Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 15, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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Call Me.tlnj at 6 tit Laks to Form Anti-
Mormon Partj.
Won't Freeze
Won't Break
Won't Spill
Won't Spot Clothes
Costs 10 Cents, Equals 20 Cents
worth of eny other kind of bluing
wn 1 1 1 1
i i
Wigftt-ySticX Is a stick of soluble blue
la a filter bag Inside a perforated wooden
tube, through which tba water flows
and dissolves the color as needed.
IViggleSttcfi around
in the water.
Manufactured only by TUB LAUNDRY BLUB COIIPANY, Chlcajo
Diipn'a Foiat of Order Over Fortifioatioa
Appropriating Bill.
Fir. Hoar at Committee on Jodlclnry
Report. BUI for Purpo.o ( Cor.
rectlnej Irregularities In Ad- .
sitting? Vessels.
WASHINGTON. March 14. In the senate
Mr. Hoar reported, from the committee
on Judiciary, a bill for the pupose of cor
recting Irregularities In admissions to ships
to United States registry and It passed.
Mr. Clark, senator from Montana, was In
his seat today fur the first time since the
The fortifications appropriation bill was
liken ud. Mr. Iirrrv made a oolnt of
order against the appropriation of tajO.POO
for the purchase of a submarine torpedo
lioat to be usert by the school of subma
rine defense for experimental purposes.
Mr. Perkins argued In favor of the ap
propriation. .
Mr. rterry spok for his point of order
and Messrs. Wavren, Gorman, Piatt
(Conn.), Teller, Scott and Cockrell spoke
against It.
Mr. Cockrell said he was astounded to
think tht friends of ft certain boat would
come Into the senate and endeavor to de
feat the purchase of another type of host.
Mr. Retry responded hotly, saying that If
the senator from Missouri ' meant him. he
wanted to say that he did not know the
frlonds of orfe boat from another.
Mr. Cockrell said he did not believe the
senator from Arkansas did know the
friends of boats and Mr. Berry Inter
rupted to say:
"Well, tho senator from , Missouri knows
more about friends of boats than' I do."
The chair overruled the point of order.
Mr. Oalllnger then spoke In opposition
to the provisions lor the purchase of the
Divides1 tWi tier! Aon of Hea'se wits)
District ot Coltmbla.
WASHINOTON,' March 14. -Legtslntiqn on
the District of Columbia and the postofTice
appropriation bills oecupled the Attention
of tho house today. The rural free delivery
service received most attention, credtt for
the establishment of this service was
claimed, by speakers for both parties, and
both sides declared their friendship for It.
Mr. Patterson of Connecticut suggested
Williams, the minority floor louder, for the
presidency, but be. also coupled tt with
the mimes of Carlisle and Senator Bulloy
of Texas, as good, sound candidates.
Messrs. Douglas and Bulier of New York
spoke on the New .Tork postofTice problem,
the former favoring a downtown site and
the latter the Pennsylvania railroad sta
tlon. . .
Mr. Powers (Mass.), referring to the re
cent scenes In the house, arked If It was
surprising that some temper and resent
ment should have been displayed In view
of the fact that the report affected 150
members of the house.
Mr. Powers said, amid applause, that the
time had come when the rights of mem
bers and their relation to the executive
departments should be established, and
that their rights should not be Infringed
through the secret regulations or by the
arbitrary action of a petty chief.
Mr. Moon (Tenn.). the ranking minority
member of the postofTice committee, re
viewed the action of the committee In
bringing the report before the house and
said tho committee was not authorised to
sit in Judgment and could not have made
any change in the report as .submitted to
the committee.
The house applauded a eulogy of Mr.
Cleveland by Patterson (Tenn.) and a mo
ment later u euhgy of the late President
McKlnley, also by Mr. Patterson. Presi
dent Cleveland, he said, had not heal
tated to listen to political and other ad
vice from the south, and President Mc
Klnley had done much to heal the breach
between the north nnd south.
Mr. Patterson expressed the belief that
a democratic nominee from tho south
would not loso a single electoral vote to
the party. He mentioned as possible can
dldatea John G. Carlisle, Representative
Williams, the minority floor leader, and
Senator Bailey of Texas. The latter two
names were applauded.
Mr. Crumpacker (rep., Ind.) read a lot
tor from P. IT. Cunningham, president of
the National Carriers' association, urging
rural delivery carriers to telegraph Imme
dtately to their members of congress to
vote to Increase the salaries of rural free
delivery carriers.
Mr. Crumpacker said that he was not
opposed to Increasing the salaries of car
riers, but he believed In the fulfillment
of the prophecy of ex-Representative
I Loud that these carriers would organise
a great political machine and dictate to
Mr. Maddox (dem., Oa.) demanded to
know where Cunningham was, and when
lold that he Was a carrier In Omaha, Neb..
he wanted to know If the civil servtoe
regulations did not prohibit them Inter
fering in legislation.
Mr. Crumpacker remarked that hla pur
pose was to advise the proper authorities
in the matter. At K-rtK nVt.w V h
Radjourned until tomorrow.
Vtah People Emphatically Dear that
the rolyaanious Practices of Pres
ident of the Inarch. Were
SALT LA KB CITY, Utah. March 14.
Non-Mormons, Who are Indignant at the
admissions of President Joseph F. Smith
before the Smoot Investigations commit
tee, met here tonight for the purpose of
forming an anti-Mormon party. A com
mittee of twenty-five citizens was ap
pointed to frame a plan of political action.
A mas meeting will be held next week
to ratify the action and perfect organiza
tion. A protest against the statements of
President Smith was signed by about X
citizens. The protest will be forwarded
to Chairman Burrows and copies will be
circulated for further signatures in Utah
and adjoining states.
The resolutions declare that the law
abiding citizens repudiate emphatically the
statement of President Smith that his of
fense of living In open polygamy Is con
doned; that on the contrary the dis
closures made by him tt Washington
were nowhere received with greater a m acu
men t, Indignation and disgust than In
Utah; that It has been heretofore Impossi
ble to get at the real facts of the situa
tion, owing (o the wall, of secrecy with
which the polygamlsts have surrounded
themselves and their constant practice
of falling to comply with the law In re
porting births.
Look for Another Snspect.
BOON 15, la.. March 14. Boone people are
generally confident that Mrs. Dye is Inno
cent of iho charge of sending the poisoned
candy thnt killed Miss Nelson of Pierre.
8. I). There is a belief that Dye had
another r-weetheart here, who was Jealous
of Miss Nelson, and she may have sent
the poisoned package. Mrs. Dye said this
afternoon she had no Intention nf leaving
Boone for several ("ays and that she would
not leave the stale before the legislature
had time to act. Her reputation is excellent.
'"""'S r iTi 1 1 B f j7 ' be household, for without
1 I U ) j t no happiness can be complete. How
$ jS t) If eSj sweet the picture of mother and babe,
r hAI mJ Bui., umJ angels smile at and commend the
thoughts and aspirations of the mother
bending over the cradle. The ordeal through
which the expectant mother mutt pass, how
ever, is so full of danger and suffering that
she looks forward to the hour when she shall
feel the exquisite thrill of motherhood with indescribable dread and
fear. Every woman should know that the danger, pain and horror
of child-birth can be entirely avoided by the use of Mother's Friend,
a scientific liniment for external use only, which toughens and renders
nlUVlii all ' tl.. nrti a rt A
pilB UIU Ull L,. ww. f . Ha
W 1 4 till
at ii.oo per
assists nature m It. sublime
work. By its aid thousands
of women have passed this
great crisis in perfect safety
and without nain. Sold
bottle by druggists. .Our book of priceless
vslue to all women sent free. Address
BUAOriEUl KcauiATOH CO Atlmmtm, On.
1324 Fercia St 'Pb.nt 318.
Opening of the Sw Louisiana Jockey
Club's Spring Meeting; Proves Dis
astrous to Favorites.
NEW ORLEANS, March 14.-The open
ing of the new Louisiana Jockey ciub s
spring meeting was disastrous to the fa
vorites, Fronlenau being the only one of
their number to tlnlsh In front. Tne oefeat
of Vlpeilne in tho Crescent stake, lor
which she was a hot tavorlte at to 2U,
was tho heaviest upset of the day. Dixie
Lad, the second choice, was at 7 to 1 and
the others at a long price. The slow track,
seriously affected by yesterday's rain, did
not suit the Morris tllley and her usual
speed was lacking Deleval. at 13 to 1 In
the begins, led from end to end, winning
-uijr uy inree lengins. in race wan worm
to the winner. J. J. McC'afterty has
signed Jockey Livingston for the coming
year. Results:
First race, six furlongs: Frontenao won,
Mrs. Franck Foster second, Boundllna
third. Time: 1:1D.
Second race, five and a half fuilotigs:
Sneer won, Magdala second, Hobson
Choice third. Time: 1:09.
Third race, handicap, six furlonsrv Foxy
Kane won, Scorpio second, Harmakis third.
Time: 1:1ft.
Fourth race, the Crescent take, S-year-olds,
four and a half furlongs: Deleval
won, Dixie second, Vlperine third. Time:
0:541. i
Fifth race, mile: Moderator won, Henry
of Franstamar second. Prince of Endur
ance third. Time: 1:45.
Sixth race, mile and an eighth: Circus
Girl won. Midshipman second, ,'acob Weber
third. Time: l:67fc.
HOT SPRINGS. Ark.. March 14.-Weather
clear; track good. Results:
First race, six furlongs: 8heph.-d von,
George Vivian second, Axares third. Time:
Second race, five and a half furlongs:
Martin won, Debby May second, Sam Hous
ton third. Time: 1:0S.
Third race, six furlongs: Gnllawnter
. on. uuHKy necrei second, Belmuoa third.
?ime: 1:17. . , .
Fourth race, mllet El Coney won, Kitty
Cllde second, Broadway third. Time: 1:4$.
Fifth race, mile and one-sixteenth: King
Stelle won, Elghor second, Mamselle third.
Time: 1:44.
Sixth race, six furlongs: Louisville won.
Pepper Dick second. Countess Clara third.
Time: l:lfH.
LOS ANGELES, March 14.-Results:
First race, nix nnd nnshjair dirinnm
Busle christian won, T-andzor second. Jlui
Gore third. Time: 1:22.
Second race, one mile: Mr. Robinson won.
I ll.iu. m .u. ..... 1 I'll.. I. I .1 rrl , .low
Third race, five and one-hnlf 'nrinnn
E. M. Brattaln won, Nervator second, Bar-
iiiKicn Linru. lime: i:tw.
Fourth race, so vim furlonira. Via.nrilnAn
El wood won, Sals second. Princess Tulane
third. Time: 1:28.
Fifth race, mile and 100 yards: Namator
wo,i, Kagtag second, Glenrice third. Time:
1 :4S.
Sixth race, six furlongs: Dolly won. Rio
in too Becona, Blue Miracle third. Time:
SAN FRANCISCO. March 14-Results:
First race, futurity course: Captivate
von, Cassle W. second, Puredale third. 1:144.
Second race, four furlongs: Dr. Leggo
won. Bill Short second, Light of Day third.
Time: 0:B0H-
Third race, futurity course: Sal to won.
Resigned, second. Dusty Miller third. Time:
Fourth race, one mile and fifty yards;
Chickadee won. Siltirtnn second, Boulon
nlerre third. Time: 1:4H.
Fifth race, six furlonirs: Galnnthus won,
Bsrnum second, Pickaway third. Time:
Rix,th race, six and one-half furlongs:
Sailor Knot won. Celebrant second, Salanus
third. Time: 1:23H. ,
On Selleck'a alleys last evening the Wa
verleys tightened their grip on the city
championship by winning two games of the
three played with the (Vilts. Score:
lteed, 11. D..
...a a
. . . 13ft
Totals 091
Neale 2-J8
Carter 143
Honnell 2:3
Hugea 1N0
Welly 2J6
M. Totals.
17 f
173 t4
17 67S
174 MS
Totals 979 9G4 430 2,742
On the Gate City alleys the Drexels won
three straight from the Westerns. Score:
M. Totals.
230 6H3
lS'i 6 6
213 651
l.". fW)
222 671
1st. 2d. Sd. Totals.
Seaman 170 lxj 171 628
Molyneau 134 l'"l ITil 4T6
Roth 1H1 Kit 165 4!5
Imvison its 198 117 m
Bully 13s 131 lu3 3.3
Totals 7SA ' M) 7o7 2,433
Davis 144 2U9 148 Id
Duke 145 1."X 17i 479
Manning 92 143 114 3
Collins 119 127 111 367
Btapenhorst I'm 124 lul 410
Totala J&7 "wT Ho m
World's Fair Handicap Fairies.
ST. LOUIS, March 14. The official list of
entries and weights of the SUI.OiU World's
Fair handicap for 3-year-olds and upward,
distance mile and one-quarter, to be run
Saturday, June 2f, 1904, over the course of
tite St. Louis Fair asK'iatlon, was an
nounced tonight. The list follows:
McChesney, 12d; H-rmls. 128: Africander.
124; Irish ljid. li; Dl k Welles. 121; Gold
Heels. I At; Havable, 119; The Picket. 1U;
HunnelU, 116: Lord of the Vale, Aee Full,
114; Six-shooter, 112: Wltfull. Injunction,
1fc; Judge Hiines, 1U6; Gallant. Iu3: Otis,
1"!; McUe. IJngiilst. Flying Tordo. 101;
B. rnavs. Terra Flrnia. Contend. HaselwooC
Ort Wells. 100; Connecticut Emporium. 98;
Sambo, Colonial Girl. Harding, Peter, Paul,
97: Banter. 96; Deutschland, Don Domo,
Mnharih. Bear Catcher, 94: Flower Kin,
Byron Rote. 93; Ink. Hod Raven, Monastic
II. Ed Tterney. (rtdstone. Butts, 93; Com
rade. Pol Roger, Edgardo, t; Fenian. Path
master, 87 1 Bugler, M; Haat do Geeshen, M.
rinctnnntle Lonvo for Sonta.
CINCIVNATT. March 14. Manager Kelley
of the Cir.rl '.rnU National leagud ba batll
team and fourteen players left her tonight
on a special train for their training- quarters
at Dk.Ha. Texas. Other players will jola
the team at Dnllaa.
TanaTer and Merrerra. Trow.
CHICAGO. Mamh It Benny Yanger of
this city, and Aurelle Hnrrerrs, fuht a
atx round draw before the imeit'A dub
T Hi
Who study the hygienic interests of their families,
there is no subject of greater importance than that
of the bread problem what the methods of making
and how baked are questions which have become
of greatest importance from a health standpoint.
, 'i
n o g
solved the problem of how to get a bread food
at once wholesome and palatable. Unoeda
Biscuit contain all the nutrimentof the wheat,
made in the cleanest bakeries in the world; by
most skillful bakers. Sold in air-tight pack
ages always fresh, always ready for use.
1 I T"
the entire, six rounds. ' Both men scored
knockdowns In the third round, when Her
rerra put Yanger to the floor with a hard
left on the ear, and Yanger, .who rose in
stantly, sent Herrerra )(. with a left
hook to the Jaw. The decision was weU
received by the crowd.
Circuit Court Renders Decision
Against Grain Market Traders
Who Were Cornered. j
ST. LOXHS, March 14. In the circuit
eourt today Judge Wood rendered an oral
decision that grain market traders who
were caught on the "short" side of the ;
December wheat comer must pay. Eight "
suits were brought by commlrslon men who
defaulted on contracts for .December de
livery. The "shorts" claimed that the set- '
tllng price on December 31 was fictitious i
and refused to settle.
Are Simply Perfect,
Dr. King's New Life Pills are prompt,
safe,- gentle and always satisfy or no pay.
Best for stomach and liver. 26c For sal
by Kuhn & Co.
Elgin Ratter Market.
ELGIN. III., March 14 BUTTER Firm,
at 24Vo. Offerings, l.fflO tubs; sales, 40 tuba.
Sales for the week, 496,600 lbs.
HllUsMafjMfw 1 1 SfM M
Mllilwuef ! njP J
uTRAa or 6tt r !7j 1m,j .
Ti 1 1 1 1 it t if - - -' -"j rrf i 'n
IK . .ml. 4-y w .jSI.Km l hMftw aam, .
Protects the System
Against Catarrh
Hyomel Prevents Colds and Cares
Grip and Catarrh. Money Back If
It Falls.
"An ounce of prevention Is .worth a pound
of cure." A few breaths of Hyomel
through the neat pocket Inhaler that comes
with every outfit will check a cold or the
grip at the start and prevent serious or
lasting Illness.
In all catarrhal troubles and diseases of
the air passages Hyomel has a positive
action not possessed by any other medicine
or treatment. It Is pleasant and con
venient to use; simply put 30 drops of
Hyomel In the Inhaler and breathe It a
few minutes, four times a day. In this
way every particle of air that enters the
lunga la charged with a healing balsam
that kills all catarrhal germs, soothes and
allays the Irritated mucous membrane,
vitalizes the blood with ozone and makes a
permanent and complete cure.
A Hyomel outfit costs only 31 and con
tains an Inhaler, medicine dropper and bot
tle of Hyomel. The inhales lasts a life
time and when more Hyomel la needed ex
tra bottles can be obtained for 60c
The Sherman A McConnell Drag Co.,
corner 16th and Dodge streets, Omaha, give
their personal guarantee with every Hyo
mel outfit they aaU and rcfuad tha money
U It does cot cura.
I understand that the Bant a Fe will sell one
way colonist tickets to
Catlif orivisL
during March and April at very low rates.
$25 from Kansas City.
Pleass advise me hill particulars.
Strtet No.
City and Stats.
Out out this adveriimment and mat? to
E. L. Palmer, Pasengr Agtnt, All th Way
A. T. t 8. F. By., 409 EquilabU Building, Dt Moinet, Jo,
THE BEE-.-For All the News.
Some lucky fellowa are receiving many
leap year propositions. W. propose, that
you try a MONOGRAM, 6c Cigar and be
come an enthuslastlo admirer of Its pleas
ing qualities,
1404 Douglas (Street. Omaha.
MBN. atp toklag SMdldM. Hyo 1
bs wall, aak .rfuu. iot pane
or WMkmlne; drains, Ui f.mos
Vu antMT.lasr will iwtor you.
Ho drag. Stricture and V.rlrac.1
rsisamtly rae ta 1 to 4 tHUi
Km Iaimi BOtOM f.llur.i .fftct
laimedl.tei gusrsntMd. So O.
v. rrtud ;wnt for I rem tmruauium.
i,w3M4,,t w;mhi Maid is s'in mavlopm.
1st VAN lliret., IIS IrsM Bleak. Dssnr, C
W Cheap Settlers' Rates
March !, 8,15, 22 and April 5, 12,19 and 26
Particulars at City Ticket Offlo. 1402 Parnam St.. or write
W. H. BRILL, DIst. Pass. Agt., Omaha, Nob.
Mustang Liniment
rare Froatblte- nnd CbilbUlma.
Mustang Liniment
Bssst thing lor a lam. born.
Mustang Liniment
. dxivte wut tdl laflansmatloai.
Mustang Liniment
for Msvn, Beast or Poultry.
Mustang Liniment
heal Old Bore quickly.
Austang Liniment
Sara. Cavha4 CtlUtw La aowav
Mustang Liniment
cure Cat, Varaa, BraUes,
Mustang Liniment
crura 6pralaa and Btralaa.
Austang Liniment
is a oltiv oars to FLUa -
tuulshU T1- flfbt was aaxA aad taat for