55. Tu men tine, steady.
ROSIN Steaxly; strained, common lo
good. $2 80.
OIL CITY, Pa.. March $0. OILS Credit
balances, ii.hx; certificates, no bid; ship
ments. 3X 347 bbls. :' average. 62.794 bbls.;
runs. m.4.w tmis : average,'l iitls. ; ship
ments, Lima. n.i.'S bbls.; average, 66 521
bbls : runs, Lima. 55.155 bbls.; average, 5J,
700 bbls. )
SAVANNAH. Oa., March 80. OIL Tur
pentine dull at 5ic.
RoSIN Firm: A. B. C, D, $2 6"; E. $2 80;
O. $2 65; H. .70 I. $2 96: K. $.130; M. $.3 35;
N, $3.50; W O, 13.70; W W. $4.06.
St Joseph Stock Market.
ceipts, 2,3? head Market mostly 10c lower:
nntlvea. $3 TA'yls cat; cows and heifers, $1.8,4ji
4 26; strtckem and feeders, $3 00ti'416.
HOtiS Receipts, lO.fcl head. Market av
eiaged loc lower; light. $S.0"ij.17; medium
snd heavy, $5.073.23.
SHEEP I AND LAMBS Receipts. 190
head. Market steady to 10c higher; lamba,
$6.85; wethers, $5.$u; ewes, $4.Su.
Bank Clearlaga.
OMAHA, March tu.-Bank clearlnfs for
today, $l.iST.V4 sft, a decrease of $17.700. S4
Uvm tli xtfMpo&dlac tlajr iaart year,
Galtla Reoeipu Oontmoed Eaary aid
Frioet a Tr.fla Lowar.
hogs solo five to ten cents iower
Comparatively Small Ran of Sheep
and Lambs and with n Oood De
mand Market Rnled Active
nnd Steady to Strong:.
SOUTH OMAHA, March 30. 14.
Receipts were: Cattle. 11. gs. Siieep.
pfUcial Monday 4.5,7 6,w3 KMl
(. ft c a T uesday .;07 15.Vt 6,720
OIUclul W ednesday 4,su0 12,3u0 6,100
Three days this week.. 16.224 34.390 19.161
Bnnie duys last week 16,rti8 2o.7: 29.707
Same days week before.. 17. Hill 25.6r2 2S.699
Some three weeks ago...l0.:i7 ls,as9 I.t.So
Same four weeks ago.... ,6. 23,6-15 23.811
bame days last year 13,167 19.W1 20.131
The following tablo will show tho receipts
or cattle, hogs and sheep ut South Onmhu
lor the year to date, with comparisons:
, ... 194. 16V3. Inc. Dec.
cHle 234.961 S31,8i8 $.138
"" 593.735 6oX,04 35,71
B,1?eP 461,093 844,733 116.30")
Average prices paid for hogs at South
Omaha for the last several daya with com
parisons: Date- i lm.llJtM.JlJOJ.IlWl.lliJOO.IlSSt.Iim
Tnfllfntna Q,,n,1A
Tho olllcial number of cara of atock
Divught In today by euch road wast
c m. & 6t. p. Rr.T.. t :;
Wabash i s
Mo. Pa.-IHo Bv i
Union Pac. System'.'.'. 43
C. & N. W. Ry i
P., E. & M. V. R. R.. 60
C.. St P., M. AO.... 27
B. M. Ry 45
C. B. A Q. Ry 3
jv. i. & tst. j 4 M
C, R. 1. & p., east.. 4 3 1
C-. R- I. & P., west.. 6
Illinois Central 1 ..
Chicago G. W 2 7...
Total receipts 198 1S5 34 8
The disposition of the day'a receipta was
as follows, each buyer purchasing tne
number ut head indicated:
Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omuiia Parking Co 758 l,oi0 ouO
Switt and Cnmnnnv 1 4,ut 1 -.cr7 1 o -i
Cudahy Packing Co '653 2,il6 8do
Ili ,VUi J, Ml
Armour & Co.. 8. Cltv.. m
Carey & Benton b8
Lobman & Co 20
Mccreary St Carey 62
w.-i. Btepnen 64
Hill Son V7
J. B. Ryot & Co 30 ..'.'.'
Jiagarty &. co llg
Wolf & Murnan 14
Hobbick & B
Rothschild & Hamilton. 61
Sol Degau 2 .... .
S. & H. Co toe
Krey Packing Co.... S80
J. 1: squires 210 ....
Halsted 138
Parker & Webb 178 ....
Kiniran vui
Other buyers 309 .... "739
To'r, .......... :. .... 4.4K2 12.C62 ' ' B.170
CATTLE Receipts of cattle ware heavy
again this morning, although rh6re were
not us many on sale ns arrived yesterde.y.
Supplies nt other points were also large
and, besides that, there was a rainstorm
here which made the cattle appear in aoout
ns bad form as possible. Still the market
was not In bad shape and the jrlces paid
for desirable grades were not a rreat deal
At tho opening of the market a few loads
of corn fed steers sold nt prices not a great
deal different from yestetday, but the gen
eral market was a little lower. The kinds
they wanted were only a trifle lower, while
less desirable grades were as much us a
dime off, so that sales were made all the
way from weak to a dime lower. It could
not be said that the market was sctlve,
but still the cattle kept moving toward the
scales and tho bulk of the arrivals were
sold In fairly good season, all things con
sidered. The cow market could be quoted from
steady to a dime lower. Every one sbemed
to be anxious for good, light-weight heif
ers and there were not enough of them on
sale to meet the demand. As a result prices
held steady. The market on cows, though,
was not so brisk and should be quoted
wenk to a dime lower. Canners did not
show much of any change, but there were
very few of that clasaoffered. Heavy cowa,
particularly if not good, were hard to sell
at satisfactory prices.
Bulls were certainly no higher and did
not aeem to be much lower, but they were
slow, the tame' aa they have been for some
time past. Veal calves allowed no quotable
The supply of stackers and feeders was
limited this morning and In aplte of the
unfavorable weather speculators bought up
all the desirable bunches at about steady
prices. The common kinds did not sell so
freely as the good ones, but still they
brought Just about steady prleea. Repre
sentative sales:
No At. Pr. No. At. Fr.
i I 60 It 1 ll 4 10
1 into 8 40 I HI 4 10
I M) I to 47 m 4 to
4 87 I 45 1211 4 10
to 4 I l 1204 4 jo
t. til I Vt 80 137, 4 15
17 " "i t u :i mo 4 it
1 1047 I 10 it 1177 4 it
10 M4 9 10 It 1151 4 it
It 1117 I 40 l 1144 4 It
t 1M7 I fit 1 lino 4 to
1 1040 t H It 1.1M 4 tl
iO 1047 I U It 12St 4 10
24 10HI I 15 10 1240 4 20
I IM iU t ,....1141 4 24
to lmrr I o 15 1175 4 20 -
T ...1140 4 00 to 1200 4 m
t 75 4 00 t 128J 4 25
io inn 4 00 tl mo 4 it
f 1171 4 00 11 1400 4 ti
it 1101 4 00 17 12r,0 4 HO
It 11TS 4 00 17 12M 4 to
f 4 01 II 10D0 4 to
tl 10M 4 W Ct ltM 4 40
16 U0 4 10 20 1. .12111 4 65
II 1M 4 10 It.. 13U0 4 40
1 11l 4 10
I Ml I 4i 10 165 U
48 10l 4 01 IS u7 4 iS
1 M0 1 K) 14 1041 I tO
1 e0 t 00 1 1121 t tt
t I"4 I 25 10 0114 I 21
t U6 I tl 1 1160 I 25
1 1120 t 10 I ...1U7I I to
1 11" I 80 11 1010 1 11
t I 15 10 1121 I 15
1 1220 t 40 4 1145 I tS
J til t 40 It..... 1071 I 15
1 1140 t 40 1 10K4 40
1 120 t 10 II ,, 1 40
8 U'-l I 71 4 1110 I 41
1 10M I 71 4 145 4.1 .
1 14 8 71 4 1150 I 60
1 0 1 71 1 1110 I (0
1 101-0 I 71 IS 1127 I 60
8 M0 I 71 1 14.4 I 64 '
1 IK0 I 71 t fc-,0 I 50
1 10 t 71 10 104S I 50
t tl t 76 f 12l I 61
t 11M I U t l.V-t I 65
1 1U20 I 15 T l I 55
t 6t t IS It Il I 65
1 u t is it inr 1 10
1..... 1040 I It 13 107T t M
10 iHt t IS 24 1D57 I IS
1 t0 I 00 It 124 I 45
t 11" I 00 4 IK, I I 45
1 1260 8 00 1 lteo I !
1 110 I 00 t I1..4 I 45
t 704 I 00 1J 12U I (S
1 1340 I 04 16 1017 I 45
1 iro I 04 10 S7 I 76
I H?0 I It t 11)0 I 54
I 11)74 I M
II 1141 I 76
I ItO t ft I Tt t 45
1 410 t 60 4 Uk4 I IS
4. 177 t 71 1 140 10
1 "bulls. ,M
1 1440 t H 1 ..1724 I to
1 UU4 I 40 1 10K4 I )0
1 1611 t 00 1 1270 I 14
1 line 8 00 1 1110 I tl
t I'M t IS 1 2uM t 24
1 164 8 II
1 14 4 71 1 17 t 50
1 tt.J I Ml 1 140 I 64
t i lu 11 11 1 at
t no Im T t to
i.HUMMf 44 a 4a .. ..M...t 44 $ ta
Mar. I... t 13, US24(8int7t
Mar. J... 6 09 9 6 87 4 66 3 52 IIS
Mar. J... 6 13 7 03 6 11 4 691 3 57 3 St
Mar. ... ( 04 7 01 07 6 33 3 53 3 11
Mar. J... ( tU69768T4 183
M' ! . ?. J 05 t 99 6 U4 4 7u: 3 13
Mar. t... 6 18 t 16 10 i 87 4 711 8 6" J 84
Mar. g... alyVi . o I 89 4 72 I 63 I T
Mar. $ 6 1S( 7 14 t 41 4 71 3 5 3 71
Mar. 10... i 7 26 S 07 4 7a 3 3 3 SO
Mar. 11 ( W 7 29 8 09 6 39 3 6 3 79
Mar, 12... j 7 13 18 I 40 4 76 I 3 74
k!? H " . 7 3a HO 6 45 4 79 i fJ
Mar. 14... 5 15 7 28 18 i 66 4 75 8 63 t 68
tf?J" 5 28 ' 10 6 56 4 79 $ 51 I 68
Witr,- J?" f, 7 19 5 5-J 4 85 3 65 $79
m! l- 47 10 6 15 4 94 3 05,8 71
Mar. 18.. 6 04 7 uo 8 21 5 66 3 58 8 73
Mar. l 4 97j 7 19 83(nl489 ' 871
k, I' ? . I 7 l H 6 it 4 M SJ
M?r Si" 4 81"i 7 0 5 a 2 4 M 3 b 3 73
x, : H- 4 31 6 80 4 U 8 60 8 76
Ma,-, id.. 467 45 6 801 4 90 8 6o 3 78
ilar. M.. 017 86 6 29 4 83 1 ft, 8 71
H f6 6 06i7 26 6 381 6 76 8 ol" 3 67
Mar. 2b.. 6 u) 7 21 .6 6 87 4 89 3 64
Mar. 27..I i 7 261 6 to lu, 4 Vi 8 i
Mur. 2j. 6 1i 7 30 6 64 5 90 1 6 06 1 8 66, 3 67
Mar. 2!.. 5 14 I 6 691 8 85 6 16 3 0 $ 65
Wr- J 7 22 6 89 5 13 3 63 3 62
40 I is it 417 I 7S
1 40 I ) ; in 1 j
8 Ill I 5 17 M I M
It ?M I 7D it 1 t
t 141 I 76 71 4 j
IHMJS There was another big run of hogs
here this morning and with all other mar
kets quoted lower prices here naturally
took a drop. The market opened fail'H"
lower a 14.I closed fully a dime lower.
Trading waa not very active nnd as a re
ault It took some time for even tlie bulk
of the hogs to change hands The quality
of the offerings ns a whole was good,
there being comparatively few rouuh.
heavy packers. Tho bulk of the be"U-r
grades sold from, to 8J 10 with the
prime loads selling nmstlv from V V to
Ifiln The common and trashy stuff sold
largely under r 05 8.im7 of the trains
were rather late In arriving and thnt
helped to delay the market to quite nn ex
tent, and the late arrivals had to sell a
big dime lower. Representative sale:
No. AV. Slv ff. Ku. At Si: Tr.
t t it 120 I 4t It 4 4(1 6 07 Vi
70 211 40 40:14 71 2s ,) j n;i
tl f"l 40 t OI14 ; m M 6 '7'4
II ! .. t(DS 79. 2.M .. I 07',
I? t4 120 ICS V 194 .. I '7S
66 1- 10 5 05 Sr. .. 5 07".
7t .rt .. 8 ft 7 t4A 0 t 071.
I! t.'4 t0 ( 77 1)0 .. I 07',
It 240 .. 05 S 14 .. t 07V,
M IM .. I OS 10 S24 .. 5 07S
1 14J ,. IB 7 M 40 I 07"..
5 151 40 I 05 HI 210 10 S 10
M 15 40 6 06 12 t4 .. t 10
7 17 .. I Oil f 115 .. I 10
to f4 M 5 06 1 Jio .. f. 10
44 f4 40 08 6t 214 .. t 10
41 2't .. t 05 M 110 SO I 10
10 tot ... t 05 10 lift to S 10
r, i an 4.05 mn lit 40 6 10
tt 144 til 1(4 M .. 1 10
Tl tit SO S OR tt 2.11 .. I 10
2 Ml .. 05 to !t7 .. I 10
tt Ml .. I 06 51 2M .. I 10
73 03 .. II) 47 11 .. 5 10
tt I"7 40 6 Oft ft 1t .. I it
17 Ml .. 8 01 7t tIS .. I 10
M t?l an 5 05 IS 2JI .. t 10
Tt.. ...... 147 SO 80S- 74 6KJ .. 110
7 211 t I OS S! 211 40 t 10
tt 17 0 05 tt 10 .. I 10
II lt 40 I 05 to 197 .. t 10
74 ??0 .. I OS at Its SO I to
Tt l?t 0 05 Tl 241 .. 6 10
4'. t77 10 t or, n.i "in ., c 10
JIT .. I 05 41 ri7 ,. 5 io
10 2t .. 5 05 71 2- .. I 10
4 Id .. I 05 at Itt .. I 10
Tl 237 .. 6 or- f 2C SO 6 10
67 tf-1 10 I 06 4 114 .. f. 10
71 217 .. 6 06 4! S.--9 .. 6 10
44 71 .. t 07Uj tS 250 .. t 10
44 27J .. I 0T, t 21:1 .. 10
'5 f-7 10 t 0714 IS." 220 40 t 10
tt 1M .. B 07S 3 251 .. 6 10
tl 260 10 t 07V4 at 1P5 ,, 6 10
7 121 10 8 07t 10 21 .. S 10
67 r.9 .. I 07', 75 tit .. 6 10
61 .. 07n tt 24 0 5 10
M t4 40 I B7V, Cl 244 .. I 10
64 nt 10 t 074 M 1B0 .. 5 10
It tit .. 5 0714 It 231 .. 5 10
14 217 140 t 07H IO: 217 .. 6 124
Tl 241 .. I 07"4 TO Jit 120 8 12W
76 244 .. I 07 1, to 24t t0 6 l?
4t m 10 I 07i Tl tit .. 8 124
4t ..I'.O .. I 07L, tt 171 .. 6 12m,
T4 IO) .. I 074 44 4t .. 6 12Vt
tl tit 40 t 071, 61 t1 .. t 1"-t
71 20 .. B 074 .,221 .. 5 124
4t tit .. 6 074 tT 194 4ft 6 124
74 2ir, ,. 5 074 231 120 6 12',
T8 J10 40 5074 54 24J .. B 124
SHEEP Receipts ot siieep were moder
ate again this morning and with a con
tinued liberal demand the market ruled
active and steady . lo strong on ull de
sirable grades of both alieep r.nd lambs.
As buyers were out early and most of the
trains arrived In good season, pi Helically
all the better grades were sold at un early
hour. Western ewes sold as high as $4.7j
and 81.9-i; clipped ewes, $4.2o. Wethers and
yearlings with the wool on sold up to ta.ia
and with the wool off 34 7i. Wooled lambs
sold as hlKh as 83.75 and t ipped lambs
30.0U. Buyers aro muking t, difference of
from iko to 75c In the price cf wooled and
clipped stock.
There were a few feeder Iambs on snlo
this morning and they could be uuoted
about Mendy wlrh recent sales.
Quotations for corn-fed stock: Good to
choice lambs, 35. 50ft 5. 7D; fair to good
lamba, 35.;t',(5.50; good to choice Mexican
yearlings, 34.o&5.1 3; good to choice western
yearlings, U j.""0; fair to good yearlings,
$4.5041 4.75; good to choice wethers. $4.7u'(
4.SK); fair to good wethers, 11.24(4 6j; good
to choice ewes. 84.2."i?4.6ii; fair to good ewes,
I3.75'u4.15. Representative sales:
No. Av. Trice.
10 western culla 85 8 00
IS western clipped bucks 89 4 00
?39 western clipped ewes 1(4 4 20
4l western o!ippe1 ewes ... 113 4 20
124 western cull Iambs 51 4 25
9 cull fcwes 88 4 ft)
750 Western ewes 7S 4 7R
8KS western ewes 103 4 75
Yd western clipped lamb 82 6 00
2 western yearlings , 90 6 25
It western lambs , 74 6 65
80 western cull lambs C2 4 25
218 clipped wethers 1(6 4 0
216 clipped wethers V16 4 60
182 clipped wethers 128 4 80
8 western ewes 130 4 75
803 clipped lambs , 69 4 75
6 western ewes , 113 4 8"
181 western ewes , 116 4 85
310 western wethers 118 6 25
811 western Werthers 118v B 25
100 western Iambs 75 ( S3
255 western lambs f9 8 40
126 western lambs 78 6 60
115 western limbs 77 8 60
70 western lamba 79 I 75
279 clipped wethera and vearl'gs. 91 4 73
Prices Rule horn Ten to Fifteen Cents
Lower and Receipts Are Fair.
CHICAOO, March 80. CATTLE Receipts,
JO.ouo head. Market mostly 10c lower; good
to prime steers, t3.2Gfifi.80; poor to medium,
$3.5oo6.n0: stockers and feeders, t2.554.2o;
cews, 81.75(rj4.30; heifers, t2.2644.50; canners.
tl. 7542.: bulls, t2.0t"34.10; calves, 2.tx3
6.50; Texaa fed atccrs, 84.00474.65.
HOGS Reeelpts today, 4,0u0 head; esti
mated tomorrow, 25.0"iO head; left over, 8,0u0
head. Market 154J20O lower; mixed and
butchers', to.304J5.52; good to choice heavy,
t5.40rn6.55; light, 85.154jS.40; bulk ot sales,
SHEEP AND LAMBft-Recelpts, 20.000
head. Market steady; lambs IOWI60 lower;
Brood to choice wethers. 84.75ht5.45: fair to
choice mixed, t3.50ff4.50; western sheep, t4.5oJ
j3.4o; native mm us,; western
lambs, t4.5O4jfi.60,
New York IJve Stork.
ceipts. 2,180 head; medium and good steers,
64) loc lower; common, steady; bulls, steady;
medium to good cows, steady to strong, on
light supplies; thin cows, lower. Steers,
t4. 35475.25; bulls. 33.004)4.10; cows, SI S (Q3.75.
Cables quoted live cattle lower at kia'llo
per lb., dressed weight; refrigerator beef,
"4j8o per lb. Exports 2,8u(i Quarters of
CALVES Receipts, 1,606 head; market
active, 254(500 hlgner, all sold; veals, 44 50
4r8.00; tops t8.2D; light calves, t3.25fa4.00.
City dressed veals, higher at 84tl2Hc per lb.;
country dressed, ilu'vi per lb.
HOGS - Receipts. 5,048 head; market
steady; choice medium, tl 25.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 8 20
head; sheep, almost nominal; lamba, 1042ao
lower, l-snwp. t.i.W4I4.; culls, h.wj; lambs,
t5.5""4i; clipped lambs. to.254T5.75; spring
lambs, t3.00446.ia
' Kansas City Live Itork Mnrket.
ceipts, 7.&0 head, Including 2J0 southerns.
Market steady to a shade lower: eapnrt and
dressed beef steers, steady, t4.604ir,.25; fair
to good. 5e lower, t2.0"( 1.40; wevtern fed
steers, steady, $3 404)4 .40; Blockers and feed
ers, lOo lower, W.IAKfi.yi; southern steers,
steady, t3.504r4.15; southern cows, t'l tr i(,p
t.26; natlvo cows, steady, t2.On4M.oO; native,
heifers, t3.3MW.30; bulls, steady, 32.504i3.75;
calves, steady, t2.70'(i.5O.
HOGS Receipts, 9,6io head! market ET
10c lower; top, 8S.2R; bulk of sales, K.Wi
K.22'-4; heavy, tA 15'(i5.26: packers, 15-104$
B.22S: pigs and lights, tl 5-n5.15.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 4,000
head. Market steady; native lamba, Sn.2040
S.76; western lambs, 83 ''if.85; fed ewes,
J4.Oo4i4.5V: yearlings, t4.tt4)0.3o; stockers and
feeders, $2.604)4. 60.
St. I.onla Live Stock Market.
ST. IWIS, March 80. CATTLE Re
ceipts, 8,1 head, Including 1,200 Texans.
Market steady; native shipping and export
steers, $4 2-46 40; dressed beef and butcher
steers, t3.954j6.aB; steers under 1.000 lbs.,
83.9o4i.10: stockers nnd feeders, t.1 3IVB4. th
rows and heifers. t2. 2Vff4.SO; canners, 12.10
tilW. bulls. W."ji4 00; calves, 44 604i6.u:
Texaa and Indian steers, t3.304J,4.S5; cows
and neirers, vi. i'i3.i.
HOGS Receipts, 8 ." head. Mnrket lower:
pigs and lights, tl HOrti'5.1"!; pucker. t5.104j
6 45: butchers' and best heavy. t".4f"(i6.60.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2.500
head. Market stenrtv: nutlve muttons, 84 45
f6 0: In mbs. t4.704t VIV: culls and bucks,
t3.54j-25; Blockers, 82.0"4j3;O0.
tack In Sight.
Following are the
for the six principal
South Omaha
Kansas City
St. Louis
St. Joseph
Sioux City
Totals ,
receipts of live stock
western cities yeeter-
Hogs. Sheen
..37,326 43.113 44,531
(Ions City Live Block Market.
SIOUX CITY. la.. March JO. (Special
Telegram.) CATTLE Receipts. y head;
market for stockers, slow; beeves, 83 !"(
4 HO: rows, bulls nnd mixed, I? 0rvn4 .1R:
stockers and feeders. $8 0(38 SO; calves and
yearllnKS, t2.TbQt.tit.
HOGS Recelpla. 5(Krt heart; market, fully
1V: lower; sellljig at 84.80'aG.lO; bulk of aale,
Toledo Beed alau-ket.
TOLEDO. O.. March tf.-SEF.D-Clover.
tub 4Uil Unjub, tM iMi AirU, wUVa;
... 4.57 S.'ira s 34
...2o,.1 4.1 2ri.'l
... 7.5-iO t.6 4.y0
... 3('iO 8.1.0 2.5"!
... 3.n9 10.SM ,180
... M 6,000
tvtob.-r. tr; prime alslke, U8: rrlmt
timothy, fl ;t5.
Capital and SiirpluA $600,000.
Itonal Banks At commercial Agcnslea
l'u Blanch t'ttlres.
General Oftleei V V. t.lfe llalldlng,
Onintin Bran.-b tuts Knrnnm at..
Tel. SUIT.
THO. at. V AnitlCK. Cnr.
Updike Commission Co.,
Business handled promptly In all markets.
Office, K2 Bee Building,"
Telephone 2456.
Lowrey Bros & Go.
Commission Merchants
Grain, Stocks
and Provisions
Room 212, N. Y. Life Building
Phone 3610.
Special attention given to telegraph and
nail orders. OMAHA.
. . . j
(Should be rend dully by all Interested,
as changes may occur at any time).
jVoreign malls tor the week ending March
, 1904. will close (1KOMBTLY In all
cases; at the General Postofllce as fol
lows: parcels-bust mails cis one
hour earlier thun closing time shown be
Regular and Supplementary nnntia close at
Foreign Station (corner of 'est and Mor
ton streets) half-hour later than closing
time dhown below (except that supplemen
tary malls for Europe and t'.ntrul Amer
ica, via Colon, close ono hour later at
Foreign Station).
Transatlantic Malls.
SATURDAY At 3:30 n. m. for IRELAND,
per s. s. Etruria, via Wueenstown "mall
for cither paru of Kit rope must be di
rected "per a. s. Kjj-i;rla"); at 6 a. 111. for
EV'ROBE. per s. s. St. L011I, via l'lym
oislh and Cherbourg; at 7 .3 a. m. for
BCtrTLANU direct, per a. s. Columbia
(mnll must bo directed "per s. . Colum
bia"); at 8T.0 0, m. for BEIXJ1CM direct,
per a. c. ""Inland (mail muat be directed
"per s. s. Finland"); at 8:30 a. m. for
ITALY direct, per a. s. l'rlnress Irene
(mall muBt be directed "per a. a. Princess
After the closing of the Supplementary
Transatlantic Malls named above, addi
tional Supplemenrnry Malls are opened
on the piers of the American, EnglNh,
French and Oerman steamers and remain
open until within Ten Mlnutfa cf the
hour ot Balling of steamer.
Malls for South and Central America.
Went Indies, Etc.
THURSDAY At 8 a. nt. for CUBA, per a s
Monterey (mnll for Mexico, via Progreso
Campeclie and Vera Crua must be directed
"per b. fl. Monterey"); at I) a. 111. for
MAYAOCE7. (ordlnnry mail only), per a
s. Mne (ordinary mall for other parts of
Porto BJco must bo directed '"per s a
FR1UAY At 13 m. (supplementary 12:30 n.
m.) for BAHAMAS, per s. e. Orliuba
(mnll for Ounntanumo and Santiago cunt
be directed "per s. s. Orlsaba").
SATURDAY At 8 a. m: for BRliMriii
ler s. s. iTinnniu; gi n. m. ror ARQEN.
a. a. Tropic: at 8:30 g. m. (supplementary
0:30 n. m.) tor PORTO RICO, CURACAO
and VENEZUELA, per s. s. Cara ens (mnll
lor cvivnnmiv mm uringena must tie di
rected "per ... Curncus"): t fl:80 n. m
(supplementary J0:30 a. m.) for POKTl'NH
TAQENA and ORE YTOWN, per s.
..Altnl (ninlj. or.Coata Rico," nnist tie dl
' reeted "per a.- a. Altai"); at 8:80 n. m
(stipplementsrv lo:J0 a. m.) for HAITI and
SANTA MARTA. per s. s. Adirondack;
, nt 10 a. m. for CUBA, per a. a. Morro
Cat1e, via Havana: at 12:30 p. m. for
CUBA, per a. a. Fiishodn, via Matnnzns
(mnll tnuiit ue directed ' por a. a. Faali
oda"). Malls Forwarded Overland, EteM Ex.
cept Tranaeonflnental.
CURA Via Port Tampa, Florida, closes at
this office dally, except Thursday, at 5:30
a. m. (the connecting malls close her on
Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays)
MEXICO CITY Ov-)and, unless specially
addressed for dispatch b steamer, closes
ot this office dally, except Sunday, at 1:80
p. ni. ana iu;ju p. m. nunaaye at 1
p. m.
nnd. i:i p. m.
NEWFOUNDLAND Ry rail to North Syfl
rev and thence by steamer closes at tht
office dally at 6:S0 p m. (connecting malls
close here every Monday, Wednesday and
JAMAICA-Py rail to Philadelphia and
thence by eteamer closes at this office at
10:30 p. m. every Sunday.
By rail to Boston and thence by steamer
closes at this office at C:80 p. m. every
MIQUELON By rail fo Boaton and thence
by steamer closes at this office dally at
6:30 p. m.
MALA By rail to New Orleans and
thence by steamer closes at this office
dally, except Sunday, at 1:80 p. In. snd
(10:30 p. m.. Sundays at (1 p. m. and E'0'80
p. m. (connecting mail closes hers Mon-
. days at 110:80 p. m.)
COKTA RICA By mil to New Orleana snd
thence by steamer closer at this office
daily, except Sunday, at t:8- p., m. snd
10:30 p. m., Sundays at (1 p. m. and I10:M
p. m. (connecting mall clones hsre Tucs
duys at 110.30 p. in.)
BAHAMAS irx.-rr', r'irce!a-roat Malls)
By rail to M.shi!. r;.. and thence by
steamer Closes at Ja:Jo a. m. every Mon-
unj, , euiirRue. mi'fj eaiuraay.
IReglstcred mult' closes at 0 p. m.
uuy. , ,.
Trauapai-IMe Malls.
Cisco, close here daily at 8:30 p. iu. up to i
March JL'Itli, Inclusive, for despatch por I
U. H. Trunspm-t. I
PINE ISLANDS, via bun Francisco, close
here daily at ti.A) p. m. up to Match loth.
Inclusive, for despatch per s. a. Coptlu.
HAWAII, via San Franclsoo, cloe here
dully at 8:30 p. m. up to March 2th. In
clusive, for CLSKutch per s. . Alameda.
ClllNy. vd JAPAN, via. Vancouver and
laiurla,1 B. C, close lere dally it 8 80
l tn." up to April .dh. Inclusive, Tor
ocspalch per s. s. Empress of Japan,
iMeiclmndlse for L. H. X'ottaI Ageucy at
rUiantjIial cucuot bo forwaidcd via
CHINA und JAPAN, via Seattle (specially
addressed only, close here lai! st t;0
p. m. up lo April tilth. Inclusive, lor
despatch per a. s. PU-indea.
CHINA anil JAPAN, via Tacoma (spe
cially addrcshed only) i-Iohms hers dally
at 6:30 p. 111. up to April f,tti. inclusive,
fc.r desiiutch per s. B. Agamefnon.
SAMOA and HAWAII via Sa.i Francisco,
clone, here dally at ti:30 p. m. up lo Apii'l
til. Inclusive, for despatch per s. h.
Ventura. (If the Cunuid ste.inu-r carry
ing the British mall for New Zealand
does not arrive in time to connect with
this dispatch, extra mail). closing at 8 80
a. m . 8 30 a. m. and s 30 p. rn ; Sundss
at 4 30 a. in., 8 o. m. and U:3'i p. in. will
be muile up and forwarded until the ar
rival of tlie Cunard Hleinntr.,
PINE ISLAND, via San Francisco, close
here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to April filth.
In 'IiihI ve, for desisteh p,.- . . Korea
Sun Frur clsco. cloae here dally at 8 tt
p. m. up to April IMh, inclusive, for des-p.ili-h
pr s. s. Murlpoxa.
At'HTRALIA (except West). FIJI ISL
couver and Victoria, B C, close here
dully at 8.30 p. in. up to April L5kl, lu
clNHive, fur despatch per . . Aoraiigl.
NOTE T'nlesa otherwise addressed. West
Australia Is forwarded via Europe; and
New Zealand and Philippines, via Han
Francisco the quicken route. Philippines
eptclally addressed "via Canada" or "via
Europe'' must be fully prepaid at the
foreign rates. Hawaii Is forwarded via
San Francisco exclusively. '
Tn.ne1a.cK1c malls are forwarded to port
of sailing daily and the schedule of clos
ing 1 arranged on the presumption of
tbeir uninterrupted overland transit.
Registered mall closes at 8 p m. prevloua
PontofOca, Kew Tturk, X. Tv lUftU A, UM