Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 30, 1904, Page 8, Image 8

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Davis sells drug,
l-effert's glasses fit.
Stockert Vila carpets.
The Faust cigar. 6 cents.
Easter picture and cards. Alexander &
Co., 333 Broadway.
Fancy cval, circle and obiong frame.
Alexander's, 333 Broadway.
For Kent Furnished or unfurnished
rooms. Apply 6 N. 1st at.
Mr. C. N. Hcott ant! daughter. Claudia,
re home from a visit with relatives In
Nebraska City,
William J. Manning and Mary K. Btamm,
both of Omaha, were married In this city
yesterday afternoon by dustlce Ounn.
Chris Peters, aired 7", of Charter Oak, la.,
died Monday nlKht at St. Bernard's hos-
Xltal, where he had been a patient five
8. B. Morrlsey of Harlan, chairman of the
democratic congressional committee of the
Ninth Iowa district, was In the city yes
terday. Mrs. Henry Darnell will entertain the
members of Tlgredla temple. Ratlirxme Sis
ters, Thursday afternoon at her home. I'M
Ninth avenue.
The Ladles' Aid society of 8t. John's
English Lutheran church will meet Thurs
day afternoon at the residence of Mrs.
James L. O'Neal, S3i7 Avenue B.
Have your carpets taken up, cleaned and
relald by modern methods. Old carpets
made Into handsome ruga Council Bluffs
Carpet Cleaning Co., 84 North Main street,
jrhone 516.
The hearing of Guy I'arkhlll, the deaf
mute charged with breaking Into Walking
ton's saloon at Tenth and Broadway Mon
day morning, was continued In police court
yesterday until today.
For 8al Two horses, broke single or
double. Will sell one or both cheap for
cash. Bourlclus Piano House, 336 Broad- !
way, Council Hlufrs. here the organ
tands upon the building.
Arthur Roberts, the peddler of phony
Jewelry arrested Saturday at the Pony
Creek saloon and charged with vagrancy,
waa committed to the county Jail fur fif
teen days yesterday by Justice Ouren.
The women of Broadway Methodist Epis
copal church will serve meals tomorrow at
Royal Arcanum hall. Luncheon at 13
o'clock, 16 cents; 8 o'clock chicken pie din
ner, 36 cents. Home made candy on sale.
The second "election" for the ten trips to
the St. Louis exposition and return will
close Thursday, March 31, at 6 o'clock.
For the accommodation of Council Bluffs
candidates votes may be turned In at The
Bee office, 10 Pearl street.
A barn on the premises of Mrs. E. E.
Mayne, 802 Seventh avenue, waa destroyed
by flre Monday night. The loss Included n
quantity of' baled hay, the property of a
man, named .Wrayi A combination of boys
and cigarettes In the loft Is believed to
have been responsible for the blase.
Something novel In the way of amuse
ment for young folks Is to he furnished the
children of the First Congregational church
Sunday school In the form of an Easter
egg hunt. The "hunt" will be held Satur
day afternoon on the lawn of the residence
Of General Dodge and will be In charge of
Mrs. W. W. Wallace.
The receipts In the general fund of the
Christian home last week were $508.05. being
$308.66 above the needs of the week, the
balance being placed to the credit of the
Contingent fund. In the manager's fund
the receipts were 130.90, being 114.10 below
the needs of the week and Increasing the
deficiency to $27.21 In this fund to date.
C. H. Langfeldt of Keg Creek township
J led yesterday morning, aged 78 years, of
dropsy. Two sons, Carl of Keg Creek and
Oeorge of Emerson, Neb., and one daugh
ter, Mrs. C. H. Nlemohler of Woodbine,
(a., survive him. The funeral will be held
Thursday morning at 11 o'clock from the
German Lutheran church in Mlneola, where
Interment will be.
W. J. Hoey, -salesman for a nursery stock
Arm, was arrested yesterday charged with
ntoxlcatlon on election day The com
plaint was filed before Justice Ouren by
Attorney Fremont Benjamin, who charged
Hoey with inducing his (Benjamin's) son,
Vernon, with forsaking the straight path
and Indulging In strong liquor. In default
f ball Hoey was sent to the county Jail
to await his hearing this morning.
Real Batata Transfers.
' These transfers wer reported to The
Be Maroh 28 by the abstract, title and
loan office of Squire & Annls, 101 Pearl
James A. Bowse and wife to Lena
Bowse, lots 16 and 16, block 6, Pot
ter & Cobb's add., w. d 8 500
Fifter T. Christiansen and wife to
Kills Christiansen, eH, sw4, 8-77-
3, w. a 4.6U0
Same to John H. Christiansen, wtt,
nwi 8, and eV. wVk. nH, 8-77-43,
w. d , 4,000
Lewis p. Serving to Hannah Servlss,
lot 6, Aud. sub., block 6, Mill add.,
a. c. d.... 4. ..... ........ 1,000
Edwin B. Magill and wlf to Fuller
ton Lumber Co.. lot 25, block 11,
McClelland, w. d. 100
John Buchanan and wife, to Sallna
Spencer, part of out lot 12, Neola,
w. d I,6ft0
Claus Ivers and wife to Wllhelra
Groenper. ne. neS, 20, and nH,
ti 21-77-41, w. d 6.000
Seven transfers, total .'...817,600
Rafer sells lumber. Catch the IdeaT
Marriage Licenses.
Licenses to wed were lsBued yesterday to
the following:
Name and Residence. Age.
Marlon Nixon, Weston, la 21
Mammle Cook, Council Bluffs 70
William J. Manning. Omaha 28
Mary E. Btamm, Omaha 32
John Wallam. Council Bluffs 43
Mary F. Glbbs. Council Bluffs 38
DrakYs Palmetto Wine.
Every sufferer gets a trial bottle free. Only
fne small does a dsy of tbla wonderful tonic.
Medicinal Wine promotes perfect Dictation.
Active Liver. Prompt Bowels. Sound Kidneys.
Pure. Rich Blood. Healthy Tissue. Velvet Skin
Robust Health. Drake's Palmetto Wine is a
true unfailing speclno for catarrh of tbe Mucous
Membranes of the Head. Turoat. Respiratory
Organs, Siomacu and- Pelvio Organs. Drake's
Palmetto Wlue cures Catarrh w brrever located,
relieves quickly, has cured the most distressful
forms of Stomach Trouble and most stubborn
eases of Flatulency and Constipation: Derrr
tall, euros to stay cured. Seventy-five cents st
Drug Stores for a large bottle, uxual dollar slie,
but a trial bottle will be sent free and prepaid
to every muter of this paper who writes for It.
A letter or postal csrd addressed to Drake
Formula Compuoy. Droke Building-. Chlcano,
IU.. is tbe only expense to secure a satisfactory
trial of tbla wonderful Medicinal Wine.
Lock -Gun Smith
All kinds of repair
ing done. We fix
everything but broken
. 430 W. Broadway.
'Fhooe B767.
SJt. CoubcQ Bluffs. 'Ptmbbi
f.'MJO.oti l'liino to Ik? kIvod away without one penny cost to the reci
pient. The only r-iul8lte is that you buy grwerlee at this store. We will
jriTeyoK Iwtter values tliau you get elsewhere and we give you a piano
coupon with each aud every purchase.
$2.00 IN COUPONS FRF.E with
Mocha Colt aa. at
$2.00 IN COUPONS FREE with
TonoBroa.' 5plces
Garden Heeds, any kind. 2 packages (regular prtoe 10c) aj0
Ket Onions. 3 quarts 25o
Soda Crackers, per pound. ly the box 5o
Oyster Crackers, per pound, by the box 5C
titnger Snaps, per pound, by the box 5c
Comb Honey, per pound l&O
Potatoes, per bushel 60 O
Piano Coupon with every purchase.
Official Oanvui of City's Vote Makes Little
Change in Unofficial Figure.
numerous Candidates Springing Vp
for the Various Appointive City
Offices One Present Official
Likely to Hold Over.
The official canvass yesterday of the vote
cast at the municipal election Monday (
shows but a few minor changes from the !
figures published by The Bee yesterday
morning. As Mayor Morgan was a candi
date the canvass was conducted by City
Clerk Phillips and Justice of the Peace
Carson, the law requiring that when the
mayor Is a candidate the canvassing board
shall consist consist of the city clerk and
the nearest Justice of the peace. These
are the official totals and majorities:
Dell fJ. Morgan, rep 2.1"7
Donald Macrae, Jr., dem... 2,623
Macrae's majority
John Olson, rep
E. H. Lougee, rep
C. C Larscn, dem
A. G. Gilbert, dem ...
01so"'s majority
Gilbert's majority
R. B. Snyder, rep
T. E. Casady, dem
, 618
... 2.357
... 2.1
... 2.181
... 2.479
... 131
... 132
... 2.516
... 1146
Snyder's majority , 871
F. T. True, rep J.5M
B. B. Denton, dem 2,136
True's majority
Sumner Knox, rep
P. J. 8mlth, dem
.. S.1O0
.. 2.660
Smith's majority
Thomas Tostevln, rep
8. L. Etnyre, dem
.. 2.678
Etnyre's majority 670
J. A. Gorham, rep l.!86
W. D. Hardin, dem 2,683
Hardin's majority 6M
A. W. Dennis, rep 2,197
William Hlggeson, dem 2.447
Hlggeson'a majority 230
J. W. Blanchard. rep 2,181
J. J. Brown, dem 2.470
Brown's majority 289
First Ward
a. H. Ohlendorf, rep 407
Oscar Younkerman, dem 6J2
Tounkerman's majority 115
Second Ward
Taylor Woolaey, rep 396
Thomas Maloney, dem 490
Maloney's majority '. 84
Third Ward-
M. H. Tinier, dem 401
William Arnd. rep M
-- Tinley's majority. .f.,... S
Fourth Ward
F. H. Hill. reo.. ....... '.... T
J. P. Weaver, dem 837
Weaver's majority 40
Fifth Ward-
A. C. Ellsworth, rep
James McMlllen, dem v. 488
McMlllen's majority 71
Sixth Ward-
Israel Lovett, rep J
C. M. Crlppen. dem
Crippen's majority 23
The democrats were naturally feeling ex
ceedingly Jubilant yesterday, while the re
publicans were taking their defeat philos
ophically and trying to figure out how It
all happened. Owing to the bereavement
of Dr. Macrae ond City .Engineer Etnyre
the democrats have postponed their Jubi
lation over Monday's victory, but are plan
ning for a monster demonstration the latter
part of the week. ' "
The present city council will meet Sat
urday night to wind up Its work and allow
the monthly grist of bills. It will meet
Monday evening tor the last time for the
sole purpose of approving the minutes of
Saturday night's session and will , then
make place for Mayor Macrae and the new
city council. '
Rash for Pie Counter. . . .
Mayor Macrae and' the new olty council
will have a number of appointments at
their disposal and the Ink had .' hardly
got dry on the election returns Monday
night before the rush for the pie counter
began. The appointments at the disposal
of the city council are: City clerk, chief cf
the fire department, city electrician, who
also combines the office of superintendent
of fire end police telegraph; city physician,
street commissioner, sidewalk Inspector,
poll tax collector, poundmaster and custo
dian of the city building. The city clerk
la permitted to name his deputy subject
to the approval and confirmation by the
city council.
With the mayor rests the appointment of
a chief of police and tbe members of the
police department. Street talk yesterday
waa that Louis Zurmuehlen, jr., was
slated for chief of police, but Mr. Zur
muehlen denied the Impeachment that he
was ambitious to don brass buttons and a
star. Aspirants for the police force are
said to be legion and that Dr. Macrae is
Inundated with applications.
For chief of the fire department five
names ere prominently mentioned, as fol
lows: John Bates, former, chief; Charles
Nicholson, former chief; C. I. Walters.
Miles Beofleld and William' Boyne. John
Plumer Is credited with being slated for
city clerk, while Fred Shoemaker and
George Tlnley are stated to be anxious
to serve as his deputy. The appointment
of street commissioner will undoubtedly
go to A. E. Avery. It Is announced that
James Bradley, the present city electrician.
I pound Banner Java and Xf
8 package any kind tfs
reappointed by the, new
Class Rivalry Rans Hlerh.
The spring vacation has given a renewed
and, if anything, a more vigorous start
to the rivalry between the eenlor and
Junior classes of the high school, which
are vlelng with each other In placing their
class colors at the highest point possible
and maintaining them there. Yesterday
morning the seniors, after capturing the
president of the Junior class and eight of
his. classmates, bound their hsnds and feet,
set them on the curb with a guard over
them and forced them to watch the hoist
ing of the seniors' pennant to the top of
the 150-foot electric light tower at Fourth
street and Brosdway. After the flag had
been safely flung to the breeze the seniors
released their captives.
Four hours later the senior class pen
nant went up In smoke. The Juniors, be
ing unable to reach It so Ihey could haul
It down and trample It In the mud, de
cided the next bent thing was to apply the
torch to It, and this with the assistance
of a paid hireling, so the seniors assert,
they succeeded In accomplishing. '
The seniors then entrenched themselves
In a camp on the top of the tall bluff
hack of the High school and, having se
cured a new pennant, again flung It
tauntingly to the breese. The camp of the
seniors was Impregnable from all but one
side and this they kept closely guarded
all day. Towards night the rain forced
the seniors to desert the camp and haul
down their pennant, but new and !nrest
Ing developments In the class rivalry are
looked for today.
Matters In District Court.
The district court grand Jury was Im
paneled by Judge Wheeler yesterday, the
members being J. B. Matlack, Crescent,
foreman; Robert Roln, Council Bluffs; J.
J. Brookhnuser, Rockford; H. F. Snnr,
Living Springs; C. J. Stllwell, Lewis;
Adolph Wunder, Mlnden; B. Elchenborger,
Mlnden. George Alllngham Is acting as
clerk and Dave Mot tat as bailiff.
The petit Jury Is summoned for next Mon
day, but Judge Wheeler announced yester
day that It was probable he would post
pone calling It for another week. The
April term of the supreme court will open
next week nnd many of the lawyers will
be In Des Moines and unable to attend
to their cases in the district court.
Mrs. Emma Frans was granted a divorce
from Helwlg Frans.
Charity Ann Russell has begun suit
ngalnst F. J. Schnorr, administrator of the
estate of J. C. Huffman, claiming 81,236 for
her services as housekeeper and for taking
care of Huffmnn and his wife, Mary Sybil
Huffman, during their last sickness, from
January 1, 1895, to December 27, 19"2. The
plaintiff estimates her services at $3 per
N. Y. Flumblng Co. Tel. 150; night, P-667.
Talk of Democratic Dally,
On the heels f the democratic victory at
the municipal election Monday comes the
announcement that a democratic dally
newspaper Is to shortly make Its appear
ance In Council Bluffs. While leaders of
the local democracy claim to have no
knowledge of tho proposed new dnlly, It Is
stated that the persons back of It have
ample funds nnd that now that the demo
crats have complete control of the city ad
ministration, they figure that now Is the
time to launch the enterprise so that the
paper can recure the city official patron
age, .which, at present goes to the local re
tubllcnn rrgan. , ,;
, numbing and heating. Clxby & Son.
Omaha Choir Presents Cantata.
The singing of Alfred R. Gaul's histori
cal cantata, "Joan ot Arc," by the choir
of "the First Congregational church of
Omaha at the Broadway Methodist church
under the direction of W. L. Thlckstun
last evening was heard by a large and de
lighted audience. The soloists were Miss
Christine Petersen, soprano; Mrs. A. O.
Edwards, contralto; W. H. Wilbur, tenor,
and O. W. Manchester, bass. Miss Neta
Balth was pianist and Mr. Thlckstun or
ganist. The concert was under the au
spices of Rebekah lodge No. S. .
Ogden Hotel Rooms, with or without
board; steam heat, free bath; public parlors.
Denounces Compatriot to Polloe as
an Anarchist Who Would Kill
. President.
NEW TORK. March 29.-The story of an
alleged plot to assassinate President Roose
velt, which on Investigation proved to be
entirety without foundation, was made pub
lic today by Police Commissioner McAdoo.
' Several days ago the commissioner re
ceived a letter from an Italian In Italy say
ing that snother Italian was about to come
to this country for the express purpose of
assassinating the president. The writer
gave a detailed description cf the alleged
anarchist, the steamer on which he would
sail and full details of the alleged plot.
When the steamer docked an Inspector was
on hand with a large squad of detectives
and the suspect was found and detained.
Investigation, however, showed that the
case was purely one of spite on the part of
the man who wrote the letter. It was
found that the detains man was not an
anarchist and that he had a perfect right
to enter this country. He was allowed to
land. The object of the letter, It was
found, waa to have the man deported.
Forty Thousand Dollars Pledged for
National Democratic Convention
Has Been Subscribed.
ST.. LOUIS, March 19. It was announce 1
today by the local committee In charge of
the arrangements for the national democratic-convention,
which will be held here
beginning July 6, that the 840,000 pledged
to tho national committee has been sub
scribed by business men. . The national
committee wilj meet here next Monday to
arrange definitely for seating arrangements
during the convention. The local com
mittee hss planned, subject to the approvul
of the national committee, to place the
speaker's stsnd on the north side of the
Coliseum. It ts estimated that the arena
will have a seating capacity of 4.000, and,
In that division, will be seated the dele
gates and newspaper representatives. The
gallery and balconies will be reserved for
Detroit Jadsje Orders Two Organise,
ttens el Plumbers to ult
DETROIT, Mich.. March 19. In a sweep
ing decision, handed down today by Judge
Brooke of the Wayne circuit court, the
Riverside club and Plumbing exchange ot
thla city, an organisation of plumbers
agalnat which proceedings were brought
by Prosecutor Hunt on the ground that
they were organised to fix prices and stifle
competition, were restrained from con
tinuing business, which the court holds
to ba "an unlawful sattrprlsa Inttnjwj 0,
ytjie publla welfare
Is likely to be
Iowa Senate Promptly Strang'-ei Bill
Whioh Comet Over from House.
Committee Presents Its Bill to the
House Containing; Item for Re
building; the Dent School at
Council muffs.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
I-EB MOINES, March 29. vBpeclal.) The
Iowa road law, which wits placed on the
statute books two years ago and which has
not ns yet been given a lull trial, will re
main at least two years longer on the stat
ute books unchanged. The senate today
took up the C'hadscll bill, wnlch had passed
the house und which would have effected
partial repeal of the law by eliminating
tho compulsory feature as It rotates to
payment in cush of road taxes. It also
provided that townships might elect to
return to the subdlstrlct system of road
supervisors. The bill had passed the house
after a long struggle. It was warmly de
bated In the senate on a motion to indefi
nitely postpone, and this motion finally
prevailed by an overwhelming Vote, showing
that the bill never had any chance of pass
age In the senate. The vote on postponing
was us follows:
Cuuririglit, Lambert,
Crossley, Lewis,
Dowell, Lions,
Dunham, Maytag,
Eckles, Molslwrry
Klerlck, Newberry,
fc,rlcn8ou, binitu ui iJes Moines,
Gale, rttookey,
Garst, Wilson of Fayette,
Hartshorn. Wilson of Clinton,
Httsselnuit t. ,,iiine,
Hay waul, loung of Lee,
. uuiiK of Calhoun,
ling, Wash'gton 28
.l.iltli of Mitchell,
j. It ton,
Warren 18.
j ones,
Historical Bnlldtag.
The senate adopted the bill appropriating
(200,000 for the completion of the state his
torical building at Des Moines. The work
Is to be done within the next two years.
A new oil Inspection bill. Introduced by
Senutor Winne at the request of the secre
tary of state, was adopted. It was ex
plained that the bill does not make any
radical changes In the present law, but
tends to put the Inspection on more of a
business basis.
Senator Harper this morning secured the
adoption of a resolution for final adjourn
ment of the senate on April 8, but later a
motion for reconsideration was filed by
Wlnne. It went over under the rules. It
is not believed final adjournment can be
had much before April 15.
The senate In the ofternoon continued the
work of making impropriations and added
quite a number to its list. The appropria
tion for 147,000 for a new building on the
state fair ground was jassed as It came
from the house. The appropriation for
$7,000 for the Benedict home In Des Moines,
nnd for $2,000 each for the Florence Critten
den home In Sioux City and the Dubuque
Rescue home were all passed. A bill to re
quire placing fire escapes on all buildings
of three stories or over was pasaed.
Rebuilding at Council Bluffs.
The committee. bill' Jen appropriations for
the state Institutions was presented In the
house today. It carries appropriations for
the institutions under the Board of Control
aggregating t899,8M for the biennial period.
The amounts appropriated for the school
for tbe deaf are as follows: Rebuilding
after the fire and equipment of the new
buildings, $250,000; library books and maga
ilnes, $1,500; furniture and furnishings,'
$1,600; contingent and 'repair, $3,600; reap
proprlatlon for heating apparatus, $1,010.
The bill will undoubtedly be passed with
these appropriations which have been asked
for by the Board of Control and will be
expended under their direction. Some sur
prise was expressed that the committee had
Ignored the recommendations for money to
buy more land and for painting the build
ings. The amounts for the Clarlnda hospital
are: New cottage, $60,000; contingent, $10.
000; shops, $6,000; coal house, $4,000; floors,
$2,000; reapproprlatlon for shops, $6,000.
For the institution st Olenwood the bill
carries this: House for engine, boilers,
etc.. $50,000; tunnel, $4,000; laundry, $6,000;
kitchen equipment, $700; beds and bedding,
$1,000; furniture, $600; plumbing. $2,000;
painting, $1,000; grounds. $500; land, $7,700;
fencing, $500; implements, $600; equipping
fire department, $1,000; contingent, $1,000.
School Legislation.
The schools committee today reported for
passage the bill which would legalise the
acts of school hoards In the matter of vot
ing various matters where the !egal forms
have not been observed in accordance with
the suggest lona of the supreme court. The
same committee recommended for passage
I the bill which would place the examlna
' tlon of papers of all teachers In the hands
'of the State Board of Educational Exam
iners; also the bill changing the time of
the school year and the btll amending the
compulsory education law so that there will
he sixteen weeks of school attendance at
the beginning of the year.
The house at the morning session passed
the bill to give Incorporated towns the
right to condemn for sewer outlets and
sewage disposal plants, the bill to Increase
the salary of deputy dairy commissioner
and provide for three assistants; the bill
to provide for a commission to approve in
surance policies and require that all life
Insurance policies shall be Issued only on
a medlcsl examination, snd the bill to
! place the control of state documents In the
hands of the executive council. A bill to
Increase the pay of deputy county treas
urers was defeated. The house discussed a
bill to provide for a bacteriological labora
tory, but as It sras evident H could not
be passed, it was referred to a committee.
educational Appropriations.
The bill making- appropriations for the
educational institutions got Into the house
appropriations committee today and at the
suggestion of the State university was re
ferred again to a subcommittee. The de
mand Is that a still larger sum be voted
for the State university than agreed
uoon. The bill appropriating $125.0u0 for
making the Knoxvllle building serviceable
for the dipsomania Institute was recom
mended for passage. The visiting com
mittee which went to Davenport reported
practically In opposition to the purchase
of Camp McClellan for a city park there.
The committee found that 122 acret could
be got for $26,000 and recommended this.
Par vaur own protection when buvlns
WAT mm f
provided It would hot Interfere with other
The committee on retrenchment and re
form Is at work on a bill to revise the
method of selecting employes of the house
and senate and to reduce the number
thereof and rearrange the salaries. It
is expected the bill will be got through so
as to materially affect the future legisla
tive assemblies.
Heir to a Fortune.
Harry Thompson, a dental student at
Drake university, has fallen heir to a
one-third Interest In 8.Yl,fl00 and a large
tobacco plantation near Wheeling, W, Va.,
by the death of his grandfather, Judge
N. Crusen.
Thompson has received a telegram from
the grandfather's attorney Informing him
of the good luck. The attorney, Thomas
Entrlcan of St. Louis, arrived last night
and went with Thompson to Wheeling to
secure his rights.
The young man was very much surprised
to think his grandfather should remember
him In his will, owing to a disagreement
between them several years ago, when the
boy left his grandfather In anger end
came to Des Moines to win his fortune.
Former Newspaper Man Mead.
R. G. Orwlg, one time acting governor
of Iowa, died in Chicago on Sunday night.
March 27. He was born May 12, 1832, In
Miminburg. Pa. He owned a wholesale
fancy dry goods house before he was 21.
Ilefore Lincoln's first campaign he pub
lished the dally and weekly State Jour
nal In Philadelphia. During the war hs
moved to Des Moines and became Governor
Stone's private secretary and was acting
governor of Iowa while Governor Stone
was In the army. In 1893 he moved to
Chicago. He sras the oldest of five
The house this afternoon passed the bill
to give Polk county a primary election
law, but not to apply It to any other
county of the state. It will hardly pass
the senate, where there Is opposition to
even this much of a primary law.
Pioneer of Waverty, Iowa, Brlnsta
alt for f 100,000.
DES MOINES, March 29.-Ephrlam J.
Dean, a pioneer of Weverly, today filed a
claim of $100,000 with the state legislature
gainst the state of Iowa for alleged false
imprisonment twenty-eight years ago. Dean
claims to have been falsely confined In
a lunatlo tsylum, tfter which he was
wrongfully ct-rrpelled to r.pend seven
months In a Blackhawk county Jail.
The alleged peMury of a wealthy and
prsmlnent cltlsen of Blsckhawk county,
who. Dean rays, sought to secure his
property, Is supposed to have led to Im
prisonment. Election Results ft l.oarnn.
LOOAN, la.. March 23 (Special.) Yes
terday the following municipal ticket was
elected at Woodbine: C. W. Reed, mayor
(re-elected); E. R. Heflln, clerk; George W.
Coe. treasurer; R. F. Welch, assessor; A.
C. Toney, Q. N. Toung, J. J. Cromle, O.
C. Dewall and C. J. Osier, councllmen.
There was only one ticket in the field and
111 votes were cast.
Sears Wins at Slonz City.
SlOt'X CITT. Ia., March 29 W. O.
Sears has been elected as democratic mayor
of this city by a plurality of 1,240 over
W. E. Cody, republican. The city coun
cil stands seven democrats and three re
publicans. This Is the first time In fifteen
years that the democrats have been In
control of affairs.
Jsi Bank Falls.
ELDORA, la., March 29. Tho private
b.nklng firm of O. E. Miller & Bon of New
Providence has failed. Proceedings In
bankruptcy have begun. The cause of tl c
failure Is not announced.
Expert Called Tpon to Testify In the
Warder Trial Comments on Pho
tographic Reproduction,
SAN FRANCISCO. March 2 In the Bot
kin murder trial today J. A. Hosmer, for
mer assistant district attorney. Identified
several exhibits as being In the band
writing of Mrs. Botkin. John P. Dunning
was recalled and briefly cross-examined re
garding his friendly relations with Mrs.
Corbaly.. He repeated his former assertion
that she was a friend both of his wife and
himself. Mr. Dunning Identified several
specimens of Mrs. Botkln's handwriting.
Expert Kytka waa then called and, despite
many objections, proceeded to exhibit and
comment on enlarged photographic repro
ductions of the handwriting In the case.
Demurrers Sustained by United States
Dtstrlet Court in the Natural
isation Cases.
BT. LOUIS, Match 28. Demurrers ware
sustained In the United Btates dlstrlot
court t day In the cases charging com
plicity In alleged naturalization frauds
against Samuel J. Boyd, a police captain;
Nathan Lavln, Adolph Fein and Jacob
Kaplan, formerly a policeman. Assistant
District Attorney Nortonl stated that there
are still other Indictments pending against
the men, alleging practically . the earns
PennaylTanla Operators and Ei. ployes
fall to Reach an Agreement
on Scale.
PITTSBURG, Pa.. March 29.-The CMn
mlttee of United Mine Workers snd the
coal operators of the Pittsburg district, ap
pointed to adjust the situation for the
coming year, have deadlocked. Neither
side. It Is said, will yield to any point
snd no progress haa been made during the
Ave days of conferences.
President Dolan says If tha members
failed today to settle the queatlon at Issue
the conditions would be serious.
Boston Esnbesaler Mast Serve Ifot Leas
Than Fifteen Teara at Hard
BOSTON. March .-WalIaee H. Ham,
former Boston manager of the American
Surety company of New Tork. waa today
aentenced to serve not less than fifteen nor
more than twenty years In the state prison
at hard labor. Ham pleaded guilty last
week to two Indictments, charging him
with the embesilement of nearly I250,0u0
from the company and from St. Luke's
Horns tor Convalescents In Koxbury.
Liver sxol Esehanga to Close.
I.1VTTRPOOT.. March . Tbe Com ex
change will be closed here Good Friday,
April S, Saturday, April, I, and Monday,
April 6.
Of Torturing Eczema
by Cuticura
When AiTeIsg Had
Utterly Failed.
" My baby, Owea Herbert Qutrk, vaa
afflicted from the afe of alx weeks wltfe
a loathsoms running acaema, , almost
covering bla face. I took him to Drs.
and . of Victoria Koad,
Uderahot, and b waa treated by tbera
for tbree months, bot got much worse,
and waa a alckenlng sight, to look at.
I saw aa sdvartlse steal of the CaUenra
Remedies, aad got ttta Bean, Otataaaat
ad Resolvent.
"We antloed am
ImproT assent at
ooea, aad with la a
fortaight the na
il lag had ceased
and the scales were
nearly all dried oC,
aad la a month hla
faoa waa perfectly
sar, aot a spot
left. I have , aa
closed photograph,
of hiss wheat he
waa thirteen months old. Ba Is sow
'two years and four months, aad baa
never had the slightest return of It. I
am very graufal for tha benefits de
rived frota yoar remedies, and shall
feel It a pleasure to make their vala
known. For corroboration of tbla
statement yoa may refer may one to
Mrs. Williams, 45 Michaels Koad, Alder,
ahot, or Mr. Onnaiane, 40 Victoria
Boad, Alders hot, to whoaa wa reoom
mended tbe remedies for a akla humour,
which they also cored. To are at
liberty to do what yoa Ilka with thla
statement, as I ahoold Ilka aQ to know
of the ralne of Cntlcura."
Ho. 1 Wast Bod Cottages, Haywood
Boad, N. Southampton.
aM ftlMrX Oh ttt Cw 1 1 il, a.
Aa ha at Ca.iclM. Pi Hi run, SM. mm M 7 ex,
Otoaant, S)., Soap. Ba. Dtmtmi LaaSaa. ST Ca.i
aoM i i rra.t Itaaa. a Past Sims, 1 nil.mai
At. Pottar Ormtm Chan. Omrf . SahHSn
ssrataa far sW u Cum fiiia
A cathartic of the
highest merit
Wright's Indian
Vegetables Pills
Used for rs.
Roman Eye Dalsam
For Weak or Sore Eyes
r aula br all dmatarlate.
EVERY DAY until April 30, 1904
Aa paaseng-arB through Omaha over the Union Paclflo
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A saving of time and money always appeals to the American
Bs tun your ticket read over ihi$ line.
Inquire of
Cltj Ticket Offlo.
Cnlon Btaiion, Man and
Hold Up
if You Know.
Where and how large la Chemulpo?
How far la It from Port Authur to Vladivostok? ...
Where la Mukden, the Buaalan base of suppl'ea, and bow far la it
from the Yalu rUer?
Can You Answer Three Simple Questions in
Japanese-Russian War Geography?
The Bee War Map
Shows tbe location of Russia, Japan. Coma, Manchuria, China, sto.; also the
r.rlnolpal cities and seaports in each, along with the population of same
fehows the dnTerent saiuil bodies of water upon which tbe sea fights will
PT00lZ if mpU?e Bat of all the in both navlsa. showing; arms
merit moJii n& ooinparatlve strength In war. Also tells all about both armies,
how itaaaTmen lnaLhVtba number of Russian soldiers now In the far east.
Bent by man, rusi raiM wu
its. Adress,
Fill Out This Coupon.
Enclosed Ond cents for which
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Six trains a day from Omaha
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the only double-track railway
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tre most conveniently equip
ped for the safety and comfort
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Buffet smoking nd library cars.
Superb a la carte dining car service.
Drawing-room and prvate compart
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Les-e Omaha lor Chicago at
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TkUett onj hill lifiirms-'on tn arOffsllon
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Treats all forms af Diseases ml
Twenty-eight Years' Experience.
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Ail Blood Poisons. No "BRKAKIXd OUT"
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Treatment Tby mniL. Oall orwri te. Bog
tat, Ottos gsf Wall 1.U at, Omaha, . Nsn,
Farnam Street
atarcy. 'Phone 629.
Your Hand
Daily Bee.
Omaha -' - Neb.
Map Department