TI1E OMAnA' DAILY HEE: TUESDAY, MAKCTI 8. 100.. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Bpecnhtori Parplend 0tr Problem of Wheat Going Still Higher. WATCH EFFECT OF NEW CROP OUTLOOK Fatare tora Tkoagkt to He Too Itrong W hea lomptrrd nllh the (.'ash kltaatlaa Specalatlva leases It. ' OMAHA. March 7, 19M. Ppenulators In hrat huvo to consider the r ruble m whether the high pruts, due to he war, tli milling mtuutiun and the alurm u( May aliurtH, will be hciiI up fur ther by the poor winter wheat outlook. The reports Irorn the winter wheat dis trlcts lire bud and it remains to be seen bow much thry will bull the market In futures, tiveipool bail a weak opening and there whs nothing In the foreign ru bles to atrciigthen Amerb an markets. t'ht cago May wheat opened at Htj'Vtl 9t Which was the highest point reamed be fore noon, while the Inwext was IhiSfcc. New July did not get together at I ho opening, selling in different (.arte of the wheat pit ali the way from UUie. la Wr. The range waa from tfl'ic to H.'V, with alight Im provement at noon, Omaha talent was CUUllOUH. The bull strength of corn la due to the belief In a big long line of May und In a shortage of coniract stul? to come before May in. Tho strength Is speculative rather than due to supply and demand. Future corn Im (hnught to be too strong when com pared with the poor cneh situation, t'hl tugo May opened at &3v, ranged from Hc to W; and closed, aomewhat stronger than tlie opening. Omaha May was bid up to 4.Vo from 46V, with little bought. Later offerings' brought the markst down to the half. The Chicago oat market la rather weak, l'alten la supposed to have taken his proilts on hla long lino, und his followers are doing the same. WHEAT No. 2 hard, WyfTCo: No. I hard, No. 4 hard, .lftTitc; No. 2 spring, 4w; No, i spring, tltiuc: No. 4 spring, 71iu74o. COKN No. 2, 43H'0c; No. 3. 40Vt641r: No. 4, Ui; No. 2 yellow, 42VHSr; No. 8 reJlow, iWaAfr; No. i while, 4(43c; No. white, iflfrifUc. OATH No. i, ara'Wc; No. 3. 3Vfi3Tc; No. 4, SMaec; No. 1 white, 41 'u 42c; No. 8 white, Hli(-oci standard, 40Vi'il4iyc. Local Cash Uraln Market. The cash market livened up a bit today, the demand was conaiilerably stronger. Kecelpts were, however, light and several buyers failed to Mil orders. Wheat was up Jo from Saturday price, probably owing to the bad crop reports ana the continued large demand of millers. Receipts were 8 cars In and 2 cars out; one week ago, 10 and 3 oars. Kecelpts of corn were 26 cars In and 87 curs out; one week ago, 6ti unci i cars, uat receipts were 7 cars In and 1 car out; one week ago, 7 and 6 cars. Corn and oats were both weaker, about Ho over prices of Saturday. Representative anion nf f.nr 1r rf Mrn by sample were: No. I yelldw, 1 car, 42c: No. 4, 1 car, 43c; 1 car 4014c; 1 cur 40c; No. 3 white, 1 car, 42c The range or prices paid on the Omaha exchange today wun; Closed . Open. High. Low. Today. Sat'y. Wheat- May. R5 Rt. 85'4 July H'i'l 24 Si torn May , July , Oats- May 40 4nt; 40 March 34 sa4 Notes from tho Kxchanajo O litres western 11. 14; prime timothy, $3 00; clover, contract grmle 111 i. FKOVIHK Nft Me.s pork per. Mil, $13 7H fil4.no. Lard. pr 1"" ho., ;.pg:.l.. Bhort ribs sides (lone 87 o"VM2i; short clear sine ( mixed), IlJi'U'i cV Articles Ileoeirta Flour, bbls 37.5ft Wheat, bu. M.7"0 Corn, bu 2.r4,1 Oats, bu 31S."" Rye bu 12.9 Hurley, bu Pttjon On the I'rnduce exchange today tr market wis weik: rre.inviles. dairies, n'jc'lc. Eprs. ea.y at mark, cases Included, lt;Viil7c. Cheese firm at 1 VdUViC. Bhlpmenta. M.7"0 4B.M l7,7dd 1,7 the hut- 14ii2 H"; ...K5 ...bi'l ...4T.'i ...44T4 4174 46 44T4 4-4-li 4rH Wis 40U 8S4 82' 4f,i, 45 40 A fine golden colored oak counter Is being placed In the offices. Omaha Inspections of grain were 4S cars. Of wheat, 1 car graded No. 4 hard winter and 1 car No. 4 spring. Of corn, 3 cars graded No. 2, 21 cars No. S, 6 cars No. 4, 1 car no grade and 6 cars No. 3 yellow. Of oats, 1 cur graded No. 8 white and 1 cur No. 4 white. Urala Markets Klsowbor. Closing prices of grain Saturday today at the markets named were as lows; . KANSAS CITY. closed wnea Today. May , i 81 July 7a1 worn May July ST. LOU j a Wheat- May July Corn- May 45T4 ' July 43 11 and fol , 434 44 S9T4 Wheat- May July MINNEAPOLIS. 93B &6-)li 45T4B 4)1 Wheat Maty July DULUTH. Wheat aty July NEW YORK. 96 K6! .954 97H 97? W74B 671B 1.01 CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. NBW YORK URNKRAIj MAHKKT. Qontatlons nf the nay on Varlons Commodities. NEW YORK. March 7 -FTOrR-Re-celpts, 30.475 bbls.; exports, 1H.0 bbls.; market continued Inacllve and pirtly lower to sell. WlnWr strnlKhts, II 9ivfj-,.pi; Minnesota pntents. Wi' winter pat ents. 3.V2.VJ5 ft'; extras, U WM.m; Minnesota bnkers. I4.?n'd1.70; winter low grades, J3ir.ir I 0. Rve flour, quiet; fnlr to good. Jl 30 i 4.56: choice to fancy, l. 00:84.85. Buckwheat flour, nominal. CORNM EA i Quiet ; yellow western, $1.12'-: city, $1.11; kiln dried, $3.1.VffJ.25. ItYTV Dull; No. 2 western. fc5c, to arrive. BART.I'T Fasv; feeding, BOc, c. I. f.. New Tork: mMtlnir. ivi'?i'".."c. c. I. f., BufTnlo. WI1KAT Receipts. 33.15M bu.; exports f3. !K1 hu.. Bpot mirket ensv; No. 2 red. $1.02, elevator, No. 3 red 11 .WHIM. f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern, Dululh. $1.orv4 f, n. n, afloat; No. 1, northern, Mnnltoba, nominal, f. o. b., afloat. Options opened dull and wenker; May, 9Scfi$l flolfc; closed at Wr; July, 95 7-lScfi97c; closed nt 95Ho; Septem ber. S7Vif?9'c; closed nt fTTc. CORN Receipts. 141. W0 b'j.: exports, M, no" bu. Bpot market steady: No. 2 nominal. elevator, and 66c f. o. b., afloit; No. 2 yellow, 57c; No. 2 white, hfic. Options were exiiemely dull; May closed at EVc; July closed at B7.ic. OATS Receipts, 204,000 bti. exports, 2fi.- Zlf nu. pot mnrket weak; o. z, mo; stnndnrd white, 644c; No. 2 whle, 55c; No. 3 white 54o. HAY Unlet ; shipping, 6675c; good to choice. 95c 'nil. OS. RICE-Steady: domestic, fair to extra, $H tisw: Japan, nominal. ItOPH Firm; strife, common to choice, 1903. jS7e: 190. 24fJ2Sc: olds. 1Sil9c. Pa cific coast, 1903, 27r3ic; 1902. 24&2Tc; olds, 10 misc. HIDES Firm : Oalveston. 20 to 5 lbs.. He; Cnllfomin. Zl to 35 lbs., 19c; Texas dry. QA in OA 1Kb t An TATXOW-tJiilet: city fJ per pkg), lic; countrv (pKgs. Tree), wnbc. LKAtHRR Firm: arid. 24fr29e, WOOtj Firm: fleece. !iSfi32c. PROVISIONS Keef, firm; family, $11. B0 112.80; mess. $9.i.R0; beef hams. $20.BO 26.00; packet. llOBOffll BO; city extra India mess. tlfiWffHOO. Cut meats quiet; pick led bellies, $7B0'5Rffi; pickled shoulders, pickled hams, jlo.otKini.ot). Iard oulet. western steamed, $7 70: refined, steady, continent. $7.8'): South Amerlc.t. $ 2R; compound. $!.f(7H'ii7.00. Pork, steady; family, xir.qmnq.B0; short clear, lb.t)tKU 1B.76; mess, nri .awin m. RITTTKR Unsettled : fresh creamery, 16 24c; state dairy. 14f(i21c. CHFESE Bleaily at lo12c. EtJOS-FIrm: western firsts, 21c. POULTRY Alive, steady, western chick ens. 12c: fowls. 13Hc: turkevs, 15c. Dressed easy; western chickens, 12V415c; fowls, 12 l-'tc; turkeys, layiHc. St. Lon,ls Grain and Provisions. ST. LOL'lS, March 7. WHEAT Lower uciiiui M.I I c if y imi.T n n ir-n in nin.T. yr. m red cash, elevator, 95'4c; track, $1.06H3il.O7; May. W4ti90c; July, 85c; No. 2 hard, KifQlWc. CORN Lower; No. 2 cash, 44o; track, 45c; Mav. 4.aic: Julv. 48c. OATS Strong; -No. 2 cash. 41Hc; track, 42 SNUc: Mnv. 41.ic: No. 2 white. 4i'4c. FIOUR Dull and unchanged; red winter patents, $0.1115.25. with W) per cent patents as high as $5.40; extra fancy and straight, flHWf.Oo. SEED Tlmothv. Steady at $2.502.78. CORNMEAIj Steady at $2.50. BRAN Dull: sacked, enst track. RSiffOOn HAY Steady; timothy, $8.0013.00; prairie. $7.F.IK()in.0O. IRON COTTON TIES-82C. BAOOINO r.Uc. hp:mp twine-. PROVISIONS - Pork, lower; Jobbing, 137H. Lard, mm; prime steam, ttvu Bacon, sreadyj boxed extra shorts, $8.124. POL' 1I'hY Quiet; chickens and springs, 10c; turkeys, l?ffl3c: ducks, 13c; geese, hit So, BTTTTI-'H Steady; creamery,. 20iff27c dairy. 15fil9c. V( ir3SI .rwer ecsA enont Receltits. Bhlplfients Flotir, bbls., 11.000 10.000 Wheat, bu 110.000 61.0no Corn, bu mono (W.ono Oats, bu.... 123,000 13.000 Kansas City Grain and Provisions KANSAS CITY. March 7. WHEAT May, (MMiMV.e: July. 78'4W7c: cash. No. 2 hard 7ifj89c; No. 3. 82Jt?85Mic; No. 2 red, $1.02ftfl.O3 KO 3. I1.0IRI1.U1. CORN May, 434c; July, 44fr44Hc; rash No. 2 mlxml. 41Hfr42c; No. 2 white, 41(4140 NO. S. 4UTil4(H4C. ' OATS No. 2 white, twiw; no. I mixed. 38c. HAY Choice Timothy. 19.60w10.oo; choice prairie, 7.25(n7.W). K I fINO. '. wo. EOGS Sleariy: Missouri and Kansas. cases returned, 1414c; new No. $ whltowood, caseajncluded, 16',-ic. Receipts Wheat, bu 92.000 Corn, hu M 800 Oats, bu 8,000 Lsm Sto tores ol tko Trading; and Closing rices ou Hoard of lad. CSHCAQO, March, 7. Liberal Russian ex ports and a settlement of- the Argentine strike cansed a net loss of 2-i0 today in MV wheat. July Is down 2Sc Corn Is to higher and outs o up. Provisions are TVi&IWo lower. Considering the weakness of cables the opening In wheat was fairly steady. May was yo lower to c higher, at Wvij'ixJe. wlilla July was Hio lower to a shade higher, at 8l4j'Xc. The market appeared to be largely over- ght and little wheat waa wanted 'rluea started downward at a rsnlt rata Btoo loss orders came out on the .in cline, resulting In a sharp break. May sold off to iwys, a loss of 3Vc from the high point of the day, while July dropped 2o to HHo. Shorts covered freely In the May option, causing a rally of about lo, but July hald near the low point. May closed firm at 94c, but July was weak at (94kO HVKa, Clearances of whent on,t flour were equal to 301,000 bu.' Primary re ceipts were 845.300 bu., compared with e&i.ouu a year ago. The amount on paa saga Increased 2.232.000 bu., but the visible SUimlv decreased 141 000 I... MlnnaonnM. Duldtb. and Chicago reported receipts of o.ij cars, against uil cars last week, and in view of the extreme weakness In wheat, the corn market held remarkably . "peneu "vtdao lower to a shade higher, at SSmwao, and alter sell ing netween l3a and 54V,W64i4c. closed at W& bU July ranged between tikc and "-'v. cloaing at a loss of VsA-c, at Sl'io. Local receipts were 182 cars, 4 of contract grale. Oats were Independently strong, owing to n active demand with apparently little desire to sell. The rlose was firm and much of the advance was lost. May opened at 41WiA41v-o. sold between 41n and in and closed at 2'4c. July ranaed between wsjo mi wvv ana ciosea VnWo higher, at 894iitl9o. Local receipts. 258 cars. A small run of bogs with higher prices t the yards caused early firmness In pro visions, with small advances throughout the day. The close was weak, with May pork 80o lower, at $13.87V. May lard was off lOo, at $7.30, and ribs 7H4jlOc, at $7.17 Estimated recelnta for tomorrow n'hui 5 cars; corn, 27J cars; oats, JuO cars; hogs! ,M head. The lauding futures ranged as follows: Artlolea.1 Open IHlgb.l Low. Cloae.Sat dy. Wheat May a July b July a Sept. b Sept. Corn May July Befit Oats May July Sept. P"k May July l.s rd May July R lbs Mar July 34'd P-W td-Si , 87 5VH 6SI ' I M4i'M4ti MVcfMI 824j, 41444 M 14 SS 14 40 T 45 T 1 S5 T 4 4 4o 14 36 14 it) T47H T W T4rij 34 94 K 91 MV KV4 ISNuA, 92 8SH K.i'4 92 t4H W'i IWSIMi(ffH 53Hfr4 tilSlVi4 53 eoHj o 6oH 41V 4? 4IU $4 34 31V II M 13 rt4 T4 17H 14 to 14 OS 14 T $0 T SO T 0 T 42H T 42H t U T 1T4 T JO T ni T$0 T42S4 TS7-2 No. t. aOld. bNew. Cash quotations were as follows: FUOL'R Steady: winter patents, $i-OIa $10: straiahts. !4 7WHrt- snrlmr ul.m. $4 itj 0i); straights. $4 kg4 (0; bakers. $1.10 wheat Na I, ntlc; No. I red, t20 tt D VT kfA jm, Art ... a V VVJ.- W. M, L'mi.UlO. ISO. M VHIIOW HTR-Krv f. TlUe. ' ' BAK1JCT Oooti f$KllTir, Sr41e; fair to tiiiiljU-N i fux, $1.0$; Na, 1 north' NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Possibility of Decision in Northern Eecuri- tiei Oaniei Herroainns. FREIGHT WAR HAS NOTICEABLE EFFECT Policy of Continued HeaTy Rorroitlsii by Railroads, Indlrated by the Loss Kipanalnn, Comes In for Criticism. NBAV TORK. March 7.-There was a short-lived svurt of activity In tho Stock exchange this morning and some appear- nce ot nervousnees owing to the general conviction that tho supreme court would hand down Its decision today in the North ern 8.-CLirlllea case. This supposition ex tended as far a London and affected An.erlcans there before our opening. When It waa definitely announce. I that the de cision would not come today the market relapsed Into a degree of stagnation that has not been equalled before since the eent era of dullness. Foreign markets r fleeted additional discouragement on this market. The relief afforded by the successful Paris settlement gave way to renewed anxiety over the beginning of the London settle ment. The mining department was hurt by lluuldauon from the continent. Our own market was confronted with the deflnement of the lines in the freight rate war as em bracing the wide problem of differentials as between gu.f and Atlantic ports tor grain tranlo of western lines and between rs ew ork raid southern Atlantic porta tor lake grain traffic of trunk lines. The nollev of continued heavy borrowincs by railroads Indicated by the loan expansion in the Saturday bo.nk statement comes in for additional criticism. It Is taken for granted that the note issues on which thcae railroad borrowings are to nn lounu ulti mately and the future capacity for absorp tion of the securities market even after some revival of demand may set In la that far dlKoounteri. In the last hair hour ot the mnrket the short Intereet accumulated on the decline of this morning and Saturday covered tholr contracts and lifted a number of prominent Mocks a point over Saturday. The closing waa Irregular and below the beet. Honda were steady. Total sales, par vauie, II .270.10. I'nited States bonds were un changed on call. Following were tne uuoiauons on tno ew York Stock exchange: Biiies.riign.ijow.uwe slxty-dav bills: posted rates, $4 8H and $4 7W; commercial bllls1 $4 83S. SILVER Har, 57"c; Mexican dollars. 4So. H( iNI3 Government, steady; railroad, steady. The closing quotations on bonds are fellows: ...I'M 4 ...!' ...104 ...KW14, ...111 . 1 -1"C 17-1! 55 1, 155 "m 6.500 '2314 1,200 6JU Shipment B7.R 42 " 7.00u Atchison U.l do i.fd ..i00 Baltimore & Ohio 2,loo do Dfd Canadian Pucllla C. of N. J Ches. ft Ohio 900 Chicago & Alton wo do pfd C. O. W 4O0 C. N. W 2u0 C, M. & St. P 18.3UO do pld Cbl. Ter. & Trans. do pfd O.. cT. C. & St. L Colorado Southern ... "00 do lHt pfd 100 do 2d pld Del. He Hudson Del., Lack. & West D. & It. O do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do Id pfd Hocking Valley .... do ptd Illinois Central .... Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern .... do pfd I & N Manhattan L Met. Securities Met. Street Ru.tlway.. 1,600 M. A St. L. M. St. P. & S. Ste. M. do Dfd Missouri Pacific ... M.. K. & T do pfd N. R. R. of M. pfd N. Y. C Norfolk & Western. do pfd Ontario & Western Pennsylvania P. C. C. & St. L. ... Rending do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Rock Island Co...... do pfd St. L. & 8. F. 2d pfd St. L. S. W.......... do rfd Southern Paclflo . Southern Railway . do pfd Texas & Paclflo .... Tol., St. L. & West do pfd Union Pacific do pfd Wabash do pfd W. ft U E Wisconsin Central . do pfd Adams Express Co.. Am. Express Co 'i. S. Express Co...... Vells-Fargo Kxp. Co vm. Copper 17, UK) tm. ar & foundry. 8'J 71 2,500 in 110 29H 'iYi 183 V, 29 14 9V4 'livi 138 V 300 20 20Vi 18i 56 iw4 '18V4 224 6Vm 400 126 12C 4 100 1"0 6"0 1,000 100 8.300 1,1"0 800 iiooi 1,300 t500 .56,600 17 33 l'C'H 143 iii" 61 'mi lfi'4 87Vi iiiii '20" 113H 17 32 vn 142H iisvi i" 8714 15V 37V4 54 112 1,800 40V4 39Ml 100 2,900 100 t 56 2oH 60 60 100 14 14 1.3O0 814 o ...14.100 44 42 V fi.1'10 19'4 1 1,100 81V4 SOU 800 22', 22'.4 100 24V4. 24V4 200 84 "7 M 1,2'H) 74 724 100 86V4 &6 1.100 3 32 100 40H 40H Philadelphia) Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA. March 7.-BTTTTFTV- Ho lower: extra western creamery. 254o: extra nearby prints, 29c. EGOS-Firm; good demand, fresh nearby. tlo at mark; fresh western, 21o at mark; fresh southwestern, Wavlc; fresh southern, 20o. CHEESE Steady: New Tork, full cream. choice to fancy, llUffiime; fair to good. WVu lie. Vlsalblo Supply of Grain. NEW YORK. March 7. The visible sup ply of grain March 5. complied by the New York Produce exchange Is as follows: Wheat. 34.fi58.000 bushels; decrease. 141.000 bushels. Corn. 9.157.000 bushels; Increase. 364.000 burhels. Oats, 1A.2M.PO0 bushels; In crease, 40,000. Rye 1.161.000 bushels: de crease. 12.000 bushels. Barley, 4,088.000 bush els; decrease, 3.000. Liverpool Craln and Provisions. . LIVERPOOL, March 7. WTIEAT-Bpot, quiet; No. 1 California. 7s 4d: futures steady; March, nominal; May, ta 8'4d; July, 6s 7,d. CORN Spot. American mixed, new, easy, 4s 4d; American mixed, old, quiet, 4s di futures, firm; March, 4s Hd; May. 4s 21i& Minneapolis Grain Market MINNEAPOLIS, March 7, WHEAT Msy, &Vc; July, 95'c; Seintember. Wc; on track, No. 1 hard. 840; No. 1 northern, 94to; No. 2 northern, 94o. KLOm First patents, $."..:55.3K: second patents. $5.1'r6.?o: first clears; $3.85a4.25i second Clears. $2.5o?.60. MIlTennkee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. March 7. WHEAT Mar ket lo lower: No. 1 northern. wiifi99r; No. t northern. 9S'5ric; old Julv. OlVi'JjSlVic. RYE Dtill; No. L 8fT(S6c. It ARIJCY Weaker; No. 2, 63c; sample, 3$ fic. CORN Steady; No. 8, 42N5cj July, B1T40, Dnlnth Grain Market. Dt'LT'TH. Maroh 7.-WHEAT-Tn atore. No. 1 hard, 9tVc; No. 1 northeirn, 93o: No. 2 northern, 92c; to arrive. No,.! bard, 94c; No. 1 northern. 9f.V4c: No, 2 northern, 9'-'ic; May, 90o; July, 967ic; Sojitember, 84c. OAT9-On track, S9. New Orleans Grain Market. NEW ORLEANS. March 7-The srrain futures department of the Roard of Trade was opened and for the first time In the commercial history of New Orleans grain futures were dealt In. The first sale re corded was of &.0o0 bushels of corn at 4Sc. Toledo Reed Market. TOLEDO. March 7 SEEDS Clover, cah and March. tl.Dl; April. $6 96. Prima al alke, $. Prima timothy. $1.45. Peoria Ural a Market, PEORIA, March 7-CORN-F1rm; No. I, 40,c; No. I, old. 4tP4c: No. 4, $80, . nnd Boaln. March T. OILS Turpon- mi SAVANNAH, thie. Arm. 5!Vo ROSIN-Flm; A. B. C. T. 13 60: B. $156: F r-'60; O, $2 65- II. $2.70; I, $3 00; K. $3.25; M. $330; N, $3.36: W. O., $3.55: W. W., $3 75. OIL CITY. March 7.-4)1 LS-iVedlt bal ances. 11 m; oertincates, no bid. Shipment, 13s s.it bbla; average.' A.r bb!.; runs, 18M bbls.: average, 74.751 bbls. Shipments, Lima, lXi.040 bbls.; average. 69.2M) bbls.: rums, Lima. 101.331 bbls.; average, 4,&ll PDis. . do pfd Am. Cotton OU .. do pfd American Ice .... do pfd Am. Linseed Oil do pfd Am. locomotive do nfd Am.' Smelt, & Rcfln'g. 8o0 800 900 47 '69 V4 $ 31 4&H '694 7 2.000 22 22 do pfd Anaconda Mining Co. l'O B. R. Transit 17,2iO Am. Sugar Refining.. (.700 Colo. Fuel & Iron. Consolidated Uas .... Corn Products do pfd Distillers' Securities.. General Electric International Paper... do pfd International Pump... do pfd , National Lead North American Pacific Mall People's (las Pressed Steel Car .... do pfd Pullman Palace Car.. Republic, Steel do pfd Rubber Qoods do pfd Tenn. Coal & Iron... IT. 8. Leather do pfd U. S. Realty do pfd V. S. Rubber do pfd U. 8. Steel do pfd Westlnghouse Elec... Western l nlon 401) 301) 80 100 "aoo 400 1244 62 4"4 30 1!S 15U 673 16o" 89' 74 4 88 110A4 153 2!'Vj y 81 144 163 13L'V4 174 9H 73 174 6'i 24 154i 200 8Tr a 62 V4 3SI 72'4 78 I2e4 84 17 S2H 14.') 82 114 67 60 118 88 14 164 sin :i44 664 b6 20 1134 I 40H 76 . 66 204 60 42 13-H 81 43 19 Hi 244 8;4 17 la 18 40 220 1S5 loS 2u5 4b 68 294 .! 8S J7 30'), 9 27 2-- 81 47H 904 124' 62 4 40H V. B. rf Ji. rrg An coupon da mg 4o coupon lo nw 4, rrg... 1 coupon do old 4. res.. do coupon At'hlon gen. 4s. do s.lj. 4k Atlantic r. U 4i B 4k o. 4 do IHi ritim nt n. tt do litt Inc rtic. tt Ohio 4S... Chicago A A. '... r, 11 tk Q. n. 4... C. M. ft 8. P. g ... f N. W. c. -.... C. R I. A P. 4 do col. fia r 1 a si. L. g. 4a. rhlcago Ter. 4a C'n. Tc.tMicco 48 'olo. 80. 4 1). A R. (). 4a Erie prior Men 4a.... do gen. 4a f W. At P. C. 1a.... Hocking Val. 4V4a...l04V L. N. unified 4a.. S4 Offered. anhatlas . g 4a. .109 .Mri. t rnttil 4a o do tat Inc lit Minn, a si. L 4a.. M M . K. A T. 4a VV4 .i- do 2 17 .I'1 N. R. R of M. c. 4a 7 im1 N. Y. On. gen, ma. 7i N. J (-. g. h mi. raiido 4a un do 3s 7' N. e W. c. 4s a;s :l o. a. L. 4a A par... 1"S lnn. eonT. I'a afiu, Rcaillng gen. 4 sM I'M 1 si. L,. A I M. c. Sa.,113 I.. A 8. P. fg. 4a. m W4 Rt U 8. W. la. 1 129 '4 7S s 7 5T4, 4 s M 104 Seaward A. L. 4a. Sn. Pa'iflr 4s So. Rail vsr Se ... Tuia A P. Is ... T.. St. 1, A W. 4 t'nlon Tartnc 4a... do conT. 4s t S. Fleel M (a. Wabash la do deb. R W A b. K. 4s... Wis. Central 4a... Colo. K. A I. 0. I ... 7 . .. IWH ...111S .. .nr. 1.. ...l".1Hi ... f.S ... 7IS ...ll.V ... M'4, ... e ... !"4 I.. 71 London Stock Market. LONDON, March 7.-Clnsittir: SSH'N. Y. Central.. Conscls. mnner ... do account Anaconda At'-M.nn do Dfd n It I more A Ohio. Canallan Pa.'lflc . Chea. A Ohio Chicago Ot. W... M. A 8t, P... Peltttr D. A R. O do bfd Erla do 1st pM do M Dfd Illinois Central .. IjouIs. A Naah.... M., K. A T SlLVEIt-Rar, a." Si Norfolk A 1141 do pfd .... Ontario A W. Pennsylvania Rand Mines .. Heading do 1st ptd. do 2d ptd 80. Railway . do pfd .... 80. Pacific ... t'nlon Paclflo do pfd .... U. 8. 5teel... do prd .... Wuhaah do pfd .... .ll.t'a . v . IK .141 .. It .. 1! ,. 7 .. .. MS ,. 3 . .131 ..wr, .. 15 firm, 1KV, ! M i'i'4 t7T, '4 ("14 It " '4 1 Hi '4 43 a 75 0 10', rs if 84 per ounce. 2611-ltxl MONKY 2sii2V tier cent. The rate of discount In the epen market for short bills Is 3 l-Wii IS per cent; for three months' bills, 3 l-lt'.H4 per cent. Forelgrn rMnnnclal. LONDON, March 7. Rates for money were easy. The requirements for the week, apart from the settlement will be com paratively slight. Business on the stock exchange was dull. A small failure In Herlin added to the depression. Consols and home rails were weak. Americans opened weak, became Quietly steady below parity, receded, and closed quiet. Orand Trunk was weak. Foreigners were ir regular, Japanese were weaker and Rus sians were harder. Argentines were steady, Katfltn "were weak. The amount of bul lion taken Into the Rank of England on balance today was 14.000. PARIS. March 7. Business today waa In active on the bourse. Internationals were slightly Improved, but transactions were light. Russian Imperial 4s closed nt 93f 75c. The private rate of discount was 2 9-K per cent. Three per cent rentes, 9fif 5oc for the account. BERLIN, March 7. Trading was quiet throughout on the bourse today. Kxchange on London, 20m 4flJipfgs for checks; dis count rates, short bills, 2'4 per cent; three month's bills, S per cent. Bank Clearing:. OMAHA, March 7. Rank clearings for today, 11,401.4X5.37, a decrease of $114,075.71 from the corresponding day last year. OMAHA WllOLKSALi: MARKET. Condition of Trails and Qnotntlons on Staple and .Fancy Produce. EGOS Receipts, more liberal; market weukor; trash stock, lie; Including coses, felVIS FOULTRT Hens, 9ftc; young roosters, ktU'jc; old roosters, 6c; turKea, LVuHc; ducks, 9 Vic: geese, fcc DRESSED POULtHY Turkeys, 16fri7c; ducks, ll!ul2c; geese, loc: chickens, jOuUc. BUTTER Packing stock, 13cj cholca to fancy dairy roils, 13wd4u; sepurator, 2oc. FRESH FioH-Trout, Gallic; pickerel, E'v'atc, pike, 9c; perch,' b6Vac; bluetlah, 15c; Whitehall, 89c; salmon, 11c; haddock, 10c; codfish, 12c; redsnapper, 11c: ''bsteis, boiled, per lb., 32c; lobsters, green, P'T lb., 80c; bullheads, 11c; cattish, 13ul4c; black bsss, 20c; halibut, 10c; crappies, 12c; her ring, 4 Vic; whits buss, 13c; oluefins, 8c; smelts. WUlle. OYSTERS New Tork Counts, per can, 43c; per gal., 12.00;, extra select, per can, Sue; per gal., $1.80; standard, per can, 27c; per gal., 11.60. BRAN Per ton, 11550; KAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 upland, $150; No. 2, $6.00; medium, $5.50; coarse, $5.00; rye straw. $5.00. These prices are for hay of good color and quality. Demand fair and receipts light. e$1.00; per bbl., 17.00; leaf lettuce, per dog. bunches, 16c. TKRNIPS-Southern. per'doi.. 76c BEETS Southern per dos., 76o. CARROTS Southern, per dos., 7Se. PARSLEY -Southern. J er doi., $1.00. SHALLOTS, per dos.. 75c. ONION SETS Per bu. of Si lbs., yellow, $1.50; red, $1.75; white, $2.00. FRUITS. APPLES California faellfiowers, per box OMAUA LIVE S10CR MARKET Cattle 81c w lals at Barely Steady Fiirei ni Compared with Lait Friday. HOGS OPENED TIN HIGHER, CLOSED WEAK Fleet Grades of Sheea and I.ambs Sold at About Steady Prlrra nlih Last Week, bnt Others Were Slow nnd Weak, BOl'TH OMAHA, March 7. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Ofllclal Monday 8.2W 4.u" .7il Same day last week 2.419 6.4i lrUM Same day week before.. $.594 H.2.",l 12.147 Same three weeks ago.. 3.4.U 4.7"9 Siime four weeks ago.... 2,2-o 6.7!" Same day last year 2. .39 i.L."9 3.2M RECEIPTS FOR TUB YEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipts Of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, with comparisons with last year: 19f)4. 19D3. Inc. Pao. Hosts 4t3.iMS 4.I9.6.V? 3,6 Cattle i:,9.M 171. 47. H.17 Sheep 840,l7 235,579 Wii.OfcS Average prices paid for nogs at Smith Omaha for the last several days with comparisons' Date. I 1904. 1903.1902.li)01.1900.tlS99.lS93. Feb. Feb. Feb Fob. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. 15... 4 99 6 SI, 5 ?! 16.. I 03 I 72 i 27 17... 6 02 7 03 711 IS... 6 04 6 97 5 7S 6 22 19... 6 1IV ( 90 6 84 6 23 20... t 24V4J 8 UK 6 Mi 6 M 21.'.. 6 93 5 08 6 32 22... B f?H 6 96 6 2 23 . 6 22H 92 il! 24... 6 M 6 9 J... 6 31. C 81 5 93 (37 26... 6 39W 6 91 6 S3 5 33 27... 6 32 6 St. 6 SO V 26 2S... Sn 6 90i 6 2k 29... J 17 1... 6 13' 01 5 22 2... 6 tD'4 $ 9S 6 7 3... 5 12 7 2 6 111 4... 6 04 7 01 07 5 32 6... 6 07 7 11 5 97 6 36 6... 7 06 6 l"J 5 31 7... 6 13 7 16 6 10 5 37 1 7-i 4 S3 4 7t 4 S3I 4 7i 4 741 4 69 4 69 4 6ti 4 65 4 ; 4 77 4 M 4 flii 4 U9 4 74 4 7vi 7 ' t 't I 89 I M t 97 3 91 1K8 I 681 3 t: 3 .VI 3 47 3 65 I 68 3 o3l 3 C8 1 3 62 3 till S 61 B 6.; 3 67' 8 521 3 4oi I 9$ 84 $ 31 8 V) S 79 1 Kl 3 3 73 3 K5 3 8H I 7 8 h- Indicates Sunday. The ofllclal number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: cattle. nogs. an p.11 svs. C, M. A St. P. Ry 8 Union l'uclllo system... 31 C. & N. U. Hy 2 F., E. & M. V. R. R... 63 C, St P., M. & O. Ry.. 7 B. & M. Ry 4 C, H. & y. Ry C , R. I. & P. Ry., east. 6 Ilnnuis Central II Chicugo Great Western. 6 12 10 . 1 19 6 6 1 1 66 7 2 17 27 Total receipts 145 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Cattle. Hogs. 8J8 kos felia 913 Sheep. 659 S.9.'l 1,232 1.072 122'4 62 3S 29 3oV4 1904 ' 198 14'i 1514 67Vi ieo" HH 00 14 14 1.100 8 97 2u0 '8o6 "2'f 8.10 2o0 40O 200 "sno.. e.nio 16.300 7 'is '36" 7 (0 48 W 11 66 200 R8 7 "wi -35 78 7 60 "88 64 8S 67 23Vi 160 114 66 S3 714 14 81 R 98 28 69 210 7 41i ls 74 3J 48 10 150 874 Total sales for the day. 192,700 shares. Boston Itoek Qnotatlons. BOSTON, March 7 Call loans, 844 per win; lime loons, per cent. Ofllclal nosing prices on stocKs and bonds: Atchlaoa sdj. da 4a Max. Caatral 4a.. Atrhlaon do pfd Boatoa a. Alhanr Boatoa a UId.. Pontno Elevatad . PUctaburi ptd .... Mai. Castral .... N. T.. M. H. A Pare Marsuatta ... I'ntna Pailflo Amr. Arga. Cheia do pfd Am. Pnq. Tube. Amer. Rusar do pfd Amer. T A T Aroer. Woolao .... do pfd Pom. 1. A I rdlann Flat. Ilia. Ganersl Elactrlo ., km. Klat-trle .... do pfd Maaa. Oaa l olted fruit t'rltad Shoa do pfd ... V . Rleal.. do ptd .,. 17 N Waatlng. common Adnutura I Allouaa 44 Amalgamates .... Atlantis tl BUifham laS4j Calumet A HaeU ....111 c.nlannlal ....134 Coppar Kanf ... . ... W4 Paly Waat H..1H Immlnion Coal .. .... 77 Franklla .... 7J Oraurr .. 13 I'la Hnrala .. T4 Maaa. Mining .... .. 4 Mlrhlsan . .114 J Mnhawk .111 Montana C. A ,.11114 Old Dominion .... 1914 Oaraol , ,.7i4 Parrot , ,. 1 Qalnfr , .IM Shannon , ..IE. Tamarack , .. 1714 Trlnltf S. Mining... ! P. . Oil 7 ftah M.ch... 4 Victoria ts Winona 1 14 ..' .. UW ft MV C. .. 7 ... 4H ... 714 ... 1 . . .44 ... l ... 4"4 ... 34.4 ... 62-4 ... 7: ... 14 ... 7 ... t4 ... 4U M'4 ', io3 N'4 t' , 90 4 . aa I 5: New York export ureenings, nuneu and Baldwins, $4.00. . . . CRAN11ERKIL.S Jersey, per dpi., si.w; er hox. 82.51): Wisconsin Bell and Bugle. fc.OO; Bell and Cherry, 6 60. UnArLfi liniiurieu namgu, ic. m u 00 B 1 rtAtt iJ.E.ruiir.0 r iociua, wr a 60c. KUKTAllbES. POTATOES Colorado, i.u0; Dakota, per bu., 31. 00; natives, tc. SVVlUiiii fUl Aiuiis-iuuscaiine, per nn., CELdiRX Large California, 60c, 7uc and 0n. ONIONS spaniBn, per crate, i.au; Colo rado yellow and red, per lb., 8c. CAUiJAUr; Wisconsin xiuuuuu, stum, now California, 3c. TURNlrB Wulie, per du., duo. CARROTS Per bu., 11.00. PARSNIPS Per bu., 75a BEETS Per bu., 76c CAULIFLrOWEK-Callfornla, per crata. 27B. r ('I MiiKKS fer aos., ti.oui.w. TOMATOES Florida, per C-basket crate, H-W- ... 11 a 1 hwm e.is rar aos. Duncaen, euu. LETTUCE HEADS Per dux. bunches. 90o THOKlL'Ali f KI 113. ORANGES Navals, all alaes, 32 &02.75. LEMONS California, fancy, SuO to 360, tzu- i-hnlra 240 to 270 sixes. 83. 00(ff3 25. FIGS California, per 10-lb. cartons, 85c; Imported Smyrna, -crown, ltc; a-crown ik- 7-erown. inc. . BANANAS Per mrnium sissa Duncn, J2.i"0-'.r): Jumbos, lz.7o.y8.Z5. 82.00; per lb. in Vlb. boxes, 6c; Oriental stufTed dates, per nox, 12.4U. COCOANUTS Per aacn. moo: per dot., 600. mihckijU. ntui s. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream 12c; Wisconsin Young Americas, 13c; block Swiss, loc; Wisconsin Dricg, ijc; Wisconsin llmburger, 12o. honey Neorasga. per Z4 frames. 13.00: Utah and Colorado, per z rrames, w.ou. MAPI.E 81 UAK Olilo, per lb.. 10c. CIDER Per bbl.. 85.50: per bbl.. 83.25, HORSERADISH Per case of 3 dos.. packed, HOC. itiuys rs 0. 1 green, or; na. a green, oc No. 1 salted, 7c; No. 3 salted, Sc: No. veal calf, 8 to 12 lbs., 8c; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs.. CV4c: dry salted hides. 8 (J 1 sheep pelts. 2f.'u75c; horse hides. 1.5Ofi2.50i m tb walnuts, P.O. soit snell, per Hi., 16c; hard shell, per lb., ltc: No. 2 soft shell, per 10., 13c; ino. I nam snell, per lb., 12c Rrsills, per lb.. 11c; filberts, per lb.. 11c almonds, soft shell., per lb., 15c: hard shell, per lb., 13c; pecans, large, per lb. 12c; small, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb. c; roasted peanuts, j.er In., 8c; Chill al nuts, l2U13'c; large tib'kory nuts, per bu. 1.00: snen Darss. ner ou.. iz.uu: t.in nuts, per bu, New York Mlalosr Stoeks. NEW YORK. March 7 Tha following are me cloning quuuaiiuiia. on nulling siocas Adaau Cos A lira Brec Coaaatook Tunnal Cos. Cal. a Vs.. Hurs 8ilvar Iros Silver Lradvllle Cos ... Little CM.f AsseMinent 10 lOntarlo .... IS I Ophlr .... 14 I Hhixnlx ... t Wotoal ....1M ' I Kaiiw ....lit 1 Slarra MaTada Iu4 lSmall Hopes .. J (Standard paid. m ..t'10 .. .. u ... 44 ... 44 ,.. M " CoaTeo Market. NBW YORK, March 7. COFFEE The market for rotree futures opened steady at an advanco of l"r points, and while steady at tha o'oae, final price showed the net gain rrducval to a matter of bftJIO points. Fk.m were reported of S OtO bags. Including May at 6.4Vtu5bc; July, tTofro.iDc; August, Sic; September, 8 9'wiiJ Ooc; t-t.ber, 4 .fee; November. 15; Deinl'er, aaitisl.aOo. Bpot market susuly; No. 7 Rio, Hew York Money Market. NEW YORK. March 7. MONEY On rail, easy; lril per cent;; closing bid. lv oer cent; orrerea at 3 per. cent. TIME I4)AN8 Easy; sixty days. I per cent; ninety days. 3"Q3S per cent; SUt months. IV'it per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER l85 per cent. KTirivl Txin rrruiunv u... actual business In bankers' bills at 84 8o4 a.Mai tot eoiaad and at Kw.kjtiaw tjm Omaha Packing Co 620 Swift and Company 8.16 Cudahy Packing Co 6V1 Armour & Co 648 Armour, Sioux City Vanuatu & Co 63 Carey & Benton 101 Hill & Hon to .... Irfwls & Underwood 75 .... Root & Co 90 H. F. Hamilton 65 Wolf & Murnan 37 .... Sam Wertheimer " 48 .... Sol Do-pan 1 .... L. F. Hubs 141 Mike Huggerty M .... Other buyers .... Total 3,633 4.080 8.R84 CATTLE There was only a fair supply nf nuttlo nn aula this mornlllK. but reports irom other points were none loo favorable to the selling interests anu trauma iu. slow, with prices certainly no better and in many Instances a little worse than the general market last Friday. It was lale belore tne luik 01 tue came was. uv""" Th.r were shout flftv cars of cornfed in inetiuled in tha offerings and most f them were only of lair quality. 1 na mnrl.t wns slow frnm start to finish. The more desirable grades changed hands with out much trouble at about steady prices as compared with Friday's general margei. Other kinds were not only slow, but barely steady, and in some cases sales were made that were unuounteaiy a nine rawer. The cow market was also alow, as buyers were Indifferent and did not appear to care whether they got many cattle or not. The same as wlih steers, the market was steady to a little lower a compared with Friday's general mnrket. The better grades were he easiest to sen ana coinu oe quoteu steady, while others were slow and barely steadv. It was a slow market from start to finish, and although offerings were not heavy; It took some time to clear the pens. Hulls were witnout material cnange in price hut were dull, the same as was ine cose 'all Inst Week. Veal calves held gen erally steady. There was quite a aemsna ior stocsers End feeders of good quality, as compara tively tew were tarried over from last week In the hards of npeculators. Quite a few warmed-up cattle of good quality sold for feeders at better prices than the packers would give. Representative sales: arks, per .. 81 25. Cotton market. BT. IX3UIS, March 7. -COTTON Firm, c niMoer; miauling, io-r. tales ifii Daien receipt, 50 bales; shipments, luo bales stocK 22.iWt bales. NEW YORK, March 7. COTTON Fu tares closed steady; March 15.94c; April, ihubc; May, 10.200; June. 101c; July, 16.1 August, 135.C. Spot cliised quiet, 25 point higher; middling uplands, l5uc; middling gun, in .r.c; aaies. .j-,o oaies. LIVERPOOL. March 7. COTTON Soot 18 points higher: American middling fair, .ia; go. xi miuniing; s o. a; miodilng, B 41 low miaaiing, m; good ordinary, s.32d ordinary Slid. Futures steady; America middling, g. o. c, March, 881d; March April, 8.30d; April-May, 8.29-1; May-June a aa; june-juiy, n j.i; juiy-Aiigust. a Sid August-September, 7.99d; September-OcIO' ber. 7 20d; Octolier-November, .Sd; Do- cemner. 6Bd. NEW ORLEANS. March 7 COTTON- Futures. steady; March. 1S41&15 43c; April 15 4''o,15tc; May. 16 94ilHic; June l27'tf issue; juiy, is.4Z'rrin 4tc; August, 11 5-TTi5."i7c; Septemtier. 13.49"i'13.51c; ")ctober. 13 66'y 12.57c, Bpot, nrm: ordinary, lc; good ordinary 14 8-lc: low mldnllng. 14 15-16c: middlina 16 6-16c; good middling, Uc; middling fair, jeo. Elajla Batter Mnrket. ELOIN. III.. Marrh 7. BUTTER Wea at 84o. Ttils Is a decline of 1 00m par 1 with laat week's pricav feUloa fur the ween wauo aai.aw lum. If a. 1 1 , I 1 11 4 4 1 T II 4 , JO 4t I 18 1 10 IK It 81 Ii 16 19.... I.... It.... 20.... 17.... 12..., a.... 11... 1..., 1... 1... 1..., I. .. 8 .. 1... 9..., 1... 31. 4... II. .. 1... II... 6... 1... It... II... I. .. I... 17... 11... 1... t... 1... 1... 4... 1... II. .. !0... At. IK ISO 1.14 119 r lit 1040 1071 147 10H0 lost toot 1021 lint lor,4 1040 1170 80 1074 im 1011 list 1130 741 .1166 Pr. I 40 60 I 60 t 60 60 I 60 S 60 I 60 I 66 I 40 I w I 10 I 70 I TO I 75 I 76 t 76 I 76 I 16 I 76 I 60 10 t 10 I 10 3 60 I SO STEERS .IMS I 16 No. 16.... 10.... 6.... II.... T..., 6.... 4.... 11.... 11.... 14.... II.... 80.... I ... 17.... T.... It.... II.... 17.... 14.... II.... 11.... 17.... IS.... .... II.... AND I. At. H.-ICTJI 1243 ItM) 1214 1117 1171 1176 10KI iiua 1191 i:o 1:13 1016 1120 1121 13ST 1171 HIT 1113 im 1377 1284 1UJ 1.146 14k STAGS. 1K I 10 I US I 85 I 16 I 5 8 15 I M I to I M I M I 16 I 15 4 00 4 00 4 04 4 00 4 10 4 II 4 15 4 20 4 25 4 :s 4 36 4 40 4 71 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 8 40 176 NO 177 T0 , 710 71 , 1010 40 KMl I'i04 110 mo 1110 pmo 140 105 W4 7J0 1 0H0 140 1114 :.o MS 105 76 1160 120 1210 MuOO 10M 1118 1260 146 list 1040 1 124 MO 10x1 114 1820 l'0 1061 1240 ......HUD Ill 1HT DM 1116 1H0 1340 , 1111 110 , lOil 1IM I 40 I 86 I 40 1. COWS. 1 00 1 76 1 IS I 00 I 00 I 04 I 10 I II 8 26 8 15 I I 25 8 18 I 26 8 5 I 16 I 30 I HA 8 35 60 I 60 I 60 3 64 8 60 I 60 I 60 I 60 I SO 8 60 3 60 I 60 a t 8 70 a 10 a to a 10 a 15 a is a Tl a 11 a 76 a 71 a 7i I ao a al a u a 15 a 5 a u a u a ii a m 14. 6.... a.... I. ... 82.... 16.... I. ... 1..., II. .., II.... II.... I.... 8.... 6..., 1J..., I..., 4..., I... I..., I. .. 16... I...i I..., 1... I... I... II. .. I... I... 4... I... I... II. .. I... I .. t... 4... 14... 14... 41... I... ia... 14... I. .. II. .. 11... a... .. 8... 1... 4... 1. .1077 ..1117 ....lint ....1061 ....1000 ....l'ir.5 .... I7 ....1100 ....II'SO ....li5 ....1237 ....1240 lv5 1140 ....1160 ....10.S4 ....1061 ....1260 ....1100 ....10M ....1166 ....1244 .....10117 ....1110 ....1107 .....1170 ....1011 .....1171 .....1125 ,....100 1210 IM 1241 1121 ....10W 1161 1131 1111 1117 1121 1HI 1186 lt'l ll 1044 .....ilao I'. 1241 l:o imo hi 770 nil .1400 COWS AND fll'LIA ...nil aw COWS AND HEIFERS. a m 4 00 a 10 8 10 a 90 a 10 a io a to a so 1 o a k a .i a 5 a 00 1 00 1 00 s 00 1 00 1 00 I oo 1 00 1 00 I 00 1 00 I 04 I 00 I 0 I 10 I 10 I 10 a 14 3 14 8 10 a 14 a 10 3 15 a is 3 11 a ;o 1 to 8 10 8 to a to a o 1 10 a a I 24 I 15 I 13 I 25 I I 36 I U I 60 6i na a it HEIFERS. I M IS 4 Ill 8 IS 7 141 I 10 1 7M I 70 10 144 4 M 4 6M t 71 1 611 a 60 a iso a 10 f 641 8 M I ar.0 I 11 15 761 8 66 86 7l 8 85 1 140 8 M 1 14 3 90 BULLS. 1 414 8 60 1 1410 I M t i7o t 64 a im a ao 1 UN 8 14 1 16M) 3 04 1 14i 3 6 1... 1570 8 04 a io a 10 1 .mo a oo 1 1401 I 46 1 411 8 04 8 1M 3 T4 1 1750 3 14 1 16 8 Tl 1 1474 4 14 1 ) 3 I li4 I 18 1 KW4 3 at 1 a..lv7 8 16 18 14-1 8 at i 14 I IS I ins 8 14 3 im 8 3 410 8 40 CALVE 4-... man im in 1 u ih L no 1 at 1 J.10 I c 4 I'll 6 ?t 1 t'O I (! 1 10 5 . 3 16 6 tf 1 1" 6 ;,0 STOCK EF-8 AND FEEDERS. I '! I 76 6 l.xni 1 CI 4 611 8 75 7 S I 4 8 "4 a li 17 in. I () t n I 18 41 I 'IV. 1 n a I6 1 w 11 1.W I 14 t i I 26 I ) 1 si 1 o a 26 a s 1 m 1 I0 I 18 11 746 I 15 1 14') 1 40 I Ui I 70 1 770 8 4.) a 8 70 8 4"5 8 4 I 144 I 70 17 410 I 40 5 4.') I 75 1 I 6l 1 72') I 76 14 I7 1 60 17 671 I 15 I. 12 I 66 1 410 I ; II I 4" f 1141 I 10 1 7..S 8 0 14 ITS I 41 1 Ill 1 SO IX 1K'4 I 40 1 I'i0 I 1 14 Ill I K5 44. M 3 40 1 6 '0 I M 4 171 11 1 4.'..1 4 11 11 116 I 40 1 460 4 CO llottS There was a moderate run i:.0"ti3.M; stokers and fesalera, )3.00f3-Ml whi'ii and 4'nriligs, 3 UtyS 70. HOUS- K.-ceipiS. i m m ad; market 60 hlitlicr. selling at 84.7J5.; bulk, $5.0m 5.1a. St. Jlarph live Stork Mnrket. ST. josr.ril. Mo., March 7.--CATTLE Receipts, 2.p'.9 bead; market l.J15r lower; natives. 3.i.'.i,'u.iiu; coes and heifers, 11.75 tit-.; stockris and feeders. 8-.7i'J4 15. Hons-Receipts, 1.7N4 hef.d; market 1V5 l.'.c higher: light, 8 ;"ii.3.", Medium and hen vv. 6 15 if 5 4.V SHEEP AND I.AMItS-Reoetpts, 7.(721 head; market steady to lilo lower; lambs, 8j.1V, fi, 84.24). of hogs here this morning and with 11 good demand the mnrket ruled fulrly uctlve and generally a dime higher. 1 lie provision mnrket also Improved a little, so that puck ers took hold better thnn they hive for some time past. As offerings were very limited it only took a short tlmo for tho bulk of the arrivals to change hiinils. Tho most of the medium to good weight bogs sold from 85 10 to 3.VLT1, wllh prime heavies selling ns high as 8V3n. The light stuff sold from 8j5 down. There were quite a few lightweights, running down to piijs, and the snme ns usual, they were slow tale and not much better In price. Toward the close of the market packers did not seen to be ns anxious for supplies and the Inst hogs w-re very s'ow sale and a large share of the advance was lost. Rep resentative sales; lock In lht. Following are the receipts of live stock for the six principal western cities yes- terdnv: J South Omaha S.d' : Chicago So.'"1 ' Kansas City S.' St. Louis 6.500 St. Joseph 2.1'i.o. Sioux City 1.700 Tot.ils .49.837 4flRf .7U n,cii) jo.nno 3.5i 6.000 4.im lono 1.7S4 7.S21 2.500 351.864 13,333 No. II... to. .. 4"... 41... 74... 42... 71... 13... 71... 44... Kl... II... ... 44... I... 71... 44... At. ,...164 ....164 1 ....191 17S ....1K0 ....207 ... IM ....216 ....122 ....Ml ,...1'14 ....211 ,...2.15 ....210 ,...114 ....215 ....241 ,...2"0 ,...!: ....220 Sh. 840 120 40 40 I0 10 Pr. 4 75 4 66 4 15 I 00 6 03 I 06 6 07Ml I 10 6 I'l 6 6 12', I 13' 6 16 6 15 t 15 6 15 6 15 I 16 6 16 I 1714j 6 17W, I I7l( No. 1.... 6.... 77.... 67.... 69 ..... CI.... A. ...J" ...2j4 1 ...221 ...246 ...2M ...210 ...121 ...271 ...221 ...24S ...246 ...251 ...25 ...171 ...Ji'l ...217 ..147 ...277 ...271 . ..?K9 .291 80 240 ISO 120 Pr. I 1714 I 20 8 20 6 21 8 20 I t'l 5 20 I 20 6 20 6 20 6 20 6 20 8 20 6 2.'. 6 l.i 6 25 5 IS 6 25 6 25 6 27'i 6 SO 6 90 71.. 83.. 71.. 75. . 71.. 69.. 2. . M. . 64.. 4.. 19... 64.. 74 121 ... 8 1714 88.. 79 220 ... 6 171 1.5. . 46 221 40 I 1714 11... aiit.ii.i- luere was a moderate run her this muming, but tlie quailiy was nuruiy up to the usual stauidurd, and that un uoubicdiy accounted 111 part tor Hie lack of acuvily. Tha market could probably best be described by calling It miner slow and slsady to a litUe loner, ihe more ue sirable grades hj a rula held steady, Willi others wealt. The same as was the cane last week, lambs were rather iieg.ectad, but tlie prices offered today were not a great deal different from those paid toward tne close of luxt week. The bulk ut tho of ferings was disposed of in fairly good sea son, but it wus a littlo late btfuio the pens were cleared. yuoiaUoiiH for corn-fed stock: Choice western Iambi, 3".5oyj.u; fair to good lambs, Ki.Uuiti i.50; good to choice Mtxio.in yearlings, $4.Tj(ti.uo; good to choice west ern yearlings, 4.iu4i4 ij; lair to good yiar linga, $4.25(4.50; good to choice wethers, 84.uo4j4.4o; luir to good wethers, S3.7i)(iji.0i: good to choice ewes, 3:i.sr.(if4.oo; fair to good ewes, 80.6(1 iaO. Representative sales; No. Av. 3M) western awea 87 60 western ewes ii 2!) western ewes 2 SO western wethers 80 2SJ western weUiers IP) 131 western wethers 85 12 western wethers 65 46 western yearlings , W 1-S western yearlings tU 160 woetern yearlings 87 162 Mexican yearlings and weth ers 71 V) Mex. yearlings and wethers. 76 2J5 Mex. yearllnxs and wethers.. Ill 4X! Mex. yearlings and wethers.. 74 K6 Mex. yearlings and wethers.. 74 4 Mex. yearlings and wethers.. 70 160 Mexican lambs 437 100 Mexican lambs 64 220 western ewes loj 1 western ewe in western eweH 422 woetern ewe .... 11 western ewes .... SO western ewes .... 228 western ewes .... 422 western ewea .... 1 weatern wether ., 67 weotern wethers . 814 western wethers 872 weetern wethers , ST.6 western wethers , 79 western lambs .. 260 western lambs ... 130 111 111 10 101 111 80 122 122 123 96 82 , 86 Pr. 8 15 8 80 3 80 4 00 4 25 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 60 4 50 4 50 4 50 4 .0 4 ro 6 00 5 00 3 50 3 50 8 50 3 50 8 66 3 65 3 75 8 75 4 00 4 00 4 on 4 00 4 35 6 00 6 40 CHICAGO L1VH STOCK MARKET. Cattle and Sheet Steady to IS Cents Lower nnd Hogs IB Cents Higher. CHICAGO. March 7.-CATLE Receipts, 80.000 head; market steady to 16c lower; good to prime steers, 35.005.85; poor to medium. Ju.0oy4.0o; stockera and feeders, J2.UXu4.lJ; cows, 81.5iKh4.00; heifers, 12. ::.(() 4b0 canners, 81.602.50; bulls, 32.0fkn4.oo; calves, 33.00g6.b0; Texas fed steers, ll.ool 4.65. HOGS Receipts today, 23,000 head; esti mated tomorrow, 25,ooo head; market 10it 15c higher; closed easier; mixed and butch ers', 35.256.65; good to choice heavy, 35 65 Ji5.72Vi: rough heavy, 35.25'!! 5.50; light, 3470 (76 511; bulk of sales, 35.255.56. SHEEP AND LAM US Receipts, 30,000 head; market steady to 10c lower; lambs, inotjtlv lb(ti!ic lower; good to choice weth ers, "4.26(i4.76; t;ilr to choice mixod, 83.30 4i4 25; western sheep, 8. 505. 15; native lambs, J4.75V5.85; western lambs, 3460'u6.75. Olllcial yesterday: Receipts. Shipments. , 3aa ZT'4 ; 6,611 B.9.15 fJ5 1,124 Metal Market. NEW YORK. March 7.-METAT8 Spot tin advanced 2 M to 123 17s 6d In lxmrton; fi'.tuiva unchanged nt A'lL'l 6s; local market quiet at 8.tu2N.2ri for the spot p"ltlrrl. Copier wus 2m 6d lower In In.ndon at 17s tfal for spot Mid i."Sfi 17s 6d for futures; locally copp4-r Is qiilot; lake Is quoted at 312 ;"u 12.75; eloctnJvtlo and casting at 312 .IT'ii'lJ.tU'i. , lrnri advanced la 3d to 18 In Iuidon and remained unchanged In New York at 84 6"('i4 65. Spelter was unchanged loudly at 35.iiVjin.15, but advanced 3s 6il in London to LU 6d. Iron clowd at 61 8d In Glasgow and at 42s 4Hd In Mlddlesboroughj I.KRlly Iron win uncJianged; No. 1 northrn foundry is quoted at 814. 7r-fi 15.26; No. I northern foundry at 3l4.26!y 14.75; No. I southern foundry nnd Nd. 1 aoft southern foundry at Jia.2r-sT13.75. . ST. IH'IS, March 7. METATJ Lead, steady, 34 42- Spelter, quiet, M SO. Wool Mnrket, BOSTON. March 7. WOOIj Territory wools active; milled Jid foreign wools firm nnd steady. The leading quotations are Idiho, medium, 167J17o; low medium, 176 ig . Wyoming, fine. 150t6c: heavy fine, l.tjulto; medium, lSt'gl9c; low medium, l!Vd20o. Utnh nnd Nevada, fine, lS-iJHc; heavy fine, 13i ltc; fine medium, 164wl7o: medium, ls-tnso; low medium, ISflMc. Dakota fine, I6SI60; fine medium, 16ul7c; medium, Hfl'lSc; low medium, liVuJfic. Montana, medium choice, 20c; average, IKiililc; staple, lifJOc; ine dlii'n choice 19fv"0c. ST. IOUI3, March T. WOOI Staarty; medium grades, combl.ig and clothing, 17a 2iHc; light fine, loanc; heavy fine, 1440; tub washed. JOiifSle. a near nnd Molaases. NEW YORK, March 7, SUGAR Raw firm; fair refining. 2 16-lo centrifugal, 86 test 8 7-1fic; molasses sugar, 2 II-I60; re fined, firm: No. 6. 4.20o; No. 7. 4.15c; No, R. 4.10c: No. 9, 4 0Bo; No. 10, 4.0Oo! No. 11. 3r.c; No. 1?. 3!0c; No. 13. 8.85c; No. 14, S.Soc; confectioner's A, 4 45o; mould A, 4.9fie; cut loaf, tV3i)o: crushed, B.SOc; pow dered, 4 70c: granulated, 4.60c; cubes 4.85o. MorSSrcS-Flrm. NEW ORLEANS. March 7. SUGAR Stadv: open kettle. 24iT2 8-16c; oen trlfugai, 37)He; centrifugal whites, 4 8-16oi ol1r.n-a 5V. rr.l iR.ICp- seconds. SUfia S-lOc. MOLASSES Nominal; open kettle, 205 26c; centrifugal, 104fl6o. Syrup. 204J26C, Ttrr Goods Mnrket. NEW YORK, March 7. DRY OOODS Tluylng In of a dlscoursarlng character. Tha outlook for continued 'high prices for raw cotton la not Influencing the buyer to any greater activity. The hither cotton froea, the more restricted are his orders, na 10 looks for a movement In the ether di rection eventually. HEAL l: STATU TRANSFERS. CatUo I logs Sheep City Llve Stock Market. CITY. March 7.-CATLE Re- head, including hou aoutnerns Kansas KANSAS reipiB, o,tAiu lieuu, lllliuuius uw huuuiduid. market steady to 10c lower; export and dressed beef steers steady at 4.05l5.15; fair to good, loc lower, ut 83.90'' 4.60;; west ern fed steers, 10c lower, at 83.4O'tf4.50; stockers and feeders, steady at 3.!.00i)4-30: southern steers, 10c lower, at $3,404(4.20; southern cows steady at 82.50W4.20; native cows steadv at $2. 001(11.76; native heifers, steady at 33.25414.20; bulls steady at 32.5O0 3.75; calves, firm at $3OO$i.50. HOGS Receipts, 8,500 head; market 10c higher; top, 85.52H: bulk of sales, $n.15 6.42'i; heavy, 35 3.'4(5.5?H; packers, 85.25(jJ 6.45; plga and lights. 84.05f(5.25. SHEEP AND I.AMI1S Receipts, 6.000 lieud; market slow to 100 lower; native lambs, 34. 801(5.60; western lamhs, 34.75rn6.50; fed ewea, 3.!)(i4 20; yearlings, t4.66(ti5.10; stockers and feeders, 12.7f4.2S. t. Itnls Live Mo-k Mnrket. ST. LOUIS, March 7. CATTLE Receipts, .5t)0 head, including 4,600 Texans; market slow: native shipping and export steers, 34.2505.50; dressed beef and butcher stflors, $3.5iKu5.10; steers under 1,000 pounds, 83 .Wil 6.00; smokers and feeders, f3.404i4.2C; can ners, $2.23i2.50; . bulls, t2.85iU'4.0o; calves, 33.25 '((4,00; Texans nnd Indian steers, 33.15 04 20; cows and heifers, 12 lfn 3. 30. HOGH Receipts. 4,0110 head; market livui 15o higher; pigs and lights, 34.607i4 05; pack ers. 1 1 .Hm5.3o; butchers and beet heavy, 85 SrW6 55. SHEEP AND LAMRB Receipts. 3.0 head; market slow; native muttons, $4.ou'd 4 65: lambs. 34.aiVii5.60; culls and bucks, 12.00134.00; stockers, $2.00173.00. Sioux City Live fttoek Market. SIOUX CITY, Is.. March 7 (Special Tel egram,) CATTLE Receipts, 1.700 head; market steady: stockers, strong and active; beeves, 83.5uttt4.60; cows, bulls and mlxad. Deeds filed for record, Monday, March 7, ISH'4. as reported to The Hee by the Mid land Guarantee and Trust Compsny, bonded abstracter, 1614 Faniam street: Peter Miller and wife to John Wlck lund, neH and eH nw 14. sec. 14-16-9. .818,000 Amanda Eggleston and husband to Erla Hoigstrom, lots 8 ana 111, diocc 1 Emery s addition to Valley L. P. L&rsen and wife to Loren Chrla tens.m, s4j swH. ec. 29-16-10 John H. Pardee and wife to James Ac Tetczle Jatos, lot 20, block 9, llrown Park Chauncey P. Coy and wife to Water-' loo Ancient Free and Accented Ma sons, part lot , block 3. Waterloo. Mary Kuufman to John M. Hamilton, sM, block 10, subdivision, or J. 1. ieq dick's Ell Jones and wife to W. C. Broad ford, lot 15, block 6, Matthew's sub division In Albright's choice Thomas H. Murray and wife to M. Frances And ' Carolina M. Corby, lots 1 and 2 block 3, and part of lot 8 In said block' B. Jetter and wlfo to Edward F. Trapp, lots 1 and 2, block 4, Draw Hill addition Cells Fowler to John H. Oun4har, 1 acres In b. W. corner ot seo. r-16-13 George W. Curtis and wlfo to Ella A. Harrlgan, part of lot B, brock 14, Improvement association Francis Smith et al to August Prena, part vvVi se'i sec. 8-14-10 Hans P. Jsnsen and wlfo fo Islsh Roosa, part lot 2, block 18, H. tu. Rogers' addition 2.000 Agricultural Insurance company to Allen H. Kllhv. lots 6 and 7, block a Carthage addition 1 Marie Wllhelmlne Ernst and husband to Ell I Branch, lot 29, block 3, Forest Hill Clementine Brown to Adolph Swo boda, lot 14, block. 17, Kountie'S 3d addition Nebrnsk Loan nnd Building associa tion to Arthur J. Storey, part of lot , block 11. Omaha View David W. Merrojv and wife to Lucie C. Hsrdlna-. out lota and blocks 185 and 1"6. Florence Jessie France to Samuel Goldsmith, 1,000 6,950 900 900 1,609 84 S2S 330 1.160 1,(28 1.600 600 760 8,000 Sart of lot 6 block N, Lowe a ad Itlon KS Quenrled Cornell to Russol K. Miller, 'ot 9 block 8, South Omaha 660 Allen K. Kllhy and wife to John H. Johnson, lots and 7, block I, Cor- telege addition 1W John E. George to Katie B. Foster, part of lot 23, Maloney's addition.... ITS Nicholas Bosman and wife to Camlet Reroughe, part nf lots 1 and 2, Mock 23, 1st addition to Corrlgan Place 1,009 William A. Plnkerton to August V Pinkerfnn. part of lot 4, block 28, West Omaha 3"0 Anton Bank and wife to John and Anna Frank, lot 4 Bonfield 1600 Updike Commission Co., GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Business handled promptly In all markets. Office, 662 Bee Building, Telephone 2460. O. W. UPDIKE, MANAGER. GEO. A. ADAMS GRAIN CO. Grain, Provisions & Stocks. Members Omaha Grain Exchange, Chioago Board of Trad and etbsr exchanges. Correspondents Bartlett, FTaxlsr 4k Carrlrgton. SIS Board of Trsd Bld'g. Omaha. FOUR POINTS FOR TRADERS WHEN YOU TRADE IN GRAIN, PROVISIONS, STOGKS .ACE YOUR ORDERS WITH F COMMISSION m Tli! nn ; I UUE. CO. (NCORPORATED.) Capital and Surplus, $600,009-00. General Offices: N. Y. Life Bldg., Minneapolis. IRCCT CCRUIPC Moat rallabla market Information. Ltarg-Mt 1)1.91 OCnllUb private wire ayalcin la America. 2WC milkYXIITCC execute) your orders if the market II E UU Ail All I Lb reiachea Ihe price whleit you ael. We charg-e NO INTEREST for carrying: long- atocka. 3. UARGINS REQUIRED llXrAVJ3V&M' 4. REFERENCES o7rr,.,0,,, mnd Btmt B"kS! Brmn9h OMAHA BILAKCH 1618 Firoia St., Tel. 3467. THOS. V. WADCICK, Cor. K. B. W lasne aaoh week an exhaustive rerlew 04? the tnarketa and tke most aoearate foraoaat ef future movtxanu. Frtaa at au a out offioaa, v