TIIE OMATIA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY. MAKCIT SO, 1I04. 10 : ( M. 4' I' Si s ft: i r M 1 1 ' 4 -1 I i SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisements (or these rolossns will o takes nntll IX an. for tha rtrilnc edition nntll M s. m. far tho snoralaaj and Bandar edition. Rates, 1 l-8e a r4 flrat lnr(li, le a. word thereafter. Nothing- taken for Ira tbaa 20r for the tstst Inser tion. TkM ad-rtlsents snnst ba ran eoosecotlvely. Ailtrrllnrra. by requesting num bered rkerk. cnu ad dressed to a, aambrrrd letter In eare of The Bee. Answers in addressed will be delivered oa presentation of the rkrrk only. MISCELLANEOUS. APRIL 4 SPRING TERM Boyles College, (!EW YORK LIFE BUILDING, OMAHA Cataio.ua Ready. The Nebraska Seed Co.'s SEEDS WILL OKOW. Catalogue free 1513-1515 Howard. R M 791 Je-1 rniC DRIVEWAT8 AND ART1 UKAVCL F1CIAL STONE WALKS. E. D. Van Court, 1020 N. 16th. Tel. 1998. R 1 J -21 CUT RATE TICKETS everywhere. Fhllbin, 1505 Fsrnam and opp. U. P. depot, lei. 784 ami 1073. R M693 OMAHA Safe and Iron worka make a spe cialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and area. o. Anareen, i-rop., n t. ium ei. R-M360 May2u D. M. H A VERLY EXPERT ACCOUNT ANT. 212 BEE BLDG. PHONE 2904 K 634 Champ. Carp. Clean. Co., 718 8. 14tli. T. 6i5. rim n silver, nickel Plating, om. JJLU Dating Co., 16u8 Harney. Tel. 2535. R-636 CITY SAVINGS BANK paya 4 per cent. R 4w6 6PECIAL For a limited time we will fit you with a guaranteed pair of spectacles ror l. Don t miss this chance, u. d. yi tlclans. 3o N. 16th at. R 637 EAGLE Loan office. Reliable, accommodat. ini; all business confidential, uui Dougias R 039 EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co., moving and storage. 214 N. 18th. Tel. lisa. it mi TRY THE CHICAOO LAUNDRY. If you don't, we both lose. Uood work. R--40 LOCKSMITH ?eEi.FI: N' R M253 Varirir Carpet Cleaning Works. N. A. LICLU It, Christenson, 2221 N. 2uth. Tel. 16i9. it ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO.. cleana cesspools, vaults, removes garbage, dead animals; reduced prices. 621 N. 16. Tel. 1779 It Ml r. MELCHOIR, machinist, 13th & Howard. tMU PUBLICITY DESIGNS the Bee Bldg. -WHEATO.V, In R 643 J. E. WALLACE, Taxidermist, COS 8. ISth, R 926 Al "STRONGEST In the World." The Eault Me Life Assurance society. Its pollctea are sight drafta at maturity. 11. D Neely, manager. Merchants' National sank Bldg., Omaha. Neb. R 646 SIGN painting. B. H. Cola, 1302 Douglas. It 617 ALL kinds carpenter work, repairing promptly attended to, J. T. Ochiltree, vin ana Ltaao, n Jtu E. J. DAVIS, safe mover, heavy hauling, in rarnam. lei. Afxs. It 152 MS FOR noon luncheon try tha Karbach Ren taurant; reasonable prices. 418 8. 15th St H-ia May 16 VODICKA A CO.. fine tailoring; all kinds pressing, repairing. urug Theater bldg. i ei. aia. It tV) CLOTHES pressed, altered, ton hotel tailor. Yousen, Psi TRACINGS; blue prints drawings. Sues 4k Co., and working Omaha. 'Phone R Sl Apr22x PERFIELD Piano Co., Bee Bldg.; no In term, noneet vaiusa, easy terms. R 638 H. O. SMITH, plumbing, 118 N. 15; tel. 3 R-M356 OMAHA MIRROR MFO. CO., 70S N. 10th. oQJi. K M780 Alt STOVE, ITOVE, storage and repairing. Hugbr Stove Repair Works, 2217 Cuming 8 Tel. F2302. R J26 Of PHOTOS. 26C. J Studio 119 N. 16th., opp P. O. R911 STOVES stored, cleaned, blacked and set up. to season; blcvcle repairing. Jackson ". I 'll, ill . Ititn. Tel. Vt 2331. R-M473 Apr 2(1 U. E. KOCH, tinner. 2717 N. 24th. Tel. L-1949 eni ior t-oiumDus root cement paint. R-272 Je21 P ARPFT9 du",ed- lyen. washed: gtn vntM 1 1 v?era house cleaning. J. Wood practical workman. Call or write, aim Clark R M?8o A-22 I lL.AN, dye, repair clothes. 604 N. lf.th R M Jt.S Cl'T KATK TICKET8 everywhere. Phlll ln i" "mam ana opp. u. r. Depot. Tel ana in.a. R M63 WITTE Gaa and Gasoline Enslnes work the same in cold or hot weather. Wltte Iron Works Co.. 529 W. 6th St.. Kansas City. Mo. r Bl'SIKEtS CHANCES. ftR RENT, a summer hotel furnished template and situated at l-ak Washing t.Sr (near Mankato, Minn.); can ulao be jed aa summer resort for several private families. l,ake affords fine boating and ftahlng. For particulars write Macbeth 4 Gardner, Mankato, Minn. Y M257 1 '.."O GET In or out of business call on Wil liams, room 411. McCague building. Y-652 SHOLES-ARMSTRONO CO.. 722 N. Y. Life. Tel. 49. T-M816 ABBOTT-COWAN CO., 813 Brown Blk., an get you in or out of bulncui. T-M83S Rf OMlN(J house with furniture for sale. 2233 Farnam. 'Phone A 2499. Y-M994 lx CATTLE, aheep and horse ranches. Floor mill proposition. Homesteaders located. Absolutely best bargain offered In renl estate; local agenta wanted. Charles Reed land company, Sturgis. South Dakota. Today, at Thurston hotel. Y M995 3vx COAL land located. Oil company stock for cale. 7 per cent securod on farm loan a ( all at room 1UB, Thurston hotel. Y-M996 SOx OSTEOPATH V. Johnson Institute, 515 N. Y. Life bldg. T. 1664. Dr. J. A. Meehun. 616 N. V Life bldg. T. 16o4. ii The Hunt Infirmary, McCague bldg. T. 2361 720 1R GRACE D BEGAN. 832 N. Y. Ufa. Tsl. 268. 721 Fayette Cols, osteopath, 509 Paxton block. tr Farrall, specialty nervous diseasea. 04 Paxton. M 646 A3 DRB. LAIRD A LAIRD. 108 Karbarb blk. 'i'hone torn. M km a a FLORISTS. HESS A 8WOBODA, 1418 Farnam. 80S L. HENDERSON, florist. Ull Farnam 8t SUl ALFRED DOKAUHUK, J It, 10? Faman . XsL tUL . . 7 ,v MA WASTED MALE HELP. BASE BALL TEAM COMPLETE. PENMANSHIP We employ the onlv export rrnman In Omaha. 1'lie best writers In Omaha busi ness houses have been students of the Omaha Commercial college. v e are (lad o send you a siwcliricn oi what we ran do o yoj ran compare it with thoiie obtained from other schools. Address, Omaha Commercial College, 17th nd Douglas. MEN to learn barber trade, free railroad fare upon our failure to convince you of this being the BEST, largest Hiid only reliable, most practical barber college In this section. Write for catalogue today. Western Barbers' institute, Omaha, Neb. B 656 WANTED For U. 8. army, able-bodied, unmarried men, between ages of 21 and cltlrens of United States, of good charac ter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For information apply to recruiting officer, 16th and Podge 8ts.. Omaha, or Lincoln, Neb. B M1M MOLER'8 BARBER COLLEGE of Den ver. Colo., offers advantages In teacning the barber trade that cannot be had else where. Write today for our trms. B M217 AB WANTED Expert laundfyman. or will aeii good steam launury aoing gmm imm ness. Willis Cadwell, Broken Bow, Neb. B MS64 WANTED, first-class baker of good habits; steady work, good wages. Wayne niii'rj, Wayne. Neb. B M319 81x WANTED, two arents. at once: salar ry or How- commission. C. F. Adams uo., mi ard st M383 W0 PAINTERS at World s fair, Bt. Louis; union men, oc per hour; no trounie. Ap ply at World s fair grounds. B M902 lx PERMANENT position for three energetic people residing in lowa or ieorHii, special work: $70 salary, with commis sion!!. Call or address H. M. Paradise, 614 Paxton block, Omaha. B-3W 1 WANTED Men to learn barber trade: board, tools and scholarship inciuaea in our offer; few werks completes; prepare now for spring rush; graduates earn top wages; positions guaranteed; oall or write. Moler College, 1302 Douglas st. B M4J4 Aprlx WANTED First-class bicycle repair man. 122 Capitol ave. u-biu 9t PRINTER All around man for country office; no borne fighter need apply: gaso line power. F. E. Barnum, Madison Neb B MM" 30 WE NEED COMPETENT MEN To fill positions as managers, accountants, advertising men. salesmen ana oooKKefp. ers; also technical and executive men. high grade exclusively. We have offices In twelve cities. Write for plan and booklet. HAPGOODS (Incorporated). bl6 Chemical building, St. Louis. B DO YOU WANT A BETTER TOSITION? If vou are a high-grade person, rapnnie of holding a high-grade position, we can place you. Ask for plan, western net. & Bond Ass'n., 840-841 N. Y. Life. B-M9RI MANAGER and buyer for millinery In de partment store; saiarv n.'ni. vveniern Ref. & Bond Ass'n., 840-841 N. T. TJfe. B-M980 BAKER helper at Kuenne's hakerv. "!91 Tjeavenworth. B M'.tM ix A FREE scholarship In Illustrating, lour- nRllsrn, proof reading, advertising, pook keeplng. stenograrthv or electrical engi neering given to those who apply at once; tuition Is absolutely free; mention course desired. Correspondence Institute of America, box 240. Scranton, Pa. H-M9S8 30x WANTED Coachman: refrences required. H. W. Yates, Nebraska National bnnK. WANTED FEMALES HELP. ANYONE need of housekeeper or man and wife call Canadian office, 16th ana ooage. FOR ST. IX5UI9 World's fair, BO ladles. work mammoth palmistry stunio, jot weekly, experience unnecessary; large II. lustrated palmistry book with instruc tions for 2 stamps. Professor Frederick, 213 W. 126th St., New York Fair Dept. 127. C M387 2x LADIES for work at home stamping World's fair souvenirs: steady, m uoug- WANTED Ladies to learn halrdresslng. manicuring or facial massage. Two to four weeks completes by our method. Can nearly earn expenses before completing. Instruments and diplomas given. Call or write. Moler College, 1302 Douglaa St C M436-1X WANTED Experienced millinery sales ladles. Apply at once to J. L. Brsndels & Sons C 882 30x WANTED An experienced Mrs. Marsh, 804 Pine st. second girl, C M844 31 X WANTED Girl for 283 California st. general housework. C-857 31 WANTED At 21t South 32d ave.. compe tent girl for general housework: refer ences required; call between 1 and 5. C-M986 1 STENOGRAPHER Ability to run office appreciated more than ability to run type writer. Call today at room 103. TlMirtnn hotel. c M997 sx WANTED SPtTATIOHS. BOY 17 years old wanta position In some wholesale house In city: willing to work for advancement. Address Box 7(i7. Mis souri Valley, la. A M843 4x FOH RENT KIRMSHKD BOO 11. ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th & Chicago l!i 6o DEWEY, European hotel, 13th and Farnam NICELY furnished rooms. Inquire Omaha Steam Laundry, 1760 Leavenworth. 'Phone A-1763. E-061 O. M. E. hauls trunks. Telephone 611. E-C6I $1.25 PER WEEK, Doran House, 422 S. lHth j uw VIENNA HOTEL, 1011 Farnam; fine rooms; ladles' cafe, private dining r. ; open nighta. E-664 LARGE, warm Capitol ave. room, ateam heat. 1909 E M720 NICE furnlahed rooms. 324 N. 15th. E 665 CLEGANT apartment house for men; rooms slrgle or vnsuite, luxuriously fur nished, now ready for occupancy. Apply at the Chatham, 13th St., opposite Millard hotel. E-M812 NICELY furnished rooms, third floor. 1420 Dodge St. IS M4S7 THE FARNAM. 19th and Farnam sts. E-M965 Reference required. MODERN furnished rooms. 2473 Cass. E M521 30x FURNISHED rooms and board; fin loca tion; gentlemen only. is rarnam si. F-664 AU LARGE front room, modern. In desirable neighbornooa; private lamuy. to in .m atreet. iv w zx MODERN, furnished rooms. 193 Callfor- nia. E-M5Z9 10 FURNISHED rooms, $5. 1805 Lake. H. Jil v FURNISHED rooms. 2220 Burdette. t. atai 31 x NICELY furnished rooms. TH Cass. E M537 SOx FIRN1SHED ROOMS AND BOARD. UTOPIA, stsam heat 1721 Davenport. F 608 ROCKAWAY, 1316 Douglas. Meals. 15c. F Furnished rooms steam heat, with or with out Doara. siiuiana noiei, wiu at v iiicagu. sol HOME Dining Hall; first-class meals. 2oo and jac Home cooaing. i.' I'ouge. F-M46-A-10 l.AROE aouth front room and board for two; all modern, with phone A-2&&3. 85 00 a week each: gentlemen preferred. 24ui Cass. F M6U ELEGANT south front room snd slcove, with board. Z41 t'ajta. r -ai.i is FURNISHED rooma and board: fine loc. Uea; feaUcmsa oaly. U --nm si. 4T 644. A-LX Looking For An Opportunity? GLANCE THROUGH THE WANT ADS YOITLL FIND IT A PROFITABLE HABIT FOR BET-l.FlRMSHED ROOMS. UNFURNISHED rooms. 2612 Harney. G M3' 30X MODERN, unfurnished rooms. 180R Grace. THREE desirable rooms, suitable for light housekeeping, partly furnished. 3-10 f a us. O M56 FOR SALE MlSCHLLAIEOt S. INDIAN GOODS and relics. 1119 Farnam. W i4 2D-HAND safe cheap. Derlght 1119 Farnam. VJ t)l CHEAPEST OAK SLAT CORN CRIB BING. Long fir tlmbera. 901 Douglas. VJ 65 . 100 KINDS of Mineral Water. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. y 697 KIMBALL PIANO, slightly used; big bar gain. Call or write Room 7. Bee Bldg. y ts SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables; billiard tables repaired; large stock cheap bar fixtures, cigar counters. The Bruna-wtck-Balke Collender Co., 407-9 B. loth. Q 700 150 WATCHES, 75 diamonds, left In pawn, cheap. Diamond Loan Office, 1401 Douglaa. Q-M701 WB RENT Sewing machines, 75c week. We repair and sell parts for every machine manufactured. Second-hand machines from $5.00 to tlO.OO. Nebraska Cycle Co., 'Phona 1663. Corner 15th and Harney. 703 FOR SALE 8everal scholarships In a first class standard school in Omaha, compris ing complete course in business, short hnnd and typewriting. Inquire at Bee omce. y 604 FOR SALE cheap, old Ink barrels. Apply to the press room of The Bee. y 313 AUTOMOBILE-J1.100 Toledo Steam Das-a- das at a great bargain. E &, Bee citnee. y M649 A Li STOCK YARDS 8ADDT.ERY CO., Vholesale and retail. HARNESS und SADDLES: everything con Blue reel, cheapest on earth: everything hand-made; union shop; headquarters for axie grease anu whips. J. G. BLESSING, SSI N. 25lh st, So. Omaha. y M 774 FOR SALE Will sell at a discount a schol arshlp In one of the best Omaha business colleges. Address t lb, aeo office. y-M 901 FOR SALE Second-hand safe, soda foun tain and National Cash register. Rich inond-Deright Co., 309 8. 13th st. Q 917 TREES Hazel Dell Nursery, 3208 N. 24th. y M199 AID DENSMORE typewriter. In good condition, ror ii. jno. MUb i. x. idie. lei. stit. Q-M333 FOR 8ALE Grocery shelves and counters; must be sold at once, inquire eommer Bros.. 28th and Farnam. Q 616 29 FOR BALE A few snares of stock In one of the best paying mercantile lines in Omaha. Address Q 3, Bee. Q-M842 31 x SECOND HAND furniture, carpets of all kinds, lowest prices, western furniture Co., 1414 Dodge. Q-M837 A28 SEVERAL hundreds ot incubators and broodors for sale, practical, wei made machines, fit to man any poultry plant. They are all Petalumas and have proven their worth by years of auccess. For further Information address E 14, Bee. 9. FOR SALE HORSES, WAUOXS, ETC. HORSES for sale; second-hand harness and vehicles cheap. Melcheor s stables, oui a. 19th. P MMW SAM'L BURNS, phaeton and surrey, cheap. HAVE your wsgon painted or repaired by li. Frost, 14th and Leavenworth. P-M375-8 HORSES clipped. 1502 Cass. Cotton Livery Stables P M7o6 All SECOND-HAND closed carriage, rubber tired, $260. Address F 63, Bee. P-M648 9 HORSES CLIPPED,-? ctVTO P M834-A-27 WASTED TO RENT WANTED to rent, an 8 or 9-room house, latter preferred; modern conveniences. In west or southwest locality. Address E 67, Bee. K- -579 Mx WANTED to rent, 10-room house in West Farnam district, by responsible party. Address l) 72. uee. iv to aux WANTED to rent, by smalt family, fur nished house in desirable I'-catlon; want vard with shade trees. Address E 78, Bee. K-6S1 30 x YOUNG men wanta room and board In private family by April 10th. Address F 66. Bee. K 578 3ux WANTED Furnished rooma and board In private family for man and wire with 9-year-old boy. Must be near school and desirable: some distance from tenter of city. Address G 4, Bee Office K-MR46 S) LADY, employed, wants lensant. well furnished bedroom and silting room n good locality. Address G 6, Bee. K M9S5 Six AGENTS WANTED. WANTED, canvassing agents In every county to solicit sunscriptions to thb TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Steady employment with assured good in come. Agents in the country with horse and bugify especially desired, anvassers make easily $60 to $100 per month. Ad dress Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bee Building, Omaha. J 213 WE want 10,000 agents for greatest house. hold seller ever produced; actually sella In every house; Immense money maker for agents; kend loc for complete aample and our large Illustrated catalogue of agenta supplies. Southern Mercantile Co., uept. li ivi. iiouson. Tex. J-M446 Apr $ FOR EXCHANGE. TO EXCHANGE, 440 acrea choice eastern Nebraska farm lands ror stock or general merchandise or ilolhing. Address Lane A Miller, Wlsner, Nebraska. Z M3V4 WILL trade beautiful piano for horse Schmoller aV Mueller, 1313 Farnam. Z 692 A GOOD 320-acre farm In Merrick county Nebraska, to exchange ror niercnanome or hardware. INVESTIGATE. Address P. O. box 423, Central City, Neb. Z M9H7 31 x LAW AND COLLECTIONS. 8TILLMAN PRICE, 410 1st Nat by. bldg, THE new Snow-Church Co., law collec tions, real estate, attorneys, collectors. brokers everywhere. 1st floor N- Y. Life. Tel. 123. 4L4 JUDGE DICKINSON. BIC N. T. life: aet tlement estates specialty. Tel. F-2655. -SJJ DANCING ACADEMY. MORA ND' 8 15th and Harney, spring term begins tnia wees: cnuuren. eat., 3 p. I adullS. Tues. aV Fli . 8 p. m ; 12 letaons 8i hrtvata isasong daily, Tel 1641. r.-Aj. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. JS350.00 For a line boulevard lot south of Hanscom park. 2611 BRISTOL 8 rooms, modern except furnace, paved street, fine cellar. HI 500.00 Northeast corner 27lh and Sprague, 7-room house, fine repair, city water; 2 lots. THE BYRON REED CO. RE-S54 81 GLOVER, 1st floor N. Y. Life, city prop- erty, farms, ranches. Tel. 133. RE 688 Illus. your property. Baker Bros. Eng. Co. RE 935 Small Homes Small Money $55040x100, 4-r. cottage, block from Harney car. Cheap. I. 00 208 S. 2Mh Ave.. 26x79. 4-r. cottage. $75046x120, on paved street and car line, 3-r. cottage; good place to start a small busi ness. isoo 3118 Miami, 60x120, 4-r. cottage, $S0O. X0i 216 S. 28th Ave.. 40x 79, good cottage, close In, cheap; offered for some time at $1,000; owner says SELL; great bargain. $1, ami 2416 Blondo, 30x127, 6-r. cottage, city water, rents $12. Eaay payments on all. GEORGE G. WALLACE, BROWN BLOCK. RE-35-29 ENGLISH & CO., PAXTON BLOCK. One of the finest 8-roora modern residences In West Farnam district, $2,200. 8-room modern residence, Farnam and 31st avenue, $3,700. RE 48 MISSOURI LANDS ANCHOR LAND COMPANY, 1018 N. Y. Lite Bldg., Omaha. RE-M406 A3 $600.00 For two 60-foot iois In West Farnam dis trict, 100x120, east front, near car; owner must sell at ence. Payne-Bostwick Co. 601 N. Y. Life bldg. RE 852 30 BARGAINS IN ACRE TRACT8. 12 acres, good house, etc., on Believue road, two miles frcm South Omaha $3,6u0. 6 acres, very well improved, on tha GH- more road, $1.6u0. 2 acres, lair lmurovements, on Boulevard. lVi miles from South Omaha postotflce $8.l. 40 acres, unimproved, lays well, close In J4.UU0. 35 acres, unimproved, good land $3,500. 10 acres, adjoining Albright; great bargain 12.000. We have several smaller tracts adjoining the city mat are nice ana very cneap. O'NEIL'S REAL ESTATE AGENCY. South Omahu. RE M658 AU A BARGAIN. 2818 N. 19th ave., 8 rooms, all modern ex. cept furnace, good neighborhood, adjoin. Ing Knuntze Place on the south $2,000. We have others, too. KENNARD LOWER. 309-10 Brown block. RE 853 1 CLOSE IN MODERN house, 9 rooms, near High school and creignton university, paving all paid, only $4,500 : W. FARNAM SMITH & CO.. 1330 Farnam St. .M a RE-M878 ELEGANT BRICK BLOCK. 4 stores, with 6-room, modern flats above; price, ji&.uuu; casn or larm lann, dsi ancs can run nearly 6 years at 6 per cent THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1, New York Life bldg. RE 823 CHRIS BOYER, 22nd and Cuming. Tel. 2049. A LIST OF GENUINE BARGAINS CITY PROPERTY. $1.250 6-room house on Nicholas St., bet. 2vth and 3uth sts.; lot 61x126. $3,500 8-room new modern house, except furnace, lot 46x90, on Spauldlng, near 24th st. $2,700 7-room house, barn and chicken house combined, trees of different kinds, lot 6(ixl50, on 42d and Parker. $660 4-room, lot 30x127, on Charles St., half block from car line. $1,2jo House with two lots cor. 46th and Hamilton sts. $750 4-room house, lot 23x127, on Charles St., halt block from car line. $5,5oo Beautiful all-modern residence, lot 100x150, on 42d and Cuming. A snap. $2,000 House and lot on Blnney st, lot ia2xl28. A bargain. 1 ......... l.n.n all a T A m rtm ' 1 .n.lll in, ... .1 11, " ' ntiu ..... i, water, lot 25x150, on Burdette, bet 81st and 82d sts. fjoo 3-room house, lot 26x66, at 3013 Bur dette, In rear. $8."i0 House and lot on Franklin st, bet. :',6th und 27th sts. fttii 4-room house in Enst Omaha, on Gust St., barn, chicken house, coal sheds, good well, fruit trees, lot 65x12, fenced und cross-fenced. This is a genuine bargain and must be sold within tn aays. VACANT LOTS. Vacant lot In Clifton Hill, 3 blocks from car line. 42x120 $260. Vacant lots on Burt St., bet. 27th and S8th sts. $600 each. Two lots corner 27th and Saratoga sts. $600. Vacant lot on 25th ave., near Cuming st, 5.1x70-1400. Vacant lot on 8pauldlng St., 50x127, perma nent sidewalk ,oO. STORE BUILDINGS. Store building corner 24th and Spauldlng sts., lot 4&X6 2,WJO. B'.illdlng with two store rooms, flats above, lot 42XS3. rental wu per year, on 24th, bet. Patrick ave. and Burdette St.; must be sold; cheap st l&.ooo. Make offer. UNIMPROVED IAND8. ISO acres In Cheyenne county 13. m) per acre. 330 In custer county ns.&o per acre. 160 In Frontier county $5.00 per acre. CHRIS BOYER, 22nd and Cuming. Tel. 2049. RE BARGAINS IN HOUSES 2,50. 2M0 Cuming St.. 8 room house, city wster. cistern, large lot 62x165. By moving house bsck it can still be rented and front Part of lot Improved by double brick flats. I-ook this over. Kvery one has said cheap enough at $2.6u0 00. 13.600. Eight-room house Just north of I.eaven- worth. east front on 28th st. Good open piumning, porcelain iud. etone warns in yard and street. Must be sold this week. (2.0OU. 2516 Hamilton St., large 10-room house. grood plumbing, beautiful lot adjoining Baptist church. This is the greatest bur gain north of Cuming st. 813 80. 38th St.; 8-room house psrtlv mod ern, doutile lot running through to 37th st Room for east front house. This house has never been sdvertised before snd we think we can sell It this week. Go look at It N. P. DODGE tc CO.. 1614 Farnam 8t. RE M9i2 1 $2,100. 4216 Ersklne St., 6 rooms, well ir ranged, story and a half, oak floors dow n stslrs. 1 his is a genuine snap. See ua. U. V. tsnoies 10, 1 1. Lire J.ldg. Tel. 49. RE-7 DO YOU WANT TO SELL A FARM? If you want to sell a farm or ranch tell the farmers and stock reisers about It The best wsy to reach them is through THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER This agricultural weekly goes to to. homes of farmers and stock raisers, so if you have a good place of land to sell at a reasonable price you will find a buyer among tbem. Tn cost of an advertisement is small 2 rents per word In small lpa 4T fcT 'p' h It set to. large type. . FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. H 40 Foot lot, $550 H On N. 24th St., two blocks north of Man derson, on paved street, permanent xlde walk; or will sell 75 feet for $','50. Best value offered in the north part of the city. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 610-611 New York Life Building. RE S58 3) H Dundee Lots H Owner says to sell three 50-foot lots within two blocks of car and school for $410 each. Similar lots Joining are held for $X0. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 610-611 New York Life Building. RE (69 30 ATTRACTIVE suburban property, 10-room house, barn, etc., 19 lota, large crchard. all good condition, ciose to car line; no agents. O 6. Bee. RE Rio 31 x FOR SALE 11-room house, modern and In fltst-cluss condition; large yard and shade uees; mil Davenport St. Apply n. j. w manor, 1618 Dodge St. SEE R. H. Landeryotl If you wish to buy or sell real estate. 442 Board of Trade. Tel. 2151. RE 691 FIVE acres, with apple orchard, at a bar gain; close In. Inquire 1410 Dodge. RE-M:;i8 A7 WE.ST FARNAM LOT, $750. We have for sale 4 lots on 41st St., 200 feet north of Davenport. The first man with the money gets his choice at this price. They are right up on the hill no reason why they will not be as good as Lowe ave. lots soon. Few lots command such a beautiful view. Two blocks from the street car. One block from a splendid school. Sewer, water and gas in the street. Look at thorn. Growing neighbor hood. Act quickly. HARRISON & MORTON. 913 N. Y. Life. Tel. 314. RE-M363 CHEAS-Williamson Co. .u.MTid, RE 795 MODERN 8-room; also 6-room house; beau tiful lots; line locution; cheap. Inquire 1411 Vinton st. RE 916 A18 2 HOUSES and lot, renting for $18.00; nearly new; near 20th and Bancroft: $2,000. Bom is. Paxton Bldg. RE M571 30 $1,160 Four-room house; city water, barn and shed. 3513 Seward St. RE M616 4x Your Opportunity to Own a Ranch or Farm Remember our lands in this sale are right here In Nebraska In Gods country ti sunshine and pure air; rancfies and farms for $3 per acre, for $4 per acre, for $5 per acre, for $6 ier acre, for $7 per acre, for $8 per acre and upi markets, crops, pasture, all at the same price. Union Pacific Land Agency, 222 8. 13th st, Omaha. Neb. RE 990 30 WHEN buying or selling real estate be sure to get a Miaiana tiuaranieo ana Trust company bonded abstract, 1614 Fur nam street. N. P. Dodge. Jr., President. RE M689 FOR RENT HOUSES. THE Omaha Van and Storage Co. pack. move and store 11. 11. goods. Btorenouse 1120-24 N. 19th. Office, lallft Farnam. TeL 1569-863. D-670 IRON FENCE?rr-6nsuli9th.Ulwn y Mo87 Jy8 uni 1CCC in all narts of the city. The nUUJCO o. F. Davis Co., 608 Bee Bldg. D-671 PAYNE-BOSTWICK & CO., choice houses. 801-fluS New York Life Bldg. 'Phone 1016. D-673 WE MOVE pianos. Maggnrd Van & Stor age Co. Tel. 1496. Office 1713 Webster at D-674 HOUSES, Insurance. Ringwalt, Barker blk, D-75 FOR RENT -11-room house, modern and In first-class condition; large yard and shade trees; 3li7 Davenport st Apply it. J Windsor, 1518 Dodge st. D-M376 uni IQPQ In all parts of the city. R. C. nUUOCJ Peters &. Co.. Bee Bulldog. u u , FOR RENT 8-room house, newly pnpered 3527 Charles St.: $20. Tel. 673. a. II II. Rob- inson. D 389 TO RENT for the summer, a large, modern furnished residence, from May 1, If the right party can be found. Address G 2, Bee. U 674 3 FOR RENT Seven-room house, all mod ern; 2123 California St., $32.50, including water tax; also 6-room cottage, modern except furnace. 2211 California St.. $26, Inquire at 607 N. 19th St. D M618 6-ROOM, modern flat. 1112 8. Uth st. D M839 FURNI8H ED house, eight rooms, modern; largn library; tine surroundings; near cars; for rent two or three months. 41131 Ixard. D 806 29x 8136 Chicago St., 8 rooms, modern, very de sirable $45; 2222 N. 18th. 6 rooras-$18; 2627 Hamilton. 6 rooms $15; others. Ring wait Bros., Barker block. D M92 FOR RENT Four-room cottage. 26 Blondo street. Apply at 607 N. 19th st. D M9S3 FOR RENT. 1920 S. 10th St., 7-room flat, ground floor, thoroughly repaired, new paper and paint, city water $10.00 1922 8. 10th St., C-room flat, ground floor, newly papered and painted, city water $10.00 2413 Jackson St., 6 rooms, new paper and paint, very neat $12.00 3415 Jackson at., will be made verv neat $12.00 $424 Jackson St., 6 rooms, new paper and paint, will be minted outside. .$12.00 Wlthnell building, 15th and Harney sts., two rooms $10.00 Wlthnell building, 15th and Harney sts., two rooms $14.00 N. P. DODGE A CO. . 1614 FARNAM ST. D M5W3 1 FOR RENT SI ORES AND OFFICES. yaH RENT, building suitable or whole sale purposes ut 91a Karnum, 22x90, tour stories and hrst-class cemented basement elevator, nre and burglar proof vault, of fice counter and fixtures. For price and particulars Inquire C. C. Rosewuter, sec retsry Bee Building Co., room htj. lies Building. 1 Mui7 FOR RENT Three upper stories In four story building st 91b Fsrnaui St., two stories If preferred. Address C. C. Rose water, Sec y. Room luu. Bee bldg 1-M9S6 FOR RENT 4-story and basement build ing. lilS Dodge st, now occupied by Omaha Carpet Co Inquire on premises. 1 'vj TWO-STORY building, 1512 snd the second floor 15ul-10 Howard. W. H. Bushman. I-os3 DENTIST wanted to share office with 1 tihvrician with fine gunners in Bee bldg with well established oraciics. Addrrits C 21. Baa. 1-U1 PERSONAL. DR. ROY, Chiropody, r. 2, 1516 Farnam. U-M837 Paper Hanging SIdM Cin,i: . P. McCLAlN. teed at reusomtbla prices. 210 N. l.th St Tel. B-2647 U-M301 Accordeon pleating, cheapest, best, quickest Mrs. a. u. Mark, litn ana ijougias. U-780 GENTLEMAN, 28. German descent, good character, desires to form ihe acquain tance of young lady, age 18-21. brunette and good figure, with view to matrimony. Lady alone in city seeking companion ship preferred. No agenta. Address G li. Bee. V'o'M 30x LA HOOK, ladies' tailoring. 613 Karbach UIK. U tl ANY poor girl In need of a friend can call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home Tor Women. 38-4 N. 24th St., Omaha. Neb. U M526 Maylx Stammering cured. J. Vaughn, Ramge Bid. L 733 ELITE parlors, 615 8. 16th, 2d floor U 733 "VIA VI," way to health. 360 Bee building. MAP.IVnTirirMtmwit a Htti. Mm .... 4 . I I tV Smith, 118 N. 15, 2 fir.. R. 2. U-HHI ASS. WHAT'S nicer than accordeon r'atlng7 We do nothing but the finest. Goldman Pleating Co., 200 Douglas blk. U BEN BOLT Why didn't you meet roe at Columbia Phonograph company last nl-ht? 1 waited till half past 9. Say, their free concerts sre grand, and I bought a doxen X. P. 60c records for 26o each. Peggy from Paris. U Mill ! PAN TORI UMcihln" U-J37 SEND 25c for HOMESTEADER'S GUIDE, '.'ontalniiig fortv-eiaht taaea of valuable .nformatlon. OFFICIAL MAP and full instruction how to get a claim on the ROSEBUD RESERVATION. Forbes Lo cating Agency, Bonesteel, 8. D. U WILL the girl with charming blue eyes. I tan jacket, wao noticed man w:tn ngnt overcoat and tan shoes on West Farnam car, near 14th St., address O 7. Bee 7 U 91 $ux PIANOLAS for rent: 3 months' rent al lowed on purchase. Schmoller & Mueller, ion milium. Tel. lt25. u M TUB, vapor and alcohol baths. 720 S. 13th st. U 365 GAS fixtures at coat. Sam'l Burns. U-M914 At SMOKE Capt Freer'a Greenlander cigar. iu a. lata. u Man Mayi THEATRICAL masq. costumes. Lleben, JOis f arnam. u M911 I ODGES, dancing club or meetings of any Ainu can secure a nan in the ilea ouna- .ug, with splendid accommodations; ele vator service all nieht. electric light piano, etc. Apply to R. C. Peters & Co., grouno. noor, liee bldg. u m CRYSTAL Ice Co., 1306 N. 24th. Tel. 2028. U M460 JelO DSiHICKE8, Q C- B 8' d?Tnti5c'u?ftcLe I Bldg. U-M60O A16x L. T. D.. will call at 7 Wednesday or Thursday to take you to dinner. Please say which. U 693 8ux IF EVER In the park you sat and heard the bund upon your hat play waltzes. marches and two-steps, too, I think It would astonish you. don t you? But ssv. the most surprising thing Is how Stoecker, 1404 Duuglus, can sell his Monogram cigar lor 6C just as good as most 10c cigars. U M862 THE DELIVERANCE. hy Ellen Glas- gow. Llbrsry, Investigate Roach's Circulating Circuiatini U-677 SO lbib farnam. MARRY wealth and beauty: marriage di rectory free; pay when married; entirely new plan : send no money. Address H. A. iiorton, uept. sea, Teaonsna. Mien. U M989 SOx MEDICAL. MAGNET PILE KILLER. At druggists, $1. IT CURES. 738 HOMEOPATHIC medicines, wholesale, re tail, onerman at Mcuonnen, omana. -739 DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases ana irregularities of women; experienced, reliable, I6IIV1 Dodge, Arlington Block, omana. 740 WANTED The case of catarrh, rheuma tism, eczema or stomach trouble that Co- Lon-Co WON T CURE. 869 29 PRIVATE hospital during confinement; oauies aaopiea. mrs. uaraeis, ia laK. Tel. Hed-1884. 741 PRIVATE home during confinement; babies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sanitarium, i -a isi Ave., council ciuns, la. 0-'8 PRIVATE hospital before and durlna eon flnement. Mrs. Fisher, 2616 S. 11. Tel. 1889. 742 LAUIEB, our monthly regulator sever 7siis; pox free. vita Co., station A. De troit, mien. PRINTING. HIGH CLASS printing at lowest prices. Tel. U6Z. 1. A. neaiar to., a a. lbtn st. M383 A8 AMERICAN Printing Co. New equipment. 11 m nriM Tl 1T1 1A10 . H. I .... M374 A8 DDiMTtwr. 1 High Grade Work. ' . rti. f Crounse block, corner of LYlNUblAU) 16lh St and Capitol Ave. KRAMER CHANDLER. Quick Printers. 1103 Fsrnam. To deliver work when promised Is our hobby. M,j5 A14 WE make calendars, and do all kinds of printing. Barton Printing Co., 707 8. 16th. 1 1, V. - oza XtTKl All - WANTED TO BUY. Dt.. bought, sold. Antique Book Con DOOKs cern. 21$ Karbach blk. Tel. 864. IN 618 T.I 020 N an ID-HAND furniture; high prices. Chicago furniture 1:0. DRIVING horse. Dr. Bradbury, dentist. 1M6 Farnam st. aittu MUSICAL. THOS. J. KELLY, voice, Davldge block. SG DAISY HIGGINS, voice, piano. 2013 Leav. Tel. A-2741. Mill CHAB. H. KEEPER, piano. 65 Barker Blk. MHXU DRESSMAKING. IN families. Miss Sturdy, 2606 Davenport. -Mil M'DOWELL'S school removed to 19oi Far nam at. M!i1 AJ LOST. LOST Pug dog. Reward. Return to 3003 Dodge St. lost 860 30x LOST Small blue enamel watch and silver fob March 28. Return to 22. Farnam; reward. WANTED SAI.ES MEN. AN Independent cracker concern would like to near iroill .-minrr nnu . n iwcbiiwii with established route In Nnbraska; good nuenlna for man with territory; old es tablished house; give references and ter ritory. Address O 8, Bee office. M-9W 80 PATENTS. H J. COWOILL No fee unless successful. 618 8. 15th St.. Omaha. Tel. 1798. J PATENTS guaranteed. Sues Co.. Omsha. tn A12x OCEAN STEAMERS. rr.lRK'8 PARTIES TO EUROPE. 1904 Tenty Excursions during Spiliig and Summer. Ocean Tickets All Lines. Send for Tourist Gaaette. JT. C UiABs. a finasway. N- X. MOHRY TO I.O AS CHATTELS. MONEY. 1 If you aiv Hiimiyid by luiim-ioua small bull that hae accumulated during in wmi. it might le an aavantnge to vu to securi money from us and pay them, and thet pay us In weekly or monthly paymeiili unill you set out of debt. We loan on tur nil ure, pianos, live stock snd other chat tela ana wo make loans lo suMiied pro tile utiiin thf.ii' own agreement to repay. ' Our rates nre as low us any and a gres. deiil lower than some. our service n quick and without publicity. If you liavt dealt with us and are pleased, lell other and if you are displeased, tell ua. Omaha Mortgage Loan to.. 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. S5. t (Established 1.'). 306 bouth 16th ht. X .48 CASH You can establish a CREDIT wlih an oU RELIABLE firm and secure money wnen ever you need It. We will advance you enough money to pas oft all yocr debts, so that you will owe n nil In one place, where you get courleoui ln.nlnii.nl Our easy payment plan has astonished peo ple wno nave previously onrruwru .i other loan companies, on account of out llbernl rstns We make loans on SALARIES. FURNI TURE, PIANOS. LIVE STOCK, oic. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., 8W-S Paxton block. X M303 MONEY I1ANED ON FURNITURE. PIANOS, LIVE STOCK SALARIES. ETC. Low rates and easy terms. Business confidential. Try us If vou want to save money. PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. 633 Paxton block, 16th and Farnam streeig X 70 MONET LOANED SALARIED FEOPLg and others with security; ensy psyments: largest business in 49 principal cities Tolman, room 440 Chamber of Commerce bldg. X-765 MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried f eopie; cuisines connuenttai; lowest rates 14 Paxton block. The J. A. Huiton I'd X-T08' MONEY to loan on furniture, horses, etc., st half usual rates. rr. Pribbennw. room 215 at 209 8. 15th St. Tel. B-2984. X-M427 . MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, lew- ..riv horses, cows. etc. C. F. Rted. 319 8. 13th. X-20T LOANS made on lewelrv and dlsmotils. Great Western Loan Office, 117 Famsm. X-M752 A15 CTTATTFL, saiarv snd .lewelry loan". Foley ixian en.. irM Farnam st. x Z"i MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. FARM and city loans, low rates. W. H. Thomas, First Nat l Bank bldg. Tel. 1648. W 710 PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. Llfe. W 711 4 TO B P. C. money. Bemls, Paxton block. W 712 PRIVATE money. F. D. Weed. 1530 Poujgini W 413 WANTED City loans snd warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co.,i320 Farnam st. W-714 WANTED- Real estate loans snd warrants. R. C. Peters & Co., Bee bldg. W 715 6 per cent loans. Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. w 717 MONEY to lo.in. Kenney Real Estste anfl Investment Co., r. 300 Bee bldg. W 845 MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. W 37 CLAIRVOYANTS. OYLMER, palmist. 716 N. 23d. Tel. B-8246. 8-111 BUSINESS MEDIUM, 718 N. 17th St. S 246 A29X SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN BANT S school, 717 N. Y. Life. 724 Neb. Bus. A Shorthand Col., Boyd theater. Jo DETECTIVE AGENCY. Capt. Cormack, 617 Karbach blk. Tel. A-2S32. POSTOFFICE NOTICE. rHhnuM be read dally by all Interested. as changes may occur at any time). Foreign malls for the week ending March 26, 1904, will close (PROMPTLY In all cases) at tne uenerai i-ubioii.c as iv. lows: PARCELS-POST MAILS closs one hour earlier than closing time shown be low. Regular and Supplementary malls close at Foreign Station (corner of West and Mor ton streets) half-hour later than closing time shown below (except that supplemen tary mails for Kurope and Cenlral Amer ica, via Colon, ciose. one hour later at Foreign Station). Transatlaalie Malls. THURSDAY At 7 a. m. for FRANCE, SWITZERLAND, ITALY, SPAIN, POR TUGAL, TURKEY, EGYPT. GREECE" and BRITISH INDIA, per s. s. la Gaa cogne, via Havre tmall for other parts of Europe must be directed "per s. a. La Gascogne" I. SATURDAY At 3:30 a. m. for IRELANjH, per s. s. Etrurls, via yueensiown (roaiec, for other part of Europe must be dl reoted "per s. s. EVria"); at 6 a. m. for EUROPE, per a. s. St. Ixuls, via Plym outh and Cherbourg; at 7.1 s. m. for Bi'DTt.ANO direct, per s. s. Columbia tmall must be directed "per s. s. Colum bia"); at 8:30 a. m. for BELGIUM dliei-t, per s s. Finland (malt must be directed 'per s. s. Finland"); st 8:30 a. ni. for ITALY direct, per s. s. Princess Irene, (mail must be directed "per a. s. Princes Irene"). After the closing of the Supplementary Tranutlnntlc Malls named above, addi tional Supplemenisry Malls are penet on the piers of the American. Engllxh. French and German steamers and remain open until within Ten Mlnulta of iha hour of sailing of steamer. Malls for South and Central America, West Indies, Etc. THURSDAY-At 8 . rn. for CUBA per a. a. Monterey (mall for Mexico, via F'rogreso, Cuinpecne ana vera. ru mum ie uireotea "per s. s. Monterey";; hi l 11. 111 for MAYAUUEZ. (ordinary mail only), per . s Mae (ordinary mall for other parts of Porto Rico inut be directed "per s. a, FrI'da'y At 12 m. (supplementary 11:30 p. m for BAHAMAS, per s. s. Orizaba (mail for Guantanaino and Santiago must be directed "per s. s. Orizaba "I. SATURDAY At 8. a. m. for BERMUDA, per a s Trinidad; at 9 a m. for ARGEN TINE URI HI AY and PARAGUAY, per . . Tronic: at 8 SO a. m fsupDlementarv S'-So'a m l for PORTO RICO. i'ltCAO and VENE7.UELA, per s s. Curacxa (mnll . . ...... ,.uv...vuna I. .1 I rected ' per s. s. Caracas"); at 9:30 a. in. (nunpleinentary 10.30 a. m.) for FORTUNE BLAND. JAMAICA. 8AVANILJ.A. CAR TAGENA and GREYTOWN. per s. s. Altai tm'iil for Costa Rlcu must be di rected "per s. s Altai"); at 9 30 a. 111.' (supplementary 10:3(1 a. m.) for HAITI and SANTA MARTA. per s. s. Adirondack; at 10 a. in. for CUBA, per a. s. Morro Cnstle, vhi Havana; at 12: p. m. for CUBA, per s. s. Fashoda, via Matanxns iniuil must be directed "per a. a. Fash oda"). lor eavHniu mm . ........ Mails Forwarsted overland, Etc.. Us- rept Transeontlaeatal. I -.,, .V1. ynrt roui Fl CVh,.offlc. dally, exc.pt Th Florida, closes at ursday, st 18 $4 m. m. (the connecting mans cione nere on I Mondays. Wednesdays and Saturdays). MEXICO I I 1 I iiverisna. unless specially lrlressed for dispatch b steamer, closes I . 1 ..mr HmDv. exceut hundty. at I S) I. p. m. and 10:30 p. m. Sundays at 1 p. tn. and 1U:) V- III. I KE WFOUNDLAND Py rail to North "vrt. pey and thence by steamer closes at this office dally st 6:30 p m. (connecting malls close hers every Monaay, vteanesuay and Khi urday). JAMAICA-By rail to Philadelphia and tlience oy iiwnirr iiiiara at mis voice pfc. 10 30 p. m. every Sunday. By rail to Boston snd thence by steamer closes at this 0 flics at 6:30 p. m. svsiy Vrlrtur. MIQUELON By rail It Boston and Ihenra, by ateamer ciosm at iius-emce aauy at C 30 11 m. I BELIZE. PUERTO CORTEZ snd OIIATE-t . MALA uy ran 10 raew urieana and t thence by ateamer closes st tlilf office dally, except Sundsy. at V :Z0 p. and 1 10 30 p. m . nunaays at i p. m. am I0:M p. ra. (conn'trtlrig mail close tre Jun, dm st liu 30 p. m COSTA R(CA By rail to New Orleans si4 thence by steamer close st this office 4U1U. sitet auaday, al 1.30 a. sa. au4 I