TIIE OMAnA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, . MAKCIT 15, 1904. Tell. 1-P4. WE CTX5SE BATURDAY8 AT F. M. Bn, March 14, 190C If 70a want tain? to the bsy aaaa." f Special Sale of Imperial Long Cloth Special alc of Xo. 330, 400, 500 and COO Imperial Long Cloth manufactured by Sherman, Held & Co. These numbers are put up In twelve yard bolt. No. KO Imperial tong Cloth In this sale. H UH bolt. No. 400 Imperial I,on Cloth In this sale, $1. a bolt No. MO Imperial In- Cloth In this sale, i:.J a bolt. No. 800 Imperial Long Clnth In thla sul. J1.57 a bolt. Bpeclal sale of 35c Japanese Linen Center Pieces at tte each. Bpectal sale. of 35c Teneriffe Lace Doylies at 19c each. . . . .... ' .A. I 1.. lirnrrn m tiff r itvi i trrill I rortnern ana lyortnern rscinc, in MERGER IS HELD iNLAMiL rm Justice White also resd a dissenting opin ion, taklra uo especially the power of con- 0nttd States 8nprrr.s Court Hands Down ftnb to control commerci. Beginning with Ie0 lion in l3pnrtV.t VMS. ,. ,, ,, .nt. Involved In the caae. He referral, to Ita Importance and called attention to the fact that only four member of the court, one leM than a majority, had united In the opinion of Matter Which llaa Bees Considered, the court. He then Bald, that auch prln- 0PINI0N IS READ BY JUSTICE HARLAN for -Many Weeks Finally Decided ad Position of Adminis tration is t pheld. illnl 0 M fSO RL D ELD awT M MM - is" ssr gag) "A SnasaSBw agaasaar l Y. M. C A. Building. Corner Sixteenth and Douglas St. DIETRICH TARES JI1E STAND Contlnuod from - First Fair. narks stated h, replied, ''I believe yon had bcttet stand pat." -. "8tand pat" was a new phrase. to Senator Hoar, and he asked what It meant, and Mr. Clarke explained. The witness wan then aked about certain autemdhtic wWch District Attorney Summers had. said he would testify to having relation to Fisher's conversation. . .... . , . , : Mr. Clarke stated that he told Mr. Bum mers ' before '' leaving" that he could not testify to some of tho allegations put In his mouth, to which Bummers replied that they were Immaterial. But Senator Bpooner did not think they wore Immaterial, for he asked Clarke A numbor of question bearing on the summary furnished by the district attorney. - Fisher and Francis wore recalled to tell What they remembered of the conversation With Clarke, but their testimony 'threw little additional light on the matter, be yond their original statements. Datton Denies Story. William Dutton of Hastings was recalled and askod by Senator Hoar whether he had ever had a conversation with U. 8. Rohrcr of Hastings regarding t.he appointment of Mr. Haman as deputy postmaster under Mr. Fisher and whether he had said that It would take $600 to bring about his appoint ment. Dutton emphatically stated that he had never talked to Rohrer and that he did not know that Haman was a candidate. Thla testimony was brought out to con trovert a letter sent by District Attorney Summers through the attorney general from U. 8. Rohrer of Hastings, wherein It was stated that he had a talk with Dutton regarding the appointment of Haman as deputy postmaster and that It would cost Haman $500 to be appointed. ' John D. Mines of Hastings, deputy col lector of Internal revenues', waa called and denied a conversation In which It was claimed that Fisher had stated that Diet- Your Heart la a wonderful pump, that works Inces santly, averaging seventy fifty-pound strokes a minute and forcing from 20 to 80 pounds of blood throughout the body each minute, - .. , , - , The power' that keeps .this wonderful tiumnjn motion Is nerve force, the energy furnished by the jierves. Disease, over-eXcrtfrm,' fright.' anxiety, al cohol, tobaooo and other stimulants weaken these nerves, but the heart, Instead . of stopping, makes extraordinary efforts, and causes heart strain. Then cornea shortness of breath, Heart palpitation, , .dlsalne, eta., because the nerve are too weak to furnish power. Take the only safe remedy, Dr. Miles' Heart Cure It feeds, strengthens and builds up the nerves and muscles of the heart so they can suddIv the necessary energy. "Dr. Milee' Heart Cure Is a marvelous remedy. I always use it when oardlac trouble ! presnnt, It meets the Indica tions surely and completely." C. F. P. BUnCHMUBB, M. D., 496 Mass. Ave., Bos ..... If first bottle falls to benefit, money back. dictions of financial disaster from the en forcement of the anti-trust law, but dis couraged them, saying they were usual under such circumstances and need not bo realised. Justice Harlan declared that the only object of the merger was to prevent com petition, and he said that If no one else knew this to be the case J. Fierpont Mor gan, one of the defendants, anew mai rich had said he had to pay Mr. Thompson to have bean the case. Extracts from $l.,frfl for his expenses, Mr. Thompson hav- Morgan's testimony waa quoted In support In been a candidate for united States of this statement. clplea as laid down In that opinion are 'destructive of government, destructive of human liberty and destructive of every principle upon which organised society de pends." Justice White said ha conceded to the was for congress to supply tho remedy and fullest extent tha power of congress over not for the courts. I interstate commerce. '"But thla question," Morgan Knew Object of Merger, he said. "Is ownership-Is the acquisition JUBllCe JlSrian aisu uiocumr senator when Dietrich wss elected. U. 8. Rohrer of Hastings, another of th9 government's . witnesses, haa been sub poenaed and la ' expected to arrive on T 1 .1 . n 1, H , Senator Dietrich desiring to arrange his statement In chronological order, with the "In our Judgment." said Justice Harlan, "the evidence fully sustains the material allegations of the bill and shows a viola tion of the act of congress. Insofar aa !t declares Illegal every combination or con spiracy In restraint of commerce among state commerce' Commerce undoubtedly Is traffic, he went on, but It la something more. If It be true that ownership of railroads may be con trolled by the federal government, why may not all ownership be so controlled?" If the principle here adopted be true, ne contended, Mr. Hill's control of the rail roads in question could be taken from him. He could not accent thle theory, but con tended for the right of the states to regu late matters of thla character for them selves. For the federal government to take the position that tt'rsn supervise In such instances Is for If to putt down the pillar of the temple upon -which ti rests. The decree of the cirtfult court, which Is affirmed today. Contained the following: "Enjoining the Securities company, Its the several states and forbids attempts to officers, etc. "From acquiring or attempting to acquire papers, letters, deeds and checks, the com- monopolize such commerce. Laying aside mlttee adjourned until Wednesday at 10:30. the many things of a minor character and any more of auch stock. summarizing the principal facts, It Is in- "From voting any .such stock at any WF.STEH MATTERS AT CAPITAL, disputable, upon this record, that under meeting of stockholder pf either railway the leadership of the defendanta Hill and I company. Number ot Carriers Appointed for I Morgin, the stockholders of the Great "From exercising, or attempting to exer Rontea In Iowa. I Northern and Northern Paclflo railway cor-1 cHe any control, direction, supervision or (From a Staff Correspondent.) I porations, having competing ana suDsian- influence on the acta of the other railway WABHlNnTON. March 14. fBDBcial.) uaiiy parallel lines rrom me great iu company by virtue of Ita holding of stock Rural carriers appointed for Iowa routes: and the MIshIsbIppI river to tne -acmc therpln Knoxvtlle, regular, William O. Davlea; sub- ocean at the Puget sound, combined ana Fr0m allowing the Securities company jon.vtved tne scheme or organizing a enr- Conatituent companies." Continuing, Justloe Harlan said that "rhls combination is, within the meaning trust," but if not It is a com bination In restraint of interstate and In ternatlonal commerce and that Is enough to bring It under a condemnation of the act.' atltiitn C TCrrna. MnntMiimiL reaulnr. vimku.. .k., i,..t f-hmriov Kimh. poration under the laws of New Jersey, ... ' which should hold the shares of stock of Rural free delivery routes have been or dered established as follows: On April 1 Smith DftkAta Tanlrtnn Yanlrtnn emintv. one additional; area covered, thirty-eight f th" ac)' square miles; population, BIB. April 15 Iowa, Elm, Howard county, two routes; area covered, forty-eight square miles: population, 925. South Dakota, Brandon, Minnehaha county, one route; area forty on-s square miles; population, 433. Farker, Turner county, one additional: area, thirty. nine square miles; population, E3E. Rcnner, Minnehaha county, one route; area, forty square miles; population, 412. Walter C. Lyons haa been appointed postmaster at Harlan. Cherry county, Neb., vice Homer S. Meyers, resigned. John I Webster arrived In Washington last night for the purpose of arguing the case of Thomas L. Sloan against the United States. This cose grows out of the claim of a large number of mixed blood Indians for allotment of lands on the Omaha resor vatlon. Harry C. Brome of Omaha, counsel or Its attorneys or agents to vote the stock held by It. - ' "From paying, any dividends on such stock to the Securities company. "From permitting the Securities company or Its officers, etc., to exercise any control over the corporate acts of Such railway companies." Tho decree furthor provides that it shall not be construed as preventing a re- M h-iH tw if .,., a combination were exchange between the Securities company not destroyed, "all the advantages that and those to whom, It has. Issued Its own would naturally come to the public under shares In exchange for those of either the operation of the roneral laws of com- laiiway company. , petition, as between the Great Northern Justice White concluded his dissenting and Northen Paclflo railway companies, opinion at 1:45 and Chief Justloe Fuller, will be lost and the entire commerce of after stating that he and Justice Feckham the Immense territory In the northern part concurred In what Justices White and ot the United States between the great Holmes had said, announced a recess "I am much gratified with the result of the decision In the merger ault. for in my opinion the decision means more to the peo ple of our country than any event since the great civil war. It will for all time prevent the formation of illegal trusts and unlaw ful combinations. Opinion . of Jsagt Sanborn. ST. PAUL, March 14. 'The . supreme court decision." said Judge Walter 11. San bom, of the United States circuit court of appeals, today, -"follows tha same line of reasoning as the decision given In the cir cuit court In this case, and, so far aa I have seen, affirms that decision In every respect. I have said what I think about the merits of the case In the circuit case de cision. In which I concurred. Judge Thayer, who wrote the decision. Judge Caldwell and myself were all agreed that the North ern Securities company clearly Came within the prohibition of the anti-trust act and wi within the meaning of that act, a trust "It appeared to us that the merger was manlfeatly a holding company, the primary object, of which was 'to prevent competi tion, and the supreme court haa taken the same view." Former Senator Charles F. Manderson, general solicitor of the Burlington, was first apprised of the derision by a reporter for The Bee, to whom he made a statement as to the pr6bahle effect ot the decision upon the Burlington and the future course that the management of thla road will pur sue. ' He said: : "Until I have an opportunity to. read the full text of the decision aa rendered by Judge Harlan I cannot answer your ques tion Intelligently. Ever; since the Great Northern and Northern Paclflo railroads purchased the stock of tho Burlington Rail road company at 2 for $1 and placed all the stock In the hands of the Northern Se curities company as a holding company the three railroads have been operated entirely distinct from each other, and they will, be yond a doubt, continue to bo operated as separate entitles. So far as the general publlo Is concerned I do not see how It can bo either benefited or Injured by the de cision. The three railroads named have been operated In fair competition with each ether end the Burlington, during the exist ence of the so-called merger, hns been un der practically the same management and control that It was before. As to tho stock of the railroads held by the Northern Se curities company the decision will, undoubt edly, direct as to what disposition or dis tribution shall be made of It In the Interest of the owners, whose property right In the atock cannot be destroyed by the supreme court." S823ashL CLOSING OUT Buggies Carriages and Wagons FREDRICKSON Plftowath iua4 Capttot Are, Itead ir apodal ad every Sunday and Wednesday la The Ban. lakea and the Pacific at Puget sound, will be at the mercy of a single holding corpor ation, organized in a state distant from the people of that territory." Ho Interference with States' Rights. Discussing the contention of the defend ants that the enforcement of the act ot Hill Refuses to Talk. NEW YORK, "March 14. i. 3. Hill, pres ident ot the Northern Securities company, received newa of the decision at the com pany'b office In thla city. Mr. Hill declined to discuss the matter, except to say: 'There Is nothing to .be said at this time, for the IndlahS, la also In the city. It Is I congress would be an Interference by the The properties of the Northern Securities national government wltn tne internal i company are sum inera. iury ui aa guuu atatee, Justice Harlan aald: as ever." Thla view does not lmnress us. There Mr. Hill Intimated that he might have Is no reason to suppose that congress had something to say as soon aa he got time any purpose to Interfere with the Internal definite Idea of the scope of the opinion. affairs of the states, nor is there any Mr. Hill was in conference for aome t!me around whatever for the contention that after the newa came ottt with John 8. Kan the antl-trust act regulates only commerce nedy. Who Is one or tno airectors and among the states and In the foreign states, largest stockholder In 'the Northern Se- Viewed In this llht. thv, act must be re- curitles cOmpanyT Matui. Rv. tha eTniintt wnrria nt the At the offices of X''Morgah A Co. no Senator Millard haa been notified that I u.hii i ik.i ,. exDrenslon recaf dlnf ttte decision could be rural free delivery servloe will be eatab- I enacted by' congress in pursuance of Its had. A member dT'ih1 firm stated, how- usneo, ai uraaisn, xtoone county, April b, l provisions, are the supreme law ot the ever, uii.e iuIriK,ygiWi with one carrier. " ' I land, 'anvthln In the constitution or laws W. P. Clough. fourlfiT Vice president, dl- Th following lands In the lender.. tifyd.', of any ,tatert0 the contrary notwlthstand- rector and general counsel of the Northern dlstrlot. with a view of Incorporating them Ing,' supreme over the states, over the Securities compare, vwtuy -la said td have in a Shoshone Irrigation project, were tern- courts and even over the people of the taken an actlva .part - In drawing up Its oorarllv ordered withdrawn todav hv tha United Rtataa. tha anurr.a of all power charter, Waa lO - Waahlngton ': today . commissioner general of the land office: under our government system in respect An """ "."' ' 7 rn..hin. ,. nf tha nhiaeta for whinh tha onnKtitntion fected by the declslpn. The general list. -i.. tjv, u ., or. -n.kfn. waa ordained. An act nf rnnereaa constl- which . made some Improvement befcre expected the case will be reached late to morrow. Edward Roaewater arrived In Waahlngton this afternoon to testify in the Dietrich Investigation. It was decided, however, by the committee that his testimony would not be necessary. In view of the deotslon confining the Inquiry wholly to Senator Dietrich and the charges made against him in the federal court. 64 and 66, ranges 98 and 89, and townships 6 and 64, range 100, Congressman Hlnshaw - today recom mended the reappointment of Thomas J. Taylor for postmaster at Wllber, Saline county, Nebraska. He also appointed to Annapolis: Princi pal, Harry P. Letton, Falrbury; first alter- j nate, George I Babson, Beward; second alternate, Raymond Fowler, Dewltt; third alternate, Charlea Malllcy, Stromsburg. tutlonally passed under Its power to regu- noon, soia.on lor.vns nW i w.vw late its power under the states and with th" decision came ut, . On the curb ' r I dnAiialtUa. A aollna1 half at nn i Ul LUOI It DvvUi I us wwituw en jyviut from 854- to 864. , r ; , President Likes tho Decision. WASHINGTON, March 14.-Proaldent Roosevelt received the newa of the supreme foreign nations, Is binding upon all ' as much aa if it were embodied. In terms. In the constitution itself.' To sustain the contention of the defend ants that the anti-trust act, If held to era- To Cars a Cold la Ona Day Take Laxative Bromo QuIsJne Tablets.. All druggists refund the money If It falls to cure. IS. W. Grove'a signature la en each bog. xao. brace the merger caae, is repugnant to the court's decision in the Northern Seourltles constitution of the United States, Justice case from the Associated Press. He ex Harlan said, would be to overrule the prior pressed his satisfaction that the court had decisions ot the court aa to tha scope and sustained the contentions of the govern- validity of the anti-trust act ment. Later he wilt express his personal Mar Declare Combinations Illegal. congratulation to the attorney general If congress, he auid, could strike down a OratlBes Governor Van Sent, combination between private persona, or st. PAUL. Minn., , March 14. Governor private corporatlona that restrain trade Van Sant, when told of the decision in the among the states, "surely it ought not to merger caae, waa highly elated.. He aald be doubted that congress haa power to de- PETER POWERS' FRIEND LOSES OUT. Not Permitted ,to Intervene in Case to Stop Merger. ST. PAUL, March 14. A decision dismiss ing the appeal of Camilla Weldenfeld from decree In the United States district court, dismissing the appellant's Intervening pe tttlon In the case of Peter Power against the Northern Paclflo Railroad company, was handed down by the United Statea court of appeals today. Tha suit originated In the district court of Hennepin county. Peter Power, as the alleged owner of 100 shares of common stock In. the Northern Paclflo company, seeking to obtain an In junction restraining the Northern Pacific company's directors from entering into a combination with . similar officers of the Great Northern and Chicago, Burlington A Qulncy roads, to merge and consolidate th three systems, which were alleged to be parallel and competing. Power also sought to restrain the Northern Paclflo company from retiring Ita preferred stock, amounting to 376,000,000, alleging thai. this wa, being done In the interest pf . the alleged merges. 'i ne case was removed to the united Statea circuit court, Ttvhere the defendants conclusively showed that Power never owned any stock In the Northern Paclflo and that he had no Interest In any of th matters alleged In the complaint. Camilla Weldenfeld, with the permission of the court, (fled his intervening petition, seeking to have the retirement of the atook declared unlawful and fraudulent, and to hav the Northern Paclflo company- de. Glared of having unlawfully consolidated Its lines with the Great Northern. The decision is againat th contentions of the appellant at every point, the court holding that the. Northern Pacific company acted .entirely within Ita power In con verting the preferred stock to common. TEXAS STRAWBERRIES Now ready to move. I make spe cialty of filling small orders no car loads all shipments C. O. D. Correspondence solicited. 5. P. rtOWLANO, Houston, Texas. Glass Worker Eleet Oncers. 1 election ' Workers association enow mat raul St. ' Peter waa elected president to succeed ' Simon Uurna by a large majority.' John Swalm waa elected vice president; William Lowera of Jeanette. Pa., treasurer, and Harry Rhode ot Newcaatle, Pa., assistant secretary. Cantata, "Joan ot Are," First Congre gational Church, thla , evening. Tickets, M cents. DIED, FARRAR L. P. Saturday evening, March 11, aged 63 years. Funeral at I o'clock p. m., Tuesday, March 16, from residence, 1743 South Thir teenth street. Interment Prospect Hill cemetery. Friends Invited . 8 rM.-r .,-r -ru,. ,,a, Omaha Bee ' Exposition Coupon A Trip to St. Louis via The Wabash ONE VOTE One Vets for. Address. , Town. I S No.. Vete for. Address. i Seed lee t (os,me). Town- Address. This coupon, when accompanied by a cash prepaid subscription to THK BEK, aounta 10 voiaa for each luc paid, loO vote for each dollar paid, etc. A aubacrlpUon cannot be prepaid until th amount due to date haa been paid. Ieponlt at IH ORlc or mail to "EspoalUua Departmanl," Omaha iiee. Omaba, Neb. j cla.e illegal a combination that restrains nfm mm rf amnnr th at a t n a ft n r, with fn,. r.LCTSfrSf JtrSialK-! Un tlons. n. carried on' over th line. oi competing railroad companies, in me exerqise of public franchises and engaged in auch commerce." Justice Harlan quoted a number of deci sion and concluded aa follows: "Guided by theaa long established rules of construction, it la manifest that If the anti-trust act is held not to embrace a case, auch as is now before us, the plain In tention of the legislative branch of the government will be defeated." Justice Harlan said that the defendants hav no Just cause to complain of the de cree of the lower court in the matter of law, and It should be affirmed. Justice Harlan, In conclusion, announced th con firmation of th decision of that court, say ing! "Th Judgment of this court la that th decree belcw of the circuit court be and hereby la affirmed, with liberty to tha circuit court to proceed In the execution of th decree, a the clrcumstancea may requlr. Th decision was concurred In by Jus tices Brown, Brewer, McKenna and Day, while the chief Justice and Juatlcee White, Peckham and Holmea dissented. Justice Harlan concluded at 1:18. He was followed by Justice Brewer, who. while concurring In the Judgment, did not accept all th language of the opinion. Opinion of Dissenting Judge. Justice Holmes read the dissenting opin ion. Ho construed the anti-trust law aa a criminal atatute and declared that there waa nothing in it to Indicate that it had been enacted meroly for the control of largo concerns, aa la generally contended. Indeed, the law had not been understood as applying to railroads until so construed by the supreme court. The act, he con tended, applies only to contracts and com binations in remain ot trade and makes no reference to competition. Logically conatrued. Justice Holmea aald. today'a decision ahould be followed by the criminal prosecution ot the parties at In terest In this case. Speaking of the general understanding that the Sherman law applied only to large corporations, the Justice aald that this Im pression waa breathed from every pore of the atatute, but that Ita language did not bear out the conclusion. II thought thla Inference due to the alze of railroad cor poratlona. He took the position that there bad been no attempt to monopolize In this combination of th railroada and aald that there could be no more objection to the purchase ot the atock of the Northern Pa cine and the Great Northern roada by the Securities company than lis bought by Mr. Morgan himself. Referring to the point of personal reaponalbillty. Justice Holmea said: Nam. Stat. CUT THI8 OUT Deposit at Bee Offloe or mall to "Exposition Department,' Omaha Bee, Omaha, Nebraska, M"TTftttttlltttlBlu'tlBMMf tOfltt CUT OUT THIS COUPON. Omaha Bee Exposition Coupon A Trip to St. Louis via The Wabash PREPAYMENT COUPON Nam. But. Grap I do not expect to hear It maintained that Mr. Morgan could be eent to prison for buy ing as many share aa h liked of th Great "Rough and Ready" Food .That's wonderful Nuts Rough in shape (that's to give the teeth work and bring down the saliva) and Ready to go into the system and make Muscle. Brain and Nerves. r- ' Over : two million meals of Grape NutS eaten every day and no failures. "There's a Reason." CARTERS TTti: VER ILLS. CUR Blck Hesd.fh and rl'e. alt th trnnh'es !. dmt to a bilious .tat. of th tih-. a a. D. titiM. N.d, DrowsSo '.tr. afir eUng, Pla la th Side, e. Whll thflr met runatfc bl. suec... hit bees tHiien la corlug SBCE'I Hnadartaf.yM C.rtrr.Llttl. Llr Vl sr. o ny v.ln.hle In C'on.t ipUoo, curing and rrcatlng this nBoyiof compl.mt, whll. t'f to correct all dinrdr of tb. .tom.'h. linnlt th. liver and regulate th. bowel.. ca if ttiry only eurei AMi they would he.luin.trfl"'' tfee Wi stiller from this dlmtwlng complaint; bnt forto B.t.ly th.lr goodnei. do. sol rod ttm, an ibo who once try them will find tn little pills vain able In so m.ny th.t thev will rot b. wUUag to io without them. But after all sick btad ACHE I. th ban. of o mtny live, th.t hcrr i. when w tn.ke oar great boa.u Oar Uls cur it wail ether, do not. Carter's Little Liver Pill, ar very .mall vory eay to take. On or two pllis mke s do.. Tbry are .trirtly veget.bl sua do not grip or parg. bat by tbf ir tmtle scuon plr .11 who tiMtbem. Invt.l. t5rest.; tortl. cold . by draggist everywhwe, or MM by m.l. CAKTElt MEDICINE CO., Nw York Cltjfr THE FAME OF SAPOLIO tus reached far and wide. very where in millions of homes here Is a regard for it which can not be shaken. Sa polio has done much for your home, but now or yourself have you ever ried that "Dainty Woman's Friend"-HAND SAPOLIO, or toilet and bath? Ton Days' Freo Treatment Offered Men Orcst Parisian Methoi That Cures Seminal Weakness, Varicocele Stricture, Olrct, Gonorrhoea, Unnat ural Discharge, lr rotation and F.n Isrfcmeat of tha Prostata (Hand, D'adaer and Urinary Disorders, Without taking fir die! ne Into tin Stomach srd In Their Own Home. It Will Be Sent Every Han Absolutely Free. a wonder?t,l method successfully usd for y.nre In I'tsnrs, and now for th f.rt tlrte Introduced In America. It la possible for any n-.an. no matter how bad off. to Quickly regain the v!cr of young manhood A SKIN OP BEAUTY 18 A JOY FOREVER. DR. T. FELIX GOVJRAC1VS ORIRNTAt CREAM, OK MAGICAL BEAUTIglEB Keraore. Ian, rnrtple.,rroll-a, inm r.bcnr. nam, ana nun aueaM., ana Try Dimin an De.uty, sua lflft detection. It h. Mood tb tnt of 06 ve.rs. snd 1. to hsrnil.. w. ink. it to be nr. it U properly rrt.dft. Accept no counter feit of ilmllir nam.. Ir. L. A. Birr, aald to a 1:i.1t ot tn baut- tnn (a patient)! 'A. yoa ladle, will um IMn, I r.comm.na 'G.unud'i Cream' a. th. leaat harmful of all lb. Ik In prerwraMon." for aal. by all DruggleU and Fancy Good Dealers In th V. 8., Canada, and Europe. HRD. T. HOPKINS, Prsp'r. 87 Brut Jons St., M. 1 MS THE PARIS MEDICATED CRAYON. PktASANV, t OTHINO AND HtAUNO. without taking any medicine Into the stom ach, and to prove that It will do thla they offer a full Ten Day. Trial Treatment ab solutely free to every man sending name and addresa to Dr. Btevena & Co., box 1771, Columbus, Ohio. You apply It loyally to the seat of the trouble, and It quickly finds Its way to the dealred spot, enlarging the muscles, increasing the nerve force and giv ing the necenxary vim and energy. The world of science and medicine thoroughly endorse It. It cure In wonderfully quick time, In your own home, lost vltaJltr, emaciation, prematurity, varicocele, rlcture. unnat ural ltrltation and enlargement of the pros tate gland, and all bladder and urinary disorders of mon. It is the only rcethod known to science that will electrify the body, rout waatlng disease., create vigor. warmth and force, and all this without mellclne taken Into the stomach. If ! othera tell you nothing can be don for you, this will surely cure you. write to Dr. Stevens A Co., Columbus. I Ohio, Box 1771. They offer Ten Days' Trial I Treatment to every man. It is no "pre ' acrlptlon," "deposit" or "C. O. D." scheme, ss this firm is too large to resort to such I petty ways. In addition to the absolutely ! tree trial treatment they send the most complete book ever written on the Dlseas.s of Men, telling all, and fully Illustrated, with forty engravings from life. Every thing ia confidential and sent perfectly plain, and since they merely ask you t Inquire what they havo got that will cure you, we trust every gentleman reader of thla paper will write them at one. aa above and thua get the Ten Days' Trial Treat ment ana dock, doiq aDeoiuicir irva. AFFIRMS POINTS OF LOWER COITIT, Judge Thayer Think Deel.loa Supreme Coart 1 Final. ST. LOUIS, March 11-Judge Amo Thayer of the United State circuit court, whose opinion in th Northern Soouritles caa waa affirmed by the suprem court, aid: From what I have aeen of the decision it appears that all the points I made in my decision have been affirmed. Justice Harlan 1 holds that the Northern Securities com pany la clearly a combination In restraint of trade and that it Is an attemDt to mon opolise interstate traffic. Relative to tne question aa to atate rights tha decision clearly enunciate that in in terstate matters congress Is supreme and that any act In violation of this 1 abso lutely void. rrom wnat l nave seen or tne dissenting opinion It appears that It is held that the anti-truat law is purely a criminal atatute and that congress did not enact it to pre vent men from organizing holding corpora tion The rreat Question In this caae was whether corporations could be organised that have no business of their own save to act aa a holding company for other corpora tions ana to do iormea soieiy ior inai pur pose. It is obvious that If this could be done the corporation could be formed to control all of the industrial plant of the United Slates. The dH-ltfiuii of the supreme court is final, motions for a rehearing In this court are made but never granted, especially tn a case like this which has been carefully gone over time and again. FOR LUMBAGO SLOAN1 LINIMENT ..IT.. KILLS PAIN Get the litle book "The Itoad to Wellville," in each pkg. VALIDITY OF THE DEVICES AT ISSl'E. Attorney General Knox Expresses Ills Opinion of the Decision. WASHINGTON, March 14. Attorney Gen eral Knox, being asked this evening con cerning th merger decision, said: My views of the decision ciinnot be bettci expressed than in the lunguage of one or the beat know railroad president in the United States upon the decision in favor of the government by the court below. Ho aid: "Tbe decision is sound law, good, nnd for the benefit of all legitimate IntereHt. and for the country's welfare, and It voices the Judgment of probably nine-tenths of the in ob i conservative buslne.a men of the country." . As to the bearing upon other railroads I have this to sayj The government has never claimed that the law la any broader than Ita language plainly indluutes. During the trial and argument the government paid no heed tu the defendant's contention that the maki-up of substantially all the great American systems of railroada waa on trial. The governments ponltlon was then that the question before the court whs the vulidity OI tne xsortnern eecurmes uem-e. President llarrlaaan Silent. NEW YORK. March 14.-E. H. Harriman, aid: I must digest the opinion and counsel with my friends before talking about it. Cant l'.n..r Is ( Prosperous. NEW YORK, March 14. The report of the T.nn.sace Coal and Iron companr for th year ended December 31 lam, wluch waa made public today, ahowa net earning' of K eWt.iTT an Increase over the prevlona year of .4n2. During the year I2.W7.ih av.a emended for reconstruction and per manent Improvement. Ther has been chnrsed off againat depreciation a total of tl.&l.uW within the la-.t three y.ara. Champagne! If It la the taste and aparkle you want, I'll bring you Cook's Imperial. APPENDICITIS That dreadful disease which threatens all of us, rich or poor, can attack and kill only those whose bowels are not kept clean. Start today by taking Milks' Emulsion and keep your bowels in a healthy condition. jl m. ua m.-v.v JMiftliSH WE GUARANTEE AN ABSOLUTE CURE. TurdUM price refunded by yoor orocgist If Bnt botUt duet not girt relief. Tbe Milks' Emulsion Company, ' Gentlemen: Terrs Haute. lad. I was a constant sufferer for he years with Stomach trouble, which developed Into appen dicitis a dittnuuted by pbyslclnn. and for (ix month, eipccted order, to be taken to theho. ultal to undergo anoiertloo by knife, when I wa. induced to try a box of Milk.' Kmuialoo, and not more than halt a box ws. taken by tne, when I was given lellef, and have no indication of any pain in my side or stomach .inco that time, and can freely recommend Milkn' J-.mul-slon to anyone suffering Irom, ttomacb. trouble or Indication of aiMiendiclu.. our- tru y. jAKC.KDTBKHriiai,KutherfordlrintlngCa, December 14 Terr Uaute. lud. The Milks' Emulsion Companv. OeuUemen: Terr Haute. Ind, I waa bothered with stomach trouble and onstipatioQ lor five yearn. One year of thi time lw. unable to work, suffering untold aaony' I doctored with some the best pbr.iclans. also took many of th. proprietary remedies used ... tmiit.l and ounalluatiou. but could find do penmiuent relief. A friend of mine reoommended Milks' l.mulaion and after taking the Brat few dow I found that Iwi relieved greatly and after u.iog three package, it effected a twruianent cure. I cannot any too much for Milk'. Emulsion. It ha. done more for me than any of the remedies that 1 uaed and I leel that I should give you thi. testimonial ss it may be the meana of having other sufferer to U your good. Yours reapectiully. gouua. a C. A. MoCOSJIAnt. Anderson, Ind. Th MILKS' EMULSION ll pleasant t tak sag ACCOJafUiUES WONDtHJUL USULTS. MILKS' EMULSION CO., Pries 60 nt. Terra Haste, lad. filMMNTEED AND FOR SALI If DRT'Q DEPARTMENT NewTom Bostonand The East Six traim a day from Omaha over the North-Western Line, the only double-track rsllway from the Missouri River to Chicago, connects at that point with all lines, for a.'l points East. These fast trains on the North-Western Line are most conveniently equip ped for the safety and comfort of patrons. Buffet smoking and library cm. Superb a la carte dining car service. Drawing-room and private con.part ment sleeping cars, free reclining chair can and standard" day coaches. Leave Omaha daily for ChKago ot 3:40 s. m., k:00 a, m.. 11:20 a m., 4:25 p.m., 5:50 p.m. and f:25 p.m. Ticket, and full Infmmtlon on (plication TICKET OPVICBSl 1401-1403 r-'arauu Stre.t, Omaha A MlICMliSTS. HaV I'elenhnne If.a. Every Night. Matinees Tn. :.." y. Batur dsy and SaiiSiy. Modern Vaudeville Julia Kingilcy AY Co., linyder & Rucktoy. RoboitUH u Wiifredo. A. U. Inincan. J'" Kiynn, AV. . Hen Omur and tie Kino drome pvciutlng "The Uteat Train Hub bery." Prices loo, 2Be and BOo. KRUG THEATER 15-25-50-75C HIItST TIME AT POPl'MR PniCKS , TONIGHT, Slid JOSEPH MURPHY KERRY GOV. Wednesday Mat., Best Beate 25o "Bhaun Rhus." Wedneaday Might "Bliaun Ilhue." THIRSIJAV, FRIDAY AMD SATXRUIV, i!CI Cent Matin Satarday . "HAPPY HOOLIGAN" Nothing but fun, Musio and Pretty titris. Prats Now on Bale. BY PI M tl a.Q m V S dS. ww. sasi BOYD'S Woodwnrd Ac Burgeas. BPliClAL. MATINEK TOlAT Iast time tonight, MAMIE WAINWRICHT In "Twelfth Night." Prices Mat. 2bo to ll uO; night, 2ia to $164 FRIDAY A SATURDAY. MAT. A NIGHT kC. J. Morgan in "Th Internal t Uy.". I-rlces Mat. c to S1.00; night, toe to H Seats an Snl WednesSay Association Course' BOYD'S THEATER, Monday, March 21st. sitm-iHViiiCAfir co., A STRONG COMBINATION. Beat now on sal at Y. IU. C.