Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 24, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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Tela. t-M.
"Tht desire to outshine
neighbor ia financially
ruining many an
- . 1 . A
I man."
That's wlint mont women are looking for they have a right
to demand it too. We are not outfitting our customers with uni
forms, but giving them individual styles.
' The bwiutlful shirt waists whlrh we are showlnsr this srnson are nil our own
exclusive styles, made exnrossly fur Thompson, Holden Y Co., nnl have that distinction
of character so much doelrod by 1-tdles of critical tastes. Our waists are not expen
Ive. We have pretty styles at $1.00 each. We also have them as hls;h as $35.00 each.
DREP8 8KIRTS and Walking Skirts In our own choice styles, at $12.60 up to
IyADIES BII.K PETTICOATS In all the new colors, made of extra heavy silk,
at $5.00, $f.&), IS.75. nnd $10.00.
LADIES' MERCERIZED PETTICO ATS, at $1.00. $1. B0, $1.75 and $1.95.
DRESS Sl.'ITS or unusually choice st yles suits which are made properly and
will keep their slinpe as long as they are w orn. Trices for really handsome stylet
from $35.00 to $60.00.
TwRII?S!RIf Ieleebsi C.
Y. M. C A. Building. Corner Sixteenth and Douglas Sts.
the legitimate rights of the powers, he j
said, wu the established policy or Japan.
Continuing, he said:
Russia not only failed to meet the Jap
anese proposals, but definitely resorted to
actions cumulated to Injure the national
rlghta of Japan. -Japan was compelled In
self-defense to terminate, negot'alluns and
take Independent action.
He was confident the wurld would rec
ognise the' Justice and patience uniformly
exercised by Japan In carrying forward the
negotiations. He was anxiously desirous
for peace, mindful of the woeful conse
quence which war brings to mankind.
Minister of Foreign Affairs Komura
placed before the house the full text of
the diplomatic correspondence with Russia,
commencing with the progress of negotia
tions lit July last and finishing with In
structions to Minister Kurlno to withdraw
from St. Petersburg, The substance of the
correspondence has already been made
No reference was made In the house to
the threatened tobacco monopoly bribery
scandal and possibly no reference will be
made to the subject, as all parties have re
solved to support the three-year compensa
tion plan, thus defeating any project to
have the amount of compensation to be
paid to manufacturers calculated on a four
rear basis.
Russians Keep Away.
BT. PETERSBURG, March 23.-According
to the government's reports the Japanese
cavalry seen north of An Ju, Core, this
week cannot keep In touch with the Rus
sians. The military organ says that the occupa
tion of An Ju, at the juncture of the best
roads leading to Wl Ju, Seoul, Gensan
and Klrtn, afford a strong position as a
screen to the movement of troops from
Ping Yang. But much of this natural ad
vantage haa been lost by the lack on the
part of the Japanese of mounted skir
mishers. la Illness and in temporary
vpseta of the stomach, beef
tea mads with
Liebig Company'
Extract of Beef
will be relished and digested
by the weakest stomach be
cause it is entirsly free from
fat. It nour'ies while It
stimulates. ' f
Tha genuine haa blue signature.
Oranha Be Exposition Coupon
A Trip to St. Louis via The Wabash
.0n Vole far.
CUT THIS OUT Deposit at Bee Office or mall to "Exposition Department,"
Omaha Bee, Omaha, Nebraska
Omaha Bee Exposition Coupon
A Trip to St. Louis via The Wabash
.Voir for.
Scad Bet ta (nam).
Tbls eoupoo, when accompanied
ouata votes ifor each ht paid, 100
A eubeortpUoa cannot te prepaid
DjxU at Ilea OCEoe or mail
Osaaha, Web.
Tlee. March 23, 14.
Something Different
in Ready-to-Wcar
of Vote, .Will
Be Decided
Threatening; to Cause Many a Score
to Look Much Smaller Than it
Did Before In the Vaca
tion Contest.
"Won't there be some surprises though
at the finish?" remarked one of the fair
candidates yesterday while handing in her
votes. "1 knew three persons myself who
havo votes In reserve all the way Into
the thousands, and if there are many more,
as I think, why, there'll be a terrible shift
ing the ranks of the candidates, and not
a few of the way-ups will find theniHolves
landed way down. Just mark my word."
The count at 5 p. m. Wednesday was:
M. A. Martin, South Omaha 1,842
John Woolwortli, Omaha MOO
Frank I'lanvk, Omaha MO.1
A. J. Graves, IMattsraouth B.'IO
Anna Carlson, Florence B21
Mrs. E. Peterson, Omaha (111
Herbert fthrum, Omaha 357
Mini Huby Splarel, Omaha 2Hi!
Miss Ruth tornrlt, Neb. City.... ild
Peter X. Kennedy, Omaha 2J1
Mrs. Lewis N. dreen, Council I) luff 3 133
Amelia Nvtfard. Omaha 127
Walter Ooldsmith, Omaha J 16
I, eft Ellsworth. Omaha 10'
Emma Hoskovec. Omaha 105
Ethel Sheets, Omaha 51
TCmma Hrllner. Omaha 47
William Hutt, Omaha 23
George Arnold. Council Bluffs 17
Gladys Hart, Omaha 14
Emil Wahlstrnm, Omaha
Lily Ring, Omaha
Kd Benson, Omaha
May Beno, Omaha
A. H. Waterhouse, Omaha
Mlttle Clark, Armour ft Co
Justin F. Uadgerow. Omaha....
That was a shrewd remark which an old
merchant made recently to a young mer
chant: "Handle goods of reputation, my
boy," said he. And he was worth listen
ing to, for he had made a fortune In
Utile country town.. goods with
a national reputation, consibne. and It will
pay ydii well to buy them. Hell's Mocha
and Java coffee, 20c lb., subject- to market
fluctuations: Bell's Banner Coffee, 80c lb.;
Bell's Imperial Coffee, 35c lb.; Bell's Crewn
Brand Coffee, 40c lb.; Bell's O. O. Planta
tion Coffee (best In the world), 46c lb. Bold
only' In one-pound sealed packages, mols
ture and dust proof. Ask for Bell's cof
fees and get the best.
To Cure a Cold In One Day
Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund the money If It falls to
cure. E. W. Grove's signature la on each
box. 2c.
18-IC Wedding Kings. IDdholm, Jeweler.
First-class watch and Jewelry work at
Hubermann's, corner 13th and Douglas.
A. B. Hubermann, diamonds, own Imp.
Medical authorities now concede that under
the sytem ot treatment Introduced by Vt.
Frank wneuei oi cnicago.
for. L D. Knnti. Lebanon. Ky.: Dr. F. .
St. Paul, Minn.: Dr. M. L. Craffev, St. Lout,
HQ.: Dr. i;. r . Beard, po. rnminioim, mm..
bear wltuesa to iheefncecy ol his treatment
and tbe permanency ol the cure In their
own eases. Dr. Whetiel's new method is a
ri1l,l rinnarttire from the old faihloned
imoke powders, sprays, etc., which relieve
dui no ooi cure.
for any ons siring a short OeacHp-
Ion of the case, and sending names ol two
other asthmatic sufferers. Asa (or booslet
ot experiences of those cured.
Dipt U Amarloan EtsreM Bids. Chkaae.
by a cash prepaid subscription te THE BSJC,
votes for each dollar paid. eta.
until the amount due to date has beea paid.
to "Exposition Department." Omaha Bee,
lan of Merger Maaagert Gaoie All Deal
erg to Become Wary.
Advances la Karlr Hoars, bat ta
Hammered . Dsns on Profit
Ta Ulnar by Holders ot
NEW TORK, March 23 An excited and
feverish stock market resulted today from
he announcement of terms of distribution
of the Northern Securities holdings of
ireat Northern preferred and Northern
Pacific stock.
Trading In Union Faclflc and Southern
Pacific was on an onormous scalo and al
most monopolised tho market for a time,
but when these stocks began to run off un
der heavy realizing the demand shifted to
some of the eastern trunk lines and the
western groups.
Burnt fears were entertained that the
excited buying of Union Pacific represented
a contest for control, as thnt company Is
Insured large and Influential holding both
of Northern Securities and of Oreat North
ern under the terms of the distribution
without any compensatory holdings In
Union Pacific on tbe part ot those com
panies. Tnere was much mystery at
tached to the whole movement and the
suspicion that It might be due to specula
tive manipulation kept the tone . feverish
and uncertain. In the curb market there
was eager demand for Northern Securities
stock, which carried It up to 1004 before
a reaction set In. Trading in the stock
was carried on simultaneously In three or
four groups among the curb brokers. The
opening prices for Union Pacific were not
held. On the first reaction It touched
8r, and after a fc-verlsh rally, ran off
again more than before.
Twenty shares of Northern Pacific stock
were sold at auction at the real estate
salesroom today. The price paid was 1454
per share. A number of Wall "street houses
were represented among the bidders.
On the curb there had been many bids
and offers, 120 having been bid, while the
stock was offered at 125.
At the auction the first bid was 120 and
the stock went up by half points to 126,
then by points to 140, then rose by half
points again until It was knocked down at
Various stocks were taken In hand dur
ing the day and rushed to a higher level
but profit taking In Union Pacific was
persistently kept up. The market showed
signs of weariness during the afternoon
and advances were largely reduced. North
ern Securities on the curb dropped back to
about 98.
Sales reported on the curb of 410 shares
of Northern Pacific, when released from
the Northern Securities holding at 1.10 and
100 shores In the regular way at 128. Lnte
In the day Northerti Pacific when relensed
sold down from ISO to 126 on the transfer
of about 600 shares.
A director In the Union Pacific road said
Our company Is already well rooresented
In the board of Northern Pacific railway.
Northern Pacific Interests have not yet
asked for representation in Union Paclfln,
but they will be glad to take them In.
i nere were no neveiopmenis or import
ance In Northern Securities today. A rep
resentatlve of Mr. Hill said that It would
be some time perhaps before the company
disposes of the assets remaining nfter the
distribution of the Great Northern and
Northern Pacific stocks.
The market eased off toward the close
and most of the gains In prices were wiped
out. ynlon Pacific closed 24 points under
last night's clone. Northern Pacific opened
at ISO, sold as high as 133, down to 12 and
closed at 131. About 4,200 shares were
traded la.- Over 38,000 shares of Northern
Securities changed hands, which Is a rec
ord breaker In this stock. The opening
was at 99. the high point 10OH, the low
point 98 and the last 98.
London Physicians Deride It Does
No Good In Cases of
NEW YORK, March 23.-The radium
treatment for cancer has been entirely
abandoned at the cancer hospital, cables
the Herald's Ixtndon correspondent. It
was never viewed with much hope there,
snd a few days ago the last unsuccessful
experiment with It took place.
According to the Daily Mail, the trials
were made at the end with a case con
taining Ave grains, covered only with mica
sheeting, probably the largest morsel In
any hospital In Europe, and the effect
was alwaya the same, though It might
vary in a degree. The surface of the
skin became Inflamed, a blister formed
and dried up, but that was all.
Sixteen cases have been under treat
ment, the longest period of a single ap
plication having been three hours and the
longest total time of application having
been about twenty-five hours, and the
only favorable result has been an oc
casional cessation of pain. On the other
hand, several patients have complained of
an Increase of pain.
A Champion neater.
Bucklen's Arnica Palve, the best In the
world, cures cuts, corns, burns, bolls, ul
cers, sores and piles, or no pay. 26c. For
sale by Kuhn Sc Co.
Kansas City Takes a Phenomenal
Jamp from Third to Second
CINCINNATI. O.. March 23.-Speclal
T!vrnm Tt-I..A Pnrrant auv f'nrr.n
offering of hogs U well maintained. The
total western packing was I70,v0, cumnarei
with fjO.000 the preceding week and 290,000
last year. Since March 1 the total Is
1.155,000, against 1,050,000 a year agu. Prom
Inent places compare as follows:
8"i I, i
.Kanu City
South Oman.
tt. I.ouIb
ft. Joseph...
... 110,01 )
... sYi.O'O
... 63,l
('Itwlnnutl 9u',-n
Ottumwa 23. coo
Cedar Haptds 19. ("O
Sioux City &S.0U0
St. Paul 6O.0U0
Mlssoart Saprame Coart Refnaes to
Farther Consider Case of
JEFFERSON CITY. Mo.. March 23.
Division No. 3 of the supreme court today
overruled the motion to transfer the t
of Ueorge Collins to court in banc for a
review by the entire court. This destroy
the one chance Collins had to escape exe
cution, and unless the governor Interferes
lie must be hanged at Union. Mo., utx
Saturday for participation In the murder
of Detective Charles J. Schumacher over
year ago. following the 'robbery of th
bsnk at Union. Collins Is now 'In Union
having been taken there from the St. Lou I
jail last Monday.
Division No. 3 of the supreme court tods
reversed and remanded the rs of Jon
H. Schnettler, convicted of boodllng whll
a member of the bouse ei delegates in St
I.oul, and sentenced to four year In the
penitentiary. The reversal was on the
ground that Information was not verified
by affidavits as required by law, the opinion
tatlng that the Information Is not void,
but should have been amended during the
trial and before the case was disposed of
In the lower court.
Try Plso's Cure for Astnma. It often re
lieves at once. All druggists. Sc.
Ten free trips to the World s Fair each
week. See coupon on page 1
Announcements of tbe Theaters.
Extra entertainment Is to be furnished
patrons who attend the matinee st the
Orpheum this afternoon. The Girl With
he Auburn Hair and every act on the
retiiilar professional bill will be given as
usual. The special feature will be the am
ateur entertainment. Three acts and pos-
Ihly four will be Included In this portion
ot the program. These are T. V. Mar, In,
a novelty entertainer; Fred Copeland, an
accomplished pianist, and William Owen,
mandolin virtuoso.
Lincoln J. Carter's latest and best mil-
torplece, "Too Proud to Beg," will open at
the Krug tonight for the remainder of the
week. The plot is said to contain more
than the ordinary stage story, consistent
to a fault, clean cut, with a wealth of deep
heart Interest, pathos, and rich quality of
keen humor that bubbles and bursts all
hrough the play, Indeed, quite a little of
the dialogue is In the hands of the comedy
parts and the funmakers keep up a rattlfng
line of humor, satire and keen wit. There
are no scenic effects with the attraction,
but a splendid array of gorgeous scenery,
beautiful In coloring and tasteful in de
sign, Is carried.
When Knighthood Was In Flower." with
Roselle Knott in the role of Mary Tudor,
will be the attraction at the Boyd theater
beginning on Friday evening. Miss Knott
has had much experience as an actress,
having been leading woman for Richard
Mansfield, Robert Mantell snd other well
known actors, snd last season she was
starred by Amelia Bingham In Haddon
Chambers' "Modern Magdalen." The com
pany supporting Miss Knott Is one selected
by Mr. Frank Perley, under whose direc
tion the tour Is made, and Is said to be en
tirely competent. The engagement Is for
three performances, Friday and Saturday
evenings and a bargain matinee on Satur
day. Bricklayers, Attentlonl
Tou are requested to meet at Labor tern
pie Friday at 8 p. m. sharp to attend the
funeral of Frank Neveraska.
By Order of Committee,
Grand Valley, Colorado, fruit lands. Send
to F. W. Popple, Parachute, Colo., for a
book about fruit, sugar beets, alfalfa and
grain lands In Grand Valley, Colo., free.
The Power nf Advertlsln.
An amusing Incident which occurred In
the Jamestown, N. T.,' public schools and
which Illustrates the force of sdvertlBlng,
has come to our notice. In a recent exam
ination one of the questions ss: "Give
some of the English derivatives from the
Latin word "ego." One pupil promptly re
plied: "Egg-O-See."
Itl Barn at Franklin . . .
FRANKLIN, Neb., March 23.-Speclal
Telegram.) A large barn belonging to F.
W. Barber burned here today s,nd for a
while It looked as If the cast half of town
would all burn. A heavy wind was blowing
from the south, which carried burning
boards, setting ' fires as far as one mile
north. C. H. Davis lost a small barn, all
his com, cribs snd. hay. There was a
large amount of alfalfa burned in the Bur
ner barn. All thrf live stock was saved.
It is supposed a. spark from the engine on
an eastbound freight started the fire. The
wind Is still blowing hard and It was neces
sary to keop a force of men to watch the
fire during the night. This Is the third
fire here during the past week. Mr. Barber
had his barn insured.
Landmark at I.onp City,
LOUP CITY, Neb- March 23. (Special.)
At 8 o'clock this morning the Christian
Hauck blacksmith shop was burned. The
building was one of- the old landmarks of
the city and had lately been unoccupied.
The origin of the fire is unknown. Mr.
Hauck is absent from the city snd It Is
thought that there is no Insurance on the
Prepares for Encampment.
PIERRE, S. D., March 83. fSpeclal.)
Adjutant General Conklln has gone to
Watertown to begin arrangements for the
encampment of the state troops, which
will be held on the camp ground at that
city beginning June 7. General Conklln
has been confined to his rooms for some
time by Illness and went to Watertown
against the advice of his physician, but
considered that the work ofj preparations
should begin and took the cnances on the
Alleged Attempt to Destroy School.
NEW TORK, March 23. It is learned
here, says an American dispatch from
KtefT, that an attempt was made on Friday
night to blow up the Odessa university,
supposedly out of revenge for expulsions
snd arrests of students. Two bombs were
exploded, whleh smashed a walk and shook
the quadrangle. Nine other bombs .were
dlHcovered, the fuses of which had failed
to explode.
It may be
than causes your
It-in 'the direct and certain
cause of nervous disorders, dys
pepsia, heart trouble, weak eyes
and a multitude of other dis
eases brought on by slight pois
oning of the nervous system,
You can tell certainly iu your
own case by leaving off coffee
and using Postum Coffee 10
If your trouble begins to dis
appear you have the exact reason
for their cause and therefore
know how to be rid of the ''herd
of little demons" and return to
health and good old-time com
fort again.
Official Introduction of Encoeaier to the
Late Harem A. Haona-
Mr. Piatt Refers to Claim for Serv
ices as One of tho Most No
lortoas Instances of
Lobb) Ing,
WASHINGTON. March 23.-The senate
again spent the greater part of the day
considering the Indian appropriation bl!l.
Two hours were given to a discussion of
claim of $50,0110 for services rendered the
Choctaw Indians. It Was finally elimin
ated from the bill. The civil service debate
was renewed and there was considerable
discussion of the policy to be pursued to
secure employes for work on the Panama
The opening ceremonies of the senate
were marked by the official introduction to
that body of Charles Dick, as the successor
Of the late M. A. Manna, senator from Ohio.
The oath of office was administered by
President Pro Tern Frye.
Consideration of the Indian appropriation
bill was then resumed. The old contro
versy over Choctaw Indian leases, which
was rife during the administration of Presi
dent Harrison and the second administra
tion of President Cleveland, was for a
time revived In connection with a motion
by Mr. Kean to amend the committee
amendment for the payment of $60,000 out
of the Choctaw funds to J. Hale Sypher,
for services rendered the Indians In con
nection with the leases.
Mr. Piatt supported the claim as valid,
but in reviewing its origin Bald that $692,000
had been paid to lobbyists In connection
with thin claim. "It was," he said, "one of
the most notorious Instances of lobbying
which has ever come to my notice."
: Mr. Piatt of Connecticut expressed the
opinion thut the civil service law could
not be niado applicable to employment In
connection with the canal work.
Mr. Spooner said ho never had supposed
that it could occur to any sane man thnt
competitive examination would be resorted
to in connection with the canal work.
Mr. Hoar said the supplying of employes
for the canal work wus a very different
thing from filling places in the executive
departments and expressed the opinion that
places connected with the canal should be
selected on the recommendation of public
men and he (Hoar) would do this regard
less of the polities of the men consulted or
chosen to office.
Mr. Piatt of Connecticut expressed the
opinion that unless the Panama cunnl work
was done without reference to political
irtfluence the progress of the enterprise
would be marked by scandal. The amend
ment exempting agency farmers from the
civil service requirement was agreed on
and without concluding consideration of
the bill the senate at 6:04 went Into execu
tive session, and at 5:36 adjourned.
Disposes of Six Paces of Postofflce
Bill for Amendment.
WASHINGTON. March S3. When the
house adjourned today some progress had
been made regarding the postofTico appro
prlatlon bill for amendment, but only six
rage were disposed of. The appropriation
for the railway mall service was carefully
sctutinlzed, and In the case of the Inland
mall transportation by star routes the ap
propriation was scaled down from $8,100,000
td $7,860,000. The question as to the length
of time a postal ear may be used before
it becomes unfit for servlcs was settled
by the house today when an amendment by
Mr. Tawney (Minn.) was adopted providing
that no part of the appropriation should
be used for the rental of cars which have
been in service more than fifteen years.
An ui successful fight was made against
the appropriations for special mall facilities
over trunk lines south from Washington
and west from Kansas City.
Meeting of Prominent Protestant Min
isters in Conference In
New York.'
NEW TORK, March J3.-Agltatlon
against divorce and the marriage of di
vorced persons has resulted In a meeting
here of eminent Protestant ministers and
laymen who will attempt to solve the prob
lem of uniform legislation on the subject
by the states of the union. A meeting of
the executive committee of the conference,
presided over by Bishop Doane of Albany,
drafted a rough outline of the proposed
law, which later will be presented to the
full meeting for discussion. The confer
ence la the result of the sction of the Pro
testant Episcopal church taken at Its lust
general convention In Ban Francisco.
Defense Places Only Hope on tbe Lack
of a Witness to the
UNION. Mo., March 23.-After examining
more than thirty witnesses the state rested
Its case today in the trial of William Ru
dolph, the alleged I'nlon bank robber, who
Is. charged with the murder of Detective
Schumacher. Attorneys for the defense
said today that their only hope for a favor
able verdict was In the fact that the state
had not presented the testimony of a wit
ness to the shooting.
Chicago's Condemned List Swelled by
Pravaant to the Days of the
. . Anarchist Troables.
CHICAGO. March 23 Louis Peasant was
today sentenced to hang on April 15 for
the murder of Mrs. Mary Bpllka. Peasant
strangled the woman to death to procure
1300 which she possessed. The number of
condemned prisoners now In the county Jail
Is seven, a number only equaled before at
the time of the anarchist troubles.
On tho Point of Blowlnaj tp Bank
Safe When Armed Men Pnt
la Appearance.
MOUND CITY. Kan.. March 23Kour
masked men broke Into the Bank of Ful
ton, near here, and were In the art of dyna
miting the vault when several armed ctti
sens appeared. Shots were exchanged, but
without effect, and the robbers escaped.
They secured no booty.
Other Bodies May Be I'nder Debris
of Bella-lag at
WHEELINO, W. Vs.. March M.-Bharp s
hotel. Leads' restaurant and several small
buildings were destroyed today by sn ex
plosion either of dyanmlte or of natural
gas. The body of William Lawt'.n has
been recovered from the debris and It Is
feared that other guests of the hotel have
been killed.
, i- mini t i '.s 1 i
f. CITY SAnftsj U.VL.
ll Pearls my
of some kind arc the heritage of nearly
every one, frum the Infant and th? colic,
the middle iiged nnd the distressing,
mlHpriiblo he utarhes, to the aged with
nervous, muvculnr and rheumatic pain.
A remedy to relieve In all runes must ho
founded tin the right principle, nnd thnt
accounts for the wonderful success of
Dr. Miles'
Anti-Pain Pills
They never fall to cure all rases of pain,
because they treat the Pain Source the
nerves. Hy soothing the lirtuiU'd nerves
they lessen the tension, build up the
strength, set the blood coursing through
the veins und thus allay nil pain.
"Periodic hrndnrhe that untitled me for
business several days Ht a time has been
my llfo experience I found first relief in
Dr. Miles' Antl-Paln Pills nnd since then
I invariably ward tht-m off by taking ii
pill when I feel them coming on." hi. M.
MOO KERRY, Windsor, III.
Suld on guarantee that flrt package will
benefit or money refunded.
25 doses, 2." cents. Never sold In Bulk.
To Singers and
Public Speakers
Sherman & McConnell Urge Them To
Use Hyomel. Willing To Sell It On
A new nnd specially valuable use for Hyo
mel has been discovered, one that will bo
particularly welcomed by singers and pub
lic speakers.
The free use of Hyotnel. breathed through
tho Inhaler that cornea with every outfit,
carries healing balsams to the head nnd
throat, und strengthens the voice. Sherman
& McConnell Drug Co., cor. lClh and Dodge
streets, Omaha, have had several of their
customers speak to them In rtgard to the
good effects following tho use of Hyomvl
for this special purpose, and will bo glad to
sell It on approval to any singer, milliliter,
teacher, or public speaker.
They feel sure that the use of llyomel for
this purpose will make, many new friends
for tho treatment. If It does not give satis
faction, the money p;ild will be returned
promptly and without Questions.
the complete Hyoinel outfit, consisting of
an Inhaler that can De carried In the purse
or pocket, a bottle of Hyomcl and a medi
cine dropper, costs only one dollar.
Many remarkable cures f catarrh and
other troubles of the air passages huve
been made by llyomel, and Sherman &
McConnell Drug Co. agree to refund the
money to nnyone who does not find It a
ccmplete cure for any catarrhal trouble.
There Is no dangerous stomach drugging
with Hyomcl; simply breathe It through
tho Inhaler, nnd relief comes quickly.
,rl T 7T A THv
Delightful sa a
Healthful as a
For sale at the lead.
Ing hers, oatfes and
drug i tores.
ij3 c . umcru t m
1 iiinjt.ii a iv.
Kintai City, Ms.
" - r -
the Dust
The greatest at
tractiveness o f a
woman's figure Is a
finely rounded bust,
and in no direction
Is a lack of woman's
charms so striking
as In a riAflr!Aiiow It.
this particular. i
Dr. Charles Flesh Food
Is positively the only preparation known to
medical science that will develop the Im
mature 1 btiHt er restore the natural beauty
of a bream loat through nursing. It maka
the flesh firm and healthy.
,0i!8fiiF. AT A1M DgfAilTatgNT STORKS ANB
Tha r.fulr prtoa of Pr. Charlaa Flea foot la
II M a tin. but la Introduo It into tkouaaada ol
caw batnra ha. a d..44 ta ana ta (1) boaa
ta all wao anawer thla advartlaaaialit and atnd ua
II M. All packasaa an aaat la plain vratipar,
Suataas arapaid.
f7 T r? a aaaipla boa luat anough ta eon.
P r r p vines au ot tha gTsat merit ol Dr.
t ha-laa riaah Pood will ba aast trru
for 10 caitta, which paa far coat ot manias. Wa
will alaa aand jroti our Illustrated book, "Art at
Waaaafa," ohlck coataiaa all Ilia propar meo
Baeuu for aiaaMflna tha faoo, sack and arma and
lull dlitctlooa tor oTaaoloplof tha buat. Addroaa
that "Dainty Woman's Friend"
HAND SAPOLIO. for toilet
and bath? It is a delicate prepa
ration of the purest ingredients,
a luxury but also a necessity to
every man, woman, and child
who desires the beauty of perfect
Maw te-e-avra HMwn ml 14. tw laaa,
II tuak-auulkiias, ia ttuliAwjia
IUi.S .. fcl i a la.
Puta4in AII. 6 Nourdam Apl. ii
liu'i i. am A1. 1- rutaUaiu ia
i'.)uuu Apl In Uolterdani Ujf li
Will r.ll at I'lymouth
aoLUa.ND-AHl.HICA UNI, aa Iwarfcara St.. C-N
rsa. I" 1 Harrr Uoora. faruaa Si) C.
a.ia.Hrl, UU feraaaa St. I t. a. Uaaaalda U4
)u..a St.
it h e vrei
4 Per Gent Interest
Begins first day of tbe month on all
depoxits made on or before the 10th.
51 Starts a Savings Account
Home Savings Bank Free.
Giiy Savings Bank
Kstabllshcd 19U
16h and Dou'laa Streets.
&fie Best of
The Only Double
Track Railway
to Chicago
Very Low Rates
.. .to....
Minnesota, Dakota,
Washington, Oregon
Canadian Northwest
On various dates in March
and April.
sr- City OfflCeav5j
1401-1403 FARNAM ST.
TEL. 624-661
Cut Mo
From Scandinavian points
to Omaha. Now is tha
time to bring your relatives
and friends from the old
country. Tiiese greatly re
duced rates will only last a
fhort time. All Information
Wabash City Office,
1601 Farnam St., or Address
Harr- E. Mooret, Omaha. Neb
Insaris Purc.Soft, White Skli
sad a Btaatlful Compleiloo,
sans Kesama aid Tattar. Ab
solutely and I'armaeantiy
ramovea Blacihaada, Frao
klea, fltnpht, Aadiieaa, 8nn
pota and Taa. Uaad with
Iierma-Rorala Soap a Par
fact akla la loaurad. , n
(old by Druogltts, or
msj be erdarad direct.
ItersBavBayale, ft ner hattla. express nald.
Dersaa-Keyale Soap, rants, by snail.
Bath la OM aaekaga, f I.M. ex arena !.
The Derma-Hoyale Co.. Cincinnati, O.
Omaha. Nvbr.. and Boats. Omaha. Neaa,
Itrarhri the Live Stock Men.
FRANK U 1'KHI.KV Presents
When Knighthood Was in flower
Prices -So. Wo. 75p, II W, 11.50.
Bargain Mat. Paturday. 25c and 60c.
Handily Mutltu" and Nlstit " NK
Tu-s Niglil "Tlif BH'oiiade" Wed.
Mat. "Rntiln Hood " Wed. NltfiU "The
onion nf l.imghU-r."
Prices 2U; to 1.W; Mat., 20o to tl.W.
ExtraAmateur Show
In Conjunction with
TDK A II l'HOH:l!lL Hill
Any fart nf lloaar itSc.
Tho Hint Mi'lu-In'uiiui
Kvtr i'roduocd
TO I5H(i
at 8:15
Sat. Mat. 75c
"Bunduy Matlner-"NOlJUDY'B CLAIM,"
r - ' - - 1
And Things Like That