TIIE OMAITA DAILY DEE:.' PATUltDAY, MARCIT 19. 190. IAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Again Wtk en Better Brortt from ' Witter Bait. ,''.. NO DEMAND AT PRESENT FOR FLOUR Ko Tttdl or Oala Sold Thif, at Corn and Hre Were la Uesnaaa ThroahoaC the Dnf. ' OMAHA. March H. 1804. Wheat was weak again today on the re ports of generally Improved conditions In the winter belt and on the beiTiah talK Irom the Minneapolis miller. Those say there Is no lorplgn or domestic tmnd lo. Hour. The Hour Johbera stocked up during the rising miirket and now find no demand, on the falling one. The market rinl-hed strong Thursuay on the heavy cash busi ness reported from St. l.nuls, and there whs a ruHh of shorts to cover. 8t. Louis sold ftffi.Ooo bushels of No. 3 red wheat to southern and southeastern millers. chUsgj cash sales Thurs.lay took lii.miO busheii No. 1 northern at Vo under the May and 1.000 bushels In stock at equal price with May. I!erpool opened at Thursday's mark, but Kusslan reports gave a firm tone. . Chicago May wheat opened rather un steady with a spread of Vi point. It fluc tuated between fcVic and 93Hn. Omaha Ma opened at Mc and was bid up to iJc. Omaha July opened at 83o, broke Vfcc and waa bid to Wc attain. New July Iri I hlcagi went off from W'c, the opening, to M-kC at noon. May corn was somewhat affected by the weakness of wheat, hut gained strength later In the session. Chicago May slackened from 63'o to hSr. and then strengthened up toward the close. Omaha whs bl'l up to. 46a from 46Tc and then eased off to 4Hc. The range of prices of Omaha grain for future delivery and the close for Thurs day and for today, were as follows: Closed Open. High. Low. Today. Thur. v neat t a May July Corn May ....... July i Oats Mny July ...... Local 88 , 83 46 4 46V4 K7H fc2-s 46 444 f9A tan 4 44 88 . MB tax 44 40'1 3S4 (ash Grain Market. No wheat was sold western. II. H. prima timothy, ti.UH; clover, contract grade, til. RVfc-No. i, Hufc. HARLKY-4joud feeding, JS41c: fair to chile malting, 41iSfe. PROV18IONS-Mess pork, per tM., fim:St. Lard, per lot) V.Kv& tSTH- Phort rlba sides- (loose). It fyij 4 t-'Vs- Short clear sldus thoxed). 7.2ift7.37V. The follow ing were the receipts and ship ments yesterday: Flour, bbls... Wheat, bu.... Corn, bu Cats, bu Rye bu Barley, bu.... Receipts. Shipments 47.4") rr.mo ,.21l.f) ..W.r0 .. n.vw) .. 77,000 29 ' 51.BO0 134.SOO mi") h.o 3O.4U0 On the Froduce exchange today the but ter market wss steady; creameries, 14f t3'4c; dairies, la'-fc'ti'Jlc. Kggs, steady; at marK, cases included, loVjC. ineese, easy, lt4& llo. KKW YORK CKKERAL MARKET. Haotatlaae on Varlona of the Day Commodities. NEW TORK. March 18. FLOT'R Re ceipts. 3h,2 bbls.; exports, 11.752 bbls; the market was dim and lower to winter patents, $r.mvri5.15; Minnesota pat ents, f5.lbiU6.60; Minnesota bakers. 84.10 4j4.il; winter patents, to.iftftiS.e'i; winter iras, fi t)fa 0"; winter tow graae. .i im t So. Rve flour, dull; fair to good, t4.So$ 4oo; choice to fancy, $4.6J4.tO. Buckwheat flour, nominsl. CORNMEAI-Stesdy; yellow western, $1 i.'i-: city. $111, kiln, dried. U.lKt3"v RYE Dull; No, t western, 82c, to arrive. HA KLEY Quiet; feeding. 89c, c. I. f. New York, malting. R&fnc, e. I. f. Buffalo. WHIT, AT Receipts, 18,515 bu.; spot market easy; No. 2 red, ll.OOVs. elevator; No. 2 red, Il.n2'4il 07Vi. f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern biiluth. ll.OS'i, t. o. b., afloat; No. 1 north ern Manitoba, nominal, f. o. b., afloat. Op tions opened a little higher, closing lSff NEW MR STOCKS AND BONDS Nertoni Tons Canted bt Sully Til' tit Continual to the Clotinj. BANK STATEMENT HAS NO INFLUENCE Feverish and Irrcanlar Condition Continues lo the ( lose In "pile of the Favorable Flaaaclal Reports. on the Omaha change this morning and no oats. Corn and rye were thu demands for the day. l'rlcea ruled strong un the uuotullonu or Thurs clay. Rrreiuta of wheat were enrs in and 3s curs out: one Week ago. s cars tn and 4 cars out. Corn receipts were 13 cars In and k cars outirme week ago, 24 cars In and fi cars out. The receipts of oats were 7 curs In and 4 oars out; on week ago, none. WHKAT-No. 2 hard. (Cmuc: No. 8 nrd. H)Wiiyic: No. 4 hard. 71'ii"Sc: No. siflng. lH''i(': No. 8 spring. 80tt'ub6c; No. 4 spring;,' 7l',4tJ7Bc. ('OHN-J-Noi 2. 44c; No. 3, 42fi43c; No. 4 41H;42c; No. 2 yellow, 44c; No. 8 yellow, 42 4M.!c; No. 2 white. 44c; No. 3 while, 4:i(N3e. OATHNo. 2. 3sft39c; No. 8, 3V(J3Nc; No. 4V,Hlc; No. 4 white, awjfi'c; standard, 41 Notes from Kxchanue Ollleps, Omaha lnspecttons of grain were 39 cars; Of whnat,- 1 car graded No. 2 n ird. t cars No. 3 hard and 1 car No. 4 hare; of corn, 2 cars gTiided No. 2, 17 oars Nu.l, 3 cars No. 4 and 2 cars no grade; ot uats, 6 cars graded No. 4 white; of rye, 1 car of No. 1 Roles' of the Orals Trade. ' Minneapolis wheat stocks will decrease It.CiOv bushels for the week. ' Argentine shipments this week were: Wheat. 2,944,01)0 bushels, as against, 170,l)00 last week, and 8,352,000 lest year; corn, fti'ti.OOO, last week (Mi.OOO, last year 16,000. Wheat, January, t to date, 24.314.000; year ago. I,610,0u0; Increase, 8,204,000. Corn. 7,S27.O0Oi year ago, (88,000; Increase, 7.868.000. Grata Market ISlaewmere. Closing prices of grain today and Thurs-i day l the markets iiamea were aa 101,10 ws; ' CHICAGO. ...... 1: 1 , Closed ' rr ...... rr'i . .... AVUdr, Atiurvjr, . V4T1 87 B l(Hc net lower; May, 97si'o .closed at Trc: July, 2Ho. closed et Kc; 8ep temler. R.lMi &ic, closed st 83to. CORN Receipts, 24.7 bu. ; exports. 2.114 bu. Spot msrket easy: No. 2 nominal ele vator, and 5610, f. o. b., afloat; No. t yel low, 6514c; No. 2 white. M'ic Options closed ruVc lower; May. STiSMi'c, closed at 67c; July, 54i5f57c, closed at 64c. OAT8 Receipts. 12tl,ino bu.; exports. 19.181 bu 8pot market weak; No. 2, 47ic; stand ard white. 4Sc; No. 2 white, 4SVS No. I white. 40. . ' HOPS Essv; state, common to cholco, 1903, 2818ic; 1902. 3270; olds, tgltc. Pacific coast, IS, 25(&31c; 1902, 23270; olds, 3Uc. HAY Dull; good to choice, 97WI1.O0. RICE--.8tpady ; domestic, fair to extra, tj5'Ac; Japnn. nominal. HIDES Firm; Oalveston. 29 to 2S lbs., 18c; California, 21 to 26 lbs.. 19c; Texas dry. 24 to SO lbs., 14o. TAI,LOW-Easy; city tt per keg), Hc; cotintry (pacKsKex free. S'WTtc. I.F.ATHF.H fltesdv; acid, 23i2flc. FROVISIONS-Heef, steady; family, $11 50 f12 50; mes. 9O0B9 50; beef hams. Vi Pn-tJ 22.00; packet. 110 SOnll BO; cltv extra India incss. flfl.rfifflft.OO. Cut meats, quiet; pickled bellies.' r.;j8.00; pickled shoulder, tfi.M: pickled hams. t16.O0fi2l.O0i Lsrd. weak; western steamed, $7 80; refined, weak; continental, 11.40; South America. t8.25; com pound, t R7Vfj7.00. Pork, weak; Febru ary, $1n.5"fi"l6.o; . short clear, tl4.7oiil6.76; mccs, tlS.'JI'ffH.'s. RI'TTKR Irregular: fresh, creamery, 18 f?24Hc: state dnlrv. lt-gJlc C1IEEBE-Steady; full cream. ' fancy, small and large, colored and white, Sep tember. 12c; 'ate made, 1014. - EOOS-Heavy; western firsts, 17He. . nn WKi-Alive ana urcasea, quiet ana unchanged. . - , NEW YORK, March lS.-There waa a rather pronounced tapering oft of the buy ing movement In stocks 'today and tne market proved unable to' withstand the weight ot the realising sales aggravated by the Bully failure, i he assertions that tne operator was ehort In the stock msrket mot with some denials, but the nervous sell: 1 tone in stocks, caused by the failure, con- umiea 10 ins ciumng, vtiucit wuji ic-iinn and Irregular and not far from the lowest. Renewed selling for foreign account while the foreign exchanges Were In session was a feature. In the tone. The forecast of a favorable bank statement was without In fluence. The fall In sterling In Farts and a sharp advance here, as well as a mark ing up of the prices ot gold In London were taken as Increasing the likelihood of an early outgo of gold to Pans. There was moderate activity In the bond market and the tone was Irregular. Total sales, par value, 1270,000. United States bonds were unchanged on call. Following were the quotations on the Stuck exchange today 1 Bales. High. Low. (lose. per cent; ninety dsys. lvQ3 per cent; six months. 2u4 per cent. PRIMri MKriCAMTILE PAFER-4g5'i per cent. BTKRLINO EXCHA NOE Strong, with actual business in bankers' bills at H.S't 4 !!7"5 for demund and at 14 S4:T,4 M30 fof SO-dsy bills; posted rates, tt "4Mj4. and 84.J7Wf?4 ; commercial bills. M M. SILVER lar, 68c: Mexican dollars, 44Sc. BONPB Government, steady; rsllrosd, Irregulnr. The closing quotations on bonds are as follows: U. S. rtf. it. rM....lii Mnhtun e. f. 4s...l0tlJ do Is, eouron lflb4j Mrt. Ctntrtl 4t. So la, rg. ...bf 1o M tne do eoupon Inf v Mtnn. ft St. L. 4. do bow to, res nt M . K. T. 4l... do rnupwi . do lo Wheat May ..... July .. Corn,, ... Ma' July .... Wheat- May . July I ........ Corn h , May 1. July Wheat May July Corn . May , July ........ 81 iren nowlit 82H.-V '81 F71Z....- rnu , J 47S- ISie T 8T. LOUIS. ltt Louis Grain and Provisions. ST. lyOflS. Miirch 18-WHEAT-txiwer. emornllred by heavy selling on favorable rop news; No. 8 red.-cash, elevator, f'flc; rack. tl.0T.V4fi 1.08: May. 0Vc: July. 82sc : No. 2 hard, V(irte. CORN Ljowr: No. 2 cash. 45c: track. tfic; May, 4fVc; July, 4Hc 1 OATS-Lower: No. 2 ensh. 41V4.V ' track. 42ii'42V4c: May. 39-ic: No. 2 white. 4te. r M)LB-uuil and unchanged; red winter patents. $4 856.00. and 00 per cent natents as jiign as v.; extra fancy and straight. 4.MW4.80; Clear, W.644.ia t - . BEErv-Timothy, steady; 8Z.M2.75. CORNMEAL Steady; fc 60. HRAN Dull; sacked, east track, 83o. HAY-Steady: timothy. 18.00(313.00: cral- rle, 86.00. IRON COTTON TIES-820. BAOOINt 6Hc. HEMP TWINE e. PROVISIONS Pork. weak: lobbln. 813 86; lard, lower; prime steam, f8.S6; ba con, steady: boxed extra shorts. I7.87V: clesr ribs, r7.87V; short clear, pi lS. POUUTRY Steady; ohlckens,. lO10V4o: springs, t3.004it.60 per doxen; turkeys, 18Hci Oucks. jzci geese, sijfec. wiittkr Bteady; creamery. 20rz5V4c: dairy, 1819o. r " Tf; EGOS Steady at 14c. . .. , , , Flour, bbls.'....., .o , . ;2.no Wheat, bu... .j.M.eOO'-.i. 78,000 Sorn, bu -....,...84,000 100.000 ata, bu.... .,..,...43,000 . 78.000 Wheat- May July a Wheat- " May .., July ... Wheat May .. July ... 90V4U i.nts ...... 4f,V4 , 46 MINNEAPOLIS. EULUTU. NEW YORK, 9M4j' .96V.A 94 95V4B ...... :B 93UB 4H 47 96T,B 7HB '98TIB 6VtU CUICAOO UltAlX A.NU PROVISIONS. feataree of the Trading and c'loslnar Prices on Uoasd ol Trait, . CHICAGO. March 18. Mysterious selling pressure on a large scale near the t?los VI trading on the board 01 'iTade toaay Was only explained shortly betore the final gong sounded, the announcement being mane that Hull)-, the cotton king; had luseu. bully suddenly acquired member snip on ine Hoard or Trade only a lew weeks ago. Considerable liquidation in the late trauing today waa earn to be fur his account. Ine slump in wheat was 2Se and 2HU2o for July. Corn Is down 2V, oata Vj'tf-0 and provisions 15c to 37Vc. From wso juiy ros to stc, wl'ti only smail of ferlngs on the market. The market selling became more pronouooed and prices started downward. Vague rumors quickly con nected the name of Sully, cotton king-," with this heavy selling'. letlnue announcement 01 Buuy s failure was not lorthcominn however, until some little tlmu later. The ciose was at the extreme ltw point.-wlih May at 92Vo and July at tflc. . Clearance of wheat and flour were 'equal to U3,li bushels. Primary receipts were tai.UO uuoueio. aiiaiiiin ou,w outhels a year agq. Exiwrts of wheat and flour for the wvek, , according to BrdstreetS, were tquaj to i.wju.ww ousneis. i;uiutn, Minnapol,a and Chicago reported receipts of 349 cars, com pared with 84v last week and 278 a year ago. Considerable strength waa manir.i i the corn pit early Tn the day and prices showed a fair, advance. The close, was weak snd near the bottom. May opened unchanged to Vio higher to fiSHSFkiNo. AMer selling between 61Vo and ttlc the close wss si iic. juiy ranged between 48V,0 am. viwk viiu cioiii tn-c. liocai re ceipis. cars, witn 10 or con tractjri arte. a. strong casn situation and small re telpts roaintslnsd a tlrm tone In oats the greatest pan ot tne seosion. A ea'e tone prevuiiea si the close. After open'n at 40lndn0',c May sold between So an '0 and closed at S-Sc. July ranged be. tween 8;e and riMtc, c'o.lng at rxVc, wltl a net loss of yvc. Iocal receipts were aid caro. - . rrovlslons Were wek on contlntied sell lug by commission house. The cloe was at ine irvw nntnt of the day. w th Ma Iork Off 87V4C at 11J Mir Inrd 'itf.vn 17V) at ttittiVt. and ribs 16fil7Ve at W8.va Eilmated receipts- for tomorrow: Wheat. f cars; corn, lt) cars; oats, 115 csrs; hogs, The leading futures ranged as 'follows Articles. I Open. High.! Low. Close.l Tes'y Wheat May July ' IJuIr Sept. ISept. t'orn Msy July Sept. Onto May . July Sept. Pork Msy July Lsrd May July Rths May July. I WV6V WV4.I i9o,' Misvi WH4f' (SVrHOI lli4HT,! W,l 'MVtoHl . 834 (83V(fiSI tS,'T4' jSo'dVi. I40L,,TH4I 83 Vj Si I)el.', lo. L. A. R. rCansaa City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. March 18 WHEAT May, 82Sc: July, 77V4,c: cash. No. t hard. 8690c; No. 8. 86SS8Ho; No. 2 red, 98cB:tl.0O; No. 8, WCTWc; receipts, 61 cars. ' CORN May, 43Hc; July. 43V4e; cash. No. mixed. 44c; No. 8, 43c: No. 2 white. 43Vko: No. 8, 43&43Vio. OATS No. 2 white. 42c: No. I mixed. 40 41o. liAi-Mrm: rnoice timotny, t;o; choice prxlrle. 87.76fi8.00. n r Vj in o. z, siratrac. EGGS Weak; Missouri and Kansas, cases rsturned. 18Uc new No. ,1 whltewood cases Included, 14HC BUTTER Creamery. 20e22c: fancy dairy. 17c. Receipts. ShlpmentB. 61,io0 48.800 18,400 26 400 7,000 10.000 I5.266.36: second clears, t3.60'al76; Wheat, bu Corn, bu Uats, du Philadelphia Prod nee Market. PHILADELPHIA. March 18 BUTTER Steady and In fair demand: extra western creamery, 24V4jc; extra nearby prints, 28c. KUtJU Bteaay ana in gooa oemanu; rresn nearby, 17V4o at the mark: fresh western. 174ta; fresh southwestern, 17c; fresh south ern,' 17c. ' CHEESE Steady; New York full creams. choice to fancy, ln'flUe; New York full creams, fair to good, lOVswUo. Minneapolis Grain .Market. MINNEAPOLIS. March 18. WHEAT May. 5Vc; July. 9uVu96e; September. 83Sc;' on track, No. 1 hard, 96',c; No. 1 northern. 96Ta96c: No. 8 northern. . 83 Vtf 93Vc. riJURnrst patents, patents. 85.106.16; first secona clears iz.6W3.bo. BRAN In bulk. 814.60 ....... . ; Mllwankee Grain Market.' , MILWAUKEE. Wis., March 18. WHEAT Market 2c lower: No. I northern; tl; No. X northern, 97c; old July, 88V4.0. RYE Dull; No. 1. 721l73c. BARLEY Dull; No. i, 02863o; aamplea. 88 fjf9Hc. C,ORN-Flrm: No. , 9C47Vic; July. 49Vc, Dnlolh Grain Market. ' DIXI'TH. Minn.. March 18-WHEAT-In store. No. 1 hard. Wo; No. 1 northern, 4Vc: No. 2 northern, fcvc; to arrive,. No. 1 hard, 96V.c; No. 1 northern. Wc: No. 2 northern, 92ViCJ Msy, 4c; July. 96V,c; epiemDer. o-c. (JATSr-On track and to arrive, SSc, IJverpool Grain Market.. LIVERPOOL, ' March 18.' WHEAT- pot, null; No. 1 California. 7s lHd. Futures steady; March, nominal; May, 6s 7V4d; Julv. 6s 7Ud. CfiHN Spot, null; American mixed, new, 4s r,Ud: Amurlcan mixed old. 4s 7d. Fu tures quiet; March, nominal; May, 4s 4Hd. Visible Soaply of Cotten. NEW ORLEANS, Msreh 18-Secretsrv Heiter's statement of the world's visible supply of cotton shows a total visible of 8 21 035 bales, .leslrst 3.408.U9O bales last week. Of this 2 J48.1W6 is American, against l.3;X).n;) uat week. Atchison 21, WW tV 67 67V do Pfd 6"0 lrMl W e'x B. At 0 38,tWU 7bVj 77V 7i' do pfd a Can. Paclllc 6,900 114 118 112! Central of N. J I.60O lb lin 156 flies. A Ohio 1.4O0 31 8'i 81 Chicago 4k A l'" 89 39 3Xi do pfd WO 2 f2 81 Chicago Ut. Western 40 16V 144 H3i C. & N. W 100 lK6't 166 C, M. & St. P 42,H 14 142- 14't do pfd 100 178 V. 176V ITS ChicuKO T. T 10.) loVe . 10S 9 do pfd 100 2it 2)'4j C.. C, C. At St. L..... DuO 76 76: 71 Colo. Southern 7(0 18' lSVi 17 do 1st pfd 200 64 64 53'4 do Id pfd 7"0 26H 25 24'4i Del. 6c H., ex-rlghts 1,600 160V 149' 14IIV, ft W .. " G 100 1HV WV, Ui do Dfd 200 64 tiSVs 67Vi Erie 21.SU0 26H 24H 2li do 1st pfd. 1 1,2"0 taV do 2d pfd 1,700 41 Vi 41 ton Hocking Valley 74 do pfd 100 79 78 79 III. tintml 600 li 128V4 12 Iowa Central.. .. 10 do pfd 88 K. C. Southern Vj 18V4 1HV4 Uf, do pfd 200 S3 33 n U A N 4.1"0 HM14 P8V4 11131, Manhattan I.... 6,400 14UH 142V4 Met. Securities 400 7S4 78 77 Met. St. Ry 4,100 100V losVs l': Minn. & St. L 58 M., St. P. & 8. Ste M. 100 61Vi 6m 1 do rfd... 3-0 122 imas list Mo. Pacific 22K) 91H 9ov4 90' M K. & T 2.700 IHVi 17 17 do pfd 1.400 39 SS SS Nat l R. R. of M. pfd 100 37 37 86' N. Y. Central 1.800 llfi4 115 ll'l Nor. & Western...... 2,V 57i 56 nii do pfd :. 200 C9 89 85 Ontario & W 8.I10I 21i 2o Pennsylvania 1.. 81,5(0 H6 115, 115 P., C. C. & St. L. .. 200 62 61 62 Rending 36.6 4'C-i 42 42 do let pfd..., 300 7mJ 7i 78 do 2d pfd.. 100 KN F8 67 Rock Island Co 7,4"0 21 20's 21 do pfd 1.300 62V4 62 61 St. L, ft S. F. 2d pfd 700 43V 42 42 St. L. 8. W 14 do pfd X 84 Vi 82 82 So. Pueific 27,100 . 46 44 44 Bo. Railway 2,200 21 204 20 do pfd 1,210 MV M M Texas St Pacific....... 1,400 24 28V. 3 Tol., St. U & W .. 24 do pfd 700 87 S5V4 86 Union Pacific 66,600 76V4 751 75 do pfd 100 S6H 86H 86 Wabash 100 19 19 18 do pfd 8o0 36 35 35 W. ft Lake Erie..... 16 Wis. Central 100 18 18 Is . do pfd , 100 42V) 42V 42 Adams Ex 221 Amer. Kx 100 ISO 190 188 U. S. EX....: 1C0 105 106 ion Wells-Fargo Ex 2oG Amal. Copper , 23,800 484 4 41 Amer. Car ft F....... 200 ' 20 19 18 ...do pfd. '.,..', JuO ''71' 71 7i: Amer. Cotton Oil ' , .. 2S do pfd , ... ..' ., W Amer. Ice 700 7 f 1 do pfd., , 1.70D . 29 28' 2 Amer. Linseed Oil... 100 9 9 do pfd .. t. Amer. Locomotive.. .1,100 22Vi 22 2; do pfd 100 82 82 81 Amer. Smelt, ft Ref. 600 49 47 4i do pfd 700 92 ' 91 91 Amer. Sugar Ref.... 16,400 12t, 125 121 Anaconda M. Co 100 66 66 61 Brooklyn R. T. 40,400 43. 42V4 41 Colo. Fuel ft 1 400 2S 2S 2 Con. Oas Corn Products do pfd Distillers' Securities, Gen. Electric Inter. Paper do pfd , Inter. Pump , do Dfd , Nat l Lead No. American , Pacific Mall , People's Oas , Pressed Steel Car..., do Dfd Pullman P. Car , Republic Steel..... do cfd Rubber Goods... do pfd Tenn. Coal ft Iron.. U. S. leather do pfd l'. o. Kenny do pfd 803 4i 47 U. 8. Rubber 8'0 13 12 do pfd 800 61 61 V. S. Steel 7.200 11 11 do Dfd B7,S00 6H 57 Westlngh. Electric... 1,100 163 161 Western Union, ex-d Northern Securities.. ... ... 2V .i.lm ... 14 ...loss. do Old 40 l"4k H. H do coupon I'.'X N. T. t-hlon n. 4s. lnMCN. J. SO Od. 40 Atltntlc C. L. 4o. B A O. 41 do H o Ontral of (Is. 80 do 1st lnc fh A Ohio 4'4. ...lOH, gt ( nirago A A. ni...., C. H A Q. s. 41... C. M. A 8. P. I C. A K. W. t. lo.... C. R. I. A P. 4s ... dO Col. &B C.C C. A St. L. (. 4( ( lilcoso Tor. 4o t'on. Tobapfo Colo. A 80. 4a.. . . . , P. A R. O. 4n.... Erie prior lien 4s do rod. 4s of M e. s ms. 5. 4S.... rt. w. d. Hocktns V.I L A N. nnl. Offered. C. lo 4Ho.. 4s.... No Psrlflc dn M N. A W. 0. o ... O t. L. 4s A par". Pnn. i-onv, IWs... jlffnillr.K sro. 4s... u. A I. M. c. h Kt. L. A 8. F. tg. 2S St. L. S. W. Is... 107 Smboird A. L 4s. 80. Parlflc 4s 4.so. Knuwar OS.... thu a p. is . T.. St. LAW.. Union Pacific 4s... do Ponf. 4s V 8. Btool Id ia.. Wsbash lo do dob. n W. A L B. 4. .. Wis. Control 4o. "'a M . ft" . m . ., ss . 74 . U .104 AM . to ... UV4 ... M ... 4s. 78 ... 7S ...11 ...101 ... 71 ... l ... MVi ... . . . . .. (s.111 4s. Il4 ... ... ... ISH ...lllUj ...111 Is.. 74 ...10JH ... MS ... M4 ...111 ... n4 ... st Colo. r. A L cos. la 10 Bank CTearlna-s. OMAHA. March lS.-Batik clearings for today. 81.246,272 08, an Increase of tlos,768.S6 over the corresponding day last year. OilAUA LIVE SI0C1 MARKET GattU Etotipti Vtj Light and Prices 8tfdy to Btrorg. HOGS SOLD STEADY TO A LITTLE LOWER 1 .. Only ft Few Cars sileea Aerlvea a oval They Chaaaed Haada Readily at' Steady te , Btroa'g Prices Ko Chance la Lasaba. BOXTTH OMAHA, March II. 1904. 1... t... 1M . 110 110 in) .140. 1TM1 .IIT4 1M m 114 t w I no 1 t I lo te I to I M Recelcta were: Omcial Monday Ottlclal Tuesday ornciai Wednesday Otacial Thursday .,, Otflcial Friday Hogs. Kheev. 4,061 8.849 12.1t8 8.871 1,129 .23,316 41,473 81,031 34, 8M 17,591 41477 24,378 84,620 80,;3 &t.70i; 85.781 40,281 82,013 Five dsys this week Same days lsst week. .16,194 Sams days week before. .16,241 Same th-ee weeks ago. .2J.013 Sams four weeks ago. .. .18,21 ouiiio unji ittsfc ear, . . .ia,iu JflliCltlPia XR TliJi IkiAR IO UA1B. The lolluwmg table show the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at buuth Omaha, for the year m oate, altU comparison with last years 1904. 1903. Ino. Deo. Cattle 196,176 200,136 8,861 Hogs 617.313 494.837 12.471 bheep 400,088 tol,6J6 108,662 ..i Average prices pam tor hogs at South Omaha tor the laat several dsys with comparisons: 1.2O0 191 .192 2,100 13 13 300 72 70 i'.joO 167 , 104 200 14 14 2.100 2W 100 "7iiO 200 600 i.im ' 200 100 Total sales for. the day were S98,600 shares. Boston Stock 4ao?atloas. BOSTON, March 18 Call loans, 2Hi4 per cent; time loans, 44f5 oer cent, offlolal and bonus: iWostlnf. eommon. MH'AJvonturo 4 lAllouos ST Amalgamated to Amor, Zinc........ I4 lAtlantlc 16 Ulnaham ....lts C.l. a Hocla W ;Cntonnlal 10tt Copper Ranaa H...1&0 Iflalv Wst T IPomlrrton .... closing of stocks Atrhisoa d). 4s.... Atohlson' 4s '.. M.i Csntrsl 4s.... Atrhlsos . do pfd Botiton A Albany.. Boston. A Maine... notion 'ElOTatoa .. Pitchburs pfd M.i. Ontral N. Y , N. 11. A Ptet Marquotto Union Paolnc 1 Pranklls Amir. Aria. mom... II Gf.ncjr 00 pro Amrr. Pnou. TobO, Amor. Susar do jfd Amor. T. A T Amor. Woolen do pfd Dominion I. A ... Edlooa Blor. Illu... o-norsl Eiactrlc ... Maaa. Rlortrlc do pfd Maaa. Uaa I' .tl,.,. Fruit Polled Stioo Mirh.. do rfd r. s. sti V. 8. Stool ntd Ex-dlvldend. 71 7.i Ko.alo . 4 iv-.m Mining .. .m't Mlchlsas .114 .Mont. C. A C. .121Hloin Dominion . . 1H Osceola . 74M P. -rot s wvincy .130 .14 . 1 . 71H 9!' 9!! 94 87 I 87(B89 83l Me 4o! 89i St 81 61Vt 4SI ' 9,1 ") yi US 61 49VI j 14 -83 63 &0 11 60 IS 80 T no T 15 90 tOft 3KT7 it to ins 13 t2 IS 46 8t S4 iVi ! I 33 18 SI -I It ? IS 46 I IS 82 T 08 T 80 ?l .110 j t! T 0f' 8 78 I I7. 8 tf4l t 0IV4I rr! I T Oft 1 12 s sr T 07 No. 1 told. tNew Cash nuo'atlone were sa follows: r i.ot H eitesdv. quiet: winter rslenta VMl nr- atralitht. . It iOota 70- inrira nal. ITULJ4 ; "'hts. 4.1i4.lt: liakere, y (Vsr saf WHEAT-No. S. i96c; No. ' t ' red.' te-s 97V. c CORN-No. t oo: No. I yellow. 81e. OATB-No t, XnSfctSc; No. A whiteT 4MI SKKJ-No, I flax, .!.".' No' I Borth- ' Toledo seed IMarket. TOLEIK1. March 18 SEEPS Clover, cash and March. 86 72: April. 86 66. Prime si si ke, 46.40. Prliss tUnothy. tl a. Peoria Crala Market. PEORIA. March 18.-CORN Suady ; No. t, tic; No. i 4o. ... Oils aad Rosla. NEW YORK, March 18 -OILS-Cotton-seed, essy; prime yellow. 86c. Petroleum, quiet TurrM-ntlne essy. kosiN-guier. SAVANNAH. Os . March 11-eOIIJs-Tur-pentlne, firm at 86.70. ROSIN-FIrm: A. H. C. I, 8146; R. tM; r. t'H); O. 12 66; H, 82.70: I, t 96: K. 80; it. 83 38: N 3 60; W O. tS 70: W W. 84 00. OIL CITY, Pa.. March18.-OIl.-Credlt balam-es. tl 71: certincatee. no bid; ship menu, 76 4S8 lihls.; -average, 64 32 bbls.; rune. 1'd.lfo bbls; average.. 74Jfc6 bbls: siiiDments Lima, 67.712 bbls.; aVeiaga, 67.9NJ l.i. la. ; runs, Lima, 69. To bbls-; average, 62.j;'4 bbls. Shannon Tamarack .... Trinity tr. S. Mlnlns. . wi r s. oil . It'tah . 4st''' , . ISU Winona . 14 Wolvarlno .... .. 17 lAsdas Slock Market. LONDON, March 18-Closlng: Conools, saonoy... do account Aottroodo Afhl.oa do pfd Pa.llluoro A Ohio Taoadlan Parlflc Chta. A Ohio Chicago Ot. W ... C . M. A St. P... PsOnrs l. A R. O do pfd Brio do tat pfd do Jd pfd Illinois Control .. Loala A Nash... M , K. A T SILVER Bar HN. V. Oomral. 11-MI Norfolk A t u pra. 4' oaurle A W. W., . i' .116H . U . us .147S . so P.mnrliinH Kand Mluso . koadlng du 1 .t pf d . do Id pfd. go Railway . do sfd So Pacldce. K'ta'tolon PaclOo toa Market. NKW YORK. March 18 -COFFFE The market nperTMl steady at unchanged prices. Sully's suspension ejused modrote liquida tion. Sales were re-meted of 9!. 000 bses. In eluding May st 8 MU6 t'; Julv, 6 Wc; September, .6.70i6.86e: iJcUihor, . 6 8"r4 sse; Novemir. s.Qi-e'. December. .Hwrti.l6o; January. 8.16-; February, t 26c. . It la) aot BMierslly believed that Sully A Co. were hi I vested, to. nv material extent la the ouffta tuarket. Rio, quiet at fta. do prd I t. gtM. do otl .. Wabaah .... du pfd .. . 10 . t -.tV .4s . sot .1,14 . t'4 : '4 4H . !H t . 7 . II . lit . TV, . M 4H . II . m , 8948 .. 4 .. 6S .119 . J . HH S1 ' .. SUV, . tn ,.4S .. 4bI LI .. fK' .. ill, .. W OMAHA WHOLES A LIS MARKET. Condition of Trade and 4,aota4loas oa llaple aad Fancy Prodaee. EGOS Receipts, liberal; .market steady; fresh stock, 14c; Including cases, 16c. Li VK POUi.TR-Hns, . 8o; young roosters, 89c; old rdosters, 6'tt.t; turkeys, ).;c; itu k, U'sc; geese. 8c. BUTTER Packing stopk, llc; choice to fancy dairy rolls, Ujjllc; separator, 22c. FRESH FISH Trout. 9'tfluc; pickerel, 6Utic; pike, tc, perch. &iltc; bljeilsh, 15c; wiiiteiish, f6c; saliuon, lie;, haddock. lOo; codnsh, 12c; redsnupper, 11c; lobsters, boiled, per lb., 32c; lobsters, green, per lb, 80c; bullheads, 11c; cutlish, Utyltc; black bass. Hoc; halibut,, luc; crupples, i2c, herring. 4c; white bass, 13c; bluellns, 8c; smelts. ltKullc OYSTERS New York count, per can, 43c; per gal., 82; extra aspect, per can, 3c; per gal., 81.76; standard, per can, 27c; per gal.. 813511.40. URAN Per ton. tli.60. . . MAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Dealers' association: Choice No, 1 upland, tu.00; No. 2, 80.60; medium, 85.00; course, 84.60: rye straw, li. These prices are lor hay of good color and Quullrj'. Demand fair and receipts light VEGETABLES. POTATOES Colorado, 1.20; Dakota, per du., n.ni; nutivcs, h.im. NAVY Iih,A.NH pr bu., t2.25ig2.85. CELERY Large California, One, lie .and 0c. - . ONIQNS-Spanlh. rier crate. $1.90; Colo rado yellow and red. per lb.. 3c. CABHAGI3 Wisconsin Holland, 4c. TUKNIPd Ahlte, per bu.,-oc. CARRUTS Per bu., $1. PAHSN.PH Per bu., 75c. UEfiTS I'cr bu.. 75c. CAULIFi,OWER-Cu:itornla.' . per crate, 12. "5. " CUCrMBERS-Pcr doz.. tl.60fJl.7B. TOMATuES-Floiida. per t-basket crate, 4RAD1SHES-Per dot. bUnfhes. 'SoffoOe. LETTUCE HEADS Per dos. bunches. 90a Ctl; top lettuce, per del.. 46c. . , TURNIPS Southern, per dos.. 50c. BEETS Southern, ueir dot . Tog. . CARROTS Southern, per doi.. 75c. FARSLEV Southern, per dos., IL SHALLOTS Per do.. 75c. ONION SETS-Per bvii. of J2 lbs., yellow, $2.26; red, 82.26; white f 2 60. . SPINACH Per bu? fccijtl.OO. FRUITS APPLT'i Callfurnla,,.RelllJowers. per box. 81.76; Oregon fiincy tctida, per box, $1.90; New York export Orvc'nings, Ruaeets and Baldwins, 84.26. v . CRANBERRIES Jersey, per bbl., 17; per box. 82.60. STRAWBERRIES Texas, per 24-Qt. oase, S4.O0ig5.00. ' T ., .. v TROPICAL FRUITS.; ORANGES Navs Is. thoice. aU rites, 12.40 432 50; fancy havalS, all slzea, 2.7S. LEMONS California," fancy. ?00 to 360, S3.60; choice. 240 to 270 'sixes. M.Mvf3.25. FIGS California. iitK 10-!b. cartons, tSot Imported sjmyrna, j'Ofown, 14; . 6m: row n, 16c; 7-crowi, lfic .". ' ' BANANAS Per medium - ailed bunch, 82 002.50; Jumbos, 421793:3.15.' DATES PenHian.-.ilttJfcox of 99 pkgs., 82: per lb. In 9Mb. boxes. 6c; Oriental stuffed dates, per box. t2 40. - COCQANUTS-Per sack, 84: pet? dox., BOo, - MISCKLLANEOUS. .. CHEESE WIscoAisln.. twins, full cream, 12c; Wisconsin Ypung Americas, 13c; bdock Swiss, 10c; Wisconsin brick, 13c; Wisconsin llmhurgcr, 12c. i . . ', CIDER Per bbl.. $3.60; per -bbl., $3.36. HONEY Nebrsska, per S4 frames, $8; Ctan and coiornoo. ner m irames, w. HOK8KHAUISM-per case of. a , do,. packed. 80c, MAfijU buuak-uh(o, per. to., nie lli DES No. 1 green, 6c; N6. 2 green. 6c; No. 1 salted, To; No. 2 salted. 6c; No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12 lbs., 6c; No. I veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., Hc; dry suited hides. SQl.'c; Sheen pelts, 25Jr27c; horee hides. 31.50ar2.60. NUTS Walnuts, No. 3 soft fhell, ner lb.. 15c; hard shell, per lb.; 14c; No. t soft shell. per id., lie; no. z nam sneu, rer id., jzc: Brazils, per lb.. He. -filberts,' per 'b.j Hcj almonds, soft sbe'.l, per lb., :5c ; hard shell, per lb., 13c; pecansv larcre. per lb., 12c; small, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb.. c; roasted peanuts, per lb.. 8c; Chill walnuts, 12ft1SVc: large hickory nuts, per b i.. (1.60; snellbsrks, per bu., . $2; . blavclc walnuts, per bu., $1.25. .,.-, 1 i. ? . Metal Market, NEW TORK". March 18-METALS-T1n was again higher in-- the, London market, advancing 1 10s to 128 4 5s for spot and 128 12a 6d for futures. The local market was also higher and firm, closing at 828.30 028.60. Corper was' Unchanged In London, closing at 57 2s tid for spot and 58 7s 6d for futures. Locally copper was un changed; lake held at 312 5"il2.76; electro lytic and casting at $12.373 12.62. Lead advanoed Is 3d to 12 in London, nut waa unchanged here at $4.60fl'4.65. Spelter de clined 2s fid In London, closing at 21 16s. but waa unchanged here at $5.0O5.10, Iron closed at 61s (Id In Glusgow and at 4.1s d In Mlddlesborough. Locally Iron cloned unchanged; No. 1 northern foundry. tlS.OO ril5.60; No. t northern foundry, 814.60'a 15.00 No. 1 southern foundry and No. I 'south em foundry soft, $13. 50fil4.CO. Wool Market. BOSTON. March -18.-WOOL Territory and nulled, steady. With mooerato ofTe. ink in the latter and A quiet demand. There is a tlrm tone In foreign wools. Quotations: Tarrltorv. .Idaho, fine. 15 'a 16c: flue. Iiiui4c: fine medium, lb(16c; medium, ltj)17c; low medium. 1.4ilc. v yoming. nne meaum. 164317c; medium, 18i9c: low medium, 19tf r.j. Utah and revuaa, nne, iDtgibc: neavy tine, 13tol4c; tine medium. Itiyl7c; low medium. 19'n20c. Dakota, fine, Mjlfjc; hni medium. 16al7c: medium, lt'al9c: low me dlum, li2oc. Mnutana, tine choice, Iv'ti toe; medium choice. Ikuiuo; aveiage, l.Sj lc: etanle. isaw: medium cnoice. iiiz;c, ST. LOUIS. March 16. WOOL Steady and unchanged; medium grades, combing and clothing. 1. &:.' c; light nne, loAjl7c hoavy fine, L'ul4Vc; tub slushed, 22lc. Date. 1904.190S.1902.1901.il00-11839.!lK. Mar. tour. Mar. Mar. Mar. Aiar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. taur. iuar. 0 0 9o I etUl I 221 4 M $ 61 8 7t 4 i 4 til t M 4 Uttl 8 671 8 81 t isi Is 6ii n i 8oi 4 T4I IS tU 1 7 Ua. 0 bki S 04, 4 Hi: S to I lift; 1 161 lu a ill 4 il 6 19 It 061 S Sa I 4 7S t 11 7 14i I 6 41 14 .1 4tr 0 JU' 6 IS 7 Uil b 46 1 4 78 t 82 6 1S4.I 7 kx, k 1.1, S uoi '.b A h3l S 63 0 29. I 101 B OU 1 I a Pl o oa I s OU oo o ooi o IV I II 3 bs; 8 73 2... 8..', ... ... ... 7... 8... 8... 10... U... 12... 18... 14... 15.. lb.. 6 18V.I 7 191 17.. I 6 04i 7 lo, 8 16 If m IS. .1.6 04 7 Ub 8 21 6 55 6 U. i ui, 11 6 04 J 01 8 07 6 V 7 11 k 9i I UD S V9 7 161 lu t 05 7 14i 7 Ri 6 07 f '! 7 21) 6 19 i 89i 7 li 8 18 6 40 14 78, 8 0 2 4M 8 68 8 UJ t to 8 (ti 8 76 4 7o 8 ,0 8 it 74 'Indicates Bundav. The official number Of cars of stock brought i(i today by each road was: .. .. Cattle. Hogs. Sn p, Jl'r s, C, M. St. P Ky.. 1 i Wabash '.. 3 Mo. 1'ucinc Ry S 1 I'nlou Pac. System.. 8 al C. 6V N. W. Ry S i, E. & M. V. R. R.. 12 S4 C, Bt. P., M. & O.... 2 ti R. A M. Ry, 20 33 C, H. ok y. Ry 2 I'., R. 1. ot I'., east.. .. 1 C, R. 1. ft P., 'west Illinois Central 2 2 Chicago- ti. W ........ 1 e t t i i i i "I , - - . 1 10 I . 1. HV) I 70 I 1 Ill" t 70 1 1vt t IS t 1131 t 71 CALVES. I S 1.... 4 TO 1.... I r ... t 9TAG8. t to : HOGS Recelpte of hogs thla morning were only fair, bit. the same ss has been Wie case nf late', packers did not take hold with much life. Salesmen were willing to sell out- at steady prices, but packers wanted to grt their supplies for a little less money. Their bids were all the wsy from steady to a nickel lower, and as fast as a salesman could set a steady bid he cut loose. Butcher-weight hogs now seem to be selling to as good advantage as any. Heavy hogs, unless of good iuallty, no longer sell at the top of the market. In fact the greatest .weskarse this morning was on the heavy hogs ihnt were lacking In quality. The msrket was uneven all srmind. so that sales went all the way from ateartv to a nickel lower. . The hulk of the medium to good wetaht hrgs sold from $6.00 to $.".! J, with prime heavies from to. 15 to 85.28. The light staff sold from $5.00 tfewn.-- The close of the mntket was slow rtnd weak, some of the late siles being fullv a nickel 'lower. At noon there 'Were still A few load Jeft In first hnntla. Representa tive safes: - $3.76 it 8 28; crws and 1iciroi, $1 M-f42; stockcrs Slid feeders, t'(i4 2A. lUMSRecelpie. 3 head: market was ste.tdy to 6c lower; light. $.Ytii6.2b; medium and heavy, tr- Uku6.3t. Sll KKP AND I. A MBS -Receipts, .8 head, msrket steady; lambs. 8s.n0: year iings. $5.10, wethers, $4 7u; ees, $4.36. No. At.' 88. P. No. At. h. Pr. TO . ......1ST ... 4 7 l HI W It r. ...... .171 ... IS t) in in lit , t 1.171... 4 15 M........t:,0 ...'Hit 71 J..1M '.'...4W T7..: in IIS I oo It -." ... 4 VI 73 121 ...195 14. -....-.'.. It . 40 4 M ...n.t.trt t- 8 t 1....M..tt ... 49 71. ...... .Ill 40 8 04 M 1 4i 1 144 10 8 05 I ..Ill 40 4 M 17 ISI 0 ( 08 ... ....tol .... S8 . tat 10 I 04 80 Ut 10 4 M t rn ... I M II........M Ut 4 81 Ill ... I 01 M. ut o t no ti nil no t s 70 tit ... 00 70 til 40 I OS ..to S00 . II 14 SO OS 0 .'..tflf 10 I 00 7... Ut M 104 65 1.814 .k I 00 U 47 40 I OS 65 ,tl ... I 00 11 121 ... I oe I'4 .4 1 00 47 140 ... I OS eo lit.... loo ;........ ... 107 so., t:T to 1 00 44 tlS ... i 074, Tb. ill to t 00 TO 130 44 I 0T1 77 13 40 I 00 I I ... i C7 f 121 ... t 00 14 tut ... t 07 15. ". tit ISO R 00 41 Ill ... t 07 70 117 40 I 00 61 ...,.. . .1ST ' 40 I 10 67 ...461 60 I 00 ' ' 2tl ... t 10 71 14 ... t 00 to 31 ... t 10 75 121 ... I 0t4) 4 tl SO 8 10 on ,.:4 ... s otvi M ! too t 10 7S. ...... .Wl ... 8 0314 rt II. ... 110 66.. 141 ISO 4 (.." 'S :1 ... 5 10 6 Kl ... 6 Clt tr S7 ... I 10 7f tn no e ot'o rt 130 t 10 SI 31S 80 8 03Vt 4 371 ... I It f .Ili4 ... 06 T4 10 ... 8 10 (....,...344 4o e on . r7 m ... tin II l! ... 8 OS t ITS 40 I liW 44 240 40 6 OR 09 2a ... t IZ'4 4 19 ... t, tn 60 m 120 i St 323 40 8 OR 61 271 ... ft 13V, xi. tin ... t os 40 iu ... tit to 213 1W OS 87 SOJ 80 8 1R 3S3 ... I 03 71 251 ... 6 IS 14 1,1 SO I OS l.i 101 SO i 15 SO SM 120 I 05 uo m . . I to 1' ?3S ... 6 OR So tl ... 18 83 4 to t nr. ' Total receipts! CI 103 The uinuo6Hu.ii ol i lie day s rccclpis waa sa tollows. eacn buyer Jjurcnaslng me nuiu- brr of head indicated: Omaha Racking Co. bwut and Couiuany -. Cuualiy lc-Kliig Co Armour ft Co.. Armour' ft Co., 8. City.. Mccreary ft Carey V. 1. Stepnen Hill ft Sou Hustun & Co Hamilton ft Rothschild. L. F. lluax , , , Hobblek ft U Sol Legan rarker ft Webb....: Rrey Racking Co J. to. Root ft Co.......... Other buyers Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 8 oil lull 488 Li. 4J loti K.l.M 804 2.44J 1,1 n4 .... " ' .i... 80 8 7 : .,w 18 ..... ... .... T 19 , .., its- .... Kid W '.V .... 1S4 ' .... ' ;.,. 1.ED7 8.98S ' t9W very nam run tn- Totals CA l"i There was cattle heia.tnu mon.lng and lu faot the receipts were much smaller than generally anticipated. As a result- trading - rulad active, with prices eteaay to strong as uom purod with yesterday's close, or Cons der ail y higher than yesterday morning. There were only a lew corn-fed 'ewers m the . yards and they sold quite freely at fully steady, prices .as compared wllh . yes terday's lite market The close of Vestef- day's market was ratner a surorixe, owui to the fact that -ehloDera Uu.V bought -a -tiovd many Air I ho bailie, . wuoca forced Mocal packers lo raise their hands considerably. The market .is now on. about logiluc lower (ban the close of lust week on an- thing al all desirable. Owing to the rapid fluctuations there is, of course, considers bis unevenneas In. the roArket, hut In the majority of cases lo&lic wuuld safely cover the loss as compared with the closn Of laat week. -The cow market was fairly active this morning and fully steady with ysterdy a late market. For the week good. Ushtrwelaht heifers are rlgnt close to steady.: Cann wa rm ve also shown little change, but tne me dium grades are probably 104cl3o lower than a week ago. . A good clearance aria mads this morning at n, esrly hour. -. v. r Hulls ehowed no particular change, either lata yesterday or this morninsj. The de mand for them 's very I mlted, for some reason, and the market rnucn lower tnan a week ago. Veal, calves continue in; good demand at tinchsnged prices. . i' c The stocker and reeder market waa. again dull and a little lower. The. demand from the country this week has been rather dls- appolntln and speculators pave a eooa many cattle on hand, although they have been offering them at srreatly reduced nrlcegL Common cattle have nstirrstly suf fered the worst. Wenreaentstlve sales: BBHP STEERS 8IIEEP AND LAMRS There were only a few cars of sheep here tills morning and the d emu nd being In Bood shape "he tnur llot ruled active nnil steady to struntr. Some .Muxican. wethers and yearlings sold for $4. 96 and some ewes brought $4. Id. Vor the week the market on good wethers and ewes la right around a quarter higher wiih the less desirable Kntdcs not nliowlng so much of n advance. Heuvy yenrilnps are fully 10'4 lfio higher for the. veek .mil in .some cascf even mote trmn that, l.iijht welgliuveHrllngs, tliouull, are no mora than steady, owing to the londllion of the lamb market. Lambs have been slow rale all the week at ull points and the mnrket no better than oteady. The quolliy of the lambs ccn.lng to this i-inrkct, however, hiis been rather inferior, very few bunches being letter !an fair. Quotations fr corn-fed stock: Choice Western lambs, 83. 61.1, 65; fair to good lambs. $5.0WV.?l; good to choice Mexican yearling. f4.7r-'Wri Ol; Rood to choice west ern yearlings, t4.ar.fii.80; fair to gcod year-lllis-s. $4.ifiil.60: k,ood t choice we lutrs, 4.2f)fi4.60: lair tr good wethers, $3.90Sr4 25: good to choice ewes, $3.8vi4.10; fair to good ewes, n.Lb'ij3.7o. Kepresentatlve sales: Kevr York Live Stock Market. NKW YORK. March 18. HKKVEH Re ceipts, 3Vtv. head; steers, tlrm to a shml9 higher: bulls and cows, steady; medium Slid thin cows. Slow. Steers. $4 116 :6; hulls. 83 0i ti 4. :'.: cows. $l.iJ3 8j. Cables ? noted live rattle steady st Liverpool snd .ondon; refrigerator beef, slow, K(lin ler lb. Estimated shipments t b rrow, l.Tl'O cstlle snd 6.10l qusrlcrs of but. CALVES Receipts. 47 hc-td; market stea.lv to strons; veals. $4 rWVft.'H: Httl calves. $.t.niii4.i;ltv dressiNl Veals, slew, 8il2'v per lb.; country dressed, caller, !Hf. nc oer lb. t40ls Receipts. I.04 nenil: r.ntrket weak; rennsvlvania and state hogs, t"-.50.118 .00. 8HKKP ANI LA M US Hoevljits. S.rS7 head; sh-ep, firm; prime laml. lnc higher; medium snd common, srteH.1v, all fo'd. Sheep, 83 Milli on; lambs, li .iMi-H 75. Cobles quoted sheep sternly st Liverpool and Lon don. Estimated shipments f.-r tomorrow, 722 head. stork In Slant. Following are the receipts of live stock for the six prlncliml western cities yester day: South Omaha Chicago Kansas City .. St. Louis St. Joseph ..... Sioux City .... Totals Cattle. Hogs. Sh 1,215 1.5' 11 1 5"0 1.4O0 2S0 200 7.1m IS.ron 4.1t 4.0.10 3 8S S.6U1 een. 1 63 S'V'O I 000 l.SCO 228 6.086 44.812 12.411 Dry CJMda Market. NEW YORK, March 18-ORY HOODS The market has become ilomoraMieil for the time belne. owing to PijIIv's suspension. No effort either to buv or to sell Is be'ns: msde until the situation is cleared. The Incident ,ls, regarded as likely to have a beneficial Influence. Jobbprs have don an Indifferent business during the- day. REAL ESTATE TRASSKEnS. IS western ewes 109 s sstern ewes , t western ewes .1.. : 95 western ewes 48 western lambs PIT western ewes II western ewes . 1 western wethers 2 western wethers 267 western yearlings .... 16 yestern lambs l exlcan yearlings -,.'.. U. western lambs Av. . 87 ; fc8 . 100 . 116 . 83 . 84 . 68 , 140 . 126 , 70 . 100 ... 78 ,1-100 Pr. 5 1 4 15 .4 25 4 IE 6 80 2 75 4 10 4 25 4 26 4 4C 4 7C 4 Ml 5 00 Evaporated Apples and Dried Kralta, NEW YORK, March 18 -EVAPORATED Arru-H-1 ne maiaei is nrm, wnn arming gojd and prices showing a hard rising ttndency: common, 4u 5 '-'; prime, 6Vti6)ic; choice. 6ii;c: fancy. (a.'Vac. CALIFORNIA DRiEU rRt'ITS Prunca range from 3Vac to b'c, according to grade. Apricots rule firm: oholce. 8V.ui0c: extra choice. lOVjlOVfcc; fancy, lljjlic. Peaches hold steady 10 nrm; oholce. 6-,j&7Vic; extra cnoice, vwruc; tncy, yiuioc. . 41 ,111V, .107 . 11V Nteadv 9ll 1.1 .VI iu, minA 1 -"!r4 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is S per cent; for three mouths' bills. 1 15-1693 per cent. New York MIbIusj ptorka. NEW YORK. March 18.-The following are the r'oalng prices on mining slocks: dass Cos Alice Droooo romatock Tunnl. too. Cal. Va... Huro Stiver Iron Silver U-sdvlllo Cos ..... Liulo Caicf 34 . 8U . It . .lis .114 110 . .. 4 Ontario .. uphir Phoooti Poioal Savafo Blerro. N'svada Sntall Hopea ,. otauoanl .400 ..414 .. .. 27 ..70 .. 64 .. 30 .14 Ken Ysrk Money Market. NEW YORK. Msrch 1A MONET On call, easy; 1Vuo1V per cent: closing bid, lVjper cent: offered at IV per cent. TliiU lAJXHA-tiy; bUt days, KjIV, Disband Fremrh Upern Troepe, NEW YORK, March 18. It was decided touav to d kband tho New Orleans French Opera company, the members of whloh re fused to sing last night, claiming that their salaries were overdue. The company began an engagement In -this city on Mon day, the intention bring to open In Parts after a short run here. It was ssld that Manager Charley appealed to his New Or- leaps subscribers tor nnsn-lal assistance, but. falling lo secure It. state uo the en KRgenient here: The- company numbered ;no people and has bten hesrd In many parts of the country. Sew Mexican . Consul Arrives. BAN FRANCISCO. March 18 Cayetano nomero, ine newiy appmniea Mexican con sui general to s in 1- run. L-cn, tins arriv e here. Mr. Romero Is n broih.r of the lite Mamas Romero, a' one time Mexican mln Istrr to Waanlngton. and he has hlmsel served as charge d'affaires at Washington and later as the Mexican minister to the republics or erorai America, with htad quarters In tne city of Ouateuials. H comes here ss successor to Rafael de Bay as f.nrlque. aspends'., Cotton Boosner. NEW-YORK. March ll-,The suspension 01 buny, ine cotton operator, whs i bouuceil oo the Cvtloa exchange today. Mo. 1.. to.., t... 1... I... 8.. I.. 4 . a.. 1 . 1 . .. 1.. 17.. ir.. 4.. 1 1 11 1 I 1 1 1 I I 1 t t 1 1 1 1 1 1..... I::::: t 1 t 1 t 14 !'.'. 1.... It... I ... I. ....... 740 40 .......lro .Al. ... est TKO S0 ...... 40 .O....1020 ..,,.,.1016 , .......loss 10 ....... ..30 , sso tn 1030 0 ,. 1000 .1,1. . tis . TS0 .IMS .I'M . .11 SS .1100 .lnio Pr.- t is 9 M .S t. M 10 I so 1 so 1 so I so I SO 3 SO I so 3 0 I so I so I so I s I ss ss I TO TO I TS t so I m cs . No. A-, pr, ..loso i is ..loan I ss ..'1ST I 30 ,,lia t so ..1109 I 90 .1121 '4 00 ,..1104 . . .11 SO .'.1150 ... 076 ...1016 ,..1033 ...11SS ...1143 ...1IH4 ,..1 ,..)f0 ...''S ...1S01 .,.hv ...106 ...I'M ...ISIS ...14SR ...1510 4 00 4 00 . 4 OA 4 00 4 On 4 00 4 OS 4 08 4 10 4 10 4 1. 4 S 4 to 4 IS 4 o , 4 so 4 3S 4 SS 4 41 STEERS AND COW8. ' TSi s r.o is iomi 1 is 1037 ISO tt..... 1JCJ 4 IS 4 -4 SI) STEERS AND HEIFERS. .. S4 S 7S t0S 8TOCKER8 AND KEEPERS 4 SO ,. ISO . 4l . .TfO . TWI . I0 ,. tio '. TSS ,. tss ,r S'O . 140 . tol . 631 i so I 00 t Oft t 00 I 00 ! t 10 I 10 i 3S I 40 ' I 40 I 40 M 130 4. 1130 440 1110 , 430 ISO M I'0 .......1310 1030 1310 430 ,.' 1010 10O0 1070 tool lo lost 13SS 1034 ..' S76 ,.'..',..1011 ,. 10 .,' 133 344 ltsl 1114 110 40 443 ...... .10 .....11S ,....,.1041 114S 1114 Soft TS0 joao .'34 1 10 t 10 I IS t II I ts I ts 3S 34 31 t 30 t 40 t 10 t 14 t 10 in t t St t 44 I 68 I TS t Tl I Tt I II t Tt Tl 0. .'.!!! ' u;::: COWg. 11'.'.'. 1. 143 . TS4 tss , IDS , Sll TlS 400 , 6.11 , 7TB 733 , 114 , S01 .." i 1 10 t IS I 49 I 40 I 40 1 m 1 40 I M 111 t 7S Deeds filed for record March 18, aa fur nished to The lice by the Midiund Ouai uiilee und Trust company, bonded ab stracter, 1614 Farnani street: Charles F. Metlreir land wlte to Rob ert 1. Hiunilton ut ul, lots i, J and K, In Kellom s add $26,OuU Ocorge W. Heliard to A. J. Parker, .ot 6, block 3, Shut-wood s e.baiv 1 b50 George V. Hcbuid to A. J. liiikor, lot 6, block 4, Slierwoud's lutidiv... I GUI Mary Dworak to Steven Maicliu, k)t 3, filiM'k 3. Dworak s udd 10 Hcrnuin Jerndorf to Mets llros.' Rrewlng HbNoclallon, lots 7, 8, 8 and 10. block Si. Millard 7.0OJ Ellen M. Hicks and husPaod to Jay 1). Fonter and John W. Robbins. lots 60, 61 and 62, block 6, Jei jnie park.. I,0f0 Fred L. iioouilch unci .vile to Alex E. dander, lot 20, block 11, Shull's 2d ' add 4.200 Iiolcn L. ttevens lo Andrew It. M.ic- lluin, lols 1 and 8, Muylleld 1 Frank Thomprion, excculor, to Anna UerriHh, lot 3, block 1. Hcdford 10 Joiin H. Levy "lid wife to Juhn I, Kcillck, lot 8. Phx-k iM'i. city 1,500 Ella It. Folsom and IiuhIiuiuI to Nlles R. l'olsom, port lot S, block UnVj,, city 2 T..i.ul 1. Qlrht l.i f?-.tlili ltl.ltlert. soiuli 24 feet lot 1, b.ock 14. Florcnco 100 Harriet 11. Clnpp and nusbnnd to Oacjir tl. Homk. lots 1, X 13 und 14. I Im k 1. Hoock's subdlv '. 3C0, Snruh A. Stare to U.-mlrt M. Drew. west 50 feet lot 6, Mock b, A. 8. l'at- f'ek's add . I ChrlHtlMii Kiulocr t lgusl Srhmldt, noi tlieiist Vo feet los , 5 and li, block 13 Millard "0 CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION. State of Nebraska. Oi ,tc of Auditor of Public Accouuih, Lincoln, F bruury 1, 1im4. It is hereby cer tilled that tho Aclna Ulo Insurance company of Hartlotd, In tin) state of Connecticut, haa (.onipiird v.lih tin Insurance law. of this slate, apu.lcablu t such compsnlcs, luid Is therefore authorized, to continue the business of life and inci dent Insurance In this state for the ouiriiit year ending January 81. 1606. Summary of report fiicd for the year end ing December 31, 1H03: INCOME. Premiums $11,733.25.1.87 AU other sources 2.8:5.i0.j0 Tolal DISBCRSEMENTB. !::: 1 1. IS. , It.. I. 1. 4 t. I::::::::: ,:::: t so t o K 1: 1 00 1. 1 os t 00 I 00 t 00 t 00 I ss I OO ..1rr ..IMS ..1M7 ..IPO .. SS0 . .1314 .. ISO ..114 ..11W .. ISO ..1110 . .11 ..111! ..130 ,.1011 ..1064 . 101 ..lm .IU ...IJM ..1U7 ,.. 110 ...103 ...11.10 ... 7tS .... ITS ... .1"0 ....111! ....1'iM ....1141 ... 130 ....1011 in ... .UT .... 10 ....1IT ..s, 14 1440 ....Its. ....1S10 ....IN 17M COWS AND HEIFERS. 143 tM 444 I N til 33 8 00 I tn 6 10 8 II I 10 t 11 t 14 I l I 11 ! 11 t IS I II I 14 I 16 t It , I to t 30 t rs -t is I IS I i ts 1 1 t II' I M t . I 3S u t M t M 8 8 t !" 8 is I 4 I 41 I 4 t 40 I 4 I SO I SO 4 00 41 t It CHICAGtXLIVB STOCK MARKET. ' .1 . . Cattle and Sheep; , Steady und Hogs Averatte Ten Cents Lower. . ' CHICAQO, March 18.-CATTLn-Recelpts, 16(0 head; market steady gocd to j.rme fteers", nominal, $6.7676.75; poor to medium, $3.6ij6O0; Mockers nnd feeders, $2.6(4.30; cows, fl.G0fi4.00; heifers, $2.60'4 60; c nners. Sl6iii - 50; bulls, $2.0Oi4.0O; -calves, i3.Wt 6;25; Texas fed steers. $ HOGS Receipts, 3,000; estimated tomor row. 15,000 htad; left over, 8.887 head: mar ket 6c lower; mixed and butchers, $5."0;ft6.40; rood to choice heavy. 86 8Ti6 50: ruufth heavy.' 85 .2MiT..35; light. S4.85ii6.35; bulk of sales. $5.26&5.40... SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 6,000 head; market steady; lambs steady; good to choice wethers, $4.25'ii5.;6: fair to choice mixed, 83.5(4.50; western sheep, $3.2536.26; native lambs, 84. 60310.50; western lambs, $4.0085.75. Kansas City Lire Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. March 18. -CATTLE Re ceipts. 1.600 head, Including: 800 head if southerns; market steady, all quotations steady; export and dressef beef steers, 84.60(66' 26: fair to good. $3 604.60; western fed steers, $3.4tt?f4.4C: Blockers and feeders. $3.254.50; southern steers, $3.264.26; south ern cows, $2.403.26; native cows, $2.003.76; native .heifers, $3.604.211, bulls, $2.50,1.05; calves. $3.006.60. '' .. HOGS Receipts, 4,100 head; market was steady to strong; top. $5.?7V4; bulk of anJes. 86i.ii5.30; heavy. $5.20fif6.27l; packers, $6.06 j6 90: Pits ,and lights. $4 20ri5.16. -SHEEP AND LAMHS-Recelpts, 8.000 head; market steady; native lambs, $5,001? 6 06: western lambs. $4 75fi6.60; fed ewes. $3.9054.30: yearlings, $4.60U6.10; stockers and feeders, $175(34.00 ..; t Loala Live Stork Market. ST. LOCIS. March 18 CATTLE Re ceipts, 1,400 head:, no Texans; market was steady; native shipping and export steers, $4.166.25; dressed beef and butcher steers, $3 m)$6.10; steers under 1.000 pounds, $3,803 4.80; stockers and feeders, $3.604.00; cows and heifers.- $2.854.26; canners, t2.263f2.oO; bulls, $2 808.75; calves. $4 ij4i.60; Texas ani Indian steers, $3.2S4.26; cows and helferi" $2.15'53.46. MO(3S Receipts. '4.0T0 head; market was stesdv; pigs and lights, $4.4"g.O0; packers, $6 oiVfje SS; butchers and best heavy, $5.t0 j55o. SHEEP ' AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.600 head, market steady; native muttons. $4.00 414.76:' lambs. 84.766 60; culls and bucks, $3.00(04.00; stockers, 82.00ff8.Cv. Sioax cnty Live Stock Market. .SIOUX CITY, la.. March 18.-(6peclal Telegram. i-OATTLE Receipts. 200 head. Market steady; beeves, $3.604. 80; cows and heifers, $2.4iVfi3.60; stockers and feeders, $3.00 fit 80; oalves and yearlings, $3.00(3.70. HOQS Receipts. 5.500 head. Market steady, selling at $4.76u6.20; bulk, $5 fsu5.06. . Rt. .tosenh I Ire Stork Market. HT JOSF.PIf Miu-ch ' 18 CATTLE- Ite- celpts, '.'S'l lieud; market . steady ; natives, Paid policy- holders. All other payments ' Total Admitted assets M0I8 874.G; ...o,rc2,8 01 . . 3,303 03 .11 .. .19. M. 003.(9 . .$i!8.0fi7.8'i2.fl 22.176.00 I 687,810.10 $G2.896,10.lO 2,000,000.00 1 VABILITIF.S. Net reserve . ..... $57 6W.o21.oO Net policy claims.. All other liabilities Capttsl .stock paid up .' Surplus hevond cap ital stock and other liabilities.... M71.756.65 8,(771.766,11 Total ' !$8,(K7,8t.5 ' Witness my hp.nd and the seal of the auditor of public accounts the day and yetvr first above written. (Seal) CHARLES WESTON. Auditor of I'ubtlc Accounts, . JOIIN I PIERCE, Deputy. MchlOdlt CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION. STATE OF NEBRASKA. OFFICE OF AUDITOR OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS. LIN COLN. Feb. 1. 19o4. It Is hereby cortifted that the Metropolitan Life Insurance com pany of New York, In the state of New 1 York, has compiled with the Insurance lu w of this state, applicable to such companies, nnd Is therefore authorised to continue the business of life Insurance In this state for the current year ending January 31, 1906. ' Summary of report filed for the year end Inn December 81. 1903: i INCOME. Premiums $45. 056. 900. 57 All other sources 4, 10,843. 64 Total $49,887,804.11 DISBURSEMENTS. Paid iiollcy holders. ..$14, 178,780. 63 AU other payments... 17,001,103.50 , Total........ $31,779,894 IS ADMITTED ASSETS. tl06,6T.6.811. f LIABILITIES. Net reserve $02.ICIO,919.00 Net pollcv rlnlms... rw.3:i.!!1 All other liabilities.. 1.707, 19. 73 $94,964,439.04 Capital st.xTi paid up 2,tW,000.00 Surplus beyond cap ital , ether stock and liabilities.... ,872. 5 10.691.S72. 58 Total : $1(6.61 311.80 Witness my liand and tho seal of tho auditor of public nccounls the day nnd year forst nhove written. OHAR7.ES WESTON. (Seal.) Auditor of Public AerrmntS. JOHN L. PIKTtCE. ' ' ' Deputy. W. L. Kllly. superintendent. New York Life building. Omaha. Neb. Mchl9dlt GEO. A. ADAMS GRAIN CO. Grain. Provisions & Stocks. Moinbtrs Omaha tiraln a.Xilinge, Chicago Board of Trade and olhtr o-xchsiigea. Correspondents Bartlttt, Fiailrr Carriigton. 211 Board of Trade BlJ'f. Omslii. an Ml SM ,.lll .. It I7 ., IM ..46 I I ft I 41 t 44 I I I I 4 t 00 t 0 i to I. II I 1. 'I. . Ml . TTT . 110 .lis . Its . SI5 Tt 1L3 t 34 I tt t 30 I 34 I AS I U I M I 40 t U t....--...141 t tt 1 .... )!, I 36 1 1100 1 40 144 t 4 BVhXJt. I. ... I I. . 1... ..1o ..1STI ..ITU ..U44 t Si t M I 00 t tt FOUR POINTS FOR TRADERS WHEN YOU TRADE IN GRAIN, PROVISIONS, STOGICS PLACE YOUR ORDERS WITH m fiflF GOMiviissiaN 1 oJF tm dNOOrtPORATtP.' ' Capital and Surplus, $603,000.00. General Offices: N. Y, Life Bldg., Minneapolis. IV DCCT CCtiVIPC Moat reliable market In formation, l.arceaf Dbirl WbnllWb private wire ayatein lii America. - 2 . WC milDRUTrC execute your orders If the market f IfC UUAnAll I Lb reaches Hie priee whiti.i you set. . - Wethargt NO IXTtRtST for carrying- longr elotka. 3; MARGINS REQU13E0 t:tf&:r&-lJSV&' " 09 -r le reaiionai ana Slate Banks; 3 Branch urflcea. CO. 4. REFERENCES OMAHA BRANCH 1618 Farnai St,, Tel. 346T. THOS. II, WA03ICK, Cor. N." B. We issue earh ik an oshsuetlve review of the markolo and the anoat avourate toreeast. oi future roovementa. Free at any e our efnoe. 1 1 a