J THE OMAIIA DAILY DEE: SATURDAY. MAHUti n, V.nn. 10 f SI ti ll IB II P, I hi 18 J 4 IS, SPECIAL NOTICES Atrrrllirmfr ta for Ihnf t-o Iannis will be tal.ra nnlll 12 m. for the Train edition and nntll s p. in. for ike Moralit anil Sunday edition. Rlta, 1 1-l.p a word tirst Imfrllon, la a word thereafier. nihln ! for lees than lit- for the first !' tloa. Thrif ihrrilirmrnl' mnt le ran coriseentlrelt . Advertisers, by reqiiestlnaj a nnm hered elterks. ran hare ad dressed to n numbered letter In care f The Rrr. Aninrra ao nddreaaed will he delivered on pretentatlon of the check on!). MISf'KI.LASHOI'S. BOYLES COLLEGE NEW TOBK LIKE BUILDING, OMAHA. Business, Shorthand, Typewi Itlng, Lngllsh. DAY AND NIGHT. Apply (or Catalogue. B MI03 OMAHA Safe and Iron work make a spe cialty of fire eei-a;, shuttrrs, doois and safes. O. Andrceii. prop., Iu2 8. l"th st R Miii May25 D. M. HAVERLY-EX PERT ACCOUNT ANT. 212 BlE IlLIXi. PHONIC 2904. It-6.il CHAMPION Carpet Cleaning Works. 718 8. Hth. Tel X&. K MB nn! nsri.VER, NICKEL Plating. On. VJUUUpmn,,, Co.. 5M Harney. Tel. pru R 636 CITY SAVING 8 BANK pays 4 per cent. R ilTA BPECIAI, For a limited time we will fit you with a gue-aniced pair of spectacles for $1. Don't mise this chance. U. S. Op ticians. 808 N. lth at. R S; KAOLE T-onn office. Reliable, arcnmmodit- Ing, all business confidential. 1301 Doue'as R-639 EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co., moving and storage. 214 N. lth. Tel. 11P6. R-S44 ' TRY THE CHICAGO LAUNDRY. If you don't, we both lose. Good writ, prompt attention. 214 N. 16th. Tel tOV R-C40 ANTI-MONOPOLY OAPPAOE CO.. cleans cesspools, vaults, rtmovs garbage dead animals; reduced prices, fill N. 16. Tel. 1779 R-41 P. MELCHOIR. machinist, 18th A Howard. riiRLTCITY DESICN9 WHEATON. in the Bee Bldg. K-C4.1 J. E. WALLACE. Taxidermist, W P. :th R 92i Al "STRONGEST In the World " Thn Eqi'ltn ble I-lfe Aorniire society. Its r"llles are sight drafts at matarlty. VI. D. Neelv. miinaaer. MTchnnti" N'tlrnaJ Bank Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. R 616 PRINTING ) cVcuVse"b1clc?Tcorner I LYNGSTADj,6th -n1 co SIGN painting. S. II. Cole, 1802 Dm.-iMe. R-047 ALL kinds carpenter work, repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, ann ana laks. . k i70 E. J. DAVIS, safe mover, heavy hauling, 1119 Farnam. Tel. Kt. H 12 MS VODICKA A CO.. fine tailoring: all kinds pressing, repairing. Krug Theater bldg. lei. JJSi. K 648 CIX3THE8 pressed, altered. Yousen. Pax ton hotel tailor. R 649 TRACINGS; blue prints and working drawings. Bues A Co., Omaha. Phone 18SJ. R 23 Apr22x I'ERFIELD Piano Co., Bee Bldg.; no In terest, honest values, eflsy terms. R 638 LOCKSMITH Stf - ?JtF' N- . R M36J LET us ahow you how much gas engine power will save you. Wltte Iron Works to., b& w. 6th Bt., Kansas City, Mo. R d- I Bl'BHSUSS CHANCKS. WANTED Stocks of merchandise to close out on the premises at lov cents on ine aonar; can reuuee your stock one' half In ten days' ume; convert it Into I cash; till your store with actual buyers, by our peculiar and UD-to-dale metnoda. No auction. Address, for dates, Boston oroaerage V.O., lama, ia. al I CAN quickly sell for cash without local publlotty. your real eatate, business or paxmeramp, no mailer wnere located, bend me lull particulars, price, am. ai. dress Chaa. E. Powell. 19 V. Mohawk St.. uiiiu, . . x jai 44 jaaru SHOLES - ARMSTRONG CO., business YnorkCl!lfenBldi01 t'I?6 Jti xora xite aiog. Tel. 49. Y (161 TO GET in or out of business call on Wil liam, iiruia ui, 4oi.agus DUIldlng FOR SALIO-Saloon. 914 N. 16th St. Y-4T8 4x PUBLIC SALE) A creamery building and contents, vis.: II horse-power boiler, 1 double' acting milk pump, 1 single acung water pump, with steamplpe and flttlags; I milk and water tanks, l.mllk weigher and Babcock tester, and other articles necessary to run a skimming station. March U, 19W. J. F. Wyvel, Alneworth, FOR SAL - -Newspaper and Job office, rea- luo,,, r.iBi.imiiPd im; uortneast Ne- mom. uunn u, 43, uee. x 99 7 x m. i iiivi.it- IW nuvs S0041 Tuik.rv m. . .. Cn' ,ml l,11ln' business; good Nebraska railroad town; good reason for seilina ' Address E 19. Bee. V-1M131 1 & . . 0 Vn, "ALK-rMatabllshed manufacturing bus nes in ludla'a gurments. Modern equipment, machinery, stock, power, etc Exceptional opportunity to secure a staple, profitable business. 82.500.00 will iLJ J.1 mnn Provide working capital The bualneaa will h arJrt at rlflca on account of dlaugreoment of part- Mg ldi f o 1 1 a a .4 .4 rir & - . . . - .'iirri.pi v. A. I,. UlllOOn """or, .i first wal l Bank, Omaha. . Y-MDe,6 6 AGKSTI WANTED. WANTED, canvaaslng agents In every county to solicit subscriptions to THI TWENTIETH CENTURY FARM EH Steady employment with inj- .,Uw i... come. Agents In the counirv wlm hnn. and h nit it v Mn.cluliv Hm.Ii-..i inu-ae eu.uy ou 10 1UU per Inomll. Ad- u.caa vriiiury r armer BOiicuors llurrau, He milium I im.in WE want 10,000 agents for greatest house In every houae; Immense money maker for agents; send Joe for complete sample nuiu atuier aver proaucea; actually aela and our large llluatratr i catalogue of agent supplies. Southern Mercantile v.u., uepi. a 4ui, Houston, j ex. J M446 Apr. WANTED Energetic woman to trr.v.l nn alary to get agents for superior line of goods. Corset and Shirt Work.". Ann arixir, Mien. J M983 6x uiuir.s wnn tssie ror art w ih n m make money at home spare time cull 65 j-iuugiss uiug., opp. uaytien s. J-M9T0 11 x BbT moneymaker for agents nn earth; new article; ryw plan; houhod neces sity: sells on klirht hv Mhnulntf orKat I. will do; V,m sold In Mlnneapilis; reselU eU?? 7r.: for 26c: fit. 10c. Domestic Manuf ictur - agents out Ing Co.. desk 93. Minneapolis. Minn. J-MST9 7x FOR SALE HORSES. wtr.OXi, ETC. FOR SALE. 2d hand. 4-paasenger bioug- ham, at bargain if taken at once, it Harney. P 6.7 FROST 'doesn't shave men. he shavea pokej. Wtgon repairs. 14th and te-v-wiworth. P 17 HORSES for sale: secoral-hand harneia. vehicles c leap. Iselcbeor s Htaul-.a, Ml a. th. P-M8JS FOR BALE. spans of males, wrltht, 2.UU0 to 2. -00 per spun; also he.u of horses, (rivers, drsfiers snd chunks. Jones Stables. 1114 iHxige SI. P M 4 PHAETON and surrey cheaj?. Sam' I Burns. P MKli aAM'L BURNS. Phaelon and surrey cheap. trtb Al W41TRD-NALB HI! LP. NEW SHORTHAND PAPER. Th- March number of a new Fhnrthan-1 Journal. I Jut iuL It If elegantly prlnt-d and contnlns some valuable Information t th'e who write the Gregg sysirm. The May iumlr will contain a Malory of trie Gretg a yet em It will be Bent to any one free, who deelrea a copy. Addre-s. ROHRBoUGH BROS., Care Omaha Comme.cial College. MEN to learn br.rl.er trade, free r.illi-vt.. upon tui Lit u e to convince ou o. this being the baaf. large-t ana oni re.ubie, tuost pract.cal Larocr college In tht station. Write lor catalogue today. Western jjt.rl.eia injlltul..', oniana. Neu. 116. WANTED For V. 8. army, able-bodied, unmarried men, between oaes of i and . citizens of i i.ltfd States, of good char.ic ter and ten iterate li..b.ts, who can sp.'ak, leaa and wilie i:nd.h. For information apply to reVruitlng oflloer, 16th and Dodge fete., Omaha, or Luicoin, Neb. B Mlu4 West'n Employ I Ag'n. R. 14-15. Crounse b.k. 13 "JO TWO men to work from our wagons; steady position, and experience unnecessary. C. r Adams at Co., 1619 Howard St. B wi CLERK, energetic, to prepare for Oov t position. 1. C. I.. Cedar Rapids, la. H-UM 6x PERSON to call on retail trade for manu facturing house; salary $2i, paid week.y; expense money advanced; previous ex perience unnecessary. Standard House, v4 Dearborn St., Chicago. B M7SI 6x TAILORS Wanted, flrst-clasa bushclnian and coat makers; steady work and good wattea. MacCarthy Tailoring Co.. 9"4 S. lfith street. B 87 WANTED, colored base ball p'ayers who are musicians to play on ball team and In band. Ueason from May 1 to Sept. 15. 1904. Will pay good salaries to good men. Inquire of Majiager Paso Ball, box 102, Lsthervlllo. Ia. B M93J 9 TINNER wanted, young man preferred, one that has enough experience to take charge or a country snop ana neip in sioro; nu boozers need appfv; a steady Job for the right party. Address W. B. Frymlre, Bloomtleld. Neb. B M984 6 WANTED Bright, Intelligent boy for work in railroad omce. uooa cnance inr au- vancernent. Address, E 20, Bee omce. 13 IY1LI O YOI'NO MAN wanted; prefer married; ac- qiiRintea witn general omce worn; w'"" stenographer; desirable position for right nartv: alve are. experience, references and salary expected. Address E 24. Ree. . A GOOD rosmoN Is always open for a competent man. His aitncuity is to nna It. we have openings for high grade men of all capacities ex ecutive, technical and clerical paying from 81.000 to 810,000 a ye;tr. Write for rltn and booklet. Offices In twelve cities. IAPQOOD8 (Incorporated), 916 Chemlool building, St. Louis. B WANTED, everywhere, hustlers to tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc.; no canvassing: good pay. Sun Advertis ing Bureau, Chlcsgo. B M975 Ox WANTED, men everywhere; good pay; to distribute circulars adv. matter, tack signs ,etc. No canvassing. National Adv. Bureau. Chicago. M74 sx WANTED, man as field superintendent; salary 880 per month and expenses: must be a hustler. Address c, box m. Minne apolis, Minn. B M973 6x 11.200 a year and expenses to a good man to travel; must have good rererences ana be able to furnish 8S0 cah security if necessary. Address 306. 15 N. Fo'irth St., Minneapolis, Minn. B M 972 6x MEN AND WOT.IEN WANTED to run our ranld knitting ma chines) at their homes, making work ror na to aell the trade. No eocoerlence: no canvassing; steady work; good pay: write today ;dletanc no hindrance. Aaaress Home Industrial Knitting Machine Co., Congress st., Detroit, Mich. WANTED I want the name of every man In any way Interested In Incubators or poultry raising. I have something for you. 'Write at once to M. M. Johnson, The Incubator Man, Clay Center Neb. u MWSi ox ANY person to distribute our samples; 82.M dally, ateady. Mgr. "Empire" 8528 Grand Boulevard, Chicago. o-nsi ox WANTED FEMALE HELP. ANYONE need of housekeeper or man and wife call Canadian office, 15th and Dodge. c s WANTED, cook and laundress for small family; good wagrea. zoj; uoage a-..' WANTED, a woman who thoroughly un derstands making enin warns to open a shirt waist department with a leading dressmaker. Addross E 7, Bee office. WANTED, a girl about 14 or 15 years old for ht housework. 9 In the morning ttntf S In the ewenlng, $1.50 per week. 8711 Leavenworth street. -' WANTED, a good girl cook; family of four; no washing: pieaaani aurrouuuiiiK, aood wsrea: apply at once. Mrs. J. E. Baum. 8545 Harney. C V94S 5x WANTED Competent m an to do sticker work: state experience ana wages pected. Address Fort Dodge Mfg. Co.. Fort Dcdge, Ia. C-946 S GIRT, wanted for general houaework. 140 8. J9th st. . o WANTED Girl for general housework at 947 N. 25th ave. t;-Mi a STENOGRAPHERS We "ill sld vou In secuiira? a ros"tnn. tiencei .-.n.- u. Room 417 Be Building. C M960 6x BHIOO', teachers, attention. Do vou w' o mske so-e mcey Tr-"-nnt tA- re e-iHe work, shrt hou-: sslsrv hn lornln- Till renutre "oxt fx-, r-h e-rlv for stock, etc A'ess Ti' R Miller. SfKt. Iuranc rwha"Te Bldg.. Mlnnearolls. Minn. C M"il x 00T" ai'l for general house-e-v Park avenue. 1 V'iVTFO, st ee. a ftn. nnn-i"' Inrty e"K. B ' one 'e- nii. biit'nlnln eiVlnr: ril w-- to v Hh i.-v a '-"I- to 'r ch--e h-ln In rtlr'"' nvni, nnrea nirirP. Frerrnpt. Neb. P- FOR IIKST Ft RlMSIIED ROOMS. CENTER hotel, 210 N. 17th; nice transient rooms. E 129 M18 ROYAL HUlfcl, r.uru'-ii. iuiu iiumj E-WJ0 NICELY furnlxhed rooms. Inquire Omtha Stemi laundry, L50 Leavenworth. I hoin A-1783, O. M. E. hauls trunks. Telephone f'J68, $1 25 PER WEEK. Doran House, 422 S. ISth. SINGLE room. In nicely furr.'ahed steam- hestsd Pal; Sll raouprp, .hifiiir u irw, very reasonable. Tel. B2480. 2231 Farnam, second floor. E-M336 M20 Vienna Hotel. 1011 Farnam; flne mm a; la dles CalS, pnvaie Uinil-I r- upc-H lupiua. E-u4 NICE furnished rooms. 324 N. 15th E C63 FURNISHED room, transients, sou N. IRth. I w" E 196 M4 FUPNI8HED rooms. Ths Dreeher. o 8. E ITS M4 16th. LARGE, warm room. Capitol ave. team heat. 1i E-M730 a riw i rooms, modern, steam heat. tr0 N. 3d. E-M46J LARGE elegantlT furnished alcove ron-n, steam heat, net water, gas. bath, tele phone. I-rr lawn, fine location reeaon able. 1623 Douglas. E 1106 LARGE front ro suitable for two. Prl- m. ,.mm ... - - E-M!lt tx EIJCOAN" apsetrent hoiee for men; roonxa single or nulte. luxuriously ftie. nlah-d ro" resd" 'or oeeunncy. nulv at ts Chatham. 13th St., opposlt 'fl-'d hotel. E-M81J N1CELT furnished front roesn. suitable for two; rcie eenvetuencea; gvnriemea DON'T MISS THE "PERSONALS" Y oil 11 find them interesting. FOR REST Fl IX1HKD nooMs, HOUSEKEEPING Pa rlor floor, t rooms, all modern. N. i3d. E M466 A FEW desirable rooms at the Fnrnam, for gentlemen. E M955 Fl'RNISHED rooms for light housekeep ing; 2 blocks south of Auditorium. 1411 Jones. E M9H5 Cx ROOMS, furnished or unfurnished. 1401 Webster. E 967 6x WANTED Gentleman room mate; 81.23 a week. 1909 Douglas. E-M994 7 PARIX3R sulti.ble for two, also smsll room, modern. 1812 Chicago. E M993 7x ROOMB-1615 Douglas St. E Mf91 9x , FRONT parlors for four gentlemen. Tel. 2407. 1710 Dodge E-M9.0 7x NEWLY furnished rooms, modern. 220 N. 17th. steam heat, E M9S9 7x ROOM iJtrge enough for two, steam heat, modern: also housekeeping. 212 N. 17th. E M9S8 7x FURNISHED roomg. 1815 Douflas st. E-MW3 9x FIRKISHED ROOMS A3.D BOARD. u09 S. 26th ave. Tel. L2718. F-660 THE ROSE, 2020 Harney, rooms, good board; reasonable rates. F MS18 Mz7x ONE south front room, also board. 2418 Cass. F M826 6 UTOPIA, steam heat, 1721 Davenport. F-6 ROCKAWAY, 1316 Douglas. Meals, 15c. F-3 Furnished rooms, steam heat, with or with out board. Midland hotel, 16th & Chicago. F-t7 NICE rooms; good board. 808 8. 2oth. F 126 Mart BEST meals In city. Karbach restaurant. K-87 Marl5 NICELY furnished room. Day boarders wanted. 811 8. 20th. F M957 6x LARGE room suitable for two, board op tional. 1707 Cass. F M992 7x FIRST-CLASS boarders who deslse nicely furnished, clian room, with modern con ventencee, call 2323 Harney, or Phone F 1928. F M977 6x ROOMS, mode i, also home cooking. Tel. 3456, 131 a 25th. F-1987 7x FOR REIVT HOISES. THE Omaha Van and Storage Co. pack, move and store 11. H. goods. Storehouse, -120-24 N. lUth. Office, 1511V, Farnam. 'I el. 1669-863. D 670 Unl IQPC In sll parts of the city. The nUUOCa0,F, Davis Co., 608 Bee Bldg, D 6il HOI1QPQ Prts of the city. R. flV UOCJ jfeters A Co., Hee Buildinj C. g. D-4J.2 PA YNE-BOSTWICK A CO., choice houses. 601-603 New York Life Bldg. 'Phone 1016. D-673 WB MOVE plnnos. Maggard Van A Stor age CO., Tel. 1496. omce, 1713 Webster Ht. D-674 HOUSES, insurance RIngwalt. Barker blk. U 0(0 FOR RENT, 11-room house, modern and In first-class condition; large yard and shade trees; 4177 Davenport St. Apply H. J. Windsor, 1618 Dodge str D-M375 NEW modern 6-room house. 118. 1217 S. 6th, D-9J 4x 2020 BURT ST., 'rooms, modern, owner pays water rent. .Others. RIngwalt Bros., Barker Mock. D M9ul HOUSE8 FOR RENT. Wlthnell bldg., 16th and Harney, 4 room. 314 2604 Burdette St., 7 rooms, modern. 3i3 8413 Jackson St. 6 rooms. ill 3424 Jackson st, 6 rooms. The McConnell house, 3123 Cass St., large 10-room house, with barn and extensive grounds; will be for rent from June 1st Rent 876 per month. N. P. DODGE A CO.. 1614 FARtfAM ST. DM942 6 FOR RENT, barn, twenty-two stalls, wash rack and electric light 615 8. 14th st. M936 Ex TWO 8-room flats on North 24th St., city water and closet, 88.00 and $10.00. Payne, Bostwlck A Co., 601-3 New York Life. D 9656 FOR UEKT-8TOREI AND OFFICES. FOR RENT, building suitable for whole sale purposes at 91a Farnam, I.x90. four storleu and nrsi-iass oementea Dasement, elevator, firs and burglar proof vault, of fice counter and fixtures. For price and Dartlculars Inquire C. C. Rosewater. sec retary Uee Building Co., room 100, Bee Building. I- M567 3 STORIES and basement 22x100: 1005 Far nam st. Inquire 314 Ural isal l Bank b.dg. I 81 FOR RENT, three upper stories In four story building at 916 Farnam st, two stories If preferred. Address C. C. Rose- water, Scy, Room iou tsee biag. I M986 FOR T ENT 4-story and basement build ing. 1315 Dodge St., now occupied by Omaha Carpel Co. Inquire on premleea. TWO-BTORY building 1512 and the second floor 15O8-10 Howard. W. 11. Bushman. 1083 DENTIST wanted to share office with a nhvalclnn with flne o'.iarters In Bee bide.. with well established practice. Address C 21, Bee. 1-131 FOR RENT One-bn'.f store room, good lo cstlon on Douglns street Address D 17, Bee. , I PROMINENT corner rfflceu: nmnle floor space. First National Bank Building. I FOR RENT Halls on third floor of the Crounse block, oppoalte poetofflce. suit able for lodge purposes. Apnly to Jani tor, room 1. or to H. J. Windsor. 1518 Dodge st. I-M940 6 W ASTRO TO Bl' Y. D-.lro bought, aolrt. Antique Book Con DOOKS ,.rn. 213 Karbach blk. Tel. 3534. n i oo 3D-HAND furniture; high prlcea. Tel. 3020. Cliicago runiuui. w. - riirST PRICES for uaed stoves, furniture. Enterprise Furn. Co.. 1U2-4 S. 1 4th Tel. 2:'96. . N 378 Mar 4 WANTED, to buy. horse to work on de livery wagon. Address J 82. "J fx WANTED 5.000 second-hand dress J 76. Bee. brick Ad N 8!9 6x WILL BUY second-hsnd delrverv wagon. Address J 76, Bee. N-SiS 6x WANTED to buv. second-hsnd clothing and shoes: will pay what they ere worth. Address Wm. Lewis. General Delivery. Omaha. N-8i 5x WANTED Cheap for cash. good, first class grocer's refrlgersior. plstform tctlea ahowcaaea and other tweeasary atore fixtures. Addrees E 23. Hee FOR F.XCHAaGK. WILL trade lano for norre. 3 Farnam st. Z-9? Schmoller A Mueller. EIGHTY acres land In Burt county, Neb, for Omaha residence property. C. T. Dtcklnawi, ls'aw Vwk Wa lWg. r M iW FOR SALE KUAL KSTT. Douglas County Farm Close lu O.i.aha and Sou in Oinalis, good farm for feeding or tanning; land across the road recently sold for 8i00 per acre; good house of 8 rooms, barn, granary. We are going to sell this property. To do o It will be e-erinrd at 8106.00 per acre. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., RE-lw FOR Noon Luncheon try the KAKUACH REST A I RANT, where you will tmd the best pieiwied meals in the city at reason able prices. 413 B. lbtti; Joseph Htiauo, Prop. HE 20 M-14 GLOVER, 1st Moor N. Y. Life, city prop erty, tarms. ranches. Tel. 133. KE 6ss WHEN buying or selling real estate be ure to get a Midland Guarantee and Trust company bonded abstrnct, 114 Far nam sireei. N. P. Dodge, Jr., President. RK-MM IF YOU want to buy, sell or rent a house or a farm; If you have a bualness lor kale or want to fcuv, c;ill on or write Kenny R. i. c lnv. Co., 'Phone 336. K) Uee Hlng. RE 66 ENGLISH & CO. PAXTON 44 LOCK. One of the tiiieoi Viuom moturn residences in West Furnam district, 2,2UO. RE M341 SEE R. H. Lender you if you wish to buy or sell real estate. 442 Board of Trade. Tel. 2151. RE-U Illus. your property. Haker Bros. Eng. Co. RE 935 $1 300 WILL BUY a corner lot and good house near 24lh and Lake st!1. Thomas Brennan, Room 1, New York Life Hldg. RE 41 H FOR SALE SO acres irrigated land In Wyoming. For particulars see Dr. J. J. Solomon, 1837 Vinton St., city. RE M460 9x FOR SALE 11-room house, modern and in first-class condition; lurge yard and sbade trees; 8177 Davenport St. Apply 11. J. Windsor, 1018 Dodge st. RE M876 CHEAS-Williamson Co.V. K, RE-795 WE write all kinds of Insurance. Kenny R. E. & lnv. Co., '.'hone 336. 300 Bee Bldg. RE M686 12,4002622 Decatur Ct., t.ew, well built, 7 room house, modern, piped for furnace, oak floors downstairs. A BARGAIN. D. V. Sholes Co., 722 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 49. RE 687 ROSEBUD INDIAN RESERVATION maps showing In colors lands to be opened to settlement; also the 1-idlan heirship land In Charles Mix county; prlco 60c. Grimes A Absher. Wagner, S. D. RE-822 M14 SPECIAL attention given to property placed In our hands for rental. Kenny R. E. ft lnv. Co., Phone 336. 300 Hee Bldg. RE-M6S6 -ROOMS, city water, barn, lot 5"xl85, east front, on graae; easy terms i,uw. R. C. PETERS A CO.. Ground Floor, Bee bldg. RE 94 4 A Fine Horde for Sale Lot 42x150; on cortier. paved st; eementei Sidewalks; special taxes all paid; nice shade trees; fine neighborhood; 8 rms.. hardwood finish, fine mantel, modern plumbing; owner has left city. Must sell. Price, 84.800. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO 1st Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 1781. Sole Agents. RE-M909 S 70 ACRES FOR RENT. AH good farm land; mile east of Irvlngton; unimproved. va. GEORGE A CO. RE M908 6 FREE rent snd new house. Will build modern houses six roonr s. 25th ana uionao sis. Cash payment, ba.anee monthly. Nice houses and good location. Price $1,960. W. T. Graham. Bee building. RE 9il 8 TRACTS of land, ranging from 320 to 10.000 acres, al o to o per acre, io irauo im city or town property and small amount of cash. State wnat you have, price, en cumbrance, etc., and I wll write or call and see you. Address L. G. Byerley, 106 Bryant bldg.. Kansas City, Mo. Business Property Investment. A close In business property, two stores. flats above, mree cottages, iui oou, cor ner, paved streets, csr line, always rented, bringing $1,200 a year, with small expenditure aid bring $1.50'. One of the best locations In the city for grocery and meat market. A bargain at $7,500. Get particulars. GEORGE G. WALLACE. Brown B ock. RE-M937 S HOUSES TO RENT. We want houses to rent List your vacant houses with us. as we are turning away people every day who are looking for nouses. N P. DODGE A CO., 1614 FARNAM ST. RE M941 6 $1,700 home in Benson. 7-'oom, rlectrlct lighted house, two lots, one block from car. BENSON ft CAR MIC HA EL, 642 Paxton Block. RE M952 t SPLENDID BU8INE8S CORNER in South Omaha; 6-room cottage, stores snd flats, recently built; 3912 and 3914 Q St.; street rar to door; two full lota; present rental $32 p;r month: would rent for more; owne very anxloua to sell; make us an offer. Geo. P. Pemls. sole egent SM-S Paxtot. block. 'Phone his THE DAY IS COMING WHEN THERE WILL BE NO LOW PRICED LANDS. Its pjmoat here now. The day Is surely coming when sll lands win eommana a fjood price. The Union Pacific 1-and Agency is offering large tracts of really valuable lands at very low prices. They make such terms as to place these lands within the reach of all. Address or call on Union Pacific Land Agency, 222 South 13th st, Omaha, Neb. RE-966 4 TH ACRES OF RICH GARDEN LAND. Five-room house, barn and outbuildings; about 100 fruit trees and small berries; Just outside city limits, between Center and L streets. For quick ssle, $1.7j0. HARRISON A MORTON, 91S N. Y. Life. , Tel. 814. RE-961-6 DO YOU WANT TO SELL A FARM? If you want (O sell a farm or ranch tell the faroicia sad stock raisers about it. Tb best wsy to reach them Is through THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER This agricultural weekly goea to 50,600 homes of farmers and stock raisers, so If you r.ae a good piece of land to sell at a reasonable pi ice you will find a buyer among them. The cost of an a Jv rtlaement la small 2 rents per word in small type er t & r Inch 4f set la large type. THE TWfcNTIEiH CENTURY FARMER OMAHA, NEB. RS-13) FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. A. P. TUKEY & SON. We offer three south front lots, near 36th and Lafayette avenue, 60x180, high and sightly, for IT'X) each. 444-445 Board of Trade PMg. RE 963 6 HANDSOME GRAMMERCY PARK. We offer choice of 18 of the best lots In this addition at 1175 each. On Military road; Just outside of city limits. Can furnish two or three lots In a bunch If desired. Paved street, street car and city water. A. P. TUKEY & SON, Board of Trade Bldg. RE-B62- 118 ACRES. Twelve miles from Omaha; 65 can be culti vated, balance fine pasture. Purchaner gets Immediate possession. A bargain at 4J 50 per acre WEST ERFI ELD ft HILL, 615 First National Bank. RE 968 SEVEN-room cottage, modern, 2Tth and Chicago J3.2O0' nice homo for mall family. L. , b. 1, M. R. A T. add.. $3oo. monthly payments. Improved farm, 300 acres, near La Platte, Sarpy county, 46 acres. L. 14. b. 14, West End, worth 81.600L make offer. W. N. NASON, 446 Bee Bldg. RE M976 7 MAN who owns a nice home nn 8. 10th St., has a chance to buy a hotel at a bargain, so he Is willing to reduce the price to 13,800. F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas. RE-M978 7 IT DOESN'T MATTER HOW MITI I OR HOW jJTTLE MONEY YOU HAVE XV T'nlnn Taclrtc Ijinri f'rtmniuiv can In crest you In farm and rsnch lands. If vnu want a township or a county they can accommodate you. If you want a IffVacre tract or a whole section they can do you good. Only one-tenth down and ten year to nay the balance. Ad drrtw Union Pacific Land Agency, 223 South 13th St., Omnh.i. Neb. RE M9S5 6 VF.HSOKALS. Paper Hanging SSi, n,iJrlS: O. P. McCLAiN. teed at reasonable prices. 210 N. 17th St. Tel. y HIAWATHA and 00 other songs in one bock, 6 cents, postpaid. Robert Feenan, 608 S. 13th. U-M536 M12x Accordion Pleating, cheapest.best. quickest. Mrs. A. C. Mark, lUh and Dougias LA BOOK, ladles' tailoring, 513 Ksrbsch Blk. U iSl ANY poor girl In need of a friend can call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women, 3824 N. Z4th st, Omaha. Neb. U M52 Maylx Btammering cured. J. Vaughn, Ramge, Bid. L 12- ELITE parlors, 615 8. 10th, 2d floor. "VIA VI." way to health. 350 Bee building. U-784 sit a m rrri treatment A baths. Mme. IllrlUML, l iv Smith, 118 N. 15. Sflr., R. 2. U JUVM OX WHAT'S nicer thsn accordion pleating? We do nothing but the tlnest. Goldman Pleating Co., 2U0 Douglas block. U 735 BEN BOLT Why didn't you meet me at Columbia Phonongraph company last night? I waited lill half past . Buy. their free concerts are grand, and I bought a doien X. P. 50c records for 26c each. Peggy From Paris. U M137 WATERS PRINTING CO., 1212 Douglas st. U 730 PANTORIUMrSih'- U 737 BILLY Am next to a good thing; meet me at titoecker's cigar More ilia evening and we'll smoke a 6c Monogram snd I'll "tip" It off to you. Frank. U M136 SEND 25c for HOMESTEADER'S GUIDE, containing forty-eight pages of valuable information. OFFICIAL MAP and full Instruction how to get a clulm on the ROSELl'D RESERVATION. Forbes lo cating Agency, Hone steel, S. D. U 8i3 PIANOLAS for rent; 3 months' rent al lowed on purchase. Schmoller A Mueller, 1313 Farnam. Tel. 1625. U 932 H. O. SMITH, plumbing. 118 N. 16; tel. T8092. U MJ56 TUB. vapor and alcohol baths. 720 8. 13th st. U-365 4-aaiil.x nana launary; rough drying a specialty. 915 Jackson street. U-M379 M2x HELEN Saturday evening: nart of als. Will black hat and while walit kindly permn acquaintance 7 Mention incdrnt A f Tiena. U 330 8x CHARLES M. CULLEN Please writ or come ana see; important. WICKER. U 391 3x A p()LPH Regret deeply not seeing you i Sun(,ayi answer through Bee soon; M"J letuvrry. L 3;i8 4X GAS I'.xuires at cost. Sam'I I1 urn a IT-M914 Al BMOKE Capt. Freer's Creenlsnder cigar. i d. wit. I M917 Mayl WA NT ED To meet stylish vnum lartv sm stranger In city; fond of comnnnv. Address J 80, Bee. U J176 ilx INFORMATION DESIRED regrdlnrf Mr Lsrrenee W. Hoffman, not heard froTt since he separated from wife, about K years ago. Addrcas Fromme Brothers 2S7 Broadwoy, New York Cliy. U-J72 6x THEATRICAL 1018 Fnrnam. masq. costumes. T.lbn I" M911 SOLID Gold Rimless Fver'a-sea onlv r so with our patent "Slip Not" ruarrts. 81 00 extra. EVes exsmlned by one frec'nl't free of thnrge Huteson Optical C., 21 S. 16th, near Fsmam. U 3'J-Jl MEDICAL. MAGNET PILE KILLER. At druggists, $1. IT CURES. 738 HOMEOPATHIC medicines, wholesale, re tail. Sherman A McConnell, Omaha. 1 -739 DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases snd irregularities of women: experienced reliable. U13 Dodje, Arlington block, Omaha. 740 WANTED The esse of catarrh, rheuma tism, ecaema or stomach trouble that l'o-Lon-Co. WON'T cure. 859 29 PRIVATE hospital during confinement; babHa adopted. Mrs. Uardela, 2234 1-eke. T-l. Red-lS84. 741 PRIVATE home during confinement: babies adopted The Oood Samaritan Sanitarium, 728 1st Ave., Council Bluffs, Ia. 626 PRIVATE hospital liefore and during con flnement. Mrs. Fisher, 2115 8: 11. Tel. 9. 742 LADIES, our monthly regulator never fells; b'-x free. Vita Co., Station A, De troit, Mich. LADIES, one dose Fluo Rearulator promptly relieves any rase of abnormally sun 'eed menstruation: 81 pee box by mall. F'uo Chemical Co., box 809. Milwaukee, Wis. M-tl x DETECTIVM AGK!CY. Capt Cormack, ill Karbach blk. Tel. A-2zl a FOR SAMS MISCELLAHKOCS. INDIAN roods and relic. HIS Farnam. J f4 2D-HAND rate cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnam , y--9i CHEAPEST OAK RUT CORN CRIB BING. Long fir Umber. 901 Douglas. V ?5 im KINDS of Mineral Water. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. y 697 I KIMBALL PIANO, slightly used; big har I gain. Call or write Kooro 7, Bee Hid. 1 . g-6s HARD coal stoves, 85 up; furniture cheap. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Q 69 SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables: billiard tables repaired; large stock cheap bar fixtures, cigar counters. The Pruns-wIck-Balke Collender Co.. 407-9 8. 10th ti-700 160 WATCHES. 75 dlomonds. left In pswn, cheap. Diamond Loan Office. 1401 Douglas. lai 01 W MO We rent Sewing machines, 75c week. We repair and sell parts for every machine manufactured Second-hand machines from 8500 to 310.MW. Nebraska Cycle Co., Phone 1063. Corner 15th and Harney. 701 STOCK YARDS SADDLERY ca. Headquarters for Whips and Axle Orease. We mske a special of the above and for that reason can give Ton any kind at esstern prices. J. Q. Rlessing, S31 N. 2fth St., South Omaha, union shop. Q 774 FOR 8ALF Several scholarships In a flrst class standard school In Omaha, comprls Ing complete course In business, short bend and typewriting. Inquire at Bee omce. y z BILLIARD A pool table. 1407 Harney st Q-MS43 Mar 13 FOR SALE cheop, old Ink barrels. Apply to tho press room of The Bee. Q S4S ATTOMORTTEfl. new and second-hand 32SO to 84.000; write for catalogue. II. E. 2' rearickson, isth and Dodge. Q-M4U MM FOR SALE The furniture snd T.nnsehold gonda In the t evidence of the late ""harles Oaden. Call letween 10 a. m. and 5 p. m. 132 B. 59th St. Q K96 4X SEVERAL hundreds of incubators and brooders for sale, practical, well msde machines. (It to man any noultry plant They are sll Petalumas and have proven their worth by years of success. For further Information address E 14. Bee. Q Bam'l Burns, gas fixtures nt cost. IJ !".4 Al FRAME ham. In good torditlon. for sale, 24X20 reet I. Haxard. 1519 Ohio. Q-947 6x JUMP seat bugrv. Simpson make; a hr gain. 1W7 N. 24th Ht. Store. io MONEY TO LOA7I CHATTELS. Furniture loans, piano loans, live stock loans, salary mans; quick service; any time: eaev nayments: peat terms. We csn make the loan so you have the option of paying It In one month, or n you so desire you msy pay it in l, z. 4, 8, 6 or even more monthly Install ments, and as fast as you pay the Inter est stops. Our rates are as low as li to be obtained In the city; we do not charge for papers and we never deduct interest in advance, as some ao. see u before vou borrow. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 189 Bosrd of Trade B'dg. Tel. 2298. (Established 1892), 806 8. 16th St. X-M910 MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE. PIANOS. LIVE STOCK. SALARIES. ETC. Low rates and essy terms. Business confidential. Try lis if vou want to save money. PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. 63.1. Paxton Block, 16th snd Farnam Sts A. tlH WHEN YOU THINK OF MONEY THINK OF RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. FOR SALARY AND FURNITURE LOAWS ROOM 808 PAXTON BLK., 3d FLOOR X-M867 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE snd others with security; easy paments; largest business in 4'- prlnclpil cities. Tolmsn, room 440, Chomber of Commerce Bldg. X-705 MONEY loaned on r'sln note to salaried peonle; business confidential ; If west rstca. 614 Pnxton block. The J. A. Hutton Co. X 706 MONEY loaned on plmos. furniture. 1ew elrv, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed. 819 S. 13th. X-207 CHATTEL, salary mrt 1welrv loans. Fo'ey Loan Co.. R. 8. Barker Block. X-209 MONET to loan on fu'nltn'e. horses, to., st half Ufual rates. Dr. Prlbhenow. room 215 at 209 8. 15th st: tel. n4. X-M427 MOMCV TO LO AX REAL ESTATE. FARM and city loans, low rotes. W. H. Thomas, First Nat l Bank bldg. Tel. 1648. W-710 PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 837 N. Y. Life. W 711 4 TO 6 P. C. money. Bemls, Paxton Block. W-713 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. 1620 Douglas W--,13 WANTED, city loans snd wsrrants. W. Farnam Smith A Co., 1320 Farnam St. W-714 WANTED, renl estate -n and warrants. R. C. Peters A Co.. Boe Bldg. W-71S S per cent farm loans. R. C. Patterson, 12-24 Farnam. W-716 6 pr cent loans. Garvin Bros., 1004 Farnam. W-717 MONEY to loan. Kennev Real Estate and Investment Co., r. 8 Bee Bldg. VV-845 MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. V-t7 glTI ATIOMS WANTED. GOOD second girl dress J 76. Bee. rants situation. Ad A73 4x YOUNG girl attending school wants place to work ror room ana board. Addreas J 81, Bee. A-871 6x W NTLD. piece tc work on farm by man nnrt wife; permanent Addr'rs J. Wllsni., Logan, Ia. A-C92 Ox YOUNG lady with four vears' exper.ence In dry goods store wsnts pel' Ion; b"t of references. Address J 81, Rae, A-t-13 5x W4.NTFD. position in a drug s:nre I J. Br.ssett. Blair. Neb. A C49 fx 8TEVOGPArHrK with five years' expert encs rapid mil accunte. wanta rea-onl hie no"tton or temporary work. Addrea E 27, Bee. , A M980 7x WAX TED TO fOIIROW. WANT fl.SOO for Ave years nt 0 per cent private parte; flmt-clasa security. d areas u wi. ice. ji auj sx FOR SALE. 6 per cent first mortgage reel estate loan; reliable partv; new dwelling, bought for homo; loan less th'n 50 per cent of valuation; security nn NEW prop erty better than on old Improvement. 1609 Fsmam Real It state. Loans. Tel nl - M939 6 DRF.SSMAKISU. IN famllle Mies Sturdy, 2606 Davenport -M3J GINGHAM aprons made. 1770 8. 9th. Tel. 902 M17 Red-2804. M'DOWELL'8 school removed to ion Far nam st. M916 A 1 IIOIITII A N II AKD TIPHWHITHIi. A. C. VAN BANT 8 school. 717 N. Y. Life. -724 Neb. Bus. A Bhorthsnd Col., Boyd theater. -225 IX)T. IX)ST Fox terrier dog. White, with black and tan markings. Reward. The Mer rlam Hotel. Lost 8C9 4 l fHOLSTKRI.IU. GATE CITT. 1704 BL Mary a. Tel B 07. M2$ Mil WAXTED TO RENT. WANTED IW hnaisea In all ports city for s spring tenants. r. JJ. VSUuALi, U24 I1ILUIAS K-897 4 RESPONSIBLE party wants to rent fur- nlahed house for the Summer. Address, J 67, Bee. K-V 5x YOU Nil MAN wants board and room In private family: must be close to car line; state price. Address J 66, Bee. K-W f.x MAN AND WIFE wants to rent suite of rooms m good neighborhood; must r-i within walking distance. Addresa J 8.1, Bee. K-876 5x WANTED, to rent seven or eight-room coiiage near iianscom park. Art.lres J 84. Bee. K-91 4x OSTBOPATHT. Jnhnso.i Institute, 615 N. Y. Life bldg. T.14. ur. j. a. meenan, did in. x. J-ire niitg. T.l'.l. 71? The Hunt Infirmary, McCague bldg. T. 2t.U. 710 DR. ORACH DEEGAN, 832 N. Y. Life Tel. 2686. 72i Fayette Cole, osteopath, 608 Paxton block. 7-2 DR8. LAIRD A LAIRD. 203 Karbach blk. 'Fhone SOW. 441 M:5 riAIRVOYAXT. GYLMER, palmist 715 N. 23d. Tel. B-8.MS. 8-111 READINGS. M CENTS I ONEIRIC Clairvoyant, ralmlst and as trologer. Reveals all questions of life per taining to marriage, sickness, death, changes, travels, divorces, separation, lawsuits, btisnes transactions, deals, mortgages, loss of abucnt friends, mining ventures, etc. Hsurs 9 to 9 dallv. b'.19 Dodge st. 8-S1i3S 5x LAW ASD COI.I.F.CTIOMS. STILLMAN A PRICE, 410 1st Nat. bk. bldg. 65,1 THE ntw Snow-Church Co.. law coller tions, real tetate, attorneys, collcctora. brokers everj-where. 1st floor N. Y. Life, Tel. 123. 154 JUDGE DICKINSON, 616 N. settlement estates specialty. Y. Life; Tel. F:i':.5. :s MIMICAL. THOS. J. KELLY, colce, Davldge Meek.' -3S DAISY HIGGIN8, voice, piano. Tel. A-2741. J013 Leav, M313 ' CHAS. H. KEEFER, piano. 65 Barker Blk. MSV) . DASCISG ACADEMY. MORAND'S spring term: lessons for adult beginners, rues, and Frl.. R p. m.; private lessons dally; liberal reduction to pupils who Join now. Call 15th and Harney. -693 Marl2 PATENTS. H. J. COWGILL No fee unless successful. 618 S. 15th st, Omaha. Tel. 1798. 723 PATENTS guai anteed. Sues A Co , Omaha. -692 Al.x FLORISTS. HESS A SWOBODA, 1415 Farnam. S00 L. HENDERSON, florist, 1519 Farnam st 801 TICKET I1ROKEKS. CUT-RATE railroad tickets everywhere. P. H. Phllbln, Ijos r arnam. i-none m. , 693 LEGAL M1TICE. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed nroDosals will be received by the secretary of state. George W. Marsh, at his office, capttol building, Lincoln, Nob., until 12 o'clock noon, standard time, on tha 9th day of March, 19o4, for furnishing the r.iaterlul ana periorming me moor ioci shry to complete 84 steel cells, 78 for third t3d) story cell bouse and 6 for females and Juveniles placed ,.-liere required in the Na braaka e'.ate per.ltentlary at Lancaster, Neb. Drawings snd specifications for the same will be on file at tile office of George D. Follmer. commissioner of public lands and building", Lincoln, Neb. All bids must conform to tho drawings and specifications. Al certified check In the sum of Ave 6) per cent of the amount of the bid must ac company each propositi. A certified check, to be miide paynble to the state tressurer. Piter Mortcnsen, and to be forfeited to the state of Nebraska lu case the b-.dder to whom the cc;itrHCt bo awarded fells or refuses to enter !nto con tract with the Roard of Public uandt ami Buildings and furnish security bond lu eui h amount ns the board muy ic iulre, wlihln ten (101 days after such avs."d. Tho Bosrd of Public Lands i.nd Hullrti Ings reserves the i.ght to re1 -ct any or all bids and to waive any .'ormrlltv. OEOPGE W. MARSH. Secretary of Siaia 727dl0tra ' NOTICE FOR BIDS FOR STATE PRINT INO. Bids will be received by the State Print Ing boird at the office of the aecrotary of state at Lincoln. Nebriska. 011 or before 2:80 o'clock p. m. Monday, M.uch 14. 1!H. for printing and binding 5,000 copies annual report of Slste Hoard of Agriculture. 5 A copies annual report of State Horticultural noclety and 2.0)0 coplea annual report of Nebraska Dairymen's association, air of said reports being fur the yeur 1903. Specifications for same can be found drl flle la the office of the secretary of elate.- All bids must be accompanied by n bond equal In amount to the probable v st of the work bid uppn. The board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Lincoln, Nebraska, March 1. l'-04. STATE' PI1INTING BOARD Bv LOU W. FRAZIER. Secretary to the Board. Mrh3dr,l STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Ths annual meeting of stockholders of Tlie Bee Publishing Company will be held on Monday. M.irch 7lh. 1904, at 4 o'cloik f. m.. In The Bee L. lldlng. cornes t"evon eenth snd Farnam "treets. Itv order uf the prealdent. GEO. B. IZWMVrK. VaiAf-VAZt lecntary. . GOVERNMENT JfOTKE, OFFICE OF THE COt h i Rt t'TINH Quartermaster, 512 Kooly bulnllug, iSu.t Lake City, Utah, March i. 1904. . ,.il.-il juu iiLfl in tripllcain will be received m-ie until 11 a. m.. standurd time, . . ,.rll 5, i'jA, and then opened for the cm." t-.ictlou. at Fort Douglas. Utah, of one lfc.'.iif.!nr Cfii-c-m' yuiirlera, unhiding 11I1 f.1 Ini;. us piping, healing and el. 1 trio wiring, ui.il mie wagiin shed. 1 hu bblib-rs will slate In their blda tho time In which tbey will i-oni-plete the . 11k. Kill', liiformailoii i'. ml I lank forms of jiropoMi la furnished on 4pllcHtion to this fflce. I', aus uml speciflrail iua may be seen here, (lilted States iserves I lie) right to accept or reject liny or all pro poeals. or any part thereof. R-nvelopi-s containing piisisals to be ludoisrd ' I'ro- Sosale for Public Bullilngs," snd udilreJi-.-d 1 Captain Bam'l V. Hani. Q.iarlcr master. M5-7-8-9 A 4. Z. m. CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE. Omaha, Neb., February a, 1i4 ,Sb ile l propoaais. In triplicate, aubjeet to ih " uu J conditions, will be received iiere ami by ths quartermaster, Fort Niobrara. Neb., until 10 a. m., central atari(lard time, March 7, 19o4, for providing nine addition to ire sent troop water clou-la, for bathing pur poaes, and for Installing tubs, showers, eic , therein at Fort Niobrara. Full infoimailiil furnlxhed on application to this utli..-. where plans and specifics llona may be seen, or to the qusrtermsatsr Fort Nlobr.ira. Proposals to b marked "Proposal for Shower Hatha." and addreaaed to J. il SAWYER. Chief Quartermaater. V-. a, 10. 11-M4, 6M OCBARJ STEAMEIia. HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE.: Mf r.a-acrav aiaaara ex U.a Tau. , tntW lilak-kUTTBKliAM. 1 MOULOUNaV alllaa Twedajr. at 1 a. ax. aturdas Marc Putaia Alirll I Koaraua klarck tk HollanUia Arll II Htuobn Karck jailtrnium Ai.nl it DOLND-AMgaiCA L1NB. at Uaaraora S , CV mw. HI I Harry 8mm I Ml garuaam Sl; C. $Vai-iaT lut hrua gbi 4. B. kataetaa. tM Varaaat IS I I only. 3101 raroam. &-M x 11