TITE OMATTA PATLY T?EEl TUESDAY. MATjrTT P, 1004. 10 SUMMERS HOLDS THE PAPERS jn MS Trading Stamps Free Trading Stamps Free Children's Slippers Sale Harch 19 Refuses to Give Up Eocnicen's Con'aioir.g Valuob'e EviJenoa. TUB) HK LI AM LIS ITOHK. WOE 1 Saturday f f lltf larch 19 1 Mv Jl 11 iH DOES NOT DO WHAT HE SAID HE WOULD E. RoxwaKr, from Whom Jnminfn Secured nprri, Ylalta I.atter'e Offlre In Vain Effort to Re cover Ilia Property. Special Events for Tuesday Ladles' Spring Suits at $8.98 Ladies' Smart Suits at $12.50 Made In latest novelty styles all thn new "1 Cat f Ideas in Jackets and skirts very smartly trimmed laWsijv at , Ultra Fashionable New Suits An elaborate now showing of hlplily fashionable suits the product of the best designer of stylish apparel for women -the most charming and attractive modes skirts with drop silk E.1f r ULAZ. ipiy a. w ip-xt lining, etc, etc., LACES AT 3c AND 5c YARD Cluny, torchons and vala, insert iuga, bands, etc., a fine variety, at, a yard An echo of the Into fcdernl Brand Jury' sitting wni henrd In the n trice of I'nlted State LIMrict Attorney Hummers Mnndiiy rooming. Mr. K. Ronowater called on Mr. Bummers for sonic papers nnd a short colloquy, direct and to the point, ensued. During the time tho grand Jury was In session, Mr. Ilosrw-ntcr was served with a subpoena Just on ho whs on the eve of going to Washington, and a letter from Bummers ramo with the subpoena. In the letter Bummers Called attention to an ar ticle that had been published In The Pee, charging that a conspiracy existed to de fraud Indians and tho government, and that the conspirators wero In collusion with Agent Mathe-wson and Tost Trader O'Con nor of tho Omnha and Winnebago reserva tion. Summers asked thnt Mr. Rosewnter come before the grand Jury, prepared to substantiate this charge. Believing that the subpoena was merely Intended to Intrrefere with his proposed trip to Washington, Mr. Rosewater paid no attention to It at the time, but on his return called on Judge Munger to excuse himself for his nonattendance on the grand Jury. The Judge directed Mr. Rose water to report to tho grand Jury, which he did. Mr. Summers told him ho wns not wanted then, but would bo eent for when needed. Two days before tho grand Jury adjourned, Mr. Rosewater was called on to appear, and took with him a package of letters and papnrs referring to the case, and giving the names of witnesses who might be summoned to testify In the promises. After he had read a number of the let ters, he was asked to leave the documents with the grand Jury, with tho assurance of tha foreman and the district attorney that all the lottcrs and papers would be returned when the grand Jury was through with them. Summer Ignored the Matter. Without giving any further consideration to the matter, Mr. Bummers presented other things to the grand Jury for Its con sideration, and the grand Jury was Induced to adjourn with no further action of the Indian agency conspiracy than to report that while a great many Irregularities un doubtedly existed, there was nothing suffi ciently definite to form a basis for an In dictment. Two days later Mr. Rosewater called on Mr. Summers and asked for ths return of tha papers and was told that they wero being oopled and would be delivered within a few days. About a week later he npaln called on Bummers and the latter sold he could not give up the papers, because the original had to be sent by him to the De partment of Justice at Washington. The week following Mr. Rosewater was called, again to Washington, and while thera aaked Attorney General Knox and Solicitor General Ifoyt whether the docu ments had been transmitted to them by Bummers. Solicitor General Hoyt dsolared that tha documents had not been received, Were not expected and were not wanted. win aovisea jut. Koeewater to call on Judge Munger for an order to compel Bum- I to go through with this matter thoroughly, mors to restore tha papers. On returning I and you are not the keeper or Its oon' to Omaha Mr. Rosewater called on Judge science. Munger, who suggested he make one more I "In any event, I am not going to give effort to gef Bummers to give up the doou- I up thoaa papers to you.' manta without making trouble, and said I "All right. I feel sure I have shown a maybe Mr. White, who was foreman of I great deal of leniency and forbearance toward you. If I were to publish what I know about you, you would walk out of town within twenty-four hours." 198 land up Ladies' Spring Street Hats Very stylish street hats, in all the latest models, deigned for street wear, a great variety in our Millinery Dept. on third floor at Ladies' Flower Trimmed Hats $3.98 and $5 Handsome new flower trimmed hats, in blaek and colors artistically fashioned in EL' 00 chiffon and lace special ( -Tj at A great assortment of attractive spring suits made In the late rusulonnDie ciouis ana g aj colors for sprint: blouse and eton ef- 5H. J O foots, now epaulet capes, button trim mings, etc., at 3c-5c Ladles Embroidered Turnover Cellars vory popular stylos, at nC each ' w Handkerchiefs White and colorad border handkerchiefs, 1 mm also fancy pillow top f handkerchiefs, V2v lw GredLt Dress Goods Bargains 29c Yard for all wool voiles. These are pure rool voiles, In black, cham l'k Kne, navy, tan, etc., regular fifty cents goods at twenty-nine cents a yard. Watch Our J Windows 39c Yard for spring dross goods, boutonne etamlnes, voiles, granites, Pan amas, etc., 42 to 45 Inches wide goods that should sell regularly at ?1.00 a yard, at 80c a yard. Watch Our Wi rtri Aura If IllUVUkJ rma m n i e C5 B! Ui ltd t.lV M C u7 Lace and Embroidery Sale Begins Tuesday Morning ALL KINPS OP TACKS AT,! K1NPS OP EMBROIDERIES LOWEST PRICES EVKH MAP K ON HIOll JKA1K GOODS. LACKS WORTH FROM fie TO 1:1.00 A YARD, AT lo, BVo, 60, 7V40, 10o, 130, lTo, ST.c, Xl; Mo. 7!e. Wle 'Kit YA HI). ' KMUHODKRIKS WURTII 5o TO Va TER TARD, AT 2 Ho, Be, Vc, lOo, 1TV4C, ifcj AND 230 PLH YARD. Grand Notion Sale Cotton thread, per spool C Silky rrochet cotton ?Ho Silk thread, per spool l"ure crochet silk 84c Thimbles, each 1 Skirt braids, 4V4 yards for 60 2n needles for i". I Velveteen skirt binding, yard 2'o Hooks and eyes, patent hump, card....2Vc ' Iaco collars, each 35c ROOK DEPARTMENT. kt 'Jmm V f H TT- Vl&mmSHn' ffi The Elsie books, each , Flinch, the mo.st popular game of the season .firvs Blaek taffeta, all silk 27 Inches wide only In the Big Silk Department, Tuesday 59c Scores of new arrivals to swell our grand assortment of fancy silks for 191 shirt waist suits, at 98e and WmmJ Several great lots of silk, of all descrip tions, on sale Tuesday- A.Qc at 69c and DO NOT FAIL TO SEE THESE) GOODS. White wash silk, 36 Inches wide AQr fine quality Vt. New habutla washable silks, all ACic colors, checks and stripes, at Jt Ladies Suits. Extra Specials for Tuesday WOMEN'S SAMPLE SUITS-ln the most popular fabrics and most nlcaslng nat- ems, made to sell at J15.0O U Out Tuesday price , 1 WOMEN'S TAIIXIR SKITS In all the new spring styles and colors, made to sell at $18.50 our n en WOMEN'S SUITS In voile, etamine, chev iots and many other popular fabric miido to sell for 25 4Q Kr Tuesday special price ,u,uw WOMEN'S SAMPLE) SUITS St 130.00, J25.O0. 3n.00, $40.00, Rf if and up to IOU.UU Tuesday price WOMEN'S VOILE SKIRTS AT $3.00, $8.90, $10.00, $1150 AND UP TO $40.00. 1-48 WOMEN'S WAISTS worth $4.00 nv , 1 . - . WOMEN'S WAISTSno'big ff table your choice m.VJv WOMEN'S WAISTS In madras, veatlngs and alpaca, worth $T).00 WOMEN'S WRAPPERS In flannelette, reeular 11.50 ouslitV.... WOMEN'S HOME-MADE WRAPPERS ?2 quality I OH CHILDREN'S COATS regular $4.00 quality 75c 1.U0 the grand Jury, might return them. anuuanrs Hides In Office. A eaS waa made at tha office of tha dis trict attorney, who kept himself behind cloaed doors, although he knew Mr. Rose- water waa In the ante-room, waiting to aoa him. A stenographer s&Jd ha had been very busy, but waa making oopiea of tho latter and papera and would have them ready to return very soon. Mr. Rosewater aaked the atanographer to Bay to Mr. Sum mera that he and wanted tha letters and paper which belonged to him and not to Summers. Nothing further waa heard of tha matter from Mr. Summara until Monday morning. when Mr. Rosewater called again at his office and tha following colloquy ooourred "Mr. Summara, I hava ooma for tha last time to aak you to band ma back the lat ter and document I left with tha grand jury two month ago." A FcH"VLAR LAMENT. Whara Would Boclvty Ba l One Wu Jaed for the Sine of Others. 'O, I tried one of those hair tonic soma time ago and it never did me a bit of ' - good," getting out of patience who monv ,nl r vtn today when they refuse lierpioide a trial. It would be as sensible to say "I never travel on a railroad because I often see collisions mentioned in the papers." Newbro's Herplclde is specially made to destroy the germ that is living on the root of your hair. That 1 why it is so exceedingly effica ciousIt i there for the sole purpose of Mr. Bummer, in his deliberate, Judicial ' th,B P"""""0 T0Wth- tyle-"Do you reaily mean ltr' '"" whluh th8 haJr grov" " nature time will have Boon expired in which the licenses will be of any value to the ap plicants. Asked how he proposed to get around the congested condition of things, Judge Day said that the only way he knew of was to keep hammering away. "I shall, however, as , a rule," he eon tlnued, "give those who have been and ar deprived of their liberty the preference in the matter of being heard." Of the 123 persons In durance vile twenty even are federal prisoners, and of the balance a email proportion Is prisoners doing sentences, tut a vast majority of the whole number Is simply awaiting hearing, You've heard some Champagnes are good. Form an opinion of your own founded on taste. You'll find Cook's Imperial better. Be Sure to Attend Our Famous Dress Goods Sale FROM 9 A. M. TO 12 M. We Will Bell $1.00. $1.60 and $1.9S nil wool suitings, $1.00. $2.00 and $3.00 London voilea. 60o, 7ta, $1.00 and $1.50 mohairs, and a vast variety of other goods, worth from 5Ba to $4.00 per yard In long and short patterns Oc and only one pattern to a oetorner .t iJW JTtOM 2 TILL 5 P. M. . We Will Bell BOo and 7Tc Imported ohallles and wool aistlngB vy tha yard not wer 12 yards to a ouatemer at, yard ..... .... 23c Reliable Groceries At Reliable, Low Prices. Pure cane granulated sugar, 21-lbs ....$1.00 Pure buckwheat Hour, large socks 36o CornnrotU, large sacks 12c nana picked navy Deans, 6-idb ror lac 6 bant best laundry soap, any brand.. 19c Imported macaroni, pkg 9c Good rice, lapdoca, sago, barley or farina. per pouna s.c Bent bulk laundry starch, lb 3 Vac Jjirfre pottles pure tomato catsup ,.,.8Ha Large bottle Worcester sauce SVso Large bottles fancy plcktos, any ' kind. .S'.ac -gallon cans fancy table syrup 1740 Vi-gallon cans Tenneecuiee sorghum ....17Vje 3-lb. cans solid pauked tomatoes ?1ko 8-lb. cans hominy -or pumpkin 7Vc DRIED FRUIT EPEC1ALS ,.c Choice Mulr peuches, lb 7Vc Virginia blackbnri-les, 10 Large California prunes, lb . California grapes, lb . ....... .710 7VC Imported cooking figs, lb 7tac Fancy New York appies, lb 8c Fancy Bartlett pears, lb lVio FRESH FRUIT SPECIALS Extra fancy large navl oranges, do..15o Extra fancy large Cal. lemons, do. ...12c California White Clover honey, rack. ...12c HI."WKR! BUTTER I PUTTER We will place on sale Tomorrow, Tuesday, 100 tubs fancy Elgin creamery butter at, per pound 22o TRADING 3TAMPS WITH EVERT PURCHASE. HAYDEW BROS. styli "I do, and I will not have any mora inning, moae paper are my property, ana you nave no right to withhold them. ."I am not mdnv to iHv. .... ,n ..... "Then you'll give them up to your .uo- Co" BpecM agent- cessor within two week a" "Tee; when ha la appointed." ' No Trouble About That. "There won't bo Very much trouble about It. In th meantime I would Ilka to know what you propose to do with those docu- - roent and letters. Tou said you wanted to send thorn to the Department of Justice. You have done nothing of the kind and you intend to do nothing of the kind. "How do you knowt" "I have talked to tha attorney general Intended. Sold by leading druggists. Bend lOo in Btampa for sample to The Herplclds Co. Detroit, Mich. Sherman & McConnell Dru BACK IN LEGAL PROFESSION Major Bucnaxtoji. Who Vlalta none, la Once More Prac tlclnsr Law. Old Major J. R. Buchanan, for twenty-two year general passenger agent of the Fre mont, Elkhorn A Missouri Valley railway In this city, but now of Waukesha, Wis., Is In the r.ltv. a. flruent at tha Her Orand. and tho ollcltor general about this mat- Mr. Buchanan retired from active railway wt. ana iney nave no use for the docu- service upon the absorption of the Elkhorn ments; but I have my ausnlclnna u tn Uu it. TOnrhwaufm u,i , . , what you have done with them already." lie said: .rum uo you mean Dy tnat7" -No, I am not In the railway business 'I mean that you are going to make US now. I hava eon bm-k to mv old nrnfm. Of these documents to help the conspirator alon. tha Dractlea of law nt Wnnketha. and wuo nave roooea me liuuun and swindled am doing fairly well. I have been sum tha government." "Do you ay that there 1 a conspiracy?" lea, ir; mere Is, and when I walked out of that grand Jury room I met you In the corridor, In confidential conversation with th chief conspirator." "Well, the irand Jury say ther Isn't any, and you hav maligned th grand jury." "Wall, th grand Jury didn't hav Urn I DIRE DISTRESS It Is Near at Hand to Hun dreds of Omaha Readers, Don't neglect an aching back. Backache 1 the kidney's cry for help. Neglect hurrying to their aid Mean that Urtuary troubles follow Quickly. Dire disaster. Diabetes, Bright- disease. Profit by a dtlsen'a experience. Mr. F. B. Kingsbury of Is23 Doraoa atreet, carpenter by trade, says: "Doan'a Kidney Pills are a good modlulnu and I uiu recom mend them. I had an attack of kidney trouble for two month and fur two weuks before I got Doan's Kidney Pills I cuuld not work on account of my back. I co ru in enond using the remedy and soon notioed It beneficial effoat. Tho (alu la my back left me and th Irregularity with tha kidney eoreUaiia waa corrected. I ootialder Doan's Kidney Pills the bust klduey and urinary medicine I ever used." For sale by all duolpru. Price CO cents, jruater-Mil Dura i-0., HafTalj, N. T, sole agenla for tha United Kuica. Remember th name Doan' and tak no moned here a a witness In the Lesser case now on In the United states courts, and do not know how long I shall remain in the city. It Is a great pleasure to be back here among my old Omaha friends. And candidly, I believe Omaha Is looking bet ter. I doubt If I shall ever go hack Into the railroad business. I am doing fairly well as It Is and as you see, I am In first class health. 'We hav bad some pretty snowy weather up there In Wisconsin. Bnow has ben on the ground about all winter and Is Just now going away. The winter has been a good one, the temperature being generally Btaady, though at times very cold." Brings salt Third lime. Nels Mathlesen, 2913 Lake street, has for the third time, through his attorneys,, brought suit against the Omaha street railway company to recover damages al leged to have been sustained by him, on the night of January 13, INW, through the areleMsnexs 01 me aerenuant corporation, 'he suit Is brought In the sum of $10. ax) and will be tried by Judge Redick. The declaration or tne puunurr recited tnat he was mn Into by a ear at the corner of Twentieth and Leavenworth streets on the nleht mentioned i.nd thrown from his carriage, which was smashed, and whereby " sustained injuries that teulted In loco motor ataxia, from which he has never recovered. On two previous cccaslons this coxa has been brought in the dlutrtct court, only to be taken from the Jury und a ver dict oraerea xor ine aerenaani, ana twice the decision of the lower court has been reversed by the supreme court and a new trial ordered. landlord Gets Judgment. In Judge Pachmann's lustlre court yes terday Proprietor Franck of the Midland hotel was allowed t-j.w Judgment uiculnxt Joneph Bppa, whom he sued for $40 on an alleged bark account. Epp's counter claim ror r-T was not anoweu. r.pps ciaimea hat during his stay at the hostelry certain articles were taken from his room. One of the articles is said to be a patchwork quilt of uncertain age, and another Bevernl suits or underwear 01 last year s vintage. rut KlasH set rtven as a baking powder prize is one or tne items on me alleged missing iiBi. Many Building; Permits. Figures complied by the city building de partment show that for the first four days In March iermlts authorizing $7o.00u worth of construction were taken out. Should this 1 nee continue through the month March will gain a new record for so early in the year. Xtp Them In the Bad. If you have loss of appetite, headache. constipation or biliousness take Elect rio Blttora. It cures or no pay. Only 6O0. For salo by Kuhn A Co. PRISONERS BY THE SCORE On Hundred and Twealr-Tbree Await Trial la the District Court. ' Tha bestnee ef th criminal aeestoa of the district court la assuming such hydra heeded proportion a would discourage a less enargetlc trier of causvs than Judg Day. In other words, criminals and al leged criminal ar being bound ovr tor trial about twice a tut a they can ba brought up and got off tha docket tn tha ordinary run of tha boalnca of th court. la the JaQ 13 prlsonara now ar awaiting thrtr turn at the bar of Justice and many of them hav ben so watting alitr early last ummr. In addtUcn to thl any cjmaber of hearing on the grantica; of liquor tlrrraea la pendtnaT and th tntar- ested parties complain, that tinl iaa they ea be beard and the Bccnaes granted, th ASTHMA Medical authorities now concede that under tho )-iem of treatment lulroduced by Dr. Frank WheUel of Chicago, - ASTHMA CAN BE CURED. Dr. L U Knott, Labauon, Ky.; Dr. F. E. Brown. Primi;har, Iowa; Ir. J. C. Curiyer, St. 1'aul, Uinu.: Ht. M. L Cradey. Ht. Loulu, Mo Dr. C. F. Beard. Ho. Pramtuiaam, Maav. bear wilneu to the ellicacy uf hU treatment and the cvrnianrnry of the cure In their own raw a lr. wbetwl'i new method 1 a radical departure from the old ftwhloaad moke powders, apraya, etc, which rcliav out uo not cor. FREE TEST TREATMENT nrnur.i1 tor an one aivlng ihort dcvrln- tion of the cae, and Molding namea ot two other asthmatie tiitTerenv Ask iur book tat of cxTieiiercea of tho cured. FRANK WHETZEL, M. D., Rant a America EiprtM Bid. Chleai. " - j 1 TO THE PACIFIC COAST BJVERY DAY UNTIL APRIL 80TIL Iroportionately low. rates to Salt Lake, Butte, Helena, Spokane and other points. If you are poing anywhere west better call or write for information. A few timely hints may eave you dollars and cents and annoyance. HSfi IIIBII1IMIIM 1 ! J. B. REYNOLDS, City Passenger Agent, 1502 Farnam Street, Omaha. j. J To Ma.ny Points in the StBvte of California TH OSE WHO USE HAND SAFOLIO need no cosmetics nature, relieved, does its own perfect work. Other soaps chemically dissolve the dirt HAND SAPOLIO removes it. Other soaps either gloss over the pores, or by excess of alkali absorb the healthful secretions which the contain. EVERY DAY To Many Points in Dragon and Washington FROM MARCH 1st TO APRIL 30tti, ICC4 The Pnlon PacICo win aoll One-Way ( oloi Nt 1 Icketi at the following rate iruui MlMourl Liter lermluala $25.00 to Ban I'raniasoo, Los Angtslos, n V'.' : $20.00 to Ogden aad Salt Lake City. 920.00 to Hut to, Anaconda and IleJena. $22.50 to Bpokane and Wenatchee, VTah. $25.00 to Everett, Fairhaven, Whatoom, Vancouver and Astoria. $25.00 to Portland, Atoria, or to Tacotr a nd Seattle. S2B OO to Ashland, Roaeburg, Eupce, Albany and Balem, via rortlciid. For full Information Inquire nt C'ITT TICKET OFFICE, 1824 Faraaaa St. Fbea 810. 'XaWixTwt' Two Dollars Buys a Good Hat Here In fact ns pood a hat can be bought here for $2 as other hat stores charge $2.50 and $3.00. Two dollars is becoming a very popular price for a liat. That is why we set cut to give a far better hat at this price than usual. The style of a hat is very easily copied and a good many hat makers stop there, thinking that good style will sell the hat which it often does. Hut Nebraska 2.00 hats are made of fine stock and finished with high class trimmings. They are the finest $2.00 hats made STIFF OR BO FT ALL NEW SPItlNG SHADES $2.00. RMiMbiiui j til.? St s MIHM IT "i1" """""""aw P iaaar Green Trading Stamps Every Time Ml Ml 11 Alterations on Main Floor Are in Progress. The departments are laid out on the plan of a citystreets end alleys, or, rather, large, roomy, airy aisles. We are sure you lll approve the chanires. The facilities for waiting on you are Increased. Entering on 16th street, you have to the rltfht and occupying the entire northeast eeotlon the dry goods everything In ilry poods. To the left, covering the southeast section, you tlnd the Jewelry, clocks and silverware; perfumery and fancy toilet articles; stationery, drugs nnd prescription department. Candy and soda fountain oro moved to the west side of the elevator; adjoining same ate scores of clialrn and tablos for your Informal tete-a-tete. Clothing depart ment occupies, as before, the entire northwest section. Sporting goods and shoes make up the quota ot main floor deportments, COME TOMORROW. GROCERY The rjrocery headquarters, the bast BENNETT'S FOR GROCERIES. values, largest varietlei at lowest price. TUESDAY SPECIALS. Baked Beans, S-lb, can lta Ellver Cow Cream, can 60 Baking Soda, package 4o Pancake Flour, 2-lb. pkg lOn Rolled Oats, 2-lb. pkg 10o Jam, assorted, large Jar.. 10o Worcester Bauce, bottle 10c Chill Sauce, bottle 10a Boda and Oyster Crackers, lb 60 Balmon, 1-lb. can 10o Tomatoes, 8-lb. can 10o Beat Laundry Soup, 8 bars. 260 Castile Hoap, rnke SVaO Only limited quantity while stock laata Three dollars worth Oreen Trading Stamps free with 3pound Jar Bennett's Capitol Preserves Guaranteed Pure Fruit and Sugar Only. 90c BTTTBR RECEIVED EVERY DAY FROM TUB BEST DAIRIES. Fresh Country Butter, per pound. I60. Wisconsin Cream Cheese, pound.. I8H0 Bennett' Capitol Creamery, per ' Medium Bour Pickles, pint to pound 28" Strictly Fresh Country Eggs. TEAS THE BEST DHIKKINU (il'ALITIEg SELECTED. Gunpowder, Oolong, English Breakfast, B. F. Japan per pound 8J Tea Sifting per pound 1" COFFEE ROASTK11 DAILY SPLEITOID VALUES. Bennett' Breakfast Coffee delicious. 2-pound can 4Jo Bennett Capitol Coffe per pound....... - J0 Bennett' Capitol Pure Ground Black Peppet-tt-pound oan ,. 120 Wall Paper Special Sale of New Spring Goods. See Them! See Theitij Harness Special sal Heavy Con cord Harncss,Gomplcte for $28.90 I understand that the Santa Fe will sell one way colonist tickets to CaLliforaioL during March and April at very low rates. $25 from Kansas City. Pleaae advise ni lull particular 2am4. Btrtfi Kb. OitV and Btatt. Out out thin advertitemmi, an&maGto E. L. Palmer, Pastenger Agent, All the Way A. T. & S. F. By., V Eyuttdblt Budding, Du Moine$, a. OUT CLOSING ALL OUR Buggies, Carriages and Wagons FREDRICKSON Fifteenth and Capitol Ave. Hesd our special "ad" every Sunday and waaaeaoay in 1 na oea. mm Intarta ParcSoft, Wblu Skla f aad a Baaatllal Complex!, yjt asr.ri. SLOAH'S pon I LINIMENT 1 home I TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER The Beat Fauraa Far. ... rA T.tl., Ah. "p. soloulr and rrmarullr '2 I Msunfl Dlaeanewu. rc H ki, FlaialM, KwluoM, dun i. imu And Tab. TJaed with ' ,j rnn-lioU loan (Mt aklu M luauiM. Soli ky Drugaitt. r iBrswa ilrauk Drrsaav Stay el. SI eaMle. tiiin pakl Iieraaa-ateyal ateap, a eaaaa, ky anatl. Botsi tai eat alia. SLSB. eaaarea patlaV, ME DEWMA.KOVAUBCO.. Ckaclnaatl. O. SCH4EFE'CUrPKICB 01 UG ST0SE. Oiuaba. Nebr., aad South Oma&e. Neor. A BEAUTIFUL VOUAR. at rrnir naU bar etaaraM ttaa la taa glory ut Uox Uair. 'i lia Imperial Hair Regenerator la rniotilbU tor moat oftbe baauural. ant nl bftir ou I'J-.likT. Illilbwi 1 In l it barmlMk, aui.T iI)M.a) lavaut. ,bl tor Iard at,a Moaikxilia vbaiils of aalr ooUiro frc. huU lor rautbiilrt. larMtalCacauMUXa.lU W.Ua!it.,h Varh Bhermaa A MoCenuali Drug Ca., Omaba,