TIIE OMAnA DAILY DEE: MONDAY, MARCIT 21. 1004. S3 SPECIAL NOTICES A4vfrtlifmriti for thcne cnlatnnn trill be taken until 12 m. fnr the rvralnf edition anil antll St p. m. for the moral aad Sands? edition. Kates, 1 l-e a word flint Insertion, lo a word thereafter. . Nothing taken fnr leaa thaa 24 Hi tor the flrat Inser tion. These ad vert laementa mast lie fan oneeenttvelr. Ad vertleere, by reqneeflns? a nam 'erect rhrrki, ran have answers ad treaaed to a nnmhered letter la rare of The Ree. Anewern ao addreaaed 't!H be delivered on presentation of fho eh eric nntr. TELKGRAm DEPARTMENT of the OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE 17th nd Douglas. Enrollment exceed nnv former ver. Students doing splendid work. A numher almt ready for insltlons promised them. Facilities In thin department unsurpassed. Course of study thorough mid routire henslvq. If you want a line position u-- it teiegrapn operator, enter this department for a few months. Hend for particulars Catalogue free. KUHRBOUOI1 BROS. MISCELLANEOUS. APRIL 4 SPRING TERM Boyles College, NEW YORK LIFE BUILDING, uMAHA Catalogue Ready . D-MI03 The Nebraska Seed Co's bhLLI VtlLjL. OltUW. Ca'.alokut) free. iuL.-i.ut noward. R-M791 Jel OMAHA Bsfe and Iron works make a spe. tialty of fire escapee, shutters doors and .fee. Q. Ancrcen. prop., lost 8. mth st. K MS50 May2j D. it. HAVERLY EXPERT ACCOUNT - ANT. 212 BSE BLDU. PHONE 104. R-634 Champ. Carp- Clean. Co.. 718 8. 14th. T. 653. R-9"3 feCl I n SILVER. NICKEL. Mating. Om. UULUi-iating Co.. 1508 Harney. Tel. 3ft 15. R 635 CITY SAVINGS BANK pays 4 per rent R GJ8 PECIAL For a limited time we will fit you with a guaranteed pair of spectacles for II. Inn't miss thin chance, U. B. Op ticians. 308 N. ltith Bt. R a .AGLE Loan office. Reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas R-639 EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co . moving and storage. 214 N. 16th. Tel. 1196. R 644 TRY THE CHICAGO LAUNDRY. you don't, we both lose. Good work, prompt attention. 14 N. 18th. Tel 205. R-049 ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO., cleans cesspools, vaults, removes garbage. dad animals; reduced prices. 21 N. 16. Tel. 1771 R-641 P. MELCHOIR, machinist, 13th aY Howard. R 642 PUBLICITY DESIG NS WHEATON, In the Bee Bldg. R 643 J. E. WALLACE, Taxidermist, (W5 8. llth. R 926 Al TRONOEBT In the World." The Emiltn Me Life Assurance society. Its policies (ire sight drafts at maturity. II. I). Neely, manager, Merchants' National Bank Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. R-64 IGN painting. 8. IL Cola, 1302 Douglas. K 04, A LL kinds carpenter promptly attended to. Joth and Lake. work, repairing J. T. Ochiltree. K-370 E. J. PAVI8, safe mover, heavy hauling, jus arnam. ti. sbs. it uiz mi .'"OR noon luncheon try the JCarbach Res taurant; reasonable prices. 415 b. loin t it kcs juayis VODICKA St CO., fine tailoring: all kinds pressing, repairing. It. rug u neater Ding. Tel. 8182. R-648 CLOTHE8 pressed, altered. Youaen, Pax' ton hotel tailor. R 649 I RACINGS: blue prints and working drawings. Sues A Co., Omaha. Phone 16S. R 287 Aprils I ERFIELD Piano Co., Bee Bldg.; no la teres t honest values, easy terms. R 638 f nrWQMITH r . r. hkflin. so n. x ae loth. Tel. 2974. A. O. SMITH plumbing. 118 N. 16; tel. Sf92. MAHA MIRROR MFO. CO., 70 N. 16th. Tel. BZB1. K M790 All i YOU live out of town write us for gaso line engine facts. Wltte Iron Works Co., .29 w. 6th Bt., Kansas city. Mo. ft pOVE, storage and repairing. Hughes -tove Kepair worts, izu Cuming Ht Tel. F2302, R-825 -,r PHOTOS. 2ftC. Studio 119 N. 18th., opp P. O. R91I TiTfVfM EC Largest and best selec lllUILCJ tlon In the city. 2.1hnnc - "eels from $3.00 and up. Louis FWcher, . japnoi ave. h-hz u :a B18I5ESS CHANCES. WANTED 3500 to 33.000, to invest In the ursi paying Dumness in omalia; uest o reierenve. Aaareas t to, tier. Y-M197 flx ', O GET in or out of business call on Wll tiems, room u, saciague ouildlng. Y-6S2 i,wiKBMnn shop for sale, well equipped and a good trade; cheap if taken ui onue. nariingion, neo. ; write uox 41 Y 7C9 21 k HOLES-ARMSTRONG CO., 722 N. Y. Life. . X M816 ABBOTT COWAN CO.. 812 Brown Blk. can get you in or out of business. Y-MS3S 1 OR BALE A money making Ke!vark newspaper; snap If taken soon. Addrsa ror particulars F 33. Bee. Y M.06 23 I'OR SALE, new, clean, up-to-date $ 50) iot'K or ary goons, snoes nl grc,c rltS. doing annual business of I ft.CsiO to UO.OuO, rll cash. Owners have other nualt.eis nd will discount some for nulck os ale. No trades considered. Aodre-s Bo est. ronav la. Y M178 22 KOR SALE, drug and Jewelry stock I gooo western iowa town or tin pop. will Invoice about 13,200. Address F 7fi. care , Ttee. Y M IJL?! 'WANTED TO HUT. Pru-iL-c bought, sold. Antloue Book Con "WW earn. 213 Karbach blk. Tel. 3U1 N tiiV WANTED MALK HELP. MEN to leiirn barber trade, free railroad fnre upon our fnllure to cunwnce you ot this lelng the BEST, largest and on y reliable. miKt nrsrilcal barber college In this section. Write for catalogue todxv. western liarbera Institute, uniana, reo. B 615 DON'T MISS THE "PERSONALS" You 11 find them interesting. PEnSOXAI.. lR. ROY. Chiropody, r. 2, 1515 Fsrnam. U MM7 Paper Hanging i. I'. MccLAi.n. teed at reasonable prices. UU N. l.tii 6u Tel. U-347. V M301 Accordion Pleating, cheapest, test, quickest Mi's. A. C Walk, 1 , tli and Doufclaa. f 730 LA BOOK, ladles' tailoring, 511 Ksrbech Blk. U-731 ANY poor girl In need of a fjiend can call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women, m N. S4'h St., Omaha, Neb. V ME06 Mrylx WAN'TKij-For U. 8. army, nble-bodlel, untriBrr.tu men, between ages or n snn -, rltin t.r t'ni,H uiat4 nf eood charac ter and temperate habits, who can speak, reiid imd wilte English. For Information apply to recruiting officer. Iflth and P! ms., Omaha, or Lincoln, r,eo. B-M154 TWO men to work from our wagons; steady position, and experence unnecessary. Y. Adams & Co., 1B19 Howard Bt. B 6n7 MoI.EP.S BARBER COLLEGE of Den- vvr, t olo., ofters advantages In teacntng the harder trade that cannot be had else where. Write today for our terms. B Mil7 AiX WANTED EVERYWHERE Reliable per sona to distribute circulars, sample", i-ick slns, etc., good pay, no canvassing. Write for particulars frco. Knarf Adver tising Exchange, T3-375 Broadway. New York. B-M76a 21X WANTED- Expert iaundrymin, or will sen good steam Munarv aomg gooa out ness. Willis Cadwell, Broken Bow. Neb. B M.lt4 SALESMEN and solicitors; city work; big money ror right parties, itizi rarnam. e Fisher. B M84S PERSON to Interview local trade for com mercial house; salary 821 and expenses weekly; previous experience unnecessary. Colonial, Caxfon, Chicago. B MS52 24x Salesman Wanted. I want a man a first-class specialty sales man who can talk a straignt Dusiness proposition to merchants ana get paying results. The buslnena Is high grade and the Job Is a permanent one. If you can't sell goods, don't waste your time and mine, hut if you can get orders from deal ers and earn a good Income, I would Ilka to talk with you. F. E. Sanborn, Pres't., The F. E. Sanborn Company. Omaha, Neb. B M8K) 24 WANTED, a responsible salesman, with established retail trnoe in minors ana Iowa, for large wholesale liquor house; stnte experience; references and bond re quired: liberal salary. Address P. O. Box 323, Peoria, 111. B M900 21 BOO PAINTERS wanted at World's Fair. St. Louis, Mo.; union men 45e per nour. Apply at grounds. B M908 Ix . WANTED Plasterers, steady work, good wages, nonunion men only. Address t. v. Box 64, St. Joseph, M0. B M881 21x LADIES and gentlemen, we pay $15 a thousand casn copying ai nome; eena stamp. Puritan Mfg. Co., Worcester, Mass. -M892 21x WORKING for me does not Interfere with your regular duties. My men earn 330 upward weekly. Experience unneces sary; no money required; no soliciting. J. THOMPSON, 177 Huntington Ave., Boston, Mass. B M971 24x WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Orowlna demand for our eraduates. Few weeks completes. Busy season now. Tools and diploma given. Call or write. Moler Barber college, 19U uougian ri. B M970-2SX WANTED, good salesman, a hustler. Ap- f3 noaro B Ml 70 llx ply Hicks' Real Estate CO., tss Hoarn or xraae iwug WANTED Ladv or gentleman of fair edu cation to travel for old and well estab lished firm; salary. $1,000 per year and expenses, paid weekly. Address with stamp, stating age and experience, if any. James K. Houghton, Omaha, Neb, General delivery. M zi zzx WANTED, t first-class soda fountain men Good positions for the right men. AH. dress F 30, Bee. B-M172 22x WANTED, a competent cook for $2 a day, hotel; good wages. E. Penneu. onercit. Iowa, a Miri zx CEMENT sidewalks finishers. McWIlllams Bros., paving and sidewalk contractors, 431-2 Paxton Blk., Omaha, Neb. B IMS 21 X WANTED FEMALE HELP. ANYONE need of houaekeeper or man and wife call Canadian otnee, lotn and JJooge. C tji WANTED, experienced sewing girl. Apply second floor People's Store. C M241 22 WANTED Girl for general housework. 1618 Madison ave. u-misj. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework: good references required. Mrs. W. S. Poppleton, $04 South 87th street. c msii GIRL for general housework. Mrs. Geo. B Lake. 22u7 Dodge. C 913 Zl LADIES for work at home, stamping china souvenirs for St. Ixtuls fair; clean, fnscl nntlng. good pay. IT. D. Art Co., 66 Doug las Bldg., op;-. liayden s. C Mlfio 2.x ion HEVr Kl mini-.ii IIOOM. LARGE or small room; reasonable; mod ern; walking distance. 1!21 Podge. E MWJ5 21 x FURNISHED rooms. 118 N. 2th st. D-JW5 2ZX MODERN furnished rooms. 131 8. 2Mh at. K MS.SI2IX FURNISHED rooms. 1S05 Chlcnpo. E-MW Z3 FURNISHED rooms, light housekeeping. 1814 Cullfornlu. E M-l- z:x MODERN furnished rooms. Bit No. Iflth. E M213 23X FURNISHED room, 606 No. 2mh. FURNISHED rooms, 1717 Burt. E--M215 24X FI'RNISHED rooms, 1 or J persons, 2003 Burt. E MZ16 Z-X FURNISHED rooms, 1!W6 Lake. E-M217 54 FI'RNISHED rooms, light housekeeping, 2422 Hurdette. E M.ls 2JX HOUSEKEEPING rooms, reasonable. 1411 Jones st. E 231 22x FOR DALE REAL ESTATE. ONLY $9 PER ACRE! ONLY $9 PER ACRE! Fine hay and stock rtinch, 1,440 acres. Holt county, Nebraska. Fenced In two sepa rate ranches, but Joining. Running water over Sun acres of the finest hay bottom In Nebraska. Most of hay land will cut over two tons per acre. Located 10 miles southwest of O'Neill and the famous Shoemaker flats adjoin this land on the east. One of the owners savs fell to clnso out estote. Land In this vicinity brings $15 to $25 per acre. If you want, something good and cheap don't let this get awav. Price $!00 per acre If sold In 15 days. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO.. Sole Agents. RE M179 27 TO EXCHANGE for Omaha or good town property in any good county seat town In Nebraska or western Iowa, 900 acres of farm land In Pierce county. Neb., 800 acres under cultivation. There are two good eets of buildings upon this farm. One new house of eight rooms and barn that holds 14 head of horses and 20 tons of liny. Two gran aries and cattle sheds and hog houses. 300 acres well fenced for pa'tuxe, 40 acres fenced hog tight. There Is a loan on this THREE desirable rooms, suitable for light farm of tinoo. due In three vears. at BU ner housekeeping, pnrtly furnished, sua Cass. j-j -jjj i vvnv imrirri. jius innn is cnrup lor iasn at $26 an acre. The reason for wanting to make this exchange is on account of educa tion of children. FIKSISHKD ROOMS A.NU BOARD. THE ROSE, 2u:t) Harney, rooms, good board; reasonable rates. F MS18 Minx UTOPIA, steam heat, 1721 Davenport. -s3 ROCKAWAY, 1318 Douglas. Meals, 15c Furnished rooms, steam heat, with or with out board. Midland hotel, 10th & Chicago., HOME Dining Hall; first-class meals, 20a t-iui M. Home cooKing. 170S Podge. P M2 A-10 LARGE south front room and board for two; all modern, with phone A-2f93; SB. 00 a week each; gentlemen preferred. 2406 Cms. F-M642 FURNISHED rooms and board. 1812 Chi cago. F MH89 ZlX FURNISHED rooms and board. 118 N. ISth. F M8S7 21 FURNISHED rooms and hoard. 1811 Cap itol ave. F MHS6 zix LARGE nice room. 601 S. 28th St. Tel. 2595. F 910 Z4X FOR RENT INFIRN.8HED ROOMS. FURNI8HED or unfurnished rooms. 812 N. 27th. G -874 21 X THREE MODERN unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping. 616 S. 22d- G M.X43 THREE unfurnished rooms, first fioor; water In kitchen. 2d63 St. Marv's ave. Q-m :2x 4 MODERN rooms, parlor floor, near park. 1600 8. 28th. 235 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. We rent houses, write fire Insurance, ex change farms for city property, buy and sell real estate mortgages, loan money and sell real estate of all kinds. KENNY REAL ESTATE & 1NV. CO.. 300 Bee Building. RE M934 26 FOR RJSNT HOtSES. THE Omaha Van and Storage Co. pack, mrve and store H. H. goods. Storehouse. 1.20-24 N. 19th. OIHce. lull Farnam. Tel. 1669-863. D-7 CENTRAL, S-room cottage. Tlxard. 220 N. 23. D-M764 HOI 1QPC In all parts of the city. The nUUOCOu, f. Uavia Co., 608 Bee Bldg. D-671 rH-'UoCO peter, ft Co Bee Building. D 6J3 Stammering cured. J. Vaughn. Kamcj. 1J. ELITE parlors, 616 8. 16ih, 2d floor. U-733 "VIA VI." way to hea'th. 300 Bee building. C 734 MAHN FTIP,rtment baths. Mma. JVlrtVJl C 1 l8niltn U8 n. 15. 2 fir.. R. 3. U M338 A X WHAT'S nicer than accordion pleating? .. i u iiuuiiiig dui ine nneni. uwiu Pleating Co., 200 Douglas block. U 735 BEN BOLT -Why didn't you meet me at Columbia 1'honongraph company Inst night? 1 waited till half past 9. Say. their frt-e concerts are grand, and I bought a doien X. P. 60c records for 25o each.-Peggy From Paris. U M137 PANTORIUMS?"- ' U 737 ,iiPC-DUHinilV CE ' . CUUIVB imu.u- i 01-603 New York Life Bldg. 'Phone 1016. i u eis WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van A Stor ga Co.. Tel. 1496. Office. 171J Webster Bt. D 674 HOUSES. Insurance. Rlngwalt. Barker Mk. D-675 FOR RENT, 11-room house, modern and in first-class condition; large yard and shade trees; il77 Davenport st. Apt'ly H. J. Windsor, 1518 Dodge St. D M375 MODERN 4-roOm flat. 1112 S. llth Pt. D-777 HARRISON & MORTON, 913 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 314. RE 907 21 CLOSE IN MODERN house, 9 rooms, near High school and Crelghton university, paving all paid. oniy W. FARNAM SMITH & GO. 1320 Farnam St. RE-MS78 HOUSES FOR RENT. 3021 Chicago St., 6 rooms, modern $20. FLAT, 1615 Howard St., 3d floor, 6 rooms, best of condition, modern $27.60, GEORGE & COMPANY. D-MJ62 27 STORAGE. Fifth floor of building at 1608 Harney st, occupied by Midland Glaan and Paint Co., 66xl& feet, good light, heat, elevator service $100 per month. GEORGE- tt CO., 1601 Farnam st. I-M160 26 Illus. your property, baker Bros. Eng. Co. RE 935 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. INDIAN goods and relics. 1119 Farnam. Q 94 ED-HAND eaf cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnam CHEAPEST OAK SLAT CORN CRIB BING. Long fir timbers. 901 Douglas. U ttoS 100 KINDS of Mineral Water. Sherman 4 McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Q 697 KIMBALL PIANO, allghtly used; big bar gain. Call or write Room 7. Bee (Jjid SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables; billiard table repaired; large stock cheap bar fixtures, cigar counters. The Bruns-wick-Balke Collender Co., 407-9 8. 10th. Q-700 160 WATCHES. 75 diamonds, left in pawn, , cheap. Diamond Loan Office, 1401 Douglas. 1 Q Mil'l We rent Bewlng machines, 75c week. We repair and sell parts for every machine manufactured Erond-hand machines Irom $5.00 to $10,000. Nebraska Cycle Co., Phone 1663. Corner 15th and Harney. 70$ WANTED Ladles to learn halrdresslng, manicuring or facial treatment. Two to four weeks required. Can earn expenses before completing. Call or write. Moler College, li2 Douglas St. C M969 26x FOR SALE Several scholarships In a first class standard school in Omaha, compris ing complete course In business, snort hand and typewriting. Inquire at Be office. 0852 FOR SALE cheap, old ink barrels. Apply to the press room of The Be. Q 343 WANTED Two fitter and six sewing women. Cloak Dept., Hayden Bros. C-M186 22 SITUATIONS WANTED. BOY about 18 desirous of learning cold storage, engineering; permanent work. Call on engineer A. Booth & Co., 1306 Leaven worth st., 2 o'clock Monday or Tuesday afternoon. A M243 22x WANTED, sltifatlon by man and wife on a ranch or farm In western Iowa. Ad dress John Wilson, Logan, la. A 631 21x IP-HAND furniture; high price. Tel. I0M. Chicago Furniture Co. N VJ URIVINO horse. Dr. Bradbury, dentist, 1508 Farnam at. N-MJiJ . iV ANTED To buy all kinds of used pianola music Address F 10, Bee. N-i? 21x T'lLL buy complete sets of 2d-hnnd book by recognised author, and (my wi.at they are worth. Address F 17. Be. N 636 Ex IVANTED For a cash customer, 8 to 10 roora. modern houe; flrxt-clats location. The O. F. Davl Co.. 64 Bee bldg N-M906 21 f'lLL pay good prices for Cd-hand vlo'lns; tust Da good Instruments. Address F 71, Bee. N-:s 21x i'OUNG man who will be permanent mints board and room in private fsml'v Ad dress F 18. Ree. N--fi34 ?1x WANTED, specialty salesman eight years' experience In physicians' supplies snd surgical Instruments and pharmaceutlates. Established trade In Iowa. Salary and expenses. Address F 81, Omaha Be A-M176 21x WANTED Situation a bookeeper. Satis faction guaranteed. Address F 11. Bee. A-M7S8-r6x FOR KENT FURNISHED ROOMS. CENTER hotel. 210 K. 17th; Die transient rooms. E 129 MIS ROYAL HOTEL, European. Mth st Chicago E o DEWEY. European hotel, 13th and Farnata E W N1CELY furnished rooms. Inquire Omaha Htenm Laundry, 1750 Leavenworth. 'Phone A-liSS. E 641 O. M. E. haul trunks. Telephone 11. E-4W2 $1 25 PER WEEK, Doran House. 422 S. 18th. K txJ Vienna Hotel. 1011 Farnani; fin roms; la dles' cafe, private dining r.; open nlghta E-o4 LARGE, warm room, Capitol ave. team heat. 1ft E M720 AGENTS WANTED. , .V ANTED, canvassing agent in every county to solicit suoscriptions to THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Steady employment with assured good in come. Agents In the country with horse and buggy especially divitrad. Canvassers rnuk really $U to $100 per month. Au Irea Century Farmer Solicitors Bureau, lie building, Omaha. J 213 A E want 10,000 agents for greatest house held seller ever produced; actually sets la every house; Immense money maker for genta; swnd 10c for complete sample and our large illustrated catalogue of agents' supplies. Southern Mercantile Co., DepC B lo7. Houston, Tex. 1-M444 Apr! CLAIRVOYANT. QIXntXR, MOmiat. li N. Ud. Tsl B $:44. 1-tU LARGE elegantly furnished alcove room. team heat, hot water, gas. bath, tele phone, lurge lawn. ina location, reason- a Die. lwuiiu. E-MSOi NICE furnUhed rooms. 824 N. 16th K 43 ELEGANT apartment house for men rooms single or ensulte, luxuriously fur nished, now ready for occupancy. Apply st the Chatham, 13th at., opposite Millard hotel. is Mtux Room. reasonable. 161$ E M614 2 FURNISHED Burt. NICELY furnished room, third foor. 1430 Podge Ft. E M4W THE FARNAM. 19th and Famam ats. Reference required. E M96 AN elegant south front room and alcove. with 4oara. Z4l cass at. E 872 X4x THREE nicely furnished rooms; modern; 2114 Chicago. . J MS93 31 NICELY furnished trout room suitable for AUTOMOBILES, new and second-hand. $260 to 14,000; write for catalogue. H. E. r reuncKson, lotn ana jjoage. Q M4U M24 IRON FENCE w?rr.ks omhwn Q-M387 Jy. I HMRPRCheap sheeting, $13.50 thous. LUiVlDCIA cady Lum. Co., 6th Doug. AUTOMOBILE. $1,100 Toledo Steam Das-a- aa at a great oargain. a u. ue omce. Q-M 049 A13 STOCK YARDS SADDLERY CO. Wholesale and Retail. HARNESS and SADDLES. Everything con slrtered. cheapest on earth. rcverytning Hand-Made, Union shop. Headquarters for Axle Grease and Whips. J. O. BLESSING. 331 N. 26th St., So. Omaha. Q-M774 BARGAINS IN ACRE TRACTS. 12 acrea, good house, etc., on Bellevlew road, two miles from South Omaha, $3,600. 5 acres, very well improved, on the Gilmore road. $1,900. 2 acres, fair Improvements, on Boulevard, 1' . miles from South Omaha postofflce, $50. 40 acres, unimproved, lays well, close in, $4,000. 36 acres, unimproved, good land, $3,500. 10 ncrcs, adjoining Albright, great bargain, $2,000. We have several smaller tracts adjoining the city that nre nice and very cheap. O'NEIL S REAL ESTATE AGENCY, South Omaha. RE M658 Ail SOU SHERMAN AVE., modern, 8-r., laun dry, screens, hardwood finish, full lot, barn, choice location. GEORGE O. WALLACE, Brown Block. D-S68 a 1117 SO. 82d St., rooms, modern, $40.00. 2216 Charles t., 10 rooms, mod., except fur nace, $30.00. 2f2 Charles St., 7 rooms, city water, $16.00. 2618 N. 31st St., rooms, city wnter, $12.00. 3014 Ames ave., 6 rooms, city wnter, $10.00. 511 N. 16th St., 6 rooms, city water, $12.00. 22f4 N. 27th St., 4 rooms, city wnter, $8.00. 808 B. 18th st, 8 rooms, city wnter, $10.00. GARVIN BROS., 1604 FARNAM ST. D M879 21 FOR RENT South Omaha, 2-story house, toilet, city water, 27th and J sts.. only $12.00, D M182 21 x FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES. FOR RENT, building suitable for whole sale, purposes at 916 Farnam. 22x90, four storlea and first-class cemented basement, elevator, fire and burglar proof vault of fice counter and fixture. For price and particular Inquire C. C. Roaewater, sec retary Bee Building Ce., room 100, Be Building. I-M567 FOR RENT, three upper stories In four story building at 916 Farnam St., two tories If preferred. Address C. C. Rose water, Sec'y. Room 100 Be bldg. I-M986 FOR RENT 4-story and basement build ing, 1615 Dodge St., now occupied by Omaha Carpet Co. Inquire on premise 1-682 TWO-STORY building. 1512 and the second floor 1608-10 Howard. W. H. Bushman. 1681 DENTIST wanted to share office with physician wltn nne quarters in liee bldg.. with well established practice. Address C 21. Be. 1-181 IOWA FARM 240-acre valley farm, all tillable; corn, wheat, alfalfa, blur-grass and clover, ex cellent Improvements, 2 miles from Pa cific Junction, never overflowed; rent, one half crop, $1,300 last year; present tenant offers to lease five years at $3.50 per acre; splendid Investment; must be sold at once. N. P. DODGE & CO., ' 1614 Farnam St RE-M618 WANTED Two or three furnished rooms for light housekeeping; walking distance from postofflce; references. Address F 23, Bee office. K M141 21x MISSOURI LANDS ANCHOR LAND COMPANY, 1018 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. RE M408 AS CHAB. J MimcAn Cry lt Floor B. "iiiiunuwu vtU. 8. bk. bldg WHEN buying or selling real estate be sure to get a Midland Guarantee and Trust company bonded abstract, 1614 Far bam street N. p. Dodge. Jr., President RE M689 ELEGANT BRICK BLOCK. 4 stores, with 6-room modern flats above; price $15,000; Vi cash or farm land; balance can run nearly 6 years at 6 per cent. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1, Nw York Life Bldg. RE-823 CHOICE BUILDING SITES. I have a number of choice sites for build ingcheap and well located. Her are a few: $2,300 Good corner, near High school, paved streets, all paid, suitable for double house. $1,60014x132, southwest, block from car and paved street; suitable for 8 or 4 houses; property within a block gell ing for $50 a foot. $2,600110x1130. south and eaat front; fine for est trees; near 35th and Cuming; good for S or 4 houses. GB O. WALLACE. Brown Block. RE-SS7 SI FOR BALE Will sell at n discount a scholarship in one or tne nest omana business colleges. Address F 15, care Bee office. Q M901 FOR SALE Gasoline runabout: going to Europe. Dr. W. V. Gage, Hee Hldg. Q-913 21 x FOR SALE, second-hand safe, soda Qaun- taln and National ( hsh registtr. Ki n-mond-Deright Co.. 209 8. 13th st. Q J17 TREES Haiel Dell Nursery, S2 N. 2tth. tj M19S A19 FOR SALE The furniture of five-room house; chicken house and fence 4617 N. S7th St. Q M2C0 21x FOR SALE J second-hand 40-qt. Ice cream machine at $35 each. Inquire of w. 8. Balduff. O M221 26 FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS, ETC. HORSES for sale; second-hsnd harness, vehicles cheap. Mekheor a Stables, 601 8. 19th. P-M&tf BAM'L BURNS, phaeton and surrey cheap. P 826 Al HAVE your wagon painted or repaired by H. Frost 14th and Lea7enworth. P M37J HORSES clipped and trimmed. Frank Da vis. Bett barn. 1415 Capitol ave. TeL 1810 P-M375 A8 HORSES clipped. Cotton Livery Stable. 1502 Cass. P-M766 A14 FOR EXCHANGE. WILL trad beautiful piano for horse. Schmoller Hut tier, lilj Farnam st. Z 632 EIGHTY seres land In Burt county. Neb., for Omaha residence property, C. T. Dickinson, New York Lite bldg. Z-M763 WANTED, an elevator. In first -rlssa con (11 tlon In Illinois, iowa. Kansas or Ne braska; I have a fine farm, with excellent bulldinss, well located, between Waterloo and LePorte City. Ia.. worth $75 per acre. Incumbrance $7.ofi0: will take elevator not tie exceed $6,000 in value, balance canh. SARPY county farm 800 acres, choice grain and hay land, worth $60. offer it for few riava at X4fi an acre. 7-r. modern cottage, Capitol mil, on car line, rents for $30; price ror quick sale $3,200. CHOICE INVESTMENT near High school. 2 8-r. modem houses, rental value $ti6; $2,000 cash, balance monthly payments. Interest 6 per cent. W. N. Nason. 446 Be Bldg. nis-it 2i MODERN. 8-room: also 6-room house: beautiful lots; nne location: cheap, in quire 1411 Vinton at. RE 916 A18 ENGLISH & CO. PAXTON BLOCK. On of the finest 8-room modern residences In West Farnam district. 12 300. 8-room modern residence, Farnam and 81st avenue, $3,700. utavm FOR SALE 11-room house, modern and in first-clans condition; large yard and shade trees: 3177 Davenport st. Apply It. j. Windsor, una uoage st. RE-M374 SEE R. H. Landeryou If you wish to buy or sell real estate. 44Z uoara or Trade. Tel. 2151. HB-SJl TIVE ACRES with apple orchard at bargain; close in. inquire mo podge. RE-M34K A T 11400 2622 Decatur Bt., new, well built f- room nouse, mooern. pipea ror furnace. oaK nnors oownsrntr. A ntnUAiN. D. V. Sholes Co., ra N. T. Life Bldg. Tel. 49. RE 87 F. D. WEAD Nice 6-room new modern cottage, with open plumbing; 100-bbl. cistern: fruit and suaae trees, zu epauining, a.au. 1524 DOUULAB. RE-M16S S3 GLOVER. 1st floor N. Y. Life, city prop erty, farms, ranches. Tel. 133. RE 418 NEBRASKA RANCH LANDS, FARMS. TOO. If you want them right In growing, produc tive Nebraska. Good sull, finest climate on earth, a gooi market for everything you ran raise. These lands are In the alfalfa and wheat belt, and In the beat cattle country out of doors. They are sold at very low prions and on very liberal terms. Let us tell you mora about them. Call on or address the Union Pacific R. R. LsfH WANTED TO RENT SINGLE man desires room and board In private family, located In Kountie Place; give full particulars and terms. Address F 36, Bee. K M196 22x MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY If you are annoyed by numerous small bills mat nave accumulated during tne winter It might be an advantage to you to secure money from us and pay them, and then pay us In weekly or monthly payments until you et out of debt. We loan on fur niture, pianos, live stock and other chat tels and we make loans to salaried people UDon their own aa-reement to renay. Our rates are as low as any and a great deal lower than some. Our service is 3ulck and without publicity. If you have ealt with us snd are pleased, tell others, snd if you sre displeased, tell us. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co.. 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 22!. (Established 1892) 306 South 16th St. X-748 MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE. PIANOS, LIVE STOCK, SALARIES. ETC. Low rates and easy terms. Business confidential. Try us If you want to save money. PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. 633 Paxton Block, 16th and Farnam Sts. X 704 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE snd otners wltn security; easy paments; largest business in 4W principal cities. Tofman, room 440, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. X-705 MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried reople; business confidential; lowest rates 14 Paxton block. The J. A. Hutton Co. X-70S MONEY to lotn on furniture, horses, etc.. at half usual rates pr. prtnoenow, room 216 at 209 S. 16th at; tel. B2964. X-M427 BEND 26c for HOMESTEADER'S GUIDE, containing forty-eight pages of valuable Information. OFFICIAL MAP and full Instruction how to get a claim on the ROSEBUD RESERVATION. Forbes Ix- siiuj', X3unesieei, o. u. u PIANOLAS for rent; $ months' rent al- 1318 Farnam. Tel. 1626. U 932 TUB, vapor and alcohol baths. 720 8. 13th St. U-3IS FAMILY hand laundry; rough drying a specialty. 915 Jackson street. U-M379 M23x GAS fixtures at cost Bam' I Burns. U M914 Al BMOKE Capt. Freer's Oreenlander cigar. 410 8. 13h. U-M917 Mayl THEATRICAL masq. costumes. Lleben, 1018 Farnam. U M911 SOLID Gold Rimless Eyeglasses, only $2.60; with our patent "Slip Not" guards, $1.00 extra. Eyes examined by our specialists free of charge. Huteson Optical Co., 213 S. 16th, near Farnam. U 342-21 LODGES, dancing club or meetings of any kind can secure a hall In the Bee build ing, with splendid accommodations; ele vator service nil night, electric light piano, etc. Apply to R. C. Peters Co., ground floor. Bee Bldg. U 341 CRYSTAL Ice Co., 1305 N. 24th. Tel. 2038. U M460 JelO LADIES: Fluo Elixir develops breasts 4 Inches In 2 weeks. Will convlnre you by sending one week's treatment free. Pluo Chem. Co., Box 909, Milwaukee, Wis. U-M769 22x DR. FICKE8. Q. C. B. 8., dentist. S3 Bee Bldg. U-M800 AlBx IF EVER In the park you sat and heard the band upon your hat play waltxes, marches and two-steps, too, I think It would astonish you. don't you? Rut sav, the most stirnrlslne- thlnir In how atons-bee 1404 Douglas, can sell his Monogram cigar ior ou. jusi as gooa as most ioc cigars. U M862 A PRIVATE soldier (cannoneer of a coast battery), stationed at Fort Taylor, Flu., desires lady correspondent. P. O Box No. 444, Key West. Fla. IT M176 21x A KINO'S Pawn by Hamilton Prummond. Investigate Roach's circulating llhrnrv. 1615 Farnnm. U 224 22 MEDICAL. MAGNET PILE KILLER. At druggists. $1. IT CURES, 738 HOMEOPATHIC medicines, wholesale, re tail. Sherman & McConnell, Omaha. -739 DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases and Irregularities of women: experienced reliable, 1611H Dodge, Arlington Block, Omaha. 740 WANTED-The case of catarrh, rheuma tism, eczema or stomach trouble that Co-Lon-Co. WON'T cure. 9 29 PRIVATE hospital during confinement; babla adopted. Mrs. Gardels, 2234 Lake. Tel. Red 1SS4. -741 PRIVATE home during confinement; babies rdopted. The Good Samaritan Sanitarium, 7l8 1st Ave, Council Bluffs, Ia. 526 PRIVATE hospital before and during con finement. Mrs. Fisher, 2515 S. 11. Tel. 1SS9. -742 PRIVATE sanitarium during confinement. Babies adopted. Dr. and Mrs. Oensch, 312B California. M761 21 X PHlNTINa. HIGH CLASS printing at lowest prices. Tel. 1262. I. A. Medlar Co.. 422 S. 15th st M3S2 AS AMERICAN Printing Co. New equipment. Oet our prices. Tel. 1621. 3618 Chicago. M.I74 A8 PR1NTINP, I H,Kh "n" Work. r....-.Ml rJL t Crounso block, corner of LYNGSTAD ) lh St and Capitol Ave. -930 KRAMER & CHANDIER, Quick Printers, 11 3 Farnam. To deliver work when prom ised Is our hobby. M766 A14 WE make calendars, and do all kinds ot printing. Barton Printing Co., "07 8. ltith. 'Ph one aaffi, M764 A 1 1 OSTEOPATHY. John so. 1 Institute. 615 N. Y. Life bldg. T.1664. Dr. J. A. Meehan. 15 N. Y. Lifu bldg. T.1H64. 719 The Hunt Infirmary, McCague bldg. T. 2352. -7J0 MONEY loaned on ptano. furniture, Jww- elry, horses, cows, etc. r . tteea. sis n. n. 13t X-207 LOANS mad on Jewelry and diamonds. Great Western Lroan omce, hut farnam. X-M752 A15 CHATTEL, salarv and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co., 1604 Farnam Bt. A 3" CASH Tou can establish a CREDIT with an old KEL1AHLK tirm ana secure money wnau ever vou need It We will advance you enough money to pay off all your debts so tnat you win owe 11 all in on place, where you get courteous treatment. Our easy payment plan has astonished peo ple wno nave previously uonoweu UI 01 nor loan companies, on account of our liberal rate. We make loan on SALARIES. FURNI TURE, PIANOS. LIVE STOCK, etc RELIABLE CREDIT CO. S07-8 Paxton Block. X-M154 MONEY TO LOAN HEAL ESTATE. FARM and city loans, low rates W. H. Thomas, First Nat 1 Bank bldg. Tel. 164s. W-71U PRIVATE money. Bnerwood. 937 N. Y. Life. W-7U 4 TO P. C. money. Bemls, Paxton Block. W 712 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1620 Douglas W- -713 WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. Farnam Bmltb at Co., 130 Farnam St. W-714 WANTED, real estate loans and warrants. R, C. Peter Co.. Be Bldg. W-716 I ptr cent loans. Oarrit Bros., 16t4 Farnam. W-717 MONEY to loan. Xenney Real Estate and Investment CO., r. sou lie ttldg. w He MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. W S37 $500.00, $1,000.00 or $1.50000 to loan. W. H. GATES. AT X. T. Lito. 'Phon 1164. .w-m a DR. GRACE DEEQAN. 832 N. Y. Life. Tel. ai8 731 Fsyette Col, osteopath, 609 Paxton block. DRS. LAIRD 4 LAIRD, 203 Karbsrh hlk. Phone gni 41 nia MUSICAL. THOS J. KELLY, cole. Davldg block. JUS DAISY HIOGIN8. vole, piano. 2013 Leav. Tel. A-I741. -nil CHAS. II. KEEPER, piano. 65 Barker B k m vmi FLORISTS. HESS & BWOBODA. 1415 Farnam. 800 L. HENDERSON, florist, 1518 Farnam t OVl ALFRED DONAGHUE. JR.. 1607 Farnam. Tel. S.133 99SA4 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Llf. 1H Neb. Bus. aV Shorthand Col., Boyd theater. 295 DHEsSMAKINU. IN families. Miss Sturdy, 2&0C Davenport M3oS LAW AND COLLECTIONS. 8T1LLM AN PRICE. 410 1st Nat. bk. bl ' -6 THE mw Snow-Church Co., law cnllec. tlons. real estate, attorneys, col'e.tois. brokers everywhere. 1st lloor N. Y. Life. Tel. 128. -4 T. Llf; Tel. F.iS. 93 JUDGE DICKINSON. 618 N. settlement estate specialty. PATENTS. II. J. COWGILL No fee unless successful 618 S. 15th st , Omaha. Tel. 1798. 73 PATENTS guaranteed. Sues Se Co , Omaha, 683 A12X JA'LWA Y TIME CARD. UNION STATION-lOTIl Chlrago, Rock Inland A Pacific BAST. rMcorn rUTllirtit ttmltee.... Chlou'it rxrllsht Local rtllrsso K-prviM , IVl Moines ftxprvat Cblcaco fast Express WEST. Rivt Mounmln tlmttM.... Leu vs. ..a I 65 am ..a T M im ..bil ls an ..a I It pro ..a 1:14 pm Llnenln, rolor.i4o Fueblo and Springs, I West .... Dsa- . f :3 am .a 1:W pm Tetna. California sod Oklahoma Plrsr a IdO pra Wabash. St. Louis "Cannon Ball" Et ... sl iOpm t Loals Loesl tCoanct Bluffs). 9:11 am Chlcaaro aft Morthvresvern. Chicago IBIcago M POWELL'S school removed to 106 Far nam st. MH10 a t DANCING ACADEMY. faat Loral tall Loral Slom Cltr - Darllaht St. rul rarlltit ( hlso Limited Chlcaso Past Cblraso Ixiral Chicago Fast 8t. Paul , St. Paul Express Rati Mall bocsl 8loux Cltjr , Norfolk and Boneatcsl Llneoln and Long Pins..., Desdvood, Hot Springs Llnroln faan-r and Wyoming Bxpri HastlBga, Superior an4 Albion. .b I 04 1 m AND MARCY, C V ' Arrt. im HS I u t bit Wl . if :" Til e l ao inrv . b I ii pm Vara ato 00 pn all K pia I II am s 1 44 pa s'vw'aia s 26 am a I 40 ) m s I 10 am bio 15 ,10 bio M, am a B:1n pm , 1:10 pm b l:ii pm ...a 1:40 am ...all So am ...a 10 pm .'.'.' ii'sia ...s l oo sm ...s I in pm ...s h.M pm ...a 4 14 pm ...a 1.14 1 m b 4:00 pm , al:0S am b 104 am aad S I Ml pm 1. ..d t :M pm Chicago, Milwaukee) Chlraro nyllht Cblrago Paat tCxprsss. ....... Overland Limited Dea Moines Express Illinois Central. Chleago Express Chl?aao, Mlnntasolls n St Paul Limited T tO pm Mlnoeapolla and 8t. Paul Ex...b T C0 am Union Pnelflc. Ths Orsrland Limited I tan am St. Paul. ...s 7:M sm all 'IB pm ...a 6 4b pm a I 10 pm ...a I to pm s l lf) am ...a 7 U am s 8:10 pm ...a t M pm a 10 15 par am to tm io'pm ii'pm 00 pm 90 pm ine rait Ma.i e Tha California Express a 4 Tb Atlantis Speblat Tha Portland-Chicago Special... I: Ths Atlantlo Express , The Colorado opeotai ...all: Tha Chicago Special .-. , Lincoln. Beairtes and Btromg- burg Express b 4 Columbus Local b 6 ChlcaLgto Great Western. St. Paal and Mlnnnapolle Lmt4. .. Bt. Paal and Mlantapolls IU...a t Chicago Limited a 4 tt. Paul, Minn, and Chicago Ex. I: Chicago Express a 4 Mlanourt Pacific. (t. Louts Express alO OO sm K- C. and BU Louis Express. .. .sio :M pm a I 0 sm biVJl pa a. I 01 pm a 1:10 psi i'rio'ats a I to pis a 7 10 pm a 1:40 am J .140.. tu n pro' I :M sm .40 pm u pm .10 b t .tt sm a T il am a 1:10 pm alOJO am am a 4:04 pm K S ps a 1 11 am BURLINGTON STATION 10TII Jt MASON Chicago, Darlington A Qalncy, Cblcaga Special Chicago Vcatlbuled Expn Chicago Loral Chicago Limited fast Mall LeaTs. ...s 7 00 am ...a 4:00 pm ...s 1 11 am . ..a 1:04 pm Kansas City, St. Joseph Jt Co. Kaossa City Day Express a 1 11 sm It. Leuls Flyer a 6.JI pm lUnaaa City Night Express alO.44 pm Ilorllngrton sir. Miaaonrt Hlver, Wymora, Beatrice and Lincoln.. 1:10 am Nabraaka Express. s 1:60 am DBer Limited a 4:10 pis Black Hllla aod Puget Sound Ex. all . 10 pm Colorado Veotlbuled Flyer Lincoln Fast Mall b 1:17 pm Fort Crook and Piattamouth b 8:10 pm Sailevue snd Paolflo Junction... T:b0 pm tteUevu and Paciao Junction.. .a I. so am ArrlTs. 1:11 pm 11 am all 00 pm a I ts pm 1:41 im BlntTa, 4:01 pat all 04 sat a .I0 am bit 01 pm a T 44 pm r I 41 am a 110 pm a 110 pm s i m sm biO JI aa a 1:17 as. WEBSTER DEPOT ISTH WEBSTER. Missouri Pacific. Leavs. Arrlre. Neb. Local Tt Weeping Water, b 4 10 pm al0 34 am Chicago, St. Paul, Minn. A Omaha. Twin City Passenger b 1:10 am b I 10 pm Sioux City Paaacngei a 1:00 pm all .10 am Oakland lusal b 1:41 pm b 1:1 am a Dally. Saturday. b Dally except Sunday, s Dally except Monaar. 4 Dally sierpt OCEAN STEAMERS. MORANP'8 15th and Harney, spring term begins this week: children, Sat., 3 p. m.; b Julia. Tuts. & Frl., 8 p. m. ; 12 lesson, $6; private iessons daily. Tel. ii. 77o-A14 TICKET UitOKEKS. CUT-RATE railroad tickets everywhere, p. II. Phllbln. iXi Farnam. 'Phon 784. -4B1 DETECl'IVr AGENCY. Opt Cormack. 617 KaxUach blk, TtL A-jt-Ji - 1 HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE. Slav Tvia-Bcrsw Maamers ot ll,lw 'luaa. KEw luHH-HurriHUAU, ia uoulwo. nailing -xuaaaaj, uiva as. Noordam Mar. ii; 'Hyndam .... Potedam Apl. I! Noonlam ..... HotteMam Apl. , ftaienaam ... Will oall at Plymouth. HOLLAND-AM BRIL'A LINS, Dearborn St, Ci."- eago. in. I xiarry xaoores, iewi aamaoi v. 1 ... gatberlord, 1IU Faraaa St.! i. B. ttayaslds. Uat Farnam St. Apl. II Apl. 31 May 4 GOVERNMENT NOTICE. OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTER MASTER. CHEYENNE. WYO.. March 31. 1904. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, win ue received hi this office until 2 o'clock p. m., mountain time. April 9. 19u4. and then opened, for electrical work at Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo as follows: (i) f or wiring uuuuings, iutv nlshlng and installing tlx aires, watt me ters, etc.: (2) for constructing primary, secondary and arc light lines, furnishing and Installing transformers, cut-outa, lum ping a r. esters, street light hangers, street lights, etc. All proposals previously re ceived (February 13. I!i4.) for the above work have been rejected. No change In either plans or epeclllcatlbna. Full Infor mation, plans, specifications. Instruction. and blank forms or proposals ruruiBnen on application to this office. The United fitatea reserv . t ho right to accept or re ject any or all bids or any part thereof. En velopes containing linia aiiouni o eiiuorneu Proposal ror r.icctricai worn nt ron it. a Hlisnell. wvo.. mm Miiinrnieu 10 nu- taln W. 8. Scott, quartermaster U. 8 A., In charge of construction. Cheyenne, Wvo. men 21, ii. io. Apr 1 ENGINEER'S OFFICE. SIOUX CITY. IA., March 17. 1904. A public sale of govern ment property pertaining to Improvement of upper Missouri river, consisting of stennitinats. purges, noners, juna ann scrap Iron, will be held at Sioux lee Harbor, Hloux City, la., April 15, YiM. Information furnished on application. H. M. CHIT TENDEN, MaJ. Englrwers. ai 9-n-ii-iaA 13-n PERMIT TO DIG IN BABYLONIA New York Man Finally Hseclves Concession from the Saltan. (Copyright, 1904. by Press Publishing Co.) CONSTANTINOPLE. March 20. (Nw York World Cablegram-Special Telegram.) Dr. Banks of New York has received an unconditional concession from the sultan, after a long period of tiresome negotiations, to carry out hla plan of excuvatlona on the site of the ancient city of Babylonia. On two other occasions Dr. Bunk was In formed that hla petition fnr the rifht t make excavation In that district could not be granted, but still he persisted in his efforts. For several years the German Orient ro clely has been at work in the region of Babylonia and Its explorations have brought to light things of Interest concern ing the biblical period. In hla early re fusals to grant concessions to Dr. Banks the sultan expressed the fear that thera might be a clash between the German and Amerlcun explorers that would tend to In volve Turkey In tha unpleasantness. When he finally became convinced that ther whs no danger of a conflict of Interest he agreed to exte.id the concession to the New Yorker. Dr. Banks' concession extends to Bls mays, which Is near the spot wher the University of Pennsylvania mad extensive excavations some years ago and from which the Institution obtained tablets of great historical and archeologlcal value). Ten trip a week to. tne St. Louis expo sition will be voted to the moat &erriut ' bj( fin Ia4ts. BaY-XUU 4O0O4JV. two. Mi lv fa elgi ra Afldrnt r ni f " aWMav.2