Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 06, 1904, Image 38

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    XMVOM lift B a :: 0 f) ' & V'K ''.btLJ BZB I'ff ILkfl,! l M'' SS M ', I YM t vV
n v-a wij e Vijn Hi'i ia iv, o .', - sum m,a sj'.n b ' n a m u i. -j. a '"m v,. v
KW VOliK, March 4.-Bvery ty
of woman kpsihb to bo cinslder
by the spring stylos. "Hie flit
bolero hrui had Its day, but fin
Bhort figures may only weir this
si.ei.e.-t of jacket, one which bungs from
tin shoulders, his bren substituted. For
I , fr. llien are still tilled-coat, dome
tlctit fitting, some fitted at the back and
I. ..ikiiik lou.Hi? from t li i? bust nt the front.
Then there aro variations on
tin-He style.-), different ways of putting on
trinunlngH nnil unique combinations of mi, but nil tending toward the sume
end the beautifying of woman.
looking upon the pretty flneriet Fashion
Is entering for the ttpiing mid summer rice,
It is pluin thiit women are to be more th.m
ever No reully excellent model
Im duplicated, und so numerous pre the
charming devices employed to oblsin dis
tinctive results thrt one has difficulty In
following them.
Tiered skirt are to be the privilege of
the woman divinely tall, and let it be
hoped divinely proportioned, for the Jupe
In sections needs to be carried off by good
lines. Such stylus, it U natural to con
clude, precede the oveniklrt, which, in em
bryo, are already In existence, though
without the looping that once distin
guished them. One skirt Is in two definite
sections, cut exactly alike, and the top
ono fulling, perhaps, to the knees. At the
front this jupe, which was made of French
barege in a pale gray, showed In both the
top and bottom skirt a plain .apron. The
upper one was fitted at the hips by pin
tucks, and down the seams of the front
gore went a ladder of stiff bows in violet
velvet. This material, with white mull for
the blouse and undersleeves, also touchd
up the loose bolero and formed the gtrdlt
Sleeves grow daily more elaborate,
though occasionally an arm coveting fairly
Simple Is seen. In such an event, how
' ever, it is UHually shown by a gown of
more thau common severity of line, fur the
least fusttlneas ehewhere gives excuse for
ptcturesqueness at this point.
The sleeves of a -French costume In puce
colored cloth are looped elaborately over
puffed undersleeves of white lace. Nar
row mchlngs of puce-colored vehret hold
them Into the arm, and the pleats of the
abort, full bolero are drawn Into the figure
by large, antique silver buttons. Ttie quite
full skirt show ooJy lha cloth. With two
deep flounces cut straight and put on with
A sleeve lcs.. dressy In Intention is dis
played ty n gown In light brown faced
cloth, the ivory underside of which is usfd
In a nnrrow bias for trimmings. The
rloth l.i likewise employed In the same way
for the puffed undcrslceves, over which tho
outside ones bell moderately and slash at
the back. The cott Itself is one of the
newest of the long fitted models, but since
belts ure Just now do rlgcur the band
trimming shapes a glrlle effect at the
Still another unusual sieve la a big puff,
fitted at the top with Inverted box pleats.
One such graces a toilette In champagne
veiling, whose skirt, manipulated at the
hips with the pleats, fall at the bottom
with the effect of a deep flounce. Lace
beading, in champagne tint and'strutm with
black bebe velvet. Is a simple and charm ns
trimming for this costume.
With cloth gowns of the most tlcraut
nature, the little turnover collar, whl h
seems a modest detail, in still worn. A'any
materials shape the narrow band, which
may take as many forms, and If it is
white, it frequently shows embrt Iderles In
the gown color. For costumes of silk and
dressier textures chiffon, net, mou se ine,
etc. the high stocks are nom -times fin
ished with a piping of satin, velvet or
panne In a contrasting color. A twist of
white tulle In turn tops this, and rare is
the elegantly dressed throat that doi s not
show some bit of thLs becoming web. Hut
terfly bows of raw-edged tulle are also
pinned tt the back of the stork and at the
front, while several of the more del'cite
of the French gowns show even tulK un
dersleevrs and vests.
All lace costumes are not numerous, but
late models show a lavish use of this trim
ming, In combination with delicate nets.
- Irish point and Bruges lace, with a llnillei
quantity of Brussels net", compoerd a mag
nificent "toilette de cifamo." A silk foun
dation, so faintly axured as to teem
scarcely colored, shows Ihreugh these rich'
textures; ribbon rosettes in the same shade
made to imitate flowers, heading the trim
mings of both bodice and skirt.
Another casino toilette, and one even
more delightful, Is entirely of cream Urus
ael with vine applications of black
and white Chantllly.
For gowns of this elaborate description
the blouso bodice, which gathers Into the
belt, is still much in evidence, though it is
varied by the little Jackets that hang from
the shoulders. For both styles the newest
waist girdlings are very wide, while the
skirts hang with an effect as loose ns it
was lately tight
Whole sermons could be written upon th-
bang and fnll of these pklrts, but pcrlnps
it Is enough to say that they only rr:irh
the highest form of excellence when in
Frrnch shape. However, the artistic pat
tern houses are putting forth flat nudels,
which brilliantly achieve the French
effects Bo with soft and adaptable materi
als growing dally more and more numer
ous, the woman of needle knack may fol
low the most Intricate of them. The made
up models suggesting also color combina
tions and trimming effects, to tho clever
ewer tho toilette is almost done once pat
terns and stuffs are bought.
Costumes which only master hands may
effect aro among the Imported Ionls styles.
These run to satin and silk and velvot
coats with stiffened tails, high buckled
belts end lace Jabots. The skirt may be
In an entirely different material lace, net,
or chiffon but it lias in line tho same
courtly suggestion aa the jacket, and the
little three-cornered hat shown with the
costume may sport lace rosettes embrold- -ercd
with gold or silver.
Veronese green, velvet, declares a foreign
correspondent, forms the coat for such a
get-up, which has been compomd for spring
salon wear. Contrasting vividly with this
green is a vest of robin's egg blue satin em
broidered in silver. The flounced skirt is
of black net, shirred at the hips, but wi h
out other trimming.
The opening of the Paris saltm la always
the occasion for much fine dressing, end
effort is made to get designs as pictur
esque as possible. Hut the I-oul.i coats
are supplied for any dressy service, und
with the Intention to push such styles
here Importers are bringing over the em
broidered kid vests and cuffs which will
begay many of them.
Notwithstanding, It is woman herself
who shall decide whether or not tailed
coats v.Tl be worn, and there Is no doubt
but that the popular vote will lie for the
looe bolero. Frilled and flounced skirts,
for whl-h thre is just now a furore, no
charmlnsly with these, and hats of tho
isimpTcst line complete the girlish get-up.
The "gunboat" 9nA the "torpedo" are
the warlike titles of two of the new tur
ban models, which are shown In rough
straw. Trimmings of narrow velvet anil
nteel buckles deck the neatest of these, but
if the shape is of tulle and ribbon, a
paradise plume may be put at the front
or loft side. Some of the round sailor
shapes, and especially those covered with
silk, show small, low crowns, over which
the trimming Is put, often hiding it en
tirely. Flounces of lace compose the wide brims
of some dressier hats, whose crowns nro
not Infrequently of Watteau ribbons,
bunched and puffed in numberless ways.
Indeed, the new hat models are too many
to bo counted, and if there are close h;it9
there uro flaring ones, and If modest styles,
extravagant styles. Stilh what might be
called a studied restraint marks the best
designs; as little trimming as possible
being everywhere uncd. and that Invariably
following the lines of the headpiece.
With some garden party headgear v ide
strings nre seen, giving ft pretty wenrcr
both a chl'dish and a milkmaid look. Thry
may tie tinder tho chin or hang straight
under the wide brim of the hat, the favor
ite garnishing for which are wide, soft
Ribbons were never more favored, nnd
some of the wash petticoats are so beauti
ful as to Incline women toward the hope
that some day petticoats will be worn
For Instance, upon a hand made Jupon
of Paris lawn, with flounces of French
l;we, Ixjulslne ribbon In Watteau colors
ts employed. Quite eight Inches wide, this
Is frilled under the lace flounces, creating
a tender blur of color, though, of course,
the ribbon frills come off with washing.
Trooping garlands of narrower Watteau
ribbons are used upon other petticoat,
which are in tinted lawns and batistes.
Thee. dainty confections are adorable,
though, from their very nature, they must
be confined to house use. Sometimes com
bining with a kilted Jacket, also ribbon
trimmed, they arc exploited by the shops
which make fine underwear a specialty.
In this shape they are Intended for any
negligee service that would call for a
smartish get-up. nfARY PRAN.
Applies for Membership
Miss Nellie nurke of Wllkesbarre. Pa.,
has applied to the officers of the Interna
tional Association of Machinists for a ma
chinist's card, presenting as vouchers of
her ability her credentials as a skilled ma
chinist. The organization has never re
ceived an application from a woman, and
ns a matter of course will very likely not
admit her. Miss Ilurke is employed in the
Wllkesbarre lace mills In repairing looms
and Is an expert worker.
A akin of benuly Is a joy forever.
IttmoTM Tan, Pimples,
Freckle Moth Vatchee,
aaaa aoa tikia uw
&M. and aver
'V ? bletnleh on beauty.
, ran inm tuu.
C It haa atood the Ual
of Bftj-eli rears,
and ta ae. haralaas
ve taate It to ba
aura it la properly
made. Aateel ua
counterfeit of etml-
ilar name. Dr. 1
I A. Sarra aald ta a
Ilaer of the haut-
tou (a patient):
"Aa yu ladies
, w vim uea them. I
teoommend 'GOUKAUD'g CREAM" aa the
harmful of all the akin preparatlooa." For Bale ay
all eruci ala and lanrj gocda dealer. In the United
aialce at.d Kurope.
I'EHD. T. IIOI'KIM!, Prop'r.
(I Creal Janaa EL, H. X,
Insures Pure.Soft, White Skin
i and a Bfaatlful Complexion,
enrfi KVietne sad Tf tier. Ab
ulul) and rarmareaUy
If 4 reiuoeva Blackheatle. free-
.f klee. fimplea, Kedueea, nn-
. . apoie ana taei. ve
I..; lwrma-Koele Soap ler
' fact akin ia injured.
Sold by OrugjUti. r
ti ba or derail direct.
DrmarBeyaa, fter bottle, express baM.
Uarau-Rajala Roups B cents. ty maul.
BetUa la one package. eN.SS. atpma parte).
THE D3 t AL8 Z .. CI.i:1im'.1. 1.
Utuaha, Mto om1 boeila Oniaha. Nebs.
ii'JP I
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