10 THE 03IAITA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY. JrAKCTT 16, 1904- Trading Stamps Free Trading Stamps Free Special 111 hH5l"trt Picture ITOBB. IK B icemen. I UyH DOST tub sii.Lai. ai ! i 8,000 YARDS STYLISH Mew Dross Goods 39c-49c Crepe de Paris, Voiles, ' Granites, Diagonals, Serges, Henriettas, Nuns' Veilings. most i nese goods. blark 8-yd. many MILLINERY Now Millinery Dept. Ladles' Trimmed Straw Hats at $1.69 fttylub Straw Hat, in thu dark straw braids, Including blues, browm. reds and black, ribbon and flower trimming, special for tomorrow at. ... , 5m art Trimmed Hats at $7.25 Some Htraw Huts of this season white straw body with the fancy straw edge elaborately trlmemd with flowers and ribbons a Wednesday special at &traw Body Hats Latest spring shapes most exceptional value We show the widest variety and the most exclusive styles In high clans millinery in the west. Our great Millinery Department, occupying our entire third floor, is the largest from Chicago to the Pacific coast. Extra Handkerchief Sale I !2ic each for regular 35c Grade Handkerchiefs, for ladles and men many of the fine sheer linen and con vent hemstitched some with embroidery and drawn thread hemstitching these are Handkerchief seconds from a Belfast manufacturer. Lace at 3c, Vain, Clunya, Net Top Orientals, Sevlllas, etc. In Embroideries, Inserting and Bands In all widths special at yard Notion Counter Bargains In this department are hundreds pf fancy novelties In the notion line bargain prices always prevail. ; ' Solid Steel Scissors 4, 4tt. 6 and EH-lnrh scissors, worth 26o and 36c each, at , Trimmer Scissors -inch carbonized steel bent trimmer scissors, worth 600, at, each Whits Cotton Tape too bunch, 8 pieces la bunch widths 2 to 12, at, bunch Hose Supporters Heavy elautto web hose sup porters, worth 2&o, at 15c 25 c 5c i 15c Watch Our J! Windows i SENT UP FOR BOOTLEGGING Three Victims Fined and Sentenced for Varnishing LlqaOr to Indians. The following persons, convicted Of boot legging, were arraigned before Judge Mun ger in the United States district court and were sentenced as follows: Sam Schlndler, Springfield, S. D., selling and giving liquor to Indians on the Bantee reservation, $100 fine and sixty days con finement In the Douglas county Jail, sen tence to date from February 23. Silas Lleb, Tender, Neb., same offense, 1100 fine and. sixty days Imprisonment In the Douglas county jail, sentence to date from March 1. William Walker, selling and furnishing liquor to Indians on Omaha Indian reser vation, IKiO fine and sixty days Imprison ment in the Douglas county Jail, sentence to date from March 1. Announcements of the Theaters. Inquiry for seats for the coming engage. Sent of Edward J. Morgan and company m "The Eternal City," at the Boyd, indi cate that the performances will be largely attended. No attraction of the ourrent sea son has engendered more publlo interest than this. It Is dramatised by Ilall Calne from his own. novel, and has been given a most appropriate setting by the managers, Messrs. Llebler 4c Co., even the Incidental muslo being composed by Pletro MAscagnl, the celebrated Italian. The scenery Is from photograps made in Rome and the costumes are faithful copies of the royal and papal uniforms and court dress. The company is cne of the strongest ever sent on the road with a production of any kind, being the orlglnul New York cast with a single excep tion. Miss Bar ah Truax has the role origi nally created by Viols, Allen, and is making a great name for herself In the part. The engagement Is for Friday and Saturday evenings and a matinee on Buturduy, The Orpheum will give Its regular mid week matinee Thursday, The bill on for this week is scoring beuvlly to large audi ences. Joe Flynn, the parody singer and story teller, is a decided "lilt." At each performance he exhausts Ids repertoire re sponding to encores, and then excuses him self from further services In a taking little speech. Amateurs ambitious to have a trial will be given a chance at each of the matinees On Thursday. Manager Belter announces that he will give from one to three an oppor tunity to appear at each of these perform ances and requests that anyone desiring to appear make application at the bos office. Mr. Belter will personally rehearse each , act and give every assistance possible to make It a success, Joseph Murphy will present 8haun t Rhus" this afternoon and tonight at the . Krug. This Is Mr. Murphy's last day In Omaha. For the matinee the beet seats will be only 28 cents, and at nltrht the regu lar Krug theater prices will prevail. There ars many clever specialties in "Happy Hooligan,' which will bo the- at traction at the Krug, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Among the more conspicuous artiste m the company are Campbell and Caulfleld, W. H. Muck and Mae Phejps. And the celebrated Boston quartette. The Management Is said to have made a gor gwmis production of "Happy Hooligan" this etisx, and the popular faroe comedy will t sem In an entirely new dress of soenery and costumes. Seats sre now on sale, hart Itrno.i to Preach to the Vain enred. The regular life inaurance'companlee of the United States, soma seventy in number, paid to policy holders and beneficiaries In lftS about Ilso.OOO.oio. One-sixth of the whole amount, t33.Otio.uM, in round numbers, was ' paid by a single organisation, the Mutual Life Insurance company of New York. Ram i Burns is selling a beautiful white a4 tttin teUt ttt, Wo bought from on of the bet mills In Philadelphia all their short dngths of the stylish drew goods of today s fashion. goods of today's fashion. S39549E are nn an wool In all rnl( and cream, 2 lengths to malrh bargain square at. SPECIALS on Third Floor. A variety of very pretty and 1.69 l jauntiest of the very swellest and jauntiest 2.25 5c and 10c 3c-5c-10c Safety Pins Cap Sheaf and Clinton Coll less saf sty pins, nickel plate, all sizes, 00 to 3, worth lOo... Feather Stitch Braid Fancy and plain edges ( to 8 yards to piece, worth 10c, at, eaofi 5c 5c lc Spring Hook and Eye Two dozen on card, black and white, all sizes, at, card..... Stephenson's Skirt Supporters And long waist adjusters, at, each 25c !IS.x Watch Our CONS Windows UM3ms& sorts REMEMBER THE DATE- IT'S That's the day we place on sale misses' and children's strap sandals, Roman san dals and oxford ties, made by Mrs. King, of Lynn, Mass. These were made to retail at one dollar, one dollar and a half, two dollars and two and a half a pair. They will be sold at Si a pair. There are more than two thousand pairs of them, but they will go very quickly at 59 cts a pair' Piles Cured WITHOUT PAIN By W. C. Maxwell. S4. I. Graduate of Bellevue Hospital Medical Col lege of New York Ctty. lU-t Bee Buildlug. Omaha. Neb. Tel. 1431 Deputy Stat Vetertoarmn, Food Inspector. II. L. RAIMCCIOTTI, D. V. S. CITY VETERINARIAN. Office and Infirmary. (fMa) and Mason Bts. SATURDAY AM lOih a) Great Sale Boy's and Children's Spring Clothing. The greatest line of hoys' and children's clothing ever shown In this city Is now to be seen on our counters. We have spared no pains to make this stork com plete In every detail, and we believe we nave accomplished our purpose. This line Is right In every way, style, material, workmsnsrlp, price. FOR WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY. We are phoning youths' long pants suits. In all the latest .shados, most popular fab rics and nobbiest styles and patterns, worsteds, fancy cheviots, fancy cassl meres, serges, thlbets and unfinished wors teds. In fancy plaids, neat stripes, mix tures and plain colors, all hand-tailored with good llnlr.gs and trimmings our prices $S.0n. 60, IT.iO. $8.50 SO tf, nnd up to I"1'" BOYS' KNEE PANTS SUITB-made up in Nnrfolka, sailor blouse, sailor Norfolk end double breasted styles. In browns, grays, fancy mixtures and plain color ings. In serges, cheviots and casslmeres, a little gentleman's suit, that Is stylish and exclusive looking worth from 2H.S0 to $fi.0O our sale price Wed- O fl nesday and Thursday, only SmmJt Our Furniture Stock tl3.S0 couch for" $10.00 couch for Steel couch, $7.00 for $2.60 Iron bed for $3.85 iron bed for ... ,.49.50 ...$7.5 ...05 ...$1.75 ...XK Extra Special Hews in Sheets, Pillow Cases, Muslins and Cambrics, this department. The unusual rush is Immense stocx. great usuruusin PILLOW CASES 7e, SHEETS, 37Ho- READY-MADE SHEETS, of medium weight, bleached muslin, free from dressing, $0 size, CXTXr well worth fiOc, special pries .... 3 w READY-MADE PILLOW CASES, made from bleached muslin, strong and durable, wide hem. else SSxJS, 1 C worth 10c, special v ENQLISIT LONQ CLOTH, yard wide. No. 90 long cloth, for ladles' undergarments. Improved fln- Olr Ish, worth 15c, special w HAYDEN'S GROCERY DEPIRTUEMT, wtTO ALWAYS IN THE LEAD ON LOW PRICES. TRADING STAMPS WITH EVERY THING Zl-lbs pure cane granulated sugar for $1.00 48-lbs' sack Emerson's best pat. flour $1.10 E-lbs good Japan rice, tapioca, sago or barley for 19o Large sacks cornmeal for 6 bars host laundry soap, any brand ,.18o Quart cans fancy table syrup or Tenn essee sorghum for So Imported macaroni, pkg to Malta Vita, Aro. Fruito, Vigor, SNrce or Vim. tkg 7tto .The best com starch, pkg 4c 1-ln. fancy Alaska salmon .So Oil or mustard sardines can ....to Fancy soda, oyster, butter or milk crackers, lb .........8c S-Ib . cans Montloello rhubarb So S-lb cans hominy, apple butter or squash 7Ho Bulk laundry starch, lb ........So HAYDEN Our Free Trading Stamps Sensations are now the talk of the town. As so many were unable to get waited on we will extend this sals for the rest of the week. $J0.00 In Green Trading Stamps with each combination package 01 1 pound best Tea 85c gallon Pure Maple Syrup 60c And 1 po u nd ' iior t on Bakl ng ' Q $8.0U In Sta'mps'wl'th I joui"ds (C Mocha and Java Coffee for...'" $1.60 In Stamps with each Cn bottle Extract at IOW $1. In Stamps with bottle 1 f Cauup IUW $2.00 111 Stamps with each buttle OKr CaUup MEAT BPUCIALS. apork 5JC 8Xm,CUf.. 6C Morrull's Sugar Cured tlr Bacon lib Boiling CXin Beef OJC FRESH FISH (not frozen) arrive here every Wednesday. White, Trout. Pike. Salmon, Halibut, Cat Fish, Bull Heads, Cropplee, Bun Flail, Blauk Bass. TUB BOSlOn .VoVaa? 00. 118 N. 16th St. 'Fhoao tOM. CLOSING OUT ALL OUR Buggies, Carriages and Wagons FREDRICKSON Flftsontb and Capitol Ava. Read our special "ad" avery Sunday Wednesday m The Bee. ITS TEN CENTS What To Eat S255 Bend for copy. 10 oenss or $XAi a year. KeUable Health ArUolas, Table Btonos, Jeata, Poems. Clever Toasts. A gwa trteaa to brighten your tnlsve mo ments. Full of novel suggostioos tarn entertaining. rs. Im HHk sMttatia nn-Du - r M4m ! till, mur rTi""itm WHAT TO BAT (MMtary IHssssIosI WuktaftM S4. aoa htna Avo, CSobsjo TEXAS STRAWBERRIES Now ready to move. I make apr cialty of ClUng suiall orders tie car loads ail shipments CQ.Il. t'orrepoudHure solicited. 5. P. HOWLANO, Houston. Texas sfBX3&SK&S ff 1 1 I I H Is tils seaion larger than aver, better than sver and you can buy goods cheaper than ever before. ' Do not fall to pay us a visit. SOME BARGAINS FOR, WEDNESDAY. Solid oak dining chair braes j f( arm, cane seatr-at ........ .... - Dining shalr, braos arm 85C Center table, 24-lnoh top Eft solid oakat ....... -" Solid oak sideboard, French t R f( bevel plate glass, $12.60, fit and lO.UU K-plece parlor suits, upholstered Q QB In best grade velour, only I.0J Same In best grade orushed 07 tf Dluah-st plush t t-piecs parlor suits, uphol stered In damask at ....... 14.50 15.85 Iron bed for ....... t $3 K Folding go-carts. $2.96 and $60 Bleeping go-carts, $6.85, $7.86 and up. Baby carriages, $5.86, ts.85 and up. caused by the splendid values given, our y... t , MUSIJN AND CAMBRIC. 6o. BALE OF LINEN FINISH SHEETS, heavy and strong, being noted for their durability, S-lnch hem, else 2V AQn xiVi, worth 6c, special w BA-MOHET BEAMLBH8 SHEETS. This brand is noted tor Its wearing Qualities, full 2U yards wide, soft fin ish, unbleached, 23c 'iA.C KI.OAh.,1 aw"w soft finish bleached muslin and snow white camDric, yara wiue, OJC free from dressing, worth 80 uw YOU BUI. nut.tini.n rvmicn FRUIT Choice California; prunes, lb JJ4o Choice California peaches, lb Vio Fancy California srrapes, lb ...... TVio Fancy Virginia laekberrles, lb THo Fancy Bartlett psars, lb 12V4o u-unxv Ns Tnrk 1 uinlaa. lb 0 Choice Mulr Park. Sprfcots, lb ...... ..ll!Ho HAYDEN 8 FRFSH FRUIT DBPT IjirirM sweet fancv. srenulne navel oranges, per dozen lfo Fancy California lemons, each lo Fancv Colorado. White Clover, honey per rack 124o Fancy Bellflower apples, dosen 12Vo EOOS! EGGS! EGGS! STRICTLY FRESH NEW LAID COUNTRY EGGS, DOZ 16o SEEDS THAT GROW. Bee our fall ' tine of flower seeds and vegetable seeds tn grocery department. BROS. $3.50 Spring Styles We hare some very now styles for early spring wear thitt are especially adapted to the weather we usually have at tills season of the year. They come In patent colt, box calf and black Russia, and are made with heavy vloollsed soles that are waterproof, and will keep the feet perfectly dry and comfortable. The styles are new and correct and the shoo Is of mors than usual value for the prtoo $1 SO. CO. 1! FreshStrawbernes With Ice Cream Soda at Howell's. 28o Field's Worm Powders 16c $1.00 Bhoop's Restorative 76c $1.00 Howell's BarsaparlUa the great bluud euro ud sprltig tonlo 7ts; 26o box Chamois Skin Soap lie Bhah of Persia Soap box $1.00 $1.00 Beef, Iron and Wine 60c 6O0 Lteblg Process Beef Ext. M..ltc 760 Mosquora Beef Meal 60c tl.0 Huotetter's Bitters 76c $1.00 Wright's Celery Nervine 76c 60c Gorman Rheuroa.de OH Kc HOWELL DRUG CO., 1 6th and Capitol Ava. FRYSnOt 11 NEW SPRING ARRIVALS Boys' Siits-$2. $3. $4 Today we wish to call mothra1 attention to three of the greatest lines of Boys' Suits that was ever offered for the price. Our spring assortments are complete, and our showing overreaches any previous season's. $2 styles, complete $3 We are showing strictly all wool sailor blouses, Norfolks and double breasted styles, better bring tne a i. s s complete The handsomest this price are to be are made of cheviots, silk mixed cheviots, fine casslmeres and extra fine styles are sailor blouse, Norfolk and double breasted . , tsiyiea an $4 This assortment is oity. It entitles that are shown finest the market produces. sailor blouses, Norfolks and W. Q. JERREMS, Pres., 209-21 1 South Flftoenth Street, WE have the fabrics the v r I e t y a n d tha p r I c e a to tnaka good our boast that N I c oil loads for fine tail oring at moderate prices. We shall ot bo satisfied with less than the leading t a llorlng b it slness In town. Wo comprehend every branch of this bualntas from weaver to wearer. Wo have Ideas that . are helpful to those who come to us. We supply knowledge which the public, cannot possess. Trousers, $5 to $12. Suits, $20 to $50. We buy shrewdly for cash taking cases often where other buy yards; this means low prices. But the price alone has no meaning. You'll have to compare the fabrics the tailoring and fitting with the offerings of others to appreciate the superiority of Nlcoll'a garments. Wo 7ent Down East last week, just to see. INCIDENTALLY, If all these claims made by the N. A. K. D. and the local drug com blue were true. You know they ssy ws have no goods to sell and can't buy them either, because they tell the wholesalers they wout buy goods of them IF THEY SELL TO UBI Now the result of our EASTERN TRIP Is the unloading of S van loads of goods at our back door this morning. We have asked SOME of the members of the local drug truut to oome and see theee goods, 'cause they are good for sore eyes. You (If you are our customer) know we have the reputation, which we are bound to keep good, ot selling everything In our line for less money than any other drug house In all Nebraska or Iowa or west of Chi cago. These FEW sample cuts ars still proof of It. Ko Genuine Castoria lie 6o Carter's Little Liver Pills u 60o Btuart's Dyspepsia Tablets ttto $1.00 Munyon's Paw Paw 60 $2.00 Chester's Genuine Pennyroyal Pills $1.00 $1.00 Parisian Hair Tonic guaranteed 7fco mere are plenty of other things on which we can save you money, but we don't quote 'era. Just write us, send a list and we will show you bow It's done. One to a customer. SGIIAEFER'S CUT PRICE DRUQ STORE E T. YATES, Prop. lth and Chicago Bts., Omaha. 'Phonos 747 and 77. Mib and N fits.. South Omsha. 'Phone No. L 6th Ave. and Main BL, Council Bluffs. 'Phone S33. All goods de livered In either city sbeoluteiy free. Full Sot Teeth BltMtD $5.00 arrur&, Best Set $7.50 tXK Oold Crot ......$! SS na Gold Fllllnss.. .M ....... 4i w us. Sliver FUiUiss...w tsetsaMt.MI Up BAILEY, THE DENTIST. fffetabllahed USB.) trd FLOOR. PAX TON BLOCK. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Jtae Ph. tssrasaJe Ulastratloas. l ins.snJ.Jti!-- 5v at this price a great assortment of cheviots and cassimere suits, made in o s e, . . . . ooy in wblie the sues are . . line of boys' suits ever produced at seen In our boys' department. mtnt. lhey r:.$3 quality of blue serge. Thi absolutely the finest offered you to a range of colorings and exclusively by us, and is the Styles are Buster Browns, double breasted. Green Trading Stumps Every Time rn 12) Wednesday morning in Dry Goods Section day's big sale, worth $20 yours Wednesday 1 J And think of It, $23 In Oreen Trading Stamps, Infant's Clothing Just opened three cases of infant's little things, . In fant's petticoats, long and short; Infant's slips, long and,aliorl infant's christ tenlng robes. Infant's bands nnd squares, infiint's diapers, Infant's dresses, infant's bonnets snd capes. This department for Infant's wear is the most oomplete in Omaha. , New Wash Dress Ooods Bljj shipment for Wednesday over ten thorn and yards Batistes, Lawns, etc., all worth up to 38o, 1 Sf Mtir1 Ifln Wednesday for v liJl UE1U IUW White India Linon A speolal offering 8 l-4o English Nainsook Soft as down twenty cant quality, for.,. ..10o 1 I , 1. r einniia 16 PIECES 60-1N PLAIN and novelty Box iJIaCK LlreSS SJOOaS ana cioth, ono of the most popular weaves of the season, our regular price is $1.26 1.00 Wednesday, a yard 30 PIECKS 48-IN CREPONETTR8 a, medium weight cloth for shirt '7SQ waist suits, good value for $1 Wednesday, a yard " w r!nlnt-frf rtrnsis flrtnrla 13 pieces 8-in. scotch TWEED8-ln VUlOrcU Ureas UOOUS red. blue, tan, (tren. hrown and gray mixtures, suitable for tailor suits or stpr-rate iklrts a rirtar $L36 , QCn cioth Wedneaday, per yard , .. ... ..... -.m. uw 60 PIECES ALL WOOL ALBATROBS-in a.ll the staple oolors and even- OQc ing shndes, also cream and black, regular 600 quality, Wednesday, jrard''-''"' 26 PIECES 86 to 48 Inches PLAIN AND FANCY BRILLIANTINJ1S , fiS)d ail shades, oheap at 76o a yard, Wednesday - w aSIIlrixt Clllral 41I iraff? A BILK BEN8ATION Five thotisand SllsVSi OlIKBi; OlIKSli; yards of fancy and rlsln silks from 1 to 10 yards worth 75c, xi.oo ana ll.zs a Wednesday, yours at, per yard, AN EXTRA SPECIAL IN PONGEE 27 inches wide, a yard SPECIAL IN BLACK TAFFETA S 8S quamy, at, per yara SPECIAL IN BLACK TAFTBTA8 M quality, st, per yard SPECIAL IN BLACK TAFFETAS 24 quality, at, per yard nikltnMal DlhKnu 1 One hundred pieces all silk ribbons, plain IlDDOnSl KlDDOnSt washable colors, widths from i. to 4 Inches wide, worth up to 28o a yard Wednesday morning fRc A 12c yours for t'w aSao Unas 160 dozen ladles' fast black cotton hose, spring weight Lj&aieS IIOSO super elastic hemmed top, extra spliced soles, all sizes regular price twenty-five cents a pair Wednesday SOc three pairs for .- Wall PaLper Spring stock now complete. Designs and colorings sre exquisite Burlap and Room Moulding Third Floor Spring Opening in Shoes ! JL tfrana onoe upemng j.nureuuy tt. lie Green Trading Stamps The right weathr er will be about us, Oome to our Annual Spring Shoe Opening Thursday. ' Rverythlng In footwear strictly new every pair guars An teed In every respect-styles all the latest-the comtaj spring wfll be more eloquent of psrfected. art nJ ty l"J m.s and women's footwear than aay previous spring In the history oi tne numan tamuy, event a notable one we will give Double Green Trading Stamps at our Big Spring Shoe Opening Thursday, COME. M 1 lllinery u .s whouHkv Stamps with all purchases Grocery Wednesday's Snaps A BIG PICKLE OFFER TWO DOLLARS' WORTH OF- STAMPS - WITH ANY OF THE FOLLOWING: YN-' '- sweet seized.. aoo Gee-nay's sslzed sens..,.8Se Goy's onions Oe Gedney's plain ,.ufio 'ys-'lV 'csdaey's sweot ssldeets. .ise Gedney's chow rkw.,,,Uo iimilS i TWO DOLLARS OF GREEN STICKERS WITH EITHER OF uLfr3 iABOVB BUY A BOTTLE EM AND GET TWELVE STAMPS. CANDY-FINB HONEY COMB CANDY, 20c ucr uaa w I Two dollars In Green Trading Btam Comb Candy. GOOD BARGAINS . For this week we will offer to first comers: Ono Wblte Sewing Machine wlthT sll attachment!!, practically new, $2100; two Households, box top. new, worth UO.00, for $27.60; one Wheeler A Wilson No. , new, $30.00; ons New Home, second-hand. $10.00; one socona-nana urgan, aai.uw. Pe L FLODMAN & CO.. mane in $2 iuced at They d in the id styles $4 in the styles Rain Coats About 25 of them, genuine craven ette coats, left from lion t A TC 1 I yard for one nay only .fSflC 30 inches wide, a yard $1.00. . Ro i -'-' inches wide-regular $1.26 TRn lnohes wide regular $1.45 1.00 Inches wide regular $1.60 f Ifl a. sv VVKcx Let's see AtV the,tu They AbOUl need scien- Yni ir ti attention. uu, Satisfaction Eyes suREi Second day o! t Second day of prina thistacm charmins nnuhia lircon iruumji in MillineryWednesday. j1 J3 H The Cream of the World's Markets at Mtney Savin; Prices. Full Value. Full Weights. Full Satisfaction. OK EACH YOU'LL FIND USE FOR DOLLARS OF GRKEN TRADING pa with eaeb osn of fine Honey Jewelers, 1014 Capitol Ave. IE a 1 Tel. 1074s