12 THE OMA11A DAILY REE: THURSDAY. MAHCTT 17, 1004. CANNOT SEE THE VICTORY Hsrdman Democrat Lauh at 0 aim that Brjan-Ma'.caKe Mea Won. SAY LATE CONVENTION WAS THE POINT Will Afford Other Chance to Lead on Presidential Proposl tlon and Kivf fbrik from Embarrassment. "Heads I win and tails you lnae." srems to have been the slogan of the Bryan-Metcalfe democrats In the contost over the dates of the state and delegate conventions, ettled Tueoday at Lincoln; at least this la the natural Inference after listening to a few of the "regulars" or so-called Herd man men discourse upon the subject. "The World-Herald, I see, says In Its blazing headlines that Bryan's wishes were followed by the, executive committee," re marked a very prominent "regular; "but In view of what has been done and said within the last few days, I am not exactly able to reton'lle this. The ultra Bryan men rather the Metonlfe men, for this la not a fight on Bryan so much as It Is on Metcalfe said no longer ago than last week that they 'fully expected the conven tion for the nomination of delegates to the national convention to be held early In April,' and that they 'fully expected' It Imply means of course that they wanted It. Now, the committee fixed the date for June 1, which Is about as late, under the rules of the party, ns It can be held, since the national convention comes off July 6. How they construe that Into a victory Is beyond me. It has every earmark of a very flat turn-down. ' The ultra Bryan men have picked out four candidates for delegates-at-Iarge to the national convention, whom they style "the big four." They are Bryan, Metcalfe, W. H. Thompson of Grand Island and W. H. Oldham of Kearney. All save Mr. Bryan went In this capacity four years ago to Kansas City. The other fellows want Lee Herdman Instead of Metcalfe. F.nrh Ride Cork Hare. The Bryan men are confident In their belief that they can elect this slate. Their opponents are Just as confident that It cannot be done. The Metcalfe men In this connection recall that four years ago the same opposition manifested Itself and was downed and "will be downed this year, for they can't beat us," they assert. The truth of the matter Is there seems to be no opposition among the "regulars" to Oldham, Thompson or Bryan. "We have no objection to Mr. Bryan as a dnlegate-at-large; In fact I think he ought to go and be the chairman of Ne braska's delegation; we have no objection to Mr. Oldham or Mr. Thompson, but Mr. Metcalfe will never go If we can help It; he will not get a single delegate from Douglas county unless he Is able to lick us good and clean and I don't believe he Is," aid an active "regular." "I object to being called an anti-Bryan or Herdman' man simply because Mr: Herd man is one of us; we are antl-Metcalfe men. Mr. - Metcalfe has projected himself into this flghtr and we are going to beat Mm. He and his friends rely on the out state vote to save them, but I believe they are missing their calculation," added this man. f The Metcalfe men In Omaha are Just as certain and velement in their expressions that Mr. Metcalfe will win out But a bigger principle was at stake in the executive committee meeting: at Lincoln. What the "regulars" went In for was not bo much one convention or two conventions as it was for a late delegate convention, which they got, it will be observed. The point was, the "regulars" HTi to give New York and other states time to hold their conventions and assert themselves on the presidential proposition and give Nebraska a chance to follow. t Time to March In the Ranks. "We have been in the lead long enough," sarcastically remarked a "regular," "and wo thought it would be a good thing to let some other Btate do part of the 'leading' and give us a chance to follow. I regard this as a great victory, for it gives Mr. Bryan's state a good opportunity to back up gracefully. I think there Is no question but that New York will meet soon and de clare for Parker, and that other states will follow closely on, so that by the time June 1 rolls around Nebraska will find itself pretty lonesome not to act with the ma jority. The World-Herald may see victory In this for the Metcalfe wing, but I'll be blamed if my vision is that keen." As to the late date of the state conven tion, this partisan thinks It was a, mistake, for it will, place the candidate for governor at considerable disadvantage. ' , One of the Metcalfe men who professes to seo vlotory in the smoke of Tuesday's battle, stacks it up like this: "Herdnuui's original Idea was to have the state and delegate conventions held jointly, so that he could control the delegates from the county conventions for tho state in the election of delegates for the big meeting. He 'figured on trading as tho modus op. erandl, and there is no question but that, a could ho have won his point, this would have been a potential means." Bavo tho coupons on page x, Saturday f larch 19 59c Sale Children's Slippers IP Monday March 21 Qreat Sale Oriental Rugs Brooklyn Manufacturer s Stock Ladies Spring Suit$59i Made to wholesale at SIO to $15 We secured a Brooklyn manufac turer s entire stock on hand of ladies' spring suits that were made to whole sale vp to $15 each. By taking his complete stock we bought at a remark able low price. The New Eton Styles, blouses, military coats,- short jackets, etc. All the new and handsome styls features for spring are shown In these high class suits the suits are made in cheviots, Venetians, novelty cloths and suitings and are fashioned with the new epaulet capes, military but ton trimmings, etc. many with the new pleated skirts all the latest col ors for spring- -on sale Thursday at an unheard of bargain. Worth from $10 to $15 at Spring Millmcry Our first sale of early spring millinery. Our entire Third floor, the larg est millinery department in America, and on this floor the most interesting exhibit and sale ever shown In Omaha, All the new effects In first hats for Immediate use. All the latest nobby HhAnM In fnncv straw, combination chiffons, mellnes and braids, in toques. turbans and large hats; all beautifully trimmed with flowers, fan cy feathers, ostrich tips and ornaments, worth from $7.60 to $12.60 -your choice, and thousands to select from, each R 5 , in toques, $5 50c and 75c Allover Laxes at 18c Yd !8c An importers sample strips of very high grade allover laces in all kinds and styles they come in "white, cream and ecru and many of them are adapted for making entire lace waists Thursday on bargain square, at, yard Embroideries Trial and sample strips of 'fine quality Swiss, Nainsook and Cambric Embroideries very pretty headings, lnsertlngs and gal- 7i fat loons, worth as high as 25c a yard 2C"vJC"' 1 vC J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS, BOSTON STORE DR. BRADBURY Palnleas Extraction Without Oas. Filling? '....80c up Oold Crown. $2.80 up Briar Work $2.80 ap Lady Attendant 1506 Farnam DENTIST. TEL. 1784. Fourteen Yea re Sim Location Wa positively reraova nerves from teeth with out the least parties of pain. Plate $2 up. Open Sundays 10 to 12 LOWRY BUSY ON NEW LINE President of the 9oo Bays He Will Complete Winnipeg Ho ad This Year. Thomas Lowry of Minneapolis, president of the Boo line and also of the Twin City Rapid Transfer company, arrived in Omaha over the Illinois Central yesterday, in his private car. In speaking pt the plans of his company for the coming year Mr. Lowry said: "It is our intention to complete the line now building from Emerson, Minn., to Winnipeg. At present we have about 100 miles of the new line completed and the rest probably will be finished this year. "Nothing will be done in the way of building a line Into Nebraska to tap the wheat ft olds of this state and afford an outlet for Nebraska wheat into the Minne apolis market this year. Bo far as the Hill merger case is concerned I have nothing to say." Mr. Lowry is on his way to Colorado Springs, where he goes to visit his daughter. Goes from Bad to Worse. Always true of constipation. It begins many maladies, but Dr. King's New Life Pills cure or no pay. Only 26a For sals by Kuhn Co. Shamrocks given away at Black's. Men's Top Coeds aoid Rain Coasts We are impatient to show you our stock of top coats and rain coats. The highest grade of excellence has been reached, in our garments. Even the advocates of merchant tailoring will praise our top coats this season. There is a finish, grace and styleabout these hard to duplicate. In top coats every style is represented here. The short, the regular end .long. The new lines include the vicunas, homespuns, the cheviots and the coverts, lined with silk, Italian cloth or serge, prices $7.50 to $20. f 10 is our leader and it is a strong one. Comes in the new popular shades. RaJn Coads Our rain coats are winners this season, scrutinize the col lar construction. The perfectly moulded, well balanced shoulders, the easy, generous skirt, the careful tailorin; the comfort and grace prices range from $7.50 to $20. WILL HONOR THE GOOD SAINT Catholics Prepare to Celebrate Natal Day of Great Benefactor. PRETTY STATUE AT ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH Vnktndest Cut of All Is that Metho dists Are Clataulaar the Im. mortal Apostle for John Wesley. St. Patrick's day will be observed In the usual manner at the various Cathollo churches of the city. It is announced that Father J. T. Smith will celebrate high mass at the 8t. Patrick's church, Fourteenth and Castellar streets, at 8 o'clock. A St. Patrick's day celebration will be given this evening at Crelghton Unl verstty hall. Twenty-fifth and California streets, by the Ancient Order of Hlber. nlans and St. John's parish. The enter tainment will begin at 8 o'clock. Rev. M. J, O'Connor, S. J., will deliver an address and Irish muslo will be rendered. Apropos of the coming celebration of the natal day of 'Ireland's patron saint St. Patrick's church. Fourteenth and Castellar streets, has just received and placed in posi tion a beautiful and life-like statue of St. Patrick that is much admired by all who have seen it. The figure is represented as clothed in the robes of purple and gold of the church, which it represents, fwhlle the head is surmounted by the prelstly miter, beautifully wrought and ornamented with gold and colorings. In the right hand. which is partially extended, is a Shamrock while in the other la a staff or scepter of ornate design,-! at the foot of which coll two serpents. The statue has been placed on a pedestal at the right of the alter in full view of the congregation and opposite the figure of the crucified Christ on the cross. Protestants Claim St. Patrick. ' Along with the honorable little knock about act of Oeorge Washington and . the cherry tree, the command to "Don't give up the Ship" and other precious bits of history handed down to this matter-of-fact day, and now probed by science and found to be liable to doubt, the good St. Patrick, who shines tomorrow. Is said to have been neither a Cathollo nor an Irishman. It seems that up-to-date Protestants are fil ing claims to possession. . In Milwaukee the precedent will be set by the Methodist Epis copal church, which will celebrate the day with a union Epworth league meeting and a social In the evening. Ministers of other Protestant denominations in that city are said to endorse this observance as In every way fitting to the saint, whatever may have been his nativity and his creed. Omaha iYotestants do not seem to be on the crest of the wave and so far no church celebration have been announced for the 17th. The Ca'hollo fathers are quite parsi monious about St. Patrick and deny him to any of the evangelical churches. "To y that St. Patrick was not a Cath ollo Is moat absurd," said one of them. "When he lived there were no Episco palians, no Methodists, nothing but the Catholic church, so it would have been Im poorible for h:in to have belonged to any of these. It Is poselble that Sc. Patrick may not have tx-tn born In Ireland, but be became an Irishman, and is nothing else now." Green Trading Stamps Every Time ft) re wis L1NJ HIT'S New Wash Waists Splendid assortment for Thursday white lawn, dark and light assort ments of lawns, bastiste and fine cords, all at WOMEN'S DRESSING SACKS AND SHORT KIMONA8 new for ROr Thursday fine organdies, lawns and batistes prices, 95c, 75c, 68c and.... " MISSES' RAIN COATS finest cravenette cloth colors, tan and Ox- f QB ford gray very latent styles prices, 18.96 and MfJ ,60c MIS8E8' AND CHILDREN'S RAIN COATS tan and gray With plaid O IE velvet collars regular value $3.95 Thursday tt-J lining and Green Trading Stamps With Silk Petticoats Thursday, fifty handsome Silk Petticoats, black and all colors, worth $8.60, at O. 0 $10 Worth of Stamps With Each Petticoat. Two Great Attractions for Thursday New Wash Dress Goods over 100 elegant designs In Batiste, lawns and 1fr Organdies value up to too on sale Thursday at 15o and avw 75e for 50c 2 cases new Spring Suitings for women's tailor-made suits con taining many of the very latest combinations of colorings and fine en plain Voiles, In all shades the best 75c goods on sale Thursday at OVIW Come and Be Surprised With the Wonderful Bargains. Here is a Sample Only. Black Taffeta 8llk-thlrty-elght Inches wide value dollar and a 7,r . quarter Thursday AtJt New Purses and Bags Thousands of them that never saw daylight until Thursday come and Iflf see them In the Dry Goods Section Immense values at 60c, 25c and IvIW A BargainJSale of New Dress Ginghams Full double fold Dress Ginghams, neat checks, stripes and fancy patterns now Deing som in umara at Aijc wo put mem on sale inurs- Her1 w a w day one hundred pieces at. Crockery A Great Sale of Imp or ted China Samples and $3.00 Worth of Green Trading Stamps B With Each Item ON FRIDAY WE WILL PLACE ON SALE In our China Department a big lot of Imported samples secured from the New Tork representatives of some of the leading European manu facturers of Germany and French China. They . consist of Cake Plates, Salads, Bugar ' and Creams, Berry - BowIb, Pitchers, etc., etc., and represent ordinary values of from $1.00 to $3.00. . , ON FRIDAY ONTr YOU CAN HAVE YOUR CHOXCB OF TUB LOT FOR . -. n.r . , 6 e AND THREE DOLLARS WORTH OF GREEN TRADING STAMPS FREE WITH EACH ITEM. See sample of lot In Harney street show window. Remember the day FRIDAY ONLY. Grocery "The proof of the pudding Is In the eating." The success of our Grocery depart ment Is due to big values, fresh goods and prompt attention to business One dollar's worth O r e n Trading Stamps Free with glass pare Fruit Jelly ThnradaytOc Table Syrup, -lb. can 1Zo Castile Soap, cake $c Corn Starch, 1-Ib. pkg So California Prunes, pound.; 5o Rolled Oats, J-lb. pkg 10c Breakfast Wheat, $-Ib. pkg. lOo Jams, assorted, large jar JOo Salmon, 1-lb. can Mo COFFEE. WB LEAD IN THIS ARTICLE. Bennett's Breakfast Coffee, S- pounds net In can 4so Maracalbo Coffee, per lb ...16o TEAS. , Best values ever offered. Imperial Japan S6e Tea Sittings 15o B. F. Japan Sto Bincuy pure uiaca tapper, - M pound can Ho H Bl TTER. RECTEIVED EVERY DAY FROM THE COUNTRY. Fresh Country. Butter, pound.... IRo Bennett's Capitol Creamery, lb..27o Medium Sour Pickles, pint 60 OAHDY. Don't rail to make your selections early for the Easter novelties from 60 each Our Gre&t Spring Millinery Opening Visitors tell us that no display In town equals It for taste or style. See our window exhibit, it gives an Idea of the beauty and elaborations in our Millinery Department. Here Are Two Specials for Thursday. 1 A nobby Jap braid Tailored Hat for a young miss straw , color trimmed with velvet straps and gold buttons black velvet and large gold ornament exceedingly pretty for Immediate wear $2.00 worth of Green Trading Stamps with it Thursday t A two-toned Street Hat fine glased braid trimmed with side effect, bows of straw close fitting In back with pretty orna mentsshould sell for $1.75 yours Thursday and $2.00 In Green Trading Stamps 1.00 1.35 Green Trading Stamps All the Time 3 S3 Save tfca coupons oa page V LAR6EST EXCLUSIVE RETAIL MILLINERY HOUSE IN OMAHA. Special selections of pretty black chif fon and mohair braid trimmed flj C hats Thursday and Friday at vp-P First Grand Opening of imported and do mestic pattern hats Saturday, March 19th Music all day and evening. No charge made for trimming orders this week only. 1508 Douglas Street. TO PREPARE F0R BIG RALLY ImproTrmcBt Clubs Meet at City Hall aad Plan . fur SaJareay Ktgkt Affair. Tonight at o'clock tn the Board of Education assembly room In the city hall a meeting wUl be keld by the Civic Im provement league preparatory to the Im provement rally which Is to take place Sat urday. The Thursday night meeting will be the first evening meeting to be held by the league, and much Important business, it Is said, will be transacted. All committees will be expected to report. E. O. Routxahn field secretary of the American League for Civic Improvement, with headquarters at Chicago, will be the speaker at the rally Saturday, whleh la to be held under the auspices of the Omaha Civic Improvement league and of the Fed eiaiion of Improvement Clubs. He has $00 lantern slides showing streets and lots In various cities before and after Improvement. La Grippe Carea by Ckassherlala's Cask .Reasedy. The great danger from la grippe Is of u resulting in pneumonia. This caa be avoided by using Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Among the tens of thousands who used this remedy during the epldemle of la grippe of recent years no case has ever been known to result In pneumonia which shows exclusively that it is a certain preventive of that dangerous disease. Price at coats; large sue, M con la. Trading Stamps . Free nn Mmi thm ukuabus SToaa. Trading Stamps Free Croat Sale of f.1an ufaoturors' Samplos. Suits, Skirts, Waists, Rain Goats, Spring Jackets. The sample garments of three of the largest manufacturers In the world, se cured by our New York buyer at FIFTY CENTS ON THE DOLLAR. These garments were all made to stand critical Inspection by experienced buyers and are beauties. Do not miss this chance to own a fine garment at about half regu lar price. 75 Silk Lined Suits, with fine taff eta drop, no two alike, handsome gar- a tn menu, made to sell for $25. at...4.U Women s Voile Skirts, with silk (3 nn drop, made to sell at $16 0.VU "TH " Blac'1 nd Colored peau de Bole Waists, a tremendous lot. a nv made to sell at $7.B at. J.!0 Women's Sample Suits. In voiles and eta tnlnes, beautiful creations, elaborately trimmed, with silk drop, reg- nA ular m garment, at........". 4SI.UU Women s Cheviot Suits, in blue, black and browns, handsome suit. q rvrk $1$ value, at . 0.9U 700 women's Walking Skirts, new ' A ft spring styles, worth $6.60, at 4.yU S fal aV i 9. Extra stzbo skjrts , rm ewurqb WOMEN Hands W to It, A ni length 40 to 48. at $3 i and 1vU WOMEN'S BEAUTIFUL SAMPLE VOILE i8:....: .....15.00' WOMEN'S SILK COATS In Eton, Bo and Blouse styles; Cheviot Coats In blacks and tans; the greatest lot you ever saw, rtort.h.u.p.. 5.00 WOMEN'S SPRING COATS- IJ S at $15.00. $1100, $10.00 and O.OU ANOTHER EXTRAORDINARY WAIST 8 A LE THE ORBATE8T BARGAINS WB EVER OFFERED All new spring styles; nots Sne old waist In the bunch; taffeta, peau ' e sole. Jap and China silks, linens, .' lawns, mercerlred vestlnga and albatross ' waists In this lot; 1,600 of them, worth up to $8.60; your choice J gQ Extra Specials. A Small Lot of Bargains for a Quick Sale. 25 dos. Women's Wrappers, ruffles over shoulders and 15-ln. flounce, Rfi- $1,116 value, at MOVC Women's Underskirts In black, Kfto $125 Quality, at OVC 2Q dos. Wrappers, our own make, manu factured right here In Omaha, f ttf all colors, at I.OU 16 dos. Women's Waists In Rflr heavy resting., each ........ C7vIV Women's Fur Scarfs, 1 ne $10.00 quality, for O.VO In Our Furnishing Goods Dep. The newest things In men's fClr shirts at $1.60, ll.OO and UVW MEN'S ' NECKWEAR New arrivals of spring shapes and styles, OBn at $1.00, 75c, 6nc and sSOl LADIES' SLEEVELESS LISLE THREAD VESTS, silk topped, extra fine quality, white, black and colors, worth o to 60o, at sSOW LADIES' FINE COTTON RIBBED SLEEVELESS VESTS, silk topped, fancy yoke bark and front, f e worth Ko, at ....ot' 60 dos. AMERICAN BT5AUTT STRAIGHT FRONT CORSETS, Princess hip snd hose supporters, attached C front and side, $1.60 quality, at.... aOW Domestic Room. Prices That Talk. Thoy Spoil Economy. 7C STANDARD APRON UlNUHAMS, yard 12a dark and light Percales, nothing better, at, yard... 16o yard wide Tuxedo Madras, lui o.iu nni"! r , j m.. u. ....... , lOo Fine Printed Scotch Lawns HO STANDARD DRE8S PRINTS, yard 5c 3S-ln. wide; ....68c 7c 9c "' ".33c 19a Mandalay Scotoh Suiting, thing for spring wear; at, yard Just the 10c 25c Mercerised ' White Walstlng. fSp beautiful pattern, at, yard 1UW 15o White 40-1 n. Apron Qln Lawns, yard...., Of I 15C SHEER INDIA LINON8, Qr yard R racial sale all day tn the Big Linen and Muslin Department. Coma early and se cure the choicest of the choice. ORANGES ORAIIGES ORANGES The unexcelled facilities of the Big Store's purchasing power has Induced the California Fruit Growers' Association to sell them one more solid oas of those Fancy Highland Oranges at the same price as the last car. We will give our customers the benefit of this purchase Cr-t and place this car on sale Thursday lOU Xa dot auion., AND $3.00 WORTH TRADING STAMPS FREE. Other Snaps in Grocery Dept 21 lbs. Pure Cane Granulated Sugar for . 1100 48-1 b sack Emerson best patent flour.. $1.10 Large sacks Corn meal 12Ho Large sacks Buckwheat Flour Sao Quart cans Fancy Table Syrup or Ten nessee Sorghum $0 ( lbs. good Japan, Tapioca, Sago or Barley C iu. h.n-nttlrMl Vaw lUtknl Ida 6 lbs. Breakfast Rolled OaU lo 6 bars Best Laundry Soap Uo 5U1K Liaunary eiarcn, per iu Mince Meat, per pkg 5c 1-lb. cans Alaska Salmon .' to Horseradish Mustard, per bottle 8MiO Large bottles Pure Tomato Catsup.... 8Vo Largo bottles Pickles, any kind you want $Ho Fancy Soda,' Oyster, . Butter or Milk Crackers, per lb Do Flower and Vegetable Seeds, any kind you want, per pkg $Ho BUTTER! BUTTER! I BUTTER!!! I us l reoivea, uie uuse.i snipmeiu ui me season of Fancy Sweet Fresh Country Butter, which we will place on sale Thursday, your choice, per lb ....Ho TRADING STAMPS WITH B7VERTTHINO TOTJ BUT. ' HAYDERS BROS. A Vacant Room Eats Up Money Every day you lose the price of a day's rent a loss that is never made up. It't particularly foolish when a Want i Ad in the Bee will rent your room. Ten ' words three times will cost you 30 cents. Tel. 238. Bee Want Ad Dept. IT'S SILLY we think, for us to claim that we have better goods than any one else so we don't. BUT we want it distinctly under- TISs) AND A, GREAT MANY THINUS ADVERTISE at a cut price. That s why we ask our friends to send us a list for our prices and don't depend on the Quoted prices See. ... Our mall order department is at your service and it's the largest in Nebraska or Iowa and you know why. $100 ller's Malt Whiskey 8So $1 M Pure Canadian Malt Whiskey 76c $2.04 Chester's Genuine Pennyroyal pilla $! $100 Coke's Dandruff Cure 50o $1.00 Kinney's Hair Tonic 46c $1.00 Llsterlne Lemberrs 67o $LU0 Munyon's Paw Paw 6o 25o Carter s Utile Liver Pills So 6c Genuine Castoria ISj 60c Possonl's Face Powder J7o 26s Graves Tooth Powder 10c A swell line of 60c perfumes (not Christ mas stock that's all sold long ago) for 23c See those s4s on the bill boards and street cars? Well, our price is leas, see. liid you know the drug combination had a meeting yesterday t Well, they did get particulars later. , CUT PRICE DRUQ STORE E T. TATE8. Prop. Kth and Chicago Sis., Omaha. 'Phones T4T and 11. Xh and N fits.. South Omaha. 'Phone No. I. 6th Ave. and Main Bt., Council Bluffa 'phone $3S. All goods de ll rered la eiiaec CU absolute. Ires. SGIIAEFER'S Don't turn our back to aa when wo are heed quarters for yarns of alt dorlptlon, the Boost complete Hoe ta the city, we ean always mstoi your shade, . Our atookings for Ladles and Chlldrssv at lo a pair Is the beat that oan be produced for the money -we have over 10S styles fancy soaks for Men. at $ pairs for sto, ' . orvB vm A TRIAL. JOS. F. BILZ, 022 S. 16th St.. Oanho,