THE OMATTA PATT.Y TlKK: SrXPAY, MAttrn W. mm IB", P LI I VeT,' UUU ft M Great Wash Goods !l"d'ni S!"., R TifK npi.nni.i-: sTitrj. Department. TTooind of pieces choicest of the season's best p.. reV ' . :i ecnpt recti t tho riot c-pirro:-nsl'-o tne.piaVd Tor variety nnd ci'Titp-ss miywh.-r- In th f 't. Candidly, (f J. styles nro yours to set net f-"m t-T- . to two or f-re.. In fur stores, when nrv j. moot likely tn FIND THE GHEATES-'T SATISFACTION AS A lTlI'Mf APER. THi: NEW Pt'ITINOS In tpier. mT"-rU-t1 cotton, etc . r'-" J-rr- In K, dli".P"t and i"r"Ht'- lines ep,bri.--g t-et rv Mlor. tvb. ard prt-v Special 90 ft M nday on embroidered In. Kultln'g. r.t. vurd tuC THK NEW WHITK WAIS il'-JO? -Cvn 1."' t.lcs In Wlc 'l from, brai-t'ful pV;,-, nrniures. crepes, niohnirct;.., :i.-('innl. pf Special Monday !Ci on figured fancy vblte vrt!.-t!ng. at, yard Lvu The New Sheer White Goods for Con firmation Dresses Wash chiffon, Pur's mouselllno. French lawn, French r'ninti Grand I Will silk PI Jilt il'- ante, f t.-. Special M), V day nn wMte l'nrti hi' In. wM, regular Wt grade, our nwn direct Importation, nt, yard Swiss. -11, 4S Swiss f fJ CTi FPSVII J 0ur Premium Values Are Su- All Cash Purchases No De- laiAny IfPIJ? perior to Iny Others Offered OarfmenlS ExCDDled. t UL &IV fejIiXlu Inrntiutlon Will Prove This to Yoo. Tlffi TtKI.MIM.K HlliHH, The New Fabrics in 32-c l Fancy Weaves in Colors; tulles gnuz nadliio eiiinr-, Imported dtrt sllk luster, at, yard Beautiful French grenadine nnd (pr-tT I ft Monday on black gr gunr'intoo, to ri'tnln Its beautiful Now glnirhnm", n-'W counters, tin" soft percales. nc n.'W ohambtnys. rtc, In such (IltEAT VA RIETY n. ONLY tn western huvcrs. MA fT. ( 'I'.T'K'ltS f-p. '-Inlly nollrlfd frmn out -of-town trnilf, vhn will rrlvp from u, ttpori r.-'t'ioxt. PAMI'I.KS I'HKh: of npy I'IM'KN f'A Ml. 11 'A?1l FAPTtlt' MAN'C- FAtTCI'Kft. printed nrt, pttk moil;'-'t!ltif. etc. ,.,,y. 50c ni:idri5, ni.w llnon rn mbrlos. HAYPKN'S ever nffororl immm New Spring Soils, Skirls, Waists and Raincoats The greatest line of strictly up-to-date high prnrle garments ever phown in the city, and we are receiving new additions daily. Do not fail to pee our line before buying. Some Bargains For Monday. TVomin Fult In nil tho lntrjt rtylcs .Ttid tnwdi' tip "f tho most populnr fabric?. M:vd to sell at $l7 5-. A 7C Mond.ty O 10 Wompti's Suits, swell ifHrmcnta In bhif, browns "ii'l blarku, tHo very lut'-st pr1ni? Klylos, r-tnnot bo d'lpllriitod for II ftft tbnn 1.1 . Monday, nt . . 9U rcfttittfnl SrrInK Suits In plnln oo)or- (tnd fancy mixtures, th' nobblret stilt on tin- tniirkt for tli' price. .t;ulf to soil in J t for Monday, at 19 Oil P.Tttlf'il R:iniplc Suits, m-w Eton crf--t. wlt'i lino l'.k drop, n line voti sl.onld not fall tu foc, to d!frrM stvlns, nt t"5.Ci, V"' K...' $150 14 90 5w!l Silk 3ults. the very latest Htyles, handsome, stylHIi stilts. worth fJM", Monday Cras-enette Rjilneoats In oxford (fray, olive and tan, 3 cnpi s. Just the thlnit for sprlnK wear, made to sell for $15. ao. Mod- ri-:.cM 8 90 Women's handsome Voile Fktrts trimmed with bands of taffeta and hax taffeta drop, a perfect beauty, nt , Women's SprlttK Jackets, well made, nnd a great bnrirnln. Motida v, at 8 90 4 98 Women's Waists One groat lot of wnlsts tn nil kinds of rubrics, silks, laws, organdies, vestlnirs, madras, etc., worth ns l.lh a ..'. Your PA choice Monday OU Orti- big table Women'n TeBti do Pole Wnl.xts In nil the latest ptylcf. ii beutitlftil line, worth tip to V-'O. 1 our choice Monday I'ltrn prrlsils. Children's Jl"A.i Coats U'onn n's $ 1 'V I'ndi rsktrts. . Si r.i Pi rcale Wrappers Women's t; Ou .ilt . . Misses' pel Press Skirts. AMR Is Ml Till: RFMitllt: Tn. Wonderful Display and Great Sale ol NEW SILKS HIONDAY There never was n reason vilnit we were so well equipped to nupply your silk wsnts as now. A visit to the bl Silk Popartniont will show you why HAYPKN'S SII.KS lire the talk of the town. The Bargains We Offer for Monday's Sale Are Simply Irrisistible 3 98 l.t 1.9 VO YOf KNOW THAT THE I.APHKI. BJUKS lire the tn west fcaturo In ufacturlng of silks. They ure especially fot shin walsi suits I'leces received (birlns the past few days These tles are all confined l'nial.,1. We pi ice the entire I it on sale, at o. Tic. S.".c. 9V Hnd.. .' Thl lot includes the new cha ntpagnoe, gunmet il, nuvvs and brmvns. Swell lot new t'repe de Chine, In hlte. black and all the lending spring shades, full U In. wide, an-1 revular price Jl (X, only ?5 pleo s the new Khaki Crash Poi'Koe, pure silk, on sale ., Vc show 50 distinct styles In the to w embroidered pongee silk, for nlst or suits Very best uuillty, on sale fK) pieces new Poulard Silks In beautiful styles in the very nobbiest shades for sprit g. H 111 wide, only We bought I'Vj pieces yard wide- Japanese Wash Fllks In pure white nnd black. We placo entire lot on sale Monday, at Flrcst quality vitrei wide bhuk oil boiled taftet.v. n grade that retails In every store at un sale Monday, at the nian- t its fr 1.26 65c 1.0 J ANOTHER SILK FURORE MONDAY Women's Walking Skirts 1 Plain and ehnngeable taffeta, white figured wmh taffeta, foulards, Persian silks, f'onwti ollV L.L.ttt..!,...! , ..I .1.1. ..... .OV. IO.,1. . ....tin,, a lMii lirll- I llant, theik and polka dot silks, lace stripe farcy 'silk, corded satin end t.'iffi t.i novel- I ties, plain I.tuil. tie silk -over 2' tle -,, of th." swellest silks ever placed on scle, nnd are worth M l". II. a, M.W and j: Xi. (in sale I oil dny Monday, at 4Se GHiA DEPT. Grade Dress Goods Denartmsnt Extraordinary Bargains Imported Jipanese Toklo Vases, Portland shune The are Mm Cs each 9v Three nrm wrought Iron ("andla- 1 0 brns. "No value, for ICw t-ijunrt Tnnknro Flemish Water OC Pitchers .CWV White Peml-Porcelaln Oips and Saucers, us lltrht nnd fine n cbln-t. colotilnl sh:i;e. These good- "ell regularly at !Co per jet On shI Monday, per set 0PV Too mucli Importance cannot be given to the soft sheer fabrics that lend them selves to the graceful fl 'Whn; line- of the season's fashions. THE GAl'ZIF.ST VOII.KS, the clinging Crepe dc Chenes, patp.tos nvd Nuns Veilings In all the new shndrs and blacks, yen will tlnd nt a special price for Monday's sale. Lupin's t4 Ip woo! Crepe de Chene. In nil rhades nt'd black, the nun Illy you pay ti nt. for, Monday, u pa m Extra Special In Mohair. Lupin's 41 In silk and wool Crop.; d': Chepe. In all t'-e ntw shniles and Lla- K, our rinruhir t! f.O rrade reduced to Lupin's Voiles In plain button nnd ehe-k effects, the otUv new voiles this seas in. I In nil colors ana ppick. aii our yj- 50c .69- 9Bc t'i 00 quality for Monday, at. jnpes, Vcllcs nrd Pntlsten for dres'lvg wear we show In etidless styles Yoi know the quality of Lupin's fabrics. In. black at-.d blue Slclll'nn, flno gi-'ss and tlninh. nt 5tj In. Prlestlev's oravetiette Slcllllan. nt 53 In. Priestley's fancy cravenetted Slcll lliti, In bhie. brown, greys and Mack, ''nir t- '.' titiallty. reduced SO In. Prlcs'ley's cruvenettcd Slcllllan, In blue checks, black checks, fancy stripes nnd plain blue or black. Our n iA n 5e i-rside. Hf ft 19 Vobtilr.i nre the Pew swell g"oda for shirt wi'ht .ail's for Ptreet nnd trave'lng wear. The nnnie Priestley you know the rcBt. BED SPREADS If you peed a spread of itny color or design. Marseilles, Crochet, Honeycombs, with or without frlpge, you will be sur prised at the low prices you will Hnd nt tho Pig Store fl '"i ex'ra heavy White Honeycomb Pod Spread, handsome Marseilles paMert;--, hemmed ready for use, size 75 In. wide tv ea.t.'r: 65c fl.::. fine farcy honeycomb Pod Spread, made from douh, twlJtecl y.vrn, beu-jtllul I.irselllcs patterns, vcrv large, QA size Ktix:1" In., ear-h 0L Jl.T") whltb heavy knotted fringed U1 Spreads. Marseilles patterns, splendid value for tho money. Kvtr.i larga tlzo in. wide by i feet long. each GRAND f? -"a e-xtra superlne- fiurl'.ty white Mar- Iled Spreads. Kxtra heavy nnd Sollies very rich designs, full double bed size, each I 25 Mat ') nnd I 79 Hardware, Stoves and House Furnishings A Car of Turquoise Enameled Ware TIfK FINFST WAP.E MADE IN AMKKI'.. A UKAl'TIFl'l. SPFCKLED TU.l 1-. Pd WHITE (TTSIOE nnl WHITE INSIPU Kvriy piece F1IIST CISS nnd WAtt ft A NT F.T nt PUIt'ES that others nre telling the ordinary plain ware. We have a full line of everything you peed. You will find the COL NT EH S full and you will find the FLOOH full. All will go ON SALE MONDAY. Below We Give a Few Sample Prices. Don't Miss This Sale. Ec 7Sc 79c 83c No. S Tea Kettle at 2-innrt Coffee Pot nt l-ejtmrt Coffee Pot nt 4-qtinrt Coffee Pot .t G 49 c 69c 69c 10-ou!irt Dish IBn at 14 quart Plnh l'nn nt 10-qunrt Water Ihill at 12-eiuart Water I'nll at SPECIAL DISCOUNT ON ALL HEATING STOVES. OPTICAL DEPARTMENT FITTING FREE Oold Killed Frames, 10-year g-unr- ICO antee, usual price $3.00, at I 3 9 Gold Plated Spectacles with Ann Qfi Imported lenses, worth t'i. 00, at www Alumlnold Spectacles, good quality TOl lenues, sold at fl.50, at I CO Linen Oept, Easter Offerings We received last week through the Omaha custom house. JeO.nnn worth of Irish und German linens. Imported directly bv ourselves. goods will be placed on sale Monday. TANLK LINENS, NAPKiNH, SETS, etc., all go at before unheard of prices. Do not fall to attend this sale $1.K bleached all linen Irish table damask, (W In wide, ten patterns to select from. Silo price, yard Jl.Hni satin damask Irish table linen, ff in wide, twelve patterns to select from. Silo price, ynrd JH.On double satin damnsk Irish table lluon. In. wlde, at Napkins to match above ?''x?n s1zt doi.en Th- silver blenched Gorman table linen, (guaranteed), twenty patterns to Jf A select front, at. yard H'wC silver bleached pure German linen fable damask, 7i In wide, ten TC patterns to select from, at, yard IOC 75c fis 1n 98c ' llnon. 139 2 50 85c $1.15 German table damaak. & In. wdde, fourteen patterns to select from. Sale price, yard We carry the largest stock of pattern cloths, napkins and hemstitched cloths tind napkins to match oi any huuvu in the Prices, per dozen... 3 85 (o 25 00 t'.T bleached nil linen napkins, dozen $2.Bo bleached all linen napkins, dozen OPENING EX C3ILL ERY j J Dress Suit Gases Mow is Your Chance Gases Worth up to $10 Kondsy 3 53 and 4 95 Monday and Tuesday. ...YOUR PRESENCE IS SOLICITED. Wc Huckaback hemstitched towels, size 24x43. Sale price, each In Our Domestic Department. We Lerd Them All. 169 179 25c SOt: blenched sheeting 81 In. wide, to M. at, yard ftfr b'Hc bleached pillow easing, 46 In, IQln wide, at, yard Ift' (Tlic Heavy L. I muslin, 3fi In. wide, C , (it. yard v liHc snow white enmbrle, A- (it, yard 15c English ldng cloth, 3U in. wdde, at, yard 10 2jc mercerized white walstlng, nt, yard 18c white lawns, 40 In. wide, at, yard 6T4c standard dress prints, at, yard !2Ho percnlo, SS In. wide, at. yard 25c Scotch suitings, at, yard I5c I2c ...3ivc ...74c 15c Hand Embroidered Waist Patterns On Sa'e at the Dress Trim ming C)unter. A bouutlful JInu of white waist pattern, niiiiu einuruuiernn on neavy xrora riotli. worm .'ai io o.v), on sale Monday at.. neiwy 'xrra rjoin. I 50 to 2 50 Ladies' Linen Collars, 24c SOc to 75c Ladles' Lace Collars Venice 29c 20c Wash Taffeta Ribbon, all IA. silk, all colors, yard (JC We are the selling agents In Omaha for the f imous 7lon City Caco Industries. You can save 00 per cent by buying your laces from us. REMRMHEIl WB SELL. Flinch for SDc. Tho Elsio Cooks at R9r. Kipling's Works at SCc. Grind Handkerchief Sale Monday. 2e, 4c, 74c and 124c Each, A pult eaiso tnnnufdi tnrer of Ornpgs Vtl!ay, N. J., being on account of labor t'tujhies unablo t make deliveries act-ord-Ing to contract, han aM-utnulated a largo surplus stoch, becauso of refusod gondii. Our buyer purchased tho entire lot at a price lc;ts than the coed of production. They will bo placed on sale Monday morn ing. They uro actually worth JJ.uO to $10. Your Choice Ecnday 3 60 end 4 95 We Can Save Ycu Honey on Furniture A FEW SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK. Iron Hod, Just like cut. In. brans rod at Lead anil f'sit, brivsa va-tes, three-i'iartor full sue, ! nc i i or this Iron Hod. Just llko cut, In. brass rtvl at hejd and foot, brass Vises, thret!-4iii:uter or full nlzn, without brass rod. this week $60 CoucSj Sale. &.r,M.iy ElJ Cuwxi. VXir ciaJ. rcg-oUr T W tt. Worth 5c, 10c, 15o and 25e, Bargains In Rockers. Quartcr-sAWfd Oak Ttocker, wood or cobbler seat, full ulsa, banister back, regular $4 25 values, thin week LAmE ARM ROexrcn-Regulnr f 7C tlEWINQ ROCirEKS $2 9f value, this we. k I I O wood, or cane sent. PARIXiR SPIT, (five pieces), upholstered In best grade, velour. this woek ' rtrnoei nrm. ut. So mo upho'stered In crushed plush, this week JU.50 COUCH at 9 00 $3.85 COrCH-at 2 95 125 19 85 27.00 .7,50 i . r i v Tin' Vlt llirtlTlfkVC Hnances tire In tho best of condition and JAPAN HAS NO A&lbl 1 lUNi :clal war tax lf u it has been salu In nuth my country and Baron fomeko Boys Ther No Ptnger o a Yel ow Per L MUSCOVITE PERIL MORE DANGEROUS If ChlnrM ftovrrnment I-1s;tits ft 'W ill Jlrtit as an Independent Nation, for Japan Wants No Alliance. PAN' FRANCISCO. March 12-Paron K. Ksneko, a former Japanese minister of agriculture and commerce nnd member of the Japanese Parliament, -who has arrived here, enrotite 'to Washington and the St. Louis exposition, said today: I do not understand what you Americans nd Europeans mean whrn you speak of th "yellow peril.'' lf you believe that the iapaneae Intend to unite with the other .'"Tii embers of the yellow race and overrun Europe and America you are very much mistaken Such thought has never en tered our heads, and it is our ultimate In tention to enter the rank and file f Chris tendom. This is our main objection to an alliance with the Chinese, for no sooner 'ould the two nations Join forces than ever' alarmist would Immediately ralso the cry of yellow peril!" 1 think It would be wiser to beware of the Muscovite peril. It Is much more dsngerotts. As regards the neutrality of China we ex pect to take the same position ss cmtl'ned by Becretary Hay The Integrity of ("nine must be preserved at all costs We do nut want It for oar ally and if It enters the war ft must be- as an Independent nation. Of course It must fight to preserve Its own neutrality No one could expect it to sit s'lll while Knssltin soldiers nre burning Its frontier towns and Its people are being massacred Jspm Is prepared to flgbt this war to a flnlh without foreign Irtei ventlon Z is fighting to preserve the pence of Asia and Hot for any ambitious purposes We nre In this war tn win. and we are prepared to re main in it as long ns Russia does. Out here that 1 am coming to the I'nlted estates to pegutlato a special loan. Tho report has no In It. t am going to the St. Louis exposition at tho request of Be-verul prom inent Americans, HEAR BALE CASES NEXT WEEK Interstate Commerce Commission Seta Many Matters for Hearing; In April. WASHINGTON, March 12.-What 1. knOwn as the Planters' Compress company cases, involving many disputed points be tween round bale and square bale cotton Interests of the country, will be heard by the Interstate Commerce commission In this city next Monday. A hearing In the case of the Cattle Raisers' Association of Texas against the Missouri, Kansas & Texas and other railroads. Involving alleged unreasonable advance in rates on carload shipments cf cattle from the southwest to the principal markets, has been set for April IS. at Port Worth. Other hearings fixed include: New Orleans Live ftfock Exchange against The Texas Pacific et al.. at Now Orleans, April 11; rtenlscn Light and Tower Com pany against The Missouri, Kansas & Texas et al , Involving alleged dtorm Inatlve rates on coal. April 20, at Oenlson; William Wrlgley. Jr.. Co. against The Cleveland, Cincinnati. Chicago ft. Louis Railroad, Involving rates cn chewing gum from Chlcngo to the south, at Chl-ago, April 5, and the Lafourche Progressive union. Involving alleged unreasonable freight rates from St. Louis to Tleynu La fourche points, at New Orleans, April 11 UNITED STATES WAR CLAIMS Havana Paper Tri: g to Influence Spain Agai-Bt 'I'm ifying. SAYS AMERICA IS AVOIDING PAYMENTS Cuban Iress Assert that the ClaJms rtrprefcent lrlco Yet I'npaid for the Acquirement of l'orto Rico. Senator Clark Relnrns. NEW YORK. Msrch 1? Among the jifii Hi'tiRnr. who arrived toriay on the stenrner Tr'nldad from lVrtnudn eas fenator W A Clark of Montana who is ennvn iescent from n re"ent eo oration for mnsteroHiftj HAVANA, March 12 A movement has developed here to influenco the sovern metit of Spain against permuting Hkatit-'h army officers to testify -with reference to the circumstances surrondlng the war claims of American cltliens which are under consideration by the L'nlted States Spanish claims commission. The Cuban papers of Spanish proclivi ties are stating that the l'nlte;d States Is trying to ovoid the payment of Just I claims through the officers of the de feated enemy and say that the assumption of tho payment of these claims is in reality the price as yet unpaid of the ao'iuirement of Porto Rico and the Philip pines. The- Spanish government Is urped not to comply with the solicitation of the L'nlted States for permission to take tie : testimony of Spanish officers in Spain. I Pe M Massle, who has rharge of the i taking of testimony In Cuba for the l claims commission, said tonight to the Associated Pres: "In the majority of cases It Is Indis pensable to obtain the testimony of Span ish ofloers In order to acertaln the truth of the circumstances bearing on the claims. The commission helkves that persons hav ing good claims will not object to divulg ing all the facts, and that only the weaker claimants will protest." corner with three guns. Rcnnett lacon ically explained that he had concluded to offer no further resistance, "seeing as the deputy was alone." C0RTELY0U DINED IN CHICAGO Ills Address I'poli gome Problems and Pollt-tee of the New Depart ment" Warmly Received. CHICAGO, March 12.-Sccretary George' R. Cortelyou tonight was the guest of honor at the banquet of the Merchants' club. Fully 3Ct of the mt prominent merchants and manufacturers of the city end adjacent cities were present, and the address of the secretary upon "Some Pn b lems and Policies of the New Department'' was received with decided manifestations of approval. The speaker announced that for the pur pose of discussion he would declare the chief problems of the department to be corporations, lubor, statistics, marine af fairs, standards of measurement ns ap plied In the arts, sciences and Industries and Immigration. Ho discussed each of these questions, some briefly, and some at considerable length. TAR AND FEATHER NEGRO nnrtngr Operation Victim Is Struck with a liar of Iron and Killed. 01Wlm,,,JuJN fySK YOUR DEAlbk SQUATTER AND OFFICER FIGHT Man Tlole'lns; Claim to Laud Makes Th I n Interesting la Chicago. cmr-AGO. March II A rifle and ristol duel through the barred door of the strue ture that was the Delaware state building nt the World's fair took place today in the suburb of Hegi wltch. where the build ing now stand. Ellis Bennett, the own-r of the so-called Delaware house, has bet n barricaded In the place ginre yesterday, defending a "squattt r " claim to acres of surrounding land. Deputy Sheriff John 1-ong ailemi ted today to enter the house. Ellis Bennett, the squatter, greeted the officer with two rifle shots. The deputy, revolver In hand, answered with two shots through the door. Long left the plac and was unable to say whether Ms shrts had hit any one. lying prr.ccded to the Hege wisrh police station and sent word for assistance. Other deputies had left Hege-wts.-h last r.lgt.t, expetttng that r.ennett would Furrender today. It was said that when reinforcements of deputies reached Hepewisch again the Delaware building would be taken by norm. Instead, however, a plan was formed to set R niiett's "castle" on fire and smoke him our. Word was sent to the fire de partment to be near, so the blare might be arton suppressed. Before putting the j.lan Into execution IVputy Ivng decided to give the "squat ter'' another opportunity to surrender. Armed with an axe. Long went to the "castle" and demanded admittance. No response being made to the request, he proceeded to batter down the door. Enter ing, th deputy found Bennett silting In th MOJAVE, Cal., March 12-An unknown negro was taken from tho local Jail by a mob last night and, Rfter being tarred and feathered, was either Khot to rle'ith or killed by being struck over the head with a heavy piece of Iron. Tho negro was arrested yesterday for a grave crime and was confined In the M Jave Jail preparatory to taking him to Pakersflold. Before the officers could get the man to a safe place a crowd had gathered about the Jail. Within a short time the prisoner wns I in their hands and a big pot of hot tar and a number of feather pillows was pro vided. The negro continued to ri "it the efforts of his capio.-s, which nngor- d omt cf those In the mob with the result that In the midst of the scuffle he was killed. OPPOSED TO VETERAN BILL Continued from Eighth Page. La Rrtppe tired tiy Cnambrrlaln's Coogh Remedy. The great danger from la grlrpe Is of tt resulting in pneumonia. This can be avoided by using Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Among the tens of thousands who used this remedy during the epidemic cf la grippe cf recent years no case has ever been known to result In pneumonia which shows exclusively that It is a certaia preventive of that dangerous disease. lrlc) cents; large size, BO cents. educational Institutions. He I s an alumnus, always a friend of the university and a prominent business man of the 1 state. The members of the committee ap plauded his remarks, and It Is now pro- j posed that a bill shall be Introduced and ' pushed through at once to abolish the ! three boards having control of the educa tional institutions and making one board of thrte members to manage all after the manner of the management of the other state Institutions. It Is said the movement will be strongly backed and has already received many pledges. Mny Abolish Rnllrond Commission. Tt Is learned that Senator Young of Le county, who Introduced the bill to abolish the state railroad commission, Is pre pared to urge its adoption with a great deal of force and reason. The legislators have received a number of petitions In re gard to the matter, and it appears that there is an organized movement, pro ceeding from some unldcntlfied source, to have the commission abolished. It Is now stated that the senate committee on railroads will bring the bill out on the floor for passage and this will bring out a lively discussion. Will Repeal Tax Ferret T.avr. Tt Is now expected that the tax ferret law will lie repealed entire, but possibly there will be some substitute method of provid ing for reassessment of property which was Vd from the assessors. Tho sentiment In tho senate In favor of repeal of the ferret law Is strong and a bill to have that effect has been recommended for adoption. I.lfe-Termer Giiri Insane. Warden Hunter of the state penitentiary at Annmosa states that John Hamtll, a life-termer from Polk county, Is In the In sane ward at the penitentiary and Is now hopelessly Insane. Tie was sentenced to hang, but the sentence was changed to life Imprisonment by Governor Drake. Hamill shot and killed a conductor In Des Moines about ten years ago, and after he went to the pententlary his guilt preyed upon his mind and he has broken down completely. The application for the pardon of L. R. Van Tnsell of Chickasaw county, accuse of the murder of his wife by poison, has la-en withdrawn and will not be considered by the legislature. The reason for with drawal Is that his friend, Goorge Falrburn. editor of a paper at New Hampton, Is 111 and unable to present the case. Governor Makes Appointment. George A. Lincoln of Cedar Rapids was today reappointed state fish and game warden by Governor Cummins. His only opponent was 11. E. Martin of Iowa Falls. The governor also reappointed II R. Wright state dairy commissioner and E. D. Tlrlgham slate labor rommilotier. He also appointed B. E. F. Keltz of Web ster City state pharmacy commissioner to succeed N. C. Hendrlx. WILL AMEND REQUISITION LAW Attorney General of Iowa 1'roposes Change to Cover Rerrnt Case. DE8 MOTNE9. March 12. A measure pre pared by Attorney General Mullen amend ing Iowa's requisition lawa so as to elim inate the possibilities of murderous agen cies In one state carrying out their ob ject In another. Is before tho legislature. The amendment Is framed to rover rases similar to the recent Dye proceedings, when It was found Impossible under the present statutes to extradite a Boone woman, accused of sending a box of candy through the malls, to Miss Rena Nelson of Pierre, S. P., because the former was not a fugitive. the bunk In tho offlco of the clerk of tin district court In this city. The uppralse ment shows that throo different bnnklnj Institutions uro protected by goed notes ua collateral to the amount of $15.00 on loans made to tho bank prior to Its fa'lure and that the balance- of tho aaaets are $.n,S:n 42, theao iiHsetu being In real estato, corporation stock, bunk fixtures, over drafts, notes, cash. Tho cash on band at the time of the failure Is shown as $SC0 (S. Two thousand dollars Is reported rictlvable for land pold In Waubaunsco county, Kan sas, previous to the assignment, hut for which Van Arsvlol had not received, the cash. Tho amount due to depositors II ap proximately $53,000, with total assets a lit tle less than $21,000. SMALL BOY'S HEAD SHOT OFF Child at Hastings, Ia with Kills Companion While nunttiiK. Gun XF.W Rllt.nirj AT TATR COLLEGE. V, M. C. A. Will Freot N'ew Structure Tills Neuaon. AMES, la.. March 12.--(Special.) Bids for the Young Men's Christian association building which Is to bo erected at the Iowa S'ote college this summer were opened last Saturday, and the contract wns to have boon let Monday, but as some of the com mit tee were nbscnt It has been postponed and will probably not be Jot before tho first of next week. T'ndoubtedly the con tract will be awnrdod to W. J. Zlttcrul of Webster City, as his bid was severul thou sand dollars lower than any other, being a little over UO.JOO. Photograph a Comet. VNIVFRS1TY OF CALIFORNIA M-irrn t IS - Jioriulij 's com rt. whkh was ctM-o.end I at Marseilles on June -1. J9!. has tetn th. 1 object of spool, il t bterv.MK.t.a t the Lick i otsetvatorj bv Soij.iMlin Aibrcc-hr. Be ! Juris 'S- and August IK. ytn, a total I ef lhJrt-!x rhougi ..pht were jse u ed j with the Ci .eVei tch-sc-tpe and with the : laersun fir.d Floyd cameras Throughout the entire series of phoiueraphs two .!ls tlnot tp.-s of tailu ttfistn The print Ipul tall Is ard tiajj,t.t in Its general di rection nr.d tttr. It iraeed to the tdue of the plate, e. oMftafe'e of 10 degrees. It wa always dirt nil exactly away from the sun. Atter 1 QVlrr the head It widens out ard, In nrost of the plates, dlvidts into two eils hrac -hes. The other tail Is short anl try much curved end preht-nts practically the same appearance on all the negatives. Supposed to Be Mardrr and fnlrlde. NtW YORK. March IJ.-Robert Gray, a raltiter. and his wife, Uszle, were found dead In their apartments here today, the woman In bed with her skull crushed In and her huthand In the bain room, having apirenthy committed suicide by gis. The case is supposed to be iiA nf Dtuder sad suicide. HASTINGS. Ta.. March 1?. (Special Tele gram .) While Tommle Kelley and Jos Gustln, aged 10 years, wore hunting north of town, a gun In the hands of the Kelley boy was accidentally discharged, blowing the top of the Gustln's boy head com pletely off. Kelley at on mo to town and reported the matter FAII.tTRF. OF RNK I COMPLETE. Coin Tnktltntlon Has ssrla of f 2V.OIK) and l iabilities of Sti.l.txiO. CLARP.'DA. Ta.. March 1" ( Sp clal ) -Ed F. Rose nnd Charles Hart, iss'gnees of the Bank of Coin, the banking Institu tion owned by Luther Van Arsdol at C .n. Pnge county, which failed Mar' h 9. to lay filed their appraisement of the assets of Harrison County Court In April. LOGAN, la, March 12 (Spotlal-The April term of the Harrison county district court Is set to convene here Tuesday, April 12 Hon. W. R- Green of Audubon will be the Judge presiding. On March 22 the petit Jury will be drawn. loitn Muii Killed 1- Robbers. .TOPI.TN. Mo . March 12 - The body of a muii found murdered In the woods near Jopllu has boon Identified ns that of John Hampton Kennel of Moiilton, la. Tt Is be lieved that he was killed by robbers. Dt'iimerntM Nominate Mercli. Bl'RLI NGTON. la , March 12.-Wllllatn G Merth was tonight nominated fir mayor by the democrats on the twenty-fifth ballot. Marlam l'ultl Goes Home. NEW YORK. Minh 12 -Mine. Adotloa Pa'tl sailed fyr England today on the hleaircr Luounla through Amtrlia. i f t-r a concert tour IT LEAD There are three convincing reasons why judges of good whiskey always demand a. f Tfrrrr' Quaker Maid Rye First Its Purity Second Its Mellowness Third Its Boquet THESE. CONSTITUTE PERFECTION At all leading bars, cafes and drug stores sV JliSbCK ft CO.. Kbs Cur. M. X