TfiE OMAIIA DAILY DEE: SATURDAY, MARCH 12. 1004. 11 GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Bullish GoYmmnt Beocr'.i of Ei Crop Ooni tioni nd WhtutUp. PROFIT TAKING fOLLOWi CLOSELY ON ViwmI Paint Meaeu Darlaaj the Day Abofa the Close et Tl-aelasr Tharsday. OMAHA, Meroa U, 104. The hulllsh loveinmeul ie,,ori which cam out I nursuay ai.siuon, southing tne. In rumors oi lau ciou ciiulLoi.S iivs ime lounviauon, ctuMu a r.u-;iy m te wheat market and a strung uis.i-ng. flout taKing, which loon Leasu, la. ., " ou. mix lungs, ciuwil a fra. kiihougu tne It.AMit Lfiinl mua 1 rptlt aOuve WIS Ci of 'Jhuraday. Chicago May outn'-u from to 4 cems above me clo.-e of rlJay, whk.. vm Wc. Hie highest jiolnt came early, Hie, and the Inwoot . A rel.y iigan la er on buying, which by noon fcruugm me ma., ket to KtiVc. Omaha opened 1 tent tip on May and later dropped off cent, l.i Ch oajo and Omaha both July wii a cent up at the opening. Chicago fluctuated between 1VC and s!c. whlie Omaha dropped ulT Corn'alno showed trength at the opening, but lot ninr of It later on e-lling. Chi cago May began from o to So over Thurs day a close and the eatremes were i.'TtjO and M"c. 1 he opening was high for the day. Omaha May twice reached 40 and -t one time fell oil to 4o(c, but rallied toward ihe close. The ran In prices of Omaha grain for future delivery and the close Thursday and today were as follows: Closed Open. High. Low. Today. Thur y. WNr; No. 2 northern, r4'c; to arrive,! 1 nans, Sr, A. ' T-nrjrrteTfl, ir:;' em, No. No. i nortnei it, M-c ;Sc; September, Hc, May. Mc, luiy, Wheat May ., July ., Corn May . July . Outs May . March Looet M as 44, M 834 4H n k2V, 454 44', ki (0 m 4PHB 4o, 44 :w4 ai CHICAUO Urtall AND PROVIilOHi. Featarea el the Tredlaa- aal Closlae; Prleea Beati ef Trade. CHICAOO, March ll.-Offlclal statlatloe contunui.a) reports et a large decrease lt wheat rorrvti reaultea tuasy in a net a v tance oi ic a bueuel In the piles of me May delivery, juiy ahowa a gain oi IS it i-L. May corn Is up nKio. oats are uU nc 1-ievlnoiis var now.nal io iowr to 10c higher. lnulai sauis'lona on May were up 1H9-0 at tv,'tfvc. July opened Vti'0 lo 'tul3 higher at c to yuVc. ihe eft. rings of May beiaune ao scarce thai the of that delivery waa forced up to v?c. Fit traders weie early purchasers of Juiy, causltg an advance to suae in mat monin. The mar ket late In the day reacted a trifle irora the high point, but the auofle waa a. rung, r ni haurea on May were at '.c. July tl sed at lliiHc. Clearances of wheat and flour were eyual to lA.ouo buerurls. rr.mary rece.pts were M0,WX DUPIieia, a tii.tuu ourn-ia I a j-ear ago. t-xporn of wnrat ana nour for the wee, nccording to ur.iasireeta, were equal to l.S3..(iu bj.--h"N. Ml ineota, Duluth and Chicago reported recelpii of S4U cars, against i'a last week grid 2tf a year ao. ihe opening In the corn market waa nervous, but showed libera.! gains, the mar ket cloaing steady. May opened at iSuW o. After selling between and 6J7c ihe close was st MflM'4je.'! tcal receipts were KH care, with t cars of contract grade. Oata were firm at tbw'nhentng, In sym pathy with the strer.gth In other gtuns. The maiket weakened tinder heavy selling of May, the cloe .being steady. May opened HBo higher , at. u4fl41V After ranging between 4o4C'arA 4;? tha close was at 41 He. July clow 3 . unchanged at uc focal rocelpta were'147 rnm. Provisions were comparatively wteady. A decline of from 10c to 15c In hog pricea was offvet by the strength tn grnlna.- Tbo ctcse was steady, with May pork TfllOo higher nt $13 13 May lard wns eff IHc at I7X0. Whs were up 2V4c at $7.25. Estimated receipts for tomorrow;, wheat. SO care; Corn, 1S5 cars; oats. 130 cars; hogs, K.oou head. , , . . , Ihe leading futures ranged as follows: NEW MR-STOCK AND BONDS AfUt' Cm Hour i Fa.rly OoA Boiio , kiiket Tali Intj Hg'.ect ACTIVITY DUE TO END WEEK DISCOUNTING Forecast at the Week's Carreaey Meyement Viewed with Laaarvl laterest ta Tlew of Perfnae tory t'ondttloas. cent: miwths, 3SfM per tent. Frhne mer canille paper, 4'tVI,1a rf cent 8TLRUM1 tACllANGli Klrm, actual bualneaa In rankers' bills at 44 So;oyi 4.H67I for demand and at $4'4.M) lor ov day bins; rates, $4.4 and $4t7; commercial bllla. $4 13V B1L.VER Bar. B7ic; Melcan dollars, 4c. . BONUS Oovemmtut, steady; tailroad, Irregolar. The closing quotations on bonds are as follows: V. g. ml K rs l4v, ttaabaUaa a. g. 4a..lMi do reupoa 104 iMk. ntrl 44 . 4a la. rf in ' da tit ln lilt ao toepoa Ufa -Minn, a st. u .. pi 40 xi'k s-i a7 (.avail Uralu Marfcrt. A car of Ko. 1 northern wh-al waa ald by sample this morning 'l H i ear came vver tnu liurilnaioii worn weaiern ie brufcka and v. us aula by w. B. Cumsiock to iNatlian Mernam lor w centa. heii the fxcliaiign was opened it was puppta-uu that no noiWiej-ii wiiiai woulu te sola here and no market haa been ao tar quoted on ti. 1 and iVu. t noilhuin. Kuieipta of wheat were s cars In ano. 4 cars u.) one week ago. IV caxa In and it cars out. lie- ceipta or corn were 4 cars In and a cars out; one wnk ago, 3o cam In and cars out. Kectipia of oats, none; una week ago, a cars In and it cars out. Keprem-niuiive sales of car lota by sam ple on track, Omaha; cOlt.N jno. 3. 2 cars. 4.0 (Mil afHHlonl riven, car at 43 (river): No. I w hli.;. 2 cars. 3Uc: no grade. 1 car. S3c. Xwo cara ot Mo. i re void tor the liver at doViO. Thia la the Drat No. 2 rye received and sold by sample. WHEAT-Nu. i hard, b28oc; No. I hard. 8'alwc; No. 4 hard, 70U'oc; No. 2 spring, H4iibiic; iso. a spring, ixjhc; ssa. t spring, 7h74c. CORN No. 2. 4"c. No. I. (UV.tlllHc: No. 4. SPfr4oc; No. 2 yellow, 42Vti43c; No. i ytl.ow, 4iV(l'i oo. i wiuie, -iu.'l; ro. o wnite. 41 V. a 42C. OAT3 No. 2. 27(fiSllc; No. 1, JHfi37c; No. 4, $Va,it,c; No. 1 white, 41u4ic) No. 1 white. 3im0c; standard, 40ft84l c. Kolee from 4 be Llxehanaje OlBcea. of wheat, 1 car graded No. 1 northern and 1 'car No, 4 hard winter; of corn, II car graded No. 3, I cars N. 4, 7 cars No. $ yellow, 3 curs No. 4 white and 1 car no grade; of oats, 1 ear graded No. 4, I car No. 2 white and 1 car No. 4 white; of rye. 2 cara graaea no. x ana i car iso. . Urala Markets hlaem bere. prices of grain Thursday and the markets named were as fop Artlcles.l Open. Illgh.i Low. I Close.J YeiCy Wheat May a July b July a Her L 0 Bept, Corn . May July Bept. 'Oata May July HeDt. May Julv Lard- May July Rlbe May July 9Myai ! I n.',ru,si' 514: 604(aOSj, 41V(j susi'oh! S3VH34; 13 mtj 14 124! ' T t?W, 7 47 V 7 36 I pii mi (7 85i 6m i 411 3V' 3S 34 07VKVSIV1H,, 61 4S! 6i)'i I I 40H 414: 14 00 14 224 7 S74I 1 60 7 2' 7 874 a483H''c 13 74 14 174 13 HO 14 06 T r74! I 4Z' 7 16 7 2741 7 30 7 474! 7 25 ' 7 S74' M 44 H94 33-t, 13 14 ID 7 srj 7 474 7 K4 7 35 No. 1 a Old. b New. Cash Quotations were as follows FLOUR-Qulet and steady; winter pat ents, 15. Woo 10; straights. $(.,0y fS"; spring talents, n 'AKa.0o; 'airalghta, f..(l.!0; ba ers, 3 to'u3 M).- WrittA i-No. I pprlng. 9J4fi7c: No. ;i. K4fK6c; No. 2 Tel, kStjttx:. ' : ' ' CORN No. X. bo4c; No. X yellow, 614c-OAT3-NO. 2, 44UU4:; No. t White, 404 It I H. iN O. 4, VMJ. BARLK V Jood feeding, 864-,9(',; fair to choice malting, 46ift6c. ' BKtUB No. 1 11 ax, 11. uv; ro 1 nortn- wnstern. Il.l(i4; irlom timol'ay, 43.iv: clover contract grade, ill. 00. . PROVl&IONri us pork ..1. T 1,11k lli. Vl I.niu, i-w i'J-j rloa sines lioosei, (i.iwi.i houlders (boxH. I7.3i4ai. sides ,Cb,oxdj, S7.28. 01 NEW TORK. Msrch ll.-The first hour"a business touay yieiaeu airaoct aa laige a bUKineaa aa toe whu.e searton of yesterday. OotiUK the aiternoon tne uniHct ltii into a ut-eper sioagn ut neieut. ine eaily ac tivity was tha ntw tauuilar tno-week d s uountliig of the ponsloi.liy of tha hand.n uowii 01 me Northern rJecuittira dectslon, WJiich haa ucen Juwt as leguiaily fo.iowei on Moaaay up to tb.s by cuvenng of shorts and tecoverr In Drupes. The fore cast of the weeks currency movement was I Colo. viewed with languid interest In View of tuo aiinoat plethoric coiiuition oi tne mo..ey market and tne lndinerent demand tor funds. The small decrease In caah Indi cated la moatly due to tha shipments of goid to bouih America. It la now com monly assumed that this operation la e n- tieciea wnn tne purchase ot war vessels uy Jspan from Argentine, the outgo oi goid Irom New Vork being, rather more than covered by the inflow of Japanese gold to San Francisco, further shipments to the latter port being now nfloau Ihe market closed easy. Bonds were dull and Im g- ular. Total pales, par value, Vnvi.Oai. LnlteJ State bonds were unchnnged on call. Following were the tiuota.iuoa on tne New Tork Stock exchange; S.i'es.Hiah.Low Cliv. , S.700 64't C44 444 aw 12,luu do new 4. rf do coupon do old 40. rot.., do coapna AtrblBoa gun. 40... do adj. 4a Atlintle C. L. 4a Boltlisoro O. 40 do CtMral of Oa. a da let Ine .". Chro. Ohio 4Va rhlraeo A. ISa C. B. Q. n. 4a.... f ft k. a W. la 1'. M. p. P. g. 4a .if Seahoard A L. C. 4 N. W. e. 7t...,Ue Pn Pa. til? la... C. R I. St r: la.... 80. Ral1ay la. do col. la Taiaa f la.. f . hi. U s. 4. W 1 .. M. b . riiicago Ter. 4a If , I'nlon Paclflc lll'A M-. K. T. 4s . Ul, -do U 77H -l N. R. R. o M. a. 4a 7 .107 N. T. C. g. IVit 7 .lai) iN. 1. C. g. la tn . 04 I No. Pacltle 4a 1 .11 do la " .I'Ll N. 4 W. e. 4a "V . v, O a. L. 4a it par.... 114k MS Penn. .00. !- N't . 14 Rtallna grn 4a .101m at. L I I. M c. 5a .111 . 71 ri. L. a a p. ta. la. m r a.. I nbaoeo ' 80. I .V K la. M4 7iVa 34 2.9UO llot 10V I'M 10a luO 144s 6,4) m, 3.600 18 1,100 Utai 1,000 400 8"U 244 374. 60 , 7:i- i'I lo4 15.1 "4 34 7S .. 14 U lis 4 1:004 173 IS 74 174 62 18 28 ao 14 174 !4" i:,i 224 '614 374 300 12d 11K4 , per bbl., $13 574 f7.15C7.iO. Short 174. lry aalted .60. Sliort cleur Closing toaay at lows; KAN B AS CITY. Wheat . May .., July ... Corn May ... July .... "Wheat May .., July ... ... July ... Wheat May .. July .. Wheat May .. July .. Wheat May .. July .. -Closed- Today. Thury. Flour, bbls... .. Wheat, bu..... Corn, bu....... Oata, bu ,.. Rye, bu. ........ Baney... du..... ttecclpts'. ... i,ax .... 61K) 300.600 820,500 11.400 .12,60O, Shipment. l -" 84,6.10 -.. - 38.800 166,300 248.600 7.U) .19.20 8T. LOU J a. " " MiNNEAPCliils.' 844 804 St 8M4 8t4B 46KA 4.4B DULUTH. NEW YORK. M4B 74 0U B 82UB 784B 434 43iB g4 464 474 96 U4 164 864B 34A VO't NEW YORK U1CMSHAL MARKJCT. (aaotatlona of tke .Day on Varlona Commodities. NEW TORK:, March U.-FLOUR-Re-ctlpts, 23,273 blila.; exports, 10,663 bbls.; mur ket showed better feeling and ruled about tirm; Minnesota patent, tVi.loita.&o; winter atralghts, 84.v(i610; winter patents, I6.)M ado; extras, 1.1. 61 Ku 4. 00; Minnesota bakers. $1.2004.70; winter low grades. Rye flour, pteudy; fair to good, 44..l'(j4 66; choice to tancy, w.j4.od- Buckwheat nour, noun rial. CviRNMCAIj Bteadv; yellow wesern, $1,124; city, $1.11: kiln dried. $3.1oe4.0. RVi Steady; No. 2 western. Sue, to arrive. B A RLE Y Dull : feeding. 60c, c. 1. f.. New Yprk: malting, bfttrtioc, c. I. f.. buffalo. . WHRAT llecelnla. 27 910 hil Knot mar. kVdirm; No. I red, $1.01, elevator; No. 2 L'A. $1.01.06, f. o. b. urloat; No. 1 north I ern, luluth. $1074, t. o. b. afloat; No. 1 t northern, Manitoba, nominal, f. o. b. afloat. r Options opened steady, advancing 14o per uuhiiui, aner wnicn realising promoted u antback. Tha close was somewhat firmer, milo net higher: May, Bcl.o04; closed at W4c; July, W$-lti7 7-lc; cloaed at p4o; September. 884t)8c: cloaed at 88o. CORN Rocelpts. 56.900 bu.: export. 4.190 bu. tvpot market, firm; No. 3 nominal, ele vator, a fid 664-c, f. o. b. afloat; No. t yel low, 67c; No. 2 white. 63c. Options market opened strong. The rloao was 4&o above the previous night; May. t7fcj.oe4c; closed at MWc; July. 5a,o64c; closed at bk; Sep iMiih., ML . f. , Ar.U OATi-Ri ! elota. 10R.600 bu. ; exports. LB8S bt. Spot, market quiet; No. . 604c; stand ard white 6040; No. white, 614a; No, I white, 504c. HAT qutpt; ohlpplng, , l6Ce) good, to ehnlce OSrtill 05. RICE Steady? domestic, fair to extra. 34 (.josfc; japun, nomuiai. HOPS Firm; state, cotnmen ro choice, 1MW. 8o4il7c: 10? ll'uiSc olds. 16iil0e, Pa. cltlo coast. 1904, Z7&c; IipjJ, 24S7o; olds, 10 ajinc. HIDES Firm 1 Galveston, to to S lbs., lie; California, tl to 26 lbs., lc; Texaa dry, at to so iie.. jc. TAIJXW Easy; city, c country, 6434c I.K.A 1 tir-rt tiieaay; acm. itgiu). WOOIFIrm: fleece. 2vn;tSo. PROVI8ION8-Beef, steady; family $1160 fiuao; mess. pet name. jii Zti.00: packet. tlOtiVrfllSO: city extrn India mesa. $16 00. Cut meats quiet; pic k led bellies. $7 6on8: ph-klod pltoulders, $6.26-S6dO; pickled hams, 10.00tJ ll.lO. Lnrd. dull; western steamed, $7.65: refined, dull; continent. 17.76: South Amarica, com- round. $6 8i''ii7.00. Pork, eteady; famllv. Hi'TiHUi; short clear. $160tnfjl6,7s; mesa 31fiiU0 CHEESE Firm; state, full cream, fancy email and larae. colored and white. Sentem- bar, 12c; state ful'. cream, fancy small and large, colored and white, 'ate made, 104c. KclflS Firm: western Arle. tft. POl'LTRY-Allve and dressed, steady and unchanged. aney... du i,ooo, .. .n.fw On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was ' weak; creameries, 14t 234c; dairies, 134621c. Eggs, steady; at mark, cases included, , iiajiittu.' bieosc, steady., 104eU4c. ,v. . 111,1 ... . t. Loals Oraisi an FXaiislaas. ' i ST. LOUlff. "March 11. WHEAT Higher: No. I -red, cash, elevator, t44c track. 31.04 ll. me.jr, o7 "iz, rnvTBf M f(fi'C. ..... COHN Higlieri No. 3 cash, -44cr -track, 46c; May 464c; July, 47c. OAlV-ouii no. 2 TSf n, wi traca, asy 424c; May, 404c; No. I white, 46c. ; FLOCHDuJl. 1 ' Red .arihter patents. I4.35iji6.00, .and' '40 per eent patetita. as high ao tb.w; extra tancy ana Btraignt, SEE4DBJ-'Tlmotny, steady t $ll6t2.7S. .; CORN MEAL Steady at I2.00- vinAN' Firm: packed, eapt track.'. 88(2910. HA Y Steady ; timothy, fii.VlWSiS.Wr pralria, UtUN tvnuH iiiwj ox. BAOOINO 4c . , HEMP' TWINE tr. ' . ,. :. w PROVISIONS Pork. higher;'. Jobbing. $14. 6. Lard, steady; prime Ptearh, $6.80.' Bacon, higher; boxed extra phorl, $8,124; clear riha. $3.26: short clear. $8,374. POULTRY Bteaoy; chlrkejis, 10c; aprtngs, 33CO&3 60 per doxen; turkeys, 134c; ducks, 17r- aeepe. fioiac. BI.'tTKR Steady; creamery. . 2056o; aniry, 10a utc, . ... kikih-Mianer. ax law. case count. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 3.0.0 . ... 12.00) Wheat, bu ; .-.SI.WJO : 107.00) Corn, bu. ...7X) 81,fl) Oata. bu. .09.(100 C2.I.0) Philadelphia Prod nee Market. PHILADELPHIA. March 11. BUTTER Steady; fair aemana; extra western cream rv. tKLa: extra nearby prints; 28c. . 1 EOOb fe irnu . irean. nearoy, juc. , at - me mark; freab western, t4c: fresh south western. VOc; freah soutnern. iko. . CHEESE Quiet but steady; New Tork full creams, oholce to fancy, I14$fll4c; fair to good, 104$ He- ,. . Mllwawkee Oral a Market. MILWAUKEE. March 11 WHEAT Mar ket 14o higher; No. 1 northern, $1;. No. I northern. Hkj; old July, S24c bid. hi b nrmer; is 1, iic M. 700 loq 4,206 "mo 1024 1414 hi4 'eo" 102 , 1404 iii" 4 .... 800 16 . 164 . am .16.800 '. J.'3o6 . 100 '. 1400 . 100 . 100 i '"too . 8i0 . Cf) . 300 1134 ' 644 194 U-4 '46' " 76 604 414 "88 194 814 1134 644 "i94 1124 'i4 694 414 'si" Kaaaaa City Grata and ProTlaleaa, KANSAS CITY, March II WHEAT Aiav, satc; juiy. ri'.c; risn rt. r r'a, KTfiSc; No. 3. S44S7c; No. 2 ftd. rcr07c; BO. i. -C. ,-ADV 1 1 . w JJI..., Till.. J.T 1 1, 1 ...t. vuii.i ". ' . . ,uij, ,f 11m , 1 ii, iio. t mixed. 4lj4i4r; No. t. 44c; No. ) "wnite. 10c; iio. m. ioc. DAT8-Na 2 white, 42c; No. t mixed, 41 'vf-NO !. ?34e. HAY 41io.-e timothy, $1060; choice prairie 17 Ttn on. BUTTER Creamery, SOttfCcj dairy, farcy, J7C. EGGS Steady; freh Mlaaourl and Kan in plock. 14Sc oos.. ff r-iurn4; r.ew No. 3 whttewood eases Included, 1"4. Kc-'-t- B!:lpT M'heat. bu. Crii, bu. ... Oats, bu. .. ..:4.,o .. 8,003 .4K W 40 U.JO0 l.lvernool lirala Market. BARLEY Steady; No.. 2. 624163c ; sample. i'iDV M..!, II. kltfW- X'r. O iin July, frOTi'iiSlo bid. - - . - Minneapolis Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS. March 1I.-WHEAT- May. T4c-; July; 974e: September.- 854c; on track,. No. 1 hard. $1; No. ! northern, tiSe: No. 2 northern, R64c. FLOUR First patenla, $5.l6' second pat ents. $45; first clears, $3 66513.76; Second Clean, $2.602.70. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO, March . U.-FJCEDS-Clover, cash. $7.60; March, $7.00; April. W W; prima alsike, $640; prima timothy, $1.46. . . . Prorla. Grata. Market. PEORIA. March 11 -CORN-Hlgher: No. t. tt44j414c;.No. 4. 94c - Metal Market. NEW TORK, March ll.-METALS Lon don reports an active tin market and good advances. Spot gsined 3 l'Jm doping at 1?4 17s 6d. and futures were 2 higher at 1. ls 6d. locally tin i atroiw snd hlirher also, closing at $2t.0oa?8.26. Copper advanced 6p in L,qnaon. closing at asi-i for a not and aV68 for future. Locally con- tier is quiet. Lake was held at $1: wr 1J 75: electrolytic and casting. (12 374V 12 624. Lead was unchanged here at $4 6 -ft 4 . but closed Is 3d lower In London, at all 17s 6d. Spelter alao, was unrnapeed locally at $0,0116.10, while in the English market declining 3s d, It closed at 21 Iron closed at bis 3d In Olaaarow and at 42s 6d In Mlddleshorongh. locally Iron Is unchanged No l foundry northern la quoted at $14 7f'fM5 25; No. 8 foundry north ern at $14.3bffl4.75; No. I' foundry south ern end No. 1 foundry southern, soft at $lVli'14 0f 1 8T. LOUIS. March 11,-IETALS Laid. ateady, at $4424; spelter, ateady, at $4H. - Olla aaa Roala- . NEW YORK. March ll.-OIL-Cotton- seed. dull; prime yellow. $74v petroleum, steady; refined New York. $8.66: Philadel phia ana Haltlmnrs. law. Turpentine. Steady. 63 444 K- Rnoin. steady; strained. Common to good $1 76JI 80. bavasnah, jmarcn ii. 4u-mrpenune. rothlr dolr-g. Rnaln, quiet: A. B. C. D. ?Mi; E. Iff); F. $''": O $2 76; H $2.75: I. $3fi: K. U a): M. $3.36; N, $3 40: WO. $300; WW. $3 SO. OIL IITY. March 11 -OIL Credit bal- Sleep tl 74; certificates no bid; shipments. 4i'H6 bblp ; average. M 118 bbla.; rune. 87.571 Md.; averaae. 72.1 bb'a. Phinments. I Ima. T7 :3 bbls.; average, 70 4 bblp ; runs, l.i sua, Ga.782 bbls.; average, 60.377 bbla Atchison ...1 do pfd ... Baltimore &. Ohio do pfd Canadian Pacific Central of N. J Chesapeake & Ohio.., Chicago & Alton do p(d , Chloatr.j Ot. Western. Chicago & N. W C, M. & St. P do pftf Chicago Term. AT... do pfd C, C. C. oi St. L Colo. Southern do 1st pfd .' do 2d pfd Delawitro & Hudnon. Del.. Lack. A West... Denver & Rio Grande do pfd Erie do 1st Pfd .. do 2d pfd Hooking Valley do pfd Illhinls Central Iowa Central do pfd K. O Southern do pfd Loulsvllls A Nashville Manhattan L, exdlv... Met. Securities Met, St. Ry Mmn. A St. Louis M . St P. A S. Ste . .do pfd Missouri Pacific ... Mo., Kan. & Tex.. do Did N. R. R. of Mex. Dfd N. Y. Central '...ll.BOO Norfolk A Western.... 1.500 do pfd Ontario A' Western.., Pennsylvania P.. C. C. A St. L.. Readlnar do IMt pfd do 2d Pfd Rock Island Co do pfd Bt. L. A 8. F. 2d pfd Bt. Lotils S. W do pfd -.. Southern Paclflo .... Southern Railway .. do nfd ..' Texas A Pacific...!.. T.. Bt L..A W.. ...... do pfd Union Paclflo do pfd Wabash ,, do nfd Wheellnar A L. K Wisconsin Central . .. do pfd Adams Ex........ American Ex.....:. v.. I'nlted States Ex...w Wellfl-Fararo Ex Amal. Copper Atn.-i.Jir 4 r ounary. do pfd ..; Am. Cotton Oil do pfd Am. Ice do pfd ,.. Am. Linseed OU' do nfd' ".'. Am. Locomotive ..... do pfd Am. Smelt. & Refng. do pfd Anaconda M. Co Prooklvn R. T Colo, 'Puel Iron.... SonsolldPted Gag r-n Products , do nfd .i nt-tlllere" BPcurttlea... General Elecflc ., Tnternp,lonal Paper .. do pfd Ir)ernaional Pump ., do pfd Natlonel Lead Vorth American Pacino M"ii People's 0s . Pressed Steel Car.... do ,pfd .., Pullman Palace Car. Republic Stoal do pfd Rpbb- Goods , do pfd Tern. Coal A Tron... t". 8. Leather do P'd exdlv IJ. 8. Pealty do pfii IT. 8. libber do Pfl 7 on IT S. Peel do nfd - '. flsi WeeMna-hnupa Electric Sno 1K7"1 r.,rn T'nlon 300 S4 N"-thrn Heeiirltles Total Bales for tha day. iw.900 snares 8T4 724 14 11 S3 164 814 140: 77 1114 69 69 117 874 14 36 35 . 1134 54 83 134 1124 66 394 56 194 694 4 134 Ertt prior Ilea 4a. do gen. 4s r W. A D. C'ls. I mi A .Us V al. U a N. ual. VflereU. 4V,a. ...P4 IS b3. de jOoot. 4a.. M V s. Htfel Id 7, Wahanh J .... M do dab. B M', .v t. K 4a 10414 Via antral 4a . r. a 1. i4 ..111 ..ll .. IS- ..fa .. 6 .. 71 ..1HH .. li .. 7 .. n .. 7 REPORT OP TIIK CLEARING HOI SES. Transactions of the Associated Baaks - Dnrlag; tke I'aal Week. NEW YORK, March 11. The following table, complied by Lradstreei, shows the bank cl'.' ut the pi iiK' cities for the wetk ended March 10, with the per centage or increase and u.-creiisi; as com pared with the correspunuing week last year: CITIES. Clearings. Inc. Dec. New York .... Chicago Huston Philadelphia .. f-'t. lnuls Pittsburg tjan Francisco Baltimore Cincinnati Knnsiui City .. New Orli-iins . Clevrlafid ..... MlnneppoHs '.'. Detroit :. Louisville OMAHA Milwaukee .... I'lovldence .... Buffalo Indlnnnpolla .. St. Paul ..J,. 17.8 14.8:. 2u. 41 V.-...14.I 100 400 TJ4 724. 'i7 .'17 334 ' 334 300 404 40 454 1 M .00 .... : ,!766'. ' . : i'.6 ; "500 "y , 1.400 174 , 100 , 6.MW . ?0 , 9ofi 200 "sott' a 404 77 1914 l?4 634 100 100 Via e.soo Ififl 114 ..., 294 214 '4V14 123 61 314 27 1904 11 C5 iisn" 114 954 1,100 42 944 414 400 364 35 1 0O n 4 60 1 it', in: Hit, 464 81 . 224 M4 S3 24 864 174 334 174 40 210 15 m 206 .464 19 69 29 T4 80 8 . 21 i 814 464 1 62 I 84 . ai 1 1W4 13 64 ' 4 i ; 114 . 66 . S3 714 lot, 36 944 28 694 ?n 74 414 . 14 7S 36 77 6 464 Vm-JIp. 20.51 .21 8 18.6 13.6 "i'4! 3.0! 14 38.S 17.6 "i-,,,r w o 1! J14 av ji 1" 884 104 U6 844 Montreal ' "niiuw ...... wyin'oeg Ottawa Hnlt'ix Ouebee ..' Vancouver, B. C Hamilton onnnn, Ont ft John, V. B.. Victoria, B. c Totals, Canada Boston Itock Quotations, BOSTON. March 11 Call loana. 3fM iwr cant: time loans. 44if4 Per cent.lOftl- clal Closing QI Ptocaa ana uonas; Atrhlsoa sdl. 4a It .Weatlng. eommoa do 4a lAdreiiture Atrhlsoa Allouas aniaisaamiea ... Amarlrsa Kins .. do pd ... m Eoatoa A AlbaoT...-!" Uoatoa A Mains 1W Rotton Elavatad HI PUctburg pfd lit Mas. Contra! N. T.. N. H H Para liarqurtts .1... I n Ion PaclSo Atlantis ttlnguam Oal. A Hsela.... 10V:cntaqnll lie Topper Range .. 74 Dalr Wast 714 Dominion Coal Amor. Ara. Cham II Franklin So pfd T4 IGraaeir Apiar. Pnau. Tubs... 4 1 Royals .. Arosr. Biisar .....i...t!l4 Maas. Mining go pfd 1M Mli-hlcaa .... A mar T. T Hi .Mohawk . Amar. Woolaa do pfd Dominion I. A 8... K-n.i- E'-e. live..-. Ooasral ElaMrte Ma. Rl-etrlc do pfd v o-j Vnltad Prult t'nl'ed rhoa Mach. dn rM t. a. Steal do pfd 10 IMont. C, A C..., . T oil) nonunion .,, . 7lorsola '..., W4 1 Parrot .10 Qulncjr . II 'Bhannoa . 7514 Tamarack . II Trinity . R. a Mining.... . i Itv a. 011 ,. t ftih . lOIVtrtorla ,. MwiWInona Losdsa Stock Market. LONDON. March 11. Closing: Consols, mono?., do account .... Ai.nda ....... Atrhlsoa do pfd Palllmitr O . Canadian Pacific o.aa. a Ohio... Chicago Ou W. ' w a st. DeBasra 11 A R O. So pM Erts do 1st pfd do id pfd t'll-ols Ccotral ... Loala. A Naah.... M . K. T ' SILVER Bar, MI-UN. T. Central. 11 I-14 .. 14 .. .. l .. II ..11IW .. 11 p ills w.. Norfolk A ao sf Ontario a W Pennsylvania a ano Mtnss Raadlng do 1st pf de id sfd to Railway eo pra . . . 80. Pacide .. Inlaa Paoiao do pfd ... v. a. atsoi... do pld ... Wabash do pfd . . . .. 77 .. ltd .. 4AV4 .. 7(4 .. 1( .. Is ,.4M .. 114 .. 40 .. us :: 15 1. 7H .. 1(4 .. 44 .. Kli ... I4 ... 1(4 .". II ... II ... 414 ... tn4 ... s4 ::: '.H ... 1(4 ...lit ... 44 ... fca ... Jnli ... 47S .... s ... 144 ... Si ..4. . 4i4 . tl .10 .104 . Hw firm, 264d per a so 11(4 la 34 ounce. MONEY ;tVfcti2V ner cent. The rata of dlaeojnt in the ODen market la JflS 1-14 per centj for three months' bll-s. StfJ i-M cesit. New York Mlnlaar Storks. NEW TORK. March ll.-The followln are the c.osuig prioea, on mining stocks; LIVERPOOL March 11. WHEAT Spot. steady: No. 1 Ca'tfornta. 7a ?4'l: futures, quiet: Mam nominal: m . as hi "4npor nrm; Tri---i iir-"' new: p- s 4d: Attwrl'-an snlxel r.1 1 4 (4d: f i- tures. pteudy; Mar. n. 4a I,1; May, 4s 4ftd. Dalatk Grala Market. TM'LTTH Minn.. March 11 WHEAT In store, Na. hard. 1:4c; No. X north- rfea Maf-ket. NEW YORK. March 11 COFFEE The market for futures opened steady at an pdvanca of 641 10 points The r'oe wss Ptedv. Sule were r norted if 75 ftiO bags. Including: March. 6.16c; April 4?V; May, 6.ZU'6.k; .Iimip. .6oc: July. 40?t'"' 65c: Rep. Ismber l.tavo 6c: 4ctolr 5 9"c: Oeoember. lwnfo,.: January, ( Sue. Bpo Rio. ateady. Mild, ateady. ' Adams Cob II . Ont.rie 4no Ailco ..... II lOtalr 440 BrMCt la 'Phoanls 4 tanwtork Tunsol .... I ir.xou i Coa. Cal. a Vs 17S j ! 71 Horn Sllvar ,. - us IHirrra Nevada trua ailvar ' J Small HopM Liairvtllo Coa , 1 1 Standard ,. puis Chtsf 4 I Sew York Money Market, ' NEW YORK. March ll.-MONEY-On rail, seasy. lVul per cent; closing bid. 14, ofTerad at 1 tmt cji L Time loana. dull: 0 days, 4lr4 fat cent, M days. 2atd ytr artp.581.935,. 178.60,;S5 anj.7ul.Tdl.. 87.4.13S4 66.7K7.6o8 Iio.070.2n6,. : JU.3Sl,6lt. 21,aue.A, . 2l.alo14 .20,079. 2;1 il,9j7.ft-9'. ,iJ,o7i.2S5.... 8. 719,3 .... lO.iKHl.i'.ajl.... . .0-3,99i).... 7,5,oiio .... 5,;70,ooo .... 6.576.450 .... 6..184.494! , 6.aVl.ti.k 7.77.Ui ' 6.631.837 . 4.46.:93!. 4.765.4001 . : 6.160,5111 - 4.018.4181 4.4t-9.762l 4.044.137! 3.149.RS61.. ' 3.037, W.. 3.246.244 8.622.CS4I ' 3.92S.R47I 2,119.549 J.117.08 ; 2.9K5.121' 2.or,7,r5j 99,rii 2.S82.519 2.M6.910 . 1.160,4081 ,' 2.134.3191 " 1.79S.9 . 1.633.4241. . , 1,3T.J3 .v2.2.V)l 1.574.3SO!. 1.21$. 9741. sW.aatl. .. 1.423.3621 ; . 1.4',427 ... 715,0791... ' 1.247.1X11... 1.127.9041 j,:w,or3 J14,458 9S6.444I 1108,8781 1,400.417 1.197.3481 73S. SS4I. ',,... ' ol794!....:. l.oJlooo) 8 6 l.929l 1,032.62s! 1.J n.s:nr. 614.2971 - - OY2.7471 ' 63Ti,76t' 41n.9fTit fj61.onot is.9R4l 421.P10I. 421.6921 ' 44,. 6T1I . fV'O.rail. .in sim1. . h.icti. . 5S"i.8l 478.7361... ?il1.9Vll 17.11 197.G64I 3S4.6X1I ?94.61 yiR.2081 12.242,4Hf)l 9.173,0001.. J.WS.4MI . 406.726L. 37.3 H'.i 18.8 "i .7 13 8.6 13.2 11 9.2 6 0 6.3 ii.i 6.6 4.61 trie!. 20.61. 13.11.. .4 3 1 8 5 4.3 8 3 18.3 3 2 22.7 6 4 7 4.6 'is! 2 7.0 "r! 29 39 1 . . 8 47 29 4 19. OilAUA LIVE STOCK MARKET Both Beef S eert and Cowi Slow, with Br. Buad, Otbtra a L tils Lowar. HOGS SOLD STEADY TO fiVE LOWER Very Imall Rao of Sheep and Lassos aad Market Active, silk All Good Staff (eunissdlsg Pally Steady Prices. SOUTH OMAHA. March 11, 19.. Receipts were: lattie. iiogs. Sne p. Olhciai Monday .M 4.vso o.iil Otliciul l uesuay ......... , 4 7 7.461 Olncial VSeone.-day .4oo i.iii 8.9il omilai Thursday 3.8o2 ,o7i) 6,4di Olliclal i- rluny X,i.taj u.iMJ l.uo Five davs thla week. ..16 069 14.869 30.742 Same daya last week. .. .13.7o ,440 W 34 Same rrk befote X1.612 67,891 36,781 Same three weeks ago. . .11.209 44,477 4u,Xi Same four weeks ago....ll.i 41W ikJ7 Same days last year... .17,156 33 33 26-31 ISLClillili folt THE lLAH lO DAI hi. i ha iollowing table shows the receli la of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaiia for tne year to uaie. wlin coiupar.sou witn last year: Inc. Dec. 10.S83 1904 lflo.1 Cattle ....172.752 183.64s Hogs 47u.soa 467. 9X4 12.9J9 Sheep 364,&f 2o3,4o8 lul.Wl Aeragi pricts paiu fur liogk at 9011m Omana for the last several daya with com parisons ' Date. I 1904. 103. 1902.1901. 11600. ;1839.1S?S. Feb. Feb. Feb Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feh. Feb. Mar. Mur. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. 15... 16.. 17... 18... 19... 20... 21... 22... 23 34. 26. Oat 1 . 28. 29..., 1 2... 3.. 4 . 6.. 6.. 7.. 8.. 9.. 10.. 11.. 4 99 I J 8 81, 6 2-i, ' sl I 03 I t 721 I 27 4 631 I 68 3 M 6 of I 7 Oil I 7S 4 id, 3 HI 3 84 6 WW! 4 8, 5 75 6 2i ?! i 124 C 90 6 64 6 23, 4 83l 31 6 i44, l 6 so 6 soi 4 75) 3 60 6 98 6 88,' 6 2 4 74 3 47 3 M 5 274 6 96 6 Iki 4 6;. 3 15; 3 31 t 224J 2 i 6 32 4 9 I 58 3 ll 6 lMi t 641 6 9C, ; 4 uJi 6 31N,i 6 811 5 93 t 37 I 6 St4( Ui 6 81 i 33; 4 66 B M I 0 Q O .-.'1 ? 40, VI I 6 Kl 6 174 I 131 6 98i 112 6 9 ao 01! 6 11! 0 IK , 6 124 6 04 6 U7 1 7 (151 6 !9 6 184, 7 15 6 1" 6 5 ! I 6 ai. 4 6 4 t,t 4 t 'J I 7 Mi A U7I 6 32 I 7 11, i U7, 6 itii 4 74 6 .4, 3 M 3 79 3 61 3 66 so 3 78 S 85 3 8V 3 17 3 82 3 Is 1 8 if-, a .) 3 C2 3 6(. I ui j 6-1 3 67 1 8 62 IHI. 6 1D4 6 031 6 S'JJ 4 72 3 63 I 7j 6 18.l 7 14 16 4i 4 71 t 6o 1 7u 6 404; 7 26, 6 07 1 4 Jdl 3 uu 8 tV 6 lOTai 7 29 6 09i 6 3H, 3 6!l 3 ail 4 9 Lop Angeles at. jopopli Denver , Columbus Memphis Seattle Richmond Waphlngton Bnvannah ............ Albany Portland. Oro Fort Worth Toledo. O Salt Lake City...,...- Peoria Atlnnta Rochester Hartford Nashville Des Moines Spokane, Wash..,,...' Tncoma Grand Rapids ...,.'.'. New Haven Scranton Dnyton Norfolk ...-. Snrlngfield, Mass.... Worcoptcr ..o Portland, Me,,..,v Auguata, Oa Topaka u, Sioux City ........... Syracuse -.-.t Evansvlllo '.-.s Birmingham Wilmington Dal KnoxvlUe . Davenport- , Little Rock Wnkesharre -Fall River Macon l.,. Wheellntt.-.Pf Va Wichita Akron Chnttnhooga ripnnirneia, Kfllntnnsnf, -Mich', .f. . Tounsrstown .;... Helena Islington m.......-..v Fargo. N. ;D.. New Bedford: Canton. iCt . . . Jacksonville, Fla..VAt Lowell Chester, Pa ;.. Grcensburg. Pa t Rockrorrl. III. ,...;,. Blnghnmton finrlngfleld. O Blooming-ton, , 111,.;.. Qulncy. Ill Rloux Falls, p. D...V Mnnafleld, O . Dfeatur. Til JncksoDV(Ile. Ill tHoiiaton tOalveaton CbnrlPPton. B. C. Crdar Rapids Totals. T.T. S....:.V.iI.74S.7ir.M4 I 26.1 Outside New York J- , 780.135,6091.... i. 6.1 'Indlcntca Sunder The official number of cara of stock brought In today by each roud wss: Cattle. Hogs. Sli p, ll'r C. M. A St. P. Ry.... 4 Wabash 1 Mo. PuclQo Ry 4 tnion Par. System.. 12 C. A N. W. Ry F., E. A M. V. R. R.. S3 O. C, St. P.. M. A B. A M. Ry C, B. A Q. Ry K. C. A 81. J C, R. 1. A P., east.. C, R. I. A P.. west.. Illinois Central Chicago U. W Total receipts. Following are the ror the terday ; 9 20 1 1 2 1 S 1 92 it 1 3 .. .. 16 4 t 8 23 t 2 1.. 16 2 '7 'i V. 1 87 "i 4 t m 1 (w to i4 1 f ...'. 4 I 00 1 Wi S t tut I - 1 ....1011 ll' t 7'1 I 1 !' I Wl I... CIS I SO 4 Ill i M t l'O i 14 l 1JS 3 IJ t. Ill I 15 BCLIA t ia ! so 1 mo 1 no 1.. .. I is 1 i-HO I on , !: I I n 1 I o U 1IW0 I 0 I lrl J f t I'M t M I I""5 l t 14) I U I lfl 1 U 1 1.0 I 71 I l"'l S 11 1 1H0 I 7 I IS O I 11 1 K40 I n 1 1 T l I J 1 HJ0 I 75 1 110 I 11 1 12.10 75 CALVES. I m 4 so 1 io 1 to I l"0 4 '5 I S40 IK 1 17" (I 00 STOCKEHS AND FRKDERS. 1 410 I 51 1 110 I 10 I s J an s uo III t an oa SI s,l I u 10 Ill I SO f ro S 71 I 40 1 . 17 ... M4 t 7 1 4-.S I 41 I 4M I T5 10 ) I 45 I a...-- ' II 70! I 50 1 74n I 10 4 441 I f.0 I 1 I 0 U5 I 53 t S50 I S.1 .' 110 I in 4 M4 M I. 10:0 1 SO 4 41 I 45 i 450 I 50 J M I Ill I 10 1 150 S 00 and mined, 32 Jo? 3 4' Ptkora and feeder. ! J.' T.-ifi 1 7-; isIvi.h r. 1.-1 ye.irl naa, I- V'li't 6... lu ititi-r.e ,ita. ;.wt) he.ul; matket &o lower, selling at HJwJ .J0, bulk, i '4i l.V HOOa The run of hogs here this morning wasa light, and In pplte of the fact that t hi caeo was nuotnd ivifl5c lower the market here he d right cloae to ateadv. At the onenlnr rackera were bidding 6c lower, find some hrgp sold that way, but a little later on It became evident that there were not enrugh hogs to go around, na pome of the shippers bought up quite a few. As soon as local packers paw mat puppnea were short they JumpAd In and the market ruled very active, with prices about steady with yesterday, most of the early arr'vnla being dlppoped of In a very short time. Tha light weighta pold largely frrm lo ilown: meoium to good weights sold lnrpely from 35 to i.YlS and prime heavies from 6. ta 16.30. liepresentative sales mock la Mailt. The follow ing arc 1h5 rptlmatei r.-orlpta of mock at the plx iirincloHl (111'!: tattle. 11 ' South Omaha Ch'cag'i Kansas t It y .. St. I.oula St. Joseph .... Sioux City .... . . 2 "n4 .!.'. .... HI .. . . 8 '" .... I.l4t .... 1 .1 2 -.o 0 3, '41 J'O 5.1 4 2 ShP'P 1 8-0 8. 1 00 4 h l.i; ) 4 5.19 Totals ... OMAIIA .1JWS 43.I114 .454 nHOI.K5Al.i: MVItKKT. No. At. 9h. Pr. No. A. at). Pr 57 17(1 ... Ill K.. ..... t3l ... 110 n im n in is ::i 40 I 10 .o IM 1(0 4 10 ( !'4 120 t 10 74 tut ... 4 5 it 114 SO I 10 10 Hi 40 4 ' 7 244 IM I 10 71 1W ... 4 871, 75 M.1 pi t 10 F4 14 ... I OU W 44 ... I li(t II 171 I 01 i7 L'42 ... 5 IS ; ...too W I 00 i 4I ... 115 73 1H ... 6 00 t7 141 ... I 11 74 t:J no s u74 ic no 40 5 it IK 12 ... 5 f! ee !'-'7 ... Ill 7S Iirj i ii?t 5 M7 10 I 14 74 Ill ... 5 it MO ... I 11 M IIJ 6 1,4 J4H ... I IS :ia ik ... 1 06 57 ri tn 111 M ? ISO 55 i KM 40 111 7 ;v yio 6 oi :sj ... t 11 15 f.17 40 5 ( 54 J54 ... I 11 5' ;:i ... 5 1.5 10 J45 40 I 11 (.7 ?17 I 16 2 1" 110 I 18 3 jot ... I 05 . ? 0 t 11 i 214 150 I 05 ISO tS4 40 I tO 73 ... 5 06 El I1 ... I 10 f 5 120 S 05 S ?" 2"n I 20 S ;jn 120 I IT. 5 :1 110 6 0 7 714 ... I 06 Ti ... I 10 TV 125 50 I 05 IS 70 120 10 to 201 HO l (I7U 51 Ml 40 t 10 no !"l ... a 0114 64 .ri so I in 62.: 2'l ... 1071, 11 131 10 6 16 IS 237 ISO 6 071, 41 540 SO I 25 61 221 ZOO I 071, 64 551 400 t 21 0 2!l ... I 07S, (1 . ... I 26 57 141 ... 6 10 II 154 ... I 10 45 147 ... t 114 65 1117 ... I 10 ft 240 40 I 10 U 944 80 I SO 0 M4 ... I 10 1.1V; Colo- SVr now crate. receipts of live stook six principal western cities yea- Cattle. 252 Hogs. Sheep. 64 12 "i 13.7 'ii!i id:.i6!! ?!? 7.61 7 7 "!pi 1 36. Z i & 1 18.4 'is!! a.s 13.4 m 7.1 17.1 16.7 'la!. 7.6'.. 41.21.. 12.61.. 30.11,. .71. ! 4.1 CANADA'. ..::ra. :::t' 17.1TB.1771 13 SNR 9901 4.4" ?43l '9,r.'. l.l.6MI 1. !.: 0X1 1 ';::;::;K, 1.340.9071 1 1 Til lfR1T7l T).70r,i. 930 6411 697.8201 .1 18.61.. 1.81.. I .v.. I 10.8'.. 27.1 4 .3 8.6 6.9 6.6 .! 44.879.4461..... I 17.4 1,141 1.807 1.846 691 630 82 691 112 Omaha Packing Co Swift and Company 6"3 Cudahy Packing Co S.'l Armour A Co 600 Armour from S. C Vanaant A Co 1 Carey A Benton 6 Lobman A Co 4 W. I. Stephan 4 Hill A Son 64 Hobblck A B 9 Sol Degen 66 Harmon A StandlBh F. B. Lewis 1 J. B. Root A Co 63 Hagerty A Co. w.. M ..... Other buyers Zio ' 713 Total 1.130 6,883 ' 1,067 CATTLE Receipts were not excessive thia morning, but still packera did not take noiu witn any great amount or. me. iney seemed to have about all the cat tie they needed for thla week and that being tha caae they wero naturally a little (nuirforent. Besides that Chicago was quoted slow and weak. .""..'..-.., . - Beef steers could probably best bo de scribed by calling them slow to a dime lewtr. Something that Just sultod buyers might have sold at a price not much dif ferent from yesterday a market, but the quality of the general run of the cattle on sale was only fair, and such kinds sold weak to a dime lower. Trading waa dull all the roornlnr and. although receipts were light, It took some time to clear the pens. ine cow market waa not quite so Blow as the trade on steers. The best (Trade and particularly good light-weight fi'lfeis were In active demand mid sold readily at steady prices. Common kinds alwo showed very, little change. The medium grades were neglected more or less and "Mould be quoted a little lower than yeptertlay. There were not very many cows on sale, however, so a reasonably early clearance waa mado. . Bulls, veal calves and stags did not how enough change from yesterday to be worthy vi niniiwii, The same as usual on a Frldoy. there wero not very many stockers and feeders on sale. Anything desirable po!d about steady, but, of course, the commoner kinds were dull. Representative paUa: BEEr STEERS tNot lncluri-d In Ib because containing nii..r p trar eleorlnpa. , vnt in-'"rlei in ffn because or no com parison, for last year. Cotton Market. , LIVERPOOL. March ll.-COTTON Spot market higher; American middling fair. 9.04d; good middling. 8.88d; middling. 6.781: ow middling. 8.6Sd:- good ordinary, J.46d. Futurea. ateady; American middling, g. o. March. g.D7d: March ana Aor I. 8.66.1: April and May. 8.t4dt May and June, 8. 63d; June and July, a.rx'd; Juiy ana August, 8.47(1; August and September. 8.19d: Sep tember and Octohwr. J.SSd; October and No vember. f.94d: MovemDer ana December. S.SSd. . NEW ORLEANS, Marcn 11. COTTON Futurea qulot and atady; March. 15.90(9 IR.JSc; April, lfl fi&iilC.07c: May. 16.3C.ai6.87n: June. H.&fSlI 61c July. 14 83c: August. 15.96 015.97c:- September. 13.70(T13.72c; October, 13.77W 12 7Rc: Kovemner, x;i.4ii I2.4!ic. roi, steady; salea. S.iWl balaa; ordinary. 13 9 16c. ro id ordlnnry. 144c; low middling. 134e; mldilllna. 164c: awid .middling, 16 3-l6c: mid dling fair. is-iec: receipts, x.367 bales; Stock. 366 762 bales. NEW YORK March 11. OTTON SUOt closed quiet: middling uplands. 16 65e; mid dling gulf. 16.90c; aalea. 1 K1 ho lea. BT Mil i. Maren ii ' 1 1 1 teany; mlldllnr. 164c: sales. 1.190 bales: receipts. nine; shipments, -oro oaies; stock. Ji.vii bults. Sagrar aad Molasses. NEW TORK." March" ll.-S-St'OAR Raw. firm; fair refining. 2 15-16i3c; centrifugal. 96 test, t7-16QH,c; molasses sugar, 2 U-Wt fA.e Heftned. firm. NEW ORLEANS, Maren II. St UAK Steadv; open kettle. 24fr8S-16c; open kettle rnntrifugal. 84ic; centrirugai wnitea. 4'.c yellows. o51(4 lo-ibc: seconns, j-iihj. Molasses, nominal: open kettle, ZotuUbc; cen trifugal, 10ifl5c. Syrup. lMj2ac. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Deeds filed for record March 11, 1904. In tha i.fhce of the register or deeds, aa fur nished by the Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abstracter. 1014 Farnam street, for Ihe Bee: William J. Magulre and wife to Fran tlrka Barta. lot 4. block 16. Brown park f 460 Arthur B. Jaqulth and "'fa to Henry Koch, nwV 30-15-11 12.800 Isaac H Hascall to Edward Caaaldy, lu ax res in 4 se4 6-14-11 Joseph Redfnun et al to Jamee P. . hnlmin, part lot 2, brock 3014. . Omaha ',...-. 1.600 Mary A. Daxon and huab4nd to E. H. - McCrearv,-lot . block 2. and lota 4 and 6. block 3. McCreary Place Richard H Brown and wife to Peter Brown, lot 24. Omaha Building and Savings association 2.000 Jeannt-tte M. White and husband to William J Fritls, lot 15. block 1. Lin wood park ., 1 John F. George to George M. John son, lot 16, Maloney'a add to South Omaha i 100 Ed 8. Rohr and wife to Edward R. Benson, lot 14, Cherry Garden (00 le. 71..'.!''. io!!.'!,'! 3. . . - t. II...... e 18 1 1 I 4 I II I 9 II I t IT, T too ,..1000 ...115 .... 700 .... too .... 100 .... IM .... 750 .... IKS .... fit .... ISO ...,1010 .... 700 .... ol .... 15 .... Ill ....1040 ....1044 ....1074 .... 147 ...1070 ....1053 .... I4 ....1001 ....ln4 ....10! ....1073 ....10t ....'070 ....hps .1044 .1A17 Pr. I u I 75 t 71 I 00 I 00 1 11 I 14 I 40 I 40 I 60 I 60 I 60 3 50 I 56 I SO I SO I 40 I 10 I TO I Tfl T5 I 75 I 75 I 10 I 15 I 61 I 15 I 10 I VI I IS 8 K5 4 Ko. 10 14 14 0 IS It 1 tl , 41 1 I I II I , 11 10 2 tl I I 10 io tl 15 tl 1 I 14 14 11 ....1141 ....IOCS ...,10l ....1231 ....lis ....lot ....mi ....1140 ....UST ... .itsn ....1110 ....11M ... .111.1 ....1170 ....mi ....ins ....1050 317 loss ....1KMI ....lira ....1101 ....mi ....1131 ....1330 ....1111 ....1450 ....1421 1241 1210 1i 1431 STEERS AND COWS, I 00 4 00 4 00 4 on 4 00 4 04 4 06 4 10 4 " a 1ft 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 11 4 15 4 10 4 to 4 10 4 78 4 n 4 15 4 4 M I to 4 10 4 5 4 14 4 40 4 40 4 44 11 Ut4 4 ! COWS. I 04 1 10 1 1113 I 00 i 174 1 10 1 170 t oo 1030 15 I list I 00 rri I M H44 i oo 175 I 10 1 1043 I 6 i h in 1124 i oi I 1076 I 15 1 1660 I 10 161 I SS 1 lttO I 10 t T7I I 35 1 1131 It 1 ...1U0 I IS 4 US I 16 f 1026 I 25 4 M,8 I 10 1 1100 2 33 1 MO I 10 t I 40 J njo io 3 M4 I 40 1 1210 I 10 1 mi 1 50 mm i 1$ 1 101 I 10 t 1326 I 126 I 51 1 1040 1 u 4 I7 I 50 10 1IM0 I 11 1 110 I 50 4 177 I 16 1 1500 t 50 11 1114 I 20 4 1 CO 1 1134 I 20 1 10 1 10 I 1250 20 - 1063 I 64 1 1031 I 10 I insn I 10 17 a3 .0 4 446 I SO 10 1040 I 34 1 tiso t w im i 3 t 1.175 I 46 1 125 5 10S0 I 10 1 1241 I 5 IK tit 1 1301 tfl 113 I II I UV I 25 1 1170 I 10 1 1250 I 36 ( 10J0 I TC I ...lli4 I 13 I M if 1 , t 2 1 nun I 14 ltto I so i 1v I 71 10 1033 S 30 1 1004 I II 1 120 I SO t ('7 I 15 I 1156 I SO 1 110 I 10 17 lilt So 1140 I II 1 10n 30 6 njo I 71 I lirt S in 1 1044 0 I. 1150 10 1 S40 10 1 1040 I 30 I mo t ll 1 no I so 18 IM IP) 11 1124 I SI 1 1110 I SO I I 31 II 1011 I M 1 1230 I 31 l .....nao I so mil i si I M t SO I 1111 I 35 1 400 I SO 4 ir,, i 40 1 liwi I so 1 1310 I an 10 110S I 10 1 14S0 I 40 I nu l oo n iim 1 4 I 1140 I 40 I 133 I 10 11 Ill I OS 1 1H I 14 1 1110 I 00 S 1176 3 60 I at im ii iui oo 1 1110 I 00 COWS AND HEIFERS. II sao t 16 II tl I IS 1 1011 I 30 13 130 I 64 IS . "" 16 STEERS AND HEIFERS. I Ml I 41 3 11 HEIFERS. 1 40 I 15 4 SO I 11 I Ill I 16 t 1015 I 11 ' una I in i Keo to I W II 1 HO I u 1 414 I 10 T 44 I 19 I ar-n o 1 laio I 21 1 4-4 I 10 1 1110 I It 4 164 I Tl 1 loio I ta I tat IN 4 11 I at DOc. SHEEP There were only about eight ears of sheen and lamba on Bale this morning, and an the daunand waa fairly good the market ruled active and fully ateady with yesterday. Buyers all seemed to wnnt a few fresh suppllca and were out early and bought no eveivthln at all deslrab'e In stiort order. The quality of the bulk of the arrivals wna only fair. Some wethers, though, pold as high aa 34.60 and no mo lamba brought 35.60. There were not enough feeders offered to make a market, but anything at all de sirable could safely be quoted steady. Quotations for corn-fed stock: Choice western lnmhp. 5 50gi6.76; fair to good lamba. $6.00M.6fl; rood to choirs Mexican yenrllngp. M.7f.'i?5 0d; good to choice w est ern yearlings. 14.50024. 76; fair to good year ling. 14.2634.50; good to choice we'hers, 14.004)4.40; fnlr to good wethers. 13.75 1.0.1: good to choice ewes, 13.SRiff4 on; fair to good ews. Representative sales: No. 48 Mexican cull ewes . 1 buck 6 western cull lambs .... 186 Mexican ewes 6 native ewea t western cull lamba .... 14 wentern wethers 27 Mexican wethers 445 western wethere 131 western wethers 297 western feeder lambs.. Av. . 77 . 170 . 6ft . 86 . 146 . 62 . 90 . 82 .. 88 ,. 86 ,. 70 Pr. 60 S oo 1 50 1 75 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 60 4 60 4 50 4 65 CHICAGO LIVES STUCK HAHKET, Cattla and Sheep ' Stronger, While Hogs Are Lower. ' CHICAOO, March ll.-CATTLE Re ceipts, l.ouO head; market atrongar; good to prime -eteevs,; poor to, o.6otj4.o6; stockers and feeders, .-OW4.; cows, ll.totb 10; hellers, 2.2t.U4.oo; catiiiers, tl. wfa2.6o; bulla, J2.0oco4.o0; calves, 13.7..ij.75. Ll , w ltl TJu..ul . .... ,...! 'HI I.M1 h-uH uill. mated tomorrow, 17.0UU head; market Bvlool lower, Closing strong; mixes and Dutcners, 15.16fct.6o; good to choice heavy, !5.4ou5.55; rough heavy, 15.1k?i6.35; l.ght, l.Vy5.3o, bulk of sales, 15.20fti-i5.40. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8,000 head; market stronger; lambs, firm; good to choice wethers, tj.6O4fi.0u: fair to choice mixed, 14.00oj4.60: western sheep, 13.6u(ii6.U0; native lambs, 34.0ob5.65; western lambs, t4.50fc6.00. Kansas City Live Stork Market. KANSAS CITY, March 11 CATTLE Receipts, 800 head. Including 100 southerns; export and dressed beef steers, 14.6 4(6.26; fair to good. 13 0'a4.30; western-fed sie?rs, steady, 13 4034.50; atockera and fei-ders, steady, 13.204 40; southern steer, strong, 13.4ofrt.40; southern cows, steady, 12.4U(ci3. J; native cows, ateady. 12.0G(u3.7&; native heifers, steady, t3.60ig4.20; bulls, 2.6H3.;i; calves, 13.00(66.60. HOGS Receipts, 8,500 head; market ateady; top. 15.36; bulk of sales. tS.OOt&i.O; heavy. 15.30i66.36; packers, .15s36.S-); plgi and lights, 13.00(86.06. A SHEEP AND , LAMBS Receipts. 4 RfO; ateady to lower; native lamb. !i.7E5 50; western lambs. 1400;ir..40: fed ewe". 3.7&'i 41 yearlings. 14.6C36.00; stockers and feeders, 12.76(34.25. St. Loola I.Ira Stork Market. ST. LOUIS. March 11 CATTLE Re ceipts, 8.O1K1 head, including one car of Texans; market ateady and strong; native shipping and export steers, I4 2?4i5 5l; dressed beef and butcher steers, lU.9o(u-6.30; steers under 1.000 lbp., !3.9(g'5.0.): stockers and feeders, t3.40U'4.00: cows and he fers !3.00fiM.Oo; eannerp. 2.2."4Y2.BO; bulK 12 SoifJ 1.00; calves. 5 (067.00; Texas and Indlin steera, 13.251.25; cows and heifers, 12.200 J. 25. HOGS Receipts, 4.500 head; market lowar; nls-s and lights. t4. 655.20; packer". 15.009 6 30; butchers and bept heavy, t5.ViiT3.5.i. SHEEP AND LAMHH Kecelpta. 1.6 11 head; market stewdv: native muttons, $4."S 35.00: lamba. 14.75475 75: culls and bucks, t.75(84 l5; atockera. 12.50r$3 00. tondltloa of Trade and Qootatlona oa . Staple and Fancy Produce. EiktS Receipts, libera'.; market steady; frtwh stock, U-; lUcluuinn . a.'. 154c HV1-: roL'i.ruY-llei.P, v; ouii rooster. 8(gic; ola roosters-, om.v, tuikt-js, Uc; iiui-kP, c; geese, PC Dl "1'1'LU-l nckini, slock. 12c; choice to fancy dairy rolls. liuKC, separator. 2-C. FRESH Ki&ll Trout, '.-i kh-; pickerel, 644i6N pike, lo; perch, tt)t',c; bluciir-h, Kc; Whitehall, 811190; Miunun, lie; haudock, Im; cooilsh, Uc; n-UMuipiuT, lie; loiifUTS. bohed, per lb., Mc; loiietp, gren, lai lb, ik'cj UullheailB, 11c; catnsh. Ujji4c; I. lack bnaa. As1; halibut, lv; irappicp. i.c; lictrmg, 44c; whito baPM, ISc; bluvlinr. smelts. Wulic, i.il8'lh,h8-.Ntw Vork ouiiiip, l'r can, 43c; per gal., 2: extra ae ect, i-er can, J-c; per tl., 41. mi; atandaru, pt-r iui, 4ic; ier ual.. 11. d0. iiua.-s I'cr ton, no.w. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha WholePalo iH-ulers' association: t holce No. 1 iipliimi. 16 60; No. 2, lo; metllum, !'; coaiae, ..; rye straw, . 'ihose pricep are lor i.ay n good color and quality. Demand fair and receipts light- VEGETABLES. POTATOES Colorado. 11.(1.10; Dakota, per bu., 11; natives, one. SWEET 1'UTATOjiS (Muscatine, per bbl., 13.:'; seed, 12.76. NAVY BKANS Per bu., 12.2," T2 X. CELERY Large California, ire, 7ic una ONIONS Srwnbh, n-r crate. railo yellow and red, per in., ..r. CAHHAtJK Wlsconaln HollunJ, Cailiornin. 3c TURNIPS White, per bu.. One. CARROTS 1'er bu., 11. PARSNIPS Per bu., 76c. BEETB Per bu.. 75c. CAULIFLOWER California, per ti.75. CCCL'MBER-Per dog., 11.50. ToMATu LS Florida, per 6-luuikot crate, PvADISHES Per doa. bunches. 3.'i'iV. LET Tl't'E HEADS Per do, bundles. SC til; top lettuce, jier doa., li.c Tl'RNU'8 Southern, l-er iio7. , BEETB Southern, pi r doz , 7..C. CARROTS Southern. I er iloi.. 'c PARSLEY' Southern. -ir iloi., 1! BHAI.LuTW Per doa., 75c. ONION SETS Per bu. ot 32 lba., C; red, 12; w hite. 82 25. FRl'l 1"S. APPLES California Bellllowers, per box, 11.75; New Y'ork export Greenings, Russets and Baldwins, 44.2.). CRANRERRIE-Jersey, ier bbl., 17; per box, 12.50. GRAPES Imported Mnlagna, per keg, J. STRAWBERRIES Florida, per u.t., 4.'l OOc. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Navnla, choice, nil slaca, I tJ'; fancy nnvula, all plzes. 12.75. l.r.M' i..i3 iaiiioriiTir, luncy. io Lion; choice, 240 to 270 ilze.. t3.0uru3 .25. FIGS California, per li.-.b. cartoiip. Imported Smyrna, 3-crown, 1(k ; 7-crown, inc. BANANAS Per medium 12.oTKfi2.50: Jiimboa. 52.754i3.25. DATES Persian, per l.ox of 30 pkgs., 12: per lb. in OiUb. boxes, 5c; Oriental stuffed dates, per box, 12 40. COCOANl'TS Per sack. II: per doi., &0c, MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream, 12c; Wisconsin Young Americas, 13o; block Swum, 16c; Wisconsin brick, 13c; Wisconsin limburger, 12c. CIDER Per bbl., 16.60; por 4-bbl., 13.23. HONEY Nebraska, per 24 frames, S3l ' Utah and Colorado, per 24 frames, 13. HORSERADISH Per case of 2 doa., packed, 80c. MAPLE SUGAR Ohio, per lb., 10c HIDE "No. 1 green, 6c; No. 2 green, 6c; No. 1 salted, 7c; No. 2 salted. 6c; No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12 lbs., 84c; No. 2 veal ealr, 12 to 15 lbs., 64c; dry salted hides. K.il2c; sheep pelts, R5j27c; horse hides, 11. 604)2. 50. NUT& Walnuts, No. 1 soft ahell, per lb., 16c; hard ahell, per lb., 14c; No. 1 soft shell, ner lb.. 13c: No. 2 hard shell, per lb.. 12c: Braclls, per lb., 11c; filberts, per lb., 11c; almonds, soft shell, per lb.. 15c: hard shell. per lb., 13c; pecans, large, per lb., 12c; si. .all, per lb., loc; peanuts, per lb., 6c; roasted peanuts, per lb., 8c; Chill walnuts, 124fl S4c; large hickory nuts, per bu., 11.60; shollbarka, per bu., 12; block walnuts, per bu.. 11.26. . yellow. 14c; 2.10 soa. V.c; u-crown. sized bunch, St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH, March , 11 CATTLE Re ceipts. 1.066 head; market ateady; nativra, 13.75&626; cows and heifers, tl.Vbjj4.oA; stockers and feeders. 13.00-fi4 25. HOGS Receipts, 6.414; steady to 6c lower; light, 14.85(66.20; medium and heavy. 15.10p 6 40. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4 M head; market steady to 10c lower; lamba, 15.60; ewes. Sloox City l ive Stork Market. SIOUX CITY, March ll.-(8peclal Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 100 head; mar ket ateady; beeves, ta.5.'34.50; cows, bulla Wool Market. BOSTON, March 34. WOOL-Pulled wools are quiet and firm. The leading quotations follow: Kentucky, Indiana, etc, thrae elghtha blood, 26426c;brald, 22&23c. Terrl- ,' tory, Idaho fine, lo'altic; heavy tine, 13yHo; fine medium, lUSltiw; medium, liiH;17c; low medium. lijj'lSc; Wyoming line. Initio; heavv Una. 13nl4c: flue medium, lo'if 17c-1 medium, 1844 lo; low medium, ItU'iOo. Utah and Nevada fine, 15iilttc; heavy line, 13'al4c; fine medium. lt4$f'17c: medium, Irtjl 19c; low medium, 19i&20c; Dakota fine, l&ijl ' 16c; medium, lidilSc; low medium, 19i.0o. Montana fine, choice. 19H20c; line medium. ,n',.,on. HhtDA. Blunl. IS t) 2)C. The Commercial Bulletin tomorrow will say: The wool market Js quiet and business Is conflned to small Hues of domestic with a good business In foreign croaabreds. The latter are urrivlng freely and nelllng well' at profitable prices. Thu undertone of the market Is Arm without change In quota tions. All medium grades of ilomestlo are scarce and the supply of territory and -.1 a I - A , . ....... W . . . . I . .. Oilier line IB 1101 laist'. 1 11a ivtmuoii ,uinw.i sales opened on Tuesday at from par to 6 per cent advance In pricea, aa compared with the last Kales. LONDON, March 11 WOOI The offer ings at the wool auction aalea today num ber 15.626 bales. French purchases Included greasy lambs, crossbred plecea atid first greasy pieces. Americana bought greasy broken moderutely. A good supply of scoured- wna equally divided between French and German buyers. Fine Merinos were steady. Cape of Oood Hone and Natal grades sold briskly. Following are the pales In detail: New . South Walai, 3.5'k) hales scoured, 9oY'rlH 14d; Victoria. l.Too bales scoured, 10di&1rS4d, greasy, 744 51s: South Australia. 2") bales HROurel, la 34d. greasy, .'.0i8d; New Zealand. 8.700 haUy aoMiirAH .t -h I 1 ILA .rail, d&'.AGMm1 Cape of Oood Hope and Natal.' 5'0 balaa scoured. 13d2li54d. greasv. 4(7f10d. ST. I1'18. March 11. WlOOIj-Steady; medium grailes. combing and clothing, 17'i lTc: iiuht fine, i.-'Sfi.'ic; heavy nno, 144c; tub washed. 2f4f31c. 12(9 Itaok Clearlnca. OMAHA, March 11. Bank clearings were tl,217,!52.(a. a decrease of 1146 8S4.46 from those of the oorresponilng day last year. GEO, A. ADAMS GRAIN CO. Grain, Provisions & Stocks. Membtrs o:nuha uralu Exchange, Chicago Board of Trade and other exchanges. Correspondents Bartlett, Fiailer Carrlrgton. SIS Board ef Trade BI4. Omaht. FOUR POINTS FOR TRADERS WHEN YOU TRADE IN GRAIN, PROVISIONS, STOGECS PLACE YOUR ORDERS WITH fHl PaflF GOMrVlISSION no Capital and Surplus, $603,000.00. Geticrul Offices: N. Y. Life Bldg., Minneapolis. IDCCT CCOUIOC Moat raliartls market Information. Lars-sat s DCs) I dLtlllUb private wlra system in Amentia. 2 VIC RIIIDIIITCC to execute your orders if the market a If C UUAiiArl I CL rsaclm (he prlci whi i you t. We chsrgs NO INTEUEST for carrying- long slocks,. 3. MARGINS REQUIRED ?KiCr;.S htrtif ' 4. REFERENCES o7r'r.,.,on' mm '' Branh OMAHA BRANCH 1618 Farnau St., Tel. 3467. N. B.-W4 Issue each sreek sn exhaustive review of the markets and the moat accurate forecast of future mot amenta. Free at any of our offlcea. THOS. M. WAD3ICK, Cor. m iVivrrtr'it i muri-wi .4 ' T