Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 05, 1904, Page 8, Image 8

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Davis sell drug.
Leffert's glasses fit.
Stockert sells carpets.
The Faust ciflar, 6 cents.
Pyrogrnphy outfits and supplies.
C. E.
Alexander A Co., 3.13 Broadway.
Social card party TuPsdiy cvoivtis
Ben Hur lodge. Cume cmt, come all.
by I
Leo Mitchell of Eighth avsnue h p' I
to Rockfnrd. la., ytsterdny by lilt diathi
pf a relative. ;
John 1.. Shaw of F.irt Crook and Fin.HiS
E. Fisher of Bellevue, f.'ab., were, man. id
by Justice. Ouren.
Mask ball given by J.a ll s' Social club
tonight, Or.'Jtui Army of i'ic K.-pnl ll..' bull.
Prises awarded for brat costume".
B. M. Sargent, the Brjllw.iy shoe d'aler,
stale fhat the police w?re niiKi:: ( jsinf-il I
and that one of the Jol.nao.i furred check.
Wii not cashed at Ms xture.
Llcenxe to shoot Kami.' In Polt;
tamie county were tutueu yes ciua.. ly
County Auditor lnnes to t. K. Sv-:.i .jeder .
and E. O. ibin.nton, both of Om:i:.i 1
Articles of Incorporation of tin nuucil
Blulls Jieddli.g company, wuh a capital
Uatlon of $, were tiled enicnluy by
Mra. Annie Nelson, Cde li. Anderson, llcmy
Sperling. Henry L. Peteraott Hnd Ttivuoore
2s. Peterson.
The burning of the grass on the right
of-way of the Burlington betweun Iln.ton stood that he represents a larKe number of I l, ,,1"er ll, . " . ... ,
station and this city yesterday ,fiB.,i..ou ctii,enf, who are CHsrtlsflcd with 'he ser-I r"ult of te asaault the boy recehed per
gave rlao to the report that a pr-iiiits bra . . manent Injuries.
wan raging snutn or tne city una in ttie
Ity of Manawa. i
A group of Individual photogr.ij.hs of the
members of the fire department Willi Chief
Templclon In tho etnier has be.?n lom
pletel and framed by W. L. vS'llllams,
the photographer, and was yesterday In
stalled at No. a engine bonne.
Mary, the infant duugh'.er if -Mr and
Mrs. C. E. White, Kortiuih stree. and
Klrst avenue, dind yest ril.iy ironing,
?Z!!:Vl "lX"t
dence and burial will be in i airvicw itni-
etery. .... under a uniform pressure or of a uniform
The West End Improvement club bns In- ,,. . .. , ,
dorsed Oeneral E. F. Test as au?eeHsor to 1uaJ'ty- ufflclent amount to meet
John Cownle. whose term as member of ,the requirements of consumers, in vlola
the State Hoard of Control expires this ton f the express requirements and pro
spring. Secretary Clifton has been In- , ,,. llf mal, fr,n-h,.. Hnrt th., 1h. v.n.
ini mi in e n n rrtnv or inM pi 10 s rrsn- .
juuuii iiiuui pi lid uciirmi ii'si iu uvvcuuii
The South Side Improvement club v.-Ml
ask the city council Monday night that a
Chemical engine be located In t lie section
of the cltv south of Sixteenth avenue.
which ii now without fire protection. South 1
of Sixteenth avenue the Inst hydrant Is
at Nineteenth avenue and Eighth street !
and the furthest west is at Sixteenth ,
avenue and Ninth street. A thickly popu
lated section of the city Is thus praetl- I
cally left without fire protection. The club
Is arranging to add force to Ita request :
by sending a delegation 100 strong to the ,
meeting Monday night. I
Mrs. Mary Johnson, wife of E. P. John- I
ann. died vesterdnv mornlnu nt her home. I
124 Fourth street, from a stroks of apo- I working a fraud upon its consumers and
plexy, aged 87 years. Mi s. Johnson was i patrons.
descending the stairs on her way o brefik- I . ,..,j ,w. .,, j.
fast when selied. Death ensuol In two 11 further contended that the defendant
hours. Thursday night she was In her company has failed to comply with the re
usual good health and entertained a quirementa of Its charter In that it has.
ber of friends. She suffered a itrok of , ,. . , ., , , . . . . . .
apoplexy about three years a-o. wnlch at 11 llWd' falle1 al"i refused to furnish
the time caused partial paralysis. Her I current for running and operating electric
husband, who represents an implement n. ,. n f,1n.i.hin, nnmor
nrm Ih. rno I. t .1,. ,1
has been telegraphed for. Mi's. Johnson
was formerly Miss Mary Foreman of this
chaffer Case On.
The preliminary hearing of O. W. Schaf
for, charged with statutory assault on
his IS-year-old sister-in-law, Eda Olden
burg, was begun before Justice Ouren yes
terday. Owing to the large number of wit
nesses, there being fifty-two subpoenaed
for the defense alone. It was found neces
sary to hold, the bearing In the south court
room of the county court house.
The evidence of Schaffer's alleged little
victim was of such a character as to be
unfit for publication, She testified that he
first, assaulted her In June, 1902. and on
. frequent occasions up to August last. She
aid he had threatened to. kill her If she
told anyone of the assaults. An elder sis
ter, aged IS years, testified that 8chaffer
had attempted to assault her, but she had
fought him off.
On behalf of Schoffer, It la claimed that
the charges against him are for the pur
pose of ruining his character, his wife
having sued him for divorce before these
charges were made or even hinted at. A
long array of witnesses will testify to
Schaffer's good character.
Olsen Bros.,' plumbing. 700 Bway. Tel.AiTJ.
Faarl Bt, Council Bluffs. 'Phon
That we try to put others out of busiuess; in reply we
say we lo not pive our meats and jiroteries away, nor try to
put others out of business, but we are here to stay and sell
meats and groceries at reasonable prices. We do, and al
ways will, sell below all our competitors. Here are a few
of our prices:
IJEEF JiOAtiT, per pound .' 4c
roUK HO A ST. per pound 6c
BOILING DEEP, per pound. 2ic
LAM II LEOS, per pound 6,C
MUTTON LEOS, per pound 5,C
SUOAK rUIU:i) HAMS, per pound 7ic
20-POUND I'AIL r.OOD LAUD .$1.35'
600-602 Broadway, Telephone 24.
Stretching Dollars
Ws ziU jour money go furthsr tim any msat market lo Council Bluffs
PTIMCTI.Y FRESH EOtJS. pir clon n 15c
AltMoriCK SIM;.K HAMS, por pomnl Bo
ROAST HKEr. imt pound 5C
I'ORK ROAST, per pound 7o
fiOOl! RT'TTKR. pi'r pound , ' Ho
POUTKUHOrsi: STEAK. p.r pound 80
SIKI.oin STEAK. iur pound '. 8c
CHOICE STEAK, por pounj i 5o
IMH tNO HEKK. pvr jKund 3C
I.AMi; STEW, pot- pound 3o
l.AMR KDAST, p.'f nmd , 5o
LEO I.AM It. per'd &0
TORK I.OINS. jxr Kt!t;d 8C
KRESH II VMS, ivr pound , $o
SPARE Kills, per pound ?0
VEAL STEW, per po ind i So
VEAL ROST, rr pound 7c
CHUN 111: EE, p.". iwiitid , 5o
LEAP l.ARO. in pound fur 1.00
537 Broadway.
Petition F.led in Court Asfcli? Iti Fran
ohiie B' Vrr, nred .Void.
Dcft-cta Also Aliened In
. the
Clinrtrr Itsel f Action la.'!
Ilrouulit bj a Private
Robert K. O'Hanley appears as plaintiff In 1 of tho Omaha Gun club during the buoot
l suit Imi iht in th district court veateir-1 lng tournament on February .
day to have declared null nnd void the.
- -i
franchise or chnrtnr under which the Cltl- .
rcn - ' Uos and K ectric comrany of this city ;
la now nperntlng. Tli Ki:tt City Electric
IJglit nnd (Jus company and the Citlsens'
Gas nnd Kiev trio Unlit company are named ,
as defendants. While U'lianley appuur as
t V. a tnla ,.1 .ItitlS? In tha mfttfin i I a imr1nf-
ru. ........... ... v ;
v, . '
defendant compnnlea.
It Is allegert that the gas company has ,
been guilty of a misuse of Its charter in ,
that It has "failed, neglected and refused 1
and dots stlil full, neglect and refuse to i
furnish to the plaintiff and to the citizens j
or Counct: muffs good commercial gna
suitable for Illuminating, hentlntx and me-,
chanlcl purposes- and further that it has ;
"failed and does fall to furnish the same .
.. .
latloni of said obligations on its part are
open and flagrant."
Where Company Is Derelict.
Another allegation Is that the defendant i
company fails to keep In repair Its gas
mot era and electric meters, or to properly
measure lu gas and electricity to con
sumers, thus working a fraud upon the
public and compelling it to pay for gas
and electricity which they do not use and
consume; that It al'.ows its electric meters
to c"ep and register when no current Is on
or no electricity being consumed, thus
K ... bk-""'.
It Is also alleged that the company has
failed to furnish the city the light as pro
vided for In its contract, although It col
lects from the city the full amount of the
consideration provided for In the contract
for the lights) of a greater power than thorn
furnished, by which It Is alleged the city
Is defrauded of a large sum of money.
Technical Objections.
Technical grounds are also alleged for
the nullifying of the charter. One pf these
technical grounds Is that the charter Is
void for the reason that after the people
had voted on it in October, 1900, and by a
majority vota approved It, the city council
failed to pass the ordinance as the. law re
quires. The failure of the olty council to
pass the ordlnanes, subsequent . to the
vote. It Is claimed, left tho charter inopera
tive and without effect, force or virtue.
Another technical defect Is claimed in
that the ordinance contained more than one
subject as shown by the title and tn the
body and therefore the city council
authority to pass same.
The charter which was granted to the
Bluff City Electrlo Light and Oas com
pany, was sold to the Citlsens Gas and
Electric Light company, which Is now un
derstood to be controlled by the New Thomson-Houston
company of Omaha.
In addition to declaring the franchise or
charter null and void the court Is asked to
Issue a writ of injunction restraining the
defendant company from using or occupy
ing the streets of the city or from exercis
ing any of the rights or privileges conferred
Telephone 46.
by eold pretended franchise and that If
found necessary to protect the interests of
thp citlsens of Council Bluffa a receiver be
appointed to take charge of. conduct and
operate the plant and business of the de
fendant company under order of tho court.
It la considered itsrrlit that City Soil
cltor Snyder appr ua one of the attor
neys for the plaliltlit In thla suit.
N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. 280; night, FS67.
Both Are for Aliened Injuries Inflicted
I'pon Ilia Son.
Robert Young, ar., engineer at the water
works station, as next friend of hla son
llohert Yonr. 1r.. veaterdnv filed the pe-
tjtloti In bis llu.000 suit against Doraey Bur- I
geii, the Omaha 'pportv.nnn.- The suit la j
tho result of the alleged Khootlnij of n '
numter of boys, who were pcalplng outside
tiie shooting grounds, ty sevorru mcmuers
oung bun tuso nogun sun on m
. . . ,, . v,m,.u
h'" "on against the Omaha fir council
Bl'ifTs Street Ilallwsy company for 10.1a0
aninnges, alleging that the boy waa atrucK i
b' motormnn over the head with a
wl,,h bar or rth"T blunt natrument. vgil.o f
he and n. younger brother were entering a
ii..1 ,Ut Iks
m. v nvl hroiiirht suit neralnst the
i ritf 'f ltlnfTu nklns S.StO dam-
. ., . ,,. (( jm
ages f(jr pe..ona, ,n1urle, Hi,Pre,, to have
. r.,.nlvod Mnvemher ?ft lust, from a
fall caused by a defective sidewalk at
Tenth street and Broadway. i
Plumbing and heating. Blxby & Son.
Commlttee Meeting: Cnlled to Decide ,
on Date of Convention.
. Chairman F. W. Miller has cnlled a meet-
Ing of the county democratic central com-
mittee at his office, K Broadway, Satur
day afternoon. March 12, at 1 o'clock, for
the purposo of determining the time and
place for holding tho county convention, at '
which twenty delegates will be selected to
attend the state convention to be held in
Pes Moines May 4 and to select delegates
to the congressional and judicial conven
tions, not yet called.
Hafer sells lumber, catch the Idea?
Basket Hall nt IllRh School.
In a very fast and Interesting game of
basket ball ths first team defeated the
freshman team by the score of 36 to 7. The
game wr.s full of good plays and team
work. The first team showed Its speed and
endurance by rushing the freshmen around
the court till they were completely out of
wind. The freshmen at times showed good ;
Judgment In handling the ball. The lineup
was as follows:
First. Position. Freshmen.
Joslln (Capt.)..Left forward Voegler
Norgard ........Right forward Whitney
Nlcoll Center Mills
Mcnary Right guard. San ford (Capt.)
Andrus Left guard Pevlne
Time of halves: Twenty minutes. Urn-
fire: Carman. Referee: VanBrunt. Goals
hrown from field: First team Norgard (6),
Nlcoll (4), Joslln (J), Menary (4). Fresh
men team Voegler, Whitney. Qoals thrown
from foul: First team Nlcoll (2), Norgard,
Joslln. Freshmen team Mills (8). Whitney,
Devlne. Fouls: First team Nlcoll (3), An
drus, Joslln. Freshmen team Mills (3),
Voegler (2), Whitney, Devlne.
Immediately after tha' game the first
team had its first lesson before a crowd on
tho new mats recently purchased by the
athletic association, arid made a creditable
ehdwlnfir. "Its lesson" cortslBtlrrg of " - few
almnU m osV.n tin as tin nth a rtnsl fatna
for the gymnasium ordered by the assocla-
tion Is expected to arrive next week. This
apparatus Is being purchased with the
money raised at the recent midwinter car
nival at the high school.
Republican Primaries Today.
Republican, precinct primaries will be
held this evening at 8 o'olock for the se
lection of delegates to the school con
vention to be held Monday evening, March
T, and the city convention to be held
Tuesday afternoon, March 15. The un
derstanding Is that ona set of delegates
to both conventions is to be selected by
each precinct.
The places for holding the primaries and
the number of delegates each precinct Is
entitled to are as follows;
First ward, First precinct, Wheeler 4
Hereld building, 6 delegates; 8ocond pre
cinct, Sheeley & Lane s marble shop, 7
Second ward, First precinct, city build
ing, 7 delegates; Second precinct, 740 Broad
way, li delegates.
Third wsrU, First precinct, 101- South
Main street, 7 delegates; Second precinct,
engine house, Buuti) Main street, 6 dele
gates. Tourth ward, First precinct. Farmers,
halt, court house, t delegates; Second pre
cinct, corner Twelfth avenue and Sixth
street, 4 delegates.
Fifth wurd, Fintt precinct, county build
ing. Fifth avenue and Twelfth street, t
delegates; Seoond preclnot, county build
ing, 1601 Thirteenth street, 6 delegates.
'tilxtli ward. First precinct, county build
ing. Twenty-fourth street and Avenue U,
7 delegates; Second preolnct, Magnussen'a
building, Cut Off, I delegate.
The primaries are not expected to be
productive of any serious contests, as the
renomlnatton of Mayor Morgan is now
conceded, and the only fight looked for In
the city convention will probably be over
the nomination for park commissioner,
there I elng a large number of candidates
for this plum. No contest Is looked for In
the school convention.
Ogden HotelRooms, with or without
board; steam heat; free bath; public parlor.
Real Estate Transfers.
These transfers were reported March 4
to The Bee by the abstract, title and loan
office of Squire & Annls, 101 Pearl street:
E. C. Stiles and wife to M. D. Reed,
lot 1, block 3, Street's add., w. d....$ 600
U. riiurman to 11. M. Kelnlg, 20 acres
In sw4 seV 1-74-38, w. d
iielrs of Alary J. Selvy-Jones to
Elsie E. Broukhouser, lot 23, Love
land, w. d
Kate M. Davis and husband to Altla
Chamherlln, lots 6 and 7, Auditor's
subdtv.. e4 nwH ls-s-48. w. d
8. A. Tamislna and wife to Ellen
Flora, life swVi ue sw4 18-77-43,
w. d
Ells S. ldwich to John Gordon, na4
nwVi snd n neSi -7H-3, w. d ...
Al A. I knocker and wife to F. M.
Ix-ml. ne 1U-75-39, w. d
Philip J. McManus tn Patrick Turner,
wlj nw, neVA nwV and part se4
nwV4 1S-77-41, w. d
M. films nnd wife et si to P. I).
fruits et Hi, w 13 acres seV nwv. 14-r-44.
q. c. d
Susan E. Paschal and husband to
Hurry U. Pnscbal. lots 1 to 7, 23 and
24, block 58. Railroad add , w. d
Elmer i.. Cove to Ida O. Craig, lot
1, block 13. C anion, w. d
Iximhnrd Liquidation company to
Siiun Hess, lot 8. In subdlv. of
orltfinal plat, lot Ml. s. w. d
Leonard and Marv 1. Everett, exe
cutors, to F. J. Day and J. P. Hess,
I acres In wtfc n 1S-75-43. w. d. ..
Thirteen transfers, total
....$24, 1'.
Fof Sale.
Small fruit farm of $4 acres Ave miles
from postofflce. Will sell at a bargain;
must be sold this week. Call on or ad
dress William Wilde, Kiel hotel. Council
Bluffs, la.
Marl lag Licenses.
Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday
to th following:
Name snd Residence. Age.
Joha L. Shaw. Fort Crook, Neb SI
France E. Fisher, Bellevue. Nsb 40
Wilson Williamson. South Omaha M
Ium Nvaa, lula Omaha 1$
Iowa Leg'illur Qeti Out Its Knife and it Inda tritusly.
'county Convention PromUei to De
velop a Fluht Agnlnst Governor
Cnmmlns at Hla Ona
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
des MOINES, March I. (Special.) A
nam was made In the house aide of the
..-iuiature today in the direction of put-
tlng enj Ul uglalutiim and bringing th;
business to a close. Three important mcas
urea were Klitoti oil ana in l v.w
of the forenoon session a resolution was
lntruducej by Mr. Langan (dem.) ol Liin
- - .
w iwMng to a further cutting off of
-xoen- Mr. ingan s resolution recites
thMt ,Hjt le.,lB,ttture appropriated 2W.OOO
for the cnl,ltol lmproveinent and $125,000 for
o exhibit at St. Louis; and that
thore has been no accounting of the funds
to the legislature and demands a report on
these commissions and especially as to the
duties and compensation of the secretaries
and employes and as to whether or not
the employes were selected for political
rett-.ons or on merit. This was recognized
os a movement to curtail the work of the
commissions, for Bt the same time It was
j announced the' bill to appropriate $20,000
! for the exposition commission hnd been
' held up after passing both houses, and in
' V. i. ....... n K unl a V,v whlph It r)HHfi
I was reconsidered. It Is expected an effort
' will 1 made to defeat the appropriation en-
,jrelyi ,
Thi nfternoon in tho house a motion to
recongider the vote by which the Louisiana
purchase commission bill was adopted was
carried. It was explained that the purposa
was to have It reconsidered and the ap
propriation mado so that the commission
might use It for any purpose the commis
sion may deem best. A sharp colloquy
took place over a report In a local paper
to 'he effect that Governor Larrabee, presi
dent of the commission, had stated In the
commission meeting that the money was
not needed. Mr. Whiting, member of the
commission; denounced the statement as
i Factory Inspection Killed.
The house spent a large part of Its time
considering the bill to provide lor enforce
ment of the factory Inspection law by
authorizing the appointment of two factory
inspectors to work under direction of the
state labor bureau, and then refused to
pass the bill, the vote being 48 to 87, the
necessary fifty-one not voting. The main
support of the bill was by Messrs. Calder
wood, Carstenaen and Langan. and It was
shown that while the state has provided
for factory Inspection, It has not provided
the means by which, It can be done, and
as a result factory ' Inspection In Iowa Is
of little value. The opposition came from
Bealer, Dow, Head, McAllister and Jepson.
The house reconsidered and passed by a
two-thirds majority, which was deemed
necessary, the bills for appropriations for
the Benedict home and the Dubuque Rescue
Mr. .Cross Introduced a bllV to. provide
that the governor'sall appoint ftn osteo
path as one ' of .t) doctors on the Stte
Board of HeoJtrt-' - -.
Tii bill, to anprnprlate $4,000 to the
"League of lowa-Munlclpalltles" was con-
I !l'dre Jh'WM UCn PP""'.
it was Indefinitely pestponetl.
The bill to allow city councils In cities
of the second class to levy a 2-mlll tax for
fire protection purposes was taken Up and
considered at length. Opposition developed
and the bill suffered the fate of Its two
The house in the afternoon took up a
bill by Weeks to provide for a good roads
and drainage commission to survey the
state and prepare "for systematic good
roads in the state, and It was defeated.
Mr. Head withdrew a bill, recommended
for passage, relating to sales of Intoxi
cating liquors.
A bill by Mr. Buckingham In relation to
method of deciding on damage done by
dogs was passed.
Two bills by Wise to provide for report
ing for assessment real estate owned by
railroads were passed.
Inebriate Hospital Pavored.
Senator Smith's bill establishing a hos
pital for dipsomaniacs, which was called
up for passage yesterday, was under dis
cussion during the entire forenoon session
of that body today. The bill will carry
an appropriation of $125,000, and provides
for the use of present buildings owned
by the state at Knoxvllle, and the addition
thereto of the necessary structures to
carry out the law. While the considera
tion of the measure brought out many
amendments to the . bill as presented by
the committee, they were entirely of a
strengthening nature and were adopted
mostly without division on motion of a
friend of the bill.
Ncvr Rills.
Senate Bills tBaunders, to enable the
state to dispose of drained snd reclaimed
meandered lake beds; Lambert, appropri
ating $7,600 per annum for support of the
Stat Historical library; Cronaley, grant
ing permanent forest and fruit reserva
tions and encouraging the planting of for
est and fruit trees; Krlcson. making It a
misdemeanor to carry away or mutllat
ferlodlcals, books or other property of
ha public libraries of the state; Hogue.
relating to county auditors of state and
fivlng stste sudftor supervision snd au
hotity over them.
Warm Political Situation.
Local politics are st fever heat In ex
pectancy of the republican county con
vention of tomorrow. An effort is to be
made to hav the convention endnrs Gov
ernor Cummins and send htm to the state
convention as a candidate for delegate-at-large
to the Chicago convention, or, on
the other hand, to pass resolutions con
demning the Iowa republican platform as
unrepubllcan, especially as It relates to
reciprocity, and to send to the state con
vention a deiegatlun of the governor's
bitter personal enemies. It Is not known
how the convention stands on that subject.
It is almost entirely in the control of Con
gressman Hull, who secured a large ma
jority of th delegates to th convention.
Some of his friends are demanding that
the convention take radical action to
humiliate the governor of the state be
cause Gcverner Cummins was personally
In favor of Hull's opponent. But ther
was a compact entered Into between Hull
and Cummins by which there was to be
no fighting between them, and many of
the Hull people Insist on having this ad
hered to. It Is understood both sides are
trying to secure proxies and control th
convention tomorrow, which, in addition
to selecting delegates to ths congressional
Fifty yeara of suooeas.
The Bimpleet and beet
remedy for Cough
and Throat Troubles.
tW Is tor a0.
Aoml4 imttMtloms.
convention. Will name delegates to the
state convention In May.
. t'hanare from Private Rank.
The papers have been filed with the sec
retary of state changing a private bank
at Tlngley Into a savings bank, and a num
ber of such changes are being made In
the state. The auditor of state today
chnrtered the Home Savings bank of Tip
ton, with $1S.OHO capital stock. J. C.
Frantl. president; S. A. Jennings, cnshler.
The Eagle Tnlnt Lime Works was In
corporated today with $15.0m) capital stock,
by Alice, Hattle, I.ena and Edwin Fengler
of Dubuque.
District Convention.
At a meeting of the district congres
sional committee of the republican rarty
held In this city today It was decided to
hold the convention In this city May 17. At
the convention there will be nominated a
congressman and two delegates and two al
ternates will be selected to represent the
district In the national convention.
Cashier Catches Thief.
J. C. O'Donnell, cashier of the German
Savings bank, on Fifth street, exhibited
wonderful detective ability by cleverly en
gaging a confidence and general holdup
man In conversation In the office of the
bank while a boy ran for a policeman. The
man, who gave his name as Joe Bunck of
Lincoln, Nob., Is about 23 years of age. He
was taken to police headquarters by Officer
Bennington. Mrs. C. W. Rosene, wife of a
partner In the Des Moines Plumbing com
pany, who resides at 1900 High street, had
a handbag snatched from her arm in front
of the Iowa I-oan and Trust building
Thursday afternoon by a strange young
man. In the handbag was a check drawn
on the Oerman Savings bank for $10. Mrs.
Rosene telephoned to the bank stopping
Today a young mnn entered the bank and
produced the Identical check stolen from
Mrs. Rosene. D. Aldrldge, poylng teller,
reported at once to O'Donnell, who carried
Out the program as given above.
Iowa Miners Elect,
The following were elected officers of the
t'nlted Mine Workers' union, district No.
13. today:
President. John P. White of Osknloosal
vice president. J. P. Joyce of Des M nines;
secretary, Edwin Perrv of OBkslonen: mem
ber of national board. John T. Ream of
Beacon; auditor, William P. Sharp of Oska
loosa; members of bonrd, district No 1,
James B. White of Foibush; No. 8. Wil
llnm Baxter of Beacon; No. 3. Phillip Jones
of Colfax; No. 4. William TTeslop of Le
high; delegates to the Iowa Federation of
Labor. Edwin Perry, John T. Ream and L.
P. Joyce.
Resolutions were adopted denouncing the
proposed change In the state garnishment
laws and favoring the 'establishment of a
postal savings bank system.
Widow Claims It Wns Dne to I.lqnor
Given Him by Yonna" Men.
ATLANTIC, la., March 4.-(Speclnl Tel
egramsPapers were filed today In a suit
brought In the district court of this county
which promises to be one of the most
Interesting ever tried In the state. The
action Is a damage case brought by Mrs.
Margaret Hlsoocks, In which she seeks
to recover $15,000 from Clarence Baxter,
Adolph Woodward, Clyde Murnan and
Anthony Morton for the death of her hus
band. All the parties live In or near
Lewis, and the action Is the result of the
death of plaintiffs husband, who Is sup
posed to have died from the result of
drinking too much whisky, which was
given him at the lyceum held at Ellsworth
school house In Washington township one
night last week.
Hlscock was the man supposed to keep
order at the lyceum and the boys say they
thought to have some fun by getting him
drunk and they admit having given him
the liquor, but say it was not drugged' In
any manner. A post mortem by the coro
ner disclosed no. drugs and the coroner's
Jury brought 'tn a verdict stating that he
died frotn the effect of the liquor upon
Medical authorities now concede that under
th ty.tem of treatment introduced by Dr.
Frauk Wiieuel ot umcago,
Dr. L D Knott, Lebanon, Ky.: Dr. F. K.
Browu. Primghsr. lows: Pr. J. C. Curryer,
St. Paul, Minn.: Dr. M. L. Craffey, Ht. Louis,
Mo.; Dr. C. t. Beard, Ho. Framlnghsm, Mass..
bear witness to theetneacy ol his treatment
and the permanency of the cure in their
own cases. Dr. Wbetsel's new method ii a
radical departure from the old fanhioned
smoke powders, sprays, etc.. which relieve
but do not cure.
nMiunut for inf one riving a short descrtiv
Hnn nf tha ru snd tending names ol two
other asthmatic uflerert. Ask for booklet
ol experience ol thOM cured.
DtpL H Amtrlcsn Eiprtt Bids. Chlc
Buggies, Carriages
and Wagons
Fifteenth nnd Capitol Ave.
Raad our special "ad" very Sunday
and Wednesday In The Bee,
What To Eat
Send for oopy. 10 cents or tl.00 a year
Reliable Health Articles, Table Btor ea
Jests, Poems, Clever Toasu. A rood
friend to brighten your leisure mo
ments. Pull of novel suargestion for
The Iowa Baaltk allatla aare "Oar kemm
gale a. kaaltklar an 4 happier if Ik. tsoaatee
vara nare at Lalt woflav eublloatloa."
WHAT TO BAT iMonthly Marasuesi
w a ing-rea at. ana ruts AVev, LI
Insure PurcSeft, Wolu Skin
aara Btotl(ul Cmplexlo,
enrta Kcr.rma and Tatter. Ab
'i eoloiely sud. Permapently
kiee, Pioifilre, rUdu"a, Bun--7
epute and Tea. Lead with
li.rnja-lli.yalo Bna a ret
y; feet ekls la lneureo.
L.U k.. n. . .mx 1 .4 mm
wayhefOer iiraet
Deramav mUtrjml, (1 pee bottle, express pal.
Vernen-Koyal atoavat, aft oente, ky wait,
total In on pMkae. SI. IS. express ami at.
IHE DEKMA.ROYALB CO.. Cincinnati. O.
Omaha. Nbr.. aud Boull. Omaha- Nbr.
Mustang Liniment
rurrs Frotb.u-a and Cbllblaiosj
Mustang Liniment
Heat thing fur a. lame bora.
Mustang Liniment
drive out till Inflammations
his Itincn. The. young men maie defend
ants are all frotn gixvl families, and the
spending trial will be watched with great
Interest by all.
What ColloTta Grlpf
Pneumonia often, but never when Pr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption Is
tiscj It cures colds and grip. 6iV, $1.00.
For sale by Kuhn & Co.
Corning lnn Shoots Self
CORNING, la.. March 4-(Spec!sl Tele
gram.) F. L. Larue committed suicide to
day at 3 p. m. by shooting. He locked him
self In a bath room while his wife was
down town after mall. He has been In
poor health since the State Savings hank
failure. He wns insured for $75.0nn.
Itching, Scaly and Crusted
With Loss of Hair
Speedily Cured by Cutlcura
Soap and Ointment
When Every Other Remedy and
Physicians Fail
Warm shampoos with Cnttcnra Soap
and light dressings of Cutlcura, th
great skin cure, at once stop falling
hair, remove crusts, scales and dan
druff, soothe Irritated, Itching surfaces,
destroy hair parasites, stimulate the
hair follicles, loosen the scalp skin,
supply the roots with energy and nour
ishment, aad make the hair grow upon
a sweet, healthy scalp when all else
Millions of the world's best people
use Cutlcura Soap, assisted by Cutl
cura Ointment, the great skin cure, for
preserving, purifying and beautifying
the skin, for cleansing the scalp of
crusts, scales and dandruff, and the stop
ping of falling hair, for softening,
whitening and soothing red, rough and
sore hands, for baby rashes, Rollings
and chafing, for annoying Irritations
and Inflammations, or too free or offen
sive perspiration, for ulcerative weak
nesses, and many antiseptic purposes
which readily suggest themselves to
women, as well as for all the purposes
of the toilet, bath and nursery.
Complete treatment for every hu
mour, consisting of Cutlcura Soap, to
cleanse the skin, Cutlcura Ointment, to
heal the akin, and Cutlcura Resolvent
Pills, to cool and cleanse the blood, may
now be had for pe dollar. A single set
Is often sufficient to cure the most
torturing, disfiguring, Itching, burning
and scaly humours, eczemas, rashes
and Irritations, from Infancy to age,
when all else falls.
Sola Mvnshoiit m wort. C.ttenm Rnolnal, 9s.
(In form of CWI Fill., .. Nt Tll mt 0, Mo., Soap. Ste. IMpoUi Loadon. ST ChifHr
hsux Sj.i ParU, i Hat 4 la rain Boxa 17 Calumbaa
Av.. Kotl.r Drue Chcm. Corp , Sa Propnatora.
SaT-&aa for Bow to Can Etarf lliuoaiir. '
nKV f ay young '
imperial nair nmnmm
is the only bsrmleaa preparation known
which Instantly restiirea hair to sdt
Onlor pr anarte. Durable. lastlDC sua
leaves the hair clean, aoft and (losar.
OSS iPPI.rriTinv urn i..7i iuH
K MOXTHH. Sample ol hair colored free,
oeuiiiur pamuuiei. mvacy saaureo.'
IMPEB1AL CHEMICAL MR). CO. US W. 23d St.. New Vert.
Fherman A McConnell Drug Co . Omnba.
"ai Jl irai
Uf)e Best of
The Only Double
Track R.aillway
o Chicago
The Omaha
Far Excellence
h yp. C oiid f rain ml
iip in Omnh' daily ON
TIME ( 6:50 p. ., ttrrid
ti't t'ursiy 7:30 ntxt mom
my. Libra)-, livjfel C'r,
hurbtr, tift tuntrd SUep
r., ClmirVais JCvcrytliinj.
m-. City OrfiCeas
101-1403 FARNAM ST.
' TEL. 624-601
ii ei n.isi is
e.sig,.,iei m s
"ur all Special
Treatment anil Medicine
$5.00 PER nGUTI!
Kxani.naiiuiiB una udvlce free ul omco ot
by mail. Written contracts liven in ull
curhble dlsettata, or lelui d nionvy puld fur
treatment. Treatment bj mall. It years
In omaha
Cor. ltn and Donates, OMAHA. M H.
Mustang Liniment
for Man, Iieaat or Poultry.
Mustang Liniment
beala Old bores quickly.
Mustang Liniment
cure) Cakd Udder La cowa.
Draki'i Palmitfo YTlnt.
A trtnl bottle Is sert prein!d. free of charrs.
to evry reiwirr or this iapcr wno rtus rnronie
Stomach Trouble. FmtulrncT. Consilpstion
Calarrh of ihe Mucous Menihranes, Connestlon
of l.ieror K ulneva or Inflammation of Hlndiler.
tine ilnae a 'tut relieves ininieitistrlT. cures lib-iiiii-I
biplila up ihe nervous svsiem and pn
ni'ii" i. .arKi-r. purer nd net er Mood supplr.
S''Vei,iv fl vs rr-nis si liruif Stores tor a iare
boltls. usual ilol.iir a..r. but every reader of
thin paper ho n.. Ja ne illi lue "111 be supplied
Willi a trml bolt. i,f lumr a Palmetto Wine,
trr-e of rhurifr.. br wrlMnn fur It to Drake For
re ill i Coniny, frrske Ituildlnv, Chicago, 111.
k - J ar aaass v v aaaaar
Fer Gonorrhaa. Olaat. lascerrhM. tptrmilor
rhGFl, Pile in! all Unhlthi Stiual DlachargM.
No Pain. No stain.
No strictuac. free svrinqc.
WA lam Preventive Plaeaae.-
At PrucilMa. or mt snvwharf) fur SI.OO.
MALYDOR MF6. CO., Lancaster, 0..U.S.A.
S.l t . r"-"mm.ni1e br SHERMAN MM'ON
MCI.I, PKI'U 1 11.. (Vr. Ifth and porlne, Omaha
(Should b reHil dally by nil Interested,
ss cliHtigen m:iy occur at any time).
Foreign mulls for the week eliding March
&. imt will clone tPIttiMPTI.V In all
chnosi st the Ceneial Pustotnce as fol
lows: PAKCKI.H-IM8T MAILS eluse ons
hour earlier than cloning lime shown be
low. Parcels-post mulls tor Ueruiuny
Close At 5 p. ni. Friday.
Regular and 8upplemntnrv malls close at
foreign Htation h.ilf hour later thxit
closing time shown below (t xeept that
Supplementary Mails fnr I'urope and
Central Amerlea, via Colon, close on
hour later at Foreign Station).
1ransntlnntlc Mails.
SATt'RDAT At 4.S0 a. m. for IRELAND,
per s. s. Etrurla, via tjueenstuwn (mall
for other pnrts of Europe must be directed
"per s s. Etrurla "); nt 6 a. m. for i:U
HOPK. per a. s Ht. Louis. vii Plymouth
snd Cherbourg (mall for Germany must
be directed "per s. s. St. Louis" ; at it 80
a. m. for KCROPE, per s. s. Kaiser Wll
helm tier tirosse, via Plymouth. Cher
bourg snd Hremen; at R 30 a. m. for BKlr
J1U"M direct, per s. s. Flnlund imull must
be directed "per s. s. Finland").
After the closing of the Supplementary
TtMnsiitlnntlc Malls named above, addi
tional HupplementF.ry Mulls are opened
on the piers of the American, Engll-h,
French nnd Oerman steamers end lenmm
open until within Ten Minutes tf the
hour of sailing of steamer.
nam tor snnth . a . i -.
west Indies, Etc.
BAT I'RPAT At 8 a. m. for BRAZIL, per
s. . iiyron, via 1'ernambueo, Bahla, Rio
Janeiro nnd PHiitos (mall for Northern
Brazil, Argentine. 1'runuav snd PtiiM
guay must be directed "per s. n. Byron")
at 8:30 a. m (supplementary 9:30 ii. m.)
E.t'KLA, per s. s. CarHcns (mall for Pa
vanllla and Cartagena -nuot be directed
per h. s. Caracas"); at 9:30 n. m. (-up-
iicuii nmry n.:v n. M l for t UIU l ,li
jne..AiA ami UKKiTliWN, per s. s.
Altai (mnll for Costa Rica must be di
rected "per s. s. Altai"); at :30 a m.
(supplementary J0:3') n. m.) for INAGCA,
SANTA MARTA. per s s. Atlios (mall
for other parts of Haiti must be directed
"per s. s. Athos"); nt M a. m. (sup
plementary li:r a. m.) ror ST. THOMAS,
and FRENCH OTTANA. per s. s. Manna
(mall for Grenada and Trinidad must be
directed "per s. s. Manna"); at 10 a. m.
for CURA, per s. s. Morro Castle, via.
Havana; at 10 a. m for HAITI, per s. s.
Prlns der Nederlanden (mall for Curacoa,
Venesuela, Trinidad, RrltlKh and Dutch
Guiana must bo directed "per Prlns der
Malls Forwarded Overland, Etc., Ei
rept Trnnepaclfla.
Ct'BA Via Port Tampa, Florida, closes at
a. m. (the connecting malls close here on
Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays)
MEXICO CITY Overland, unless specially
addressed for dispatch bj- steamer, closes
at this office dally, except Sunday, gl 1:30
p. m. and 10:30 p. m. Sundays at X S- m.
and 10:311 P. m. ....
NEWFOCNDLAND By rail to NorfrTSyd
ney and thence by steamer closes at this
ofnee dally at 0:30 p in. (connecting mails
close here every Monday, Wednesday and
JAMAICA By rail to Philadelphia and
thenco by steamer closes al thla otlice at
10:30 p. m. every Sunday.
Bv rail to Boston and thence by steamer
closes Bt this office at 6:30 p. m.very
MICJl'ELON By rail to Boston and thence
by steamer closes at this office dally at
6:30 p. m.
MALA By rail to New Orleans and
thence by steamer closes at this oft Ire
daily, except Sunday, at l :?.0 p. m. and
I0:30 p. m., Sundays at 1 p. m. and HI:)
p m. (connecting mail climes here Mon
days nt 10:30 p. m.)
COSTA RICA By rail to New Orleans and
thence by steamer closes at this office
cli.ll v. except Sunday, at H :S0 p. m., end
110.30 p. m., Sundays at J.l p. in. and 10:30
p. m. (connecting mull loses here Tues
days at 10:30 p. m.)
BAHAMAS (except Parcels-Post Malls)
By rail to Miami. Fla.. and thehT-H by
steamer closes at &:30 a. in. every Mon
de y. Wednesday and Saturday. ....
Registered mall closes at G p. m. previous
Transpacific Mails.
rillMi i r,A I1P1K via Runtllu r.n.l.i,.
addressed only), closes here daiiy at ii::ib
p. in. up to Februiiiy '.'Sth,' inaluslte, for
dispatch per s. s. Hvades. . i
PINE ISLANDS, via Ban Francisco, oloae
here daily at ti:30 p. in. up to February
ji'iih, Inclusive, for dispatch per. a. s.
HAWAII, via Bun Francisco, clone"ner
daily at tl:30 p. m. up to March 7t-h: In
clusive, for dispatch per . s. Alameda.
TAHITI and M Altijl.'ESAH ISLAM'S, via
San Francisco. clo here dally at (1:30 p.
m up to March t.lth, Inclusive, fOi dis
patch per s s. Mariposa.
CHINA and JAPAN, via Vancouver ' and
Victoria. 11. C, closr bere daliy at :B) p.
rh. up to March lDth, Inrlusive, fof-dls.
petch per s. s. Empress of India. tMer
chandlse for IT. 8. Postal AgeaKay at
Hlianghul cinnut be torwardod via I'an
hd )
PINK .8LAND8. via San Franelsnn, jlrme
here dally at 0:30 p. in. up to Match finth.
Inclusive, for dliqiateh per s. . Siberia.
and HAWAII, via Su.i Fraii'ixooj- elca
hero dally at 8:VI n m. ii to RCinn
lth, inclusive, for dlsputch per s. s- So.
nomu. (If the Cunaiil steumer carivlng
the British mall for New Zealand do,
not arrive In time to connect wlrS-thlS
dispatch, extra mail" -- IokIiik at t JO a.
m. 8 30 a. m. and fl ai p m ; riundapx at
4:S0 a. m., 9 a m. and IS 30 p ni.-v.fll b
made up and foi warded until the arrival
of the Cunnrd steamer'.
At'STRAI.l A ir-xeept West). FIJI ISL
couver and Victoria. B. . close .here
dally at ii:S0 P m. up to March Will lu
rlnslve for dispatch per I s. Moans.
Cisco, close bera dally at 6:JU p. m irp to
Mutch 57th. Inrluslv, Xor dlspatcri lr
f S Transport. .
NOTE I'nless otherwise addressed. West
Australia la forwarded vie Europe; 'and
New Zealand and Philippines;, via Hun
Kriinclsce- the oulekesi rmil-.-. Phliipslnfs
specially addressed "via Canada'' or' via
Europe' must bs fully prepaid at. th
foreign rales. Hawaii is.forwardeit via
San Francisco exclusively. .
Transpacific malls nr forwarded tojpnrt
i,t salllrg dally and the schedule of a los
ing la arranged on Ihe premnnptl'ili of
their uninterrupted overland tr:jnlt.
IKegistcred mall clones at 0 p m. pr I luus
day. CORNEL! 1 '8 VAN ((Vlf.
Postorncs, New York. N. Y., Feb. i 19"1
Mustang Liniment
cure Cata, lisrns, Brulaea. . j
Mustang Liniment:
ciraa Bpraloa and Strain. ;
Mustang Liniment;
i a poaiti ve cur for I'ileae