TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FKIDAY. MARCTT 2". 1004. SPECIAL JiOTIGES Altrrllirmriita for thnr columns will be) Ukn mil 13 m. for the rtrnliK edition and antll p. m. for. the morning; and andar edition. Ratts. I 1 -2e a word first Insertion, In word thereafter. Hnthlnaj tnken for lea than for the flrat !" tloa. These ndrrrtlarmf mnst tie ran rniarritUrlr. Advertisers, reejnesting a num bered rherk, ran hare dressed to a numbered letter In earn af The Hen. Aniwrtu so addreaand will he delivered on presentation of the eheelc only. Mll KLLASEOt P. APRIL 4 -SPRING TERM Boyles College, JiEW YORK LIKE BUILDING. OMAHA, catalogue ReuUy. The Nebraska Seed Co's Ca'.uioaua irte. utU-iima iiowaru. i't)LI DRIVEWAYS AND AlU'l- Jtn V LL ,ii 1AL SiU.NK WALivS. t- u. Vaiicourt, J020 N. loth. 'iei. istae. R 261-J21 I'l'T RATE TICKETS everywhere. Philbln. 1 AjrfL I kmntn h n,1 nun. Li. P. UePOl. 'l ei. -,M and lu.a. R-Mtlita i.illtll u ,A n .1.1 Irrin k'nrkl Tllllke A SPO- .vim.w DOir oi.u -' . cialty ot tire imHpra, shutters, doom unu sates. U. Andreen, Prop., l" B. linn si. R Milii Miiyjo D. M HA VERLY' EXPERT ACCOUNT- AM. Hi Hm,tu BLlAi. PllONH. jKW. R tj4 Champ. C'urp. Clean. Co., 718 8. 14th. T. b-iB. f.m n SILVER, NICKEL Plating, pr JJlU dialing Co., 1m ttwrney. iI. !M Om. R Ui CITY BAVINUS BANK pays 4 per cent. XV wo SPECIAL For a limited time we will tit you with a guaranteed pair of spectacles lor tl. Don't inisa tills ciiance. c.e. op ticians, 30s N. isih at. v.Aiu.v. Imn office. Reliable, accommodat ing; all uusineHS coniiUentlal. lil Dougias. n aw EXPRESSMEN 8 Delivery Co., moving and storage. 214 N. Pith. lei. n-w tut the ntiCAflo LAUNDRY. If you don't, we both lose, uood work, prompt attention. 214 N. 16th. lei. iuo. 11- -o4 1 Cl; Carpet Cleaning Works. N. A. t-ICClI IC Lhrmtenson, iXii N. UUh. Tel. 16&9. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO., cleans cesspools, vaults, removes garbage, dead animals; reduced prices. t-'l N. lb. Tel. 17.9 i Vtl P. MELCHOIR, machinist. 13th & Howrd. R a: PUBLICITY DESIGNS WH EATON. in the Bee Bldg. . R-43 J. K. WALLACE, Taxidermist. 605 S 13th. R !2n il 'ST Rn NO EST In the World." The Kotilta' ble Life Assurance society. Its policies are sight drafts at maturity. H. D. Neely, manager. Merchants' National Bank Bldg.. omaha. Neb. R H4ti SIGN painting. 8. Ii. Cole, 1302 Douglas. ALL kinds carpenter iiromptly attended to. oth and Lake. work, repairing j, i. ocmiiree, R 370 K. J. DAVIS, safe mover, heavy hauling, 1119 Farnam. Tel. 353. R 162 M3 I"OR noon luncheon try the Karbach Res taurant: reasonable prices. 4i n. iotn at. R-828 Mayl6 VODICKA b CO.. fine tailoring; all kinds pressing, repairing. Krug 'l heater Plug. Tel. AIM. K 4t CLOTHES pressed, altered, ton hotel tailor. Yousen. Pax- R 649 TRACINGS; blue prints and working III M WillS 1623. Sues & Co., Omaha. 'Phone R 237 Apr22x W .., j , , I'ERFIELD Piano Co., Bee Bldg.; no In terest, honest values, easy terms. R 638 locksmith r6thR- sjray-208 N 2974. R MJS3 H. O. SMITH, plumbing, 118 N. 16: tel. Sn92. OMAHA MIRROR MFG. CO.. 708 N. lth. Tel. B2331. R-M790 A15 BTOVB, storage and repairing. Hughes Stove Repair Works, 2217 Cuming St. Tel. F2302. R 926 25 PHOTOS. 25C. Studio 119 N. 16th., opp P. O. -R9U BICYCLES largest and best selec tion in the cltv. Srihand wneeis from $3.00 and up. Louis Flsche.r, liu-2 capltol ave. R M2-.0 26 DR. LUELLA 8. CLEVELAND, graduate pf Michigan university, with ten years' ex perience with Dr. J. H. Kellogg In Bal- tle Creek. Mich., sanitarium methods, is located at 2119 Meward St. R-M26S 28x JIORBE power and fuel consumption guar- nteed on all Wltte Gas and Gasoline en- glnes. Wltte Iron Worka Co., 629 W. &th St.. Kansas City. Mo. R O E. KOCH, tinner. 2717 N. 24th. Tel. L-1949. Agent for Columbus roof cement paint R-272 Je21 fARPPTQ ousted, laved, washed: gen L, I Oeral house cleaning. J.Wood, piaciicui worsiiian. v an or write, liiis dark. K Mo A -22 I CLEAN, dye, repair clothes. 604 N. lfith. K M309 Jel3 CUT R ATE TICKETS everywhere. PhilHn, 1V Farnsm and opp. I", p. Depot. Tel. 74 and lfiTT R M6S3 , . BUSINESS C H.KXi ES. TO GET In or out of business call on Wil liams, room 411, Mccague building. Y-fi5J HHOLE8-ARMSTRONG CO., Tel. 49. 732 N. Y. Life. Y-MS16 ABBOTT-COWAN CO.. 312 Brown Blk., csn gei you in or out or Business. Y-MKtt FOR SALE, three Brunswick bowling al leys, in nrsi-cmss condition, at a ba gain. Address E. J. Young. Atlnntte. Ia. Y m :sus AGENTS WANTED. WANTED, canvassing agents In every county to solicit mibscrlptlons to THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Steady employment with assured good In come. Agents in the country with horse and buggy especially desired, anvassers make easily $nii to $100 per month. Ad' dress Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, tiee riuiiuing, tiniana. J 211 want 10,000 agents for greatest house. hold seller ever produced; actually sells In every house: Immense money maker for agents; fceud Pic for complete sample and our large Illustrated catalogue of agents supplies. Southern Mercantile Co., Dept. B 107, Ilouaon, Tex. J-M 446 Apr OSTEOPATHY. Johnson Institute, 616 N. Y. IJfe bldg T. 16A4. Dr. J. A. Meehan. 616 N. Y. Life bldg. T. 1664. Lt ZlvtL The Hunt Infirmary, McCague bldg. T. 2352. 720 DR GRACE DEEQAN, 832 N. X. Ufe. Tel. - . -721 Fayetta Cole, osteopath. 509 Paxton block. -722 DR8. LAIRD LAIRD. 303 Karbach blk. 'Phone 1. -441 MX DETtCCTIVE AGBXCr. Ctfit, C of mack. Hi Karbach blk. Tel. A-W31 -34 WTKD-(H K HELP. LIBERAL PROPOSITION To any one who will send us the names nf fifteen your.g people who lire dcs.rcus of obtaining a business elnrnttnn, with their aildress, we will send a copy or our "WI'ERY HOOK" pome time during April. Thla little hook In Invaluable to young people. It will rnntnln over 3 interesting and peculiar questions, mnfl of which are answered. Address OMAHA COMMER CIAL COLLEGE. l?th anil Douglas. Omaha Commercial College, B M3t6 24 MEN to learn barber trade, free railroad fare upon our failure to convince you or thla being the BEST, largest and only reliable, most practical barber college In thla aectlon. Write for catalogue today. Western Barbers' Institute, Omaha, Neb. B ooo WANTED For U. 8. army, able-bodied. amnarried men. bet ween ajtcs of 21 and mn. cltlsens of United States, of good charac ter and temperate hablta, who can speaa, read and write Kturiiah Kor Information apply to recruiting officer, 16th and Podge ma., omaha, or Lincoln. Neb.- u mum TWO men to work from our wagons: steady Position, and experience unnecessary. c '. Adama ft Co.. 1619 Howard St. H 657 MOLER B BARBER COLLEGE of Den ver. Coin., offers advantages In teacning the barber trade that cannot be had else where. Write today for our terms. B Mi.17 Aox TED Expert laundryman. or will sell good steam laundry doing good busi ness. Willis Cadwell. Broken Bow. Neb. 500 PAINTERS wanted at World's Fair, Ft. Louis, Mo.: union men tec per hour. Apply at grounds. B M902 lx WANTED, men to learn barber trade. throwing demand for our graduates, few weeks completes. Busy season now. Tools and diplomas given. Call or write. Moler Barber College, 13112 Douglas hi B M970 26X WANTED, a rompetent cook for $2 n day, hotel; good wages. K. Penneii, imronu, Iowa. B M171 IBx WANTED, egg cnndler. Apply at Armour t o., bo. omaha. r -o WANTED, a bright, neat boy, about 15 years old. as mailing clerk. Must be quick and wrlt a good hand. I tie f ! Sanborn Co. B M256 BOY, about 15 years old, for office work. Address, own handwriting, Miller, post office Drawer No. 8. B 293 24x WANTED Salesmnn. In silk department; must have thorough experience In sdi.ng silks. J. L Brandeis & Sons. n 5TO 24 AN OPPORTUNITY. You can make from $150 to $3i0 per month selling our new combination accident and sickness policy the best and most liberal contract ever Issued. A little energy will do for you what others aro doing easily. Write or call at the hom office. BANKERS ACCIDENT INS. CO.. Des Moines. Ia. B M311 29 WANTED, first-class baker of good bnhits; steady work, good wages. Wayne Tlultery, AVayne. Neb. B Moly SIX BY MANUFACTURING honse. trtistv as sistant ror branch omce; lis paid weemv: position permanent; no capital required: previous exnerlence not cssentlnl. Ad dress Branch Superintendent. Ciano Blk., t nicngo. b .ii4 tix WANTED A stout bov to take care of n horse und cow and deliver goods. Ap'-ly 13IX Farnam H M346 21 WASTE" FEMAI.K HELP. ANYONE need of housekeeper or nan and wife call -Canadian omce, lbth tnd Dodge. C twS LADIES for work at home, stamping china souvenirs for Bt. Louis fair; clean, fasci nating, good pay. U. D. Art Co., 65 Doug las Blug., opp. nayuen s. i.-Mii zox W ANTED Ladies to learn halrdressing. nianlciiilng or facial treatment. Two to four weeks required. Can earn expenses before completing. Call or write. Moler College. 1302 Douglas St. C M969 26x WANTED Good girl for general house work, no laundry work. $ a week. 114 So. 33d St. C-266 26 WANTED Good girl for housework; no I washing: three In family: houseclpanlng already done. Apply I4UU Chicago St. C 264 24x WANTED, neat appearing ftlrl to wait on table: one who will be permanent ; xiB per montn. .'(to tiarney hi. c m2iozox . WANTED, a good cook, (female), for em- ployes at Genoa Indian school. Write for particulars to caul a. alter, manager. c MIMl iX WANTED At once, fifty sewing machine operators for horse blanket department. Annlv at Remls omaha Bag Co.. between s and iu a. m. ana z ana 4 p. m. C MT17 27 WANTED A comnetent cook: references required. Mrs. PI. . ates. 31st snd imvenpon. .a jn SITIATIOXS WASTED. WANTED Situation as bookeeper. Sat isfaction guaranteed. Address F 11. Bee. A Mi 26 X WANTED, position, office work; high school and commercial education; use Smith typewriter; age 20; best references: must ne cnance or advancement. Aonresa r . h. T., care Box 9M. Shenandoah, la. A-M337 26x FOR REST FIRMSHED ROOMS. CENTER hotel, 210 N. 17th; nice transient rooms. . E 129 mid ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th & Chicago E 659 DEWEY, European hotel, 13th and Farnam E 6tW NICELY furnished rooms. Inquire Omaha Steam Laundry, liaO Leavenworth. Phone A-l.w. , obi O. M. E. hauls trunks. Telephone 611. E-tiCS $1.26 PER WEEK. Doran House, 422 8. 18th. E 663 VIENNA HOTEL. 1011 Farnam: fine rooms: ladies cafe, private dining r. ; open nights. LARGE, warm room, steam heat. 1909 Capltol ave. E M72U NICE furnished rooms. 324 N. 15th. E-660 ELEGANT apartment bouse for men: rooms single or ensulte. luxuriously fur nished, now ready for occupancy. Applv at the Chatham. 13th St., opposite Millard hotel. nMSVi FURNISHED Rooms. reasonable 161$ Burt E-M614 26 NICELY furnished rooms, third floor. 1420 1 Dodge St. E M497 THE FARNAM. 19th and Farnam s's. Reference required. E-M955 AN elegant south front room and alcove. with board. 2418 Cass St. E 872 24x LARGE front room, suitable for two gen tlemen or for light Housekeeping 2221 California St. E-M343 27x Fl RUSHED ROOMS A.MU BOARD. THE ROSE, aiao Harney, rooms, good board; reasonable rates. F Mslfc M.iX UTOPIA, steam heat, 1721 Davenport. r" 6ii8 ROCK A WAY, 1316 Douglas. Meals. 15c. F-669 L'.irn lu Via.I nui m mt mm m haat wlik r tl h . out board. Midland hotel, lbth & Chicago. F- HOME Dining Hall; first-class meals. Zoc and 26c. Home cooking, law Iodge. K-M452-A-10 LARGE aouth front room and board for two; all modern, with phone A -259.1, $5 no a week each; gentlemen preferred :) Cass. F Mb 12 LARGE nice room. 601 8. 28th St Tel. 2S.16. F 910 34 x 35C TURKEY DINNER S5C Turkey dinner bunday, 35c. 1,00 Dodge. W ANTED TO REST. itcely anc fortably furnished rooms for light hous keeping; walking distance; two In family. Addrcaa M tk, . av nisi iax DO YOU READ WANT ADS? IF YOU DO, SO DO THOUSANDS OF OTHERS. BETTER HAVE YOUR AD AMONG THEM. FOR RKST t SFt HIUHED ROOMS, THREE MODERN unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping. 61 8. !d. O MS43 THREE desirable roomti. suitable for light housekeeping, partly furnished. 3210 Cass. O :T3 IS KOR SALE MIM KI.LASEOl . INDIAN GOODS and relics. 1119 Farnam. 2D-HAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnam. CHEAPEST OAK SLAT CORN CRIB B1NU. Long fir tlmbera. IHH Douglas. V1-6K5 100 KINDS of Mineral Water. Sherman & McCunncll Drug Co., Omaha. W 97 KIMBALL PIANO, slightly used; big bar gain. Call or write Room 7, Bee Bldg. QttlS SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables; bllliuid tables repaired; large stock cheap bar fixtures, clgtir counter. The Bruns-wick-BHlke Collender Co., 407-9 S. lirth. g 7W 150 wAt'JHE8. 76 diamonds, left In pawn, cheap. Diamond Loan Office, 1401 Douglas. Q-MiOl WE RENT Sewing machines, 75c week. We repair and sell parts for every machine manufactured. Second-hand machines from fc.OO to $10.00. Nebraska Cycle Co.. 'Phone 1663. Corner loth and Harney. 702 FOR SALE Several scholarships in a first- class standard school in Omaha, compris ing complete course in business, short hand und typewriting. Inquire at Bee omce. u !j FOR SALE cheap, old Ink barrels. Apply to the press room or The Bee. y 3IJ ipvM PPNIPC Works. Poultry, Lawn llvCil rtllVoC Wire, fell So. lbth. fell So. lbth. Q M387 Jy. Al"TOMOBILE-$l,100 Toledo Steam Das-a- das at a great bargain. E 65, Bee office. W M649 A 12 STOCK YARDS SADDLERY CO., Wholesale and retail. HARNESS and SADDLES; everything con sidered, cheapest on earth; everything hand-made; union shop; headquarters for axle grease and whips. J. G. BLESSING, 331 N. 25th St., So. Omaha. Q M 774 FOR PALE Will sell at a discount a schol arship In one of the best Omaha business colleges. Address F 15, Bee office. J-M 901 FOR BALE Second-hand safe, soda foun tain and National Cash register. Rich-mond-Deright Co.. 3u9 8. 13th st. Q 917 TREES Haiel Dell Nursery, 3208 N. 24th. Q-M199 A19 FOR SALE 2 scond-hand, 40-qt. Icecream machines at 35 each. Inquire of w. S. Balduff. Q M221 2 FOR SALE Several thousand second-hind bricks. 1615 Douglas St. Q 268 24 x DENSMORE typewriter. In good condition, ior ao. io. kiib i. i . wre. i ei. ;7. Q-M332 FOR SALK HORSES, WAGOSS, ETC, HORSES for sale; second-hand harness and vehicles cheap. Melcheor's Stables, 501 S. 19th. P Mi SAM'L BURNS, phaeton and surrey, cheap. i" ico Al HAVE your wagon painted or repaired by 11. r rost, I4tn ana L,eavenwortn. P-M375 8 HORSES clipped. Cotton Livery Siablrs, P M756 Alt lbiiz t ass. FOR REXT HOVSES. THE Omaha Van and Storage Co. pack, move and store H . It. goods. Storehouao 1120-24 N. 19th. Office, 1611 Farnam. Tel. 1559-863. D 670 CENTRAL, 3-room cottage. Tleard, 220 N. 23d. D M 764 HOI 1CPC In allpsrts of the city. The nUUOLOo, r. Davis Co.. 608 Bee Bldg. Lt 6.1 HOI 1QPQ 'n Prta ot tha city. R. C. rH-'UOCO Peters Co.. Bee Building. L Oiil PAYNE-BOSTWICK CO., choice houses. S.1-603 New Yom ure Biag. pnone J"io. D 673 WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van ft Stor age Co. Tel. i4. omce nia wensier st. D-674 HOUSES, insurance. Ringwalt, Barker blk. u (). FOR RENT 11-room house, modern and In nrst-lHss condition; large yara ana snaae trees; 3177 Davenport at. Apply H. J Windsor. 1518 Dodge St. D-M375 APRIL 1st, modern, 7-room cottage, near Hanscom 1'ar. Apply M. J. ureevey. Bee Bldg. D Mai HOUSES FOR RENT. 3021 Chicago St.. 6 rooms, modern $20. FLAT. 1615 tiowara st.. sa noor. a rooms. best of condition, moaern f-T.ou. GEORGE & COMPANY. D M162 27 FOR RENT. 6-room cottage, modern except furnace; first class. iHi l-tarney st. D MS17 .6X 31.16 Chicago St.. 8 rooms, modern, very desirable. $45; furnished, &o. 4M1N f arnam St.. k rooms, modern, nam, X22.5". 2222 N lHth at.. 6 rooms, large yard. xix. iti? h. 2sth St.. 6 rooms, $8. Ringwalt Bros., Barker Block. D-M342 27 - FOR REST STORES AXD OFFICES. FOR RENT, building suitable for whole sale purposes at his I-a mam. :;jau, lour stories and nrsi-ciass cemeniea nasemeni, elevator. Hre and burglar proof vault, of bee counter and fixtures. For price and particulars inquire C. C. Rosewater, sec retary Bee Building Co., room luo. Bee Building. 1 Moii7 FOR RENT Three upper stories in four story building at u rarnam St.. tw stories If preferred. Address C. C. Rose water. Sec y, Room 100, Bee bldg. 1-M9S8 FOR RENT 4-story and basement build lng. 1515 Dodge St.. now occupied ry Omaha Carpet Co inquire on premises i tis: TWO-STORY building, 1512 and the second floor l.iie-iu iiowaru. w. ii. nuanman. 1-4J83 DENTI8T wanted to share office with, ; nhvslclan wnn nne ouariers in ee otog with well established practice. Addres C O, Bee. I 131 STORAGE. Fifth floor of building at 16o8 Harney st occupied by Midland uiaas ana paint co. tiexl32 feet, good light, heat, elevator service $1(0 per month. GEORGE ft CO, 1601 Farnam st. I-M160 26 rATK.ITS. H. J. COWGILL No fee unless successful. CI 8. 15th St., Omaha. Tel. 1798. 721 PATENTS guaranteed. Suss ft Co. Omaha 6W Al.x HOHTHASD A!D TtPEHHITISU. A. C. VAN SANT'8 school. 717 N. Y. Ufa, 7:4 Neb. Bu. Shorthand Col, Boyd theater. i FOR HAI.K REAL ESTATK. MUST BE SOLD The settlement of an estate requires that the properties advertised be sold quick. Any reasonable propoxltlons considered. SI.lo2-3.1o4 Cuming St.. double house rooms each; rents 22 per month; lot 6fxl30 ft.; good location for grocery and market. Four cottages near Webster and 14th Bts.; lot ;xl32 ft.; rent $35 per month. 3319 Cuming St., fi-room house: lot !Wxl59 ft. Choice modern 10-room house in Kountie Place, with two lots. Corner 10th and Center sts., 122 ft. on 10th st. by 142 ft. on Center st. 44x132 ft. on 10th st., east front, near Podge st. 19th and Harnev sts.. corner. R3xfi7 ft. 3(i6. 307, 309 and 311 N. 27th ave., four small houses; rental value, JUo per month. 33x1034 ft. on Iavenworth St.. near 23d St. SEE US FOR PARTICULARS. GARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam St. ConVI Nat. Bank Blilg. KK M304 27 ONLY $9 PER ACRE! ONLY $9 PER ACRE! Fine hay and stock ranch, 1,440 acres, Holt county, Nebraska. Fenced In two sepa rate ranches, but Joining. Running water over MOO seres of the finest hay bottom In Nebraska. Most of hay land will cut over two tons per acre. Icated 10 miles southwest of O'Neill and the famous Shoemaker flats adjoin this land on the east. One of the owners says sell to close out estate. Land In this vicinity brings $15 to $25 per acre. If you want something good and cheap don't let this get away. Price $9 00 per acre If sold In 15 days. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO., Sole Agents. RE M 179 27 CLOSE IN MODERN house, 9 rooms, near High school and Crelghton unlvrslty, paving all paid. only $4,500 , W. FARNAM SMITH & GO. 1320 Farnam St. RE M878 SMALL HOMES FOR SMALL MEANS. j55040xlOO. 4-r. cottage, block from Harney car Cheap. $700208 8 . 28th Ave., 26x79. 4-r. cottage. $750 46x13), on paved street snd car line. 3-r. cottage; good place to start a small business. $xuo 3116 Miami, 50x120, 4-r. cottage. $R00. $Wi0 216 8. 28th Ave . 40x79. good cottage, close In, cheap, offered for sme time at $1,000; owner says SELL; great bar- jlfo2416 Blondo, 30x127, fi-r. cottage, city water, rents $12. Easv payments on all. GEORGE G. WALLACE, BROWN BLOCK. RE-262 24 ENGLISH & CO. PAXTON BLOCK. One of the finest s-room modern residence In West Farnam district, $2,200. S-room modern residence, Farnam and 31st avenue, $3,700. RE 428 MISSOURI LANDS ANCHOR LAND COMPANY, lula N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. RE M406 A SPECIAL BARGAIN Just listed, a good 7-room house at 2608 Seward street, with city water, gas, good cemented cellar, cistern, fine repair, nice shade trees; price $1,600.00; terms, $600 In cash, balance in monthly payments of $15.00 each. Payne, Bostwick & Co., 601 N. Y. Life Bldg. RE 294 24 Have You Seen It? H 2210 Sherman Ave. tine new home, built last year, 4 large rooms on first floor, Z rooms and bath on the 2d floor, fine large lot, paved street; price reduced to $3,300. Hastings & Heyden, 610-611 New York Life Bldg. RE 295 24 HOUSE AND HALF ACRE SIX-ROOM HOUSE AND HALF-ACRE., near 2btn ana Binney sis.; iruu, garaen, flowers, large stable, cow shed, etc. Only $3,000. . BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. RE-M306 24 WHEN buying or selling real estate be sure to get a Midland uuarantee tuia Trust company bonded abstract, 1614 Far nam street. N. P. Dodge, Jr., President. RE M6S9 FOR SALE 11-room house, modern and In ttiHt-clas condition; large yard ana snaae trees; 3177 Davenport st. Apply M. J Windsor, 1618 Dodge st. RE M376 BEE R. H. Landeryou if you wish to buy or sell real estate. 442 Board or inicie Tel. 2161. RE 691 Illus. your property. Baker Bros. Eng. Co. GLOVER, 1st floor N. Y. IJfe city prop erty, farms, ranches. Tel. 133. kk-hsi OWNER MUST SELL New 7-room modern house. 2523 N. Hth at.. price $2,500, Koo down, naiance as rent. Best Kountxe Place bargain ever offered. Readv April 1. Was built last summer. Fine east tront acre, facing Miller Park, on car line, l rice, ,i,wv. xuiia uiuv ii ue sired. Seventy-five feet on 24th ave., near Bt. Mary i ave.. cnoice ana ciose in. must sell this. Southeast corner 24th and Rinney; fine for business or home; xi.ahi, easy payments. C. 8. SHEPARD. 2004 WIRT ST. RE M336 25 X TEXA8. TEXA8. TEXAS. THIS 13 A GOOD COLONIZATION PROP OSITION We are now offering some very large tracts of land In Texas, from 5,000 to 20,000 acres In solid bodies. The prices run from $2 to $5 per acre. Terms to suit. These lands are located near the railroad and are well watered and rich lands. For particulars write us. Van Sickle Broker age Co., 314 Ridge Bldg., Kansas City, Missouri. RE M335 25 ELEGANT BRICK BIXM'K. 4 stores, with 6-room. modern flats above; price, $15,010; Vi cash or farm land, bal ance can run nearly 5 years at 6 per cent. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1. New York Life bldg. RB 823 DO YOU WNT TO SELL A FARM? If you want to sell a farm or ranch tell the farmers and stock raisers about It. The best way to reach them la through THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER This agricultural weekly goes to 50.0ft) homes of farmers and stock raisers so 1 you have a good piece of land to sell at a reasonable price you will find a buyer nniong them. The cost of an advertisement Is small i cents per word In small type or $2 52 per Inch If set In large type. 1 Hfc TWfcNTIfcTH CfcNTUKY FARMER OMAHA, Sbb. KE-S2 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. NEBRASKA FARMS AND RANCHES Rock Bottom Prices IT MAY mean a whole lot to you reader. It may mean life itself. It surely will mean cash in your pocket to own a Ne braska ranch at our prices. Tlense send us a letter of Inquiry or come and see lis. and we will tell vou more about our lands. Union Pacific Railroad Land Agency, 222 S. 13th St., Omaha, Neb. RE-M341 23 GARDEN ACREAGE FOR RENT 16 ACRE8. good 6-room house, for rent. 5 acres fruit, 9 acres for garden truck. $155 cash rent. Bemis, Paxton Block. RE M344 26 $1,250. 6-room cottage, city water and sewer Inslrta. 30-hhl. cistern, cemented cellar, on lSlhst. near Grace st.; a snap. THE BYRON REED CO. RE-326 XT A Chance that Cannot Be Equaled. A block of 24 beautiful, high and sightly lots fronting on street car line In Benson. These lots have been held by an estate and have never before leen offered for sale. They must be closed out In 30 days. They will hardly last half that long, for It Is a rare chance. Parr of lots front east, part west. The first comers will have choice of frontage. Price. $.'00 to $250. Benson & Carmichael, 612 PAXTON BLOCK. KK M324 26 BARGAINS IN ACRE TRACTS. 13 acres, good house, etc., on Bellevue road, two mlies from South Omahar-$3.ttii0. S acres, very well Improved, on the GH- more road. $1,WK. 2 acres, fair Improvements, on Boulevard, 1H miles from South Omaha postofflce $850. 40 acres, unimproved, lays well, close In $4,000. 35 acres, unimproved, good land $3,500. 10 acres, adjoining Albright; great bargain --$2,000. We have several smaller tracts adjoining the cltv that are nice and very cheap. O'NEIL'8 REAL ESTATE AGENCY. South Omaha. RE M658 All West Farnam Lots 100 per cent quick profit. Two east front lots on S8th street. Just north of Farnam, need grading, surrounding lots selling at $2,500 to $4,oiiO. Can offer both lots this week for $2,760. HICKS, 439 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. RE 330 24X WE OFFER for a short time what we think Is the best built house offered for sale In the city today. It has 9 rooms be sides basement and attic; one room Is 30 ft. square, oak floors and woodwork fin ished like a fine finished Pullman car; parlor finished In mahogany; house new, every detail as perfect as money could make It; east front, location the very best. For quick sale, $17,000. HARRISON & MORTON, 913 N. Y. Life. TeL 314. RE 327 24 $1,750.00. 6-room cottage, city water and sewer Inside. au-bbl. ciBiern, cemented cellar, on lam at., near urace st.; a snap. XHt) BYRON RELD CO., Ktt-326 26 CHA8, illiomcnn 1st Floor K. u niiaiiiowii 8. bk. bldg RU-795 $2,4002622 Decatur St., new, well built, 7 room house, modern, piped for lurnace, oak floors downauira; A BARGAIN. D. V. SHOLES CO., 722 N. Y. Life bldg. Tel. 49. RE-617 FIVE acres, with apple orchard, at a bar gain; close In. Inquire 1410 Dodge. RE M348 A7 WE rent houses, write Are Insurance, ex change farms for city property, buy and sell real estate mortgages, loan money and sell real estate of all kinds. KENNY REAL ESTATE & INV. CO., 300 Bee building. RE M 914 26 (ROOM modern house, well built, and a large barn, at 2825 California St.; lot is 60x158, lays nice; driveway on the side; rhade and fruit trees. If sold within the next 30 days will take $3,485. W. H. Gates. Bole Agent, 617 N. Y. Life. RE M2R4 25 6-ROOM house, city water, barn, full lot, 4319 Ohio St., $1,000.00; easy terms. R. C. Peters ft Co., ground floor, Bee bldg. RE 297 26 MODERN 8-room; also 6-room house: beau- xii ill lots; nne location; cheap. Inquire 1411 Vinton st. RE 916 A18 WE OFFER till sold a 6-room house near Cass and 40th that Is simply perfect of Its kind. Owners have outgrown it and built a larger house and will let this $2,750 house go at $2,300; all modern. Call us at TeL 314 at once. HARRISON ft MORTON. 912-913 N. Y. Life. RE 328 24 FOR KX 11 Af;K, WILL trade beautiful piano for horse. Schmoller & Mueller, 1313 Farnam st. WANTED An elevator. In first-class con dition, In Illinois, Iowa, Kansax or Ne braska; I have a flue farm, with excellent buildings, well located, between Wulerlon and li Forte City, la., worth 75 ier acre, incumbrance $7.'i; will take elevator not to exceed $6.imi iu value, balance cali. Address F 22, Omaha Bee. Z-.MiM 25 FOR EXCHANGE, good land In Kit Car son county. Colorado, for dwelling In Omaha. Address A. W. Wlnegar. Aica.ie hotel. Z .M:kw 25x WASTED TO Ul V. p1,c bought, sold. Antique Book Con- uwhj cern. 213 IvaruacU big Tel. IU4. N- 9 ZD-HAND furniture; high prices. Tel. Chicago Furniture Cu. N- 1.020. DRIVING horse. Dr. Bradbury, dentist, 15o Farnam st. N M440 WANTED! to 10 acres, close In ss possi ble; must he a snap for spot cash; some Improvements preferred. Address V 45, Bee. N-300 24 WANTED, to buy. a good second-hund gasoline stove; deliver at noon to No 66 S. 24th ave N M32 25 x LAW ASO C'OI.LKt'TIOSH. 8TILLMAN ft PRICE, 410 1st Nat. by. I big. 6.J THE new 8nnw-Church Co., law collec tions, real estate, attorneys, rollectors, brokers everywhere. 1st floor N. Y. Life. Tel. 123. -4 JUDGE DICKINSON. 6!6 N. Y. life: set Utment estates ocUlt'. Tel. F-26-o itii f riHMO Al., PR. ROY, Liilropody, r. lfcli Farnam. IT MM? Paper Hanging r."a painting; tlrst wura guaran teed at reasonauie pru ts, kio ,. tit. Id. B-2547. U-M3"l Accordion Pleating, cheapest, beat, quickest. Mia. A. C. aluik, l.ili ana Douglas. U 730 LA BOOK, ladies' Blk. tailoring, 613 Karhacli u-;si I NT ELLIG ENT young business man, Ger man, It ik ii ty culiureti, wisnes acuualiituiico wuii mined Irtii.v with means; object, matrimony. F m. Bee, U-2S9 ;ax ANY poor glii In need of a friend can fall or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home lor Women, aS24 N. win st., umaha. NL. U Mb MayU (stammering cured. J. Vaughn, Ramge. Bid. C iJ ELlTtt parlors, 615 8. 16th. 2d floor. U-733 "V1AV1," way to health. 350 Bee building. U 731 mJlc i ICsmUn ua N. is, nr., k. t. U MSl-A-!) WHAT'S nicer than uccoidlon pleating? We do nothing but the tincsi. Goldman Healing Co., mo Douglas block. C iil BEN BOLT Why didn't you meet me at Columbia i'honongraph company last night? I waited till half pt 9. Say. "heir free concerts are grand, and i bought a dozen X. P. ooe Jecords tor 2to each. Pifcgy From Psrls. U MUI PANl;ORlUiSf- bEND 20c for homesteader s olidk. containing forty-elht pages ot valuable In.ei illation. OFFICIAL MAP and full UlS'rUCtlon how umt a eintm on till RUSEy Uu RESERVATION. Forbes Lo cating Agency, Bonesteei. 8. D. U 8M PIANOLAS for rent; S months' tent al lowed on purchase. Schmoller & Mueller, UH Farnam. Tel. 166. V Wl TUB, vapor and alcohol baths. 720 8. 13th st. U 3t W ANTED Information of Mrs. E. G. Val entine, formerly of 159 Rlvlngton St., New lork City, or any heir of Ellxa Jane Reynolds, lute of Hartford. Conn.: valua ble infoimation given. Address Attorney, I'. O. ibox 871, Hartford, Conn. U 290 26X GAS fixtures at cost. Bara'l Burns. U M914 Al SMOKE Capt Freer' Greenlander cigar. 410 B. 13' h. U-M917 Mayl THEATRICAL maaq. costumes. Llehen, 1018 Farnam. U M9U LODGES, dancing club or meetings of any kind can secure a hall In the Bee build ing, with splendid accommodations; ele votor service all night, electric light, piano, etc Apply to H. C. Peters ft Co., ground floor. Bee Bldg. U 341 CRYSTAL Ice Co., 1306 N. 24th. Tel. 2028. V M450 JelO DR. FICKE8, G. C. B. 8., dentist. 338 Bee Bldg. U M800 A16x IF EVER In the park you sat and heard the band upon your hat play waltxes, marches and two-steps, too. I think It would astonish you. don't you? But say, the most surorlslna thin Is how Rtoecker. 1404 Douglas, can sell his Monogram cigar ior oc. just as good as moBt 10c cigars. U MS62 WANTED A piano to use for storage; private family. Address F. 41, Bee. U-M250 27x 'TEMPORAL POWER," by Marie Corelll. Investigate Roaches circulating library, 1515 Farnam. U 271 24 ALBERT KAY and Ernest William Cor nish KaV left Tvnemonth Devonshire England, December, 1888. for the United States. Will they or any person who snows anout tnem communicate with Qiilntin R. Kay, 116 Whltechurch road, Cardiff, Wales, Great Britain. U-291 2fix "TIIE Uttle Shepard of Kingdom Come. by John Fox. Jr.; Investigate Roach's circulating iiDrary, 1615 Farnam. U M310 26 NICELY furnished room In modern pot tage, reasonable, for 2 gentlemen. Apply 715 N. 23d. r-?r M MEDICAL. MAGNET PILE KILLER. At druggists, $1. IT CURES. 731 HOMEOPATHIC' medicines, wholesale, re tall. Sherman ft McConnell, Omaha. -739 DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases and Irregularities of women; experienced reliable, 1S11H Dodge, Arlington Block, Omaha. 740 WANTED The case of catarrh, rheuma tism, eczema nr stomach trouble that Co-Lon-Co. WON'T cure. 859 29 PRIVATE hospltsl during confinement; babies adopted. Mrs. Gardels, 2234 Lake. Trf. Red 1884. 741 PRIVATE home during confinement; babies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sanitarium. 728 1st Ave., Council Bluffs, la. 626 PRIVATE hospital before and during con finement. Mrs. Fisher, 2616 8. 11. Tel. 1R89. -743 PRIVATE sanitarium during confinement. Bibles adopted. Dr. and Mrs. Oerlseh, 362R California, 269 28x MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY If you are annoyed by numerous small bills that have accumulated during the winter lt might b an advantage to you to secure money from us and pay them, and then pay us In weekly or monthly payments .intll you get out of debt. We loan on fur allure, pianos, live stock and other chat tels ana we make loans to salaried people jpon their own agreement to repay. Our rates are as low as any and a great deal lower than some. Our service la Sulck and without publicity. If you have ealt with us and are pleased, tell others, and If you are displeased, tell us. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co.. 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 22:. (Established 1891) 306 Bouth 10th St. X 748 CASH. Tou can establish a CREDIT with an old RELIABLE firm and secure money when- ever you need lt. We will advance you enough money to pay off all your debts so that you will owe It all In one place, where you get courteous treatment. Our easy payment plan K. sontshed peo- rile who have previously toi rowed of other oan companies, on account of our liberal We make loans on SALARIES. FURNI TURE, PIANOS. LIVE STOCK, eto. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. SC7-41 Paxton Block. X-M303 MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE. PIANOS. I IVE 8TOCK. SALARIES, ETC. Low rates and easy term. Business confidential. Try us If you want to save money. PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. 113 Paxton Block, 16th snd Farnam ft. X 704 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others with security; eaay paments; largest business In 4b principal cities. Tolman, room 440. Chamber of Commrree Bldg X-7' MONEY leaned on plain note to salaried reonle: business confidential; lowest rate 14 I'axtjn block. The J. A. Hutton Co. X-706 MONEY to loan on furniture, horses, etc., at half usual rates Dr. Prtbbenow, room 215 at 209 8. 16th St.; tel. B2964. X-M427 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew elry, horses, cows. etc. C. F. Reed, 81 8. 13th. X-207 LOANS made on Jewelry and diamonds. Great Western I .oan Office, 1017 Ksrnam. X-M762 A15 CHATTEL. saUrv snd lewelry loans Foley I.osn Co.. Fsrnsm Ft V LOST. LOST On 16th. Iietween Harney and Far nam. pocketb4Hk containing money. paers and keys. Liberal reward If re turned to office of Y. W. C. A. Lost-331 24x M)ST. on street rsr nr street, a gold snd blue enamel pin. Order of Elks. Liberal reward If relumed ruom 440. Millard bo lei. ijoUUZSt 2e& CLtlRtOVAXTK. $) READINGS 50c THIS WEEK ONLY. There is oniy one prof. Phillips-Just ar rived in Omaha, "born In Bombay, East In dia, the very scat of occult forces He has been for years a resident cf New Yo:k and nut'ii.g that period created a great furoie F'rof Phillips is the nrlxlnil who predicted the great (inlvestnn llo.xi five months be fore It happened, and iluriiig that time h was .ilmost put to death bv the skeptics and unlHlleerp of Texas. He carries th. marks, which he can show to each and every culler. He predicted the Oregon flood, and amonrst President MrKlnlev'n paers whs tontul a letter predicting bll assassination. Those reading of the trag edy may have seen also an account of tlil letter. Honest people, poor people and rich neopie who wish a true rending must not inn !o visit tnis wonderful Hindoo voyant. HOURS, 10 A. M. to x P. M. iliilr- PARLORS, 1(I9 DODGE ST. $5 READINGS S0r "LI'1' Yol'R NAME," ANSW ER OUES TIONS MENTALLY AND WR1 I Tl.N. Winona Brooks, Trance Clairvoyant. GIFTED WINONA. Born with a double veil, educated In occult science In Egypt and India. THE ONLY ADEPT OF HINDOO OC Cl LT MYSTERIES PRACTICING IN AMERICA AT THE PRES ENT TIME. 1816 Dodge St. 1816 READING. M CENTS. PONElBlo Clairvoyant, palmist and as trologer Reveals all questions of llfo pertaining to marriage, sickness, ilraih. changes, travels, divorces, separations, lawsuits, business transactions, deals, mortgages, loss of absent friends mining ventures, etc. Hours, 9 to 9 dsllv. nil" Dodge St. S 2;4 -24x QYLMER. palmlsT 715 NT23d"Tel B 8:4. 8-Uk BUSINESS MEDIUM. 718 N. 17th st. 8 145 A20x MO EV TO IO AM REAL ESTATE. FARM and city loans, low rales. W. 1L Thomas, First Nat l Bank bldg. Tel. iMi. W-71') PRIVATE money. Sherwood. 937 N. Y. Life. W-711 4 TO 5 P. C. money. Bcmls. Paxton Block. W 7U PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. 1620 Douglas W 71i WANTED, city loans and warrants W. f arnam Bmltn & Co., 1320 Farnam St. W-714 . WANTED, real estate loans and warrants. R. C. Peters ft Co., Be Bldg. W 716 t pjr cent loans. Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. W-717 MONEY to loan. Kenney Real Estate and Investment Co., r. 300 Bee Bldg. W 345 MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. W-37 Pltl.Vri.NO. HIGH CLASS printing at lowest prices. Tel. 1262. 1. A. Medlar Co., 422 H. 15th st. M3ni! AS AMERICAN Printing Co. Get our prices. Tel. 1621. New equipment. :1S Chl -ago. m:,; AM PRINTING Hl"h Orl Work. . -II.T-fi 2 rUvi Crounse block, corner of LYNGSTAD) lth St. and Capltol Ave. 930 KRAMER ft CHANDIER. Quick Printers. 11 8 Farnam. To deliver work when prom ised Is our hobby. M756 A14 WE make calendars, and do all kinds nf printing. Barton Printing Co., 7"7 B. itn. M754 All MISICAL. TH08. J. KELLY, voice, Davldge block DAISY HIOGINS, voice, piano. 2018 T.eav. Tel. A-2741. . M:il.l CHAB. H. KEEPER, piano. 66 Barker blk. MSMI FLORISTS. HESS ft 8WOBODA, 1416 Farnam. H0 L. HENDERSON, florist. 1619 Farnam u -801 ALFRED DONAGH1E. Tel. 3333. JR., 1607 Fnrnsm. 998 A4 IAI0 ACADEMY. MORAND'S 15th and Harney, spring term begins this week; children. Sat.. 3 p. m.; adults. Tues. & Frl., 8 p. m.; 12 lessons, $5; private lessons dally. Tel. PMI. -776 A14 DRKSSMAKIMU. IN families. Miss Sturdy. 2506 Davenport. M308 M'DOWELL'B school removed to 1906 Far nam st. M916 A 1 CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION. STATE OF NEBRASKA. OFFICE OF AUDITOR OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS. LIN COLN, FEBRUARY I. J904.-U Is hereby certified that tlie United States Health and Accident 'nsurance company of Saginaw. In the state of Michigan, has compiled with the Insurance law of this state, appli cable to urh companies, and Is therefore authorised to continue the business of ac cident and health Insurance In this stato for the current year ending January 31. l&os. Summary of report tiled for the year ending December 31. 1903: INCOME. Premiums $1144.554 31 All other sources IO.7Wi.08 Total DISBURSEMENTS Paid policy holders $327,617 76 All other payments ::7o,386.6(i Total Admitted aasets $6.l.?84 149 $"i.004 42 $o;3,lll. 14 LIABILITIES. Unpaid claims and ex penses t :6.0N 94 Unearned premiums 26.12863 All other liabilities 11.861 47 $ 6,7S.OI Capital stock paid up.. 'M.imm. 00 Surplus beyond capital stock and other liabll- Uie, 108,32?.10-$322 10 Total , . t t378Tiri4 Witness my hand snd seal of the auditor of public sccounts the day and year first above written. f,fIARI Kf, WKBTON. Auditor of Public Accounts ,Seal) JOHN L. PIERCE. Deputy. M-J5 D II LEGAL SOTICK. NOTICE TO BIDDERS. Sealed bids will be received al the f.fflrn of secretary of state up until 12 o'clock noon of April 4. 1!"4. for tlio erection Htci completion of n colli storage building at the Fcelue Miiuled Institute at Beatrice mil hosnltal liuililing sit Milford. according to plinis and specifications now on file In the office of commissioner of public lands and buildings. The board reserves the richt to reiect any ana an inns. T 1 GEORGE W. MARSH. Secretary of Hoard Mar22dloi-ni POUTOFFlf B 140TICB. (Should be read dally by all Interested, as changes may occur at any time) Foreign malls for the week ending; March SM. 1904. will close (PROMPTLY in all chsui) t the General Postofflce as fol lows PARCELS-POST MAILS close one hour earlier than closing time shown be low. Regular and Supplementary malls close al Foreign Station (corner of Wet and Mor ton streets) half-hour later than eloln time shown below (except that supplemen tary msils for Klirope and Ceniral Amer ica, via Colon, close one hour later at Foreign 6tatlonj. Traasatlaatle Mai's. BATURDA Y At 7 a. m. for EUROPE, per s s .eeland. via Southampton imall ninety be directed "per s s Zeeland"); at 7 :'K a m. for SCOTLAND direct, per s. s Astoria (mall n.ust he directed "per a. s Astoria' i: st 8 10 a in supplementary 1 a. m ) for EUROPE per a s Campania. ia Queensland, at 8' a. m for ITALY direct, per a. a-. Jtscaax (mall must be