THE OMAIIA DAILY DEE: WEDNESDAY, MAIKTI 10, 1004. AND PRODUCE MARKET Wbest rhcloetet U'ide'f,l TL' CoLi.dirtblt tptcala'.itn. it i STZADY ADVANCCMtHT tCH fiV DAYS Cr Goes lp Half relet and Bladen Arc Jlttltr, bat Holders lls lag Ureal Deal. ( tteilceare. OMAHA. March IS, 1!U Omiihi wheat flutuat1 much more widely this morning than ilid Cults'' anl specula lion waa Urge, utnaha May opened at Jc, broke tu tiVi anil ihn ralll'd anil went up la Mo, ( Mi ngu, duriLg t ) mm turns rsngi from lav to tie, and was gtint-ially rnoie nearly, umal.a July ('pencil ul b.4ic, agg-l to HCV, racl4 t Si'vi. went hm k lo my, arm iimard ths elce mvrl hack above Kp, fhlcsgo new July i tnw 1 from MS! lo rj4e. 'I I, binak liiimeillutcly utter the o.nlri In part dun l tim lower Kunin iipefilngs. which caused some sell In orders, uiiJr whlcli tha mark l could not aland. Wheat now ha silvanc d for five daya. Tha talk fur tela la the nund a that nf iha f irmer hull movement, but the mva la weak. 'I ha rahls give no support, 1 h r--,i ara lir-r than laat year at Ida tlma and Iha demand ! not particularly aoul A ira i tl'rti la duo. lay corn on Omaha rtcliatige advanced H point lo mining 4i laitiy stiong, dui Imldrra wrm shy. CH'iigu My ran front Use M'v Iha fng Inloioat hug rMn uaiinlril aeme to ha a scalping Interest, buying in ina breaks and altii.fl on the ttil. Tli Chicago tirrtigth ca;ne through koala who had got ai.ort on the break and could not ui.cove-r any tuna aturf around Hr This rtli ot partluuiarly effect Ilia Omaha crowd. ' (Mta were dull til Chicago el well aa Omaha. A bull leader la needed to atlr up Interest. 1 b rangn In prices nf Omaha grain for i-imre unlivery anil fna Close Aionuay " today a ara aa followa; Clos1 Open. High. Low. Today. M d jr. tvheat- Msy July Ccrn Mar JitJy Odts-. May Marrfe .... Unl n 4r., a", IH Ti Kvt 2'i til h-'-i I2hi 47 ' V. 47 40H it il 44 4. Z 8", 4 Sk'a 2h 8k' aw1 laaia weal a Market. Dull again waa the cash market thla Hmm mug, a.lhougli turn exhibited the Sama upwuru tvudriivy nuticetl Monday, and ainoiiniliig iiMiay In some arauea 10 S' neat and oata were told at the figures of Monday, Wheat atlil tenia the nueu of a aieauy demaiuL wnila tieUert and autiliery lake corn offerings, hec (pit of wheat were 4 era In ami 14 cars out; on week am 1 and 6 cara Keca.uis of corn were k.i-ars In and 17 cata ojt . one e k ago 2 and M cafa. Hat receipts were i ara In arid 10 rata 0111: one week fk . 2 and t cars. itepreaentauve salea of carlots by sample on track, umtht: MIXK1J toilN-No. t, 1 car, 42c; No. 1 car, 4lc; No. yellow, 1 oar, iMVio; No. write, 1 car. 43c. WHEAT No. 2 hrd, IC.V&tQj Na. hard. 7li't(4ic: No. 4 hard. A .Julio; : No. prlng. Si'rWHTc; No. I spring, 'a.Vutoo; No. 4 scrlr.B. ,o-iJ7uc. liHN-No. -i, 4iiV9UHc; No. S, 4ifl424e; N'. 4. 4ialU.-: No. 11 veifoW. 47"i42Mj-: No. I fellow. tli4'.'H-: No. 2 White, 4-a42c, No. 1 while. 41Vt'tJ4'. AT-No. 2. i.iiiHc; No. , fr7c: No. 4. rff; N-. I white, 4"U42o; No. 2 white, Vf4r; standard, 4H4t4IV0. Nalea Iraai he kuaanit Offlaes. Omaha Inspertkona of grain were 36 cart; 4f wheat, 1 ar graded No. 2 hard winter and 6 cars No. 2 spring; of corn, 2 cart graded Nn. 2. 14 cars No. 2. car No. 4 and 2 cars No, ft tellw; of oata, 2 cart graded No. I whit and t cart No. 4 white. Mate ( Ik UraUa Trade. San 2rranolaco wlrea that the Kuaslan guvrrnment has bought 6,uvu tons of bariey at abova market pricvt and probably wtil take all Of tli roaal turpi us. Thla la re ported to be small. A tioaarto came anys tt a meeting Mon day Argentine striker doided to cmulnue out. imtmt Btorics say that the trouble liaa about ended. Ships are lying In har bor Ibvre unable to gel grain. The Hrouka.ll weekly cop summary fol lows: t'nlted KlngitomWlnter wheat pros-l-ecls continue poor-' lluripg the pst week thete baa been torn seeding of spring wheat. francs, Hungary, Itoumanta, Italy Con dltlona nt wheal crop satisfactory. husila Crop situation aa a whole shows do change from a week ago. Navigation on Iha sea of A sort 1 reopened, this being alxoil fifteen days earlier than usual. eermany lleoent rhangeabie and cold weather caused fears of damage to the winter wheat, but conditions have now taken a turn for the better. India Hecently reported tala ceased and crop reports favorable. Aualralla Iciest advices confirm earlier feare that rains occurred during period of harvesting and rauaed some damage, re ducing the exportabla surplus. Minneapolis July It 71 cents over Chi eagii July and Is reported to be apt to go rorther than this. At one time laat year Minneapolis ws IS centa over Chicago. Cables show that KuTouean markeig ara In the same conn n ion ns American. Ke re4pis from Atmtralta, India, Russia snd Argentine (Tint In uo large, hut the atneka do nut Incn a. Consumption seems to tinve risen. Home experts believe that wheat hae reached a higher plane, which it win seen until in worm acreage hat been largely Increased. Oral Markets l?laetier. . Cloalng tixtay at toas: prWa 'of grain' Monday tie markets named -were aa and ful- ciiiCAao.' -Close t . Ht Today. Monelay Msv ... July ... 7'iA VI MSA 63A US Corn Mat ... July ... Wheal May ... July ... ... July ... Wheat May ... July ... Corn VUy .., July ... Wheat Mar .., July ... Wheat May ... July .. Wheat May .. July .. 6.T74B 61 KANSAS C1TT. M 83 44 MS 21 4K4 ST. LOL'U. tfSA 4AD a. ;a 4HA 4HSA 4 MlNMuAIXlLad. ....1.0AVR .l.twSH rA B .1 im'.jU MW YORK. I 01k, ' ... aVH JiMW tOIK SftiAKHAI. MAHKJfT. saaaiallaaa ( tlaa Day Varlaas Caaaaaadltles. XtW TtiHK. March U -FLOUR Re CIH. 42 Mi btu; eaporta 2.1M bU.; o,f kl ahoard ir strviigtn. but trade was lutrt; winter p teacs, ! U: Mjueoi tlrnta. b Lifat, Mlnneaota baki-ra. l .0 Inter imwiita, lo.4tit.i; winter ex traa, ttSaiini, winter low grade. 11 l.'. 8. R Hour, dull; fair to good. K Si-J 4 a, finlr. l- fancy, HU4 aV. iluckwheal giHir, nominal. (.iH.Nklfc.AL Steady; yellow western ! US. !'. 1 II; kiln drUj. UIO&IAl b til; V-viaiet; fanimg. 6X- c. I. t New lots nultuis. 6i t&c. c 1. f. fluYalo. HI t-taiidy ; N. 2 westera, ac, to ar rive HF.AT-Recelpta lt.1i bu. ; evl. flrm; l 1 te 11 n elevator and II 04J1 US I. o. , afloat. No. 1 tuM-thern liululh. 11.1", u d . anoat; 1 northern Manitoba howilaal. f ix a.. arkaM. 4ttMws at Aral ae dull and toaer. h4 a rapi.1 advance ana rmara ara ai a net advance. May. 1 'AW I '-'. rlid at II .'S. July. tasVut rv. ri.awti ai sa; teslialMT, USfuH, cl,d el sr. OK.S- Hwelpta 13.C7S ba; exaorts. 133, lu . spt. ld. No. t BuniliuU ele vator sad v f " a., afl.iat; No. 2 yl kw. a.c. . ix 1 wnue. Option tuar- 61 was dull and r-aturla aithout li .tol sbm. rl fe uocliand tu Vo net ilia y. Sii S)C. t'lo,l at ii.o; taiaa.i ai a.c, WptaailMr, hS-w liiaiil al &V. UAT-Keip. la.jist ba.; experts. M . a . a alt : IKoi X. a: whlta, a- 7,0 wane. ; ,-x.v 1 anite. So. 1 1 a - 1 . r"ivaia; fimi 10 Ik.m t S"4 tt Mi': snaJt; d.ieate, fair ta extra. I lanaa aiinnnit lt faV- kaa; aa at ravTHaaoa t. thelco, is a fuiw. rweisc 1 mm. tan o iH'l - Tiraa. HtlMk M Iha . IV: rTe if rl. a V Vaav, IVj Taxes dry. 24 . tKa lk' T U tJlW -ra; el?r m e-e fcg rf; rii'r iiw,efcia fr 4'" I ti a. 1.1 ruV 1 . ' -si'.J, . f.wil'y rile 0 .. .il Iwl K I ',-it f . . 1 -k;' tu; an aaira M.t.a a , e.i,.lA4i Ctai aXaLi, staaJ, t l'kled b.lllra. trii'rfH.OO: plckUd ihouldcra, Hf". rb klod hami 1 rs t-u i!l - l.ard. i-aay; tmiirn ateamed. tlm; renned, eaa ; ronilnerit, it- South Arnerlra, tKA; com Munl. f J'vu i.i'J. 1'ork, cteaily; family, wuih fm; niiort Clear, 1.UW( '; meaa, lis lh i, Hi iTKK-QuW: frwh creamery, woe ; mate dHlry, 14ti21c 'MEKafcj Ouiet: atate. full cream, fanry. amall and largo, colored and white, Bep- temler, Jc; latn made, rOir. J-lUH-lx)Wr and uhaettled: weetern flrata, 19c. I'U l.TRT-Alive. atcailT! rhlrkcna. 13c: fowla. ,14c; turkeya, lac. LreaaJ, ldx: wtern chlckena. li'fiKlc: fowla. dry picked. Mtac; turkeya, weetern young henil6l"c. CHICAGO URAM AID FRO Vll05l. reatarea af the Tradlaa a Claalaaj I'rleea na Board of Trade. ClIICAflO. March IS An unuaually ac tive demand fur caah wheat buoyed up ppeculatlvs prlcea today, and cauaed a airona ftnlah. Jlav wheat ahnwa a net ftnln nf S nnd July llilSc. Corn la up tc, oata are off hc, proviaiona ara un chunged to Be lower. Initial (juntatlona on May were off tc to Sc at a:'io to Wc. July waa down UfXn to VitSc nt BlUc to HlHc In the abaenca f any material aupport the market de veloped greater weakness, May declining it k'iVjC und July to (dSc Cloalnn prlcca were at the tip ton. May 974c. and July OTc, Clearances of wheat and flour were eoiial to 4fi.inu btiahela. Primary receipt were nixi.pno buahela, agalnat 4"i3.110 buahels a year ago. Hradatreet'a world's vlelble ahnwed a decrenae of oun.miO buahela. Min neapolis. Iiiluth and Chbngo reported re ceipts of 443 cars, against Sit cars last week snd 170 oara a year aa;o. The corn market ruled weak. May opened ic to c lower at 6314c to 53c. After selling; between $JHo and MHe. the close wnk at fitSc July ranged between 61c and ftj'.c, ana closed at 6ZM10. with a net gain ff '.ft-Sc. I.ocnl receipt were 208 cars. with six of contract grade. The action of other gTBlns wna largely the dominating Influence In trading In oats. The close Was steady at a small decline. After opening '4c to 4c lower, at ffcc to 41c, May ranged between 401340140 and 4le, and closed at 4ic. July closed with a loss of He, at V li"tc. Ixcal receipts were 2M cars. The weakness n grain brought out sailing orders in provisions early In the day. The close on May pork waa a shade lower at Il40fll4.02iv Mar lard was unchanged at I7.2T.. and ribs down Rc at 7 Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. 16 cars: rorn, 110 cars; oats, 115 care; hogs, Si,W) head. Th leading futures are as follows: Articles.) Oin. I High. I Low. I Close. Yea'y. Wheat I I. I may iwi'4iiusi 9714 96V4I 9741 96t4 July M'uRi'vwVaS 3 tMSal b July a Hept. . b Sept. Corn May July Sept ( lute May July Sept. Pork May . July Lnrd May July Rlhe- May July 88 MM 64J 86(4 S2tMii 64; S3H 61 63T4 S0 41V4'8 601 4074fj-41 41 tu 41 :n74ib .sii 3914 3"4 331 14 OS 14 30 14 OJU 14 27V4 7 26 7 4iH 7 TPA 12 730 7 40 7 r St 7 8 Nt. 2 a Old. bNew. Cash quotations were at follows: FlAiUli ttleadv: wlntnr nulenta. li ftfrfil 6.11U; straJghta, H.6ti(8.7u; spring patenU, MfK"ti4.(tu; straights,; bakers, fci.Uu m.; mi. WHEAT No. 3, 8296c; No. 2 red, 84HO 9914c. IViDU Xr n Hi;., ur m .--II r rim, 1 wnii ..v. a uiu, 10. a vfiiiiw. njT.ei OATSNO. 2. 3.4i40Vc: No. 1 white. 40U. . - 1 . 4,0. a, iu. H A RLE T QotMi feedlne-. JRifivanct l t Choice malting. 464ifi6c. HK.r.iv-iNn. i nortn western,. 21.10; prime timothy, 23.10; clover, contract grade. 111 26. PROVISIONS Meaa nurk ner lil.l n 7li 4514. (A aiA per 100 lbs., $7.u7Vfi7.10. Short ribs rtdes (loose). 27.0i87.12Vi; short clear sides tboxedl. 27.87tyfi7.60. The tillowlng were the receipts and shin. mentt i-sterday: . ' Recelpta Shipments. Flour, bbls 48.200 . ? no Wheat, bu 44,HOO 60.0H0 Corn, bu.. 824,700 117,100 Oats, bu 373.100 277.200 Re. bu. 7jro 4.300 Unrley, bu .100,100 S.".X On the Proditre exchange today -4he but ter market wat steady;, nreamerles, 144 2314c; dairies. livfi'?1c. Eggs, -easy: at mark, cases Incluled, 16Hc. Cheete, steady, 1013 Uo. St. Loals Oral and Provlalons. BT. LOUIS. March 16. WHEAT Higher: No. 2 red. cash, elevator. X1 fii7i. muk at ni SUJ: May. c: July, 8c; No. 2 hard. CORN-Hltrher; No. .'. cash, 45c; track, 4tc: May. 4t.'c; July, 4t'c. OATH Strong; No. 2 cash, 42c; track. 41K.r4"V.r; M, 40c; No. white, 46c. FLOUR Dull and unchanged. Red wln ter patents. tt.8iAi6.00. and CQ per cent pat ents ss high ss 26.20; extta fsncy and straight, 24SMI4 W; clear. 8.tvrf4.10. . BEE!) Timothy, steadv. 2.V4i2.75. CORN MEAL-Steadv. 22.60. IlRAN Lower; sacked, east tuck, R31O8B0, .WAY-flteady; timothy, SS.oOffltoO; prairie, HU)'n COTTON TIES Co. PAOOINO vc. HEMP TWINE 80. . PROVISIONS-Pork, unchanged; .'ohblng, 214.12. I.srd. unchanged: nrime. 16 r. Racon stesdy: boxed extra, $8.12; clear rlbg. 2X-2K: short clear, 28.87. POULTRY Quiet; chickens. 8t10c! springs, S3.9O01.6O per doten; turkeys, duck 1"c: geese. 6fific. PUTTER Steady ; creamery, SOQltc: dHlrv l6ilc. . naoS Lower at 14e. case count. Receipts. Shipment. Flour, bblt , 13. 011O 13. OX' Wheat, bu 36.000 13'J.009 Corn, bu ' i. 9.CmO ' 139.00) Oats, bu 117,000 74,000 ICaaaas City Grata and Provlalona. KANSAS CITV, March IS. WHEAT May, SxnHKHc; July, 83fi83i4p; cash, No. 2 nara. W'SrC 'l I No. 3. otnewc; No. 2 red, fi.e.'iiiiia; ro. a, levttwc. CORN May. 4tic: July. 46(ff45e: cash No. 2 mixed. 44c; No. 2, 43c; No. 2 white, 44c: No. 8. 43c. OAT8-N0. j white, 42U43c; No. 1 mixen. a title. HAY-Cholce timothy, 218W; choice prairie. li .Mmoo. R Y K No. 2. teiu-fiilfio. PUTTER Creamery. JOiff22p; dairy, fancy, t'llllkl 1 UUuim.I n.l V anmam raaes returned. 13c; new No. 2, whltewood inciuoea, 14V.C. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu tiT.JiO . 112. 00 Corn, bu SS.Otal to.ono Oata, bu 14.000 IO.OjO Mtaneapolls Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. March 16. WHEAT May. l.Mi-ll.tlii: July, ll.00sn.00' Sep. t ember. kio; on track. No. 1 hixrd. 21.02: No. 1 northern, ll.tu'y 1.01; No. 2 northern. teS'.'" I. I ..I'll X'l ,ul atAn. Ar M . 1 rx-wi i r it-. . ' .'i", inr,iu,n, mi unu patenta. 86.10-1(616; flret clears. t3.6u4il.T5: second clears, w lUtAN In bulk, . Phlladelahta Prod ara Market. PHILADELPHIA. March 16 BUTTER Steady; extra western creamery, 24c; extra nearny prints. ic. FaMJH Firm, good demand; freah nearby, 1S'. "t mark; frean western. l!SuJV-. a mark: fresh southwestern, lt19c: fresh southern, inc. CHEESE Dull: New Tcrk full creams choice to fancy, 11c; fnlr to) good, 10bl0c Dalatk Grain Market. DUU'TH. March 15-WHEAT-In store, iso. 1 herd. 11. 01: No. 1 northern, 7tC :no. 1 nortnern. rtac; to arrive. po. hard. 21. W: No. 1 northern, WTc; No northern. 97tc; May, 'c; July, 21.0U ci(i'ntiir. a.c. OATS to arrive and on track, Sc. Mtlavaakee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. March IS. Wheat Mar ket lo hljrher: Vi. 1 northern. II us: No. aunt-err., incflfl ul; old July. l44e. RTE-lc higher: No 1, TCc. HAKLKY-dteady; No. 1 43c; tampla, ISti f,c CORN Firm; No. 8. 4fc347o; July, S3a I lverwl Grata Market. LIVERPOOL. March Il-WHEAT-Bp-. quiet; No. t California, 7a Id Future Quiet: March, nominal: May, ta fed. Ci)RN-St. steady. American mixed, sew. 4s !d: American mixed, old. 4s d. Future steady; May, 4a td; July. 4a J',d. Peer! a Market. PEORIA. HI, Nix 1 tld. rV; March lS.-rv)Ri-HIher; No. S. tic; No. 4, tic. Catlea Market. NEW YORK. March 15.-4XFFEE The u'lul tor futur, ojvncl steady at un iharae.4 prtcea lo a davltne of S polnta letter, kusam, oSertngs laoreaaed eumv nl ataiea were rep ried vt bass. In, lifting ki, r al te-cJW; July at S tij t Tjx', h plemlier at, S .xe; tV'tober lee; Staler, t IV- JanuaiH, t.iVd, JNifc 1 sveaj, ai 14 10 12 90 14 KV, 14 30 14 Ui 14 2UV4 7 rrn 7 H 7 2fi 7 42V4 7 37V4 7 i26 7 SO 7 17H 7 2!4 7 40 7 30 7 36 NEW YORK STOCKS ASD BONDS Hid taU and EnVaintd Demand for Eeoaritiei Cti'si Advance, TONE LESS FEVtriSH, PRICES LESS ERRATIC tacks af Corporations tleaarded VaU aerable ladrr Vaerrlalatlea of Be - earltles Case Coasaleaaae la I'pward Moveaaeat. NEW TfOItK, March 15.-There was a moderate and well sustained demand fur atocaa today which resulted In a substan tial advance In prices throughout the list.' Today's market was entirely lacking In the feverish tone and the erratic fluctua tions which charactertted yeMterdny's mar ket. Stocks of corporations which have been pointed to as vulnerable under pro ceedings based upon the Norlhen Securities case were conspicuous In today's upward movement. The payment by the sub treasury of $l,763,0uo on account of Japa nese gold depoaited at San Francisco waa met by the report that further shipments were likely to be made to South America. The I'aciiics, Krles and the Pennsylvania group show gains of I points or upwards. The bond market was active and more active in sympathy with the Burlington joint 4a and I'nited States Steel second 6a. Total sales, par value, $2,577,000. United States bonds were unchanged on call. Following were the quotations on the Stock exchange today: bales.Hlgh. Low. Close, Atchison lo.4i do pfd Wt lisltiinure ot Ohio 23,iMi da pfd .... OK 6t 06 M0 i 1 4 t 8i 111 153 30 MX 80 14 164 140 174 20 74 17 63 24 151 264 IK 67 25 C4 40 .72'4 78 127 18 83 Canadian Pacitlo .. Central of N. J Chesapeake & Ohio Chicago A. Alton... S.aJU 111 Hi) 1.7(H) otlO 30 it.V ib" 104 140, 2H KB ii 1M 130 uu pi d .... Chicago -Ot. Western. Inu Chicago dfc N. W 2iw Chic, Mil. dt St. P...2H.100 do pfd Chicago Ter. & T... do pfd C, C, C. As St. Li.., Colo. Southern , do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Del. & Hudson Del., Lad. & West Denver ft R. O do pfd ...1 trie , do lat pfd do 2d pfd .......... Hocking Valley .... do pfd Illinois Central .... Iowa -Central do pfd K. C. Southern dq pfd Ixiutsvllle fc Nash.. Manhattan L Met. Securities . 100 a a a . 700 '. '206 . I,2ii0 . 4i0 1 100 !48!6O0 . 6.4(10 . 8.700 '. '706 . &M0 19 24" 152 2b4 19i 26 64 41 78 127 19 24" 160 HA 19 23 62 38 '77 12ti 100 100 8,700 600 8,700 17 33 17 83 17 83 103 141 77 107 1V3 ' 102 141 14014 76 Metropolitan St. Ry. 13,300 Minn. 4k St. Louis 107 ii" 119 90 17 38 1H 65 to 114 77 JO 61 41 13 53 44 20 83 23 106 W 118 87 16 27 113 64 19 112 39 77 19 60 41 13 83 J7 M.. St. P. & a. a. M.. do pfd 4U0 60 . 200 . 7,600 . L8.1O . 700 ! I,! . 1,900 .' '706 .63,900 !i2-i66 . 200 119 Missouri Paclfio ..... M., K. & T do pfd Nat. of Mex., pfd..., New York Central... Norfolk & Western.. do pfd Ontario A Western., Pennsylvania Pitts.. C. C. & St. L Reading do 1st pfd ......... 89 17 37 3a 115 MX 84 ' 20 114 63 41 76 66 no 2d prd Rock Island Co 7,oo do pfd 1.000 St. L. 8. F., 2d pfd 200 St. L. Southwestern., loo do pfd 400 ' 2(1 1 42 13 33 V Southern Paclfio 27.900 Southern Railway ... i,3cO do pfd o00 Texas A Paclfio 1,400 Toledo.. Bt L. A W 44 20 (tt 22 23 it 83 73 do nfd .... Unloa Pacific 34,700 74 87 1R 4 72 87 17 88 do pfd 100 86 Wabash gno 18 do pfd ,., 1.600 64 Wheeling Lake E. W Iscnnsln Central In 41 do pfd ittO 40 40 Adams Express ...... Amer. Express ....... T. 8. Express 213 1X5 103 20S Wells-Farao Express A mal. Conner ....22.400 4HT4' '46 ; 19 70 . 28 88 . 7 Amer. Car A F'dry ..1 do pfd 200 71 Amer. Cotton Oil.,... ..... .... 00 ptd .... American lea 6"0 .7 1 fH 29 ziii 82 47 91 123 . 40 27 191 12 do pfd 200 Ku. 29 Amer. Linseed Oil .... do tfd Amer. Locomotive ... 1,600 22 do pfd OV) 82 Amer. Smelt. A R... SOO 47 do pfd 100 91 U 91 Amer. Sugar Ref'g... 4,800 Anaconda Mining Brooklyn R. T Colo. Fuel A Iron... 400 Consolidated Oat .... 8.400 Corn Producti 7,800 124'4, 63 41 28 IHn 13 66 do pfd uistniers' securities.. General Electric International Paper... 23 162 400 183 161 11 do pfd (ex-dividend) 3 International Pump... no pro National Lead ........ North Anierlcan Pacific Mall People's Ost Pressed Steel Car.... 74 14VA 83 1 26 96 do pfd 9 208 Pullman Palace Car.. Republic Steel ....... 7 do nfd 4VU Rubber Goods 18 76 .7 77 do pfd Tenn. Coal A Iron.... 2.4ofl U. S. Leather do pfd. V. S. Realty n . 46 11 49 1' TA 1M do pfd TT. S. Rtrhber do pfd 100 Steel.. 4 400 8 600 tilled fltatea do pfd Westlnghonae Eleo... 1,900 western Union Nor. Securities (tU 88 T0t.1l sales for the day. 484.000 shares. Boaton Stock ttnialatlons. BOSTON, March 15 Call loans, SIM Per cent; time loans. 4fb per cent. Offi cial nosing or storss ana uonus Atcnlaoa all. 4a.... ITH Weatlngh. common 7114 . I . 14 . 4S . 7S . I . .460 . 1 . 4IV4 . 104, . Cl . ti V4 ivt . I : 3 . 44 do 4a Adrantur Max. Central 4a. Atrhlaon . Allouea Amalsamated .... Amer. Zlno Atlantlo , do pfd Boatoa A Alba.iy lloatoa A Malaa . Muaham , Uoatoa Elavalad Cal. A Haola , Centennial Copper Rang..., FHcnburf pfd.... Max. (antral N. Y . N. H. A Pair Weat , fiomlnloa Coal... Franklla Qrancr f ale Horala Maaa. Mining.... Mlchlaan Mohawk Mont. C. A O... ear nanmette Vnloa paatdc Amer. Arse. Chan.. do pfd Amir. Pnau. Tab. Aster. Sugar do pfd A mar. T A T A mar. Woolaa do pfd .'. . Pnmlnlon 1. A S... Rdiaon glee. Ilia... Oenerat Electric... Maaa Electric do DM Vaaa. Oaa fnlted Fruit fnlttd thoo Mark. do pfd V. ttaal 104 Old PomUloa .. Tl ftareola I Parrot . tl .114 Uutncy Shannon Ta m track Trirlty V. t Mining... V, t. Oil t'tah Victoria . u .141 . II . 7114 . M . M . 41 . ! . te ,. 1114 11 winona ,. t do Ml M!4 Wolrarlo .. 14 Bid. Ex-Dlvldend. London Itaek Market. IjONDON, March 15 Closing: Cctaola. monay. .44 t-ll V. Y. Central. llT'i to aooouat. . .. IS .. i .. t a .. HW .. ! ..mi. .. 1 .. u ..14!' .. la .. it .. ta'e Norfolk A W.. do ptd 44a Anaconda , Atrhlaon , do prd B. A O Ca. PaclBe... t'haa A Ohio., (hints Ot. W C. M A l I PaBeae , D A R O Ontario A W... , , 10 474, retiiiivlranla . Hand Mine.... Paadlnt 4o lat pfd.. 1 da Id pfd . Southern Ry... do pfd to. Pacific Unloa Paxltc. do pfd C. I. Steal.... do pfd Wabaah de ptd IV , 4414 , 44 de Id rla , 74 , aw d lat pi J... 44 11 , 7 de td pfd U III. C antral in "4 . mti L A M m 1H la k a T lit. SILVER Bar. steady, 26d per ounce. MONK Y-'fc Per cent. The rata of discount In the open market Is 2ftx per cent; lor tore months bills, 2 16-lotjl per cent. Hear Yerk Mlnlngr gtoeks. NEW YORK, March U. The following ara iha c;oaing prices on raining ttocaa: AdasM Caa It la On t arte Alice braare Coaaatoak Taaaal r.a tal a Vs.. Hura ilTr Irwa tllaar t 4.III Cot .... UtAie CUal oi-nir Phaeols Pulual Aaeaaa .46 . t . tl . 70 . tt . It .tad .... It ... t ....lit ....lit ....tut .... 8 t Starr Kavada... s.aall Hupaa . tltudart hew Yark Maney Matket. NEW TORK. March U MONEY On rail. pvr cent; closing bid 1. offered at i pw Oaal. Tinva loan easy; ed 0ya, I peg 4oUt, Mt daJS, ais Saar VUi, 1,000. .15 14 600 84 fr, M0 , 26 . 26 2,600 9! 94 600 29 27 100 70 70 'inn 7 7 200 4 ' 42 100 18 18V 27 86 JOO t 7 7V) 77 77 ton a 6 2.700 46 46 41 49 11", 10H KR RK 160 158' .. ta .... al .... 44m .... ....144 ....1M ....UK ...ijtuj . ... m4 H..ira .. it .. 11 .. 11 I .. 7t .. t ..nt $ ..ijj5 ..121 ' months, SHfi4 per cent. Prime mercantlU paper. 4V11614 PT cent. BTERI.INO KXCHANOE-Steady at de nine, with actual buainess ta bankers bills at M.hMMH W70. for demand and at MWitm for tki-dav bills; posted rates, 4 (.4i4 and 14 874; commercial Mils, 4 l WSo; Mexican dollars, HC. HONDS Government, firm. steady; railroad. The cloning quotations on bonds are as rollows: V. S. rf. ta. r....1MHMnnhttn r. t 4a. . do coupon ie aea. ntral 4a.... do lat Inc Minn. A St. I. 4a M . K. It T. 4a.... . J . 13 . M . 41 . do 3a. ri I. do coupon 1 do nra 4a, ret IMS do coupon . . .......t3!H da old 4a, ret l'H do roupon 107H Atrhlaon -n. 4a lo' do ad). 4a ....i.i... tut Atlantic C. L. 4a B. o. a. ...T ims do 3va M Central of Oa. ta ltn". do lat Ine rh at Ohio 4'i inn, Chicago r a. ISa... 7) C, H A Q. n. 4a.... C. M. A St. P. 1 4a.1i7 do 3a. 7 'a N. ft. R. of M. c. 4a 75 X. Y. C. g. Ita 74 '. J. C. 6a 1! o. Paeldc 4a 102 do la 70;v S. A W. c. 4a 171, S. L 4a A par... 12 Penn cone. 3Ha rsH Kaadtnx gen. 4a aa U A I. M. c. 6a .113 Dt. L. A S. F. ff. 4a. l fit. tx 8. W. la IStt 'aboard A. L. 4a.... (a St. Pacitlc 4a ss4 Jo. Hallway 6a ..Ill Tnxaa A Y. la llfi C. A N. W. c. 7a....1!fi C, R. I. A P. 4a.... (' do con. 6a 77 C C.C. A St. t,. g. 4a. Tol.. St. U. a w. 4a. hi Lnicaco ler. 4a 79 Con. Tobacco 4a 61 t'nloa Pacldc .103H . M', . 72'4 .116S . 61 . M do eonv. 4a. V. 8. Steel Id 61 Wananh la do leb. P W. A L. E. 4a. Wla. Central 4a. Colo. A Ho. 4a M U. A H. U. 4a 7 Erla prior Urn 4a.... at do gen. 4a M4i Ft. w. A D. C. la..lW HOCRInt vhi. 4a....l04 Colo. F. A I. con. ta. 70 a it. unl. 4a Offered. Foreign Financial. . LONDON. March 15. Rates for money and discounts were firmer In the market to day. Prices on the stock exchange were firm and trading was more animated. Con sols were buoyant on government pur chises for sinking fund purposes and a little Investment buying. They closed a fraction below the best quotations of. the day. Home rails were harder. Americans onened dull, ra led - to apove parity, oe- rame inactive and closed firm. Foreigners were firm. Japanese had a better tone. Kaffirs were ntrntiElv supported. MERLIN, March 10. on ine Dotirse toaay international securities were nrm upon London and Paris aivlng strength to do mestic Industrials. Discount rates, short bills, 1 per cent; three months blllt, 3 per cent. FAKIS, Mnrcn in iraning on ine nourse today op?ned active, prices advancing on thn rood cnnditlona prevailing and so con tinued throughout. At the close stocks were strong; Internationals made a gen eral advance. Industrials also gained 19f. The nrivnta rate of discount was 2- per cent; three ppr cent rentes. 96f 6c for the account; exchange on London, 25f 15e for checks. Bank Clearings DM A It A March IS Rank clearings for todnv were ll.3H6.960.00. an Increase of 263.- 248.27 over tne corresponoing aay ia year, OMAHA Wilt) LIES ALE MARKET. Condition of Trade and Oaotatlons on Staple and Fancy Produce. . EGGS Receipts, liberal; market steady; fresh stock, 15c; Including caaea, 16c. LIVE POULTRY Hepa 9c; young roosters, 8&c; old roosters, 64j7c; turkeys, 13c: ducks. UUc: neese. 8c. UUTT1SK 1'acKing sioca,. iac; ciiuilo 10 fancy dairy rolls, i:!Jil4c; separator, 22c. FISH Trout. 9itolou; pickerel, 666c; pike. Pc; perch, 66c; bluctiKh, lac; whTienBh Mi(c: snlmon. 11c: haddock, luc; codfish, 12c; redsnapper, lie; lobsters, boiled, per lb., 32c; lobsters, green, per lb, 30c; bullheads, 11c; catfish, 13U14c; black bnss, 20c; halibut, 10c; crappies, lie; nerring. ac; write bass, lite; Diuenna, nc; einviin, umim OYSTERS New York counts, per can, ISe. nee irul 12: extra select, per can, 35c: per ral . standard, per can, 27c; per gal., I1.85IJI1.40. Hit AN car ion. lin.ou. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 upland, 86.50; No. 2, 16; medium, 15.60; coarse, 86: rye straw, 85. These prices are for hay of good color ana quality, uema.uu tair uu receipts light. . . . VKUUIAULLH, POTATOES Colorado, ll.0tKgl.10; Dakota, per bu., 1; natives, 85c. i . SWEET POTATOES iMuscatlne, per bbl., $3.50; seed, 2.7b. NAVt eirkAINO re I'U.. aa.dBiwa.oo. CELERY Large California, 60c, 75o and 90c. . ONIONS Bpanian, per arate. st.iw; t-010- rauo yeuuw unu rcu, 11,1 mv. CABBAGE Wisconsin Holland, 3c; new California. 3c. in. ' TURNIPS White, per-Wiiuc CARROTS Per bu., W PARSNIPS Per bu.y 76o- BEETS Per bu.. 75c. CAULIFLOWER California," per crate. 12.75. ' . ruci mbkmb-fer aoc... xi.ou. TOMATOES Florida, per 6-basket crate. 84- RADISHES Per dos. hunches. SCtfKOo. LETTUCE HEADS Per dox. bunches, 990 C$1; top lettuce, per dot.. 4Bc. TURNIPS Southern, per dot., 50c BEETS Southern, per. dox.. 75c. CARROTS Southern, per dot., 760. PARSLEY Southern, per doa., tV SHAI.UW8-Per dot.. 75c. ONION SETS Per bu. of 32 Iba, yellow, 82; red. 82: white, 12.29. -SPINACH Per bu., r. FRUITS.' APPLES California Bellflowert, per box $1.76; New York export Greenings, . Russetr and Baldwins. 84.25. CRANBERRIES Jersey, per bbl., $7; per box. ti.ov. GRAPES Imported Malagas., per keg. 88 STRAWBERRIES Florida, per Qt., t&a 45c; Texas, per 24-qt. case. . TROPICAL' FRUITS. ORANGES Navala, choice, all sixes, $2.44) 62.60; fancy navala, all sixes, $2.75. LEMONS California, fancy, 800 to 260, $3.5o; choice, 240 to 270 sixes, $3.0ouv3.2u. FIGS California, per 10-lb. cartons, 86c Imported Smyrna, i-crown, 14c; 5-crown. 16c; 7-crown, 16c. BANANAS Per medium slxed bunch. WKeiW. jumaoa, -DATES Persian. Dor. Imx of 80 rkgs.. 22 per lb. In 60-lb. boxes, be; Oriental stuffed oaiea, per dux, - cucoamu i s f er sack, w; per oox., ouo. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream 2c; Wisconsin Young Americas, 13c; block Swiss, 16c; Wlaoonsla brick, 13c; Wisconsin llmhurger, 12c. CIDER Per bbl., to.oo; per -bbl., W.Z5. HONEY Nebraska, tier 24 frames. 83 Utah and Colorado, per 34 frames. 83. HORSERADISH Per caae ot 2 dot. packed. tOc. mai'lis BLUAK-unio, per id.. 10c. HIDES No. 1 green. 6c; No. 2 green. 5c No. 1 aalted. 7c: No. 2 Baited. -6c: No. : veal calf. 6 to 12 Iba., 8c; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 Ilia.. 6c. dry aalted htdee. (.QUc sheen pelts. 25'a27c: horse hides. 21.5022.50. . ' I 1 " U.11 . KTa 1 mnt. .kali . , . Ik 15c; hard shell, per 11)., 14c; No. 2 soft shell, per lb , 13c; No. 2 hard shell, per lb,. 12c; Braxils, per lb., lie; filberts, per lb., 11c; aimotidd, soft she.l, per lb., lac; hard shell, per lb.. 13c: pecans, large, per lb.. 12c; small, per lb., loc; peanuts, per lb., 6c; roasted peanuts, per 10., nc; 1 nui walnuts 124113V; large hickory nuts, per b 1., $1.60; snellbarks, per bu., 12; black walnuts, per bu., $1.25. Cotton Market. LIVERPOOL. March 15-COTTON-Spot prices 22 points lower; American middling fair, 8.82d; good middling, 8.66d; middling, 8 0611; low middling, 8 toil; good ordinary, 8.86d; ordinary. 8.16d. Futures opened quiet and closed firm: American middling, g. o. e., March. B.abu: Marcn ana April, s.37d; April and May. 8 3wl; May and June, 3.3d; June and J11U. 864d; July and August, I tlii) August and September, S.Otd; Sep tember und October. 7.21d; October and Nhvember. 6.86d: November and December. I.78d. NEW YORK, March Is. COTTON Spot market closed dull. 10 points advance; mid dling uplands, 16.45c; middling gulf, 16.70c; tales, none. BT. LOUIS. March 15.-COTTON-Steady ; middling, 16'iic; sales, 16 bales; receipts, 4a bales; shipments, none; stock, 21,959 'nEW ORLEANS. March 15 COTTON Quiet and easy; sales. 8C0 hales; ordinary. 13 ll-!i'c: good ordinary. 15c; low middling, 15c: middling. 16c; gqud middling. 16 5-liic; middling fair. 16 ll-16c: recelpta. 1560 hales; stock, Sh'l.ett bales Futures, steadv; March. 15 85c; April. 16 iI15.9c: May. 16.26til6.27e; June -16 51 -516 E3c: July, 16 7V6 16.76c; August. 15 fW'rtlS.fcx-; September. 13 76c: October, 12.76 Cl2.7c; November, 12.62tjl2.a6o. Metal Market. NEW YORK. March 15.-METAI.S Tin was lower at London, spot losing 1 2s td and futures 1 ia, with the former position closing at :126 15a and the latter at 125 pa. Locally tin was weaker also, closing ot $27.75ii2S.10, with trailing quiet. Copper was unchanged at 57 2s 6d for spot and at An6 2s 6d for futures In the London market. Here the market was unchanged, with lake quoted at 112 faHrilf 75, electrolytic and cast ing at 212 3712 62. Lead advanced Is Sd to 11 lbs 9d In Ixindon. and waa unchanged locally at 34nt4 86. Snelter was steady and unchanged at 85.O04J6. 10 In New York, and lu London at 22. Iron closed at 44s Sd In Glasgow and at 46s 4d at Mlddlesborough. Lontlly Iron was unchanged, with No. 1 northern foundry quoted at 814 75il5 26. No. t northern foundry at 114 2o.ul4.76 and x No. 1 southern and No. 1 southern soft at $U.5u4j 14.00. . ... Toleda teed Maxrket. TOLEDO. March IS SEED Clover, rath. $4 77; March, td.i7; April 8 70; prime aiaiat, ft-tvi prune umoiuy, gA-ts, OMAOA LIVE STOCK MARKET Hearj Etce pU of Cattle, but Price. Eeld Generally Steady. HOGS SOLD TRlFlt HIGHER Liberal Ran ot theep, bat Demand Heavy nnd Iradlng Raled Active valth IT Ices Strang; to a Dime Higher Lambs Inckaaged. SOUTH OMAHA. March 15. 1904. Receipts weie: tittle, ilogd. taneep. oniciat Monuay 4, oat ..svo utncial 1 ueauuy Two days thla week...ll.H00 12, tol I' I4,ti4 )i,lx lb,4ll 23.516 )a.2i6 .4,iHJ ll.imV l.i.K itlaine nays last week.... ,i43 same week peiore 6.930 (Same tnree weeks ago. same tour weeks ago... ,bi9 Same days lust. year .HtS lt.cElfia tuK 1'HK EAR 'AO DATE. the loiioWina table showe tha receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year 10 uate. wiiu comparison wun aat year: 1QAA ' 1001 Inc. Dec. CattlO 1H4.95S l.d.1 Hogs 4Wt 1112 4M).h02 7.4X10 Sheep 3S3.910 271,011 11199 Average prices paid for hogs al South Omaha tor the last several days with cam- lxi isuns: Date. I i04. 103.19U2. 11901. !:00.lt99.18.i,V Mar. a... I 13 I Oil S 22, 4 iS 2 51 2 it 8...I 6 n, 6 ft. 1 1 6 xi 4 Mi d 61 3 V I ..I 6 12W, 7 (2 t 11 4 69 3 67 3 K4 Mar " .Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. 6 04 I 7 Oil 6 07 S 32 I 3 521 I 17 5 Ml 1 7 11 ft 9.1 6 86, 4 74 3t: I 7 06 War S 4, 4 iu; 3 ' . 6 13 7 151 4 mi t .1.1 4 111 I ej 6 la 05 5 89 4 72 S w I 7u Mar. Mar. 6 lS'JKl 7 14, a a al 4 71 1 3 oi 8 I Mar. Mar. 0 11)1 7 26 t Oil 4 73 6 lo' ; vj. a w .lb: a 3 .0 3 79 Mar. 6 la I 7 131 6 18 6 40 4 76, a 8 62i 3 Ul 3 71 Mar. 7 231 6 iUl 6 46 1 4 79 6 15 V i 7 2S fi 13 6 ba 4 75 a 2 69 3 fa? Alur. ' ( Id t ai Ul 2 72 Indicates Bunds v The official number of cars of stock oaa. Sh p. H'r'e. 13 26 16 2 41 12 1 15 20 13 1 1 11.. 4 1.. 3 ' '.. 126 48 8 C, M. & St. P.... 5 2 63 6 6lo. Pacific .. Union Pacific C. & N. W. Ry K. E. & M. V. R. R. . 92 C, St. P., M. & O.... 60 M. dfc M. Ry 61 C, B. & Q Ry 5 C, R. 1. 4 P., cast 11 C, R. 1. Ai P.. west.. 2 Illinois Central 8 Chicago Great Wes... i Total receipts 310 The disposition of the day's receipts whs as follows, each buyer purchasing the num- oer 01 neau muicaica; . Cattle. Hogs. Sheep, Omaha Flicking Co........ 707 1,076 1.19J Swift and Company I,4k9 l.9 Cudithy iacklng Co 1,643 2.19ii 4.69 2,003 Armour & Co 1.3u3 1.3a l.ilT Armour & Co., Sioux City .... 1.0i5 vansanl A uo 64 31 6 106 90 62 39 72 188 70 30 112 26S arey & Benton McCreary & Clark vv. 1. Hteuhen Hill & Huntxlnger Lewis & Underwood Huston & Co H. F. Hamilton........... L. F. Husx Wolf & Murnan Hobhlck & B Sol Degan 8. A s 614 Halstead 262 Parker & Webb 889 J. B. Root A Co.. 94 125 432 Hegnrtv A. Co Other buyers Total 6.839 8.008 10.261 CATTLE The heaviest run of cattle was reported this morning that has been here In a long time. Trains were slow In arriv ing, but buyers were out early and the market was quite active, the bulk of the early offerings being disposed of in good season at generally steady prices. A targe snare ot tne receipts waa maaa up of corn-fed steers of fair Quality. Buy ers took hold quite freely of the mora de sirable grades and the market un such kinds could safely be auoted steady. Some of the commonor grades were naturally more or less neglected in view of the heavy supplies, which gave packers a chance to pick out the ones they wanted. The decline, however, even on the com moner kinds, waa not enough to hardly be worth mentioning. The slow arrival ot trains, of course, delayed the market and at noon inert were still a good many cat tie unsold. The cow market was active and fully steady with yesterday's general market. some or tne moat desirable kinds, if any thing, were a little strong. The general market could best be described by calling It steady and fairly active all around,, the change from yesterday In the prices paid being too small to quote. Tho early sr- rivals sold In good season, but the day waa well advanced before the late trains were all disposed of. Bulls told at lust about steady prices, and tha sunt waa true of real calves and Itags, There were none too many stackers and feeders in sigbt to meet the requirement of tha trade and at a result trading was active, with prices on all desirable (trades fully steady with yesterday. As hlsh at 14.65 was paid for some choice cattle welsh Inc- 617 pounds. This Is the highest price pain in some time past tor atocg cattle Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. n..., tt..., 10..., T... II.... ..., 10... 11.... I.... It ... It... I..., I... It... I. .. II. .. II... 41... 17... II... 14... It... It... II .. 7... II... A Pr No. At, Pe. 4 It 4 It 4 10 4 II 4 II 4 14 4 11 4 11 I II 4 II 4 14 4 to 4 to 4 16 4 II 4 It 4 IS 4 to 4 14 4 tl 4 41 4 41 4 45 4 10 4 40 4 40 4 71 4 75 4 IS 4 tl 4 00 4 II 4 a tto ! 431 ........ 171 1014 411 1006 10OI 1000 444 ..; n4 1010 1101 ...lOfil ,..1071 1 40 ; I 46 t Tl t Tl I te 1 to I to I M I u I u I is I M I u I to 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 04 4 06 4 06 4 Ot. 4 04 4 (id 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 10 10.. 4.. IB.. 14.. ...11ST ...1164 ...lull ...1I4S ...mi tl. 17. ...1107 tl lo4 14 1147 to 1. ..ton it im 11 106 to HIT U 1110 II uu It 1171 it ins 41 144T 10 1IM II lilt II 1150 20 1I2H IT't 11 , ISM 1 1400 I ml tl 1471 IT UU TO ...1IWI t4 lilt II lfill 1100 . . .)0M ...11M .-..low ...1067 ...1074 ...lilt ...lilt ...Uvl ... Ml ...1094 ...111 ...111! ....1171 TO... 20... IS... 17... 14... lies 4 10 STEERS AND HEIFERS. ...103 I 71 10 1IH4 ... Ill t to 11 12IS .. . I til tl 1141 STEERS AND BULLS. a is I In STEERS AND COWS. II o 14 o0 II .....urn IT I'M 17..... 1061 I I 1 120 1. ........... TM 1 1070 1 140 t ...1140 II 10M I luM 1 UT0 I 0 IT U0t 4 10 4 (10 II 1114 4 IS 4 00 It 11M 4 It 4 M 11 1M4 4 14 4 01 14 1161 4 It COWS. t 00 I....; 471 I H t 16 1 120 I 15 I 10 I..... 1161 I It I 71 tO 1011 I tS I 75 11 tWt I IS 1 40 r 1111 1 it t 44 II 414 I II I to 4...- til I 21 I 00 11 107 I IS I 00 I I1M6 I 10 I 00 T 12s0 I It I 0 1 1266 I IS I 00 11 Ml I IS I 00 4 ld.'l I 40 I 00 14 lOW I 40 I 01 II 1041 I 40 I 10 4 1110 I 45 t 10 1 1X1 I 45 t 10 II lmio I 10 I II 8 1040 I 60 1 11 1 tm is I 14 11 llll I SS I 10 4 1134 I 40 I II I l I 9 I X 1 13J5 I M 1 1210 1 1211 1 1160 HIS 1 104 II t7 II lt. I i.,. .lll'l 1 1104 7 1W4 IT :. 424 II 4 20 ...10J0 10 ......liao 1 i:w 1 114 AXNAJ . tlB. II MT 8 15 HEIFERS. I 44 I 00 10 ta I 41 1 470 I 40 I T41 I 40 Ill IW 1 1"t0 I 60 I.... 144 I II 4 HMS t 10 t t4 I U II ta I So II 4 1 I 14 10 kJ I 70 It 161 I II II til 4 14 .151 III BULLS. 1 1100 t M 1 1 8 Id 1 1430 I IS 1 tuUO I IS 1 lift t IS 1 1110 I SO 1 1U0 8 00 t Ill 4 10 CALVES. I tN IH t 140 I 15 1 JJU 4 Sd t 115 I to 140 I 04 1 124 I 24 1 110 I 00 STOCKBRS AND FEEDERS. I M IM t sal I tt I Til t II I To in 1., 4M I IS I 14 IW I I I I 54 II...'. 134 I M IIT 4 54 4 Ill Id 1 134 I ao 1 444 1 IS 4 15 I ao IS IM IH II M5 I 44 10 tit 4 00 t lid I TO 4....: Ill 4 00 I Ma) I 74 I. .,........ 4 4 00 17 t"t I 71 I Ill 4 00 tt T4 I 71 t , 44d 4 00 1 M 111 i Tad 4 14 t IIS I 10 10 4J4 4 24 I T2 I ad 1 1271 4 IS 1 , 7 .-4 I M tt tad 4 tt T ,...4.7 I ad lo 17 4 M tt Til I 40 lioUiiReceiptt of bogt were not excae- Iva this morning snd With f.ivn'sMe re. orts from other points tniiether with n lleral demand both from ahlnnera and ocal packers, the nmrkrt pened Ttlrly no- ive and a big nickel higher than yester- ly's general market. In a ci.od mnnv places the advance was 5'nloc. The lighter eights showed fully ns much lmtrovetnent the henvles. owing to the fnct thiit ship pers wanted quite a few of the light hogs. Trading was fairly nrllve st the advance, n thnt the bulk of the carlv arrlvnla was disposed of In fairly good scon. The bulk f the medium to good welahts sold from 86 is to l 26. with the prime heivh s from from ' . to 2.-1.40. The lighter loads sold 15 dosrn. . The close of tho hog market was verv low nnd wesk. the esrlv advance being all lost. After prickers had their more tnarnt orders filled they were very Indifferent, so that, although salesmen tried In get thi morning prices for the lute arrlviili, t' cv cither had to accept steady prices with CHterday or carry the hogs over until to morrow. At noon there were still quite s few hogs In first hands. Representative snies No. A. ..175 ..ito .M4 ..14 ..1C4 ..17 ..114 ..114 ..201 . .210 ..111 . .Ill ..244 . .210 ..!4 . .206 ,. .220 .204 ...mi ..IM ..2nd ...220 ...204 ,.HJ! .221 ..If I ..221 ..2?7 ..III ...121 ,..114 ,..f24 ..Ml ...244 ..22S ...2:.l ...201 ...til ..MO ...2.11 ...I2d ..140 ...240 ,..!4 ,. 144 ...246 ,..! ,..2( ...1,6 .. 110 ...121 :5 Sh.- Pr. Nn. At. gh. fr. ' ... 4 75 Jl 248 lu) I 25 ... I 05 40 2i,5 ... I 25 ... I ni II 137 40 I ii ... I 10 17 .'M l I 25 ... I tl 4.7 224 ... I 15 ... I tl '0 2!l 40 I 25 40 I IS '. lit 10 i 25 ... 4 15 ft 146 .. t iS ... I II If.... ;..I2t 41 I SS ... 6 15 75 247 ISO I 25 ... I 15 70.. 2,0 ... I 26 .. . I IS 4....', . ,.24 0 I 23 10 6 15 13 2,0 50 S 15 ... I 1714 fit 21 40 6 25 40 I 24 111 tit 40 I 15 ... I 20 to j.'l ... It rs 1?4 I 24 Tl 221 ... I 25 120 I 20 td 25 IM IM ... 4 K Tt 224 40 I 26 ... I tO 41 27T ion 6 174 ... I 20 13 217 40 I 27a ... I 10 li'.O ... G 271, ... 6 ?0 f3 247 44 I 1!l ... 6 20 S.. 24 ... 6 t74 ... I 20 rl ,2S4 ... I lit ... I 20 S 2SS ... I 27 12d I 5-3 4 211 ... I So 40 I 10 CI 2: 40 I 30 40 I 14 ,4 304 no I 30 ... 30 ( 2M ... 6 30 ... I 24 43 274 ... 6 30 ... I 20 47 134 40 B 30 ... S 2214 SI lid) ... B SO ... B 22 'a ! 271 ... I 14 120 I 2:14 JO 27S ... I 30 120 I 2'." 43 2f.3 ... 6 30 40 I 22'4 241 ... f 20 ... 6 2214 0 171 10 B 14 ... I 21 7 241 ... 6 30 ... I 1214 It 271 ... B 14 ... 5 "". 251 IW 6 10 ... I 12(4 2;,4 ... S SO 120 I u-t 7 247 ... I 14 120 I 22a TT 241 20 B SO ... I It", ft.. 2' 3 ... I 34 ... I 224 It 200 ... I 10 IK) I 25 M 270 ... I S2'4 ... I 21 22 2S6 ... 11214 124 I 15 r t3 10 I 32 V, 10 I 26 40 t.M ... I 32 ' ... I 25 30 8117 ... 6 35 4 I J5 (.2 2H ... 6 35 0 I 25 S5 251 ... I SB ... I 21 It (72 10 6 2.5 ... 6 25 M Ill ... I 40 ... I 25 41 131 80 6 44 in... o... it... ..., 1... t... 3. .. t7... 10... HI... 4... TT... 62. .. 1... 50... Tl... 7... 71... r.... lf... f... 74... 71... 41... 14... 12... 41... l... IS... ... (a... 44... :... an... M.... I... fS... 7t... M... ... II... ... 41... ... d... 1... M... 8... 43. II. SHEEP There tens n Klr run nf uhsen here this morning, but the demand from local packers waa also of liberal l.rnpor- iont, and aa a result the market ruled if- tive and strops? to a dime hlrher on all de sirable grudes. Some of the trains were late In arriving:, wllich delayed the market to some extent, but atlll all the early aril- vals were sold lgind season. Wcthere sold as high as 4.f0, and some wes brought 14.25, which Is the highest price of the season for old ewes. Yenrllnirs sold un to $4.75. , Lambs were a ruin none too brisk aid fold at no more than steady prices. As high ns 85.25 waa nnld for some fulr lambs. The same as hns been the case of late, the quality of the lambs comlne- forward Is not very good. uuotntlors for corn-fed stock: Choice western lnmbs, $5.5Mii5.6o; fnlr to good lambs. So.OofisVSO: good to choice Mexican vearrrngs. S4.75ffi.Yfl0: anod to choice weat. em yearlings. $4. 63474. 90; fair to good yenr- iinsa.; goo a to choice wetners, $4.25S?4.S0: fair to aood wethers. 23.9iYd4 25: good to choice ewes. 83.90fl54.10; fair to good ewes, i. :r.a 3. ib. Representative sales No Av. Pr. 4 western cull ewes... 77 24 western cull ewet 104 1 western buck 1611 2 75 8 00 8 50 8 75 8 15 4 00 4 23 4 25 4 40 4 60 4 75 5 3) 6 30 6 60 2 60 2 75 3 10 3 25 3 40 8 50 3 50 4 26 250 western ewes 90 172 western ewes 105 3 western ewes 85 4 western ewes 110 72 western ewes 118 87 western wethers ion 128 western wethers 112 865 western Iambs 60 140 western lambs 81 840 western Iambi 64 6 wettern iambt 100 3 cull ewes AO 37 cull ewes a 2'i0 western ewet 112 western ewes UK) western ewes 88 88 102 104 , 104 113 15 western ewet 4 western ewe 216 western ewes 211 western ewes 152 western ewes 4 25 4 25 4 60 4 60 4 65 6 00 6 25 2 25 2 50 8 50 8 60 4 00 4 00 4 10 4 26 4 25 4 25 4 40 4 50 4 75 4T5, 43 western wethert and year- Unas 116 65 107 68 20 81 106 102 94 100 68 101 80 75 100 92 72 92 94 270 western lam us 340 western wethers 249 western lambs 411 western iambs 413 western cull ewes 10 western ewes 217 western ewes SfiO western ewes 5X8 western ewes 29 western feeder lambs 120 western rwes 6 western ewes 139 western wethert 8 western ewet 4(i"! western wethers and ewes... 131 western lsmhs , 876 wes 'em wethert and year- Inga 404 western wethera and year lings CHICAGO LIVE I1TOCK MARKET. Cattle and Sheep Steady, with Hogs Five to 'Tern Cents Hisher. CHICAGO, March 15. CATTLE Receipts, 26,000 head. The market was steady; good to prime steers, nominal at $6.2ugr5.75; poor to medium. $3.5t&o.70: stnekers and feeders. $2 60034.30; cows, $1.6UG1.00; heifers, $2,0044.00; ennners, ii.eAaiu juuJd. iz.ooru 4.00; calves, $3.iKi4l6 25; Texas fed utters, $4.dotf'4.0. HOGB Recelptt -luday, 14,ouo head; left over, 4,763 hn.-- The market wns fjfljioo higher nnd closed weak; mixed and butch ers', 8fi.30r1i6.eo; good to choice heavy, $."p.55(Jii 6.70; rough heavy. $6. 30fr3.50; light. $4.85 B.4o; hulk of sales, $5.35y.50. SHEEP AND LAM UiS KecelptS, llt.ViO head. Market steady for sheep and lnmbs; e-ood to choice wethert. $4.25'35.00: fair to choice mlxexl. $3.503'4.25; western sheep, $3 50 i5.); native lnmbs, $4.0(ii.60; western lambt, $4.60U7.i6. Kansas City Live Stork Market. KANSAS CITY, March 15. CATTLE Re ceipts, 13,000 head, luludlng fiO southerns. Market steady to strong; all quotations steady; export and dreaded beef steers, $4 60 tf.3o: rnir to good, s.i.B"W.pi; western tea steers, $3. 4 lit 4. 60; stockers Hiid feeders, $3.25 t4.40; southern steers, $3.2.Vj4 26; southern cows, 2.3(Xa3.25; native cows, $3.304i8 so; na tive heifers. $3.504.25; bulls, $2,5043.73; calves. $3.0O66.50. HOGS Receipts, j,uo fieao; niarxer. o'ui'JC higher;, top, $5 50; bulk of sales, $5.20410.45; heavy, $5.4(Kfii6.r0; packers, $5.3uflj0.46; pigs and lights, $4.3nli5.3. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8.W10 head. Market steady to strong; native lambs, $6.00(110.75; western lnmbs,; fed ewes, $3.73.60; yearllngd, $1.60fi-5.O0; atockert and feeders, $2,7544.25. lon City 1.1 a e Block Market. SIOUX CITY. Ia, March 15. (Speoiul Tel egram.) CATTLE Receipts, l.iM head; market steady; ttockers, strong; beevea. FOUR POINTS FOR TRADERS WHEN YOU TRADE IN GRAIN, PROVISIONS, STOCKS PLACE YOUR ORDERS WITH m m commission cn Capital and Surplus, 5600,000.00. v General Offices: N. Y. Life Bldg.t Minneapolis. I DECT CCDVIflC Moat rallabla market Information. L.arjrat ll slt.0 1 dkllllWI. private tl HJE AllinillTrC to execute your orders if the te Ills UUftnAnibla reaches Wa chtrft NO I"NTI REST 3. MARGINS REQUIRED n J- DCCCDCUOCC 17 National and State Banks; US Branch ti SlSaS 1.1 1 tall Via UTI rrivea. OUAHA BRAUCH 1613 Faron St., N. B. We Issue each week an moat acaurate forecast of future 3 !v,il lift: cows snd helfere. 22 tji 48; Blockers snd frolcrs. 83 t.ofl; ftlTB and yearlings. $3 dill 7'. Hoos Receipts. S ".oft head; market strong, selling at (4.9ikuo.3a; bulk. 25lii5.2. St. l.onls Mae Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. March 1S.-CATTI.fc Re- cclpls. S.rmo heii.l. including It" Texsn. Murket stcml ; mime shlppln and raport steer. It 2."1i. 5i: dressed peel and butcher stcera. H.wi.'i 2": steers under I.tD Ihs., H.W.-ii j.On; stocki-rs nnd fetler $3 4fs.r3 9i; cows 11 nd heifers. 1.4. 154r4.ii; dinners. tiSi 41 .: bulls. $2.5t4i3.25: calves, M.204Yi25; Ti xus and Indlun steers, $.1.3tiN.40; cows and heifers. $.' 2.Vfr3.SO. Him IS Receipts, 7 heard. Market was ' strong to 6c higher; pigs and lights. 84.704I"1 5 16; puckers, tV1nr(5.4ii butchers' and best . hem y to 8Mi5.Su. x .. , , SHEEP AND LAM HS -Receipts." (" head. Murket strong; native muttons, I4.00 iitl 7'i: liinib. II Siiii". .fin: culls and bucks, $.'.( "ti4.2f;. Blockers. fi.OuyOO. . St. Joseph l ive stork Market. ST. JOSEPH, March 1.1 CATTLE Re ceipts. 2.77H hem! Murket steady to 100 lower; natives, H.76lffi.lo; cows snd heifers, Il.TtVo I to; Blockers nnd feeders. $iWfii4 10. HtHiS Recc tits. 4.914 heiitl. Market otri"ci higher, closed 5c lower thnn toeet: light, $6.00 Hi 5. 15: medium nnd heavy, $n aivffS.M. SHEEP AM) l.AMHS llecelpts, hend. Market steady; lambs, $5.65; ewes. $4.25. lock In Ma-tat. Following are the rtcelpts of live stock' for the six principal wesurn cities yester (lay: Cuttle. .. 7,6.41 . ... ) ..13.1MI .. 3.u"0 .,2.776 .. l.taO Hogs. ;,hii 14.(I0 3ll ".5-10 4,914 2,500 Sheep. 10,300 10, (M) 8.S1 10 6"0 6,12 South Omaha Chicago Kitnsiis City ,. St. Louts St. Joseph .... Sioux City .... Totals .63.528 39,714 S3.9cl Wool Market. BOSTON. March 16. WOOLVThe featurw of the wool market lure the past week hat been th strong dcniHiid for medium and low tvooIb. The market, however, lacks life. Territory nnd pulled are steady, with moderate ofTringa In the latter and a quiet demand. ' There is a lnm '.0110 lu foreign wools. Quotations: Territory. Idaho fine, iryoTlse: fine, 13Jl4c; fine medium. l4tfj'ltio: medium. Mil 17c; low medium, 17itlSc. Wyoming ne medium. 16fl7c; medium. )Kgri9o; low me dium. 19G20O. Utah and Nevada fine. lf4jj) 0c; heavy fine. ISTltc: Hne- medium, ltiivif 17c; low medium, 19ii20c. Oakoia one. i!,'u 16c; fine medium, Kiil7c: medium, lVifflDc; low medium. Doc. Monlnna fine, choice; 194i 20c: medium choice, IMrf.'Oc: average. 1 filfic; staple. 19fi?0c; medium choice, 19fl20c. ST. LOUIS. March 15. -WOO I -Steady. Medium grades -combing and clothing, '1749 21 c; light fine. 15ii17c; heavy fine, 12ii 14c; tub washed, 2ti'c?31c. LONDON. March 16. WOOL At the wool auction sales today 12,756 bales were of fered. The demtind was strong from all sections. Greasv first romb'i gs and half- nred sllpe were spiritedly competed for, snd fine merinos were rtesdy ord below thn .Tanuarv sales. Withdrawals were heavy. Cnpe of Good ltope snd Natsl sold well st the opening. Detailed snleW" New South Wales 1.600 bales; scoured. lOH'TMId; greasy. IKfiVA. Queensland. 1.400 bales: scoured. Is fVirtfTls f.Ud: greasy. 5d. Victoria. 1.0 linies"; scoured ttVh1ti 2d: greasy, fi 2d. South Australia, 1.20.1 bales: gresi'V, fiU'-d lid: West Australia, toft bales; gressv. Rig 10d. Tnsmnnla. 100 bales: greasy. 7i'd5f1s. New Zealand. 600 bsles; scoured, Is'iTls Id: c-reasv. Titi-ififld. Cppe .of Good Tlone sfrl Natnl. l.too htles; scoured. It &&6Qa 7dj greasy, 6i9d. Visible Supply of lraln. NEW YORK, March 15. Special tele graphic communications received by Brad street's, show the following chnnaes In available supplies ns compared with last report: Wheat, United Stutes and Cnnnds. east of Rockies,, 1.R76 000 btt.: srlor.t for and In Europe, Increased. 1.800,0nn bu. Totnl supply decreased 6.76O.00O r,.rni United States and Canada, enst of RocKles. Increased 1.132.000 bu. Oats. UnltPd Rtntej and Canada, east nf Rockies, increased 1 "14 000 bu. The leading docrensrs renorted tills week are: 600 000 nil... at the North western Interior elevators; 193.O0O, hii.. at St. .Tosenh. and 162.000 hu.. Bt Manltohrt. Tha leading Increases Include lofl 00o Cleveland, and 56.000 bu., nt Louisville. Oils and Rosin. NEW YORK, March 15 OII.B Cotton seed, ensy; prime yellow, 87(f517c. Petrol-' cum, unsettled. Turpentlno, weak, 620i3o. JJiffrl?;,- March IS-OIIe-Crerllt. hnlnnces. $1.71: certlllcntes, no hid; ship ments, 6!.f bbls.; Rverngo. 64.17S bbls.; runs, 35.525 bbls.; avernge, 611,951 bbla.; shlp--monts, Unui. 44.K08 bbls.; Bverage. 6H.039 bbls.; runs, Lima, 16.K26 bbla.; average, 61.1W bbls. , - SAVANNAH. On.. March 15. OIL Turp entine, nothing doing. ' n ' ROSIN Fl 1111 ; A, It. C and D. $2.46: E. $2.50; F. $2.66: O. $2 66; H, $2 65; I, $2.96; K, $3 30; M, $3.35; N. $3.40; W. Q., 83.60; W. W., $3.90. GOVEBSMEJiT NOTICE. OFFICE SONSTUCTING QUARTMAS TER, CHEYENNE, WYO FEBUARY 17, 1904. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will be received at this office until 2 o'clock, p. m.. March 17, 1904, and then opened, for the construction of a Post Exchange, and Gymnasium, 'in cluding plumbing, gitspiplng, heating, wir ing, and the furnishing and installing bowling alleys and gymnastic apparatus, at Fort D. A. Russsll, Wyo, Full in formation, blank forms, plana and speci fications furnlshod on application to thlt office; also to the office of the chief quarter master, Boston, Chlcage, Denver, Omaha, St. Louis, St. Paul, and the office, of the Engineering News, N. Y. The United States reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids or any- part thereof. En velopes containing bids to be endorsed "Proposnl for Post Exchange and Oymnaa- 1um at Fort D A. Rusaell, Wyo.," and ad 1 dressed to Captain W. H. 'Scott, quarter master, U. S. A., In charge f construction, ' Cheyenne, Wyo. . F. 17-18-19-20 M15-W Tho Merchants National Bank ' of Omaha. Neb. U. $. Dettaltirr Capital sod Surplus, $600,000 mm Mutrar. rr. mm. t. wooe, v. . UTBEIBI4II. Cathlar. FIAM1 T. SAMILT0X Aut Ustkr. SUealvs aaoounu 4 baska, aaskara, oonxr-. atlona. trma and lodlrtduala ea faverakld tarms. Foralgn Kiebaafa bought sad sold. Lattsrs of Ccdlt laauad. saBUabls la' til faru of tha world Istaraat said on Tina CsrtlftoaUs of Dapaen. ( allaatloha siada proraptlr Bad eoBBoailcBlly. Wa raaaaat aorraapeadaaae. GEO. A. ADAMS GRAIN CO. Grain. Provisions tV Stocks. Members Omaha Uialn Excuangs, Chicago Board of Trade and ether exchanged. Correspondents Bartlett, Frailer 4k Cai rlcgtun. 218 Board el Trade Bld'g. Omaha. wire ayalein In America. mirku tha prioe whlmi you aat. for carrying- long atocke. ralna. le per hu.; Stocka, S2.00 par art; Pork, 2Se per bbl. Til, 3467. THOS. U, WADDICK, Cor. eihaustlva review of the markets and tb movements. rae al any of our o races. 8