Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 27, 1904, PART I, Page 5, Image 5

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FOR 1904.
Dame Fashion adnil's a few tjl to her rmirt every Tear. Then
.-(- on or two of thuse few to ait at her tight and left haviiA to be ner
favorite. ,
This rr. toi mm's styles favorite ant the MafOuthy -lmrton
double-breasted aack and the Mar-Carthy Business "Took Bull, here shown.
f ' . 1 ... - i
v. v -4 ; ?';'
Vf. ;y -
. . . ..vv
'r.jCiT '-i- -Art
onoot Oeee Attract Many FaJr Bendanbi
and Visitors of Washington.
Tfcrr la u Attraatlaa Akea Caa
aalt lUoa t-am0kaui Wklk
Wai Vt rawa lua iaa
Thla Is the atyle evolved for the
man who thinks the sack coat looked
too boylah, the cutaway too Jaunty
and the frock too formal for his bus
iness waar.
'Tla a blenJlnc of cutaway and
frock just enough of the cutaway's
J aun tineas about It to makn It look
stylishly bualnesa-llke an air of the
frock's formality lingers about It to
Tnako the wearer look more like a
boaa and leas like a clerk.
11 U heat cut and taflarad right.
btar ant amr It
Dot If It's SlacCarttrr mada. It ram-
So ixup beiaa cut and tailured rtxht.
Moot generally popular of all "outs;"
the chanty look the soldierly ahoul
dara the luxuriously loose cut the
close, narrow, long lapols the full
huns; trousers make the slim man
appear stouter odd a swasor touch
to a man's attire.
It's a suit for all occasions exorpt
real formal omr.
Hut It rotrrt be cot Just so ani made
turn m jt "tomty o so."
UaCairtSry 4ttrttria Dnuhls-Sreastsd
Sack Suits
IM-Sne 8. 16th 8t, Next Door to Wabash Ticket Office. Thons 1808.
(Copyright by New Tork Herald Co.. UOi.)
WAflHINOTON. Maroh M (New Tork
Herald BorvtcaBpedal to The Bee.) The
halls of congress are drawing; all the fash
ionable women to ths capltol these days.
The Reed Btnoot case In Itself Is an Irre
sistible attraction, and coupled with this Is
the "free lance" oratory that Is developing
the lunira of statesmen at an astonishing
Up at the senate the most burning elo
quence floats domeward for the benefit of
the gayly thronged galleries. The women
are there to admire and applaud and the
senators know It. There is nothing of any
partlaular moment to demand their beet
argumentative efforts, so they allow sweet
fancy to direct their eloquence. The tal
ented speakers of the senate are therefore
at liberty to declaim and spout upon pa
triotism, religion and what not to their
hearts' content and ths edification of the
gallery audlecosa.
It Is a lan ton diversion for the woman of
fashion, who are rather surfeited with each
other, as well aa for the senators them
In the senators' reserve gallery many dis
tinguished women appear every day in
splendid toilets. Velvet gowns, rioh furs
and dark tuned plummed bats seem to be
the rearulatlon gallery oostume. In the
president's seat, which Is the first. Mrs.
Roosevelt Is frequently observed with
party of friends. Her visits are rarely pro
longed, however, and she never remains for
lunch at the capltol.
Bflae Roosevelt a Tlattor.
When there are young guests at the White
House Miss Alice Roosevelt takes them fre
quently to the capltol. They remain In the
gallery a short time, then go down to the
president's room, where Senator Lodge does
the honor In summoning the most dlstln
gulshed senators for a chat with the presi
dent's daughter.
In the vice president's seat directly back
of the president's, the granddaughters of
Senator Frye are certain to appear every
week with a party of young friends, and
they never leave the building without first
lunching with the president pro tern of the
Mrs. Depew is also an Interested occupant
of the reserved gallery. She takes great
pride in her husband's speeches and la an
attentive listener.
Mrs. Fairbanks is another frequent vis
itor. She is always accompanied by a
Informs the Associated Press that the re
port tJiat Great Britain proposed an arbi
tration treaty to Germany la January and
that the matter has been andiw oonaldera-
tlan atnoa that Uroa la unfounded.
Fortlflratlena at Eaqalmalt Will
Have Can Wklrk Will Sheot
talted States.
VICTORIA, n. C, March 16. Rueh work
Is being dona on the British fortifications
at Esquimalt. The new fort on Signal
hill, commanding the entrance to the har
bor. Is being pushed forward with all ex
pedition. Two large 11 guns are to be
mounted. The work of bloating out the
rock for Installing these Is being hurried
along and the guns are to be placed by
September. As soon as these have been
Installed It Is reported that steps will at
onoe be taken to Install one of the new
steel and wire guns recently purchased
by the British authorities. These are most
formidable weapons. The projectile from
them will carry a distance of about twenty
miles. With one of these In position Signal
Hill fort would command the strait of Juan
de Fuoa. A shot from It would carry to
the United States side of the strait
teamc-v Which Carried German Em-
yeror la ColUalon After
He Left It.
QENOA. March 26. The North German
Uoyd steamer Koenlg Albert, which came
on here after transferring Emperor Wil
liam to the Imperial yacht, Hohensol-
lern, at Naples, was In collision at the en
trance to the harbor with the Norwegian
steamer Slcllia. Some of the Kowjig Al
bert's plates were bent.
The Slcllia was Inst reported sailing from
the Tyne March 5 for a Spanish port.
Csar Not Going; to Front.
ST. PETERSBURG, March !6. The re
port printed abroad that the csar Is going
to the front In the summer receives abso
lutely no credence In the highest offlolal
sT nnv rt Tin t a cT?n OTTinn
DU I I UUK Eita 1 K auu
"Where you can get one that has the
proper style and finish. You can't buy
suits like ours any other place in Omaha
as we are exclualvs agsnta for
this line. Thiera la that distinctive
something about them that pleases
the eye and taste, and
. S3o
they hold their shape.
Rain or
Top Coats
Arrive at Destination with Many
Ready for Hospital Because
of Pneumonia.
ST. LOUIS, March 26.-Three hundred
members of the tribes of the Philippine
Islands have arrived here and have be.en
placed In that section of the world's fair
known as the Cuartel del Filipino. They
arrived from Tacoma over the Burlington
road and gave the officials of the road con
slderable concern by the manner In which,
they divested themselves of clothing. The
seml-clvlllzed natives persisted In throwing
their articles of clothing from the car
windows, and when they arrived in St.
Louis many of them wore blankets, hur-
party of friends who believe she will bo rledly furnished by the railroad. The sud
entitled to the second seat In the gallery I den rigorous change In the weather had
In the next administration.
Mrs. Spooner, Miss Gorman, Mrs. Wet-
more, Mrs. uaiunger, Airs, jvoraicer, Mrs.
Piatt and a score of others, chaperoning
the most attractive belles In Washington,
are regular visitors to the senate, now
that Lent has afforded them a little
Over In the dlplomatto gallery exclusive
groups of women are seen with various
attaches and secretaries of the embassies
and legations. The Countess Casslnl and
the Baroness Hengelmuller are frequently
In evidence. The Misses Patton, sisters of
Mrs. Corbln, are very popular with the
foreigners. Their great attraction Is an
ability to converse In most of the for
eign languages and dlsouss national pol
iUca with real Intelligence.
Chinese Wo me a Absent.
The Chlneae legation is always repre
sented by the grave-faced attaches In Ori
ental costumes, but they are rarely aocom-
panled by women.
While the ostensible reason for going to
the capltol Is to listen to senatorial elo-
For the Spring and Summer
of 1904.
;We are showing a complete line of imported and
domestic woolens many of them exclusive pat
v terns, and all of them made to order in a stylish, '
up-to-date manner, at reasonable prices. It will
pay you to call and inspect our stock.
Frank Vpdicka . Co.,
N. B. We do all kinds of cleaning, repairing
and pressing, at short notice.
Telephone No. 3182.
developed symptoms or pneumonia in a
large majority, and they coughed Inces
santly. One member of the Magnyan
tribe, from the island of Mlndanoa, was
Immediately taken to the hospital In a
serious condition from pneumonia. The
collection embraces Igorrotes, Moros, Ne
gritos, Vlscayans, Ta gales and Manyans,
the Igorrotes being reputed head hunters.
It Is difficult to distinguish between tM)
males and females, as they are clad rllko
and wear long hair. Both sexes wear ear
rings of metal and bone and many are
The natives huddled around hot stoves,
constantly smoking . their short, stubby
pipes, and mumbled In their native dia
lects, presenting . rather a woebegone but
ludicrous appearance, with little straw hats
about the size of quart cups, tied on their
heads wtth strings. One damsel had what
resehbled spools of porcelain, as big as
Insulators, thrust through her ears, and
proudly disported herself as a belle. After
being given a full meal all around, the
members of the different tribes were quar
tered by themselves, each delegation r.elng
auence. the committee room luncheons are furnished with a red-hot stove and soma
the real arguments In favor Of taking all hastily Improvised garments.
the lovely women to the big building. PARIS, March 28. M. Gulllemln, under
The senators' cafe used to be nooular chief of Foreign Minister Delcasse'a cab
enough In the good old days when Uncle net leaves Paris today on h!a way to
flam allowed ohamname to flnw In mih. St. LOUIS, Where De will represent the
He. But now that there Is a law prohib
iting the serving of wine In the capltol
restaurant, the most delectable luncheons
take place in committee rooms.
or course, i it is more exclusive and a
thousand times more Interesting, to lunch
behind closed doors with a congenial party
of friends and be Introduced to the private
"apeak eaalea" that yield up their richness
like magta
An Innocent looking roll top desk, a small
safe or a curtained book shelf as likely aa
not turns out to be a charming little pri
vate bar. He Is a poor statesman who does
not understand the mixing of cocktails
or mint Juleps when a bevy of fair women
come to the capltol aa his guests for
committee room luncheon.
minister for foreign affairs at the opening
of the exposition. He represented M
Delcasse on the Rochambeau commission
M. Legrave and other officials will leave
here early in April.
The secretary of the French commission
says no delays are occurring In the ship
ment or the f rencn exhibit so far as
the commission Is aware. All the prelimin
ary work of obtaining low rail and ocean
rates and obviating tariff delays has been
completed, and most of the exhibits are
actually on their way. Therefore, If they
have not arrived, the commission says. It
must be Incident to distant transportation.
An official report will be Issued about
April 10, ahowlng the satisfactory results
Etcrm Interferes with Telegraph Linn from
Rchmoii to Bt. Louis.
Great DMe Cmse4 by Wlad at
Kentaeky's Metropolis iaa easi
ness Interests BanTer by
Lack of Information.
LOU19V1LI.B, Ky., March JR. Seldom If
ever slnoe the civil war has the south
been so completely Isolated from the north
as It is today. Communication was abso
lutely cut off by every telegraph route
available to the Western Union company.
In vain were efforts made to find an lng-reaa.
Destruction or paralysis of telegraph fa
ct lit! os by storm was so widespread and
unparalleled that not a wire was working
south through Richmond, Njeahvllle, Mem
phis or any of the great centers of eleo-
trical control on either side of the Alle
gheny river westward far beyond the Mis
sissippi. The absence of intelligence from
the south was keenly felt In commercial
circles, on account of the critical situation
In the cotton trade as a result of the semi
panicky condition growing out of the sen
sational government report yesterday on
crop conditions, following so closely after
the upheaval resulting from the suspension
of the cotton king. Sully. Newspaper offices
were hardly less Interested In another fea
ture, expecting startling developments In
the Arkansas race war, which last night
had made a record of the wholesale lynch
ing of nine people, with more lynchlngs In
prospect Anxiety was alao felt aa to the
Inevitable rumors of great loss of life and
property damage aa a direct result of a
storm of such extraordinary nature.
By great exertion a circuit was finally
established south from Louisville, penetra
ting the vast territory which had been
so thoroughly for weary hours shut off
from the rest of the world.
With the restoration of wire oommunl
cation came numerous reports of damage.
No fatallUes were reported. Many of the
finest residences in the fashionable section
of this city were damaged by both wind
und water and several plants devoted to
manufacturing suffered heavily.
Eight persons were injured and extensive
damage was done to suburban property by
the, storm.
The Injured are:
George Relss, policeman, skull fractured.
Henry Schmidt, sVull fractured.
Frederick Bauer, leg broken.
Charles Hildebrand, badly bruised.
Henry Bohlsen, Jr., cut by flying glass.
Gus Wilberdlng, bruised.
Benjamin Klttmun, patrolman. Jaw in
Alexander Lawson, bruised.
The storm was central over the central
Mississippi and Ohio valleys.
Many Buildings Damaged.
According to the Weather bureaa yester
day it moved northward to the Atlantic,
with a cold wave close on Its heels. In
Louisville the wind attained a veloolty of
sixty miles and the rain rell In torrents, ao
companlod by heavy thunder and lightning.
The entire city was for a time flooded,
Third avenue, near the confederate monu
ment, being three feet deep In water. Street
car service was suspended for several hours
and on one or two lines It remains at a
The roof of the main building at the In
dustrial School of Reform was blown com
pletely off, falling, clear of the building on
the ground, and a panlo ensued among the
100 boys sleeping In that section of the
school. The boys, when they heard the
roar of the wind and the crash of ths fall
ing roof, began a rush for the ground floor.
.They were finally stopped without anyone
being injured. The building was flooded.
Two hundred and forty-five Inmates of
the Masonlo Widows' and Orphans' Home
were marched Into the center of the build
ing after the storm had torn away a part
of the roof, aa It was feared the building
would collapse.
In an area of a dozen squares, In which
Preston street and the LoulBVllle A Nash
ville railroad crossing Is the central point.
ten houses were unroofed and several per
sons were hurt
The residence of Henry Dubourg, on the
Eighteenth street road, a mile from the
olty limits, was blown away and his family
of eight had a remarkable escape from
death. Near the Dubourg home Alexander
Lawson was caught under the debris of hla
wrecked home and severely Injured.
Reports from various parts of the city
Indicate that about ISO houses were more
or less damaged. A part of the distillery
of Bemhelm Bros, was unroofed and the
Wires of both telegraph companies from
Louisville to the south were laid low.
&iiitiik WIP
To Prove" What Swomp-Root, the Great Kidney
Remedy Will Do for YOU, Every Reader ot The
Bee May Have a Sample liottlcSent Free by Mail.
Weak and unhealthy kidneys are responsible for more sickaeM sM4
suficrlnz than any other disease, therefore, when through seglect er thef
causes, kidney trouble Is permitted to continue, fatal resnlts are sore to)
follow. '
Your other organs may need attention but year kMeys most, fcecaeso
they de most aed need attention first.
If you are sick or "Veel badly," begin taking Dr. Kilmer's SwatsswReot,
the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy, because as toon aa yoar ItMaej
begin to get better they will help all the ether organs to health.. A trtaJ will
convince anyone.
The mild and Immediate effect of Swamp-
Root, the great kidney and bladder leniedy,
is soon realised. It stands the highest
for Its wonderful cure of the most dis
tressing cases. Swamp-Root will aet your
whole system right, and th kest proof
of this la a trial.
U Cottage St. Melrose, Mass.
Dear Sir: Jan, 11th. 1H.
"Hver slnoe I was In the Army. 1 had
mere or less kidney trouble, and within the
tut year It Became so severe and compli
cated that I suffered everything and was
much alfcrmed my strength and power
wan faat leaving me. I aaw an advertise
ment of Swamp-Root and wrote asking
for advice. 1 began the use of the medi
cine and noted a decided lmp-ovemnt
after taking Swamp-Root only a short
time. ....
I continued its use and am thankful to
sav that I am entirely cured and strong.
In order to be very sure of this, I had a
decvor examine aome of my ittr today
and he pronounced It all right aid In
aplandld condition. ,
I know that your Swamp-Root Is purely
vegetable and does not contain any harmful
oruga. Thanking you for my complete re
covery and recommending Swamp-Root to
all sufferers, I am. Very truly yours.
Tou may have a sample bottte of this
famous kidney remedy, Swamp-Root, sent
free by mall, postpaid, by which you may
test its virtues for such disorders as kid
ney, bladder and urlo acid diseases, poor
EDITORIAL NOTICE So successful la Swamp-Root In promptly curing even
the most distressing cases of kidney, Over or bladder troubles, that t prove Its
wonderful merits you may have a sample bottle and a book of valuable reformation,
both sent absolutely free by mall. The book contains many ef the thousands spon .
thousands of testimonial letters received from men and women eared. The value'
and access of Swamp-Root Is so well known that eur readers are advised te send
tor a sample bottle. In sending your addreaa to Dr. Kilmer s Co., B)hamten. ' N. '
Y.. be sum to aay you read thu generous offer in The Omaha Sunday Bee. The
Proprietors of this paper guarantee the genuineness of this offer.
digestion, being obliged to pass your watel
frequently night and day, smarting er irri
tation In passing, brick-dust sediment la
the urine, headache, backache, lame bask,
dlfcslness, sleeplessness, nervousness, heart
disturbance due to bad kidney trouble
skin eruptions from bad blood, neuraagta,
rheumatism, diabetes, bloating, trrUaefflty,
wornout feeling, lack of ambition, lose ef
flash, sallow comp'exlon, er BrlfhTe dis
ease. If your water, when allowed te remain
undisturbed In a gloss er bottle Car twen-
ty-four hours, forms a sediment er ssttUng
or has a cloudy appearance, It ta awUUnoe
that your kidneys and bladder need bs
medlate attention. .
Swamp-Root la the great discovery of Or.
Xlimer, the eminent kidney and bladder
specialist. Hospitals use It with wonderful
success in both slight and severe saeaa.
r -colors recommend It to tbetr patients
and use It In their own famines, seeaese
they leoognlae In Swamp-Root the gaaateat...
and most successful remedy. . . - .
rwamp-Root la pleasant to take aad . Is
for sale at dreg stores the world evei' aa
bottles of two slzea and two prfces ifty-
cents and one dollar. Remember the eame.
Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root,
and the address, Blnghamton, N. T., on :
every bottle.
Germany Rot Considering; Treaty.
BERLIN. March M, The Foreign office
Map of the World
The Unloa Paolflo- PaMenger Department baa
laaaed a large wall map, a sew i,p of the
World, mounted on cloth 44 O laches. Ths
nap sbowa every square mile cf lead aad water
oa the globe. The oceaa current are accurate
ly drawn, aad all taoataaoMUip roatta properly
shown, with flgarea giving the exact mileage
from any one given point in the world to any
other. At the bottom of the large map are
detail maps showing the new poiaenaioue of
Uacle Sam I Philippine Inland, Hawaiian
Islands, Fa (to Rko, etc., a well aa Cnba;
also detail maps of South Africa and North
eastern China, which are of great interest on
accoaat of the present naval and military oper
ation! between Japan and Ruatla. On receipt
of lie for postage map will be forwarded to
any address oa appllcatloa to E. L. LOMAZ,
G. P. 4 T. A Union Pacific Railroad, Omaha,
Bat It Has Proven of Intereat
Value to Thomaanda.
Common sense would suggeat that If one
wishes to become fleshy and plump It oan
only result from the food we eat and digest
ana mat rooa snouia be albuminous or
flesh forming food, like eggs, beefsteak
and cereals; in other words, the kinds of
food that make flesh are the foods which
form the greater part of our dally bills
of fare.
wut the trouble Is that while we eat
enough and generally too much, the stom
ach, from abuse and overwork, does not
properly digest and assimilate It. which Is
the reason en many people remain thin
and under weight: the digestive organa do
not completely digest the flesh forming
beefsteak and eggs and similar wholesome
There are thousands of such who are
really confirmed dyspeptics, although they
may have no particular pain or Incon
venience from their stomachs.
If such persons would lay their prejudices
aside and make a regular practice of tak
Committee from Improvement Club
Asks that John D. Edgar Branch
Be Reepead.
A committee from the South Side Im
provement club attended the meeting yes
terday evening of the Library board and
asked for the re-establlehment of the John
D. Edgar branch library. Michael Lee
acted as spokesman for the southslders and
tried to show that the branch was essential
to the peace of mind of residents In that
part of the city. The board referred the
matter for decision to the book committee.
The question of buying additional steel
book stacks was brought up and referred
to the executive committee. Some wire
gratings for the protection of the base
ment windows were ordered. Reports of
the librarian and bills to the amount of
H6.62 were approved.
In the absence of President Reed of the
board Vice President Victor Roeewater pre
sided, all the other directors being present
How to Break l p a Cold.
Everyone knows the first symptoms of a
cold and the dangerous consequences which
often arise from its neglect. A severe cold
can be completely broken up In one or two
days' time If prompt and proper treatment
Is given. The first action ahould be to re
lieve the lungs, which la best accomplished
by the free use of Chanr.berlatn's Cough
Remedy. When this remedy la taken In
double doses every hour on the first ap
pearance of the cold It will counteract Its
effect and a complete cure aoon follows.
Deep-seated colds or coughs also yield
readily when this medicine is used.
It Is Utterly Impossible for Fire to
Spread Where the
41 national" Fire Proof Paint
Illinois "Woman Arrested In Montana
for a Crime Which Oecarred
Five Yeara Ago.
HELENA, Mont, March 26. Mrs. W. W.
Works was arrested here today by the
chief of police on orders from Bloomington,
111. Mrs. Works is charged with murdering
her husband, Michael Colton, May 24, 1899.
The woman denies the murder. She married
Works in Wyoming four years ago. Illinois
officers have wired they will come for her.
Boston Man Charged
Fnndn ef Pablle lastltatlons
Admits the Charges.
BOSTON, March W. Wallace S. HalL
H wet otter's Stomach Bitters Is today
recognized as the most popular family
ttiexllcine In the world. It has been thor-
li.g. after each meal one or two of Stuart's formerly manager of the Boston office of tlghly tested In Caaee of Stomach, liver
Tw amAnarl aa To Kintal Vt a Ov a M b-a... t Ala I vl.BaW .1 a ava a .
e the American Suretv imin. f xr.,. I Biiu iwwct compuuau, ana nas always
! JP'V4 . CHlCMaaTltK-i Jt.H
I in I t.. A mm a-k . 1 AW . C . . . ... -. .
1 f U.w la iwi nocoa tallur-i i j - a .. .j W Ui,-i , m 4. la
I.ItU kUlt. IJSJM SIHkj vW'J 1 IMryti I eCg i ?
Dyspepsia Tablets the food would
quickly and thoroughly digested, because
these tablets contain the natural peptonea
and dlaatase which every weak stomach
lacks, and by aupplying this want the
atomach te soon enabled to regain Its
natural tone and vigor.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets digest every
form of flesh forming food, meat egga.
bread and potatoes, and this Is ths reason
they so quickly build up, strengthen and
Invigorate thin, dyspeptlo men, women and 1 Ore.
Invalids and children, even the most deli
cate, uae them with marked benefit aa they
contain no strong. Irritating drugs, no
cathartic nor any harmful Ingredient
Btuart s Dyspepsia Tablets Is the most
I suooessful and most widely known of any
remedy for stomach troubles because It la
the most reasonable and adenttfie of mod
ern medicines.
Stuart a Dyspepsia Tablets are Bold by
every druggist In the United States and
Canada, aa well aa In Great Brltatn, at SO
cents for complete treatment .
NutUiis fuftliwr Li Fwuirvd to cure any
stomach trouble or te make thin nervous
I oysjHiptie people street, &lume end sreO.
and treasurer of St. Luke's Home for Con
valescents, toaay pleaded guilty in the
Suffolk county superior court to Indict
ments charging the larceny of t23S,0OO from
these institutions. He was not sentenced.
effected a cure.
. B. Eddlngton of Denver, C W. Harris
Los Angeles. W. C. Calder of Sumpter
Ore., and M. H. Toung of Broken Bow are
a i l ne liar umna.
Roy C. Hardman of Manila, P. I.. J. H
Rushton cf Fairmont, Dr. F. E. Bevlev of
r 'v .w""i' t:. " "-.
n i a i iiiv . a l . ' 1 1 .
J. C. McNeill of Superior, W. S. Gray of
Davenport, George W. Kedmoa of Haat
lnaa C. W. Turner of Lincoln and Vf r a,M
Mrs. S. J. Irwin of Crelghton are at the
amis ro.
ef Tankton. T. H. Abbult of Columbus. C.
E. Mills of Denver, L. Jacques of Aber-
S. D.. and R. A. Packard of Grand Island
are at me aiorcaanis.
Paul Bell, D. R. Raymond. O. Bj Schnurr.
H. C. W'lllman. D. Anderson, It M.
Barrett, vvaiah. vv . Lewis and W. 1L
Barnes. eomxrleln the basket ban iaaia
of Lincoln, arrived In the city jeaftardAJ.
bun wwii twiwa sua lain uuaai
r mi
r if "
Every member of the
family can take
anfetv rtawnnaa Ifr
SJj contains nothing
Injurious and the
weakest atomach
can easily retain It
We therefore urge
01 atrial ltposltlve-
lv euraai
Sick Headache,
Dyspepsia and
Malaria, Fever
Sat Agiie,
It is positively fire retarding. Mode from kettle-boiled
Linseed oil, ground under our exclusive process, with the
highest grade paint ingredients.
Recommended by Fire Commissioners, Insurance Men,
Builders and Architects wherever used.
The "Hatlonal" Fire Proof PalDt costs no more than ordinary
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